The M107 had a longer .-- range than all other land artillery. fransformer The M107's 175 mm gun could be easily swapped with an 8-inch howitzer to become the M11O weapon. Parts to sBare The M107's chassis used the same drive train as the M110 howitzer and the M57B light recovery vehicle, which was equipped with a crane to pick up vehicles damaged in battle. Consistent loader A new hydraulic loader-rammer system reduced barrel wear by seating rounds to match the tube's rif ling grooves. Stable platform Rear spade and the chassis's hydraulic suspension absorbed recoil forces. I IN4m@7 SlllElllllllF- PR@PlllEllllllLlllED @'Ul By Carl O. Schuster On Feb. 22, 196? the U.S. Army's 2nd Batta,lion, 94th Field Artillery F,egiment, fred its M1O7 1?5 mm guns across the DemilitarizedZone a,nd into North Vietnam's anti- ai-rcra,ft a,rtillery sites. The sheJJjng, in response to an attack on a U.S. Air Force spotter aircra,ft, marked the frst time U.S. Spound forces aimed at targets inside North Vietnam. The battaJion's MIO?s were the war's longest-range artillery pieces used by ground forces, exceeded only by the Navy's 8- and 16-inch guns. The M1O7, which entered production in 1965, arose from the desire for a family of artillery weapons that were self-propelled (drivable), tra,nsportable by air and based on the same chassis. Ttre result was two systems: the M1O7 gun aind M110 howitzer, urith cornrnon features including the chassis, diesel engile propuJsion, arrd elevation, train and loading mechanisms. They differed primarily in armament: The M1O7 had a 175 run weapon, and the MIIO had a 305 flrm weapon, aJ.so known as the "8-inch howitzer." The two weapons could be swapped between chassis irr less than 5O minutes. Their recoil and hydraulicallycontrolled chassis bracingisystem made them stable flringplat- forms. Both used interrupted stepped-thread breech blocks and fred separate-Ioadi"ng ammurrition. But the M1O7 suffered from high bamel wear and rapid bore erosion that a,ffected accuracy at ranges beyond 17 miles afld initia,[y lirnited the barrel life to 5OO ror.rnds. By 19?O improved materia,ls extended the life to 8OO-1,0O0 rounds. The M1O7 was the only ground artillery piece that could knock out North Vietnamese M46 15O mm towed gtrns north. of the DMZ and ln Lacs and Carnbodia. It was the weapon of choice for firing on the Ho Chi Milh Trail. The M1O7 served urith the U.S. Army and Marine Corps irito the late 19?Os and early'80s. It was also exported to more than a dozen countries a;r}d remains in service with some armies to this day. 18 vrErNAM Grew: Five onvehicle, I5 total during tuing Propulsion:405 horsepower super- charged diesel engine Vehicle weigftt: 51 tons Max speed: 5O mph Vehicle ran€le: 450 miles Bore: 175 mm Lengltlr: 54 ft. Elevation (barref vertical movement): Minus-5 degrees to plus-65 deEl"ees fraverse @orizontal movement): 5O degrees to left or riSfrt Ammunition: hi€h- explosive shelIs Rate of fire (max): One round per mjnute Shell range (max): 5e,7OO meters (20 miles) ARSENAL

IN4m@7 [email protected]/.../M107_Specs_Vietnam-Mag.pdfThe M107 had a longer .--range than all other land artillery. fransformer The M107's 175 mm gun couldbe

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Page 1: IN4m@7 PR@PlllEllllllLlllED1stbn83rdartyvietnam.com/.../M107_Specs_Vietnam-Mag.pdfThe M107 had a longer .--range than all other land artillery. fransformer The M107's 175 mm gun couldbe

The M107 had a longer .--range than all other

land artillery.

fransformerThe M107's 175 mm gun could

be easily swapped with an8-inch howitzer to become

the M11O weapon.

Parts to sBareThe M107's chassis used thesame drive train as the M110howitzer and the M57B lightrecovery vehicle, which was

equipped with a crane to pick upvehicles damaged in battle.

Consistent loaderA new hydraulic loader-rammersystem reduced barrel wear by

seating rounds to match thetube's rif ling grooves.

Stable platformRear spade and thechassis's hydraulic

suspensionabsorbed recoil



IN4m@7 SlllElllllllF- PR@PlllEllllllLlllED @'UlBy Carl O. Schuster

On Feb. 22, 196? the U.S. Army's 2nd Batta,lion, 94th Field Artillery F,egiment, fredits M1O7 1?5 mm guns across the DemilitarizedZone a,nd into North Vietnam's anti-ai-rcra,ft a,rtillery sites. The sheJJjng, in response to an attack on a U.S. Air Force spotteraircra,ft, marked the frst time U.S. Spound forces aimed at targets inside North Vietnam.The battaJion's MIO?s were the war's longest-range artillery pieces used by groundforces, exceeded only by the Navy's 8- and 16-inch guns.

The M1O7, which entered production in 1965, arose from the desire for a family ofartillery weapons that were self-propelled (drivable), tra,nsportable by air and based onthe same chassis. Ttre result was two systems: the M1O7 gun aind M110 howitzer, urithcornrnon features including the chassis, diesel engile propuJsion, arrd elevation, trainand loading mechanisms. They differed primarily in armament: The M1O7 had a 175run weapon, and the MIIO had a 305 flrm weapon, aJ.so known as the "8-inch howitzer."

The two weapons could be swapped between chassis irr less than 5O minutes. Theirrecoil and hydraulicallycontrolled chassis bracingisystem made them stable flringplat-forms. Both used interrupted stepped-thread breech blocks and fred separate-Ioadi"ngammurrition. But the M1O7 suffered from high bamel wear and rapid bore erosion thata,ffected accuracy at ranges beyond 17 miles afld initia,[y lirnited the barrel life to 5OO

ror.rnds. By 19?O improved materia,ls extended the life to 8OO-1,0O0 rounds.The M1O7 was the only ground artillery piece that could knock out North Vietnamese

M46 15O mm towed gtrns north. of the DMZ and ln Lacs and Carnbodia. It was the weaponof choice for firing on the Ho Chi Milh Trail. The M1O7 served urith the U.S. Army andMarine Corps irito the late 19?Os and early'80s. It was also exported to more than adozen countries a;r}d remains in service with some armies to this day.

18 vrErNAM

Grew: Five onvehicle,I5 total during tuingPropulsion:405horsepower super-charged diesel engineVehicle weigftt: 51 tonsMax speed: 5O mphVehicle ran€le: 450 milesBore: 175 mmLengltlr: 54 ft.Elevation (barrefvertical movement):Minus-5 degrees toplus-65 deEl"eesfraverse @orizontalmovement): 5O degreesto left or riSfrtAmmunition: hi€h-explosive shelIsRate of fire (max):One round per mjnuteShell range (max):5e,7OO meters (20 miles)