Inception Review of the review

Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

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Page 1: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

InceptionReview of the review

Page 2: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

Original Review

“It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed by the army which enables people to share dreams. So this team of architects adept at designing dream levels commit “mental heists”. The protagonist has to commit the heist central to the movie to get back to his children. It is not a very easy movie which you can just sit back and watch. You really need to be alert to be actually able to capture what is going on in the movie. There are these dreams within dreams and it is difficult to figure out in the first go how the things are working actually. But it is definitely another masterpiece of a work by Nolan. The plot though very tightly designed still has few loops and gaps because of being a completely new concept. But Nolan does a great job in conveying his creation well to the audience. A lot of ideas are not completely explained and are open to interpretation, this enhances the richness of the viewing experience. And speaking of viewing experience, visually the movie is stunning.

Page 3: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

The CG is seamless and the world of the dream has been shown in a very beautiful way. All the actors render laudable performances. I found the performance of Eames played by Tom Hardy to be my favorite. He plays this role of this expert forger with a cool mind exceptionally. All in all this is a must watch with people who want to challenge their intellect. And as I’ve said before this not for one’s with a faint heart as you might find yourself bored or completely confused unless you are completely alert. ”

Page 4: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

“It is a movie with an interesting concept”.1. A movie review is not meant to be completely neutral.2. In fact the identity of a reviewer is built upon his choices and it should be clear to

the readers.3. He should be able to transfer his emotions to the readers.4. Not a good way to start.

“The plot revolves around…”5. Don’t jump right into the plot.6. Give a background about the director or the hype that has been created in the

publicity of the film etc.

Page 5: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

Do reviews have to be written in flowery language? 1. Of course not!2. Use of metaphors.3. Review should be engaging.

A review is like a movie!4. Don’t let the reader sleep through it.5. He should be able to see the review.6. But not by revealing the plot.7. More like a custom trailer with scenes picked by the reviewer.

Page 6: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

Other details1. Mention both positives and negatives.2. Do include a review of the cinematographic quality.3. Be more personal.4. Don’t jump in and out of the plot. (unless you can do that really well!)

Page 7: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

Nolan attained cult status in Hollywood owing to his master screenplay and narrative in movies like Memento(2002). And his vision of the Batman series was a spectacle that both the fans and non-fans of the series' enjoyed alike. Now Nolan through his imagination has brought us a journey into the world of imagination itself. Inception is about the world of the dream and how to hack into your dreams… as well as others.  Central to the plot is a piece of tech, developed by the army, which enables people to share dreams. This is what Cobb(Dicaprio) and his associates use to commit mental heists. Cobb lands a job that needs him, not to steal an idea from someone's mind, but to place one there instead and make it seem self-generated by the subject himself. You can do that? This has never been done before but Cobb needs to do this to get back to his children. This movie is not of the sit-back, relax and enjoy genre. It is fast paced and does not wait for you to understand what just happened. Unless you are totally alert, you will get lost. You have to keep track of dreams within dreams and it is not  

Final review

Page 8: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

abundantly clear how things actually work in the dream world.

But the ten years that Nolan has supposedly put into the film definitely paid off. He masterfully communicates his vision with the audience. The plot has a lot of gaps which the viewer himself has to fill to make the narrative congruent. So this is definitely going to stay on your mind for a while even after you leave the theatre.  The movie is visually stunning. The CG is seamless and top notch. All the actors render laudable performances. My favorite definitely though is Eames(Tom Hardy). He is a professional thief and an expert forger and extremely cool.  But Nolan is no expert at directing fight scenes. They do tend to wear you out as they are not very exciting in themselves. The movie definitely has quite a number of inconsistencies too. This surely must have been due to the short window of time in which Nolan had to present everything about this new world from conception to conclusion.  

Page 9: Inception Review of the review. Original Review “It is a movie with a very interesting concept. The plot revolves around this piece of tech developed

All in all this is a must watch for people who want to challenge their intellect. And as I’ve said before this not for one’s with a faint heart as you might find yourself bored or completely confused unless you are extremely alert.