In search of the optimal: satisficing and housing search models Presentation to HSA Conference 2015 [email protected] @RichardJDunning

In search of the optimal: satisficing and housing search models Presentation to HSA Conference 2015 [email protected] @RichardJDunning

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Page 1: In search of the optimal: satisficing and housing search models Presentation to HSA Conference 2015 r.j.dunning@shef.ac.uk @RichardJDunning

In search of the optimal: satisficing and housing search models

Presentation to HSA Conference 2015

[email protected]


Page 2: In search of the optimal: satisficing and housing search models Presentation to HSA Conference 2015 r.j.dunning@shef.ac.uk @RichardJDunning

Housing policy & behavioural economics

• New Labour (e.g. Halpern) to Conservatives (Control Shift), the coalition & the Behavioural Insights Team (Jones et al, 2010; Ferrari et al., 2011 Dolan et al, 2012; Leggett, 2014)

• New Homes Bonus (Dunning et al., 2014)

• financial calculus, rational operators and organisational decision making

• Unclear impact, limited conceptualisation of problem or mechanism for change

• Financial Payments to Developers (DCLG, 2014)

• Rational actors, financialising emotions, competitive planning opposition

• Unclear impact, miscomprehension of motivations, behaviour

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• Bifurcation or continuum – Old BE and New BE (Watkins & McMaster, 2011)

Old BE

• Herbert Simon, procedural rationality, old institutionalism, social constructionism

• “the concept of “economic man” (and I might add his brother “administrative man”) is in need of fairly drastic revision” (Simon, 1955, P.99).

New BE

• Mainstream/Neoclassical economics, utility maximisers with constraints, information deficit, psychological insights

• “Then behavioral economics will cease to be a distinctive label for an approach as it becomes part of mainstream economic thinking, evincing a healthy reunification of psychology and economics.” (Camerer, 1999, P.10577)

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Spectral approach to BE

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Tu & Goldfinch, 1996

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Tu & Goldfinch, 1996

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Speare, Goldstein and Frey, 1975

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Speare, Goldstein and Frey, 1975

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Maclennan,1982, P.68

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Maclennan, 1982

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Wong, 2002, P.224

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Wong, 2002

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Marsh & Gibb, 2011

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Marsh & Gibb, 2011

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Housing theory: an NBE-OBE spectrum

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• Policy makers are misapplying / inconsistently applying BE• Evidence that BE policies/‘insights’ aren’t achieving their


• BE housing theory is failing to adequately explain its assumptions and perspectives• This failure masks inconsistency (internally and externally)

• It suggests that there is no clear NBE/OBE bifurcation in research

• There is a research gap at the OBE end of the spectrum

• An OBE approach is compelling, but needs theorisation and an empirical programme• This approach could address the ineffectiveness of BE policies

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References• DCLG (2014) Attitudinal research on financial payments to reduce opposition to new homes, DCLG,

London• Dolan, P., Hallsworth, M., Halpern, D., King, D., Metcalfe, R. & Vlaev, I. (2012) Changing Behaviour: The

mindspace way, Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, PP.265-277• Dunning, R., Watkins, C.A., Inch, A., Payne, S., While, A., Young, G., Hickman, H., Bramley, G., McIntosh,

S., Watkins, D. and Valler, D. (2014) The impact of the New Homes Bonus on attitudes and behaviour. Working Paper. Department for Communities and Local Government

• Ferrari, E., Henneberry, J., Leahy Laughlin, D., Tait, M., Watkins, C. & McMaster, R. (2011) Behavioural change approach to the housing sector, Department for Communities and Local Government, UK

• Jones, R. Pykett, J. & Whitehead, M. (2010) Governing temptation: Changing behaviour in an age of libertarian paternalism, Progress in Human Geography, 35, 4, PP.483-501

• Leggett, W. (2014) The politics of behaviour change: nudge, neoliberalism and the state, Policy & Politics, 42, 1, 3-19

• Maclennan, D. (1982) Housing Economics, Longman Group, Singapore• Marsh, A. & Gibb, K. (2011) Uncertainty, Expectations and Behavioural Aspects of Housing Market

Choices, Housing, Theory and Society, 28, 3, PP. 215-235• Speare, A., Goldstein, S. & Frey, W. (1975) Residential Mobility, Migration and Metropolitan Change,

Ballinger Publishing Company, USA• Tu, Y. & Goldfinch, J. (1996) A Two-stage Housing Choice Forecasting Model, Urban Studies, V. 33, No. 3,

PP.517-537• Watkins, C. & McMaster, R. (2011) The Behavioural Turn in Housing Economics: Reflections on the

Theoretical and Operational Challenges, Housing, Theory & Society, 28, 3, PP. 281-287• Wong, G. (2002) A conceptual model of the household’s housing decision-making process: The

economic perspective, RURDS, 14, 3, P.217-234

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