by Rev. Dr. Sally Wicks AUG 2 Wrestling with God Genesis 32: 22-31 AUG 9 When the Path is Hard Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28 AUG 16 Love Wins Genesis 45: 1-15 AUG 23 Who Are You and What Have You Done With My Jesus? Matthew 15:21-28 AUG 30 John Seddon will be filling in for Pastor Sally In This Issue: 7/7 Session Highlights Letter From Pastor Sally Outdoor Office Hours Pieceful Quilters Small Groups Missions and Outreach Children and Youth Ministry School Supplies Donations August Worship Schedule August Birthdays and Anniversaries

In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

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Page 1: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

by Rev. Dr. Sally Wicks

AUG 2 Wrestling with God

Genesis 32: 22-31

AUG 9 When the Path is Hard

Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28

AUG 16 Love Wins

Genesis 45: 1-15

AUG 23 Who Are You and What Have You

Done With My Jesus?

Matthew 15:21-28

AUG 30 John Seddon will be filling in for

Pastor Sally

In This Issue:

• 7/7 Session Highlights

• Letter From Pastor Sally

• Outdoor Office Hours

• Pieceful Quilters

• Small Groups

• Missions and Outreach

• Children and Youth Ministry

• School Supplies Donations

• August Worship Schedule

• August Birthdays and Anniversaries

Page 2: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Sally Wicks

Children’s Coordinator: Anna Parkin-son

Director of Music & Organist: Celia Weiss

Contemporary Music

Coordinator: Matthew Kennedy

Worship Coordinator: Mary Seddon

Office Manager: Jessica Miller

Financial Secretary: Cinda Olinger

Nursery Staff: Susan Kendell,

Lydia Michaels,

Sexton: Matthew Kennedy

Night Watchmen: Steve Seward,

& Steve Slusser

Worship Technicians: Akira Clark Kelsey Seddon

Gavin Simons

Jacob Windy

Session Class of 2021: Bill Burton, Bruce Carter, Dick Griffen, Ron Kensinger, Kirk Linton, Pat Van Dyke , Freya Burket, Carol Eldridge, Starr Robinson. Session Class of 2022: Braden McCormick, John Seddon. Deacons Class of 2021: Dottie Arnold, Debby Burton, Pam Kline, Kelsey Seddon, Harriet Sloop. Deacons Class of 2022: Nancy Hutchings, Jim Rasp, Judy Bechtold, Derek Linton, Jeanne Van Putten, Betty Rice. Foundation Class of 2021: Braden McCormick, Bill Rice. Foundation Class of 2022: Marsha Stackhouse, Bruce Klonowski, Jeff Wells

Following review of the report from the task force that was estab-

lished to make recommendations to Session regarding reopening

of the church, the following motion was approved:

“Due to the threat of serious illness and death from contracting

Covid 19 and the high percentage of “at risk” persons in the con-

gregation, First Presbyterian Church of Elkhart, Indiana will not

open the church for worship services for the remainder of 2020

and will instead focus on providing and expanding the current

online ministry including both Traditional and Contemporary

(Bridge) worship offerings, online educational and social gather-

ings, and children and youth ministries.”

In further business, Session was informed of the activities of the

recently formed Christian Action Team for Racial Equity. To date,

this group has met twice and is in the process of reviewing re-

sources to provide on a web page of our First Presbyterian Church

web site. Members of Session will be reading and reporting on one

of those resources at its August meeting.

It is a joy and privilege to welcome David Lehman as

an Honorary Life Member of Presbyterian Women in

the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-

ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-

byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has

faithfully shared his time and talents. David has

been on Session, the Foundation Board, taught

church school classes for nearly all ages, and has

been a youth leader and a confirmand mentor. Most recently David has

become known as “Mr. Dave“ at Beardsley School, mentoring students and

helping teachers with special events. David is recognized for his commit-

ment to Christ and the mission of the church. Thanks, David for your

faithful service.

Page 3: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Dear Friends,

In the early church, leaders from among Jesus’ disciples stood up and offered themselves to serve God in spreading the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ. We know these 11 men as the Apostles. But there were other leaders as well. Matthias offered his name to be the 12th Apostle to replace Judas and was elected. There was also Mary, Jesus’ mother and his brothers who became leaders in the church. James, Jesus’ brother, eventually became the leader of the church in Jerusalem and was martyred for his faith. Then there were the first Deacons who were chosen to keep the treasury, to distribute the daily portions of food and to help with some of the evangelistic efforts. Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolaus were the first deacons of the church. Stephen was the first martyr for the Lord

in the church. To these we can add the names of Paul, Timothy, Titus, Silas, Tabitha, Pricilla and Aquilla and countless others. They were leaders in the church, serving God in difficult times. Many of them suffered great hardships in order to serve the Lord. Many of them died for their faith.

I share these names with you because leadership in the church is never easy. Sometimes it is rewarding, meaningful and joyful. Many times it is difficult, draining and stressful. Leadership during a pandemic leans more into the difficult, draining and stressful side as you might well imagine.

I want to take a moment to remind you as we enter a sixth month of ministry during a pandemic that none of your current church leaders signed up to be leaders during a pandemic. It has been stressful for church leaders and for staff members to wrestle with difficult questions about what is safe and what is not. What can we do and what should we refrain from doing? I know I personally have lost lots of sleep in these past five months wrestling with what we should do. There are so many considerations. What is best for the health and safety of our people? How are staff members doing with new tasks that are often more difficult than the old tasks? How do we care for our members who are alone and lonely? What do we need to do for our children and families? How do we manage care for the sick and the homebound? What about funerals, sacraments, small groups, etc.? How are our finances? What can we do for outreach at this time? The list goes on and on and everything has had to be rethought and then gets rethought through again.

I share this with you because I know some of you were disappointed by the Session decision to not open for worship anytime soon. At the same time I have heard from some of you who were deeply relieved and believed this was the right decision. What I want all of you to know is that this decision was carefully weighed first by a small team and then by the whole session. Session knew when the decision was made that not everyone would agree or be happy with this decision. How I wish we could all be in agreement, but I understand that is unrealistic. I would, however, ask you all to respect and support the leaders of our church who are trying their very hardest to make right and good decisions for our congregation in these very difficult times.

Leadership in the church has never been easy. Please pray for the Elders, Deacons, staff members, worship production team and the many others who have stepped up lead during a pandemic. Pray for wisdom, strength and a sensitivity to the leading of God’s Spirit. It is your leaders deepest wish to serve God and our congregation well in these days.

Your servant,

Page 4: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Since the First Presbyterian office is closed, questions and concerns can be directed to:

The Administrative Assistant- Jessica Miller at [email protected] or (574) 214 6965

Pastor Sally Wicks at [email protected] or (219) 851 8939

On Tuesdays Aug 4, 11 and 18 Pastor Sally will be offering

“outdoor” office hours. She will be sitting outside the church

under the portico by the sanctuary with an extra couple

seats for a guest or a couple of guests. She is available to

talk about whatever! You can just come to see another hu-

man face and chit chat about the weather if you like. Masks

are required and social distancing will be practiced. If you

would like to meet with Sally, call Jessica at (574) 214-6965

to schedule a ½ hour appointment. You can also take your

chances and just stop by, but if Sally already has an appoint-

ment she will need to keep it.

I do so enjoy the sunflowers‘ cheerful golden faces

brightening gardens and fields in the summer time....

and I do hope the four coverlets featuring sunflowers

will bring a smile on the faces of cancer patients at

Elkhart General Hospital.

Page 5: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Meeting ID# and password will be sent out via Thursday eBlast to

the congregation

Men’s Bible Study is Wednesdays

at 8:30 am on ZOOM

Wednesday’s Table is Wednesdays

at 11:00 am on ZOOM

Monday Night Bible study has resumed to Study the book of Genesis. The group meets

on zoom every Monday at 6:00 PM. Genesis is a great book of the bible, full of interesting

stories about the beginnings of our faith. We learn about the first covenant with God. We

explore early dysfunctional families and how God works through them anyway. It’s hope-

ful! Watch for the zoom links on the congregational email. - Pr. Sally

Every Monday at 6 pm on ZOOM

Lunch and a Story will end August 10th. Zoom info and links are sent via the

congregational email and weekly eblasts. -Mondays at 11:30 am.

Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Page 6: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

“I wanted to say thank you to the First Presbyterian church for provid-

ing me the blessing of this grant. With this money, I plan on investing in

my faith as I transition to college. I plan on purchasing some devotion-

als, a better Bible, and other tools that will allow me to grow my rela-

tionship with the Lord and spread the love of Jesus.

Thanks again for the grant, and I wish you all the best.”

“I was really honored to receive this year's First Presbyterian Peace-

making Grant for 2020. I was blessed to receive a full athletic scholar-

ship to Central Michigan University where I will be studying Exercise

Science and continuing my football career. With the grant that you have

given me I will be using it to purchase items that I need for my dorm

room, probably a small fridge.

Thank you again!”

“Thank you [Pastor Sally Wicks] and First Presbyterian Church for

your ongoing and generous support of Habitat for Humanity of

Elkhart Co.

Your support of the 2020 Women Build and our homeowners

Keshia and Aeriel helps them purchase a safe, energy-efficient and

affordable home.”

I will be using the grant to help me go to college to study drawing.

Thank you very much!

Page 7: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully


“Dear First Presbyterian Church of Elkhart,

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for sharing the money that

god has gifted your church with to graduates like me. Next month, I will be

leaving for Ball State University where I will begin my studies in hopes to

become a nurse. Ever since I was younger I knew that I had a passion for

helping others. My mom is a nurse and she would frequently come home

and share her day with me, good or bad. I was inspired by her because day

after day, she went back. No matter what challenges she faced, her passion

for others overcame. I did an internship at Elkhart General Hospital where I was given the opportunity to

shadow various nurses on various floors throughout the hospital. Through this, I was able to confirm that

the emergency room is where I belong. I am a fast paced thinker and the way that the floor moved as a

team was amazing to me. COVID-19 affected my family very harshly, as my mom tested positive on March

19 and was not able to return to work due to physical weakness and a deficiency in lung function until the

last week of May. Even then, she would come home defeated and exhausted. It was extremely terrifying,

knowing that I would be going into a field where I am exposed to many illnesses and diseases like this.

Nonetheless, my passion has never waived. I repeatedly wished that I could in some way help people dur-

ing all of this. I wrote countless letters to residents in retirement homes, made videos for my teachers en-

couraging them to keep pushing, and even led my school's National Honors Society (of which I was vice

president of) to make blankets for our teachers. Before you can continue a second semester at school, you

must have paid most of your first semester. The grant that your church has blessed me with will help me

continue in school without having to take out student loans early in my education. Before COVID, I was

attending Sugar Grove Church. I have spent many years growing up in church. It was very hard to keep a

strong faith when the pastor and others at my old church would display such behavior that did not sup-

port the bible. Finally, I found a church that felt like home and helped me build in my faith. I see God work-

ing in everything I do. Many times when I would get overwhelmed because of the situation we faced this

year, God and His word would get me through. I know that this grant was a work of God. I feel so blessed.

Thank you very much for all that you have done for me and countless other seniors.

May God bless you, “

As we continue to witness large group gatherings being canceled or re-

vamped, the 2020 CROP Walk will also look entirely different from previous

walks. We had our initial planning meeting this past Monday and the only

thing that was decided was the date. The walk will be held on Sunday, Octo-

ber 4th. The planning team is hard at work brainstorming ways in which to participate in the walk and

how to sponsor walkers or donate to this worthwhile cause. I will keep you updated through the newslet-

ter as information is confirmed.

Remember to save the date -October 4th- See you there however that may be!

Page 8: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Parents and grandparents: we need your input for children’s and

youth ministry for the Fall. Watch eblasts and email from Anna later this month for a

time and date for a 30 minute zoom brainstorming session. (Ideas can be sent

to [email protected] before then too.)

Lunch and a Story The last Lunch and a Story is August 10th at 11:30 am on Zoom! Be sure to catch it!

Summer Bible Challenge

… and other activities are available on the website at https://www.presby.net/home/

youth-childrens-ministry/ As part of the curriculum guidelines, this page is password

protected. Use the password: virtualcm

Donating school supplies for Beardsley School and Church World Services

will go a little differently this year:

Those of you who have signed up to donate can drop off the school supplies in

the labeled tub inside the doors leading to the office on August 3rd anytime be-

tween 9 am-4pm! There will be signs directing you to the correct door. One of

the sets of doors will be unlocked and the tub will be sitting just beyond them.

If you need to remember what you signed up for, you can check the list at this link:


Any questions? Email them to [email protected] or call Jes-

sica Miller, the Administrative Assistant, at (574) 214 6965

Page 9: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Our sermon series through the book of Genesis continues into August. Watch your congregational email

and Facebook for links to our services on Sunday morning. Here’s what we can expect in August:

Aug 2 Gen 32: 22-31 “Wrestling with God ”

Aug 9 Gen 37: 1-4, 12-28 “When the path is hard ”

Aug 16 Gen 45: 1-15 “Love wins”

Aug 23 Matt 15: 21-28 "Who Are You and What Have

You Done With My Jesus"

Aug 30 John Seddon will be filling in for Pastor Sally

Every Sunday at 10 pm... both worship services will premiere at the same time on the church website

and YouTube. You will receive an email about 9:45 am with links if you are on our congregational email

list. Watch either the Traditional or Bridge @ Home service at 10:00 am, then stick around for the 11:00

am ZOOM Fellowship Time following the service to greet each other. You can watch or rewatch either of

the services on the church website or YouTube at any time afterward.

Watch at Presby.net or search “FPCE Elkhart” on YouTube

Sally will be away August 24 – September 6 for a week of Study leave and a week of vacation. While she is away

please tune in for worship. John Seddon will be preaching on Sunday, Aug 30 and The Rev. Jennifer Burns Lew-

is will be preaching on Sunday, Sept. 6.

Page 10: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Aug 2 Donald Stohler

Aug 3 Larry Knight

Aug 11 Patricia Smith

Aug 11 Haley Stouder

Aug 12 Rudy Gourdine

Aug 13 Anita Gorden

Aug 15 Marilyn Horvath

Aug 17 Elizabeth Hohman

Aug 17 Connie Minzey

Aug 18 Abigail Koeppel

Aug 20 Jean Borneman

Aug 27 Jim Baxter

Aug 29 Cadence Loftus

Aug 6 Bob and Lou Putnam

Aug 11 Gordon and Nancy Compton

Aug 15 Todd and Cheryl Ann Miller

Aug 18 David and Anna Parkinson

Aug 26 Tom and Sue LeFevre

Aug 29 Jim and Jean Baxter

Page 11: In This Issue · the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). David is being rec-ognized for all he has done and does for First Pres-byterian Church. Throughout the past years he has faithfully

Phone: 574.264.3109

Fax: 574.264.5309

Phone: 574.264.3109

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.presby.net

Fax: 574.264.5309

September Newsletter Article Deadline is August 20 - Submit articles to: [email protected]