)use Ways and Means Committee Recommends Prompt Payment Bonus ion Declared Essential Part of Recovery Program and Capable of Increasing Nation's Purchasing Power rashlngton Wi M * formal report to the House today, the and means committee recommended cash payment of the bonus essential part of the recovery program and aa capable of in- mr. the nation'* purchasing power. % jiU fU pported by three lead ^^aTBTtablUhed MM ...nHtrd Established 1S«" f.iffli.n.djll». 1»»6 Daily No. I TEN PAGES CORTLAND STANDARD, CORTLAND, N. Y., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1936 TEN PAGES Nine Dollars a Yaar, Strictly tn Advance Three Centa a Copy—Eighteen renin a Week By Mall (lie t Month; i Montha It; II a Tear AAA AND NRA OUT WHAT OF OTHER LEGISLATION?!2 POINT PLAN PROPOSED TO REPLACE AAA erana organization! and •ful House blocs wa» ready to d before the rules committee a request for an open rule ling three or four hours de- ith a b a » ot on Friday. |h neither Democratic leaders he appropriations committee sting any delay, bonus back- lanned to bring; t h e measure r debate tomorrow. allow some member* now ng political fences back home :ach Washington and others have scheduled Jackson Day cal speeches to get back to pltal, arrangements were un- ay to withhold the rot* on _ge until Friday, laker Bjrns and his lleuton- repeated a desire to dispose of Issue promptly to clear the for other-legislation. us forces claimed sufficient fth to pass any measure over •sidential veto, but talk still ated, particularly in the Sen- over possibilities of framing bill which might win White I approval. i independent offices appro- on bill, the first of nine regu- ipply measures to provide op- g funds for federal agencies, ROOSEVELT TO SPEAK TONIGHT JACKSON DINNER Al Smith to Be Absent; 250,000 of Faithful Gather For 2,000 Dinner. In As Many Cities Washington (A?) — Democratic party leaders converged on Wash- ington from all over the country today to help President Roosevelt formally launch his campaign for reelection tonight at the National Jackson Day dinner. Aa he addresses similar gather- ings from coast to coast at 10 p. m. (B. 8. T.), the President- will be surrounded by hl 8 cabinet, most Democratic members of the Sen- ate and House, members of the na- tional committee and other party officials. But almost as conspicuous a* the he subject for House debate lltt of g. ue ,ts will be the names of Chairman Buchanan, Dem- absentees. Alfred E. Smith, once Texas, of the appropriations th . Democratic presidential can- ittee, said this bill could be d i dat e. will not be there. Prob- jilde temporarily to permit a ably Jonn w rjevls, another one- vote I time party nominee, will not. Miss- House ways and manna com- | , nt wU1 b6 otn#r nfcm thtt have Soil Conservation and Surplus Con trol Suggested By Soma Farm Leaders MUSSOLINI SENDING ANOTHER 100,000 TO SUBDUE ETHIOPIANS F. D. HOPES TO PAY FARMERS Duce Determined to Crush Ethiopians, Call- ing Upon Reserves as Huge Military Ma- chine Bogs Down Before Sturdy Defense To Ask Congress For $283,000,000 —New Dealers Plan to Push Minority Opinion l.'. S. Supreme Court justices and their new home In Washington New Tork UP)—Some of the na- tion's farm leaders, Invited to help Secretary Wallace replace the un- constitutional crop control pro- gram, In preliminary views, today advanced two definite aubstitutea: 1. A aoll conservation program recommended by the Iowa farm study committee as a long-time' plan. Its salient features empha- size crop rotation, aoll building and erosion control. Farmers would reduce Tegular grain acreages, planting instead soil building grasses and legumes. Benefit pay- ments would be based indirectly on grasses and legumes grown. Rome (AP, Copyright) — Premier Mussolini may pour 109,080 more men into his East African campaign for conquest of Ethiopia, unofficial but Informed Fascist sources disclosed today. Five new. troop divisions probably will be created in addition to these sources said, to inject new Four thousand Alpine troope al- ready were enroute acres* the Mediterranean aboard the Conte Grande, and 2,500 Alpine artillery- men galled yesterday on the Come Rosso to Join Italy's East African forces, estimated at upward of IE0,- 000 men. New Fascist Blackshlrt mllltta units and a temporary Infantry di- vision were created to replace these forces at home in Mussolini's mil- lion-man total armies. The dispatch of the fresh troops and reports of still further rein- forcements recalled rumor* that Marshal Pietro Badoglio, com- mander-in-chief in East Africa, Paris UP)—A poll of league of I had appealed for more men to sthn- the fresh units already organized, DUCE'S THREAT BALKS LEAGUE OIL SANCTIONS Embargo Dropped Because of Duce's Threat of War; Present Bans Considered Sufficient 2. A surplus control plan, slm- Nations Council members displayed j uUte hla campaign. planned to recommend to louse formally that It paa* the measure Indorsed by the lean Legion, Veterans of For- Yv'ars and D i s a b l e d American ans. i> committee approved two last e changes late yesterday. One eliminate a provision for re- ng all interest veterans had on loans on their adjusted e certiorate*. idiher weul**4ltfrom S'i to er cent the Interest r*4e on Issued by the Treasury to Government life insurance The bond Issue would permit ment of certificate* on which have been made from the porter* of the veterans' bill ate If will call for 11,000,000,- M new cash, but that, figure een challenged in some tour- the National Economy League rample, change was mad* la the i that would can^»i all tin- lnterest on loans -m certlfi- and the measur«<:UH would It veterans prefer*}-,g to hold certificate* to dra* three per InteretfflhUl 1145*. '• TE CHAIRMAN EATON EWES SPLIT WITH IVES w Tork. (*), _ Republican Chairman Melvln C. Baton denied published reports of a fcetwesn himself and Speaker t M. Ive* of the Assembly over f Ht^ , *a A *"* mb, y aPP°lnt- And !"•** r e l a t i o n e war* r • Ml today a* they *W«y year*.' He al- ! *»*d gratification over Ive*' ment of As*embjrman Ab- * Moffat at chatrl in «g the *n« M»ans Committee. KILLEDTSECOHD HURT TRAIN STRIKES TRUCK Jhanlcsvin* (** _ One . ""ed and another was Injured their^ truck was .truck by a .w - Hu "»on freight train wars Station, near hero Tuee- n, *m Wick* II, of Fort Ed- •waa killed. Jam*. O'Brien, "*> of Fort Edwartf, suffered BOUGHT RIFLES FOR ALLIES, IS MORGAN CHARGE ECONOMY QUIP CAUSES THE PRESIDENT TO LAUGH Nye InvesHgators Also Say Bankers Supplied Britain With Infor- mation of U. S. Moves figured prominently at former Jackson Day dinner*. 8mlth and Davis are members of the American Liberty League, which reiterated it*, charge today that Democratic Chairman James A. Farley, in selling tickets to the dinner to federal office holders, vi- olated the law. In a statement, the league char- acterized a* a "bedtime story" an assertion of the Democratic nation- al committee that parley had noth- ing- to do with soliciting campaign fund* by sale of ticket*, Farley was quoted by the League aa addressing state presidents of young Democratic clubs and urging them to price the dinners high enough to produce revenue for the Democratic party. Several of these presidents, the League added, are federal office holder*. The dinner tonight will be fol- lowed tomorrow by a meeting of the National Committee to select the time and place for the national convention. Philadelphia and Chi- cago are the leading contestants, but there were report* of other bids from Atlantic City or Ran- Franclsco. More than 1.S00 ticket* for the dinner here have been sold at $50 each. Democratic official* *ald more than 250.000 Democrats would attend the 2,000 dinner* being held elsewhere. President Roosevelt's word* wI1» be carried by *hort and long wave radio to diner* in Puerto Rico and Hawaii and even to vessels on the high seas. Coat of the- dinner* range* from the $50 for the banquet here down to $3 in aom* place*. Party officials hop* the receipts will wipe out the Democratic deficit of $400,000 and perhaps provide a start toward a campaign fund. A second dinner I* being held here at the «am* time. Given by th* Toung Democratic clubs, It will b* attended by Mra. Roosevelt. The char** for thla on* will be $10 a plate. In contrast to former Jackson Day dinner*, at which there have been many speakers, the President will make the only address tonight, lie will be introduced by Farley. 'ken *rm and leg. AT-HOME POLICY 'AVES STATE $20,000 '*»•»• (*V-New Tork State'e P" lev of huylnt 9oUtom t w ier. ? "*** fr ° m «« own n has saved the state to „eT f ! th " n »".•••. Charles 1 1 Standard* and Pur- Ir s ,nn0un c*<>. . «e - h ,r, »<«i"«rated (he ha! nf ,h * •*•*• doners «.? l ° **" ,h,,r i n d u c t s t o atla •,!' m,n » t,n * "»• Procad- h he J • ,,n,0 "t exclusively /T*« r " *nd ootn mission ^ JT.frequently fur- *o«..n T" rr ° wn ,n Mminm > kh.. •" nr <om « rt «h*r "tat**. h * T.ROMM pound* of^ pota- re«<,_., •»•«"««» tti poiJia J J « l y purohn*s4 tJ*£ «*?« i hy « row « ,n »• of if,...! ••••"t-tloii at a AiaiM . ** tbl *' Mp ' * mith W*m OFFERS COURSE **TOPUI LAHGDAGE Also to Teacft Oowntry's History to Rtodenis This Spring sign i New Tork—gtodents at Colum- bia University will have the chance to learn to apeak and write Ethi- opian during the spring iemester, it was announced yesterday. Two course* will he given hy the department of Semitic languages. On* la concerned with the Ethi- opian language and grammar, the other consists of the study of the country's history and cultural rela- tione with Its neighbors. iTJRROOATK'8 PROCEEHINO* Th* will of th* late Besal* A. Hutching* of Virgil was admitted to probata at th* office of the sur- rogate yesterday and letter* testa- mentary were Issued to Arthur Raymond Hutching* of Virgil. The will was filed by Lusk. Buck. Ame* * jrolmer, Cortland attorneys. The estate was estimated at $50* real ana $100 personal prronerty. Latter* of administration were Issued to tna B. Wldger of McOraw In the estate of the late Albert Wldger of MeOraw. The papers worn filed by Attorney Henry D Lucy. Th* estate was estimated at flOo In persons) property. Washington UP) — Evidence that Morgan * Company contracted for $194,000,000 worth of rifles for the Allies In 1915, before America en- tered the World War was read Into the records of the Senate Muni- tions Committee today. Senatorial investigators said J. P. Morgan & Company supplied Oreat Britain with "inside Informa- tion" on American governmental activity before the United 8tat*a entered the World War. * % , ' Committee members, hoping to enact their drastic neutrality ideas, are seeking to determine whether banking loans to the Allies had In- fluence In Inducing th* United States to Join them In war. ' Testerday, the committee dis- closed evidence tending to" show that President Wilson himself V directly gave the "go ahead" for the first of many American credits to the Allies, a shift in neu- trality policy opposed hy Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan. Morgan and his associate* made plain that from the first their sym- pathies were with the Allies. "When the government turned itself loose, we ) turned ourself loose," Morgan smiled. The story of the deilvety of in- side Information to the British was contained In a book of cable- grams copied from Morgan records. One message sent by II. P. Davi- son, a wartime Morgan partner, to the London office of the lompany evidently related to the third Lusl- tanla note to Germany asserting "fundamental" rights of the Unit- ed States. It approved turning the Information over to "authorities," One telegram specifically designat- ed the Chancellor of the Exchequer as the one to receive the infor- mation. The Lusltania was sunk May f, 1915. The third Lusltania note was dispatched July 21. But rlx wseks before that. Davison's cable, sent June 2. said: "Through confidential sources I am Informed that the President's reply to, the German note is un- equivocal In demanding that Ger- many must first of all meet the moral Issue, irrespective of facts, as to which. If there be question, they may be considered In due course. "Some member* of the cabinet, while in complete accord with President, are said to be r*garding matter mo«t seriously, as issue of note will put matter squarely up to Germany, leaving no alternative to United States. "Have great confidence In source of Information. You may. therefore, pass this along to authorities If desired." The company transmitted the In- formation while acting aa agent for the British government In purchas- ing supplies and in arranging cer- tain credits in the United fftates. Washington <JP)—In opening hla press conference Tuesday, President 'Roosevelt remarked that there was no news except that Charles Mlchelson (director of publicity for the Democratic National Committee) needed a hair cut. Mr. Mlchelson, who was sitting near by, straightened up in his seat and retorted that some one had to economize in this admin- istration, Mr. Roosavelt joined in th* laughter. HAUPTMANN TRIAL RECORDS SCANNED BY GOY. HOFFMAN ilar In part to the McNary-Haugen a general belief, diplomatic sources j act. It provides for payment to said today,, that the current sane- farmers of an equalization fee de- lions would soon crush Italy's pow- rived from sale either in this coun- er to carry on Its warfare in Ethlo- I try or abroad of surplus stocks | pla. , withdrawn from th* general mar kets. Washington (IP) — New dealers, tacitly appealing from the Supreme Court to the electorate, hope the The League has virtually dropped any Intention of imposing an oil embargo on the Fascist nation, dip- lomats said, believing the existing Informed sources said one Liby- an division was likely to be trans- ferred to the bouthern Front, where Gen Rudolfo Graxlanis army, close to the frontiers of Eth- iopia and Italian Somaliland, has been awaiting an anticipated na- tive onslaught. Less experienced troops would arms, financial and economic penal- I replace the Libyan division in MORE RAIN DDE IN FLOOD SWEPT AREAOF EUROPE Jersey Chief Executive Preparas For Meeting Saturday of State Court of Pardons 27 Known Dead 1st Storm Orer Irish Sen, Finland and At Ham- burg In Germany London, (JF).—Floods anc* predic- tions of more rain beset sections of northern Europe today while the number of known dead In the weekend's storm mounted to 27. Fourteen were lost from vessels in the Irish 8ea, nine were drowned off Hangoe, Finland. In the wreck of a were drowned at Hamburg in the collision of a tug and a launch Trenton, N. J., (JP).—Governor Harold G. Hoffman, it was dis- closed today, is studying the tran- script of the trial of Bruno Rlche.rd Hauptmann, sentenced to die next week for the Lindbergh baby kld- nap-murder. The governor is a member of the New Jersey Court of Pardons which will convene Saturday to consider Hauptmann's plea for clejpency. Mg* execution was reported to have been set for Friday, Janu- ary 17, at 8 p. no. Secrecy surrounded the gover- nor's visit to State Police head- quarters last Saturday, but It was authoritatively learned he obtained copies of the Hauptmann trial rec- ord and that of John Hushes Cur- tia Norfolk boat builder, convicted nation will reject the constitution- tie » needed no reinforcement, al views of the court's majority and J The council members, In the eventually follow the course up- ', January 20, sessions of the league's held by the minority. executive body at Geneva, were ex- Thla became Increasingly clear pected in diplomatic quarters "to today as Roosevelt administration postpone" their consideration of officials from the White House j the oil embargo proposal, osten- down emphasised again and agalnjgibly because of danger that Italy that the justices handed down two j would regard such a sanction as an opinions In the case that wrecked j "act of war." Italy's North African possession, facing Egypt. AAA. Already Secretary Wallace, ?Aithor of the phrase "America must choose," has appealed to every family in the country to study both oplnlona Condemnation of the^majorlty de- cision continued to be heard from some Democrata in Congress. Sen- ator Black, Democrat, Alabama, said th* court has "thrown »»v Diplomats said, however, that it was felt that imposition of an oil embargo, cutting off vital supplies for Italy's mechanized armies, would only give Premier Mussolini "an .(opportunity to blame the cer- tain wreck of his Ethiopian cam- paign on the League." HEAYY RAINS JOY TO ETHIOPIANS ON THEIR CHRISTMAS Addis Ababa, UP). —- Continuous heavy rains in the north cheered the Ethiopian* people Tuesday as hey celebrated their Christmas. Natives were confident the rales, bogging up the soil, will compel Despite this belief in abandon- ( ^ fa^-jit lnva lers to Tall ba- from their advanced positk I the chart*" and* that the country | rnent of the oil embargo proposal now Is "not ruled by laws but by I which was expected thus to relieve j about Makale. men-five being enough to rule | European tension arising from the I ^ ^ y m fenown ^ ..^^ the Ethiopians. An imperial ice ws* held In t h e little c 120,000.000." Whether the new deal strstegy would Involve an active drive for a constitutional amendment, re- mained undetermined. President Roosevelt was silent on this and European tension arising from the Italo-Ethioplan war aid the League sanctions, military <«nd ' I of obstructing justice during his al- ' most other AAA questions at his leged contacts with the Lindbergh kidnapers. Governor Hoffman as presiding member of the Court of Pardons has not yet announced where it lo to meet. Should he desisnate the SPANISH STEAMER GOES TO BOTTOM TJ!"^7, t !"*" 8 ,!!^..l n V?" r "«»to prison, it would be considered an Indication that Ha-jptmann would be summoned for an appear- ance before the Court. Hauptmann receiver! ne'vs of the ! execution date 'rom Col. Mark O. Kfhiberling, state prison warden, without visible emotion. The condemned man's spiritual adviser, Rev. John Matthlesen of ! Trenton, after visiting him yester- All Passengers and Crew Rescnad,' «**• reasserted belief in his inno- press conference last night His only decision, he disclosed. Is to ask Congress to provide funds to pay farmers for performance under existing crop reduction contracts. AAA owes aome $283,000,000 on these. All members of the admln'stra- tlon, he said, are studying the two | derisions, or opinions, of the court. Six iudges outlawed, as an invasion j of states* rH-hts, the AAA program land ln th « Mediterranean, Where naval activity Increased in South- ern France. French and British military ex- perts also carried on what officials called "normal conversations be- tween two friendly nations." The ichief of the French Army General Staff, Major General Gus- tave (iamelln. concluded a com- plete military Inspection of troops and fortifications on the Italian frontier. The Navy ministry announced that the Mediterranean fleet wa- scheduled for a series of three maneuvers off Corsica. French 1s- Following Collision Madrid. UP), The Spanish Kteamer City of Malaga foundered today after' a collision with the British steamer Cape of Gocd Hrpe st the entrance to the Hsrbor of Las Palmaa Canary Islands Radio dispatches from l'alma, Mallorcs, said, but the passengers and crew cf the Spanish vest el wero rescued. cence and reported him "hopeful i m#n t and cheerful." Mr. Matthiesen, asked whether (Continued on Page Two) under which taxes were levied on processors to pay farmers for curb- ing production. Three judges, up- holding AAA, said Congress could tax and spend to relieve "a na- tion-wide economic raaladju^t- DOUG FAIRBANKS THROUGH ACTING BOY 'DOESN'T LOVE' HER, SO GIRL, IS, SHOOTS SELF M I N E W O R K I N G S Francois, Pletrl, Minister of the Navy is visiting. The maneuvers were set to start January 20. France's Atlantic fleei. la ex- pected to anchor at the same time at Casablanca, northwest African Morocco, I'uring a 46-d;iv crui«e near Gibraltar, western gateway to : can. who was an Ethiopian r th« Mediterranean. | sentatlve on a commission * sought to conciliate the disp"* tween Italy and Ethiop'-_' the war broke out. of St. Gabriel's in the lower compound. Crown Prinee Asfa Wo« sented his father, Kmi Selassie, at the mrvicf lasted for five hours, attended services at h"] ituarters at Dessye. Ethiopia's foreign w a s s t r e n g t h e n e d *-> ditlon of anothe: H. Spencer, !0, nell, Iowa. Spencer, a spe» tlonal law, artiV' will be an asslsta> viser t 0 the governt* Andrews Colson, an the emperor's financial Spencer, who has spem past three years in Euri recommended for the post I Pitman Benjamin Potter, , Wo» mpe id ale! Critically Wounded on Outing With Youth In Bay State 1— TROOPER IMPROVER Glens Falla UP). Stato Troop- er Charles McDonough, 13, of Troop B, Malone, who suffered a shoulder Injury In an automotile eccident Monday ntght, wa« repott- ed to be in good condition In Glen* Falls Hospital today. The accident occurred between Indian Lake and Blue Mountain Lake, Is Producer From Now On—Keeps Silent on Romance New Tork, UP).—Doughs Fair- hanks, sr.. Is through acting and has "nothing to say'' about his re- ported romance with Lady Ashley. <f England . "I'm a producer from now on." thV former Don Juan of the screen announced today. EDITOR WILL ROGERS, JR. HIRES PATRICIA ZIEGFELD Gives Her Job aa Reporter On His Weekly Newspaper Beverly Hills. Ca1lf„ UP) Two theatrical families have joined In a writing venture. Will Rogers, jr., son of the 1st* actor, hired Patricia Zlegrteld, daughter of the late Flor- ens Xlegfeld and Btltte Burke, aa a reporter on his weekly newspaper. Miss Zlegfeld, 18-year-old fresh- msn st the .Untromlty' of California at Los Angela* said she wasn't In- terested In ins stage, "hut I do uant to write, an« BUI Rogari is giving m« my Extent Roosevelt-Incurred Government Debt Not Known But Is New, All-Time Record Newbury port, Mass, W»,—A 18- year-old girl wss in a hospital hf re today In a serious conditlun ftom a self-inflicted bullet wound be- cause, James E. Sullivan, City Mar- shal, said, her beau no longer loved her. Elsie Bridges and Daniel C Pond 17, were target-shooting t.ear the ilerrimac River yesterday Sulli- van *a!d he learned front Por.tl, when the youth told Elsie he no longer loved her. "I love you Just as much as ever," she replied. "Are there any more bullets In the gun handed the gun to her, Sullivan said, thinking she wished to con- tinue shooting at the target. In- stead. Sullivan slid, she .-hot her- self in the abdomen. Sullivan said the girl had con- firmed Pond's story before ahe underwent the operation. AGAIN FLOODED DIVER FAILS TQ. -4c 43 Narrowly Escape Drowning; First Flooded Month Afo TRACE OF '-METs- 88c Johnson City, 111. UP\ Forty- three coal miners fled for their lives today when flood waters broke through the seals in the *3.- 000.000 Old Ken mine, No. 18 and flooded a wide section of worklncs i for the second months. All narrowly escaped drowning* Workmen suffered a similar Pond I scare early In December. ** New Tork (JP) » scanning the muet.. River nor police g» of muttering, rtei Friedman, had new Horowitz, missing parents of 10-mont. 194c ATS time In recent, .3UPREME COURT PR(* .'EFROMADMINIST'C WHITE FOR BANK SUPERINTENDENT J BT DAVID LAWRENCE (Copyright, lfll) Washington. — Twelve billion dollars In the red — an.1 po-wlhly more — la tha total of President Rooaevelt'a four years of federal budgets. Th* amount he will have spent In four years will run up to about l»o,noo.oon.ooo, which Is the rec- ord for any president of th* United States in peace time and closely ap- proximate* th* total war time an* pendltur*. From l i l t to n i l , that I* from Washington to WOaon, the total federal *xp*nt* waa onlv |14,- ooo.ooo.sso, and thla included four war*. Naturally, the detandera of Mr. Roosevelt will Insist that hla defi- cit* war* necessary hacanaa the na- tion waa saved fr>«wi disaster. The • ther side will nrg<ia that, notwith- standing $lt.»«a,a«A,ft«a of deficits In four years, the unemplovment rolls are still around 9,000.000 p«r- f>»ns, and no petnianent* 1ST, h a s teen devised to take care of the !<«opla still on work relief Mr. Roosevelt. In his message, doea not clearly show what Is JERUSALEM PIPELINE ENDS ,000 YEARS OF 'DROUGHT' Governor Lehman Sends Name of New Yorker to Sonata Jerusalem. UP) After »,000 years of water shortage. Jerusalem going to he. spent ln the next flscsl ; hegsn Tuesday to receive water : ear. He eliminates the biggest Item of all, namely relief, -nd a*ys that, without relief, he expects a deficit of about it.aii.eoo.ooo. Th* President Insists that the deficits hava been coming down. Here !» the way they look hy fiscal •.ears' 1914, II,111.000.,io0: 1I1S, IM?I.» ooo.oaa; i*i«, |i,a34.ooo.«)on, u»?. »i.oif.tO.**». It will ha notert, however, that *l! thro* deffelts tho* far ar« above tl.OOa-.oao.oeo and that tha fourth tletcit does aot take Into account either work relief or tha bonus, on which there may ha a total of II,- (Conunnad on Page Five) through a l«-mtla pipeline which pumps th* precious fluid from the nearly built reservoir at Ras-el-AIn, on th* coast 2.S00 feet below Jeru- salem. Expenditure of almost $?,000.000 waa necessary before the pipeline flnslly waa connected with Jeru- salem. Tho new supply supplements the water available In the Solomon's Poola. ancient reaorvolrs. It la expected that th* Holy City'* household* will h* supplied with water one* every thmalla.vs instead of one* every seven days aa previ- ously. Albany (/P) — The nomination of \\ Hliam R. White of New York, as state superintendent of banks waa •ent today by Governor Lehman to the state Senate for confirmation. He succeeds th* late George W. Egbert White Is 12 and a native of Coudersport, Pa. JOB AT ALBANY V. H. Borden of Marathon Serre- i«r> <<> Cteek of the Aneesnhly Albany (Special)--Speaker Irv- ing M. Ivas of Norwich, announce* th* appointment nt- U. M. Boyden of Marathon as secretary to the clerk of the Assembly for th* 1111 legislative session. To the Editor of The Stand Washington, D. C—The preme Court has flashed the her light on the new deal ln ae\l eral previous pronouncements, Now It signals full stop with the red light of the AAA verdict. That raises a flock of questions. There Is a constitutional amendment tucked away In an administration hat, along with the other new deal rabbits. It's been there ever since the NRA decision wiped out so many handsome blue prints. Does the President feel strong enough to try to get the neces- sary two-thirds of both house* for the amendment? And Is there any chance that three-fourths of the states would he willing to give up more of their rapidly vanishing rights'' Maybe the strategists won't at* tempt to take such high hurdlea Sine* thl* was a six-three deci- sion, the alternative of packing the Supreme Court with favor- able men again crops op. This device was much discussed near- ly thro* years ago, but waa put on Ice because of the murmur from the grass roots. Alice Longworth. ism. MrN.wht asastista, mn Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...Three Centa a Copy—Eightee n reni Week By Mall (lie t Month; i Montha It; II a Tear AAA AND NRA OUT WHAT OF OTHER LEGISLATION?!2

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...Three Centa a Copy—Eightee n reni Week By Mall (lie t Month; i Montha It; II a Tear AAA AND NRA OUT WHAT OF OTHER LEGISLATION?!2

)use Ways and Means Committee Recommends

Prompt Payment Bonus ion Declared Essential Part of Recovery Program and Capable of Increasing

Nation's Purchasing Power rashlngton Wi M * formal report to t h e H o u s e today, t h e and means c o m m i t t e e r e c o m m e n d e d c a s h p a y m e n t of the bonus essential part of t h e recovery program a n d aa capable of i n -

mr. the nation'* purchas ing power . %

jiU fUpported by three lead

^ ^ a T B T t a b l U h e d MM ...nHtrd Established 1S«"

f . i f f l i . n . d j l l » . 1»»6 Daily No. I TEN PAGES CORTLAND STANDARD, CORTLAND, N. Y., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1936 TEN PAGES

Nine Dollars a Yaar, Strictly tn Advance Three Centa a Copy—Eighteen renin a Week By Mall (lie t Month; i Montha I t ; II a Tear



erana organizat ion! and •ful House blocs wa» ready to d before the rules c o m m i t t e e a request for an open rule ling three or four h o u r s d e -

ith a b a » o t o n Fr iday . |h neither Democrat ic l eaders he appropriations c o m m i t t e e sting any delay, b o n u s back-lanned to bring; t h e m e a s u r e r debate tomorrow. allow some m e m b e r * now ng political fences back h o m e :ach Washington and o thers have scheduled Jackson D a y cal speeches to g e t b a c k t o pltal, arrangements w e r e u n -ay to withhold the r o t * on

_ge until Friday, laker Bjrns and h i s l l eu ton-repeated a desire to dispose of Issue promptly to c lear t h e for other-legislation. us forces c la imed sufficient

fth to pass any m e a s u r e over •sidential veto, but ta lk sti l l ated, particularly in the Sen-over possibilities of f r a m i n g bill which might w i n W h i t e

I approval. i independent offices appro-on bill, the first of n ine r e g u -ipply measures to provide o p -g funds for federal agenc ies ,


JACKSON DINNER Al Smith to Be Absent; 250,000 of Faithful Gather For 2,000 Dinner.

In As Many Cities

W a s h i n g t o n (A?) — Democrat i c party l eaders c o n v e r g e d on W a s h ­ington from all over the country today to h e l p P r e s i d e n t Rooseve l t f ormal ly l a u n c h h i s c a m p a i g n for ree lec t ion t o n i g h t at t h e Nat iona l J a c k s o n D a y dinner.

Aa h e a d d r e s s e s s imi lar gather­ings f rom coas t to coast at 10 p. m. ( B . 8. T . ) , t h e Pres ident- wil l be surrounded b y h l 8 cabinet , most D e m o c r a t i c m e m b e r s of the Sen­ate and H o u s e , m e m b e r s of the n a ­t ional c o m m i t t e e and other party officials.

But a l m o s t as c o n s p i c u o u s a* the he subject for H o u s e debate l l t t o f g . u e , t s wi l l be t h e n a m e s of

Chairman Buchanan , D e m - absentees . Al fred E . Smith, once Texas, of the appropriat ions t h . D e m o c r a t i c pres ident ial c a n -

ittee, said this bill could be d i d a t e . wi l l n o t be there . P r o b -jilde temporarily to permit a a b l y J o n n w rjevls, another o n e -

v o t e I t i m e party n o m i n e e , wi l l not. Miss -House ways and manna c o m - | , n t w U 1 b 6 o t n # r n f c m „ t h t t h a v e

Soil Conservation and Surplus Con

trol Suggested By Soma Farm Leaders




Duce Determined to Crush Ethiopians, Call­ing Upon Reserves as Huge Military Ma­

chine Bogs Down Before Sturdy Defense

To Ask Congress For $283,000,000 —New Dealers Plan to Push

Minority Opinion

l.'. S. Supreme Court just ices a n d their n e w h o m e In W a s h i n g t o n

N e w Tork UP)—Some of the n a ­tion's farm leaders, Invited to he lp Secretary Wal lace replace t h e u n ­const i tut ional crop control pro­gram, In preliminary views, today advanced two definite aubstitutea:

1. A aoll conservation program r e c o m m e n d e d by the I o w a farm s tudy commit tee as a long-t ime' plan. Its salient features e m p h a ­size crop rotation, aoll bui lding a n d erosion control. F a r m e r s would reduce Tegular grain acreages , p lant ing instead soil bui ld ing grasses and legumes. Benefit pay­m e n t s would be based indirectly on grasses and l egumes grown.

Rome (AP, Copyr ight ) — P r e m i e r Mussol ini m a y pour 109,080 more men into his East Afr ican c a m p a i g n for conquest of Ethiopia , unofficial but Informed Fasc i s t sources disclosed today.

Five n e w . troop div is ions probably wil l be created in addit ion to

these sources said, to inject n e w Four thousand Alpine troope a l ­

ready were enroute acres* t h e Mediterranean aboard the Conte Grande, and 2,500 Alpine arti l lery­m e n galled yes terday on the C o m e Rosso to Join Italy's East African forces, es t imated at upward of IE0,-000 men.

N e w Fasc i s t B lacksh lr t mll l t ta units and a t emporary Infantry di­vision were created to replace these forces at h o m e in Mussol ini 's mi l ­l ion-man total armies .

The d ispatch of the fresh troops and reports of stil l further re in ­forcements recal led rumor* t h a t Marshal P ie tro Badogl io , c o m ­mander- in-ch ie f in East Africa,

Paris UP)—A poll of l e a g u e of I h a d appealed for m o r e m e n to s t h n -

the fresh units a lready organized,


OIL SANCTIONS Embargo Dropped Because of

Duce's Threat of War; Present Bans Considered Sufficient

2. A surplus control plan, s l m - Nat ions Council m e m b e r s displayed j u U t e h l a c a m p a i g n .

planned to r e c o m m e n d to louse formally that It paa* t h e

measure Indorsed by t h e lean Legion, Veterans of F o r -Yv'ars and Disabled American ans. i> committee approved two l a s t e changes late yes terday . One eliminate a provis ion for re-

ng all interest ve terans had on loans on t h e i r adjusted e certiorate*. idiher w e u l * * 4 l t f r o m S ' i to er cent the Interest r*4e on

Issued by the Treasury to Government life insurance The bond Issue would permit

ment of certificate* on w h i c h have been made from the

porter* of the veterans' bill ate If will call for 11,000,000,-M new cash, but that, figure een challenged in s o m e tour -the National Economy L e a g u e rample,

change was m a d * la the i that would can^»i all tin-lnterest on loans -m certlfi-and the measur«<:UH would

It veterans prefer*}-,g t o hold certificate* to d r a * three per InteretfflhUl 1145*. '•


Chairman Melvln C. Baton denied published reports of a fcetwesn himself and Speaker t M. Ive* of the Assembly over

f H t ^ , * a A * " * m b , y aPP° ln t -

And !"•** relat ione war* r • Ml today a* t h e y *W«y year* . ' H e a l -

!*»*d gratification over Ive*' ment of As*embjrman Ab-

* Moffat at c h a t r l i n «g the *n« M»ans Commit tee .

KILLEDTSECOHD HURT TRAIN STRIKES TRUCK Jhanlcsvin* (** _ One . ""ed and another w a s Injured

their^ truck w a s . t ruck by a . w - H u " » o n fre ight train wars Station, near hero Tuee-

n,*m Wick* I I , of F o r t E d -•waa killed. J a m * . O'Brien, "*> of Fort Edwartf, suffered



Nye InvesHgators Also Say Bankers Supplied Britain With Infor­

mation of U. S. Moves

figured prominent ly a t former J a c k s o n D a y dinner*.

8 m l t h and D a v i s are m e m b e r s of the A m e r i c a n Liberty League , w h i c h re i terated it*, charge today t h a t D e m o c r a t i c Chairman J a m e s A. Far ley , in se l l ing t i ckets to the d inner to f edera l office holders, v i ­olated the l aw .

In a s t a t e m e n t , t h e l eague c h a r ­acter ized a* a " b e d t i m e story" an assert ion of t h e D e m o c r a t i c nat ion­al c o m m i t t e e t h a t p a r l e y had n o t h ­ing- t o do w i t h so l i c i t ing c a m p a i g n fund* by sale of t icket*,

F a r l e y w a s quoted by t h e L e a g u e aa a d d r e s s i n g s ta te pres idents of y o u n g D e m o c r a t i c c lubs and urging t h e m to pr ice t h e d inners h i g h e n o u g h to produce revenue for the D e m o c r a t i c party. Several of these pres idents , t h e L e a g u e added, a r e federal office holder*.

T h e dinner t o n i g h t will be fo l ­lowed t o m o r r o w by a m e e t i n g of the Nat iona l C o m m i t t e e to se lect t h e t i m e and p lace for t h e nat ional convent ion . P h i l a d e l p h i a and Chi­cago a r e t h e l ead ing contestants , but there w e r e report* of o ther bids from At lant ic City or Ran-Franc l sco .

More than 1.S00 t icket* for the dinner h e r e h a v e been sold at $50 each . D e m o c r a t i c official* *ald m o r e t h a n 250.000 D e m o c r a t s wou ld a t tend the 2,000 dinner* be ing he ld e l s ewhere .

P r e s i d e n t R o o s e v e l t ' s word* wI1» be carried by *hort and long w a v e radio to diner* in Puer to Rico and H a w a i i a n d e v e n to vesse ls on the h igh seas .

Coat of the- d inner* range* from the $50 for t h e banquet here d o w n to $3 in a o m * place*. Party officials h o p * the r e c e i p t s wil l wipe out the D e m o c r a t i c deficit of $400,000 and perhaps p r o v i d e a s tart toward a c a m p a i g n fund .

A second dinner I* being held here at t h e « a m * t ime. Given by t h * T o u n g D e m o c r a t i c clubs, It will b * a t t e n d e d by Mra. Rooseve l t . The c h a r * * for thla o n * wi l l be $10 a plate .

In contras t t o f o r m e r Jackson D a y dinner*, a t w h i c h there h a v e been m a n y speakers , t h e Pres ident wi l l m a k e the only addres s tonight , l i e wil l be introduced by Farley.

'ken *rm and leg .


'*»•»• ( * V - N e w T o r k State'e P" lev of h u y l n t 9 o U t o m t w

i e r . ? "*** f r ° m « « o w n

n has saved the s tate to

„ e T f ! t h " n » " . • • • . Charles

1 1 Standard* and P u r -Ir s , n n 0 u n c * < > . . «e - h ,r,»<«i"«rated (he

ha! n f , h * •*•*• d o n e r s « . ? l ° **" , h , , r i n d u c t s to atla • , ! ' m , n » t , n * " » • Procad-

h he J • , , n , 0 " t exclus ive ly / T * « r " *nd ootn miss ion

^ J T . f r e q u e n t l y fur-

*o«..n T " r r ° w n ,n Mminm> kh.. • " nr < o m « rt«h*r "tat**. h* T.ROMM pound* of̂ pota-re«<,_., •»•«"««» tti poiJia

JJ«ly purohn*s4 tJ*£

«*?« i h y « r o w « , n »• of i f , . . . ! ••••"t-t loi i a t a

AiaiM . ** t b l * ' M p ' * m i t h


Also t o Teacft Oowntry's His tory to Rtoden i s Th i s Spring

s ign i

N e w T o r k — g t o d e n t s a t Co lum­bia Univers i ty wil l h a v e the chance to learn to apeak and write E t h i ­opian dur ing t h e spr ing i emester , it w a s a n n o u n c e d yesterday.

T w o course* will he given hy the d e p a r t m e n t of Semit ic l anguages . On* la c o n c e r n e d wi th the E t h i ­opian l a n g u a g e and grammar , the o ther cons i s t s of the s tudy of the country 's h i s tory and cultural re la ­t ione wi th Its ne ighbors .

iTJRROOATK'8 P R O C E E H I N O * T h * wi l l of t h * late Besal* A.

Hutch ing* of Virgi l w a s admitted t o probata a t t h * office of the sur ­rogate y e s t e r d a y and letter* t e s ta ­mentary w e r e Issued to Arthur R a y m o n d H u t c h i n g * of Virgil . T h e will w a s filed by Lusk. Buck. A m e * * jrolmer, Cort land attorneys. The es ta te w a s e s t i m a t e d a t $50* real ana $100 persona l prronerty.

Latter* of adminis trat ion were Issued to t n a B . Wldger of McOraw In the e s ta te of t h e late Albert Wldger of MeOraw. The papers worn filed by Attorney Henry D Lucy. T h * e s t a t e w a s es t imated at f lOo In persons ) property.

Washington UP) — Evidence that Morgan * Company contracted for $194,000,000 worth of rifles for the Al l ies In 1915, before A m e r i c a en­tered the World W a r w a s read Into the records of t h e S e n a t e Muni­t ions Commit tee today.

Senatorial invest igators said J. P. Morgan & C o m p a n y supplied Oreat Britain wi th "inside Informa­t ion" on American g o v e r n m e n t a l act iv i ty before t h e U n i t e d 8tat*a entered the World W a r . * % , '

Commit tee members , h o p i n g to e n a c t their drastic neutra l i ty ideas, are seek ing to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r banking loans to the Al l i e s had In­fluence In Inducing t h * Uni ted States to Join them In war . '

Testerday, the c o m m i t t e e d is ­closed evidence t end ing to" s h o w that Pres ident Wi l son h imse l f V direct ly gave the "go a h e a d " for t h e first of m a n y Amer ican credits to the Allies, a shi f t in n e u ­tral i ty policy opposed hy Secretary of State Will iam J e n n i n g s Bryan.

Morgan and his assoc iate* m a d e plain that from t h e first the ir s y m ­path ies were with the Al l ies .

"When the g o v e r n m e n t turned itself loose, w e ) turned ourself loose," Morgan smi led .

The story of the de i lve ty of i n ­side Information to t h e Brit i sh w a s contained In a book of cab le ­g r a m s copied from Morgan records.

One message sent by II. P . Dav i ­son, a wart ime Morgan partner, to the London office of the l o m p a n y evident ly related to the third Lusl -tan la note to G e r m a n y assert ing "fundamental" r ights of t h e Uni t ­ed States. It approved turn ing the Information over to "authori t ies ," One te legram specif ical ly des ignat ­ed the Chancellor of the E x c h e q u e r a s the one to rece ive t h e infor­mat ion .

The Lusltania w a s sunk May f, 1915. T h e third Lus l tania n o t e w a s dispatched July 21. But rlx w s e k s before that. Davison's cable , sent June 2. said:

"Through confidential sources I a m Informed that t h e Pres ident ' s reply t o , the German note is u n ­equivocal In demanding that Ger­m a n y must first of all meet the moral Issue, irrespect ive of facts , a s to which. If there be quest ion, they may be cons idered In due course.

"Some member* of t h e cabinet , whi le in comple te accord wi th President, are said to be r*garding matter mo«t seriously, a s i ssue of note wil l put matter squarely up to Germany, leaving no a l ternat ive to United States.

"Have great conf idence In source of Information. You may. therefore , pass this along to author i t i e s If desired."

The company transmit ted the In­formation while ac t ing aa agent for the British government In purchas ­ing supplies and in arrang ing cer­tain credits in the Uni ted fftates.

W a s h i n g t o n <JP)—In o p e n i n g hla press conference Tuesday , Pres ident 'Rooseve l t r e m a r k e d that t h e r e w a s no n e w s except that Charles Mlchelson (d irector of publ ic i ty for the D e m o c r a t i c Nat iona l C o m m i t t e e ) n e e d e d a hair cut .

Mr. Mlchelson, w h o w a s s i t t ing near by, s tra ightened u p in h i s seat and retorted that s o m e o n e had to economize in this a d m i n ­istration, Mr. Roosave l t j o ined in t h * laughter .



i lar In part to the M c N a r y - H a u g e n a general belief, d ip lomat ic sources j act . It provides for p a y m e n t to sa id today,, that the current s a n e -

farmers of an equalization fee d e - l ions would soon crush I ta ly 's pow-rived f rom sale either in this c o u n - er to carry on Its warfare in E t h l o -

I try or abroad of surplus s t o c k s | pla. , w i t h d r a w n from th* general mar kets .

W a s h i n g t o n (IP) — N e w dealers , tacitly appea l ing from the Supreme Court to the electorate, hope t h e

The League has virtual ly dropped a n y Intention of i m p o s i n g an oil embargo on the Fasc is t nat ion, d ip­lomats said, bel ieving the exist ing

Informed sources said one Liby­an divis ion w a s l ikely to be t r a n s ­ferred to the bouthern Front , where Gen Rudol fo G r a x l a n i s army, close to the frontiers of E t h ­iopia and Italian Somal i land, h a s been a w a i t i n g an ant ic ipated n a ­tive ons laught .

Less experienced troops wou ld arms, financial and e c o n o m i c penal- I replace the Libyan division in



Jersey Chief Executive Preparas For Meeting Saturday of State

Court of Pardons

27 Known Dead 1st Storm Orer Irish Sen, Finland and At Ham­

burg In Germany

London, (JF).—Floods anc* predic ­t i o n s of m o r e rain beset s ec t ions of northern E u r o p e today w h i l e t h e number of known dead In the w e e k e n d ' s s torm mounted t o 27. Fourteen were lost f rom ves se l s in the Ir ish 8ea , nine were drowned off Hangoe , Finland. In the w r e c k of a were drowned at H a m b u r g in the col l is ion of a tug and a launch

Trenton, N . J., (JP).—Governor Harold G. H o f f m a n , it w a s dis­c losed today, is s t u d y i n g the tran­script of the trial of B r u n o Rlche.rd H a u p t m a n n , s en tenced to die next w e e k for the L indbergh baby kld-n a p - m u r d e r .

T h e governor i s a m e m b e r of t h e N e w Jersey Court of Pardons w h i c h will c o n v e n e Saturday to cons ider H a u p t m a n n ' s plea for c l e jpency .

Mg* execut ion w a s reported to h a v e been set for Fr iday , J a n u ­a r y 17, at 8 p. no.

Secrecy surrounded the gover ­nor's visit to State Po l i ce head­quarters last Saturday, but It w a s author i ta t ive ly l earned he obtained copies of the H a u p t m a n n trial rec­ord and t h a t of J o h n H u s h e s Cur-t i a Norfolk boat bui lder, convicted

nation wi l l reject the const i tut ion- t i e » needed no re inforcement , al v i ews of the court's majority and J The council m e m b e r s , In the eventual ly fol low the course u p - ', January 20, sess ions of the l e a g u e ' s he ld by the minority. executive body at Geneva, were ex-

Thla became Increasingly c lear pected in d ip lomat ic quarters "to today a s Roosevelt adminis trat ion postpone" their cons iderat ion of officials from the W h i t e H o u s e j the oil embargo proposal , os ten-d o w n emphas ised again and a g a l n j g i b l y because of danger that Italy that the just ices handed down two j would regard such a sanct ion as an opin ions In t h e case that w r e c k e d j "act of war."

Italy's Nor th Afr ican possess ion, facing Egypt .

AAA. Already Secretary Wal lace , ?Aithor of the phrase "America m u s t choose ," has appealed to every family in the country to study both o p l n l o n a

Condemnat ion of the^majorlty d e ­cision continued to be heard from some Democrata in Congress . Sen­ator Black, Democrat , A l a b a m a , said t h * court has "thrown » » v

Diplomats said, however , that it w a s felt that impos i t ion of an oil embargo, cutt ing off vital suppl ies for Italy's mechanized armies, would only give Premier Mussolini "an .(opportunity to b l a m e the cer­tain wreck of his Eth iop ian c a m ­paign on the League."


THEIR CHRISTMAS Addis Ababa, UP). —- Cont inuous

heavy rains in the north cheered the Ethiopian* people Tuesday a s • hey celebrated their Christmas.

Nat ives were conf ident the rales , bogging up the soil, will compel

Despite this belief in abandon- ( ^ fa^-jit lnva lers to Tall ba-from their advanced positk

I the chart*" and* that the country | rnent of the oil embargo proposal now Is "not ruled by laws but by I which was expected thus to relieve j about Makale . m e n - f i v e being enough to rule | European tension aris ing from the I ^ ^ y m fenown ^ . . ^ ^

the Ethiopians . An imperial ice w s * held In t h e little c

1 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . "

W h e t h e r the n e w deal s t r s t e g y would Involve an active drive for a const i tut ional amendment , re­m a i n e d undetermined. Pres ident Rooseve l t w a s silent on this and

European tension aris ing from the Italo-Ethioplan war a i d the League sanctions, mil i tary <«nd '

I of obstruct ing just ice dur ing his a l - ' most other AAA questions a t his l eged contac t s w i th t h e Lindbergh k idnapers .

Governor Hof fman a s presiding m e m b e r of the Court of Pardons h a s not ye t a n n o u n c e d w h e r e it lo to m e e t . Should he d e s i s n a t e the


T J ! " ^ 7 , t ! " * " 8 , ! ! ^ . . l n V ? " r "«»to prison, it would be considered a n Indication that Ha-jptmann w o u l d be s u m m o n e d for an appear­a n c e before the Court.

H a u p t m a n n receiver! ne'vs of the ! execut ion date ' r o m Col. Mark O.

Kfhiberl ing, s tate prison warden, w i t h o u t vis ible e m o t i o n .

T h e c o n d e m n e d m a n ' s spiritual adviser , Rev . John Matthlesen of

! Trenton , after v i s i t ing h im yester-

All Passengers and Crew Rescnad,' «**• reasserted belief in his inno-

press conference last night His only decision, he disclosed. Is

to ask Congress to provide funds to pay farmers for performance under ex is t ing crop reduction contracts . AAA o w e s aome $283,000,000 on these.

All m e m b e r s of the admln ' s tra -tlon, h e said, are s tudying the t w o | deris ions, or opinions, of the court . Six iudges outlawed, a s an invas ion j of states* rH-hts, the AAA program l a n d l n t h « Mediterranean, Where

naval activity Increased in South­ern France .

French and Brit ish mi l i tary ex ­perts also carried on w h a t officials called "normal conversat ions be­tween two friendly nat ions ."

The ichief of the F r e n c h Army General Staff, Major General Gus-tave ( iamelln. conc luded a c o m ­plete military Inspection of troops and fortifications on t h e Ital ian frontier.

The Navy ministry announced that the Mediterranean fleet w a -scheduled for a series of three maneuvers off Corsica. French 1s-

Fol lowing Coll is ion

Madrid. UP), — T h e Spanish Kteamer City of Malaga foundered today a f t e r ' a col l is ion wi th the Brit ish s t e a m e r Cape of Gocd H r p e s t the en trance to the H s r b o r of Las P a l m a a Canary Is lands Radio d i spatches from l 'a lma, Mal lorcs , said, but t h e passengers and crew cf the Spanish vest el wero rescued.

c e n c e and reported h im "hopeful i m # n t and cheerful ."

Mr. Matthiesen , a sked whether (Cont inued on P a g e Two)

under wh ich taxes were levied on processors to pay farmers for curb­ing production. Three judges , u p ­holding AAA, said Congress could tax and spend to re l ieve "a na ­t ion-wide economic raaladju^t-



Francois, Pletrl, Minister of the Navy is visiting. The maneuvers were set to start January 20.

France's Atlantic fleei. la ex ­pected to anchor at the s a m e t ime at Casablanca, nor thwes t African Morocco, I'uring a 46-d;iv crui«e near Gibraltar, western ga teway to : can. who w a s an Ethiopian r th« Mediterranean. | sentatlve on a commiss ion *

sought to conci l iate the disp"* tween Italy and E t h i o p ' - _ ' the war broke out.

of St. Gabriel's in the lower compound.

Crown Prinee Asfa Wo« sented his father, Kmi Selassie, at the mrvic f lasted for five hours, attended services at h"] ituarters at Dessye .

Ethiopia 's foreign w a s s trengthened *-> ditlon of anothe: H. Spencer, !0 , nell, Iowa.

Spencer, a spe» tlonal law, artiV' will be an asslsta> viser t 0 the governt* Andrews Colson, an the emperor 's f inancial

Spencer, w h o has spem past three years in Euri recommended for the post I Pi tman Benjamin Potter, ,

Wo» mpe •

id ale!

Critically Wounded on Outing W i t h Youth In Bay State

1 —

T R O O P E R I M P R O V E R Glens F a l l a UP). — Stato Troop­

er Char le s McDonough , 13, of Troop B, Malone, w h o suffered a shoulder Injury In a n a u t o m o t i l e ecc ident Monday ntght, wa« r e p o t t ­ed to be in good condit ion In Glen* Fa l l s Hospi ta l today. The accident occurred b e t w e e n Indian Lake and Blue Mounta in Lake,

Is Producer From Now On—Keeps Silent on R o m a n c e

N e w Tork, UP).—Doughs Fair-hanks , sr.. Is t h r o u g h acting and h a s "noth ing to say'' about his re­ported romance wi th Lady Ashley. • <f Eng land . "I'm a producer from n o w on." thV former D o n Juan of the screen a n n o u n c e d today.


Gives Her Job aa Repor ter On His Weekly N e w s p a p e r

Beverly Hills . Ca1lf„ UP) — T w o theatrical fami l ies have joined In a writing venture. Will Rogers , jr., son of the 1st* actor, hired Patr ic ia Zlegrteld, daughter of the late F lor -ens Xlegfeld and Btltte Burke, aa a reporter on his week ly newspaper .

Miss Zlegfeld, 18-year-old f re sh -m s n s t the .Untromlty' of California at Los Angela* said she wasn't In­terested In i n s stage, "hut I do u a n t to write, a n « BUI R o g a r i i s giving m« m y

Extent Roosevelt-Incurred Government Debt Not Known

But Is New, All-Time Record

Newbury port, M a s s , W»,—A 18-year-old girl w s s in a hospital hf re today In a serious conditlun f t o m a self- infl icted bullet wound be­cause, J a m e s E. Sullivan, City Mar­shal, said, her beau no longer loved her.

Els ie Bridges and Daniel C P o n d 17, w e r e target -shoot ing t.ear the i l e r r i m a c River yesterday Sul l i ­van *a!d he learned front Por.tl, w h e n the youth told Elsie h e no longer loved her.

"I love you Just as m u c h as ever," she replied. "Are there any more bul lets In the gun handed the gun to her, Sul l ivan said, th inking she wished to c o n ­tinue shoot ing at the target . I n ­stead. Sull ivan s l id , she .-hot her ­self in the abdomen.

Sul l ivan said the girl had c o n ­f irmed Pond's story before ahe underwent the operation.


43 Narrowly Escape Drowning; First Flooded Month Afo

TRACE OF ' - M E T s -

88c Johnson City, 111. UP\ — Forty -

three coal miners fled for their l ives today w h e n flood waters broke through the seals in the * 3 . -000.000 Old Ken mine, No. 18 and flooded a wide sect ion of worklncs i for the second months.

All narrowly escaped drowning* Workmen suffered a similar

P o n d I scare ear ly In December . **

New Tork (JP) • » scanning t h e muet.. River nor pol ice g» of mutter ing , rtei Fr iedman, had new Horowitz, miss ing parents of 10 -mont .

194c ATS

t i m e In recent, .3UPREME COURT PR(* .'EFROMADMINIST'C




(Copyright , l f l l ) W a s h i n g t o n . — T w e l v e bi l l ion

dol lars In the red — an.1 po-wlhly more — la tha total of Pres ident Rooaevelt'a four years of federal budgets .

T h * a m o u n t h e wil l h a v e spent In four y e a r s will run u p to about l»o,noo.oon.ooo, w h i c h Is t h e rec ­ord for any president of t h * Uni ted States in peace t ime and c lose ly a p ­proximate* th* total war t ime an* pendltur*. From l i l t to n i l , t h a t I* from Washington to WOaon, the total federal *xp*nt* waa onlv | 1 4 , -ooo .ooo . s so , and thla included four war*.

Natural ly , the detandera of Mr. Rooseve l t wi l l Insist that hla def i ­cit* war* necessary hacanaa t h e n a ­tion waa saved fr>«wi disaster . T h e • ther s ide wil l nrg<ia that, n o t w i t h ­s tanding $lt.»«a,a«A,ft«a of def ic i t s

In four years , the u n e m p l o v m e n t rol ls are stil l around 9,000.000 p«r-f>»ns, a n d no p e t n i a n e n t * 1ST, has t e e n dev i sed to t a k e care of the !<«opla still on work rel ief

Mr. Rooseve l t . In h i s message, doea not clearly s h o w what Is


Governor Lehman Sends Name of

New Yorker to Sonata

Jerusa lem. UP) — After »,000 years of water shortage . J e r u s a l e m

go ing to he. spent ln the next flscsl ; hegsn Tuesday to receive w a t e r : ear. H e e l i m i n a t e s the biggest Item of all , n a m e l y relief, -nd a*ys that, w i t h o u t relief, he expects a deficit of about i t . a i i . e o o . o o o . T h * President Insists that the deficits hava been c o m i n g d o w n . Here !» the w a y t h e y look hy fiscal •.ears' 1914, I I ,111 .000 . , io0: 1I1S, I M ? I . » ooo.oaa; i * i « , | i ,a34 .ooo .«)on, u » ? . »i.oif.tO.**».

It wil l h a notert, however , that *l! t h r o * deffelts t h o * far ar« above tl.OOa-.oao.oeo and t h a t tha fourth t l e t c i t d o e s a o t t a k e Into account e i t h e r w o r k rel ief or tha bonus, on wh ich t h e r e m a y ha a total of I I , -

( C o n u n n a d o n P a g e F i v e )

through a l « -mt la p ipe l ine w h i c h p u m p s t h * precious fluid f rom the nearly built reservoir at Ras -e l -AIn , on t h * coast 2.S00 feet be low J e r u ­sa lem.

Expendi ture of a lmost $?,000.000 waa necessary before t h e p ipe l ine flnslly waa connected w i t h J e r u ­sa lem.

T h o n e w supply s u p p l e m e n t s the water avai lable In the So lomon' s Poola. anc ient reaorvolrs.

It la expected that th* Holy City'* h o u s e h o l d * will h* supplied wi th w a t e r o n e * every t h m a l l a . v s instead of o n e * every seven days aa previ­ously .

Albany (/P) — The nominat ion of \ \ Hliam R. White of N e w York, as s tate superintendent of banks waa •ent today by Governor L e h m a n to the state Senate for confirmation.

He succeeds th* late George W. Egbert

White Is 12 and a nat ive of Coudersport, P a .


V. H. Borden of Marathon Serre-i«r> <<> Cteek of t h e Aneesnhly

Albany ( S p e c i a l ) - - S p e a k e r Irv­ing M. Ivas of Norwich , announce* th* a p p o i n t m e n t nt- U. M. Boyden of Marathon a s secre tary to the clerk of the Assembly for th* 1111 legislative sess ion.

To the Editor of The Stand Washington , D. C — T h e

preme Court has flashed the her l ight on the new deal ln ae\l eral previous pronouncements , Now It s ignals full stop wi th the red l ight of the AAA verdict . That raises a flock of quest ions .

There Is a const i tut ional a m e n d m e n t tucked a w a y In an administrat ion hat, a long w i t h the other new deal rabbits. It's been there ever s ince the N R A decision wiped out s o m a n y handsome blue prints .

D o e s the Pres ident feel s trong enough to try to get the neces ­sary two- th irds of both house* for the a m e n d m e n t ? And Is there any c h a n c e that three- fourths of the s ta tes would he wil l ing to g ive up more of their rapidly van i sh ing rights' '

Maybe the s trateg is ts won't at* t e m p t to take s u c h h igh h u r d l e a Sine* thl* w a s a s ix - three deci ­sion, the a l ternat ive of packing the Supreme Court with favor­able m e n again crops op . Th i s dev ice w a s m u c h discussed near­ly thro* years ago, but waa put on Ice because of the m u r m u r f rom t h e grass roots.

Al ice Longworth . ism. MrN.wht asastista, mn

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