In The Amendments of the United States of America

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Click the speaker!!!. In The Amendments of the United States of America. Directed By: Hadrian M, Rachel R, Jala A, Zaven D, Linh T,. By: Rachel Rogers, Linh Tran, Zaven Dadian, Jala Alatassi, and Hadrian Matti. Table of Contents. Page 1 - Amendment 1 Page 2 - Amendment 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • In The Amendments of the United States of AmericaDirected By: Hadrian M, Rachel R, Jala A, Zaven D, Linh T,By: Rachel Rogers, Linh Tran, Zaven Dadian, Jala Alatassi, and Hadrian MattiClick the speaker!!!

  • Page 1- Amendment 1Page 2- Amendment 2Page 3- Amendment 3Page 4- Amendments 5 and 7Page 5- Amendment 6Page 6- Amendments 4 and 8Page 7- Amendments 9 and 10Page 8- Amendment 11Page 9- Amendment 12Page 10- Amendment 13Page 11- Amendment 14Page 12- Amendment 15Page 13- Amendments 16 and 24Page 14- Amendment 17Page 15- Amendment 19Page 16- Amendments 18 and 21Page 17- Amendment 20Page 18- Amendment 22Page 19- Amendment 25Page 20- Amendments 23 and 26Page 21- Amendment 27

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

  • Kermit , BE QUIET! Actually, according to the Amendments , I can say whatever I want. HAHA !!According to the First amendment of the United states, you can say whatever you want, believe in whatever you want, and the press has these rights too!1

  • The Second Amendment states that people can own weapons for personal use.NO KERMIE! STOP!!!!Actually I can use whatever weapon I want if its not harming people. HEHEHE2

  • Even though I am in the military now, I have to get permission to go into any houses to sleep.Excuse me, may I sleep in your house for the night?Kermit just joined the military to help out his country. He needs a place to stay, but he has to get permission of the home owner before living in their home. The 3rd amendment states that people like Kermit in the military, called soldiers, cannot be quartered in homes in times of peace.3

  • Amendment 5 gives protections to the people accused of a crime. This amendment also prohibits taking away life, liberty, or property without a good reason.The 7th amendment guarantees the right to trial by jury. This amendment also says that no trial that was in front of a jury can be revisited ever again.4

  • My client has the right to a speedy and public trial and he wants a judge to decide his punishment.Youre right. Also, your client can know who the witness is. Lastly, I cannot punish him for the same crime twice.According to the 6th Amendment, people accused of a crime have the right to know who is a witness against them. 5

  • You are being put in jail for drumming too loudly!The 4th Amendment states that I cannot be put in jail for an unreasonable cause.Yes youre right. Also, Amendment 8 says there is no excessive bail.Amendments 4 says that people cannot be searched or taken to jail for no reason. Excessive bail is not needed to pay off debts.6

  • The 9th amendment says that any right not listed in the Constitution belongs to the people. The Muppets are allowed to perform their show even if that right is not listed in the Constitution.

    The 10th amendment says that the powers not given to the United States by the constitution or not allowed by the states are reserved for the states or the people. If the United States does not have the power to decide when the Muppets school should start, that power is given either to the states or to the Muppets.OR7

  • Animal wanted to sue the state because they wouldnt let him drum as loud as he wanted to. He couldnt sue the state because he was in a federal court and according to amendment 11, an individual can not sue a state at a federal court.I want to sue this state because they wont let me drum!According to amendment 11, you cant sue a state at a federal court.8

  • Amendment 12 requires separate electoral ballots for president and vice-president elections.Vice-PresidentPresidentFozzy is going to vote but he needs to vote for the president and vice-president on two different ballots.9

  • Amendment #13 says that slaves are no longer allowed so slavery at that point was abolished. Animal is very happy about this amendment. I was in chains, but now that there is no more slaveryI can play theDRUMS!!!!!DRUMS! DRUMS! DRUMS!10

  • Amendment 14 defines American citizenship and defines what the rights of the citizens are.

    We the Muppets, have the American rights to not be denied life, liberty and property, without due process of the law.The Muppets know that the 14th amendment gives them the right to life, liberty, and property. They have these rights unless there is due process of the law.11

  • The 15th Amendment gives ALL citizens the right to vote for government leaders.12

  • Amendment #16 says that the congress has the power to collect taxes on incomes. Amendment # 24 says that you can vote without paying! Even the Muppets need to pay their taxes with their Muppet money! Yeah! Even I pay taxes so you should pay yours! 13

  • Vote for your states Senators because time is running out. 6 years ago, we elected them and now their time in office has run out.Senators that work in the Senate change every six years. When their time is over, two new senators are chosen from each state.Each state chooses two senators to serve in the Senate. Each senator only has one vote.14

  • KERMIT! I CANT BELIEVE US WOMEN CANT VOTE!This amendment states that all genders are able to vote. This means Miss Piggy has just as much right to vote as Kermit the frog does.Miss piggy calm down, dont get your tail in a twist. the new amendment. #19 says that you can vote!Ohh ok! 15

  • Animal was trying to send his grandma a special liquor so that she can make her special recipe. Kermit told Animal that he couldnt send it because of Amendment 18, but Animal told Kermit that Amendment 21 got rid of amendment 18, so he could. You cant send that alcohol! I can now, amendment 21 got rid of amendment 18.16

  • Miss Piggy was sitting in her office eating donuts, until Animal came in and told her she was suppose to be in the president office running things by January 20th instead of March 4th because of Amendment 20.Your suppose to be president, its January 20th!But I thought that I wasnt suppose to take office until March 4th.17

  • Mrs. Piggy has been president for 2 terms already, and according to amendment 22 a president can only serve two terms.

    Youve been president for 2 terms, you cant be president anymore.I wont be president anymore after today18

  • amendment # 25 says that if the president dies, or resigns the vice president takes his place. Now that Kermit the president is dead , Walter the vice president, is now the president.Kermit is dead.I am the new president!...bye bye Kermit 19

  • Even though amendment 23 allows Washington D.C residents to vote, you still have to be 18 or older to vote according to amendment 26.Just because you are in Washington D.C doesnt mean you can vote. You have to be 18 or older to vote.Yay! Im in Washington D.C, I can vote!20

  • And finally, amendment 27 says that the Congress cannot raise their own salaries.

    Kermit is in the congress. He cant give himself or the rest of the Congress more money.21

  • Click the speaker then click the link below to transport yourself to a wonderful world of citations! Works CitedThanks for watching!!!

  • Amendment a change to the Constitution (Amendment 1)Press newspaper (Amendment 1)Military an organized group of soldiers (Amendment 3)Quartered - to live in (Amendment 3)Accused to blame someone of something (Amendment 6)Crime to do something illegal (Amendment 5 & 7)Prohibits to not allow to do something (Amendment 5 & 7)Liberty - freedoms (Amendment 5 & 7)Trial a the process that decides a crime (Amendment 5 & 7)Jury a group of random people that decide a court case (Amendment 5 & 7)Client - someone who works for another person (Amendment 6)Witness someone who sees something with their own eyes (Amendment 6)Bail money that is demanded for someone to get out of jail or prison (Amendment 4 & 8)Excessive Bail asking too much money for someone to be free from prison (Amendment 4 & 8)Debts something that you owe to somebody (Amendments 4 & 8)Constitution an important document that describes the freedoms of people and the powers of the government (Amendments 9 & 10)Reserved to set something aside for later use (Amendments 9 & 10)

  • Sue to ask money from someone because they injured or stole something from you (Amendment 11)Federal Court a court where judges from the government decide court cases (Amendment 11)Electoral Ballots a way of voting for a government official (Amendment 11)Abolished to get rid of (Amendment 13)Define to explain the meaning of (Amendment 14)Citizenship peoples responsibilities as a citizen of the U.S. (Amendment 14)Due Process of the Law police must explain what people are being arrested for (Amendment 14)Vote to choose somebody or something (back to Amendment 15)Congress part of the government that makes up laws (Amendments 16 & 24) Incomes money that a person gets for owning something (Amendments 16 & 24)Taxes an amount of money that all people pay to the government every year (Amendments 16 & 24)Senator two people from each state that work in the government (Amendment 17)Gender - whether a person is a boy or a girl (Amendment 19)Liquor an drink that contains alcohol (Amendment 18 & 21)Resigns to quit his or her job (Amendment 25)Residents someone who lives in that place (Amendments 23 & 26)Salary an amount of money that someone gets from their job (Amendment 27)
