guidance & insight into living a life that is more holistic, more aware, more angelic IN THE Presence of Angels AUGUST 2008 HCFS Update The Reiki returns home pt 2 I’ve never fitted in by Allison Ward Angel image for the month Helpful thoughts by Una Bias And much more... inside this issue www.inthepresenceofangels.org.uk

In the Presence of Angels August 2008

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Information, guidance and advice from the holistic network of busiensses that make up In the Presence of Angels.

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Page 1: In the Presence of Angels August 2008

guidance & insightinto living a life that is

more holistic, more aware, more angelic

INTHEPresence of Angels


HCFS Update

The Reiki returns home pt 2

I’ve never fitted in by Allison Ward

Angel image for the month

Helpful thoughts by Una Bias

And much more...

inside this issue


Page 2: In the Presence of Angels August 2008

Hello and welcome to the August newsletter. I hope you enjoy the content. Your comments are always welcome. We have some great articles written by our member therapists, coworkers and other peo-

ple associated with our organisation.

At the end of July the energy turned briefly to one of rewarding completion. Gratitude and praise came from others and the feeling of being on the right path at the right time was present. However, these feelings built a momentum for us to take on a larger challenge during August, which is not testing our ability to do, but testing just

how much we can do.

Our ability to execute tasks will be heightened in August. There is excess energy around to help us acheive more than we normally can in a period of time. Be grateful for this because there is so much

to do.

We can bring in the lesson of prioritising from tthe heart that we spoke about last month and really get down to work. The energy of August, charged by the sun, may be fast-paced and there will also be a lesson regarding giving up your time for others. Taking a time-out from your work in order to be with a loved one or help some-body. This won’t be in your plan for the day, but you have to remain aware and responsive. Prioritising from the heart is a technique that

doesn’t fit into your to-do list in a neat way.

Remain aware and do what you can. The chances are that in Au-gust you will do it well.

With love and blessings,

Russell Goffe


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Holistic Children & Family Services Ltd.An update from our sister company

www.holisticchildrenandfamilyservices.orgFor more information call 0845 882 547

s you may be aware, Holistic Children & Family Services is the sister company of In the Presence of Angels and has been going from strength to stength in recent months.

Several months ago we asked in our newsletter for your positive thoughts to help manifest our school bus, which arrived very quickly indeed and we realised just how powerful our thoughts and inten-tion can be.

Thank you so much to all those who helped to manifest the school bus. it has been a real blessing for doing school pick-ups and taking the children out and about.

As you can see we have had the bus decorated with our logo, contact details and services, along with a wipe-clean noticeboard on the back that we can update with events and offers. We now turn heads wherever we drive and it is helping to raise the profile of our growing not-for-profit organisa-tion.

The photos below show our team at our recent open day, during which we met with local parents and gained interest in our holistic childminding services, holistic after-school club and holistic summer school, all offered from our premises in Harborne.

Find out more about our organisation, which is de-veloping at an exciting pace by visiting our website at the address below.

Page 4: In the Presence of Angels August 2008

As a mental exercise, I can imagine myself as a car.I can start my day, as I start my car.Then slowly and carefully, I shift into higher gear. I am aware of the traffic and the conditions around me.I take the best roads towards my daily goals and make careful choices at new crossroads.Most of the time I drive in high gear, but I am aware that at any time I can move down into a slower gear.

I can control the flow of energy at all times.

And, when my day is done, I reverse the process and start slowing down.At the start of the day, I geared up my speed. Now I move my gears down to a quiet idle.For my work is done and I turn down the engine.I now take time to reflect on the day and be thankful that I did the best I could.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Always see yourself as in control, aware of what you are doing and why. See yourself as taking short relax-ing breaks during your day.Feel yourself taking a few minutes to step back and think before doing a new job so that you do not waste time or steps.Feel yourself step forward and carefully using time and energy in the most efficient way.Plant in your mind a vivid image or symbol of your suc-cess and experience this goal-image as already ac-complished.Picture a positive end result. You are far more dynamic and productive when your eyes are open and you take action.The more you are asked to do, the more ability you will have to do it with, to do it in a calm, assured and posi-tive way.

Una BiasCall the Sedgley Centre on 01902 882 187 to find out dates of Una’s forthcoming course,Introduction to “Relaxing from Stress. Bringing Relaxation in to your Space”.


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Last month in our newsletter we heard from Allison Timmins about the series of synchronicities that helped her to arrive in Japan, after she was invited by a client. Here the story continues...

When I landed at Nagoya Airport in Japan, the minute I got off the plane I could feel the shift in energy. The flight from Dubai had been interesting, as the last 4-5 hours had been very turbu-lent & unsettled, like there was a shift in energy consciousness. My Japanese host met me and dur-ing conversation I had discovered there had been an earthquake in China during the time I had left the UK. I knew this was linked to this energy somehow.

Japan is an amazing place. Amaz-ing because it has amazing people living there! I have never in my life experienced so many divine qualities in people. I felt like I had been taken off planet Earth & put somewhere else! They are kind, generous, sensitive, compassion-ate beyond belief, very focussed on your needs and not their own and just so happy in their own space. Almost like they were channelling grace!

I really wondered at this point on how the Ascension Reiki was going to change consciousness knowing my own evolvement was not on their vibration quite yet! This wonderment didn’t last for long. I could feel the energy around me, their energy, lifting me up, raising me to their vibra-tion. I totally got the Westlife song... You Raise me up! I was being attuned more so I could send the Ascension Reiki through

their vibration.

You see they are incredible people with a beautiful sense of inno-cence, purity & naivety almost like Angels dropped down from heav-en! At this point I was suddenly given a message that this Reiki was about integration for them... to integrate their ego & become more balanced. I totally got what I was there to do and was slowly introduced to those people that were to help me with my mission. Three Reiki Masters called Akemi, Takako and Kako. All different beautiful divine souls on their own journies, yet bought together for the collective consciousness what-ever that was for them.

The Reiki returns homepart 2 by Allison Timmins

Picture: A shinto temple in Kyoto, where Dr Usui went to university.

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I visited many places during my three-week stay in between doing healing sessions & Attune-ments.

Perhaps the most profound visit was to Mount Kuri Yama linked very much to Dr Usui our tradi-tional Reiki founder. It was the Wesak festival on the mountain, the night of the full moon as-trologically placed in the month of Taurus, yet in the phase of Scorpio too. These two astrology signs are opposite signs & very symbolic to me personally. My rising sign is also Scorpio & my North Node is in Taurus. In other words where I have come from in terms of past life and where my path leads within this life. I knew at this point taking the Reiki there was linked to having been there before, returning to my roots and part of my life mis-sion this time! Very powerful!

The celebration of Buddha’s birthday was wonderful as the night drew in. We camped on the mountain, we took part in a won-

derful meditation and ceremony with fire, chanting and prayer. As this happened the rain became more intense, almost typhoon-like as we anchored more light on the planet and released more suffering. Very much in-line with Buddha’s teachings of “The 4 No-ble Truths” which I have added below of this article.

“I have never in my life experienced so many divine qualities in people.”

The next morning life suddenly looked different. People seemed to glow more and nothing re-ally seemed to matter anymore. The rain continued to wash away people’s pain and we spent all day walking down the mountain to the beautiful village below where we all felt connected to the elementals that were an-choring the light for this area. A beautiful butterfly landed on a shrub very close to me. It let

me touch and stroke it as time seemed to stand still.

That night whilst sleeping, two of the Masters felt powerful attune-ments from the devic realms. I was kept awake and knew my part was to just hold and be in the energy.

I am very privileged to have taken this energy back to Japan. I have many stories far too nu-merous to mention in this article. It is almost turning into a book! I will conclude my journey in the next newsletter, completing three articles in total. Three is a special number both spiritually and to myself. Please take time to really take in the teachings of the Buddha. It is key part to our evolvement.

Turning the wheel of Dharma

God Bless in Love & Light

Allison Timmins xx

4 Noble TruthsThe truth is that there is suffering

There is a cause of suffering

There is a way out of suffering

There is a goal at the end of the path that leads from suffering

There are 3 forms of suffering given to humanity to evolve their soul:

Human Beings suffer when they get what they do not want

They suffer when they want what they

cannot have

They suffer when they cannot distinguish

between getting what they do not want & wanting what they cannot have.

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Last month we heard about the journey that bought Klara from Slovakia to the UK. Here in the second part we discov-er how she came to find In the Presence of Angels.

I arrived to Worcester on 13th July 2004. I couldn’t get hold of my friend who left a few days before me so I said to myself, “well, worst case, I’ll sleep in a B&B”. I don’t know how, but just before I arrived in Worcester I received a message on my Slova-kian mobile with the address of the B&B where she was staying and waiting for me. That was my place to sleep. The next was work that I needed ASAP.

In the B&B before I went to sleep I spoke with my friend God (by that time He became my friend who I relied on a lot). “God, now I know that this is all in your bigger plan that I can not see yet, but I hope that there is also a bit that says: Klara → job → immediately.” And I went to sleep.

The next morning we made a plan for the day what we were going to do, part of which was looking for a job for me. She told me that she had an interview in nearby pizza restaurant in few days, but she has decided not to go for it because she found another job and suggested me to go there instead of her. So we popped in the restaurant and she apologized for not being able to come for the interview, but I said that I am equally as good as her (I don’t know how did I put such sentence together with my beginners English) and would like to be interviewed instead of her. Interview went fine and I got the job immediately. With a job it was easy to rent a room and to start to live everyday life and attend English classes. I told myself, “Here there are no family expectations and no boyfriend telling me what to do. I can do with my time whatever I want.” And so I did.

“Opposite the restaurant where I was working there was a holistic shop. I kept hearing a voice in my head telling me to go in and buy “Kin-dred Spirit”. I had no idea what it meant but the voice was very very persistent.”

On the top of everything I could hear the same voice repeating the word ‘Reiki’, another word that I had no idea what it was all about, but with the English knowledge that I had back then I assumed that those were one of many words that I just did not understand. After a few days when the voice kept coming, even in my dreams, I went to the shop and discovered that “Kindred Spirit” was a magazine with holistic articles in it. I bought it and straight away when I opened it saw a Reiki course in Birmingham, In the presence of Angels jumped out at me! First I booked for a workshop and later on for whole Reiki course.

When I first time arrived to the shop in Sedgley I felt like a voice was saying, “Finally you’ve made it! Welcome in your new home!”. There I met Jacqui and Nicky smiling. As the time went my visits become more frequent in the shop. Jacqui told me that her husband Stuart works with children as a childminder from their home. We arranged meeting for me and Stuart. After 3 years in England I started to see my vision again. He was doing exactly what I wanted to do in Slovakia; working from home with children. Jacqui has trained me in more courses since then and Stuart has become my colleague for childminding. I have also moved into the house where the childminding takes place.

I now work full time for Holistic Children and Family Services as a Coordinator. I have started to merge together my knowledge about education and bringing up children with my knowledge of therapies and new techniques. Now I understand why I kept seeing myself teaching with hands upwards and talking in my vision. It was a symbol of channeled Reiki energy. But there is more to come, and I pray to God for guidance to show me what will come next.

I love you all, most of all my fiancé, who I met through the proc-ess of searching for my vision. So now it seems that I not only have my vision coming true, but I have a house where I live and new ‘spiritual family’ who I have found through Jacqueline, Stuart and their children, as well as in Nicky and Mark and their children and in the like-minded people who work together with us – Stephanie, Angela, Russell … and there are more ‘family members’ to come to join us.

“As my story shows, we need to remember that life is a process and we do not always see the bigger picture that God has for us.”

We need to keep faith and follow His guidance and all our dreams can come true in an even bigger and greater form than we could dream. Do not be worried to explore something that is unknown for you and you will be surprised. Just hold your vision and the way will be made. Can you imagine where could I have been if I had stopped anywhere in the process holding on some-thing that was meant to go.

So just let go of anything that you feel does not serve you anymore and move forward. Life is a journey and the biggest purpose of our life is to go through this journey just seeing the positive sides of it by focusing on our inner vision and taking obstacles as lessons rather than problems. If you do this you will be surprised what will unfold in front of you as it did and still is in front of me.

Love Klara

Following Divine GuidancePart 2by Klara GablikovaChildren & Family Services Coordinator

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Would you like to help us launch...

Living Soul StoreIn the coming months we will be launching our online store which will be sell-ing, natural, channelled and ethically-sourced produce. From gifts and crystals, to artwork and music, we intend to provide products that are unique and hold the potential to help you along your journey.

How can you help?Perhaps you create products or artwork that you think would be suitable for our website. Perhaps you have seen or purchased items that you feel reflect the values of our store. It would be great to know what you think!

We are really interested in channelled merchandise. This could be artwork, divination sets, books or CDs or anything else for that matter.

Get in touch...If you would like to recommend a product please send an email to:[email protected]

Page 9: In the Presence of Angels August 2008

’m sure I’m not the only person to say I don’t feel I’ve ever fitted in.

Yes I have had many life experiences mak-ing me the rich and happy person today. I’ve had friends, great friends, but always I’ve never really fitted in. You know how we humans need to have labels well what label do you put on me?

It makes me smile when I have someone facing me during an Angel soul reading and they eagerly ask the name of their angel. I’m often given the response, “you humans and your labels why do you need them so?” “You do not need to label your angels just simply call upon us and we’re there!”

I’ve been thinking about the labels I now have in my life as a spiritual healer, teacher and angel reader. I’m also labelled a wife, mum, sister, daughter, friend, weirdo and more, but where do I really fit in?

I can remember at school being part of the ‘in-crowd’ but still I didn’t fit in. In fact, all through my life if I’m truly honest I have never fitted right in neatly and securely into any label.

Three and a half years ago I took part in an Angel Therapy Practitioner course by Doreen Virtue PhD. Towards the end of the week she split us into our groups; angels, incarnated angels, elementals, wise-onese etc. I found myself in the incarnated angel group, but I also felt part of the wise group and there is also an elemental energy in me. So still I didn’t fit in.

All this has now changed for I have found a

Living Design therapist. Based on the time, place and date of birth plus using a scien-tifically-based programme I can now rest knowing that I do indeed fit in; I am a Man-ifestor! I am in the minority, in fact there are only 8% of Manifestors in the World and I’m one of them. Well now it all makes so much sense. You see being a manifestor, has a very strong aura which says to the world, “I don’t need anyone!”

Our fellow human beings are sometimes put off by this aura, may even feel threatened by it and may even try to stifle it by trying to control my manifestor type. We are the leaders of society, ‘action!’ is our keyword, plus informing others before we act. We do have a tendency to just act independently of anyone else, which of course can cause problems for our loved ones. So we always need to inform before we act. Then every-one is happy.

Even writing this makes me feel more set-tled as I have now found my niche. My aura is strong. In fact, when you first meet me you may feel like it has hit you straight in the face (this was what I saw when my in-laws met me for the first time. Hee hee!) You may want some of my energy, as it’s so strong, vibrant and powerful.

As a child a manifestor may be a people pleaser, I know I was, always happy to please my parents and my teachers. I be-came a pleaser as the people around me couldn’t control my aura so they tried to stifle it by controlling me – bless them they know not what they do! As I was a child and not living true to my design yet the way I coped with this was becoming a pleaser.

I’ve never fitted in! Allison Ward gives us an insight into the winding path towards understanding who she is and her path in life.


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After surviving a near death experience in 1994 Alison’s amazing story of survival and inner strength has helped many. Her unique story and subsequent discovery of self-healing techniques have been incorporated in all of her healings and teachings.

Alison developed her healing and teaching abilities af-ter this significant awakening in her life. She has always been a healer even as child, but it lay dormant until this time in her life. After spending nearly fi ve years work-ing in a Birmingham Hospice where she helped develop the team of Complementary Therapists, Alison learnt the discipline of Reiki over a three year period to Master level. She then developed her teaching and healing busi-ness and was strongly guided to leave the familiarity and comfort of the Hospice to truly fly on her own in her own business. She has never looked back, years later she has added Advanced Crystal Healing to her list of skills and Angel therapy™ (as certified by Doreen Virtue PhD).

A loving, honest, down-to-Earth and humorous approach is Alison’s way. Many of her sessions are channelled and guided by her Spiritual team of helpers. Find out more at her website:www.mindtobodyhealing.com.

Profile of Alison Ward

“A lifetime healer who’s soul pur-pose is to teach, awaken the light within, heal and act as a catalyst for change in all whom she meets.”

As I got older and started finding the op-posite sex attractive I didn’t find it easy to conform to a relationship. One of my part-ners tried to stifle my aura by trying to ex-tinguish it for good. He simply didn’t want me to have a life so after trying to control me and me not allowing him, as I was find-ing my design (without any awareness of designs at this point) he actually tried to kill me. YES EXTREME I KNOW!

I never found the reason why he did this until now. 14 years on from that horrific attack I now understand that he couldn’t control me or my energy as I was becom-ing a strong Manifestor and he was simply threatened by it. This has been fantastic therapy for me as I now understand. Some people love my strong energy. In fact they want a part of it, but others do not ‘get it’ at all. The only way they can respond is by

attacking it to try to extinguish it!

You see once you identify your design by having a reading based on the facts of your birth everything fits in. I now feel confident that actually I do not need to fit in with anyone any more. If they want some of the Manifestor action they can fit in with me! How liberating does that feel? Wow, what’s next? Hold on World I’m ready for action!

There are 3 other types and they are gen-erator, reflector and projector so if you wish to know your type you could contact a living design expert.

For me Erica Yonge has been my angel. She is based in the beautiful Savernake for-est in Wiltshire- well worth a trip out. Her email address is [email protected].

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Angel Image for AugustThose of you that have been to our centres or on our website will be familiar with our angel images. These channelled images are designed for specific healing and when used in meditation they are very powerful.

This month allow yourself to bond with our Angel of Ascension. Take the time to create a relaxing space with candles, scents or music and gently gaze upon the image. State your wishes and then allow the healing energy to come from the image and pass through you as you and the angel become one.

Through ascension we raise our awareness of our potential, as we see ourselves for who we truly are; beautiful, purposeful, loving people who have all the skills we need to acheive our vast potential. Allow this image to take meaning for you.

Go to our website or into one of our centres to purchase this image in A5 or pocket-sized for-mat and to see our full range.

During August you can book a Hot Stone Massage at the Sedgley Centre for a discounted price.

Hot stone massage uses heated stones and crystals, as well as aromatherapy oils to create a very relaxing treatment. The oils and stones used are decided dur-ing a consultation to ensure that the session is tailored specially for you. The stones progressively release heat inducing deep relaxation of both body and mind.

Discounted price of £20.00 (£35.00 normal price)

Call the Sedgley Centre to book on 01922 882 187

Special Offer... hot stone massage

Page 12: In the Presence of Angels August 2008

Contact In the Presence of AngelsGeneral enquiries: [email protected]

Newsletter enquiries: [email protected]

Products: [email protected]

Holistic Children & Family Services: [email protected]

NEXT MONTHThank you for taking the time to read this Auust is-sue of our newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it! We have re-ceived some great contributions so look forward to putting some of this content out in the coming months.

if you want to see some of your words in print in this newsletter then please get in touch.

Have a great August from all of us at In the Presence of Angels!

In the Presence of Angels Ltd. Registered Cardiff 5543246Holistic Children & Family Services Ltd. Registered Cardiff 6570631