SIX - •—!«»••• JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL—Tuesday Evening, March 17, 1959 AND A HAPPY 8T. PATRICK'S DAY TO YOU. TOO!-Mrs. Clifton <J. Realty, grand regent, Miss Rosemary Wilcox and Miss Anna belle Hiller were among those who attended the annual St. Patrick's Day party Monday evening of Court St. Gertrude. Cath- olic Daughters of America. Table appointments were in green, of course. —Post-Journal Staffoto Court St. Gertrude, CDA, Greets St. Patrick's Day With Party - Symbolic silken shamrocks ard a colleen figurine in a centerpiece of green carnations were flanked by lighted white tapers on the buf- fet table Monday evening for the annual St. Patrick's party of Court St. Gertrude. Catholic Daughters of America. Group singing of Irish songs led by Mrs. Bennie Johnson opened the affair. Mrs. Mary Devlin, chairman, was assisted by Mrs Earl L. San- ford. Mrs. Peter Buskley, Mrs. William J. Corkers. Mrs. Henry E. Carney. Mrs. Willis M. Sim- mons. Mrs John Maddon. Mrs Leo Callahan. Mrs. Martin Dolan, Mrs. John Drescher. Miss Beatrice Hcrbein. Mrs. Carl C. Lovejoy. Miss Mary Lynch and Mrs. Ber- nard A. Kirchoff. All were attired in colorful Irish costumes. Miss Annabelle Hiller introduced Miss Rosemary Wilcox who dis- cussed her recent visit to India through a Fulbright scholarship. She illustrated her talk with color slides. Mrs. Clifton J. Beatty, grand re- «*- Don't Gamble With Your Sleep and Your Health! Come in and see a demonstration of the 9 POINTS OF OSTERMOOR Mattress Superiority Standard of Qualify Since 1853 gent, presided at the business 'meeting to hear reports by Mrs. | Buckley, historian, Miss Anastasia Smith, treasurer, and Miss Linnie ; English, financial secretary. Miss Eunice Neid reported Miss Ann Gilligan in Jamestown Gener- |al Hospital, and Mrs. Nelson N. Turnell and Mrs. Harry Garfield returned home for convalescence. !A box was mailed last week to Missions for Peace, Mrs. Sanford said. Rev. Kenneth F. Mullen, chap- I plain, spoke briefly. The next meet- ing will be April 6. Cora Tew Guild Names Luncheon Committees Mrs. Ralph W. Taylor and Mrs Madelyn Filbrick. co-chairmen of the series of Lenten luncheons of the Cora Sheldon Tew Guild of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, have an- nounced committees for this Thursday's luncheon. Mrs. Willard Cass is chairman of the dining room committee. She will be assisted by Miss Loir* Price, Mrs. Royal Bates, Mrs. James Collopy. Mrs. A. Clarence Tiffany, Mrs. Bruce Lyons, Mr.-.. Mark Brooks, Mrs. H. Eugene An- derson. Mrs. Robert Baxter, Miss Marian Patterson, Mrs. John An- drews, Miss Lena Harmon. Mrs. Augustus F. Allen, Mrs. Arthur Edmun, and Mrs. Donald Thorcn. Mrs. William Osberg is chair- man of the kitchen committee. Mrs. Ellwood Lawson, Mrs. Cora Norton, Mrs. George Stumpf. Mrs. Floy Nelson, Mrs. George Staple- ton, Mrs. Ernest Stapleton. Mrs. Frank Howard Field. Mrs. Ber- nard Carlson and Mrs. Jonn Os- berg will assist her. Wimodausis Class The Wimodausis Class of the Grace E.U.B. Church will meet at 2 P.M., Thursday in the church parlors. Mrs. Leota Plank will be in charge of penny banks. Mrs. W. P. Osmer Is Hostess To Jr. Mozart Club Members of the Junior Mozart Club were guests of Mrs. William P. Osmer, Jr., at her home in Lakewood for ttie recent meeting of the group. Miss Patricia Gar- linger read the secretary's report. Miss Sally Sheats, program chair- man, introduced those taking part. A French horn number, "Con- certo Number 1," by Mozart was played by Miss Virginia Washburn with Miss Linda Hall, accompanist. Miss Alice Grosser, accompanied by Mrs. Donald Bube, presented the first movement of Mozart's "Concerto Number 5" on the violin. Two piano solos followed: "Humor- esoue" by Miss Sharon Lee Swan- son, and Brahms' "Rhapsodie" by Miss Sharryn Malm. Plans for the concert slated for 8 P.M., April 7 in the Jamestown Y.W.C.A. auditorium were dis- cussed. The program will be given for members of the senior Mozart Club and parents and friends of members of the junior group. The first full rehearsal for the affair is slated for 10:30 A.M., Sat- urday at the Jamestown Y.W.C.A. auditorium. Members wishing to perform at the concert were re- quested to be present at the re- hearsal. Miss Fanny E. Bickley, chair- man, Mrs. John K. Loux and Mrs. Walter J. Miller were members of the advisory comn.Ittee present at the meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Osmer. Spring Auxiliary To Mark Legion's 40th Birthday Ira Lou Spring Auxiliary, Ameri- can Legion, will observe the 40th anniversary of the American Le- gion with a special program Tht.-.;- day evening. Mrs. George E. Higgins, Americanism chairman, is in charge of the affair. Owen Johnstone, exchange stu- dent from New Zealand, will com- pare New Zealand schools with those in America as speaker of the evening. Mr. Johnstone, who is attending both Jamestown High School and ENGAGED — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chiappetta, 912 East Sec- ond Street have announced the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Carol, to James Butera, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerlando Bu- tera, 26 Water Street. Miss Chi- appetta, a 19 56 graduate of Jamestown High School, is em- ployed at the Art Metal Con- struction Company. Her fiance was graduated from Jamestown' High School in 1953. He served three years in the U.S. Marine Corps and is employed at the Aetna Steel Products Corpora- tion. BETROTHED — The engage- ment of Miss Carol Eberhart and Joseph C. Giordano, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Giordano, 19 Barrows Strjet, has been re- vealed by hef father, David Eberhart of Rusfell, Pa. Miss Eb- erhart, a graduate of Eisenhower High School, is employed by the S. S. Kresge .Company. Her fiance is employed by L. H. Ludwig and Company, Inc. No date has been | e t for the wed- ding. •••••• •'"••'•• "• "• Il11 mmmm ——' "•"• *| Covenant Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid of the First Cov- enant Church will meet at 2 P.M., Friday in Fellowship Hall. Host- esses will be Mrs. Elof Carlson, Mrs. Sigfrid Johnson. Mrs. Wal- lace Johnson, Mrs. Ralph Lewis, Mrs. Algot Lindbloom, Mrs. Oscar Miller, Mrs. Gifford Swanson, Mrs. Fritz Stornes, Mrs. Clayton We- beck and Mrs. Clarence Webeck. n Mr., Mrs. Lincoln J. Phillips Issue Invitations To April 4 Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Phillips, 33 Wescott Street, have issued invitations for the wedding * of their eldest daughter, Alice Lor- raine, to Russell Norman Certo. Mr. Certo is the son of Mrs. Ann Certo, 222 Winsor Street, and Jo- 1 Jamestown Community College se I* Certo - ^^no, Calif ^*£ZZ00p. tW^^hsfcaV.^* t^^Hh^nBhL> —** , ^j^^—<[i^M6i<*rr 1 9^00/f^ass^z!>^\ j^f^tP^KlS ^^nW^ :_^aan»^^ AkW *^B b^*^"' •* ^§9btw -«*»* ..^tool *jjl B"E"'***""13 fck. ^edl there's no sleep in a price tag I For over 100 years OSTERMOOR has been fn- •nous for supreme sleep com* . fort. No other mattress, at any price, duplicates its famous fea- tures. See a demonstration. OSTERMOOR today's greatest AM | M aaM m m m m I w l l • i ,attd) rwnjtiimm W v « OT rTOflU $39 50 MMlO-FtOa bo* tprtngt. price* NOW STOCKED IN 5 SIZES Twin «t» ** la. WW* Three-Quarter Sit* 41 la. Wide Standard Full Size 54 In. Wid* Queen Son *© la. Wid* Ktef Six* ...... 78 la. Wid* EXCLUSIVELY AT "FOLLY CONSISTS Of DRAWING FALSE CONCLUSIONS" S25 •(Author's Name terew) S55 Very few people real- ize how greet value mod- ern prescriptions really are. Older folks know, be- cause they remember how long it used to take to cure an illness, the medi- cal bill for the many calls physicians had to make and the large percentage of patients who unfortun- ately never did recover. It is true that certain medicines, b e c a u s e of costly ingredients and expensive research seem highly p r i c e d . But now your physician makes fewer c a l l s , you have much less sickness time and more lives are being saved. If you are ever concerned about the cost of any prescription, we will be glad to show you our s y s t e m for pricing them fairly. W* price ev*ry prescription fairly end always us* first quality ingredients. May we com pound years? WAYSIDE fVfc Ml. West J—instow on leas* 17-J Have) Your Physician PHONE US When You Need A Medicine Emergency Prescriptions Art Delivered WITHOUT CHARGE KRAUSE'S PHARMACY FOUITH AMD U N I STRUTS ie 4151 lotneilow. N Y •tfSCtlrTlON CHIMISTS * •Quotation by Jdhn Lock* (1432-1704) Copyright I W I2W1) where he is majoring in science, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnstone of Wellington, New Zea- land. His father is principal of an ele- mentary education school in Wel- lington. MR Johnstone is making his home in Jamestown with Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Day, Jr. Feature of the evening will be a huge decorated birthday cake in honor of the occasion. It will be served by Mrs. Harry Johnson, auxiliary hospitality chairman. Mrs. Carl W. Nelson is auxiliary president. Mormon Church Group To Mark 117th Anniversary Members of the Jamestown Branch Relief Society of the Church of Latter Day Saints made final plans for a dinner to be held Friday honoring the Society's 117th anni- versary. Plans were made at the monthly business and work meet- ing held Friday evening at Monitor Temple. Members are piecing a woolen quilt top under the direction of Mrs. Carl Larson, work director. Mrs. Myrl Kelley presented the home management le-son "Making the Most of Time and Energy." Refreshments were served to the Society and the Priesthood group. Variety Shower Honors April Bride-Elect Miss JoAnne Hagstrom, 20 South Hanford Avenue, West Ellicott, who will become the bride of Clifford Warner on April 17, was honored at a variety shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Neal J. Bel- lardo, 75 Johnson Street. Mrs. Richard CaUani, Buffalo, was ab- sentee hostess. A lovely arrangement of bells of Ireland and white chrysanthemums flanked with white tapers, centered the refreshment table. Cards honors went to Mrs. T. J. Holmlund, Mrs. E. Wayne Hult- gren, Mrs. Thomas L. Mulleavy and Mrs. Lois Isaacson. The bride- elect received many lovely gifts. Martha Circle Martha Circle of Brooklyn Heights- Methodist Church met Monday evening at the home of the chairman, Mrs. I. John Hag- lund, 1173 North Main Street. Mrs. Arnold W. Lundberg led in devo- tions on a Lenten theme. Mrs. Alvin Johnson conducted a study on Alaska from the study book "Concerns of A Continent'' The next meeting will be April 20 at the home of Mrs. Lundberg, 1 Summit Avenue. Charlotte Brown Tent Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Charlotte Cook Brown Tent, No. 31, will meet for luncheon at 1 P.M., Wednesday at Fenton Mansion. The business meeting will follow. Woman's Benefit Ass'n The Woman's Benefit Associa- tion will hold a card party at 8 P.M., Thursday in the clubrooms of the Rogers Building, 13 South Main Street Refreshments will be served. Joint Meeting The Frances Willard W.C.T.U., and the Fanny O. Bailey W.C.T.U. -will sponsor a poster contest meet- ing at 7:30 P.M., Thursday in the Jamestown Y.W.C.A. Doug Carl, Youth for Christ director, will be the speaker. The wedding will take place Saturday, April 4, at St. John's Church. The bride has chosen her sisfer, Miss Eleanor Phillips, of Cornell University, to serve as maid of honor. Another sister, Miss LeaEtta Phillips, the bridegroom's sister, Miss Diane Certo, Miss Genie Reale and Miss Florence Gaeta will be bridesmaids. Anthony Certo will be best man for his brother. The ushers will mes be Paul Mole. Qosimo Lombardo, Jr., Jack Battagiia, S. John Conti, Kent State University, and the bride's brother, Alton James Phil- lips. Miss Phillips has been feted at several variety showers. Among them were tv*© parties given March 8 and 9 by Mrs. Ann Certo, Mrs. Sarah Dejiarco, Mrs. Rose Bardo and Mrs. Mary Brigiotta, at 222 Winsor Street. Approximately 55 guests were served at both parties from a lovely buffet table centered with spring flowers and lighted tapers. White wedding bells and pink and white streamers were used in dec- oration. The brfde^elect was hon- ored with a forsage of white carnation tufts and red rosebuds. Rev. And Mrs. Alton Peterson Welcomed At Couples' Club Meet Rev. Alton Peterson, new asso- ciate pastor of the First Covenant Church, and Mrs. Peterson were welcomed by Kervin Gilson at a meeting of the Married Couples' Club Saturday evening in Fellow- ship Hall. John Anderson led the group in hymn singing. Mrs. Harry Lindfors made several announcements for the ways and means committee. Rev. Peterson led in devotions. A playlet, "Challenge of the Mrs. Mitchell Entertains At Sunday Tea Mrs. Susie Mitchell, 60 West Tenth Street, was hostess Sunday at a tea to Chautauqua Temple No. 542 to commemorate the late Emma V. Kelley, founder of the Daughters of the Improved Benevo- lent Protective Order of the Elks. A buffet dinner was served to 30 members and friends of the Tem- ple. Guests present included Mrs. Mary Johnson .of Buffalo, loyal daughter ruler of radio council for Western New York and Canada, and her district deputy, Mrs. Al- freda Lee, John B. Crawford, exalted ruler of Chadakoin Lodge No. 718 of Jamestown; Mrs. Jane Scott, who has received a life membership for outstanding work as a charter member; Mrs. Char- lene Jones, trustee of radio coun- cil; Mrs. Mildred Givens, daughter ruler of Chautauqua Temple; and Mrs. Lewis Laughlin, financial sec- retary. Dean's List Miss Shirley Brostrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Bro- strom. 89 Lovall Avenue, a senior student at West Liberty State Col- lege, West Liberty, W.Va., has been named to the Dean's list for last semester at the college. Miss Brostrom was elected last year to Who's Who in American Universi- ties and Colleges. Cross," was presented. Taking part were Mrs. Ray Knudson, Lester Johnson, Mrs. Winston Brown, Mrs. Allen Neilson, William Kelley, John Glatz and Mrs. Harold Anderson. The cast was,: supported by a mixed chorus composed of Mrs. Edward Freemin, soloist; Mrs. Robert Poor, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Harry Lindfors, Harold Ander- son, Stanley Larson. Gerald Fox and Joftn Anderson. Mrs. John Glatz served as Accompanist. John Carey gave the closing prayer. Refreshments, were served by Mr. and Mrs. HpTy Bergwall, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindfors, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniels. Hobby, Arts Club Members Meet For Luncheon Mrs. Charles Glad, Sr., and Mrs. William Bender were hostesses Fri- day for a tureefi luncheon of the Fireside Hobby and Arts Club at the Y.M.C.A. Tjen members and four guests wese present. Tulips made by a member and a guest and Easter lilies made by Mrs. Margaret Swart decorated the luncheon table, Mrs. Lottie Iforley read the legend of the dogwood. Mrs. Arvid A. Bergman told the story of the bleeding heart dove. Some of these doves, native to Java, are kept at Audubon Park in New Orleans, she said. Mrs. Margaret Swart showed pictures she took last summer at the Worlds Fair fci Brussels, Belgi- um. Mrs. Swart and Mrs. Bergman will be hostesses for the meeting, April 10, at the Y.M.C.A. Personals Miss Lena Harmon, 6 West Sixth Street, has returned from Easton, Pa., where she attended the funen<l of her brother, Dr. Clair Harmon. Miss Harmon also visited her nephew and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmon of Crawford, N.J. Dr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Wilson, 96 West Summit Street, Lakewood, re turned Sunday following a ttuee* week trip to Covina, Calif, wb*»re they visited Dr. Wilson's brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson. Reception At Library To Open Exhibit A reception this evening at the James Prendergast Free Library will officially open the photograph- ic exhibit "Contemporary Theater in the United States," co-sponsored by the Little Theater of Jamestown and the library. The exhibit, which can be viewed daily during library hours until March 28, includes 150 theatrical pictures assembled by the Ameri- can National Theater Academy at the request of the Department of State, for showing in the U.S. pa- vilion at the Brussels World's Fair. Mrs. Frank Hemingway is social chairman. She will be assisted by Mrs. William G. Loomis in serving refreshments at tonight's reception which is open to the public. Hours will be from 7 to 9 P.M., in the art gallery. Miss Mary Andrea and Miss Marlene Keen, veterans of several Little Theater productions, mU. be hostesses. If public interest warrants, an- other similar loan exhibit will be arranged for next season, C. Ed- win Shade, Little Theater director, said. "This is another of the events in Little Theater's program to bring all facets of theatrical ac- tivities to a wider public in the Jamestown area," he said. The exhibit comes here directly from Honolulu on a tour of the country in a series of showings sponsored by Academy member theater groups. Bethel Ladies' Aid Society Sets Hostesses The Ladies' Aid Society of Bethel Lutheran Church will meet at 2 P.M. Wednesday, Hostesses will be Mrs. Edwin Ericksdn, Mrs. Gust Stenander, Mrs. Anders Johnson. Mrs. Peter Fagan, Mrs. Carl West- erline, Mrs. Theodore Lundquist, Mrs. Axel Carlson, Mrs. Alexander Johnson, Mrs. J. G. Young, Mrs. Albert Swanson, Mrs. Andrew Lind- berg. Mrs. Edward Erickson, Mrs. Stanford Jones, Mrs. Robert Wer- ner, Mrs. John Calisendorf, Mrs. Rudolph Edin, Mrs. Walter Bill- quist, Mrs. Leonard Rhodes, Mrs. Otto Johnson. Mrs. Anna Liden, Mrs. Nels Sandberg, Mrs. John Bentley, Mrs. Philip Erickson, Mrs. Roy Stenand- er, Mrs. Evert Stenander, Mrs. Herbert Stenander. Mrs. Magnus Seawall, Mrs. Edwin Forsbere, Mrs. Harold Gust a f son, Mrs. George Thomblad, Mrs. Edwin Carlson, Mrs. Einar Berglund, Mrs. Estella Anderson, Mrs. Robert G. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Swanson, and Miss Ruth Erickson and Miss Karen Stenander. Sgt. Burger, Bride Visit Jamestown Sgt. and Mrs. John Burger, who are visiting his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Price of the Fluvanna Townline Road, are pictured as they left the Ryswyk Town Hall, Ryswyk, Nether- lands, following their military wedding Nov. 3. The couple arrived by plane Wednesday from Frankfurt, Germany. Sgt. Burger had been stationed at the Hague. Netherlands, with the American Em- bassy. He will be here until Saturday when he goes to Camp Le- jeune, N.C., for discharge from the U.S. Marine Corps. The Burg- ers will make their home in this area. Mrs. Burger, the former Miss Antje Lebbing, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Lebbing of Ryswyk. Among the guests at the wedding were Philip Young. U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands, and Mrs. Young. Shrine Auxiliary To Install New Officers April 2 piece flanked by tall tapers deco- rated the buffet table. Mrs. Coridon F. Wheeler presided at the business meeting. Mrs. J. Carl Myers and Mrs. Ezra Weinstein were reported con- New officers of the Jamestown valescing in the hospital. Bridge Shrine Auxiliary will be installed at a meeting April 2 at the Hotel Jamestown. They are Mrs. Leon Young, pres- ident; Mrs. Harold White. Jr.. first vjee president; Mrs. Harry Peck, second vice president; Mrs. Henry Sandstrom, treasurer; Mrs. Lou Baker, secretary; Mrs. Edward Tordoff, Jr., corresponding secre- tary. Plans for the installation were made at a luncheon meeting of the group Wednesday in the Gold Room of the Jamestown Scottish Rite Temple. A shamrock center- was played following the meeting. WERNER'S Taking orders now for BAKED EASTER HAMS Whole or half, sugar baked and fruit garnished No Fuii No Muss — No Work for Mother 218 W. 3rd St Ph. 4-014 ARE YOU A NEWCOMER NEW MOTHER ENGAGED GIRL J2h Your Welcomt Just Arrived—New Spring Lino Florida and California Costume Jewelry GLEN RAY GIFT STORE Opposite Soors Phone 7S-351 ysssKssssssssvsssnne Memo to Advertisers... All copy for display advertising, (including Sale* and Auctions) as well as Church. Club and Lodgo Notices must be in tho display advertising office of the POST-JOURNAL to most the following DEADLINE I Monday Copy Friday, 12 o'clock (Noon J Tuesday Copy Saturday, 12 o'clock (Noon) Wednesday Copy Monday, 12 o'clock (Noon) Thursday Copy Tuesday, 12 o'clock (MoonI Friday Copy Wednesday, 12 o'clock (Noon) Saturday Copy Thursday, 12 o'clock (Noon) Double Trucks Noon, 4 days before publication Holiday Intervening Noon 5 Days beforo publication LEGAL NOTICES! Should bo in our office at least one day before Urot Insertion dale to inure publication. i Wagon Hostess wants to see you. Perhaps You Are A Neighbor of One! A r»«lly good neighbor it on* who calls the Welcome Weqon Hott- est, whon « new family moves into the com- munity and also the names ot engaged girls and mot her i with new babiet. A lovely basket of gifts awaitt them at en eiprettion of good will from public spirited I o c e I merchants. No costs or obligation. Just Coll or Write Mrs. R. Henry Sandttroi Newcomer Hostess i * Dearborn Street •hone 41-3*7 * Merle Smedberg Newcomer Hostess 43 Royai Avenue •hone 45-475 Mrs. Donald W. Greendahl Engagement Announcement Hostett 309 Newland Avenue •hone 41 454 Mrs. lertil M. Jehnton leby Time Hostess 403 •rotpoct St. Phone 4T-S22 Pr#raj. KbtStarll K. J On n SOB leby Time Hostett 214 Cole Avenue •bone 31-257 7 choice Ethereal rtttrstyUt spin a luminous glow around your hood, capturing tho ettenc* of spring for a matchloss kind of beauty. Wo Feature tho latest Quality Permanent Waves Shampoo and Fineer Wave '2.00 and •P Fashion Haircuts ?1W .1.75 All services by Mr. Do Francisco slightly higher and by appointment only. CHARM BEAUTY Salon Hottl Jamestown Mezzanine Floor Elevator Servicn Phone 61-977 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23... · 40th Birthday Ira Lou Spring Auxiliary, Ameri can Legion, will observe the 40th anniversary of the American Le gion with a special

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23... · 40th Birthday Ira Lou Spring Auxiliary, Ameri can Legion, will observe the 40th anniversary of the American Le gion with a special


• — ! « » • • •

JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL—Tuesday Evening, March 17, 1959

AND A HAPPY 8T. PATRICK'S DAY TO YOU. TOO!-Mrs. Clifton <J. Realty, grand regent, Miss Rosemary Wilcox and Miss Anna belle Hiller were among those who attended the annual St. Patrick's Day party Monday evening of Court St. Gertrude. Cath­olic Daughters of America. Table appointments were in green, of course. —Post-Journal Staffoto

Court St. Gertrude, CDA, Greets St. Patrick's Day With Party -

Symbolic silken shamrocks ard a colleen figurine in a centerpiece of green carnations were flanked by lighted white tapers on the buf­fet table Monday evening for the annual St. Patrick's party of Court St. Gertrude. Catholic Daughters of America.

Group singing of Irish songs led by Mrs. Bennie Johnson opened the affair.

Mrs. Mary Devlin, chairman, was assisted by Mrs Earl L. San-ford. Mrs. Peter Buskley, Mrs. William J. Corkers. Mrs. Henry E. Carney. Mrs. Willis M. Sim­mons. Mrs John Maddon. Mrs Leo Callahan. Mrs. Martin Dolan, Mrs. John Drescher. Miss Beatrice Hcrbein. Mrs. Carl C. Lovejoy. Miss Mary Lynch and Mrs. Ber­nard A. Kirchoff. All were attired in colorful Irish costumes.

Miss Annabelle Hiller introduced Miss Rosemary Wilcox who dis­cussed her recent visit to India through a Fulbright scholarship. She illustrated her talk with color slides.

Mrs. Clifton J. Beatty, grand re-

— «*-

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With Your Sleep

and Your


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OSTERMOOR Mattress Superiority

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gent, presided at the business 'meeting to hear reports by Mrs. | Buckley, historian, Miss Anastasia Smith, treasurer, and Miss Linnie

; English, financial secretary. Miss Eunice Neid reported Miss

Ann Gilligan in Jamestown Gener-|al Hospital, and Mrs. Nelson N. Turnell and Mrs. Harry Garfield returned home for convalescence.

!A box was mailed last week to Missions for Peace, Mrs. Sanford said.

Rev. Kenneth F. Mullen, chap-I plain, spoke briefly. The next meet­ing will be April 6.

Cora Tew Guild Names Luncheon Committees

Mrs. Ralph W. Taylor and Mrs Madelyn Filbrick. co-chairmen of the series of Lenten luncheons of the Cora Sheldon Tew Guild of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, have an­nounced committees for this Thursday's luncheon.

Mrs. Willard Cass is chairman of the dining room committee. She will be assisted by Miss Loi r* Price, Mrs. Royal Bates, Mrs. James Collopy. Mrs. A. Clarence Tiffany, Mrs. Bruce Lyons, Mr.-.. Mark Brooks, Mrs. H. Eugene An­derson. Mrs. Robert Baxter, Miss Marian Patterson, Mrs. John An­drews, Miss Lena Harmon. Mrs. Augustus F. Allen, Mrs. Arthur Edmun, and Mrs. Donald Thorcn.

Mrs. William Osberg is chair­man of the kitchen committee. Mrs. Ellwood Lawson, Mrs. Cora Norton, Mrs. George Stumpf. Mrs. Floy Nelson, Mrs. George Staple-ton, Mrs. Ernest Stapleton. Mrs. Frank Howard Field. Mrs. Ber­nard Carlson and Mrs. Jonn Os­berg will assist her.

Wimodausis Class The Wimodausis Class of the

Grace E.U.B. Church will meet at 2 P.M., Thursday in the church parlors. Mrs. Leota Plank will be in charge of penny banks.

Mrs. W. P. Osmer Is Hostess To Jr. Mozart Club

Members of the Junior Mozart Club were guests of Mrs. William P. Osmer, Jr., at her home in Lakewood for ttie recent meeting of the group. Miss Patricia Gar-linger read the secretary's report.

Miss Sally Sheats, program chair­man, introduced those taking part.

A French horn number, "Con­certo Number 1," by Mozart was played by Miss Virginia Washburn with Miss Linda Hall, accompanist. Miss Alice Grosser, accompanied by Mrs. Donald Bube, presented the first movement of Mozart's "Concerto Number 5" on the violin. Two piano solos followed: "Humor-esoue" by Miss Sharon Lee Swan-son, and Brahms' "Rhapsodie" by Miss Sharryn Malm.

Plans for the concert slated for 8 P.M., April 7 in the Jamestown Y.W.C.A. auditorium were dis­cussed. The program will be given for members of the senior Mozart Club and parents and friends of members of the junior group.

The first full rehearsal for the affair is slated for 10:30 A.M., Sat­urday at the Jamestown Y.W.C.A. auditorium. Members wishing to perform at the concert were re­quested to be present at the re­hearsal.

Miss Fanny E. Bickley, chair­man, Mrs. John K. Loux and Mrs. Walter J. Miller were members of the advisory comn.Ittee present at the meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Osmer.

Spring Auxiliary To Mark Legion's 40th Birthday

Ira Lou Spring Auxiliary, Ameri­can Legion, will observe the 40th anniversary of the American Le­gion with a special program Tht.-.;-day evening. Mrs. George E. Higgins, Americanism chairman, is in charge of the affair.

Owen Johnstone, exchange stu­dent from New Zealand, will com­pare New Zealand schools with those in America as speaker of the evening.

Mr. Johnstone, who is attending both Jamestown High School and

ENGAGED — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chiappetta, 912 East Sec­ond Street have announced the engagement of their only daugh­ter, Carol, to James Butera, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerlando Bu­tera, 26 Water Street. Miss Chi­appetta, a 19 56 graduate of Jamestown High School, is em­ployed at the Art Metal Con­struction Company. Her fiance was graduated from Jamestown' High School in 1953. He served three years in the U.S. Marine Corps and is employed at the Aetna Steel Products Corpora­tion.

BETROTHED — The engage­ment of Miss Carol Eberhart and Joseph C. Giordano, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Giordano, 19 Barrows Strjet, has been re­vealed by hef father, David Eberhart of Rusfell, Pa. Miss Eb­erhart, a graduate of Eisenhower High School, is employed by the S. S. Kresge .Company. Her fiance is employed by L. H. Ludwig and Company, Inc. No date has been | e t for the wed­ding.

• • • • • • •'"••'•• "• "• I l 1 1—m m m m——' "•"• * |

Covenant Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid of the First Cov­

enant Church will meet at 2 P.M., Friday in Fellowship Hall. Host­esses will be Mrs. Elof Carlson, Mrs. Sigfrid Johnson. Mrs. Wal­lace Johnson, Mrs. Ralph Lewis, Mrs. Algot Lindbloom, Mrs. Oscar Miller, Mrs. Gifford Swanson, Mrs. Fritz Stornes, Mrs. Clayton We-beck and Mrs. Clarence Webeck.

— — n — — — — — —

Mr., Mrs. Lincoln J. Phillips Issue Invitations To April 4 Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Phillips, 33 Wescott Street, have issued invitations for the wedding

* of their eldest daughter, Alice Lor­raine, to Russell Norman Certo. Mr. Certo is the son of Mrs. Ann Certo, 222 Winsor Street, and Jo-1

Jamestown Community College s e I * C e r t o - ^^no, Calif

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where he is majoring in science, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnstone of Wellington, New Zea­land.

His father is principal of an ele­mentary education school in Wel­lington. M R Johnstone is making his home in Jamestown with Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Day, J r .

Feature of the evening will be a huge decorated birthday cake in honor of the occasion. It will be served by Mrs. Harry Johnson, auxiliary hospitality chairman. Mrs. Carl W. Nelson is auxiliary president.

Mormon Church Group To Mark 117th Anniversary

Members of the Jamestown Branch Relief Society of the Church of Latter Day Saints made final plans for a dinner to be held Friday honoring the Society's 117th anni­versary. Plans were made at the monthly business and work meet­ing held Friday evening at Monitor Temple.

Members are piecing a woolen quilt top under the direction of Mrs. Carl Larson, work director. Mrs. Myrl Kelley presented the home management le-son "Making the Most of Time and Energy."

Refreshments were served to the Society and the Priesthood group.

Variety Shower Honors April Bride-Elect

Miss JoAnne Hagstrom, 20 South Hanford Avenue, West Ellicott, who will become the bride of Clifford Warner on April 17, was honored at a variety shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Neal J . Bel-lardo, 75 Johnson Street. Mrs. Richard CaUani, Buffalo, was ab­sentee hostess.

A lovely arrangement of bells of Ireland and white chrysanthemums flanked with white tapers, centered the refreshment table.

Cards honors went to Mrs. T. J. Holmlund, Mrs. E. Wayne Hult-gren, Mrs. Thomas L. Mulleavy and Mrs. Lois Isaacson. The bride-elect received many lovely gifts.

Martha Circle Martha Circle of Brooklyn

Heights- Methodist Church met Monday evening at the home of the chairman, Mrs. I. John Hag-lund, 1173 North Main Street. Mrs. Arnold W. Lundberg led in devo­tions on a Lenten theme.

Mrs. Alvin Johnson conducted a study on Alaska from the study book "Concerns of A Continent'' The next meeting will be April 20 at the home of Mrs. Lundberg, 1 Summit Avenue.

Charlotte Brown Tent Daughters of Union Veterans of

the Civil War, Charlotte Cook Brown Tent, No. 31, will meet for luncheon at 1 P.M., Wednesday at Fenton Mansion. The business meeting will follow.

Woman's Benefit Ass'n The Woman's Benefit Associa­

tion will hold a card party at 8 P.M., Thursday in the clubrooms of the Rogers Building, 13 South Main Street Refreshments will be served.

Joint Meeting The Frances Willard W.C.T.U.,

and the Fanny O. Bailey W.C.T.U. -will sponsor a poster contest meet­ing at 7:30 P.M., Thursday in the Jamestown Y.W.C.A. Doug Carl, Youth for Christ director, will be the speaker.

The wedding will take place Saturday, April 4, at St. John's Church. The bride has chosen her sisfer, Miss Eleanor Phillips, of Cornell University, to serve as maid of honor. Another sister, Miss LeaEtta Phillips, the bridegroom's sister, Miss Diane Certo, Miss Genie Reale and Miss Florence Gaeta will be bridesmaids.

Anthony Certo will be best man for his brother. The ushers will

mes be Paul Mole. Qosimo Lombardo, Jr., Jack Battagiia, S. John Conti, Kent State University, and the bride's brother, Alton James Phil­lips.

Miss Phillips has been feted at several variety showers. Among them were tv*© parties given March 8 and 9 by Mrs. Ann Certo, Mrs. Sarah Dejiarco, Mrs. Rose Bardo and Mrs. Mary Brigiotta, at 222 Winsor Street.

Approximately 55 guests were served at both parties from a lovely buffet table centered with spring flowers and lighted tapers. White wedding bells and pink and white streamers were used in dec­oration. The brfde^elect was hon­ored with a forsage of white carnation tufts and red rosebuds.

Rev. And Mrs. Alton Peterson Welcomed At Couples' Club Meet

Rev. Alton Peterson, new asso­ciate pastor of the First Covenant Church, and Mrs. Peterson were welcomed by Kervin Gilson at a meeting of the Married Couples' Club Saturday evening in Fellow­ship Hall.

John Anderson led the group in hymn singing. Mrs. Harry Lindfors made several announcements for the ways and means committee. Rev. Peterson led in devotions.

A playlet, "Challenge of the

Mrs. Mitchell Entertains At Sunday Tea

Mrs. Susie Mitchell, 60 West Tenth Street, was hostess Sunday at a tea to Chautauqua Temple No. 542 to commemorate the late Emma V. Kelley, founder of the Daughters of the Improved Benevo­lent Protective Order of the Elks.

A buffet dinner was served to 30 members and friends of the Tem­ple.

Guests present included Mrs. Mary Johnson .of Buffalo, loyal daughter ruler of radio council for Western New York and Canada, and her district deputy, Mrs. Al-freda Lee, John B. Crawford, exalted ruler of Chadakoin Lodge No. 718 of Jamestown; Mrs. Jane Scott, who has received a life membership for outstanding work as a charter member; Mrs. Char-lene Jones, trustee of radio coun­cil; Mrs. Mildred Givens, daughter ruler of Chautauqua Temple; and Mrs. Lewis Laughlin, financial sec­retary.

Dean's List Miss Shirley Brostrom, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Bro­strom. 89 Lovall Avenue, a senior student at West Liberty State Col­lege, West Liberty, W.Va., has been named to the Dean's list for last semester at the college. Miss Brostrom was elected last year to Who's Who in American Universi­ties and Colleges.

Cross," was presented. Taking part were Mrs. Ray Knudson, Lester Johnson, Mrs. Winston Brown, Mrs. Allen Neilson, William Kelley, John Glatz and Mrs. Harold Anderson.

The cast was,: supported by a mixed chorus composed of Mrs. Edward Freemin, soloist; Mrs. Robert Poor, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Harry Lindfors, Harold Ander­son, Stanley Larson. Gerald Fox and Joftn Anderson. Mrs. John Glatz served as Accompanist. John Carey gave the closing prayer.

Refreshments, were served by Mr. and Mrs. HpTy Bergwall, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindfors, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniels.

Hobby, Arts Club Members Meet For Luncheon

Mrs. Charles Glad, Sr., and Mrs. William Bender were hostesses Fri­day for a tureefi luncheon of the Fireside Hobby and Arts Club at the Y.M.C.A. Tjen members and four guests wese present. Tulips made by a member and a guest and Easter lilies made by Mrs. Margaret Swart decorated the luncheon table,

Mrs. Lottie Iforley read the legend of the dogwood. Mrs. Arvid A. Bergman told the story of the bleeding heart dove. Some of these doves, native to Java, are kept at Audubon Park in New Orleans, she said. Mrs. Margaret Swart showed pictures she took last summer at the Worlds Fair fci Brussels, Belgi­um.

Mrs. Swart and Mrs. Bergman will be hostesses for the meeting, April 10, at the Y.M.C.A.

Personals Miss Lena Harmon, 6 West Sixth

Street, has returned from Easton, Pa., where she attended the funen<l of her brother, Dr. Clair Harmon. Miss Harmon also visited her nephew and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmon of Crawford, N.J.

Dr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Wilson, 96 West Summit Street, Lakewood, re turned Sunday following a ttuee* week trip to Covina, Calif, wb*»re they visited Dr. Wilson's brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson.

Reception At Library To Open Exhibit

A reception this evening at the James Prendergast Free Library will officially open the photograph­ic exhibit "Contemporary Theater in the United States," co-sponsored by the Little Theater of Jamestown and the library.

The exhibit, which can be viewed daily during library hours until March 28, includes 150 theatrical pictures assembled by the Ameri­can National Theater Academy at the request of the Department of State, for showing in the U.S. pa­vilion at the Brussels World's Fair.

Mrs. Frank Hemingway is social chairman. She will be assisted by Mrs. William G. Loomis in serving refreshments at tonight's reception which is open to the public. Hours will be from 7 to 9 P.M., in the art gallery.

Miss Mary Andrea and Miss Marlene Keen, veterans of several Little Theater productions, mU. be hostesses.

If public interest warrants, an­other similar loan exhibit will be arranged for next season, C. Ed­win Shade, Little Theater director, said. "This is another of the events in Little Theater's program to bring all facets of theatrical ac­tivities to a wider public in the Jamestown area," he said.

The exhibit comes here directly from Honolulu on a tour of the country in a series of showings sponsored by Academy member theater groups.

Bethel Ladies' Aid Society Sets Hostesses

The Ladies' Aid Society of Bethel Lutheran Church will meet at 2 P.M. Wednesday, Hostesses will be Mrs. Edwin Ericksdn, Mrs. Gust Stenander, Mrs. Anders Johnson. Mrs. Peter Fagan, Mrs. Carl West-erline, Mrs. Theodore Lundquist, Mrs. Axel Carlson, Mrs. Alexander Johnson, Mrs. J . G. Young, Mrs. Albert Swanson, Mrs. Andrew Lind-berg. Mrs. Edward Erickson, Mrs. Stanford Jones, Mrs. Robert Wer­ner, Mrs. John Calisendorf, Mrs. Rudolph Edin, Mrs. Walter Bill-quist, Mrs. Leonard Rhodes, Mrs. Otto Johnson.

Mrs. Anna Liden, Mrs. Nels Sandberg, Mrs. John Bentley, Mrs. Philip Erickson, Mrs. Roy Stenand­er, Mrs. Evert Stenander, Mrs. Herbert Stenander. Mrs. Magnus Seawall, Mrs. Edwin Forsbere, Mrs. Harold Gust a f son, Mrs. George Thomblad, Mrs. Edwin Carlson, Mrs. Einar Berglund, Mrs. Estella Anderson, Mrs. Robert G. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Swanson, and Miss Ruth Erickson and Miss Karen Stenander.

Sgt. Burger, Bride Visit Jamestown

Sgt. and Mrs. John Burger, who are visiting his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Price of the Fluvanna Townline Road, are pictured as they left the Ryswyk Town Hall, Ryswyk, Nether­lands, following their military wedding Nov. 3. The couple arrived by plane Wednesday from Frankfurt, Germany. Sgt. Burger had been stationed at the Hague. Netherlands, with the American Em­bassy. He will be here until Saturday when he goes to Camp Le-jeune, N.C., for discharge from the U.S. Marine Corps. The Burg­ers will make their home in this area. Mrs. Burger, the former Miss Antje Lebbing, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Lebbing of Ryswyk. Among the guests at the wedding were Philip Young. U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands, and Mrs. Young.

Shrine Auxiliary To Install New Officers April 2

piece flanked by tall tapers deco­rated the buffet table. Mrs. Coridon F. Wheeler presided at the business meeting.

Mrs. J. Carl Myers and Mrs. Ezra Weinstein were reported con-

New officers of the Jamestown valescing in the hospital. Bridge Shrine Auxiliary will be installed at a meeting April 2 at the Hotel Jamestown.

They are Mrs. Leon Young, pres­ident; Mrs. Harold White. Jr.. first vjee president; Mrs. Harry Peck, second vice president; Mrs. Henry Sandstrom, treasurer; Mrs. Lou Baker, secretary; Mrs. Edward Tordoff, Jr., corresponding secre­tary.

Plans for the installation were made at a luncheon meeting of the group Wednesday in the Gold Room of the Jamestown Scottish Rite Temple. A shamrock center-

was played following the meeting.

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