p •':.,[:K "::••*;• 3 •. ! " ' :i -i -• ••TiVilf '••• '• n i * I' —_ CORTLAND STANDARD _-— r-^TT"-.-. - a " : ,';,•.:_- Cortland, Tttwtfay. May 26,1868. lOCAIi DIRKtTOBY. ~-r- Cortland P o s t Office. M(IU AKRIVC llufraio. Albany, rjymcuae and Northern Way, • • -• * llrotsiiat ...... ., i I,'. '.rtiivi Ithaca, , ' • > • • - - _ • Norwich and Hither, Monday, Wod- neaday and tfrlilay, at] ' • Ni.rwkn and Pitcher, Tuesday, Thore- day and Saturday, at - Now York, Boston and Southern Way, at - . . . V Syrecnee, t h/ougb, null, at «Aiia oi/tes: rough Mall Nortbjjrt iitham Way, and Raw Th Soutl. ton, at Ithaca, at (Iroton. at ew York and Hon Norwich"'and I'ltcher, Monday, Wed- iiaiulav and lrrldav at '.'. 10:90 A. M. >U»i " 1:00 l\ U. &(»>'. if. 5:80 " •:4a •' 1*04 M B:*> A. at. tftOO " 10:18 " *>»-.. " neaday and Friday, rich - V Irgll, JfatStdaJ,Iratrnjday and tiatu r<lay, ',**>•• ,#•*' Iff A. JARVW, •'#. it 1 Tltil^ Table. Train* pat* OorUaptd ttoHon at/tBottf .•_ PtaeeaMr, rostlng aawth, x IMS A. ¥• - a-** K. M Dor_,a-K*fA.M Peaeei 1*18 (1:10 " fiMA-af. Iruliu on (A* Krit HOUKXIU Itmt lling- atfoBpuii! W^A*&*-*S *• *•••**• *- m Wiarwaait—At »B4 A. M., 1:80 P. M l\*tt*g*» OalM* on.t/u Xtw York Omtrai B< Itm* Hyracutt at/oUowt: -.xl. W«T»»ap-Mr«. iftxxf-Ai l*fl A. ¥ . . BtifrA. It, Auburn ~ te^' M uo«n» J?«x*-At 8:45 A . a f a j t v F . M., Sunday morotnfc, at * ^ Q £ 7 y , ,6-f .;.. , fc» P. M. . >H«( t. Takea effect Monday, May ! * , « _ » . . ..!•..„ i i,i, ^TBfW"* t<* •» .1 >t«l8 lift rTfifliVinl_W d '••>** " k:l 1'KaaaTTaaiAK-A J, Aaaaau Paaaor—aonth corner •( rhiiK'h and lUltroad atrouta. Hiuvlroa Story Hun dayatllA.JI.a»*«|-f7H. ~< wf o W T w 5» - FUmeT ,-t. IKUWw.Paator—northooraerorchur.h aud Kallroad atreeta. _>rrtc*e every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 1H P.Tft (~ 7l o> u, :',i<.««i.i,r V. Af. -tva/to, Paator- cot-oarofohar, Ii WMittm every other Buaday and Kim atreeta. forenoon and afteneooa.. Ki-isoorat, (I. ft. raaWr, :Pa-a*oi acatth l l d a a f Oemrt •treel, a few atepa eaat of Main atreet. lleMees «»aryHuudajfatlTA.M. and IMP. M. UaTBODia-r—Jt. 0. CVr.ta, Paator.—Maetlnge are hetd In Ua« baiaaunt of the new Church. fMrvlcea at 11 A.M. and 7K P.M.. . . CATHOUO-JK U>MWr*< Paator—on* alia eaat of •»-» -1 •••1 V. ttr otelB. JLrry. Proprletot. Adjoin^ tlona aT»»» if***, ttXtee Yoinm' Mni'a CarMarujt tia»atJTa>it iMaaMsgi on " "n the rooma occu- l/Faaaptaaa, otar Monday eveeKg e» eraty weak. In the rooma occu- t.(edb/ the Uaoola r^dgaGood ^ qnlrca' itore. »w» «. cp ^rt= Now Advartnaniemi. . l)ry good*T-SiVAFT«« & bvuptHH .,..'' llTTheJleT T. K. BwciiitB, InhUner moil uMimii'iiior.iiiiig tlio dearth of BsrMOva B. I-'AIHMAN, of tlu>. Kliult'rt MtM-luer, -wyn : " Next' to the btUlsKta of pritate banking, of all honorable calling* I reckon tho ocoupa* lion of a poliilcal man or editor the utost porllom tohpniufy,; tylegtity anrf magtt*- nlmlty." SoMXrnute N K W AM»> pKLioioua.--TThe, Treiujuw TTOY,9 Troches, rtafcuraetorW'-by MeawraA. L. BT/BT AOO., of New York, aritho mo.il(lolhiouHTroches now in use. There are three" kittds t-^to. 1 onres coughs, colds, croup and asthm% and are certain to allay all Irritations of tho throat, bronchial tubes, or htngs, arising from over-exertion in singing, reading, or speaking. No. 2 con. raiiw iiu> licit kiu,wn remedy for all itowot romplainU. No. 8 arc doalgnwl for tttu relief and cure of »ty.i|)oi>Hia. No fainily should be •vitiumt them, for sale by all druggists, l'rto*i»OS«a»pM DO*. ",':.: • -L • ;• W..H. LlVKRMORK, . ,, ( '.X; ;:";.; , Ootteral Agent -•iwh ' i' County Court ProoMdlng.. The May term of tho County Co»rt com- menced at the Own* M,o«»e yoiUrday mor- ning—A. P. SMITH, County Judge, presiding. The following cases were brought forward id disposed of: " ^rTWTWW lly, respondent, ag'st Michael •Haul. Defendant failed to . - rr; - and Jc Slicriditn, John Flannelli appear Judgment aflinn-jd with coals. Bal- ppe lard & Wiirrjen for respondent; Michael Bh*r r - Man for -appellant. • ?! J. '. , ' i. O C . Daniel Jipson, respondent, ag'st Naboth Ackerman, appellant. Judgment afflnrnei} with costs. 8. Kellogg for respondent; Bal> lard & Warren for appellant. A. 1 W-'Wlard A> 00.,'respMhdemt? afst' Charles Orover, appeJJimAj Judgment re- ver«e<l with costs. Clias. T. Saxton for ap- IHJllaOt^ .MI, v, ,|.,1» ..•uso»JiriiJ-. 1 lliS,j,*:u->v ll i-« Anthony Morris, appellant, a;;\st Kthau A. Pioroe, respondent. Bubmitted. Miner & ;i&s * ppen * nt: TOisfcifj i a i E. N. Joaxson. in thnMasonic Hall Block, has just received n new stock of dry goods, ot all klmis, materials, styles and qualities. Oress^Ma^oB the latest patterns, trimmings of the newest styles, Ac., Ac., that can't be beat L If, aa-ata-, 1 MM* '" : , Ch^ntVOYAOTExAMWATWM^FBCka^The lite Dr. P B o f l U u t wieal^s&tbVV*idelof an invalid was like a prophet inspired. He would read the person turtle would a printed book, and perceive in whether of heart, mind i8Mog»uco<*»a(v»r«u to the gift of clairvoyance. He who first reads and thoroughly understands the hu- man system and Is not confined too much by tides laid down by author*, mid is guided by hit intuition,- ami .Inspiration, will bo tho most successful. Dr. Boir*Wrnfl.ifi asks of howeVer'MMJ! StafidWg, l comprehenrtfcbow fc» M im wiseasee\ tfMi«tkr> er nrgiins, and .U-Us you at once If it is cura- ble. Chronic Diarrhoea, Scrofula, old disea- ses of the Stomach, Ltoer, Kidneys, Heart, Throat, Lungs, and .diseases of women and, children have bsW tinted by nun with a*r tonlshlng success. Dr. IiirrtKKnMtD find- ing it impossible to examhie and prescribe fer hrs'#Wl,r r 4w'd Aiyi, -wtt, orMllfl,^ ther noUce, 4am^*Ain«TrtfSa9ailr- Cor -- land, for three days—Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 38th, 2!)th, sloth,, and three days once in two weeks after that , Tho above is the. titttfof a iM^-traSpeaUT m-.tuvo .YoJtamw.w^lcb, ,wa ,hava recantlx.T>ad the plciwtiro of exaihirling. The VollHrU'ir question is nearly n r i n ^ Qron^ type suffi- ciently large to be easily read, .contains be- ( twrt-n 1100 and 1WD pages; had Ik haiJ4.omi>. ly aud Hulwtautially bound. ,Thle^ljiajs,, of the Bible Is arranged in tho order of* Bonks, Ciinpter* knd^SecttoHS: Theso Aa* tianmetita embrace Ml Hooks, 2^8 Oliaptert, Mcssrn. OWEN A IVES, dealers ht cabinet fomlture, have b o p b l |ho JnUircst of I. M. 8 B AM AN In the undertaking business, which will hereafter hit connected with their furni- ture trade. , Tl*P>fflr ,A *\S»¥» %* PParsjhjsVrwot^ rV; nlng i-nii-i i.ilncil a goodly audience at Mes- . senger Hall In a decidedly agreeable manner. The bell ringing though good, did not show perfection In practiw.^^^jjipeJ Md gg i Hn music, and the acting fit character was Matalltou, fell when ,alighting from liis. wu •. got i, and received a compound fractnro near tine Kiuse c* TU« SKASON.-—The St Charles Hotel tables are always supplied with the gisnl things, and especially tho luxuries on time. tt», dinner bill of fore yesterday called for green peas and. strawberries, and they went thore In abundance. Under, the man- agement of Messrs, Clsrk A Bassetl, the St. Charles holds it* high reputation, not only for the lavhhness with which Its tables are provided, but for the neat and tidy condition of the whole house, and the quiet manner In which It isoDiuluoted.—Ah/rreu** iSfcrtktwv. Hundreds of Cortland county residents, who bare during late years patronised the s t Charles hotel, can heartily echo the above Iustly deserved compliment. Attentive and '"bilging, Messrs. CI.AUK A BASBXTT know how to keep a hotel,—at least to the satlsfac-. lion of people from this direction, as eriden- <e'd by their dally presence In the S t Charles dining loom , . ',.-• .Vaj.Jtl.-a- FRIBNDS or UvMAVi, PJKHIKICSS.—Tho Twentieth Yearly' Meeting of the Friends of Human P>qgre<sy latej be hold at the usual place, nosVWanrloo, on Wednesday, Thurs- day * n 4-Fjddjy. |ho 3d, 4th and oth days of I une, comftrWuiing at B> o'clock' A. M. Among the speakers announced as expected to be present arte Dr. Lydla A. Strowbridgc, Aaron .M. Powell, i.ucy Stone, Frederick, Douglass, Charles D. B. Mills, Giles B. Steb- bins and fieo. Wl Tayfctt. Mnstc by Joshua Hutchinson. The circular issued by tho Committee contains the following invitation: "A cordial invitation is extended to all, of whatever name or connection, who are in- terested in the great themes of growth and progress for man, all, especially, who are looking hopefully for the better day of Light and Freedom and brdad human Religion, which we trust la at hand, to be present and join with us lit our delitteiHtlon.s." The circular states that communications for tho meeting may bo addressed to PIIKBK 11. DKAH, Waterloo. . , ,, .., .. / , 77T—,« 1 ^,« -i SUMMXR TIM* TAWLK OP BRIB RAILWAY. —A new edition of the ''Pocket Time Ta- ble," containing the summer arrangement of passenger traUts^ has been published hud pla red with the Company's Ticket Agents at depot offices for gratuitous distribution to passongsM, Th)s litllo tablet as many ot -bur readers are aware; Is published In a conve- nient tin in so that everybody may be able to an, a copy in Urn pooket for ready refer- ence ; It contain* a schedule of all tho way and through trains on the road—eastward each Book gives namo to its subject; tho'tl- Iteot'eitcll Chapter is expressive of all cOn- taliiotl lit that portion of that book, and the ctiptlou of each section develops the pioml nent|dea^pgh»,li)ittMtt:»e«ion,; TW^ft** order carcfttlly pursued tlirtnigliottt tho work. Iii.llui whole arrangement la found tho Old and New Testaments entire, and no pas- sage is repeated but what the original repeats. Thus the subject once chosen, t horo la no th- ing to do but open the Analysis' bn, ibe. tfy$ required and all the Bible says on each topic is there, and every topic la in, the b no succes- sion of order and conuoctton, followiiur each other to the end of that subject, and all In tiiII text Tho advantages, of this arrange- ment are very great compared ^itu, ptfor Scripture helps. This Analysis is not only superior to a Com-oi'ttimcu, but almost entire- ly superoedef its use; while it has all tho ad- vantages of a Concordance, it has hone of it» disadvantages; while the Concordance tnere- IV refers to passages of Scripture, undet each' df Its tonic*, and thus; subject*ftWe,p W»e (ask of hunting thy Bible through to find foe chapter and verse. The Analysis not Only has a greater number of Bible topics, t ut under each topic, besides giving chapter ad verso, it give* the") full tencof the places Referred to, so that Instead, qf scarxbli^g the Itil.le for the passages yon want, tltcy nto all (Inthoilied belore you. Hence as nothing is gained while searching tor a passage of Seiiplure, the-student or general reader saves both tlme-'end pa'tietree' for the Important fork, of muling and reflection by having at hi* allow A copy of "Tho Complete Analy- sis of tho Holy Biblo." <,; -. A) J'l' Thg compiler of this truly valuable work, the learned Nathaniel West, D. I)., wo are luformed, has been nearly fifteen years in Completing this volume. Tho work is pub- lished by that onergetyc. and, able Dubrfffocr. A. J. Johnson, of Now York, tiie author arid) publisher of Jj Johnson's New' Illustrated Family Atlas of tho World, and the publish- er of other valuable. worits. That j>ur readj ; cis may sec the estimation In which Oils Work Is held by those who have carefully examined It, we append tho following rec- ommendations: , . I The Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible >y Rev. Nathaniel West, D. D., Is a very val- uable work, .bearing evidence of groat, pn- ient and exhaustive research. It is system- ideally arranged with labulai- Indexes of lubji-ets, and will be foond'exceedingly con- venient in tho study of the sacred word. It Is the veiy best work of the- kind that has ever been published. Sabbath school teach- ers will find tt lu\aJunblo | also, ^vaJ»chri»» tlans who desire to food upon the word Hint they may grow thereby, comparing spiritual tilings with spiritual. The Bible studied un- der die enlightening influence of the Holy Pastor of Presbyterian Church. Cortland, N. Y., May 80,1868. I have the Bible Analysis and esteem it HI MCA. Its perfection in index lays every sub- ject before yon. It Is the Bible arranged and compiled lu subjects. It is very valuable, en- abling you to read all It says on any subject in connection. It is also a great saving of time in collecting proof texts. A. WII.KINS, Pastor of Baptist Church. I have the work and concur in the abovo recommendations. ' K. C. CURTIS, Pastor M. B. Churchy ^ In short, the work cannot be too highly recommended, and we must say that consid- ering the amount of labor expended in its compilation, and.It* stylo aud magnitude, the prieii la quite moderate, and In fact of no moment compared with Its gnat value as a book of dally use. '• '« «t» JL 1 tt | TBH MACHINB FOB MISSIONARIES.—At it but oi OSRTBJHsrjur t<$mm¥.WMMAm>.^\w&mc$y Maimine, mm. > of tb« ankle Joints, and a dislocation ofl tjhonilrVe? W+. M. r a affairs' in otifet* filaeetf a^m^^^MkWOaSS^Ji whe^hftbarikbWrtlocated: ' Wound and Mr. D. is doing well. The p e o p V < # MMWaVoi are Agitating the nlug, held for the purpose of taking the pic nmlnaryTfape,rttes*a»B«4»*^ reipiested to oorreapond with the Bank Su- pcrrutsnaenti and aecertaln ^haiprttcoedlhg* - are neci«sary to effect the desired object. ! Homer and Marathon have shown a little rivalry: oPkM aVsHW Aa^r'BlTbaaUBV^s. Believing the editors of the Ltader and Re- publican to be truthful, we n\mt.!dAiMlHd« *A*rtsayL .. an egg laid by a Itiahina lien, measuring 8% niches one way and 1 Yt inches the oilier, and *elghln| JU onnces. The leader sayathat |!lder l » w * M s ^ g » A o V raUeVWiI'Mer'B hen's egg—measured ,79£ by 6 Inches, and weighed o u ' ^ ^ was a pullet, and only nine months old at foitft ^ik4W;)*wa<i«ifc¥fo>'u*w)wv#Hr' When (deter to compete successfolly with the Homer hen. What waa eurions 'MReMhfig ^heegg ZmnSm&mw^mts one of flie oWlrfaW"sfte Butt forloSttoirwas' found on the insl^. betaoen, which and the amount of albnHkeao- stMOhawAH east of Chamberlain, Smith A Co.'s foundry, WMereWftt^to'W Irtep fully s'appHed wltli brkn.atfoelowasf.cAsJjrrrice^,/ ktably '^WBTl f-i 1 .!!.".. I H. ^l^iilwillltv^aWiaXru,^- ' Tho efforts of some of the creditors of H. J. MKSSKNOKR to get ahead of othero, by commencing actions and issuing attachments, ha»lpWrhp\eKfl others' te nullity tfieta Ki«4' foe^Jtrtypirow tho estate under tho Bank-, pi o vision a of which stop these suits, ami (tissolvc the attach.neiits, and inr ko eqn^ dfstribtttton.' '• : ' On- the. 20th instant a petition in itank- rup>«y ^ J r i i p e n l i M f o *<* Vftl^C '$#*.'. Court in Buffalo, and an injunction granted staying, all other, proceedings, and - fu it I te r smwrarM'fcMng'ia&n.to pWe •tpe;#%. r %-; der the dominion of' the Bsnkrnpf'aki*. >**)' •>; The following extracts w u l a h W u a ^ , ..frq^'th^foHiafr^'l^i^t, oSw$M&«ffi<><imlEr.V7&V. The suspension of theiBank qfiOapton, an- nounced by" us lart Week, AkB proved likely J> be serious shd pertbaTrent' Xwcorrcspou- ent in New York, H. J. Messenger, with whom It bad largo deposits, foiled an, Tues- day mornttf, i ^%tn7^he J ifeltMd for- jvar<" Tei ' ""'aaWvdays r. Conso- I Mr. Mes- drafts wblo* it' before the fallpro of Mr. quontly, when, rumop ,ca wnKfir, who w^^known stocTthoIdirbf^eBahk.aiid In from tlte depositors wH Uarfie1, l M0Ot%Tll from Mr. Messenger,, business, the Cashier, « ... . to oloso tho doowi antf «Hm The crodltors prompt! last week's STANDAJBJ^ mad^p tholr appear- ance In our streets, each driving a span of h a n d s o f t m r s V afi9%M8 B ? ttie^Mo- ments by simply waving a ,#lupl > laa'<tne>y passed along, going through tyttrkfottevolu- llons, and preceded by a, brass, band drawn by four hoisw,,a bear.belpg perched over the " flrlver'a W^a.large crowd gathered to wit- ness' tho rare and pleasing spectacle, tlte lar- ,,„„„„„ .,.,.,„.. i, .„, ,„ *„, ,™, ,„„,(,„,,„, , $er part of wnfcn~eittered Meesrs R A H.'s auil'artdgethteraipia '8ect^ofts. :, T*fc Utio of 1! pavilion, aud witnessed the performances of some of the best trained animals we'have' ever seen. D. BARKtfk has lafclj^ itaftei »omd Ixcel- lontstereascojjic vle^^o^ some, of om pub Hit buildings, tlio leaves of tho surrounding trees Just putting foHfi, giving a beautiful effect^tbout.sbarJlqg to ( any,ex$ept tl>e yjpyy E roper. - It seems to us that those who hayo leasant grounds and fine houses should take' advantage of this, croaijaudbeautlful wpjilier to.lwve vjlew*,Mak,en of ^uflh. „, h»,w (( fwx» »v .i Theri^CieA^ef J3«etee tttet'^d»y ; aga4*'to. receive applications, for liquor''Ucuusesj and' We learn that our young friend, TIVMAN h. >VA«n«»', has fonriea a law coparthersliip In 8yY*ch^ Wifo Mt. '#M. H> SHirM^rAtS'weill known as a fong-tlmo resident of Oswego. The office of the new firm Is at SO Mouth Ha - fair way to succeed well in" his pro'ffiBslon". Dr. II. A. llot.i.KH, who, as our readers are aware, has with his wife been in the medical lecture i^^'^MikH" HWfeW' to Cortland last week, and while here gave to Mr. T. ALIJCORT, master builder, a con- tract to build a handsome and spacious resi- dence on tho site of his present dwelling, which ho will make into two tenement hous- es, and remove thorn to Venotte street The new dwelling will not bo occupied until next spring when we understand It to bo tho Doc- tor's intention to drop his erratic lecturing career and once inont rcsiuito at borne tho practice of his profession. The Doctor ad- ded sovoral'treeetojRhp[yo/Wgvpark adjoin- ing his house, in tho center of which bo in- tends foe place Ids ofuee. To-day Is the first pleasant one we have experienced in this section for ovor a woek, rain having fallen almost constantly during that time. We do not, however, expect more than another such pleasant day before expe- riencing a return to first fluid principles. H 11 C » » • * lii| >||| 1, «, Surrogate's Court. 3RR A, P. SMITH, 8URBOOATK. to tho I* tl.O till Oh Jfeldsrjg Mfttfewflrttlktfcf, «er»tenriiapW rf . ^ P a ^ W . f t f Mr^Moft I mndu n general assignmenl ~ oi», and domanded of ^tfon^to to surrender, olwetving that tisim olllcer of |hb Batik,-It was'M* dlity to Bee'tlfot WW- iierty wag applied to the payment ot Its 'as applied .'and ihttt If fhotiid bo Other puipos«^ffl«WVl*l , :* ! * uudoistam" % initios.-.: XatitptBaMfentiv ef were In baiiR.oan pay Its oiodUo,rao,\;ei- flfjy.npr.cowt.-, and If, us is stated, Mr. Messenger is able to assets show that tho comprom the creilii esgengor . iMikofOantdn wfll' lose tlt»« orH no»a«ng. > • tt <> f\ A I «i • sjoDfrVrn r?.).\i. Literary. De^pJ?ed HbyeUeltj; 'Horse of Gibson, tho Sculptor; 1 ftmsi KngllHli Hotels) MB and that lathe 1 tlte Wilcox A Olbbs. So long ago a* 1801, the Rev. A. T. Pratt, missionary of the American Board, writing to Mr. Willcox, says: " I have now had one chines fo It u l/u ONLY tmttnineidiimuork- and westward mdlcrtUis their stoppln*: pfo-,, f f X 0 "' »« ch ' n0 » fo ' '^ t '^ a ^ 8 ' ^ d \ m ees and leaving time, shows What drains run " « * 0 y »».»h»nk youforjM»tflf* them to dally,, these that omit a Sunday or Monday 'tip, those that make extra stops, Ac., Ac. In addition to ail thU it contains an an- nouncement entitled "Good News for Kx- eurslontsta," an article which will be of in- terest to all who contemplate making excur- sions durlni; the summer season—the Erie Kail way Company having arranged to sell round trip lirie/t at rfrtueal fn>v* to excursion pwrttes. Call at- tna Dapbt Oafcwi and'*t»cure.:at copy of the "Pocket Tttle TaWe." FHUIT TBEW).—A J"W fW* excellent aa- sortmsBt of fruH and ornamental trees, flow- ers, shrubs, small fruits, A c , Ac, for sale on reasonable te«ai»-~eortter of Tompkins and <»wego street* Call and see. Jr^L-at**#''Hoii^*;'Ci*A1tY A Co. | the public ing u to ture and ttuwte that I couUI venture to introduce it in frrto* ^* v I A I M ' »»» ftsii IBSTATB,—I desire to hire a good house for tlie next year, I have for tale three desirable new dwelling lunKH, one form of forty acres, good buildings, one tract of six acres, and building tote at tk* erjqav ration, and ten acres, good buildings, and thirty-five acres of choice land, lying just beyond cerporatton limits. Also, aformof ISO acres in Freetown. Terms, in all case*, easy. nM ' AarmrR HOUKS. DAIUIUk A* X . Damn II, DUrtAVUAim. ifAffo.-fn'UeUattef'of&o lasi 1 ^nl and testament of Simmons Warren, of Solon, docoased. Objcctlobs withdrawn and will admitted to probate. Letters testamentary issuedWNknah -#srY*nA/P StAott.^ * ' - - MAY 10.—In the matter of the final ac- counting of executor of Kll Hhcrtnim, of Ho- pier, deceased'. Hearing of evidence on final settlement continued two days and adjourned u4tll*J.»«jW; at-JOlA...*. , T -\ ,«,, 'A- 'A [, '. In the matter of the estate of Albert J. Bpencer, of Marathon, deceased. Petition of executor for final settlement filed and ci- tations Issued returnable June 8th, at 10 A. M. 1 In the matter of the last will and testament of George Powers, of Cuylor, deceused. Pe- tition of Nancy Maria Gibson, a legatee, fil- ed, and citations to prove will Issued return- able J11 no 15th. at 10 A. M. MAY 2,1. In the matter of the estate of Hansford II Bates, of Homer, deceased. Fi- nal accounting of the executor had and final dlstribuflohtaMe! ' ' ' '*' '' In the matter of the guardianship of At- Vah S. Bowdtah and Albert W. Bowdlsh. J% Thf^jj),. apict; Iiightlnij me J ity o f T i m t-Two Families, - by; i^Theophiie GautUnv- Mlss K. F; igntuig by Oxygen.! elan Notes; ! The Llttio Fair Soul. .- "•• MAiiAiirhas'lt: " ' ..,*"".'*. %%$ T"! The Atlantic. Monthly for Juno, has tho fol- lowing contents: Bounty of'Trees, by Wil- son. 1 n*j WlUl^nj Artist, by W&to BAWQJA t. c^am dows, by Bayard Taylor; - The- Tain aud King Theodore, by 04 Heyaitdaf Discovery of Kthbriisationi by Joseph Hale l WwW? sPi#5P?|Sf ams HtllfiVIX, by Goo. B. Waling ;TltrUt, Lowell; Reviews and Literary Notices. AtMAHA^r3oj»fstoJhf. () }[ Our Young Folkt for June, hag the follow- ; Mrs. Poterkln Wishes to Go to Drive, Lucrotla P. Hide; Grass, by Mrs. A. M. ells; The Story of the Groat Charter, by J.- If. A. Bono, with an illustration, by. W. .1. HonnesBy; The Wrens of North AmericA, with, three IHustratfon*.by J. N.Hyde j;Wll-,' llam Henry's Letters to Ills Grandrhothor—V, by Mrs. A. M. Din/,, with an Illustration; Watching tlicCrows. fy J. T. TrowbridttQ, with a full page Illustration; About the _____ '"•'•• . 1 ; m m jRti(0mM*M<to*tes*9 $tf»mot die eTANDAito, who to fond of poetry, will mora that)'once pcrnso, tba follow fog eweot »ndcharn^gsoi.gby'afoV6rite<«nti+lmtor: TH«%OHQ <iXM*$*OOK. t had my birth from tho breast of earth, j At the foot of a sloping bill, And the violets blue, J»y niy Bide that grow, i Are haunting my niomory slill. How each bent its orost to my crystal breast, i And the sky inlrror^^e^iPfotclied their While their fragrance they gave to each *H- And murmured, <*^b>Mi«t^t, be true I" t was pleasant to rest with tboxe heads ou my breast, •*" ! ''' ""'' £t)A th,a;«tar* po|pfiig dbff^'fcofo. m'tiap„ i A»;t»iey ^ i s r ^ ^ ' d a y . - t o ' f o s M ; tte»«- '' . avt.oojioms way»..,-.i •••• / .-1.: ! u'[jii;i j I «W,"br.i6-l«t, Hfear ,|i!t#rV^lfrt Jut I waitBere« , «>|lay;,;;|^;ij^ r ^^ day, Through wild gr«.an«;fekrfre*y iern, \ ml I thought " wiieni ftiai-i'imt iifoltl draw- _SjiL_t<'''ri:l 'all ••'•"'"it ei tin* -. iV ew near,, .„ i,, ...,„;,-. „,.,..,.,.,... ,.,- Oh, Uteni can quloklyrttuvj**;•• •' rVhen thejabadows grew long, and the wild blrd'fl,*oiuj.: ,,,1 „„, |,, m jV ; ;,., ,„.., Grew fointer, avolcKrtetdto'me, •'" ' Thou -—it nevor go back, 1 on thy silvery i„«l, •• ->.' : 'i.N v i»i'f'i!H.v il.l'v.'.i.i traaBj,^,,. ,| ...ft «,i,iil» 1 ,.,li,r,| „i..,,|l Butforeverbe seeking Mie «_.'• •' '* 1 >'AW A_r> -Wilt!-' y.J.K d/i.UIV.lilT k ow Into the sun, 1; ..-.-,,. ,-.,-.; All fo«-rad^i t day lsM<legaily awAy, 1 ;i../ But alas! I can never return, y. .'».., ( „[,:•,«, , i" ii.>l)nirwi|ii -«rt iiiuMl-iril linw il.m Imu .'iM! 1 -aii •"•'rtaae*!' 1 ' .iii-'i...-.!n:ii.'>i-iuiiii'•> <' I*.I..III.H ^Jaer«efe:bU-»om aW'gUw,,; h a * $klffleyWWiibtitoMK'aWdffoilr eyWlilft, 3 ! -'i-jqa ••itikm*'"'"' "'•• >'< >!ii<ii--'' - '.ili| to a|i.-,UIIU/U As'thoso which i . i s c l to know. , And howfor tholr fmgiai.co I yearn; . ! AAHSnji'mi 'ca'n ioirlnitt:''''' 3'!!* Tin'. ANNUAi. MKK'I-INO of tbu stockliold e»iQir,tt,o.mvko tloal M&Mnlng: Co,, foi'.',' W19 electipR o ( offf.cers.ap^t^nsApt^g o.th*); business, will be i held at the house of IX .1. pn^o'clockiPiM.: •.". vf l! Fosiw»,'Wo.X; i '' , l ; l Dateaiftjid^ieoU-.* i'.-'.| u!-i0i/W»»»t,.'/l >9f'-.in.il l»l« aialimt- ' iT»7t New Adv«rtiii«mettt8. rv:ii.;.r.*.ih'dii'Li| mU jniiht:.i ( .n I1M- ..»fl* o M niii f>w •nil ;il t*fi I (fctnllO H'irttA. Q-Too&nes & Provisions Rbu WDOT" oi0 _=r _M i'~" 'mi in'ilaiaa ,«b0i|Jllif'jRlil '!,'( . -'//!•)> :.f.i n i i i i . i ii «,i vTUl-.l: %,l raSf .irow/ i H i " THE GREAT PBI2B. ' Mtft'-rtOiA Smith J. 11 -o« tt/s •bholce Groceries a_t«'lW' . f ' ^ i i w - ^ ' i ' m t W l a t M i •* " iJlf> " IU:M * Xver bfougnt info tllf« martef, eeii.„Ui« In r-U of Fhifl ! 0_nti6Wflef •** '''"''l'i" ^* y H' «'/)>l-|..y WiY* -"l»J_p84|i»_ta''' !'!' ! ooo,oo6 f iA u: M-i/o.i "BlMik fitfM, i -ofi I'Mj fioo < 0Wf1HN^j»».Mrt oifi ti- fun ' h)IU S_m •"•<" I vilt 'jlqo-n| JjtiH nl^tioift tUtjfepipf^' : <<ni j'-itofi x ,) 'fi_iU)i^W n> -'M ,t *' ,, " t0 ' , ' > -;' i>R•_J^ l SB^^ AW H '_i f> «*• ni «" 8<«' ( -, i)«x-ito! «lvYM»"l^w« ^ ^>1t^(j tt l A1W(I |jl• BUTTER, 0______HI__i i, ' , * & ASilTONand IXYltAiWKK 1>A1- j QJ JthilSmff9-*iifiXn >•• f>i*'- ; ' M ,*i'ii I3ut+ex> 'ttQ-m MM .-.iu. f.l »7„il I <7..n- --una .til WiKfctomk. WOO10KH 41s*.WILLOW.WARE, onuon i^« tri 4rlV»V/4rwVI OH/»I-I(1 aiiT (Wrtateok UtargS -~ ii^i-laartikant coioiaetf.' ^ iml) ftuyoHfi "w-Sf* .iiwur/olqiua 1. ,-i'.>r (lojiFtf iXaiiiif jtiF.nvi jul ^'UBQUtyikuMnjaoiuoauorfl. AW»_j^ Vo. :i n« uioi liitnii, t»ijr! And bo convinced. Yifn wIllHiiillioroKe.ai.plcloss- tortmont .of every thing pertalalog. to thedaygoodi fo_«, sura as, 11 sr rrwofla lunt ftojfon CLOTHS, GASBIMEKKW, VHBNWIamllltnjlUHiPJ oat,liimj_ ' i f l ^ i a , tttr/»_<iJ,<i'jJ> HA .G * ,»oa eidt 1c -I;JU(W 'Tjuio !imii -nit J. > Jutt ntSrcbaaedat the r*<y u t panlo price. l„ New | 0 * ) ! > l.:V)Jj.'.K-|<| J;(r /; JT.,fi>.f?,; .jv;-.i ll>»f i rmn^-fA^wiriWTBfltJHiittte *ri-> v 'fr.' •W $$**». r IKHK WORU) were awarded the _taft^_*w^_^ - i^__t ' - < it, /|, "- ii ' 1 - •'* t lit | t A^8, OW><KD sowlag Machlao* Hlghert Pmnitnnattlip World'. Kair la Ihondoii, id are celebrated for' nitiig a rntrcli amaller ueodle Mud and parft ^-wsSp-- 1 -' 7»j;:> }l(l -t>*l:»!>X-i JOit ,bu__lj.'->flj ,B-ji«-|r*. fi'iti::" !_• _ » ' y j v '*MCav'iei j * & t . P^T-'CHttttjsV vn " ,0t 'l io 0»1BOn Ofl! 10' r >,. I h •Tfioloj "«l i-iiyj i^^liki'ii J_j riit^Mk' >•>»- i mmm 7^ TpTioTioinb'-11.1. i>ii 19-tl otll df/Tl it-fiilliili n*»t Io rim .'iii'i-i'iil tj .flrifJTntfifl ! io Y,J:-.> dil^ itiWf m nun •itli 1V> •in, i OT l/TfTfofrTldTi itJT7<j'nSj(»J7) aV)J-K*r( ifoii)i( -^fciu ,-ii(ii«4 oili Io (^ •io-> tvwmitmiw_ii _twava*dj*M.i__i< '»nl«_ ot_jnil>o«'j5to Jon ilfiflti <ohui>*> joit •(JXL'HJ'. Intii'/I oJiilr-! -nil «rw. Ill H' uo JOII '/lalio^ in •..,,UJ|I('(|« !i i.'T j'oji.io Y,I .'J-.',«-||i:-lli 00( ti'tn^iiitri ii KfANMlIKM'NM; tlHOANlUKS, , „ ostcr, with Mfccoiai Illustration ; Iti _? iiv", -.. r*et\6tta^ BaWftloTo;'''RbuAtt' th'o .lyeiitM Lftinp. wlfo Mtf iUustVotlonjl, frpih Icsigns by CoircspoiHlonts; Our Letter Box, - .:A'U.« m. siii'j.'. ..a M , u^Vaa CANADA.—Some fine shades of Canada Gray Casslmeree, and also a good aasorlm«n| of Cloths and Casslmere* at prices as low as b e M W r e * ^ 9 a * % e M b « « * « « * » * » « Gene BrO%',. ,,, ..jU^p.liiiK *Tr"i' Annual Horea Fair. The tenth annual exhibition and sale of horsea ofthe Cflrtiand. CjOMtr Aaileultural Soc»# Wl%eTellfoJ m Fir gNul* f»- tween Homer and Cortland, on Tuesday and Wedneeda^^Jun^^^,^ The following Is the order of arrangements: Tuetdajr—General exhibition of stallions, colts and single horses in the forenoon. At B o'clock P. M„ exhibition in trotting of four- wlflOlffMhAJMW TOttTT TTT lime to be fixed by committee. First premi- um, | 8 0 ; second, $90. At 8 o'clock, trotting of matched horses, mile heats, best two In premium, |M; tocoi^^. , rrWw«*foy—Exhibition of matched team* under all classes at 10 o'clock A. M. At 9 o'clock P. M., trotting m harness of five-year olds, mile heals, best three In five; time re- quired, two minutes and fifty seconds. At 8 o'clock P, aft, Wttirig it- manes* on time, best three in five; time required, two min- utes and thirty-seven seconds. Purse, (800; IIist premium, f!()0; second, f;t); third, $80. ; Single admission, 85 cento. For carriage imd( With single tlckots,) 50 cent C&xr* of flj toftoteFt ), by Mm-garot T. Canity, w|tll^uji|ljstratlpn.; MljajCr-rJI. CJdldruu So|- ; K: Design* With ait Illustration. MAIIAN him it. Jt^klAlM MA' a l ^ t t v e d w i ^ ""ii opens with tin Illustrated- article on "Look, out Mountain add h'f-ilM":!!*' Is n eolillinmtioii of: tl\'o admirablp war sketches. Mr. Squior's Ubwtratod" paper, "Anton*.the A«Wles of. Peruarijr B»H¥la, - rich with, !a<ocot)ots oLfte.AMi of the reign of the Incas. Pro! C iriiishos a very interesting illustrated article u,"8hooting Sfors, poto#tlM'Meteor4aiiil. Aerolites." An article on "Tho Baltimore Plot Assttsslnato Abrahiun Lincoln" gives nor»>»fi -tlie seoret ktolfrrnt that plat vton las ever before been published. "Willy's dom," "Kngllsh Photograph* by an Ameri- can," are among tho other enter! iiketches. There Is one article of peculiar utmost to.tlw I ) adie»,:Oiv ''Vypwanfi* dtoafttya) tlow to Got and Keep It," giving recipes and llrcctlons which the ladies will not fail to study. At MAHAN'S took store. mM.iWM; t'mmto Mtifotom, May HOtb, at ten o'clock A, M., the western pol.t^.of^ta.'itoi^^ G^utid, Jfli'^^hWf (^\!o^,:; : Tj|r)ja^e;.: fourth cash t baliuice,oneyoar's ciodit on up Mftm ,; .U^EH^TKR! .... , 9' ^j^tife; A ^^y I :•••'••'.' '^•W<i'-' MiiADKH.-Vhey have lltoso beautiful sliadcs of Moae»,Ja,v,efolor. rafy»fti|fe, ttt;drc^ gooid*, t\t-'|^»iw.Brg*/U ..1^ - :. , m ni PMOT«0^,,8v^YKYp^j-^,t^osp w$|ijh# to have farms surveycd, the 'undersigned would say'rh'a'f ho is piepitrecl to""cl6 *ucU W<*k'# MM^" ttfa'fflrW^lflri' Orwlse. - ,_i...'C -.i ,..--; ,i.>.:-avHi.Ji»plfi Itfctlra'w'vilio^ Y: *'' :; ^!rf*te ,-„H -•• •• ifrn ii a«»a I'.ii'.Kl -•'• '" »n«-i v; il , Main street, Cortland. 88tf Remedy'for. < w W < l ! ^ » l k :'-0ro«ft,,,wJwop- Ing Cough and Consumption, Both sizes- ordinary 4e». : ; also mammoth family Wttles —for sale by all druggists and dealers In inodUMnes.'• / N«-«miIy ? niolfltl bedv«r night wltlioutitWflfobfttis^,' .','',,"' . ""IRT'' *Y. J_' ill"»aj«ili« i :, , . I.I !.-..; HiiRK'i'i N<M, shirtings, bleach goods—all the best;,br*m1 ~*t* PiowKUS. ornaniohts. rltibo'ns, . &c, all Of the latest 'styles, at Uie 'Mlljih. :hgoo trimmings, Rooms of Mrs. L. BRNKIMCT/, Io Sehermor- liorn Block,.' She keeps hatu, bonnets, jock- eys, hti#Mt»ps, hid*^^bfoia»,,<(oi^,M M m, Blenching Md pressing satisfactorily dom "" »•»» •' "' •' '' LAi>'K»-Hio.. to Mibia & WABBEN^ and, them. m>. "40tt ••• SAVi« Y<4k' WONKY and buy standard A Hiigiu- at 18 75 cts.; ben 111 «.•»".' I»» 111" '• "<l-lt-J> HOMK GmuiA«u*_-o-Tne bust thmg-of the New,Castle soda at 10cw,lor M^^cuR'r: Jr.' . v ',«r4"; 'il a,»ain,' i »« i n " '• IJ<I8I-I, awAHioAt.- -Tho best tbing-saVthe kind InexUfoncclsfi^coi^'s,hqnio .gymnasi- um. Cheap) quickly "arranged, durable, orn- amental, as r well a* usoful, Ittoan^vtiole^t many ought to posscMs, especially (hoso fol- lowlng scdoidary.occupations. By calling at this ofltoei;0»tft'c»^ be eeon and iho vntofnqr of using explained, . . . . '.< • •» i s* « odT i.rrie. iiok'a'IftiUbrte^ 1 "'' !: "" [-,tt? Mtw .JiuiulHI i OabtaCklvtat I -l.:Htq*;rr|foM^ le »H|pWM!f?s!il3 IX .iitroimgo 0*^d;''_'iy»«,'tt*&^^ , ^ ft 1 ii, i ill m m IIMILJJLI Mi.Atr'eiin J:, Miiimn a--»f| i T a ^ V I & L f i M * ' «WI1M»Y f •>•! nf.tiii«;:|i'A--mil in p_B|__ *\:tf\): ByracHBO, Winghainton t«ul - N«w i i/t-wi-ji. /Tor^iRftttwajrv-:, { ,, ,,.,..i ! ; ' sbttMah'AttltANdSriiiiBirt'* " ''' ''» J toPI,ll,«lt.l,.l.|,i,.)laUb.,oiv. ,,.,,,,, v,s ,,,.; _,,;.'; Vork',' (via #de JWI«r«,)i *6. w t ,H> Winir», jfolfv' I l.ii>^gAflJ WW j On and aftor Monday, Kay 11th, 1 A* Xulliiws, (KitiiduyH v*.'*l>t.:(l): LJBAVB 8 Y K A 0 l } f a ^ 8.0Q A. M.—Connecting at Blnvhamton will. Kainosa Train on the Krlo Itallwiiy,forMew York IlUiHhaiiit.in Wltli utiKi- i, .; W ow Y P r *W''Wuextmornln|, >/l[ . 1 . IJBAVJK BINOHAM'^ON; 1*1 A! M.-Wtirioictintf wltft the MaVrea'itraius'ea-'' '-' -"'.fc^^l'WVWtiiW »»* Thr. t ml lis win run •!•>?«•* - J ' U ' ^Minsw^wm, irojgh tlcketa to- Now'Y'ork. inure, Klntlfa, Corning, ***< Onlco of,wm. 0. Ittayfiiti, nortbeule bf the Central'BaUway Uapot.' <and at the TWtot Oi per of Onondaga utul cllnf l.it.»i ntrcota i'HAVKN, / '•HWHa>» - »f) /if li<f|i(>!)ii l!« DIUI (Dm lift hoLvov -iui:;.ii ion 'fjWVtsW'jir ' "'• *"'li~ . ''•' 10' ' hllA ,v|f>VlJ mini/.i VIIM (low j,i;j«i ,^li>vlj-l -ije^l i^>l?'ifO'->- fiiA- r.i ( i t tott-mjiiim a ta _**>' dbaa-My, __i una Uiv-» <J (HlOiUaOill 'to lloi.'l.ll 't ?'loi.hi||fv-,i __«_<-,III-I ,iivr<t| ,-,' ||^>|/ « „-! »wrt 'rrnriTi jiijrfi^T»,T»i r^)*f in . ^ji.>i.i«Lti>9*i htui«">1UY,*i7f«l'i<J !#i!s,>J:v in W am«^«^ fff | j<f (^ f .. | ^.J^. ) ia ]> €5"!t* ; "<!> !tfr»^_»'_09_W 1 'li .'tir.\" ••::ii ill OtiJ ii'| tflldjj t (ii n en \V«.rtakea'at.c«I.Uy. ImAoHlAJr'« HrV4*tfre> &&< nicrii bailor hargalna than auy liouae waar of Now V&MF ifvelaWA'J^alfckW'rTTi -> •>!i. ;,!!• n! !'.:•' -• .-.ii- , ' •; I l >ii.i BJLVER-W.ATJ.D WARE -nd mda, wltKaUk, o ullt,:tax*.r,erkl ^ Mactilnn at OAKaiaox'a Bi» Ordera by i.iatl will rocelva prompt atUb- CaH and ice tli|s > Machine at (lAKaiaox'a Brocs aa 5hKr in iS-' ft ll irm,ij HI w.. A i_g_ti»_vf«tiu_* 1 .i i l> jjll^U.lMJ»WlM>»,y F>j,.;;| ^ t aiH&"> -i t Ml<*(Aiia ••{itU firrfwrrtil rjoMd^Ja ,<.iiut noooia/tV_,OairTJ_ftiOI_twi in Ati^i-., Xfim>l^minkH i mkrk»Trf^b\ii<iU I- -•(u..nMi V * q « a U « ! tk j ..„.,.. l»^>^1»»«WlW%t»^ r r>fWrim^'Wv, ,-,., V X « « l t#r«i)<OHHi/' l . n a , ,c-,7 io •«[ iljtili- frtiio!-) ll-IHOI to«* JEW' I KMitAI! it indlh.yi.onc;; fo8aTt«n_fi-f«Mta« "W-J.'-fJ ! oi ;">il'Y'A««f- , U-ill'4'l'_ .t/.-il) rvaw ,Hti./t..Uiaf.,... 'Jthimm yearfertadatraAi.-Hbwiaa/ i>*ii> \(\A iiOiiifxiiy |.»»i *f1 .mmv i -^ • ( . . s - i i . tjeveryt-Bi- pertttato* fo th* CROCK- *h >'•!' ii..n:i 1'iui s-:;. '.i < i M| .1 .'>.'„1^ : i,i.l " K'o >l • ill-'ili.niil Olil > 4sro««ri«H<»r \ll kliiilH! . /1-jKll NAILS, WlNDO^, Aal^Aas,, TWB^ aad, J^Q^INS, I > ,.;. I .il yift no '" i UIIIJJ." -TpatthaVtWlfon. -lin • Agb mf^,n Dairy Salt, At wholesale and r»Uttr_». f*#» OAIX aad 8KB US. in Oil* ,»)ii h.j'ii ajn nin J -j II I. . , t -iv,-.K> | | i V f » » H H _ l f l it'-iora HAVKNB -HtckB At the residence of Daniel Reae, May 90tb, by the.Rev; 4 S> rrmzr nt, A. i, B. II VVl-l CHAMBitKi.AiN j" Secretary, Treasurer, M. L. W-aa. Ql^^meXfAat^^mytt^ofA^inge- ments, CHA* C. TAYLOR, W. A. Boras; nr " rri \)»iWWlK fl lll fl l'l Je_M P. HART; Mwj^Jfc<^*»HAYMBs, I. W. BROWN. 1'iiosi; new goods arc 'constantly arriving at Si.Afi-Ki'i & HUMNKK'H. (lite of said firm Is in the city piuchasbig and sending home bargains in the way of dress goods, of all styfoa, and deso^ip^qna.-^»^ln^, Poplins, Al^ paces, Grenadines',' French Cambrics, Orgmi- dles, Ac., &c. Also Jamis Beck's celebrated Cable Skirts, cheaper than the cheapest; a good thirty-spring Hklrt at 75 cents; young Indies' walking SkirlM at $ I.(HI, and every, thing else equally low. Call and see them. I -— —»••— To PRINTBRS.-—Wanted, at this office, a IJIHHI Job printer. To HUCn A one, applying immediately, a permanent si tun!tonis offered, April tth, 1868;'" A PINE lmo of P#r»*oto, Thread Lace Col- lars, Fringe*, Gitups, Buttons, S,tampod Yokes, Laces, &o,, are now on,_display at TANNER Bros,'; , u [ .... ',- ,' r '-., ,- ]y , v ,. 1<)S j " ' l»' i T(lMQi»M-+m U J. F)ttfca»A4ii) (l p|j tho firm of FimtoJBRAjwi * i FaaflueOM, ha* just tol.iuictl from New York with A large Stock of boots and shoes,forspring and sum- iner wear, Which Witt Da sold as low Si any house In Mew York Slate, and lower than any house in Cortland county. Messrs. F. & F. buy tho foist goods in nmrkot and sell them ut reasonable piicco. t)ur readers Would do well to call ami examine their •lock before nm-cttwuig cM*h?ro, m m m Ac KltWMlOil'll I'llOi'llllltAPli (iAi.l.Kicv A new patent multiplying cantora for eem*. Four ^vLww'; w ..' ..... : .'.V^.W 76 SixteL^carded;for.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. l 88 Improve appai^Ws fdr copying old pic- tures. VI t HCfi graphs finished In water colors and Indian Ink;from $1JWI to |lrL8aV,5*-( L^ul »i'i *11 May.'»$it:*W8*i • I i n m w t/*-j f.tK4* : i. -,..' i ,ti.ti ft.!i.'-i 'fit. .him! M ii fc'LrWe'York.Itt the town of u ^A:«I$i!#A.w l ifti:or tlio d7th,year, of her *•' ' •' , y r< '";;!.: ! ', She was anative ef fjfsego oodnty, in th is •. Stot^, w>*W»h^|jpent.lier early Wfo^a(tva» : ; married to Mr. Perkins in 182*. 'i'he follow- ing year they, removed ita CortWnd county. They 'twere Sfoj'ocelVecX'lntp,,the foliaw?*hip of the Baptist Church tu Virgil and baptised in 1886 v V ^ 4 ^ e W ( ^ i t a s Hvc4a T^nstotent christian VffVM) : : foe day qf her tfoath. She was ai\«tys rtikdy to drop a, WoM lhfoeoAr of some, one about her precious Savior, Her hopo secliied »living hopo, sure and 1 stead- fast. For sevefftl years of; tho ' itist of her life she wa*i^great »u,fferer until her nafore was worn out. She twre all her affliction with a patiejlce becoming a christiau.-r-ofteu expressuH; a^desire t^.^depsrt # i d lie with Christ, which Is far better." Her last hours were extremely happy andfo^Ipf heavenly piospect. An-'afflicted husband and large circle Of f r ^ d s moum her depairture, ; " ..' A sermon was prcnebed at her fi moral by' Rev. iA,-,W)J|foi Atini ti»e,'toxt^.''*X mi. earthly house were dissolved, &-<:., wo bate Whipnherr^ajngj^un^gt (^ t|^ 0 boauttfol Mmetery at {some*, -io* m " wn*fn .<• '-..i.n!»'ii II III - f ^ - ' i r i l i if.nl illll wi MUfl__A->'. B.8S J».iH> Wa> fff l«h|, <K.)ml, ly , eX.-. W .t...l.) ,, > I 7,M :; I; m^MS^tM^^ud^y : A ,,II ^iiiuWit ini.fi. I.AA i«*»a » m.i, .-^^T-TT-r^ ia __ '!" M'WI.'tV'i fWnttW 'II:. I •"" \.2!i^P W-' 1 ' •»*-*• - : -.' '•>« l~»<<* wsss BOOB to be-1 and verpl wl«n to pnrcht ware than liaa tlmua tho Atlwhou ton, thimbles, Iv.ir-i.laliHl warw) a Iwretofore beon kept for aalo,—tbnki f ^^^^ArTf^leffor DutaHmy, : ' r ^" l ^Mi¥ay.'" : ''',''' ; ' r '; d k Attn A»TBH' Won'day, May'itth. I*t8. fralni aoo»s%! l f* V * B "* 1>w>W¥i *ft bo »fc>W > ••»w* 1 "Wi '""V invmjvliWaf WITA.. ,l-.i.Ji .: ... (A^rnffiorUtloii; (MUndkyn Lto-rYK^ 8.61 P. M. IO "'" WsiwU- i - ' i ; 'J.I •*<**•»* road foi 4,60 V. Xrr-Accommodatlon Train, DaQv. 8.60 9. HP-Sew Yorlt arid BaMlniore MAU, (8u< 10.43 P.M. nday* i, llnlly, iviiiniirllng At wlth R?rt^«Ki_3JS m r.w iney tied waanmirtfin 8.BU A, M!-WifmW,JtBundaya oxc^pted.) rtr^AreTiaed arid coto'plete "fcieiiot TlUetable*' procured ou application to the Ticket Agent of the fjomnany. ^ QQ _____gg- Otn't tfup't. BARR. Qtri+Pm. mmm nl J:-' ;Pii'..: -HIT J- 'ii/.-iiil' -.'ill i 'Tu ,"\ Dopot, CORTLAND, N.Y., , jgAy.BcpasunOyaniuipd ...,-,.,.. ,-,., „<'y . - ' LAROB ill I,. IB8 9B .1. VTi / i.f •i:< viorf :>(lt .U-.'IMK!-. IP I! -i.-ii llT -CIlHi M ivi-.il I "toil) iinot'cnj ;. Wtttelr Lim^ i" "' '•' bun., .I.-I ) - ;iim ,;«iv. .-., Illilfi'ilH HI I vW Infill on IIO-JJ »M{/1tilliFc~/7wf'r .'>j.}"tn |kd linr: li.".(ii«ti- ijj^l.l'tll! Salt f itc -pidfoviorTfi f.i Jl .MiKiiKCHfj gam I ^'*i)T wtjaoiiiiio'xitj *^auoil'i'ijiiix wiliebwfobtKla.boUi . t , -.-,• ;.; int.TH l(i , villi Ixi/i ,yltiu.it-••( -i*'J •iiiflt i-i ttyn ! oii<> ,.ii inili I.Tfftf^tr-'i (Jjjdoilti OH on j «L0WB8_ , '" , i |T '' IK '»»Hli : > 11 (' HaV I oili 'to ;•',- -.(Iky ritL'|.'Lt,.f«OMl JJSllJ hid, ' HIKl'MIl >l/fi|T-^ W ^ , V < t ( ( ',t'Hl V/(I11 PRIQE i ,w 'la_^*0'R''6'A , » , «'f^|df ^^ : W. B. TI8DALB. nl i.VOlKrr'nAtf! ' ii I ufiuTiL li^'i .1 n >• A KINC or II |. .'• .I'd I! V Ii •o.l -n (1 '1 fA8'fAfL^ ; f^^I_lY' ) ^_' , ''; Irt-i) - -. 1 : ..... -)t. I yirt'i'l Queen af England! "' '• ' '' •;-.IBW.:!.! '• _?. "Ti ,: . ; '»•'__'rBT'e*',: •• ,/-. •' jitllJ ,?-ilit -101, /_ 111 ' ii •"•'•'(WMUMK-I b^Kfoiltafc *"t_vJ#j)'- : -A) ; ' i f .... • ' i \l:i\'. i 7 .- I •• - ( • : . »oe» lint fall to keep llii.1. alorc. ''-'' i: : . Iw -r>*»J!0l. i/')Jli(C»0 lOT'iMtnMi-Wli MM) M_l pot prepared VACUUM Oil, IIAKN KHS ] rr__ffl__*!_%»_fei_* _»** 1T _^_^____l_T_y>f^ n ' TH ; '" a T rtHvr i. VIUSJWJB X*" M1 ^ i VltoAMAMl't.-l* lrVP^Wafl»j<Hj J»,i« JT' 1 '' J I.-.-1 Inli^rwsrviM* n, V. ., at» per cent, loss then leat aenson t • if >'S l.lflB I'll." i •»l.l.l'| It .11 t|| i- J i ( .lltK rJHKKK ot!t I. .;lll I >i..rn County Clerk's Office. '«• : . -.-,1 ],,',; ui- 'jf- i .,' i J.. t- /.- : n fJOJtTI.ANl), HcYtl-.i.i -' ). .; ••) . I'- Titl'j t o - | „ . ;. . •,: ,.,: ' All tlmt.a linuaekooner can vrluli lit tl.« Una ot , Idlii- ni ' ,:R -J. |- . .-.-!:-||v i: . 0 J HI ,:.- : -.in 7l '•"'•- ' 1 ,i t. ,;- -I -vf:/ :i PROVISIONS I .1, .'.•Hf.ir.-' •<•{•• ,"• I (I• JiI // '/: : KttbhfoMt the »S«ll,MaVlaUer':' i iiWD- 1 ''"' ,i-...i i.fi Sugars, •i-.Hi i Ooifee» o||, jWMfc".,: FEED, > «a» afc .1 M .MCI. .|.;;ii •KlVO. 8AI/T, III TI»K in Tile // ; >• j-... 1311KKHK, f r r i ~\ , I ft. . .. - . ii n' E.un •:.; ) II I- Amlagcn.ralvaHctyof ,ih n .,•(; b. n , :i t i i » il ,1). Ho:useMWAWfll*'«!', ... nul '-:IJ ' " II i II <•(! .;-i'iif>-.-ii!' 1. I ( l j '! ^ili :l \'< H -J )1 -l.l I -/IH-J-KI T-IOll -, '"I <yy*ffo*WrTVfeWfVKawW*.,f >m P*°**»v•*. I -;SO»»IOI_WcY't«'__|»-^JlH_rAi^-''.i i »-Ji ilfiw j»i 'nil li'^iioiili <-,''.il r 't! i ! )> Jloni nwitl ?~~s i /ml 1 .il)..'i:i _|4l-n;iifo>rU l*wfo«^;'_tp,_Uai^i«>^.t« ffiAi t<\ lui«j>: nt-'ilj "jriiA ur.ifi jrtf: n-irl - * lf» 1"0 hlllO'w I'd II i')'f;* ill if:.w>vrft x'""~ f i'" "''_!J"it __f itty*"' , ' )t ''-" n'li^-'j w/^«m^a^«>Aft\.i liiif;t« Hi* noitiffKjo »m«i! j u U 'Ijltftf'til 1 '" { I .'I',v.. •..>«'i : e iv (iiwU-JillBsi UM'li'ul Hifw( tiovia HI'M!) bovnaixfi' a_«aoaT--»4UTaytiow x»di \d* won) I (,.,;; A*aKM*_^f___t:triw f«*aw JJlli ! oi H HI od ijil** HWP~AM_Mt> Jon bil j y.«»V»wvK^vi'«i'^-^«Htl tlVMI'MMi .•WXneTI 'il'iV^AiW'aj' 'mm$: V u\T Jlllfi TllJIV atotf 0. L. ! ...,,, I (^AflKl .. 'ii .I-». i ////i//<; '; togtrpriftfj''*"' ;«MiMlMt." -«»i»M*nrtii»*w«iv.;: ffl /^AaLO|^ft•,|^RlMMI^lft8> tr.n, .,ij KEEPERS' OOODS 1 White Oillte, oi .WMeliAealil 4tar*laaj Denlnia, TlcVn, .Strt|aa,. Qtidaka,- , ... i - '*># ISJrrA .i - -.(.;-.' '!MHWl . • rftSaqWill ,. «nw*i«>", *»cc*ot(i, *«.,*«.'-- 4iU», all; UvS U.aood- vice* nt thin Ktoro boforo purfoaaUw alaa- ,,,,,, ...fcJWWWW* '? d !'P% e •#;l»*:•!:' '" Seville, HwftV XV Jii i _ l i i l l t o 1 i i . 1 J _ . "4 l-'l1. ' -nl ii___ ' .Iw , (ivi KX-. !:.; •i!: o i :, .-' '.-'• I •(/: "'^>l7i-n| :irll .'. <' THOSE WISfilWO)-' •' HO-USEWi AND, LOTS, (./*• 'I" i-i i.f .1 .ULAUJUK'ti- "i >>••'•< fi Buildiug' Lot.S'i r. . ; . « >i :n , i ,.l;.il;. ..i .' I., ,-» ! |.•-. . , •j n> ,.li?To. -<5'0'- II* •• f_1'_L-A.{IMi-«> jl :i 'II-J 7-; !IJ. '« I--. • •' ,"i'.(iiu .,-, A}f*>.ii--lj io >'.••••>! W i l l , AtYfAYH FiaaV ; l> '<!-. /Jl ,^^ i: ^w''w4ijii, 'JtV i/IAl.r.lfSfl A* trtat I' ^ J " ' I ' " I , Utlllu ) -j. 1*1 -IMI ^ l i W i i O f i H < « i <e.' urn •/1 *l>" . .u: lr»l dinil-i <•( o.l /, A Nl.-.MitKit OK •ml- -«-f| . ; i-4WJA*_to"' rt HI Ii Kir -.- - ' T ., j n *I/I b-ififiliic Dairy Farms t«I8 ' ! ANt>;' ,! Ali(*OlNtWCI 1 '6dtf!*rtRrV->' '^t KW in. •« MI nil. *\nai'|jO(M-;in>..'!'"!'i Western Virginia, -.; '.ill'lli JtNtlUlltK OK II..;-.-, I .,.. VeChrftw 4k Renin** veil, tnienkMit-iirr tv " in n -• Oentra_ly Located! ir.: i-iTdfi, • Jan, ' 10 II- * "j .. I - 'lilt <j<>i IC ii lull 10 -1/ TvEttWABDB'« i ™. Photograph fiiattervft'• I * il'i'tVrtl'r. J I W H I I I !«;»" '-ill Il> ii»,/;'j UK 1" ^liM'"ifit -ivif. MI IIBII-- in'wJui'Kii <r.y. in o-t'l QVp» lOWjBK^MKK,,,,..^ |1, : H-' „iiw : CORTLAND, H . Y . nil 1>-»S<KI I-i/i" irto'i of HI iti, ] or ,Vif>nn-j|fl - r nCKB*l_»»a_aaWT_tli|. •lin>t (I'lAO 171»» oJ Hii-ll'fj UWt SHUH[ lli;ti« MO?.*!mi/*"~nnij lilllll 1'HA MA-iy flt^luilkymf' Blim-Wtly 1 'MtoWf»d In i vJ |.-ii?r»<) 'Jill "( iiviiti'XMi •• in,I vnin ! W*. W-Mirtoleiw-.ARinMllit.liiiMh,), bur i ii(r«*e»«trfW»i»nwmi t f|«.r>i*M. , lo J>itto<l iiiitu ___.i'»d'<»ffifB *m« Tjlno J _5t_s_^^^_v I i a __, w *"»«»»»» "W^r^WSKria.:.! I.e.- -...ui ri-)l.a «^^i«!tR__P_l1^_?? :?**r" 8i f'^UM^^'W'd^klM'i.^'! o#vP*»WMT%aV^B(^^wPiiflllW^jWIWIai<[lui •.ill -cifnni laJMaytdM^MI_.'>' Itolliifl'i 4*1! .1 T. BDWARD8. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY... · 2013. 8. 24. · Yoinm' Mni'a CarMarujt tia»atJTa>it iMaaMsgi on " "n the rooma occu-l/Faaaptaaa, otar Monday eveeKg

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY... · 2013. 8. 24. · Yoinm' Mni'a CarMarujt tia»atJTa>it iMaaMsgi on " "n the rooma occu-l/Faaaptaaa, otar Monday eveeKg

p •':.,[:K "::••*;• 3 •. • ! " '


- i - • • • T i V i l f

' • • • ' • n i * I ' — — _

CORTLAND STANDARD _ - — r-^TT"- . - . - a " : ,';,•.:_-

Cortland, Tttwtfay. May 2 6 , 1 8 6 8 .

lOCAIi DIRKtTOBY. „ ~-r-

Cortland Pos t Office.

M ( I U A K R I V C

llufraio. Albany, rjymcuae and Northern W a y , — • • -• • *

llrotsiiat . . . . . . ., i I,'. ' . r t i i v i Ithaca, a» , ' • > • • • - - _ • Norwich and Hither, Monday, Wod-

neaday and tfrlilay, at] ' • Ni.rwkn and Pitcher, Tuesday, Thore-

day and Saturday, at -Now York, Boston and Southern Way,

at - . . . V Syrecnee, t h/ougb, null, at •

«Aiia oi/tes: rough Mall Nortbjjrt iitham Way, and Raw

Th Soutl.

ton, at Ithaca, at (Iroton. at

ew York and Hon

Norwich"'and I'ltcher, Monday, Wed-i iaiulav a n d l r r l d a v a t ' . ' .

10:90 A. M. >U»i " 1:00 l \ U.

&(»>'. if.

5:80 "

•:4a •' 1*04 M

B:*> A. at.

tftOO " 10:18 " *>»-.. "

neaday and Friday, rich -

V Irgll, JfatStdaJ,Iratrnjday and tiatu r<lay,


, # • * '

Iff A. JARVW, •'#. i t

1 Tltil^ Table. Train* pat* OorUaptd ttoHon at/tBottf .•_

PtaeeaMr, rostlng aawth, x IMS A. ¥ • - a-** K. M

D o r _ , a - K * f A . M Peaeei 1*18

(1:10 " fiMA-af.

Iruliu on (A* Krit HOUKXIU Itmt lling-atfoBpuii!

W ^ A * & * - * S *• *•••**• *-m

Wiarwaait—At »B4 A. M., 1:80 P. M l\*tt*g*» OalM* on.t/u Xtw York Omtrai B<

Itm* Hyracutt at/oUowt: - . x l .

W « T » » a p - M r « . iftxxf-Ai l * f l A. ¥ . . BtifrA. I t ,

Auburn ~


uo«n» J?«x*-At 8:45 A . a f a j t v F . M., Sunday morotnfc, at * ^ Q £ 7 y , ,6-f .;..

, fc» P. M. . >H«( t.

Takea effect Monday, May ! * , « _ » . . ..!•..„ i i,i, ^TBfW"* t<* •» .1 >t«l8 lift

rTfifliVinl_W d '••>** " k:l • 1'KaaaTTaaiAK-A J, Aaaaau Paaaor—aonth corner •(

rhiiK'h and lUltroad atrouta. Hiuvlroa Story Hun d a y a t l l A . J I . a » * « | - f 7 H . ~ < wf oWTw 5» -

FUmeT ,-t. IKUWw.Paator—northooraerorchur.h aud Kallroad atreeta. _>rrtc*e every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 1H P.Tft ( ~ 7l o> u ,

: ' , i< .««i . i , r V. Af. -tva/to, Paator- cot-oarofohar, Ii WMittm every other Buaday and Kim atreeta.

forenoon and afteneooa.. Ki-isoorat, (I. ft. raaWr, :Pa-a*oi acatth lldaaf Oemrt

•treel, a few atepa eaat of Main atreet. lleMees «»aryHuudajfatlTA.M. and IMP. M.

UaTBODia-r— Jt. 0. CVr.ta, Paator.—Maetlnge are hetd In Ua« baiaaunt of the new Church. fMrvlcea at 11 A.M. and 7K P.M.. . .

CATHOUO-JK U>MWr*< Paator—on* alia eaat of

• » - » -1 •••1 V. ttr otelB. JLrry. Proprletot. Adjoin

tlona aT»»» if***, ttXtee

Yoinm' Mni'a CarMarujt tia»atJTa>it iMaaMsgi on " "n the rooma occu-

l/Faaaptaaa, otar Monday eveeKg e» eraty weak. In the rooma occu-t.(edb/ the Uaoola r^dgaGood ^

qnlrca' itore. »w» « . cp ^ r t =

N o w A d v a r t n a n i e m i . .

l)ry good*T-SiVAFT«« & bvuptHH .,..''

l l T T h e J l e T T. K. BwciiitB, InhUner moil uMimii'iiior.iiiiig tlio dearth of BsrMOva B. I-'AIHMAN, of tlu>. Kliult'rt MtM-luer, -wyn : " Next' to the btUlsKta of pritate banking, of all honorable calling* I reckon tho ocoupa* lion of a poliilcal man or editor the utost porllom tohpniufy,; tylegtity anrf magtt*-nlmlty."

SoMXrnute NKW AM»> pKLioioua.--TThe, Treiujuw TTOY,9 Troches, rtafcuraetorW'-by MeawraA. L. BT/BT A O O . , of New York, aritho mo.il(lolhiouHTroches now in use. There are three" kittds t-^to. 1 onres coughs, colds, croup and asthm% and are certain to allay all Irritations of tho throat, bronchial tubes, or htngs, arising from over-exertion in singing, reading, or speaking. No. 2 con. raiiw iiu> licit kiu,wn remedy for all itowot romplainU. No. 8 arc doalgnwl for tttu relief and cure of »ty.i|)oi>Hia. No fainily should be •vitiumt them, for sale by all druggists,

l ' r to*i»OS«a»pM DO*. ",':.: • -L • ;• W . . H . LlVKRMORK, . ,,

( ' . X ; ;:";.; , Ootteral Agent - • i w h ' i'

County Court P r o o M d l n g . . The May term of tho County Co»rt com-

menced at the Own* M,o«»e yoiUrday mor­ning—A. P. SMITH, County Judge, presiding.

The following cases were brought forward id disposed of: " ^rTWTWW

lly, respondent, ag'st Michael •Haul. Defendant failed to

. -rr;-

and Jc

Slicriditn, John Flannelli

appear Judgment aflinn-jd with coals. Bal-ppe

lard & Wiirrjen for respondent; Michael Bh*rr -Man for -appellant. • ?! J. '. , ' i. O C .

Daniel Jipson, respondent, ag'st Naboth Ackerman, appellant. Judgment afflnrnei} with costs. 8. Kellogg for respondent; Bal> lard & Warren for appellant.

A.1 W-'Wlard A> 00.,'respMhdemt? afst ' Charles Orover, appeJJimAj Judgment re-ver«e<l with costs. Clias. T. Saxton for ap-I H J l l a O t ^ .MI, v, , | . , 1 » . . • u s o » J i r i i J - . 1 l l i S , j , * : u - > v l l i - «

Anthony Morris, appellant, a;;\st Kthau A. Pioroe, respondent. Bubmitted. Miner &

; i & s *ppen*nt: TOisfcifj i a i

E. N. Joaxson. in thnMasonic Hall Block, has just received n new stock of dry goods, ot all klmis, materials, styles and qualities. Oress^Ma^oB the latest patterns, trimmings of the newest styles, Ac., Ac., that can't be beat

L If, aa-ata-,1 MM* '":

, Ch^ntVOYAOTExAMWATWM^FBCka^The lite Dr. PBof lUut wieal^s&tbVV*idelof an invalid was like a prophet inspired. He would read the person turtle would a printed book, and perceive in whether of heart, mind i8Mog»uco<*»a(v»r«u to the gift of clairvoyance. He who first reads and thoroughly understands the hu­man system and Is not confined too much by tides laid down by author*, mid is guided by hit intuition,- ami .Inspiration, will bo tho most successful. Dr. Boir*Wrnfl.ifi asks

of howeVer'MMJ! StafidWg, l

comprehenrtfcbow fc» M im wiseasee\ tfMi«tkr> er nrgiins, and .U-Us you at once If it is cura­ble. Chronic Diarrhoea, Scrofula, old disea­ses of the Stomach, Ltoer, Kidneys, Heart, Throat, Lungs, and .diseases of women and, children have bsW tinted by nun with a*r tonlshlng success. Dr. IiirrtKKnMtD find­ing it impossible to examhie and prescribe fer h r s ' # W l , r r 4 w ' d Aiyi, -wtt, orMllfl,^

ther noUce, 4am^*Ain«TrtfSa9ai lr- C o r - -land, for three days—Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 38th, 2!)th, sloth,, and three days once in two weeks after that

, Tho above is the. titttfof a iM^-traSpeaUT m-.tuvo .YoJtamw.w lcb, ,wa ,hava recantlx.T>ad the plciwtiro of exaihirling. The VollHrU'ir question is nearly n r i n ^ Qron type suffi­ciently large to be easily read, .contains be-(

twrt-n 1100 and 1WD pages; had Ik haiJ4.omi>. ly aud Hulwtautially bound. ,Thle^l j ia js , , of the Bible Is arranged in tho order of* Bonks, Ciinpter* knd^SecttoHS: Theso Aa* tianmetita embrace Ml Hooks, 2^8 Oliaptert,

Mcssrn. OWEN A IVES, dealers ht cabinet fomlture, have b o p b l |ho JnUircst of I. M. 8 B AM AN In the undertaking business, which will hereafter hit connected with their furni­ture trade. ,

Tl*P>fflr , A*\S»¥» % * PParsjhjsVrwot^ rV; nlng i-nii-i i.ilncil a goodly audience at Mes-

. senger Hall In a decidedly agreeable manner. The bell ringing though good, did not show perfection In p r a c t i w . ^ ^ ^ j j i p e J Md g g

i Hn music, and the acting fit character was

Matalltou, fell when ,alighting from liis. wu •. got i, and received a compound fractnro near tine

Kiuse c* TU« SKASON.-—The S t Charles Hotel tables are always supplied with the gisnl things, and especially tho luxuries on time. tt», dinner bill of fore yesterday called for green peas and. strawberries, and they went thore In abundance. Under, the man­agement of Messrs, Clsrk A Bassetl, the St. Charles holds it* high reputation, not only for the lavhhness with which Its tables are provided, but for the neat and tidy condition of the whole house, and the quiet manner In which It isoDiuluoted.—Ah/rreu** iSfcrtktwv.

Hundreds of Cortland county residents, who bare during late years patronised the s t Charles hotel, can heartily echo the above Iustly deserved compliment. Attentive and '"bilging, Messrs. CI.AUK A BASBXTT know how to keep a hotel,—at least to the satlsfac-. lion of people from this direction, as eriden-<e'd by their dally presence In the St Charles dining loom , .

' , . - • . V a j . J t l . - a -FRIBNDS or UvMAVi, PJKHIKICSS.—Tho

Twentieth Yearly' Meeting of the Friends of Human P>qgre<sy latej be hold at the usual place, nosVWanrloo, on Wednesday, Thurs­day *n4-Fjddjy. |ho 3d, 4th and oth days of I une, comftrWuiing at B> o'clock' A. M. Among the speakers announced as expected to be present arte Dr. Lydla A. Strowbridgc, Aaron .M. Powell, i.ucy Stone, Frederick, Douglass, Charles D. B. Mills, Giles B. Steb-bins and fieo. Wl Tayfctt. Mnstc by Joshua Hutchinson. The circular issued by tho Committee contains the following invitation:

"A cordial invitation is extended to all, of whatever name or connection, who are in­terested in the great themes of growth and progress for man, all, especially, who are looking hopefully for the better day of Light and Freedom and brdad human Religion, which we trust la at hand, to be present and join with us lit our delitteiHtlon.s."

The circular states that communications for tho meeting may bo addressed to PIIKBK 11. DKAH, Waterloo. . , ,, . . , .. /


—A new edition of the ''Pocket Time Ta­ble," containing the summer arrangement of passenger traUts^ has been published hud pla red with the Company's Ticket Agents at depot offices for gratuitous distribution to passongsM, Th)s litllo tablet as many ot -bur readers are aware; Is published In a conve­nient tin in so that everybody may be able to • an , a copy in Urn pooket for ready refer­ence ; It contain* a schedule of all tho way and through trains on the road—eastward

each Book gives namo to its subject; tho'tl-Iteot'eitcll Chapter is expressive of all cOn-taliiotl lit that portion of that book, and the ctiptlou of each section develops the pioml nent|dea^pgh»,li)ittMtt:»e«ion,; TW^ft** order carcfttlly pursued tlirtnigliottt tho work.

Iii.llui whole arrangement la found tho Old and New Testaments entire, and no pas­sage is repeated but what the original repeats. Thus the subject once chosen, t horo la no th­ing to do but open the Analysis' bn, ibe. tfy$ required and all the Bible says on each topic is there, and every topic la in, the b no succes­sion of order and conuoctton, followiiur each other to the end of that subject, and all In tiiII text Tho advantages, of this arrange­ment are very great compared ^itu, ptfor Scripture helps. This Analysis is not only superior to a Com-oi'ttimcu, but almost entire­ly superoedef its use; while it has all tho ad­vantages of a Concordance, it has hone of it» disadvantages; while the Concordance tnere-IV refers to passages of Scripture, undet each' df Its tonic*, and thus; subject* ftWe, p W»e (ask of hunting thy Bible through to find foe chapter and verse. The Analysis not Only has a greater number of Bible topics,

tut under each topic, besides giving chapter ad verso, it give* the") full tencof the places

Referred to, so that Instead, qf scarxbli^g the Itil.le for the passages yon want, tltcy nto all (Inthoilied belore you. Hence as nothing is gained while searching tor a passage of Seiiplure, the-student or general reader saves both tlme-'end pa'tietree' for the Important fork, of muling and reflection by having at hi* allow A copy of "Tho Complete Analy­sis of tho Holy Biblo." <,; -. A) J'l'

Thg compiler of this truly valuable work, the learned Nathaniel West, D. I)., wo are luformed, has been nearly fifteen years in Completing this volume. Tho work is pub­lished by that onergetyc. and, able Dubrfffocr. A. J. Johnson, of Now York, tiie author arid) publisher of Jj Johnson's New' Illustrated Family Atlas of tho World, and the publish­er of other valuable. worits. That j>ur readj ; cis may sec the estimation In which Oils Work Is held by those who have carefully examined It, we append tho following rec­ommendations: , . I The Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible >y Rev. Nathaniel West, D. D., Is a very val­uable work, .bearing evidence of groat, pn-ient and exhaustive research. It is system-ideally arranged with labulai- Indexes of lubji-ets, and will be foond'exceedingly con­venient in tho study of the sacred word. It Is the veiy best work of the- kind that has ever been published. Sabbath school teach­ers will find tt lu\aJunblo | also, ^vaJ»chri»» tlans who desire to food upon the word Hint they may grow thereby, comparing spiritual tilings with spiritual. The Bible studied un­der die enlightening influence of the Holy

Pastor of Presbyterian Church. Cortland, N. Y., May 80,1868.

I have the Bible Analysis and esteem it HI MCA. Its perfection in index lays every sub­ject before yon. It Is the Bible arranged and compiled lu subjects. It is very valuable, en­abling you to read all It says on any subject in connection. It is also a great saving of time in collecting proof texts.

A. W I I . K I N S ,

Pastor of Baptist Church. I have the work and concur in the abovo

recommendations. ' K. C. CURTIS, Pastor M. B. Churchy ^

In short, the work cannot be too highly recommended, and we must say that consid­ering the amount of labor expended in its compilation, and.It* stylo aud magnitude, the prieii la quite moderate, and In fact of no moment compared with Its gnat value as a book of dally use.


it but oi

OSRTBJHsrjur t<$mm¥.WMMAm>.^\w&mc$y Maimine, mm.

> of tb« ankle Joints, and a dislocation ofl tjhonilrVe? W+. M.ra affairs' in otifet* filaeetf a^m^^^MkWOaSS^Ji whe^hftbarikbWrtlocated: ' Wound and Mr. D. is doing well.

The peopV<# MMWaVoi are Agitating the

nlug, held for the purpose of taking the pic nmlnaryTfape,rttes*a»B«4»*^ reipiested to oorreapond with the Bank Su-pcrrutsnaenti and aecertaln ^haiprttcoedlhg* -are neci«sary to effect the desired object. ! Homer and Marathon have shown a little

rivalry: oPkM aVsHW Aa^r'BlTbaaUBV^s. Believing the editors of the Ltader and Re­publican to be truthful, we n\mt.!dAiMlHd«

*A*rtsayL .. an egg laid by a Itiahina lien, measuring 8% niches one way and 1 Yt inches the oilier, and *e lghln | J U onnces. The leader sayathat |!lder l » w * M s ^ g » A o V raUeVWiI'Mer'B hen's egg—measured ,79£ by 6 Inches, and w e i g h e d o u ' ^ ^ was a pullet, and only nine months old at foitft ^ik4W;)*wa<i«ifc¥fo>'u*w)wv#Hr' When (deter to compete successfolly with the Homer hen. What waa eurions 'MReMhfig

heegg ZmnSm&mw^mts one of flie oWlrfaW"sfte Butt forloSttoirwas' found on the ins l^ . betaoen, which and the

amount of albnHkeao- stMOhawAH

east of Chamberlain, Smith A Co.'s foundry, WMereWftt to'W Irtep fully s'appHed wltli

brkn.atfoelowasf.cAsJjrrrice ,/ ktably '^WBTl

f-i1.!!.".. — —

I H. ^l^iilwill ltv^aWiaXru,^- ' Tho efforts of some of the creditors of H.

J. MKSSKNOKR to get ahead of othero, by commencing actions and issuing attachments, ha»lpWrhp\eKfl others' te nullity tfieta K i « 4 ' foe^Jtrtypirow tho estate under tho Bank-,

pi o vision a of which stop these suits, ami (tissolvc the attach.neiits, and inr ko eqn^ dfstribtttton.' '• : '

On- the. 20th instant a petition in itank-rup>«y ^Jri ipenl iMfo *<* Vftl^C '$#*. ' . Court in Buffalo, and an injunction granted staying, all other, proceedings, and - fu it I te r smwrarM'fcMng'ia&n.to pWe •tpe;#%.r%-; der the dominion of' the Bsnkrnpf'aki*. >**)' •>;

The following extracts w u l a h W u a ^

, ..frq^'th^foHiafr^'l^i^t,

oSw$M&«ffi<><imlEr.V7&V. The suspension of theiBank qfiOapton, an­

nounced by" us lart Week, AkB proved likely J> be serious shd pertbaTrent' Xwcorrcspou-

ent in New York, H. J. Messenger, with whom It bad largo deposits, foiled an, Tues­day m o r n t t f , i ^ % t n 7 ^ h e J i f e l t M d for-jvar<" Tei

' ""'aaWvdays r. Conso-I Mr. Mes-

drafts wblo* it' before the fallpro of Mr. quontly, when, rumop ,ca wnKfir, who w^^known „ stocTthoIdirbf^eBahk.aiid In from tlte depositors wH Uarfie1,lM0Ot%Tll from Mr. Messenger,, business, the Cashier, «... . to oloso tho doowi antf «Hm

The crodltors prompt!

last week's STANDAJBJ^ mad p tholr appear­ance In our streets, each driving a span of h a n d s o f t m r s V afi 9%M8B? ttie^Mo­ments by simply waving a ,#lupl > laa'<tne>y passed along, going through tyttrkfottevolu-llons, and preceded by a, brass, band drawn by four hoisw,,a bear.belpg perched over the

" flrlver'a W^a. large crowd gathered to wit­ness' tho rare and pleasing spectacle, tlte lar-

, , „ „ „ „ „ .,. , . ,„.. i, .„, ,„ *„, ,™, ,„„,(,„,,„, , $er part of wnfcn~eittered Meesrs R A H.'s auil'artdgethteraipia '8ect^ofts.:, T*fc Utio of1! pavilion, aud witnessed the performances of

some of the best trained animals we'have' ever seen.

D. BARKtfk has lafclj^ itaftei »omd Ixcel-lontstereascojjic vle^^o^ some, of om pub Hit buildings, tlio leaves of tho surrounding trees Just putting foHfi, giving a beautiful effect^tbout.sbarJlqg to(any,ex$ept tl>e yjpyy

Eroper. - It seems to us that those who hayo leasant grounds and fine houses should take'

advantage of this, croaijaudbeautlful wpjilier to.lwve vjlew*,Mak,en of ^uflh. „, h»,w((fwx» »v .i

Theri CieA^ef J3«etee tttet'^d»y;aga4*'to. receive applications, for liquor''Ucuusesj and'

We learn that our young friend, TIVMAN h. >VA«n«»', has fonriea a law coparthersliip In 8yY*ch^ Wifo Mt. '#M. H> SHirM^rAtS'weill known as a fong-tlmo resident of Oswego. The office of the new firm Is at SO Mouth Ha -

fair way to succeed well in" his pro'ffiBslon". Dr. II. A. llot.i.KH, who, as our readers are

aware, has with his wife been in the medical lecture i^^'^MikH" H W f e W ' to Cortland last week, and while here gave to Mr. T. ALIJCORT, master builder, a con­tract to build a handsome and spacious resi­dence on tho site of his present dwelling, which ho will make into two tenement hous­es, and remove thorn to Venotte street The new dwelling will not bo occupied until next spring when we understand It to bo tho Doc­tor's intention to drop his erratic lecturing career and once inont rcsiuito at borne tho practice of his profession. The Doctor ad­ded sovoral'treeetojRhp[yo/Wgvpark adjoin­ing his house, in tho center of which bo in­tends foe place Ids ofuee.

To-day Is the first pleasant one we have experienced in this section for ovor a woek, rain having fallen almost constantly during that time. We do not, however, expect more than another such pleasant day before expe­riencing a return to first fluid principles.

• H 11 C » » • * l i i | > | | | 1, «,

Surrogate's Court. 3RR A, P. SMITH, 8URBOOATK.

to tho I * tl.O

t i l l

Oh Jfeldsrjg Mfttfewflrttlktfcf, «er»tenriiapW rf . ^ P a ^ W . f t f Mr Moft I mndu n general assignmenl

~ oi», and domanded of

^tfon^to to surrender, olwetving that tisim olllcer of |hb Batik,-It was'M* dlity to Bee'tlfot W W -iierty wag applied to the payment ot Its 'as applied

.'and ihttt If fhotiid bo Other puipos« ffl«WVl*l,:*!*


% •

initios.-.: XatitptBaMfentiv ef were In baiiR.oan pay Its oiodUo,rao,\;ei- flfjy.npr.cowt.-, and If, us is stated, Mr. Messenger is able to

assets show that tho

comprom the creilii

esgengor . iMikofOantdn wfll' lose

tlt»« orH no»a«ng. > • tt <> f\ A I «i • sjoDfrVrn r?.).\i.


De^pJ?ed HbyeUeltj; 'Horse of Gibson, tho Sculptor; 1

ftmsi KngllHli Hotels)

MB and that lathe

1 tlte Wilcox A

Olbbs. So long ago a* 1801, the Rev. A. T. Pratt,

missionary of the American Board, writing to Mr. Willcox, says: " I have now had one

chines fo

It u l/u ONLY tmttnineidiimuork-

and westward mdlcrtUis their stoppln*: pfo-,, f f X 0 " ' » « c h ' n 0 » f o ' '^t'^a^8' ^ d \ m

ees and leaving time, shows What drains run " «*0y »».»h»nk you for j M » t f l f * them to dally,, these that omit a Sunday or Monday 'tip, those that make extra stops, Ac., Ac. In addition to ail thU it contains an an-nouncement entitled "Good News for Kx-eurslontsta," an article which will be of in­terest to all who contemplate making excur­sions durlni; the summer season—the Erie Kail way Company having arranged to sell round trip lirie/t at rfrtueal fn>v* to excursion pwrttes.

Call at- tna Dapbt Oafcwi and'*t»cure.:at copy of the "Pocket Tttle TaWe."

FHUIT TBEW).—A J"W fW* excellent aa-sortmsBt of fruH and ornamental trees, flow­ers, shrubs, small fruits, A c , Ac , for sale on reasonable te«ai»-~eortter of Tompkins and <»wego street* Call and see.

Jr^L-at**#''Hoii^*;'Ci*A1tY A Co. |

the public ing u to ture and ttuwte that I couUI venture to introduce it in frrto* ^* v

I A I M • ' » » »

ftsii IBSTATB,—I desire to hire a good house for tlie next year, I have for tale three desirable new dwelling lunKH, one form of forty acres, good buildings, one tract of six acres, and building tote at tk* erjqav ration, and ten acres, good buildings, and thirty-five acres of choice land, lying just beyond cerporatton limits. Also, a form of ISO acres in Freetown. Terms, in all case*, easy. nM ' AarmrR HOUKS.

D A I U I U k A* X . Damn II , D U r t A V U A i m .

i f A f f o . - f n ' U e U a t t e f ' o f & o lasi1^nl and testament of Simmons Warren, of Solon, docoased. Objcctlobs withdrawn and will admitted to probate. Letters testamentary issuedWNknah -#srY*nA/P StAott.^ * ' -- MAY 10.—In the matter of the final ac­counting of executor of Kll Hhcrtnim, of Ho-pier, deceased'. Hearing of evidence on final settlement continued two days and adjourned u4tll*J.»«jW; at-JOlA...*. , T -\ ,«,, 'A- 'A [, '.

In the matter of the estate of Albert J. Bpencer, of Marathon, deceased. Petition of executor for final settlement filed and ci­tations Issued returnable June 8th, at 10 A. M. 1 In the matter of the last will and testament of George Powers, of Cuylor, deceused. Pe­tition of Nancy Maria Gibson, a legatee, fil­ed, and citations to prove will Issued return­able J11 no 15th. at 10 A. M.

MAY 2,1. In the matter of the estate of Hansford II Bates, of Homer, deceased. Fi­nal accounting of the executor had and final dlstribuflohtaMe! ' ' ' '*' ''

In the matter of the guardianship of At-Vah S. Bowdtah and Albert W. Bowdlsh.

J% Thf^jj),. apict; Iiightlnij

me J

ity o f T i m t-Two Families, - by; i^Theophiie GautUnv-

Mlss K. F;

igntuig by Oxygen.! elan Notes;! The Llttio Fair Soul. .- "•• •

MAiiAiirhas'lt: " ' ..,*"".'*. %%$ T"!

The Atlantic. Monthly for Juno, has tho fol­lowing contents: Bounty of'Trees, by Wil­son. 1 n*j WlUl^nj Artist, by W&to BAWQJA t. c^am dows, by Bayard Taylor; - The- Tain

aud King Theodore, by 04 Heyaitdaf Discovery of Kthbriisationi by Joseph Hale lWwW? sPi#5P?|Sf ams HtllfiVIX, by Goo. B. Waling ;TltrUt, Lowell; Reviews and Literary Notices.

AtMAHA^r3oj»fstoJhf. ( ) } [ Our Young Folkt for June, hag the follow-

; Mrs. Poterkln Wishes to Go to Drive, Lucrotla P. Hide; Grass, by Mrs. A. M.

ells; The Story of the Groat Charter, by J.- If. A. Bono, with an illustration, by. W. .1. HonnesBy; The Wrens of North AmericA, with, three IHustratfon*.by J. N.Hyde j;Wll-,' llam Henry's Letters to Ills Grandrhothor—V, by Mrs. A. M. Din/,, with an Illustration; Watching tlicCrows. fy J. T. TrowbridttQ, with a full page Illustration; About the

_ _ _ _ _ ' " • ' • • . 1 •

; mmjRti(0mM*M<to*tes*9 $tf»mot die eTANDAito, who to fond of poetry, will mora that)'once pcrnso, tba follow fog eweot »ndcharn^gsoi.gby'afoV6rite<«nti+lmtor:

TH«%OHQ <iXM*$*OOK. t had my birth from tho breast of earth, j At the foot of a sloping bill, And the violets blue, J»y niy Bide that grow, i Are haunting my niomory slill. How each bent its orost to my crystal breast, i And the sky inlrror^^e^iPfotclied their

While their fragrance they gave to each *H-

And murmured, <*^b>Mi«t^t, be true I"

t was pleasant to rest with tboxe heads ou my breast, •*"!''' ""''

£t)A th,a;«tar* po|pfiig dbff^'fcofo. m'tiap„ i A»;t»iey ^ i s r ^ ^ ' d a y . - t o ' f o s M ; tte»«-'' . avt.oojioms way»..,-.i •••• / .-1.: !u'[jii;i j I «W,"br.i6-l«t, Hfear , | i ! t # r V ^ l f r t

Jut I waitBere«,«>|lay;,;;|^;ij^r^^ day, Through wild gr«.an«;fekrfre*y iern,

\ ml I thought " wiieni ftiai-i'imt iifoltl draw-_SjiL_t<'''ri:l 'all ••'•"'"it ei tin* -. iV ew near,, .„ i,, ...,„;,-. „,.,..,.,.,... ,.,-

Oh, Uteni can qulokly rttuvj**; •• • •' rVhen thejabadows grew long, and the wild

blrd'fl,*oiuj.: ,,,1 „„, |,,m jV;;,., ,„.., Grew fointer, avolcKrtetdto'me, •'"

' Thou -—it nevor go back, 1 on thy silvery i „ « l , •• ->.':'i.Nvi»i'f'i!H.v i l . l ' v . ' . i . i traaBj,^,,. ,| ...ft «,i,iil» 1 ,.,li,r,| „i..,,|l

But forever be seeking Mie «_.'• •' '*

1 >'AW A_r> -Wilt!-' y.J.K d/i.UIV.lilT k

ow Into the sun, 1;..-.-,,. ,-.,-.;

All fo«-rad^itday lsM<legaily awAy, 1 ;i../

But alas! I can never return, y. .'»..,(„[,:•,«, , i" ii.>l)nirwi|ii n« -«rt iiiuMl-iril linw il.m Imu .'iM!

1 -aii •"•'rtaae*!'1' .iii-'i...-.!n:ii.'>i-iuiiii'•> <' I*.I..III.H • ^Jaer«efe :bU-»om aW'gUw,,; h a * $klffleyWWiibtitoMK'aWdffoilr eyWlilft,3

! -'i-jqa ••itikm*'"'"' "'•• >'< >!ii<ii--''-'.ili| to a|i.-,UIIU/U As'thoso which i . i s c l to know.

, And howfor tholr fmgiai.co I yearn; .

! AAHSnji'mi 'ca'n ioirlnitt: ' ' ' ' ' 3'!!*

Tin'. ANNUAi. MKK'I-INO of tbu stockliold

e»iQir,tt,o.mvko tloal M&Mnlng: Co,, foi'.',' W19 electipR o( offf.ce rs.ap^t^nsApt^g o.th*); business, will be i held at the house of IX .1.

pn^o'clockiPiM.: •.". v f l!Fosiw»,'Wo.X;i'',l;l

Dateaiftjid^ieoU-.* • i'.-'.| u!-i0i/W»»»t,.'/l >9f'-.in.il l»l« aialimt- '


New Adv«rtiii«mettt8. rv:ii.;.r.*.ih'dii'Li| mU jniiht:.i(.n I1M- ..»fl*

o M niii f>w


;il t*fi I


H'irttA. Q-Too&nes & Provisions



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vTUl-.l: %,l


.irow/ • • i H i "


Mtft'-rtOiA Smith J . 11

-o« tt/s

•bholce Groceries a_t«'lW' . f '^ i iw-^ ' i 'mtWlatMi •* "iJlf>" IU:M *

Xver bfougnt info tllf« martef, eeii.„Ui« In r-U of

Fhifl!0_nti6Wflef •** ' ' '"''l'i" ^ * yH'

«'/)>l-|..y WiY* -"l»J_p84|i»_ta''' • !'!' ! ooo,oo6fiA u: M-i/o.i "BlMik fitfM,

i -ofi I'Mj fioo<0Wf1HN j»».Mrt oifi ti- fun

' h ) I U S_m •"•<" I vilt 'jlqo-n| JjtiH nl^tioift tUt j fepipf^ '

: <<ni j'-itofi x,)'fi_iU)i^Wn>-'M,t*',,"t0','>-;'

i>R•_J^lSB^^AW• H'_if> «*• ni «" 8<«'( -, i)«x-ito! «lvYM»"l w«^^>1t (jttlA1W(I|jl•

B U T T E R , 0______HI__ii,', * & ASilTONand IXYltAiWKK 1>A1-j u« QJ JthilSmff9-*iifiXn >•• f>i*'-;' M,*i'ii I3ut+ex> 'ttQ-m M M .-.iu. f.l

»7„il I <7..n---una.til WiKfctomk. WOO10KH 41s*.WILLOW.WARE,

onuon i^« tri 4rlV»V/4rwVI OH/»I-I(1 aiiT

(Wrtateok UtargS - ~ ii^i-laartikant coioiaetf.' ^

iml) ftuyoHfi "w-Sf* .iiwur/olqiua 1.

,-i'.>r (lojiFtf iXaiiiif jtiF.nvi jul

'UBQU tyiku Mnjaoiuoauorfl. A W » _ j ^

Vo. :i n« uioi liitnii, t»ijr! And bo convinced. Yifn wIllHiiillioroKe.ai.plcloss-tortmont .of every thing pertalalog. to thedaygoodi fo_«, sura as, 11 sr rrwofla lunt ftojfon

C L O T H S , G A S B I M E K K W , VHBNWIamllltnjlUHiPJ

oat,liimj_ 'ifl^ia, tttr/»_<iJ,<i'jJ> HA .G * ,»oa eidt 1c - I ;JU(W 'Tjuio !imii -nit J.

> Jutt ntSrcbaaedat the r*<yut panlo price. l„ New |0*)!> l.:V)Jj.'.K-|<| J;(r/; JT.,fi>.f?,; .jv;-.i ll>»f i



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OW><KD sowlag Machlao*

Hlghert Pmnitnnattlip World'. Kair la Ihondoii, id are celebrated for' nitiig a rntrcli amaller ueodle

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7»j;:> } l ( l

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.'J-.',«-||i:-lli 00(

ti'tn^iiitri ii


ostcr, with Mfccoiai

Illustration ; Iti _?

iiv", -.. r*et\6tta^ BaWftloTo;'''RbuAtt' th'o .lyeiitM Lftinp. wlfo Mtf iUustVotlonjl, frpih Icsigns by CoircspoiHlonts; Our Letter Box,

- . :A'U.« m.

siii ' j. '. ..a M , u^Vaa

CANADA.—Some fine shades of Canada Gray Casslmeree, and also a good aasorlm«n| of Cloths and Casslmere* at prices as low as b e M W r e * ^ 9 a * % e M b « « * « « * » * » « Gene BrO%',. ,,, ..jU^p.liiiK *Tr"i'

A n n u a l Horea Fair. The tenth annual exhibition and sale of

horsea ofthe Cflrtiand. CjOMtr Aaileultural S o c » # Wl%eTellfoJ m F i r g N u l * f»-tween Homer and Cortland, on Tuesday and W e d n e e d a ^ ^ J u n ^ ^ ^ , ^

The following Is the order of arrangements: Tuetdajr— General exhibition of stallions,

colts and single horses in the forenoon. At B o'clock P. M„ exhibition in trotting of four-

wlflOlffMhAJMW TOttTT TTT lime to be fixed by committee. First premi­um, | 8 0 ; second, $90. At 8 o'clock, trotting of matched horses, mile heats, best two In

premium, | M ; tocoi^^. , rrWw«*foy—Exhibition of matched team* under all classes at 10 o'clock A. M. At 9 o'clock P. M., trotting m harness of five-year olds, mile heals, best three In five; time re­quired, two minutes and fifty seconds. At 8 o'clock P, aft, Wttirig i t - manes* on time, best three in five; time required, two min­utes and thirty-seven seconds. Purse, (800; IIist premium, f!()0; second, f;t); third, $80. ; Single admission, 85 cento. For carriage imd( With single tlckots,) 50 cent

C&xr* of flj toftoteFt

), by Mm-garot T. Canity, w|tll^uji|ljstratlpn.; MljajCr-rJI. CJdldruu So|- ;

K: Design* With ait Illustration.

MAIIAN him it. Jt^klAlM MA' a l ^ t t v e d w i ^ ""ii

opens with tin Illustrated- article on "Look, out Mountain add h ' f - i l M " : ! ! * ' Is n eolillinmtioii of: tl\'o admirablp war sketches. Mr. Squior's Ubwtratod" paper, "Anton*.the A«Wles of. Peruarijr B»H¥la, -

rich with, !a<ocot)ots oLfte.AMi of the reign of the Incas. Pro!

Ciriiishos a very interesting illustrated article u,"8hooting Sfors, poto#tlM'Meteor4aiiil.

Aerolites." An article on "Tho Baltimore Plot t« Assttsslnato Abrahiun Lincoln" gives nor»>»fi -tlie seoret ktolfrrnt that plat v ton las ever before been published. "Willy's

dom," "Kngllsh Photograph* by an Ameri­can," are among tho other enter! iiketches. There Is one article of peculiar utmost to.tlw I)adie»,:Oiv ''Vypwanfi* dtoafttya) tlow to Got and Keep It," giving recipes and llrcctlons which the ladies will not fail to

study. At MAHAN'S took store.

mM.iWM; t'mmto Mtifotom, May HOtb, at ten o'clock A, M., the western pol.t^.of^ta.' itoi^^ G^utid, Jfli'^^hWf (^\!o^,:; :Tj|r)ja^e;.: fourth cash t baliuice,oneyoar's ciodit on up

Mftm ,; .U^EH^TKR!...., 9' ^j^tife; A ^ ^ y I :•••'••'.' '^•W<i'-' MiiADKH.-Vhey have lltoso beautiful sliadcs

of Moae»,Ja,v,efolor. rafy»fti|fe, ttt;drc^ gooid*, t\t-'|^»iw.Brg*/U ..1^ - :. , m ni

PMOT«0^,,8v^YKYp^j-^,t^osp w$|ijh# to have farms surveycd, the 'undersigned would say'rh'a'f ho is piepitrecl to""cl6 *ucU

W<*k'# M M ^ " ttfa'fflrW^lflri' Orwlse. - ,_i...'C -.i ,..--; ,i.>.:-avHi.Ji»plfi

Itfctlra'w'vilio^ Y: *' ':; !rf*te ,-„H -•• •• ifrn ii a«»a I'.ii'.Kl -•'• '" »n«-i v; il

, Main street, Cortland. 88tf

Remedy'for. < w W < l ! ^ » l k :'-0ro«ft,,,wJwop-Ing Cough and Consumption, Both s izes -ordinary 4e».:; also mammoth family Wttles —for sale by all druggists and dealers In inodUMnes.'•/N«-«miIy?niolfltl bedv«r night wltlioutitWflfobfttis^,' .','',,"' . ""IRT''

*Y. J_' ill"»aj«ili« i :, • , . I.I !.-..; HiiRK'i'i N<M, shirtings, bleach goods—all the


~*t* PiowKUS. ornaniohts. rltibo'ns, . &c, all Of the latest 'styles, at Uie 'Mlljih.



Rooms of Mrs. L. BRNKIMCT/, Io Sehermor-liorn Block,.' She keeps hatu, bonnets, jock­eys, hti#Mt»ps, hid*^^bfoia»,,<(oi^,MMm, Blenching Md pressing satisfactorily d o m

" " » • » » •' " ' • ' ' '

LAi>'K»-Hio.. to Mibia & W A B B E N ^ and,

them. • m>. • "40tt • •••

SAVi« Y<4k' WONKY and buy standard A Hiigiu- at 18 75 cts.; ben

111 « . • » " . ' I »»111" '• " < l - l t - J >

HOMK GmuiA«u*_-o-Tne bust thmg-of the

New,Castle soda at 10cw, lor

M^^cuR'r: Jr.' .v',«r4"; ' i l a , » a i n , ' i »« i n " '• I J < I 8 I - I ,

awAHioAt.- -Tho best tbing-saVthe kind InexUfoncclsfi^coi^'s,hqnio .gymnasi­um. Cheap) quickly "arranged, durable, orn­amental, asr well a* usoful, It to an^vtiole^t many ought to posscMs, especially (hoso fol-lowlng scdoidary.occupations. By calling at this ofltoei;0»tft'c» be eeon and iho vntofnqr of using explained, . . . .'.< • •»


H» s*

« odT i.rrie. iiok'a'IftiUbrte^1"'' !: "" [-,tt? Mtw .JiuiulHI i OabtaCklvtat I -l.:Htq*;rr|foM^le»H|pWM!f?s!il3 I X


0*^d;''_'iy»«,'tt*&^^ ,^ ft1

ii, i ill m m IIMILJJLI

Mi.Atr'eiin J:, Miiimn

a - - » f |

i T a ^ V I & L f i M * ' «WI1M»Y f •>•! nf.tiii«;:|i'A--mil in p_B|__ *\:tf\):

ByracHBO, Winghainton t«ul - N«w i i/t-wi-ji. /Tor^iRf t t twajrv- : , {,, , , . , . . i ! ; ' sbttMah'AttltANdSriiiiBirt'* " ' ' ' ''»J

toPI,ll,«lt.l,.l.|,i,.)laUb.,oiv. ,,.,,,,, v,s , , , . ; _,,;.';

Vork',' (via #de JWI«r«,)i *6. w t ,H> Winir», jfolfv'

I l . i i>^gAflJ WW j On and aftor Monday, Kay 11th, 1

A* Xulliiws, (KitiiduyH v*.'*l>t.:(l):

LJBAVB 8YKA0l}fa^ 8.0Q A. M.—Connecting at Blnvhamton will. Kainosa

Train on the Krlo Itallwiiy, for Mew York

IlUiHhaiiit.in Wltli utiKi-

i, .; Wow YPr*W''Wuextmornln|,>/l[.1 . IJBAVJK BINOHAM'^ON;

1*1 A! M.-Wtirioictintf wltft the MaVrea'itraius'ea-'' '-' - " ' . f c ^ ^ l ' W V W t i i W »»*


t ml lis win run •!•>?«•* - J ' U '

^Minsw^wm, irojgh tlcketa to- Now'Y'ork.

inure, Klntlfa, Corning, ***< Onlco of,wm. 0. Ittayfiiti, nortbeule bf the Central'BaUway Uapot.' <and at the TWtot Oi per of Onondaga utul cllnf l.it.»i ntrcota

i ' H A V K N , /


/if li<f|i(>!)ii l!« D I U I (Dm lift h o L v o v -iui:;.ii ion 'fjWVtsW'jir ' "'• *"'li~ . ''•'

1 0 '

' hllA ,v|f>VlJ

mini/.i VIIM (low j,i;j«i

,^li>vlj-l -ije^l i >l?'ifO'->- fiiA- r.i ( i t to tt-m jiiim a ta _**>' dbaa-My, __i una Uiv-»

<J (HlOiUaOill 'to lloi.'l.ll 't • ?'loi.hi||fv-,i __«_<- , III - I ,iivr<t| ,-,' ||^>|/

« „-! »wrt 'rrnriTi jiijrfi T»,T»i r )*f in

. ji.>i.i«Lti>9*i htui«">1UY,*i7f«l'i<J !#i!s,>J:v in W a m « ^ « ^ fff|j<f(^f..|^.J^.)ia]>

€5"!t*;"<!> !tfr»^_»'_09_W1 ' l i .'tir.\" ••::ii ill OtiJ i i ' | tflldjj t (ii n en

\V«.rtakea'at.c«I.Uy. ImAoHlAJr'« HrV4*tfre> &&< nicrii bailor hargalna than auy liouae waar of Now V&MF ifvelaWA'J^alfckW'rTTi ->

•>!i. ; , !!• n ! ! ' . : • ' -• .-.ii- , ' •; I l >ii.i


mda, wltKaUk, o ullt,:tax*.r,erkl

^ Mactilnn at OAKaiaox'a Bi» Ordera by i.iatl will rocelva prompt atUb-

CaH and ice tli|s> Machine at (lAKaiaox'a Brocs aa5hKr

in i S - '

ft l l

irm,ij HI w..Ai_g_ti»_vf«tiu_*1.i i l> jjll^U.lMJ»WlM>»,y F>j,.;;|

^ t aiH&"> -i t Ml<*(Aiia ••{itU firrfwrrtil rjoMd^Ja ,<.iiut

noooia/tV_,OairTJ_ftiOI_twi in Ati^i-., Xfim>l^minkHimkrk»Trf^b\ii<iU I-

• -•(u..nMi V * q « a U « • ! t k j . . „ . , . . l»^>^1»»«WlW%t»^rr>fWrim^'Wv, ,-,.,

V X « « l t#r«i)<OHHi/' l .na, ,c-,7

i o •«[ iljtili- frtiio!-)



JEW' I KMitAI! it

i n d l h . y i . o n c ; ; fo8aTt«n_fi-f«Mta« "W-J.'-fJ

! oi ;">il 'Y'A««f- ,U-il l '4' l '_ .t/.-il) rvaw

,Ht i . / t . .Uiaf . , . . .

'Jthimm year fertadatraAi.- Hbwiaa/ i>*ii> \(\A

iiOiiifxiiy | . » » i


.mmv i -^ • ( . . s - i i . tjeveryt-Bi- pertttato* fo th* CROCK-

*h >'•!' ii..n:i 1'iui s-:;. '.i < i M| .1 . ' > . ' „ 1 ^ : i , i . l " K'o >l • i l l - ' i l i . n i i l O l i l >

4 s r o « « r i « H < » r \ l l k l i i i l H ! . /1-jKll

NAILS, WlNDO^, Aal^Aas,, TWB^ aad, J^Q^INS,

I > ,.;. I .il yift no '" i UIIIJJ." -TpatthaVtWlfon. -lin •

Agbmf^,n Dairy Salt,

At wholesale and r»Uttr_». f*#» OAIX aad 8KB US.

in Oil* ,»)ii h.j'ii ajn nin

J -j II I.

. ,t-iv,-.K> | | i V f » » H H _ l f l it'-iora

HAVKNB - H t c k B At the residence of Daniel Reae, May 90tb, by the.Rev; 4 S>


nt, A. i, B . I I VVl- l CHAMBitKi.AiN j " Secretary,

Treasurer, M. L. W-aa.

Q l ^ ^ m e X f A a t ^ ^ m y t t ^ o f A ^ i n g e -ments, CHA* C. TAYLOR, W. A. Boras; nr"rri\)»iWWlKf llllf ll'l Je_M P. HART; Mwj^Jfc<^*»HAYMBs, I. W. BROWN.

1'iiosi; new goods arc 'constantly arriving at Si.Afi-Ki'i & HUMNKK'H. (lite of said firm Is in the city piuchasbig and sending home bargains in the way of dress goods, of all styfoa, and deso^ip^qna.-^»^ln^, Poplins, Al^ paces, Grenadines',' French Cambrics, Orgmi-dles, Ac., &c. Also Jamis Beck's celebrated Cable Skirts, cheaper than the cheapest; a good thirty-spring Hklrt at 75 cents; young Indies' walking SkirlM at $ I.(HI, and every, thing else equally low. Call and see them. I - — • — » • • —

To PRINTBRS.-—Wanted, at this office, a IJIHHI Job printer. To HUCn A one, applying immediately, a permanent si tun! ton is offered,

April tth, 1868;'"

A PINE lmo of P#r»*oto, Thread Lace Col­lars, Fringe*, Gitups, Buttons, S,tampod Yokes, Laces, &o,, are now on,_display at TANNER Bros,'; , u[ .... ',- ,'r'-., ,-]y , v ,. 1< )Sj

" ' l » ' • i

T(lMQi»M-+m U J. F)ttfca»A4ii)(lp|j tho firm of FimtoJBRAjwi * i FaaflueOM, ha* just tol.iuictl from New York with A large Stock of boots and shoes, for spring and sum-iner wear, Which Witt Da sold as low Si any house In Mew York Slate, and lower than any house in Cortland county. Messrs. F. & F. buy tho foist goods in nmrkot and sell them ut reasonable piicco. t)ur readers Would do well to call ami examine their •lock before nm-cttwuig cM*h?ro, m m m

A c K l t W M l O i l ' l l I ' l l O i ' l l l l l t A P l i ( i A i . l . K i c v

A new patent multiplying cantora for eem*. Four ^vLww'; w . . ' . . . . . : . ' .V^.W 76

SixteL^carded;for.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. l 88 Improve appai^Ws fdr copying old pic­

tures. VI t HCfi

graphs finished In water colors and Indian Ink;from $1JWI to |lrL8aV,5*-( L^ul »i'i *11

May.'»$it:*W8*i • I i n m w t/*-j f.tK4*


i. -,..' i ,ti.ti ft.!i.'-i 'fit. . h i m ! M ii

fc'LrWe'York.Itt the town of u ^A:«I$i!#A.wlifti:or

tlio d7th,year, of her *•' ' •',yr<'";;!.:!',

She was anative ef fjfsego oodnty, in th is •. Stot , w>*W»h |jpent.lier early Wfo^a(tva»:;

married to Mr. Perkins in 182*. 'i'he follow­ing year they, removed ita CortWnd county. They 'twere Sfoj'ocelVecX'lntp,,the foliaw?*hip of the Baptist Church tu Virgil and baptised in 1886 v V^4^eW(^i ta s Hvc4a T^nstotent christian VffVM):: foe day qf her tfoath. She was ai\ «tys rtikdy to drop a, WoM lh foe oAr of some, one about her precious Savior, Her hopo secliied »living hopo, sure and1 stead­fast. For sevefftl years of; tho ' itist o f her life she wa*i^great »u,fferer until her nafore was worn out. She twre all her affliction with a patiejlce becoming a christiau.-r-ofteu expressuH; a^desire t^.^depsrt # id lie with Christ, which Is far better." Her last hours were extremely happy and fo^I pf heavenly piospect. An-'afflicted husband and large circle Of f r^ds moum her depairture, ; " ..'

A sermon was prcnebed at her fi moral by' Rev. iA,-,W)J|foi Atini ti»e,'toxt^.''*X mi. earthly house were dissolved, &-<:., wo bate

Whipnherr^ajngj^un^gt (^ t|^0 boauttfol Mmetery at {some*, -io* m " wn*fn .<• '-..i.n!»'ii

II III - f ^ - ' i r i l i if.nl illll wi MUfl__A->'.

B.8S J».iH> Wa> fff l«h|, <K.)ml,ly, eX.-.W.t...l.) ,, > I

7,M:;I; m^MS^tM^^ud^y

: A

,,II ^iiiuWit ini.fi. I.AA i«*»a » m.i, .- ^T-TT-r

ia __ '!" M'WI. ' tV' i fWnttW 'II:.

I •"" \.2!i^P W-'1' •»*-*• -:-.' '•>« l~»<<*

wsss BOOB to be-1 and

verpl wl«n to pnrcht ware than liaa tlmua tho Atlwhou ton, thimbles,

Iv.ir-i.laliHl warw) a Iwretofore beon kept for aalo,—tbnki

f ^ ^ ^ ^ A r T f ^ l e f f o r DutaHmy,

: 'r^"l^Mi¥ay.'":''',''' ;'r '; dk Attn A»TBH' Won'day, May'itth. I*t8. fralni aoo»s%!lf*V* B"*1>w>W¥i * ftbo»fc>W> ••»w*1"Wi '""V invmjvl iWaf WITA.. ,l-.i.Ji .: ...

(A^rnffiorUtloii; (MUndkyn Lto-rYK^

8.61 P. M.


" ' " W s i w U -

i - ' i ; ' J . I • * < * * • » * road foi

4,60 V. Xrr-Accommodatlon Train, DaQv. 8.60 9. HP-Sew Yorlt arid BaMlniore MAU, (8u<

10.43 P.M. nday*

i, llnlly, iviiiniirllng At wlthR?rt^«Ki_3JS

m r.w iney

tied waanmirtfin 8.BU A, M!-WifmW,JtBundaya oxc pted.)

rtr^AreTiaed arid coto'plete "fcieiiot TlUetable*'

procured ou application to the Ticket Agent of the fjomnany. ^ Q Q _ _ _ _ _ g g - Otn't tfup't.

BARR. Qtri+Pm.

mmm nl

J:-' ; P i i ' . . : -HIT J- 'ii/.-iiil' -.'ill i 'Tu ,"\

Dopot, CORTLAND, N.Y. , ,

jgAy.BcpasunOyaniuipd ...,-,.,..,-,., „<'y • . - • '

LAROB ill I,.

IB8 9B


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itc -pidfoviorTfi f.i Jl .MiKiiKCHfj gam I ^'*i)T wtjaoiiiiio'xitj *^auoil'i'ijiiix wiliebwfobtKla.boUi . t , -.-,• ;.; int.TH l(i

, villi Ixi/i ,yltiu.it-••( -i*'J •iiiflt i-i ttyn ! oii<> ,.ii inili I.Tfftf^tr-'i (Jjjdoilti OH on j «L0WB8_ ,'" ,i |T'' IK '»»Hli: > 11 (' HaV I oili 'to ;•',- -.(Iky ritL'|.'Lt,.f«OMl JJSllJ hid, ' HIKl'MIl >l/fi|T-^ W ^ , V < t ( ( ',t'Hl V/(I11

PRIQE i ,w'la_^*0'R''6'A ,» ,«'f^|df ^ ^ : W. B. TI8DALB. nl i.VOlKrr'nAtf! '

ii I ufiuTiL li^'i .1 n >• A

• KINC or II | . . ' • . I ' d I! V Ii

• o . l -n ( 1 '1

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Queen af E n g l a n d ! "' '• ' '' • ; - . I B W . : ! . ! '•

_ ? . "Ti,:.; '»•'__'rBT'e*',: •• ,/-. •' j i t l l J , ? - i l i t - 1 0 1 , /_ 111 ' i i

• •"•'•'(WMUMK-I b^Kfoiltafc *"t_vJ#j)'-: -A) ; ' i f .... • ' i \l:i\'. i 7 .- I •• - ( • : .

»oe» lint fall to keep llii.1. alorc. ''-'' i : : . Iw - r>*»J!0l . i / ' ) J l i (C»0

lOT'iMtnMi-Wli MM) M _ l p o t p r e p a r e d V A C U U M O i l , I I A K N KHS ]

rr__ffl__*!_%»_fei_* _»**


'" a T rtHvr i. VIUSJWJB X*"M1^ i VltoAMAMl't.-l* lrVP^Wafl»j<Hj J»,i«

JT'1'' J I.-.-1 I n l i ^ r w s r v i M * n, V. .,

at» per c e n t , loss t h e n leat aenson t •

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County Clerk's Office. '«• : . -.-,1 ], , ' ,; u i - 'jf- i .,' i J.. t- /.-

: n f J O J t T I . A N l ) , HcYtl- . i . i -' ) . . ; ••) . I ' - T i t l ' j t o - | „ . ;. . • , : , . , : '

All tlmt.a linuaekooner can vrluli lit tl.« Una ot ,

Idlii- ni ' ,:R -J. |- . .-.-!:-||v i: .

0 J HI ,:.- : -.in

• 7 l ' • " ' • - ' 1 , i t. ,;- -I -vf:/ :i

PROVISIONS I .1, .'.•Hf.ir.-' •<•{•• ,"• I (I• JiI / / ' /: :

K t t b h f o M t t h e » S « l l , M a V l a U e r ' : ' i

i iWD- 1 ' ' " '

, i - . . . i i . f i

Sugars, • i - .H i i

Ooifee» o | | ,

jWMfc".,: FEED,

> «a» afc

.1 M .MCI.

• . | . ; ; i i


8AI/T, III T I » K

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B« noitiffKjo »m«i! j u U 'Ijltftf'til1 '" { I .'I',v.. •..>«'i : e iv ( i i w U - J i l l B s i

UM'l i 'u l Hifw( tiovia HI'M!) bovnaixfi' a_«aoaT--»4UTaytiow x»di \d* won)

I (,.,;; A*aKM*_^f___t:triw f«*aw JJlli

! oi H HI od ijil** HWP~AM_Mt> Jon bil j y.«»V»wvK^vi'«i'^-^«Htl t l V M I ' M M i

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! ...,,, I (^Af lK l .. ' i i . I - » . i ////i//<;

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KEEPERS' OOODS 1 White Oillte, oi .WMeliAealil 4tar*laaj

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