In Whom Do You Trust? JW Broadcasting March 2018

In Whom Do You Trust? JW Broadcasting March 2018da-ip.getmyip.com/PDF/Documents/Transcripts/Monthly... · In Whom Do You Trust? Gerrit Losch The theme for this month is “In Whom

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In Whom Do You Trust?

JW Broadcasting March 2018

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Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................... 1

2. In Whom Do You Trust? ........................................................ 1

2.1 Jesus ............................................................................... 5

2.2 Abraham .......................................................................... 6

2.3 Moses .............................................................................. 7

2.4 Three friends of Daniel .................................................... 8

2.5 Rumors .......................................................................... 10

2.6 Bible ............................................................................... 12

3. Dramatization - Close friend needs spiritual help ................ 14

4. Morning Worship – Eph 5:10 Examine ourselves ............... 17

5. Rafika Morris ....................................................................... 24

6. SKE Experiences ................................................................ 27

7. Costa Rica ........................................................................... 31

8. Music Video – Confident in You .......................................... 33

9. Cadiz, Spain ........................................................................ 35

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1. Introduction

Hello, and welcome to this month’s broadcast! With me I have a good friend as my cohost, Leon Weaver. Leon, what do we have to look forward to this time? Thanks, Brother Lösch. We’ll see a young brother who must choose between his loyalty to Jehovah or to a close friend. Which will he choose? Then we’ll hear the story of Rafika Morris, a young woman who desperately fought for racial equality but eventually discovers the real path to peace. And we’ll also enjoy a new music video that beautifully highlights the importance of putting our confidence in Jehovah. We have much to look forward to in this March 2018 edition of JW Broadcasting!

2. In Whom Do You Trust?

Gerrit Losch The theme for this month is “In Whom Do You Trust?” Do you trust me? I hope so. All of us want to be trusted.

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Trust is a basic element of everyday life. To trust others is a normal reaction. Many of us have travelled on a train or a bus. Did we worry whether the conductor or driver would bring us safely to our destination? Normally, we do not worry. We trust an airplane captain to take us safely to our destination. We trust that when we enter an elevator, it will not crash at the bottom of the shaft, but safely take us to the desired floor. When we marry, we trust that our partner will remain faithful. In many situations in life we need trust. What is trust? Trust is the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.” Webster’s dictionary says that it is “confidence”; a “reliance [or] resting of the mind on the integrity, “veracity, justice, friendship, or other sound principle, of another person.” Trust is related to confidence, belief, faith, and assurance. Experiments conducted by Professor Dr. Michael Kosfeld, a professor at a university in Frankfurt, Germany, led him to the conclusion that trust is “a biologically-based part of human nature.”

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Kosfeld discovered that when there is interaction between two people, the human brain releases a hormone that stimulates trust. “It is, in fact, one of the distinguishing features of the human species,” Kosfeld states. In everyday life, how discouraged some are if they are not trusted. The phrase “Don’t you trust me?” is frequently heard with an undertone of sadness or complaint. Sometimes children or teenagers ask their parents “Don’t you trust me?” when the parents place some restrictions on them, perhaps in connection with leisure-time activities. Parents do that because they love you young ones and want to prevent any spiritual or physical harm befalling you. If you cooperate, you will see that parents will gradually trust you ever more and grant more liberty to you. You can prove to them that you are trustworthy. In the world, many people are not trustworthy. Since we are living in the time of the end and the demons are desperate and have influenced many people, we have to admit that trusting in everybody is not wise. Many trusted in religion and were disappointed. Others trusted in governments or the United Nations, but they were disappointed. They trusted political leaders that made all kinds of promises but did not keep all of them.

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Some politicians were even exposed as being liars. Proverbs 14:15 says: “The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step.” If somebody, even in the truth, promises us big monetary returns if we give him money for his planned investment, we need to be careful and not believe every word. Some that spent their money were in for a disappointment when they learned that everything was lost. We also should not trust everything we read in newspapers or see on television. There is another thing we should not trust in—riches. Psalm 49:6 speaks about “those who are trusting in their wealth and who boast about their great riches.” Trusting in riches often leads to disappointment. “The one trusting in his riches will fall,” says Proverbs 11:28. It is not wrong to be rich; just do not trust in riches. Riches are a risk factor. Many people today are dishonest and cheat. Some business owners have installed cameras at the workplace, since they do not trust their employees to put in a full day of work. They know that some would play video games during work hours.

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But Jehovah created us with the inclination to trust. We can especially trust our spiritual brothers. True, once in a while such trust is misplaced. A few commit serious sins and have to be disfellowshipped. But that is rare. Jehovah himself is the best example of trusting in others.

2.1 Jesus

He trusted the Logos to faithfully cooperate with him as the “master worker” in creating the universe, the earth, and all the living things on earth, including mankind. What tremendous trust Jehovah showed in Jesus when He sent him to the earth. Jehovah trusted that Jesus would remain faithful and redeem mankind so that His will and purpose with mankind and the earth could be accomplished. Jehovah trusted him so much that he arranged for prophecies to be written that foretold that he would die faithfully. This trust on the part of Jehovah was not a risk. It was based on the collaboration between the two for aeons of time. Think of the prophecy at Psalm 16:10: “For you will not leave me in the Grave.” Jesus had free will.

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This means that theoretically he could have sinned. If he could not have sinned, Satan probably would not have tried three times to tempt Jesus to sin. If Jesus could not have sinned, why would he be so heavily distressed in the garden of Gethsemane that he was sweating blood? Why send an angel to comfort and strengthen him if he could not sin or fail anyway? No question that Jesus felt the unfathomable load on his shoulders to remain faithful, since not only the salvation of mankind depended on him but also the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty. He did not want to disappoint Jehovah. Jesus used his own free will and was determined to stay loyal. How glad we are that he did! On the other hand, Jesus also trusted Jehovah completely. He trusted Jehovah that he would resurrect him if he would die faithfully. Actually, Jesus was publicly known to trust in Jehovah. People that passed by when he was on the torture stake were saying: “He has put his trust in God; “let Him now rescue him if He wants him, for he said, ‘I am God’s Son.’ ”

2.2 Abraham

Another example of trust was Abraham.

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When God told him to kill his beloved son Isaac, Abraham was willing to do so. He trusted that Jehovah could resurrect him. Hebrews 11:19 says: “He reasoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead, and he did receive him from there in an illustrative way.” First Corinthians 13:7 says that love “believes all things.” Love trusts that prophecies will come true. It also believes what our brothers tell us. It also helps to grant others the benefit of the doubt if a matter could be interpreted in different ways. Yes, trusting others is an expression of love. If you love somebody, you only assume and think the best of him.

2.3 Moses

Another example of trust in Jehovah was Moses. He led the nation of Israel out of Egypt into the desert —a nation upwards of three million people. And they had flocks of cattle and sheep with them. When he left Egypt, did he know how to provide these great crowds with water in the desert? Did he know what they would be eating after the initial foodstuffs that they took out of Egypt ran out?

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Did he know in advance that Jehovah would miraculously provide the manna? It doesn’t seem so. But he trusted that Jehovah would take care of the people.

2.4 Three friends of Daniel

The three friends of Daniel were another fine example of trust. They did not bow and worship in front of an idol that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. They were told they would be thrown into a fiery furnace if they disobeyed. They remained firm and were protected by an angel, so that the fire did not do any harm to them. After that “Nebuchadnezzar then declared: “‘Praised be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, “‘who sent his angel and rescued his servants. “‘They trusted in him and went against the command of the king “‘and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.’ ” As we are getting ever closer to the great tribulation, we might be confronted with scary challenges and tests related to nationalism. Will we keep trusting Jehovah? We trust we will. Jehovah will miraculously save his people throughout the great tribulation and arrange for their survival.

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Today, the faithful slave is put in charge of providing spiritual food for God’s people, who number into the millions. The slave also shows complete trust in Jehovah that he will guide them with his holy spirit. What makes it possible for the “faithful and discreet slave” to provide precious spiritual food? “I will give you insight and instruct you in the way you should go,” says Jehovah at Psalm 32:8. Today, Jehovah provides direction to the slave through Jesus. Jesus, in turn, provides direction for his people through “the faithful and discreet slave.” We can therefore have full confidence in the Scriptural insight, understanding, and guidance. Satan tries to sow mistrust. Under Communist dictatorship in Romania, secret police officers forced a responsible brother to walk with them on a heavily frequented street hoping that other brothers would see this and wrongly conclude that this brother works with the secret police. Did the scheme work out? No, it failed. Brothers did see him but kept trusting him. We learn that we should not quickly lose trust in our brothers.

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2.5 Rumors

Satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about faithful brothers, including the faithful slave. The method of spreading rumors is not new. When Jesus was resurrected and the tomb was empty, the soldiers who reported it were told to spread the rumor that the disciples came and stole the body at night. Matthew 28:15 relates: “So they took the silver pieces and did as they were instructed, and this story has been spread abroad among the Jews up to this very day.” Another rumor in the first century was that Christians were responsible for the great fire of Rome. Could such an accusation be true? Historians say that it was Nero, the emperor, who set fire to the city. Today, rumors are occasionally being spread in electronic form about the faithful slave. This has caused some concern on the part of some brothers, especially when the reports are commenting on court cases where some in the organization were accused. Sometimes reference is made to certain quotes and then readers think, ‘How can a quote be a rumor?’ A quote can be taken out of context. Critical reports often give only part of a matter and leave out other aspects. Often, such rumors play on the emotions.

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Ask yourself: ‘Am I prone to believe rumors? ‘And even if I am, should I spread it ‘and undermine the trust that others have in the slave or in representatives of the branch office?’ Avoid sensationalism by not saying something like “Can you believe what I heard about this matter or that matter or this person or that person?” referring to a statement that may have appeared on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. The spread of rumors is like wildfire that is hard to control. It spreads distrust and can undermine someone’s faith. This is not to say that the slave is perfect and never makes mistakes. But Jehovah and Jesus trust the imperfect slave who cares for things to the best of his ability and with the best of motives. Shouldn’t we then trust the imperfect slave as well? To appreciate the extent of Jehovah and Jesus’ trust in the faithful slave, reflect on what he has promised its members. He has promised them immortality and incorruption. Soon, just before Armageddon, the remaining members of the slave will be taken to heaven. Since 1919 of our Common Era, the slave has been put in charge of some belongings of Christ. According to Matthew 24:47, when the anointed are taken to heaven, Jesus will at that point entrust “all his belongings” to them.

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Does this not reveal immense trust? Revelation 4:4 describes these resurrected anointed as corulers with Christ. Revelation 22:5 says they will rule, not only for a thousand years but “forever and ever.” What immense trust Jesus shows toward them! Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust “the faithful and discreet slave,” should we not do the same? Many servants of Jehovah in the past showed trust in Jehovah when confronted with obstacles or opposition. We can trust that Jehovah will not let us be tested beyond what we can bear but will provide a “way out” so we can remain faithful under trials. So whom do you trust? You fully trust in Jehovah, Jesus, and the faithful slave. To a reasonable degree, you also trust all your fellow brothers and sisters.

2.6 Bible

The writer of Psalm 119:42 mentioned something else we need to trust in —God’s Word. He wrote: “For I put my trust in your word.” The prophecies in God’s Word have always come true at the proper time.

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Based on that, we can fully trust that the remaining prophecies pointing to the survival of the great tribulation and to the Paradise to follow will also come true, without the slightest possibility of failure. Of course, we should trust not only Jehovah, Jesus, the faithful slave, and the Bible but also our fellow brothers. The apostle Paul is a fine example of this. He wrote to Philemon asking him to kindly receive back the runaway slave Onesimus who had become a brother. Paul wrote at Philemon 21: “I am confident that you will comply, so I am writing you, knowing that you will do even more than what I say.” When we speak of trust, we sometimes think of a little child walking hand in hand with his father. The child does not question where the father will take him. The child trusts the father. All throughout the last days, true Christians have faced hostility of so many in the world. How strengthening Jehovah’s promise is in view of the impending attack by Satan’s hordes! When they attack, Jehovah’s people will seem as defenseless. But we do not need to quake with fear. We trust that Jehovah, Jesus, and the angels will fight to deliver us. We will not shrink back in fear.

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At Hebrews 10:39, Paul wrote: “Now we are not the sort who shrink back to destruction, but the sort who have faith for the preserving of our lives.” Today and after Armageddon, all can say, according to Psalm 26:1 and 52:8: “I have trusted [in Jehovah] without wavering.” “My trust is in God’s loyal love, forever and ever.” Therefore, keep trusting in Jehovah and those who are proving loyal to him. Leon Weaver, Jr – Helper to the Service Committee Back to you, Leon. Thank you, Brother Lösch.

3. Dramatization - Close friend needs spiritual help

In line with that, we all want good friends we can trust —the type mentioned at Proverbs 18:24, where it says: “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” But at times, we may find that a close friend needs spiritual help. Do we fear losing that friendship if we speak up? What does Jehovah want us to do? In the following dramatization, the young man Danny faces these same questions. I had a secret. Only it wasn’t mine to tell.

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It was my best friend’s, Julian. This was not the Julian I knew. At the end of the meeting, Brother Max wanted to know if I was OK. I shrugged it off. I just didn’t know who to talk to at that point. A few years ago, when my parents stopped attending meetings, Julian was there for me. I didn’t want to lose my friend. But did I really know him? I decided to ask Julian about the pictures he posted. I told him it wasn’t right. He needed to talk to the elders. Then he got really defensive about it. I knew I did the right thing. When was I supposed to take care of this bill? I’ve been telling you for the past month! I just needed someone to talk to. When did you tell me? I’ve been working for the past couple of weeks.

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Well, as if I don’t work? Oh! Now you’re going to blame everything on me. Brother Max wanted to know how I was really doing. He could tell something was wrong. So I opened up. I told him everything. I didn’t want to get my friend in trouble. Max understood. He asked me to read James 5:14, 15: “Is there anyone sick among you? “Let him call the elders of the congregation to him, “and let them pray over him, “applying oil to him in the name of Jehovah. “And the prayer of faith “will make the sick one well, and Jehovah will raise him up.” Max showed me that the elders can encourage and strengthen a spiritually weak person. Covering up a friend’s wrongdoing prevents him from getting the spiritual help he needs. All this time, I was focused on Julian and his deception, and I didn’t speak up. I’m glad I was honest with Brother Max.

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The elders are like our spiritual doctors, and even more, they’re our friends. They want to help us. Julian might receive discipline, but that’s an expression of Jehovah’s love. It could save his spiritual life. Julian got the spiritual help he needed. And I kept my best friend. Did you notice how our young brother put trust in the Bible and acted accordingly? How can we do the same?

4. Morning Worship – Eph 5:10 Examine ourselves

Brother Ron Curzan’s morning worship comments share some thoughts on specific ways we can continue to make spiritual adjustments as we encounter a variety of life’s challenges. These were very practical comments. And they all tie in well with what the apostle Paul was trying to tell those in the Ephesian congregation about examining themselves. The same way we have to do today —examining ourselves so that we please Jehovah. If you’d like, please open up to Ephesians chapter 5, and we’ll read verse 10, which is our theme scripture.

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Ephesians 5:10, it says: “Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.” And then it goes on in verse 11: “And stop sharing in the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness; rather, expose them for what they are.” So it’s very clear to us, in this chapter of Ephesians chapter 5, that there are things that Jehovah views as acceptable and things he views as unacceptable. Jehovah’s standard of what is unacceptable is outlined in quite a few of the verses in chapter 5 here. If you would just scan through verses 3, 4, and 5, we’ll see that unwholesome talk about sex, shameful conduct, obscene jesting —and then verse 18, drunkenness— well, these are things that will bar us from God’s Kingdom. When you think about entertainment today, it’s nearly impossible to try to find something that is acceptable to Jehovah that does not have immoral sex, pornography, spiritism, and violence. Satan has thoroughly saturated all forms of the media. So thoroughly, that it’s in our literature, it’s in movies, it’s in electronic games, and everything that we can think of Satan has infiltrated. Yes, he knows that Jehovah hates these things, and he doesn’t mind if part of our heart hates these things as long as part of our heart loves these things. So we do well to ask ourselves: ‘Does the entertainment that I choose help me ‘in my being acceptable to Jehovah?

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‘Does it help me to have the qualities ‘that Jehovah endears in me, and will he draw closer to me?’ Well, the spirit of the world reflects rebellion of the Bible, which outlines Jehovah’s qualities and his standards. We want to show respect for the Bible, which teaches us to love what Jehovah loves and hate what he hates. And what will help us to do this and resist the spirit of the world and draw closer to Jehovah and be acceptable to him? Let’s notice verse 17, chapter 5 and verse 17, it says: “On this account stop being unreasonable, but keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is.” We need to constantly think: ‘What would Jehovah want me to do?’ Well, verse 1 and verse 2 help us to appreciate this, it says: “Become imitators of God, as beloved children, “and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved us “and [he] gave himself [up] for us as an offering and a sacrifice, a sweet fragrance to God.” So, bottom line, we need to imitate Jehovah and Jesus. Our sacrifices need to be acceptable to Jehovah as was Jesus’. What made Jesus so pleasing? Well, he did everything the way Jehovah wanted him to do. In fact, he said something that we want to say one day: “I always do the things pleasing to him.” And one day in perfection, we will be able to say that.

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Jesus was pleasing in his word, in his deed, in his actions. Well, how can we imitate Jesus and thus imitate Jehovah? Well, let’s briefly discuss three ways. First: Pray for God’s holy spirit. When confronted with trials, what did Jesus do? He did not rely on himself; he petitioned Jehovah for help. So if we’re struggling with a temptation —a certain fleshly weakness— it’s vital that we do the same. We can also talk to the elders —our loving shepherds— who will pray with us, and they will definitely help us to remain faithful with words of encouragement. Number two: Obey Jehovah completely. Jesus always did things that were pleasing to his Father. Luke 22:42 says: “Let, not my will, but yours take place.” Remember, there is no substitute for obedience. We cannot be acceptable without obedience. Number three: Know the Scriptures well. Jesus used God’s Word as his authority. His whole life revolved around knowing and obeying and encouraging others about God’s laws. We all have busy schedules. We have work to do —busy in the congregation.

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It’s more than just trying to find time to dig deep into God’s Word; we must make the time. So, what do our schedules tell us about our love for Jehovah? our love for his Word? Do we read the Bible daily? And if we do, how much time do we take to let it sink into our mind and our heart and to meditate? Are we content with just looking at the basics —the surface— or digging deeper and deeper below the surface? It’s vital that we train our minds and our hearts, but it takes time and it takes effort, just as a marathon runner must devote much time and effort to his training to run a race. In fact, as we know, Christians are likened to running a race, and it’s a race for life. Let’s see what the apostle Paul had to tell us. If we go over to 1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians chapter 9, a scripture we know very well, and we’ll start in verse 24. And there are a few key elements that we would like to extract as we’re reading these verses. Here Paul said: “Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, “but only one receives the prize? “Run in such a way that you may win it. “Now everyone competing in a contest “exercises self-control in all things [there’s a key].

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“Of course, they do it to receive a crown that can perish, “but we, one that does not perish. “Therefore, the way I am running is not aimlessly; “the way I am aiming my blows “is so as not to be striking the air; “but I pummel my body “[and the footnote says, “punish; strictly discipline”] “and lead it as a slave, so that after I have preached to others, “I myself should not become disapproved [or the footnote says, “disqualified”] somehow.” So we definitely want to have self-control like a runner. We need to say no to Satan’s world and yes to things that are acceptable to Jehovah. And we definitely want to make sure that we are acceptable and never to be disapproved. Perhaps we can illustrate this. In the 1994 New York City Marathon, there was a young man named German Silva, and he ran an outstanding race. In fact, there was only half a mile to the finish line in Central Park, and somehow he got distracted. He took the wrong path. Did he lose the race? Well, the lead runner took over. Well, he got redirected; he went back on the path; he began to run faster and faster. He passed up the lead runner, and he won the New York City Marathon by two seconds. What does this tell us?

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It tells us that sometimes we can lose our focus, we can be sidetracked, or we could get involved in unacceptable conduct. But allow God’s Word and loving shepherds to readjust our course. Never give up. Just a few years later, after that —1997— German began running again in a New York City Marathon. He thought he had this one all in the bag; he thought he was going to win this race. But he started to run slower. He began to— He dehydrated. Instead of taking just a few seconds to hydrate, he skipped that. He thought he could do it. Well, what could this tell us? Well, we cannot afford to take shortcuts. We need to have a regular intake of spiritual food to keep pace with Jehovah’s organization. We do this by what the commenters told us today, that is, a regular intake of God’s Word and meditation. As we run the Christian course —the race for life— remember, it’s not the speed, it’s the direction —that’s what matters the most. And may we always run in such a way that is acceptable to Jehovah.

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As Brother Curzan mentioned, certainly a regular intake of God’s Word can have a dramatic effect on our lives.

5. Rafika Morris

Take the example of Rafika Morris. Her life led her on a search for ways to achieve racial harmony through human means. But after years of frustration and disappointments, how would studying the Bible affect her search for answers? Growing up in the South during the time of segregation —blacks and whites— we couldn’t mix. And not only that, they had signs to keep you knowing where you were supposed to go. I couldn’t understand why we couldn’t get along. Fifty cents. Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir. Grandma, he’s just a boy. Why are you saying “Sir”? Be quiet. I want you to know your place. I told her after we got back on the truck: “You know what? I’ll never hold my head down!”

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My grandmother knew I had a love for the Bible because I would always read the Bible as a kid. But I couldn’t understand it. I used to pray, “What makes us so different?” You know, “Why can’t we live together?” I met a group, and this group was like what I really wanted to be in. They were about politics. They said, “We’re fighting injustice.” And when they said that word “injustice,” it was like, ‘Yeah, this is what I want to be in, right? ‘To be part of something that can change and make people united, right?’ That was my goal. We started protesting about police brutality, and I think that’s what a lot of people, you know, were focusing on. I liked some of the things that they were doing, but they trained us every, every day in military training. We learned how to use weapons and stuff like that. And so I’m thinking: ‘This is not what I want to be in. This is not what I joined.’ So I started going back to God again —to reading the Bible— because it was like I’m not changing anything. The Bible that I was reading was the King James Version.

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So I was reading it, reading it, reading it, but I couldn’t understand it. We went to Jamaica, and we saw this Bible, the New World Translation. And I started reading it, and it made so much sense! And I could understand it, and it wasn’t “thee” and “thou.” I was like, ‘Wow!’ You know, like, ‘This is the one I want to get.’ One day, two women knocked on the door. I didn’t know they were Jehovah’s Witnesses. All I could see was that Bible. And I said, “Where did you get that Bible from?” And they said, “OK, we’ll bring you one.” And they did. So they brought me the Bible, but I didn’t know I was going to have a Bible study that came along with it. The first time I went to a convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it was like ten thousand people. When I went in there and I saw all these different faces and different colors, it was like Jehovah showing me: “Hey, Rafika, remember you were asking me “about all different people getting together and being one? See, I’m not partial; they do get along; we are unified.” And it just made me feel so good inside.

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Yes! This is the organization that I want to be in. I just see people as people, you know, and I can preach and be friends with anybody. Now that I know what the Bible really teaches, I have a wonderful life because I know that only God and his government can bring about peace. Just like how Jehovah unified everybody, I want everybody to be unified and come to know Jehovah, just like I know him. Jehovah answered my prayer. While Rafika faced unique challenges early in her spiritual life, she learned to trust in Jehovah.

6. SKE Experiences

Trust is also needed if we choose to extend ourselves in a new form of Kingdom service. This is especially true of those who have had the privilege to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. Their personal experiences confirm this. I have an illness that affects my level of energy, so I didn’t feel that I could accept just any kind of assignment. Since the end of this system is near, I want to do whatever I can that Jehovah wants down to the very end. So I applied. Before attending SKE, when I received my invitation, all of a sudden I had challenges or worries about myself.

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I felt unworthy, even unqualified. Being a single sister, going into the class with so many couples, I thought I would be out of place. I used all my abilities. I felt like my head was swelling up. Even so, I felt that I was really being refined and ended each day feeling fulfilled. Something that I really enjoyed about SKE was Friday afternoons. That’s when we had a talk from one of the Governing Body members. That was special. During the eight weeks of school, such an emphasis was placed on serving where the need is greater. So this way of thinking became more important to us. After eight weeks of attending the school, you are even ready to be sent to the moon. When I was told that my next assignment would be in Mesa, Arizona, I thought, ‘Where is that?’ And then I thought, ‘Oh, no, scorpions!’ And then I thought, ‘OK, this is where Jehovah thinks I should be, so I’m ready to go.’

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One of the challenges in my new assignment was finding suitable accommodations. There was a couple in the congregation who had two rooms that they rented in the back of their property, but it needed some renovations. So the brothers very quickly came together, helped sort it out, and even built an extra little kitchenette lounge. So now we have a beautiful little home to go back to after a long, hot day in the ministry. I always thought that I’d do much better in the cold than I would in the heat. So the brothers and sisters were very helpful in making sure that I stayed hydrated, making sure I knew how to handle myself in the heat, giving me pointers on things to carry, and they made sure that I had an extra-large water bottle with me. We really felt supported by the congregation because they found us an apartment. This meant that we could concentrate on our ministry. One of the things that really helped me was an experienced brother who gave an encouraging comment about whether my health would permit me to attend the school. He said, “If she can pioneer, then it’s also possible for her to attend the school.” The education that we received at SKE especially helped us with our qualities, our personality —putting on the new personality.

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That really will help us not only now in our assignment but right through into the new world. I think there are many who could meet the qualifications with just a little more effort. Please know that there is a wonderful education program, and we were able to experience it in our 60’s. We could get through it. So if others are thinking of applying, I want to tell them that we were able to do it, and by all means, I want them to taste the same joy that we experienced. You could be nervous and have performance anxiety and worry about, ‘How will I handle answering, ‘and how about all of the student assignments and the tests?’ —worries like that. But for my own part, it was two months with an incredible amount of joy. And you have to focus on that. It is a gift —it is a wonderful gift from Jehovah. I wasn’t sure if I was going to put in the application because I thought maybe I wanted to do it as a couple rather than as a single person. But I prayed to Jehovah about it, and I put my application in. I wouldn’t be experiencing the happiness that I have now if I had waited. So I’m happy that I just put my application in and let Jehovah do the rest.

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And now, sometimes I’m driving down the freeway, and I think: ‘Wow, Jehovah, I am so happy! Thank you!’ These experiences remind me of Colossians 3:23, 24 which reads: “Whatever you are doing, “work at it whole-souled as for Jehovah, “and not for men, for you know that it is from Jehovah “you will receive the inheritance as a reward. Slave for the Master, Christ.” Certainly, these brothers and sisters are doing just that. If you personally find yourself in a position to reach out for a privilege, such as attending this school or moving to where the need is great, give it consideration.

7. Costa Rica

Now we travel to Costa Rica, where we find our brothers and sisters relying on Jehovah as they prepare for a very special assembly. Why was trust in Jehovah essential for this project? First, we asked the branch for permission. Once they gave us approval, we began to make preparations for the assembly, though we had absolutely nothing. So one brother lent us a property for the assembly site. Our brothers have brought many different skills to the project. There are metalworkers , cabinetmakers, and bricklayers. Many brothers have given of their resources and used their abilities so that this project could go ahead. This has really made us stand out here.

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People were asking each other: “What is happening here?” and “Who paid for all of this?” They say people are surprised at how many workers are coming to help. And I wonder, ‘If this is getting attention now, what will the assembly be like?’ A comfortable, practical, and secure Assembly Hall was constructed using materials acquired locally. Expectations grew as the special day drew closer, and when it finally arrived, those in attendance experienced something truly moving. With Jehovah’s help, many interested ones, along with our brothers and sisters, have come here today to celebrate our first assembly in the Bribri language. Friends, this is wonderful! When the program started in Bribri, I cried. I’m so happy to have participated in the assembly, especially because it’s in my own language. It’s what we wanted. We hope it continues just like this. We walked a long way to invite these people, and to see them here, it makes me very happy. The information presented in the local language touched many hearts.

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This was truly a historic event for our indigenous brothers in Costa Rica. Jehovah has made it possible for more people in this isolated region to enjoy his spiritual blessing. Did you note why trust in Jehovah was so essential for this project? At the start the brothers had nothing. But they trusted that Jehovah would assist them, and he did through donated land, materials, and willing volunteers. Yes, we can truly put our confidence in Jehovah as he guides us through this system of things.

8. Music Video – Confident in You

Such trust in Jehovah is highlighted in this month’s music video entitled Confident in You. Like a tree planted in the ground, Your words have sunk deep down Into my heart and soothed my mind with gentle thoughts of peace.’ Cause no matter what may come, With this wisdom from above, I always have these truths to keep reminding me to Go on; don’t be afraid. Hold on to what Jehovah says. Through all the storms, your words have Given me strength to endure. And every day I am more confident in you.

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When this world tries to pull me down, To give up on what I’ve found, I turn to you and know that you are always there. It takes time to meditate— Get the words from off the page And in my heart so they can help and guide me to Go on; don’t be afraid. Hold on to what Jehovah says. Look beyond any adversity. Focus on the things that I can’t see. Through all the storms, your words have Given me strength to endure. And every day I am more confident in you— In you. Go on; don’t be afraid. Hold on to what Jehovah says. Look beyond any adversity. Focus on the things that I can’t see. Through all the storms, your words have Given me strength to endure. And every day I am more confident in you. This month we have seen how trusting in Jehovah and his guidance can assist us in a variety of ways: addressing issues with a close friend, our choices in entertainment, and even coping with a world filled with social injustice. Certainly, Jehovah is someone in whom we can trust!

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But we have one last treat for you before we end our program.

9. Cadiz, Spain

We’ll briefly travel to Cádiz, Spain. Cádiz is considered to be one of the oldest cities in Western Europe and was founded by the Phoenicians. It is situated on a narrow slice of land surrounded by the sea. Cádiz has a wealth of vistas and well-preserved historical landmarks. On the outskirts lies Puerto de Santa María, where an English-speaking congregation meets. This congregation is made up mainly of brothers and sisters serving as need-greaters. They have come from other parts of Spain as well as distant lands, such as Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States. Cádiz has a high rate of unemployment, so finding work is not easy. One couple travels nearly 300 miles (or 483 km) every Thursday to their territory, and on Monday morning they make the trip back to where they live and work. In spite of these financial challenges, many are still serving as construction volunteers, remote Bethel workers, and pioneers. Our brothers and sisters in Puerto de Santa María are thrilled to send their love and greetings to you all.

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This is JW Broadcasting from the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses.