Sheth C. N. Vidyalaya Ambavadi, Ahmedabad-380006 “The Joy of Giving” Project Sheth C. N. Vidyalaya, Ambavadi, Ahmedabad is a Higher Secondary Gujarati Medium School affiliated to Gujarat Madhyamik Shikshan Board. Having a strength of 1700 students. Founded in 1932, Sheth C.N. Vidhyalaya is a prominent education institution. Proudly reformed as the Shantinikeyan of Gujarat. Every year invariably at least 6 to 8 students of this school stand out at the top ranking students at the secondary & Higher Secondary Examination. Our school has been founded on the Gandhian Principles & values. Therefore when the students of our school where informed about the project of “ Joy of Giving “ week to be arranged at the school, they were simply delighted to know about the project and expressed willingness to participate. As a result there of we got listed our school as a participant with the DFC. Programme Outline: That the students immense capabilities to transform the society as a fact quite indisputable taking that in to consideration to students were again made aware of the purpose behind the project and also their capabilities to undertake the table on hand at the prayer. All the students undertook the project to their likings. They were given full freedom by the school to select their own project & selection of places for undertaking their projects.They were allowed to form there own groups , select there own projects and work places.They were specifically independent not to collect funds from the members of the public. Our main purpose was to develop in our students values & attitudes that could enable them to serve humanity to get inspired to have a decent and an exemplary life and to become good Samaritans. Selection of projects: 1] Cleans the school campaign

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Sheth C. N. Vidyalaya Ambavadi, Ahmedabad-380006

“The Joy of Giving” Project

Sheth C. N. Vidyalaya, Ambavadi, Ahmedabad is a Higher Secondary Gujarati Medium School affiliated to Gujarat Madhyamik Shikshan Board.

Having a strength of 1700 students. Founded in 1932, Sheth C.N. Vidhyalaya is a prominent education institution. Proudly reformed as the Shantinikeyan of Gujarat. Every year invariably at least 6 to 8 students of this school stand out at the top ranking students at the secondary & Higher Secondary Examination. Our school has been founded on the Gandhian Principles & values. Therefore when the students of our school where informed about the project of “ Joy of Giving “ week to be arranged at the school, they were simply delighted to know about the project and expressed willingness to participate. As a result there of we got listed our school as a participant with the DFC.

Programme Outline:

That the students immense capabilities to transform the society as a fact quite indisputable taking that in to consideration to students were again made aware of the purpose behind the project and also their capabilities to undertake the table on hand at the prayer. All the students undertook the project to their likings. They were given full freedom by the school to select their own project & selection of places for undertaking their projects.They were allowed to form there own groups , select there own projects and work places.They were specifically independent not to collect funds from the members of the public. Our main purpose was to develop in our students values & attitudes that could enable them to serve humanity to get inspired to have a decent and an exemplary life and to become good Samaritans.

Selection of projects:

1] Cleans the school campaign

2] Cleanliness campaign( Performing to slums Cleanliness campaign)

3] Education awakening of poor children

4] Freedom from Narcotics campaign

5] Electricity campaign

6] Visit to Old age homes and orphanage and distribution of the necessities of life

Detailed information about the work (carried out project wise undertaken)

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1] Cleans the school campaign

25 students of std 8 undertook this project. There group were formed by the students themselves. Out side school hours these groups got busy to clean the classrooms thoroughly. The dedication with which they performed their task. Their team worked and their enthusiasm proved to be quite exemplary. They humbly invited the principle and trusty of the school to cleanness campaign.The execution of their experience proved to be educative to them and they felt satisfied at being personally helpful to the school and also realize the value of equality labour.

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2] Cleanliness campaign:14 – students of class 10th with a missionary took up the project of slum clearance. They themselves shouldered the responsibility of cleaning the selected slum areas and informed in writing the municipal corporation to undertake such work at the slum areas for the benefit of the people residing in such area. They made the slum developers realize the importance of keeping there residential areas clean bereft Of mosquitoes & flies & thereby evading diseases of several sorts. They made them promise to do so for the welfare of themselves and their children.

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3] Education awakening of poor children A group of 15 students of class 11th visited slum and footpath developers and gather information about their children. They found to their dismay that a majority of the children were buying away from the school and were addicted to “Gutka” “Tobacco” and such other vices. Their parents also found to almost incorrigible addicts. Tough pecuniary position and wastage of money towards addiction had reflected in their apathy towards their duty to educate their children along with total ignorance concening the benifites of education. The group had to go in for impressing upon them the benefits of education and the resultant monetary gains for living a peaceful life. The group also promised them to provide necessary books etc. their children and later on also carried out their promise whole heartedly and there by inspired them to go school willingly.This experience made them happy performing a noble deed and provity to be “a helping hand” to the needy.

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4] Freedom from Narcotics campaignFour teams made up of 70 students of class 8th & 10th opted for there campaing and each one took a pledge never to addicts throughout life before embarking upon their campaign. They collected various poster from Gujarat cancer society guptanagar vasan a’bad and visited various different areas of the cities to inform individually & collectively the residents of the areas about the various diseases such as cancer resulting from the addiction.They also meet passer bu who were found smoking and chewing tobacco and persuaded them took at rid of such habits. They made them understand about the unwelcome impact of their bad habits and made them take a pledge in untaking never to smoke cigarette never to chew tobacco in often especially in the pregnancy of the children. This group along with other students and the teachers took a rally throughout the school for about a hour and a half , raising slogans against addiction sincerely and zealously. This experience inspired in bolden then to serve the society for a noble cause like these and at proved to be educative experience to them.

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5] Electricity campaignSix girls students of std 10th enrolled themselves for this project “conserve energy campaign” and visited more than 40 malls , shopping center and few society that connection. As per their experience they were received well at many of the malls and the shopping center were approved for undertaking their project. However At some places experience proved to be quite other wise leading to dissatisfaction. They located information about air conditioners, tube lights , fans and such equipments being made use of per day and also the totally number of clients visiting such malls and centers on an average per day.These groups felt that their was a huge wastage of electricity at many of the places visited. They discussed their issue with the owners of the malls and shopping centers and guided them to save electricity to a responsible extent. When especially the afternoon take visitors are in less numbers Agreeing to their suggestion the owners discussed them to take up these issue seriously in their own interest our students too decided to follow them and discontinue the use of fans, tubelights etc. When not needed. This lesson of economy learned by self experience and students were happy to have contributed to a noble cause.

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6] Visit to Old age homes and orphanage and distribution of the necessities of lifeApproximately 50 students of high school and higher secondary students showed willingness to carry out these project. They visited various orphanages & old age homes. They respectfully talked orphans elders residence in old age homes and also orphans. At the old age homes they collected information about there requirements, problems, pains & sufferings to do their a tmost to be helpful to happiness deprived. They visited the residential and near by and informed the people their about their mission and also appealed to them to co-operate. Their appeal was well response to by many residence and helping hands in good numbers joined them in fulfilling their mission. The team collected various items such as Sarees,pents and shirts, Punjab suits,kurtis chaplas, pen, pencils, notebooks, lunch box ,water bottle, crockery and essential medicines and distributed these to the residents of old age homes and orphans, in presence of the trustees they also derived pleasure by serving meals to the inhabitants of old age homes. Their sense of service impressed the elder people and showered blessing upon them. The pains & sufferings of the elders and the orphans difficulties shocked and amazed them. This made them values their pious duty towards there own parents and other elderly persons. They know about the invaluable role of the elders in their growth and development.

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Conclusion:The project undertaken by the students displayed their immense enthusiasm, their sense of self service to the society, their sense of becoming helping hands to the needy and appreciation of human values. The trusty to, realised that besides bookies knowledge and learning, a sense of social service is also immensely necessary for themselves and their students taught Hearty congratulations to the young volunteers to our zealous students.

Advisory committee of the project

1.) Principal : Hitendrakumar J. Trived2.) Asst. Teacher : Artiben S. Munsi3.) Asst. Teacher : Kalpeshbhai P. Pandya4.) Asst. Teacher : Yogheshbhai K. Shukla5.) Asst. Teacher : Bhairviben Y. Maniyar6.) Asst. Teacher : Pranavbhai G. Phathak7.) Asst. Teacher : Archanaben D. Trivedi8.) Asst. Teacher : Prashantbhai M. Patel

Contact :

Hitendra J. Trivedi : +91 94275 26721

e-mail : [email protected]