HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE · HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE ISKCON Toronto / 243 Avenue Rd. / M5R 2J6 / (416) 922-5415 November 2008 Want to join the mailing list? Email [email protected] It is said that any pious activity that one performs in the holy month of Kartik, even subconsciously, will be counted for the next one hundred births. During this most auspicious month Srimati Radharani distributes Her mercy to every soul who is eager to serve Her beloved Shyam. Thus devotees declared that Sunday November 9 th (in India, meaning Saturday and Sunday in the West), temples around the world would celebrate a Global Kartik Kirtan day and “Pray Globally, Chant Locally.” On the night of Saturday November 8 th Toronto’s voices were heard in this simultaneous resounding prayer around the globe. Infused with young devotees from the US (see article on next page) enthusiastic kirtan rang out for over four hours. The Damodarastaka was sung by our own Shastyna as all those in attendance offered lamps to Damodara and Mother Yasoda. UPCOMING PCOMING PCOMING PCOMING EVENTS VENTS VENTS VENTS November 22 nd Ekadasi Ekadasi Ekadasi Ekadasi (break fast next day between 7:22am & 10:30am) December 8 th Advent of Srimad Advent of Srimad Advent of Srimad Advent of Srimad Bhagavad Bhagavad Bhagavad Bhagavad-Gita Gita Gita Gita (program at temple on Dec. 7 th ) December 8 th Ekadasi Ekadasi Ekadasi Ekadasi (break fast next day between 7:40am & 10:40am) December 22 nd Ekadasi Ekadasi Ekadasi Ekadasi (break fast next day between 7:49am & 10:48am) G GLOBAL K KARTIK K KIRTAN C C E E L L E E B B R R A A T T E E D D I I N N T T O O R R O O N N T T O O

Income - ISKCON · regularly busy Raj Bhoga & Sunday feast cooking crew, generously shared the kitchen while ten other devotees worked together to chop vegetables, cook and pack prasadam

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ISKCON Toronto / 243 Avenue Rd. / M5R 2J6 / (416) 922-5415 November 2008 Want to join the mailing list? Email [email protected]

It is said that any pious activity that one performs in the holy month of Kartik, even subconsciously, will be counted for the next one hundred births. During this most auspicious month Srimati Radharani distributes Her mercy to every soul who is eager to serve Her beloved Shyam. Thus devotees declared that Sunday November 9th (in India, meaning Saturday and Sunday in the West), temples around the world would celebrate a Global Kartik Kirtan day and “Pray Globally, Chant

Locally.” On the night of Saturday November 8th Toronto’s voices were heard in this simultaneous resounding prayer around the globe. Infused with young devotees from the US (see article on next page) enthusiastic kirtan rang out for over four hours. The Damodarastaka was sung by our own Shastyna as all those in attendance offered lamps to Damodara and Mother Yasoda.


November 22nd EkadasiEkadasiEkadasiEkadasi

(break fast next day

between 7:22am & 10:30am)

December 8th Advent of Srimad Advent of Srimad Advent of Srimad Advent of Srimad


(program at temple on Dec. 7th


December 8th EkadasiEkadasiEkadasiEkadasi

(break fast next day

between 7:40am & 10:40am)

December 22nd EkadasiEkadasiEkadasiEkadasi

(break fast next day

between 7:49am & 10:48am)



Visit our site at toronto.iskcon.ca Brought to you by the youth at Pandava Sena Toronto For more information contact [email protected]




General Donations $15,899.20

Sunday Feast Sponsors $2,091.00

Other Donations $12,405.68

Total Donations $30,395.88

Earned Revenues

Book Distribution $4,023.59

Govinda's Dining $468.34

Govinda's Boutique $4,073.01

Total Earned Revenues $8,564.94

Special Events

Ceremonies $9,388.14

Festival Donations $10,455.00

Ratha-Yatra $2,368.00

Total Special Events $22,211.14

Total Income $61,171.96


Cost of Purchase $11,756.91

Festival and Special Projects

Special Project $17,324.77

Drama and Theatre $133.87

Festival Expenses $16.64

Ratha-Yatra Expenses $6,449.95

Total Festival and Special Projects $23,925.23

Temple Maintenance

Office $61.62

Groceries $3,112.83

Maintenance and Supplies $175.11

Hardware and Supplies $41.26

Temple Maintenance - Other $95.00

Total Temple Maintenance $3,485.82

Devotee Maintenance $4,301.60

Utilities $1,590.77

Auto Expenses $1,335.83

Other Expenses $5,215.35

Total Expenses $51,611.51

Other Income

Interest Income $204.13

Total Other Income $204.13

Net Income $9,764.58

Inspired and motivated to do something really special during the month of Kartik, three very sweet devotees were responsible for organizing and sponsoring a Food for Life distribution in Toronto. The regularly busy Raj Bhoga & Sunday feast cooking crew, generously shared the kitchen while ten other devotees worked together to chop vegetables, cook and pack prasadam. As the devotees distributed to the shelters, they became more aware of

the necessities of prasadam distribution. At the final location, attempting a different method of distribution, devotees passed out the containers on the streets, sang kirtan and played their musical instruments. When departing from the location, the homeless who were still outside showed their appreciation in words. So, thank you to the organizers for giving all who participated the opportunity of this service! Hari Bol!


SSRRIILLAA PPRRAABBHHUUPPAADDAA You wouldn’t be reading this if it weren’t for him. It is because of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada that all of us and so many more have come in contact with our dear Lord Sri Krishna. On Saturday November 8th over thirty young devotees came together at the Toronto temple from here and from the US (West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, and Detroit) to celebrate the achievements of our dear Founder Acarya, to thank him for all he has done for us, to glorify him, and to remember him. We began with a wonderful kirtan led by Bhaktimarga Swami at noon, followed by Guru Puja. Next there was an audio-visual presentation of Srila Prabhupada’s life. Bhaktimarga Swami then read an offering to Srila Prabhupada after which many of the youth also read offerings to their spiritual grandfather. Two disciples of Srila

Prabhupada, Paurnamasi devi dasi and Bhadra Priya devi dasi then shared stories and realizations which inspired us and made us smile. The program was organized by the youth at Pandava Sena Toronto. For more information see our contact information below.

FFOOOODD FFOORR LLIIFFEE One hundred and fifty take-out containers were neatly packed with gourmet style ekadasi prasadam and distributed to the downtown homeless and needy.

“Krishna is everywhere. Simply you have to catch Him. And He’s also ready for being caught. Yes, if somebody wants to catch Him. Suppose you are a devotee. If you want to catch Him, He comes forward ten times than your desire. He’s so kind. Therefore, we have to simply receive Him.”

Srila Prabhupada London, August 21, 1973