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In what ways does your media product use

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  • 1.In what ways does your media product use , develop or challengeforms and conventions of real media products?Ive already talked about the conventions of a music video and given examples of which I followed, but what did I do for my DigiPak and Advertisement?

2. Conventions of a DigiPak The name of the artist should be on the front of the and has to be easy to read. Artist name should be bigger than the album name. Album name should be bigger than the Artist name. Both should be in the same font. The track listing should be on the back (all in the same font), again it should beeasy to read avoid curly fonts. Production information should be on the back at the bottom and should includethe distributor, Copyright, Date, Barcode and the Artist Web Address (Artistwebsite/record label website) If it is a special edition there should be a promotional sticker on the front No more than three to four colours No more than two fonts Must create some sort of visual link with the advertisement. 3. Here are the ones I looked at.These are the examples that I looked at. The reason why I looked at these and none fromMy Genre of Dubstep was because most Dubstep artist do not have their faces on the cover of theirCDs its more visual imagery which would be more hard for me to do as I didnt have muchExperience with Photoshop. I thought it was important to have Ava Manhattans face clearOn the front because she is an upcoming artist and she needs to be recognised, thats why ILooked at the above covers for inspiration, I like how all of them have a clear shot of theirFaces and it is a close up. I got heavily influenced by these and my DigiPak follows this convention. 4. The end result of my DigiPak.This is what my final product looks like. As you can see, I used a close up shot of her full face andFollowed all the conventions of a DigiPak including using only certain number of fonts and colours.I didnt challenge any of the conventions as I didnt actually know how I could and thought it wouldBe better this way and actually looks more effective this way. I think if I was more experienced withPhotoshop I may have challenged some of the conventions but I am pleased with how it turned out. 5. The dos and donts when making anadvertisement. Do Use a clear font. Do Have the same theme running through the Ad as you did theDigiPak. Dont use different colours from your DigiPak. Do have a picture of the front of you CD cover so your audience canrecognise what do buy. Do be careful where you place your font. Dont overlap fonts on top of fonts or in front pictures, make it easy foryour audience to read. Do remember to put a clear release date. Do write where the customer can purchase the CD e.g. iTunes, HMV. Do use appropriate pictures. Dont have stretched or blurry pictures. 6. Advertisements that I looked at. Here are just some of the adverts I looked at. Some I found on the internet via. Google, Others I found in music Magazines, such as NME. The Ellie Goulding advert is my favourite . I like the layout of it. And like how clear her face, her name the name of her album is very clear on the advertisement. I also like that on her Ad theyve put in reviews stars and from this it influenced me to add some to my own. 7. My Final product Advertisement. 8. My thoughts..I think that looking back at the conventions and dos anddonts etc. I did follow most of the conventions in myancillary work, I didnt challenge any of the conventions. Ikept a running theme of colours (Red, white and black) Ialso kept to using only two fonts, both of which were usedon my DigiPak and Advertisement. I hope that the visuallinks between the two are clear, because to me it does looklike it is. I also made sure that I used different pictures ofthe artist on the advertisement but made sure it wassimilar enough to recognise her I think it helped that shewas wearing the same outfit which also helps withreaching our target audience because you can see herclearly. I am pleased with how my ancillary work came out,I know that I was in fact quite nervous for it because of mylack of experience with Photoshop but I do like finaloutcomes.