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In Seine October 2013

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Page 1: In Seine October 2013

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Vol. 4 Issue 5 October 2013

Culture Days is a National celebration, cities, towns, villagesacross Canada and the Town of Ste. Anne again participatedthis year. Celebrate Their Culture is used to promote harmony in com-munities coming together. People participate through music, dis-play of crafts, arts, paintings and so much more. Yvonne Boulianne has organized the last 3 years of CultureDays in Ste. Anne This year it took place the last weekend ofSeptember. Artists filled the Seine River Banquet Hall with beau-tiful works of art ranging from photographs of local wildlife andsceneries to carved blocks of wood and bark made into fantasycastles and faces. The show also included aboriginal art andbead work and even fine wine tasting. New this year was atalent show. “This event has doubled. It's incredible the local talent thatpeople are not aware of. I am grateful to the Comité Culturel Ste.Anne who has graciously supported me,” says Boulianne. For more info on Culture Days go to [email protected].

Culture Days Celebrated in Ste. Anne

Above: Wayne Soder displays some of his wood carvings.Below: Youth corner featuring art from local youth.

A sample of some of theaboriginal art on display.

Page 2: In Seine October 2013

On September 21 shortly be-fore 1:00 am, two members ofthe Steinbach RCMP detach-ment were on patrol on Road37 N in the RM of Ste. Annewhen their police vehicle wasstruck by a Buick Century thathad driven through a stop signat highway speeds. Both police officers, as wellas all 4 occupants of the Buick,were transported to BethesdaHospital in Steinbach with nonlife-threatening injuries. Cameron Kostash (24) ofRicher has been charged with4 counts of Criminal Negli-gence Cause Bodily Harm, 4counts of Impaired DrivingCausing Bodily Harm, 3 countsof Uttering Threats to Kill Po-lice, 2 counts of Failing toComply with a Probation Or-der and Resisting Arrest. Kostash is being held in cus-tody at the Winnipeg RemandCenter. The investigation is ongo-ing.

On September 11 at about 10:30pm, Steinbach RCMP along with areaFire and EMS were dispatched to atwo vehicle collision at the intersec-tion of Highway 12 and PTH 210 inthe Rural Municipality of Ste Anne. Investigation revealed that asemi-tractor (no trailer) driven by a41-year-old Winnipeg man wastravelling southbound on Highway12 when a GMC Envoy travellingeastbound on PTH 210 pulled outdirectly in front of the semi-tractor.The semi-tractor collided with thedriver's side of the GMC Envoycausing extensive damage andinjury to the 68-year-old male driverfrom Edmonton, Alberta. The lone occupant of the GMCEnvoy was transported to a localhospital and was subsequentlyairlifted to Winnipeg in critical con-dition. The driver of the semi-tractorwas not injured. Alcohol is considered a factor inthis collision. Steinbach RCMPcontinue to investigate with theassistance of an RCMP ForensicCollision Reconstructionist.

On September 25th Justin Trudeausupported Provencher Liberals and thesoon upcoming byelection by spend-ing the day visiting the Provencherriding. The day long tour took the Fed-eral Liberal Leader through Ile desChenes, Steinbach, Ste. Anne and cappedoff by a rally where more than 400 Liber-als met in Lorette to nominate Terry Hay-ward as the Liberal Party of Canada’s can-didate and kicking off the campaign. During Trudeau’s brief stop in Ste. Anne,local resident Andrea Speirs was trying to findinformation on where Trudeau would be stopping after no such infor-mation seemed to be readily available, she decided to tweet Trudeaupersonally on twitter to see if she could get a location. “I was shocked that Justin Trudeau actually does his tweeting himself!He told me that they where almost done at the Ste. Anne Villa Youvilleand their last stop in Ste. Anne would be the Old #12 Restaurant,”Andrea said. “I went to go meet him and was warmly greeted by Mr.Trudeau by my name! It was nice to meet him.”

Justin Trudeau’sVisit to Ste. Anne

Motor VehicleCollisions

Page 3: In Seine October 2013

Service DirectoryAdvertise here for as lov as $15 a month

Here is a great recipe to use upsome of your zucchini from thegarden.

I recipe pastry for a 9 inch doublecrust pie2 large zucchini2 tablespoons lemon juice1 pinch salt1 ¼ cups packed brown sugar1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon1 ½ teaspoons cream of tartar1 pinch ground nutmeg3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

The Chair of the Ste. Anne Police Board wants moreresidents to give input on what they'd like to see fromtheir local police service. Andre Lafreniere says theboard held its first public meeting last week and onlya few people attended. "We would have liked to see more people show upbecause the goal of the Police Board is to hear fromthe community to see what the community wants tosee in policing. We act as a liaison between thecommunity and the police." Lafreniere says the Police Board was establishedaccording to provincial legislation that requires allmunicipal police forces to answer to such a boardrather than to their municipal council. "We're an independent board. We operate on ourown. We do provide reports to town council and alsoare responsible to the community." He expects the community will become more in-volved as it comes to understand the process. Ste.Anne Police Chief Marc Robichaud likes the conceptof the Police Board. "It promotes transparency in policing and I thinkit's another opportunity for people to be collabora-tive with the police department and help us. We don'talways know how to do everything and we don't alwaysknow the best way to do things so it's always great tohave more input on the way we can do things better." Lafreniere encourages residents of Ste. Anne to con-tact him or other board members to share their viewson policing. He adds they will have quarterly meet-ings where the public is always invited to take part.

Ste. AnnePolice BoardSeeking More

Residents’ InputDirections:1. Peel the zucchini. Cut into quarterslengthwise, then remove the seeds and cutcrosswise (as you would apples for apple pie).Toss together 4 cups of chopped zucchini, lemonjuice and salt. Place mixture into a frying panand cook until tender-crisp.2. In a separate bowl, mix together the brownsugar, cinnamon, cream of tartar, nutmeg andflour. Add the cooked zucchini to the sugarmixture and mix well. It will be a little runny, butthat’s okay.3. Place filling into a 9 inch pie crust, dot withbutter, and place top crust on. Bake in oven at400 degrees F for 40 minutes or until goldenbrown.

If you or someone you know can’t eat apples this is a great recipe, my husband can’teat apples, but loves apple pie! So I make this recipe using zucchini and he has hisapple pie but won’t get sick. No apples! Try it for someone you love.

ZucchiniApple Pie

Page 4: In Seine October 2013

Upcoming Events

PPPPPublic Fublic Fublic Fublic Fublic Free Skating ree Skating ree Skating ree Skating ree Skating will be held on Saturdays 10am to 11:30amand on Sundays 5pm to 6pm.

October 2nd to 13th.October 2nd to 13th.October 2nd to 13th.October 2nd to 13th.October 2nd to 13th. Visit Papillon Creations "Cozy Comforts"theme brings apple cider, honey, quilts, hand knitted productsand great finds to decorate the bar. Call store for more info 204-801-5675

October 10th.October 10th.October 10th.October 10th.October 10th. Ste. Anne Lions Club information meeting will beheld at Club Jovial at 7pm. Come out and have all of yourquestions about Lions answered. We would love to have you joinus in helping our community become a better place to live andgrow. For more information, please contact: Lion Chris Barnardat 204-422-8259.

On October 15thOn October 15thOn October 15thOn October 15thOn October 15th join us for a great day of fun and friendship.We visit McPhillips Street Station in the morning and Club Regentin the afternoon. Pick ups in Steinbach, Ste. Anne and ParadiseVillage. Must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes and $10 cash foreveryone. Bingo is played on the bus to and from the casinos forthose wishing to play. Call Marilyn at 204-326-4939 for informa-tion and to reserve your seat. The next scheduled trips are No-vember 12th and December 10th. Mark your calendar and makereservations today!

October 16th to 31stOctober 16th to 31stOctober 16th to 31stOctober 16th to 31stOctober 16th to 31st. Visit Papillon Creations "Peter PumpkinPickins" theme. Carved pumpkins, Halloween and autumn decor,willow craft and furniture. End of Season sale! Call store for moreinfo 204-801-5675

Did You Know?The amount of water on earth has remained the same since the planetwas created some 4600 million years ago.