mwm ^pa«D, TUESDAY EVENING, JfABCH 2T, I32S. * • * ; • • . * • * * * * •>£%% • > m^mmtmr aad « s, a* Cortland Library Building Rapidly Hearing Cample**, Som Ready For Occupancy Contractors Hope to Complete Work Witfein Two Weeks—Moving to Be Witfeowt IneoBvenience to Public Corttoad. N. Y„ Mare* 17, 1*88. Actual weather between 3 p. 3 p. SL. today lAUfFALL The rafufaH between J j . a. Satur- day and $ p. a . today was .22 Jack. WEATHER FORECAST Tor Western New Tork. generiSy tonight and Wed* nanny; colder to. Bast portion tonight. Slowly rMOg p«mperature Wednesday. Cempletiea of th* sew Cortland Free Library Bufidtog at the corner of Court and Chorea Streets on too old Court House site, is expected with- in th* next two weeks, according to -a statement made today by Mr. Grif- fin of the Griffin-Perham Company, of Btngbamtrrn. general contractors for the b«*^*?* % DOOtGS TOKGHI First Methodist Sundayschool Davis Sible Qss*> TS.IL, 82 Homer Avenue. Homer Avenue Methodist Sunday- school Class 14. tnreen sapper. 7 p. nx, phurch. North Presbyterian annual Sunday- School meeting. 7:30 p. nx, church. Business and Prof esstonsi Wazsurr.'s Club card party, 8 p, nx, Twentieth Century Club rooms. Medical Society meeting. 8:15 p. nx, Grace Church parish ho use. Gamp Crone carnival, door open T:8* p. ax, dancing. 9 p. nx. suction 2.9 p. ax, New Cobakco fratiding i Three act and one act comedies, ''Anti-Aunts'* and "Comical Country Cousins," 8:15 p. nx, St. Anthony's Italian Church basement hall. Kslghto of Columbus, 8:30 p. m., .•T of C rooms. With the. exterior ofi the structure compieted, th» interior already gives the appearance of beauty and charac- ter which is expected to win the ap- proval of the most skeptical. Moving to the new structure from the present quarters in the old Hatch Memorial Library Building wiU be done without any great inconvenience totaepubhe. Miss Zana K. Miller, li- brarian, today expressed-the-hope that by closing the library to the public for one day she would be able to mote sufficient equipment and books to the jtssw building to allow reopening in* following day. In such an event, the remainder of th« books will be taken to the new Quarters later. It is her plan to have everything thor- oughly cleaned before it is placed in the new structure. With th* children's reading, room located in the south wing, the reading room for adults will be in the north- ern' end of the building, the lobby, with the librarian's desk being located in the center, facing the main en- trance. Th* stack rooms are located in the rear of the building under a balcony which overlooks th* reading 'rooms. Lmolenm floor (to be laid over the main floor of th* I building and th* stairways to th* bal- cony and basement are yet to be completed. The woodwork in th* lobby U of stained oak in a medium finish and both from the interior and th* exter- ior tie entrance and vestibule are ar- tistic in their arrangement. Carl W. dark, local architect, who prepared th* plans and specifications for the new building, is a regular visitor at th* structure to supervise architec- tural features ot th* work. Scm* delay was experienced by the general contractors due to their being forced to wait" for material for the completion of the stack room* and it j has been only within the last few days that it has been possible to put the full force of men on the job to com- [ plete the work. ALL IS READY FOR BOT6ABMAL Pint fe i t Set** « KMT the stage all set and every* thing prepared for two nights end an afternoon of entertainment the mem- bers of the X*5 Men's Club are looking for a large ciuwd at the opening of Camp Crone benefit carnival at the sew Cobakco plant on Huntington Street. Just oft* Pendleton Street. Lioads of cinders drawn today have ZAMPfflO HOUSE BADLY DAMAGED ma mi Anfit - _ - Boused by the cry, "your house on fire." Mrs. Antonio D. Zaaiptoo, 4 Dunsmore Avenue, narrowly'escaped suffocation this afternoon when the family home was gutted by fixe. Mr*. Zsmpiao was alone- is the house sad was making soap in the kitchen, which is to the rear of the Stm Wire Class sad * Hold Joh» Blodgett Mais, March 27.—The Live _. |WlreXlatoaadnto»bemot1»*Broth- r***ierh*ed will hold a tureen supper in | the church parlors on Friday evening, ~ f March 8*. After the supper * class will hold a business meeting. Mrs. C D. Smith spent a day re- cently with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, B. Fraxier, Is MeGraw, asd found Mr. Frasler somewhat im- proved. - Mrs. Herman Whtteeme of Johnson KE1S0FTHE MTffiBtup L... <C°«t*»»aoa from i w . taonghrat first a parteT*^ fem's plane. provef^S^l 1 » old type piss*. * *«t provided good walks and drives for (buQdtng. She felt the air becoming! city spent Thursday night and Friday FORMAL OPEMG CLMAN HOUSE The basement ot the buHdtog eoa- i tains a large lecture room, which wiH I fill a long felt need in the community. | Miss Miller today stated that she I fears that many people win be disap- j pointed when they see so much vacant [shelf space as win appear when th* J books are moved into the new buSd- : lag. This, she said, will be parSicular- i ly noticeable in the children's room. The reason for this is that practically j all of the new books which have been ,»added since the library was reorgaa- ; ized are BOW in circulation, and it would be unfair to the patrons to call : all of the books in that a more pleas- ; lag appearance might b* granted to : the visitors at th* building. the people who attend asd special busses from the city bus service wiH leave the business section both, even- lags to carry passengers. People driving to the sew plant Ire Advised to go by. way ot Port Watson Street, foBewtag the Pendleton Street pave- ment almost to tse Lehigh Valley tracks where Huntington Street turns oft. PeSce will b* there to supervise the parking and everything Is a read- iness to make the evening one ot solid enjoyment. £ Members ot the elub who were at the plant last night ssssxas; final preparations for th* event are able to testify concerning the excellence of the minstrel troupe which WfB pro- vide a sideshow tor the evening. In- dividual singers, a quartet and clever end men provide a mirthful entertain- ment which will be given twic* each *vening. Those who. have visited the stent of the Cortland Baking Company, which has been given over to the Y. M. C. A. organixetien free of charge- in an effort to boost the T boys* camp have been interested in inspecting the buHding. Dancing will be on the floor adjoining thes large electric ovens whfle the midway .will be on <he concrete floor of the loading shed. There are more than 4,000 square feet of board floor for dancing. Doors will be opened both nights *t 7:15 with a school chSdren's matinee Wed- nesday after school. rather thick sad stifling; but did not realize th* cause until a woman p e l - tag the house ssw the flames la the upper part ot the front ot the two- story frame dwelliag and spread the ( alarm. Neighbors quickly summoned the firemen, a telephone call being fol- lowed by a ringing of box 414 at Port Watson sad Pej&eroy Streets. When the firemen arrived the build- ing was a mass of flames and tear was felt for adjoining houses which stand dose on either side. The wind was D0DK3 TOMORROW STRAY CAR HITS TELEPHONE POLE 1 Pubfic Invited* to Visit Sorority Ckas- Homer Aveau* Methodist Church j j ff Huan Monday Xzi: Women's Home Missionary Society. 4) ' " *"*"" " "* ! p. ax, church parlors. j Th * Clionians will hold their formal Preschool Children's clinic, 1 to SI house opening next Monday night, *. JR 15 Court Street. ' f 10131 * until 10 o'clock. Although the Camp Croa* carnival matinee for; sorority house has been completed, children only, new Cobakco plant, I *»* members living in it for some Fortnightly Club, 3:30 p. nx, «1 ! months, the girls have been unable to ; Lincoln Avenue. " ' = welcome students and town people at; Ladies' Literary Club, S:$0 p. m, **• aroai formal affair, because of t% Korth Church Street. "'• the scarlet fever quarantine, and busy Maple syrup asd wans biscuit sap- ****>* calendar. Miss Lda Scftift, per, 6:30 p. ax, First Methodist' house president, and Miss Milded Colby, Church. Xorth Presbyterian Suadayschool yidelgy Class supper, 6:30 p. ax, church. First Presbyterian Church Younger Livingstons Lads, 3:30 p. nx; Older Livingstone Lads, 4:30 p. nx; Bagle Boys Club, 4 p. nx, church. chairman of the opening, together with their sorority sisters, will wel- come and escort the guests of the eve- ning through the house. At this time the girls wish to ex- press their appreciation to other fra- ternal organizations, alumini and town folk who have .shown much interest Church of Christ (Disciples) Central aji& cooperation toward making the Men's Qa*, 7:30 p, nx, church, ^ cao aouse one of the most attractive Second Congregational Church W*-j h °me* &» Cortland. - • man's Missionary Society, 7:30 p. Bx,{ " go Elm street. } HOLSTEW-FRlESiAN PROGRAM Y. W. C. A. Lenten dinner and ad- | , dress, t p. m, Y. W. C A tTen Projecte to Be Sponsored by Or- Ffrst Baptiat Church Boy Scouts' ganizatios 3B*etiag, 7:30 p. m , church. ! The Cortland County Holstein-Fries- Flrst Methodist Church Boy Seeats* ian Associatioa, which is making an meeting, 7:30 p. nx, church. "effort to boost its membership ranks CorBaad Normal School Physical;to 130 will sponsor 10 major projects Educaties Department pubiie demon- ' during the present year according to Etrattoa, 3 p. nx. Normal School gym- the program considered by the gen- nasiunx ! eral committee in session yesterday Camp Crone carnival, 7:30 p. ax. ; afternoon at Court House auditorium, new Cobakco plant. The association which has already Wise Blamed for Freeing AsJoaobSe m Ml Street It was an ill wind that blew last night for Stewart M. Allea of 26^4 ; i Charles Street, and wrapped his ear i * around a telephone pole at the toot \ : of Hill Street, only later to be released 1 ; and towed to Ceatzal Garage under! : the direction of Coastable Fayette G. i Sherman who had been looking for th* [ machme for some time. The car, according to the report, '• \ had been parkeu on HiU Street beside : ; the Agonian Sorority house, where Al- ! i len's wife is employed. Some time \ 1 about midnight people ia the aeigh-. ' borhood ot Hill and Prospect heard j ' a loud crash, and this morning they j •found the car parked directly across: ithe drive of W. A Stockwell with aj telephone pole labedded in the treat I 1 end. AUe» blaaaed the wind for t starting the car on its uapiloted jour- jney. » POUCE COURT Several Matters Coxae Before Judge KfBier Riding about the couatry until hia taxi bill exceeded 310 and then "pass- ing out" on' the hands of the tnrt driver and havingJio jnoney to pay his fare, James A'Hesra of Grade landed in a cell at police headquarters this morning at 1:15 charged with public intoxication. Asked by the Judge !n city court If he had beea iatoxicated A'Hearn said with Mr. sad Mrs. Arthur DfrMnson, Mr. sad Mrs, J. J. Howard spent Sunday with Mr. sad Mrs. Bert Doras In Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. J>. A. Lamer** spent Sunday with thetr son-ia-law sad daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Leick- ert, in Cortland. , Mr, and Mrs..K. C HoUenbeek sad two sons otGrotoa were welcome cal- lers at the home of Nicholas Holles* beck Friday evealag. 0. W. Cryaler of MeGraw eaUed oa directly from the west asd was blow-! his many friends Saturday, lag a strong biting gal* which ham-1 Prof. Archi* Freeman ot Aadover, pered .the work of the firemen and ? Mass, and Mrs. Louise McDermont of Traxtoa are visiting Mr. sad Mrs, A, B. Freeman. Mrs. O. W. Crysler ot MeGraw spent Saturday at the home ot Wesley Cry- away y e t ""kept t h e flames directed from nssrby Iwrtldtags. Nose of the contests ot the house were saved and members ot the fam- ily have only the clothes that theyisler. wearing. Mr. Zampino, who works ai the Gooley ds Bdlund plant, was sununosed to the scene, but was unable to sev* anything. Two Uses of hose were laid by the firemea sad wtmin a few minutes the firs .was brought under control, al- though It was some time later before it was extinguished. What caused the fire had not been determined by the- firemea, as th* bias* broke out is th* treat of the house, away from the. kitchen Are. The loss was partially covered by smm but still confined to bis bed. with grip and complications. ••--._,. -._ „„-.. .,- . Mr. and Mrs. John Dates have re- S£\5L^J ta i W * T "^ mornia *- turned home after spending several HMI plea was guilty and his fine 15, .—=,-... which he went out to raise. A'Hearn told the court that he went out to Grotea, March 27.—Mr. asd Mrs. Leon Potts and son Bobert, and Mr. and Mrs. Tobia of Syracuse spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dana SovocooL Mr. aad Mrs,' X.' C. Steinberg sad * land were Sunday daughter Deris were Sunday callers at' Phoebe Stafford, th* hotoe ot Mr. and Mrs. Benn^tein-j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt were berg and of their mother, Mrs. An- j Sunday dinner guests of Mr. sad Mrs. nette Steinberg. j p. H . Hunt. John Heflron is somewhat improved j Mrs. Mary MeLane aad SOB Claude Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Parker of Cort- land spent Sunday afternoon with their father, Hiram Parker, sad Jen- nie Smith. "Mr. and Mrs. C S. Lawrence of Canandaigua spent from Saturday un- til Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lawrence. Last Friday, ABea Freeman had the misfortune to sprain his ankle quite badly. . Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Salisbury ot Homer were supper guests at the home of Layton Stafford, Friday eve- ning. Raymond Hodges of Cortland spent Saturday afternoon with his mother, Charlotte Hodges. Mr. asd Mrs. James Peck and chil- dren spent Sunday with Frank Long and family ia Little York. Fred Stafford of Syracuse aad Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond Benson ot Cort- guesta ot Mrs. i*?fw<: t s suggest asvai n e a t conference for I$JX ??*?5* ** eaaace e? aa-* meat ot Roman question.^ Chile-Peru boundary aw-,. meat rumored impending ' X>r. J . lu Medina of N e - T „. S«*ed tor Nicaragua* ££*< .**•»• ^ t t a i i o s of Death." Fomr jafled in new fcfflc Uke Daasiger's. PhflSdelphia sheriff arrested sto contempt charges. ^^' •sto^aT •fc" 7 * ^ " « h Msttoaa! orighss plan «» Uoa likely to be shelved, ay . SuIBvaa. ** Pope eritidres ItaHan _ party for Its pro-Fascisti te^dowy, Mellon to advise Senate that cut should not exceed $200,0W.Mt1 Radio board gives 18 southern i ttoas more power and permits H i stations in. South. collect some aaoney that was owed aim. He hired a taxieab and Jour- neyed 57 mQes according to the irrr- er*s report, visiting Cuyler, Truxton aad an points In the vicinity. A'Hearn said that he got everything but money on his trip. "When I come back to Cortland it will be for burial,'' he said as he left police station. Arthur Bivins of 23 Greenbush Street, arrested oa CHatoa Avenu* en weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Syi via Stapiey, aad family la Oklahoma. F. M. Kellaxn speat Moaday ia Syracuse. Frank Kinney spent Friday and Saturday with friends ia tows. Miss Marion R. Jackman spent tie week-end la Syracuse. Little Christine Dassance Is very ill. Miss Alberta Sears of the Groton road who has taught In Chitteaaago High School the past three years, en- tertained at the home of her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Albert J. Sears, at a and Mrs. Clara Jordan ot were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Burt. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Cannon of Binghamton spent Sunday with Lydia Caxr. Claude Gridley of Virgil spent Sun- day witn his mother, Mrs. B, J. Kor- thrup. Harry Stebbtas spent th* Week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stebbins, ia Freetown. Andrew Stebbins of Freetown speat Friday and Saturday with his grand- Presfdeat Coolidg* hopes •» j j , , visit to New England some time i MeGraw summer. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY a charge of speeding at 7:55 last night week-end party. Miss Jan* Shafer, by Motorcycle Patrolman LeRoy Ste- i Miss Sylvia Putnam, Miss Elizabeth veas, entered a plea of not guilty aad '-. Stape and Miss Elise Halbert, all mem*. his case was set down for tomorrow I b e r s o f the CbJttenango High- School morning. Mervia Predmore, charged J -acuity. Were guests of Miss Sears. with havfijg defective lights oa his' Praacai Sesrs.cf the Grotda road, car, was given a suspended sentence I w1 ^ 0 J 9 * freshman la CoraeQ tTai- when he reported that he had fixed * ie » I t- r . had^as a week-end guest, his : thenx Neoscoleta RebaJcah Lodge, S p. sx. Testa Lodge rooms. BREVITIES "are last >Wb#re," says the Poet, year's snows? Nobody knows—nobody knows* Why are there thorns with the fairest that Nobody knows—oobody knows! Whence aad whither th* wind blows. Why is Hvisg so curst wtta woes Know you the land where ta* Bong I county fair and arranging for a coua- gtvea $500 to Junior project work plans to lay special stress upon this activity. A part will also be taken is the pure bred sire campaign at Truxton and th* county at large, as well as the registry of all the members of the association and registry of all cattle owned by the members. The calf club will receive th© sup- port said cooperation of the members at the Cortland county fair aad send- ing the wianers to the Syracuse fair. The association has under considera- tion a Holsteln exhibit at the local ty herd that will be able to compete (with other herds at the fairs. Th* 1528 membership campaign j starts at once, each member of the I general committee having the power jto select three other men of his own [township to assist is this work. A clam bake or general county ptc- 5-a j ale for this summer has beea mea- j Honed with the idea ta mind of in- i viting members of the Cortland Coun- | ty Calf Club to attend. A general news Tree grows? Nobody knows the answer! Why doe* a* ask suck charades ss those? Nobody knows—nobody knows! Ss it a sort of professional pose? Nobody knows nobody knows! Maybe the poet fa this way shows Th* line that separates vers* prose; That is as tar ss my gas—I ,a Nobody knows for eertsia- I letter wiH also be put out to aS a>em< Where goes th* yam frost the soles i bers: such letter containing the reg- to the hose? j j * , - - ^ members and the cattle. Nobody knows—nobody knows! I What is the par pose of an TUSH toes? t " '' « Nobody knows—nobody knows! "• She bard believes- t—I the lyric < awetlag of the Woman's Missionary Held Lest Evening is Honor of Walter D. Stiles A birthday party was held last eve- ning in honor of Walter D. Stiles at his home 51 Lincoln Avenue. The af- fair was planned by Mrs. Stiles and was a complete surprise to her hus- band. A large company of friends gath- ered at their home and participated ia many different games aad stunts. Excellent music over the radio was enjoyed throughout th* evealag. Re- freshme&ts, lacludiag a large birth- day cake decorated in yellow, were served. Mr. Stiles was the recipient of a purse of money and several other gifts from his friends as a reminder of the occasion. Those present weret Mr. and Mrs. William CottreQ of Scott; Miss Eileen O'Briea of Truxtoa; Mr. aad Mrs. Lewis Moore, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Johnsoa, Mr. and Mra William Court, Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph NevUle, Mr. aad Mrs. W. D. Stiles, the Misses Mary Ellis and Burdalia Hester, Richard ElUs, George and Arthur NevQle. J. H0BART CUMMTNGS at Former Preble Business Xsa Dies His Home Is Canaadaigaa J. Hobart Cummings, for axaay •years a resident of Preble, died at hia roommate. Robert HaHock. RUMS FOR FATHER'S SEAT Of the 90 Congressional M«dak sued for World War valor, 14 to mea la New York, with pareats, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Northrup. - holding secoad place. Carl Sluder of vtrgfl Hill has com- menced work for Robert Saell aad has moved iato the tenant nous*. / Scottish Girl Is the Youngest Ever Nominated for the Commons Loadoa, March 27. (ff*>—Miss Mar- I Rev. V. S. Britten of Cortland, who IGIffll iHustrsted Lecture oa Birds Planned for Barsess sad PTiTTHlWSS McLean, March 27.—On Wednes- day evening, March 28, at S o'clock wSl occur th* regular monthly meet- ing and social of th* Baraca and Phi- lathes Classes la the Uaiversalist Church. Rev. W. H. Flaxington has secured garet H. Kldd. daughter of James I Kidd, Conservative M. P., for Linlith- will give a talk on "Birds I Have Known" aad will Illustrate his talk home in Canandaigua yesterday mora-! *"**> «on*srvaxiTe M. F , for LtoJ ing at the'age of72 y e a r s ^ ^ ' S°'"* btr *> Scotland, whose death re- f with lantern slides. It has beea de- ,„ ~r '" ---•-—•" 1 centiy left the seat vacant, has entered i cided to invite to this meeting anyeae a m e m b e r T f ' l h e P r w b ^ o S T F e S S l * * ^ ** C<>nservatlv* nomine* to ?-*> weald uke succeed her father. John Douglas business t. Preble for a long "ttrsTsan •' SmLu'el^lnwe^^ff ^ ^ "S* is well remembered in tha vicing, j 52™^ F-^wen the Labor candi- He was also in active business la Csnandaigaa until about a year ago. He ts survived by one daughter, Mrs. WOliam Carr of Caseaovla; two sons, J. H'Cummings, Jr., of James- ville, and Floyd Cemmiags of Brook- lyn; two sisters, Mrs. Celoaa Arnold of Syracuse aad Mrs. ATT^I^ Howe of Homer. The funeral win be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Pres- byterian Church ia Preble. Burial will be made In Preble. April 4. Th* election will be held oa nkim CGNMTIOKS TOBAT Fumishnd by thn U. S. WEATHER BUREAU to attend, whether classes or not. No admission wQl be charged. v Honor BoS Pupils The following pupils In the McLeaa tJaicn School have attained aa aver- age of 85 per or above la their work for March and are therefore on the) honor roH Raymond WestfaB, Mehrsj Doll, Ruth THiostoa, Frances Craia, *he aaval aim* layer, Ogisii,_ Rowene Hyff, Bernlce W^estfaU. Rob-!from Norfolk with 450 marinesP Seat ea Stock Eicharge mU fadbergh takes up foreira mats at Washlngtoa. Communist daily says Sovkt lend $10,000,000 to Jewish Negro slain on Miam! poKee order, ex-detective swears. Morris urges solid Republican gatloa to convention. The University of Minnesota Woasor.. two European tours tad pilgrimage to the Dakota 3ad . this year. A Loadoa company will auks aerial photographic map of i»2> } Janeiro district of Brazil. Thirty-two robberies are lay to i gang of tJalon Otty, N. J., boys, I oldest being 17, the youngest 12. Public anxiety causes the king and fanxUy to decide on a! instead of aa air route to < Th* Patchogae, L. I, for srho was right last year, predict* 1 dry aad cool summer for Long j A-y» expedition of German wm be seat to the United States : In April. Th* former Princes Joachim Prussia arrives at Genoa from 3 Aires, seriously lit A group of 25 German edaeattnl sail for a three months' study t»w «f | the United States. Oxford University honors fi» i of Afghanistan and give* Ma degree ot dvll law. MRS, JEKNIE M. CARPENTER When suck like queries ! Society of th* Second Coagregafional s* thickly; Church wffl b* held at the home of I Mrs. Ivah Hcimes, 80 Elm Street, to- ~_t - t *a£ wherafore, be verOy -morrow evealBg st 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. ^wyv-nvt mm .f«—,M I D - e ^ ^ ^ ' wln h * Te =barge of the woooay Jtnaws a* axeresaic. . . «_j •»»•__ T^__,-*I -> •- -JTed Bobtosem la Cleveland PSain »*SP*"ft and Mrs. FrankHa Bailey Dealer. wiH be the assistant hostess, —Seven years ago today, March 27, :-"-» aft*r-t lm ' J*** ? e warmest March- day on i maximum __ 54 degrees. The minimum goes to March 18, L&is, when the reading was 12 below aero the morning of the 18th. The reading was two below six day* later, the 24th, , the latest below sero date with the *x- 'eeption of March 2-S, 1912, when the cHaic to_. .>•«•. 1 to » e'eloek, 2 J Court Street. ! *••**• te . Cortland, with —A meeting of the Mooss-haart !£ S3 «*. a * mlnlmam o: Legion will be held at 8 o'clock to- nlgat at the Moose rooms. —Th* Fortnightly Club wtS meet srfta K m Max Higgle, n Ltacoln Wednesday st 8:30 p. m. TiTnra Walsh wffl be charge of Ok* sliest ettsie to be held at the I ^ a ^ W ^a« two below. toisssa from 1 to 4 e'eloek. —flsad experienced a drop of W flsstoe* ft - to t s^etoek '••- -0 degrees down to**. —A regular mssflsg- ef tin Seta Bebsksb Ledge wfil be heM st the $**•» Lodge rooms tomorrow sight st I o'clock. There wffl be : otfas & •me MOOMLWff] AW» MMWt MC L i *ce iDestb This Morning Fallowing of Six Months' Duration Mrs Jeaaie M. Carpenter, 80, widow j of the 1st* Byroa R. Carpenter aad mother of Dr. Paul T. Carpenter of {this city, died this morning at* 7:16 I o'clock la this city, following an IHaess !of six months' daratiOB. Mrs. Carpenter was a aatlve of I South Coveairy, Conn., wbar* she was I born Sept. 8, 1847. She was the \ daughter of the late George and Maria : Cummings Trscy, being the youngest |ot s family of two children. Her j brother died some years ago. Her marriage to Byron R. Cerpea- I tor was solemnized Oct, L 18C8, aad ithe following year th* couple aaoved to Groton. where they mad* their home until comiag to Cortland to 1879. The death of Byron R. Carpenter \ occurred la th* city of Binghamton, j Oec if, 1ML Mrs. Carpeator was a member ef the j First Presbyter las Church of this city. Besides her sea, she leaves eae I saughter, Ruth L. Carpenter, else ef : Cortlaad. J Private funeral services wffl be eon-' ducted Friday morstag at lfttdj o'doek st the horn* ef her eon, 80 CHaton Aveau*. Frieads ar* astedf to csS Thursday afternoon and even- ing, the request being mad* to emit Sowers. The body wffl be placed la the u n W i n vault of th* chapel ef the Cortlaad Rural esmstoiy to await burial this spring to toe family ptot. TRIM MRTO R04D Truxton, North Road, March S7.— Mr. and Mrs. D. Hartaett attended th* funeral of Mrs. Catherine Walsh la Syracuse, Friday. laareace M. CaH was in Cortlaad Monday. Miss Kathertn* Casey was token to the hospital Suadsy for aa operation for appendicitis, \~ Mrs. P. D. Connecs Friday. George Young was to Syracuse one day last week. ef this wash has a tofepfees* alarm :to« sdttls, the If i •.— 5HPOCSI Mar monthly hndMi If mortog Anrg L b * [flfy s s as tor ahead s s fwemsy get a M satoatt - - ert Mteeah, Ruth Fitto, Marias Webh Philip Preach, MaHe Miaeah, John Piekeas. Leo Green, John Webb, Ethel Cole, Deaa Huff. Re&a Hall, Helen Renlff, Beratoe Cole, Mertoa Webb, Frederiek Howe. * J. C. Fittsaad Henry Coca motored to Elmira Thursday. Miss Margaret Mahar arrived from *****, » . Y, March 22, » » HafcVraaa to FBght Jacksonville. Fla, March S7". {*) — Captain George Hsldemsa snaouaced here today that he and Eddie Stiasen would take off to their Sttnson-De- trolter monoplan* from JacksonTffle Beach "Wedaesday morning la an at- tempt to set a new world's endurance flight record. Army to Direct Road Traflte Havana. March 27.—Traffic on the Central Highway, sow strueted. will be forces, according to a by President Maehado, HorneU Wednesday ewening sad will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. R. W. TomUasoa. - • " S Mrs. Maude ABeock of Wiaiams- port, Pa., has beea spending several days with her sister. Met. Henry Coon. r - Fred Hsmmoawho has been spend- ing the winter to BeUville, N. J 4 was la town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Atchesoa and daughter XsabeCe of Dryden called on Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sherwood Sun- day. Mm. Grace Roak and Miss ITS Bosk spent th* latter part ot the week with relatives in Whitney Point aad Si&g- hamton. Miss Myrtle HEsinger speat the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Har- old Jeflfery ia Homer. Miss Ruth Miaeah attended aa en- tertaiameat given by th* Demoaay Club at the Masonic Temple In Syr- acuse oa Saturday. Mrs, Royal Locke visited frieads is Homer Wednesday. Mrs. George Scofield sad sen Hart of Ithaca speat the week-end with Mr. aad Mrs. E. P. Hsrt. for Nicaragua. daughter. M#.~Jacobs*was killed last! when thrown from a rake. NITCHKK—To Dr. and Mrs. w, Nitchke of Clinton, N. 7^^«•«> 192S, at St. Elizabeth's Hospmi' Utleav N. Y., a soa, James i ^ T ^ Mrs, Nitchke was fornserty « » i Phelps of MeGraw, N. Y. REAGAN—To Mr. aad Mrs. D. Reagan of Messengervi^, >• Msreh 2f, 182S, s sea,^Ed ---• tor. wmmrn LANE—BOWSER-At the ^f^T\ byteriaa sians* to CorUaad^S. ^ 1 SET2E Uto GALLOH STILL JI»sfTJAMS UMrrfwieiT MaxtCH TJOIAA«» % CiJBe«STJBB--** Cor» » 'h Msreh 87, i»**i * * - L « ar«# Carpenter, wldowaf » • »%j£*i R. Cnrpontof, *#»* *+ *; Dry Raiders Ftod XtWkh Great Park. I* L, March 87^—Aa 1,800-gaHon stia, said by Federsl men to b* oa* of the finest, from as •s*to- eertog etoadpotet, that they er«r had seea was seised yesterday in a raid by government prohHrttloa agents = aad Nassau County pohes en a hens* In Sheridaa Road. Grant Park. AocgtiBng to-: the-' Fedstsl agsato to* still wan pat i s place fiat aad - then the two-«torf konts built around msral *mf**B>- « T* **** * ft. They had to eke* sway part of CX-AJOt:—la G*»«**_r tha sftftK*a*si----- No arrests. vets made, i is**, Mrs Lore ^s«*- jj|Mifc «j, 1, March it*, 1828, by.ROT. Seovel, Clifford 0-J£**£ . ^i N. Y^ aad Miss ***&** ^T\ Bowser ef Cortlaad. >• •*• - J J PEAlt—BURNS-IB ^ 0 5 *r», March 24, I»2t, ^?% B * r i "Wrer of Bcrodiao, Vt. X* * Peak of CortSssd, X- *•. *•? Edn* Boras otSpafford. B, Carpeator, , moath*. U day*. ^ ^ joee] Prifsto fsa«sl »«"5et M^ d j tea toe oo-1 dergrenad .The raider* stoo discovered an an- aboat »t test •Dp FT ^ evw-toe Oesta 1 loa * losdtog to a ^?seast tot asarby. mm JIQBSSSS^^K yaaey. ' vuu'jal wstosi the hunPi toe Okie asd 1 ian said m to* Atosttlc OOMX Temjwr-1 t Wtajwi Far Wmm- -- -"»*Sghtir kfcjhw atoag the A«Mstte| " *»W»VAs» MJasevlsarch m net dnskssSy k w «*** toe «IMW«I | —Ta* belief that tigerv do i I ti Ckk vksssyl two \ I sffli skST^iiy^ JMled S My .. - - : . _ ijdsm *»ad ft y«s»a j. ffi***- + m i>MM ij|H*ikiff Chatek s» Bsrtol to Pres i* «o«h at mm MfH^ ft T - n«^^" jEPi»^^^*^^^^^fc-jB . •• - * . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...dividual singers, a quartet and clever end men provide a mirthful entertain ment which will be given twic* each *vening

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...dividual singers, a quartet and clever end men provide a mirthful entertain ment which will be given twic* each *vening

: •

mwm ^ p a « D , TUESDAY EVENING, JfABCH 2T, I32S.

* • * ; • • . * • * * * * • > £ % %

• > m^mmtmr aad « s , a *

Cortland Library Building Rapidly Hearing Cample**,

S o m Ready For Occupancy Contractors Hope to Complete Work Witfein

Two Weeks—Moving to Be Witfeowt IneoBvenience to Public

Corttoad. N. Y„ Mare* 17, 1*88. Actual weather between 3 p.

3 p. SL. today

lAUfFALL The rafufaH between J j . a . Satur­

day and $ p. a . today was .22 Jack.

WEATHER FORECAST Tor Western New Tork. generiSy

tonight and Wed* nanny; colder to. Bast portion tonight. Slowly rMOg p«mperature Wednesday.

Cempletiea of th* sew Cortland Free Library Bufidtog at the corner of Court and Chorea Streets on too old Court House site, is expected with-in th* next two weeks, according to -a statement made today by Mr. Grif­fin of the Griffin-Perham Company, of Btngbamtrrn. general contractors for the b«* *?*%


First Methodist Sundayschool Davis Sible Qss*> T S . I L , 82 Homer Avenue.

Homer Avenue Methodist Sunday-school Class 14. tnreen sapper. 7 p. nx, phurch.

North Presbyterian annual Sunday-School meeting. 7:30 p. nx, church.

Business and Prof esstonsi Wazsurr.'s Club card party, 8 p, nx, Twentieth Century Club rooms.

Medical Society meeting. 8:15 p. nx, Grace Church parish ho use.

Gamp Crone carnival, door open T:8* p. ax, dancing. 9 p. nx. suction 2.9 p. ax, New Cobakco fratiding

i Three act and one act comedies, ''Anti-Aunts'* and "Comical Country Cousins," 8:15 p. nx, St. Anthony's Italian Church basement hall.

Kslghto of Columbus, 8:30 p. m., .•T of C rooms.

With the. exterior ofi the structure compieted, th» interior already gives the appearance of beauty and charac­ter which is expected to win the ap­proval of the most skeptical.

Moving to the new structure from the present quarters in the old Hatch Memorial Library Building wiU be done without any great inconvenience to taepubhe . Miss Zana K. Miller, li­brarian, today expressed-the-hope that by closing the library to the public for one day she would be able to mote sufficient equipment and books to the jtssw building to allow reopening i n * following day. In such an event, the remainder of th« books will be taken to the new Quarters later. It is her plan to have everything thor­oughly cleaned before it is placed in the new structure.

With th* children's reading, room located in the south wing, the reading room for adults will be in the north­ern' end of the building, the lobby, with the librarian's desk being located in the center, facing the main en­trance. Th* stack rooms are located in the rear of the building under a balcony which overlooks th* reading

'rooms. Lmolenm floor (to be laid over the main floor of th* I building and th* stairways to th* bal­cony and basement are yet to be completed.

The woodwork in th* lobby U of stained oak in a medium finish and both from the interior and th* exter­ior t i e entrance and vestibule are ar­tistic in their arrangement. Carl W. dark, local architect, who prepared th* plans and specifications for the new building, is a regular visitor at th* structure to supervise architec­tural features ot th* work.

Scm* delay was experienced by the general contractors due to their being forced to wait" for material for the completion of the stack room* and it j has been only within the last few days that it has been possible to put the full force of men on the job to com- [ plete the work.


Pint fe i t Set** « KMT

the stage all set and every* thing prepared for two nights end an afternoon of entertainment the mem­bers of the X*5 Men's Club are looking for a large ciuwd at the opening of Camp Crone benefit carnival at the sew Cobakco plant on Huntington Street. Just oft* Pendleton Street.

Lioads of cinders drawn today have



m i Anfit - _ -Boused by the cry, "your house

on fire." Mrs. Antonio D . Zaaiptoo, 4 Dunsmore Avenue, narrowly'escaped suffocation this afternoon when the family home was gutted by fixe.

Mr*. Zsmpiao was alone- i s the house s a d was making soap in the kitchen, which is to the rear of the

S t m Wire Class s a d * Hold Joh»

Blodgett Mais, March 27.—The Live _ . |WlreXlatoaadnto»bemot1»*Broth-r***ierh*ed will hold a tureen supper in

| the church parlors on Friday evening, ~ f March 8*. After the supper * class will hold a business meeting.

Mrs. C D. Smith spent a day re­cently with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, B. Fraxier, Is MeGraw, asd found Mr. Frasler somewhat im­proved. -

Mrs. Herman Whtteeme of Johnson


L . . . <C°«t*»»aoa from i w . taonghrat first a p a r t e T * ^ fem's plane. p r o v e f ^ S ^ l 1

» old type piss*. * *«t

provided good walks and drives for (buQdtng. She felt the air becoming! city spent Thursday night and Friday


The basement ot the buHdtog eoa-i tains a large lecture room, which wiH I fill a long felt need in the community. | Miss Miller today stated that she I fears that many people win be disap-j pointed when they see so much vacant [shelf space as win appear when th* J books are moved into the new buSd-: lag. This, she said, will be parSicular-i ly noticeable in the children's room. • The reason for this is that practically j all of the new books which have been ,»added since the library was reorgaa-; ized are BOW in circulation, and it would be unfair to the patrons to call

: all of the books in that a more pleas-; lag appearance might b* granted to : the visitors at th* building.

the people who attend asd special busses from the city bus service wiH leave the business section both, even-lags to carry passengers. People driving to the s e w plant Ire Advised to go by. way o t Port Watson Street, foBewtag the Pendleton Street pave­ment almost to t s e Lehigh Valley tracks where Huntington Street turns oft. PeSce will b * there to supervise the parking and everything Is a read­iness to make the evening one ot solid enjoyment. £

Members ot the elub who were at the plant last night ssssxas; final preparations f or th* event are able to testify concerning the excellence of the minstrel troupe which WfB pro­vide a sideshow tor the evening. In­dividual singers, a quartet and clever end men provide a mirthful entertain­ment which will be given twic* each *vening.

Those who. have visited the stent of the Cortland Baking Company, which has been given over to the Y. M. C. A. organixetien free of charge-in an effort to boost the T boys* camp have been interested in inspecting the buHding. Dancing will be on the floor adjoining thes large electric ovens whfle the midway .will be on <he concrete floor of the loading shed. There are more than 4,000 square feet of board floor for dancing. Doors will be opened both nights *t 7:15 with a school chSdren's matinee Wed­nesday after school.

rather thick s a d stifling; but did not realize th* cause until a woman p e l -tag the house s s w the flames la the upper part ot the front ot the two-story frame dwelliag and spread the

(alarm. Neighbors quickly summoned the firemen, a telephone call being fol­lowed by a ringing of box 414 at Port Watson s a d Pej&eroy Streets.

When the firemen arrived the build­ing was a mass of flames and tear was felt for adjoining houses which stand dose on either side. The wind was



1 Pubfic Invited* to Visit Sorority Ckas-Homer Aveau* Methodist Church j j f f Huan Monday X z i :

Women's Home Missionary Society. 4) ' " *"*"" " "* ! p . ax, church parlors. j T h * Clionians will hold their formal

Preschool Children's clinic, 1 to SI house opening next Monday night, * . JR 15 Court Street. ' f10131 * until 10 o'clock. Although the

Camp Croa* carnival matinee for; sorority house has been completed, children only, new Cobakco plant, I *»* members living in it for some

Fortnightly Club, 3:30 p. nx, «1 ! months, the girls have been unable to ; Lincoln Avenue. " '= welcome students and town people at;

Ladies' Literary Club, S:$0 p. m , **• a r o a i formal affair, because of t% Korth Church Street. "'•the scarlet fever quarantine, and busy

Maple syrup asd w a n s biscuit sap- ****>* calendar. Miss Lda Scftift, per, 6:30 p. ax, First Methodist' house president, and Miss Milded Colby, Church.

Xorth Presbyterian Suadayschool yidelgy Class supper, 6:30 p. ax, church.

First Presbyterian Church Younger Livingstons Lads, 3:30 p. nx; Older Livingstone Lads, 4:30 p. nx; Bagle Boys Club, 4 p. nx, church.

chairman of the opening, together with their sorority sisters, will wel­come and escort the guests of the eve­ning through the house.

At this time the girls wish to ex­press their appreciation to other fra­ternal organizations, alumini and town folk who have .shown much interest

Church of Christ (Disciples) Central aji& cooperation toward making the Men's Qa*, 7:30 p, nx, church, ^cao aouse one of the most attractive

Second Congregational Church W*-j h °me* &» Cortland. - • man's Missionary Society, 7:30 p. Bx,{ " go Elm street. } HOLSTEW-FRlESiAN PROGRAM

Y. W. C. A. Lenten dinner and ad- | , dress, t p. m , Y. W. C A tTen Projecte to Be Sponsored by Or-

Ffrst Baptiat Church Boy Scouts' ganizatios 3B*etiag, 7:30 p. m , church. ! The Cortland County Holstein-Fries-

Flrst Methodist Church Boy Seeats* ian Associatioa, which is making an meeting, 7:30 p. nx, church. "effort to boost its membership ranks

CorBaad Normal School Physical;to 130 will sponsor 10 major projects Educaties Department pubiie demon- ' during the present year according to Etrattoa, 3 p. nx. Normal School gym- • the program considered by the gen-nasiunx ! eral committee in session yesterday

Camp Crone carnival, 7:30 p. ax. ; afternoon at Court House auditorium, new Cobakco plant. The association which has already

Wise Blamed for Freeing AsJoaobSe

m Ml Street It was an ill wind that blew last

night for Stewart M. Allea of 26^4 ; i Charles Street, and wrapped his ear i * around a telephone pole at the toot \ : of Hill Street, only later to be released 1 ; and towed to Ceatzal Garage under! : the direction of Coastable Fayette G. i Sherman who had been looking for th* [ machme for some time.

The car, according to the report, '• \ had been parkeu on HiU Street beside : ; the Agonian Sorority house, where Al- ! i len's wife is employed. Some time \ 1 about midnight people ia the aeigh-. ' borhood ot Hill and Prospect heard j ' a loud crash, and this morning they j •found the car parked directly across: ithe drive of W. A Stockwell with aj telephone pole labedded in the treat I

1 end. AUe» blaaaed the wind for t starting the car on its uapiloted jour-jney.


Several Matters Coxae Before Judge KfBier

Riding about the couatry until hia taxi bill exceeded 310 and then "pass­ing out" on' the hands of the tnrt driver and havingJio jnoney to pay his fare, James A'Hesra of Grade landed in a cell at police headquarters this morning at 1:15 charged with public intoxication.

Asked by the Judge !n city court If he had beea iatoxicated A'Hearn said

with Mr. sad Mrs. Arthur DfrMnson, Mr. sad Mrs, J. J. Howard spent

Sunday with Mr. s a d Mrs. Bert Doras In Syracuse.

Mr. and Mrs. J>. A. Lamer** spent Sunday with thetr son-ia-law sad daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Leick-ert, in Cortland. ,

Mr, and Mrs..K. C HoUenbeek sad two sons otGrotoa were welcome cal­lers at the home of Nicholas Holles* beck Friday evealag.

0 . W. Cryaler of MeGraw eaUed oa directly from the west a s d was blow-! his many friends Saturday, l a g a strong biting gal* which ham-1 Prof. Archi* Freeman ot Aadover, pered . t h e work of the firemen and ? Mass, and Mrs. Louise McDermont of

Traxtoa are visiting Mr. s a d Mrs, A, B. Freeman.

Mrs. O. W. Crysler ot MeGraw spent Saturday at the home ot Wesley Cry-

away yet ""kept t h e flames directed from nssrby Iwrtldtags.

Nose of the contests ot the house were saved and members ot the fam­ily have only the clothes that theyisler.

wearing. Mr. Zampino, who works a i the Gooley ds Bdlund plant, was sununosed to the scene, but was unable to sev* anything.

Two Uses of hose were laid by the firemea s a d wtmin a few minutes the firs .was brought under control, al­though It was some time later before i t was extinguished.

What caused the fire had not been determined by the- firemea, as th* bias* broke out i s t h * treat of the house, away from the. kitchen Are.

The loss was partially covered by


but still confined to bis bed. with grip and complications.

••--._,. -._ „„-.. .,- . Mr. and Mrs. John Dates have re-S £ \ 5 L ^ J t a i W * T " ^ m o r n i a * - turned home after spending several HMI plea was guilty and his fine 15, . — = , - . . . which he went out to raise. A'Hearn told the court that he went out to

Grotea, March 27.—Mr. asd Mrs. Leon Potts and son Bobert, and Mr. and Mrs. Tobia of Syracuse spent Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dana SovocooL

Mr. aad Mrs,' X.' C. Steinberg sad * land were Sunday daughter Der is were Sunday callers a t ' Phoebe Stafford, th* hotoe ot Mr. and Mrs. Benn^tein-j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt were berg and of their mother, Mrs. An- j Sunday dinner guests of Mr. sad Mrs. nette Steinberg. j p. H . Hunt.

John Heflron is somewhat improved j Mrs. Mary MeLane aad SOB Claude

Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Parker of Cort­land spent Sunday afternoon with their father, Hiram Parker, sad Jen­nie Smith. "Mr. and Mrs. C S . Lawrence of

Canandaigua spent from Saturday un­til Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lawrence.

Last Friday, ABea Freeman had the misfortune to sprain his ankle quite badly. . Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Salisbury ot

Homer were supper guests at the home of Layton Stafford, Friday eve­ning.

Raymond Hodges of Cortland spent Saturday afternoon with his mother, Charlotte Hodges.

Mr. asd Mrs. James Peck and chil­dren spent Sunday with Frank Long and family ia Little York.

Fred Stafford of Syracuse aad Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond Benson ot Cort-

guesta ot Mrs.


t s suggest asvai n e a t conference for I$JX

? ? * ? 5 * ** eaaace e? aa-* meat ot Roman q u e s t i o n . ^

Chile-Peru boundary a w - , . meat rumored impending '

X>r. J. lu Medina of Ne- T „ . S«*ed tor Nicaragua* £ £ * <

. * * • » • ^ t ta i io s of Death."

Fomr jafled in new fcfflc Uke Daasiger's.

PhflSdelphia sheriff arrested sto contempt charges. ^ ^ '

• s t o ^ a T • f c " 7 * ^ " « h

Msttoaa! orighss plan «» Uoa likely to be shelved, a y . SuIBvaa. **

Pope eritidres ItaHan _ party for Its pro-Fascisti te^dowy,

Mellon to advise Senate that cut should not exceed $200,0W.Mt1

Radio board gives 18 southern i ttoas more power and permits H i stations in. South.

collect some aaoney that was owed aim. He hired a taxieab and Jour­neyed 57 mQes according to the irrr-er*s report, visiting Cuyler, Truxton aad an points In the vicinity. A'Hearn said that he got everything but money on his trip. "When I come back to Cortland it will be for burial,'' he said as he left police station.

Arthur Bivins of 23 Greenbush Street, arrested oa CHatoa Avenu* en

weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Syi v ia Stapiey, aad family la Oklahoma.

F. M. Kellaxn speat Moaday ia Syracuse.

Frank Kinney spent Friday and Saturday with friends ia tows.

Miss Marion R. Jackman spent t i e week-end la Syracuse.

Little Christine Dassance Is very ill. Miss Alberta Sears of the Groton

road who has taught In Chitteaaago High School the past three years, en­tertained at the home of her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Albert J. Sears, at a

and Mrs. Clara Jordan ot were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Burt.

Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Cannon of Binghamton spent Sunday with Lydia Caxr.

Claude Gridley of Virgil spent Sun­day witn his mother, Mrs. B, J. Kor-thrup.

Harry Stebbtas spent th* Week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stebbins, ia Freetown.

Andrew Stebbins of Freetown speat Friday and Saturday with his grand-

Presfdeat Coolidg* hopes •» j j , , visit to New England some time i

MeGraw summer.


a charge of speeding at 7:55 last night week-end party. Miss Jan* Shafer, by Motorcycle Patrolman LeRoy Ste- i Miss Sylvia Putnam, Miss Elizabeth veas, entered a plea of not guilty aad '-. Stape and Miss Elise Halbert, all mem*. his case was set down for tomorrow I b e r s o f the CbJttenango High- School morning. Mervia Predmore, charged J -acuity. Were guests of Miss Sears. with havfijg defective lights oa his' Praacai Sesrs .cf the Grotda road, car, was given a suspended sentence Iw 1^0 J9 * freshman l a CoraeQ tTai-when he reported that he had fixed * i e» It- r . had^as a week-end guest, his

: thenx

Neoscoleta RebaJcah Lodge, S p. sx . Testa Lodge rooms.


"are last >Wb#re," says the Poet, year's snows?

Nobody knows—nobody knows* Why are there thorns with the fairest

that Nobody knows—oobody knows!

Whence aad whither th* wind blows.

Why is Hvisg so curst wtta woes Know you the land where ta* Bong I county fair and arranging for a coua-

gtvea $500 to Junior project work plans to lay special stress upon this activity. A part will also be taken i s the pure bred sire campaign at Truxton and th* county at large, as well as the registry of all the members of the association and registry of all cattle owned by the members.

The calf club will receive th© sup­port said cooperation of the members at the Cortland county fair aad send­ing the wianers to the Syracuse fair. The association has under considera­tion a Holsteln exhibit at the local

ty herd that will be able to compete (with other herds at the fairs.

Th* 1528 membership campaign j starts at once, each member of the I general committee having the power jto select three other men of his own [township to assist i s this work.

A clam bake or general county ptc-5 - a j ale for this summer has beea mea-

j Honed with the idea ta mind of in-i viting members of the Cortland Coun-| ty Calf Club to attend. A general news

Tree grows? Nobody knows the answer!

Why doe* a* ask suck charades s s those?

Nobody knows—nobody knows! Ss it a sort of professional pose?

Nobody knows nobody knows! Maybe the poet fa this way shows Th* line that separates vers*

prose; That i s as tar s s my gas—I ,a

Nobody knows for eertsia-I letter wiH also be put out to aS a>em<

Where goes th* y a m frost the soles i bers: such letter containing the reg-to the hose? j j * , - - ^ members and the cattle.

Nobody knows—nobody knows! I What is the par pose of an TUSH toes? t " '' «

Nobody knows—nobody knows! "• She bard believes- t—I the lyric < awetlag of the Woman's Missionary

Held Lest Evening i s Honor of Walter D. Stiles

A birthday party was held last eve­ning in honor of Walter D. Stiles at his home 51 Lincoln Avenue. The af­fair was planned by Mrs. Stiles and was a complete surprise to her hus­band.

A large company of friends gath­ered at their home and participated ia many different games aad stunts. Excellent music over the radio was enjoyed throughout th* evealag. Re-freshme&ts, lacludiag a large birth­day cake decorated in yellow, were served.

Mr. Stiles was the recipient of a purse of money and several other gifts from his friends as a reminder of the occasion.

Those present weret Mr. and Mrs. William CottreQ of Scott; Miss Eileen O'Briea of Truxtoa; Mr. aad Mrs. Lewis Moore, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Johnsoa, Mr. and Mra William Court, Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph NevUle, Mr. aad Mrs. W. D. Stiles, the Misses Mary Ellis and Burdalia Hester, Richard ElUs, George and Arthur NevQle.


at Former Preble Business X s a Dies His Home I s Canaadaigaa

J. Hobart Cummings, for axaay •years a resident of Preble, died at hia

roommate. Robert HaHock.


Of the 90 Congressional M«dak sued for World War valor, 14 to mea la New York, with

pareats, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Northrup. - holding secoad place. Carl Sluder of vtrgfl Hill has com­

menced work for Robert Saell aad has moved iato the tenant nous*. /

Scottish Girl Is the Youngest Ever Nominated for the Commons

Loadoa, March 27. (ff*>—Miss Mar- I Rev. V. S. Britten of Cortland, who

IGIffll iHustrsted Lecture oa Birds Planned

for Barsess s a d PTiTTHlWSS McLean, March 27.—On Wednes­

day evening, March 28, at S o'clock wSl occur th* regular monthly meet­ing and social of th* Baraca and Phi-lathes Classes l a the Uaiversalist Church.

Rev. W. H. Flaxington has secured

garet H. Kldd. daughter of James I Kidd, Conservative M. P., for Linlith-

will give a talk on "Birds I Have Known" aad will Illustrate his talk home in Canandaigua yesterday mora-! *"**> «on*srvaxiTe M. F , for LtoJ

ing at the'age o f 7 2 y e a r s ^ ^ ' S°'"*btr*> Scotland, whose death re- f with lantern slides. I t has beea de-,„ „ ~ r '" ---•-—•" 1 centiy left the seat vacant, has entered i cided to invite to this meeting anyeae

a memberTf'lhe P r w b ^ o S T F e S S l * * ^ ** C<>nservatlv* nomine* to ?-*> weald uke succeed her father. John Douglas

business t . Preble for a long "ttrsTsan •' S m L u ' e l ^ l n w e ^ ^ f f ^ ^ "S* is well remembered in t h a v i c i n g , j 5 2 ™ ^ F - ^ w e n the Labor candi-He was also in active business la Csnandaigaa until about a year ago.

He ts survived by one daughter, Mrs. WOliam Carr of Caseaovla; two sons, J. H'Cummings, Jr., of James-ville, and Floyd Cemmiags of Brook­lyn; two sisters, Mrs. Celoaa Arnold of Syracuse aad Mrs. ATT^I^ Howe of Homer.

The funeral win be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Pres­byterian Church ia Preble. Burial will be made In Preble.

April 4. Th* election will be held oa

nkim CGNMTIOKS TOBAT Fumishnd by thn


to attend, whether classes or not. No

admission wQl be charged. v Honor B o S Pupils

The following pupils In the McLeaa tJaicn School have attained aa aver­age of 85 per or above la their work for March and are therefore on the) honor roH Raymond WestfaB, Mehrsj Doll, Ruth THiostoa, Frances Craia, *he aaval aim* layer, Ogisii,_ Rowene Hyff, Bernlce W^estfaU. Rob-!from Norfolk with 450 marinesP

Seat ea Stock Eicharge mU

fadbergh takes up foreira mats at Washlngtoa.

Communist daily says Sovkt lend $10,000,000 to Jewish

Negro slain on Miam! poKee order, ex-detective swears.

Morris urges solid Republican gatloa to convention.

The University of Minnesota Woasor.. two European tours tad pilgrimage to the Dakota 3ad . this year.

A Loadoa company will auks aerial photographic map of i » 2 > } Janeiro district of Brazil.

Thirty-two robberies are lay to i gang of tJalon Otty, N. J., boys, I oldest being 17, the youngest 12.

Public anxiety causes the king and fanxUy to decide on a! instead of aa air route to <

Th* Patchogae, L. I , for srho was right last year, predict* 1 dry aad cool summer for Long j

A-y» expedition of German wm be seat to the United States : In April.

Th* former Princes Joachim Prussia arrives at Genoa from 3 Aires, seriously lit

A group of 25 German edaeattnl sail for a three months' study t»w «f | the United States.

Oxford University honors fi» i of Afghanistan and give* Ma degree ot dvl l law.


When suck like queries ! Society of th* Second Coagregafional

s* thickly; Church wffl b* held at the home of I Mrs. Ivah Hcimes, 80 Elm Street, to-

~_t - t *a£ wherafore, be verOy -morrow evealBg s t 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. ^ w y v - n v t mm . f « — , M ID- e ^ ^ ^ ' w l n h * T e =barge of the woooay Jtnaws a* axeresaic. . . « _ j •»»•__ T^__,-*I -> •--JTed Bobtosem la Cleveland PSain »*SP*"ft and Mrs. FrankHa Bailey


wiH be the assistant hostess, —Seven years ago today, March 27,

: - " - » a f t * r - t l m ' J*** ? e warmest March- day on i maximum

__ 54 degrees. The minimum goes to March 18, L&is, when the reading was 12 below aero the morning of the 18th. The reading was two below six day* later, the 24th,

, the latest below sero date with the *x-'eeption of March 2-S, 1912, when the

cHaic to_. . > • « • . 1 to » e'eloek, 2 J Court Street. ! *••**• te. Cortland, with

—A meeting of the Mooss-haart !£ S 3 «*.a * mlnlmam o: Legion will be held at 8 o'clock to-nlgat a t the Moose rooms.

—Th* Fortnightly Club wtS meet srfta K m Max Higg le , n Ltacoln

Wednesday s t 8:30 p. m. TiTnra Walsh wffl be charge

of Ok* sliest ettsie to be held at the I ^ a ^ W ^a« two below.

toisssa from 1 to 4 e'eloek. —flsad experienced a drop of W T£

flsstoe* ft - to t s^etoek

'••- -0 degrees down to**. —A regular mssflsg- ef tin

Seta Bebsksb Ledge wfil be heM s t the $**•» Lodge rooms tomorrow sight s t I o'clock. There wffl be :

o t f a s


•me MOOMLWff] AW» MMWt

M C L i *ce

iDestb This Morning Fallowing of Six Months' Duration

Mrs Jeaaie M. Carpenter, 80, widow j of the 1st* Byroa R. Carpenter aad mother of Dr. Paul T. Carpenter of

{this city, died this morning at* 7:16 I o'clock la this city, following an IHaess !of six months' daratiOB.

Mrs. Carpenter was a aatlve of I South Coveairy, Conn., wbar* she was I born Sept. 8, 1847. She was the \ daughter of the late George and Maria : Cummings Trscy, being the youngest |ot s family of two children. Her j brother died some years ago.

Her marriage to Byron R. Cerpea-I tor was solemnized Oct, L 18C8, aad ithe following year th* couple aaoved to Groton. where they mad* their home until comiag to Cortland to 1879.

The death of Byron R. Carpenter \ occurred la th* city of Binghamton, j Oec if, 1ML

Mrs. Carpeator was a member ef the j First Presbyter las Church of this city.

Besides her sea, she leaves eae I saughter, Ruth L. Carpenter, else ef :

Cortlaad. J Private funeral services wffl be eon-'

ducted Friday morstag at l f t t d j o'doek s t the horn* ef her eon, 80 CHaton Aveau*. Frieads ar* astedf to c s S Thursday afternoon and even­ing, the request being mad* to emit Sowers. The body wffl be placed la the u n W i n vault of th* chapel ef the Cortlaad Rural esmstoiy to await burial this spring to toe family ptot.

TRIM MRTO R04D Truxton, North Road, March S7.—

Mr. and Mrs. D. Hartaett attended th* funeral of Mrs. Catherine Walsh la Syracuse, Friday.

laareace M. CaH was in Cortlaad Monday.

Miss Kathertn* Casey was token to the hospital Suadsy for aa operation for appendicitis, \~

Mrs. P. D. Connecs Friday.

George Young was to Syracuse one day last week.

e f this wash has a tofepfees* alarm

: t o « s d t t l s , the


• i • . —


Mar monthly hndMi

If mortog Anrg L b * [flfy s s as tor ahead s s fwemsy get a


satoat t - -

ert Mteeah, Ruth Fitto, Marias Webh Philip Preach, MaHe Miaeah, John Piekeas. Leo Green, John Webb, Ethel Cole, Deaa Huff. Re&a Hall, Helen Renlff, Beratoe Cole, Mertoa Webb, Frederiek Howe. *

J. C. Fit tsaad Henry Coca motored to Elmira Thursday.

Miss Margaret Mahar arrived from *****, » . Y , March 22, » »

HafcVraaa to FBght Jacksonville. F la , March S7". {*) —

Captain George Hsldemsa snaouaced here today that h e and Eddie Stiasen would take off to their Sttnson-De-trolter monoplan* from JacksonTffle Beach "Wedaesday morning la an at­tempt to set a new world's endurance flight record.

Army to Direct Road Traflte Havana. March 27.—Traffic on the

Central Highway, sow strueted. will be forces, according to a by President Maehado,

HorneU Wednesday ewening sad will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. R. W. TomUasoa. - • " S

Mrs. Maude ABeock of Wiaiams-por t, Pa., has beea spending several days with her sister. Met. Henry Coon. r -

Fred H s m m o a w h o has been spend­ing the winter to BeUville, N. J 4 was la town Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Atchesoa and daughter XsabeCe of Dryden called on Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sherwood Sun­day.

Mm. Grace Roak and Miss I T S B o s k spent th* latter part ot the week with relatives in Whitney Point aad Si&g-hamton.

Miss Myrtle HEsinger speat the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Har­old Jeflfery ia Homer.

Miss Ruth Miaeah attended aa en-tertaiameat given by th* Demoaay Club at the Masonic Temple In Syr­acuse oa Saturday.

Mrs, Royal Locke visited frieads i s Homer Wednesday.

Mrs. George Scofield sad sen Hart of Ithaca speat the week-end with Mr. aad Mrs. E. P. Hsrt .

for Nicaragua.

daughter. M#.~Jacobs*was killed last!

when thrown from a rake. NITCHKK—To Dr. and Mrs. w,

Nitchke of Clinton, N. 7^^«•«> 192S, at St. Elizabeth's Hospmi' Utleav N. Y., a soa, James i ^ T ^ Mrs, Nitchke was fornserty « » i

Phelps of MeGraw, N. Y. REAGAN—To Mr. aad Mrs.

D. Reagan of Messengervi^, >• Msreh 2f, 182S, s sea,^Ed ---• tor.

wmmrn LANE—BOWSER-At the ^f^T\

byteriaa sians* to CorUaad^S. ^ 1





CiJBe«STJBB--** Cor» » 'h Msreh 87, • i»**i * * - L « ar«# Carpenter, wldowaf » • »%j£*i R. Cnrpontof, *#»* *+ *;

Dry Raiders Ftod XtWkh

Great Park. I* L, March 87^—Aa 1,800-gaHon stia, said by Federsl men to b* oa* of the finest, from as •s*to-eertog etoadpotet, that they er«r had seea was seised yesterday in a raid by government prohHrttloa agents = aad Nassau County pohes e n a hens* In Sheridaa Road. Grant Park.

AocgtiBng to-: the-' Fedstsl agsato to* still wan pat i s place fiat aad -then the two-«torf konts built around m s r a l *mf**B>- « T * **** * ft. They had to e k e * sway part of CX-AJOt:—la G*»«**_r tha sftftK*a*si----- N o arrests. ve t s made, i i s** , Mrs Lore ^s«*- j j | M i f c «j, 1,

March it*, 1828, by.ROT. Seovel, Clifford 0-J£**£ . ^ i N. Y^ aad Miss ***&** ^ T \ Bowser ef Cortlaad. >• •*• - J J

PEAlt—BURNS-IB ^ 0 5 * r » , March 24, I»2t, ^ ? % B * r i "Wrer of Bcrodiao, Vt. X* * Peak of CortSssd, X- *•. *•? Edn* Boras otSpafford.

B , Carpeator, , moath*. U day*. ^ ^ joee]

Prifsto f s a « s l »«"5et M^ d j


toe oo-1 dergrenad .The raider* stoo discovered an an-

aboat » t test • D p J»

FT ^ evw-toe Oesta 1 l o a * losdtog to a ^?seast tot asarby.

mm JIQBSSSS^^K yaaey. ' vuu'jal wstosi the hunPi

toe Okie asd 1 ian said m to* Atosttlc OOMX Temjwr-1 t Wtajwi Far Wmm--- -"»*Sghtir kfcjhw atoag the A«Mstte| " * » W » V A s » MJasevlsarch

m net dnskssSy k w «*** toe «IMW«I | —Ta* belief that tigerv do i

I t i Ckk vksssyl two \ I sffli skST iiy^ JMled S My

• . . - - : . _

i j d s m *»ad f t y«s»a j. ffi***-

+ *« m i>MMij|H*ikiff Chatek s»

Bsrtol to Pres i* «o«h

at mm M f H ^ ft T-n«^^" jEPi»^^^*^^^^^fc - jB

• . •• - * . •

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