SLAVKRY IN YIKC-IMA. HISTORY OF iHK INSTITUflON FROMINCt»>TION. Tb* »'lr*l >r|n..i l.xn.l, d by A.ilde-1. Baw lha irxl ..) Blav*r> Hailawa R«- j.MHy oi ll»«.rov.lli I. ar* of lmurree- H..1. Itlrl.ii.ornl Alarmed. Itla verv will known Ihat nofrro alayee were ftrst lntr.sluoe.1 int" I truuiia .8 lha year MMi M msny |.Bla ara umler :i miaapprebensiim aaaahovrthtaeaia. Wbenever tbe faet la asserted Ihe iutereii'-e naturally followa tbal Ihe bar.l-hearted and avarfoioua Kngliah adu'titurer had n aaeaattaaaaieai aft. raaaaa afIheea iaaa oent*. who bad already laeen mad*- captlve* by tbeir own raee and beld (<t '>»rt * tbe vthlte ti.-id. rn wl,.. Brigbt rui-.ing aiomr the eeaeta <-f vTeeeen Ai aearohof human enr^-^'s. Thla was imt ai all the fa.-i la ragaid 10 lha Iral aettiere o Vir-inia. ll abould be rernembered lhal ll wa* ouiv tblrteeu yeara aft.r ihe lan .laineatown that ..-*.-k|hm« urn into tl)i* e.-lonv. The ooloulat* had no Ume to be aendln*' after Atrn .... ala*. would it proh.ti.lv ha\e ."..-r entered their ininds Ua ha-..- done a-a had not Ibe B-groee !*ent.rou_hi to ihe -Umee rlver l.y other*. li wm wiih great dUfcultj ihat tbej eeuia th.-n maintain tbemaalvea Ib the mld*l oi the aarerttlee aml trials to wbleh ibej were na will Tbeli Irel objeel wae ie gei a flnu f.aatinn in the eountry. Ihiahavlntf bi-en aeeompliahed, it wmil^ bai ume enouirh i- begie mm adventoree or uvexperiim-ni- ln their new and uncerl ui mlsle ofufe. Tb* Uutch Uadera, wbo bav. ihe .re.lii e. I.i :-' ' . .' '"- '""; the oolony.it i* sanl.tlid not r.-ally iBtenfl enierine thewaten "f Vlrglnia,bai were driven in between tbeoapeeol iie beea- .,.«*,. byetorm) ireather. Not that they were laaBaeal af lha alara trade, bj bo liiaan* for they were on their way Z me' Burfcets ef lha areel ladla li-iatida lo aail Ibeae very . « to the Baaaiaa ptaatera wb. n U foroed to tin.l hji1.iv in Jamea rii tbe i*ale*outa.i.le. Sor ar. Ibey tobeeon- Bidertd res'M.n-ii'i. i baving aold nagroei tothe Vlrglnia plantera. Tbe oondlth-n ul Ibeeolonv ut thal lune ilnl not rei'..miii'i..l it aa a mgrket h.r hlau-. Und thla I." otherwise, lt would nol have been i thatla te.ni>'"' shoolddlreottheir Iradlon *hi|ia t*a a pori conatden d ravorable to lhal ppeultartrartie. .belrvlgilant and adten- turotia ownera would have aooo made thii dlacovery lor tliemseUes. llu fa.-t,1a, tb* planters were tbemeelvea reaponaible foi the lnlro*ln.-ti..i. Ol Alri.-an adavcry Inh Viririnia. md knowlng at the Ume Wbal thev were dotng. riK.si im aoButaa"» aaoaoi i Vlhenil was aririounced that BTSBBelWlth negroesnn board for sale had ancbored in tbe lower waurenf theJaaaea, Iwo orthreegen. tlenien went unaolieit. .1. umi "f their own vrtiN, to hupeot iu.. newlj arTived N.» *el and it* eaffo. lt i* probable tl" v were Braaapted m inii'h hy curloalty a udeaira lor Kain. They were well aware, bowever, thut mri" alaTe lab >r wa* pmlit- ahie in tl..- W< »i i.idia lelaada, owned by th* -pat.iards, and they Wl re on ihis a.- eoant ladaoed t>. try Uie eiperlmeal la \ ir- giBis. lleiiee it ia said they parchaaad .' few. Tbeeultivatioii ot tobeoeo WM Joal theu becoeitag bh important feature ol (-nlouial prodoction, aml il WMthoughl tt,e.e nativea <>i a tropleal cliutat*1 would I peculiarlv uaeful in Ibe growlng of tbi* valuai'le ataple. NV haU .er may have be* n lha inniixsoi ihe eotoalets, Ibeir experi- toaat, althouah abundantly auoeesBful to them ui <t ti.eir Imuicdiat. has provisl in theae BM d> ra *!»»>» a dlialul and aaabated calamlty, It ie a iiotK-eal.l. lael thal ll waa tl uriexiaeet.il im an» that thBWbltM BBd t'.u.ii- ly BBtabliab-d a auooeMf-l footloa on tb. Bherasof VhrglBla, and thal it vn. alaoi.y wbat is i-_.li. d an accident that tbeir future Baaaelalaa ef the tdaek raee alterwarda ba. aaaaa ao Imaertanl a pen ofthi iraoolal ami n«t 'iial autonomy. When Chriatophei Newport lefl tbe mouth of the Thameeto laetare tbe ootoay oa the eborea of Nortri Carolina a| tempeel drorn his llttl. not into the BBV* B where he woiihl Iae. bui into tbe vet unkiioiMi wateraof lha ju-ai..'. aiul sowheu the eruel llaver wa* aeuddlBB alonK hia atniater w_i t iwarda themarkets ar tbe Carrlbean aea ll uapropltioua galethat tnrned ibeprowol ¦de ahip to other aod atraagei ahoraa. A BOJAU IIK..INMM.. From this sniull bag-Boiag Ihe *- raeehegaa la *7_rglala. Thej doool appear lobavegreaUi Increaaed lu numbera al BraL l-'rom 011 t" laa. only aboul three nuo« »lred Inul tieeii imi'orted, itnil iu Lhl follow- iliKtwentV *,ve:tr-. it* late M the iear 1*17' liot more Ihan two or three ahlnadOOda ba.t lieen lanaiiKht iuiotln.i"nv. what an op- uorluiiitv in the ineantime had U en lOBl How eaally tha lana ol all our future weea iniKht bave i.i.i -.ii deatroyed oouW aome pn-pheie re have ;., n. 11ai.-tl the la« evitahle future!' At tbe heglBBlBf of ihe alghteeath oeatury ihe negro ninvea m \ Lrgiola had roMhed thaaaaahar "f tweatr thtee theuaaad, aad wara rapidly overtakiai the relaUve lo- . i. aea ofthe white [...pulatieu. The eauec «1 tbls was ebielly due to the BBUBUBl toreign deuiund lor kupi'lie* from tbeeoionj . hii f anioii-ih'-e w,i.' tobaceo aml ablp- alores. 1 Miritu-- lha greal oontlnental ware, whieh euuie so utar ezhaueUng the eoffera of Queea Anne'a tiea-- lirv, the forme- h:ul Ise.'lile iin ImportOOl factor in BMlataialug the national eredlt, whlle lha ri'val navv a.nl uierehant inai nn were proporiionateiv benedted by the latter, Theae reault* had the eth-i i of iBcn lha deiuaml loi kIi.mb i.t agrleultural |.ur- l>o*ea. Cin-at Buaabera arere oow imported under the aanctlon of the bome Uovern. inent. aud Ihe d* -.re for galD aUmulated bj the euooesa ot the irade. raOOTI BBI. riiAii ii I. Tht' trallic BBBBl baflt hflBB v.ry proiltable alao to thc Goverament, Au Incldenl oe- oorrlfll in 1601 Uluatratfle tlie vlgilaace with >vhich ihe odkere of Ihe cuatotna guarded atfiiinst violutions of ihe impoata iaw». A*hi|>ciilleil ihe »Brtetol"appeared «.ff ihe BaaBBn Baaew with a eargoofae- icniea an.l "eli-i'iiiiits-teeth." Thfl ovraera ofthe veaael and car^'o had taken the m.uhle lo lafll ,,ut that Ihe iiian-ot-war iisualU «rui»iug along tbat Oflflafl] araa BOl BaflOOfl ilutv. and tberefore ventured near tlie hhore where was a irood Btflflfl Bfl laiuliuir tii* Mlave* and Ivary. HavtageflBployed belp ln aMaat inin, the etavaa arefe aafaly landed. rnfortunatcly for the 0WB«ra a sioriu came BBB, llie alilp v\aa wrecked. Tlie collivioi <>i ibe distnei, < aatala Caae, appeared ea the ground, bcUc.i the \.ss,i. .1. w aad .arajfli aai tha tataw helag BaMMd totbe I'rown, was sold l.y him a..rdinirt" iaw. The cliiel |Kirt ot eutrv wun then at Tort. Duwfriott, Wiilkerum, and Uaaptoa ha+l thelr ahare of the flflflfloial coiuniercf, hut the BJjarOBaBM <<l tbe ancunt city. at UM getc of one "f the lineat harla.ra iu tae world, had KOtMfl Ihe start of thelr rivals ol iheoihcr toeraa. Taay did a ahnvlng buei- Bflflfl in IBB alave-trmle'. BflOM Of thein be> came aiyaflM la ihe irMtUe. 1 h, 11 had leamed t"o!,s*n. tbe <liri, i> uec In lh* n, irroe* Bflfld <d bj their trienda aad oustoni- er* rroinibi- lnterior. rYota theee they bad found out that BflgTO Vouths li'oiu ceit.un jiarUollhe Dart I'onlinciit uiaile bettei ..h.nda," aad weefl tberefore more valua- tle. A naliv. ,1 \\ istern AaTMB, lor 111 ataaee, uauaiiv i>i<>ui:iit thlrty pound*; wherwaa a Jdadagaacur Bflgro alwaya ooui'Udtided at lcaat ten poBBO* more. Ijara" tort.me* were inade hy ¦an; of the b**t people aboat thla u. aud U> deal in huin.iu tle*h was oeai uo more at TBflBBBl WB_ BOflfl" 111 rals iinil .xM-lal .undiiurthaa waa tae traBJo in hemp, *>r in heartay or toi.a,-.->.. 1 mt. r ibe <aj trade aud Ihfl BBMrprMB Ol KpoUfl Wh» 111 tlie Ui.ai'tline had I. ¦<¦ ii.e l.ic'.neii- anWioveruor. the ootonj iraa uu.l proa l«ered. If ahoul the UflMOl hia u< lo lK.wcr'.hc aUi»» 111 ll".- OeaflOJ auioiiuted lo nearlv tlurl> il.i,u»alid. wl.at .1: ihlnk wii.11 it ia fonad that before ll tun waa baif over they had increaaed lo l#.,Oi>or Hut it i* not our purpoae to give here a biatory af ihfl Have neeted wiih tlu- VaTglala OOMay. Wh.il liaa been here aaid ia rather aa an liitrodu. Mry. KBLATKIMH liriWKK.N THK KACKs. _a *oou aa the BBOJN bad U-com, an Bfl ..*-_!>t part of ih.- eflaflfllal jpoptdatloa, it wa* lound neceaaarv lo ealal.liab hy Btfltflle law tne ifltatiaae la vaiali he atood to u.. wbile*, holh a* a alave an t aa a tree man. Tbe preaence of two »u.-h ...lOereflt ra.es 111 tbe eattie comuiuiuty rc.jir. <sl thla, lt was <le_ainl.il h] tbe ci. UliOflfl ol Tbe alave waa to ta- |> .st-il an well a* governed, and Hfl BBt*. i of aoeicty de- anaudod that bafl BrBwtflfl ahould Ibrevet he allowed the prtvllegeol leiclalalin* lor the gaodoflKith. I'bu l«in_ tbe neeeaaity <>f tb* ca*e, lbe tlrat Btflflfl laken b] ihe latt.i Were U> provide for their own aalelv BJ terowing around ihe BSgffl the restramta ueceaaary lo hia proleetion aa a de- peudant and alave. At ibe U-kIbuIuk tae latter had BeVflf uiauifevted any loaiihordiuatiou. True, thay aare thaa la Biimhera. lu all the troua*a with the lodiana thc Bflgroea never appear lo bav. jolned them, or made an> ahotr of ooaaplr- Jag witb the lormer for ib.- deflUuetioB of the wbitta. Tbe aav*Kta did not iik- ihe D««i<>e*; regardii'K tbctn a* ttn iiiy their iBMriere; aa they do eveu at Una day. Tnie ajjav aocouat for tha faet that ttierr waa uo 1 bond of aymi.athv l*tw*eB the two raeea to SrhSawmutaal fiUaet II would have been te deetroy tae wblte*. PBSOel HONABV l.K<,|SI.AII.)>. There Baaaa a time at la»t when pre-ai tii.narv l.-.Nlation h«d 10 ba alopted. Aa earlv aa 1«»«> lawa were pa»iet provldln* aealaatthe ahaaaaa ol aegraM conapirmg BialMI th.-ir maaters. and il.«reelng he , «t nunlabmeni for any attempt in tuat direi lion. I ln v wele BOt |w-ru»it_*«l. foi Bfr ample, iu aaaamble In aaaahera oagar tea ¦iretext holdlng feaatt, »r upon hunal oo- ,.H,.. , Hllowed to earry habitu- aiiv "eiui.*. Btadaa, -iine. **_ord* *;r any otMrvreaMBofdaaaaMaor ot*aee; oould . leave the plaatattoa oe grounde «.itbeir owaera without vrrituo iierHiiesinndet.i m* lt,ecauH.'ol il..-,r ..i.wti.i-andtbe leugtb of time Ib. v ibould be gone. Nomaalor conW penall tha.lave of hia nclghhorto remalnoa his plantatmn more tban loui houra, exeepl under afaolal and ,M',ui,ai elroumataaoM. ln caae of any .,..... ,,f theae and other aoaotaeBta .IBTM were ¦...l.h.hed bj rrtnpee ..Well laved "ii." hut rarely exceeding thirtv la-l.es. lu the tr. .1* tor aiu-mpta at In- .urrecUoB or aaurder aaaaritersof ib.-.r ©wu l. ti.tiiy Bt their tnals. and heir |owe-i to d.fend them. Wben eonvieU-d of '.< eapital oflense t.ie npmlonof tbe Court wm to beuaaBlmowi, aml tbe executioo. whieh waa to bewilb- ,,_, the iK-miit Ofdergy, waaBtayed atlea* , ,|,U,. ,,i ..nl. r thai new evidence mlgnt ,.¦ orodac-d if poeetble. arraaaaaaioa <ar uuraaaaa. lt waxnot until early in the ei.hteelitb centun and whea the n«-K..ae* lormed a large part of tbe populatlOB that then- w, re *.v s.-rions api>rebeB8»oBi of oatbreake ., ibe whltee. DurlagGeveraorDla- vM.idi.-s tiim iin- publie iiiiinl Hpi'i-ars to bave beea partlcularly excited on this ae. .unt. ll.- bimaelf in wrlUng lohia friend, \!r K'.x tathei'ofi harlee i. Kox, aaaa tba ,_' porteotoua worda: "Wedaia bm lenture lo part wllh any ot our white mra unv dlaunoe, aa we must bave a wat< hiul ey« over our negroelavee, who are opwarda 0f ioo.OOO." A llttle later oa, apprehen- Mll,. ,,i oonbtoed aagre organiza- tl,,.,. i.r a-itn-t.-r pnrisa-ea he- bbom aaera and more Irequent, ai- ihoii"li we Iiml i." dlrect alt. tupts at r*'-ov- ering to. ir freedom or ol delsg mjury m ti, ,r laaalcare. ezeaptiag in numerous . poleoalBg. Tbe lalter, hawevcr, were nol aiwm * dureeted aajataaal the whltee, l-ni ha* nlw ne l..'U a favente mode ameng the negroea of wreaklog vengeam-e upon theta owa raoe. lt aometliBM teaea tbaalow formol what ladeecrtbedaa"tri©_- r tha more dili'-t J.lBIl of BgedaO-Bg ,ii ,iili ill on.'.'. ,,MI.M1-1.A1IN'. I.NSI BJUB. IL'V-- here an he ao doabt that aa tha nexroea InciflaeediB Bumbere, beeame battar b> lorraed and ::an W eetlaaaM their power, tbev Berloualj oonMmplated at aome time . ,,iii,i ahahlflg oaTthe ahacklM of elavery¦ . aaa how necMeary tbay were to lha wc'lrare of tbeir maatera; wltaeaeed the ac- ouraulation ol wealth aad tha IuxbtIoub . thoee Biade rloh by their labor. ii reaad there nne more InMlligent,more aelf-rellant thaa hl« fellowa, would atn- up amonglbem a feellag <.i diarontent. Iha naturall) ardaat laagaaatioa would plcture to hlmaelf and a Ibw credulou* fouewers i of enjoymentcould thej but gel rldor iheii maatera and poaaeee themMlveeol tbeir iiroperty. Wbea tli.ae empty h.>i.e» were ,'..¦,. enMrUined they graw t>y ladulgence, uatila um" would oome when Iteeemed im- uoaaible to realel lbe Mmptlngl of op hortunlty. Tbe oegro i* by aataradoolle ind affectionaw, bul al the aame time aaal- ,,,i bj paaaloa. lha tot_anl bbb> ::,.,. roused, bo laetralBl <>f raaaoa >.! ., i atande betweea hiffl aad tbe execu- ,,.,. ,,i hia Will. TbUB it waa tliat he aometime* waa betrayedlatoaoMofviolenoe ^ -aina' tbe whitea. thc folly BBd enormity ..f wbleh be had aavar aerloualy «. aidered, and wblch be alneerely regretMd after their failure. Tbe laeurractlone ulanned againal the wbiu-K were never from peraonal batrwd or the lova of killniL'. I l.e body-eervaut of a eentleman, wh" ha aevi il,"u-lii le could 'I" hia niaet.-r hann. mlgbt, under lbe olroumatafloee deeerlbed above, be ln lueed M i".n la the plaaa M murder him aud hia i.nnily. and aftarwardB .'., to the L'li'i.ei admlttina bbi folly aad re- memberlng with Maderneae thflvMamaei ,'i,8 paeaMB, M.undaiit proof extoutoabow h«w ateaa- Hy tbe vagoe bopeol gettlng rid of tbeir poaseaaing Ibemaelvfla of the f gri w among tbe bbMke. Apprehen- ai loaoB thlBBUbj cl Bera«raataramoaglhe nrhiMe altei the revolotioBof 1778 thaail i.i bad been betore. During QoeenAnne'a urne, aad, aa Bl Hfld abt vc, when Diawldd e waa (iovernor, ibere bobbm to have been conalderahle apprehenalon ob the aobject. loatancea i.urred "t outbreaka bavlng .n prevented by alavee themaelvee. ln 1710anegro belonging toBoberl Buffln,ol Burry, w.ia emanoipated and "graafod all the privllegeeol afree oltlaefl" for havlng dlaoovered a boeaptraoj BBaOOg thfl alavca ,,i thal oounti, in Moaa rn ooxaruuoiBB. raara after tbe chwe of the Bevolu- Uouary war theenUre Man- wa* from Umi io ume iii.iiii-iied l.y iiuii'ira ut' aarvile w- aurreuUon. There wm'Ioo muoh trutk in theee reporta. Tbenegroee who had arlt- hi'-.ed iin-. reataofthatetrugglehadl.-arn- el iiiin-li Ihat thev would never had known orn i,,i wbal thev bad tm n aaaa. Thej ind lound out tln*t they had I'lieiid* in other oountriee; bad aeen their fellow^lavea n- rled "fl umi llberated, and had beard of tbeir Improved i.Iltlon ftom Iboee a bo bad been forcibly returned to tbeir maetere. a racoa idi-ii "t future freedom aeeaoed to pervade Ibe iiitn. alava ooaaaBuaity. BocietywM im-ihe tim.' dieorguUed, lloeoM wm rlle amons tbe lower elaaaaa, und there was the _eher.il aenae of IrreapoMiblllti ao ooaBBMa in a oouatry followlng eloaefy afler pre> mllltary oampalgna. Al one time there wMMaroel) a quarter "f the Btate iu whleb there araa aot a toeliog of la- eecurity Ib regard to the aegro populatlon, Tb*) had b< en m en gatberlag al auaploloue of rend. xvouaj were beard talalag in a tbreatealni way, aad bad beeone ln» aolent and truculen't in their bearlag to¬ warda the whltee, The eiiimtiy wiih in a perfeoUj d. fenaeleea itate. Tha araaa dhed in tne'iaie war had beea gathered ap from .:i.-.ii- Idi aad gerrieoM to be repair- ..I uu.l atored la the aieeaala, and ihe peo» v ra toopoorto profida iheBwel.ee wtta WMpOM of any sort. Allli.ll- "OB KKLIKF. i ii,-,. .!,. um-i.uiri i aoeeala tath* . Irom differeul poini* ei .iiitii lm- i.'liil Irun this imhappy atateol tblnga were ooaetaatlv raoeived at Ihe eapital. 1ml.nl, llii-hin.md itsell aeehi.il .inuUiu--' wltb apprebeoaloB. At th.-ter? time that th renerabte Wllliam Beleon, "i Vork. wm wrlUag a letter to iheOoTerooi encloelng a "|ilot law to the aegTOM for thi' deatruetion ol the Whltee" of that tOWB, aml iiriinii.' t.i iin!. Mr. .loi.n Mareball, ln tue i.,i nn i eity, waaohllged to let the Geveraoi .ii ni thai. although Mr. New, tha i-apt.im ofthe guard, I: ul a '-tew ineii und truiis" lle nul not a"pouadol powdor orabot" laeaaa of trouMe in the towa. ll.- at tha aaaaa tiaae Informed lli* Eieellency thal acoording to ihe laleal iuformatioa aboul threa hundred - had aeaeuibl-d iu I'owbatan at an ,,i,l -,1'iiooi-heiia.i': that the nlaatallofl beed ni. n were ruanlag off, and thut ha had .iittle il'.ulit of the liilend. .1 ri.iin;" In that -..tiiity. Mr. .1. Bandolpb, alaoof Riobmoud. upon an InreaUgation ef the condllfon ofaf- r.iu. in ii.. towa, dipok.d iiiiit.r oath la in i.ti-t that in ii.ui aaaa aBuaaber of oe- aaaaaahla aear i.i* imiiKe; had ii-i'ied to tbeir talk from hi* uplifled arlndow ln the nlgbt; had heard Bome oi ibem telllng me othera that the hia.-ks kiii aii tt..' white people Boaaa Uaaa l.etw, en tln n aml the lAtb ol' Oetol-er uext. nn heii aaked why it oould aei bodneeaeeaar, thareply waataat44!! iroaldtaheaoaMtlaM t> _ei re.uly." Th.-y then proeeeded to par- ee! out aome of th.- hoaeee aaaoaa Imbs aelvea, while the chief ipeaker gave a*- *uranoa i" aoma ol hia «l.mi>tiii_: Uateaera :.\ remladlag them "bOW the hlaeks had kllled the whitea m th. Preaoh laland aml t H,k lt a lltth' Wbile _gO." NN'hlle th.-ne were ikin:; plaoe in Kuhinond. a iieniund of lha .nitiiie ol that from Vork Irom iiiuiii-iiami eoaaty, logether with odtelal oommualeatlooa freai Mattbewa an.l l.re. nmier and (in- Kaktern on ihe siiiue portentioue aub- weii- imt aii. Tha Mayor ol 1'elera.l.uiK was so impreased with "the kravlty ol tbe arlala w.at ha araad laa Q ivernor to ann Ihe tnilitiaof thal town. tour humii.d in number, at the aametime illng tbat ii iin- negroeeof Rlobmood were lo Iae aoarohad he would be pleaaed to ih- iiii.'iin.d ol ihe day ap lhal ha mi^tit pro- e.ed ui like inanuer at lYtersbiirir. Tbaaa w. ra u"t u.e "i.iy Iowm Ibrealaaad. Perte. inoiitn w..» ,.l-o in (freat alarm. lufonna- i- breeghl t" tha Ooveraor thai tmih .leii umi aad aomeatlo" aegreea were flght- KMg IhaoaMlrea Ib tba etneta ef lha thai the algbl befbre afaaaabaref -.hetii had baaa Ibaad baagiai .dead from tha iimiw* "f a eadar liaa ia lha haari oi the towa. Mr. tfillia N\ IJaon, who thus wrue* to the Ooveraor,aaaa Uiat ha o aaldprevail upon thehalBlia torweipt for tne aruis Ba li'i.*: ihat they are "in hia icar- nl, and ihat he feara f,,r iheir safety." loiti iiieiit iu rortaawath waa aoa t.n t that about this time. wda 1.1 igeea, white and Wack, aara lylog from the t>i_<_y aoaaaeaf Baa l> .iiihii.'.., aod the iiihahitatits could not wi ii toreeee what mi. ht oeeaa of thi* ad.ii- iloa to their preaeni trouble* aalaaa order werapreaarved.bytheBtate military. The lurmotl exiendid lo Nnrlo'k. Tbe inhahi- tants a|a|*-ar*-d ateaat at tue inercy af the ue.r" aaw, who, lt waa aal.l, were prepar- iitjr to hui-ii both towna, togetber wllh ibe Frenob veeeel* In the barbor. The latter^n. formatton wae glven by one wbo a.knowl- adgad bimaelf to be one ol tbe rlnitl.vi.lei-, addlnir, at the *ame time, thal thirty-foiir white inen were alao enxaged in tbe plot. lt may now t»e underatood ln what a MVer* tah atate wa* lbe puhllo mtnd at thi* Unie. Tbe aummer aud autumn of 17W5 wa* lon« roiueinbered aa ooo of tbe moat trying i>e- nodBoftbe Hute's hlatory. Wbat B fl Bl* .1 irom the evearta Jast reeariad will aaaaaf hereafter. ". [To he Concluded.) KENTUCKV WARNING. " Late one nftrrnoon in September I reach¬ ed thfl cabln of Jobn Hungerford. in a cove ol the Kentuckv mountain*. Tbe fnmilv conaiated of father, mother and three amall ehlldren, and theie weie many com fort b about the plaee. Hungerford waa an in- duatrioiiH, hard-workini; man and one of ur.- uanal Intellig-enee for a moiiDtalnoer. and the wife and ehlldren were far bI«>nc tlie average. Thev extended a right royal wel- enrac, and we had been vlalting awny for two hBBIfl wben a woman rode upon aniulc The heaat waa badly Uflwfl and wet with perapiration, and the woman muat bave come with iinuortnnt newe. WflOJ Wflflde. VfltOpfld a truit peaah.f M all the BOalhflfB mountaineera. They are pame Uiaroan. and woman. They are the cooleat DflOfBI m thfl fa>'<- of danger one ever aaw. "Howilv. .lohn?" queried the woman a* ahe drew r.in at tbe door;land aa Mr*. llun- irerford appeared Bhe added "And howdy, Marv*" . . Both BBflWflffld tbat thev were well, and John iii'i'iire.l: ..How are all you'un*. Saiah*" "Aii aiiie todi'g, thaakaa, Joha." "( orn an' tatera turnin' out WflUr*1 "K.ekonlhey be, what little we'vc :.".!. hut l.arka and roota pay latt.r. I hilliiiK' anv this fall, Mary?" "Not a hit, Sarah." "Hum n't beard from tbeni'iina. I r<ck- on»" BBflftai Hungerford, lltflf a l"nu' [.Biiae.iluiin- which the woman trnd t- ai/" bm ap. "Mehhe. Who may BB.B bar* "Stiaaglr from the No'th." .Sartin:-" .Trn eure." "Will he baak with ye (ataadtfljBflf back troubtelr*' "Haven't iiuntioned. but I reckOB." ..Well. then, they'uiiH ia coming up to- niH'bt to ]'iit BBtha lii.kory." ..llu: Who aaid it*" "Heard it at the cornera. Ifa shorc Baaaatl la gaiaa to lead Vm. ajfl ifl i" pared, .liui r*1 ..iti ckon." "And .Mary »" '.>he'iin ia prcpared." ..Well. then, Ibat'a all l've got to aav. Bope voii'U hurt they'una till iti.yll U- havfl tl'icmaelvea. QOM hv, JOBfll -*\mU\ ") . Mary." Bfla waa off with that. 1 ba.l a dim aua. j.icion of what waa meant, hut tlie OOOlBflM ef th*triopuzsled BBfl, wbea aaa waa oal ofambt I aaked: "Is it troiihle?" ..straii/.i.'' replied Hongerford aa he j.uiicn atwlg ofl a l.iish aad attat it, "l've been warncd away?" "Ilovr whv?" .look anl.a with the Oldhama acainst the llnsKitta. .iii.i thc ll.iaaelts ha>e warned BM tolenc' "An.l aa vou have refuaed to go they BM OOming t'< take yoa out and BWttch you*" "Kxacth il thfl) ain!" "And thej are ooaJag to-iught?" "I ll ¦i-t.oll." "And yon '"" "I abel be ready." Weaiit in allenaaforaBMOMBt. I looked ap at Mr*. Hungerford, bul ahe wae aew. lag awav ,ii,,l trottlBg ber foot as placldlj Mlfaanger waaal lbe otber ead oi lbe world. Tbe ehlldren eooa becaaagam. tag, aad tae bnabaad aoftly whletled aa he awitobed ihe twlg over the grouad. "Greal Beav< na! bat you take it coolly .' I exelairned, aa I BOtod everythlng. "Btrangi i." anawered Bungerwrd, aa be tlirileil Io Ilie, "1 ll.ed soinel.ody t'> bflCk wiili BM ta-alght. Tbia ain't ><>ur laefl, Voudont know thaOtdBBBM from tbe Baa- s, its. 'Deed,you may bave atayed with an Oluham laat nlgbt, Vou dOB't want to mix in, iinil \.t-" -I doii't want to kill or l.e kllled, hut can't 1 aalp you aome other wayf1 ..Vou kin. lle 'un is ail rlghttJfarr. I know he'un w.is.'' "(ilad on't." BBfl brietly raplied, BOtflVBB looking up from iier knilting. Bungerford took thc wbole matter us OOOllj .<- it H waa an nnlinan buaineaa traasaetlOB. Tbere waa oalv oaawaj ta wblchhMoabla oould !". approached. ii waa arram-ed that 1 aboeld aeerete mraelf in ihe cow-abeil on tle- OBfl liai.,1. Bfld bla wiie iu ihe BBBOke-houM "ii the otber, and al the pn.pi r uioineiit this tlaiik tii' would have itseilect. Bnngerford was tobold Ihe boaae, aad be was the oali oae \\h" »ai to aboottokill. Aa beeaid, it waaa'i mi Ium, bat it waan't buuian aatuifl to leave iiim I" Ogbl B mob aloiic. When ull BBd bflBB ai- ranged we weal la m Boaper, aad ait.r tbe meal a doabte»baxrelled aaot aaa waagol down and loaded for the wlte. Tbe huaband had his arniv moeket, which he loaded with buckabot, iind 1 had my revolvei waapon. Aeweflnlahed oar preparatlona BBd aai dowa oa Ihe door-atep the arhaj aeiy Inqulifld <>f her huBbaad: ..(,,-,ine to sh.Mit to kill, John 1' "Rei kon I oiter, he replieil. "And aaa f .. That's aeeordlag. Mahha you'ii hava to." "And the stranirer?" ..(ih, h.-'ll lire bigh." "Pai, eaa't l ekeat!" asked the eldaat, a irirl ol'ten. "-het.Tilh !" TbaooildreB weotoffioto a oorner aod reioioed thal there wMgoiog tobe *.» fouL" hut by and hy gr.-w slecpv aml wenl of Ifl bad. I'p t<> iu o'clock we lelkedof every. iblog but the eo_riof eveet, At thal bour Qungerford aaid: "Keekon it's tiuie. They'll ka BBBl bj 'levra." The wife tied a khitwl over her lm nl pieked Un und exiimincd Ihe pun, and iv.iik.doit to her atatlon with neveraword. 1 wetit over to the ahed, look the place pieked out for tne, aad ti \. mloutea later all was darkaeaa aod aileaoe. li was jn-t ahout ll tln.t 1 heard iiii. low h'lm ofvoioea aadtba footfallaefaaaa, aad bm mloutea later foiiror fhe ofthe gaagof tweiity eoOM dir.'-tiy up tothe ahed and (aaaad a^ainst n as thev laapeoted the bouae. "All aound aaleep." whiepered one. ..We are dead shore of him," addOd 1 aaaoad. "There's to be no let ap,boyaI" oauUon- 8d a thinl. "Wl liuist switcii him tili he gtrea in. nv.'m- had eaougb foollBg." ¦.NVhatof tue wile:" wliihpercd tln m-l. "Blaetherl Bbe'a m had aa bo lel Let'a .ue h.r a tarile of the gad, too!" "igiaadr Dneol" 11n in W-. nt away lo eall ii|i the crowtl. aml ui a li-w iniiiiit*.¦* nll Wttl BB> .embled. Thea l gleaaad freea their whhv para thal Joho Huagertord waa t" be whip- ped t" death, und that his w itt- B M t" re- oelvaleaa un-riitui treataaeat. They avea plaooed to ure tha bouae, and arlpe oal the wbole lainilv ront and hranch. At a siirnal all uiHariciil, and tlveor si\ men iamped agalaal thedoar. it waa barrad. rin-n a i one called: "Open, John lluii_erford' NNVvo eome for >e, and we are bouad lo have yi '." The warda wara aoewarad bt a i-iiot irom lha house, ami tueii tin- abot-BBa roaied from tha aaaoke^oeaa. i alavaled tha mua- alao.aay revolver, aad Ired *i* simt-, .ver the .>iifua.ed. lylag aroard, aad m-xt ima- lueiit all who eould t_et away were BOOe. UUBgerford eame out with a laaaara, aod hy il* light WB aaw two dead ni.n aml Ihn t wouadee. ihe wife had bIm *hot lokHl. One »f the wi.iiud.-d was past eiaeakinir. Tha other two, who wera ifraagan la tha faniily and laeluii_ed in g distant rlllage, bagged for lni-n-y aud prmniaed all sorts (.1 leloiiiiation in the futuri'. ln the inoiiiiiiL', as 1 was ready lo _" on. tiuie were three de.t.l oiil-iih- tha dOOT, and the two WOUBded were gfBBBlag with pain. The nearest doelor was iin _Uaa BW'iiT. aml I was to stopand leave word for him. As 1 lefl the house Mrs. llaii_r«-ri'.>r.l aaid: '. Thankce, strau^ei, and we wou't fur- gll 't." And the biishand aaid: '. it waaat your fues, oi <-«.ur-»-, bai what a khaiue lo have wusted all th.-iu hui- lits!" .. Oead hy, and Qod l.lca* ye!" M. tyuail. Th* li.l.i.i- of Kltlon. AHhaaghaaaaahttha lata Or. Chryaaathoa .)...in,im. a, blahopoif Kitkm, whadlad lal r- prus. did not *\>riu.\ hin life ui thecloi-.li r. lle -leioted il to the iinpioMineiit ol'el* nieiitary . 'iirmtlau education la lha ialaad. n\ iu* bai -i'imty raaoureea ha did mu-b work quleUy aud well. ln yeara ol dreaght, whaa the pei itiits, through the failure of the eropa, wererrdueed t<> tbe vergu of atarvatk ..l'apa Chrysaiith.-," as he was alleeiion- kti ly called. WM fereBMBl ill lu- ell'.it- lo alleii.iie their diKtrcs Lv di-Iiil.titin, free gifieot wheat and orgaaulag rellef funde, l naiiilllouslv elected hy Ihe people to the vaeaiitaeeof Kyrenia in M y, MBB tin- day ot hia consecration waa tbe .aeeaslon of greai rejotciug, and hia audd.-u death caiiv-d deep and univereal mourniiig. NV'heti biahop of Kyrenia h* kaiaoepieeo. pal realdence, but hired a suit of apart- tneiitk in a luonastery in tbe ocntre af bia dioaaaa for bimaelf, hi* arehdeueou, and chaplaln, and the n.-nl dome«tic iciuumy whieh he practiced eiial.led hun to devote a -otikiderahle portion of hi* inoome to tbe poor and lor educalional purpoaea..1'all- Uall Oaavce.; L1TKRARY LEAVKS. A VISII IO THE WIDOW OF LOHD BYHON. LoaflUllow'a Klnillv OBBBlflaV TBMlBB*fl> llna lloom-Mra. .I»B*rr8on llavla' I'.oofc. Diiinaa J/lla- -i.iin* Bf Ula l(«inurk*bl* flfeflfea (Mli«-r Itt-i.ia. Mra. Soiuhworili Btfj in London in the June of 1859, aud baJ the plaaaure of meotiug I.ady B/iBBa, through a BfV ter of introluctioii from Mn. Ilarriel Bec, BOfl Siowe. LilyByrou tlu n re- aiiied in a tbree-story brick houee on Bt, OaOBBjfljBj Ter raee, near licgent Park. Mra. Southwortli deacribfla her aa aruall. plurup. fair. blue-eyed. aiher-hair. ,1, aimply dreased in a black ailk gown plainly made, a ahawlof black Cbina BflflJOO, and a widjw'a Bflflj of lins black and white lace reating lightly abovo Ut* tleailvery curla. Siie walked feebly, but her manner waa bBBTwIbI. Lady Byron iuvitcd lier vieitor to luucb. The lable wa. waitcl on by two niiniatt nal-lookiiiK BBBB, butler and footman. Lady Byrou would not p.rniit her aervanta to WflOT iivery or any badgo of eervitude. Tho last, time Mra. Souiliwoiili aiw l.ndy Byron the convermitioti waa inainly about Jolin Brown. tle- new* of whose execution bad juet reached Euglaiid. Lady By¬ ron led her callt r into a back rooflB <a the {.arlor. where a box waa beii.g aaaaTod ta bbbbJ to tbi arldoM oi JohB BroWB. Tbere ou tha ftoot atood a large drj-foodaaaaa, wbile onchaira. 1.1,1, |, ataii.l-. BOd aofHi. lay piles «-f white undercl'lhing, black gowns. widow cape, bonneis, veila, ahawla. luaiille, BOOfl, pararol. fun. handker- ciiiefs--ia ihort, a miAoum coaa|>lete and abtiudant mooroiog outfit. allof the veiy bflal ti.at-iialu and make up. Ofl r ull IBflflfl piflflaOOd a fair ireiiile- wonian ol nn.lo!'- BfjO, wbom Lady By ron introiliic 'i aa her friand. Miaa Car- paiitar. "All ¦; iin-" *hii | bai baaa madeupbymv BObootVgirll BBdOl thfl diiection of Vii-a larta'tiier," tflafl Bl plaioed. Wais.u. the favorito la.lv a mai,I. waa alao iu BttOBdBBOB, Miia arp Btar, aasMted by v7atfloo, backi Bbagabox. LidyiHyron.acato. la bar rocking cbair, 1 ajikedan with Intareet. ooeaaionaliy makieg aaggeetiona aa to tba more carflfoJ bBatoaraJ of oap ot boanat ioto ita own little eapecial w oeptable. The i.mx wm aaal <»*T before nik'ht. l/nlv Byron apoke alaool tha acboola she had eetabliabed on ber. whi.-'.i tbeci.iiiii.il wera taagfal tradea as u,ii m Iba uaual elemeatary br;u cbea. Lnly Byron di.-*l in May of Ibe followlng year. Urn. Soutbworth lavrs: "In aii my IntereoarM with ibe pncCri widow. wbo, whila aba Ibred, waa tba moetiotimaie friend l bad la Eaglaad, aol a word was ever bn ni regard to tbat poet ^r bia worka. Dr. Kiiik, the life-long friend ol Ladj liv i.,n. wbom aba aent to «-ail nn taa j-: Brigbton and wb* beeama oaa ot m> moal Mteeiaed friei da, araa ool reti cent. ll- nfn-ii apoke "f ber long life of widowbood and retiremeot, de- voted to her cbild an.l graodobildren, nml to her WOeid-wida chantios. re regarding it »lmo*-t aa the life of a nfol aad martyr. Ono day he aud- .i.-niv inquired: '.'iiave yiiu tvor aeen a certoin 1 ittI tete-a-tete tea service.' aml ha dcaeribad il |0 me. "I had Dot. Ho then told BM that n was tbe lutle aervioa for two tbat Lord an.l Lady Byron bad aaad ia ihelr lete a-tvtc taaa darlag tba fir*i moathaof tbeir aaarrkd iii--- Bha lia.l a kepl it and uaed tt wbaa alon. or witb innn- vci*] *1. ar fneii.i. Il was'a r.markable circum-i- Ladv Byron'a deetiny Ibat aba wm ratedtobetbe eole lin.iti baireaa and repreeeotativM of ao leaa then foar aa cientand titled boaaaa. wboM aatetea.in lha languaga ol beraldij "had fallen to the ilntatf.' kfilbeaka, Elaroneta ol Hanablv. Trnk: Wentworth, Bai ? of Nettleford, Buffolk; Noella, Baroneta ami Loveleoe, L .rdaol Harley... Waafev iogton Star._ 1 he ail.ilnt," It.x.lU. Literny Loadon, or tba Londootbal woold like to ba literery, muat have hero, and n cbooai s n- bero, bi aet, la« rleed, a iaerj. Lut rometimea extremeli well. Tbere was a time when people iaice.i of liiilcr Haggord. That wai ratber an nniurtunoia -hoioeond tin-y have tepaatted. Now tbat contrition bm come. it aaeaaa eorlooa t" think tbal Ibe lotelleetuol people aver oould reaiiv etood long t" wateh tbe tronafor- ma.nn ..f tha pyrotecbnio Bb<." Hui tbej did; they have a ta!»!.. j L>r Iin- wl kl. [i b M well to acknowledge tbe fact before tbej forget it. Wbal tbej !or n iw is niueli nmre |0 tbeli credit. Beal life in tim In.iiit *.f to daj ia al all . v. iii- nn ra a bob aome t > c >nt< ihuti impoaalble llfe io Iba K-.r ol l know not precieely bow iiiaiii ceolu- riMOgo. TOadmire Budyard K iu just bow ao niueli iba faabioo tb it 1 aboald he aorrj t.. praiaa aay oaev judgment oa tbe atiength ol ao j admiration. TobefrBnk,oneae< a"Plaia TbIm from tbe Hilla"on teblM wbicb are unt diacrimiuaiioR. Tb. woaaen wbo aak wbere thev, can gel Badvord Kiplingt portrait lobwrve, lo paaaing, tbat be ia m rei ap ikea of withOOt lus C'lu;-lian u.nne am BOl alwaya the young womea wbo wearj epe-iuclta und caltivete opiniooa. He istlie fushi.m. All MBd bim. N"t to know inm ia to ba jrouraall un- kuowu. How fine hia work woold be, one is inolined t. mj aometioaea aver] b "iy didnl Ineiatoa prauiog bim! Tbat ia tha naere petulaocaoi Ib rary eoov/tferho mada ) dUcovi ry and i- vex.-.l becauae ha canael enjoyi Ugfat nf ii iiiniM'lf. Tbe aenMtion n wlfiab aod degraded, but itlakauiaa. Tn tiniik tbat two ot tbree yeara aalj knew of two ir three people la Baglaad who bad baard ol Meria kiii-tif! Kow I only knowof twooi thr.e people « bo bava aol n.^i i .; ber, Il iiunt a year BgO BiDC 1 bOOld fOT tln tirat lime of Kuuvard Kipiing, and -1 a his uanie fnr the lirn tuii.- in tln- kijfiia- turenf a letter abOWfl nn' by a ili-tin- guiabed liierary maa wbo baa thefho- ulty of niakiut; dJeoovagiaa. He rouscd my ci.n -ity M uiuch that [ bagaa at oama to maka Inaairfca -b.nii this uiiknnwii man with the singular name. and tln- mily niaii a lu> OOOld t.-ll me aaything aboal bim was a man a I had baaa la India. And ba h-.*l tba laapeeaaloe that the writer ol many slories tiiu^-t be Qllddle-aged Siuce tben l'uihanl Kipling haa aaade hia debot at Loadoo, aad aoaoag other ttiiu>_rt hehaa abowo the literary people tbat be is tmt middle agod. One cannol BBfely ipecabUeOB the Fatureofao yoong a writer wbo baa already ao brilliant a pa.-t. lt ia 10 ba bopadthalt menteii ,-ui-i'.--will not have too dtoaetroei a rt-Biiit. ESvary body (ezoapt vVater Psier] arriiaa too rnucb. aud thara is no donbt tha: llu l yard Kipliug will wiite too mu.ti. Uat I li.no uroug bopM that lus 0i utae whieh we ure watebiag wm. r-. bhboB nmreat.will be au upward and imt a dow nward one. .L hhIou Letter iu N.-w York S:ar. ii*i.,_. i ii*. Strange to say, Dumas hutet> wtlting He ileclaros that it is a n- tl tnrture for him to bo obligeU tn put lu* Itiojghts and opiaioaa i n paper, ami that he ii in not born a writ*r, but wnukl niueli pre- fer to have boeu a diplnmat 0C a poli- ticiau. By tbe WBJ, he believes ia fe uiale aulfrage. aiul has rec.iitlv pub¬ liahed .lii_ r...-ni.s wliy bt. thinkl wumt-n shuiil.l vntc. Th.« houae tbat Dumas nccujaies il. the aum- mer used to beltiDg to an old clia teau. One part of il ia only oue atory high, but the rear ba- tWO tl.xirs, containiag many livnu rooms bf the fiiiuily aud servauis. Tbe rooms nu Ihe grouod floor, parlor, receptiou-room, .tudy, dlning-room, ftc, do uot bave d.orfl, »>ut large windowa. opening <>n to B verauda, whi.b go all around tha |oiu*e- ln "ne of Iheee rooma hanga the arm of Madame Pieraon, one of the moetcharniing interpretere of Dumaa characterfl at tbe Theatre Francais. 1 .te rulebrated dramatist reiuaiked to her one day what a beautiful arm ahe haa, bo sho had a plaeter cast made of it aud sent it to bim. Dumaa aaya be doea not have anv P«- ticular boura f.r work, he only writea when he feals like it, and that doea not happen often. Ilowever, he managea to doa g<a.d .leal of literary work. Bfl never puta a play <>n paoer unlil be has thought it all out iu all ite details. H»' tik-.* a philoaupbioal idea aud thaa 1 ookB anound for hifl characterfl. In dramatic coinpofcition the idea is ev.ry- thing: that ia why it is never well for a dramatiat to let tho people kuow much about hia uew plav until it ia brought out. Tle main plot of a play may be tbe aame in manv. but thfl tr.atment of it renders it urlike the otherB. IJutna- writes very rapidiy when be Ofjflflj gets to work. but be eraaea a great .l.al. Hia failiwr aaid Of bim that he did not writc literature, but rauaic. for lin manuacripl is covered with linea with worda written over and under lliem. Ile wrote his celtbrated "Darne aux C.ituelliiia,' often acted in Ame.ica uuder ihe name of "Camille;'' in eight day*. when only twenty yeara old. In two weeka he |i*ii "Munaieur Alphonao ' <.n paper, and in the samo short apace of time ho wrote "Fraiicillon," which has been BaifuiUBjaJ witli so much eucceta at tbe Theatre Francaia. For tlu- r.-markable aiudy of Fremh high- Uffl l»uiu:.a rceiv. .I $1:1.000 for the right of tian-l.uion aloiie before the play waa acted, an.l he baa made much more t lan that out of it since. Hia well known and often acted "Dauie aux < inie! laa" only brought him $4,000; bat at that time" Duiua-. Bafl, waa uot aa oalebtBtad a* now. Dumas baa ma-ie a Laigfl f'.rtutie out af his playe, but all .lrsmatiata are not ao BflflflflflBBwL Ue . DOflJ ooaaady BOarly ready for the rbeoire Piaaflflua, i.ut it will not be brought out tlns IMBBOO, aa BardOOfl new play ia to be jwrformed at that theatre this B inter.. Bostou Journal. Kl*B. afitWraoll llavia' BflflBa Mr*. Jttttttoa Uivi* ha* hucnavisitor in N.w V, ik for BOBM time. reviainc. Ibaproof abaeta "f ber"alaBBoirB**of her late luiabui'l. Bbfl haa bflflfl BBBB tuit luile ui society, aafl_flOBjh Mr. Joaaph Palitaer and a few othera bava givcii eonie (hi.ii.ra 111 her hom.r. Her book. Boooto ba pabliabed, ariil eootaia a in Bfl) <>f iiHU' iiil'Tinati 'ii iilioul lo r huabatid'a BOraOBfll charaeteristi. * aud his coiiiieftioiis with the Coflfederatfl aprielBg. Mrs. Davi* makee BO elaim to literary fiaeaaa, batl am t-.id hy thoee who have aven the mami*otipt of Ihe book that alic has BtrBAg BOflMtfaaW BB exlreme iv entortaioing Darrativa. Ooaof tbe rtiag toatari i >>f thfl Look will be Bcbapterof prtvatd lattori wbiohsbe reeeived from licr husbaud when li waa leadiof tbe foroai agaioat tbe Qoiooa [tiaozpocted iimt tha book will provokfl B groat deal of criticism. When ber dutifla ba ooonactioa wun tbe pablioatioa of tba book are con cludfld Mra. Davifl will go t<> Mt x icoforthe wiotar witb bar daagbtflr, Mi-a WinoM Davia..BoatOB Joiimal. i lahlna il h_ Oaa.ranta. \t bo gnat distance from us. per- BBl B iiuaru r of a mile. a liulit Hick.r ed over the watar. Ou ooi aptaroaoh aa eoald diBtiogaiab a man ooanected with it, wbo apparentli Brfllkadofli tha dark rarfaoa. H.> was evidoatly b lish ermaa oi b ibrimper, and bii move bad all tba Btrenganeea ..f soine loog-legged aqoatie i.ird. Ha knew hi- aod, tir out. followed boom track ,,! ford, adding to lbe lonlini sa ao doea Bcraoflia a maraby Landaeapa. Thaa [aaa bim oo m *., for bfl baadad ap the rivi r to« niflg between tbe rn ,s Baddflaly ¦ baa of ligbt roaad- .d tbe coroer of the oeareat mountaio, i. h ii,,o a in .. of lire coming t"- arard as. Ab »te lh rae».loof tbe courae, and oar own againat it. oatne ,,i b nv iii aniaon. Tha 1 il nn.' bn ke into manj iii boota roahiog dowa Ui.,n u \ quiokly aa I oaa w nt.- it ibey oaaaa inflvoa Itno, wlda apart. parbapa flft] -cnoiigh for ua .. bara u|Niii wa l- ,i our movement and driftad aloug w\ h ta In ,1,e froBl "i aaeh boat, bung apon b beni p ile, blaaed b larga oraaaet i i1 * -«i m ii pine knota, making above a cioad i imi k.-. Btarred witb aparka and long di db - ol red cindars. !.> low in th< circle of »ch ligbl and on ua outar rhn Bwaaa many btrda, gloeey black aed arhite oormoi inta, Btraininaj ao at Ibe tbal beld tbem tbat tbay ap| to be draggiog the boata. Aa thoi like B f.tn b-fore tbe .laik abodow oi tbe bowfl thfl oorda wbicb faatflned tbem gliatoned or wera black in tbe ligbt Btch atring ran through th,. Bngera ol lbe master fleher ot Um telied to Iiis waist aud i at in tbe glitti ring itraw of his raia* sUin Like -i foar in-band dr<vor, ba aeemed t.. feel lu-a birda' naofle_aoti His Bngflre looeeoed or tig' i.-.i.-.l.or. bb ,y, wilh a clutch, palfad back. Tben came b r, boUiooi fiattotiag. and tlie white gllttiT of tbfl ti-h in tba beake dleappaarad.unavailing- bird waa forcibly drawa np to tne gunwalo, aad BBifad by lha neck encirclfld by us ctrini; beoriog oeilar. 'l en aaqoaege ¦awhitafaali giitt.-r.-ii ou.. si.i.i an.l was thrown back into tbe i',,. bii l BCUttied away. drop lbe wat.-r, and. flhakiag Us, li. WBfl ll work BgBia. Theyawam with neeke erect. thelr eyee apftarenU; > ag. and so indii» i. r, i,' t bbbbII roattara aa to ailow tbe bigcinderato li<- unrMiioad on Uoir ii\ ilat beads. Bai .very faw aaeoada OtM would Itoop down, then throu- i wildly with B ii-li ,, its montb. W'.eii that tish was ¦ Bmall ona it waa allowed by the mas- be iiir.l 11 r. main lo tho eaoa- Each nack gajaJad by i in.t-i, i variad ia Bombara, bat 1 Boant- ..,1 tbirteen faeteaed to thfl waiat of tbfl li-heiiiKiii ncareat to ,ih. li !-,ii l bim itood anotbei poling; then further back ajo appran uce, with ona aingie i n.l. ^aa laarning lifl le.it'.cic.i looifl I" thfl Btara Biood tha BtanamaB aaaaa] B long Kvery BMB Bb nited. aa baOU- bboo oocoarogiag a pack,,*Hoal Bool Bool''- maklng tba 11 v wboaa rhytbu va bad heard i B the tlutilla bore down up 'ii m. Ten miBUtoa, a nuartt r of an hour uioic pawfld aa ttii kapl aloogalda with nty. I tried IO ek.-tch iu lin- ii.-uilici. nt ligbt" tnakm.'some- t j ni«- one ii o| « anothar, ao oi 11 -. u.y !;nca iD trea.lier- .t. I... n lha b .!. iwortad otl aad wara drivan ta tba *hore togetber. ui ^et 10 it, in the entury. Tbfl B aWflflJ cfflil admituatration of Swltiarland ia oondactod hy an estab- .. tha 'ii.ii wbioh are traioad to till all miuor i' -.aie pri,ia"t<d to bighaff poets I tbey prov < Ibflil n.'-iit. rcceive BB I siiiill, and lilij of daBaoaMaty are :. Id to h pai !¦. ";' Btlj daB|oaiit»ad for oilice. Tb. ctvil hervice has two muke.l HOtarflO, It provlde;-rj<> for "praotieal p>liliciaun" to corruptiv deal out to their foll iwerfl aud aaso- oiatea. a.'.d it bl w onderfully econ. mical. Tha military eetablisliiiietit ot baiu- erUnd is a well-traincd, * *-II-*.<jni|,|io<l. and well-otlioi'ied militia or Natioual i/'iai.l. who are ready in caae of war to take their placea < n her frontier, the Alpa, as an aruiy of ^Ot.OOOsbarp-ahoot- ara, The lawsof Sw itxei land are now mor unif.'i'in ull OflflT il.et >>utitry thau bere- tufiie. They are lini. 1 by the l'.niia- nieiit. but r. allv real on tbe sanctiou of tbe people, Ahi.h is eilber expreaaed iu volee or impiied by silence. The chief judicial eatabliahmt'tit ia a Bupreme (.'ourt, tbe judgee of which are elected. ITMT AND PKW. NE.WS AND COlwMENTSOF INTER¬ EST TO CHURCH PEOPLE. The Voung Man of the Perlod-Hle »..'- Coinplacenry-The Damon of Ag_-«t«- cUm-Th* V«ya«e of lloubt »nd Ulacuv- *ry.Speaklna on Parable*. The young man of tbe period ia full of .loubts an*l problema and queetion- ings, and tho beliefcf his grandmoth- ,.r* and maiden aunta are but aa pap for his aoaring intellect, wbich he feola re- quires atronger victual. Hia aelf-com- plaeencv la tiattered (and the agnoati. ciam now fo faahinnahle ia largely the productof intellectual vanity) by tho notion that the old ideM, while good enough for ordinary pereona, are un- suitable for men of superior mental calibre. Hence it ia that maukind now- adaya are ever on the lookout for eome newthiugin mattora epiritual'. but aa rao«t people are incapable of conatruc- tiog a new creed on their own account, they must turn to eome other person to do it for tbem. You. my .lear sir, for whoee iuatruction and beuetit these pairea are writteu. will be that pera3on. With you it reets tosatisfv tbe -juritual cravinga and aa pirationa of an iuquiring age. With you it rcst- to miniater to the diseaae peculiar to thia nineteenthcentury, that »o called "earneatneaja" whieh, toooft**n bigotal a morbid and unhealthy ego- tism, daily furuiahea recruite to the no- ble and ever increaeing army of priga. For, as old Teufelsdrockh would bave it, "Beneiilh yitr hideoua coverlet of pinblems and doubts and earnestness an.l qaaatioalBca, what a fetaaeatiag vat of priggiam lies aimmering and hid!" Prig* in trousers galnre. aml priga, «h me, lackadav! iu petticoata too. For tbe ladiea. dear thinga, are being drawn into the vortex of ratiou- alisni and spc-ulativ.' inquiry. BoflM of tbaaa write novela mildly *ea- sniied with unbelief. aud they all read .U.tiert Elsmere, Ihe "demon of BgnOBticiam" haa invaded allaaotiooa ,,f pollte aociety, and be ia aowban more al boaaa tban iu th.'Kilded aaloous of ihe great. Nor 'loes ho uow. as t.irni'iiv. i-'iiitii"- hianeelf to tha amok- log-room an.l tbe ntlier purlieus of the inale sex.j but growlng bolder. like \ gandef in our childhood le- gead, he waadera (wbere m-ither of liiem has any bij-ii i-¦, t" liitrude) "in my lady. chambar." Hero bia horua arul lmnis bave Innn alBOB eaaa 'I to ter rify aml familiarity witb him bM bred. n..1 iMiitcinpt, bat a oonviotion tbat bo ia not i**> dlaagreeeble an hnp after aii. Timi.lly at flrtu does the fair ir.quirer aet forth 00 ber vova^e nl ilnubt and .ti-c .veiy. "Wasn't tba world reelly. tben, made in six daya*'* aba atixious- lyaaka, a olood of mvatificatioa aet- IliOgOB her brow, "Ohl but when the Bible aays 'days: it really maaaa 'Bfaa,' doa t yoa know." is tha ready aaawer t a nn- friciui of "advanced i.ieas." Thia is tbe Bral fatul atop dowa the primroee patfa wbioh leada to tbe abyaa of "lib.-rai opintooa.*1 D-tik doubte are next oaat upon tba oratorlool capa bilitiea ol Balaam'a a-s, followed pei by aach qaeriee a-* tba followlng: Don'ty. u really believe tbat Joebna made tba aaa aad aama ataad "tin in tba vail-y of tbe AjolOB?" "Oh, y.-. my .Ic-nr," replie.1 tm- ad* vanc.it lady ia beraapanoK way; "but Ibinga are all ullegorical, you kuow. Hobody, for inatooce, eowa daya, takea iha atoryofJbaah an.l tbe wbole in n llteral aenae.'1 Ami le* me here obaerve that tbia teadeneyto put a lymbolieal oonatractioa apoo per feotly plaiu and explicit paaMgaa of Msriptora ia a pbaaa of modera thougbi Of wbicb dae BOta shoul.l be taken. Tn, faiiiiiiiir procaaa of torturing worda aod entenoMoal of tbeir ob import is a blghly oon* renient one, aa 11. i ._; .* ''.»" '" tbia way be oaada aaytbing the raader plcaaoa Bymboliam. how ever itroined, i fahcinatimi for tba fcmale ui.ti i. bo-i tba u^ciK.sii.- ladiea, aa well m all other leekera after new tratha (or ¦hall we -.iv old tratha in oew lighta.l will deriva oomfort aud eooaolation r< mi tba aatooJabiag latarpretatioaa yi.ii wlll place upoa t.-xt-* whn-li eld- faabioned peopla have bitherto been t to take literally Moveover, .ymboliam, ba it rememaered, in the key-note to occultiam, and oar oew re ligion will ba ootbiog if aot oc iiilt. Tbeuaoahica] oaaooa of oon- ..truction dilTer from mont ntlier? m the fra tbej allow iba imagination, aad iu your r..ln ..f agnoatic oi('tu i--'.i-iti myatie yoa will be ahleto givejour isiw.raof Invention full i.iii. In bermetlo lileratara aad oooveraatioa ootbiog m to.be taken literally. bul ba tba Moaoia whlch a paracn ol diaoderad braia woald onder ataod it. Tberefore yoa will apeak large- Iv in porablea, lt il be objeeted at any tiin that yoa aretalking ondilated non- wincii in ladeed bighlj probablel foa oaa alwaya r.-piy, wltb R.ibin Kaimooidee, that "the gwatac thoeb- aurility nf the letter tbe .leeper tbe wiadom of tbe epirtt.".Black wood's llagaiaino. il..- t'hltie*.- ti) Itule. Lord Wolseb-y believes that the Cbi- rii-i- an- tbe OOmiOg ra.-e. ami tii it they will overrun the world the tnoment a great general or law giVBT arisesamotig them. For 30*) yeara the C'biiiese bave been rule*i by "the Bimple ruethod of haviDg all the more active. aapable, and progreaeiva heada shoru ntf by the Tarturt*." No one of more thaa ave rage inteiligeooaiia aeraaitted to exist. aod tbe government is on one side an organiged ajatem of masaacre. Wben Commipeiouer Leh was asked whetlu r u wm true that ba bad beheeded 00 00. men in tliree jeaia, his answer was: "Oh, nurely more lhan that!' Shuu <iay, however, a m-w Chii aaa Moaea will arise aml re.-ict. The people. who are quite fearleHfl, will then. Lar.l Wolseley think*. adnpt the pn fi aaioa of arine, hurl themselv.-s nn Itii--i... iiml BWOapOVer her. India, aud Iba .'iiliuent of Europe. The Bogtieb, tbe AaaarlCiana. ami tba Auatralian* will bava torallyfor adaaperatecoa- llu-t. piobably ia Western Asia. wbicb will be a veriUble battle of Arm.ged d ni. Boob propbesieeare, of course, of t-tuall practicul me; but. we agree that a very little might aet the Chioeeo rauviug, an.l that her milliona, once let . could no more be stopped than a aiream l lava. Lord Wolseley ia all for keeping on good terms with tbe Cbinese, aud an are WB* but at the same time wo do not fnr^.-t that the Koman Bmperora wbo tn»d to noanilaH lha (i tln fared no better than ihose who liitieii tbem Tha Bpeotator. "Poor Aulh*»rn" >i.« Luug.r. Tba book publishers, especially thoae hmisfr. whieh do not iisue a niagazine. ,ire not very mucb pleased at tbe nmw- iiigten.lency of flctiou writers to give tirst publication to their uovels iu serial fnrm, saya an exebange. It is exceed- niglv rare nowadaya to see novela from a wellknown pen appear tlrat in book form. The reasou is that ihe aijthor is reali_ing BBOVB and more the double rev- enue aud larger reputation to be had from double publication. Good BOVBla wiiters. whoonn add a fumoua name |o a good piece of work. are undoubte.ily -.-trie. and, with the ke»n competilinu amoDg niagasinea, the pricea have in- creaaed. Whether serial publication helps or injurea the sale of the book ia an laen question. l'ub ishora diif.-r on thia potnt. aud in its discuaaiou tbe au- tbnr uaturally takea no part. If hia bo<>k I..- popuiar. he c.iti dictat- to the publisher, aod the latter mustbow.or lo..' the novel. The time bM paaaed fnr referriog to tho "poor author.. Kxchauge. BTANTON'B AMKRICAN jennyroyal PiUsl JIuT!.!Ir-!nU^t«-!!-!T!Ti^rT!_r_»-^ B.. u.. .-..m I«| u. _u. w, ul »*«.l*ii', kan.- tm. Jj«**t.a..«ywkM.. .. a. __u. II. 1*1*. fT-J+Lu !_*__.. «*-aa. a_k*_. f_a_>_ INaXI'.AX B BTATBMBNT. AinmAt. BJTATni_aTl FOB THK FWCAL YhAK KNDINO THh |irr I.AYOK l'K« B_IBKK. IHMM.l.K llli. ACTCAL CONDITION O* Ull- ll.*j|.».\ BAKlN* lN-sl IIAM 1 COMI'A.NV, (.KidANiZKIM M'l ll IIIK I.AWSOK I'Ht, BTATB »K V . s M ( IlLMtii* MilH. To llli- AIMI'.U ."K PUBL1C AOCOUNTfl HiH IU i-. IXdatB' i wkvi ru. k vii.ui.MA.rtiuat am i...sh(;iiu>Hi'jeoA.Nui'jai,c.vUBoK ia»7, ,.av UlTlil.NU .lUKHhr'OiaB.iK INMl.llA.NCk I.UVll'A.NIrd* Nam*of ih*oomuany in full Hoht ,.«< Mabjxs laauaaacB Ooar-Awr ilou.e or i.rii.rlvsal nV* "f aaid co.r.pany -17 f-TATk ~Taa»T, UorroB, B aaa Cliaractarof th.i *ouiyai.> wtiatiiar tlrw, Br* *n«l inarlu*. or _*rlti* BBBBBBMB *o_pa- af.MABfBB, I Ta*idoiit-IU«»M II. ll -I.LBII. V |g. -I i, ai I. ia MBi'MkK ri.n.aa,' u oaa A. rVLl.au. Bfcralury-laoaAB 11 UMBU. Oraani-mi aud tu.iurporttte.l umjembku Jll. Ia73. am* ,. ,i iiimii, a»-JAJ.iAKT 00,1074. Vaiueof lliodaneriil Ageul in V irglnla-1 .Oaad_ {,. At.raiawo lt**la*nc* uf ili* (Jtfueial Aauni. li. Vlrgiula Kiiunoau. I. C.VFJTALs The amounl of aald cnpltal atock pald up ln eaah. ll.aai.iaa. M A-- lbcaaseUof aald coiupeny, and a rietalled autemwui of how an.l ln vtiat tne aaaa* are lavi Value ol real e»ut« w mal .>) Uie company. lc*8 the aruount of . nouiiit, » i tliercon. . dN 7iu 7fl Uoaaaou inmiI aml luortg .*>. oiuiy reeocded m.d bein*- flrat n«u* oo in« i.-«. etmplej upon arBBtfi not aa**** ii.aii eafl rflflfl 8 BBBMflfll ,iu«. _, IllUI. ai aeerii .! tlieieoi. d.lM *4 Account of Moaka, iion.iB i.imI rreaanrr Notaa ,.i tae niiad «uai«a . Ull* tttat* aml otUer s>l»le*. and alao of s>t.>cke .md llolida vil li. rateil ( Itlea ln thla ntate, and ol all ottier atocka and l«>ud* uw ...: | . luicly bj tue . ompauy: loial Twtal I'ar Valau. Matkai Value. Boaton (ity (i per cent hond.... 7B\0u» 00 I sd.'xai .», Uohtoii ( Ity 4 i.er c-nt. tx.n.l*.. BbvOOU <*) iM lianaor Clty bondfl. lo.iaai t*i lo. - . Koal.,11 and Albany 7 per cent. lainda ..-. 'JO.lMI <8> Jl 4O0 Uii irecon -nvrt Una bouflfl. liMBal .ai i **) ou Cblcaco, ifanaaa.aml B/aaMtaB aai fleat. u .uda.. Anjutt oo 14 s.ai,«. Kaijoi,8,8'id U *Uin 1,., ome iRiii.la. lo.aii.dl l.waiiai I'lileugo. Huriiiurton aad <*\ul uo.y 4 per cent iionda T.OUU uo .. M _)Ulavllle, Kvanav.lte, uii.l .-sl I..>ul8ll per cent. tKin.la. i.iaai .ai a.lsoiai Atchmoii, loiH-ku, an.i ist l*(i'.,| iruaiitx,n,l8. h'.iaai iai J ..,¦, MlcliUuiK rallroad 6 |>er cent. tn uda 'd'.,iaai taj 37AUO 00 WUconaiaUentral rallroadaner eenkDooda joiaana.! lv\B&oou l.l., Ltaeolu, and l. rado 5 per cent. ixmila.. lOdWOOu lo.iaai oy AfohiMoii, 'lopeka, and Bt. fe 4 per aaal bonde...... jo,.**. imi laiououu Aictilaoii. lop, ki.. an.l -t !'.. aMCflt 1 !.'. """"' Chlcaao, lliirotigion, and Wiii..ev at.sk. tti >ai ...i (MJ.Atti UU Iroii lUi.o .l atock . -d'..7.*» .81 _l,7BOau 11 iiioii f.ciflcBtueh.-. iBaOOOUO lo.iiai .ai Boaflaa aad AlBaajr aioeB. lUtOuooo ii.7uoou ii.,.t, a ..u.i idoweuetcafl. KUBjo ou lo\0uouu liiauire itnliioiid roinpunv i.rel. rr. .1 BlOCb lo.iaai .ai lo.t.ai 00 uregon Bhort Uueand Ulan Northeruatoek h.taai oo 'd,7,a..a. Miin.'lealei Mllafl al.M-k. 'dHl.taai .«. dl.,t-a) tat ioie,.,,s1 i,, aa* clty atock. baVuooou iuh Atlantic Nutional Baak. luaai UO 1 l .aai uo All..a .MUloi.al lJuiik . lo.iaai .81 I'i.OUU UU H.-veiiy Natlunal Baak . u,.ioo .ai 17_BUB0 oisMiknne Natlunal Itank. lo.iaai ial 1 l.um <ai Columbian Nuiiomii Baak. u.i**> <a. u. .jo .a. Com ei.-iai .National Bank.- .io.d.aj <ai ;h..»m»i ..ale .Nmioii.il li.nk. l...,aai ,a, .i., .ai hllot Nalloiml Hai.lv. d."...**! (8. :(.i.iaai tat r.xcli..nke Niilioiial iluiiK. luidai ia. Vi , aj '-. ni,: Np.1 onalbanh.-. lo.iaai <ai <M riisi Satlonal bank,balem. j.iaai iai /,<*** .a. i.loli.- National llank. l&.UOOOU lOsOUOUU i.rand Nuuonul llank, Miirl.leiie.cl . 1,7.81.81 3,040 00 llaillllt,,II N..I1, ,l,i<l lliink. l....aal iai 1. ,-ai,., ind.- und I.- ui.er Mattonal Bank 11.1881.8. Howard NatiouaJ Baak.:.-. lo.iaai (81 u.ibjii <ai l.lneolti Nalloiuil H.mk. Iii.ibm iki 1! I ..lurcaiiiiie Niitioiiiii Bank, taalem.7,m«h»i i' m <a. Naumkeag National Bank. H«J ui. .. lo.iaai tai ll.luu ... New inrfi.111,1 National Baak. i;,,iaai .*» 2* Norta .Nattoaal Bank. ;y;ua» 00 7,w.r .a. Old Boetoa National Baak. lO^JUO 00 n iaiUr,,:.,l Nattoanl Hdnk, 1 uwell. .> >**. <»' UepubllcNational Baak. IBdTJUOOU -. " .». Kevere NalMnal Bank..... .-...(aai .ai M,7IB)i*j Natrenal Hauk. lo.iaai iai BMle National Bank. -do.iaai .?» i.,,***,m >uit Ik National Bank. .... 10,1a o .a. UdBJUOU Kremont National bauk. 10,000 <ai 11 .».. ,-, Mercnandlee National bauk. J6.000 OU i.,.,.a..-. iler.ii.uits National Bank. o.a. .a> ji*i'»i atercnaoU'National Bank, . IgBaoOO rotul |, ir und market value, rarne.1 out al irnnrktt value.1003,000 00 MB4^4B o \ i._o_e Aniount of Btaeka, li"ii,l*. an,l all <.tin>r aecuritleB (exeapt Mortfai 1.U. ,1 io 111. « ,,iiii»iu> as .'ol,,»l«ia: aecarltl loi .ia'i uctUdll) 18- hue.i bj tbe Company, with the par aad Market vbmmol th* aame, aad BM amounl loened ua TotBl lot*.! Aliio.llit I'ar Value. Market Value LOBBfld lliaiaoa aoo aharea Toledo, Kl l_aJa, aad I Kanaaa Clty KallruadCo.I 30,00000 l u,.8*i <a. 00 anara* -an Dtego tand and 11 1 i..»*i .*> lown Oo. l,.-.i8).ai 1,360 001 lTOhlmiea .ion i,;iii»i> '. ,. 17..88)0O 11,000 OU ;,t an ,i,s 1 leeinaii* National / Itunk. T.'KK) 00 ia.| -.188. iai 10 aliiies I'la-iiioui National BaDk. ItaNi.ai ..i.8t) .17 bonda i"i., si l... aod _u . City Kallroad Co. lat, 87,000 00 -i7,;io(8i 2SJJjOO 00 38 abare* Commerclal Natlon l H.mk. avaoooo ¦''»» tfiOO00 I'.till au. 1 iHUUtll IU11- r.ai.i. preferred. i;,.8hi (*» -«. <»i ¦25 1.011,in loi, -si. 1. ai.,1 Kanaaa Clty Rallroad lat,. 35,(aa* iai Xi,5oo (8j 30.000 00 .">o Btaarea Commerclal Saiional Baak 8,000 00 fi.iaai .8. t 0000 1- 1,,1 bt. I... and Kanaaa llly Ratlioad, lat. 8,000 00 .',,!.?. iai AJOQO .«¦ 800 bliart-a lol.i. I.une l oinpany ho.iaa, 00 4o..8 00 J-"...8iO <ai 1217.1*8100 iiaa,T3a3B iiaajjoooo Oaah belonglna tothe compunv dep. rnk): ComnM Nation il Bank, liohtoii; National Bank u tba Kepublle, -New Vork; Dm- r. a .nl Me.-li;,nli'»' .Miliooiil Bank, I'-iilniiiore; liarliiK Ur- . j. v iae and accrued on kUx-kk nul Ineluded in market tatm llle iill.l l.eelUi',1 ,111 eoll I.--I..I l ..III*. 1 11.1'.- rreminma in aourae .-i eolleetlon noi more than three montba Uua and oUier nu ni account*. . BUia r.-. eivai I-, not matur .!. laaan im marlneand Iniand ii*k*,.. Tht grou a*mm»\l of oll the amtte/tkt . . -_ si i irjft oi III. l.IAlill.IMI.S The iiabtllttaa >>t iaid eomi IlUB tor ii'ljilsl. d itlid uiij.iii.1 lus*.'* .lm- Bnd to uer-oiue din- . U.O-17 BM Oroia loaain iii pmr.i** iti sdJuBtiueut, oi ln auapanae, Ineludlna l.olli ,| i.llll *ll(.|M»>e,l |o*se* lli. J Uoaaei leeUUal, im-liniiiig luterea ¦ - ihereou . 4..*a. ... ea. i lanoeooo loiiii un.iiriieiinremtumi . uw l. ij .m.i net »uri ui. *«. l. loint - ,.._. I,.*hi,ii n nn -Drplui... y. mi capuai aod all othei abllitb *. anl of nli llablliilea, ihi-ludin* pald»ap eapital *ti«*a aad aet Burpiua..¦ .I ''.u.i'Ji.'. oi IV. IM '.Vli. li,,-in,-.- .ninonydorlaglhapreeedlngtwalvaBBonthe,and from Wiint bouree dt-ri ,. i: ami laland Itlaha. iforpremlnma . . ii..'ini,iu5 5-i only I-iii-'ir.iin .-, rebate, abotemeui, aad t Ul ll |.leil)lllli)»... 90 n*i .¦..«'. aetii'tiiy reeelved h.r premloma .I I llllln iill.l il ole. n '.. IVi-'l .nillliu Ihe w ,| (Ol |,reliil!llli» tuipald . U.1..I Ki.e. ived I... iiitei- -i.. honda and morlgagea. SUUM K.-i-.'iv.-.l foriuiereai and dlvidenda on honda,eallateral toaaa, nu.I fioin ini oti,ei bo icei . I Ineonie reeelved ir..ni ml oiber aoureeB. ^..te :i:.i..imi oi l i.--iiie u. tu.ill.v rn-i Ived duririK Ihe year I 1,'J \. \l'l NMUKl-S. ihe expendltui tnpany, glvlnga detaOed aaleoMat "i lha miui: 'ti Mitrine and lalai 4 Kiaha WroH* iirno'inr iiNu.iliv |:iil forlosscs, Iiu-IuiIIiik llhT.UIt* n i.if... ;e.-\ .¦..)>. M-ui*. ii.. K>,aoti aa lae.luei i.ii amoanta actually reeelved for*aivag< (whetb-i on oi .: prevlou* yeaia), 147,730.80 and ainduntknetually reeelved fo< re-lnanranee ln other eona- 77 19, i'oial .!. dueiions. IB6£09 18 \.- i.ioiuit p.l 'liiiiie.- tln >.i '.nl WB 86 Divi.U'o uckln.lder*(amonatoi atoekholden dlvldei . I'i.ll, 'Mlilll.t; ll.' >...: lou .- I'lllll l.'l ColllUllKbli.il- "I' h.J IM f>J I'al.i tor h.tl.iii.¦». i. s uu.l uii ii.hei obargee >.i | oi» »iel ull otherempl r. 41,171 4tt Paid t"i atate, natluual and kwul taxea In thla aud il io . All other paymanta and expendltarea rla.: Kent*. Advertlalnc, and aii i>ih*r Olll-e l.l-l il|,'elle> eXLel,..». l.l,l. | AggraaateBBBoaotol anfnaliipenaiartnriagIhn yaar. I i.it».i»ii i: lt. II H III |-i.*ll.nt. THOMAB 11. I...IU'. -.or, ury -i mi i rra iM. CrrvAiroCooaTTorBoeroa, >.h..ik oi btt (^ Ha lt remembered thal ontbe !Md day of January, taoO. at tha iltr e/breeald. b tor* Ki., iu.,1. N-.-i., i-on, a Notary l*u_lic In aaid <i t^>. .luiy aommlBatonad an.l qoaliBed by Ibe t,- sutborltv, and nnder ih law* .-i rto- Hlate wl Maaaaohuaeiia lo i.ike .«-k.ioar>-dge- iiient ot .lei'ls. _.-. lo I,.- ..-. ,| ,,i n e r.h'.l tli.-n llu, per* ... >i| appeal .i llansoiii li.r-uller. I'reBnIeiil, iiml 1 Ie iiniH 11. I orl M.-i.'iiirv »l ih. BoetOfl Mmine liiauirie* r.uupaiiy. ..! Boaton,wiio, b. w .wuru. depoae and bm. aad aaeh n.r himaaU aajra, tii»t ihey »- . ie*,-i!o,-.| offleera or Uie aaid t'oiiiuany, and tbat Ibe foregolnglB a irae aid enmet kt.it. in.m ,1 the ueiniil eoiiiliiloh of s-ild .rgaiilaalioii ,.u Ihe taat iluy of ,ta ftBral yaal wit: the :tl-t .i .-I Deeember, 1880, BOOoriling to the beat oftbelT mionuallou. kuowiedg* umi bellef, reape*'! ;v.-iy. ~n~~. ln t ktlmonv whereol, i have hereonto »*t ray han.i ami ,t;tix*.i ihe ***m ,.r m% -i vi. oitn-e, on tbe'23d .lay ol Jauaary, MBB, I_ rllBKMAX M'Kl.l'..-'>N. Notaiy IMhll*. THOMAS L. ALFRIEND, GENERAL AGT, 1203 E. M m St Richmond. Va THE JOHN H. McGOWAN COMPANY, MASlfACTfKaK:) OF -'i'Kam. hand aad fOWJOB PCMPa, f.ACOO MAC-tfPgatTi I'l-lMiiKiih ..v.-. ard -u.a:' hi ih.it-. BirmJ-B, ii'-"N an.l IJUJ) Kfl wim BlItlMBI 1425 East Main, Riohmon*4 va. NEW AND ELEGANT FURNITURE. AMitjii: am» si\ti:i:n rn < i:nti icv WtTLMM, KXAM1NK OUR CiKEAT VAKIVTY A^U 9V.T PRK r*. m. \?v. iiaiiwood eb sow. LaaaVeeaaaa] Oovornor aatro-'t _u ii. JLiioiiTi^ocrr, btiOK.F. AND DKALKR IN VlHhINIA l,KA_ AND KKMI i KT HKL..I OFKICS: TOBACCO BXCHAMOE BULLDINO. 8AM1I RS OP KVKflY UUADB 81NT UN APPLICAT1UN. BACR PACKAf-dt. Ak IWBB'a PPTllllMiall r. j. rrnifi *-¦. Qajnana* R. 11. B03HIVS SUNS, MAMKACU'ltl il'« t>K- Finc Carria^cs, Vicioiias, Bttggies, I'hactons, &c U-|.wlrlug and lUistinliu done lu ihe tieal manner. 1ft aoulh Muth .treei. au 14-eod-ly. UMb-ioud,\ *

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1890-12-07/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · SLAVKRY IN YIKC-IMA. HISTORY OF iHK INSTITUflON FROMINCt»>TION. Tb* »'lr*l >r|n..i

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1890-12-07/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · SLAVKRY IN YIKC-IMA. HISTORY OF iHK INSTITUflON FROMINCt»>TION. Tb* »'lr*l >r|n..i



Tb* »'lr*l >r|n..i l.xn.l, d by A.ilde-1.

Baw lha irxl ..) Blav*r> Hailawa R«-

j.MHy oi ll»«.rov.lli I. ar* of lmurree-

H..1. Itlrl.ii.ornl Alarmed.

Itla verv will known Ihat nofrro alayeewere ftrst lntr.sluoe.1 int" I truuiia .8 lhayear MMi M msny |.Bla ara umler :i

miaapprebensiim aaaahovrthtaeaia.Wbenever tbe faet la asserted Ihe iutereii'-e

naturally followa tbal Ihe bar.l-hearted and

avarfoioua Kngliah adu'titurer had n

aaeaattaaaaieai aft. raaaaa afIheea iaaaoent*. who bad already laeen mad*- captlve*

by tbeir own raee and beld (<t '>»rt *

tbe vthlte ti.-id. rn wl,.. Brigbt b« rui-.ingaiomr the eeaeta <-f vTeeeen Aiaearohof human enr^-^'s. Thla was imt ai

all the fa.-i la ragaid 10 lha Iral aettiere oVir-inia. ll abould be rernembered lhal ll

wa* ouiv tblrteeu yeara aft.r ihe lan.laineatown that ..-*.-k|hm« urn

into tl)i* e.-lonv. The ooloulat* had no Umeto be aendln*' after Atrn .... ala*.would it proh.ti.lv ha\e ."..-r entered theirininds Ua ha-..- done a-a had not Ibe B-groee!*ent.rou_hi to ihe -Umee rlver l.y other*.li wm wiih great dUfcultj ihat tbej eeuiath.-n maintain tbemaalvea Ib the mld*l oi

the aarerttlee aml trials to wbleh ibej were

na will Tbeli Irel objeel wae ie gei a

flnu f.aatinn in the eountry. Ihiahavlntfbi-en aeeompliahed, it wmil^ baiume enouirh i- begie mm adventoree or

uvexperiim-ni- ln their new and uncerl ui

mlsle ofufe. Tb* Uutch Uadera, wbo bav.ihe .re.lii e. I.i :-' ' . .' '"- '"";the oolony.it i* sanl.tlid not r.-ally iBtenflenierine thewaten "f Vlrglnia,bai were

driven in between tbeoapeeol iie beea-.,.«*,. byetorm) ireather. Not that theywere laaBaeal af lha alara trade, bj boliiaan* for they were on their wayZ me' Burfcets ef lha areel ladlali-iatida lo aail Ibeae very . «

to the Baaaiaa ptaatera wb. n Uforoed to tin.l hji1.iv in Jamea riitbe i*ale*outa.i.le. Sor ar. Ibey tobeeon-Bidertd res'M.n-ii'i. i baving aold nagroeitothe Vlrglnia plantera. Tbe oondlth-n ul

Ibeeolonv ut thal lune ilnl not rei'..miii'i..lit aa a mgrket h.r hlau-. Und thla I."otherwise, lt would nol have been i

thatla te.ni>'"' shoolddlreottheir Iradlon*hi|ia t*a a pori conatden d ravorable to lhalppeultartrartie. .belrvlgilant and adten-turotia ownera would have aooo made thiidlacovery lor tliemseUes. llu fa.-t,1a, tb*planters were tbemeelvea reaponaible foithe lnlro*ln.-ti..i. Ol Alri.-an adavcry InhViririnia. md knowlng at the Ume Wbalthev were dotng.

riK.si im aoButaa"» aaoaoi i

Vlhenil was aririounced that BTSBBelWlthnegroesnn board for sale had ancbored in tbelower waurenf theJaaaea, Iwo orthreegen.tlenien went unaolieit. .1. umi "f their own

vrtiN, to hupeot iu.. newlj arTived N.»

*el and it* eaffo. lt i* probable tl" v

were Braaapted m inii'h hy curloalty a

udeaira lor Kain. They were well aware,bowever, thut mri" alaTe lab >r wa* pmlit-ahie in tl..- W< »i i.idia lelaada, owned byth* -pat.iards, and they Wl re on ihis a.-

eoant ladaoed t>. try Uie eiperlmeal la \ ir-giBis. lleiiee it ia said they parchaaad .'

few. Tbeeultivatioii ot tobeoeo WM Joaltheu becoeitag bh important feature ol(-nlouial prodoction, aml il WMthoughltt,e.e nativea <>i a tropleal cliutat*1 would I

peculiarlv uaeful in Ibe growlng of tbi*valuai'le ataple. NV haU .er may have be* n

lha inniixsoi ihe eotoalets, Ibeir experi-toaat, althouah abundantly auoeesBfulto them ui <t ti.eir Imuicdiat.has provisl in theae BM d> ra *!»»>» a dlialuland aaabated calamlty,

It ie a iiotK-eal.l. lael thal ll waa tluriexiaeet.il im an» that thBWbltM BBd t'.u.ii-

ly BBtabliab-d a auooeMf-l footloa on tb.Bherasof VhrglBla, and thal it vn. alaoi.ywbat is i-_.li. d an accident that tbeir futureBaaaelalaa ef the tdaek raee alterwarda ba.aaaaa ao Imaertanl a pen ofthi iraoolal amin«t 'iial autonomy. When ChriatopheiNewport lefl tbe mouth of the Thameetolaetare tbe ootoay oa the eborea of NortriCarolina a| tempeel drorn his llttl.not into the BBV* B where he woiihl Iae. buiinto tbe vet unkiioiMi wateraof lhaju-ai..'. aiul sowheu the eruel llaver wa*

aeuddlBB alonK hia atniater w_i t iwardathemarkets ar tbe Carrlbean aea lluapropltioua galethat tnrned ibeprowol¦de ahip to other aod atraagei ahoraa.


From this sniull bag-Boiag Ihe *-

raeehegaa la *7_rglala. Thej doool appearlobavegreaUi Increaaed lu numbera al BraLl-'rom 011 t" laa. only aboul three nuo«»lred Inul tieeii imi'orted, itnil iu Lhl follow-iliKtwentV *,ve:tr-. it* late M the iear 1*17'liot more Ihan two or three ahlnadOOda ba.tlieen lanaiiKht iuiotln.i"nv. what an op-uorluiiitv in the ineantime had U en lOBlHow eaally tha lana ol all our future weeainiKht bave i.i.i -.ii deatroyed oouWaome pn-pheie re have ;., n. 11ai.-tl the la«evitahle future!'At tbe heglBBlBf of ihe alghteeath oeatury

ihe negro ninvea m \ Lrgiola had roMhedthaaaaahar "f tweatr thtee theuaaad, aadwara rapidly overtakiai the relaUve lo-. i. aea ofthe white [...pulatieu. The eauec«1 tbls was ebielly due to the BBUBUBltoreign deuiund lor kupi'lie* from tbeeoionj. hii f anioii-ih'-e w,i.' tobaceo aml ablp-alores. 1 Miritu-- lha greal oontlnentalware, whieh euuie so utar ezhaueUngthe eoffera of Queea Anne'a tiea--lirv, the forme- h:ul Ise.'lile iin ImportOOlfactor in BMlataialug the national eredlt,whlle lha ri'val navv a.nl uierehant inai nn

were proporiionateiv benedted by the latter,Theae reault* had the eth-i i of iBcnlha deiuaml loi kIi.mb i.t agrleultural |.ur-l>o*ea. Cin-at Buaabera arere oow importedunder the aanctlon of the bome Uovern.inent. aud Ihe d* -.re for galD aUmulated bjthe euooesa ot the irade.

raOOTI BBI. riiAii ii I.

Tht' trallic BBBBl baflt hflBB v.ry proiltablealao to thc Goverament, Au Incldenl oe-oorrlfll in 1601 Uluatratfle tlie vlgilaacewith >vhich ihe odkere of Ihe cuatotnaguarded atfiiinst violutions of ihe impoataiaw». A*hi|>ciilleil ihe »Brtetol"appeared«.ff ihe BaaBBn Baaew with a eargoofae-icniea an.l "eli-i'iiiiits-teeth." Thfl ovraeraofthe veaael and car^'o had taken the m.uhlelo lafll ,,ut that Ihe iiian-ot-war iisualU«rui»iug along tbat Oflflafl] araa BOl BaflOOflilutv. and tberefore ventured near tlie hhorewhere was a irood Btflflfl Bfl laiuliuir tii*Mlave* and Ivary. HavtageflBployed belp lnaMaat inin, the etavaa arefe aafaly landed.rnfortunatcly for the 0WB«ra a sioriu cameBBB, llie alilp v\aa wrecked. Tlie collivioi<>i ibe distnei, < aatala Caae, appeared eathe ground, bcUc.i the \.ss,i. .1. w aad.arajfli aai tha tataw helag BaMMd totbeI'rown, was sold l.y him a..rdinirt" iaw.The cliiel |Kirt ot eutrv wun then at Tort.

Duwfriott, Wiilkerum, and Uaaptoa ha+lthelr ahare of the flflflfloial coiuniercf, hutthe BJjarOBaBM <<l tbe ancunt city. at UMgetc of one "f the lineat harla.ra iu taeworld, had KOtMfl Ihe start of thelr rivals oliheoihcr toeraa. Taay did a ahnvlng buei-Bflflfl in IBB alave-trmle'. BflOM Of thein be>came aiyaflM la ihe irMtUe. 1 h, 11 hadleamed t"o!,s*n. tbe <liri, i> uec In lh* n,

irroe* Bflfld <d bj their trienda aad oustoni-er* rroinibi- lnterior. rYota theee they badfound out that BflgTO Vouths li'oiu ceit.un

jiarUollhe Dart I'onlinciit uiaile bettei..h.nda," aad weefl tberefore more valua-tle. A naliv. ,1 \\ istern AaTMB, lor 111

ataaee, uauaiiv i>i<>ui:iit thlrty pound*;wherwaa a Jdadagaacur Bflgro alwayaooui'Udtided at lcaat ten poBBO*more. Ijara" tort.me* were inade hy¦an; of the b**t people aboat thla u.aud U> deal in huin.iu tle*h was oeaiuo more at TBflBBBl WB_ BOflfl" 111 rals iinil.xM-lal .undiiurthaa waa tae traBJo in hemp,*>r in heartay or toi.a,-.->.. 1 mt. r ibe<aj trade aud Ihfl BBMrprMB Ol KpoUflWh» 111 tlie Ui.ai'tline had I. ¦<¦ ii.e l.ic'.neii-anWioveruor. the ootonj iraa uu.l proal«ered. If ahoul the UflMOl hia u<lo lK.wcr'.hc aUi»» 111 ll".- OeaflOJ auioiiutedlo nearlv tlurl> il.i,u»alid. wl.at .1:

ihlnk wii.11 it ia fonad that before lltun waa baif over they had increaaed lol#.,Oi>or Hut it i* not our purpoae to givehere a biatory af ihfl Haveneeted wiih tlu- VaTglala OOMay. Wh.illiaa been here aaid ia rather aa an liitrodu.Mry.


_a *oou aa the BBOJN bad U-com, an Bfl..*-_!>t part of ih.- eflaflfllal jpoptdatloa, itwa* lound neceaaarv lo ealal.liab hy Btfltfllelaw tne ifltatiaae la vaiali he atood to u..wbile*, holh a* a alave an t aa a tree man.Tbe preaence of two »u.-h ...lOereflt ra.es 111

tbe eattie comuiuiuty rc.jir. <sl thla, lt was<le_ainl.il h] tbe ci. UliOflfl olTbe alave waa to ta- |> .st-il an well a*

governed, and Hfl BBt*. i of aoeicty de-anaudod that bafl BrBwtflfl ahould Ibrevet heallowed the prtvllegeol leiclalalin* lor thegaodoflKith. I'bu l«in_ tbe neeeaaity <>ftb* ca*e, lbe tlrat Btflflfl laken b] ihe latt.iWere U> provide for their own aalelv BJterowing around ihe BSgffl the restramtaueceaaary lo hia proleetion aa a de-peudant and alave. At ibe U-kIbuIuktae latter had BeVflf uiauifevted anyloaiihordiuatiou. True, thay aare thaa u»la Biimhera. lu all the troua*a with thelodiana thc Bflgroea never appear lo bav.jolned them, or made an> ahotr of ooaaplr-Jag witb the lormer for ib.- deflUuetioB ofthe wbitta. Tbe aav*Kta did not iik- iheD««i<>e*; regardii'K tbctn a* ttn iiiy theiriBMriere; aa they do eveu at Una day. Tnieajjav aocouat for tha faet that ttierr waa uo 1

bond of aymi.athv l*tw*eB the two raeea to

SrhSawmutaal fiUaet II would have been

te deetroy tae wblte*.


There Baaaa a time at la»t when pre-aitii.narv l.-.Nlation h«d 10 ba alopted. Aa

earlv aa 1«»«> lawa were pa»iet provldln*aealaatthe ahaaaaa ol aegraM conapirmgBialMI th.-ir maaters. and il.«reelng he

, «t nunlabmeni for any attempt in tuat

direi lion. I ln v wele BOt |w-ru»it_*«l. foi Bfr

ample, iu aaaamble In aaaahera oagar tea¦iretext holdlng feaatt, »r upon hunal oo-

,.H,.. , Hllowed to earry habitu-aiiv "eiui.*. Btadaa, -iine. **_ord* *;r anyotMrvreaMBofdaaaaMaor ot*aee; oould. leave the plaatattoa oe grounde «.itbeirowaera without vrrituo iierHiiesinndet.i m*lt,ecauH.'ol il..-,r ..i.wti.i-andtbe leugtb oftime Ib. v ibould be gone.Nomaalor conW penall tha.lave of hia

nclghhorto remalnoa his plantatmn more

tban loui houra, exeepl under afaolal and,M',ui,ai elroumataaoM. ln caae of any.,..... ,,f theae and other aoaotaeBta.IBTM were ¦...l.h.hed bj rrtnpee ..Well

laved "ii." hut rarely exceeding thirtvla-l.es. lu the tr. .1* tor aiu-mpta at In-.urrecUoB or aaurder aaaaritersof ib.-.r ©wu

l. ti.tiiy Bt their tnals. and heir|owe-i to d.fend them.

Wben eonvieU-d of '.< eapital oflense t.ie

npmlonof tbe Court wm to beuaaBlmowi,aml tbe executioo. whieh waa to bewilb-,,_, the iK-miit Ofdergy, waaBtayed atlea*

, ,|,U,. ,,i ..nl. r thai new evidence mlgnt,.¦ orodac-d if poeetble.

arraaaaaaioa <ar uuraaaaa.lt waxnot until early in the ei.hteelitb

centun and whea the n«-K..ae* lormed a

large part of tbe populatlOB that then- w, re

*.v s.-rions api>rebeB8»oBi of oatbreake., ibe whltee. DurlagGeveraorDla-

vM.idi.-s tiim iin- publie iiiiinl Hpi'i-ars tobave beea partlcularly excited on this ae.

.unt. ll.- bimaelf in wrlUng lohia friend,\!r K'.x tathei'ofi harlee i. Kox, aaaa tba

,_' porteotoua worda: "Wedaia bm

lenture lo part wllh any ot our white mraunv dlaunoe, aa we must bave a wat< hiul

ey« over our negroelavee, who are opwarda0f ioo.OOO." A llttle later oa, apprehen-Mll,. ,,i oonbtoed aagre organiza-tl,,.,. i.r a-itn-t.-r pnrisa-ea he-bbom aaera and more Irequent, ai-

ihoii"li we Iiml i." dlrect alt. tupts at r*'-ov-

ering to. ir freedom or ol delsg mjury mti, ,r laaalcare. ezeaptiag in numerous

. poleoalBg. Tbe lalter, hawevcr,were nol aiwm * dureeted aajataaal the whltee,l-ni ha* nlw ne l..'U a favente modeameng the negroea of wreaklog vengeam-eupon theta owa raoe. lt aometliBM teaeatbaalow formol what ladeecrtbedaa"tri©_-

r tha more dili'-t J.lBIl of BgedaO-Bg,ii ,iili ill on.'.'.

,,MI.M1-1.A1IN'. I.NSI BJUB. IL'V--

here an he ao doabt that aa tha nexroeaInciflaeediB Bumbere, beeame battar b>lorraed and i» ::an W eetlaaaM their power,tbev Berloualj oonMmplated at aome time. ,,iii,i ahahlflg oaTthe ahacklM of elavery¦

. aaa how necMeary tbay were to lhawc'lrare of tbeir maatera; wltaeaeed the ac-

ouraulation ol wealth aad tha IuxbtIoub. thoee Biade rloh by their labor.

ii reaad there nne more InMlligent,moreaelf-rellant thaa hl« fellowa, would atn- upamonglbem a feellag <.i diarontent. Ihanaturall) ardaat laagaaatioa would plctureto hlmaelf and a Ibw credulou* fouewers

i of enjoymentcould thej but gel rldoriheii maatera and poaaeee themMlveeol tbeiriiroperty. Wbea tli.ae empty h.>i.e» were

,'..¦,. enMrUined they graw t>y ladulgence,uatila um" would oome when Iteeemed im-uoaaible to realel lbe Mmptlngl of ophortunlty. Tbe oegro i* by aataradoolleind affectionaw, bul al the aame time aaal-

,,,i bj paaaloa. lha tot_anl bbb>::,.,. roused, bo laetralBl <>f raaaoa >.!

., i atande betweea hiffl aad tbe execu-,,.,. ,,i hia Will. TbUB it waa tliat heaometime* waa betrayedlatoaoMofviolenoe^ -aina' tbe whitea. thc folly BBd enormity..f wbleh be had aavar aerloualy «.

aidered, and wblch be alneerely regretMdafter their failure. Tbe laeurractloneulanned againal the wbiu-K were never fromperaonal batrwd or the lova of killniL'. I l.e

body-eervaut of a eentleman, wh" haaevi il,"u-lii le could 'I" hia niaet.-r hann.mlgbt, under lbe olroumatafloee deeerlbedabove, be ln lueed M i".n la the plaaa Mmurder him aud hia i.nnily. and aftarwardB.'., to the L'li'i.ei admlttina bbi folly aad re-

memberlng with Maderneae thflvMamaei,'i,8 paeaMB,

M.undaiit proof extoutoabow h«w ateaa-Hy tbe vagoe bopeol gettlng rid of tbeir

poaseaaing Ibemaelvfla of thef gri w among tbe bbMke. Apprehen-

ai loaoB thlBBUbj cl Bera«raataramoaglhenrhiMe altei the revolotioBof 1778 thaaili.i bad been betore. During QoeenAnne'a

urne, aad, aa Bl Hfld abt vc, when Diawldd e

waa (iovernor, ibere bobbm to have beenconalderahle apprehenalon ob the aobject.loatancea i.urred "t outbreaka bavlng.n prevented by alavee themaelvee. ln1710anegro belonging toBoberl Buffln,olBurry, w.ia emanoipated and "graafod allthe privllegeeol afree oltlaefl" for havlngdlaoovered a boeaptraoj BBaOOg thfl alavca,,i thal oounti,

in Moaa rn ooxaruuoiBB.raara after tbe chwe of the Bevolu-

Uouary war theenUre Man- wa* from Umiio ume iii.iiii-iied l.y iiuii'ira ut' aarvile w-

aurreuUon. There wm'Ioo muoh trutk intheee reporta. Tbenegroee who had arlt-hi'-.ed iin-. reataofthatetrugglehadl.-arn-el iiiin-li Ihat thev would never had knownorn i,,i wbal thev bad tm n aaaa. Thejind lound out tln*t they had I'lieiid* in otheroountriee; bad aeen their fellow^lavea n-

rled "fl umi llberated, and had beard of tbeirImproved i.Iltlon ftom Iboee a bo bad beenforcibly returned to tbeir maetere. a racoaidi-ii "t future freedom aeeaoed to pervadeIbe iiitn. alava ooaaaBuaity. BocietywMim-ihe tim.' dieorguUed, lloeoM wm rlleamons tbe lower elaaaaa, und there was the_eher.il aenae of IrreapoMiblllti ao ooaBBMain a oouatry followlng eloaefy afler pre>

mllltary oampalgna. Al one timethere wMMaroel) a quarter "f the Btateiu whleb there araa aot a toeliog of la-eecurity Ib regard to the aegro populatlon,Tb*) had b< en m en gatberlag al auaploloue

of rend. xvouaj were beard talalagin a tbreatealni way, aad bad beeone ln»aolent and truculen't in their bearlag to¬warda the whltee, The eiiimtiy wiih in a

perfeoUj d. fenaeleea itate. Tha araaa dhedin tne'iaie war had beea gathered ap from

.:i.-.ii- Idi aad gerrieoM to be repair-..I uu.l atored la the aieeaala, and ihe peo»

v ra toopoorto profida iheBwel.ee wttaWMpOM of any sort.

Allli.ll- "OB KKLIKF.

i ii,-,. .!,. um-i.uiri i aoeeala tath*. Irom differeul poini* ei

.iiitii lm- i.'liil Irun this imhappyatateol tblnga were ooaetaatlv raoeived atIhe eapital. 1ml.nl, llii-hin.md itsell aeehi.il.inuUiu--' wltb apprebeoaloB. At th.-ter?time that th renerabte Wllliam Beleon, "i

Vork. wm wrlUag a letter to iheOoTerooiencloelng a "|ilot law to the aegTOM for thi'deatruetion ol the Whltee" of that tOWB, amliiriinii.' t.i iin!. Mr. .loi.n Mareball, ln tuei.,i nn i eity, waaohllged to let the Geveraoi.ii ni thai. although Mr. New, tha i-apt.imofthe guard, I: ul a '-tew ineii und truiis" llenul not a"pouadol powdor orabot" laeaaaoftrouMe in the towa. ll.- at tha aaaaa tiaaeInformed lli* Eieellency thal acoording toihe laleal iuformatioa aboul threa hundred

- had aeaeuibl-d iu I'owbatan at an

,,i,l -,1'iiooi-heiia.i': that the nlaatallofl beedni. n were ruanlag off, and thut ha had.iittle il'.ulit of the liilend. .1 ri.iin;" In that-..tiiity. Mr. .1. Bandolpb, alaoof Riobmoud.upon an InreaUgation ef the condllfon ofaf-r.iu. in ii.. towa, dipok.d iiiiit.r oath lain i.ti-t that in ii.ui aaaa aBuaaber of oe-

aaaaaahla aear i.i* imiiKe; hadii-i'ied to tbeir talk from hi* uplifledarlndow ln the nlgbt; had heard Bome oiibem telllng me othera that the hia.-ks

kiii aii tt..' white people Boaaa Uaaal.etw, en tln n aml the lAtb ol' Oetol-er uext.nn heii aaked why it oould aei bodneeaeeaar,thareply waataat44!! iroaldtaheaoaMtlaMt> _ei re.uly." Th.-y then proeeeded to par-ee! out aome of th.- hoaeee aaaoaa Imbsaelvea, while the chief ipeaker gave a*-*uranoa i" aoma ol hia «l.mi>tiii_: Uateaera:.\ remladlag them "bOW the hlaeks hadkllled the whitea m th. Preaoh laland amlt H,k lt a lltth' Wbile _gO." NN'hlle th.-ne

were ikin:; plaoe in Kuhinond. a

iieniund of lha .nitiiie ol that from VorkIrom iiiuiii-iiami eoaaty, logether

with odtelal oommualeatlooa freai Mattbewaan.l l.re. nmier and (in- Kaktern

on ihe siiiue portentioue aub-weii- imt aii. Tha Mayor

ol 1'elera.l.uiK was so impreased with "thekravlty ol tbe arlala w.at ha araad laaQ ivernor to ann Ihe tnilitiaof thal town.tour humii.d in number, at the aametime

illng tbat ii iin- negroeeof Rlobmoodwere lo Iae aoarohad he would be pleaaed toih- iiii.'iin.d ol ihe day ap lhal ha mi^tit pro-e.ed ui like inanuer at lYtersbiirir. Tbaaaw. ra u"t u.e "i.iy Iowm Ibrealaaad. Perte.inoiitn w..» ,.l-o in (freat alarm. lufonna-

i- breeghl t" tha Ooveraor thai tmih.leii umi aad aomeatlo" aegreea were flght-

KMg IhaoaMlrea Ib tba etneta ef lhathai the algbl befbre afaaaabaref

-.hetii had baaa Ibaad baagiai .dead fromtha iimiw* "f a eadar liaa ia lha haarioi the towa. Mr. tfillia N\ IJaon, whothus wrue* to the Ooveraor,aaaa Uiat hao aaldprevail upon thehalBlia torweipt fortne aruis Ba li'i.*: ihat they are "in hia icar-nl, and ihat he feara f,,r iheir safety."

loiti iiieiit iu rortaawath waa aoat.n t that about this time.

wda 1.1 igeea, white and Wack,aara lylog from the t>i_<_y aoaaaeaf Baal> .iiihii.'.., aod the iiihahitatits could notwi ii toreeee what mi. ht oeeaa of thi* ad.ii-iloa to their preaeni trouble* aalaaa orderwerapreaarved.bytheBtate military. Thelurmotl exiendid lo Nnrlo'k. Tbe inhahi-tants a|a|*-ar*-d ateaat at tue inercy af theue.r" aaw, who, lt waa aal.l, were prepar-iitjr to hui-ii both towna, togetber wllh ibe

Frenob veeeel* In the barbor. The latter^n.formatton wae glven by one wbo a.knowl-adgad bimaelf to be one ol tbe rlnitl.vi.lei-,addlnir, at the *ame time, thal thirty-foiirwhite inen were alao enxaged in tbe plot.lt may now t»e underatood ln what a MVer*tah atate wa* lbe puhllo mtnd at thi* Unie.Tbe aummer aud autumn of 17W5 wa* lon«roiueinbered aa ooo of tbe moat trying i>e-nodBoftbe Hute's hlatory. Wbat B fl Bl* .1irom the evearta Jast reeariad will aaaaafhereafter. ".

[To he Concluded.)


Late one nftrrnoon in September I reach¬ed thfl cabln of Jobn Hungerford. in a cove

ol the Kentuckv mountain*. Tbe fnmilvconaiated of father, mother and three amallehlldren, and theie weie many com fort babout the plaee. Hungerford waa an in-duatrioiiH, hard-workini; man and one of ur.-

uanal Intellig-enee for a moiiDtalnoer. andthe wife and ehlldren were far bI«>nc tlie

average. Thev extended a right royal wel-enrac, and we had been vlalting awny fortwo hBBIfl wben a woman rode upon aniulcThe heaat waa badly Uflwfl and wet withperapiration, and the woman muat bavecome with iinuortnnt newe. WflOJ Wflflde.VfltOpfld a truit peaah.f M all the BOalhflfBmountaineera. They are pame Uiaroan.and woman. They are the cooleat DflOfBI mthfl fa>'<- of danger one ever aaw."Howilv. .lohn?" queried the woman a*

ahe drew r.in at tbe door;land aa Mr*. llun-irerford appeared Bhe added "And howdy,Marv*" .


Both BBflWflffld tbat thev were well, andJohn iii'i'iire.l:..How are all you'un*. Saiah*""Aii aiiie todi'g, thaakaa, Joha.""( orn an' tatera turnin' out WflUr*1"K.ekonlhey be, what little we'vc :.".!.

hut l.arka and roota pay latt.r. I hilliiiK'anv this fall, Mary?""Not a hit, Sarah.""Hum n't beard from tbeni'iina. I r<ck-

on»" BBflftai Hungerford, lltflf a l"nu'[.Biiae.iluiin- which the woman trnd t-

ai/" bm ap."Mehhe. Who may BB.B bar*"Stiaaglr from the No'th.".Sartin:-".Trn eure.""Will he baak with ye (ataadtfljBflf back

troubtelr*'"Haven't iiuntioned. but I reckOB."..Well. then, they'uiiH ia coming up to-

niH'bt to ]'iit BBtha lii.kory."..llu: Who aaid it*""Heard it at the cornera. Ifa shorc

Baaaatl la gaiaa to lead Vm. ajfl ifl i"pared, .liui r*1

..iti ckon.""And .Mary »"

'.>he'iin ia prcpared."..Well. then, Ibat'a all l've got to aav.

Bope voii'U hurt they'una till iti.yll U-

havfl tl'icmaelvea. QOM hv, JOBfll -*\mU\ ") .

Mary."Bfla waa off with that. 1 ba.l a dim aua.

j.icion of what waa meant, hut tlie OOOlBflMef th*triopuzsled BBfl, wbea aaa waa oalofambt I aaked:

"Is it troiihle?"..straii/.i.'' replied Hongerford aa he

j.uiicn atwlg ofl a l.iish aad attat it, "l'vebeen warncd away?"

"Ilovr whv?".look anl.a with the Oldhama acainst the

llnsKitta. .iii.i thc ll.iaaelts ha>e warned BMtolenc'"An.l aa vou have refuaed to go they BM

OOming t'< take yoa out and BWttch you*""Kxacth il thfl) ain!""And thej are ooaJag to-iught?""I ll ¦i-t.oll.""And yon '""

"I abel be ready."Weaiit in allenaaforaBMOMBt. I looked

ap at Mr*. Hungerford, bul ahe wae aew.lag awav ,ii,,l trottlBg ber foot as placldljMlfaanger waaal lbe otber ead oi lbeworld. Tbe ehlldren eooa becaaagam.tag, aad tae bnabaad aoftly whletled aa heawitobed ihe twlg over the grouad."Greal Beav< na! bat you take it coolly .'

I exelairned, aa I BOtod everythlng."Btrangi i." anawered Bungerwrd, aa be

tlirileil Io Ilie, "1 ll.ed soinel.ody t'> bflCkwiili BM ta-alght. Tbia ain't ><>ur laefl,Voudont know thaOtdBBBM from tbe Baa-s, its. 'Deed,you may bave atayed with anOluham laat nlgbt, Vou dOB't want to mixin, iinil \.t-"

-I doii't want to kill or l.e kllled, hutcan't 1 aalp you aome other wayf1

..Vou kin. lle 'un is ail rlghttJfarr. Iknow he'un w.is.''"(ilad on't." BBfl brietly raplied, BOtflVBB

looking up from iier knilting.Bungerford took thc wbole matter us

OOOllj .<- it H waa an nnlinan buaineaatraasaetlOB. Tbere waa oalv oaawaj tawblchhMoabla oould !". approached. iiwaa arram-ed that 1 aboeld aeerete mraelfin ihe cow-abeil on tle- OBfl liai.,1. Bfld blawiie iu ihe BBBOke-houM "ii the otber, andal the pn.pi r uioineiit this tlaiik tii' wouldhave itseilect. Bnngerford was tobold Iheboaae, aad be was the oali oae \\h" »ai toaboottokill. Aa beeaid, it waaa'i mi Ium,bat it waan't buuian aatuifl to leave iiim I"

Ogbl B mob aloiic. When ull BBd bflBB ai-

ranged we weal la m Boaper, aad ait.r tbemeal a doabte»baxrelled aaot aaa waagoldown and loaded for the wlte. Tbe huabandhad his arniv moeket, which he loaded withbuckabot, iind 1 had my revolveiwaapon. Aeweflnlahed oar preparatlonaBBd aai dowa oa Ihe door-atep the arhaj

aeiy Inqulifld <>f her huBbaad:..(,,-,ine to sh.Mit to kill, John 1'"Rei kon I oiter, he replieil."And aaa f.. That's aeeordlag. Mahha you'ii hava

to.""And the stranirer?"..(ih, h.-'ll lire bigh.""Pai, eaa't l ekeat!" asked the eldaat, a

irirl ol'ten."-het.Tilh !"TbaooildreB weotoffioto a oorner aod

reioioed thal there wMgoiog tobe *.» fouL"hut by and hy gr.-w slecpv aml wenl of Iflbad. I'p t<> iu o'clock we lelkedof every.iblog but the eo_riof eveet, At thal bourQungerford aaid:"Keekon it's tiuie. They'll ka BBBl bj

'levra."The wife tied a khitwl over her lm nl

pieked Un und exiimincd Ihe pun, andiv.iik.doit to her atatlon with neveraword.1 wetit over to the ahed, look the placepieked out for tne, aad ti \. mloutea later allwas darkaeaa aod aileaoe. li was jn-tahout ll tln.t 1 heard iiii. low h'lm ofvoioeaaadtba footfallaefaaaa, aad bm mloutealater foiiror fhe ofthe gaagof tweiity eoOMdir.'-tiy up tothe ahed and (aaaad a^ainst nas thev laapeoted the bouae."All aound aaleep." whiepered one...We are dead shore of him," addOd 1

aaaoad."There's to be no let ap,boyaI" oauUon-

8d a thinl. "Wl liuist switcii him tili hegtrea in. nv.'m- had eaougb foollBg."¦.NVhatof tue wile:" wliihpercd tln m-l."Blaetherl Bbe'a m had aa bo lel Let'a

.ue h.r a tarile of the gad, too!""igiaadrDneol" 11n in W-. nt away lo eall ii|i the

crowtl. aml ui a li-w iniiiiit*.¦* nll Wttl BB>.embled. Thea l gleaaad freea their whhvpara thal Joho Huagertord waa t" be whip-ped t" death, und that his w itt- B M t" re-

oelvaleaa un-riitui treataaeat. They aveaplaooed to ure tha bouae, and arlpe oal thewbole lainilv ront and hranch. At a siirnalall uiHariciil, and tlveor si\ men iampedagalaal thedoar. it waa barrad. rin-n ai one called:"Open, John lluii_erford' NNVvo eome

for >e, and we are bouad lo have yi '."The warda wara aoewarad bt a i-iiot irom

lha house, ami tueii tin- abot-BBa roaiedfrom tha aaaoke^oeaa. i alavaled tha mua-alao.aay revolver, aad Ired *i* simt-, .ver

the .>iifua.ed. lylag aroard, aad m-xt ima-lueiit all who eould t_et away were BOOe.UUBgerford eame out with a laaaara, aodhy il* light WB aaw two dead ni.n aml Ihn twouadee. ihe wife had bIm *hot lokHl.One »f the wi.iiud.-d was past eiaeakinir.Tha other two, who wera ifraagan la thafaniily and laeluii_ed in g distant rlllage,bagged for lni-n-y aud prmniaed all sorts (.1leloiiiiation in the futuri'.

ln the inoiiiiiiL', as 1 was ready lo _" on.tiuie were three de.t.l oiil-iih- tha dOOT,and the two WOUBded were gfBBBlag withpain. The nearest doelor was iin _UaaBW'iiT. aml I was to stopand leave word forhim. As 1 lefl the house Mrs. llaii_r«-ri'.>r.laaid:

'.Thankce, strau^ei, and we wou't fur-gll 't."And the biishand aaid:'. it waaat your fues, oi <-«.ur-»-, bai

what a khaiue lo have wusted all th.-iu hui-lits!"

.. Oead hy, and Qod l.lca* ye!" M. tyuail.

Th* li.l.i.i- of Kltlon.

AHhaaghaaaaahttha lata Or. Chryaaathoa.)...in,im. a, blahopoif Kitkm, whadlad lal r-prus. did not *\>riu.\ hin life ui thecloi-.li r. lle-leioted il to the iinpioMineiit ol'el* nieiitary. 'iirmtlau education la lha ialaad. n\ iu* bai-i'imty raaoureea ha did mu-b work quleUyaud well. ln yeara ol dreaght, whaa thepei itiits, through the failure of the eropa,wererrdueed t<> tbe vergu of atarvatk..l'apa Chrysaiith.-," as he was alleeiion-kti ly called. WM fereBMBl ill lu- ell'.it- loalleii.iie their diKtrcs Lv di-Iiil.titin, freegifieot wheat and orgaaulag rellef funde,

l naiiilllouslv elected hy Ihe people to thevaeaiitaeeof Kyrenia in M y, MBB tin-day ot hia consecration waa tbe .aeeaslon ofgreai rejotciug, and hia audd.-u deathcaiiv-d deep and univereal mourniiig.NV'heti biahop of Kyrenia h* kaiaoepieeo.pal realdence, but hired a suit of apart-tneiitk in a luonastery in tbe ocntre af biadioaaaa for bimaelf, hi* arehdeueou, andchaplaln, and the n.-nl dome«tic iciuumywhieh he practiced eiial.led hun to devote a-otikiderahle portion of hi* inoome to tbepoor and lor educalional purpoaea..1'all-Uall Oaavce.;



LoaflUllow'a Klnillv OBBBlflaV TBMlBB*fl>llna lloom-Mra. .I»B*rr8on llavla' I'.oofc.

Diiinaa J/lla- -i.iin* Bf Ula l(«inurk*bl*

flfeflfea (Mli«-r Itt-i.ia.

Mra. Soiuhworili Btfj in London inthe June of 1859, aud baJ the plaaaureof meotiug I.ady B/iBBa, through a BfVter of introluctioii from Mn. IlarrielBec, BOfl Siowe. LilyByrou tlu n re-

aiiied in a tbree-story brick houee on

Bt, OaOBBjfljBj Terraee, near licgent Park.Mra. Southwortli deacribfla her aa aruall.plurup. fair. blue-eyed. aiher-hair. ,1,

aimply dreased in a black ailk gownplainly made, a ahawlof black CbinaBflflJOO, and a widjw'a Bflflj of lins blackand white lace reating lightly abovo Ut*tleailvery curla. Siie walked feebly,but her manner waa bBBTwIbI.Lady Byron iuvitcd lier vieitor to

luucb. The lable wa. waitcl on bytwo niiniatt nal-lookiiiK BBBB, butlerand footman. Lady Byrou would not

p.rniit her aervanta to WflOT iivery or

any badgo of eervitude. Tho last, timeMra. Souiliwoiili aiw l.ndy Byron theconvermitioti waa inainly about JolinBrown. tle- new* of whose executionbad juet reached Euglaiid. Lady By¬ron led her callt r into a back rooflB <a

the {.arlor. where a box waa beii.gaaaaTod ta bbbbJ to tbi arldoM oi JohBBroWB. Tbere ou tha ftoot atood a

large drj-foodaaaaa, wbile onchaira.1.1,1, |, ataii.l-. BOd aofHi. lay piles «-fwhite undercl'lhing, black gowns.widow cape, bonneis, veila, ahawla.luaiille, BOOfl, pararol. fun. handker-ciiiefs--ia ihort, a miAoum coaa|>leteand abtiudant mooroiog outfit. allofthe veiy bflal ti.at-iialu and make up.Ofl r ull IBflflfl piflflaOOd a fair ireiiile-

wonian ol nn.lo!'- BfjO, wbom Lady Byron introiliic 'i aa her friand. Miaa Car-

paiitar. "All ¦; iin-" *hii | bai baaamadeupbymv BObootVgirll BBdOl thfldiiection of Vii-a larta'tiier," tflafl Bl

plaioed. Wais.u. the favorito la.lv a

mai,I. waa alao iu BttOBdBBOB, Miiaarp Btar, aasMted by v7atfloo, backi

Bbagabox. LidyiHyron.acato. la barrocking cbair, 1 ajikedan with Intareet.ooeaaionaliy makieg aaggeetiona aa to

tba more carflfoJ bBatoaraJ of oap otboanat ioto ita own little eapecial woeptable.The i.mx wm aaal <»*T before nik'ht.

l/nlv Byron apoke alaool tha acboolashe had eetabliabed on ber.whi.-'.i tbeci.iiiii.il wera taagfal tradeaas u,ii m Iba uaual elemeatarybr;u cbea. Lnly Byron di.-*l in May ofIbe followlng year. Urn. Soutbworthlavrs: "In aii my IntereoarM with ibepncCri widow. wbo, whila aba Ibred,waa tba moetiotimaie friend l bad laEaglaad, aol a word was ever bnni regard to tbat poet ^r bia worka. Dr.Kiiik, the life-long friend ol Ladjliv i.,n. wbom aba aent to «-ail nn taa j-:

Brigbton and wb* beeama oaa ot m>moal Mteeiaed friei da, araa ool reticent. ll- nfn-ii apoke "f ber longlife of widowbood and retiremeot, de-voted to her cbild an.l graodobildren,nml to her WOeid-wida chantios. re

regarding it »lmo*-t aa the life of a

nfol aad martyr. Ono day he aud-.i.-niv inquired:'.'iiave yiiu tvor aeen a certoin 1 ittItete-a-tete tea service.' aml ha dcaeribadil |0 me."I had Dot. Ho then told BM that n

was tbe lutle aervioa for two tbat Lordan.l Lady Byron bad aaad ia ihelr letea-tvtc taaa darlag tba fir*i moathaoftbeir aaarrkd iii--- Bha lia.l a

kepl it and uaed tt wbaa alon. or witbinnn- vci*] *1. ar fneii.i.

Il was'a r.markable circum-i-Ladv Byron'a deetiny Ibat aba wmratedtobetbe eole lin.iti baireaa andrepreeeotativM of ao leaa then foar aacientand titled boaaaa. wboM aatetea.inlha languaga ol beraldij "had fallen tothe ilntatf.' kfilbeaka, Elaroneta olHanablv. Trnk: Wentworth, Bai ?

of Nettleford, Buffolk; Noella, Baronetaami Loveleoe, L .rdaol Harley...Waafeviogton Star._

1 he ail.ilnt," It.x.lU.

Literny Loadon, or tba Londootbalwoold like to ba literery, muat havehero, and n cbooai s n- bero, bi aet, la«rleed, a iaerj. Lut rometimea extremeliwell. Tbere was a time when peopleiaice.i of liiilcr Haggord. That wai

ratber an nniurtunoia -hoioeond tin-yhave tepaatted. Now tbat contrition bmcome. it aaeaaa eorlooa t" think tbal Ibelotelleetuol people aver oouldreaiiv etood long t" wateh tbe tronafor-ma.nn ..f tha pyrotecbnio Bb<." Huitbej did; they have a ta!»!.. j L>r Iin-wl kl.

[i bM well to acknowledge tbe factbefore tbej forget it. Wbal tbej!or n iw is niueli nmre |0 tbeli credit.Beal life in tim In.iiit *.f to daj ia al all. v. iii- nn ra a bob aome t > c >nt<ihuti impoaalble llfe io Iba K-.r ol lknow not precieely bow iiiaiii ceolu-riMOgo. TOadmire Budyard Kiu just bow ao niueli iba faabioo tb it 1aboald he aorrj t.. praiaa aay oaev

judgment oa tbe atiength ol ao jadmiration. TobefrBnk,oneae< a"PlaiaTbIm from tbe Hilla"on teblM wbicbare unt diacrimiuaiioR. Tb.woaaen wbo aak wbere thev, can gelBadvord Kiplingt portrait lobwrve, lopaaaing, tbat be ia m rei ap ikea ofwithOOt lus C'lu;-lian u.nne am BOlalwaya the young womea wbo wearjepe-iuclta und caltivete opiniooa.He istlie fushi.m. All MBd bim. N"t

to know inm ia to ba jrouraall un-

kuowu. How fine hia work woold be,one is inolined t. mj aometioaeaaver] b "iy didnl Ineiatoa prauiog bim!Tbat ia tha naere petulaocaoi Ibrary eoov/tferho mada ) dUcovi ry and i-vex.-.l becauae ha canael enjoyiUgfat nf ii iiiniM'lf. Tbe aenMtion n

wlfiab aod degraded, but itlakauiaa.Tn tiniik tbat two ot tbree yearaaalj knew of two ir three people laBaglaad who bad baard ol Meriakiii-tif! Kow I only knowof twooithr.e people « bo bava aol n.^i i .; ber,Il iiunt a year BgO BiDC 1 bOOld fOT tlntirat lime of Kuuvard Kipiing, and -1 ahis uanie fnr the lirn tuii.- in tln- kijfiia-turenf a letter abOWfl nn' by a ili-tin-guiabed liierary maa wbo baa thefho-ulty of niakiut; dJeoovagiaa.He rouscd my ci.n -ity M uiuch that

[ bagaa at oama to maka Inaairfca -b.niithis uiiknnwii man with the singularname. and tln- mily niaii a lu> OOOld t.-llme aaything aboal bim was a man a Ihad baaa la India. And ba h-.*l tbalaapeeaaloe that the writer olmany slories tiiu^-t be Qllddle-agedSiuce tben l'uihanl Kipling haa aaadehia debot at Loadoo, aad aoaoag otherttiiu>_rt hehaa abowo the literary peopletbat be is tmt middle agod.One cannol BBfely ipecabUeOB the

Fatureofao yoong a writer wbo baaalready ao brilliant a pa.-t. lt ia 10 babopadthalt menteii ,-ui-i'.--will nothave too dtoaetroei a rt-Biiit. ESvarybody (ezoapt vVater Psier] arriiaa toornucb. aud thara is no donbt tha: llu l

yard Kipliug will wiite too mu.ti. UatI li.no uroug bopM that lus 0i utae

whieh we ure watebiag wm. r-. bhboBnmreat.will be au upward and imt a

dow nward one..L hhIou Letter iu N.-wYork S:ar.

ii*i.,_. i ii*.

Strange to say, Dumas hutet> wtltingHe ileclaros that it is a n- tl tnrture forhim to bo obligeU tn put lu* Itiojghtsand opiaioaa i n paper, ami that he ii in

not born a writ*r, but wnukl niueli pre-fer to have boeu a diplnmat 0C a poli-ticiau. By tbe WBJ, he believes ia feuiale aulfrage. aiul has rec.iitlv pub¬liahed .lii_ r...-ni.s wliy bt. thinklwumt-n shuiil.l vntc. Th.« houaetbat Dumas nccujaies il. the aum-mer used to beltiDg to an old cliateau. One part of il ia only oue

atory high, but the rear ba- tWO tl.xirs,containiag many livnu rooms bf thefiiiuily aud servauis. Tbe rooms nu Ihegrouod floor, parlor, receptiou-room,.tudy, dlning-room, ftc, do uot bave

d.orfl, »>ut large windowa. opening <>n

to B verauda, whi.b go all around tha|oiu*e- ln "ne of Iheee rooma hangathe arm of Madame Pieraon, one of themoetcharniing interpretere of Dumaacharacterfl at tbe Theatre Francais.1 .te rulebrated dramatist reiuaiked toher one day what a beautiful arm ahehaa, bo sho had a plaeter cast made of itaud sent it to bim.Dumaa aaya be doea not have anv P«-

ticular boura f.r work, he only writeawhen he feals like it, and that doea not

happen often. Ilowever, he manageato doa g<a.d .leal of literary work. Bflnever puta a play <>n paoer unlil be has

thought it all out iu all ite details. H»'tik-.* a philoaupbioal idea aud thaa1ookB anound for hifl characterfl. Indramatic coinpofcition the idea is ev.ry-thing: that ia why it is never well for a

dramatiat to let tho people kuow muchabout hia uew plav until it ia broughtout. Tle main plot of a play may betbe aame in manv. but thfl tr.atment ofit renders it urlike the otherB. IJutna-writes very rapidiy when be Ofjflflj getsto work. but be eraaea a great .l.al.Hia failiwr aaid Of bim that he did

not writc literature, but rauaic. for linmanuacripl is covered with linea withworda written over and under lliem.Ile wrote his celtbrated "Darne aux

C.ituelliiia,' often acted in Ame.icauuder ihe name of "Camille;'' in eightday*. when only twenty yeara old. Intwo weeka he |i*ii "Munaieur Alphonao '

<.n paper, and in the samo short apaceof time ho wrote "Fraiicillon," whichhas been BaifuiUBjaJ witli so mucheucceta at tbe Theatre Francaia. Fortlu- r.-markable aiudy of Fremh high-Uffl l»uiu:.a rceiv. .I $1:1.000 for theright of tian-l.uion aloiie before theplay waa acted, an.l he baa made muchmore t lan that out of it since. Hia wellknown and often acted "Dauie aux

< inie! laa" only brought him $4,000;bat at that time" Duiua-. Bafl, waa uot aa

oalebtBtad a* now. Dumas baa ma-iea Laigfl f'.rtutie out af his playe, but all.lrsmatiata are not ao BflflflflflBBwL Ue

. DOflJ ooaaady BOarly ready for therbeoire Piaaflflua, i.ut it will not bebrought out tlns IMBBOO, aa BardOOflnew play ia to be jwrformed at thattheatre this B inter..Bostou Journal.

Kl*B. afitWraoll llavia' BflflBaMr*. Jttttttoa Uivi* ha* hucnavisitor

in N.w V, ik for BOBM time. reviainc.Ibaproof abaeta "f ber"alaBBoirB**ofher late luiabui'l. Bbfl haa bflflfl BBBBtuit luile ui society, aafl_flOBjh Mr.Joaaph Palitaer and a few othera bavagivcii eonie (hi.ii.ra 111 her hom.r. Herbook. Boooto ba pabliabed, ariil eootaiaa in Bfl) <>f iiHU' iiil'Tinati 'ii iilioul lo r

huabatid'a BOraOBfll charaeteristi. *

aud his coiiiieftioiis with theCoflfederatfl aprielBg. Mrs. Davi*makee BO elaim to literaryfiaeaaa, batl am t-.id hy thoee whohave aven the mami*otipt of Ihe bookthat alic has BtrBAg BOflMtfaaW BB exlremeiv entortaioing Darrativa. Ooaof tbe

rtiag toatari i >>f thfl Look will beBcbapterof prtvatd lattori wbiohsbereeeived from licr husbaud when liwaa leadiof tbe foroai agaioat tbeQoiooa [tiaozpocted iimt tha bookwill provokfl B groat deal of criticism.When ber dutifla ba ooonactioa wuntbe pablioatioa of tba book are con

cludfld Mra. Davifl will go t<> Mt x

icoforthe wiotar witb bar daagbtflr,Mi-a WinoM Davia..BoatOB Joiimal.

i lahlna il h_ Oaa.ranta.\t bo gnat distance from us. per-

BBl B iiuaru r of a mile. a liulit Hick.red over the watar. Ou ooi aptaroaohaa eoald diBtiogaiab a man ooanectedwith it, wbo apparentli Brfllkadofli thadark rarfaoa. H.> was evidoatly b lishermaa oi b ibrimper, and bii move

bad all tba Btrenganeea ..f soine

loog-legged aqoatie i.ird. Ha knew hi-aod, tir out. followed boom track

,,! ford, adding to lbe lonlini sa ao doeaBcraoflia a maraby Landaeapa. Thaa[aaa bim oo m *., for bfl baadad apthe rivi r to« niflg between tbern ,s Baddflaly ¦ baa of ligbt roaad-.d tbe coroer of the oeareat mountaio,

i. h ii,,o a in .. of lire coming t"-

arard as. Ab »te lh rae».loof tbecourae, and oar own againat it. oatne

,,i b nv iii aniaon. Tha1 il nn.' bn ke into manj iii

boota roahiog dowaUi.,n u \ quiokly aa I oaa w nt.-it ibey oaaaa inflvoa Itno, wlda apart.parbapa flft] -cnoiigh for ua

.. bara u|Niii wa l-

,i our movement and driftad alougw\ h ta

In ,1,e froBl "i aaeh boat, bung aponb beni p ile, blaaed b larga oraaaet i i 1 * -«im ii pine knota, making above a cioad

i imi k.-. Btarred witb aparka and longdi db - ol red cindars. !.> low in th<circle of »ch ligbl and on ua outar rhnBwaaa many btrda, gloeey black aedarhite oormoi inta, Btraininaj ao at Ibe

tbal beld tbem tbat tbay ap|to be draggiog the boata. Aa thoi

like B f.tn b-fore tbe .laikabodow oi tbe bowfl thfl oorda wbicbfaatflned tbem gliatoned or wera blackin tbe ligbt Btch atring ran throughth,. Bngera ol lbe master fleher ot Um

telied to Iiis waist audi at in tbe glitti ring itraw of his raia*sUin Like -i foar in-band dr<vor, baaeemed t.. feel lu-a birda' naofle_aotiHis Bngflre looeeoed or tig' i.-.i.-.l.or. bb

,y, wilh a clutch, palfad back.Tben came b r, boUiooi fiattotiag.and tlie white gllttiT of tbfl ti-hin tba beake dleappaarad.unavailing-

bird waa forcibly drawa np totne gunwalo, aad BBifad by lha neckencirclfld by us ctrini; beoriog oeilar.

'l en aaqoaege ¦awhitafaali giitt.-r.-iiou.. si.i.i an.l was thrown back into tbe

i',,. bii l BCUttied away. droplbe wat.-r, and. flhakiag

Us, li. WBfl ll work BgBia. Theyawamwith neeke erect. thelr eyee apftarenU;> ag. and so indii»

i. r, i,' t bbbbII roattara aa to ailow tbebigcinderato li<- unrMiioad on Uoirii\ ilat beads. Bai .very faw aaeoada

OtM would Itoop down, then throu-i wildly with B ii-li

,, its montb. W'.eii that tish was

¦ Bmall ona it waa allowed by the mas-

be iiir.l 11 r. main lo tho eaoa-Each nack gajaJad by i

in.t-i, i variad ia Bombara, bat 1 Boant-..,1 tbirteen faeteaed to thfl waiatof tbfl li-heiiiKiii ncareat to,ih. li !-,ii l bim itood anotbeipoling; then further back ajo appranuce, with ona aingie i n.l. ^aa laarning

lifl le.it'.cic.i looifl I" thflBtara Biood tha BtanamaB aaaaa] B long

Kvery BMB Bb nited. aa baOU-bboo oocoarogiag a pack,,*Hoal BoolBool''- maklng tba 11 v wboaa rhytbuva bad heard i B the tlutilla boredown up 'ii m.Ten miBUtoa, a nuartt r of an hour

uioic pawfld aa ttii kapl aloogalda withnty. I tried IO ek.-tch

iu lin- ii.-uilici. nt ligbt" tnakm.'some-t j ni«- one ii o| « anothar, ao

oi 11 -. u.y !;nca iD trea.lier-.t. I... n lha b .!. iwortad otl

aad wara drivan ta tba *hore togetber.ui ^et 10 it, in the


Tbfl B aWflflJ cfflil admituatration ofSwltiarland ia oondactod hy an estab-

.. tha 'ii.ii

wbioh are traioad to till all miuori' -.aie pri,ia"t<d to bighaff poets

I tbey prov < Ibflil n.'-iit. rcceiveBB I siiiill, and

lilij of daBaoaMaty are:. Id to h pai !¦. ";' Btlj daB|oaiit»ad foroilice. Tb. ctvil hervice has twomuke.l HOtarflO, It provlde;-rj<>for "praotieal p>liliciaun" to corruptivdeal out to their foll iwerfl aud aaso-

oiatea. a.'.d it bl w onderfully econ. mical.Tha military eetablisliiiietit ot baiu-

erUnd is a well-traincd, * *-II-*.<jni|,|io<l.and well-otlioi'ied militia or Natiouali/'iai.l. who are ready in caae of war totake their placea < n her frontier, theAlpa, as an aruiy of ^Ot.OOOsbarp-ahoot-ara,The lawsof Sw itxei land are now mor

unif.'i'in ull OflflT il.et >>utitry thau bere-tufiie. They are lini. 1 by the l'.niia-nieiit. but r. allv real on tbe sanctiou oftbe people, Ahi.h is eilber expreaaed iuvolee or impiied by silence. The chiefjudicial eatabliahmt'tit ia a Bupreme(.'ourt, tbe judgee of which are elected.



The Voung Man of the Perlod-Hle »..'-

Coinplacenry-The Damon of Ag_-«t«-cUm-Th* V«ya«e of lloubt »nd Ulacuv-

*ry.Speaklna on Parable*.

The young man of tbe period ia fullof .loubts an*l problema and queetion-ings, and tho beliefcf his grandmoth-,.r* and maiden aunta are but aa pap for

his aoaring intellect, wbich he feola re-

quires atronger victual. Hia aelf-com-

plaeencv la tiattered (and the agnoati.ciam now fo faahinnahle ia largely the

productof intellectual vanity) by thonotion that the old ideM, while goodenough for ordinary pereona, are un-

suitable for men of superior mentalcalibre. Hence it ia that maukind now-

adaya are ever on the lookout for eomenewthiugin mattora epiritual'. but aa

rao«t people are incapable of conatruc-

tiog a new creed on their own

account, they must turn to eome

other person to do it for tbem.You. my .lear sir, for whoee iuatructionand beuetit these pairea are writteu.will be that pera3on. With you it reetstosatisfv tbe -juritual cravinga and aa

pirationa of an iuquiring age. Withyou it rcst- to miniater to the diseaaepeculiar to thia nineteenthcentury, that»o called "earneatneaja" whieh, toooft**nbigotal a morbid and unhealthy ego-tism, daily furuiahea recruite to the no-

ble and ever increaeing army of priga.For, as old Teufelsdrockh would baveit, "Beneiilh yitr hideoua coverlet ofpinblems and doubts and earnestnessan.l qaaatioalBca, what a fetaaeatiagvat of priggiam lies aimmering andhid!" Prig* in trousers galnre. amlpriga, «h me, lackadav! iu petticoatatoo. For tbe ladiea. dear thinga, are

being drawn into the vortex of ratiou-alisni and spc-ulativ.' inquiry. BoflMof tbaaa write novela mildly *ea-

sniied with unbelief. aud they all read.U.tiert Elsmere, Ihe "demon of

BgnOBticiam" haa invaded allaaotiooa,,f pollte aociety, and be ia aowbanmore al boaaa tban iu th.'Kilded aaloousof ihe great. Nor 'loes ho uow. as

t.irni'iiv. i-'iiitii"- hianeelf to tha amok-log-room an.l tbe ntlier purlieus of theinale sex.j but growlng bolder. like

\ gandef in our childhood le-gead, he waadera (wbere m-ither ofliiem has any bij-ii i-¦, t" liitrude) "inmy lady. chambar." Hero bia horuaarul lmnis bave Innn alBOB eaaa 'I to ter

rify aml familiarity witb him bM bred.n..1 iMiitcinpt, bat a oonviotion tbat boia not i**> dlaagreeeble an hnp after aii.

Timi.lly at flrtu does the fair ir.quireraet forth 00 ber vova^e nl ilnubt and.ti-c .veiy. "Wasn't tba world reelly.tben, made in six daya*'* aba atixious-

lyaaka, a olood of mvatificatioa aet-IliOgOB her brow, "Ohl but when theBible aays 'days: it really maaaa 'Bfaa,'doa t yoa know." is tha ready aaawer

t a nn- friciui of "advanced i.ieas."Thia is tbe Bral fatul atop dowa theprimroee patfa wbioh leada to tbe abyaaof "lib.-rai opintooa.*1 D-tik doubteare next oaat upon tba oratorlool capabilitiea ol Balaam'a a-s, followed pei

by aach qaeriee a-* tba followlng:Don'ty. u really believe tbat Joebna

made tba aaa aad aama ataad "tinin tba vail-y of tbe AjolOB?""Oh, y.-. my .Ic-nr," replie.1 tm- ad*vanc.it lady ia beraapanoK way; "but

Ibinga are all ullegorical, youkuow. Hobody, for inatooce, eowadaya, takea iha atoryofJbaah an.l tbewbole in n llteral aenae.'1 Ami le* mehere obaerve that tbia teadeneyto puta lymbolieal oonatractioa apoo perfeotly plaiu and explicit paaMgaa ofMsriptora ia a pbaaa of modera thougbiOf wbicb dae BOta shoul.l be taken.Tn, faiiiiiiiir procaaa of torturingworda aod entenoMoal of tbeir ob

import is a blghly oon*renient one, aa 11. i ._; .* ''.»" '"

tbia way be oaada aaytbing the raaderplcaaoa Bymboliam. how ever itroined,

i fahcinatimi for tba fcmaleui.ti i. bo-i tba u^ciK.sii.- ladiea, aa wellm all other leekera after new tratha (or¦hall we -.iv old tratha in oew lighta.lwill deriva oomfort aud eooaolationr< mi tba aatooJabiag latarpretatioaa

yi.ii wlll place upoa t.-xt-* whn-li eld-faabioned peopla have bitherto been

t to take literally Moveover,.ymboliam, ba it rememaered, in thekey-note to occultiam, and oar oew re

ligion will ba ootbiog if aot ociiilt. Tbeuaoahica] oaaooa of oon-..truction dilTer from mont ntlier?m the fra tbej allow ibaimagination, aad iu your r..ln ..fagnoatic oi('tu i--'.i-iti myatie yoa will beahleto givejour isiw.raof Inventionfull i.iii. In bermetlo lileratara aadoooveraatioa ootbiog m to.be takenliterally. bul ba tba Moaoia whlch a

paracn ol diaoderad braia woald onderataod it. Tberefore yoa will apeak large-Iv in porablea, lt il be objeeted at anytiin that yoa aretalking ondilated non-

wincii in ladeed bighlj probablelfoa oaa alwaya r.-piy, wltb R.ibinKaimooidee, that "the gwatac thoeb-aurility nf the letter tbe .leeper tbewiadom of tbe epirtt.".Black wood'sllagaiaino.

il..- t'hltie*.- ti) Itule.

Lord Wolseb-y believes that the Cbi-rii-i- an- tbe OOmiOg ra.-e. ami tii it theywill overrun the world the tnoment a

great general or law giVBT arisesamotigthem. For 30*) yeara the C'biiiese bavebeen rule*i by "the Bimple ruethod ofhaviDg all the more active. aapable,and progreaeiva heada shoru ntf by theTarturt*." No one of more thaa ave

rage inteiligeooaiia aeraaitted to exist.aod tbe government is on one side an

organiged ajatem of masaacre. WbenCommipeiouer Leh was asked whetlu r u

wm true that ba bad beheeded 00 00.men in tliree jeaia, his answer

was: "Oh, nurely more lhanthat!' Shuu <iay, however, a m-w

Chii aaa Moaea will arise aml re.-ict. Thepeople. who are quite fearleHfl, willthen. Lar.l Wolseley think*. adnpt thepn fi aaioa of arine, hurl themselv.-s nn

Itii--i... iiml BWOapOVer her. India, audIba .'iiliuent of Europe. The Bogtieb,tbe AaaarlCiana. ami tba Auatralian*will bava torallyfor adaaperatecoa-llu-t. piobably ia Western Asia. wbicbwill be a veriUble battle of Arm.gedd ni. Boob propbesieeare, of course, oft-tuall practicul me; but. we agree thata very little might aet the Chioeeorauviug, an.l that her milliona, once let

. could no more be stopped than aaiream l lava. Lord Wolseley ia allfor keeping on good terms with tbeCbinese, aud an are WB* but at the sametime wo do not fnr^.-t that the KomanBmperora wbo tn»d to noanilaH lha(i tln fared no better than ihose wholiitieii tbem Tha Bpeotator.

"Poor Aulh*»rn" >i.« Luug.r.Tba book publishers, especially thoae

hmisfr. whieh do not iisue a niagazine.,ire not very mucb pleased at tbe nmw-iiigten.lency of flctiou writers to givetirst publication to their uovels iu serialfnrm, saya an exebange. It is exceed-niglv rare nowadaya to see novela froma wellknown pen appear tlrat in bookform. The reasou is that ihe aijthor isreali_ing BBOVB and more the double rev-

enue aud larger reputation to be hadfrom double publication. Good BOVBlawiiters. whoonn add a fumoua name |oa good piece of work. are undoubte.ily-.-trie. and, with the ke»n competilinuamoDg niagasinea, the pricea have in-creaaed. Whether serial publicationhelps or injurea the sale of the book iaan laen question. l'ub ishora diif.-r onthia potnt. aud in its discuaaiou tbe au-tbnr uaturally takea no part. If hiabo<>k I..- popuiar. he c.iti dictat- to thepublisher, aod the latter mustbow.orlo..' the novel. The time bM paaaedfnr referriog to tho "poor author..Kxchauge.


jennyroyal PiUslJIuT!.!Ir-!nU^t«-!!-!T!Ti^rT!_r_»-^B.. u.. .» .-..m I«| u. _u. w, ul »*«.l*ii', kan.-tm. Jj«**t.a..«ywkM.. .. a. __u. II. 1*1*.fT-J+Lu !_*__.. «*-aa. a_k*_. f_a_>_



lN-sl IIAM 1 COMI'A.NV, (.KidANiZKIM M'l ll IIIK I.AWSOK I'Ht, BTATB »K V . s M( IlLMtii* MilH. To llli- AIMI'.U ."K PUBL1C AOCOUNTfl HiH IU i-. IXdatB' i

wkvi ru. k vii.ui.MA.rtiuat am i...sh(;iiu>Hi'jeoA.Nui'jai,c.vUBoK ia»7, ,.avUlTlil.NU .lUKHhr'OiaB.iK INMl.llA.NCk I.UVll'A.NIrd*Nam*of ih*oomuany in full Hoht ,.«< Mabjxs laauaaacB Ooar-Awrilou.e or i.rii.rlvsal nV* "f aaid co.r.pany -17 f-TATk ~Taa»T, UorroB, B aaaCliaractarof th.i *ouiyai.> wtiatiiar tlrw, Br* *n«l inarlu*. or _*rlti* BBBBBBMB *o_pa-

af.MABfBB,I Ta*idoiit-IU«»M II. ll -I.LBII.V |g. -I i, ai I. ia MBi'MkK ri.n.aa,' u oaa A. rVLl.au.Bfcralury-laoaAB 11 UMBU.Oraani-mi aud tu.iurporttte.l umjembku Jll. Ia73.

am* ,. ,i iiimii, a»-JAJ.iAKT 00,1074.Vaiueof lliodaneriil Ageul in V irglnla-1 .Oaad_ {,. At.raiawolt**la*nc* uf ili* (Jtfueial Aauni. li. Vlrgiula Kiiunoau.

I. C.VFJTALsThe amounl of aald cnpltal atock pald up ln eaah. ll.aai.iaa.

M A--

lbcaaseUof aald coiupeny, and a rietalled autemwui of how an.l ln vtiattne aaaa* are lavi

Value ol real e»ut« w mal .>) Uie company. lc*8 the aruount of . nouiiit, » i

tliercon. . dN 7iu 7flUoaaaou inmiI aml luortg .*>. oiuiy reeocded m.d bein*- flrat n«u* oo in« i.-«.

etmplej upon arBBtfi not aa**** ii.aii eafl rflflfl 8 BBBMflfll i« ,iu«._,IllUI. ai aeerii .! tlieieoi. d.lM *4Account of Moaka, iion.iB i.imI rreaanrr Notaa ,.i tae niiad «uai«a .

Ull* tttat* aml otUer s>l»le*. and alao of s>t.>cke .md llolida vil li.rateil ( Itlea ln thla ntate, and ol all ottier atocka and l«>ud* uw ...: | .

luicly bj tue . ompauy: loial TwtalI'ar Valau. Matkai Value.

Boaton (ity (i per cent hond.... 7B\0u» 00 I sd.'xai .»,

Uohtoii ( Ity 4 i.er c-nt. tx.n.l*.. BbvOOU <*) iMlianaor Clty bondfl. lo.iaai t*i lo. - .

Koal.,11 and Albany 7 per cent. lainda ..-. 'JO.lMI <8> Jl 4O0 Uiiirecon -nvrt Una bouflfl. liMBal .ai i **) ou

Cblcaco, ifanaaa.aml B/aaMtaB aai fleat. u .uda.. Anjutt oo 14 s.ai,«.Kaijoi,8,8'id U *Uin 1,., ome iRiii.la. lo.aii.dl l.waiiai

I'lileugo. Huriiiurton aad <*\ul uo.y 4 per cent iionda T.OUU uo .. M

_)Ulavllle, Kvanav.lte, uii.l .-sl I..>ul8ll per cent.tKin.la. i.iaai .ai a.lsoiai

Atchmoii, loiH-ku, an.i ist l*(i'.,| iruaiitx,n,l8. h'.iaai iai J ..,¦,

MlcliUuiK rallroad 6 |>er cent. tn uda 'd'.,iaai taj 37AUO 00WUconaiaUentral rallroadaner eenkDooda joiaana.! lv\B&ooul.l., Ltaeolu, and l. rado 5 per cent. ixmila.. lOdWOOu lo.iaai oyAfohiMoii, 'lopeka, and Bt. fe 4 per aaal bonde...... jo,.**. imi laiououuAictilaoii. lop, ki.. an.l -t !'.. aMCflt 1 !.'.""""'Chlcaao, lliirotigion, and Wiii..ev at.sk. tti >ai ...i (MJ.Atti UUIroii lUi.o .l atock . -d'..7.*» .81 _l,7BOau

11 iiioii f.ciflcBtueh.-. iBaOOOUO lo.iiai .aiBoaflaa aad AlBaajraioeB. lUtOuooo ii.7uoouii.,.t, a ..u.i idoweuetcafl. KUBjo ou lo\0uouuliiauire itnliioiid roinpunv i.rel. rr. .1 BlOCb lo.iaai .ai lo.t.ai 00

uregon Bhort Uueand Ulan Northeruatoek h.taai oo 'd,7,a..a.Miin.'lealei Mllafl al.M-k. 'dHl.taai .«. dl.,t-a) tat

ioie,.,,s1 i,, aa* clty atock. baVuooou iuhAtlantic Nutional Baak. luaai UO 1 l .aai uoAll..a .MUloi.al lJuiik . lo.iaai .81 I'i.OUU UUH.-veiiy Natlunal Baak . u,.ioo .ai 17_BUB0oisMiknne Natlunal Itank. lo.iaai ial 1 l.um <ai

Columbian Nuiiomii Baak. u.i**> <a. u. .jo .a.

Com ei.-iai .NationalBank.- .io.d.aj <ai ;h..»m»i

..ale .Nmioii.il li.nk. l...,aai ,a, ;¦ .i., .ai

hllot Nalloiml Hai.lv. d."...**! (8. :(.i.iaai tat

r.xcli..nke Niilioiial iluiiK. luidai ia. Vi , aj '-.

ni,: Np.1 onalbanh.-.lo.iaai <ai <Mriisi Satlonal bank,balem. j.iaai iai /,<*** .a.i.loli.- National llank. l&.UOOOU lOsOUOUUi.rand Nuuonul llank, Miirl.leiie.cl . 1,7.81.81 3,040 00llaillllt,,II N..I1, ,l,i<l lliink. l....aal iai 1. ,-ai,.,ind.- und I.- ui.er Mattonal Bank 11.1881.8.Howard NatiouaJ Baak.:.-. lo.iaai (81 u.ibjii <ail.lneolti Nalloiuil H.mk.Iii.ibm iki 1! I..lurcaiiiiie Niitioiiiii Bank, taalem.7,m«h»i i' m <a.

Naumkeag National Bank. H«J ui. .. lo.iaai tai ll.luu ...

New inrfi.111,1 National Baak. i;,,iaai .*» 2*Norta .Nattoaal Bank. ;y;ua» 00 7,w.r .a.

Old Boetoa National Baak. lO^JUO 00niaiUr,,:.,l Nattoanl Hdnk, 1 uwell. .> >**. <»'

UepubllcNationalBaak. IBdTJUOOU -. .¦ " .».

Kevere NalMnal Bank..... .-...(aai .ai M,7IB)i*jNatrenalHauk. lo.iaai iai

BMle NationalBank. -do.iaai .?» i.,,***,m>uit Ik National Bank. .... 10,1a o .a. UdBJUOUKremont National bauk. 10,000 <ai 11 .».. ,-,

Mercnandlee Nationalbauk. J6.000 OU i.,.,.a..-.iler.ii.uits National Bank. o.a. .a>ji*i'»iatercnaoU'National Bank, . IgBaoOOrotul |, ir und market value, rarne.1 out al irnnrktt

value.1003,000 00 MB4^4B o

\ i._o_eAniount of Btaeka, li"ii,l*. an,l all <.tin>r aecuritleB (exeapt Mortfai

1.U. ,1 io 111. « ,,iiii»iu> as .'ol,,»l«ia: aecarltl loi .ia'i uctUdll) 18-hue.i bj tbe Company, with the par aad Market vbmmol th* aame, aadBM amounl loened ua

TotBl lot*.! Aliio.llitI'ar Value. Market Value LOBBfld lliaiaoa

aoo aharea Toledo, Kl l_aJa, aad IKanaaa Clty KallruadCo.I 30,00000 l u,.8*i <a.

00 anara* -an Dtego tand and 11 1 i..»*i .*>

lown Oo. l,.-.i8).ai 1,360 001lTOhlmiea .ion i,;iii»i> '. ,. 17..88)0O 11,000 OU;,t an ,i,s 1 leeinaii* National/

Itunk. T.'KK) 00 ia.| -.188. iai10 aliiies I'la-iiioui National BaDk. ItaNi.ai ..i.8t).17 bonda i"i., si l... aod _u .

City Kallroad Co. lat, 87,000 00 -i7,;io(8i 2SJJjOO 0038 abare* Commerclal Natlon l

H.mk. avaoooo ¦''»» tfiOO00I'.till au. 1 iHUUtll IU11-

r.ai.i. preferred. i;,.8hi (*» -«. <»i¦25 1.011,in loi, -si. 1. ai.,1 Kanaaa

Clty Rallroad lat,. 35,(aa* iai Xi,5oo (8j 30.000 00.">o Btaarea Commerclal Saiional

Baak 8,000 00 fi.iaai .8. t 00001- 1,,1 bt. I... and Kanaaa

llly Ratlioad, lat. 8,000 00 .',,!.?. iai AJOQO .«¦

800 bliart-a lol.i. I.une l oinpany ho.iaa, 00 4o..8 8» 00 J-"...8iO <ai

1217.1*8100 iiaa,T3a3B iiaajjoooo

Oaah belonglna tothe compunv dep. rnk): ComnMNation il Bank, liohtoii; National Bank u tba Kepublle, -New Vork; Dm-r. a .nl Me.-li;,nli'»' .Miliooiil Bank, I'-iilniiiore; liarliiK Ur- .

j. viae and accrued on kUx-kk nul Ineluded in market tatmllle iill.l l.eelUi',1 ,111 eoll I.--I..I l ..III*. 1 11.1'.-

rreminma in aourae .-i eolleetlon noi more than three montba Uua and oUiernu ni account*. .

BUia r.-. eivai I-, not matur .!. laaan im marlneand Iniand ii*k*,..

Tht grou a*mm»\l of oll the amtte/tkt . . -_ si i irjft oi

III. l.IAlill.IMI.SThe iiabtllttaa >>t iaid eomi

IlUB tor ii'ljilsl. d itlid uiij.iii.1 lus*.'* .lm- Bnd to uer-oiuedin- . U.O-17 BM

Oroia loaain iii pmr.i** iti sdJuBtiueut, oi ln auapanae, Ineludlnal.olli ,| i.llll *ll(.|M»>e,l |o*se* lli. J

Uoaaei leeUUal, im-liniiiig luterea ¦ -

ihereou . 4..*a. ...

ea. i lanoeoooloiiii un.iiriieiinremtumi . uw l.

ij .m.i net »uri ui. *«. l.loint - ,.._. I,.*hi,ii n nn

-Drplui... y. mi capuai aod all othei abllitb *.

anl of nli llablliilea, ihi-ludin* pald»ap eapital *ti«*a aad aetBurpiua..¦ .I ''.u.i'Ji.'. oi

IV. IM '.Vli.

li,,-in,-.- .ninonydorlaglhapreeedlngtwalvaBBonthe,and fromWiint bouree dt-ri ,. i:

ami laland Itlaha.iforpremlnma . . ii..'ini,iu5 5-i

only I-iii-'ir.iin .-, rebate, abotemeui, aadt Ul ll |.leil)lllli)»... 90

n*i .¦..«'. aetii'tiiy reeelved h.r premloma .I Illllln iill.l il ole. n '.. IVi-'l .nillliu Ihe w ,| (Ol |,reliil!llli» tuipald . U.1..IKi.e. ived I... iiitei- -i.. honda and morlgagea.SUUMK.-i-.'iv.-.l foriuiereai and dlvidenda on honda,eallateral toaaa,

nu.I fioin ini oti,ei bo icei . IIneonie reeelved ir..ni ml oiber aoureeB.

^..te :i:.i..imi oi l i.--iiie u. tu.ill.v rn-i Ived duririK Ihe year I 1,'J\. \l'l NMUKl-S.

ihe expendltui tnpany, glvlnga detaOed aaleoMat "i lha miui:

'ti Mitrineand lalai 4 Kiaha

WroH* iirno'inr iiNu.iliv |:iil forlosscs, Iiu-IuiIIiik llhT.UIt*n i.if... ;e.-\ .¦..)>. M-ui*. ii.. K>,aotiaa

lae.luei i.ii amoanta actually reeelved for*aivag< .» (whetb-i onoi .: prevlou* yeaia), 147,730.80 and

ainduntknetually reeelved fo< re-lnanranee ln other eona-77 19, i'oial .!. dueiions. IB6£09 18

\.- i.ioiuit p.l 'liiiiie.- tln >.i '.nl WB 86Divi.U'o uckln.lder*(amonatoi atoekholden dlvldei .

I'i.ll, 'Mlilll.t; ll.' >...: lou .-

I'lllll l.'l ColllUllKbli.il- "I' h.J IM f>JI'al.i tor h.tl.iii.¦». i. s uu.l uii ii.hei obargee >.i| oi» »iel ull

otherempl r. 41,171 4ttPaid t"i atate, natluual and kwul taxea In thla aud il io .

All other paymanta and expendltarea rla.: Kent*. Advertlalnc, and aii i>ih*rOlll-e l.l-l il|,'elle> eXLel,..». l.l,l. |

AggraaateBBBoaotol anfnaliipenaiartnriagIhn yaar. I i.it».i»ii i:

lt. II H III |-i.*ll.nt.THOMAB 11. I...IU'. -.or, ury

-i mi i rraiM.CrrvAiroCooaTTorBoeroa, >.h..ik oi btt (^Ha lt remembered thal ontbe !Md day of January, taoO. at tha iltr e/breeald. b tor*

Ki., iu.,1. N-.-i., i-on, a Notary l*u_lic In aaid <i t^>. .luiy aommlBatonad an.l qoaliBed by Ibet,- sutborltv, and nnder ih law* .-i rto- Hlate wl Maaaaohuaeiia lo i.ike .«-k.ioar>-dge-

iiient ot .lei'ls. _.-. lo I,.- ..-. ,| ,,i n e r.h'.l tli.-n llu, per* ... >i| appeal .i llansoiii li.r-uller.I'reBnIeiil, iiml 1 Ie iiniH 11. I orl M.-i.'iiirv »l ih. BoetOfl Mmine liiauirie* r.uupaiiy. ..!Boaton,wiio, b. w .wuru. depoae and bm. aad aaeh n.r himaaU aajra, tii»t ihey »- .

ie*,-i!o,-.| offleera or Uie aaid t'oiiiuany, and tbat Ibe foregolnglB a irae aid enmetkt.it. in.m ,1 the ueiniil eoiiiliiloh of s-ild .rgaiilaalioii ,.u Ihe taat iluy of ,ta ftBral yaalwit: the :tl-t .i .-I Deeember, 1880, BOOoriling to the beat oftbelT mionuallou. kuowiedg*umi bellef, reape*'! ;v.-iy.~n~~. ln t ktlmonv whereol, i have hereonto »*t ray han.i ami ,t;tix*.i ihe ***m ,.r m%-i vi. oitn-e, on tbe'23d .lay ol Jauaary, MBB,

I_rllBKMAX M'Kl.l'..-'>N. Notaiy IMhll*.



-'i'Kam. hand aad fOWJOB PCMPa, f.ACOO MAC-tfPgatTi I'l-lMiiKiih ..v.-. ard-u.a:' hi ih.it-. BirmJ-B, ii'-"N an.l IJUJ) Kfl wim BlItlMBI _»

1425 East Main, Riohmon*4 va.NEW AND ELEGANT FURNITURE.

AMitjii: am» si\ti:i:n rn < i:nti icv WtTLMM,KXAM1NK OUR CiKEAT VAKIVTY A^U 9V.T PRK r*.

m. \?v. iiaiiwood eb sow.LaaaVeeaaaa] Oovornor aatro-'t

_u ii. JLiioiiTi^ocrr,btiOK.F. AND DKALKR IN VlHhINIA l,KA_ AND KKMI i KT HKL..I


IWBB'a PPTllllMiall

r. j. rrnifi *-¦. Qajnana*R. 11. B03HIVS SUNS,

MAMKACU'ltl il'« t>K-

Finc Carria^cs, Vicioiias, Bttggies,I'hactons, &c

U-|.wlrlug and lUistinliu done lu ihe tiealmanner. 1ft aoulh Muth .treei.au 14-eod-ly. UMb-ioud,\ *