110, I N' TH III I'A( FROM ' TO 1256 DAT t: _ _ --.., REF 'SUBJ ECT : . <__ WeeR No. 1,3 or ' y Air ! ro. S_ANA. ' (:,' -,; __ ()5! tt - (0 c( n : ( COtiFIDENTIAL I TI ES . ill. fioo d of rumor. and report. of activiti es continued the " pa.t week. ' 7here is aft ten.ion and ' expectancy in ,:: 'insurrectionary and circle.. But the Government cont inue. _to display, both outwardly .£rid , in confidenti al conversations, an 1M appearance of ' calm and great confidence. There werevariou.. going. and comings between Cuba and ,Mexico, the acknowledged foreign cent er , ___ of insurrectionary plotting due largely to the presence there ot Fidel CAS7RO Ruz, lead.rof the "26 of July" MOvement. Fructu. . RODRIGUEZ and Juan Vice Preaidents of the Feder tion of University Students (FEU) and leaders of the "Revolutionary Directorat e" of that organization, returned via Miami, and Oacar GANS Martinez, Minister of Justice, Ambasaador to the United Statea, and Prime 0 under ex-President Carl.a PRIOand new a member.f Pard. Nationalist Revolutionary Party, went to Mexia. Oct.ber It seems generally agre- ed that "something" will b. undertaken fairly soon. Maximum publicity would be obtained if an attempt during the started here today - of the Inter-American P ress Associati on, andthia may be a factor In the Minda of pl.ttera. (UN CLASSI FIED) I NVASION OF ' CAlC SAL. On Octebor lS a ef ten young Cuban. "inTad.d" Cay. Sal" a island in the Bahamaa lyi ng some 28 mUes to the north of Cubaj ina ".ymbolic geature" t. assert Cuban sovereignty over the island. ' The group had chartered the fishing vessel "Miss Take" at Varadero, and taken contrel fr.m the, captain when at sea. '!heir landing was unopposed. '!he island has only a h.ndful of p ermanent a -few Bah.-ans and Cubans w orking for Mr. Clarence B. MOODY, aa American who ' btained ' a concess i n fram the Brit , ish a tour1a-t resort there, and 'a representative of The men st a rte d to l owe r·t he British nag, but deaisted' when the cuat .. m.s s. repres ent.tive thr eate n ed to shoot if they did, ted them- o I 1\ ) 01 sel ve a wit.h fly ing t he Cuban IILag on a short p-"le., CJlyeutha were membe rs ,-a nd of Joa' PARDO .L1?i'ci& 'id Natii1h at Revelu- t ion ary Party (PNR), a nd sent him a pret entious dated prier It . th eir excur s ion , stat ing that they had task " reco vering the so vereign ty of a p art er M and theiF __ JL Tepping:mbwCONFI DEN TIAL REPORTER ACTION COpy - DEPARTMENT OF STATE The action omcemustreturnthls permanent record copy·to DClRtlles with an endorsement . 01: action taken. ' ••. . ::1it .

IN' TH IIII'A( ~l'Oc(%J-l{~ - Latin American Studies · 2010. 10. 18. · On Octebor lS a gro~p ef ten young Cuban. "inTad.d" Cay. Sal" a ~al.l island in the Bahamaa lying some 28

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  • 110, ~o:r lY~1 IN' TH IIII'A(


    ~l'Oc(%J-l{~ ' TO . Oo~b_ 24~ 1256 DAT t: _ _ --..,


    'SUBJECT : .

  • J. .- r ~ .'-J > [. o ~·-~·· -- , , ~I . ~1It1. No~ of " ,-.>c J . ' " , ' ~i · ""' . .- (~'wl~~l(m) ~P' Nll''':-fI!IIIi#-

    .[ &0 ~ .. _ . • ~l. · ai1~-Cuban r~~t· .l' .. Cay. Sal", l , " Par .~,l~da-,aqo.,p.~:I. ~b7 yar'lOu n'.~ ,~~ and pelitioi ., , n.w te C e ,&1 th, t.~.w1ncd&J, ' .. did •• .,.ral new • , tr , , " , :I.. , . er " their arrl.,al" hewe,.er, a aniall· 0 ntinge t er arm.d

    , lt~tre , • had' U'Rv.d by plane,. r,O,unded uP , the C~ban yeutha, ' 'whe t. y had only a .32 rey lY.r betw •• n them ga ••• el and preT.i edthelr y •••• l, lew.red. ill,d' re.tored the ~uban tag, and

    , ha~ se.n th tt te Varad.re . ' ,. ', ' . . ~"--" ~ ' " " " ' .

    . ,J OFFIC_IAt USE ONLY) Ce .nt.' 'I'll artairwa.' atraight c.ado ep.ra, and~a. a re.ult hal lri"ltat.d>~ g edlr nwnber et Cuba editeria1i.t. , and celumni.ts·, wh. f .1 that. Cu.ban 'dlgnlty hal tar.d rath.rpeer~y. S.yeral p.litlcian., n.w~.n,and blateriau., l.d by th. , paper Exce1.ler. Habana Councilman Augusti. Nayarre and Parde Llada, haye beeR publicly maintaining ter the paat ,w. menth. that

    . Cay. Sal i. Cuban, and that ,the Gevernment .h uldundertake te hay. Britain . rec.gni •• the tact. Their principal metiyatien appear. t. have been . d.sir. f.r per •• nal . '," Jpublicity, and they haye be ••

    . fairly succe. M. The Ministry et Stat. , haa limited itself te .tatements that the matter was receiYing due attentiell. With the news er the "in.,asi •• ", the Ministry i •• ued a atat.mentthat the y.utha had ne cennectien et any sert with the Gevernment &ad bad acted en their own. '!he Briti.h Charg' c.n.ulted the Ministry, and

    J1" ut eut a mild .tatement expre.sing pleasure at the erEicia! dl •• veval . , r the expedi tien and aayingthat the incident had' b •• n ., rep.rt_cl 'e .nden' and the Bahamas. Ne' further efficial ,.tatements haTe be ..

    issued, and Rene are likely.

    (UNCLASSIFIED) NATIONALIST REVOLUTIONARY PAR'n APPLIES FOR RECOGNITION. On Oc,ener22~ Je.I Parde Llada, leader et ~hePartide Reveluci.narie Nacienal (PNR- Natienalist Revolutionary P~y) submitted decuments t. the Supreme El'ecteral ' C.urt allegedly ' c.ntaining the registratlener semel50,OOO T.tersa. member. efbi. party. This censtitute. m.re than twice the minimum necesaary rer a party te be ertic1ally recegnl.ed aad appr.ved te participate ' ia electiens. Recegnit ien sheuld · be rerthc ming aut.matically ~ .. the Elect.ral C.urt verif ie. t he d.ewneRt~.

    (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) 'C.mment. 'Parde ' Llada and hi. fellewere ' are epp •• ed te the Batista .1d1iiiIi1.tratien. Paede and thr •• efbi. fell.were (er dubieuspel iticalanteceg.ents ) are new deputies, and Parde has indtcated that hi. party ' intend. t eparticipate 'in the , partial electien8'.cheduled f er N.vember, 195?

    (UNCLASSIFIED) DE LA 'lORRIEN m ILL • Dr. a.am' de l aTORRIEN 11':, Cuba' s elder statesman ,ana l ea.der .r tEe Seciety.r Fri.nd. e£ the Republic (SAR) t entered ' a l .cal he spital en Octeber 22,allegedlJ'

    \ ~tfet'ing rr-em .verw.rk. Members er the famUy ha .... in.r.rmed the , I Embassy, h.waver, that he 1. sttfrering fFe. edema, which may er m~

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    c. triqut.ra: P.lltloal: JL Tepp1Dg Pa,. .i.peal; . as ..


    /~/ · 1 CONFIDENTIAL

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