Inbound Marketing Overview UW BUSINESS SCHOOL – 11/3/12

Inbound Marketing Overview Nov 2012

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Presentation I gave to the UW MBA Direct Marketing class on Inbound Marketing.

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Inbound Marketing OverviewUW BUSINESS SCHOOL – 11/3/12

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What We Will Cover Today• Internet Media Spend – Global Perspective• Paid vs Owned vs Earned Media – P.O.E.M.• Why Search? Some Stats…• Search Engine Basics• Organic Search (Natural)• Organic and Social Together• The Social Journey for an Organization• Paid Search• Testing• New Issues with Search

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Worldwide Media Spend

• Internet media spend continues to be the fasted growing segment• However, it is still TINY compared to the big boys

Source: Nielsen Global AdView – Q1 2012

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Differences Between Media Time & Dollars

• Print is WAY over subscribed when it comes to time vs ad spend• Mobile and Internet are STILL the biggest opportunities

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P.O.E.M. Customer Acquisition Model



Paid Mediaaka - Campaigns

Owned Mediaaka – Nurture & Retention

Earned MediaAka: Inbound Marketing

Characteristics » Money = Traffic, No money, No traffic

» Channels are optimized individually

» A person is “known”» Email address + name» Channels used to move person

to initial sale & recurring revenue

» Cost is effort» Visibility continues when

effort stops» Channels work together

Channels » Paid Search» Display/Banners» Affiliate (CPA)» Email List Buying» TV/Radio/Print» Daily Deals

» Lead Nurturing» Re-Targeting» Customer Email» Transaction Emails» Customer Service

» Direct/Brand» Natural Search (SEO)» Social Media» Referrals (Links)» Public Relations

Resources » Media Budget» Campaign Management» Testing/Optimization

» Email Delivery Platform» Customer Database» Email Content Creation» Customer Service Response

» Content Creation/Editor» Publishing Platform» Social Media Engagement» PR & Blogger Engagement

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Search Dominates > But Look at Social!

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Why Search Engine Marketing?• The #1 driver of non-direct traffic to most websites

• High quality traffic All stages of the buying cycle from research to price compare to brand

navigation Focused, active traffic

• Organic traffic has no media costs

• Pay Per Click (PPC) search traffic is highly targetable By keyword, location, time of day, day of week, demographic

• PPC is self-service, easy to get up and running, highly controllable/optimizable

• PPC is a great way to test messaging, offers, landing pages and positioning

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The #1 Job of Search Engines

Provide the Best Search Results Based on the Limited Information (1-4 keywords) the Searcher Gives the Engine.

• Better search results (organic & paid) = happier searchers• Happier searchers = more search/repeat usage• More search usage = more inventory• More inventory = more opportunity to sell pay per click advertising

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ProgramsSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)• Listed in the editorial or organic area of engine.• Higher quality traffic – legitimate search results.• No guarantee of placement, mid to long term results.• Local optimization is a distinct set of tactics

Pay Per Click (PPC) Search• Auction, bid or CPC system.• Immediate, cost effective, trackable.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Content Network• Google/Bing have matched your keywords to content

on the internet• You push ads to a site without a specific search• Managed through your same search PPC interface

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A Google Example SEM of ProgramsPaid Results: The top two performers from the AdWords CPC program.

Main Results: Natural search listings which cannot be bought, but influenced with SEO program. Google does not have a trusted feed or paid inclusion program.

Paid Results: AdWords closed-bid CPC placements. Ranked by CTR x CPC. Top three listings distributed to partners. Top three and more distributed to Google’s Content-Targeted Ad network.

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Example of a Content Ad Network Placement

Content Network: Page content mapped to your keywords. Highly efficient buy, but lower in quality.

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The Golden Triangle of Search Usability

• Eye tracking study• The focus is on the

upper left with a glance over to the top of the right hand side placements.

• Underlines the volume importance of the top placements.

• Also, your brand connections starts at the search engine NOT on your website!

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The Importance of Position

» The higher the position, the higher the click through rate

» The higher the position, the lower the conversion (in general)

» Critical to understand position vs cost vs conversion trade off

Source is Optify click through rate study

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How Web Crawlers Work – Content + Links!







Link Link Link Link Link

Search Bots follow links and return information to index Googlebot, MSNbot, Muscat Ferret (www.robotstxt.org lists 298 bots)



Local Content(standard update)

Foundation Database(standard update)


Web Page Content

Crawl Site andSitemap.xml

Business RulesAlgorithm

Ancillary Data Sources

Cached PagesIn Database

Update &RefreshSchedule

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Google is Evolving to the Knowledge Graph

• Google wants to give you the exact information you want > quickly• Moving beyond text and pages to video, images, books, maps, sound• 500 million people, places, things with 3.5 billion associated items• New search structure and UI to get you there more quickly

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Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

• 70 – 80% of clicks on a search engine results page emanate from the organic search area.Google: 80% of clicks from organicYahoo/Bing: 70% of clicks from organic

• Organic clicks may or may not be more qualified.• The clicks are free of media costs (although there

are internal & management costs).• It is an important part of your entire Search Engine

program• It CONNECTS your content with people – earned


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Core Components of SEO

SEO has three major components• Technology

• Site and page optimization• Crawlability and indexing

• Content• Keyword Focus• The Number and Quality of Pages

• Authority• Domain & Pages• The Quality & Number of Links• Social Media Signals• Keyword Strategy & Focus

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Local SEO – Different Set of Tactics• Triggered by physical address –

need to highlight on site Individual page for each store

• Matched to searchers IP address• Keyword categories drive local

Pizza, dry cleaners, etc.• Additional elements

Map Address Hours Reviews Images

• Local directories and business listings like Bing, Yellow Pages, Yahoo, etc.

• Reviews in Yelp, Urban Spoon, Google, etc. add authority to site

• Build authority from local links and local social influencers

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Search Engine Optimization Truths• Your #1 job is to make finding, crawling and indexing your site

as easy as possible for bots

• High rankings are built on relevant content & authority Remember the #1 goal of search engines

• Following white hat strategies is best Engines getting smarter about search spam Do you have time to fight the search engines?

• The simpler a site the easier to get ranked Balance CMS/Rich Media vs Search Objectives

• SEO is NOT fast and never ends Set aside budget for SEO as you would PPC

• SEO will effect your marketing, IT, Web site and copy writing groups.

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Social Media and Search• Social media has dramatically increased the amount and speed of

indexable content available – everyone is a publisher

• Blogs, comments and articles are much easier to publish and now have revenue attached to them via Google Adsense, etc.

• Social media networks has raised the bar on cross linking, product communication and personal profile publishing.

• The concept of a homepage is changing Not just on your site, but Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, Pinterest

• Being involved in a conversation and pointing (via links) too an authoritative piece of content adds to the link building tool set

• Social is a core element of earned media: content+search+social

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Twitter – Another Form of Social Search

• Looks like a cross between email and search engine• Hashtags and @ symbols drive direct keyword relevance• Popular topics drive HUGE traffic• Find people who are talking about topics you are interested in• Now Twitter feeds in Google and Bing (just announced)

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• Visual collection of thoughts – virtual pin board• Easy to share, re-pin and collect from around the web• High percentage of women > 80%+

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Syndicate and Engage Your Audience via Twitter

• Utilizing social media and Twitter to extend the reach of your content is ideal• Tracking the results through campaign variables on your link back to your site,

increased number of visitors and increased number of followers

Create Content Create Campaigns Syndicate Track Results

Your Content• articles• blog posts• conferences• information guides• online courses• podcasts• press releases• speaking events• videos• webinars • white papers• webinars

One off Tweets• Blog post• 3rd party content• Whitepaper

Create a Series of Tweets in a Campaign• Build your tweets for the

week in one sitting• Build all of the tweets

for the campaign at once• Include links to your site

which we shorten for you

• Schedule tweets to go out through your account

ReTweetsFacebookLinkedInPinterestYour SiteOther Blogs

In Optify Reports• Increased visitors• # of leads• # of sign-ups• Source = Twitter• Detail =


In Twitter• Increase

followers• # of ReTweets

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The Journey to an Engaged Social Media Program(thank you Ant’s Eye View)

Traditional Experimental Operational Measurable Fully Engaged• Listening to

what people are saying

• On the sidelines

• “The arrival of Mavericks”

• Someone takes the time to create company profiles

• Budget and authority given

• Strategy, tactics, headcount

• Silo’d in marketing

• Start tracking business imact

• Cross functional silo’s

• Defined success• Influencers


• Everyone has the opportunity to participate in the social web

• Governance, policies in place with clear roles

Low resource requirement

Part time or “side time”

Resources required, but metrics question starts to bubble up

Organizational impact across

Very few companies are here yet – mostly agencies

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Paid Media Cost Methods• Online Media Can be Purchased Using Various Cost Methods,

Each with Pros & Cons.

Time: Great for guaranteed SOV and placement, but inventory is determined by visitor traffic. Effective method for page takeovers to build awareness and to block out competitors.

CPM: Strong guarantee of impressions, share of voice, and targeted placements, but greater risk (of ROI) falls on the advertiser.

CPC: Provides targeted placement at less risk than CPM, but impressions are not guaranteed and risk of forced and/or incentive clicks.

CPA, CPL or Revenue Share: The least amount of risk for advertiser and paid only when an user-action is performed, but no guarantee of impressions, placement, nor acceptance by publishers.


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Paid Search Overview• The most effective, timely and trackable way to start spending

marketing dollars.

• Market is in transition from a Google + Yahoo + Bing + others to just Google + Bing

• Google is king – they have the largest volume, highest quality audience, best testing tools & easiest user interface.Bing is gaining with marketing, innovation and business

developmentGoogle content network is MUCH bigger and more refined

than Bing

Testing is what will make or break your program!

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How Paid Search Programs Work



Syndicated EnginesAOL.com

(Syndicated Search)

AdSense Sites(Content Ads)

• All of these programs are ad serving systems.• Search is just one outlet of impressions for the system.• Everything is centered around a pay per click model vs a CPM or CPA• Even CPM programs in Google are judged on an effective CPC basis

CPM Sites(Sub Set of AdSense)







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Paid Search Testing is Critical• The success of your program depends on testing and your

ability to incrementally expand/improve

• Look for incremental improvement over a long term. Include seasonality, week parts & day parts

• Your web analytics/tracking protocol is critical What level of granularity can you support/afford? Do you automate bid management?

• Balance between click volume and statistical significance. Does it make sense to optimize terms that get 4 clicks per month?

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Paid Search - Areas to Optimize• Inventory (# of impressions accessible)• Campaign Structure & Categories• Budget• Keywords• Match types (broad, phrase, exact)• Negative Keywords• Publishers/Engines• Copy• Placement: Search vs. Content• Bid Strategy/Ad Rank• Conversion Process• Landing Pages• Balance with Life Time Value

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New Issues with Search Engines• Competition

Bing running Yahoo search – impact is negligible so far? Google updating UI to add in Bing “esque” features Google Instant – rapid update of results interface while you type

• Real Time Search Google’s “caffeine” is trying to index content faster

• Universal Search Combining multiple media types into same Search Engine Results Page. Text, Video, Audio, Images, etc.

• Personalized Search Change results page based on previous search behavior and website visitation Off-shoot of behavioral targeting

• Latent Semantic Indexing Already in use to improve results Context of keywords as well as words around the word.

• Mobile Search iPhone, iPad, Surface, Blackberry, Google Android Platform Different search results based on mobile intent – directions, reviews, local, etc.

• Authorship Assigning authorship to person who created content Adds a picture of author to search engine results page for better CTR

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That’s a Wrap!• Visit www.optify.net for more articles, information & blogs (in the process of

being updated)• Also visit www.optify.net for jobs • Personal blog – www.branddigital.net• E-mail me with comments, additional questions, clarifications –

[email protected]• Join the LinkedIn University of Washington MBA Alumni Group – go beyond

your class!• Thank You!

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Appendix - Fun SEO Tools• http://www.optify.net/

Blog posts, guides, SEO and Lead Intelligence software• http://www.branddigital.net• http://www.SEOmoz.org

Local company with great community, blog and tool set• http://www.seodigger.com

See a list of keywords and what rank for a specific URL• http://www.seotoolset.com/tools/free_tools.html

Various free tools for linking, keyword inventory & more• http://www.seocompany.ca/tool/seo-tools.html

142 SEO tools for all things• http://www.marketleap.com

Easy to use SEO tools that includes competitive comparisons.• http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/sim_spider.cgi

Search engine spider simulator

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Appendix – SEM Resources

SEO Technical Resources• www.robotstxt.org/wc/active/html/in

dex.html (list of bots)

• www.webmonkey.com (developer site with good tips for SEO)

SEO Strategic Resources• www.searchenginewatch.com• www.branddigital.net• www.bruceclay.com/• www.clickz.com

SEO Free Tools• www.marketleap.com• www.seotoolkit.com

RSS Feed Resources www.marketingprofs.com www.feedster.com (find feeds) www.netgator.com www.firefox.com

Local Search Resources www.geolocal.com/

Paid Search Resources


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Appendix - DirectoriesSearch Directories• Dmoz.org• Dir.yahoo.com• www.joeant.com• www.skaffe.com• www.bluefind.com• www.zeal.com• www.goguides.org• www.gimpsy.com• www.wowdirectory.com• www.sevenseek.com• www.thisisouryear.com• Search.looksmart.com• www.microsoft.com/


Articles Directories www.Ezinearticles.com www.goarticles.com www.netterweb.com www.articlefinders.com www.articlecity.com www.ideamarketers.com www.buzzle.com thewhir.com/find/articlecentral/ www.certificate.net www.amazines.com

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Appendix - ResourcesDesign Resources• www.pixelmill.com• www.templatezone.com• www.templatekit.com

Web Analytics Resources• www.clicktracks.com• www.urchin.com• www.nettracker.com

Optimization Resources• www.websiteanalyzer.com• www.websiteoptimization.com

Testing ResourcesASP Hosted Applications www.Optimost.com www.Offermatica.com www.NetConversions.com www.sitespect.com www.Vertster.com

Split Testing Calculators www.splittester.com http://calc.in-the-name-of-profit.com/864

29/ab_test.jsp http://www.vertster.com/adwords-tool/

Split Testing Software http://www.onlinemarketingtoday.com/sof

tware/split-testing/ http://www.splittestgenerator.com/

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Appendix – More ResourcesPop-up Generator• www.dynamic-popup-generator.com/Opt-In List Builders• www.advertisingknowhow.com/Optin_List_builder.htm• www.coregcomplete.com/index.php (co-reg software)• www.opt-intelligence.com (co-reg network)Marketing Information and Content Sites• www.marketingexperiments.com• www.clickz.com• www.marketingsherpa.com• www.marketingprofs.comExamples of Viral Marketing Campaigns• http://showdown.contagiousmedia.org/

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US Advertising Spending by Media2007 – 2012 in Millions

• Search has overtaken display as the #1 media spend online (as of 2008)

• Internet will overtake newspapers in 2011 (if not sooner)

• Internet is bigger than spot local/national TV in spend

• Search is already bigger than print Yellow Pages/directories

• Lots of traditional media spends are in decline while Internet is up, up, up!

Source: Jack Meyers Media Business Report as provided to eMarketer, Sept 14, 2009

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Customer Segmentation & Search

Two Major Ways to Segment with Search

• By Keyword Each keyword someone enters is a behavioral indicator. A correlation exists between the stage of the research or purchase process and

the type of keywords entered.oMP3 Player vs ipod 4GB nano blackoMusic vs Free Rhapsody Trial

• By Demographic Data New tools that link account information with keyword searches are available. Research keywords to get demographic profile (very helpful for wider

campaigns) Target broader keywords to a narrower demographic (helpful for expanding

keyword campaigns)

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How Do They Get Data? – Spiders are Dumb…

Search Spiders follow links and return data to search engine for processing with algorithms. They can:

• Read meta tags, title tags and HTML content.• Read URL’s (some read past a ? variable, some don’t).• Read some dynamic content.• Follow links through-out the site if built into page.• Are looking for STRONG uses of keywords.

H1 tags, title tags and HTML content are more important. Bold and italic words.

• Are looking for CONTEXT Block of related text, pages with single themes, etc.

Spiders can only return what they can read and find. Our job is to help them find the right information in the right format

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Paid Search Metrics, Levers and ActionsMetrics Levers ActionsImpressions Total Budget

# of Keywords# of EnginesBid PositionSearch v ContentMatch TypeCampaign Set-Up

A campaign daily or monthly cap will limit the # of impressions.Add keywords via expansion.Include misspellings & similes.Add content traffic to search program.Bid positions 1-4 get the most circulation through syndication.

Click Through Rate Bid PositionRelevancy of CopyCompelling CopySearch v ContentMatch Type

The higher bid positions get more click-throughs.Putting keywords into the copy increased click-through.Free now and offers tend to increase click-through rates.Content ads have much lower click-through rate than search ads.

Cost per Click Publisher/EngineBid PositionMax Cost per ClickCompetitionMatch Type

Different engines have different ranges of prices.The higher the bid position you go for, the higher the CPC.By setting a higher max CPC, your cost will rise to meet position.The more competition for a term, the more expensive.


Relevance of CopyLanding PageOfferFunnel Efficiency

The closer the copy matches the product offer/the higher the conversion.Create a very clear, singular action landing page that matches keyword.What is a compelling offer? Make it so and match the copy.What speed bumps exist between the ad the thank you page.

Average Order Size

Product Pricing Cross/Up SellDiscounts

Focus more dollars on the categories that drive highest average order size.Manage to a higher LTV for keywords and categories by acquiring at a higher CPS.

Life Time Value Acquisition SourceRe-marketing SequenceProduct Suite/Releases

Improvements in conversion process and post acquisition communication will allow for a higher allowable acquisition rate which can open up the acquisition funnel.

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Testing Methodologies & Tools• No Testing is Death• Start with A/B/C testing > but be disciplined in variable control (only one

at a time!)• Move to multi-variant when you have the traffic to support it.

Ability to test millions of combinations of variables via tree’d approach (aka smart test design)

Taguchi method is de-rigueur, but new, more modern methods are now commercially available.

• Small incremental changes are the rule, not the exception.