Inconfidência Mineira And the Insatisfectio n in the portuguesese colony

Inconfidência Mineira e Conjuração Baiana

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Page 1: Inconfidência Mineira e Conjuração Baiana

Inconfi dência MineiraAnd the

Insatisfection in the

portuguesese colony

Page 2: Inconfidência Mineira e Conjuração Baiana
Page 3: Inconfidência Mineira e Conjuração Baiana

A Great amount of revolts In the XVIII century All caused by the local elite insatisfection towards

metropolitan policies They wanted more independence

Political and economical They were more organized

The population was also bigger They were all severly punished


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The world was changing very fast And news of all this changes got to the colony

The American Revolution A sucessful revolution of a colony

Just like us Republic Slavery National Independency

Industrial Revolution Need for consumer markets

The english would foment revolution everywhere since they wanted the end of the colonial pact

For other countries colonies, of course


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The French Revolution Popular revolution End of the Ancient Regime Republic

The Lisbon Tsunami 1755

Destroyed almost all of Portugal’s Capitol All the money lost had to be recovered somehow

Guess who is going to pay for it?


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Confl ict Between conquerors and natives Between enslaved and masters Between Bandeirantes and jesuits The Emboabas war

A decline in the production

International competition Sugar - Dutch antilhas

Lack of workers Almost everyone was engaged in mining

The end of alluvian gold Now all gold was burried deep in to the soil Harder and more expensive to get A decline in the production


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Relationship with the crown The king is a holly figure

Very little people actually believed in the end of monarchy The dispute was ussually centered in the relationship between the colonists and the administrators

Marquis of Pombal Enlightened despot Implemented changes in the fiscal policies and granted credit for farmers

Companhia Geral do Grão Pará e Maranhão

Incentivated the production of cotton


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Enforcement of the Colonial Pact Manufacturing production in the colony was prohibited

Forcing the colonists to buy from the metropole

Taxes like Capitação and Quinto were reenforced But there wasn’t enough gold Anymore The metropole wanted to collect more gold to pay for all the damage toThe capitol


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Derrama Annual quota of gold collection 100 arrobas de ouro (1.500 kg) The "gentleman" should complete what was lacking in the quota The tax collector were very violent


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Inconfidência Mineira Inconfidência = not trustworthy, not loyal to the king 1789

A revolution of the elites Mine owners, farm owners, public employees,priests, military and a poet Were upset with the taxes that were taking away there wealth

Wanted to make a revolution that would only suit them


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Joaquin José da Silva Chavier Liutenant, dentist and smugler

Responsible for smugling the guns for the revolution Was not poor, but was the least wealthy in the revolution

Was the Godson of one of the priests involved in the revolution

That is how he got envolved


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What did the inconfidentes want? They didn’t really know!

They haven’t yet agreed on everything.

Independency Only for Minas Gerais

Republic They couldn’t decide

Slavery Would remain


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A revolution that never was The revolution was aborted by the government before it


The inconfidentes decided to schedule the revolution to the day of the derrama

So that the people would be angry And would joing then into the revolution

The Marquis of Pombal was smarted He learned about the revolution

A traitor! And decided that the best way to avoid conflict was to change

the date of the derrama And then hunt the inconfidentes indivdually


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Violent consequences

Tiradentes was tried and sentenced to to death by hanging and then quarted

His head was left in a major square in Vila Rica His members were put in stakes to rot on the road to Rio de Janeiro his house was burned and the soil was salted

Making an example of tiradentes


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Violent consequences Crime of Lesa Majestade – crime against the trust of the

king D. Maria a Louca

Traumatized by her father, wanted to spair the Inconfidentes Decided to only kill the poor one

The other inconfidentes received less volent sentences

Were exiled to the portugueseColonies in Africa Or faced prison in Portugal


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Also known as Tailors Revolt Happened in 1798

The metropole was in need of money Lisbon’s tsunami Raised taxes Raised the value of products in high demand

Such as meet and beans There wasn’t any major production such as gold to be taxed So the people went hungry


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Made up by lower classes It is called the revolt of the tailors because it was one of

the most common professions among its participants it was made up mainly mulatos and blacks

Influences: Independence of the Thirteen Colonies, Enlightenment, French Revolution and Republican ideas


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Cipriano Barata Also known as doctor of the poor

A real martyr of our republic Fought in Conjuração Baiana and also in the Revolução

Pernanbucana (1817)

"Animai-vos Povo baiense que está para chegar o tempo feliz da nossa Liberdade: o tempo em que todos seremos irmãos: o tempo em que todos seremos iguais."


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Manifesto ao Povo Bahiense: Cipriano Barata

Abolition of Slavery; Proclamation of the Republic; Decrease of taxes; Opening of the Ports;

End of the colonial pact End of Prejudice;

Against blacks and mulatos Salary Increase.


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Violence! Hungry, the people would break into the butcher shops A group of revolutionaries start organizing themselves

Cavaleiros da Luz Freemasons

Some of the revolutionists are arrested In August 1798 And they end up denouncing the others

The revolutionists are arrested! The administrators of the province proceeded to the execution of the revolutionists sentenced to capital punishment by hanging


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Not everyone was hanged! Others involved were sentenced to exile in Africa outside the realm of portugal

Certain death!

José de Freitas Sacota e Romão Pinheiro, deixados em Acará, sob domínio holandês; Manuel de Santana em Aquito, então domínio dinamarquês; Inácio da Silva Pimentel, no Castelo da Mina, sob domínio holandês; Luís de França Pires em Cabo Corso; José Félix da Costa em Fortaleza do Moura; José do Sacramento em Comenda, sob domínio inglês. Pedro Leão de Aguilar Pantoja degredado no Presídio de Benguela por 10 anos; O escravo Cosme Damião Pereira Bastos, degredado por cinco anos em Angola; Os escravos Inácio Pires e Manuel José de Vera Cruz, condenados a 500 chibatadas, fi cando seus senhores obrigados a vendê-los para fora da Capitania da Bahia; José Raimundo Barata de Almeida, degredado para a ilha de Fernando de Noronha; Os tenentes Hermógenes Francisco de Aguilar Pantoja e José Gomes de Oliveira Borges, permaneceram detidos por seis meses em Salvador; Cipriano Barata, detido a 19 de Setembro de 1798, solto em Janeiro de 1800.

Never left the revolutionary l ife!