1 River City Chrisan College Term 2, Week, 04 rccc.vic.edu.au Monday, May 07, 2018 In this issue Chaplain’s Corner 1 Prayer Points 2 School News 2, 3, 4 Calendar of events 5 C opy Cat Most of us have played the game “Simon Says”. If you haven’t it is a game where you must do whatever the leader says but only if they prefix their instruction with the words “Simon says”. The requirement of this game is that you do what you are told. Have you ever just done what others are doing without thinking much about it? I have a mate Marty who is very fortunate to be alive today. When he was a new teacher just starting out in a new school he heard that on hot days the locals all went for a swim in a channel. Well one hot day he went where all the local students were swimming and despite the warning signs saying not to swim he joined in with the others. Unfortunately after he jumped in, the current swept him towards the road bridge and what he didn’t realise was that the channel siphoned under the road and he got sucked under the bridge and he was unconscious when he came out the other side. Several year 12 students saw what had happened and rescued him and gave him CPR which saved his life. He had copied all those around him and it nearly cost him his life. Doing what others are doing can cost you. The Bible tells us to be careful who we copy. Proverbs 1:10 tells us not to copy anyone disobeying God’s requirements for his people. And 1 Corinthians 11:1 tells us who we should copy. Paul says, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” (KJV) So we should copy people who copy Jesus, and we should copy Jesus himself. And, you know, if we copy Jesus, it just might be that other people will want to copy us. Then we'd be a blessing to other people. It could also mean that we could become unpopular because by not doing what everyone else is doing they feel guilty. This is not a reason to follow the popular opinion but a call to stand out for Christ. Let us think before we copy others. Corbz

In this issue · Wk 6 22Beacon Careers Expo 23 Working Bee RCCC Inc AGM 24Open Day & extended family welcome. 25Education Week 26 27 28Swimming Swimming. Reconciliation walk Swimming

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Page 1: In this issue · Wk 6 22Beacon Careers Expo 23 Working Bee RCCC Inc AGM 24Open Day & extended family welcome. 25Education Week 26 27 28Swimming Swimming. Reconciliation walk Swimming


River City Christian College Term 2, Week, 04

rccc.vic.edu.au Monday, May 07, 2018

In this issue

Chaplain’s Corner 1

Prayer Points 2

School News 2, 3, 4

Calendar of events 5

C opy Cat Most of us have played the

game “Simon Says”. If you haven’t it is a game where you must do whatever the leader says but only if they prefix their instruction with the words “Simon says”. The requirement of this game is that you do what you are told. Have you ever just done what others are doing without thinking much about it?

I have a mate Marty who is very fortunate to be alive today. When he was a new teacher just starting out in a new school he heard that on hot days the locals all went for a swim in a channel. Well one hot day he went where all the local students were swimming and despite the warning signs saying not to swim he joined in with the others. Unfortunately after he jumped in, the current swept him towards the road bridge and what he didn’t realise was that the channel siphoned under the road and

he got sucked under the bridge and he was unconscious when he came out the other side. Several year 12 students saw what had happened and rescued him and gave him CPR which saved his life. He had copied all those around him and it nearly cost him his life. Doing what others are doing can cost you. The Bible tells us to be careful who we copy. Proverbs 1:10 tells us not to copy anyone disobeying God’s requirements for his people. And 1 Corinthians 11:1 tells us who we should copy. Paul says, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” (KJV) So we should copy people who copy Jesus, and we should copy Jesus himself. And, you know, if we copy Jesus, it just might be that other people will want to copy us. Then we'd be a blessing to other people. It could also mean that we could become unpopular because by not doing what everyone else is doing they feel guilty. This is not a reason to follow the popular opinion but a call to stand out for Christ. Let us think before we copy others. Corbz

Page 2: In this issue · Wk 6 22Beacon Careers Expo 23 Working Bee RCCC Inc AGM 24Open Day & extended family welcome. 25Education Week 26 27 28Swimming Swimming. Reconciliation walk Swimming


Head lice! Please check your child.

Just a reminder to check your child for head lice. If found, it must be treated before the young person returns to school. More information is available from the school office, thank you.

Class of the week is Mitchell Well done to the young people in Years 0-3.

Merit award winners

for Term 2 week 03

Malachi Flett for being a great

encouragement to others on Sports Day

Chelsea Putt-Atley for pushing herself so

hard at Athletics

Sara Thompson for working hard in all classes

Kyla Grotto for encouraging her classmates on

Sports Day

Congratulations everyone!

A Mum’s Afternoon gathering at RCCC on this Friday, May 11th As we head toward Mothers’ Day, invitations have been sent home inviting Mums, or other significant women in the lives of our students, to a short gathering and afternoon tea at the College on Friday this week, May 11th, at 2.30pm. Please return the response slip supplied last week to help us prepare but come just the same if you find out at the last minute that you’re available.

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy


This annual testing program will occur for students in Years 3, 5, 7

& 9 over the three days of May 15th, 16th & 17th. A standardised

approach to these tests is taken across the nation and results are

normally available for parents late in term 3. If you have any

questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Peter Nelson

Prayer Points Thankfulness to God for His design for families, for the role of mothers and for the contribution of other

significant women in our lives.

God’s continued blessings, wisdom and the strength needed for the staff from RCCC & Deniliquin Christian School to follow through and implement what was learnt last Friday regarding faithful curriculum development.

For the joy of RCCC community life experienced as we held our Athletics Day last Thursday.

The Camping Program

This organisation grew out of faithful Christian people in the Kyabram region and is now regularly running camps for various Primary and Secondary age groups, young adults, women, men, married couples and many more. If this may have an interest for you, please pick up a brochure from the rack in the school foyer or explore their website www.thecampingprogram.org.au Men’s Muster North Date: May 18-20 Who: All males 18+ Cost: $150 Speaker: Jahleel Shelling Where: Cheshunt What: Fellowship, awesome speaker, free time of 4WD, music jamming, trail bikes, blacksmithing, photography, coffee shops, cycling, fishing, walking. To register and for more information go to the website www.thecampingprogram.org.au

Page 3: In this issue · Wk 6 22Beacon Careers Expo 23 Working Bee RCCC Inc AGM 24Open Day & extended family welcome. 25Education Week 26 27 28Swimming Swimming. Reconciliation walk Swimming


Athletics Carnival day—May 3rd

Last Thursday we had our second athletics carnival. It was a fantastic day and

the weather was perfect, which we thank God for.

We started with the sprints for all age groups and there were a couple of easy

races but there were some close races also keeping the judges on their toes.

We then moved into the rotation of events with students enjoying being

together and giving each activity their best regardless of their level of skill

which is always great to see.

Triple jump again proved a challenge for the young and the old.

Watching the students that performed it correctly was just wonderful to see

and provided some healthy competition in the event.

House Points were on offer throughout the day for Joshua and Caleb and at

the end of competition the scores were very close. Joshua came out with the

win by only 150 points. Joshua scored 3700 pts and Caleb scored 3550 pts.

Thank you to all the staff that helped out and big thankyou to the parents that

came to support their children—it was wonderful to see.

Mr. Bassett.

Page 4: In this issue · Wk 6 22Beacon Careers Expo 23 Working Bee RCCC Inc AGM 24Open Day & extended family welcome. 25Education Week 26 27 28Swimming Swimming. Reconciliation walk Swimming


Old School Furniture for Sale

The following items are only in fair condition and are unlikely to be used in the future of the school. We are therefore keen to clear

them out of storage in a farm shed and sell them at any reasonable offer. You can express your interest by advising Mrs Joan Caldwell

at the school office what items you are interested in and what price you are willing to pay, but this should be done by May 21st. We

will then be in contact with you to answer any questions and hopefully arrange payment and pick up. Many thanks, Peter Nelson

1 = Student tables with shelf, Qty 8

2 = Assorted student tables, Qty 7

3 = Red plastic chairs, Qty 9

4 = Trapezium tables, Qty 4

5 = Tall chairs, Qty 9

6 = Small stools (some previous students may want to claim the one they painted!), Qty 24

7 = Cupboard unit (Approx 630mm deep, 900mm wide & 3 metres long), Qty 1

8 = Bench with power outlets (Approx 450mm deep, 760mm high & 3.5 metres long), Qty 1

9 = Taller tables as in our Science / Art room, Qty 5.

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

No. 5

No. 8

No. 9

Page 5: In this issue · Wk 6 22Beacon Careers Expo 23 Working Bee RCCC Inc AGM 24Open Day & extended family welcome. 25Education Week 26 27 28Swimming Swimming. Reconciliation walk Swimming


Contact Us: Phone: 03 5482 4594

Website: www.rccc.vic.edu.au

Email: [email protected]

BSB: 063 511 Account: 1005 5226

2018 Term 2 School Calendar of Events2018 Term 2 School Calendar of Events

River City

Christian College



2 Easter Mon

3 Holidays

4 Holidays

5 Holidays

6 Holidays

7 Holidays

8 Holidays

9 Holidays

10 Holidays

11 Holidays

12 Holidays

13 Holidays

14 Holidays

15 Holidays

16 Term 2 starts 17

18 Playgroup







25 ANZAC day 26 Beacon 27 BUPA

Prim exc



30 CSEN Theatre

Sports heat Wk 3


2 Playgroup

3 RCCC Aths


4 Staff

development (No






7 Wk 4


9 Playgroup Echuca Police visit



11 Mum’s

Afternoon Tea


13 Mothers’ Day

14 Wk 5








21 Wk 6

22 Beacon

Careers Expo

23 Playgroup RCCC Inc AGM

24 Open Day &

extended family


25 Education


26 Working Bee


28 Swimming Reconciliation walk Swimming Wk 7

29 Swimming. Yr 9/10 Camp

30 Swimming. Yr 9/10 Camp Playgroup

31 Swimming. Yr 9/10 Camp Vic Govt Educ’n

Program for 4/5/6.

1 Swimming. Yr 9/10 Camp





4 Wk 8


6 Yr 9/10 Interview

technique. Playgroup





11 Queen’s

Birthday Wk 9

12 Yr 9/10 Exams

13 Yr 9/10 Exams


14 Yr 9/10 Exams.

WCC arrive 15 Yr 9/10 Exams.

WCC visit

16 WCC depart


18 Wk 10


20 Yr 9/10 Mock

Interviews. Playgroup


22 Skipping event



25 Wk 11


27 Playgroup


29 T2 finishes.

Casual clothes.

2.15 dismissal

30 Holidays

1 Holidays