l r ^ ^ WWyirMWlWW^^ THIS IS HAT TIME I >Iow the question is, what kind of a Hat to Well, wecan easily answer that buy for Spring question BUY A "HOWARD" The reason we urge you to buy this brand of Hats is that we know that it will stand the wea r and tear, has the snap, style, character, that many men wish. All blocks in different styles now ready f or your inspection. J\i$t take o>. glance at our North Window HUfid See Them. mmw*<mtm here, m. RJCE, Opp. Ex. Nafl Bank, T- t OLEAN, N. Y. VlClNl#^TltRS & Interesting NeWi From The Towns in "The Breeze" Psriih. t ard, Rushford, $105; Eunice Fulton, Cuba, $i5;, Bessie Foster, Little Gen- esee, $45; Homer Wetherby, Bolivar, $15; Mary Whitcomb, Belmont, $105; Cecil firummond, Alfred, $15; Des- demonia Place, $15; Ward Colegrove, Alfred, $15; W. H. Bassett, Alfred, $60; Frank Morrey, Houghton, $180. ALLENTOWN AFFAIRS. ALLENTOWN, i N»* 1&— A, JDoe-J morial service in. memory QLJheJate Frances B. Willard was held at the Methodist church, Tuesday-evening^ y ea . 17, under the auspices of the w/c. T. U. A^flne njosjcal and-lit- erarv program, v/ps rendered. ? ,i i Sawyer, Fuller* Brown have Cojmf- pleted a light well on the Youngs form- at Scio. Mrs, William Taylor of Frahklln- ville is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John McDermott. L.J.Clark was over from Wells- ville visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, last week.. , Miss Jo Dealy of Welisville is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Arthur Barnes. D. L. Hulett of Little Genesee, visit: ed at the home of his son, Dr. H. L. Hulett, last Thursday. James Butts of Stauards was in town visiting friends last week. He expects to move his family back here soon. George Cottrell who has been e-a- ployed as rig builder by J. A. Vinci ui lor several years, has returned to h a home in Ohio. Mr. and Mra. A. R. Jordan were Welisville visitors last Saturday. J. R. Wolfe of Bradford was hust- ling the candy trade in town, Friday. Allentown was well represented at the theatre in Welisville Monday evening, Quincy Adams Sawyer being the attraction. Those who attended the dance at Bplivar last Friday evening report a 'finetime. . M. B. Coleman of Gowanda arrived in town last week and will take charge of the business conducted by the late W. C. Hendrick. Rutherford Russell was a business caller in Olean, Saturday. Among the Allegany county resid- ents who received death or disability claims from the National Protective Legion in January were: Rosetta Sheet, Friendship, $7.50; Lerhan Mes- sesger, Richburg, $7.50; Nellie John- son, Belfast, $15. Adella Blxby, Bel- fast, 8165: M. C. Westcott, Richburg, S90; Betty Carrlel, Cuba, $80; Alfred Dodge, Alfred Station, $15: Theo- dore McDonald, Friendship, $22.50; Leon Karr, Almond, $75; Rudolph Havens, Angelica, $15; Lilian ear- beck, Black Creek, $120; Ethel Cran- dall, Little Genesee, fT.'&O; W. W. Coon, Alfred, $151; Carrie Smith, A1-, 'red, $75; Clarence Smith, Rushford, •75: Marshall North, Ceres, $30; Frank Place, Alfred, $30; Alexander Lttch-, SCOTT HOLLOW NEWS. iSCGTT HOLLOW, Feb, 17.—Miss Minnie Wyvell Spent a few days last week with- her sister., Mrs. Bert Sher- man. Mr, and Mrs. Deyo were visiting at Mrs. J. C. Anderson's, Sunday. MiBS Minnie Wyvell and Miss Anna Fay were callers in Shingle House last Friday,' -^Bert^Sherman's little boy has been very sic J. C. Anderson and daughter were in BoTtvar-laetJSriday. Mrs. Eva Dreamer and Mrs. F. C. Burdick called cm Mrs. Hettie Mix one day' last week. Mr. and Mrs..Darwin Coats went to Shingle House, Friday. Bert Sherman called on his brother, Alfred Sherman of East Sharon. Sunday. ' Andrew Mix and Bert Deyo were tearing down the old Waugh & Porter rig on the Harry Smith place last Fri- day. Milton Trask of Honeoye is pump- ing on the Scott & Fay lease in Homer Sherwood's place. Homer Sherwood la attending school at Welisville. L. D. Strayer is pumping on the | Wilcox, Scott & Fay lease. Miss Anna Fay was calling on Mrs. Dora Sherman Sunday afternoon. We'Still have a few pair of hose in children's sizes, 15c kind for 10 cents. —Cranston's. CAA pairs Ladies' Storm Rub- *^"" bers, regular 50c values, 30c a Pair. OAA pairs Child's 30c Rub- ^ v v bers, sizes 5 to 10 1-2, at 20c a Pair. Get aboard of our Big Sale of Men's Odd Sizes of High- priced Shoes at the ruinous prices at } LITTLE GENESEE SQUIBS. LITTLE GENESEE, Feb. 18.-Mrs. Fanny Andrus and daughter Eugenia of Bolivar called on friends Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Florence Ayers and little son of Richburg attended church here Saturday morning. The W. C. T. U. held a Frances E. Willard memorial service, Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. O. P. Dana The Literary Club met last Thurs- day with Miss Lu Langworthy. This week they will begin the study of Scott and his "Lady of the Lake." The Christian Endeavor Society will hold their February social this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Burdick. All are cordially in- vited to attend. The church services last Sabbath were marked by a better attendance than had been seen before in some time, especially the evening services, when the vestry of the church was filled with the exception of one or two seats at the Endeavor prayer meeting. We hope such good attendance may continue. __ 11 _ B. O. Coon's sawmill started last Wednesday wjth a force of seven men. Yesterday he shipped a carload of chestnut and basswojjd just sawed to J. G. Wilson of Olean, and next week he expects'to ship another carload. The new snow that has just come is makinsr things lively, and logs and bolts are coming at a rapid rate. Mrs>. Margaret A. Brown died at her home in Little Genesee, Sunday morn- ing, of old age, at the age of 95. She had been confined to her bed for a few weeks. Her husband, Thomas B. Brown, who died about 25 years ago was for 23 years pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist church in Genesee and was one of the brightest men who ever lived in this section of the county. Mrs. Brown was a highly educated woman of lovable disposition and was idolized by the people of Little Gene- see among whom she passed so many years of her life. She leaves two sons, Thomas Brown of Little Genesee and Albert Brown of Westerly, R. I., and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Tomlinson of Alfred and Mrs. W.'S. Wells of Little Genesee. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at the house. The sermon was deliv- ered by Rev. B. D. Coon. The burial was at the Wells cemetery. Burdick & Co. have the casing in their well on the Hall farm. Only 226 feet of casing was required. The well ; was down 350 feet, Tuesday morning. Fairbanks & Seaman have the drilling contract. Ex-Commissioner Burdick is feeling very good over the fact that the De- partment of Public Instruction has upheld him in the Andover school house condemnation. H. G. Prindle was in Smethport on business, Saturday. Albert Brown of Westerly was called here this week by the death of his mother, but was obliged to return be- fore the funeral by urgent business. •» Novelty Waistings Wc are showing a very attractive line of exclusive patterns in Waistings in all the popular weaves at right prices. Thin Wash Materials The latest weaves, the popular color- ings and beautiful designs await your inspection and we would suggest an early purchase, while the showing fa most complete. White Waistings •i No weave but can be found at our counters in great variety. At present there is an unprecedented demand which manufacturers are unable to cope with. We note some goods bought by us two months ago still due us. Millis at Richburg last Sunday, Mr. Maxson and wife of Richburg attended church at Nile last Sabbath. Ernest Gilbert who had his leg. broken several weeks ago, Is able to be around again. The severe storm of Monday and Tuesday has blockaded the roads in some places. FIRE AT SHINGLE HOUSE. Crushing Department of the Palmer Glass Factory Damaged by Fire. The rock crushing department of the Palmer glass factory at SbingleBouse wasdamaged to the extent of $1,500 by fire, Sunday afternoon, but the opera- tip i of the plant will not be interfered with. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. Duncan Cameron and daugh- ter Anna were visiting friends in Olean yesterday. Dr. F. E. Comstock and Dr. B. A. Barney of Welisville have dissolvfd a business partnership. Dr. Barney has gone to New York to study for a specialist. Von will ftrto at mt etore Evctg. tbing Bou want in I pictures, ^ jframes, fl&oulbfngs, Statuettes, SDecorateb China, Jewelry /Aiss L. /I. Strep An, Studio, 240 N. Union St. Successor* to CAPPEL COHEN, 01ea.n, New York. COON HOLLOW COMMENT. COON HOLLOW, Feb. IT.—L. H. Frair and family visited at his sister, Mrs. Porter Hanks', on Deer Creek, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Howard were in Little Genesee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hughes returned from Bradford, Monday, where they have been visiting relatives the past week. William Watson is working for S. D. Waring. Mrs. McQueen and son Orla, and Mrs. Lynn Lewis and Mrs. James Crandall attended the N. P.L. banquet of Portville and Olean Legions at Olean, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Lewis were in Portville, Friday. The old Sylvanus Vincent farm in West Genesee has been purchased by Myron Collins He has also pur- chased the Farmers Hotel at Portville. Arthur Howard was summoned to the steam shovel at Bowler's, Monday, where the P. S. & N. are to resume work. George Randolph, a member of the Oleab Oil & Gas Co. of Ohio, is home for a few days. He will. return this week. Charles Howard and Miss Sadie Shepard attended the invited dance party at WestClarksville, Wednesday night. , , Wc wish to Sell by Feb 21 About fifty Young Men's S\iits be- tween the ages of 15 a n d 2 0 ye^rs. When buying for Fall we rather over- estimated o\ir business in this depart- ment and a.s a. consequence we find too maaiy suits for this season. «pZ.Dl/. SOUTH BOLIVAR. SOUTH BOLIVAR, Feb. 17.—Art Sizer had business in Bolivar one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Daniol Dereamer were pleasantly surprised last Saturday evening by about forty friends and neighbors. They served oysters after which they presented them with a love- ly stand. Miss Goldie Dailey visited her par- ents in Bolivar, Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Coats went to Welis- ville Wednesday and had her teeth extracted. Roy Sherwood and sister, Mable were in Bolivar one day last week. Parker & Gorton have finished drill- ing on the Smith farm. They shot one sand Tuesday morning. Edward Smith went to Scio Tuesday with a load of drilling tools for Par- ker & Gorton. To Move Them Quickly we've put the knife in deep and cut the prices ©tbout one-third. In some a. little more, in some a. little less, but all have been reduced. $15.00 Suits now... -$10.00 $14.00 Suits now $ 9.00 $12.00 Suits now $ 9.00 $10.00 Suits now .$ 7.00 $ 8.00 Suits now... $5.00 Coast, Davis & Ncnno 11E »L Olesvn. N. Y. "You Look So Nice since you began leaving your orders with H. E. Goodrich & Co., RICHBURG. N. Y. for Kauf fmann** Built- to-Order C l o t h e s that I'm proud of you. What a noble looti- ng man you are, John, when you're dressed up In good fitting clothes." mmmmmmMlmff^mimmm *. J , .~y #B trm Kmuffmrnmn •««# end the "mUmmfm /•$(*** »«* //*• that about »em mil the time. Wtt HONEOYE HAPPENINGS. HONEOYE, Feb. 16.—Mrs. Stebins has been quite sick the past week but we are glad to say is some better. Fred Ackerman and daughter, Olie visited his daughter Mrs. Lettie John- son of West Bingham last week. Frank Hover Is quite sick with a cold. Harry Remington was calling in town Saturday. His mother Mrs. Remington returned with himto Allen- town. Mrs. John Gadsby of Shingle House spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Dereamer. W. T. Lane and daughters, Mrs. Remington, Mrs. Rockwell and Mrs. Grace Lane visited his son Will at Genesee a few days the past week. The Utile daughter of Edward Har- mon is among the sick in our neigh- borhood. This new snow has started the rock teams again. The infant aon of Norman Dereamer who has been quite sick, is getting better. Dr. Hulett of Allentown is attending biui, also the other sick in our town. The Prohibition Alliance was well attended Saturday evening at the school-house. HORSE RUN NEWS. HORSE RUN, Feb. 16.—Mrs. James Lord of Friendship is at the home of her son Ed son Lord in this place help- ing care for their infant daughter Hazel, who has had a very severe attack of inflammation of the. bowels, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Earle is some better at present but it is feared that she will have to succumb to a run of fever. Amos Burbank and wife of Sayre, Pa., and L. O. Prince and wife of East Sharon were visiting at H. H. Pratt's, Thursday. Sherm Rixford of Marion, Indiana, is visiting his parents at Shingle House. Irvin Appleby and sister and Glenn Appleby and Theresa Smith of Annin Creek attended the hop at Jacob Mead's, Friday night. We understand that a couple came up to the church from Potter county last Thursday night, stood up in the carriage and had the matrimonial knot tied. Mrs. Alice Appleby and daughter Elsie were calling at Edna Day's last Wednesday. William Niver had business in Bol- ivar one day last week. William Ingley was doing business in Shingle House, Saturday. Irvin and Glenn Appleby were pres- ent at the tire in Shingle House, Sun- day afternoon. The fire alarm was distinctly heard in this place five miles away. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHIER.S. 154 Union Street. Vi OLEAN. N. Y. Special Notice to the Public! I have sold my entire stock of Hardware, etc., to O. H. Severson and U. J. Wilson. With it goes my pood will and best wishes. I also thank you, one and all for your liberal patronage in the past and trust you will continue doing business at the old stand. I also must ask of those having accounts with me to call at my office over the store and settle, as I must close up my book account at once. Respectfully, H. L. ZIMMERMAN. RICHSURQ RIPPLES. The annual donation for the benefit of Rev. J. F. Vought will be held at the Brick Church on Wednesday even- to*, F^fc, 25, Everybody itivlted k» eooM and enjoy a good time. Apples 16c per pk., at Cranston'i. NILE NOTES. . NILE, Feb. 17.—A very pleasant time was enjoyed at Frank Canfield's at Utopia last Thursday, as the Aid Society met with them. Sewing was done, music furnished, dinner served for 23 old and young. Mrs, William Gardiner is still very low, and it Is feared she may not re- cover. On account of the storm, the singing class was not very well attended Wed- nesday evening. The bible study for the Sabbath school lesson will be held 4 wilh Mrs. Mary Wright next Thursday evening. Elder Sanborn of Friendship preached at the school house last Sunday. Sunday school followed the preaching service. Avis Jordan visited Misa Irene ^tittWrtWuwMftWMWvwttwwvwwwwftwy T5he New Wall Papers WILL SOON BE IN. Our line will include all the new, up-to-date ideas in all priced papers. In addition to our stock we show a fine line in books of better grades. If you buy from our books you are sure of ''something different." New Mouldings. W. L Cranncll, Olean, N. Y. 6M« New Furniture Store, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com › Newspapers 21 › Bolivar NY Breeze... · Burdick called cm Mrs. Hettie Mix one day' last week. Mr. and Mrs..Darwin

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com › Newspapers 21 › Bolivar NY Breeze... · Burdick called cm Mrs. Hettie Mix one day' last week. Mr. and Mrs..Darwin

l r ^ ^ W W y i r M W l W W ^ ^

THIS IS HAT TIME I >Iow the question is, what kind of a Hat to

Well, wecan easily answer that buy for Spring question

BUY A "HOWARD" The reason we urge you to buy this brand of

Hats is that we know that it will stand the wea r

and tear, has the snap, style, character, that many men wish. All blocks in different styles now ready for your inspection.

J\i$t t a k e o>. g l a n c e at our North W i n d o w H U f i d S e e T h e m .



m. RJCE, Opp. Ex. Nafl Bank, T - t OLEAN, N. Y.

VlClNl#^TltRS &

Interesting NeWi From The Towns in "The Breeze" Psriih.

tard, Rushford, $105; Eunice Fulton, Cuba, $i5;, Bessie Foster, Little Gen­esee, $45; Homer Wetherby, Bolivar, $15; Mary Whitcomb, Belmont, $105; Cecil firummond, Alfred, $15; Des-demonia Place, $15; Ward Colegrove, Alfred, $15; W. H. Bassett, Alfred, $60; Frank Morrey, Houghton, $180.


morial service in. memory QLJheJate Frances B. Willard was held at the Methodist church, Tuesday-evening^ yea. 17, under the auspices of the w/c. T. U. A^flne njosjcal and-lit-erarv program, v/ps rendered. ? ,i i

Sawyer, Fu l l e r* Brown have Cojmf-pleted a light well on the Youngs form­at Scio.

Mrs, William Taylor of Frahklln-ville is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John McDermott.

L.J.Clark was over from Wells-ville visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, last week.. ,

Miss Jo Dealy of Welisville is visit­ing her sister, Mrs. Arthur Barnes.

D. L. Hulett of Little Genesee, visit: ed at the home of his son, Dr. H. L. Hulett, last Thursday.

James Butts of Stauards was in town visiting friends last week. He expects to move his family back here soon.

George Cottrell who has been e-a-ployed as rig builder by J. A. Vinci ui lor several years, has returned to h a home in Ohio.

Mr. and Mra. A. R. Jordan were Welisville visitors last Saturday.

J. R. Wolfe of Bradford was hust­ling the candy trade in town, Friday.

Allentown was well represented at the theatre in Welisville Monday evening, Quincy Adams Sawyer being the attraction.

Those who attended the dance at Bplivar last Friday evening report a

' fine time. . M. B. Coleman of Gowanda arrived

in town last week and will take charge of the business conducted by the late W. C. Hendrick.

Rutherford Russell was a business caller in Olean, Saturday.

Among the Allegany county resid­ents who received death or disability claims from the National Protective Legion in January were: Rosetta Sheet, Friendship, $7.50; Lerhan Mes-sesger, Richburg, $7.50; Nellie John­son, Belfast, $15. Adella Blxby, Bel­fast, 8165: M. C. Westcott, Richburg, S90; Betty Carrlel, Cuba, $80; Alfred Dodge, Alfred Station, $15: Theo­dore McDonald, Friendship, $22.50; Leon Karr, Almond, $75; Rudolph Havens, Angelica, $15; Lilian ea r -beck, Black Creek, $120; Ethel Cran-dall, Little Genesee, fT.'&O; W. W. Coon, Alfred, $151; Carrie Smith, A1-, 'red, $75; Clarence Smith, Rushford, •75: Marshall North, Ceres, $30; Frank Place, Alfred, $30; Alexander Lttch-,


Minnie Wyvell Spent a few days last week with- her sister., Mrs. Bert Sher­man.

Mr, and Mrs. Deyo were visiting at Mrs. J . C. Anderson's, Sunday.

MiBS Minnie Wyvell and Miss Anna Fay were callers in Shingle House last Friday,' -^Bert^Sherman's little boy has been very sic

J. C. Anderson and daughter were in BoTtvar-laetJSriday.

Mrs. Eva Dreamer and Mrs. F. C. Burdick called cm Mrs. Hettie Mix one day' last week.

Mr. and Mrs..Darwin Coats went to Shingle House, Friday.

Bert Sherman called on his brother, Alfred Sherman of East Sharon. Sunday. ' Andrew Mix and Bert Deyo were

tearing down the old Waugh & Porter rig on the Harry Smith place last Fri­day.

Milton Trask of Honeoye is pump­ing on the Scott & Fay lease in Homer Sherwood's place. Homer Sherwood la attending school at Welisville.

L. D. Strayer is pumping on the | Wilcox, Scott & Fay lease.

Miss Anna Fay was calling on Mrs. Dora Sherman Sunday afternoon.

We'Still have a few pair of hose in children's sizes, 15c kind for 10 cents. —Cranston's.

C A A pairs Ladies' Storm Rub-* ^ " " bers, regular 50c values,

30c a Pair. O A A pairs Child's 30c Rub-^ v v bers, sizes 5 to 10 1-2, at

20c a Pair. Get aboard of our Big Sale

of Men's Odd Sizes of High-priced Shoes at the ruinous prices at }


Fanny Andrus and daughter Eugenia of Bolivar called on friends Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Florence Ayers and little son of Richburg attended church here Saturday morning.

The W. C. T. U. held a Frances E. Willard memorial service, Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. O. P. Dana

The Literary Club met last Thurs­day with Miss Lu Langworthy. This week they will begin the study of Scott and his "Lady of the Lake."

The Christian Endeavor Society will hold their February social this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Burdick. All are cordially in­vited to attend.

The church services last Sabbath were marked by a better attendance than had been seen before in some time, especially the evening services, when the vestry of the church was filled with the exception of one or two seats at the Endeavor prayer meeting. We hope such good attendance may continue. __11_

B. O. Coon's sawmill started last Wednesday wjth a force of seven men. Yesterday he shipped a carload of chestnut and basswojjd just sawed to J. G. Wilson of Olean, and next week he expects'to ship another carload. The new snow that has just come is makinsr things lively, and logs and bolts are coming at a rapid rate.

Mrs>. Margaret A. Brown died at her home in Little Genesee, Sunday morn­ing, of old age, at the age of 95. She had been confined to her bed for a few weeks. Her husband, Thomas B. Brown, who died about 25 years ago was for 23 years pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist church in Genesee and was one of the brightest men who ever lived in this section of the county. Mrs. Brown was a highly educated woman of lovable disposition and was idolized by the people of Little Gene­see among whom she passed so many years of her life. She leaves two sons, Thomas Brown of Little Genesee and Albert Brown of Westerly, R. I., and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Tomlinson of Alfred and Mrs. W. 'S . Wells of Little Genesee. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at the house. The sermon was deliv­ered by Rev. B. D. Coon. The burial was at the Wells cemetery.

Burdick & Co. have the casing in their well on the Hall farm. Only 226 feet of casing was required. The well

; was down 350 feet, Tuesday morning. Fairbanks & Seaman have the drilling contract.

Ex-Commissioner Burdick is feeling very good over the fact that the De­partment of Public Instruction has upheld him in the Andover school house condemnation.

H. G. Prindle was in Smethport on business, Saturday.

Albert Brown of Westerly was called here this week by the death of his mother, but was obliged to return be­fore the funeral by urgent business.


Novelty Waistings Wc are showing a very attractive line

of exclusive patterns in Waistings in all the popular weaves at right prices.

Thin Wash Materials The latest weaves, the popular color­

ings and beautiful designs await your inspection and we would suggest an early purchase, while the showing fa most complete.

White Waistings •i •

No weave but can be found at our counters in great variety. At present there is an unprecedented demand which manufacturers are unable to cope with. We note some goods bought by us two months ago still due us.

Millis at Richburg last Sunday, Mr. Maxson and wife of Richburg

attended church at Nile last Sabbath. Ernest Gilbert who had his leg.

broken several weeks ago, Is able to be around again.

The severe storm of Monday and Tuesday has blockaded the roads in some places.


Crushing Department of the Palmer

Glass Factory Damaged by Fire. The rock crushing department of the

Palmer glass factory at SbingleBouse wasdamaged to the extent of $1,500 by fire, Sunday afternoon, but the opera-tip i of the plant will not be interfered with.

ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. Duncan Cameron and daugh­

ter Anna were visiting friends in Olean yesterday.

Dr. F. E. Comstock and Dr. B. A. Barney of Welisville have dissolvfd a business partnership. Dr. Barney has gone to New York to study for a specialist.

Von will ftrto at mt etore Evctg . tbing Bou want in


pictures, ^ jframes, fl&oulbfngs, Statuettes, SDecorateb China, Jewelry

/Aiss L. /I. S trep An, Studio, 240 N. Union St.

Successor* to CAPPEL COHEN,

0 1 e a . n , N e w York.


Frair and family visited at his sister, Mrs. Porter Hanks', on Deer Creek, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Howard were in Little Genesee, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hughes returned from Bradford, Monday, where they have been visiting relatives the past week.

William Watson is working for S. D. Waring.

Mrs. McQueen and son Orla, and Mrs. Lynn Lewis and Mrs. James Crandall attended the N. P.L. banquet of Portville and Olean Legions at Olean, Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Lewis were in Portville, Friday.

The old Sylvanus Vincent farm in West Genesee has been purchased by Myron Collins He has also pur­chased the Farmers Hotel at Portville.

Arthur Howard was summoned to the steam shovel at Bowler's, Monday, where the P. S. & N. are to resume work.

George Randolph, a member of the Oleab Oil & Gas Co. of Ohio, is home for a few days. He will. return this week.

Charles Howard and Miss Sadie Shepard attended the invited dance party at WestClarksville, Wednesday night. , ,

Wc wish to Sell by Feb 21

About fifty Y o u n g M e n ' s S \ i i t s be­t w e e n the a g e s of 15 a n d 2 0 y e ^ r s . W h e n b u y i n g for F a l l w e r a t h e r over­e s t imated o\ ir b u s i n e s s in t h i s depart­m e n t and a.s a. c o n s e q u e n c e w e f ind too m a a i y s u i t s for t h i s s e a s o n .


S O U T H B O L I V A R . SOUTH BOLIVAR, Feb. 17.—Art

Sizer had business in Bolivar one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniol Dereamer were pleasantly surprised last Saturday evening by about forty friends and neighbors. They served oysters after which they presented them with a love­ly stand.

Miss Goldie Dailey visited her par­ents in Bolivar, Wednesday.

Mrs. Walter Coats went to Welis­ville Wednesday and had her teeth extracted.

Roy Sherwood and sister, Mable were in Bolivar one day last week.

Parker & Gorton have finished drill­ing on the Smith farm. They shot one sand Tuesday morning.

Edward Smith went to Scio Tuesday with a load of drilling tools for Par­ker & Gorton.

To Move Them Quickly w e ' v e put the knife i n d e e p a n d cut

t h e prices ©tbout one- th ird . In s o m e a. little m o r e , i n s o m e a. l ittle l e s s , b u t all h a v e b e e n r e d u c e d .

$15 .00 S u i t s n o w . . . -$10 .00 $14.00 S u i t s n o w $ 9 .00 $12.00 S u i t s n o w $ 9 .00 $10.00 S u i t s n o w . $ 7 .00 $ 8.00 S u i t s n o w . . . $ 5 . 0 0

Coast, Davis & Ncnno

11E »L Olesvn. N. Y .

"You L o o k S o N i c e since you began leaving

your orders with

H. E. Goodrich & Co.,


for Kauf fmann** Built-to-Order C l o t h e s that I'm p r o u d of you. What a noble looti­ng m a n y o u are, John, w h e n you're dressed u p In good fitting c lothes ." mmmmmmMlmff^mimmm *. J , . ~ y # B trm Kmuffmrnmn •««# end the "mUmmfm /•$(*** »«* //*• that about »em mil the time.



has been quite sick the past week but we are glad to say is some better.

Fred Ackerman and daughter, Olie visited his daughter Mrs. Lettie John­son of West Bingham last week.

Frank Hover Is quite sick with a cold.

Harry Remington was calling in town Saturday. His mother Mrs. Remington returned with himto Allen-town.

Mrs. John Gadsby of Shingle House spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Dereamer.

W. T. Lane and daughters, Mrs. Remington, Mrs. Rockwell and Mrs. Grace Lane visited his son Will at Genesee a few days the past week.

The Utile daughter of Edward Har­mon is among the sick in our neigh­borhood.

This new snow has started the rock teams again.

The infant aon of Norman Dereamer who has been quite sick, is getting better. Dr. Hulett of Allentown is attending biui, also the other sick in our town.

The Prohibition Alliance was well attended Saturday evening at the school-house.


HORSE RUN, Feb. 16.—Mrs. James Lord of Friendship is at the home of her son Ed son Lord in this place help­ing care for their infant daughter Hazel, who has had a very severe attack of inflammation of the. bowels, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Earle is some better at present but it is feared that she will have to succumb to a run of fever.

Amos Burbank and wife of Sayre, Pa., and L. O. Prince and wife of East Sharon were visiting at H. H. Pratt 's , Thursday.

Sherm Rixford of Marion, Indiana, is visiting his parents at Shingle House.

Irvin Appleby and sister and Glenn Appleby and Theresa Smith of Annin Creek attended the hop at Jacob Mead's, Friday night.

We understand that a couple came up to the church from Potter county last Thursday night, stood up in the carriage and had the matrimonial knot tied.

Mrs. Alice Appleby and daughter Elsie were calling at Edna Day's last Wednesday.

William Niver had business in Bol­ivar one day last week.

William Ingley was doing business in Shingle House, Saturday.

Irvin and Glenn Appleby were pres­ent at the tire in Shingle House, Sun­day afternoon. The fire alarm was distinctly heard in this place five miles away.

T H E P E O P L E ' S C L O T H I E R . S .

154 Union Street . Vi O L E A N . N. Y .

Special Notice to the Publ ic !

I have sold my entire stock of Hardware, etc., to O. H. Severson and U. J. Wilson. With it goes my pood will and best wishes.

I also thank you, one and all for your liberal patronage in the past and trust you will continue doing business at the old stand.

I also must ask of those having accounts with me to call at my office over the store and settle, as I must close up my book account at once. Respectfully,


RICHSURQ RIPPLES. The annual donation for the benefit

of Rev. J. F. Vought will be held at the Brick Church on Wednesday even-to*, F^fc, 25, Everybody itivlted k» eooM and enjoy a good time.

Apples 16c per pk., at Cranston'i.

NILE NOTES. . NILE, Feb. 17.—A very pleasant

time was enjoyed at Frank Canfield's at Utopia last Thursday, as the Aid Society met with them. Sewing was done, music furnished, dinner served for 23 old and young.

Mrs, William Gardiner is still very low, and it Is feared she may not re­cover.

On account of the storm, the singing class was not very well attended Wed­nesday evening.

The bible study for the Sabbath school lesson will be held 4wilh Mrs. Mary Wright next Thursday evening.

Elder Sanborn of Friendship preached at the school house last Sunday. Sunday school followed the preaching service.

Avis Jordan visited Misa Irene


T5he New Wall Papers WILL SOON BE IN. Our line will include all

the new, up-to-date ideas in all priced papers. In addition to our stock we show a fine line in

books of better grades. If you buy from our books you are sure of

''something different." New Mouldings.

W. L Cranncll, Olean, N. Y. 6M« N e w F u r n i t u r e Store,

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