Page Eight THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N.Y. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 OBITUARY NOTICES I Indicate Roekaway Travel May Improve Mrs. Michael Paciulli 39-Year-OM TTidow Frank Kitondo .„.-. Eugene J. Kelly roraier Dock Inn Owner : Hetired Policeman Mrs. Michael Paciulli of 250 Frank Ricor.do. who in former j Eugene J. Kelly, retired j f e » Beaoh Mst street, Ko.Kaway years was the pioprietor of t n - j Yor*_ <ji<-y p a t i o m i a n , r e s i u e n t ot Beacii, died Monday at Pemnsu__. i>ock Inn on Am_-tel boulevard,' ioi Boit^n road, Far Kockaway General _-.iosp.tai, __t.geu.vre, ai- Arverne, died Sunday at tAsta*'•.aied _»iondav at the Veterans Ad- Wr a long in.-e-j. _uia General Ho_.p-i.ai .oiiowuig a ajgOnt; rwif.jfta noipitai a<. j?ort The Jonrier Carolina Accctia. p.o»ongea. _ilintss. | i.__.mdto_i, Brooklyn, daughter of the i<±to J o s e p h aafli He was coin in Inwood 5*T A H . r_e.iy was oorn in New *wo.Aieiia ACcctca. ix>i"n iat years years ago to tfte mie _>.ia.d..iuj _.'oi-k C-ty on January 5, li>oO, "go »n Laiy, s..t. uvea in tne and Amelia Cappareii; K.^>••<»'> 1 uue son of u_e i-ie r ^ t i . c f t <*.___. Roekaw<_ys i__a_e tiian 50 years. _>u_viv«iig' huu «;._%.- u__ w.<__-w, * , —.*? ___..___ i_ei_y. Hsr huso_.nd, Mi_h._el Puciuiii, Maiy iiiw.- _*ave>_ci_j iiiioiicj. He was a_>pv>.i»t_d to the Fo- died 24 vcv-,- ago. two daugiiiiSrs, AI_*. .ju.-^pn out- j uci- '^^"'"for *w in iy*-£> and lor sine is survived by seven on of Queens Village a,.u _«_; _. j the first IS laoattts was a^signc-d daugnters, Mrs. Angei.r.a Sugiia rufW-trq _-«-_-._t_g ji £t_fc_ag».«=-u: * 0 Uit _,.ov.__way area. After m a t of Iiaj3imel, Mrs. Filouiena Cris- Gardens; lour brothtis, Ben-: he was assigned to tne 14th Pre- ui,i». ot Lue 5ist stivec audres>a, jawin and Jt-^epii of -_rvv.-. ae,; c.n.i «a ise.v' _oik, and it Was Mr... Josephine De Baun, Mrs. Anthony of -New aiv.-x.io auujurvjsi tiiat precinct thai he retir- i_*vret_ i-errone aiud Mrs. Pat De_XUJt-t__: ot Biistui, c^iai.; tnree' ed On April 14, 1953. Bagaija, all cf Arverne, Mis. Carl - . a ^ i s , i i i i . i^o^e _i_iui __.cCt_i of] He seivea witn Uie Anny du~- Naso and Mis. Ti;oiu___ MusiUo, Baldwin, yn^. i-_ci.. a iu»-i»o v.; ,;.„ vvoi id War I and was a char- both of Oiiont Park, 10 grand- .-niic-iK, _\.i.. ;____. IK-IS. Atfr/KVfty ter o_e_iiu«=- <_i <.i.c u_._i.-_ at- _/- cti^dre.1, a_:u 25 great grandchii- LaaztkKsa of Ajeyeiae, anu iou- Conneli Post, .No. 2.2, .r_mei_ca_.- dren. —..<„._ ,»,I,I»~-_, i-ta.iK a.:<.i _C_ez_ i,vj.ui. i-^ ».'ai aiso a meinua a so-ier-m high niass_.wiU be of- During and Lisa and josep^jof tne Patrolmen's Benevolent fcrcd Saturda\- at 9>3L> a . m . in St. Slaton. ; ^ssoc.ation and the Koly Name i-tooe oi i^ana R.C Churcn, Rod-:- i~iemn requiem mass v/as; aoc.eiy c St. Mary Star of the away Beaefe. Interment will fol- oftexxd yesceiday monnng in St. j ^ ^ a iX - U. cauicu, rar Roekaway. low i c the family plot in St. Rase John's Cemetery Middle Village, where as E. C ChurCiil in his younger years he was, m BELIE HARBOR NEPONSIT ROCKAWAY PARK Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ericson Miss Marion Swain, who lived and their children, Joan Mary Iffl the Rockaways until the fam- Rcbert Edward and John David, | ily moved to Grecnlawn, L.L, a fornierly of Roekaway Park, I number of years ago, celebrated now cf Huntington, were among j her h-rchday reoen ly with her persons present recently at a ; mo-i.er, _Irs. Ric. ard Swain, and :amily dinner held at the home'ot..er ieiat.vo.j at her home. of Mrs. Ei-icson's sister and " Mrs. V BROAD CHANNEL ji ot.'.or - in - iaw, Mr. and Ge. aid A. Greubei in Merrick. L.L Ar.icrg Kockawa v Park rc-si- i d e n s observing a birthday this ' month was M.ss Emma Stolle, who spen: it with her brother ; and fv.ends. There will he a family dinner !' tomorrow night at the Lome of Mrs. Lillian Krugmna o" Belie Mr. and Mrs. Franfe. Sc*iepper, Harix«- will review "Por-.noy's ZZ West Hth roaU, 'to mark, tiie ;Cor;ipta;PL - ' by Philip Roih at a birthday of Airs. Sciiepper and the : West End Auxiliary luncheon- 2Sth vveduhs^ anniversary, oi the meeting at noon May 6 at Le- coupte. Aiu^ng uiese present will vine's Washington Ho.el, Beach . be tne eoupie's son-m-iaw and 12£th. s-i-eet and . Roakaway! aaug^uer, ivu\, and Mrs. Paul Beach boulevard, according tojKcUr of Howaid Beach. Mrs. Hai-oid Roberts, presiden "Landscaping Small Property" Mrs. Kate Schinnann, a past president of the Lad.es Aid Soc- a ch is to be the subject of an ad- i iccy of tiie Christ Presjyterian under the diitction or the Denis received the S. O'Connor Funeiai Home, 91 05 Be ^;h Chaiaiei unvc, ii.o_x away Beach. Michael Kinnear} Xavv Veteran ;hikl Mi*. R i t o n d o ; v ery a^ive in basketball at Far i Transportaticn complaints of the Rockaways are eaip asized for Borough President Sidney Leviss dress to he given at a Shore i Church by the Sea, will be in sacrament of con-i Roekaway High School. ; (center) and Sol Levme of the Green Bus Lines (to Leviss' right) by Seymour Sheldon and Mrs. Saiii Garden Club of Ne of 20? 0( Rockaway 50 Years Mr*. Arthur Jalewsky Michael E. Kinneary Noei road, Broad Channel, died at Peninsula General Hospital,: Mrs. Arthur Jalewsky, resi- Edgemere, on April 13, after a dent of 149 Beach 92nd street prolonged illness. j for many years, died Monday at He was born in New York, De-; stt. Joeph's Hospital, Far Rock- cember 21. 1931, the son & Mrs. awayi following an illness Mary Rieket Kinneary of Broad I several months C^nel and the late Thomas | ^ former Dora Wagne r, iiinneary. known to her manv friends as Neponsit and I charge of a chow mein supper Larkin, lKuiojrati;- <listrk-t leaders of the Rockaways and Broad Channel (exiieme left and right) Belle Harbor meeting Monday! and ^ninese auction planned by and City Conm-ilman Waiter Ward (to Le-.lss" left) a t a meeting last week. Eo:kaways' spokes- at 12:30 p.m. at the home of the society ."or May 22 in the men reporte;! that Levfcss and Irvine pn":n-use<l to Kx;k info ways to improve serviie and coverage Mrs. Seymour Herrick, 454 : parish hall, Church and Noel . of more Rockaway neighborhoods, and double fares, and^o Lssue orders that buses standing at ends Beach 141st street, Belle Har- roads. Funeral Home, Roekaway Beach j ment assigned to the 111th Pre j oi ruus iea ve doors open for passengers to enter, and to liave drivers collect fares wiien t ; iev ar- bor cinct in Bayside; two daughters ] rive- ' J i maticn. Interment followed £aj His wife died July 3ft 1968 : the family pk>t in St. Mary Cess .; He is survived by a son etery, Lawrence, under the d ; rec ; Eugene J., a detective with th tion" of the Denis S. O'Conno j NTew_ York City Police Depar Mrs. Beatiice Galiigan of Rock-: viile Centre and Miss Eileen Kel-1 iy of the Far Roekaway address; a brother, James W. Kelly oi | Hollywood Fla., and eight grand-1 children. Church and bold for truth and right- eousness, ! And many found within its fold j their peace and happiness; There followed many tranquil j years, uncil a need was_ found | j Fcr space to teach and worship,! Ciiurch was moved i Mrs. James Mohr of West 12th Mrs. Jean Fazio, president of j road is planning to celebrate her the Parents' Association of Pub- i birthday tomorrow night at the lie School 225, 190 Beach 110th! meeting and funny hat party in street, Rockaway Park, has an- j the Democratic clubhouse being nounced that a meeting planned 1 given by the Women's Regular - - ,,-. , . -si-- . r , : Qjx-ifor April 25 in the school library, i democratic Club of Broad Chan- •-••••-•^ - " v "--• w -^ Room 210, from 1:50 to 2:30; nel - p.m., will include nomination of! Political (Contmued trom Page 1) jcuacii ifiis er.ciorsemen Jive- Monday night in th hall J officers and an address by the! ^ r " and Mrs - Denis McEne director of the children's psychi- Knights of Columbus Rockaway Beach. The ciub also has petitior; ] atric clinie at Hillside Hospital ready for circulation to s-appor | Mr . 3Lrid Mrs Donald R. "4 S0 can -.' ci ^ tt ' s - i Richard, former residents of ~ ; rSSSJiS S^^JS-^**^ 1 ^ Park ' marked their '21st wedding anniversary on j included -sSdresses by-Congress < Continued from I*age 1) shed beauty on it all, A solemn requiem mass will be . p OI . sunshine made it sparkle, of offered tomorrow at 10 a.m. in | tne m00 n let glory fall. I St. Mary Star of the Sea R. C . . ^ among the level spaces, that* so the Church. Interment will follow in; opened to the sea, .. aro;md. the family plot in S t John's Cem-; A f ew young settlers came to . With better days ahead once etery, Middle Village, under the j Dide and plant their family: mere, Old Roekawav Beach re- Korean conflict and was a mem I ^ ^ t ^ ^ J ^ L T ^ ^ r ' ****%? of ^ ^ S ' °£°?! tree ' . IT* ber of Broad Channel Post, Ho l?~~L NL^^WT^J^WS^ ' nor Flmera - 1 Home - Inc - Rock -|ln little shacks unpainted, with;And. now again its ways and 1404, American Legion I ter or issaK a M wagner. , away ^g^^ just a room or two means of progress were con He was employed as a butcher': Mrs - Jalewsky's husband <*ied: . ^ jWiai space enough for comfort, I trived; at the Valley Stream branch'; 18 >' ears a ?°- j Wrs. Mamie !>untlieuner and furnishings a few. iParks and store of the Atlantic & Pacifi , She was a resident of the \ a q YMT . T>1 A Widow j Thus on this sandy stretch of^ and Church . , . . _.^ v _ ^ r _ v . ^ L r v i; ,, , company. ; Rockaways for more than 50 ! ^- ledr - UIU " m o B land, that seemed so far- to Have made the great big busy j Mavor. (Murphy walked through rtSL<«S* f >ancy ±ie is survived by his widow, j years. j Mrs. Mamie Suntheimer, 891 reach. i town Dame Nature had i n j F a r Rockaway, particularly th . ^P 13 *"*. L.I. Thomasina (nee Cleary; whomj Survivors include two sons, I years old, who made her home! A little group besought a name: store. i p ar Rockaway Shopping Center he married in St. Virgilius R- C.: Leonard of Arverne and Max of with her daughter, Mrs. Viola; and called it Roekaway Beach.: The sandy roads have turned to : and Central avenue, Sunday, but Church, Broad Channel, on No-'Holland; a brother, Harry Wag-!Katz, in Belle Harbor, died at] With increasing population, of: stone, with many curved ex- j this walk was independent, not vember 21. 1954; five children. n er, and two sisters Mrs. Hat- Peninsula General Hospital,; old time pioneers : tensions; I connected with an invitation Michael 13, Mary- Ann, 12, Ter-, tie Mevers and Mrs Bertha '• Edgemere, Monday, after a j They tried to organize their; Bulkheads on the Ocean front] from any club.) renee^O, Diane, 7 and Thomas,. ; «-~M ^ brief illne^»-' ; .-'-."t town, with an eye to future; and boardwalks get attention;! 5; iBsr-mother; six brothers. Ed-1 ^o'dsmitn, ail-ot Brooklyn, ana, Wid£)w ^ ^ late Theodore I years. i Horse and cow have disappeared, j ward of Rockaway Beach Wil-1 two grandsons, Arthur and i gantheimer she was a summer j One "wagon road- from East to ] but autos there are plenty; Looking to the future, Sey Maa^ Fred and Frank of Broad|Robert Jalewsky. 'resident of' BeBe Harbor for 45, We^t, for miles ran through;Bungalows from shore to shore,*^ 0 " 2 " Sheldon, Democratic dis „„^ v ^ a ^ ^ st --...^ C3 Channel, and Thomas and Jo- Ra bbi JJ^ Blaine/ spiritual 1 years and made it her year-1 the middle, { are used for summer renting. [«« leader cf the Rockaways i Mrs _ Si nger and ^^ ^ Q^. seph of Rosedale, and two sis- L d f TeiRT)le &&& Rock .: around residence the past 10: And the question of a Railroad; Elevated railroads, hotels, hospi-; ana ««»f- Channel, says th. ]ieb 3Jld , tum j & ^ •~ -kir^ n,; m ^'Or:.. ..? leauei oi lempie cem to, «.OCK H^O,V, 0 +V,^ + « , « ^ V K^^V ,-;^,*!^ i-ai« nnd schools . i queens executive committee com L.J. aney of 19 West 10th road were married 28 years on April 14. Mrs. McEneaney is. the former Rose Dannaher cf Bene Harbor. Alice Marie Stenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Sten- son of West 15th road will be ... _, j man John M. Murphy of State: i Aor q n Tbev and their three ^ ° f WeSt 15th road - wfll ^ ^ i-i.^ ^ ^.i. x.c~ i i — ' l . aOan pnr? TCflnr»\r rp-<i/^£i in Club Looking To Queens reside in I Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wiese ,, . „, „ , I of Cross Bay boulevard will be Members of the West End; married 22 y ^ ^ ^ M^-f a 7 t P T n vl Ula General i Wiese is the former Edi Mar- %y1?**5-7* ^L!M nvassm ! tin, whose parents werea^o res- idents of Broad Channel for for prospective members will get their listings Monday at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Singer, Neponsit, and re- there fcr luncheon hosted by the auxiliary's financial secretaries, Mrs. Claire C'Brien of became the town's best riddle, . tals and ters airs, tjiaire u Bnen oi " : years oecame tne tovvT. s Dest riaaie, wo anu scnwis i v— ^^^.^..^ m,,..•, .... , v vivm | p 0r+s Broad Channel and Mrs. Marg- away Park, officiated at the^ Cni [ ers who su^ve aj. e three For when the City beckoned, Have changed this one tiraeHPOsed of 64 Queens leaders wiilj aret Sieger of Oceanside. funeral service held yesterday: sisters Miss Lillian Weil Mrs.: sailing o'er Canarsie way, j beauty spot to a City under' raeet Monaa v night to select and j re- mjmy years. The Rev. John Malcney cele-. n oon in Far Rockaway. Inter- \ Carrie Garfunkel, Mrs. Laura I An old sea Captain made the! rule; _-*._,* •>.-. _-,,_, April j mSt.: ment followed in Washington ; Ducker; a granddaughter, Mrs. ; ^Jrip, for fifty cents a day.^ n " -' Brooklyn, under the the Long Island National Cem- dii-cction of the Riverside Memo, etery, Farmingdale, L.I. rial Chapel, Far Rockaway. t-nacrse candidates for mavor GRanite 4-4951 brated the mas: _ Virgilius R- C. Church, Broad;""""".'"ol^J" '\ m 7~°^L Theodora Eaitch, and a great From a nearby village, a few with perpetual roll of foam, Channel. Interment followed ir.- ^ • ' ; . „. rTT, granddaughter, Carin Daitch. j Christian minded men [Holds firm the same attraction,; Rabbib Arthur David of Hew-, Gathered a little Sunday School, j its strength and power un- j lett Temple officiated at the; the Gospel to extend. [ known. funeral service held yesterday; The Bible stories and sacred) Jamaica Bay is visited by craft,; afternoon from the Riverside' songs made a good impres- j both great and small, Memorial Chapel, Far Rock- j sion; iAnd bridges span the waters toj away. Interment followed in | And soon the parents came, with j a City grand and tall; Mount Neboh Cemetery, Cy- children, for the Sunday ses- Tides come in and tides go out, press Hills. --•— -..-••"C'.'- sion; I as little white caps play A day school soon was opened! Upon the surface, blue or green, in the home of a Pioneer in the same old friendly way. I Taught by Mrs. Michael Hoi-' Tne happy birds and sea gufls \ land, with patient friendly i have left their feeding; cheer. \ ground, i-iAnd._footprints of all nations on} the sandy beach are found: i Democratic Association, Mew HAMMEL HOLLAND SEASIDE But^stilljhe grand old OcezsJ ^f^ *J-™ City Council j ^ g told The W a w ^ the; . ; __ Furlnermore, 1 ' what the com ?*_fe _&_3^ S l °^ 8h \ oi ft I Mrs. John Bittrich wxE.be Francis £• Bennett Funeral Home t Frond* E. Bennett^ Licensed Undertaker DIGNIFIED, COMPETEm MORTUARY SERVICE Reach 114th Street and Bockaway Beach Blvd. 2dward J. Hanretty Construction Worker mittee supports he will suDoort ^S!fi 0 ^ y . .*?**• J 0 **' J celebrating her birthday ^tomca-- "Tnat's'the oniv wa y we'can ^TyU \ . ° h *• u ^ - i row ni « ht »t-her:hornein Beach have a Democratic\ictory, to get £ S tTsuo^rt ^^f 101st street, with relative and behind one candidate," said Shel- ^ t0 SUPP0rt ' friends..:. -} - i don RPDA Had First Speaker X The leader also said looking! He also noted that the RPDA! .*fe if i cS J , G ^ >rieI ' ? "2 ident ahead that because of the large | was the first Democratic club u^ ot aea cn SStft street in former vote here Rockaway can look! Rockaway to invite a mayora l^V' ota served her birthday on forward to man v visits by aU! candidate to speak. " Sunday with members, of her candidates. " Also For the Roekaway Coalitio: w ord from the Queens executive, for a Democratic Alternative committee. Mr ax . d j ^ ^ ^ ^ w JQ^ Mis. Sam Larkin, Democrat. Finally, the Rockaway Con : of Dayton Beach Park Coopera- oistnct leader of the Rockaways j servative Club, which is support-; tiVe apartments will be observ- i Broa^i Channel, said there mg State Senator John J. Marchi i fag their silver wedding anni the cir.b is a waiting fP 10 ^ at *^ couple's home in _=-.=. -„„_..*:..„:North Benmore. Following a short ^ ^ J T h i s busy "town of small begin-1 ward J. Hanretty, a construction j _^_ > w ^ _ ra pa _ | ; worker for the Brooklyn Union; For £ schoo ,. house vvas erected j There „ a recreation"'cemer andi~ : ? ou , te an announcement I of Staten Island for mayor, andj^sary on Apr ^ m Gas company- died April 10 a t ; two teaehers i n i t placed _ , pleasures mixed with fun •••--- - - - — - st. Josepns Hospital, i<ar KOCK---,^^ we he , d o , jr Sabbath Enjoyed by the multitudes, while away. , sc^ooj a-jd Senices at night j bathing in the sun. Born m New York ^y o n . ^ ^ efforts of the little j The old fashioned Church Has! April 23, 1930, the son of M and Mrs. Eugene Hanretty ofj Rocaway Point, Mr. Hanretty! lived here all his life. He served in the Naw. shortly from an executive boarc j Robert Kelly for president of the j meeting last night a s t o candi Cit y Council, plans to open a \ Mrs. Steve Corbett of the dates it will support, its plans store front soon. It also is giv Dayton Beach Park..Cooperative for a membership meeting inffgg whatever assistance it can to,apartments observed her birth- band, who willedT to live: been removed, to make room aright. j for a parkway, A large museum, restaurants, | On which a war memorial shooting galleries, too, stands, a sentinel on the high- 15 t j Tunicr High School 180, a stand Kenneth Huhn, chairman of a day on April 11; and her hus- _ i i i _= ! i fcOCKAWAVS FINEST FUNERAL HOM1 "^C^rp. DENIS S. O'CONNOR I 91-05 B««cl_ Channel Driv* NE4-4011 ••ffW*Tqas»W*.:-fWg:-*"- '•-'-^^•^*^tti*»'r~^^^'Al\' , AlMl^_j, RIVERSIDE MEMORIAL CHAPtL, INC FUNERAL DIRECTORS FourxJ*d by Charles Ros.ntha!, 1877-1966 1?50 Central Avenue, Far Rockaway, N.Y. FA 7-7100 MANHATTAN: /6»h Street ar Amsterdam Avenue EN 2 6600 EPGOfcLYN: Ocean Psrtrwjv si ProsfMct Par* UL A-7QO0 - WeSHR-Kt>.t-.i*r 21 Vre«t Broad .tr.ot, Mt. vemon (914V MO A6800 BRONX GrarK! Concern",* _t S /9th Street LU 3-*3O0 Ch.pefs tn Miami jrtd Miami Beach JE 11151 Edw«rd ftcser.ir.al tAcricr, Koier.tr.ai • Car, Grcs4_.erg Leo J. Filer c- •--, -s--„-*_; .'Ground their respective organs,; way r ^ T S 4 n e W of! on ^ ^ A « ^ High'above the busy streets, on S ^ ^ d l o u . ' I t T l l S . l ^ ^ f ^ " * skating the sky line there appears ' Clarence Moyse of Floral' Park, j ^ ^ ""^ ^ da ^ s a busy J A Cross ot gold, to guide and Mrs^ Joseph Fenton of Hunting- . ., ,. .; .. , ton Station, L.I., Mrs. James ^ fee no 'f oi vendors, seU- Cowan of Rockaway Point a__d? T g cora and candy curls. Mrs. Thomas Beatty of Floral i I^provements marked the pro Park 3 j gress, of the Macrh ot Years Following a solemn requiem j A Congregational Cmireh was mass in St. Thomas More R. C.» P ^ ^ » ^ ound ^' en ** a Church, Rockaway Point, Mon-I Pioneer, dav morninfr interment took Here CJ1S. and L.A_S. Societies'-^ f oay morning, interment UXJK ^^ F o r s he bu;!ded we]1 j concrete.^ place in Holy Cross Cemetery,! uere Dorri Brooklyn, under the direction of|To live and grow in Christian the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral j Faith, the work to carry on. Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive.'>Out little Church grew strong on anti-baiisric missiles and reit ; Youth for Marchi Club in forma ^ration of the pressing need fori tion. at least one more high school; " ~ in jhert order in the Rockaways Keep your word and people Witt For the Rockaway Penir.sul? , never hesitate to accept it lead us through the coming '- years; And from the rising tower of our newly built Church home We hear the chimes of welcome ring out for old and young. We trust wise old Dame Nature,. is pleased with her set- of I plans, Fine j and little is left on her sands ' Still Ocean and Bay, meeting blue of the sky, bright little stars shining through. I Speak of a beauty uplifting and rare, yet ever and always new. With the same magnificent sun- sets, sinking slowly out of sight, : The same clear moonbeams fall- ing, shedding romance o'er the night, Mrs. Isabella Murray observed! Mr. and Mrs. Luke Rivara of The pounding waves of Winter's -' ARVERNE EDGEMERE FAR ROCKAWAY .;•;; &?:-<*'•<: s e r i e s And «<>*™™ *LKS <*>*** by ^ S 317 CENTRAL AVE FA 7- 3233 LAWRENCE. I~ fe*P* ^^S^^&^^^ii^t^^^ her birthday Monday with mem-169-46 Bayfield avenue will cele- hers of her family at her home' brate their 22nd weddng anniver- m Far Rockaway. sary on Stmudav. storm and high winds blowing hard , Show us some of the wonderful, unchangeable ways of God. CORA F. "SPRACUE. LIBRARY TO PRESENT INVESTORS^ PROGRAM Announcement has been madi regarding an investors' informa Another Far Roctowavr*" P*?-J Patty Ann Woods, daughter of serving a birthday this week is Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woods, Miss Idella Siebert, an employee celebrated her 6th birthday last of the Long Island Lighting Thursday. company. She will celebrate to-! night with relatives and friends. Anfa 3[ Second Liefuenant Peter B. Berlin, 23, sen of Mr. and Kathleen Louise McNulty, Mrs. Louis Berlin--2400 Seagrit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn boulevard, Far Roekaway, was J. McNulty of Grassmere tor- : assigned Marx* 15 to the 785th tio ^ program of the Xcw York race, w a s 18 voars old on April Transportation Battalion near Sto.k Exchange to be heid on | 3. Vung Tau, Vietnam, as a platoon fou ^ consecutive Monday eve f leader. ; t&ags from 8 to 9:30 at the Far | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snrf Rockaway Branch c_ the Quoeas § of East R.ockaway, formerly of Fireman Apprentice John P. -• Library, 1637 Central avenue. Far Rockaway, marked their .Brady, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. The first lecture (April 21) will; § 18th wedding "anniversary Mon- John Brady of 2709 Collier cover "The Types of Securities j | lay. Mr. Smith is the owner of. avenue, Far Rockaway, and Sea-1— the Risks and Rewards ofg .utomotive Parts Co, in Far mar> Apprentice Milton Hol^man, : Investing in the Stock Market", j I lockaway. .son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham the second (April 28; "The New 11 Holzman of 69-53 Th ursby York Stock Exchange and th' [ J Mrs. Harry Frost, formerty of \avenue, Arvome. are serving Broker"; the third (May 5> "Tru ' \rverne, observed her birthday aboard the attack aircraft car-: Objectives of Your Investment his week with relatives and;rier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, j Program," and the fourt. riends at her home in Law-: currently undergo ng m'erhanl at 112) "The Basic Methods oi in .-enee. j the Norfolk Xaval Shipyard. i vesting." j \._E_Ksa3^3_____S3___3_. band will criebrate his on April 23L -- - - . Robert John Schultze, bom in Rockaway, will celebrate his 17th birthday with his mother and brother, Anthony Richard, April 22 at their current home in Bartlett. N.H. His mother is the former Elsie Rockenback, and long lived in Beach 99th street. Vincent A. Howell of the Long Island Lighting company will speak on "A New Process Acci- dent Proofing" tonight a t a meeting of the Ladies* Aid So ciety of hte First Congregation- al Church, in the church par- lor, according to Mrs. Gustave A Rappold, president. Advertisement SCHWARTZ APPLIANCES, INC 1 1518 CENTRAL AVENUE Far Rockaway, N. Y. CALL IS FOR EXPERT T. V. SERVICE FA 7-2081 — DISCOUNTS ins | Appliances - Heating - Television s of In J > * O Surf-n-Turf By Nick and John Cboiakis SAFETY, PLEASE! Warmer wea- ther* means more cars on the road and more cars on the road means more accidents. Make sure that you're not go- ing to be one of the victims. Be alert — be a- ware and keep your car in top condition. Have a safety check et your local service station. Don't drive under pressure . . . allow yourself enough time to ge: where you're going. Makes sense, doesn't it? Warmer weather means that the gals like to get out of the kitchen more often. You can't biame them . . . but you can blame us if dinner at The Breakers isn't a happy experi- ence. Take her out this week. We're located a t 178 Beach 116th Street, Rockaway Park. Phone GR 4-8912. Closed Tues- days. Diners Club—Everything Card > . _ - •.«!- ;_, ______ f '•--•- ' (M1..IU m^mti^mtS^M^WB^MTftwmWS^Tt^^^ k ^^ ^ — •*- = VoL LXXVT No. 17 (8 Pages) >%. UttfK _*tid at ft*** Vork.8 wv;, > 5 THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N.Y. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1969 SuDecrlpUoa «6.0« Per Tear S6.0O out-lde Greater N.7. aad t__. 1A °"___™ 1 U A OOF* H' I Planning To Star School This Yeaj City Advertising For Bid For Beack Channel HS "Wait For Army Permil OldGlory"Is Gift To Club Draft Board Action! vT ot Constitutional I Court Finds Eisdorfer'-- i Classification Misused ' By Local I>raf i Board 27 The Office of School Building B.ard of Education, is aiming tc start construction of Beach C'ha: nel High School this year. Tn.s fact was poirtcd out tc The Wave this week by Hugh McLaren, jr., executive direct*-- He corroborated what T?*< V/ave was told by Charles Mc ris, director of the Capital Pre jects Task Force at City Hal: that virtually all permission fo cci-tru-t ; on has been obtain.:: and that the City is moving head with x.rcparations to le: contracts. In fa5t. it was added in * :c planation, permission has beer obtained from the City's Da partment of Parks, the state'; Fish and Game Division, th. Department of Conservation anc the federal Bureau of Outdoc Recreation and wildlife, whici forwards its information 1o th Hudson River Compact Staff ef the Office of the Secretary oi the Interior. The only permission still to k" obtained is that of the Army ; Corps of Engineers. Mayer Lauded In all points mentioned, Mc- M . , . _ , , . . . . _. . . ,. _ . _ T . _ Laren was more than readv to ° n ae ~ iU oi <-<>*""*&» Savings and Loan Association, Josepa Hoff- give credit to the mayor for his man ' TazKS ^^ x of mstitation's Roekaway Beach office, presents an; jjgjp * American Flag, institution's gift to Dayton Senior Citizens club, j ' which is received by Samuel B. 3Iirzner, chairman of dub's pro-' gram committee. f - The mayor writes about the school daily. He coordinates his efforts with those of Congress- man Emanuel Celler. His office in Washington follows progress daily, it was said. Another reason for optimism, McLaren noted, is that the CSce cf School Planning has cut back on the area in the bay it intends to use, thus eliminating seme ob- jections. Still another is that the City has advertised for bids in the City Record, going ahead with this .phase as though.permission . already were granted.- .. - ^s AH Ready To Go" '* Miesinwhile, Morris Friedman of 428 Beach 137th street, Belle-Har- bor, informed The Wave this week that he has a letter from Richard Streiter, information of- ficer, of the Mayor's Office of Education Liaison, Human Re- sources Admnistration, stating that funds have been allocated for the construction of Beach Channel High School . . . " and "the City Planning Commission ^-bas-advised me that construction wiU begin n 1970. "We share your concern . . . and hope that this problem wi3 be remedied in the near future . . . Please be assured that every effort is bekig made to hasten the construction . . ." Friedman Wrote To Mayor Streiter wrote to Friedman in answer to a letter Friedman wrote April l to the mayor and which the mayor's office forward- ed t©i the Human Resources Ad ministration. Commenting on Streiter's letter, both HcLaren and Morris said there ijnjo conflict in it, that it's safe t©«ty coristaicton will star in «3_f70, even though there's rea son to believe it will start sooner Tlfis resasurance is welcomed by_some local resdients who have | Ceremonies Here May 10 To Recall NC-4's Flight Noel S. Eisdorfer of 12-61 Central avenue. Far Rockaway won an unprecedented court nii-j ing last Wednesday when s j Brooklyn federal judge found j .hat Local Draft Board 67 of Far j -tockaway acted unconstitution- j ally in reclassifying him "1A'' and i subject to immediate induction! because of "delinquency" — a term used by some draft boards -n burning of draft cards. According to reports. Judge John F. Dooling, jr., of Brook- lyn federal court, in a 39-page jccis.on, ruled that the constitu- tional rights of Eisdorfer, who i .s 29 years old, were violated in | | the "delinquency" action. The judge found Eisdorfer : guilty, however, of failing to sub- ! -nit to induction.at Fort Hamil- ton, Brooklyn, on June 29, 1967. He said that he would approve" an expected motion in arrest of judgment on sentencing Eisdor- -er, wnich will enable the govern- ment to appeal the decision. If the decision is overturned or. appeal and the draft delinquency regulations are upheld as const.-- -uiwiiai, the guilty vercUct' against Eisdorfer will stand, thi | judge said. He also said that, even if the; reguiat-ons were found invauc; the local board still could review; ___._uori:crs case and possibly find.. him 1A without reference to any\ delinquency regulations. The ruling, white dealing in E i s d o r f e r i s c a s e w - t n u i e ___.._;e<- misuse of a draft classification throws an draft regulations un- der a cloud. Regulations Ban Spectacles These regulations ban spectac- ular violat-ons of the regulation. Peninsula Hospital Starts 7,500,000 Construction It's Happening In Roekaway beh May Lindsay Helps Lay B r i c k s ; V-=- : ----- Greeted By Boos And Cheers More than 1,000 spectators were on the grounds of Peninsula Jeneral Hospital Sunday afternoon to hear Mayor John V- Lind- ay's address at the ceremonies wihch marked the stait cf con- struction on the hospital's $7,500,000 expansion program. The pro- gram will add 76 beds, increase f-^ hospital's ancillary services areas and provide 200 beds for NEW L.I.R.R. TRAINS HERE NEXT WEEK Long Island Rail Road pas- sengers will ride trains made up of the new cars which are now being received by the company when the first of the new deluxe trains makes its a7>r>»arance here early next week. For the* present only two such trains will make daily runs. One win leave Far Rock- away at 6:57 ajn. aatd another will make the return trip leav- ing Perm Station at 6:26 P-m. Spokesmen for the railroad say that additional new equip- ment will he p_aoed in service on the' Far Rockaway branch as fast as it becomes available. Hospital Council Honors McTiffuel^ O i the m oy helicopter on the Hospitals John B. McTigue, a partner a ian ding pad to be met and escort- Andrew j. McTigue & Sons, a ed to the platform by Julius Rockaway insurance and; Granirer) president oi the hos- Rockaway is preparing its own. during the 'flignt. are being observance of the 50th araiiver j shown to assemblies in the sary cf the first trans-Atlantic zchools by Commander William; such as draft card burnings anc flight which started from the Martin, Navy public relations of-1 mailing cards back to dra_i Rockaway Naval Air Stat.on oi j ficer. [ boards and also such violations j >kt ^-^ y Undsay vi5its ceremony marking construction start! FsLr May 8, 1919. Ceremonies are; The ceKmai ^ es on May 10 ^ni as failure to report changes m \ Pen!nsala General Hospital's expansion program and tells crowd; e .*, e£tate . lirm slnce i 8 93 has i^" ms ananged tor Saturday ; fc= m bli<J aaA ^ u rn^ntel or other sUtuses and,, - ^ ^ ^ s m bfm delighted he L s ^ ^ hospital's progress, been s^elted^y the boart of PitaL Rns Paivc; hSsi ^ &t approximately 3^0 pms general^, faHiBg ; tp^carry^a c&<L ^j^ O T on jtetf - ' - " ' -' ' - " " 3ie Site of; . -.. „. ^^^ t. t__ i ot f^-r^nJ Tru> iu_r_re's rn«»rv_- said: "The?cu._. T^-^CC (., ._..-. the naval air station el half a century ago. i mWtsdnment of-the crowd be are not authorised by law and j inspector of PoKce, their application" to defendant as! a basis for classifying him 1A! and ordering his immediate in-i duction denied him his liberty) without due process of law." patients requiring extended care. Mayor Lindsay complimented the hospital authorities and the people of the community on the progress the hospital was mak- ~'«s ^ s a voluntary institution at a time when hospitals in other communities are experiencing difficulties. He said it was thril- ling to see private enterprise moving forward at such a rapid pace. Help On Hospital KB "We need help to secure the passage of the new hospital bill to give to the people a pubac nospital system," he saio. "T see the voluntary and public hospi- tals coming closer together. Tne entire hospital system needs the Demng u p of medical schools." Throughout Queens there has j been growing demand for a (number of years for a medical i school. I t is a requiremment for ! the approval of a veterans' hos- jpital in the borough which has been sought for a long time. crowc was on hand when mayor and nis party arrived- pla«orm_ajce Sidney S. Hein, clsairrnan^ at far left; I managers of MeadoworooK Hos which now "occupies the 'site "^I'A Navy" drill team a n d S L Comil-j The juGge;s^ruling said: "Tnej^^jey j^viss (wearing glasses), President of Borough of Queens; pital> E ^ Meadow, to receive! Along Beach Channel us Band will perform for the j existing delinquency regulations j j a g ^ Granirer, hospital president; Sanford Garelick, former Chief :ne 1959 Theodore Roosevelt i outside the hospital grounds Sent Reduction Demonsteators drive, entertainment of "the crowd be Although the Navy will oh- j f ore t h e ceremonies as well a serve the actual anniversary \ during the brief formal program date, Thursday, May 8, with fanfare and ceremonies at Wash ington, D.C., where the first air craft to make the flight, the NC- 4, will be on exhibition, the local observance will also be signifi- cant. Preparations are being made for the presentation to the cit- izens of the Rockaways of a Hospital Opens Blood Bank Depot Peninsula General Hospita has opened a blood bank depot under the jurisdiction of the In plaque containing a picture of j ter-County Blood Barks, Inc. the NC-4, a map showing the | Ro C kville Centre, L.I., for the track of its flight, names of the j convenience of Rockaway resi- officers and men in its crew and dents. The practice t>y some declaring delinquents- lA and subject to immediate callup fol- lowed a recommendation by the Selective Service director in 1967 that boards reclassify delinquents when they burn or otherwise rid o j themselves of draft cards. Such (See "DRAFT', Page 8) Hope To Organize Parents Ssof! Of Brain-Injured Children 1A anri! * ** Award of the Nassau-Suffolk Hospital CounctL The award "is presented an- nually to those who exemplify the highest traditions of volun tar v service to the hospitals of Long Island," says James F. Col- other information of interest. Capt. David Stear, U.S.N., com manding officer of Naval Air Station, is hoping for a large turnout of Rockaway residents at thfe ceremonies on May 10 Prominent public officials will join with distinguished Navy personnel in the program. Meanwhile, students m the lo cai senior and junior high schools are taking part in an essay con test and a poster contest about the flight. Prizes will be award- ed to the winners by the Rock- way and Far Rockaway-Five Towns Rotary clubs. were demonstrators who wanted to impress Mayor Lindsay with their demand for relief irom a 15 percent rent increase which has been levied on the Dayton Beach Park co-operatives. The signs they carried asked for his nfcip and tney also expressed the support cf Peninsula Gen- eral Hospital Sounds of their shouts were a background against which the formal pro Everyone is welcome to donate: blood (which is needed urgently).} Any organization or group of! more" than three donors should j make an appointment by calling) the main branch at Rockville Centre. For others, no appoint- ment is necessary on Tuesday from 3:30 t o -8 pjn., although anyone w ho wishes may call for an appointment, and help the staff by letting it know approxi- mately how many to expect. Mrs. Joan Howell, R.N., is in charge of the depot, which is in To stir further local interest Room 105 cf the residence, Pen- expressed apprehension about the official Nav v moving pictures, j insula Hospital, 5115 Beach Chan- school ever being built. which show some thrilling action nel drive, Edgemere. /New Equality B 'nai B 'rith Regime ITS "SPRUNG AHEAD" TIME FOR 1969 Don't forget to turn your clock ahead Sunday morning at two o'clock. Daylight Saving Tone will go into effect at that time. If you fail to turn your clock ahead, you will be an hour late for church. And if you sleep aU day Sunday, you will be late for work Monday morning. Daylight Saving Time win be in effect until two o'clock in the morning October 26. j tens, M.D., superintendent of the With the hope that a similar 1 taught how to teach their chil-: hospital, organization can be started in \ dren how to type, a perceptual j .< Ag secre tary of the Meadow Rockaway. the Foundation for j training program and more. I ^QQ^ Hospital board of manag Brain-Injured Children is break- j To all this it must be added i ers irom 1949.59 a^d as presi- ing precedent and holding its; that all funds used by the found j d ^ ' manager, [ ^ ^ ^ ^ s . _ n April meeting in Rockaway. ation are obtained pnvateiy i frcm 195d ^ 2 "also says Dr. Col- Wlule ^a^S for *• «** to Arrangements have been £ * f Z ^ g S g 1 ^ *" ^ ** ^ "P-vided the vig- g ^ ^ T ' t f ^ S v S nesda^ a T S %Z T ^ £ f S S t h , | = S ^ ^ n S ^ t H S l ^ T J S L S ^om t S School 225 190 P B.ach HOth h g - J £ ^ S ^ > ^ d ^ ^ ^ ^ T p S | ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ street, Rockaway Park. L_W««r_~ .nH r*.her «.Tr,m„ni-i sau <*?*** ^ough a period o | m3king g^ noisy approach to Kennedy airport. He seemed to i and retarded children both from; _ au rtormtv through a period o ; Rockaway and other communi-1 transition " There is a ieeling in the or-, ties will attend the meeting. .-e_.......«,... ganization, which usually meets; Concentration at the meeting in Queens Village, that there's a; win be on forming an organiza- need for such an organization in tion here. this area. There is no other organization, it is pointed out, that provides hospital programs (evaluation and rehabilitation), a Saturday center for arts and crafts! (headed b y a supervisor of the) Board of Education), speech) therapy (individual lessons), a I program in which parents are "SAVE THE LIBRARY" Mrs. Je!rome 3- Hipscher, an Arverne civic leader, and head of a n ad hoc committee to save i Chamber the Arverne library from being { Rockaways for two years in the ctosed, is looking for people to | '40s. During World War I, he take around petitions and write served a s a lieutenant-command to political leaders. "The many areas in which Meadowbrook is developing ar largely a tribute to the solid groundwork that was provided by the board of managers" dur- ing McTigue's years of leader- ship . . . McTigue was president of the of Commerce of the Library Week; Branch At Arverne Will Close Coincidentally with the announ- cement of National Library Week (this week) QuconsleskTcnts arc being informed that a new branch library was opened Mon- day (in Rochdale; and tne one in Arverne, among others, will be closed July 1. The announcement cf the open- \ ing came from Borough Hall. ' where Borough President Sidney Leviss is serving as chairman of 1 side (in Rockaway Park>. the Queens Borough Public Lib-: m Employe^ Out system in the City's 1069-70 ex-1 Tucker said the library will go pense budget is increased.'' Li-1 on summer schedule May l ' a brary branches to be closed, in: shift usually made in mid June), addition to Arverne, are: Cam- This shift means in Rockaway oria Heights, Glendaale, Hoiiis, j that: the Far Rockaway and. Sca- miss nothing. Boos Are Good Natured There was apparent good na- ture on the part of the crowd. Even those who took part in some booing were wearing good natured grins on their faces. But there were many who applauded him vigorously and seemed to mean it. Said one woman who had done some booing, "He's even better looking than he is on television.'' Borough President Sidney Lev- iss in his remarks took the oc- casion to welcome the mayor to "the salubrious Rockaways, land of low-flying aircraft and the Toonerville trolley." The last was reference to the Transit Author- Local firefighters are refusing i ity > s Roc kawa y Line and its poor to confirm or deny reports pub-; service a *t high Tare. er in the Navy. His home is irr Woodmere, Is Arverne Siberia For Firefighters? licized last week that men are being sent to the "always busy" fire station at Beach 58th street and Rockaway Beach boulevard Arverne, as punishment. Reports last week stated tha Affair Non-Political Sidney S. Hein, a director of the hospital, who admitted that he had raised a million dollars for the institution and who also the New York City Uniformed *s Queens Republican County Wedncsdav and Friday. Jerome, McGoldrick. Maspeth, t side (Roekawav Park) branches Mitchell-Linden, Morris Park, will be open from noon to 9 p.m. Ncrth Hills, Quecnsboro Hill. Mondz Ravvenswood ar Among the branches at which <orvice is to be cut back is Sea- Firefightcrs Association will ask the State Supreme Court to void the "unlawful transfer" to this Woodside. from 10 to 5:30 p.rrv Tuesday and ! station (Engine Company 265 rary's observance of Nationai Library Week. The announcement of the clos- ings (13 quietly that a spokesman at the Arverne branch turned to a, ..su- perior to corroborate that Tt" w?t» true. The superior said that it B felt Arverne area residents can use the branch in Far Rockaway. It was noted too that the Ar- /erne Branch serves a com- nunity of 35,000 people and cir -.uiation is more than olumes a year. According to Harold W. Tuck y, director of the library, the a! he can to prevent the closm Thursday and closed Saturday; the Arverne branch will be open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tues- dav, Wednesday and Thursday, •from I t o 9 p m. Monday and Fri and Ladder Company 121) of three firemen who testified as character witnesses for a fire- man accused of imp:x>per con- duct. Tucker also s-Jid that "the lib-J day and closed Saturday, and the! The UFA. ry win be forced to terminate j p v00 kav Leader, told the crowd that there was no politics at this gathering;. Everybody was there for the cause of the hospital. He was chairman of the pro- gram which opened with the pre- sentation of the Colors by the color guard of Daniel M. O'Con- neil Post, No. 272, American said; also has Legion. The St. Camillus Drum in all) was made so- 150 employees, including 56 lib-i open f .. orrt t to 5:30 p.m. Tues- :m1ans,. 84 clarks, 10 custodial j ^..^ Wednesday and Thursdav, and motor behicle employees, j f r0 rn l to 5:30, from 1 t o 9 p.m. plus substitute he^p.'': - ' Monday and Friday and closed The Borough President noted Saturday, that he was able to add fund three hew. branch librarie Beach branch will be > called on Mayor John V. Lindsay: Corps, which played a number 1 to 5:30 n.m. Tues-(to halt any departmental trials Q f selections during the after- cf firemen, pending disposition noon, played the National An- or is ted s"par~i bund; ly as S... -sid..--a i I- Rc-o Park and Sunnyside) and thai he is pleased by the formal d<d,canon Monday: 100.000 °f the new <5£-trn branch at 169-09 137th avenue, Rochdale.; ind, there fort, he is going to do, Longer HOW* In Jamaica Longer and Snturday hears] were given for the main Horary i.-j J a m a i c a . In observance of National Lib Democratic Leader Sy Sheldon, a former president of Equality Lodge is master of cere monies at installation of new officers of Equality Lodge and Chapter, B'nai Brith. Reading on tr the right: George Rosen, lodge president; Mrs. Lewis Small, chapter president for second term Irwin Goldstein outgoing president and Morris Gaines, a past president, acting as installing officer. k .ess funds allocated to the Queens library "will close 13 of its & neighborhood branches and cut >ack service to five days a week n 22 additional branches . . . un- He asked, however, for a siowf of strangth when he makes hcj appears at open hearings to fight j for the funds. In regard to hours of service,! of this case Locai firemen agreed with a statement ascribed to Fire Com nii-'ioner Robert O. Lowery that the men were not transferred f o the Arverne station, but were given details here. A,1 the sta.tions involved arc in the i3th Division, H was ex rary Week. Leviss appointed 16 | pfceaed locally, and therefore tm borough leaders as members oi shifu cannot be labeled trans his committee and noted- that he f Crs is beftRz hailed bv Tucker fo; j _.._•___ -S«ing tfeat funds come through >,or «* >ta - v ** ^ nt ?«" year after year. . . ." Local firemen also could nei In presenting the certificates.; tber confirm nor deny that Joir Leviss noted that he has worked j T, (See "LIBRARY", Page 8) 1 O'Hagan. department chi (See "SIBERIA", Page 8) ! *hem and the Rev. James Mc- Govern. pastor of St. Camilkis i Church gave the invocation. There were greetings from W'illiam Zukerman. chairman of ! the building committee. Joseph • L- Btoch .executive diiector of ! the hospital brought a message : and there was another fiom Dr. ; Meyer Goldman, president of the medical board. Dr. Allan Blaine. rabbi of Temple Beth-El gave a 1 prayer of dedication and there ' were appropriate remarks by ; Julius Granirer. hospital presi- I dent. The benediction was pro- I (See "PKMNSLXA", Page 8) Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Rockaway Beach NY Wave Of Long Island...Aiu^ng uiese present will vine's Washington Ho.el, Beach. be tne eoupie's

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Rockaway Beach NY Wave Of Long Island...Aiu^ng uiese present will vine's Washington Ho.el, Beach. be tne eoupie's


OBITUARY NOTICES I Indicate Roekaway Travel May Improve Mrs. Michael Paciulli

39-Year-OM TTidow Frank Kitondo .„.-. Eugene J. Kelly

roraier Dock Inn Owner : Hetired Policeman Mrs. Michael Paciulli of 250 Frank Ricor.do. who in former j E u g e n e J. Kelly, ret ired j f e »

Beaoh M s t street, Ko.Kaway years was the pioprietor of tn - j Yor*_ <ji<-y patiomian, resiuent ot Beacii, died Monday a t Pemnsu__. i>ock Inn on Am_-tel boulevard, ' i o i Boit^n road, Fa r Kockaway General _-.iosp.tai, __t.geu.vre, ai- Arverne, died Sunday at tAsta* '• .aied _»iondav at the Veterans Ad-Wr a long in.-e- j . _uia General Ho_.p-i.ai .oiiowuig a ajgOnt; rwif.jfta no ip i t a i a<. j?ort

The Jonrier Carolina Accctia. p.o»ongea. _ilintss. | i.__.mdto_i, Brooklyn, d a u g h t e r of the i<±to Joseph aafli He was coin in Inwood 5*T A H . r_e.iy was oorn in New *wo.Aieiia ACcctca. ix>i"n iat years years ago to tfte mie _>.ia.d..iuj _.'oi-k C-ty on January 5, li>oO, " g o »n Laiy , s..t. uvea in tne and Amelia Cappareii; K.̂ >••<»'> 1 uue son of u_e i- ie r^ti .cft <*.___. Roekaw<_ys i__a_e tiian 50 years . • _>u_viv«iig' huu «;._%.- u__ w.<__-w, * , —.*? ___..___ i_ei_y. H s r huso_.nd, Mi_h._el Puciuiii, Maiy iiiw.- _*ave>_ci_j i i i ioi icj . He was a_>pv>.i»t_d to the Fo-died 24 vcv-,- ago. two daugiiiiSrs, AI_*. .ju.-^pn o u t - j uci- ' ^^" ' " fo r *w in iy*-£> and lor

sine is survived by seven on of Queens Village a,.u _«_; _. j the f i rs t IS laoattts was a^signc-d daugnters , Mrs. Angei.r.a Sugiia rufW-trq _-«-_-._t_g j i £t_fc_ag».«=-u: *0 Uit _,.ov.__way area. After m a t of Iiaj3imel, Mrs. Filouiena Cris- Gardens; lour bro th t i s , Ben-: he w a s assigned to tne 14th Pre-ui,i». ot Lue 5ist stivec audres>a, jawin and Jt-^epii of -_rvv.-. ae, ; c .n . i «a ise.v' _oik, and it Was Mr... Josephine De Baun, Mrs . Anthony of -New aiv.-x.io auujurvjsi tiiat precinct tha i he retir-i_*vret_ i-errone aiud Mrs. P a t De_XUJt-t__: ot Biistui, c^iai.; t n ree ' ed On April 14, 1953. Bagaija, all cf Arverne, Mis . Carl - . a ^ i s , i i i i . i^o^e _i_iui __.cCt_i of] He se ivea witn Uie A n n y du~-Naso and Mis. Ti;oiu___ MusiUo, Baldwin, yn^. i-_ci..a iu»-i»o v.; ,;.„ vvoi id War I and was a char-both of Oiiont Pa rk , 10 grand- .-niic-iK, _ \ . i . . ;____. IK-IS. Atfr/KVfty t e r o_e_iiu«=- <_i <.i.c u_._i.-_ at- _/-cti^dre.1, a_:u 25 great grandchii- LaaztkKsa of Ajeyeiae, anu iou- Conneli Post, .No. 2.2, .r_mei_ca_.-dren. —..<„._ ,»,I,I»~-_, i-ta.iK a.:<.i _C_ez_ • i , v j . u i . i-^ ».'ai aiso a m e i n u a

a so-ier-m high niass_.wiU be of- During and Lisa and j o s e p ^ j o f tne Patrolmen's Benevolent fcrcd Saturda\- a t 9>3L> a.m. in St . Slaton. ; ^ssoc .a t ion and the Koly N a m e i-tooe oi i^ana R .C Churcn, Rod-:- „ i~iemn requiem mass v/as; aoc.eiy c St. Mary S ta r of the away Beaefe. Interment will fol- oftexxd yesceiday monnng in St. j ^ ^ a iX- U. cau icu , r a r Roekaway. low i c the family plot in St. Rase John ' s Cemetery Middle Village, where a s

E. C ChurCiil i n his younger years he w a s , m


Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ericson Miss Marion Swain, who lived and the i r children, Joan Mary Iffl the Rockaways until the fam-Rcber t E d w a r d and John David, | ily moved to Grecnlawn, L.L, a fornierly of Roekaway Park, I number of yea r s ago, celebrated now cf Huntington, were among j her h-rchday reoen ly with her persons present recently a t a ; mo-i.er, _Irs . Ric. a rd Swain, and :amily dinner held a t the home 'o t . . e r ieiat.vo.j a t her home. of Mrs. Ei-icson's sister and "

Mrs. V


ji ot.'.or - in - iaw, Mr. and Ge. aid A. Greubei in Merrick. L.L

Ar.icrg Kockawa v Pa rk rc-si-i d e n s observing a bir thday this ' month was M.ss E m m a Stolle,

who spen: it with her brother ; and fv.ends. There will he a family dinner !' tomorrow night at the Lome of

Mrs. Lillian Krugmna o" Belie Mr. and Mrs. Franfe. Sc*iepper, Harix«- will review "Por-.noy's ZZ West H t h roaU, 'to mark, tiie

;Cor;ipta;PL-' by Philip Roih at a bir thday of Airs. Sciiepper and the : West End Auxiliary luncheon- 2Sth vveduhs^ anniversary, oi the meet ing a t noon May 6 a t Le- coupte. Aiu^ng uiese present will vine's Washington Ho.el, Beach . be tne eoupie's son-m-iaw and 12£th. s-i-eet and . Roakaway! aaug^uer, ivu\, and Mrs. Paul Beach boulevard, according tojKcUr of H o w a i d Beach.

• Mrs . Hai-oid Roberts, presiden

"Landscaping Small Proper ty" Mrs. Kate Schinnann, a pas t

president of the Lad.es Aid Soc-

a ch is t o be the subject of an ad- i iccy of tiie Christ Pres jy ter ian

under the dii tct ion or the Denis received the S. O'Connor Fune ia i Home, 91 05 Be ^;h Chaiaiei unvc , ii.o_x a w a y Beach.

Michael Kinnear}

Xavv Veteran

;hikl Mi*. R i t o n d o ; v e r y a ^ i v e in basketball a t F a r i Transportat icn complaints of the Rockaways a r e eaip asized for Borough Pres iden t Sidney Leviss d res s t o he given a t a Shore i Church by the Sea, will be in sacrament of con-i Roekaway High School. ; (center) and Sol Levme of the Green Bus Lines ( to Leviss ' r ight ) by Seymour Sheldon and Mrs. Saiii Garden Club of Ne

of 20? 0( R o c k a w a y 5 0 Years Mr*. Arthur Jalewsky

Michael E. Kinneary Noei road, Broad Channel, died a t Peninsula General Hospi tal , : Mrs. A r t h u r Jalewsky, resi-Edgemere , on April 13, a f t e r a dent of 149 Beach 92nd street prolonged illness. j for many years , died Monday a t

He w a s born in New York, De-; s t t . Joeph 's Hospital, F a r Rock-cember 21. 1931, the son & M r s . a w a y i following an illness M a r y Rieket Kinneary of Broad I several months C ^ n e l and t h e late T h o m a s | ^ f o r m e r D o r a W a g n e r , i i inneary . known to he r manv friends a s

Neponsi t and I charge of a chow mein supper Larkin, lKuiojrati;- <listrk-t leaders of the Rockaways a n d Broad Channel ( ex i i eme left and r ight) Belle Harbor meeting Monday! and ^ninese auct ion planned by and City Conm-ilman Waiter Ward (to Le-.lss" left) a t a meet ing last week. E o : k a w a y s ' spokes- a t 12:30 p.m. a t the home of the society ."or May 22 — in the men reporte;! t ha t Levfcss and I r v i n e pn":n-use<l t o Kx;k info ways to improve serv i ie and coverage Mrs. Seymour Herrick, 454 : parish hall, Church and Noel

. of more Rockaway neighborhoods, and double fares , a n d ^ o Lssue orders tha t buses s tanding a t ends Beach 141st street, Belle Har- roads. Funeral Home, Roekaway Beach j ment assigned to the 111th Pre j oi r u u s i e a v e doors open for passengers t o enter, and to liave drivers collect f a res wiien t ; iev ar- bor

cinct in Bayside; two daughte rs ] r i v e - ' J

i maticn. In te rment followed £aj His wife died July 3ft 1968 : the family pk>t in St. Mary Cess .; He is survived by • a son etery, Lawrence, under the d ;rec ; E u g e n e J., a detective with th tion" of the Denis S. O'Conno j NTew_ York City Police Depar

Mrs. Beatiice Galiigan of Rock-: viile Centre and Miss Eileen Kel-1 iy of the F a r Roekaway address ; a brother , James W. Kelly oi | Hollywood Fla., and eight grand-1 children.

Church and bold for t ru th a n d right­eousness,

! And many found within its fold j their peace and happiness ;

There followed many t ranqui l j years , uncil a need was_ found |

j Fcr space to teach and worship, ! Ciiurch was moved i

Mrs. J a m e s Mohr of West 12th Mrs . J e a n Fazio, president of j road is planning to celebrate her

the Pa ren t s ' Association of Pub- i bir thday tomorrow night a t the lie School 225, 190 Beach 110th! meeting and funny h a t par ty in street , Rockaway Park, has an- j the Democratic clubhouse being nounced t h a t a meeting planned 1 given by the Women's Regular

- - ,,-. , . -si-- • . r , : Qjx-ifor April 25 in the school library, i democra t ic Club of Broad Chan-•-••••-•^ - " v " - - • w - ^ R o o m 210, f r o m 1:50 t o 2 : 3 0 ; n e l -

p.m., will include nomination of!

Political (Contmued t r o m Page 1)

jcuacii ifiis er.ciorsemen Jive- Monday night in th

hall J officers and a n address by t h e ! ^ r " a n d M r s - D e n i s M c E n e

director of the children's psychi-Knights of Columbus Rockaway Beach.

The ciub also has pet i t ior ; ] a t r i c c l i n i e a t Hillside Hosp i ta l ready for circulation to s-appor | M r . 3Lrid M r s Donald R.

" 4 S 0 c a n - . ' c i ^ t t ' s - i Richard, former residents of

~; rSSSJiS S^^JS-^**^1^ Park' marked their

'21st wedding anniversary on • j included -sSdresses by-Congress

< Continued from I*age 1) shed beauty on it all,

A solemn requiem mass will be . p O I . sunshine made it sparkle, o f offered tomorrow a t 10 a.m. in | t n e m 0 0 n let glory fall.

I St. M a r y S t a r of the Sea R. C . . ^ among the level spaces, that* s o the Church. In terment will follow in; opened to the sea, .. aro;md. the family plot in S t John's Cem-; A few young set t lers came t o . With bet ter days ahead once e tery , Middle Village, under t h e j D i d e and plant the i r family: mere, Old Roekawav Beach re-

Korean conflict and w a s a m e m I ^ ^ t ^ ^ J ^ L T ^ ^ r ' ****%? o f ^ ^ S ' °£°?! t r e e ' . IT* ber of Broad Channel Post, H o l ? ~ ~ L N L ^ ^ W T ^ J ^ W S ^ ' n o r Flmera-1 H o m e - I n c - R o c k - | l n little shacks unpainted, wi th ;And. now again i ts w a y s and 1404, American Legion I t e r o r i s s a K a M wagner . , a w a y ^g^^ j u s t a r o o m o r two means of progress were con

He w a s employed a s a butcher ' : M r s - Ja lewsky 's husband <*ied: • . ^ jWiai space enough for comfort, I tr ived; a t t he Valley S t r eam b r a n c h ' ; 1 8 > ' e a r s a ? ° - j W r s . M a m i e ! > u n t l i e u n e r and furnishings a few. iPa rks a n d s to re of the Atlantic & Pacifi , She was a resident of the \ a q Y M T . T>1 A W i d o w j Thus on this sandy stretch of̂ and Church . , . . _.^v_ ^ r_ v . ^ L r v i ; ,, , company. ; Rockaways for more than 50 ! ^ - l e d r - U I U " m o B land, t ha t seemed so far- to • Have made the grea t b ig busy j Mavor. (Murphy walked through •rtSL<«S* f>ancy

±ie is survived by h is widow, j years . j Mrs . Mamie Suntheimer, 891 reach. i town Dame N a t u r e h a d in j F a r Rockaway, part icularly t h . • ^ P 1 3 * " * . L.I. Thomas ina (nee Cleary; whomj Survivors include two sons, I yea r s old, who made he r h o m e ! A little group besought a name: store. i p a r Rockaway Shopping Center he marr ied in St . Virgilius R- C.: Leonard of Arverne and Max of with he r daughter , Mrs. Viola; and called it Roekaway Beach.: The sandy roads have tu rned t o : and Central avenue, Sunday, but Church, Broad Channel, on No- 'Hol land; a brother, Har ry Wag-!Katz , in Belle Harbor, died a t ] With increasing population, of: stone, with m a n y curved ex- j this walk w a s independent, not vember 21. 1954; five children. n er , and two sisters Mrs. Hat- Peninsu la G e n e r a l Hospital , ; old time pioneers : tensions; I connected with an invitation Michae l 13, Mary- Ann, 12, T e r - , t i e Mevers and Mrs Bertha '• Edgemere , Monday, af ter a j They tried t o organize their; Bulkheads on t h e Ocean f ront] from any club.) r e n e e ^ O , Diane, 7 a n d Thomas , . ; « - ~ M ^ brief i l l n e ^ » - ' ; .-'-."t town, with an eye t o future; and boardwalks get a t t en t i on ; ! 5; iBsr-mother; s ix brothers . Ed-1 ^o 'dsmi tn , a i l - o t Brooklyn, a n a , W i d £ ) w ^ ^ l a t e Theodore I years . i Horse and cow have disappeared, j „ w a r d of Rockaway Beach Wil-1 two grandsons , Arthur and i g a n t h e i m e r she was a summer j One "wagon road- from Eas t to ] but au tos there a re plenty; Looking to the future, Sey Maa^ F r e d a n d F r a n k of B r o a d | R o b e r t Ja lewsky. ' r e s i d e n t of' BeBe Harbor for 4 5 , We^t, for miles r a n through;Bungalows from shore t o sho re ,*^ 0 " 2 " Sheldon, Democratic dis „ „ ^ „ v ̂ a ^ ̂ s t - - . . . ^ C 3

Channel, and Thomas and Jo- R a b b i JJ^ Bla ine / spiri tual1 y e a r s a n d made it her year-1 the middle, { a re used for summer rent ing. [ « « leader cf the Rockaways i M r s _ S i n g e r a n d ̂ ^ ^ Q^. seph of Rosedale, and two sis- L d f T e i R T ) l e &&& R o c k . : a round residence t he pas t 10: And the question of a Railroad; Elevated railroads, hotels, hospi-; ana « « » f - Channel, says th. ] i e b 3Jld , t u m j & ^ •~ -kir^ n , ; m ^ ' O r : . . ..? leauei oi l emp ie c e m to, «.OCK H ^ O , V , 0 +V,^ + « , « ^ V K^^V ,-;^,*!^ i-ai« nnd schools . i queens executive committee com L . J .

aney of 19 West 10th road were married 28 y e a r s on April 14. Mrs. McEneaney is. the former Rose Dannaher cf Bene Harbor .

Alice Marie Stenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Albert F . Sten­son of West 15th road will be . . . _, j man John M. Murphy of State: i A o r q n T b e v a n d their three ^ ° f W e S t 1 5 t h r o a d - w f l l ^

^ i-i.^ ^ ^.i. x.c~ i i — ' l . • a O a n pnr? TCflnr»\r rp-<i/^£i in

Club Looking To Queens

reside in I Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wiese

, , . „ „ , „ , I of Cross Bay boulevard will be Members of the West E n d ; m a r r i e d 22

y ^ ^ ^ M ^ - f a 7 t P T n v l U l a G e n e r a l i Wiese is the former E d i Mar-%y1?**5-7* ^ L ! M n v a s s m „ ! tin, whose pa ren t s w e r e a ^ o res­

idents of Broad Channel for for prospective members will get the i r l is t ings Monday a t 9:30 a.m. a t t h e home of Mrs. Rober t Singer, Neponsit, and re-there fcr luncheon hosted by the auxi l iary 's financial secretaries,

Mrs. Claire C'Brien of became the town's best riddle, . tals and t e r s a i r s , tjiaire u B n e n oi " : yea r s oecame tne tovvT. s Dest riaaie, w o anu scnwis i v — ^^^.^..^ m,,..•,...., v vivm | p 0 r + s

Broad Channel and Mrs . Marg- away P a rk , officiated a t t h e ^ Cni[ers w h o s u ^ v e a j . e t h ree • For when the City beckoned, • Have changed this one tiraeHPOsed of 64 Queens leaders wiilj a r e t Sieger of Oceanside. funeral service held yesterday: s i s t e r s Miss Lillian Wei l Mrs . : sailing o'er Canarsie way, j beauty spot to a City u n d e r ' raeet M o n a a v n ight to select and j


mjmy years .

The Rev. John Malcney cele- .noon in F a r Rockaway. Inter- \ Carr ie Garfunkel, Mrs. L a u r a I An old sea Captain made t he ! rule; _-*._,* •>.-. _-,,_, April j m S t . : m e n t followed in Washington ; Ducker ; a granddaughter , M r s . ; ^ J r i p , for fifty cents a day.^ n " - '

Brooklyn, under t he t h e Long Is land Nat ional Cem- dii-cction of the Riverside M e m o , e tery, Farmingda le , L.I. rial Chapel, F a r Rockaway.

t-nacrse candidates for mavor

GRanite 4-4951

bra ted t h e mas: _ Virgilius R- C. Church, B r o a d ; " " " " " . ' " o l ^ J " '\m7~°^L Theodora Eaitch, and a grea t From a nearby village, a few with perpetual roll of foam, Channel. In terment followed ir.- ^ • ' ; . „ . r T T , granddaugh te r , Carin Daitch. j Christian minded men [Holds firm the same a t t rac t ion , ;

Rabbib Arthur David of Hew-, Gathered a little Sunday School, j its strength and power un- j le t t Temple officiated a t t h e ; the Gospel to extend. [ known. funeral service held yes te rday ; The Bible stories and sacred) Jamaica Bay is visited by craft , ; af ternoon from the Rivers ide ' songs made a good impres- j both grea t and small, Memorial Chapel, F a r Rock- j sion; iAnd bridges span the wa te r s t o j away . In te rment followed in | And soon the paren ts came, with j a City grand and tal l ; Mount Neboh Cemetery, Cy- children, for t h e Sunday ses- Tides come in and t ides go out , p ress Hills. --•— -..-••"C'.'- sion; I a s little white caps play

A day school soon was opened! Upon the surface, blue o r green, in the home of a Pioneer in the same old friendly way. I

Taught by Mrs. Michael Hoi-' Tne happy birds and sea gufls \ land, with patient friendly i have left their f e e d i n g ; cheer. \ ground,

i-iAnd._footprints of all na t ions on} the sandy beach a re found:

i Democratic Association, M e w


B u t ^ s t i l l j h e grand old OcezsJ ^f^ *J-™ City Council j ̂ g t o l d T h e W a w ^ t h e ; . ; „ _ _

Furlnermore , 1 ' wha t the com ? * _ f e _ & _ 3 ^ S l ° ^ 8 h \ o i ft I Mrs. John Bittrich w x E . b e

Francis £• Bennett Funeral Home


Frond* E. Bennett^ Licensed Undertaker


Reach 114th Street and Bockaway Beach Blvd.

2d ward J. Hanretty

Construction Worker

mittee suppor t s he will suDoort ^ S ! f i 0 ^ y..*?**• J0**' J celebrating her bir thday ^tomca--" T n a t ' s ' t h e oniv w a y w e ' c a n ^ T y U \ . °h*• u ^ - i r o w n i « h t » t - h e r : h o r n e i n Beach

have a Democra t i c \ i c to ry , to get £ S t T s u o ^ r t ^ ^ f 101st s t reet , w i th r e l a t i v e and behind one candidate ," said Shel- ^ t 0 S U P P 0 r t ' f r i e n d s . . : . -} - i don RPDA Had F i r s t Speaker X

The leader also said looking! He also noted that t he RPDA! . * f e i f i c S J , G ^ > r i e I ' ? " 2 i d e n t

ahead tha t because of the large | w a s t h e f irs t Democratic club u ^ o t a e a c n SStft s t ree t in former vote here Rockaway can look! Rockaway t o invite a mayora l ^ V ' o t a served her bir thday on forward to m a n v visits by aU! candidate to speak. " Sunday with members, of her candidates. " Also

For the Roekaway Coalitio: w o r d from the Queens executive, for a Democratic Alternative committee. M r a x . d j ^ ^ ^ ^ w J Q ^ Mis. Sam Larkin, D e m o c r a t . Finally, t he Rockaway Con : o f Dayton Beach Pa rk Coopera-ois tnct leader of the Rockaways j servative Club, which is support-; t i V e a p a r t m e n t s will be observ-

i Broa^i Channel , said there mg S t a t e Senator John J. Marchi i fag their silver wedding a n n i

the cir.b is a waiting f P 1 0 ^ a t * ^ couple's home in _=-.=. -„„_..*:..„:North Benmore.

Following a short ^ ^ J T h i s busy "town of small begin-1 ward J . Hanret ty , a construction j _ ^ _ > w ^ _ r a p a _ | ; worker for the Brooklyn Union; F o r £ s c h o o , . h o u s e v v a s erected j There „ a recreation" 'cemer a n d i ~ : ? o u , te a n announcement I of S ta ten Is land for mayor, a n d j ^ s a r y o n A p r ^ m Gas company- died April 10 a t ; t w o t e a e h e r s i n i t p l a c e d _ , pleasures mixed with fun • • • - - - - — — - - — -s t . J o s e p n s Hospital, i<ar KOCK--- ,^^ w e h e , d o , j r S a b b a t h Enjoyed by the mul t i tudes , while away. , sc^ooj a-jd Sen ices at night j bathing in the sun.

Born m New York ^ y o n . ^ ^ efforts of the little j The old fashioned Church Has! April 23, 1930, the son of M and Mrs . Eugene Hanre t ty ofj Rocaway Point, Mr. H a n r e t t y ! lived here all his life.

He served in the N a w .

shortly from a n executive boarc j Rober t Kelly for president of the j meeting last night a s to candi C i t y Council, plans to open a \ Mrs. Steve Corbett of the dates it will support , its plans s tore front soon. I t also is giv • Dayton Beach Park. .Cooperative for a membership meeting inffgg whatever assistance it can t o , a p a r t m e n t s observed h e r birth-

band, who willedT to live: been removed, to m a k e room aright. j for a parkway,

A large museum, res taurants , | On which a war memorial shooting galleries, too, s tands, a sentinel on t h e high-

15 t

j Tunicr High School 180, a stand Kenneth Huhn, chairman of a day on April 11 ; a n d her hus-


i i i _= ! i





91-05 B««cl_ Channel Driv* NE4-4011

••ffW*Tqas»W*.:-fWg:-*"- '•-'-^^•^*^tti*»'r~^^^'Al\',AlMl^_j,


FourxJ*d by Charles Ros.ntha!, 1877-1966

1?50 Central Avenue, Far Rockaway, N.Y. • FA 7-7100 MANHATTAN: /6»h Street ar Amsterdam Avenue • EN 2 6600

EPGOfcLYN: Ocean Psrtrwjv si ProsfMct Par* • UL A-7QO0 - WeSHR-Kt>.t-.i*r 21 Vre«t Broad .tr.ot, Mt. vemon • (914V MO A6800

BRONX GrarK! Concern",* _t S /9th Street • LU 3-*3O0 Ch.pefs tn Miami jrtd Miami Beach • JE 11151

Edw«rd ftcser.ir.al • tAcricr, Koier.tr.ai • Car, Grcs4_.erg • Leo J. Filer

c- •--, -s--„-*_; . ' G r o u n d their respective organs, ; way r ^ T S 4 n e W of! o n ^ ^ A « ^ High ' above the busy s t ree ts , on S ^ ^ d l o u . ' I t T l l S . l ^ ^ f ^ " * skat ing the sky line there appea r s ' Clarence Moyse of F lora l ' Park , j ^ ^ " " ^ ^ d a ^ s a busy J A Cross ot gold, to guide and Mrs^ Joseph Fenton of Hunting- . . , ,. . ; . . , ton Station, L.I., Mrs. J a m e s ^ fee n o ' f oi vendors, seU-Cowan of Rockaway Point a__d?T g c o r a a n d candy curls. Mrs . Thomas Beatty of Floral i I^provements marked the pro P a r k

3 j gress, of the Macrh ot Years

Following a solemn requiem j A Congregational Cmireh was m a s s in St. Thomas More R. C.» P ^ ^ » ^ound ^ ' e n ** a Church, Rockaway Point, Mon-I Pioneer, dav morninfr interment took Here CJ1S. and L.A_S. S o c i e t i e s ' - ^ f oay morning, interment UXJK ^ ^ F o r s h e b u ; ! d e d w e ] 1 j c o n c r e t e . ^ place in Holy Cross Cemetery,! u e r e D o r r i

Brooklyn, under the direction o f | T o live and grow in Christian the Denis S. O'Connor Funera l j Faith, the work to carry on. Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive. '> Out little Church grew s t rong

on anti-baiisric missiles and reit ; Youth for Marchi Club in forma ^ration of the pressing need fori tion. at least one m o r e high school; " ~ in j h e r t order in the Rockaways Keep your word and people Witt

For the Rockaway Penir.sul? , never hes i ta te to accept i t

lead us through t he coming '-yea r s ;

And from the rising tower of our newly built Church home

We hear the chimes of welcome ring ou t for old and young.

We t ru s t wise old Dame N a t u r e , . is pleased with her se t - of I plans, Fine

j and little is left on he r sands ' Still Ocean and Bay, meet ing

blue of the sky, br igh t little s t a r s shining through.

I Speak of a beauty uplifting and rare , yet ever and a lways new.

With the same magnificent sun­sets, sinking slowly o u t of sight,

: The same clear moonbeams fall­ing, shedding romance o'er t h e night,

Mrs. Isabella Murray observed! Mr. and Mrs. Luke Rivara of T h e pounding waves of Winter ' s



.;•;; &?:-<*'•<:

s e r i e s And «<>*™™ *L„KS

<*>*** by ̂ S 3 1 7 CENTRAL AVE

FA 7- 3233 LAWRENCE. I~ fe*P*


her b i r thday Monday with mem-169-46 Bayfield avenue will cele-hers of her family a t her h o m e ' bra te their 22nd weddng anniver-m F a r Rockaway. sary on Stmudav.

storm and high winds blowing hard ,

Show us some of the wonderful, unchangeable ways of God.




Announcement has been m a d i regarding an investors ' informa

Another Far Roctowavr*" P*?-J Pa t ty Ann Woods, daughter of serving a birthday this week is Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woods, Miss Idella Siebert, an employee celebrated her 6th birthday last of the Long Island Light ing Thursday. company. She will celebrate to-! night with relatives and friends. A n f a3[ Second Liefuenant Peter

B. Berlin, 23, sen of Mr. and Kathleen L o u i s e McNulty, Mrs. Louis Berlin--2400 Seagrit

daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn boulevard, Fa r Roekaway, was J. McNulty of Grassmere tor- : assigned Marx* 15 to the 785th t i o ^ program of the Xcw York race, was 18 voars old on April Transportation Battalion near Sto.k Exchange to be heid on | 3. Vung Tau, Vietnam, as a platoon f o u ^ consecutive Monday eve f

leader. ; t&ags from 8 to 9:30 a t the F a r | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S n r f Rockaway Branch c_ the Quoeas §

of Eas t R.ockaway, formerly of Fireman Apprentice John P. -• Library, 1637 Central avenue. Fa r Rockaway, marked their .Brady, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. The first lecture (April 21) will ; § 18th wedding "anniversary Mon- John Brady of 2709 Collier cover "The Types of Securities j | lay . Mr. Smith is the owner of. avenue, Far Rockaway, and Sea-1— the Risks and Rewards o f g .utomotive Par ts Co, in F a r m a r > Apprentice Milton Hol^man, : Investing in the Stock Marke t" , j I lockaway. .son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham the second (April 28; "The New 11

Holzman of 69-53 T h u r s b y York Stock Exchange and t h ' [ J Mrs. Har ry Frost, formerty of \avenue, Arvome. a r e serving Broker"; the third (May 5> "Tru '

\ r v e r n e , observed her bir thday aboard the attack aircraft car-: Objectives of Your Investment his week with relatives a n d ; r i e r USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, j Program," and the fourt. r iends a t her home in Law-: currently undergo ng m'erhanl a t 112) "The Basic Methods oi in

.-enee. j the Norfolk Xaval Shipyard. i vesting." j \._E_Ksa3^3_____S3___3_.

band will c r iebra te his o n April 23L -- - - .

Robert John Schultze, b o m in Rockaway, will celebrate his 17th b i r thday wi th his mother and brother, Anthony Richard, April 22 a t the i r current home in Bart let t . N.H. His mother is t h e former Els ie Rockenback, and long lived in Beach 99th street .

Vincent A. Howell of the Long Island Light ing company will speak on "A New Process Acci­dent Proofing" tonight a t a meeting of the Ladies* Aid S o ciety of h te F i r s t Congregation­al Church, in the church par­lor, according t o Mrs. Gustave A Rappold, president.

Advert isement


1518 CENTRAL AVENUE F a r Rockaway, N . Y.



i n s | Appliances - Heating - Television s of In J > * O

Surf-n-Turf By Nick and John Cboiakis

SAFETY, P L E A S E ! Warmer wea­ther* m e a n s more cars on t h e road and more cars on the road means more accidents. Make sure tha t you're not go­ing to be one of

the victims. Be aler t — be a-ware and keep your car in top condition. Have a safety check e t your local service station. Don't drive unde r pressure . . . allow yourself enough t ime to ge: where you ' re going. Makes sense, doesn' t i t ?

W a r m e r wea the r means t ha t the gals like to get out of the kitchen more often. You can't biame them . . . bu t you can blame u s if dinner a t The Breakers isn't a happy experi­ence. Take her o u t this week. We're located a t 178 Beach 116th Street , Rockaway Park . Phone GR 4-8912. Closed Tues­days. Diners Club—Everything C a r d

> . _ - • . « ! - ;_, ______ f ' • - - • -' ( M 1 . . I U

• m^mti^mtS^M^WB^MTftwmWS^Tt^^^k^^ ^ — •*- =

VoL LXXVT No. 17 (8 Pages) >%.

UttfK _*tid at ft*** Vork.8 wv; , > 5

THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N.Y. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1969 SuDecrlpUoa «6.0« Per Tear S6.0O out-lde Greater N.7. aad t__. 1 A °"___™

1 U A OOF*



Planning To Star School This Yeaj City Advertising For Bid

For Beack Channel HS

"Wait For Army Permil

OldGlory"Is Gift To Club Draft Board Action! vTot Constitutional I Court Finds Eisdorfer'-- i

C l a s s i f i c a t i o n Misused '

By Local I>raf i Board 27

The Office of School Building B .a rd of Education, is aiming tc s ta r t construction of Beach C'ha: nel High School this year.

Tn.s fact was poirtcd out tc The Wave this week by Hugh McLaren, jr., executive direct*--

He corroborated what T?*< V/ave was told by Charles Mc ris, director of the Capital Pre jects Task Force a t City Hal: tha t virtually all permission fo cc i - t ru- t ; on has been obtain.:: and that the City is moving • head with x.rcparations t o le: contracts.

In fa5t. it was added in * :c planation, permission has beer obtained from t h e City's Da partment of Parks , the s ta te ' ; Fish and Game Division, th. Department of Conservation anc the federal Bureau of Outdoc Recreation and wildlife, whici forwards its information 1o th Hudson River Compact Staff ef the Office of the Secretary oi the Interior.

The only permission still to k" obtained is tha t of the Army ;

Corps of Engineers.

Mayer Lauded In all points mentioned, Mc- M . , . _ , , . . „ . . _. . . ,. _ . _T. _

Laren was more than readv to ° n ae~iU oi <-<>*""*&» Savings and Loan Association, Josepa Hoff-give credit to the mayor for his m a n ' TazKS^^x o f mst i ta t ion 's Roekaway Beach office, presents an ; jjgjp * American Flag, inst i tut ion's gift to Dayton Senior Citizens club, j

' which is received by Samuel B. 3Iirzner, chairman of d u b ' s p ro- ' g r a m committee.

f -

The mayor writes about the school daily. He coordinates his efforts with those of Congress­man Emanuel Celler. His office in Washington follows progress daily, it was said.

Another reason for optimism, McLaren noted, is that the CSce cf School Planning has cut back on the area in the bay it intends t o use, thus eliminating seme ob­jections.

Still another is tha t the City has advertised for bids in the City Record, going ahead with this .phase as though.permission

. already were g ran ted . - .. -

^ s AH Ready To G o " '* Miesinwhile, Morris Fr iedman of 428 Beach 137th street, Belle-Har­bor, informed The Wave this week t ha t he has a let ter from Richard Streiter, information of­ficer, of the Mayor's Office of Education Liaison, Human Re­sources Admnistration, s tat ing that funds have been allocated for t he construction of Beach Channel High School . . . " and "the City Planning Commission

^-bas-advised me t h a t construction wiU begin n 1970.

"We share your concern . . . and hope that this problem wi3 be remedied in the near future . . . Please be assured tha t every effort i s bekig made to hasten the construction . . ."

Friedman Wrote To Mayor Strei ter wrote t o Fr iedman in

answer t o a let ter Friedman wrote April l to t h e mayor and which the mayor ' s office forward­ed t©i t h e H u m a n Resources Ad ministration.

Commenting on Streiter 's letter, both HcLaren and Morris said there i jnjo conflict in it, tha t it 's safe t © « t y coristaicton will s t a r in «3_f70, even though there's rea son to believe it will s t a r t sooner

Tlfis resasurance is welcomed by_some local resdients who have |

Ceremonies Here May 10 To Recall NC-4's Flight

Noel S. Eisdorfer of 12-61 Central avenue. Fa r Rockaway won an unprecedented court nii-j ing last Wednesday when s j Brooklyn federal judge found j .hat Local Draft Board 67 of F a r j -tockaway acted unconstitution- j ally in reclassifying him "1A'' and i subject t o immediate induction! because of "delinquency" — a term used by some draft boards -n burning of draft cards.

According t o reports . Judge John F . Dooling, jr., of Brook­lyn federal court, in a 39-page jccis.on, ruled tha t the constitu­tional rights of Eisdorfer, who

i .s 29 years old, were violated in | | the "delinquency" action.

The judge found Eisdorfer : guilty, however, of failing to sub-! -nit to induct ion.at For t Hamil­ton, Brooklyn, on June 29, 1967.

He said that he would approve" an expected motion in a r r e s t of judgment on sentencing Eisdor--er, wnich will enable the govern­ment to appeal the decision.

If t he decision is overturned or. appeal and the draft delinquency regulat ions a re upheld as const.---uiwiiai, the guilty vercUct' against Eisdorfer will stand, t h i

| judge said. He also said that, even if the;

reguiat-ons were found i n v a u c ; the local board still could review; ___._uori:crs case and possibly find.. him 1A without reference to any \ delinquency regulations.

The ruling, white dealing i n Eisdorferis case w-tn uie ___.._;e<-misuse of a draft classification throws an draft regulations un ­der a cloud.

Regulations Ban Spectacles These regulations ban spectac­

ular violat-ons of the regulation.

Peninsula Hospital Starts 7,500,000 Construction

It's Happening In Roekaway

beh May

Lindsay Helps Lay B r i c k s ; V - = - : -----

Greeted By Boos And Cheers More than 1,000 spectators were on the grounds of Peninsula

Jeneral Hospital Sunday afternoon to hear Mayor John V- Lind-ay 's address a t the ceremonies wihch marked the s t a i t cf con­

struction on the hospital's $7,500,000 expansion program. The pro­gram will add 76 beds, increase f-̂ hospital's ancillary services

a r e a s and provide 200 beds for



Long Island Rail Road pas ­sengers will r ide t ra ins made u p of the new ca r s which a r e now being received by the company when the first of t h e new deluxe t ra ins makes i ts a7>r>»arance here early next week.

F o r the* present only two such t ra ins will make daily runs . One win leave F a r Rock­away a t 6:57 a j n . aatd another will make the re turn tr ip leav­ing Perm Station a t 6:26 P-m.

Spokesmen for the railroad say t ha t additional new equip­ment will he p_aoed in service on the' F a r Rockaway branch a s fas t a s i t becomes available.

Hospital Council Honors McTiffuel^

O i t h e m oy helicopter on the Hospitals John B. McTigue, a par tner a i a n d i n g pad to be met and escort-

Andrew j . McTigue & Sons, a ed to the platform by Jul ius Rockaway insurance and; G r a n i r e r ) president oi t h e hos-

Rockaway is prepar ing its own. during the 'flignt. are being observance of the 50th araiiver j shown to assemblies in the sary cf the first t rans-Atlantic zchools by Commander William; such a s draf t card burnings anc flight which s t a r t e d from the Martin, Navy public relations of-1 mailing cards back to dra_i Rockaway Naval Air Stat .on oi j ficer. [ boards and also such violations j > k t ^ - ^ y Undsay v i 5 i t s ceremony mark ing construction s t a r t ! FsLr

May 8, 1919. Ceremonies a r e ; T h e ceKmai^es o n M a y 1 0 ̂ n i a s failure to report changes m \ P e n ! n s a l a General Hospital 's expansion p rogram and tells c rowd; e . * , e £ t a t e . l i r m s l n c e i 8 93 h a s i ^ " m s a n a n g e d tor Saturday ; fc= m b l i<J aaA ^ u rn^nte l or other sUtuses and,, - ^ ^ ^ s m bfm d e l i g h t e d h e L s ^ ̂ hospital 's progress , been s ^ e l t e d ^ y t he b o a r t of PitaL

Rns Paivc; hSsi^&t approximately 3^0 p m s gene ra l^ , faHiBg ;tp^carry^a c & < L ^ j ^ O T on j t e t f - ' - " ' -' ' - " " 3ie Site of; . -.. „ . ^ ^ ^ t. t__ i o t f^-r^nJ Tru> iu_r_re's rn«»rv_- s a i d : " T h e ? c u . _ . T^-^CC (., ._..-.

the naval air s ta t ion el half a century ago. i mWtsdnment o f - t h e crowd be are not authorised by law and j inspector of PoKce,

their application" t o defendant a s ! a basis for classifying him 1A! and ordering h is immediate in-i duction denied him his liberty) without due process of law."

pa t i en t s requiring extended care. Mayor Lindsay complimented

t h e hospital authorit ies and the people of the community on the progress the hospital w a s mak-~'«s ^ s a voluntary institution a t a t ime when hospitals in other communities are experiencing difficulties. He said i t w a s thril­ling t o see private enterprise moving forward a t such a rapid pace.

Help On Hospital K B "We need help to secure the

pas sage of the new hospital bill t o give t o the people a pubac nospital system," he saio. "T see the voluntary and public hospi­t a l s coming closer together. Tne ent ire hospital system needs the Demng up of medical schools."

Throughout Queens there h a s j been growing demand for a (number of years for a medical i school. I t is a requiremment for ! the approval of a veterans ' hos-jp i ta l in the borough which h a s

been sought for a long t ime.

crowc was o n hand when m a y o r and nis pa r ty arrived-

pla«orm_ajce Sidney S. Hein , clsairrnan^ a t f a r left; I managers of MeadoworooK Hos which now "occupies the 's i te " ^ I ' A Navy" drill t eam a n d S L Comil-j The juGge;s^ruling said: " T n e j ^ ^ j e y j ^ v i s s (wearing glasses) , Pres ident of Borough of Q u e e n s ; p i t a l > E ^ Meadow, to receive! Along Beach Channel

us Band will perform for the j existing delinquency regulations j j a g ^ Granirer , hospital president; Sanford Garelick, former Chief : n e 1959 Theodore Roosevelt i outs ide the hospital g rounds

S e n t Reduction Demonsteators drive,

entertainment of " t h e crowd be Although the Navy will oh- j fore t h e ceremonies as well a

serve the actual anniversary \ during the brief formal program date , Thursday, May 8, with fanfare and ceremonies a t Wash ington, D.C., where the first a i r craft to make the flight, the NC-4, will be on exhibition, the local observance will also be signifi­cant.

Preparat ions a re being made for the presentation t o the cit­izens of the Rockaways of a

Hospital Opens Blood Bank Depot

Peninsula General Hospita has opened a blood bank depot under the jurisdiction of the In

plaque containing a picture of j ter-County Blood Barks , Inc. the NC-4, a m a p showing the | RoCkville Centre, L.I., for the track of its flight, names of the j convenience of Rockaway resi-officers and men in i ts crew and dents.

The practice t>y some declaring del inquents- l A and subject to immediate callup fol­lowed a recommendation by the Selective Service director in 1967 tha t boards reclassify delinquents when they burn or otherwise rid

o j themselves of draft cards. Such

(See "DRAFT ' , P a g e 8)

Hope To Organize Parents Ssof! Of Brain-Injured Children

1A a n r i ! * **

Award of the Nassau-Suffolk Hospital CounctL

The award "is presented an­nually to those who exemplify the highest t radi t ions of volun t a r v service to the hospitals of Long Island," says James F. Col-

other information of interest. Capt. David Stear, U.S.N., com

manding officer of Naval Air Station, is hoping for a large turnout of Rockaway residents a t thfe ceremonies on May 10 Prominent public officials will join with distinguished Navy personnel in the program.

Meanwhile, s tudents m the lo cai senior and junior high schools a re taking pa r t in an essay con tes t and a poster contes t about the flight. Prizes will be award­ed t o t h e winners by the Rock-way and F a r Rockaway-Five Towns Rotary clubs.

were demonstrators who wanted to impress Mayor Lindsay wi th their demand for relief i r o m a 15 percent rent increase which h a s been levied on t h e Dayton Beach P a r k co-operatives. The signs they carried asked for his nfcip a n d tney also expressed the suppor t cf Peninsula Gen­eral Hosp i ta l Sounds of their shouts were a background aga ins t which the fo rmal p r o

Everyone is welcome to donate: blood (which is needed urgently).}

Any organization or group of! more" than three donors should j make an appointment by calling) the main branch a t Rockville Centre. For others, no appoint­ment is necessary on Tuesday from 3:30 to -8 pjn. , although anyone w h o wishes m a y call for an appointment, and help the staff by letting it know approxi­mately how many to expect.

Mrs. Joan Howell, R.N., is in charge of the depot, which is in

To stir further local interest Room 105 cf the residence, Pen-expressed apprehension about the official N a v v moving pictures, j insula Hospital, 5115 Beach Chan-

school ever being built. which show some thrilling action nel drive, Edgemere.

/New Equality B 'nai B 'rith Regime


Don't forget to tu rn your clock ahead Sunday morning a t t w o o'clock.

Daylight Saving Tone will go into effect a t that t ime.

If you fail to tu rn your clock ahead, you will be a n hour la te for church. And if you sleep aU day Sunday , you will be late for work Monday morning.

Daylight Saving Time win be in effect until two o'clock in the morning October 26.

j tens, M.D., superintendent of the With the hope that a similar 1 t augh t how to teach their chil-: hospital,

organization can be star ted in \ dren how to type, a perceptual j .<Ag s e c r e t a r y of the Meadow Rockaway. the Foundation for j t ra ining program and more. I ^QQ^ Hospital board of manag Brain-Injured Children is break- j To all this i t mus t be added i e r s irom 1949.59 a^d as presi-ing precedent and holding i t s ; t ha t all funds used by the found j d ^ ' manage r , [ ^ ^ ^ ^ s . _n April meeting in Rockaway. ation a re obtained pnva te iy i f r c m 195d^2 "also says Dr. Col- W l u l e ^ a ^ S f o r * • « * * t o

Arrangements have been £ * f Z ^ g S g 1 ™ ^ * " ^ * * ^ " P - v i d e d the vig- g ^ ^ T ' t f ^ S v S n e s d a ^ a T S %Z T ^ £ f S S t h , | = S ^ ^ n S ^ t H S l ^ T J S L S ^ o m t S School 225 1 9 0 P B . a c h HOth h g - J £ ^ S ^ > ^ d ^ ^ ^ ^ T p S | ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ street , Rockaway Park. L _ W « « r _ ~ .nH r*.her «.Tr,m„ni-i s a u <*?*** ^ o u g h a period o | m 3 k i n g g ^ noisy approach to

Kennedy airport. He seemed to

i and re tarded children both from; _ a u rtormtv through a period o ; Rockaway and other communi-1 transition "

There is a ieeling in the or-, t ies will a t tend the meeting. .-e_.......«,... ganization, which usually meets ; Concentration a t the meet ing in Queens Village, that there's a; win be on forming an organiza-need for such an organization in tion here . this area.

There is no other organization, it i s pointed out , that provides hospital p rog rams (evaluation and rehabil i tat ion), a Saturday center for a r t s and craf ts! (headed by a supervisor of the) Board of Education), speech) therapy (individual lessons), a I p rogram in which parents a re

" S A V E T H E L I B R A R Y " Mrs . Je!rome 3- Hipscher, a n

Arverne civic leader, and head of a n a d hoc committee t o save i Chamber the Arverne library from being { Rockaways for two years in the ctosed, is looking for people to | '40s. During World War I, he take a round petitions and wri te served a s a lieutenant-command to political leaders.

"The many areas in which Meadowbrook is developing a r largely a tr ibute to the solid groundwork t h a t was provided by the board of managers" dur­ing McTigue's years of leader­ship . . .

McTigue was president of the of Commerce of the

Library Week; Branch At Arverne Will Close

Coincidentally with the announ­cement of National Library Week (this week) QuconsleskTcnts arc being informed that a new branch l ibrary was opened Mon­day (in Rochdale; and tne one in Arverne, among others, will be closed July 1.

The announcement cf the open-\ ing came from Borough Hall. ' where Borough President Sidney

Leviss is serving as chairman of 1 side (in Rockaway Park>. the Queens Borough Public Lib-: m E m p l o y e ^ Out

system in the City's 1069-70 ex-1 Tucker said the library will go pense budget is increased.'' Li-1 on summer schedule May l ' a brary branches to be closed, in: shift usually made in mid June ) , addition to Arverne, a re : Cam- • This shift means in Rockaway oria Heights , Glendaale, Hoiiis, j tha t : the Fa r Rockaway and. Sca-

miss nothing.

Boos Are Good N a t u r e d There was apparent good na­

ture on the part of t h e crowd. Even those who took p a r t in some booing were wear ing good na tu red grins on their faces. But there were many who applauded h im vigorously and seemed to mean it. Said one w o m a n who had done some booing, "He 's even bet ter looking t h a n he is on television.''

Borough President Sidney Lev­iss in his remarks took the oc­casion t o welcome the mayor t o "the salubrious Rockaways, land of low-flying aircraft and the Toonerville trolley." The last was reference to the Transi t Author-

Local firefighters are refusing i i t y > s R o c k a w a y Line and i t s poor to confirm or deny reports pub-; service a*t high Tare.

e r in the Navy. His home is irr Woodmere,

Is Arverne Siberia For Firefighters?

licized last week that men are being sent to the "always busy" fire station a t Beach 58th street and Rockaway Beach boulevard Arverne, a s punishment.

Reports last week stated tha

Affair Non-Political Sidney S. Hein, a director of

the hospital, who admit ted tha t he had raised a million dollars for the institution and who also

the New York City Uniformed *s Queens Republican County

Wedncsdav and Fr iday.

Jerome, McGoldrick. Maspeth, t side (Roekawav Park) branches Mitchell-Linden, M o r r i s Park, will be open from noon to 9 p.m. Ncrth Hills, Quecnsboro Hill. Mondz Ravvenswood ar Among the branches a t which <orvice is to be cut back is Sea-

Firefightcrs Association will ask the Sta te Supreme Court to void the "unlawful transfer" to this

W o o d s i d e . from 10 to 5:30 p.rrv Tuesday and ! station (Engine Company 265

rary ' s observance of Nationai Library Week.

The announcement of the clos­ings (13 quietly t ha t a spokesman a t the Arverne branch turned to a, ..su­perior to corroborate that Tt" w?t» t rue.

The superior said tha t it B felt Arverne a rea residents can use the branch in Fa r Rockaway.

I t was noted too that the Ar-/erne Branch serves a com-nuni ty of 35,000 people and cir -.uiation is more than olumes a year .

According t o Harold W. Tuck y , director of the library, the a ! he can to prevent the closm

Thursday and closed Sa turday; the Arverne branch will be open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tues-dav, Wednesday and Thursday, •from I t o 9 p m. Monday and Fr i

and Ladder Company 121) of three firemen who testified a s character witnesses for a fire­man accused of imp:x>per con­duct.

Tucker also s-Jid that "the lib-J day and closed Saturday, and t h e ! The UFA. ry win be forced to terminate j pv00kav

Leader, told the crowd tha t there w a s no politics at this gathering;. Everybody was there for the cause of the hospital.

He w a s chairman of t h e pro­g ram which opened with the pre­sentat ion of the Colors by the color g u a r d of Daniel M. O'Con-neil Pos t , No. 272, American

said; also has Legion. The St. Camillus Drum

in all) was made s o - 1 5 0 employees, including 56 lib-i o p e n f . . o r r t t t o 5:30 p.m. Tues-:m1ans,. 84 clarks, 10 custodial j ^ . . ^ Wednesday and Thursdav, and motor behicle employees, j f r 0rn l to 5:30, from 1 t o 9 p.m. plus subst i tu te he^p.'': - ' Monday and Friday and closed

The Borough President noted Sa turday , that he w a s able to add fund

three hew. branch librarie

Beach branch will be > called on Mayor John V. Lindsay: Corps, which played a number 1 to 5:30 n.m. Tues - ( to halt any departmental tr ials Qf selections during the after-

cf firemen, pending disposition noon, played the National An-

or is ted s"par~i

bund; ly as S... -sid..--a i

I - Rc -o Park and Sunnyside) and tha i he is pleased by the formal d<d,canon Monday:

100.000 °f the new <5£-trn branch a t 169-09 137th avenue, Rochdale.; ind, there for t , he is going to do,

Longer HOW* In Jamaica Longer and Snturday hea r s ]

were given for the main Horary i.-j Jamaica .

I n observance of National Lib

Democratic Leader Sy Sheldon, a former president of Equality Lodge is mas te r of cere monies a t installation of new officers of Equality Lodge and Chapter, B'nai B r i t h . Reading on tr the right: George Rosen, lodge president; Mrs. Lewis Small , chapter president for second term Irwin Goldstein outgoing president and Morris Gaines, a past president, acting a s installing officer. k .ess funds allocated to the Queens

library "will close 13 of its & neighborhood branches and cut >ack service to five days a week n 22 additional branches . . . un-

He asked, however, for a siowf of s t r ang th when he makes hcj appears a t open hearings to fight j for the funds.

In r ega rd to hours of service,!

of this case Locai firemen agreed with a

statement ascribed to Fire Com nii-'ioner Robert O. Lowery tha t the men were not transferred f o the Arverne station, but were given details here.

A,1 the sta.tions involved a rc in the i3 th Division, H was ex

rary Week. Leviss appointed 16 | pfceaed locally, and therefore tm borough leaders a s members oi sh i fu cannot be labeled t rans his commit tee and noted- tha t he fCrs is beftRz hailed bv Tucker fo; j _ . . _ • _ _ _ - S « i n g tfeat funds come through > , o r«* > t a - v ** ^ n t ? « " year a f te r year. . . ." Local firemen also could nei

In present ing t he certificates.; tber confirm nor deny that Joir Leviss noted t ha t he has worked j T,

(See "LIBRARY", P a g e 8) 1

O'Hagan. department chi (See "SIBERIA", Page 8)

! *hem and the Rev. J a m e s Mc-Govern. pastor of St. Camilkis

i Church gave the invocation. T h e r e were greetings from

W'illiam Zukerman. chairman of ! the building committee. Joseph • L- Btoch .executive di iector of ! the hospital brought a message : and there was another f iom Dr. ; Meyer Goldman, president of the

medical board. Dr. Allan Blaine. rabbi of Temple Beth-El gave a

1 p rayer of dedication and there ' were appropriate r emarks by ; Jul ius Granirer. hospital presi-I dent . The benediction w a s pro-I (See "PKMNSLXA", P a g e 8)

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