Thomas L.Ogden, Win. Jounson, Murray Hoffman, David Haddea, Henry Laigh! , James X. Wells. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. N OW opes in tbe large a i d i — — f t — a w l i m p . 11 ceuxiy erected by UM Trustees, at tae comer of Caaal and Vjeick streets, entrance in V trick street. Tii-s Board nf Trustees constatsof Rx. Rev. Baejimis T. Older J snk, D . D . Presides* Rev. Thomas Lyell, D . D . Vice President. Rev. i M w M J n r , D . U , Henry Rogers, Rev. J . M . Waniwrifht,DJJ, Duncan P. Campbell. Rev. VVm. Berran, D . D . , John Siearns. M . D . , Rev. Job* F. Schroedcr, Rev. Win. CreightOA, D . D . , Re*. Jo .a M*V»dur, D. IX, Rer, Was. R. WBUUOfOUB, Rev. Heary Ambon. U . D ., Rev. Lewie P. Bayar ', Benjamin M. Brown, Treanver. Tbe School is under toe management of a Committee of ;r... BoaH, with the more especial control of one Trus- ter a-.tmj as Vuiler. orrtccas o r T H E SCHOOL. Mr. Henry Elwell, Principal. Mr. B . B . Kiliikeliy. Head of the English, and Mi- Use maxseal Department. The Classical Course is por*uod with a view to the r> )JISIU-S of Columbia College, in which Institution thj scho-J enjoys the right of a free sciH-la/ship. The Lavish and MaUieuiaiiea; Cuur«e is carried on with a view to huiess tor Mercantile ...I and . m r o . fsus.- Bcss. For th" Classical Course, emLirac.i. ali ike studies of the Scbuirf, IJIO 00 Pur the English and Matbem-uical, do. 6 uu In the classical dervartmeot French is taught without additions: *har»e. No extra charge bui for fuel. Bilk payable in advance. Saturday nvirafng is appropriated to the religious in sfruclion of the students under the direction of the Bishop. For farther information, ap;>!y to the Pnm-ipul at the S-'Vwi.duna* the hours •1111.11 9 A . M.u»3P. M . , or a tus residence, No. liM Hudson street. in9 dawtf T HE Trustees of the New York Life insurance and Trust Co. give notice, th >t, a s a farther induee- »i-nt to their fellow cittxerrs to adopt the sale arm pru- d nl tiraeuee of insurm;; their iives, they have reduced ti- ir rate* •>! insurance, and will uisurv lives in future at I . f ..lowing rat"*: I..-'in'i! v of One Hundred Dollars for One Year. E. A. a fit. 15 M ti JO So 40 4o M) 5i •0 , Sec'ry. aarc. 0 81 0 91 0 9o 1 il 1 io 1 69 1 93 t 00 •z st 4 29 WM BARD, Pres't. 14 p#01 NUMBER 9626 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY. JUI^E 26, 1833. M R * K. C. BAQ.UETS Ejarding and Day School for Boys, N o 2 0 East Rutger street, one door fro.n Rul^r-rsl. t.'iu.ch. This instil tuina wid be opened on the first o f M a y for tiie rccejrf- i of Boarders, m.ln whichliuie day scholars will be. r« <.. , . e d ai No. 44 Ei»i Broadway. Tii.- .' oujc n most ».:va.:i .suau-. » situated, in a spa- cious, ai-i ^tre. I, „nd has every axcoaukuoauna lur a i.ighl. r' c:,«ctaUe »•<hooi. »ui the j>riiK-i;>ii jiU-.lyes Inm- n j l ' i d>v.>••• lus '.line >o the iinprovemeiil of the pupils. They wi'i !>•• p r e p a r e d for entrance at either of the A- iii-r..:aii Colleges, or for business. The French ian-jiiage, aud tliat only will be spoken in die fan.lit,in order thai ihe pupils may acquire the pro- iiuiH'iaiion and wmras of ihe kngaafc uerfei-ily ; the stu- aies as fir as pracucahle wnl be pur» ••-.; in that language. Mr. li l-.ut.. hi. teachers omploved for the classical, iuai.'ieuia:ica. and Ki.i.i.-.i de;>artsnenis. TEKMs. Beard and Tuiuon for pupils under 9 years o. age, per annusa, $100 Do for puptisfromS to 12 160 l)o for o"o over li SJ00 PayaMe quarterly and IU advance. Mr. B. begs leave lo relt-r to Uie lollowing gentlemen, at |>r. S'-nl |iatroas of the school. iasmrl (j. Wheeier F. Del Hoyo Foster N'Kirand E. L)«uscoiiib l a i c Arnold L. Ha!s-.-y Nathan Risers C . J. Gayler N. 11. Ap^iicationsmay be made at 14, or 191 F.ast Broadwav. uu 6ni STEAM BOATS. 5 NO. 49 WILLIAM-STREET. U R. RUTHERFOKL>, Demist, would udonn ha !VUMI 1< a n 1 all tli«>*e uiteres'.ed, that he us now read. to r^i'r-ve liiem froiu any pain or inconvenn-nee arising frotu d'-cav, tartar of i«a* of tbe teelh. He will regulate p.-'lecdy tiie teeaii of any child under t»e.ve years ul aie. i) 5Ve N o . 1 3 ChamScr st. SatHlVtorv referemes wi!U»e given. ol rr*J By SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, by Mrs. i Fowler, at No, 261 William s;rr«t, a number of Oi! 'unun-s, coin,.rt»uig some clio«>:r ones nv the <41 mas- ters, aia'mg which tae Grecian Daughter, and sev §. iptu-al and .xher subjects will be found worthy the t,t.Uoa ofc •onoisseurs. A number o!"-^rtrail> bmsh-d ani uimisheJ, together with a few useful materials fur artists. Also, a v aluabie p.irt folio of iwuits, inoslly after Vandyke; a tot .4'ininialures ; a number ol smai! fafiry m. -.ure», in.«l, Jtc. loo niiincroiis to mention •ral ml tl 1 ) EMOV'AL—Charles Cot, m csiwi'iHiw of uiier- V a>Mu matung m Wuliam street, |ias f.Mind it nrces- »arv to ->m,>ve from his <4d stand, to the more eligible on-' at N>. 5 Wall street, at the sign of the Golden FU^ce. where he ml: be tiapriy to wait upon such of his oil customers and friends as may be pleased to favor bun with a continuance of tneir patronage. His present lo- cation eaabies hun to enlarge his stock as to embrace &I the new an.1 fasruonahie arncles suited to the season, and from the bewht which has resulted to himself and cus- toraers be his new cash system, he interuls steadily to pursue it—and to pay the same attention to the elegance eiceUence of his garments as heretofore. ..J LITHOGRAPHY. Artist m Lithography, has resumed the B ISBEE, practice of his prifession at N o » 3 Caiial street.— Havuig engaged the assistance of several of the hrst Ar- tists in Europe in the duTerent branch-* of the Lithogra- p oc Art, he is now prepared to execute every descnpL.^0 of Lithographic Drawing, Writing and Printing, in a sivle of etcelleoee e^ual to th« best impor-ed sn. .-imens of the art or of the Snest copperplate engravings and on terms as favorable as aiiv estab!;shment in thr l"u..ed States. P.ihiisaers of works on Meuicme, Ana; my, Botany, Nifiral Historv, Chemisrn,-, or olher subj.c'-s reqmnnj plates or embellishments, will be guarantied an unlimited number of equa; irnpr. SSUSLS, from each drawing, at less than hah" the expense of any other method of producing them. , Portraits drawn on stone from bfe, or copied trom pam. ings, prints or drawing*, with any number of impressions —plans, historical aud &ncy subjects, landscapes,»lev •, vignettes, maps, music tiues. address and visiting car co nmercial and mis.-Uaneous blanks, fac similies, 4. GenJemenofthe Bar, orof other Professi as, ha*i:ig diMiiments of which thev may require a number ot copies ai siort notice, will find it to th< ir interest to apply a-" above and have them executed by the process of Litho graphs, which will give a fitc simiie of the hand writing to be copied. ali '• R EMOVAL—^ CyiR/>-iAMES M'CARTHV MC'RPHY, Merchant Tailor, 2AJ Broadway, and late of M Chamber street, S. gs most respctiulU- to return his most sincere thanks to the gent.eraen of New York, aal its luhabitants generally, for the hberal patronage wfuc i they have been pleased to bestow on him since his arrival arnoo^st Them, a, d beg, o assure tl.em that it will be his constant smdv to merit a conunuauce of their rax-or and support bv keeping a well selec'td slock ol the verv best west of* England cloths, Cassim. res, Tio- br»ets Veientias. and fancv Silks of :he nenesl patterns, and for fi'himable si vie of filling, and good workman- asp, piedg, s him^lf ihat he cannot be surpassed by any KTifl .rf the tirade in New York or in Europe. f7 SHIP OWNERS AND MASTERS OF V E S S E L . — T h e suhecribers have on hand a con- stant supplv of superior Sheaihing paper, mamtiactured evpresslvloVSheaihing vessels. A part is very strong, and bemg passed through rollers i s m . l e pcrteelIv smooth, presenting aa ev.n surface for copper. For sale in lots to suit purchasers by , 5l f FYLER DlBBLEEit sON.DnrDo-^- N * OTICE All persons havui' demands or claims a- »ainst the estate of Henrv Eckford, Deceased, are requested to present their accounts, and all persons tn- d-lted io said estate are requested to make payment to the undersigned at their otfice N o . 7 4 White street, in the cilv of New-Yorr. MARION E C K F O R D , E x e c u t r i x . G F IRVING 1 ^-R E T,LLO^ KAY ' EXeCUW "- 1, J alStf T NKVV YORK LYCEUM. HE above Boarding School, under tiie directum of CHAS. COL'DERT, has been removed to the elegant establishment formerly known as the Medical Mansion, and situated ai the corner <»f Washington and Amos street. The extent of this building allows a limited num- ber of half boarders and dav scholars to be receive I. It is the intention ot'the director, in addition to the French, Spanish and English .auonages, now taught, to add, arier the tirst fd"Mav nett, able instructors ui the iiaiian ai.u German languages. The courses of English Grammar, History, Gi-ogra- p!>v and ?.la - heniatics, are pursued by the nchoiars in ihe French, Spanish and English languages, imti-ciiini- nately. Tl.e Latin and Greek languages are also taught with care, an I »tuden;s prepared (<-r colleoe, where alr> ady se- veral have !>een aiiiiu'ted. and dune honor to the metl.od pursued in the Lyceum. Natural Philosophy is ai>o taug» t un-l-r the direction of a well kti i.iQ instructor, and wi'h the assistance ol' an excellent apparatus. A select librarv in the modern languages is also a! the disposition of the students during met' ieisure hours. The healthy situation of this establishment, yet sulli- rieniv near the centre of the city, the peculiar advan- tage* it oilers for the acquirement of the modern lan- guages, induces its director to request a visit from pa- rents desirous of atfordius to their cluidreu on excellent education. It will IK* opeti-d on the loi.'i of April, and visitors will be receive 1 tverv Monday and Thursday, between thehou;» nf l i and i. For terms and other infonnaiioo the public is referr d FOR NEWARK. T HE low presence Steamboat N E W A R K , Capt. B. Tate. wiM commence running on and after the £5th of March, leSJ, between Newark and New York as fol- lows :— Leave the Centre wharf, Newark, at 7 o'clock, A . M . and l i P . M . Leave the foot of Barclay street, New York, at 10 o'clock A . M . and 4. P. M.—(Sundays excepted). Fare £S cents. Horses, carriages and freight taken oniv at the risk of the owner*, and al the usual prices. mi9 OTEAM BOAT SANDUSKY, F o I ALBANY. kj—AccouiuKxla:ion equal to any on the River, having 112 berths—to s^i. from North side Powles Hook ferry on Tuesday / Thursday ' From New York, at 6 o'clock, P . M . Saturday, ) Wednesday l From Albany, at S o'clock, Fridav '' \ wsv u *** en 8 ers tnprutioruoii. Fare 5-—meals extra. m3 tf FOR~NEW HAVEN H HARTFoRD—DAILY \ Sir am;.oat will leave the East River Sti amboa place, foot of BeeMiian street, every niorumg at 7 o'clock, (Sundays excepted) until further not>ce. Stages »ili be in readiness on the arrival of the boat! at New Haven to convey passengers lo Harllorct. Bos- ton, &r. Freight tajien al moderale prices, tor fur- thers uiiornia'i. ii. inquire of JOHN SAXTON k CO. 114 South st. or Flo J A C O B C O R L I E S & S O N , it>3 p ear | N E W Y O R K A N D A L B A N Y R A I L ROADCOM- PANY. ^ " O T I C E — T h e books for subscription to the Capital il Stock of the above company wul be o;..-uedoo the 15th, I6rh and I7ih day of Julv next, beta uu the hours of 11 o'clock, A. M. and 2 o'clock, P. ;.! a: the City Bank in the city of New York, at th • Eagle Tavern in the city of Albany, at the Mechanics' Hail in the ci;y of Troy, and at Payne's Tavern in the town I 'Armenia, in Dutchess County. '1 he amount required to be subscribed by the amend- ed charter belore the commencement of the work, is one million of dollars, in shares of one hundred each, of which live dollars on each share is to be paid at the time of sub- ecritiiioB. Dated June 20, 1833. COMMISSIONERS. Daniel Lerov. Walker Todd, Ehos Hopkins, Thomas Taber, 2d. Cornelius Harseti, James B. Murray, Jesse Smith, William Jay, John Townsend. John T. Norion, Benjamin Knower, Townsend MrCoun, Gideon Tucker, N. B.—Letters addrti an e.- closure of the money in cheeks equivalent to a si bsenption. Wilham A ikin, Abraham P. Holdndge, Rufus Reed, Albro Aikin. Elisha Tibbtls, Samue! Swartvtout, Lynde Catlin, John Loatier, Gideon Lee, John Snyder, Augustus T remain Waller Cunni^hara, Elias Pauison. ed to the Commissioners with NOTICE. T HE Commissioners of the Long Island Insurance C.un.iany, m t!ie Village of Brooklyn, having com- pleted the apportionment of the Capital Stock of sat J Company, certificates for the stick apportioned will he delivered to the subscribers thereto, U|wm application at the Br oktvn Bank during Banking ho'.irs. GERADUS C. L A N G D O N , JOHN LAWRENCE, S. B. M. SANDS, VCoaim'crs. HENRY WARING, OBEDIAH JACKSON, J22 dlw " "\ "17" A N T E D — A stout active Boy one who can conn * V well recommended may hear o f a situational Briadway. 101 Jlj \jLT ANTED, \ V trade, an i will be constdercd June 20—201 FOR NEWPORT & PROVIDENCE. Frntn lk< I tot of Fulton %trett. East fitter. Everv Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in June, at 5, P. M. Arrangement for June, 1833. T HE new and splendid low pressure steamboat BOS- TON, Capt. Wiiliam Comstock, and PROVI- DEN'CE, Capt. Seth Thayer, will! leave New York and Providence on the following days. THE PROVIDENCE, Jacob l.or.ilard, Daniel Loi i, James K. Paulding, Charles King, K. Wm. H iskms, U. A. W.^ih Georgt Long, And to the offices of ihe can, ana Le < Courier d e s I- Pe!er Harmony, Tlionia- Gener, L. L. Suares. Francis Varet, Edward de Russr, Loms Pecasse, Heranl & MoodoB, Courier & Enquirer, Anien- tais l.'ms. iirl'i '2.i«;!m BOARDING SCHOOL FOR OIKLS. rrxIIOMAS WILLIS continues his Boarding School X for Uiris aud »:ua!l Boys, having t mploynl a com- petent teruaie leach, r. he offers the following terms lor Boird and Tuition : Spelling, Reading, Writing and A h- metic, S^"" r«r (juarter. Do. with Geography and Grammar, io do Hisojry, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Chem- istrv. Couipr>9iii<Hi. Astronomy, u<e of ihe Globes, and Neeeie-work, 25 do For Drawing, additional charge ot $ \lo No a.idiiional charge fir washing, one half pavable in a tvance. Books and Slaliouary furnished al liie customary pri- ces. Persons disposed to place their ciiildren at said School iiiav obtain ml"irin.ttion f S a m u e l AVo^w hi. Sons, Book- selfers, 261 Pearl street, Samuel Smith, 27S, Benjamin ark, J31, or Mahloil Duv, o7t> Pearl street, New York. Je-icho. Long Island, 6th month, 10th, 1833. JO SawSw* s person rpo CHAS. P. CLINCH, C A S T O F F C L O T H I N G WANTED by the SUD scriher, who gives the highest cash price for all descruiuonsofgentlemens' and bovs'left ofTgarments. By sending or addressing a line through the Post Office, gentlemen wiU be wamted on by 1 M. LUMLEY, No. 109 Chatham st. N B All kiniUofMuacal Instmments, Guns, Pt^*. J * cash. .... --., and property of every description bought for fi-O T HE MORNING POST AND FAMILY GA- ZETTE n published in N e w \ ork daily. Coo- tanmg the Diurnal News—Chosce Literary Essay*— Ongitul Discussions on important subjects—Ceneral Lit- erarv and Scientific information. Comprising " ttiik tfu Had* arirs" an lnterestme fund of amusement and in- struction. ' It is apaper belonging to noparty, nor en- tering mio panv poliiici. Iia columns are open to the discussion of both sides of an important principle ; bu! not upoo vague, wose, or indefinite terms. TEBMS—Five DJhxrs per annum: in advance, or, One Dollar and Fifty Cents per quarter. Weeluy sub- scribers, \t{ cenuper week. AnvEP.TisEMt5Ts inserted on the most liberal terms. Yearly Advertisers Twenty Dollars per annum, including th-paper Cardsof not more than three lines,to be in- serted three times a week, Ten Dollars per annum, the paper included. Ojflce 71 -4«» ttrt^ontdaorfrtm Gofa^rf mil assures i is at all ttSS D E N T I S T v — E . G A L E B U R G E R , O p e r a t i v e D e n - til Surgeon, No. i. East Broadway, one door from Catherine street, will attend to the various branches of his profession in a manner highly satisfactory to those who fev.ir him with their patronage. He is prepared at all times to insert Incorruptible Human and Animal 1 eelh ot the best quality. Terms moderate. N B. E G. B., aware of the usnal apprehension, ol la lies in particular, with regard to their teeth, those requa-ing his services, that his practice times attended with the least possible pain, T HE bua»e*s will be continued by the subscriber at the yard No. 374 Washington street, between North Moore and Beach streets, where consumers may con- tinue to be supplied with all kinds oT Anthracite and Bituminous CoaUm common use, at market prices and |»r;.cularly with the very superior quality of Schuylkill, »iich has gives such general satis&ction to the cus- tomers of the yard—ol this eoal some arrivals are ei- peeted in a few days. Lehigh Coal at Newark, (via the Mams Canal) and Schuylkill at Philadelphia, for sale hv the cargo, and will be put on board vessels at those pive, ui the best order, and on acr«ninodaQng!»«•»• m i 3 J . F . SEAMAN. P ARASf chants sOLS t UMBRELLAS—To retail mer- , in the citv, and lo eowitrr dealers in general, the subscriber offers to His customers and the public an elesaw artiele, via: IKHJBLETE ORIENTALE S I L K P A R A S O L S , V e r t et Blanc eotoors, a beauti- fal article, with a wreath <•*' dowers in each bieadlh of th* Parosol, chaste and elegant. Ladies can he supplied at a small advance on wholesale prices by calling at the onBiilart-irv 203 Pearl st, 3d door above' Maiden lane, over Frt»d*k T. Peet & Co. N. B. Umbrellas ol"everv drscr.pt.on and finish. a2 tf SAM'L REDMOND. T O SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER- C H A N T S . — T h e subscriber has on hand an cxien- sive assortment of summer garments, which has been made o p m Europe in the best style and nf the best ma- terial that can he found, and will be sold very low for cash, at his store 298 Broadway, next door to the Ameri- can Hotel. •14 tf JAS.^MeCARTHT MURPHY. C H O C O L A T E — T h e subscriber, agent for C . 1. Fell k Brother, of Philadelphia, has just received, Mi whole and half botes of their extra N o . I Chocolate, •hich ho recommends to the public as a scry superior article, and warranted free from adulteration. Withoa prejudice to any other manusnciu-er, there t» inot be a better artiele "made. Famitj grocers are •sacked le make a trial of it, and if they do not fend it V> be the article represented, they are at liberty to re- Aai, 40 whole and half homes of Pluiadelphm Court - Uadtks^an,sniiam*forshippmf,or for etorse, n fond ar- «*>e. and at a very moderate once, for sale by HENRY JOHN SHARPS, j*U «Wi m IC {PAPER, jant received, for ante hy \70TICE.—The co-partnership herelotore existing x\ under the forms of Bottou, Ogdeu & Co. tu Liver- pool, and Ogden. Ferguson & Co. in this city, having been dissolved by thedea;h of.Mr. JonathanOgden, Ihe business in both places .s continued under the same hrms, bv ihe surviving partners, in connexion with his son. THOMAS BOLTON, ROBERT L. BOLTON, JOHN FERGUSON, JONATHAN OGDEN. New York, March 25th. Iftfc^ nrJ6 iOARDING h O t ' S E , N E W - Y O R K . — M i s s M- flir- J3 Elroy, from Phuadelphia. has takeu and newly ftir Dished tlu-'mighout, the house N o 14 Vesev s-reet, New- York, occupied until recently by ihe late Mrs. Caihanne Wilkinson, decreased. The house, which is spacious, has been thoroughly repaired and painted—and as every at- tention will lie paid to the domestic arrangements, and the oomfort of the boarders, it is hoped tliat enure satis- faction will be given to ladies and gentlemen who may feel disposed lo continue their visits to the house. To iur own friends Miss M' Elroy can confidently refer. The situation is open aud atry, and in the most desirable part of the citv. m31 Stawtf H l OBOKEN HOTEL.—This spacious mans um is now oiieii for the reception of boarders and vistors. Great improvenieiits have recently been made in its ac- comniodalions. The nwan all newly and elegantly fur- nished, the pleasure grounds attached to it highly culti- vated, ar:d » ne'v shed with an extensive stable, wnl in future t_f«rr! i traveders. and particularly his country customer, i. iph; eonvcni~itt*e. The vtctmiy ol this e 5 - labhehmeni to he city, ihe >;ilubnty of iu situation and great iH^siu of the rural scenery tiia.1 surrounds it, ren- der it ai r.iinog resort for the man ol pleasure or busi- nes--. Slea.i.lioats leave every 15 minutes (price cents) for Bare av and Canal sireets. Wuies of the first quality, German, French. .Madeira, <kc. with other choice liquors, have been received. An Ordinary partic- ularly *>i?n£ will be found, a first rateanisi being en- gaged for this denarunent; and the subscriber takes the present opportunity to assure his numerous nends and the public that no pains shall be spared by hansel!" or as- sistants, to render this Hotel worthy of the natural ad- vantages that characteme this most romantic situation. N. B. Horses and vehicles of every kind to be had by auolvtn" at the bar. Also pasturage for drover's cattle. sjgtf THOMAS SWIFT, P U B L I C N O T I C E is hereby given thai application will he made to the Legislature of the Slate of New York at their ensuing session for an act lo inco porate a Life Insurance and Trust Company to be located in the ntv of New-York with a capital of two millions of dol- lars to be »•, led The Ammerm Lift / i«u.'aner and Trial Ca^yaty of t'.e Ci/y •>/ -Vrit- York. J13 tJanuf.rVg Delaware and Hudson Canai Co. ) New York, June 3d, 1834. S T HE Board of Managers have declared a semi an- nual dividend ul" three and one half per cent, on the capital stock of the Company, which wdl be paid to the stockholders on and after the 20th Hist. The transfer books wil : be closed from the 3d lo the 10th instant, inclusive. By order Je3 1m J. H: WILLIAMS,Treasurer. M E R C H A N T S B A N K D I V I D E N D . — N o n c e is j. hereby given to the S.oCKholders of tht. Merchan s Bank that a dividend for the last six months of three per cent, has this day been declared, and will be paid on and alter the 1 st dav of June proximo. By order of the Board of Directors.1 WALTER New York, May 31st, 1833 MEAD, Cashier. mSI 1m VTEVV YORK AND HARLEM RAIL-UOAD l\ COMPANY.—Notice is hereby givan to ihesluek- holders, lhat the eighth instalment .•f'tive dollars on each share s required lo be paui to the Treasurer, at the Che- mical Bank, on or before ihe Sth day of July nex'. The transfer books will be closed from the 4 h lo the ,3th July, inclusive. By g * ^ , ^ ^ ^ New York, June 7. 1S33. J 8 N OTICE —Delaware and Rantan Canal Company A meetmg of rthe Stockholders «f the above named company will be held at the House of WUttam Arnel, in tbe Borough of Bordentown, Wednesday the IOlh o f Ju- ly nest, at 1 o'clock, P . M . for the purpose of consider- inc the proprictv of effec'ing a loan. " ^ J N O . R . THOMSON «~W New Jersey, June 17,18SS. JIH UI0 CAiiDEN AND AMBOY RAIL ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. N OTT. E. A meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Couipanv wUl be held at Ihe house of William Arnel in the boniigh of Bordentown on Wcd- nesdav the 10th dav of July next, at 1 oclock, P . M . for ihe purpose »f consid.rmg the propriety of effecting a loan: New Jersey, June )7th 1833. J19 tiylO 3 - H - SLOAN, Secretary. gSntnw end K 5 n n Canal and Camden ami Ambmf Rati Rood ami TraiufXiTtlKn. Company. N OTICE Is hereby given that the Joint Hard >W the above Companies have this day declared a dividend of three dollars on each share of the capital stock of the said Companies, wt.i~! will be paC to the stockholders or their le^al reererantalires m pe-..-oa or by Attorney lfteT the SO* met. at the respeclrve otfces at N e w Brunswick and Camden. J « °T***f: ', °""^ Secreiary of the Joint Board. Borde>wr> ,J«mel7,1838. Jlat3 ° . *••#> JsHOlT,^ -XTORTH AMERICAN MINING C O M P A N Y . j \ -Notiee . herwny giren to the Stockholders that an msulmnnt of on. doflar on each share is req^redto he „HTon or before the 1st day of July next, at the o&ce of the Company, No. <2 Wall *. ^t^rrftheBoaHofl^rectors. 7 JOHN NKIL^ON, Jr. Treasurer. June 13th, 1838. J el4 tJ1 STORAGE AND UGHTKRAGK. BROOKLYN. (First Wharves and Santnnnnote Fdton Ferry.) T ilOMAS H. R I C K N K L L e t C O . h a v e l a r g e and csienmidimm SfWen, glsed^ and Ceinra for ntorage rf NTt < ^0rde^tL»nfn•T 5 « « ^ •* **?,«*! of Mr. Isaac Van Clenf. «m»» mTttofag aim and Front street,oratUMnrofc«gsfd»nwnnt|na,wiil ••*•«• km* New York a: On Saturday, Thurs<lav, Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday, New York at On Tuesdav, Saturday, Ttiured iv, Tuesday, S Unniay, Thursday, Providence On Thursday Tuesday, Saturdiy, Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday, o P. M. June 1 do ti do 1! do 15 do 20 do 2o do 29 THK BOSTON 5 P . M . June 4 do S do U do H do 21 do -27 at Provalenre at On Saturday, Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday, Tuesdty, Saturday. 12 M. June 4 do 8 do 13 do 18 do 22 do 27 12 M. June 1 do 6 do 11 do 15 do 20 do 25 di29 Thvse splendid boats have each two heavy copper boi- lers, and are pr ••• hed bv low pressure engines. All Freight and Bagi» a; , e a t the risk of the owners thereof. For further information apply to the matters on board, or to Jl R.S. WILLIAMS & C O , cor, Fuilon & Sotilii sts. i K N L V . Y L A K E — T h e n e w s t e a m b o a t G E N E V A , S"; n b\ A . ,M for Lie head of the Lake, and returning in the afternoon of ti same dav. This boat has been titled up and f'irin,iieJ iu the mo.it cosily style. Minute at- tention will '. • paid loU.e tab'.c, and ihe bar supplied with Lhe finest wines. For a ile^crritioti of the n.'.-restingobjec's and beauti- ful scenery oi. "he shores >.f this lake, see Travellers' Guide lor 16J5. [.age 220; also, R a y ' s p-< m on ihe 1/eii 1'ies of Seneca Like. Jei8 S 1 CAMDEN & A.Mii )Y RAILROAD LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA. At 6. Ill, ami 2 o'clock. From Pier No. I, North Ri-er, adjoining the Battery. MX o'clock Lme—NEW PHILADELPHIA. Capt. U. N. Die!.!, arrives in Philadelphia al So'clock, P.|M. Fare through $2 50. Passengers by the above bout inn arrive al Baltimore the same dav, as die Balti- more Kail Road and Steamboat Co. have commenced a line, leaving Philadelphia at 3 o'clock P. M. or on the arnvai of die passengers that leave New York in the 6 o'clock Rad Road Line and arrive al Baltimore the same dav. 10 o'clock Line—SWAN, Captain C. Seymonr, ar- -ives m Philadelphia, at 7 o'clock, P . M . Fare thro' 2 o'clock Line—NAPOLEON, Cant. I. Fisher.— Lidge at Bordentown and arrive in Philadelphia next morning at9o'clock, A . M Fare through §3. Accommodation Line.—Passengers in this lme leave in the 6 o'clock I a'. and arrive in Philadelphia, at 7 o'- clock, same aii e* >«>n. Fare through $2. Seats in the Accommodation I. ,ie must betaktn in the office, pier NoI.N.R. Freehold and M •nmotilh Line^—By 'he 6 o'clock soat, via Railroad i « Hightstown, from thence to Free- hold by stages. Firc'o Freehold $2 25. Princeton ami T .-tiuon Line. Fare to Princeton $1 Fare io Trenton Jl 50 cents, by ihe 6 and 10 o'clock Boats, via Railroad and Stages. Fare to Perth and South Ainhov and New Brunswick I2j cents. All baggage at the risk of the owner. I . B L I S S , Agent. Cnion L;nef>r Eastnri—Passengers leav« in the N e w Philadelphia, a! 6 o'clock, A. M. and arrive at Eastan the sanut evening. This is the only Line to Easlon via New-Brunswick. Seats secured at the Office, or on board the B 'at. N.B. Passengers are taken in ihe above Lines from .AsJibov and Bordentown ui tnc Company's splendid cars, avoiding the inconvenience of dust and injury to clothing incidental to common roads and stage coaches. The fixtures necessary for taking off and putting on board the boat, the baggage crates being now completed, the bajgage wi 1 be assorted, put in the crates and secur- ed from the weather before 'he arrival of the boat at Am- bov. and will not be uncovered until on board the boats on 'he Delaware. To prevent mistakes the way pas- singers baggage will be takenin a sej-araie car. jLJIf^Passengers are requested noi tojiav the servants for assorting or reinovin; ihe baggage, as it is contrary to the orders of lhe Company that they should receive anv remuneration tor their services. New-York, 25th May IS33. m25 NO MONOPOLY 11 PEOPLE'S LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA, Via. New Brunswick. Princeton and Trenton. T HE Steamboat N E W YORK, Capt. J. Vanpelt, leaves pier No. 2 North River, foot ot Morris street, daily, (Sundays execpfed,) at 6 o'clock in t'.e morning, for New Brunswick, where passengers will take Ree- side's splendid Trov built Coaches, steam boat PHILA- D E L P H I A . C a p t . L. Davis, and arrive in Philadel- phia early tht same afternoon. Fare through $3. The propnetors of the People's Line have made every exertion to render this route safe, comfortable, and spee- dy ; ihev have made great improvements in their Steam Boats ; selected the best Coaches and Hor- ses : provided skiulul Drivers to manage them, and to avoid serious inconvenience, no changing of coaches from boa' to boat. Active agents aresta'ionea al convenient distances on the roads, to add to ihe comfort of the trav- ellers itod safety of their baggage. , A fair and honorable fnm^.Jioa, with a choice of conveyance is always an advantage to the Pubhc. Everv traveller must be sensible tliat monopolies are iu all coses odious and oppressive, for example, look bark to lhe oid North Kiver Line of Steam Boats which would still exist to the great disadvantage of the whole country, had if not been for that firm and spirited man Mr. Gib- hons—no one can estimate the good he has time. Wiih this statement of facts, the Proprietors relv on the generous public iu sustaining them against a Mam- moth Monopoly, whose wish and interest it is to put down down all competitto*, to enable them to charge the highest prices they can ; which tiiey wdl do if ibere s no rival line to oppose them. For seats apply to ThomasWtiitfield. okl No 1 Court- landtst.and at the People's Line Office, 31 Washington sireet, opposite the wharf, or on boad the boat. All Soeeie. Goous, Baggage, &c. al the risk of the owners thereof. WM. B. JAQ.UES, Agent for JAMES REESIDE & C O . al Proprietors. S I G A . E M I L I A SACCOMANI, Member of trie Italian Operatic Company, has the honor to luliinu her friends and the public, thai she has permanently used her residence in this city, and offers her services as Teacher of Vocal Music according fo the latest and most approved rules of lhe Italian School. Having giv- en proofs of her ability a s a Teacher both in Milan and Bologna, she trusts that an opportunity wilt be aflordod her of also establishing her claims fo die patronage ol the public of New York. Her residence ;s at No. 36 Bowery, where s i c u t o be found at all hours of the day. "'3 1 "ADIES' _ CORSET _ VVAREHOL'SE, wholesale J and retail, at No. 132 William street. The Misses H U M E S , Corset, 1 -ess and Habit Makers, would ten- der their sincere thai-ns to lhe ladies of this city awl others for the eocourageuK.ul they havereceived from them.— They would inform iheir cusijmers thai they continue to keep on hand * large and elegant assortment of Corsets, manufactured from the most durable materials and of the most approv. J shape ; and a s a careful attesiliou will be paid bv thein to the requests of their customers, they Hat ter themselves that litem wdl be found superior to any now in use, and thev sJicit and look with confidence for the contmuat.ee of the public fiivor. They receive regu- larly the newest fashions from London and Pans^ndthey asstire their friends and the public that every >ru«r, either for Dresses or Corsets, will be promptly aim cat fully executed. N. B. Country and Southern merchants can be sup- plied with Corsets, on moderate terms and al the shortest notice. n\9 F RENCH & ENGLISH CORSETS—Mrs. Gra- ham, late of Washington City, D . C . most respect- fully hegs leave to inform those ladies who prefer a more private mode fo the common exposed custom of supplying themselves with Corsets, that she has located herself at No. SoiJ Hudson, between Morton and Barrow streets, Greenwich, where, under the patronage of some of the most respectable ladies of this city, she will execute with promptness, and in a very superior style, all orders for French or English Corsets, ef every s u e or pattern. N.B. I idles at a distance can be supplied by sending their measure. Gentlemen's foshionabie Caps and Stocks inade too»w derat the shortest notice. d i e t f _ -A few very r r H > C A N A R Y BIRD FANCIERS 1 ine Canary Buna, horn mnln and I which ate some 'jpener singers nf ewsettent note and every variety of pajuiage. F e r t i l e M 171 SnntJj, anar Rotenit at, « • »w TVf O T I C E — S U B S C R I P T I O N to the Capital Stock i.\ of the UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPA- NY—Capital $400,000—Shares §50—hrst payment on subscribing. $5 per share—A large (Kirtion of the s'ock of tins compsny having been subscribed, the under- signed Commissioners will attend to receive subscriptions for the remainder on Tue^lay the 2d dav of July next, at 12 o'clock, at theoffice of Jonathan H."Lawrence, Esq. No. 2 Wall Mreet Court, in the rear of 34 Wall street. The Charter, and all tiitormation upon the subject, may- be obtained ai the said office, or of either of the COMMISSIONERS. Jcromus Johnson Augustus Wynkoop Peter I. Nevius James Hay William James John K. Marshall Egbert Benson, Jr. George H.Stanton, N e w York. June 19, I83S Raqih Clark J19 tJv2 PHILADELPHIA & TRENTON l.< RAILROAD. Notice is hereby given that an install? enl of Ten tars on each share of the Capital S.ock of ihe Phila- delphia and Trenlou Rail Road Company, will hi- re- quired to be paid to the Treasurer of the said Company, ai the office. N o . 66 North 11th street, on Monday, lhe first day of July next. id/""'Stock holders residing in New Yoik will pav the said instalment fo Jacob R. Le Roy, Esq. ar the office of Le Roy, Perry It Co, No. 15 Hanover street. Bv order of the Board ol Directors, T H O S . G . K E N N E D Y , S e c r e t a r y . Philadelphia, June 15. 1833. J20 tjyl TVTOTICK LS hereby given to all persons havingctAirns ll against Alexander'McLrod. D. D. late of the city of New York, deceased, lo exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, on or before the twentieth dav of De- cember next, to lhe undersigned Administratrix and Administrator. &c. of lhe said Alexander McLeod, deceased, at their pace ol residence, in Twelfth street, near ihe6ih Avenue in the citv of New York. New York. June 20th. I83i. MARIA A N N M c L E O D , Administratrix, JoHN N. .McLEOD, Administrator, je20 lawb.n of Alexander McLeod, C L A R K E , T A I L O R A N D D R A P E R , 49 lam sfeet.—John Clarke in again addressing the public, beo* to r-tum ins best thanks to those gentle- men who have so liberally fovorcd him with their com- mands, and the recommendation ofthiir friends; and al- so remforms the public that it shall br- his coosui.t care and study to unite Cut, Quality and Workmanship in every article ofGetuleraens Dress, which svslem h ... al- ready won for him a large share of public paronajte, and not forgetting that it is his inierest to charge every arti- cle at the lowest possible price (for cash oelj .) J . C , begs to inform those geirlemen who have noi inspected his stock uf Clo'hs. Cussimeres. &.c. that it comprises everv arUcie of Dress suitable for the present season. _£» N OTICE.—The public are hereby cautioned against receiving or uegoctaling the following notes, namely, one note dated 9th May, 1S33. or thereabouts, payable st 6 mos. t o W . B . Brewster or order, for Five Hundred Dollars; one note al 9 mos. from 9th May or therea- bouts, for Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars; and one nole same date a' 12 mos. for Seven" Hundred and Fifty- Dollars, no valuable consideration having been received J OHN Willi for the same by the subscriber. New York, 21st June, 1833. HENRY LOOMIS. J21 lw N OTICE.—The Co-par;ncrship heretofore ex sting between the subscribers under the firm ol Brews- ter and Loomis and Henry Lo<-"iis & Co. is this day dis- solved by mutual consent; the business will in future be conducted bv Henrv Loomis, on his own account, uneer the firm of Henry Luoan* 4" Co., who are alone author- ised losettlealt ibe accounts of the late concerns o f U . B. Brewster—Brewster & Loomis & Henrv Loomis & Co. HENRY LOOMIS, U. B. BREWSTER. May II J21 lw T , * 1 S I T I N G CARDS.—JOS. PERKINS, Wntmg V Engraver, 4 John st. near Broadway, devotes his principal attention to engraving Visiting Cards, which he engages to execute wuh his own hand in the most highly finished style, and to the perfect satisfaction of those ladies and gentlemen who may favor him with their patronage. Cards printed in the neatest manner from old plates, and a variety of embossed cards and card cases furnished to order. Jl Stawllt* F ASHIONABLE H A T S — J . J U E L S Fashiona- ble Hat Store, No. 221 Broadway, between Vesev and Barclay streets.—Having opened al lhe above store a large and elegant assortment of Hats, he respectfully invites his friends and ihe public to call and t- onune his improved Hats at $4 25 and $5. which, after . number of vears experience in bringing to perfection, -. ;w a-rants them lo bear comparison with ar.v offered at the above prices in the citv. He also manufactures everv descrqi- tioti of Caps, and has on hand a choice assortment of Stocks, Collars, Gloves and Canes. NB. Naval and Military Hats made to order at the shortest notice. jlo Im I -^DWARD J E E & C O . offer for sale at No. 38 .i Broad street 250 tons English bar and bolt Iron 60 do refined cable do 20 do Banks' best machinery Iron 150 do Scotch and Welsh pig do 600 bundles English Sheet do 800 do do Hoop do 1000 boxes Tin Plates 60 proved Chain Cables, 1-2 to I 1-2 in. 20 casks brass Kettles, assorted, 1 lo 16 gall*. 15000 lbs. Braziers Copper, tlat and raised Copper Bottoms IO0OO English Block Tin, 100 bdls Iron Wire 200 bags English Wrought Nails, entitled lo de- benture 10000 FnglKh Sheet Brass, 10.000Sheet Lead 200 bags blue wire Trace Chains 200 bags common do do 100 casks Carolina Hoes 100 a 3 100.casks assorted Birmingham Hardware 10 cases Casi Steel ALSO— 3000 galls. Enshsh Linseed Oil 30 hhds.Staffordshire China ware j22 lw C OPARTNERSHIP NOTICE—THOMAS H. J B I C K N E L L has this day formed a connexion with FRANCIS H O L D E N , under the firm of THOS. H. BICKNELL ii CO.forthe purpose of continuing tiie Storage and Commission Business, at tbe old stand, be- tween the Catherine and Fulton Ferries, Brooklyn. T. H . B . & CO. have decked and open Lighters, wuh experienced men in constant readiness, to convey mer- chandise either to or from the city. N. B. There is a wharf attached to the above prem- ises extending 115 feet into the river, forming a sate and commodious harbor for vessels of any class. THOS. H. BICKNELL, FRANCIS HOLDEN. M ay 1,1833. [m4 2awif r OTICE—Stone & Mason have associated them- selves with Mr. Caleb Swan, and will continue the Commission Busuiess al No. 64 Pirn- street, under the firm ol STONE. SWAN & MASON. New York, May 1st. 1833. t»2 tf P ARKES^ P A T E N T P O R T A B L E FILTERS. —The great and increasing demand for those ma- chines not only in this city, but in Boston, Baltimore, Charleston, New Orleans, Aibany, Trov and numerous other places, is the very best recommendalion as to their utility. Southern and Western merchants, captains of vessels, families going abroad, hotel-keepers, and all others who are desirous of be mg supplied with PURE WATER, will find these Filters ol inestimable value. The prices are from eight lo gia, and they will yield from twelve to one hundred gallons of Pure Water per dav. and will continue to do so for years if lhe instruc- tions ol the Patentee are attended to. They can ooU be obtained at the store of the Paeotee4i Wall sireet, New York, lo which place orders may be sent, and they will be carefully forwarded lo any part ol the world. N.B. References of the first respectability can be given not onlv in this city, but in most others in the Union, as to the efficacv of these Patent Filters. m2S tf VT from Liverpool, a fresh supply of Gill.iifs Patent Elongated Peruvian Blued Poukis,and Rhadtographic 3 slit Pens, on cards and m boxes, for sale wholesale, by T H O M A S J E S S O P , 1 5 6 P e a r ! st. J4 23t Sole Agent for the United Slates. J ~~U3T~PUBLISHED—Two Lectures recently deli- vered by a gentleman in Orange County, N . Y . on the manifold success attending the Hygeian theory and practice of Medicine as promulgated b y M i . Morrison, of London, and his coadjutors of the British College of Health, delivered from actual experience on hying sub- jects. A few conies extra of the but numbers of the Family Adviser, containing the above lectures, price three cents each, can be obtained of the agents. Mr. Jos. Stanley, Bnense4ter.No. 50 Canal «*. Mm. BenstaU, Bookseller, No. 148 Fulton st. Re*. J . H . Brenner, No. to Barrow at. J>1 S CHUYLKILL GOAL.—New Branca, a cargo ef best sold from the dollars per ten, tree CkMM CeeJTwd, eehr CoaL wastn wili be IJT ttMMO for| St MV4B ADVERTISEMENT. R . B E R N I E R , teacher of the French, German, and Italian languages • who has several years been a professor in lhe Highest Colleges of Paris, and Prime Professor at the celebrated establishment Iks Ftil dt» chet^lurtdt St. Jjonit, at Versailles, most re- spectfully informs ladies and gentlemen, as well a s l i e institutions of young ladies and gentlemen, thai he will devote iiisiiiue lo instruction. He will also instruct pu- pils m lhe French Rhetoric, Belles Letters, Literature, and Poetrv. He undertakes any kind of Translations. Apply 16, Broadway. REFERENCES.—Mxssns. Baldwin & Co. Rev. A. Verren, Gracie Prime, Ch. Coudert, Martus Pagon, H. Peugnef, Filch, Dr. Stevenson, j22 lw at Blooonngdafe. as an Apprentice io ihe fsooL-mnains industrious boy of good principles. 13 or 14 years of age. Apply at No". 1 Broad str-jct, betwevu 3 atid 4 o'clock w the afternoon. j!5 w ANTED, a white woman servant, to do Ihe w«^rk ..I a w r y small family, cocsu>tmg of only two per- sons. She must be a good plain cook and washer and ironer, and cum* well recommended ui the sevt ral res- pects of general capacity, character and disposition. To such an one good v. ages and a p-rniaueiit situation would be given al 99 Fourlh tireei, Washmgton square je7 A S M A L L family would be p;eas«d te accommodate two or three gentlemen with pleasant rooms and board or with breakfast and tea. Inquire 13 Pearl st. near ihe Battcrv. JOQ tt TirANTED—A Girl, to uo the VV ily. Apply at 103 Liber-. , work ofssmall l.iiu- J21 "11 7 A N T E D — A young man to attend m a Drug VV Sfore. who has aknowiddgeef the retail business. Address P. Q.. R. office of the With name and reference. Journal ot Commerce JI8 BUTCHERS' St DROVERS' BANK. New York, June 22d, 1833. "VTOTICG is hereby given that an election for thirteen 11 Directors aud three Inspectors for the next election will be held at the Banking douse on T'tesday, the 9th day of July next, between the hours ol 1 o'clock and 3 o clock, P.' M. Bv order of die Board. J22 tjy9 W . R . COOKF, Cashier. T R A D E S M E N ' S ' B A N K — T h e President and Di rectors tiave declared a semi annual Dividend of three and a half per cent, on the capital stock, pay able on and aiier lint 1st July next. By order of the Board. je21 i2J W . H . F A L L S , C a s h ' r . Dtlawart and Rarihin Canal Camden and Ambtiy H:td K-il and Traiitpnrtation Companies. TVTOTICE is hereby i'lven thai an instalment of Ten it dollars on each share of the increased stock of toe above named Companies, will be required io be paid at lhe respective offices, in New Brunswick and Cam- den, on Monday, ihetirstdav of Julv next. Dated June 17ih, 1833. J. H. SLOAN. J2I tlJv Sec'rv of the Joint Board. N' EW ORLEANS CANAL & BANKING CO. The Transfer Books of the New Orleans Canal and Banking Company, at the Bank of New York, will be closed on Monday t;ie 24th insf, at 3 o'clock. A. P. HALSEY, J21 tJvl Cashier ot the Bank of New York. N' NEW Y O R K E Q . U I T A R L E I N S U R A N C E C O M - PANY. JOTICK is hereby given, that a dividend of three aud one halt percent. 00 the capital stock of this Compare., will be paid to the stockholders, or their legal reprcsen auves on Monday the first day of Julv next, at ihcir office, N o . 48 Wall sir-!. J20bt L. CHAPMAN Secretary. Medi- MORRISON'S PILLS. T HK KVGEAN VEGETABLE Umversa cines of the British College of Heath. CAUTION !—It has again become necessary for the general acrrediter: agent of this celebrated establishment, to caution the public against Die impositions now in prac- tice; to palm off counterfeit preparation- for genuine ones. From the general satisfaction expressed bv a large portion r.f the community, at lhe exposure of a late at- tempt of the same kind, 1 LS determined to adopt a simi- lar method of procedure with respect to everv ruch nc- farous transaction, which may be brought to light, a course become more essentially necessary from great and flattering accession of converts to the Hvtrean Sys- tem, and the consequent unpr ucipied edor,s made 10 take advantage 01 the same. The public are noTiiied that a spurious preparation falsely purporting to be Morrison's Pil:s, the Vegetable Universal Medicines of the British College of Health and signed " Morrison," is issued from lhe store of Ja- que* & Marsh, Druggists, New York. One or bolh of this firm applied tome personally, for the agency of this genuine arlitle. but were informed, and the community is now pubhclv, that no druggist is permitted to hold the genuine article for sale. Further exposition of these spurious attempts will, from time to time, appear in the Family Adviser and Hy- gean Record, a senit-monUily publication, requiruis no further recommendation than a knowledge of the fact, that its 8th No, war last week issued to a subscription list of over four thousand. The genuine Hygean Medicines lhe following Agents in New York ley, Booksellet, 50 Canal street, next io the corner of Broadway : Bookseller, 148 Fulton street t and .' u«r. 05 Barrow street, New- Yr-rk. sub-ag-ii's:—Messrs. Firth & Ha'', Frant in Square ; Mr. Danl. D. Smilh, bookseller, No. 190 Greenwich si: Mr. George Kears.ng, gold beater, No. 88 Re«i st t Miss Elisabeth Weed, No. 402 Grand st: Mrs. King. No. 75Norfol« st; Mr. JoimO. B. Rich- ards, No. ISO Clinton st. ; Mr. John Lee, bookseller, No. 348 Hudson si. The fourth edition of practical proofs of the Hygean system of Physiology is now in the press. All conm.u mcalions to be addressed 10 H . S H E P H E A R D MOAT. South sireet, Brooklyn, Jan. 5th, 1833. |e24 can be had only ef :—Mr. Joseph Stan- in the white building Mr. Wm. Beastall, •• Rev.J. H. Broo- -ind the following •IUSIC store. No. 1 "VTOT1CE—All persons having claim* against me laic 11 copartnership of Lynch 4> Ctarke, are requested to present the same for settlement to the subscriber, the surviving partner, ut No. 10 Thames street—and all in- leoted lo said copartnership, are rrquns'ed to make pav- meui as above. JOHN CLARKE.' New York, 17th June, 1833. j20 6t* ATOT1CE—Tne co-partnership heretofore existing i\ between the subscriber and Thomas Lynch, late «.f the ei'y of New-York, now deceased, under the joint name.- and firm of Lvnch & Clarke, having terminated by the death of_Mr. Lynch, lhe subs-triber will contuiu.' in the same line of business on his own separate account but under the former names of Lynch & Clarke. New-York, I7th June. 1833. J206t* JOHN CLARKE. BATH BUILDINGS AT LONG BRANCH, ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. T T E subscriber respectfully informs her friends and the public lhat the above elegant establishment will be open ihe ensuing season for the reception of visitors, from the first of June to the middle of September. By an assiduous attention to business, the subscriber hopes 10 merit the patronage of a liberal public. ANN RENSHAW, Widow of ihe late Wm. Renshaw. N. B. Parties desirous of visiting the Branch and re- luming by the st< am boat the same day, can be accom- m idatcd at lhe shortest notice. A . R . je 2aw6w rpo" THifpUBLIC,—Forced by lhe oppression ol a J. few individuals to appeal to the liberality of our fel- low citizens, and to rely upon our own exertions, we, the subscr bers. carpenters of the city of New York, have formed an association and partnership in the line of our business as carpenters, and have opened our shop, called " The Carpenter? Shop," at lhe corner of Elm and Ca- nal streets, in this city, formerly known as Cram's Dis- tillery. We most respectfully solicit the patronage of our fel- ow-eiiiyens ; and we trust, by our assiduity and skill, to give general satisfaction. ANDREW E. TURNBULL, ISAAC ODELL, WM. L. CHURCH WELL. New York, 10th June. 1833. J10 4m* R ~EADY MADE COFFIN WAREHOUSE7NO. 45 Courtland street, New-York.—J. R. White len- ders his sincere thanks 10 his friends and tbe public in general, for pa-i favors, and lakes this method of inform- ing them, that be still keeps constantly on hand an ex- tensive assortment of COFFINS, made of the best ma- terials and workmanship, not to be surpassed by any warehouse in lhe city. St. D>mingo Mahogany, highly polished, Walnut, Cherry. Boilsiead and White wood"; Shrouds, Caps, Scarfs, Mourning Hearses and Carna- ges ; the Ground provided in any place. Tbe subscriber being in the above business for a num- ber of years, flatters himself capable of taking the whole charge o f a funeral, that will give entire satisfaction to his employers, and likewise at moderate charges. N. B. Sextons and die Trade supplied as usual on the lowest terms. j2l F ASHIONABLE S1LKGOODS.-J. S. FOUN- TAIN et CO. (formerly »f Brnadoay.) 66 Mai- den lane, comer of William st. have just opened a vari- ety nf new silks which enables them to offer tbe follow- ing styles, some of which cannot be found in any other establishment io this city, vir,: 1 case of first quality Poult de Soie, in every fashion- 3 !»•»* oloc 1 do Mack and blue black I do rich Enfhsh Gms de Nap I do GrosdeNap of fashionable colors 1 do Gros di Swisse, hsue and jet black I do colored watered Buns, »ery cheap 1 do plaid S.l*~ of thagwtammvariety ' 1 do Paris Highland plmd Orm de Nap the most fashionable silks worn - . » , . . 2 do of black, t c . ; Woe black suits of good anility at Sdper yard ; also, ladiasUks, white and colored no- rences, gauxes. silk barrage, Italian siks S^, 4-4, 5-4 wibe, blk d o : nch jet aad blue black Marcel ine and Plo- ntnees, figured sUk, black andeolored, which are the la- test Paris fashion, Re. J* 3 r > Country Merchants, Druggists, Perfumers, ate— An assortment of pore and unadulterated Essential Oils is offered, together with all that can comprise acoun- tnt merchant's stock in Perfumery and Fancy Articles, with an addition of Tincture of Pearls, Kalvdor. tic. for the complexion, Amboyua, and Cevlen Lotions for the Teeth and Gums, Odontn, yntisorbjuc and Area Nut Tooth Powders. For sale bv SNYDER Jt C O . Importers and'Vbolesale Perfumers, J19 31 Cedar at,New York, 0 ~~ZN A BURGS. Burfaau and Tichknbnrfs, just re- cniyedperCamilKis,and»orniUb» HOFFMAN. BEND * C O . JS4 et Pane street. TlONGEESILK HANDB!RRCHIEFS-A large T O T E A C H E R S . — T o b. disposed of a respectable itchoo! 111 a central ;iart oi the flourishing town 01 Newark, N , J . The building is nearly new and well fitted for its present use ; it would cot.'.ain from fifty to sixry pupils. The present propn>rtor being about to leave fin- place soon this notice will be continued but a few days. Ii u expedient also that airy j»erson wishing surh a situation should apply immediately. a» the uew quarter wiii commence about the first ol uevt month.— Applv, if by i.tter, post paid, lo lhat office, or to lhe Rev. E. Arnold, Newark, N . J , je20 tf JL from $50U0 10 S-m<0 in a lucrative Mauuiaciuruig and Importing business, which is well established and has a vaiualde sr't of customers. The only object of die advertiser us l o exteuo lhe business winch can be done to great advantage. Respectable references given and required. Adilregs B. B k Co. Willi real name and left at the Daily Advertiser Office will receive immediate at- teiitmn, J202w 1 A U R N 1 S H E 0 R O O M S T O L E T — A n y g e n t l e m a n JL or gentleman and lady, aha desire lobe accommo- dated with pleasant r.Kims and breakfaaa and tea, or boaid, can i:t-et with apartments in Walker street,with a prtvaie ftimilv, where a limited imniln'rol three persons onlv will be accommodated. Apply at No. 89 Walker sire. t. m28 1 A Y O U N G G E N T L E M A N , G r a d u a t e at an East- ern College, who haj had considerable experience as teacher both in tlte country and city, is desirms of de- voting the evening to instruction in suite private fanny. He would have 110 objections lo boarding wuh the family, and receiving thru a s a compensation lor ass services.— Referees can be given. A lme addressed t o A . N . S . , and left at the office of tins paper will receive inunjediale attention. J7 \ Pnva j. I. sir.'el, would be pleased lo accommodate a gentle- man and his lady and one or two single gentlemen, or four gentlemen, with board ami lodging, as soon as the 1st of June, Address 'i'.P. office of tiie Evening Post, m24 B O A R D I N G — Fi led with hoard al our gentlemen may be accomrooda- al 1 j - B r o a d w a y , 1:1 a small family wher# the number of hoarders is iimted to six—the !spa- uisli lant^aoe 1, spoken in the family, which »ill re der this a desirable situation for those who may wish to ac- quire that language. m24 G RACE CHURCH—Wanted tu purchase or leasr a pew ui '.irace Church, we': situated on the ground floor, ot (roM of gallerv. Apply lo 9J Chamber street. Jl 1 ' B OARDING.—Three or four gentlemen can be ac- Com modal ed with f mushed rooi.is, with breakfast and ira, in a small family, by applying al No. 3b Lis- penard st. JJ4 w jTANTtlD—A eoioreu Woman, as cookartd wann- er to a small family—none nceii appiv without tne best of recoinmeiitiaiioiis. ai N o . 120 spring sireet. in8 W ANTED, a steadyyoun dren—apply at N o . 115 VT7AKTE1 worn in lo attend chi!- 5 Chathain-st. at- 1 —A Fanner lac i'orler House, one that is well cs'ablis'ied iu the most business part ol the citv, and has a go; d run of custom—to cm that can invest some capital may hear ol a situation hat may prove to his benefit. Please address W . at I. .> office, with real name and reference. Jit) T b.N uni more years, lane. THOUSAND DOLLARS WANTED, on incumocred Real Estate in this citv, for two or at 6 |>er cent, App^y at N o . 8 M-.tdcii j!8if UNION HILL SCHOOL, NEAR IVEST FARMS, tVestduMer County. T HE REV. V V M . P O W E L L is now prepared to reci. ivc an audiliooal number of pupils. The Scholastic course of the Insliluuon embraces the study of the Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, and Eng- lish Languages, together with Mathematics, History Ueograotiy, with the use of lhe Giooes, Astronomy, and Practical Surveying. Betides the Principal there are four Assistant Tutors, who have been not only habituated to leach,but arc ex- tremely will qualified to snpart instruction. The System of Tuition strictly adhered lo is such as will serve to confer a solid aud liberal education, aud the peculiar advantages extended to youth are deemed suffi- cient to satisfy the most anxious Parent in regard to tbe pa us, the care, and the kiuilto ss which are observed to- » a,d;» them. Tne Scnool is, as it professes to be, truly select and is exclusively composed of Boarders; and the Boys, even during the hours of relaxation, are never left '•• themselves. Th e Recitation and Sleeping Rooms are thoroughly comfortable, spacious, and airy; and the plr.y and plea- sure grounds are not only extensive but beautifully lo- cated. The tituatum is remarkable for its healthiness and sr- clusmn; and its moderate distance from New York, not exceeding thirteen miles; and us facility ef access, either by Ha« rlein Bridge, or by Macomb's Cam, will enable any Gentleman to visit it in a snort time, and to judge for himself of its various advantages. Pupils are received from the age of six to that of six- teen years, and payments are required (Quarterly and iti advance, but no deduction will be made from a Q.uart< r once commenced. Letteis may be addressed to the Principal, through the Poet Office, at West Farms. For the character and estimation of the School, refer- ence is made to Bishop Onderdonk Rev. Dr. Wainwnght Rev. Dr. Bernan R.v. Dr. Lye!! Rev. Dr. Hawkes Prof. Anderson ) Coturn- Prof. Rcnwrrk Una Col- Prof. Anlhon ) lege. Dr. Macneven Dr. Bibby Dr. Rhmolander R. Emmet, Esq. S. CamUreleng. Esq, T. A. Emmet. Esq. Hon. CD.Colden Hon. C . C . Cstnt releng H. Lc Roy, Esq. Gi- llarclay, Esq. H. .looraem, Esq. H. H, Panton, Esq. Christ. Wolfe,Esq. David Austen, Esq. C.H.HaU.Esij. Domk Lynch, Esq. J. Botiehaui! F.so. B. McEvers, Esq. Robert Gracie. E.q Win. G. Bucknor. Esq. T O D K A L K K S ANU NANU SCHCYLKILL COAL BY KACTORKivi.- T H E C A R G O Tbe subscribers offer for sale by the cargo, Scnu.lki.: Coal of the best quality, delivered on board vessels at their wharf, Lombard sir 'et, Philadelphia, free from tine and every unpurifr t tliey wul obtain vessels, if required, at the lowest freight, or they will deliver Coal where 11 is wanted. Io consequence 0?the extensive arrangements file subscribers have made at the Mines for a supply of the best qualit. of Coal, they are enabled to offer ii at ihe lowest market price at which it is sold at Philadel- phia. Apply corner of Murrav and Washington streets. J3tf " SAMUEL H, REEVE & C O . P K W 111 St. f*aui's church lor sale cheap : pew No 119 in lhe norte side aisle of Si. Paul's church. Applv a8«f FACE" K W 111 St. Faui'schurch f ; >r sale cheap e side aisle nf Si- lo E. W.Trvon, U l I roadway. D RY GOODS FOR SALE B Y T HE AGK—Prints, light and dark brown cbiatz, £ Satteens, tine white Shirtings, 36 inch goldends bleached Dimity, 3—4 furnitures Cords, Orleans, Genoa. Constitution & 8 »bafij Beaverteens, very fine drab & olive Nankeens, fine heavy 3-4 olive lor gig tops Menuos, 3-4 &. 6-4 colored ii. black Circassians, 5-8 do do Handkis, Turkey red, Madras* Silk Bandannas,' blk & col'd Cloths, blue, black it fancy colours Biankets, 8-4 9-4 10-4 11-4 & 12-1 London Whit- ney Flushings, green & blue Pelarshams, drab Patent Thread, blue, Hack & assorted, No S3 a 30 Jaconets. 40 inch fine, ft cravats Bv G R A C I E , P R I M E fc C O . J19 j.50 28 Broad street. P EW IN S T . T H O M A S C H U R C H F O R SALE The square Pew No. 139, situated is the south aisle. Possession given the 1st o'Mav next. Apply to F25 tf E. BUTLER, 110 Pearl st. F IRE Crackers and Fire Works of every variety, for sale in lots to suit purchasers by II CAMMANN; HOSACK R BOHLEN, 29 Pine st. IT M s w l m i l n f P s m r e e ufnBjwnermaajity,' g A Pocket Hdkfr, er retail at rpo SPORTSMEN -*A few of WenUey Rkkara', X Double Barrel Guns, back action aad Bar Locks with or without Cases—For sate bv J O S E P H T A R R A T T , J r . JH jjg Pearl St.. up stairs. F " OR SALE—A grer Horse, b years old. He can be seen at Mr. Oscar Nelson's'stable in Rivington street, corner of Bower v. He will be sold cheap, as the owner has no use for a horse. For further nerUcniarF, apply No. 1 Maiden lane. JSO C HAMPAIGNE WINE,of tbe brand* Joly,"new Vintage—Tbe subscribers base received 600 bns- ke «s and cases Champaigns Wme,«f ine late great **a- tage of 1881. These wines are entirely mare and anfa- ral, and are considered superior to any n e w the near 18*5. Apply so sole importers of this brand « JcJw.n A . B I N T N G E R * S O N , 141 Brnaanvny, near the City HoteL In store—A few canes of the genuaae Via de J24 TSBSto^reT^wruS^ I 1 *-;-. B ANK NOTK PAPa», •*" nsln I. WIT, W **•••*, BOARD OP HEALTH. < Tne Board of Health cnanot tae rmrnatj late thev feilow cittsens upoa the unperalled 1 from disease » hi« h our city now enjoys. N o t Car y e a r s certainly, and probably never before, were tbe bills o mortality relatively so low aa taey have been for the mat siaor eight months. Other places, however, have net been equally fortunate. In New Orleans* the rhoiera remains, and has reccutly began to advance up the Vailey >• the Mussanmaa, assailing in quick succession, and with its usual fatality i< »n> 1000 miles distant from each •uer. That Uie progress of this dreadful scourge d>- r»eods primarily upon some general and uacoetroluele a- -•eoi may be true, but uiidoubtrdiy local causes have also 'heir influence. Over these causes at 1< *st human power extends, and although they have been often pointed out, vet as they cannot be too strongly impressed upea the public mind, ibe board will agam enumerate ihem. They are, Ut. ardent spirits; id, general ot personal uncieanUness, 3d eiceeuvc «bor of body or mmd; 4ih, i-aposure to excessive heat; Sth, impure or stagnant air ; 5th, crude mdiges'ibie food, such as the great mass of the summer vegetables usually brought to our markets, especially £ eaten ,n the raw stale ; "ih, uanpc or stale fiuil ; 8 b. fermented btjluirsef all kuads, if ton new or if stale ; 9th,rancid or stale meats, whether .tried, pickled, smoked, or r« c« ntiv slaughlered ; 10 h. stale or ram id butter, lard, or oil; II th, fresh fisli of all kinds, but in .re ••jpectaliv sh< II fish ; IJfh, the intemperate induig<tnce of any of ihe phv steal appciues, or any of Uie passions or aflecUoos of lhe nunc. To these cirrunuaaoces 1 very nidivJua! can attend; and the B<ard of Health confi- dently trusts ihat "othing further can be required lo in- sure a strict observance of mjuncuons, the pro|>rtrrv of Hindi reason and etnerience alike cuueur to sancliual The Biard has in {.reparalion extracts from the vart- OUB laws aad ordinances relating lo Ihe public health, whtcn together with .he names and residences of all the officers who are bound lo act as its ennservators, will shortly I- |..il.hshed. In the meantime anv appltcairan can be made :otl.e Mayor or Aldermen and Assistant A'd.-rmru of ihe respvctivs ward*, «vbo are ea-oficto Heal'h Wardens. GIDEON LEE, President •/the Board of Health. Jacob Morton, Clerk. * During the last mtsith the Board fell botmd to exer- cise '.heir powers irf quarantine in relation lo several ves- seU fro-11 New Orliatia, ou board oi elnch casts of cho- lera had occurred. P A P E R — F u e , No I.SR3F and •••uperflue Leiir Paper, do Kites ebo Post, for checks and rntasagnea No 1, 24k 3 cut and flat Cap* No I yellow, li.ue ai>d Green Post No I Cap Fat. suitable for b.a;ik hooks No I blue do, do beautiful No 1 blue, Pink and yellow Quarto Post Blue Tobacco Cap, various kinds Medium, superroyal and inip«-rial Kentish Cap Straw imperial Envelope Pa|«-r Super royal and imperial Posi office do Bank Note and Lottery Ticket Cap No I R 2 white Music Paper French Couperpiau Paper.il by i 9 uichce Do do itieiouni, verv beautiful Muse PSIKT of various qualities Mediom Printing Pap, v r, m great variety Royal, siijH-r royal andvar.ous siaes of imperial, "f<v news Red. i.lue, yellow, and lea colored medium, some very fine J Tea colored royal, ralciila'rd for covers Fancv colored Can, FohoPosI and Medium Double Crown and coubie Cap Wraj'puig Singh- Cap and Crown do Cap, Crown, double Crown and Medium marbled Or.lers executed for every kind of paper with lhe ut- most despatch. STATIONERY. Red and black Sealing Wax Walk den's. Kidder's and Hart's red and black Ink Powder Do do do Ink in bottles, all sizes Red and black Lead Pencils; Crayons & Ever Points Amcnean, Dutch an.! Russia Quills Fr.-nch & .Spanish speefc'd double-he ad Ptavmg Cards American k German do, ali kinds Various ^\u>\ Blank Cards, Porcelain do. Full and half bound Blank Km4s, aseurted School Bihies and 'I'••> an.- i.t- Quarti' Bibles, various qualities and prices Greenleafs Grammar, Bascom's Pcimiaiisfup Webster's S;H 'Img l) iK k, old and new T h e Eio.-'isli* R e a d e r Fancv S. »ps. consisting of Windsor, Cevlon, Oriental, Ri^,. Palm,Olive, Almond, Vanegated,most aji- provid manufacture Lidvigra^diic Stones, all sizes ; also Presses Cast Iron Copying Presses. F o r >-ale bv I. HOIT, 6' William street upstairs. Order* attended to for Rust's and Smith's Pr lining Pre-ses. Type from the various respectable foundries, and ali kinds of pruning materials. nifi M ONS. CHABKRT'S TAPUYAS ELIXIR The m»ver failing success which has attend, .i r.e u^e of this Khxirm curirut the Tooth-ache, and lhe cm- sequent large and increasing d^mana for ii.hu* caused a number of spurious preparations to be sold ander the. same name, M. Chal.cn has iberefore though' it neces- sary toapp.jint the toiiowme Agents Iroui whom tlve ge- neral Elixir 1* tube obtained. General Agent—James G. Clark, N o . 1 3 2 Arch st. Philadelphia. Agents in N e w Y<*k—J. Xavier Chabert, Chemist and Apothecary, Hi Broadway, opposite the Ho*pual; O. Chhloii, Operative Chenii't SIK! A|Nvthrenry, 34 Park Row ; Marshall C Siocum. Chemist & Apothecary. 303 Broadway, corner o:'Duaiie st,; and James W. Smith, Chemi't and Apothecary, 54 Fulton st. corner of Hicks street, Brooklyn, Agent f.»r Long Island^/' The limits o f a newspaper forbid the'insertion of lhe numerous leslimonies M. Cl.al.er; has received of the vir- tues of the Tapuyas Elixir, he liierefore confines himself to selecting the f illowiug w~ Washington Cilv, 22d March, 1839. Mr. Chabert—Throt'^h a grateful sense of the belief t I have received l.ora the use of your Elixir, aud lo en- courage others to avail themselves of so valuable a re- medy, I chvcrful'y 1 uderyots lhe following statement: I have for years sntTercd much wiih lhe tooth-ache, and have had several teeth < virartedon that account, though but slightly decayed. Tlu» has proportionally enhanced the value of the remainder, which induced me to make a tnal ofycsir elmr in a recent attack of this most ex- cruc.ating characicr. The effect of the apphraiion was an almost instantaneons reticf. I am fully convinced of its power to effect a thorough and permanent enre. from toe faci, that lhe diseased looth became unmediatf !v 11*- sensihle to hot or rM liquids applied to it t whereas, for several weeks before it had t>en unable io endure either. I also entertain the belief, that if your Elixir had teen at hand on former occasion*. I might at this moment enjoy the benefit of those trcth I have had extracted on account of the afflirutv malady of which you have discovered Uie antidote. Yours respectfully, Pi R. MAYO, M . D . A ARON FOUNTAIN; Park Place House (comer of Park Place and Bmadeay,) r< .-pcctfoi.v solicile •he attention of ihe ladies of the ctty and strangers, 10 h s orleosivc assortment of choice aad rare fancy and staple gooas, which lie otTcrx at reduced prices. The assort- ment embraces the following articles, viz : Real Soul de Son of fashionable colors Do do do light colors for millinery Do do do i.lue and jet black Fashionable plaid silks, variety of stvles Several descriptions of entire new silks lo be found at 110 other store Marcel lines, blue and jet black Mateom black Italian silks Gro Grain black do Plain colors •• vair.it.cs. superior quality Smyrna satins Gro Grain ;iL k s-'k 5-4 width Plaid washane silks. A full assortment of painted and printed Muslins ; small fi^'d Jaconets, very cheap t French Calirors and printed Cambrics ; black Paris Lusire," Grenadine; Mot- rin", a n;'w article ; barege and hg'd Blond, for summer dresses; French Ginphanis ; col'd & mourning M a • one and Canx-ls Hair Caady, qn.te a new arucle : season- able shawls aod hdkfs, newest style and in great variety; -: k and coft.M H i . ' ry. Gloves, Re.,' looi,-. Laces, from Is to $\i tier vard ; English, French, Brussels, Valencia and Meekua Tiirva 1 Lares, from 1# to $ 1 8 per yard; real Blood and Ewh'd Mnana Cat*; infant Cans; E i.h'd Lm-n Cambric. Lmea f-ambnc Hdkf«, tape borders, hemstich, aisl etrgantl! emb'd, from 'im 61 to $15 each: tea! India Mull Mu un ; he'd and p.a.n Mull Mull; long Shawls, embroidered : French Lawns; Mandarine and Canton Cr*pes ; fi^'d and plain emb'd Mandannc Cratie Shawls, white,sca'lct. blue, buff and black, very richly embrnrderel, from iO to $100. One scarlet richly eiubn.id. red, with white, tine work- ed ihrou bout with various colors. The most extenave and splendid sssorimrnt of real India Came! Hair Shawls ev"r<"»fered 10 the coun'ry— coiiswung ol" white, black, scarle!; sreen, blue, crnnsssau and dove colors, from $& to $800 each—lalf wi«lih scarfs from £6 to SCO ; real Came! hair Cloth : carved ivory handle feai.cr Fane ; s.:ndal and rose wood d o ; carvr^d ivory multiplying Bails; Tortoise shell SnufT Boxes, &c. A. F. has recently evened his basement store with a general assortment ef linen, quilts, coun'e'panes,cotton sdnrtiufs; sheeiiugs.sfuffs fur cot'nn Imiug for gentltroi its nnd boys tummer wear, Ro»i?r>*s patent flaoscl, war- ranted not to shr.nk in washing, French morocco kid shoes and boots, genuine eofocne water. n.3l lw F O U N T A I N ' S F A S H I O N A B L E FANCYSILK STORE, Maiden land—1 tie subscribers would iiivne the attention of the Ladies le their esteasive and fashionable aseartmasnt of Silk Goods, recently purcha- sed and offered by the piece or yard, viz: 4 styles of paid silks, from 4 lo It per yard Several pieces of highland gros de Naples 2 cases plain pouixde soir, every cofour, aad splendid quality gros de Naples, fashionable shades small hg'd blue blk pomx sote superior blue and jet blk marceline very neb lis'u silk* for hats extra heavy double width blk Italian silk do do do gros de Swiss small fi.iV, Pouix de sote, fashiusiablc oAurs ligh color French Sal ins j< t and blue blk Italian A few piece*jet blk repps 1 case he.', y gros de Berlin I case wuered pouixde soio I do do satins I do pomx de soie, tor mil.tary u-e Also, colored aod blk gros te Portugnese English gros de Naples. tOs per yard Pink, straw, blue, Re. Florence Cashmere sdks, sjaandM satins for vests and sticks Cant m wash sdks, fashioaaUc stripes Entrlmh Florence, bine Vack Black «rov de grame,3-3R o-4 wise Spleadnl ignred safea, for evevmg dreesea, Re. Re. which, ia all. lorm das nest aseortment of sdks • N e w fart, S.,meol be mylm are not to be fosnW elsewhere. and all of tbeaa are siumd at tae most tiasnenhli prices, ,y J , S . FOUNTAIN R C O , 'art M Maiden la ae, eor. Wtanem st. 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 do do .lo do do do do do do N " k, W PUBLICATIONS.—The buccaneer, a u e bvMrs. te. C . Hill, ambor ofSketebes ol Lush chancier, Re. Re. t rob ISmo. Cathe whole the Bs or l a m ia a work of verv high merit, and wdl take tae rank with the beat actmns e f u s dasa as oar language. Pictures of Private ] Uano. Tbe Wise, a tale of Maaftna, a play in fi arts, by J as. Snnndan Kaewles, laann. Jar received aad for sale CHARLES DE BEHR, ' J14 ft ~ i. 1 Lata, by Sarah Btickney, 1 v. . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/New York NY... · Thomas L.Ogden, Win. Jounson, Murray Hoffman, David Haddea, Henry Laigh!, James X. Wells. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL COLLEGIATE

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/New York NY... · Thomas L.Ogden, Win. Jounson, Murray Hoffman, David Haddea, Henry Laigh!, James X. Wells. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL COLLEGIATE

T h o m a s L . O g d e n , W i n . Jounson, Murray Hoffman, D a v i d H a d d e a , Henry Laigh! , J a m e s X . W e l l s .

P R O T E S T A N T E P I S C O P A L C O L L E G I A T E S C H O O L .

NO W o p e s in tbe large a i d i — — f t — a w l i m p . 11 ceuxiy erec ted by U M T r u s t e e s , a t t a e c o m e r of

C a a a l and Vje i ck s treets , entrance in V trick street . Tii-s Board nf T r u s t e e s constatsof Rx. R e v . B a e j i m i s T . O l d e r J snk, D . D . Pres ides* R e v . T h o m a s L y e l l , D . D . V i c e Pres ident .

R e v . i M w M J n r , D . U , H e n r y R o g e r s , R e v . J . M . W a n i w r i f h t , D J J , D u n c a n P. Campbel l . R e v . VVm. B e r r a n , D . D . , John S i e a r n s . M . D . , R e v . J o b * F . Schroedcr , R e v . W i n . CreightOA, D . D . , R e * . J o .a M * V » d u r , D . IX, R e r , W a s . R . WBUUOfOUB, R e v . H e a r y A m b o n . U . D . , R e v . L e w i e P . B a y a r ',

Benjamin M . B r o w n , Treanver. T b e S c h o o l is under toe management o f a C o m m i t t e e

of ;r... B o a H , with the more especial control of one T r u s ­ter a - . tmj a s V u i l e r .

o r r t c c a s o r T H E S C H O O L .

M r . H e n r y Elwe l l , Principal. M r . B . B . Kil i ikel iy. Head of the Engl i sh , and M i -

Use maxseal Department . T h e Class i ca l C o u r s e is por*uod with a v iew to the

r> )JISIU-S o f Columbia Co l l ege , in which Institution t h j scho-J enjoys the right of a free sciH-la/ship.

T h e L a v i s h and MaUieuiai iea; Cuur«e is carried on with a view to huiess tor Mercant i le ...I and . m r o . fsus.-Bcss .

F o r th" Class ical C o u r s e , emLirac. i . ali ike s tud ie s o f the Scbuirf, IJIO 0 0

Pur the Engl ish and Matbem-uica l , do. 6 uu In the classical dervartmeot French is taught without

additions: *har»e. N o extra charge bui for fuel. B i l k payable in advance .

Saturday nvirafng is appropriated to the religious in s fruc l ion of the students under the direction of the Bishop .

For farther information, ap;>!y to the Pnm-ipul at the S - ' V w i . d u n a * the hours •1111.11 9 A . M . u » 3 P . M . , or a tus res idence , N o . l iM H u d s o n street .

in9 dawt f

TH E T r u s t e e s o f the N e w York Life insurance and T r u s t C o . give not i ce , th >t, a s a farther induee-

»i-nt to their fellow cittxerrs to adopt the sa le arm pru-d nl t iraeuee of insurm;; their i ives, they have reduced t i - ir rate* •>! insurance , and will uisurv l ives in future at I . f . . lowing rat"*:

I . . - ' in ' i ! v o f O n e Hundred Dol lars for One Y e a r .

E . A .

a fit. 15 M ti JO So 40 4o M) 5 i • 0

, Sec'ry.

aarc. 0 81 0 91 0 9o 1 i l 1 io 1 69 1 93 t 00 •z st 4 29

W M B A R D , Pres't. 14

p#01 NUMBER 9626 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY. JUI E 26, 1833.

MR* K. C . B A Q . U E T S E j a r d i n g and D a y School for B o y s , N o 2 0 E a s t R u t g e r s tree t , one door

fro.n Rul^r-rsl . t.'iu.ch. T h i s instil tuina wid be opened on the first o f M a y for

tiie rccejrf- i of Boarders , m.ln whichl iu ie day scholars will be. r« <.. , . e d ai N o . 4 4 E i » i Broadway .

Ti i . - .' oujc n most ».:va.:i .suau-. » s i tuated, in a spa­c i o u s , a i - i ^tre. I, „nd has every axcoaukuoauna lur a i. ighl. r' c:,«ctaUe »•<hooi. » u i the j>riiK-i;>ii jiU-.lyes Inm-n j l ' i d>v.> ••• lus '.line >o the iinprovemeiil of the pupils. T h e y wi'i !>•• prepared for entrance at either of the A -iii-r..:aii C o l l e g e s , or for bus iness .

T h e French ian-jiiage, aud tliat only will be spoken in die fan. l i t , in order thai ihe pupils may acquire the pro-iiuiH'iaiion and wmras of ihe k n g a a f c uerfei-ily ; the stu-aies as fir a s pracucahle wnl be pur» ••-.; in that language.

M r . li l-.ut.. h i . teachers omploved for the class ical , iuai.'ieuia:ica. and Ki.i.i.-.i de;>artsnenis.

TEKMs. Beard and T u i u o n for pupils under 9 years

o. age , per annusa, $ 1 0 0 Do for puptisfromS to 12 160 l ) o for o"o over l i SJ00

PayaMe quarterly and IU advance . M r . B . begs leave lo relt-r to Uie lollowing gent lemen,

at |>r. S'-nl | iatroas of the school . i a s m r l (j. W h e e i e r F . D e l H o y o Foster N'Kirand E . L)«uscoiiib l a i c Arnold L . Ha!s-.-y N a t h a n R i s e r s C . J. G a y l e r

N . 11. Ap^i i ca t ionsmay be made at 14, or 191 F.ast Broadwav . u u 6ni


UR. R U T H E R F O K L > , D e m i s t , would u d o n n h a !VUMI 1< an 1 all tli«>*e uiteres'.ed, that he us now r e a d .

to r^i'r-ve l i iem froiu any pain or inconvenn-nee arising frotu d'-cav, tartar of i«a* of tbe tee lh . H e will regulate p.-' lecdy tiie teeaii o f any child under t » e . v e y e a r s ul a i e .

i ) 5Ve N o . 13 C h a m S c r s t . S a t H l V t o r v r e f e r e m e s wi!U»e g iven . o l

r r * J B y S O L D A T P R I V A T E S A L E , by M r s . i F o w l e r , at N o , 261 Wil l iam s;rr«t, a number of Oi!

' u n u n - s , coin,.rt»uig some clio«>:r o n e s nv the <41 mas ­ters, aia'mg which tae Grec ian D a u g h t e r , and sev §. iptu-al and .xher subjects will be found worthy the t , t .Uoa o f c •onoisseurs . A number o!"-^rtrail> b m s h - d a n i u i m i s h e J , together with a few useful materials fur artists . A l s o , a v aluabie p.irt folio o f iwuits, inoslly after V a n d y k e ; a tot .4' ininialures ; a number ol smai! fafiry m. -.ure», in .« l , Jtc . l oo niiincroiis to mention


m l tl

1) E M O V ' A L — C h a r l e s C o t , m c s i w i ' i H i w of uiier-V a>Mu matung m W u l i a m street , | ias f.Mind it nrces -

»arv to ->m,>ve from his <4d stand, to the more eligible on-' at N > . 5 W a l l s treet , at the sign o f the Golden F U ^ c e . where he m l : be tiapriy to wait upon such of his o i l customers and friends a s may be pleased to favor bun with a continuance of tneir patronage. H i s present lo­cation e a a b i e s hun to enlarge his stock as to embrace &I the new an.1 fasruonahie arnc les suited to the season , and from the b e w h t which has resulted to himself and c u s -toraers b e his n e w cash s y s t e m , he interuls steadily to pursue i t—and to pay the same attention to the e legance

e i c e U e n c e of his garments as heretofore. ..J

L I T H O G R A P H Y . Art i s t m Lithography, has resumed the BI S B E E ,

practice o f his pr i f e s s ion at N o » 3 Caiial s t r e e t . — Havuig e n g a g e d the ass i s tance of several o f the hrst A r ­tists in E u r o p e in the duTerent branch-* of the Lithogra-p oc Art, he is now prepared to execute every descnpL.^0 of Lithographic D r a w i n g , Wri t ing and Printing, in a s ivle of e t c e l l e o e e e^ual to th« best impor-ed sn. .-imens of the a r t or of the Snest copperplate e n g r a v i n g s and on terms as favorable a s aiiv estab!;shment in thr l"u..ed S t a t e s .

P. ihi isaers o f works on M e u i c m e , A n a ; my, Botany , N i f i r a l His torv , Chemisrn,-, or olher subj.c'-s r e q m n n j plates or embel l i shments , will be guarantied an unlimited number of equa; irnpr. SSUSLS, from each drawing, at l e s s than hah" the e x p e n s e of any other method of producing them. ,

Portraits drawn on stone from bfe, or copied trom p a m . ings , prints or drawing*, with any number of impressions —plans , historical aud &ncy subjects , l a n d s c a p e s , » l e v • , v ignet tes , m a p s , mus ic t iues . address and visiting car co nmercia l and m i s . - U a n e o u s blanks, fac similies, 4.

G e n J e m e n o f t h e Bar , o r o f other Professi a s , ha*i:ig diMiiments of which thev may require a number ot copies ai s i o r t not ice , will find it to th< ir interest to apply a-" above and have t h e m executed by the process of Li tho graphs , which will give a fitc simiie o f the hand writing to be c o p i e d . a l i '•

R E M O V A L — ^ C y i R / > - i A M E S M ' C A R T H V M C ' R P H Y , Merchant Tai lor , 2AJ B r o a d w a y , and

late of M Chamber s tree t , S. gs most respctiulU- to return his most s incere thanks to the gent.eraen o f N e w York, a a l its luhabitants generally, for the hberal patronage wfuc i they have been pleased to bestow on him since his arrival arnoo^st Them, a, d b e g , o assure tl .em that it will be his constant s m d v to merit a conunuauce of their rax-or and support bv keeping a well s e l e c ' t d slock ol the verv best west of* Eng land cloths , C a s s i m . res , T i o -br»ets V e i e n t i a s . and fancv S i lks of :he n e n e s l patterns, and for f i ' h i m a b l e s i vie o f filling, and good workman-

asp, piedg, s h i m ^ l f ihat he cannot be surpassed by any KTif l .rf the tirade in N e w York or in Europe . f7

S H I P O W N E R S A N D M A S T E R S O F V E S S E L . — T h e suhecribers have on hand a con­

stant supplv of superior S h e a i h i n g paper, mamtiactured evpress lv loVSheaih ing v e s s e l s . A part is very strong, and bemg passed through rollers is m . l e pcrteelIv smooth, presenting a a e v . n surface for copper . For sale in lots to suit purchasers by

, 5 l f F Y L E R D l B B L E E i t s O N . D n r D o - ^ -

N* O T I C E Al l persons h a v u i ' demands or c la ims a-»ainst the es tate of Henrv Eckford, Deceased , are

requested to present their accounts , and all persons tn-d - l t e d io said estate are requested to make payment to the undersigned at their otfice N o . 74 W h i t e s treet , in the cilv of N e w - Y o r r .

M A R I O N E C K F O R D , Executr ix . G F I R V I N G 1

^ - R E T , L L O ^ K A Y ' E X e C U W " -1, J a l S t f

T NKVV Y O R K L Y C E U M . H E above Boarding School , under tiie directum of

C H A S . C O L ' D E R T , has been removed to the elegant establishment formerly known as the Medica l M a n s i o n , and situated ai the corner <»f Washington and A m o s street. T h e extent of this building allows a limited num­ber of half boarders and dav scholars to be receive I. It is the intention ot'the director, in addition to the French, Spanish and Engl ish .auonages , now taught, to add, arier the tirst fd"Mav n e t t , able instructors ui the i ia i ian ai.u German languages .

T h e courses of English Grammar, History, Gi-ogra-p!>v and ?. la -heniatics , are pursued by the nchoiars in ihe French, Spanish and English languages , imti-ciiini-nately.

T l . e Latin and Greek languages are also taught with care, an I »tuden;s prepared (<-r col leoe, where alr> ady s e ­veral have !>een aiiiiu'ted. and dune honor to the metl.od pursued in the L y c e u m .

Natural Philosophy is ai>o taug» t un-l-r the direction of a well kti i.iQ instructor, and wi'h the ass i s tance ol' an excel lent apparatus. A select librarv in the modern languages is also a! the disposition o f the students during m e t ' ieisure hours.

T h e healthy situation of this establishment, yet sulli-r i e n i v near the centre of the city , the peculiar advan­tage* it oilers for the acquirement of the modern lan­guages , induces its director to request a visit from pa­rents desirous of atfordius to their cluidreu on excellent education. It will IK* opeti-d on the loi.'i of April , and visitors will be receive 1 t v e r v M o n d a y and Thursday , between thehou;» nf l i and i .

For terms and other infonnaiioo the public is referr d

F O R N E W A R K .

TH E low presence Steamboat N E W A R K , Capt . B. T a t e . wiM c o m m e n c e running on and after the £5th

of March, l eSJ , b e t w e e n N e w a r k and N e w York a s fol­lows :—

L e a v e the Centre wharf, Newark , at 7 o'clock, A . M . and l i P . M .

L e a v e the foot o f Barclay street, N e w York, at 10 o'clock A . M . and 4. P . M . — ( S u n d a y s excepted ) .

Fare £S cents . H o r s e s , carriages and freight taken oniv at the risk of the owner*, and al the usual prices.

m i 9

O T E A M B O A T S A N D U S K Y , F o I A L B A N Y . k j—AccouiuKxla : ion equal to any on the River , having 112 berths—to s^i. from N o r t h side P o w l e s Hook ferry on

T u e s d a y / Thursday ' F r o m N e w York, at 6 o'clock, P . M . Saturday, )

W e d n e s d a y l From Albany , at S o'clock, Fridav ' ' \ w s v u * * * e n 8 e r s tnprutioruoii.

F a r e 5 - — m e a l s extra. m 3 tf

F O R ~ N E W H A V E N H H A R T F o R D — D A I L Y

\Sir am;.oat will l eave the E a s t R iver Sti amboa place, foot of BeeMiian street, every niorumg at 7

o'clock, ( S u n d a y s excepted) until further not>ce. S t a g e s » i l i be in readiness on the arrival of the boat!

at N e w H a v e n to convey passengers lo Harllorct. B o s ­ton, & r . Freight tajien a l moderale prices , t o r fur­thers uiiornia'i. ii. inquire o f

J O H N S A X T O N k C O . 114 South st. or F l o J A C O B C O R L I E S & S O N , it>3 p e a r | „

N E W Y O R K A N D A L B A N Y R A I L R O A D C O M -P A N Y .

^ " O T I C E — T h e books for subscription to the Capital i l Stock o f the above company wul be o;..-uedoo the 15th, I6rh and I7ih day o f Julv next, b e t a uu the hours of 11 o'clock, A . M . and 2 o'clock, P . ;.! a: the City Bank in the city of N e w York, at th • Eag le Tavern in the city of Albany, at the Mechan ic s ' Hail in the ci;y of T r o y , and at Payne's T a v e r n in the town • I 'Armenia, in Dutchess County.

'1 he amount required to be subscribed by the amend­ed charter belore the commencement of the work, is one million of dollars, in shares of one hundred each, of which live dollars on each share is to be paid at the time of sub-ecritiiioB. Dated June 20, 1833.

C O M M I S S I O N E R S . Daniel Lerov . Walker Todd , E h o s Hopkins, T h o m a s Taber , 2d. Cornelius Harseti, James B . Murray, J e s s e Smith, William Jay , John T o w n s e n d . John T . Nor ion , Benjamin Knower , Townsend M r C o u n , Gideon Tucker ,

N . B . — L e t t e r s addrti an e.- closure of the money in cheeks equivalent to a si bsenption.

W i l h a m A ikin, Abraham P. Holdndge , Rufus R e e d , Albro Aikin. El isha Tibbtls , Samue! Swartvtout,

L y n d e Catlin, John Loatier, Gideon L e e , John Snyder , Augustus T remain W a l l e r Cunni^hara, El ias Pauison .

ed to the Commissioners with

N O T I C E .

TH E Commiss ioners o f the Long Island Insurance C.un.iany, m t!ie Vi l lage of Brooklyn, having com­

pleted the apportionment o f the Capital Stock of sat J Company, certificates for the s t i c k apportioned will he delivered to the subscribers thereto, U|wm application at the Br oktvn Bank during Banking ho'.irs.

G E R A D U S C . L A N G D O N , J O H N L A W R E N C E , S . B . M . S A N D S , VCoaim'crs.

H E N R Y W A R I N G , O B E D I A H J A C K S O N ,

J 2 2 d l w

" "\ "17" A N T E D — A stout act ive B o y one who can conn * V well recommended may hear o f a s i tuat ional

B r i a d w a y . 101

J l j

\jLT A N T E D , \ V trade, an i

will be constdercd June 20—201

F O R N E W P O R T & P R O V I D E N C E . Frntn lk< I tot of Fulton %trett. East fitter.

E v e r v T u e s d a y , Thursday , and Saturday in J u n e , at 5, P . M .

Arrangement for June, 1833.

TH E new and splendid low pressure steamboat B O S ­T O N , Capt . Wii l iam Comstock , and P R O V I -

D E N ' C E , Capt . S e t h T h a y e r , will! leave N e w York and Providence on the following d a y s .

T H E P R O V I D E N C E ,

Jacob l.or.ilard, Daniel Loi i , J a m e s K. Paulding, Charles King, K. W m . H iskms, U . A . W . ^ i h Georgt Long, And to the offices of ihe

can, ana Le < Courier des I-

Pe!er Harmony, T l ion ia - G e n e r , L . L . S u a r e s . Francis Varet , Edward de R u s s r , L o m s P e c a s s e , Heranl & MoodoB,

Courier & Enquirer, A n i e n -tais l.'ms. iirl'i '2.i«;!m

B O A R D I N G S C H O O L F O R O I K L S . r r x I I O M A S W I L L I S continues his Boarding Schoo l X for Uiris aud »:ua!l Boys , having t mploynl a c o m ­

petent teruaie leach, r. he offers the following terms lor B o i r d and Tuit ion : — Spel l ing, Reading , Writ ing and A h-

metic, S^"" r«r (juarter. Do . with Geography and Grammar, i o do Hisojry, Phi losophy, Rhetor ic , C h e m -

istrv. Couipr>9iii<Hi. Astronomy, u<e of ihe Globes , and N e e e i e - w o r k , 25 do

For Drawing, additional charge ot $ \lo N o a.idiiional charge fir washing, one

half pavable in a tvance . Books and Slaliouary furnished a l liie customary pri­

c e s . Persons disposed to place their ciiildren at said School

iiiav obtain ml"irin.ttion f Samuel AVo^w hi. Sons , Book-selfers, 261 Pearl street, Samuel Smi th , 27S, Benjamin

ark, J31 , or Mahloi l D u v , o7t> Pearl street , N e w York.

Je - i cho . L o n g Island, 6th month, 10th, 1833 . J O S a w S w *

s person


C H A S . P . C L I N C H ,

CA S T O F F C L O T H I N G W A N T E D by the SUD scriher, w h o g ives the highest cash price for all

d e s c r u i u o n s o f g e n t l e m e n s ' and bovs ' l e f t ofTgarments . By sending or addressing a line through the Pos t Office, gent lemen wiU be w a m t e d on by 1 M . L U M L E Y , N o . 109 C h a t h a m st .

N B All k i n i U o f M u a c a l I n s t m m e n t s , G u n s , P t ^ * . J * cash.

. . . . - - . , and property o f e v e r y description bought for f i - O

TH E M O R N I N G P O S T A N D F A M I L Y G A ­Z E T T E n published in N e w \ ork dai ly . C o o -

t a n m g the Diurnal N e w s — C h o s c e Literary E s s a y * — Ongi tu l Discuss ions on important subjects—Cenera l Li t -erarv and Scientific information. Compri s ing " ttiik tfu Had* arirs" an lnterestme fund of amusement and in­struction. ' It is a p a p e r belonging to n o p a r t y , nor e n ­tering mio p a n v pol i i ic i . Iia co lumns are open to the discussion of both s ides o f an important principle ; bu! not upoo vague, w o s e , or indefinite terms.

T E B M S — F i v e D J h x r s per annum: in advance , or, One Dollar and Fifty C e n t s per quarter. W e e l u y sub­scribers, \t{ c e n u p e r w e e k .

A n v E P . T i s E M t 5 T s inserted on the most liberal t erms . Yearly Advert i sers T w e n t y Dol lars per annum, including t h - p a p e r C a r d s o f not more than three l i n e s , t o be in­serted three t imes a w e e k , T e n Dol lars per annum, the paper included.

Ojflce 71 - 4 « » ttrt^ontdaorfrtm Gofa^rf m i l

a s sures i is at all


DE N T I S T v — E . G A L E B U R G E R , Operative D e n ­t i l S u r g e o n , N o . i . E a s t B r o a d w a y , one door from

Catherine street , will at tend to the various branches o f his profession in a manner highly satisfactory to those w h o fev.ir him with their patronage . H e is prepared at all times to insert Incorruptible H u m a n and A n i m a l 1 e e l h ot the best quality. T e r m s moderate .

N B . E G . B . , a w a r e o f the usnal apprehens ion , ol

la lies in particular, with regard to their t ee th , those requa-ing his serv ices , that his practice times at tended with the l eas t possible pain,

TH E b u a » e * s will be continued by the subscriber at the yard N o . 3 7 4 W a s h i n g t o n s tree t , b e t w e e n N o r t h

Moore and B e a c h streets , where c o n s u m e r s may con­tinue to be supplied with all kinds oT Anthrac i te and Bituminous C o a U m c o m m o n use , at market prices and |»r;.cularly with the very superior quality o f Schuylki l l , » i i c h has g i v e s such general sat is&ction to the c u s ­tomers of the yard—ol this eoa l s o m e arrivals are e i -peeted in a few d a y s . L e h i g h C o a l at N e w a r k , (via the M a m s C a n a l ) and Schuylk i l l at Philadelphia, for sale hv the cargo, and will be put on board v e s s e l s at those p i v e , ui the best order, and on a c r « n i n o d a Q n g ! » « • » •

m i 3 J . F . S E A M A N .

PA R A S f chants

s O L S t U M B R E L L A S — T o retail mer -, in the citv, and l o e o w i t r r dea lers in general ,

the subscriber offers to His customers and the public an e l e s a w artiele , v i a : I K H J B L E T E O R I E N T A L E S I L K P A R A S O L S , V e r t et B l a n c eotoors , a beaut i -fal article, with a wreath <•*' dowers in e a c h b iead lh of th* Parosol, c h a s t e and e legant . L a d i e s can he supplied at a small advance on wholesa le prices by call ing at the onBiilart-irv 2 0 3 Pear l s t , 3d door above' M a i d e n lane , over Frt»d*k T . P e e t & C o .

N . B . Umbre l las ol"everv drscr.pt.on and finish. a2 tf S A M ' L R E D M O N D .

TO S O U T H E R N A N D W E S T E R N M E R ­C H A N T S . — T h e subscriber has on hand an c x i e n -

sive assortment o f s u m m e r garments , which has been m a d e op m E u r o p e in the bes t s tyle and nf the best ma­terial that can h e found, and will be sold very low for c a s h , at h is s tore 2 9 8 Broadway , next door to the Ameri ­c a n H o t e l .

• 1 4 tf J A S . ^ M e C A R T H T M U R P H Y .

CH O C O L A T E — T h e subscriber, agent for C . 1. F e l l k Brother, of Philadelphia, has jus t received,

Mi whole and half b o t e s of their extra N o . I Choco la te , • h i c h ho recommends to the public a s a s c r y superior article, and warranted free from adulteration.

W i t h o a prejudice to any other manusnciu-er, there t» inot be a better artiele "made. F a m i t j grocers are •sacked l e make a trial of it, and if t h e y do not fend it V> be the article represented, they are a t liberty to re-

A a i , 4 0 whole and half homes of Plu iadelphm Court -U a d t k s ^ a n , s n i i a m * f o r s h i p p m f , o r for etorse , n fond ar-«*>e. and at a very moderate o n c e , for sa le by

H E N R Y J O H N S H A R P S , j * U « W i

m I C { P A P E R , jant rece ived , for ante hy

\ 7 0 T I C E . — T h e co-partnership herelotore existing x \ under the forms of Bottou, Ogdeu & C o . tu Liver­pool, and Ogden. Ferguson & C o . in this c i ty , having been dissolved by thedea;h of .Mr. JonathanOgden , Ihe business in both places .s continued under the same hrms, bv ihe surviving partners, in connexion with his son.

T H O M A S B O L T O N , R O B E R T L . B O L T O N , J O H N F E R G U S O N , J O N A T H A N O G D E N .

N e w York, March 25th . Iftfc^ nrJ6

i O A R D I N G h O t ' S E , N E W - Y O R K . — M i s s M -flir-J 3 Elroy, from Phuadelphia. has takeu and newly ftir

Dished tlu-'mighout, the house N o 14 V e s e v s-reet, N e w -York, occupied until recently by ihe late M r s . C a i h a n n e Wilkinson, decreased. T h e house , which is spacious , has been thoroughly repaired and painted—and as every at­tention will lie paid to the domestic arrangements , and the oomfort o f the boarders, it is hoped tliat enure sat is ­faction will be given to ladies and gent lemen who may feel disposed l o continue their visits to the house . T o iur o w n friends M i s s M ' Elroy can confidently refer. T h e situation is open aud atry, and in the most desirable part of the citv. m31 Stawtf

Hl O B O K E N H O T E L . — T h i s spacious mans um is now oiieii for the reception of boarders and vistors.

Great improvenieiits have recently been made in its ac -comniodalions. T h e n w a n all newly and elegantly fur­nished, the pleasure grounds attached to it highly culti­vated, ar:d » ne'v shed with an extensive stable, wnl in future t_f«rr! i traveders. and particularly his country cus tomer , i. iph; eonvcni~itt*e. T h e vtctmiy ol this e 5 -labhehmeni to he city, ihe >;ilubnty of i u situation and great iH^siu of the rural scenery tiia.1 surrounds it, ren­der it ai r.i inog resort for the man o l pleasure or busi-nes--. Slea. i . l ioats leave every 15 minutes (price — cents ) for Bare av and Canal s ireets . W u i e s of the first quality, German , French . .Madeira, <kc. with other choice liquors, have been received. A n Ordinary partic­ularly *>i?n£ will be found, a first r a t e a n i s i being en­gaged for this denarunent ; and the subscriber takes the present opportunity to assure his numerous nends and the public that no pains shall be spared by hansel!" or a s ­sistants, to render this Hote l worthy of the natural ad­vantages that c h a r a c t e m e this most romantic situation.

N . B . H o r s e s and vehicles of every kind to be had by auolvtn" at the bar. A l s o pasturage for drover's cat t le .

s j g t f T H O M A S S W I F T ,

PU B L I C N O T I C E is hereby given thai application will he made to the Legis lature of the S l a t e of N e w

York at their ensuing sess ion for an act lo inco porate a Life Insurance and Trus t Company to be located in the n t v of N e w - Y o r k with a capital of two millions of dol­lars to be »•, led The Ammerm Lift / i«u.'aner and Trial Ca^yaty of t'.e Ci/y •>/ -Vrit- York. J13 tJanuf.rVg

D e l a w a r e and Hudson Canai C o . ) N e w York, June 3d, 1834. S

TH E Board of M a n a g e r s have declared a semi an­nual dividend ul" three and one half per cent, on the

capital stock of the Company , which wdl be paid to the stockholders on and after the 20th Hist.

T h e transfer books wil : be closed from the 3d lo the 10th instant, inclusive. B y order

J e 3 1m J. H : W I L L I A M S , T r e a s u r e r .

M E R C H A N T S B A N K D I V I D E N D . — N o n c e is

j . hereby given to the S.oCKholders of tht. M e r c h a n s Bank that a dividend for the last six months o f three per cent, has this day been declared, and will be paid on and alter the 1 st dav of June proximo.

B y order of the Board of Directors.1 W A L T E R

N e w York, M a y 31st , 1833 M E A D , Cashier .

mSI 1m

V T E V V Y O R K A N D H A R L E M R A I L - U O A D l \ C O M P A N Y . — N o t i c e is hereby givan to ihes luek-

holders, lhat the eighth instalment .•f'tive dollars on each share s required lo be paui to the Treasurer , at the C h e ­mical Bank , on or before ihe Sth day of July nex ' .

T h e transfer books will be c losed from the 4 h lo the

, 3 t h July, inclusive. B y g * ^ , ^ ^ ^

N e w York, June 7. 1S33. J 8

N O T I C E — D e l a w a r e and R a n t a n Cana l C o m p a n y A mee tmg of rthe Stockholders «f the above named

company will be held at the H o u s e of WUttam Arne l , in tbe Borough of Bordentown, W e d n e s d a y the IOlh o f J u ­ly nes t , at 1 o'clock, P . M . for the purpose of consider-inc the proprictv of effec'ing a loan.

" ^ J N O . R . T H O M S O N « ~ W

N e w Jersey , June 17 ,18SS. JIH U I 0

C A i i D E N A N D A M B O Y R A I L R O A D A N D T R A N S P O R T A T I O N C O M P A N Y .

NOTT. E . A meeting of the Stockholders o f the above named Couipanv wUl be held at Ihe house

of W i l l i a m Arnel in the b o n i i g h o f Bordentown on W c d -nesdav the 10th dav of July next, at 1 o c l o c k , P . M . for ihe purpose » f cons id .rmg the propriety o f effecting a loan: N e w Jersey , June ) 7 t h 1833.

J 1 9 t iylO 3- H - S L O A N , Secre tary .

g S n t n w e n d K 5 n n Canal and Camden ami Ambmf Rati Rood ami TraiufXiTtlKn. Company.

NO T I C E Is hereby given that the Joint H a r d >W the above Companies have this day declared a dividend

of three dollars on e a c h share of the capital stock o f the said C o m p a n i e s , wt.i~! will be paC to the stockholders or their le^al reererantal ires m pe-..-oa or by Attorney l f t e T the S O * met. a t the respeclrve o t f c e s at N e w

Brunswick and C a m d e n . J • « ° T * * * f : ' , ° " " ^ S e c r e i a r y o f the Joint Board.

B o r d e > w r > , J « m e l 7 , 1 8 3 8 . J l a t 3 ° .

* • •#> JsHOlT,^

- X T O R T H A M E R I C A N M I N I N G C O M P A N Y . j \ - N o t i e e . herwny g iren to the Stockholders that an m s u l m n n t o f o n . doflar on each share is r e q ^ r e d t o he „ H T o n or before the 1st day of July next, at the o & c e of

the C o m p a n y , N o . <2 W a l l * . ^ t ^ r r f t h e B o a H o f l ^ r e c t o r s .

7 J O H N N K I L ^ O N , J r . Treasurer .

June 13th, 1 8 3 8 . J e l 4 t J 1

S T O R A G E A N D U G H T K R A G K . B R O O K L Y N .

( F i r s t W h a r v e s and Santnnnnote F d t o n F e r r y . )

Ti l O M A S H . R I C K N K L L e t C O . h a v e large and csienmidimm SfWen, g l s e d ^ and C e i n r a for ntorage

rfNTt<^0rde^tL»nfn•T 5 « « ^ •* * * ? , « * ! o f M r . I saac V a n Clenf . « m » » mTttofag aim and Front s t r e e t , o r a t U M n r o f c « g s f d » n w n n t | n a , w i i l • • * • « •


N e w York a: On Saturday,

Thurs<lav, T u e s d a y , Saturday , T h u r s d a y , T u e s d a y , Saturday,

N e w York at On T u e s d a v ,

Saturday , Ttiured iv , T u e s d a y , S Unniay, Thursday ,

Providence On Thursday

T u e s d a y , S a t u r d i y , T h u r s d a y , T u e s d a y , Saturday ,

o P. M . June 1

do ti do 1! do 15 do 20 do 2o do 29

T H K B O S T O N 5 P . M . June 4 do S do U do H do 21 do -27


Prova lenre at On Saturday,

Thursday , T u e s d a y , Saturday, Thursday , T u e s d t y , Saturday.

12 M . June 4

do 8 do 13 do 18 do 22 do 27

12 M . June 1

do 6 do 11 do 15 do 2 0 do 25 d i 2 9

T h v s e splendid boats have e a c h two heavy copper boi­lers, and are pr ••• hed bv low pressure eng ines .

Al l Freight and Bagi» a ; , e a t the risk o f the owners thereof.

For further information apply to the matters on board, or to

J l R . S . W I L L I A M S & C O ,

cor, F u i l o n & Sotilii s t s .

i K N L V . Y L A K E — T h e new steamboat G E N E V A , S"; n b\ A . ,M for Lie head of the L a k e , and returning in the afternoon of ti • same dav. T h i s boat has been titled up and f'irin,iieJ iu the mo.it cosily s tyle . Minute at­tention will '. • paid loU.e tab'.c, and ihe bar supplied with Lhe finest wines.

For a ile^crritioti of the n.' .-restingobjec's and beauti­ful scenery oi. "he shores >.f this lake, s ee Travel lers ' Guide lor 16J5. [.age 2 2 0 ; also , R a y ' s p-< m on ihe 1/eii 1'ies of S e n e c a L i k e . J e i 8


C A M D E N & A.Mi i )Y R A I L R O A D L I N E F O R P H I L A D E L P H I A .

A t 6. Ill, ami 2 o'clock. From Pier N o . I, North R i - e r , adjoining the Battery .

M X o'clock L m e — N E W P H I L A D E L P H I A . Capt . U . N . Die!.!, arrives in Philadelphia al So'c lock ,

P . | M . Fare through $ 2 50 . Passengers by the above bout i n n arrive al Baltimore the same dav, a s die Balti­more Kail Road and Steamboat C o . have commenced a line, leaving Philadelphia at 3 o'clock P . M . or on the arnvai of die passengers that leave N e w York in the 6 o'clock R a d Road Line and arrive al Baltimore the same dav.

10 o'clock L i n e — S W A N , Captain C . S e y m o n r , ar--ives m Philadelphia, at 7 o'clock, P . M . F a r e thro'

2 o'clock L i n e — N A P O L E O N , Cant . I. F i s h e r . — L i d g e at Bordentown and arrive in Philadelphia next morning a t 9 o ' c l o c k , A . M F a r e through § 3 .

Accommodat ion L i n e . — P a s s e n g e r s in this lme leave in the 6 o'clock I a'. and arrive in Philadelphia, at 7 o'­clock, same aii e* >«>n. Fare through $ 2 . S e a t s in the Accommodat ion I. ,ie must b e t a k t n in the office, pier N o I . N . R .

Freehold and M •nmotilh Line^—By 'he 6 o'clock soat , via Railroad i « Hights town, from thence to F r e e ­hold by s tages . F i r c ' o Freehold $ 2 25.

Princeton ami T .-tiuon Line . F a r e to Princeton $1 Fare io Trenton J l 50 cents , by ihe 6 and 10 o'clock Boats , via Railroad and S t a g e s . Fare to Perth and South Ainhov and N e w Brunswick I2 j cents .

Al l baggage at the risk of the owner. I . B L I S S , A g e n t .

Cnion L;nef>r Eastnr i—Passengers leav« in the N e w Philadelphia, a! 6 o'clock, A . M . and arrive at Eastan the sanut evening. T h i s is the only Line to Eas lon via N e w - B r u n s w i c k . S e a t s secured at the Office, or on board the B 'at.

N . B . Passengers are taken in ihe above L ines from .AsJibov and Bordentown ui tnc Company ' s splendid cars, avoiding the inconvenience of dust and injury to clothing incidental to common roads and stage coaches .

T h e fixtures necessary for taking off and putting on board the boat, the baggage crates being now completed, the b a j g a g e wi 1 be assorted, put in the crates and secur­ed from the weather before 'he arrival of the boat at A m -bov. and will not be uncovered until on board the boats on 'he De laware . T o prevent mistakes the way pas -s i n g e r s baggage will be takenin a sej-araie car.

jLJIf^Passengers are requested noi tojiav the servants for assorting or reinovin; ihe baggage , as it is contrary to the orders of lhe Company that they should receive anv remuneration tor their serv ices .

N e w - Y o r k , 25th M a y IS33. m 2 5

N O M O N O P O L Y 11 P E O P L E ' S L I N E F O R P H I L A D E L P H I A ,

V i a . N e w Brunswick. Princeton and Trenton.

TH E Steamboat N E W Y O R K , Capt . J. Vanpelt , l eaves pier N o . 2 North R iver , foot ot Morris street,

daily, ( S u n d a y s execpfed,) at 6 o'clock in t'.e morning, for N e w Brunswick , where passengers will take R e e -side's splendid T r o v built C o a c h e s , s team boat P H I L A ­D E L P H I A . Capt . L . D a v i s , and arrive in Philadel­phia early th t same afternoon. F a r e through $ 3 .

T h e propnetors of the Peop le ' s Line have made every exertion to render this route safe, comfortable, and s p e e ­dy ; ihev have made great improvements in their S t e a m Boats ; se lec ted the best C o a c h e s and Hor­ses : provided skiulul Drivers to manage them, and to avoid serious inconvenience, no changing of coaches from boa' to boat. Act ive agents ares ta ' ionea al convenient d i s tances on the roads, to add to i h e comfort of the trav­ellers itod safety of their baggage . , A fair and honorable fnm^.Jioa, with a choice of conveyance is a lways an advantage to the Pubhc .

Everv traveller must be sensible tliat monopolies are iu all cose s odious and oppress ive , for example , look bark to lhe oid North Kiver Line of S team Boats which would still exist to the great disadvantage of the whole country, had if not been for that firm and spirited man Mr. G i b -hons—no one can est imate the good he has t i m e .

W i i h this s tatement of facts, the Proprietors relv on the generous public iu sustaining them against a M a m ­moth Monopoly , whose wish and interest it is to put down down all competitto*, to enable them to charge the highest prices they can ; which tiiey wdl do if ibere s no rival line to oppose them.

For s ea t s apply to ThomasWti i t f i e ld . okl N o 1 Court-landts t .and at the People's Line Office, 31 Washington sireet, opposite the wharf, or on boad the boat.

All S o e e i e . Goous , B a g g a g e , & c . al the risk of the owners thereof.

W M . B . J A Q . U E S , Agent for J A M E S R E E S I D E & C O .

a l Proprietors.

SI G A . E M I L I A S A C C O M A N I , M e m b e r of trie Italian Operatic Company , has the honor to luliinu

her friends and the public, thai she has permanently used her residence in this city, and offers her services as T e a c h e r of Voca l M u s i c according fo the latest and most approved rules of lhe Italian School . Hav ing giv­en proofs of her ability as a T e a c h e r both in Mi lan and Bologna, she trusts that an opportunity wilt be aflordod her of also establishing her c la ims fo die patronage ol the public of N e w York.

Her residence ;s at N o . 3 6 B o w e r y , where s i c u to be found at all hours of the d a y . "'3

1" A D I E S ' _ C O R S E T _ V V A R E H O L ' S E , who lesa le J and retail, at N o . 132 Wi l l iam street . T h e M i s s e s

H U M E S , Corset , 1 -ess and Habit M a k e r s , would ten­der their sincere thai-ns to lhe ladies of this city awl others for the eocourageuK.ul they haverece ived from them.— T h e y would inform iheir c u s i j m e r s thai they continue to keep on hand * large and elegant assortment of Corsets , manufactured from the most durable materials and of the most approv. J shape ; and a s a careful attesiliou will be paid bv thein to the requests of their customers , they Hat ter themse lves that l i t e m wdl be found superior to any now in u s e , and thev s J i c i t and look with confidence for the contmuat.ee o f the public fiivor. T h e y receive regu­larly the newest fashions from London and P a n s ^ n d t h e y asstire their friends and the public that every >ru«r, either for D r e s s e s or C o r s e t s , will be promptly aim cat fully executed .

N . B . Country and Southern merchants can be s u p ­plied with C o r s e t s , on moderate terms and a l the shortest notice. n\9

FR E N C H & E N G L I S H C O R S E T S — M r s . Gra­ham, late o f W a s h i n g t o n C i t y , D . C . most respect­

fully hegs l eave to inform those ladies w h o prefer a more private mode fo the common exposed cus tom of supplying themselves with C o r s e t s , that she has located herself at N o . S o i J H u d s o n , b e t w e e n Morton and Barrow streets , Greenwich , where , under the patronage of some of the most respectable ladies o f this c i ty , s h e will execute with promptness, and in a very superior s t y l e , all orders for French or Engl i sh Corse t s , e f every s u e or pattern.

N . B . I i d l e s at a distance c a n b e supplied by sending their m e a s u r e .

Gent lemen's foshionabie C a p s a n d S t o c k s inade too»w d e r a t the shortest notice. d i e t f _

- A few very r r H > C A N A R Y B I R D F A N C I E R S 1 i n e Canary B u n a , horn m n l n and I

which a t e s o m e 'jpener s ingers n f ewsettent note and every variety o f pajuiage. F e r t i l e M 171 SnntJj, anar R o t e n i t at, « • »w

TVf O T I C E — S U B S C R I P T I O N to the Capital Stock i . \ of the U N I O N F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A ­N Y — C a p i t a l $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 — S h a r e s §50—hrst payment on subscribing. $ 5 per s h a r e — A large (Kirtion of the s'ock of tins compsny having been subscribed, the under­signed Commissioners will attend to receive subscriptions for the remainder on T u e ^ l a y the 2d dav of July next, at 12 o'clock, at theoffice of Jonathan H."Lawrence, E s q . N o . 2 W a l l Mreet Court, in the rear of 34 Wal l street. T h e Charter, and all tiitormation upon the subject, may­be obtained ai the said office, or of either of the

C O M M I S S I O N E R S . Jcromus Johnson Augustus W y n k o o p Peter I. N e v i u s James H a y Wil l iam J a m e s John K. Marshall Egbert Benson, Jr. George H . S t a n t o n , N e w York. June 19, I83S

Raqih Clark

J19 tJv2

P H I L A D E L P H I A & T R E N T O N


R A I L R O A D . Notice is hereby given that an install? enl of T e n

tars on each share of the Capital S.ock of ihe Phila­delphia and Trenlou Rai l Road Company, will hi- re-quired to be paid to the Treasurer of the said Company , ai the office. N o . 66 North 11th street, on M o n d a y , lhe first day of July next.

id/""'Stock holders residing in N e w Y o i k will pav the said instalment fo Jacob R. L e R o y , E s q . ar the office of L e R o y , Perry It C o , N o . 15 Hanover street.

B v order of the Board ol Directors , T H O S . G . K E N N E D Y , Secre tary .

Philadelphia, June 15. 1833. J20 t j y l

T V T O T I C K LS hereby given to all persons havingctAirns l l against A l e x a n d e r ' M c L r o d . D . D . late of the city of N e w York, deceased, lo exhibit the same , with the vouchers thereof, on or before the twentieth dav of D e ­cember next, to lhe undersigned Administratrix and Administrator. &c . of lhe said Alexander M c L e o d , deceased, at their p a c e ol residence, in Twelfth street , near i h e 6 i h Avenue in the citv of N e w York.

N e w York. June 20th. I 8 3 i .

M A R I A A N N M c L E O D , Administratrix, J o H N N . . M c L E O D , Administrator,

j e 2 0 lawb.n of Alexander M c L e o d ,

C L A R K E , T A I L O R A N D D R A P E R , 49 lam s f e e t . — J o h n Clarke in again addressing

the public, beo* to r-tum ins best thanks to those gentle­men who have so liberally fovorcd him with their com­mands, and the recommendation of th i ir friends; and al­so remforms the public that it shall br- his c o o s u i . t care and study to unite Cut , Qual i ty and Workmanship in every article ofGetuleraens D r e s s , which svs lem h ... a l ­ready won for him a large share of public paronajte , and not forgetting that it is his inierest to charge every arti­cle at the lowest possible price (for cash oe l j .) J . C , begs to inform those ge ir lemen who have noi inspected his stock uf C lo 'hs . Cuss imeres . &.c. that it comprises everv arUcie of D r e s s suitable for the present season. _£»

NO T I C E . — T h e public are hereby cautioned against receiving or uegoctaling the following notes , namely,

one note dated 9th M a y , 1S33. or thereabouts, payable st 6 mos . to W . B . Brewster or order, for Five Hundred Do l lars ; one note al 9 mos. from 9th M a y or therea­bouts, for S e v e n Hundred and Fifty Do l lars ; and one nole same date a' 12 mos. for Seven" Hundred and Fifty-Dollars, no valuable consideration having been received

J O H N Will i

for the same by the subscriber.

N e w York, 21st June, 1833. H E N R Y L O O M I S .

J21 l w

NO T I C E . — T h e Co-par;ncrship heretofore ex sting be tween the subscribers under the firm ol B r e w s ­

ter and Loomis and Henry Lo<-"iis & C o . is this day d is ­solved by mutual c o n s e n t ; the business will in future be conducted bv Henrv Loomis , on his own account, uneer the firm of Henry Luoan* 4" Co., who are alone author-ised l o s e t t l e a l t ibe accounts o f the late concerns of U . B . Brewster—Brewster & Loomis & Henrv Loomis & C o . H E N R Y L O O M I S ,

U . B . B R E W S T E R . M a y II J21 l w

T , * 1 S I T I N G C A R D S . — J O S . P E R K I N S , W n t m g V Engraver , 4 John st. near B r o a d w a y , devotes his

principal attention to engraving Visiting Cards, which he e n g a g e s to execute wuh his own hand in the most highly finished s ty le , and to the perfect satisfaction of those ladies and gentlemen who may favor him with their patronage. Cards printed in the neatest manner from old plates, and a variety of embossed cards and card c a s e s furnished to order. J l S t a w l l t *

FA S H I O N A B L E H A T S — J . J U E L S F a s h i o n a ­ble H a t Store , N o . 221 Broadway , between V e s e v

and Barclay s tree t s .—Having opened al lhe above store a large and elegant assortment of H a t s , he respectfully invites his friends and ihe public to call and t- o n u n e his improved H a t s at $ 4 25 and $ 5 . which, after . number of vears experience in bringing to perfection, -. ;w a-rants them lo bear comparison with ar.v offered at the above prices in the c i tv . H e also manufactures everv descrqi-tioti of Caps , and has on hand a choice assortment o f Stocks , Collars , G l o v e s and C a n e s .

N B . Naval and Military H a t s made to order at the shortest notice. j l o Im

I- ^ D W A R D J E E & C O . offer for sa le at N o . 3 8 . i Broad street

2 5 0 tons Engl ish bar and bolt Iron 60 do refined cable do 2 0 do B a n k s ' best machinery Iron

150 do Scotch and W e l s h pig do 6 0 0 bundles Engl ish S h e e t do 800 do do H o o p do

1000 boxes T i n Pla tes 6 0 proved Chain Cables , 1-2 to I 1-2 in. 2 0 casks brass Ket t l e s , assorted, 1 lo 16 gall*.

15000 lbs. Braziers Copper , tlat and raised Copper Bottoms

IO0OO English Block T i n , 100 bdls Iron W i r e 2 0 0 bags Engl i sh Wrought N a i l s , entitled l o de­

benture 10000 FnglKh S h e e t Brass , 10 .000Shee t Lead

200 bags blue wire T r a c e Chains 2 0 0 bags common do do

100 casks Carolina H o e s 100 a 3 1 0 0 . c a s k s assorted Birmingham Hardware

10 c a s e s C a s i S t e e l A L S O —

3 0 0 0 gal ls . E n s h s h Linseed Oil 3 0 hhds.Staffordshire China ware j22 l w

CO P A R T N E R S H I P N O T I C E — T H O M A S H . J B I C K N E L L has this day formed a connexion with

F R A N C I S H O L D E N , under the firm of T H O S . H . B I C K N E L L ii C O . for the purpose of continuing tiie S torage and Commiss ion Bus iness , at tbe old s tand, be­tween the Catherine and Fulton Ferr ie s , Brooklyn.

T . H . B . & C O . have decked and open Lighters , wuh experienced men in constant readiness , to convey mer­chandise either to or from the city.

N . B . T h e r e is a wharf attached to the above prem­ises extending 115 feet into the river, forming a sate and commodious harbor for vesse l s of any c lass .

T H O S . H . B I C K N E L L , F R A N C I S H O L D E N .

M ay 1 , 1 8 3 3 . [ m 4 2 a w i f r O T I C E — S t o n e & M a s o n have associated them­

selves with Mr. C a l e b S w a n , and will continue the Commission Busuiess al N o . 64 Pirn- s treet , under the firm ol S T O N E . S W A N & M A S O N .

N e w York, M a y 1st. 1833. t»2 tf

PA R K E S ^ P A T E N T P O R T A B L E F I L T E R S . — T h e great and increasing demand for those ma­

chines not only in this c i ty , but in Boston, Baltimore, Charleston, N e w Orleans, Aibany, T r o v and numerous other places , is the very best recommendalion a s to their utility.

Southern and W e s t e r n merchants, captains of ves se l s , families going abroad, hotel -keepers , and all others who are desirous of be mg supplied with P U R E W A T E R , will find these Filters ol inestimable value.

T h e prices are from eight lo g i a , and they will yield from twelve to one hundred gallons o f Pure W a t e r per dav. and will continue to do so for years if lhe instruc­tions ol the Pa tentee are attended to . T h e y can ooU be obtained at the store of the P a e o t e e 4 i W a l l s ireet , N e w York, lo which place orders may be sent , and they will be carefully forwarded lo any part ol the world.

N . B . References of the first respectability can be given not onlv in this c i ty , but in most others in the Union, as to the efficacv o f these Patent F i l ters . m2S tf

V T from Liverpoo l , a fresh supply o f Gi l l . i i f s Patent Elongated Peruvian Blued Poukis ,and Rhadtographic 3 slit P e n s , on cards and m boxes , for sa le wholesa le , by

T H O M A S J E S S O P , 156 Pear! s t . J 4 23 t S o l e A g e n t for the Uni ted S l a t e s .

J~ ~ U 3 T ~ P U B L I S H E D — T w o L e c t u r e s recently del i -vered by a gent leman in Orange County , N . Y . on

the manifold succes s attending the H y g e i a n theory and practice of M e d i c i n e a s promulgated by M i . Morrison, of London, and his coadjutors of the British Col l ege of Hea l th , delivered from actual experience on hying sub­j ec t s .

A few conies extra of the b u t numbers o f the Fami ly Adviser , containing the above lec tures , price three cents each , can be obtained of the agents .

M r . J o s . S t a n l e y , Bnense4ter .No . 5 0 Cana l «*. M m . BenstaU, Booksel ler , N o . 148 Fulton s t . R e * . J . H . Brenner , N o . to Barrow at.

J > 1

SC H U Y L K I L L G O A L . — N e w B r a n c a , a cargo e f best

sold from the dollars per ten, tree

C k M M C e e J T w d ,

eehr CoaL wastn wili be

IJT ttMMO for| St MV4B

A D V E R T I S E M E N T . R . B E R N I E R , teacher of the French , German,

and Italian languages • who has several years been a professor in lhe Highest Col l eges o f Paris , and Prime Professor at the celebrated establishment Iks Ftil dt» chet^lurtdt St. Jjonit, at Versai l les , most re­spectfully informs ladies and gentlemen, a s well a s l i e institutions of young ladies and gentlemen, thai he will devote ii isii iue lo instruction. H e will a lso instruct pu­pils m lhe French Rhetoric , Be l les Letters , Literature, and Poetrv.

H e undertakes any kind of Trans lat ions . Apply 16, Broadway.

R E F E R E N C E S . — M x s s n s . Baldwin & C o . R e v . A . Verren, Gracie Prime, C h . Coudert , Martus Pagon, H . Peugnef,

F i l ch , D r . S tevenson , j22 lw at Blooonngdafe.

as an Apprentice io ihe fsooL-mnains industrious boy of good principles. 13 or

14 years of a g e . Apply at No". 1 Broad str-jct, betwevu 3 atid 4 o'clock w the afternoon. j ! 5

w A N T E D , a white woman servant, to do Ihe w« rk ..I a w r y small family, cocsu>tmg of only two per­

sons. S h e must be a good plain cook and washer and ironer, and cum* well recommended ui the sevt ral res­pects o f general capacity, character and disposition. T o such an one good v. ages and a p-rniaueiit situation would be given a l 99 Four lh t i ree i , W a s h m g t o n square

j e7

A S M A L L family would be p;eas«d te accommodate two or three gentlemen with pleasant rooms and

board or with breakfast and tea. Inquire 13 Pearl st . near ihe Battcrv . JOQ tt

T i r A N T E D — A Girl, to uo the V V ily. Apply at 103 Liber-. ,

work o f s s m a l l l.iiu-J21

"11 7 A N T E D — A young man to attend m a Drug V V Sfore . who has a k n o w i d d g e e f the retail business.

Address P . Q.. R . office o f the With name and reference.

Journal ot Commerce J I 8

B U T C H E R S ' St D R O V E R S ' B A N K . N e w York, June 22d, 1833.

" V T O T I C G is hereby given that an election for thirteen 1 1 Directors aud three Inspectors for the next election will be held at the Banking douse on T' tesday , the 9th day of July next, between the hours ol 1 o'clock and 3 o clock, P.' M . B v order of die Board.

J 2 2 tjy9 W . R . C O O K F , Cashier .

TR A D E S M E N ' S ' B A N K — T h e President and Di rectors tiave declared a semi annual Dividend of

three and a half per cent, on the capital stock, pay able on and aiier lint 1st July next.

B y order of the Board. je21 i2J W . H . F A L L S , Cash'r .

Dtlawart and Rarihin Canal Camden and Ambtiy H:td K-il and Traiitpnrtation Companies.

T V T O T I C E is hereby i'lven thai an instalment of T e n i t dollars on each share of the increased stock of toe above named Companies , will be required io be paid at lhe respective offices, in N e w Brunswick and C a m ­den, on Monday, ihe t i r s tdav of Julv next.

Dated June 17ih, 1833. J . H . S L O A N . J2I t l J v Sec ' rv of the Joint Board.

N' E W O R L E A N S C A N A L & B A N K I N G C O . T h e Transfer Books of the N e w Orleans Canal

and Banking Company, at the Bank of N e w York, will be closed on Monday t;ie 24th insf, at 3 o'clock.

A . P . H A L S E Y , J21 tJv l Cashier ot the Bank of N e w York.

N' N E W Y O R K E Q . U I T A R L E I N S U R A N C E C O M ­

P A N Y . J O T I C K is hereby given, that a dividend of three

aud one halt p e r c e n t . 00 the capital stock o f this Compare. , will be paid to the stockholders, or their legal reprcsen a u v e s on Monday the first day of Julv next, at ihcir office, N o . 48 Wal l s i r - ! .

J 2 0 b t L . C H A P M A N Secretary .

Medi -M O R R I S O N ' S P I L L S .

TH K K V G E A N V E G E T A B L E Umversa cines o f the British Col lege of Heath .

C A U T I O N !—It has again become necessary for the general acrrediter: agent of this celebrated establishment, to caution the public against Die impositions now in prac­tice; to palm off counterfeit preparation- for genuine ones.

From the general satisfaction expressed bv a large portion r.f the community, at lhe exposure of a late at­tempt of the same kind, 1 LS determined to adopt a simi­lar method of procedure with respect to everv ruch n c -farous transaction, which may be brought to light, a course become more essentially necessary from great and flattering accession of converts to the Hvtrean S y s ­tem, and the consequent unpr ucipied edor,s made 10 take advantage 01 the same .

T h e public are noTiiied that a spurious preparation falsely purporting to be Morrison's Pil:s, the Vegetable Universal Medic ines of the British Col lege of Health and signed " Morrison," is issued from lhe store of Ja-que* & Marsh, Druggists , N e w York. One or bolh of this firm applied t o m e personally, for the agency of this genuine arl i t le . but were informed, and the community is now pubhclv, that no druggist is permitted to hold the genuine article for sa le .

Further exposition o f these spurious attempts will, from time to time, appear in the Fami ly Adviser and H y -gean Record, a senit-monUily publication, requiruis no further recommendation than a knowledge of the fact, that its 8th N o , war last week issued to a subscription list of over four thousand.

T h e genuine H y g e a n Medic ines lhe following A g e n t s in N e w York ley, Booksel let , 5 0 Canal street, next io the corner of Broadway : Bookseller, 148 Fulton street t and .' u«r. 05 Barrow street, New- Yr-rk. s u b - a g - i i ' s : — M e s s r s . Firth & Ha'' , Frant in Square ; Mr. Danl . D . Smi lh , bookseller, N o . 190 Greenwich s i : M r . George Kears .ng , gold beater, N o . 88 R e « i st t M i s s Elisabeth W e e d , N o . 402 Grand s t : M r s . King . N o . 75Norfol« s t ; M r . J o i m O . B . R i c h ­ards, N o . ISO Clinton st. ; M r . John L e e , bookseller, N o . 348 Hudson s i .

T h e fourth edition of practical proofs of the H y g e a n system of Physiology is now in the press. Al l conm.u mcal ions to be addressed 10

H . S H E P H E A R D M O A T . South sireet , Brooklyn, J a n . 5th, 1833. | e24

can be had only ef : — M r . Joseph S t a n -in the white building M r . W m . Beastal l , •• R e v . J . H . Broo-- ind the following •IUSIC store. N o . 1

" V T O T 1 C E — A l l persons having claim* against me laic 1 1 copartnership of Lynch 4> Ctarke, are requested to present the same for settlement to the subscriber, the surviving partner, ut N o . 10 T h a m e s street—and all in-leoted lo said copartnership, are rrquns'ed to make pav-meui as above. J O H N C L A R K E . '

N e w York, 17th June , 1833 . j 2 0 6 t *

A T O T 1 C E — T n e co-partnership heretofore existing i \ between the subscriber and T h o m a s Lynch , late «.f the ei'y o f N e w - Y o r k , now deceased, under the joint name.- and firm of L v n c h & Clarke, having terminated by the death of_Mr. L y n c h , lhe subs-triber will contuiu.' in the same line of business on his own separate account but under the former names of Lynch & Clarke .

N e w - Y o r k , I7th June . 1833. J 2 0 6 t * J O H N C L A R K E .

B A T H B U I L D I N G S A T L O N G B R A N C H , O N T H E A T L A N T I C O C E A N .

TT E subscriber respectfully informs her friends and the public lhat the above e legant establishment will

be open ihe ensuing season for the reception of visitors, from the first of June to the middle of September . B y an assiduous attention to business , the subscriber hopes 10 merit the patronage of a liberal public.

A N N R E N S H A W , W i d o w of ihe late W m . R e n s h a w .

N . B . Parties desirous of visiting the Branch and re­luming by the st< am boat the same day, c a n be accom-m idatcd at lhe shortest not ice . A . R .

j e 2 a w 6 w

r p o " T H i f p U B L I C , — F o r c e d by lhe oppression ol a J . few individuals to appeal to the liberality of our fel­

low cit izens, and to rely upon our own exertions, we , the subscr bers. carpenters of the city of N e w York, have formed an association and partnership in the line o f our business as carpenters, and have opened our shop, called " The Carpenter? Shop," at lhe corner of E l m and C a ­nal s treets , in this city, formerly known as Cram's D i s ­tillery.

W e most respectfully solicit the patronage o f our fel-ow-ei i iyens ; and we trust, by our assiduity and skill, to

give general satisfaction. A N D R E W E . T U R N B U L L , I S A A C O D E L L , W M . L . C H U R C H W E L L .

N e w York, 10th June . 1833. J 1 0 4m*

R~EADY M A D E C O F F I N W A R E H O U S E 7 N O . 45 Courtland street , N e w - Y o r k . — J . R . W h i t e len­

ders his sincere thanks 10 his friends and tbe public in general , for pa-i favors, and lakes this method of inform­ing them, that be still keeps constantly on hand an ex­tensive assortment of C O F F I N S , made of the best ma­terials and workmanship, not to be surpassed by any warehouse in lhe city. S t . D>mingo M a h o g a n y , highly polished, Walnut , Cherry. Boi ls iead and W h i t e wood"; Shrouds, C a p s , Scarfs , Mourning H e a r s e s and C a r n a ­ges ; the Ground provided in any place.

T b e subscriber being in the above business for a num­ber of years , flatters himself capable of taking the whole charge o f a funeral, that will give entire satisfaction to his employers , and likewise at moderate charges .

N . B . S e x t o n s and die T r a d e supplied as usual on the lowest terms . j2 l

FA S H I O N A B L E S 1 L K G O O D S . - J . S . F O U N ­T A I N et C O . (formerly »f Brnadoay.) 66 M a i ­

den lane , c o m e r of Wil l iam st. have just opened a vari­ety nf n e w silks which enables them to offer tbe follow­ing s ty les , some of which cannot be found in any other establishment io this city, vir,:

1 case of first quality Poult de S o i e , in every fashion-3 !»•»* o l o c

1 do Mack and blue black I do rich E n f h s h G m s de N a p I do G r o s d e N a p of fashionable colors 1 do Gros d i S w i s s e , hsue and j e t black I do colored watered Buns , »ery cheap 1 do plaid S.l*~ of thagwtammvariety ' 1 do P a r i s Highland plmd Orm de Nap the most

fashionable silks worn - . » , . . 2 do of black, t c . ; Woe black suits o f good ani l i ty at S d p e r yard ; a lso , l a d i a s U k s , white and colored no-

rences , gauxes. silk barrage, Italian s i k s S ^ , 4 - 4 , 5 -4 wibe, blk d o : nch j e t aad blue black Marcel ine and P l o -ntnees , figured sUk, black andeolored , which are the l a ­test Par is fashion, R e . J * 3

r> Country Merchants , Drugg i s t s , Perfumers , a t e — A n assortment o f pore and unadulterated Essent ia l

Oils is offered, together with all that can comprise a c o u n -tnt merchant's stock in Perfumery and F a n c y Art ic les , with an addition of Tincture o f Pearls , Kalvdor. tic. for the complexion, A m b o y u a , and C e v l e n Lotions for the T e e t h and G u m s , Odontn, y n t i s o r b j u c and A r e a N u t T o o t h Powders . F o r sa le b v

S N Y D E R Jt C O . Importers and'Vbolesa le Perfumers ,

J19 3 1 C e d a r a t , N e w York,

0~~ZN A B U R G S . Burfaau and T i c h k n b n r f s , jus t re-c n i y e d p e r C a m i l K i s , a n d » o r n i U b »

H O F F M A N . B E N D * C O . J S 4 e t Pane s treet .

T l O N G E E S I L K H A N D B ! R R C H I E F S - A large

TO T E A C H E R S . — T o b. disposed of a respectable itchoo! 111 a central ;iart oi the flourishing town 01

N e w a r k , N , J . T h e building is nearly new and well fitted for its present use ; it would cot.'.ain from fifty to sixry pupils. T h e present propn>rtor being about to leave fin- place soon this notice will b e continued but a few days. Ii u expedient also that airy j»erson wishing surh a situation should apply immediately. a» the uew quarter wiii commence about the first ol uevt month.— Applv, if by i.tter, post paid, lo lhat office, or to lhe R e v . E . Arnold, N e w a r k , N . J , j e 2 0 tf

JL from $50U0 10 S-m<0 in a lucrative Mauuiaciuruig and Importing business, which is well established and has a vaiualde sr't of customers . T h e only object of die advertiser us lo exteuo lhe business winch can be done to great advantage. Respectab le references given and required. Adilregs B . B k C o . Willi real name and left at the Dai ly Advertiser Office will rece ive immediate at-teiitmn, J 2 0 2 w

1 A U R N 1 S H E 0 R O O M S T O L E T — A n y gentleman JL or gentleman and lady, a h a desire l o b e accommo­

dated with pleasant r.Kims and breakfaaa and tea, or boaid, can i:t-et with apartments in Walker street,with a prtvaie ftimilv, where a limited imniln'rol three persons onlv will be accommodated. Apply at N o . 89 Walker sire. t. m28 1

A Y O U N G G E N T L E M A N , Graduate at an E a s t ­ern Col lege , who haj had considerable experience

as teacher both in tlte country and city, is d e s i r m s of d e ­voting the evening to instruction in su i te private f a n n y . H e would have 110 objections lo boarding w u h the family, and receiving thru a s a compensat ion lor ass services .— Referees can be given. A lme addressed to A . N . S . , and left at the office of tins paper will receive inunjediale attention. J7

\ P n v a j . I . sir. 'el , would be pleased lo accommodate a gentle­man and his lady and one or two single gentlemen, or four gentlemen, with board ami lodging, as soon as the 1st of June, Address ' i ' . P . office of tiie Evening Post ,


BO A R D I N G — Fi led with hoard al

our gentlemen may be accomrooda-al 1 j - Broadway, 1:1 a small family

wher# the number of hoarders is i i m t e d to six—the !spa-uisli lant^aoe 1, spoken in the family, which »i l l re der this a desirable situation for those who may wish to ac -quire that language. m24

G R A C E C H U R C H — W a n t e d tu purchase or leasr a pew ui '.irace Church, we': situated on the ground

floor, ot (roM of gallerv. Apply lo 9J Chamber street. J l 1 '

BO A R D I N G . — T h r e e or four gentlemen can be ac -Com modal ed with f mushed rooi.is, with breakfast

and ira, in a small family, by applying al N o . 3b Lis -penard st. JJ4

w j T A N T t l D — A eoioreu W o m a n , as cookartd wann­er to a small family—none nceii appiv without tne

best of recoinmeiitiaiioiis. ai N o . 120 spring sireet . in8

W A N T E D , a s t e a d y y o u n dren—apply at N o . 115

V T 7 A K T E 1

worn in lo attend chi!-5 Chathain-st . at-

1—A F a n n e r lac i 'orler House , one that is well cs'ablis'ied iu the most business part ol

the ci tv , and has a go; d run of custom—to c m that can invest s o m e capital may hear ol a situation hat may prove to his benefit. P l e a s e address W . at I. .> office, with real name and reference. Jit)

Tb.N uni

more years, lane.

T H O U S A N D D O L L A R S W A N T E D , on incumocred Rea l E s t a t e in this citv, for two or

at 6 |>er cent, App^y at N o . 8 M-.tdcii j ! 8 i f

U N I O N H I L L S C H O O L , NEAR IVEST FARMS, tVestduMer County.

TH E R E V . VVM. P O W E L L is now prepared to reci. ivc an audiliooal number o f pupils .

T h e Scholast ic course of the Insl i luuon embraces the study of the Greek, La t in , F r e n c h , Spani sh , and E n g ­lish L a n g u a g e s , together with Mathemat ic s , History Ueograot iy , with the use of lhe G i o o e s , As tronomy, and Practical Survey ing .

B e t i d e s the Principal there are four Ass i s tant Tutors , who have been not only habituated to l each ,but arc ex ­tremely w i l l qualified to snpart instruction.

T h e S y s t e m of Tuit ion strictly adhered lo is such as will serve to confer a solid aud liberal educat ion, aud the peculiar advantages extended to youth are d e e m e d suffi­cient to satisfy the most anxious Parent in regard to tbe pa us , the care , and the kiuilto ss which are observed to-» a,d;» them.

T n e Scnoo l is , as it professes to be , truly se lec t and is exclusively composed o f B o a r d e r s ; and the B o y s , e v e n during the hours o f relaxation, are never left '•• themse lves .

T h e Recitat ion and S leep ing R o o m s are thoroughly comfortable, spacious, and a iry; and the plr.y and plea­sure grounds are not only extensive but beautifully lo­cated .

T h e tituatum is remarkable for its healthiness and s r -c lusmn; and its moderate distance from N e w York, not exceeding thirteen m i l e s ; and u s facility e f access , either by Ha« rlein Bridge, or by Macomb's C a m , will enable any Gent l eman to visit it in a snort t ime, and to judge for himself of its various advantages .

Pupi ls are received from the a g e o f six to that o f six­t een years , and payments are required (Quarterly and iti advance, but no deduction will be made from a Q.uart< r once commenced .

L e t t e i s may be addressed to the Principal, through the Poet Office, at W e s t F a r m s .

F o r the character and estimation of the School , refer­ence is made to Bishop Onderdonk R e v . Dr . W a i n w n g h t R e v . D r . B e r n a n R . v . Dr . Lye!! R e v . Dr. H a w k e s Prof. Anderson ) Coturn-Prof. Rcnwrrk U n a Col -Prof. An lhon ) l ege . Dr. M a c n e v e n Dr. Bibby Dr. Rhmolander R. E m m e t , E s q . S . CamUreleng. E s q , T . A . E m m e t . E s q .

Hon. C D . C o l d e n H o n . C . C . Cstnt releng H. L c R o y , E s q . G i - l larclay, E s q . H . . looraem, E s q . H . H , Panton, E s q . Christ . W o l f e , E s q . David A u s t e n , E s q . C . H . H a U . E s i j . Domk Lynch , E s q . J. Botiehaui! F.so. B . M c E v e r s , E s q . Robert Gracie . E . q W i n . G . Bucknor. E s q .


K A C T O R K i v i . -T H E C A R G O —

T b e subscribers offer for sale by the cargo, Scnu. lk i . : Coal of the best quality, delivered on board ves se l s at their wharf, Lombard sir 'et, Philadelphia, free from tine and every unpurifr t tliey wul obtain vessels , if required, at the lowest freight, or they will deliver Coal where 11 is wanted. Io consequence 0?the extensive arrangements file subscribers have made at the M i n e s for a supply of the best qualit . o f Coa l , they are enabled to offer ii at ihe lowest market price at which it is sold at Philadel­phia. Apply corner of Murrav and Washington streets .

J 3 t f " S A M U E L H, R E E V E & C O .

PK W 111 S t . f*aui's church lor sale cheap : pew N o 119 in lhe norte side aisle of S i . Paul 's church. Applv



K W 111 S t . Faui 'schurch f;>r sale cheap e side aisle nf S i ­

lo E . W . T r v o n , U l I roadway.

DR Y G O O D S F O R S A L E B Y T H E A G K — P r i n t s , light and dark brown cbiatz,

£ S a t t e e n s , tine white Shirt ings, 3 6 inch goldends bleached Dimi ty , 3—4 furnitures Cords, Orleans, G e n o a . Constitution & 8 »bafij Beaverteens , very fine drab & olive N a n k e e n s , fine heavy 3 - 4 olive lor gig tops M e n u o s , 3 - 4 &. 6 - 4 colored ii. black Circass ians , 5 - 8 do do Handkis , Turkey red, Madras* Silk Bandannas, ' blk & col'd Cloths , blue, black i t fancy colours Biankets , 8 - 4 9 - 4 1 0 - 4 11-4 & 1 2 - 1 London W h i t ­

ney Flushings , green & blue Pe larshams , drab Patent Thread , blue, Hack & assorted, N o S3 a 3 0 Jaconet s . 40 inch fine, ft cravats

Bv G R A C I E , P R I M E fc C O . J19 j . 5 0 2 8 Broad street.

PE W I N S T . T H O M A S C H U R C H F O R S A L E T h e square P e w N o . 139, situated i s the south

aisle . Posses s ion given the 1st o ' M a v next. Apply to F 2 5 tf E . B U T L E R , 110 Pearl s t .

F I R E Crackers and F ire W o r k s of every variety, for sa le in lots to suit purchasers by


2 9 Pine st .

IT M s w l m i l n f P s m r e e u f n B j w n e r m a a j i t y , '

g A P o c k e t Hdkfr, er retail at

r p o S P O R T S M E N - * A few o f WenUey Rkkara', X Double Barrel G u n s , back action aad Bar L o c k s

with or without C a s e s — F o r sate bv J O S E P H T A R R A T T , Jr .

J H j j g Pearl S t . . up stairs.

F" O R S A L E — A grer H o r s e , b years old. H e can be s e e n at M r . Oscar Nelson's ' s table in Rivington

street , corner o f B o w e r v. H e will be sold c h e a p , a s the owner has no use for a horse . F o r further nerUcniarF, apply N o . 1 M a i d e n l a n e . JSO

CH A M P A I G N E W I N E , o f tbe b r a n d * Joly ,"new V i n t a g e — T b e subscribers b a s e received 6 0 0 bns-

ke «s and c a s e s C h a m p a i g n s W m e , « f ine late great **a-tage o f 1881 . T h e s e wines are entirely mare and anfa-ral, and are considered superior to any n e w the n e a r 18*5 . A p p l y so sole importers o f this brand « JcJw.n

A . B I N T N G E R * S O N , 141 Brnaanvny, near the City HoteL

In s t o r e — A few canes of the genuaae V i a de J24

T S B S t o ^ r e T ^ w r u S ^ I1*-;-. BA N K N O T K P A P a » , •*" nsln

I. WIT, W **• • •* ,

B O A R D O P H E A L T H . < T n e Board of Hea l th cnanot t a e rmrnatj

late t h e v feilow cittsens upoa the unperalled 1 from disease » hi« h our city now enjoys. N o t Car years certainly, and probably never before, were tbe bills o mortality relatively so low aa taey have been for the mat s iaor eight months. Other places, however, have net been equally fortunate. In N e w Orleans* the rhoiera remains, and has reccutly began to advance up the Vai ley • >• the Mussanmaa, assailing in quick success ion , and with its usual fatality i< »n> 1000 miles distant from each • u e r . That Uie progress o f this dreadful scourge d>-r»eods primarily upon some general and uacoetroluele a--•eoi may be true, but uiidoubtrdiy local causes have a lso 'heir influence. Over these causes at 1< *st human power extends, and although they have been often pointed out, vet a s they cannot be too strongly impressed upea the public mind, ibe board will agam enumerate ihem.

T h e y are, U t . ardent spirits; id, general ot personal uncieanUness, 3d e i c e e u v c «bor of body or m m d ; 4 ih , i-aposure to excess ive h e a t ; Sth, impure or stagnant air ; 5th, crude mdiges'ibie food, such a s the great mass o f the summer vegetables usually brought to our markets , especial ly £ eaten ,n the raw sta le ; "ih, uanpc or stale fiuil ; 8 b. fermented btjluirsef all kuads, if ton n e w or if stale ; 9th,rancid or stale meats , whether .tried, pickled, smoked, or r« c« ntiv slaughlered ; 10 h. stale or ram id butter, lard, or o i l ; II th, fresh fisli of all kinds, but in .re ••jpectaliv sh< II fish ; IJfh, the intemperate induig<tnce of any of ihe phv steal appc iues , or any o f Uie passions or aflecUoos of lhe nunc. T o these c irrunuaaoces 1 very nidivJua! can a t t e n d ; and the B<ard of Health confi­dently trusts ihat "othing further can be required lo in­sure a strict observance of mjuncuons , the pro|>rtrrv o f Hindi reason and e tner ience alike cuueur to sancliual

T h e B i a r d has in {.reparalion extracts from the vart-OUB laws aad ordinances relating l o Ihe public health, whtcn together with .he names and residences of all the officers who are bound lo act a s its ennservators, will shortly I- |. .il .hshed. In the meant ime anv appltcairan can be made :o t l . e M a y o r or A ldermen and A s s i s t a n t A'd.-rmru of ihe respvctivs ward*, «vbo are ea -o f i c to Heal 'h W a r d e n s .

G I D E O N L E E , President • / t h e Board of Heal th .

Jacob Morton, Clerk. * During the last mtsith the Board fell botmd to exer­

c ise '.heir powers irf quarantine in relation lo several v e s -seU fro-11 N e w Orliatia, ou board oi e l n c h c a s t s o f cho­lera had occurred.

PA P E R — F u e , N o I . S R 3 F

and •••uperflue L e i i r Paper , do Kites e b o Post , for checks and rntasagnea

N o 1, 24k 3 cut and flat C a p * N o I ye l low, l i .ue ai>d Green Post N o I Cap F a t . suitable for b.a;ik hooks N o I blue do, do beautiful N o 1 blue, Pink and yellow Q u a r t o Post Blue T o b a c c o Cap, various kinds M e d i u m , superroyal and inip«-rial Kentish C a p Straw imperial Envelope Pa|«-r Super royal and imperial Pos i office do Bank N o t e and Lottery Ticket C a p N o I R 2 white M u s i c Paper French Couperpiau P a p e r . i l by i 9 uichce D o do itieiouni, verv beautiful M u s e P S I K T o f various qualities M e d i o m Printing Pap,vr, m great variety R o y a l , siijH-r royal andvar .ous siaes of imperial, "f<v


R e d . i.lue, yel low, and lea colored medium, some very fine J

T e a colored royal, ralcii la'rd for covers F a n c v colored C a n , F o h o P o s I and M e d i u m Double Crown and coubie C a p Wraj'puig Singh- C a p and Crown do C a p , Crown, double Crown and M e d i u m marbled Or.lers executed for every kind of paper with lhe ut­

most despatch. S T A T I O N E R Y .

R e d and black Seal ing W a x W a l k den's. Kidder's and Hart's red and black Ink

Powder D o do do Ink in bottles, all s izes R e d and black Lead Penci l s ; Crayons & E v e r Points A m c n e a n , Dutch an.! Russ ia Qui l l s Fr.-nch & .Spanish speefc'd double-he ad P t a v m g Cards American k German do, ali kinds Various ^\u>\ Blank Cards , Porcelain do . Ful l and half bound Blank K m 4 s , aseurted School Bihies and 'I'••> an.- i.t-Quarti' Bibles , various qualities and prices G r e e n l e a f s Grammar, Bascom's Pcimiaiisfup Webster 's S;H 'Img l)iK k, old and n e w T h e Eio.-'isli* R e a d e r Fancv S . »ps. consisting of Windsor , C e v l o n , Oriental,

R i ^ , . Palm,Ol ive , Almond, V a n e g a t e d , m o s t aji-provid manufacture

Lidvigra^diic S tones , all s i zes ; a lso P r e s s e s Cast Iron Copying P r e s s e s . For >-ale bv

I . H O I T , 6 ' Wi l l iam street u p s t a i r s .

Order* attended to for Rust 's and Smith's Pr lining P r e - s e s . T y p e from the various respectable foundries, and ali kinds of pruning materials . nifi

MO N S . C H A B K R T ' S T A P U Y A S E L I X I R — T h e m»ver failing succes s which has attend, .i r .e

u^e of this Khxirm curirut the T o o t h - a c h e , and lhe c m -sequent large and increasing d^mana for i i .hu* caused a number of spurious preparations to be sold ander the. same name, M . Cha l . cn has iberefore though' it n e c e s ­sary toapp.jint the toiiowme A g e n t s Iroui whom tlve g e ­neral Elixir 1* tube obtained.

General A g e n t — J a m e s G . Clark, N o . 132 A r c h s t . Philadelphia.

A g e n t s in N e w Y<*k—J. X a v i e r Chabert , Chemis t and Apothecary, Hi Broadway, opposite the Ho*pua l ; O . Chhloi i , Operative Cheni i ' t SIK! A|Nvthrenry, 34 Park Row ; Marshall C S iocum. Chemist & Apothecary . 3 0 3 Broadway, corner o:'Duaiie s t , ; and J a m e s W . Smith , Chemi' t and Apothecary, 54 Fulton st. corner o f Hicks street, Brooklyn, Agent f.»r L o n g I s l a n d ^ / '

T h e limits o f a newspaper forbid the' insertion of lhe numerous lesl imonies M . Cl.al.er; has received o f the vir­tues of the T a p u y a s Elixir, he liierefore confines himself to selecting the f illowiug w~

Washington Ci lv , 22d M a r c h , 1839. M r . Chabert—Throt'^h a grateful sense of the belief t

I have received l.ora the use of your Elixir, aud lo e n ­courage others to avail themselves of so valuable a re­medy, I chvcrful'y 1 uderyots lhe following s ta tement: I have for years sntTercd much wiih lhe tooth-ache, and have had several teeth < v i rar tedon that account, though but slightly decayed . Tlu» has proportionally enhanced the value of the remainder, which induced me to make a tnal ofycsir e l m r in a recent attack o f this most e x -cruc.ating characicr. T h e effect of the apphraiion w a s an almost instantaneons reticf. I am fully convinced o f its power to effect a thorough and permanent enre. from toe faci, that lhe diseased looth became unmediatf !v 11*-sensihle to hot or rM liquids applied to it t whereas , for several weeks before it had t>en unable io endure either. I also entertain the belief, that if your Elixir had t e e n at hand on former occasion*. I might at this moment enjoy the benefit of those trcth I have had extracted on account of the afflirutv malady of which you have discovered Uie antidote. Yours respectfully,

P i R . M A Y O , M . D .

AA R O N F O U N T A I N ; Park Place H o u s e ( c o m e r of Park P lace and B m a d e a y , ) r< .-pcctfoi.v solicile

•he attention of ihe ladies of the ctty and strangers, 10 h s or l eos ivc assortment of choice aad rare fancy and staple gooas , which lie otTcrx at reduced prices. The assort­ment embraces the following articles, viz :

R e a l Soul de S o n of fashionable colors D o do do light colors for millinery D o do do i.lue and jet black Fashionable plaid si lks, variety of stvles Several descriptions of entire n e w silks lo be found at

110 other store Marcel lines, blue and jet black Mateom black Italian silks Gro Grain black do Plain colors •• vair.it.cs. superior quality Smyrna satins Gro Grain ;iL k s-'k 5 -4 width Plaid washane silks. A full assortment of painted and printed Muslins ;

small fi^'d Jaconets , very cheap t French Cal irors and printed Cambrics ; black Paris Lusire," Grenadine; M o t ­rin", a n;'w article ; barege and hg'd Blond, for summer d r e s s e s ; French Ginphanis ; col'd & mourning M a • one and Canx-ls Hair Caady, qn.te a new arucle : season­able shawls aod hdkfs, newest style and in great variety; -: k and coft.M H i . ' ry. Gloves , R e . , ' looi,-. L a c e s , from Is to $\i tier vard ; Engl i sh , French, Brusse l s , Valencia and M e e k u a Tiirva 1 L a r e s , from 1# to $ 1 8 per y a r d ; real Blood and Ewh'd Mnana C a t * ; infant C a n s ; E i.h'd L m - n Cambric . L m e a f -ambnc Hdkf«, tape borders, hemstich, aisl etrgantl! emb'd, from 'im 61 to $ 1 5 e a c h : tea! India Mull M u un ; he'd and p.a.n Mull Mul l ; long S h a w l s , embroidered : French L a w n s ; Mandarine and Canton Cr*pes ; fi^'d and plain emb'd Mandannc Cratie S h a w l s , whi te , s ca ' l c t . blue, buff and black, very richly embrnrderel, from iO to $ 1 0 0 .

One scarlet richly eiubn.id. red, with white, tine work­ed ihrou bout with various colors.

T h e most e x t e n a v e and splendid sssorimrnt o f real India C a m e ! Hair S h a w l s ev"r<"»fered 10 the coun'ry— coiiswung ol" white, black, scarle!; sreen, blue, crnnsssau and dove colors, from $& to $ 8 0 0 e a c h — l a l f wi«lih scarfs from £ 6 to SCO ; real Came! hair Cloth : carved ivory handle f ea i . cr Fane ; s.:ndal and rose wood do ; carvr^d ivory multiplying B a i l s ; Torto i se shell SnufT Boxes , &c .

A . F . has recently evened his basement store with a general assortment e f linen, quilts, c o u n ' e ' p a n e s , c o t t o n sdnrtiufs; sheeiiugs.sfuffs fur cot'nn Imiug for gentltroi its nnd boys tummer wear, Ro»i?r>*s patent flaoscl, war­ranted not to shr.nk in washing, French morocco kid shoes and boots, genuine eofocne water . n.3l l w

FO U N T A I N ' S F A S H I O N A B L E F A N C Y S I L K S T O R E , M a i d e n l a n d — 1 tie subscribers would

iiivne the attention o f the Lad ie s l e their e s t e a s i v e and fashionable aseartmasnt of Silk G o o d s , recently purcha­sed and offered by the piece or yard, v i z :

4 styles o f pa id si lks, from 4 lo I t per yard Several pieces of highland gros d e N a p l e s 2 c a s e s plain pouixde soir, every cofour, aad splendid

quality gros de N a p l e s , fashionable shades small hg'd blue blk pomx sote superior blue and je t blk marcel ine very n e b lis'u silk* for hats extra heavy double width blk Italian silk

do do do gros de S w i s s small fi.iV, Pouix de sote , fashiusiablc oAurs ligh color French S a l ins j< t and blue blk Italian

A few piece*jet blk repps 1 c a s e he . ' , y gros de Berlin I c a s e w u e r e d pouixde soio I do d o satins I do pomx de soie , tor mil.tary u-e A l s o , colored aod blk gros t e Portugnese Engl ish gros de N a p l e s . tOs per yard Pink, straw, blue, R e . F lorence Cashmere sdks, sjaandM satins for vests and s t i c k s Cant m w a s h sdks, fashioaaUc stripes Entrlmh Florence , bine V a c k Black «rov de g r a m e , 3 - 3 R o-4 w i s e Spleadnl i gnred safea, for evevmg dreesea, R e . R e .

which, ia all. lorm das nest aseortment of sdks • N e w f a r t , S . , m e o l be mylm are not to be fosnW elsewhere . and all o f tbeaa are s i u m d a t tae most t iasnenhli prices , , y J , S . F O U N T A I N R C O ,

' a r t M Maiden la a e , eor . Wtanem s t .

1 I 1 2 1 1 1 2 1

do do .lo do do do do do do

N" k, W P U B L I C A T I O N S . — T h e b u c c a n e e r , a u e b v M r s . te. C . H i l l , ambor o f S k e t e b e s ol Lush

c h a n c i e r , R e . R e . t r o b ISmo. C a t h e whole the B s or l a m ia a work o f verv high

merit, and wdl take tae rank with the beat actmns ef u s d a s a as oar language.

Pictures of Private ] Uano .

T b e W i s e , a tale of Maaftna, a play in fi ar ts , by J a s . S n n n d a n K a e w l e s , laann. J a r received aad for sa le b«

C H A R L E S D E B E H R , '

J14 ft ~


1 Lata, by S a r a h Bt ickney , 1 v.

• .

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