Ó"In Search of Plutus" By Wayne Bryant Chapter One Love by Accident? If anyone had told Donovan Dearing when he awoke this morning he would soon become a Soldier of Fortune (much like the temerarious heroes he often wrote about), he would most likely have told him or her he only writes these adventure novels. He would have been quick to add, he seldom allowed his imagination to participate in these heroic tales of fantasy adventure for more than a few minutes at a time. He would soon discover there is a very thin line separating fiction from non-fiction. Donovan was about to discover a seemingly normal morning routine for him would soon prove to be anything but. A sudden twist of events would drastically change his lifestyle forever. Donovan had put his life on a time schedule these past few months without even realizing it. He hurriedly got dressed in his Hawaiian beach shorts, flowery shirt and flip-flops (which by the way) was his normal attire whenever he had leisure time to spare. He grabbed a cup of coffee on his way out the door and headed for his chaise lounge on the beach. He learned to time this morning ritual of his fairly accurate by now and was seldom off more than a minute or two either way. Just to catch a brief glimpse of this beautiful lady as she came jogging by was well worth the extra effort of getting up about a half hour early each morning. 1

Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

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Page 1: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

Ó"In Search of Plutus"By Wayne Bryant

Chapter One

Love by Accident?

If anyone had told Donovan Dearing when he awoke this morning he would soon become a Soldier of Fortune (much like the temerarious heroes he often wrote about), he would most likely have told him or her he only writes these adventure novels. He would have been quick to add, he seldom allowed his imagination to participate in these heroic tales of fantasy adventure for more than a few minutes at a time. He would soon discover there is a very thin line separating fiction from non-fiction.

Donovan was about to discover a seemingly normal morning routine for him would soon prove to be anything but. A sudden twist of events would drastically change his lifestyle forever. Donovan had put his life on a time schedule these past few months without even realizing it. He hurriedly got dressed in his Hawaiian beach shorts, flowery shirt and flip-flops (which by the way) was his normal attire whenever he had leisure time to spare. He grabbed a cup of coffee on his way out the door and headed for his chaise lounge on the beach. He learned to time this morning ritual of his fairly accurate by now and was seldom off more than a minute or two either way. Just to catch a brief glimpse of this beautiful lady as she came jogging by was well worth the extra effort of getting up about a half hour early each morning.

A lady this attractive could have her choice of any man she chose. Donovan had no business even thinking he stood a chance gaining her affections, but still he would allow himself to dream of her anyway. He couldn’t see any real harm in that. After all he didn’t think she was married. Since he began noticing her these past few months he never saw she with a wedding ring. She was always alone, but he was certain he wasn’t her only admirer.


Page 2: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

Donovan sat on the beach this beautiful summer morning sipping his coffee from his favorite cup while anxiously awaiting another spectacular sunrise that would soon be rising over the Emerald Green Atlantic Ocean. He looked intently at his watch. He was a record two minutes early arriving on the beach today.

I’m getting rather good at this, he thought to himself as he took his right hand and patted his left shoulder as though he had just broken some Olympic World Speed Record. Well he had broken his own record anyway.

Here she comes now. She’s a little early this morning also, he thought as he caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye. She was still about one hundred yards from him, but there was no mistaking this lovely Goddess of the Dawn at almost any distance on the beach.

I wonder why such a good-looking lady like that is always alone, he often asked himself? She could just as easily have been a movie star and, for all he knew, she just might be. The medium length blond hair she wore in a ponytail while jogging, accented her baby blue eyes. The white headband she wore, complimented the rose-colored glow in her cheeks as she smiled. She had ruby red lips that were so … so kissable kiss ably are the only words that came to his mind at the moment. She had the cutest little nose that turned upward just enough to give a hint of sophistication about her.

She had the most gorgeous deep golden tan that one might have thought, at first glance, came from a Coppertone Billboard Sign you might see while driving down the highway. She appeared to be sensuous, but not in a naughty way. Although they had never been properly introduced, they knew each other by the nodding of their heads and the friendly smiles they exchanged as she passed by him each morning.

Donovan wanted to talk to her on many occasions, but being very shy when it actually came to meeting women kept him at a disadvantage. He really didn’t know how to go about meeting her without seeming to be


Page 3: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

somewhat too forward. She had jogged by him every morning like this (weather permitting) for the past three months. She was already a part of the seascape as far as Donovan was concerned. He would often play guessing games trying to imagine her name.

Is she a Gloria? No, that doesn’t seem to fit. Perhaps she is a Beverly, Wanda, Patsy, Jessica or some other name more common. Not knowing her name, only added to the mystique he had already created in his mind surrounding her identity. Even if he knew her name, would he dare speak to her, he asked himself? 

What if she thought he was trying to put the make on her and choose another jogging route? He sure didn't want that to happen. Whatever her real name was didn’t seem to matter all that much anyway he thought.

He still wanted her to continue to be a part of his life, if only for a few passing moments each morning. Today, Mr. Donovan Dearing, you are at least going to speak to this young Goddess and let her know you are not a mute he boldly whispered under his breath. He sat there trying to figure out a way to meet her without seeming to be too aggressive, but still wanting her to know he was very much interested in getting to know her.

He often wondered what she thought about him (if anything) whenever she jogged by. She always had a big smile for him, but that really didn’t prove anything as far as true feelings were concerned. Most people will smile automatically when they pass one another on the beach.

Donovan was six feet tall with dark hair and sky blue eyes. He really loved life and all his friends said that was very obvious from the sincere smile he always wore. He was slender in stature, not all that bad to look at, but still, he couldn’t help but feel this attractive lady was way out of his league.

Just like clockwork she came jogging by. Ok now Mr. Donovan Dearing, get ready to at least say hello out loud he said in almost a whisper.


Page 4: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

She suddenly stopped in front of him and stood there for a brief moment without moving.

Oh goodness. He must have done something wrong without realizing it and she is fixing to really tell him off he thought to himself.

The pain finally hit her as she moaned in agony and grabbed her left leg. Donovan quickly sprang to his feet to see what was wrong as she was starting to fall. He reached out and ever so gently took her by her arms, slowly helping her sit down in his chaise lounge. They had no way to know at the time, but she had pulled a muscle in her leg.

Donovan seemed as shocked over the accident as she and could tell this lovely lady was in a lot of pain.

"Can I help you, what’s the matter?" he nervously asked.

She had tears in her eyes and it took a moment for her to catch her breath before she was able to speak.

"I’m not sure what happened to me. I was running like I do every morning and my leg just suddenly caved in under me," she responded.

Here comes Mister Hero to the rescue. We must mean someone else. Donovan was only a writer of adventure stories and most certainly no macho hero himself.

The most heroic thing he was able to do was call 911 from his cell phone. Rescue arrived on the scene in less than five minutes. Donovan was allowed to accompany the young lady in the back of the ambulance to the emergency room.

"I am Donovan," he said as they headed for Baptist Memorial Hospital at Jacksonville Beach, Florida.


Page 5: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I’m glad to meet you at long last. I have watched you for the past few months as I jogged on the beach in front of your Condo every morning." Megan is my name; she managed a smile as the paramedics were still taking her vital signs.

"Well Megan, I am so happy to personally be meeting you at long last also, but we can’t go on meeting this way," he said with a grin, while trying to make her feel more at ease and making a small joke at the same time.

"I should hope not, but you might say it’s been painfully nice meeting you too," she was quick to reply.

Megan was the kind of girl you wouldn’t mind bringing home to meet your Mother. She had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. Donovan could tell just by watching her she had a self-confidant aura about her that told him she was used to making her own decisions when it involved her life.

She didn’t speak with any hesitations or uncertainties in the sound of her voice whatsoever. She had a kind of take-charge command about her. That is just something Donovan had learned to sense through the years when it came to judging how responsible people would be with financial matters such as loans, etc.

Donovan had worked in a small branch office of a major bank in the panhandle of Oklahoma for about ten years as a loan officer. He learned to recognize those who were more stable when it came to making important decisions in their lives. Megan certainly qualified as a prime candidate in that category. He patiently waited as the doctors examined her.

"It is a pulled muscle," the doctor on duty in the emergency room said. He was still holding the x-rays of her leg up to the light as he continued talking.


Page 6: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"You will be on crutches for a couple of week’s young lady, but I think you will be just fine. I don’t see any permanent damage," he concluded.

"Megan, May I have the honor of being your servant for a while? I have a downstairs guest room and will be more than happy for you to take advantage of my offer," Donovan said as he suddenly realized how stupid that remark sounded.

Now that must have really sounded idiotic. Saying something like that to someone you just met. I better say something quick to let her know those words came out all wrong before she takes that awkward statement the wrong way, he thought to himself.

"I …uh… didn’t mean that like it sounded," as he kind of stuttered a little apology and turned red with embarrassment at the same time. "What I am trying to say …uh…well… my place is your place while you convalesce if you like."

At first Megan wouldn’t hear of it. Then she detected sincerity in the sound of his voice and knew he meant what he said in spite of the way it sounded.

"Megan," Donovan began to speak as sincere as he knew how, while at the same time trying to make her feel as comfortable as he could, "I know we have just recently met. All I want"…ahem, he continued as he nervously cleared his throat, "is to be just a small part of your life if you will let me."

Megan was quite moved emotionally by Donovan’s last remark. "I wanted so much these past few months just to stop and chat with you also. I didn’t dream you had the same feelings as me," Megan coyly confessed.

"Megan please listen to me a moment," he said in trying to explain his reasons for not meeting her that first day he saw her jogging on the


Page 7: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

beach. "You are so young and beautiful. I felt you were way out of my league," he responded rather apologetically.

"So what has beauty got to do with meeting someone anyway? Haven’t you heard beauty is only skin-deep? Let’s take a chance and see how we really feel about each other. I get so annoyed at these men with all of their ogling and wolf whistles trying to impress me and prove they are macho. That kind of stuff really turns me off," she continued. "I have dated some of these men and frankly speaking, they need to grow up first and learn some manners. I have noticed you have always been quite the gentleman and never flirtatious. That shows me you have class and know how to treat a lady. If you’re game to at least give us both a fair chance, so am I," she laughed.

The doctor wrote Megan a prescription for pain. She was wrapped in an Ace bandage from just above her left knee to past the calf of her leg. After a few more instructions on the limitations of things she could and could not do for a couple of weeks, the doctor released her from the emergency room.

Donovan summoned a cab. He was surprised to learn Megan only lived two blocks from him. He paid the cab driver and helped Megan into her condo.

"Just get some of your things together you may need right away. You can always come back later when you are feeling better and pick up anything you may have forgotten," Donovan suggested.

"I will go home and get the guest bedroom ready for you. I will get my car and come back for you in about an hour," he promised.

"I really feel I am inconveniencing you too much," Megan responded with tears in her eyes. "I am glad you offered to be my private nurse for a while. I don’t have a downstairs guest room. I’m not at all sure I could climb steps, even with these crutches.


Page 8: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"That is nonsense. I am only glad I have the opportunity to be your knight in shining armor, and help a damsel in distress if only for a little while," he winked.

He left her and walked the short distance to his condo. It shouldn’t take too long to get the guest bedroom ready. He was glad it was Dianna’s day to come over and clean his place. He did not need a full time maid. He was a bachelor and kept his place fairly neat and in order, but still Dianna came by twice a week to give his place a good going over.

Dianna answered an ad Donovan placed in the local newspaper for a part time maid. She had proven to be very reliable and stepped in on several occasions to help him out when he would have guests over on the weekends. She reminded him a lot of Hazel in the comedy series that was so popular on television a few years back by the same name.

She was already busily cleaning the downstairs when he returned from leaving Megan at her house to get her things ready. He explained the situation to Dianna about Megan staying there for a couple of weeks until she was able to climb the stairs and return to her own Condo.

"Well, I shall make the guest room my main priority for this morning then," Dianna smiled as she set about preparing the room.

Donovan went upstairs, took a quick shower, and changed clothes. When he came back downstairs, Dianna was just finishing with the guest room.

"I will go pick the young lady up," he said to Dianna as he was glancing at the mail Dianna had placed on his desk.

"While you are gone, I will make some sandwiches and iced tea for the both of you for lunch. I can also come in as often as you need me while your friend is convalescing here," Dianna offered.


Page 9: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"That will be great. Why don’t you plan on coming in every other day for the next couple of weeks anyway?" he said.

"Consider it a done deal," Dianna replied in affirming Donovan’s request.

He left to pick up Megan. When he arrived back at her condo, she was still sitting in the chair he had left her earlier.

"I feel so stupid," she kind of wryly grinned.

"What’s wrong?" he asked as he was somewhat puzzled by her statement.

“I am going to stay with you for the next couple of weeks because I can’t climb the stairs here. All my things are upstairs." Duh! She said shaking her head.

"I’m the one who feels kind of stupid here," he remarked as he was apologizing for not thinking about that himself.

"Let me go back to my place and get Dianna. You can tell her where everything is that you need, and she can pack for you. Dianna is my part time maid, but she knows just how to help you Megan."

"That may be the best idea we both have come up with today," Megan echoed back.

Donovan called Dianna and explained the situation to her.

"That is not a problem. Do you want me to drive over, or would you prefer to come get me so we can get this young lady settled in where she can get some rest?" Dianna asked.

“I’ll be there in less than five minutes," he promised.


Page 10: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

Donovan picked up Dianna. She listened as Megan gave directions as to what she would need and had everything under control in less than twenty minutes. The three of them returned to his place. Dianna had Megan settled in and feeling quite comfortable under the circumstances in a matter of minutes.

There was a large picture window overlooking the ocean in Donovan’s living room. His favorite couch set facing the window. It provided a constant view of the ocean; is also very comfortable, and was probably the most used piece of furniture he owned.

Megan asked if she could lie there for a while. It was obvious she loved the ocean as much as he did.

"You may stay anywhere you feel you will be comfortable. I often spend hours on end sitting there. It can be so peaceful just sitting and watching the ships pass by on the horizon. I started writing novels about twenty years ago, I get a lot of inspirations just staring out that window and daydreaming," he confessed.

"I wish I could write what I feel. I envy people with that kind of talent. By the way, do you have any of your novels lying around that I can read while I am here, and what name do you write under?" she managed to say in one breath.

"I write under the name of Donovan Dearing," he said as he handed her a copy of his latest novel.

This book has not even been released as yet. You my dear, are getting the first preview before it goes on sale, he stated as he gently tapped her on the tip of her nose.

"I have heard of you. I have read several of your earlier novels, and I really liked each one of them." she gasped in surprise as she took the book from him


Page 11: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"If you like a good mystery, then you might like reading this one. It is titled "That Was the Last Time I died." Try and guess the ending," he laughed.

"Like I just said, I have read several of your novels, but you always lead me away from the obvious, and I am totally dumbfounded by the endings," she remarked.

"I have a few things that need attending to, but Dianna will be here while I am away. If you need anything at all, just let her know," Donovan said.

"Ok, thank you. Right now I believe a couple of quiet hours alone with your book will be all I need," Megan smiled.

Dianna reminded Donovan of some things he needed to get taken care of today.

"You are scheduled to take the car in for an oil change and lubrication. Don’t forget to get the tires rotated and then stop at the car wash for the finishing touches," she smiled.

"Your publisher called and left a message on your answering machine. They need you to send them the rewritten chapters seven, eight and nine by this Friday so they won’t get behind."

"Thank you for reminding me, Dianna. I had completely forgotten about that. I will finish those chapters and mail them tomorrow."

"Your sister in San Antonio called to wish you happy birthday."

"Oh dear, is it that time of the year again already?" he sighed.

"Yes, Mr. D.," Dianna said.

"Growing older isn’t all that bad when you consider the alternative."


Page 12: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I must admit you make a pretty strong point Dianna."

"One other thing, Mr. D., hurry back," she laughed.

"Leave any shopping that needs to be done to me. I will take care of it when you return," she said.

Dianna was also a lady who knew how to take control in almost any situation. Donovan had grown somewhat dependent on her and relied a lot in her over the past few months.

"All right then, if everyone is set for now, I shall return later," he said as he closed the door behind him.

When Donovan returned some three hours later, Dianna and Megan had planned a little surprise birthday party for him. He walked in the door and Megan began to moan quite loudly. He rushed in to see if he could help, as he did not see Dianna anywhere.

It turns out Megan was only faking the pain, while Dianna brought the birthday cake into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. He was surprised because his birthday was the last thing on his mind. Dianna was kind this particular day. She had only placed one candle on the cake.

"Happy birthday, Mr. D," she said as she lit the candle.

"You know what to do next," she laughed.

"Yes, I do," he smiled back. "And if I were granted two wishes, one of them would be for you to quit remembering my birthdays".

They both laughed at his request.

"Well, Mr. Dearing, if you will lean over here, I have a present for you, also," Megan whispered.


Page 13: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"You do, young lady?" he asked with a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, I do. You are so shy I see right now I will have to take control if our relationship is headed anywhere positive," she whispered.

He leaned toward Megan; she met him half way placing her arms around him, and gave him a little more than just a friendly kiss.

"Wow!" he gasped.

"If I can expect that on my birthday, I wouldn’t mind celebrating it seven days a week."

"Better keep an eye on him," Dianna warned.

"Oh, I intend on doing just that," Megan responded with authority in her voice. "I didn’t go through all this pain for just anything."

Dianna and Megan sang, "Happy Birthday to Donovan." He blew out the candle and everyone opted on waiting until after lunch to eat a slice.

"I have a few phone calls to make and some letters to write that I’ve been putting off forever it seems," he said as he went to his desk.

"I’ll find something to do in the kitchen," Dianna remarked.

"I’m into this book right now, and I certainly won’t disturb you," Megan replied.

"Thanks ladies, I won’t be that long. I do appreciate your consideration for me nonetheless," Donovan said as he retreated to his desk

He settled down at his desk and began to answer some letters that had been neglected. He paid most of his bills online, so he didn’t have to worry about too many stamps, envelopes and the like. It had proven to be most convenient for him.


Page 14: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Oh my goodness," Megan said out loud.

"What’s wrong?" Donovan exclaimed as he sprang from his chair.

"I am so sorry," Megan said with a kind of foolish look on her face. "I got carried away with this story line and couldn’t help myself."

Dianna laughed out loud. "That’s ok Megan I have the same reactions myself a lot of times when I read one of his books."

"Thank you Dianna, at least I don’t feel quite so stupid now," Megan replied as she settled back and continued reading.

"Well, at least I know you are getting into my writing and that makes me happy," Donovan quipped as he returned to his desk.

"That’s that!" he said as he finished the last letter and put the stamps on them.

"Dianna, will you please see that these letters get mailed tomorrow?"

"I certainly will, Mr. D., I need to put some letters back in the box that came to this address by mistake anyway. I will attend to it first thing in the morning."

About an hour later, Donovan returned to the living room.

"Would you like something to eat?" he asked Megan.

Megan answered rather seriously. "I must finish Chapter Twelve before I can even think about stopping for now, You don’t give me any breaks in your way of writing where I feel I can put this book down for even a moment, I love a book like this " she smiled.

“Ok just let me know when you’re ready," he said as he retreated for the kitchen and poured himself a glass of ice water.


Page 15: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

Dianna made a small list of things she thought Megan might like. Dianna lived by herself and had been divorced for about ten years now.

“I was just thinking Mr. D., would you like me to sleep over this first night? I am quite sure it will be her roughest night and she may feel more comfortable having me attend to her."

"Here are the car keys, Dianna. Just pick up whatever you think we will need. Let me talk to her while you are out shopping," he suggested.

"Good idea, It won’t take but a couple of minutes for me to set the daybed up when I return" Dianna replied.

“You are such an Angel of Mercy," Donovan said as Dianna was going out the door.

As Donovan returned to the living room Megan was just finishing Chapter Twelve.

"I love this story," she said.

Donovan explained to Megan that Dianna had gone shopping and about her offer to stay over this first night.

"I might feel a little more comfortable if I need help going to the bathroom or something of that nature if there was another female here to assist me."

“Say no more, Dianna has already thought about those possibilities do you feel up to going out on the patio and having lunch?" he asked.

"I think I can get through the sliding glass doors easy enough" Megan winked.

"Well then my dear, let me help you get seated outside and I will bring the sandwiches and tea out."


Page 16: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

A soft gentle breeze began to blow as they sat down to eat their lunch.

"See that ship out on the horizon?" he said as he handed Megan his binoculars that he kept handy by the door.

"Yes, I wonder where it is headed."

"That ship makes a regular run every other month to San Juan, Puerto Rico," he said.

"How do you know that?" She asked with somewhat of a startled sound in the tone of her voice.

"I keep up with the shipping records for the port of Jacksonville. The newspaper gives the shipping information for the Port of Jacksonville, and that ship has been doing this for three or four months that I know of."

"What is its cargo," she asked?

"This particular trip it has Sea land Trailers loaded with frozen chickens," he said.

"This is so interesting. I have often dreamed about sailing around the world," Megan said as she took another bite of her sandwich.

"That has really been a secret fantasy of mine since I was a young boy. I am almost at the point now of doing it, “he confessed.

"Hey, wait for me to heal first. Remember, I want to be a part of your dream, also." Megan quickly responded.

"Feeling better already, aren’t you?" he laughed.

They no sooner finished their lunch, when they noticed the sky was beginning to get dark. The afternoon thunderstorms that had been predicted earlier that morning were starting to rapidly develop.


Page 17: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I think we finished just in time," Donovan said as the wind started to pick up. He quickly rolled the umbrella down on the patio table and helped Megan back to the sofa.

Dianna had just barely returned ahead of the storm.

"Good timing!" Donovan shouted as Dianna went into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"That was close," she said. It just started raining when I was getting out of the car.

"Do either of you need anything while I am nearby?" Dianna asked.

"Yes dear. Will you please come in here for a moment? I want to ask you something," he said.

"Yes master, what is your command?" Dianna said as she was trying to do her best impression of Barbara Eden from the "I Dream of Jeannie" TV series.

"Seriously we have decided to take you up on your offer to spend the night and help Megan out," he said.

“That is not a problem. As soon as this storm passes, I shall run home and throw a few things in my overnight bag. I will set the daybed up near the patio door, so I can hear you when you call, Megan" Dianna said as though it was no big deal to her.

"You are such a dear to be so readily available like this. I am sure you have other things you would prefer to do than is a nursemaid to me," Megan said with sincerity.

"Well… there’s nothing more important right now that I can think of than your welfare," Dianna said in finalizing that part of the conversation. Dianna returned to the kitchen to finish putting the groceries away.


Page 18: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Just sit beside me for a while if you don’t mind. You told me earlier you often sit here and get inspirations for new novels. I would like to hear more about that and something about your personal life. If you don’t mind sharing with me, I will gladly tell you all about me also," Megan promised.

"Ok young lady, you have a deal" he smiled as he sat down beside her and watched out the window as lightning filled the sky above the Atlantic Ocean.

Almost immediately, the sky had turned so dark that it appeared almost like nighttime. Except for the brief flashes of lightning at times, it was hard to tell where the ocean ended and the sky began on the horizon. The wind began to howl as it picked up in velocity and blew the rain sideways across the patio in front of them.

"Please, get a little closer to me" Megan pleaded.

I have been afraid of thunderstorms every since I was a small girl. I don’t know why, but I never outgrew my fear of them.

"That is not unusual," Donovan said, as he nestled closer to her. He put his arm around her shoulder.

"How’s this? He asked.

"I feel much safer now," she whispered.

Every now and then, the lights would dim as a large flash of lightning would fill the sky and thunder would rattle the picture window in front of them. Megan would only close her eyes and shudder.

"It is ok. We are inside and quite safe. This will all pass us by in just a few minutes," he tried to reassure her.

“I know, she said, and I should be used to them. We have them quite regularly at this time of year, but I still get just as nervous as ever."


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"Decaffeinated or regular?" he said as he was trying to get Megan’s mind off of the weather for a moment.

“I think a cup of regular would serve just fine" she said, as she was beginning to relax just a bit from the nervous tension the storm had put her in.

"Dianna, would you please fix some coffee and join us here for a little while?" Donovan asked.

"Sure thing now, boss," Dianna said with just the hint of a Chinese accent.

Dianna had quite a sense of humor and it was fun just having her around at times. Donovan mentioned earlier how Dianna helped on weekends whenever he entertained guests. Even though she was a maid, she seemed to fit right in. Everyone was always trying to steal her services away from him, but she remained true to Donovan and would thank them politely anyway.

"How long has Dianna worked for you? She has a great personality" Megan commented.

"Dianna has been with me three months now. It seems at times like she has always been around. And yes, she does have a great personality. That is a trait so rarely found in a lot of individuals today, Donovan continued. I feel lucky to have found her."

"She never seems to have a bad day," he whispered as Dianna brought the coffee server out and placed it on the coffee table before them.

"You need to get a cup also, Dianna and have a seat young lady. You will be joining us in this conversation. This will be a kind of what we always wanted to know about each other, but were kind of afraid to ask," he chuckled out loud.


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"Mr. D, I don’t like the sound of that chuckle in your voice. Are you quite sure you wouldn’t rather have me vacuum the carpet or run a few errands for you? Maybe go outside and rake the sand on the beach around the patio," Dianna was quick to reply.

She was trying to find an easy way out of their little game of twenty questions or how many they could get by with asking.

Donovan knew Dianna wasn’t one to spread gossip. He had heard her express concern before over the treatment of some children who lived in her neighborhood, but still she was not one to pry into other people’s business. He was quite sure she would not have hesitated to step in if she had witnessed the mistreatment of any child.

Donovan really didn’t know that much about Megan, but he got the impression she had a tight circle of friends and gaining her trust might prove difficult. He felt he was half way there by the mere presence of her being here now. He really didn’t know who Megan was. He didn’t believe she was hiding any dark secrets of her past that would create any kind of mystery, but if she was going to stay here for a couple of weeks, He’d better ask anyway. Anyway it seemed like a fun idea to get to know everyone a little bit better. Donovan didn’t know that much about Dianna either, but in the three months she had worked for him, he knew he could put his complete trust in her.

Donovan realized neither of the ladies really knew that much about him. If someone shares your life outside of just a general acquaintance, people should expect to know a little bit more. Donovan did not believe that was being nosy or prying. He did not intend to force anyone into saying things that might embarrass either Dianna or Megan. He was too much of a gentleman to ever allow that to happen.



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Chapter Two

Dreams Coming True

"Ok ladies, its show and tell time," Donovan laughed, as there was just the whisper of a light rain falling now and everyone was feeling more comfortable.

Everyone sat on the sofa and watched the last of the storm pass by as they drank their coffee.

"We are going to find out just a little about each other. We will be fair about this. Do not say anything that you are ashamed of. If there is something very private in your life, and you feel uncomfortable talking about it, by all means, then please don’t. One other thing before we get started, if anyone here is an axe murderer or murderess, I would appreciate you letting me know that now." He was only joking, but still you could see the quick glimpses everyone gave each other.

"Where are you from Dianna?" Megan asked as she took a sip of coffee.

"Originally, I am from Buffalo, New York," Dianna began.

After I graduated from high school, I met a traveling salesman. He sold heavy equipment for a major tractor company. He was so glib; he could have sold refrigerators to Eskimos in Point Barrow, Alaska. He promised me the world, and I fell for it. We got married and moved to Tampa, Florida. I saw the neighbors more than I ever saw him after that, she laughed. He would call me and say he had a client he must see who lived in Kansas or some other place conveniently a thousand miles or so away


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from me. It wasn’t until our third year of marriage that I discovered he was also married to three other women at the same time. After that very disappointing failure in marriage I tried to go on with my life the best I could.

"My parents were financially comfortable," Dianna continued. "They came to Florida after they retired. Dad bought a home in Neptune Beach, which is only about four or five miles from here. Dad passed away six years ago; Mother died last year. I was an only child. I moved into their house. I really didn’t need a lot of money to speak of."

"When Mr. D. placed an ad in the paper for a part time maid, well that was just what I was looking for. It was a chance to do a little something each week and kind of break the monotony of a long week, if you know what I mean."

"I really think I do. What about the guy you thought you was married to?" Megan asked in a curious manner.

"The last I heard of him, he was in prison in Mississippi doing a lot of time. It seems his last marriage was to a Circuit Judge's daughter in Biloxi, Mississippi. I think he understands now you need to get a divorce from your previous marriage before you can say I do again." Dianna laughed out loud, as did everyone.

"Ok Donovan, and now let’s hear your story," Dianna said as she pointed to Donovan and said, "your turn."

"I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. I attended the University of Ohio. I worked my way through school by being on the school newspaper and delivered Pizzas at night while attending college. In a round about way, that made me appreciate the education I was receiving as well as earning money. My family didn’t have a lot of do-re-me, but still they encouraged me to finish college and make a name for myself. Dad worked himself to death at the early age of fifty."


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"I made up my mind right then and there; I wasn’t going to end up that way. I knew if I got a good education, I could pretty much choose to do anything I set out to do. I made a few sacrifices along the way, but I managed to make my dreams almost complete."

"Mother took a job as a waitress at a diner in downtown Cincinnati. She was happy doing that because she loved to meet people. She died a couple of years ago, but at least I know she died happy. She suffered a stroke and then a massive heart attack. The doctors said it all stemmed from smoking. She had quit smoking all together six months before she died. The sad part about that was, she waited too late to quit."

"I have one younger sister who is married to a Major in the Air Force. The last time I talked to her, which was last Christmas, they were stationed at Lackland AFB, in San Antonio, Texas. They have two girls and seem to be doing just fine. I keep promising them I will come too visit them, but it really is hard finding the time to just take off for a couple of weeks. I have invited them here several times, and they seem to have the same time frame problem I have."

"I worked as a loan manager at a branch office of a major bank in Oklahoma for ten miserable years. I always knew I could write stories, but never really gave myself a chance to prove it. I began writing my first novel while I was working at the bank. Had it not been for my interest in writing, I am almost certain I would have gone stir crazy sitting behind a desk at the bank day after day. It took a solid year and countless rejections before I found a publisher for my book. Three months after my book was released, it was doing well enough I was able to quit my job at the bank and devote full time to my writing.

I came to Jacksonville Beach about a year ago to write a story about a good friend who had become quite a hero during the Vietnam War. I fell in love with this place and decided to buy a Condo here. I don’t think I have left anything out about me that I know of anyway," Donovan laughed.


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"Oh yes, I was serious when I told Megan earlier I was almost at the point of sailing around the world. You might say I want to write my way around the world," Donovan said as an after thought.

"Great idea for a story I am really serious about joining you and please don’t forget that," Megan cautioned him.

"My thoughts exactly you have heard the worst so go ahead and give us your bio. After my life, yours has got to be much better. There’s really not that much more about me left to tell, except being a writer has afforded me the opportunity to travel around the world in search of good stories. It’s your turn, Megan," Donovan said as he pointed to her.

"I guess I have the most boring story to tell after listening to the two of you, she began. I guess you could call me the poor little rich girl. Like you Dianna, I was an only child. My family was from the uppity, uppity class of greater Boston," Megan laughed. "All of the Country Club and elite party living with all of the social snobs just wasn’t my cup of tea."

"If my family could have had their prim and proper way, I would have married Sir Oliver Lord Newberry the Twelfth or someone with a pedigree like that. I am quite certain you get the picture. I am sure that kind of social life would appeal to a lot of young ladies, but not me. You can take all of those polo ponies and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine, if you get my drift."

"Ten years ago I would have gladly traded places with you, Dianna. I was beginning to think being an Updyke would doom me to a life where I would be miserable. I was so afraid of being trapped in that life style where I could never be truly happy."

"I really understand where you are coming from," Dianna said; in support of Megan’s last statement.


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"Rather than taking the risk of me ruining the good name of the Updykes of Boston, Mother and Father decided it would be much wiser to give me my inheritance now with the stipulation I legally change my last name and leave that part of the country. Well dear people, to make a long story short, I took the money and ran."

Both Dianna and Donovan gave Megan a big round of applause at that last statement.

"I settled for three and one half million dollars and was more than glad to let them have that last name they were so proud of. The last I heard about their miserable lives, they were staying in a Chalet somewhere in Switzerland. I don’t believe I ever heard a sincere laugh from either of my parents. I am totally crazy about my Uncle Bill. He has the same outlook on life I do.

"You were talking about sailing around the world earlier, Donovan. Uncle Bill has done it many times. I don’t think he has had many dull moments in his life. He also is sort of the black sheep of the family. I had planned on joining him aboard his boat when I left Boston. He kind of discouraged me from doing that until I had at least tried it on my own for a while."

"My life is not as glamorous as you might think," he cautioned me. "I want you to be sure you seek this lifestyle, he urged. As exciting as it may appear, it is not always easy living without a permanent home anywhere."

"I know he would have welcomed me anyway if I had come and joined him right then and there, but I trusted his judgments and decided to do as he asked. So that is what I am doing here now."

"It seems you really had it rougher than the both of us," Dianna said.

"I guess it would depend on how you look at it," Megan replied.


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"Well, now that we know a little about each other, I will have all of your calls transferred to this condo tomorrow," Dianna said.

"Hey Mr. D, We cannot end this evening with out eating a piece of your birthday cake," Dianna reminded him.

"You are so right," Megan echoed.

"I will fix a pot of decaf and maybe we can tell a few more war stories," Dianna chuckled.

"Good idea," Megan said, as they sat around making small talk and staring out the window at the bright stars that night which seemed to light up the entire ocean as far as the naked eye could see.

As Donovan reflected on the past experiences of what Megan and Dianna had told him about their lives, he thought how happy his life had really been when he compared it to many people he had known. They finished with their cake and coffee.

Dianna resumed telling Megan her plans for tomorrow.

"I don’t mind picking up your mail and bringing it to you either," Dianna reassured Megan.

"You two have completely restored my faith in mankind," Megan said. "I had just about given up on people doing good for one another just because it was the right thing to do."

“Well, my sweet pretty, chivalry is definitely alive and well within me," Donovan laughed.

Somehow, Donovan sensed what Megan said as being truly sincere, as she looked at him and smiled. They talked a little while longer and Dianna suggested they all try and get some sleep.


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"I’m not sure how comfortable you will be, Megan, but we are here for you," Donovan said as he got up to get ready for bed.

"That goes ditto for me," Dianna said.

"Thank you both very much," Megan sincerely acknowledged.

"See everyone in the morning!" Donovan cried out as he jogged up the stairs to his bedroom. "By the way, Megan, what did you change your last name to?" he asked while he paused half way up the stairs waiting for her answer.

"Are you ready for this? I am now Megan Lauren Brindleson," she laughed.

"Hey girl, I like the name," he said as he finished jogging up the stairs to his bedroom.

As he closed his bedroom door, he thought about Megan. He had not heard her complain the first time about her injury. He was sure she had to suffer some discomfort. He soon realized she was the kind of person that would not put any unnecessary stress on anyone around her. Donovan also knew Megan really was grateful for the hospitality both Dianna and he had extended to her.

You don’t do these things for money. You do these things because, not only is it the right thing to do, but also it makes deep inside. Donovan woke up a couple of times during the night. He guessed somewhere in his subconscious he was worried about Megan. He hoped she was comfortable. He knew that Dianna was close by her. If she needed anything, he was satisfied she wouldn’t be neglected. Not only was Dianna his part time maid, she was also a good friend and a confidant. Donovan valued good friendships the way some folks value silver and gold. When his mind was satisfied all was well, he would drift back off to sleep.


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The night seemed a little longer than usual to Donovan for some reason, and he welcomed the appearance of the dawn. He went to his window to see if the sky was clear. There were plenty of stars out. That meant they were in for another beautiful sunrise.

Donovan went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready to greet the day. He thought he smelled coffee brewing. Must be something wrong with my sense of smell, he said to himself, even though the odor was rather invigorating. He finished shaving and got dressed.

Donovan did not want to disturb Megan or Dianna for that matter this early in the morning. He came down the stairs as quietly as he could.

He always loved to watch the sunrise, especially over the Atlantic Ocean. It is so beautiful. It is almost impossible to describe with words. He went in the kitchen to put the coffee on. Dianna was already up and way ahead of him.

"The coffee is ready," she said quietly.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with my nose," he whispered.

"What do you mean?" Dianna asked in a voice just above a whisper.

"I thought I smelled coffee brewing from upstairs. I believed maybe my nose might be playing tricks on me," he smiled.

"How did she rest last night?" he whispered to Dianna, or at least he thought he whispered.

"I heard her moan a couple of times, but she did not ask for a pain pill."

"Hey you two” a voice from the living room echoed. "You can speak in a normal voice. Remember Donovan, I am an early riser, also."

"How do you feel?" Donovan asked as he brought his cup of coffee with him and sat down on the sofa beside Megan.


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"My leg is a little sore, but other than that, I feel fine."

"Would you like some coffee or juice?" he asked.

"Coffee would be great," she replied.

Donovan stood up and opened the curtains wide so they would not miss the sunrise. Again, Dianna was ahead of them. She brought the coffee server out and placed it on the coffee table in front of them.

"This is such a beautiful view you have here," Megan exclaimed.

"Thank you. This was the main reason I bought this place, for the vista it provided in the mornings looking at the ocean," Donovan said without hesitation.

By now a deep red glow was beginning to form on the distant horizon.

"Guess what, Megan? In just about ten minutes, you will witness one of the most beautiful sunrises you will ever see anywhere. I have witnessed this many times and it always astounds me. I don’t think I will ever tire of viewing this," he said.

"Donovan, you really do care for a lot of the simple pleasures life has to offer, don’t you?" Megan asked.

"I suppose I do. God put it here for a reason and I intend to take full advantage of it."

As they watched the sun begin to rise, Megan made the comment that at just about this same time every morning she would come jogging by hoping to get a glimpse of Donovan.

"I think I might have missed you once or twice in the past two months and it worried me."

"Why was that?" he asked.


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"Well, I didn’t know if you were just a tourist down here on vacation and gone back north or some other place, and I might never see you again, or maybe you had been taken ill. A person can imagine a lot of reasons when they don’t really know for sure. I had grown accustomed to your smile, also," she confessed.

"We may have wasted the last couple of months of our lives not speaking to each other, but that has all changed over one small accident," Donovan said.

"I know, and if I were able to this morning, not only would I be jogging right now, but I would have you jogging right by my side," she laughed.

"I believe you are the one person who could get me to do that," he remarked, as they heard Dianna call from the kitchen.

"What would the two of you like for breakfast?"

"Do you have a preference?" Donovan asked Megan.

"Not really," was her reply.

"Surprise us." Donovan said to Dianna.

"Ok then, here comes your surprise, you are going to get scrambled eggs and bacon with toast and orange juice! Is that surprise enough?" Dianna giggled.

"That sounds just fine," Megan said, almost in unison with Donovan.

"Would you like to eat outside on the patio?" Dianna asked.

Donovan looked at Megan as she nodded in affirmation.

"Alfresco will be just fine," Donovan called back to Dianna.


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"I will go outside and wipe the patio furniture off from any dew that might have formed there during the night," he said as he got up.

"I will go to the bathroom and freshen up and join you in a few minutes," Megan said as Donovan was walking outside.

"There is just something about the salt sea air in the morning that is hard to describe also. To me it is extremely invigorating. Just to stand here on the deck, yawn, stretch, and breathe in all that fresh air. It can do great wonders for just about any mood I may find myself in," Donovan thought to himself.

As he finished wiping off the furniture, Dianna was busy bringing breakfast outside.

"This is such a beautiful morning, Mr. D," she said as she put the orange juice on the table.

"It is very lovely this morning," he remarked.

"I’ll see if Megan needs anything. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me; just singing out," Dianna said.

"Ok, but I think you have just about gotten everything under control for us," he said thanking her as Dianna retreated inside.

Megan came out a few minutes later looking every bit as beautiful as King Neptune’s daughter. As they sat down to enjoy breakfast, they were given a surprise show. The surf was a little higher than normal on this particular morning because of a northeastern breeze that began to blow during the night. Some surfers were already in the water taking advantage of it. They watched as the surfers would grab some of the larger waves and ride them in to shore. The brisk breeze made it possible for a couple of wind surfers to venture out a mile or so and then sail back in.


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"Have you ever surfed?" Megan asked as Donovan continued staring at the surfers.

"I tried it a couple of times, but I never could get the hang of it. I like to jet ski though," he confessed.

"I’m afraid it’s the same story here except I have never been on jet skis. What is on your agenda for today?" she laughed.

"I plan to help you get your communications set up here for one thing," he said.

"The mail won’t be a problem. Dianna or I can pick that up for you every morning. I just need to get the phone company to put in a splitter here so you can receive all of your calls here. You will have your own phone with its own distinct ring."

"I have never heard of that," Megan remarked as a gull landed near by to beg for food.

Donovan crumbled up some toast they had left over and fed it to Gertrude as he had named this particular gull.

"That gull has been hanging around here every since I moved in."

"How can you tell one sea gull from all the rest?" Megan asked rather curiously.

“Well, my dear, see that black ring marking around its left eye?"

"Yes, I do," she replied.

Just about then eight more flew over and began to beg for food.

"Do you see any more with a black circle around their eyes?" he asked.


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"No, I don’t, "You seem to have a knack for drawing attention where ever you are," she replied.

"I don’t mean to. I am glad you are feeling better," he said as they were preparing to go back inside.

"My main objective for today is to finish reading your novel. I am not a writer as I have already told you, but I do plan on keeping a diary on the events of my days in case I should ever get the urge to try."

"I’ll tell you what I can do that might help you once you decide," he said. I have some books upstairs that can help you write creative thoughts. I will bring them down to you. I also have to pick up some stationary today and I will get you a diary to help you get started."

"My goodness," Megan exclaimed, "you are a man of action.” No sooner is the word spoken than you make it become a reality," she sighed.

"Megan, you are going to learn that procrastination is not in my vocabulary."

"Oh I can already see that," she smiled.

They went back inside while Dianna cleaned the patio table of the breakfast dishes. Donovan went upstairs to get cleaned up and tend to the business of the day he had on his agenda. He needed to confirm some speaking engagements he had obligated himself for.

Donovan was supposed to attend a writer’s conference in Oslo, Norway, next month, but he asked his good friend who is also a writer to go in his place. He happily agreed because of relatives he had living there.

"You could not have asked me at a more opportune time," he said. "I am completely free next month and was thinking of planning on going there on vacation anyway.


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Donovan notified the conference committee of his replacement. His credentials showed he was more than capable of filling in for Donovan. He had attended conferences in the past for his friend also. They sort of helped each other out when the need arose.

The next ten days passed by rather quickly. Megan was already walking without the use of crutches. A small limp was the only sign of any injury at all. Donovan rose early on the twelfth day. He came down stairs to fix the coffee and get ready for the sunrise.

As he walked into the living room to say good morning to Megan, he noticed she was gone. She must have walked over to her condo to check on things there, he thought. He decided to take his coffee out on the beach this morning and sit on his chaise lounge as he had done in the past.

The bright red glow of the sky bouncing on the horizon of the green ocean gave a clue to the beauty that would soon fill the Eastern sky. Donovan turned the coffee cup up to take a sip. As he brought it back down again he noticed the shadow of a jogger pass by. He turned his attention on this person who had passed by so close to him. There was certainly plenty of room between the ocean and him for anyone to jog. A good one hundred yards anyway, as the tide was at its lowest, so why were they getting this close to him?

The bright glare of the sun shining on the mirror like ocean temporarily blinded him. He saw the figure returning to where he sat.

Donovan rubbed his eyes as he heard an all so familiar voice say,

"Where can a girl get a sip of coffee on this beach?"

“Megan, you certainly are full of surprises," he said as he handed her his cup. "Are you quite sure you are not rushing things just a bit out jogging like this?"


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Donovan was concerned about her possibly re-injuring her leg.

"I only jogged about fifty yards. I waited for you to come out and sit down. I wanted to surprise you with my healing progress." she confessed.

"Well darling, you have certainly surprised me all right," he said.

"I am going to move back home today. I will continue to be a pest if you don’t mind", she whispered as she handed the coffee cup back to him.

"I will welcome a pest like you anytime. You do realize I am no farther than a phone call away if you need me?" he said as they both got up.

"I know you are, Donovan. I am becoming quite dependent on you," she confessed.

"I can feel the sea starting to call me more and more lately," Donovan said to Megan as they walked back to his condo. "I don’t know why, but I get the strongest urge to just weigh anchor and follow the outgoing tide. It is just a restless spirit inside of me, I keep telling myself, and it will go away soon, but it hasn’t. It actually is getting stronger each day."

"It may be a lot more than that, Donovan. I have been getting restless spells myself here of late. Maybe our spirits are trying to tell us something. If we will just follow our sincere inner feelings, we will be just fine," Megan reassured him as they went into his condo.

"I will have your phone service restored," he said as they walked back through the sliding glass doors. Your service should be back on by this afternoon.

"Please let me fix breakfast for us this morning," Megan pleaded. "You just have a seat and let me handle everything."


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"The kitchen is all yours, my dear. I will be at my desk. I have a few things to do that I have been neglecting. Just let me know when breakfast is served."

"Yes master," she said, trying to imitate Dianna in a small way.

Donovan continued to see Megan three and four times a week after she returned home. They would go out to restaurants or take turns cooking meals at home. They always found time to talk to each other on the phone every day. He would bring an extra cup of coffee with him every morning to the beach as he waited for the sunrise. Megan made sure she timed it just right so she could enjoy the early morning with him. This went on for the next two months. The only time they altered this ritual of theirs was during bad weather conditions. Megan made sure she was at his place during these times. I think Donovan knew after meeting Megan, there could never be anyone else for him but her.

Although Donovan got a lot of flirts from other women, they really didn’t mean anything to him. He would give them a passing smile, but that was it. When the right girl comes along, a man just knows it. Donovan knew Megan was that special girl.

Sometimes when he would get so involved in his writing and forget to call her at a certain time, she would walk over just to make sure he was all right or to see if she had made him mad about something and didn’t know it.

"Donovan Dearing," she would often say, "I guess when we get married some day, and I will have to marry both of you.

"Both of us?" he asked.

"Yes, my dear, you and your writing. But that is ok, darling; I know you love me, too."


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"Well, darling, at least you will allow me to keep both of you, and that is the best of both worlds," he would say as he always gave her a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

Sometimes she would go back home after she made sure he was ok, and other times she would grab some pillows and a blanket and curl up on his couch by the window. He never knew for sure if she was there or not until he would be awakened in the morning by the fresh smell of coffee brewing.

Ok, he would say to himself, Megan is downstairs.

"Meet you on the beach in ten minutes and don’t forget my coffee," she would say.

Sure enough, by the time he got set up on the beach to watch the sunrise, she would come jogging up and they would enjoy coffee and sunrises together.

One morning as Donovan was lost somewhere in thought, and staring out over the ocean, he was interrupted by the sweet sound of Megan’s voice.

"I am going to fix you and your restless spirit breakfast this morning," she smiled.

"Oh yes," he responded. "And just what will my restless spirit and me eat this morning, but keep in mind I am eating for two?" He winked. I think that statement really cracked Megan up.

"You are having pecan waffles with maple syrup, brown link sausages, and whipped butter, hot coffee and orange juice. Have I left anything out, Master?"

"As a matter of fact, you have. I would enjoy your presence at my table this morning, also."


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"Well, just try and keep me away," she laughed.

"I think you may have fixed too many waffles, my dear," Donovan said as he finished his second one.

"I am afraid you are right, Donovan. Looks like I might have gotten carried away, huh?"

"Quite possibly," he grinned.

Donovan heard the door from the garage to the kitchen open. He had completely forgotten it was Dianna’s day to come in.

"You are just in time," he said.

"In time for what" Dianna asked.

"Megan fixed pecan waffles this morning and made too many. Please sit down and join us."

"That’s kind of funny. I overslept this morning and skipped breakfast." Dianna said.

"Well, you see there was a reason for it," Megan remarked as she got up and set the table for Dianna.

"You don’t have to do that," Dianna said.

"No problem, Dianna. It wasn’t that long ago you were catering to me."

"Who’s the maid around here, anyway?" Dianna asked.

"That’s a darn good question," Donovan said as they all laughed at that little remark.

After breakfast, Donovan got dressed. He was going to give a motivational talk at a business meeting in Jacksonville. Megan had never


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been to any of his speaking engagements. He was way ahead of schedule this morning and invited her to come along.

"I should return around three," Donovan said to Dianna.

"Anything that’s special need attending to today while I am here?" Dianna asked. “Not a thing that I can think of," he said.

Donovan called Megan, as he was getting ready to walk out the door.

"Are you ready, my dear?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. I will meet you at the front door," she said, as he hung up the phone.

He picked up Megan and headed for Jacksonville.

After his speaking engagement, he treated Megan to lunch at the Red Lobster. The atmosphere and the service there is very good. As the lady showed them to their table and seated them, Donovan could tell Megan was almost bursting at the seams to tell him something.

"You certainly are a powerful motivator, Mr. Donovan Dearing. I can see now why you are in such big demand."

"Why thank you, sweetheart, for that lovely compliment. All I'm really doing is rekindling the fire that is already burning inside of them."

"Yes that is true, “she said,” but the way you tell it, makes me believe I can accomplish anything I set out to do, and that talk wasn’t even intended for me."

"Oh yes, it was my dear. In a round about way, it was meant for everyone who heard it."

After lunch, they headed back for the beach.


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"You want to come over to my place for a while?" he asked.

“I need to go home and change first. I will walk over in a few minutes."

Donovan kissed her and drove the two short blocks to his place. Megan came over after a while. The weather was overcast and there was a cool breeze blowing.

They decided to go for a stroll along the beach. They took their shoes off and left them on the patio. They were like two school kids as they placed their arms around each other’s shoulders and walked down the beach at the waters edge. Occasionally the waves would wash closer and the water would cover their ankles. They would stop, as the water would rush back out to sea. It felt as if they were moving, as they watched their feet and the sand moving beneath them as the strong current pulled the sand out with it. Those of you who are lucky enough to have been to the ocean know what a feeling that is.

"I love our moments together like this," Megan said as they walked back to his patio. "I think I will go back home and read some more of your last book. Don’t forget to call me around eight, Mr. Donovan Dearing, or I will be over here to find out why?" she said.

"Yes Ma’am," he said as they kissed and he went inside.

Donovan did remember to call at eight and they chatted for about twenty minutes.

"I will see you tomorrow, my love," she said as they exchanged kiss smacks over the phone.

Tomorrow I will ask Megan how serious she is about sailing around the world, Donovan thought to himself. He had this urge for a long time now. He might as well do it and get it over with. His spirit will not rest until he at least tried it.


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The more he thought about the reasons he couldn’t sail around the world, the more he convinced me he could. Donovan was about two chapters from finishing the novel he was writing. He would begin serious preparations and buy a sailboat. He considered himself a fair sailor. The things he didn’t know about sailing he figured he would learn by experience. After all, he had always been told that experience was the best teacher anyway.

He posed a question to himself. Why not make my next novel a true-life adventure? 

He was not one to procrastinate, so he made a mental note now to stop talking about it and put his thoughts into action. He didn’t have that "Yo Ho and a bottle of rum" spirit about sailing, but he did have that thirst for adventure coupled with the love for the sea, and the itchiness to travel. He could only think of the good reasons he should follow his dreams, and would not allow himself to even think any negative thoughts.

I’m not getting any younger, he thought. It may very well be now or never, he also reminded his inner thoughts.

Donovan could actually envision himself getting aboard his sailboat and waving good-bye to his friends as he sailed to far away places. Little did he realize at the time how soon this would actually become a reality. He finally drifted off to sleep with the vision of sailing strongly implanted in his mind.

It was kind of strange as he dreamed he was actually sailing around the world. Donovan could see the image of a lady standing at the bow, as the brisk sea breeze would gently blow her golden hair back and forth. He would shout to her trying to get her attention. He wanted her to turn around where he could see her face. He could not tell whether he knew her or not.


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It seems as though she spent most of his dream with her back to him. When finally she did turn around, he could see it was Megan.

"Didn’t you hear me shouting for you to turn around," he asked?

"I’m sorry dear," she said as she walked toward him.

Donovan could hear a bell ringing somewhere in the distance. Could it be a sea buoy warning him of a reef or possibly a channel marker? It was getting louder and louder. By now, he could barely make out the image of Megan, as the sound of the bell seemed to be chasing her out of his dream.

"Where is that ringing coming from?" he asked her.

"It sounds like a telephone ringing my darling," she whispered as she faded completely out of his dream, and he awoke to the reality of the phone on the nightstand by his bed ringing. He looked at his watch; it was four am.

"Who could be calling me at this hour?" he asked himself.

"Hello," Donovan said, still half asleep.

"Yes?" was his reply.

"It’s me, Megan," she said as she continued sobbing.

"What’s wrong?" he asked, as he was wide-awake by now.

"I just received a phone call from Fishermen’s Hospital in Marathon in the Florida Keys. My Uncle Bill had a heart attack and is in critical condition there. I must leave as soon as possible to be there by his side. I’m really his only true family," she said.


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"Don’t worry, Megan; I will see that you get there in just a few hours. I have a friend who has his own plane. I will get ready and go with you. Let me call him and explain the emergency."

"Thank you, Donovan. I don’t know what I would do without you at times like these."

"There is no need to thank me. I think you know I will always be here for you. Get packed while I make a phone call, and I will be over as soon as I can" Donovan reassured Megan.

He called his friend. It was almost scary what he told Donovan.

"I am already awake. I was going to leave this morning and join some friends in Key West for a fishing trip. I can be ready in less than an hour," he said.

"I will meet you at Craig Field," Donovan told him.

Donovan left a message on Dianna’s phone and explained to her about the emergency and what was happening. He had a spare key to Megan’s condo. He left it there with instructions to watch out for her place until they returned, also.

Donovan threw a few clothes in an over night bag and went to pick up Megan. She was waiting for him at her door. He explained to her what his friend had told him a few minutes earlier.

They arrived at the airport about the same time as Donovan’s friend David. He unlocked the plane. They loaded what little luggage they had onto the plane while David went to file a flight plan. Twenty minutes later they were air born. They were near Cocoa Beach when they saw the sun began to rise.


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"I will stop in Miami and top the fuel tanks off. I remember landing at Marathon a few years earlier and they were out of fuel. I had to wait for them to bring fuel in from Key West," David chuckled.

"Are you all right?" Donovan asked Megan.

"I’ll be better when we get there, and I can see Uncle Bill," she said.

"I hope your uncle will be ok," David said.

David wasn’t just being polite. He meant every word. David was another one of those people who really cared for those around him. After a short stop in Miami to get fuel and grab a quick cup of coffee, they were on their way once more for Marathon.

They landed at the airport and someone from the hospital met them. David had called ahead and requested help for them. They thanked David and headed for the hospital. They entered the hospital and went immediately to the Intensive Care Unit. A doctor met Megan just outside the door and told her she could only see her uncle for five minutes at the most. Donovan went to the waiting room while Megan went inside. After about ten minutes, Megan came to the waiting room door and motioned for Donovan to come to her. He could tell she had been crying.

"Will you go with me to the Chapel?" she asked.

Donovan placed his arm around her shoulder and they walked into the little Chapel. Megan walked up to the altar and knelt down. Donovan heard her say one of the sweetest prayers he had ever heard. She thanked God for the time she spent with her uncle. Donovan didn’t know her uncle had died until he heard the last part of her prayer.

"God I don’t know why you called him home just now, but I know you had a reason."


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Donovan walked up and knelt beside her. She reached over and placed her hand in his.

"We need to talk," she told him.

They walked to the back of the little chapel and sat on a pew. "I was able to talk to Uncle Bill for just a few minutes," she said. He asked to be cremated and his ashes be scattered at sea. He also gave me his sailboat. He tried to tell me something about a small box that was hidden somewhere on the boat. It had something to do with a treasure, but I couldn’t understand him because he was barely able to utter anything at all.

"What do you know about sailing?" she sincerely asked.

"I took lessons and sailed a lot on Lake Erie when I was younger," Donovan told her.

"I have had a few lessons," she said. "It appears we will have to get use to sailing together. Remember telling me a while back you were just about ready to sail around the world?"

"Yes I do, so I guess this has helped me make up my mind. Sweetheart I will help you make the arrangements for cremating your Uncle Bill, and then we will set sail from here to Jacksonville Beach."

"Last night before you called me, I had already made up my mind to talk to you today about purchasing a boat. I intend to take that cruise around the world that we have discussed so often. It looks like Destiny, if we can call it that has made that decision for us," Donovan commented as their dream was suddenly coming to life.

"We will have a little memorial service at sea and fulfill your uncle’s last request."


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Donovan made a few calls and completed all the details. Megan and Donovan spent three days and nights aboard her uncle’s boat or rather her boat now. The mortuary sent his ashes over to the boat. Megan and Donovan set sail for home. A bit rusty at first, but none the less, they were forced into sailing without a real choice.



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Chapter Three

Ahoy Mate, A New Beginning

About forty miles off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida, Megan decided it was as good a place to scatter her uncle’s ashes. She said a few words about her uncle and told Donovan about some of the good times they shared together. She prayed and as she scattered her uncle’s ashes in the East Wind that had begun to pick up, she softly whispered, "Might this wind carry you to all the ports of your dreams."

"Hey, girl," Donovan said in breaking the silence, "you make a pretty fair sailor."

Megan snapped back as though she had been abruptly awakened from a deep sleep. "You’re not half bad yourself," she complimented him.

"If we are going to take a cruise around the world, I have a favor to ask you?" Donovan asked, as he was being a little more serious now.

"Donovan, all you need do is ask," Megan replied as she detected a more serious tone in the inflection of his voice.

"Ok then. I would like to rename this sailboat Megan’s Voyage."

"I like that name," Megan answered rather proudly. "How long do you think it will take before we can actually set sail on our cruise?" she asked.

"I believe we can have all of our unfinished business taken care of in thirty days or less, but remember I am only taking a wild guess," he replied.

By the time they reached the Jacksonville Beach Marina, Megan and Donovan had become pretty fair sailors. They encountered a storm lasting about seven hours with sea swells around eight to nine feet high; wind gusts were well over forty miles per hour. This was just off the coast of


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Stuart, Florida. They had withstood their first real taste of what the sea was capable of offering at any given moment.

"Let’s rent one of the condos out," Donovan suggested.

"That will be just fine with me," Megan added.

"I will rent mine for a year while we are away," he said.

"If we get back before then, we will have mine to stay in," Megan quickly replied.

"That sounds reasonable to me," Donovan chimed back.

The next morning Donovan called his realtor and asked that his home be put on the market for rent for the next year. "It will be available in two weeks," he said.

"I don’t think we will have any problem renting it," the realtor said. "I get calls daily for ocean front rentals."

The next morning after sunrise and the ritual of sharing coffee with Megan on the beach, Donovan began looking for a shipyard nearby where they could haul the Megan’s Voyage and make it in shape for an around-the-world cruise. He located a boat yard in Fernandina, which is about thirty miles north of them up the coast. He talked with the dock master and explained what they intended to do.

He told Donovan he couldn’t have picked a better time to get maintenance done on the boat because it was slow at this time of year, and they could have the work completed within ten to twelve days if there weren’t too many major repairs to be made.

"I can deliver the boat this afternoon," Donovan confirmed.

"Fine then," the dock master answered. "I will see you when you get here."


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Donovan called Megan and told her the good news.

"You can drive up this afternoon and pick me up," he suggested. "I know of a great seafood restaurant there. It is right on the ocean and the food is simply delicious," Donovan reported.

"That sounds great! Not only are we getting the boat ready, but I have a dinner date as well," she laughed.

"Do you need any help sailing the boat up there?" she asked.

"I don’t think so dear. I am going to take the intra coastal waterway all the way. I will have plenty of help docking it once I get there. It is ten am now; why not plan on meeting me there around three p.m.?" Donovan suggested.

He gave Megan the directions to the boatyard and proceeded on to the marina to take the boat for maintenance. Donovan arrived around two pm at the boat yard. By the time he went over the list of things he wanted the yard to pay close attention to, (like making sure the hull was sound before they painted her, to checking the sails to make sure they weren’t weather worn) Megan arrived.

The Dock master said he would call when the boat was ready.

"Well my dear, Are you ready to sample some great seafood?" Donovan said as he slid in the front seat beside Megan.

"Yes I am. I am about starved. I have had a mouth watering appetite for seafood every since I talked to you this morning."

They left the boatyard and headed for downtown Fernandina. This quaint little fishing town is rich in history which shrimpers have called call home for many years. It reminded Donovan of some of the other fishing villages he had visited around the Cape Cod area.


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The streets in the main part of town were paved with red bricks. There is quite a bit of history in this old town. At one time pirates use to sail here. It was something of a haven for them until the turn of the twentieth century. There is a bar here called the Palace Saloon. It has been here since the early twentieth century also. It is world famous for the paintings on the walls behind the counter.

"I have never been here before. I live so close, and yet I didn’t even know this place existed. I see right now, Mr. Donovan Dearing, you are going to have to educate me to the local environment," Megan said with a cute little grin.

They pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Megan and Donovan decided to take a quick stroll along the docks before going inside for dinner. There were charter boats for hire that would take you deep sea fishing or perhaps maybe a pleasure cruise was more to your liking. Everything was right here at your fingertips when it came to whetting your appetite for the sea.

"I love this little town," Megan exclaimed as she was drinking in all of the excitement of her first visit to a small fishing community.

You could smell shrimp beginning to boil as the gentle sea breeze was blowing the aroma in their direction. It was as if an invisible savory magnet were pulling them along without them even realizing it. They strolled from the docks right up to the restaurant. There was a porch that extended three quarters of the way around the restaurant. Chairs were lined about the porch so you could sit and view the many boats that were docked at the city marina or look out over the ocean if that was to your liking.

They went inside and took a seat at one of the many tables. They weren’t there thirty seconds before a waitress with a menu greeted them.


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"Can I bring you something to drink while you look over the menu?" their waitress asked.

"Yes, I’ll have a glass of sweet tea," Donovan responded.

"I’ll have the same," Megan said.

The waitress smiled and said," I’ll be right back."

"What do you recommend?" Megan asked as she was scanning the menu.

"Personally my dear, they have delicious grouper that you can get broiled or fried."

"What are you having?" Megan asked.

"I think I will have the fried grouper with Cole slaw and baked potato with sour cream."

"I’ll have the same," Megan said. The waitress returned with the tea and asked if we ready to order.

"Yes we are, but make this a double.  We are having the same thing."

Megan and Donovan began to plan for their world cruise in earnest.

"Where should our first destination be?" Megan asked with enthusiasm.

"I was thinking about Nassau in the Bahamas," he replied.

"I think I would love to go there," Megan answered.

That should give them ample time to develop their sea legs and get adapted to sailing, as the trip up from Marathon in the Keys really didn’t qualify them. Donovan already knew how to use a compass and charts; that was one obstacle they didn’t have to worry about.


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"I want to fix one section of our boat for you to continue your writing in," Megan said, as she was starting to get a broader picture by now of their trip.

"I am quite sure you will want to write at night, or perhaps while it is my turn at the wheel," Megan said as the waitress was bringing their food to the table.

"Just let me know if you need anything," the waitress said as she walked back towards the kitchen.

"This really is delicious seafood," Megan said as she let the taste of the grouper savor in her mouth for a moment.

"Wow! These hush puppies are so good you could almost make a meal off of them by themselves, I don’t think I could eat any dessert." Megan stated.

"Me either, I am stuffed," Donovan whispered although Megan and he were the only customers in there now.

"They certainly give you enough to eat, don’t they?" Megan replied.

They finished their dinner and headed back home to Jacksonville Beach.

"I am going to take us back via A1A. It is a beautiful scenic drive," Donovan said to Megan.

It was so beautiful looking at the Atlantic Ocean on the left and, at times, the intra coastal waterway on their right. They passed through Amelia Island and the golf course that paralleled A1A at times; it provided such a gorgeous view.

"This is where they play some of the Ladies Professional Tennis matches," Donovan pointed as they passed Amelia Island.


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They caught the ferry at Ft. George Island that took them across the St. Johns River to the sleepy little fishing village of Mayport, Florida. As they were crossing the river, Megan and Donovan decided to get out of their car and stand by the railings on the ferry.

"Look at all the shrimp boats over there," Megan said as she pointed to the docks on the other side. "I never knew this place existed either. There is just so much right here at my fingertips I am suddenly discovering. Donovan, I am so glad you came into my life at this time."

"Just think, sweetheart, we are about to discover this whole wide world together," Donovan said as he gave Megan a soft kiss on her brow.

"I know and I am so excited. I wish we were leaving now."

"Be patient, we will set sail before you know it," he promised.

They spent the next two weeks finalizing their plans and getting their business taken care of. Donovan’s Condo was rented two days earlier. The boatyard was right on schedule with its completion of the work. Donovan brought the boat back to the Jacksonville Beach Marina.

Megan and Donovan woke up quite a bit earlier than they were accustomed to the next morning. It was so exhilarating with all the excitement and hoopla you might expect from just the thrill of undertaking such an adventure. Just before the dawn they took their coffee and walked out on the beach to watch the sunrise.

"Isn’t this a beautiful way to start the mornings?" Megan said as she squeezed Donovan tightly around his waist.

They were already packed. All the supplies were loaded on board. They left nothing to chance. They had planned to set sail from the Jacksonville Beach Marina at eleven am. Everything was going as planned.


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"I don’t think I could eat very much breakfast this morning, I’m much too excited. My stomach has butterflies," she laughed.

"Well then my dear, let’s go make sure everything is safe and secure and finish packing the rest of our things. We can stop at McDonalds or some other fast food restaurant and get a McMuffin and some juice," Donovan said as he was feeling the same anxiety also.

"That sounds just fine to me," Megan excitedly replied as she affirmed his suggestion.

They hurriedly finished getting ready. An adventure of a lifetime for the both of them was at last beginning. They stopped on the way and got a quick breakfast to go.

"I feel so bubbly inside. This all seems like a very good and special dream to me." Megan smiled.

“I feel the same too, but trust me, darling, this is all very real," Donovan assured Megan as they pulled into the parking area of the marina.

As they loaded the last of their personal things on board they were really in for a big surprise they were not expecting. Some of their friends arrived to wish them Bon Voyage. There were the usual fruit baskets and flowers, but most of all and most importantly there were honest and sincere people wishing them the best and true friendship there as well.

One of Donovan’s closest friends David (who is also the one who flew them to Marathon in the Keys when Megan’s uncle died) gave them a real warm send off with a small speech he had written on their friendship and what it meant to everyone there. Donovan was deeply touched and it stirred both Megan and him to tears when David read it aloud.

Megan and Donovan could only stand in silence for a few minutes before they were able to even speak and thank everyone. They were given


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an address book of everyone present and promised to send cards to each of them from the many ports they planned to visit.

"I don’t believe I would trade places with anyone else on earth right now and lose this wonderful feeling I have for life," Donovan said to Megan.

"I know exactly what you are talking about," she answered as their first real adventure at sea was at last starting to begin.

"We wish you bright clear skies and smooth waters with a brisk breeze to your backs," everyone shouted as Donovan and Megan were preparing to leave.

Megan was just about to cast the last line free when Dianna came rushing up to them and gave both of them a kiss and a great big bear hug.

"I will take care of everything here for you," she promised.

"We know you will. We will keep in touch with you," Donovan said as Dianna stood on the dock and waved bye with tears in her eyes.

They cast their lines free and started up the intra coastal waterway that would lead them to the jetties and the mouth of the St. Johns River. Donovan and Megan continued waving good-bye until they turned the bend in the marina and were out of sight.

"She is bringing tears to my eyes watching her," Megan said with a small sniffle.

"She really is going to miss us. We are the only family she has down here," Donovan reminded Megan.

"I know I will miss her, also. She is one friend I can talk to whenever I have a question or maybe some minor problem I can’t find an answer to.


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She always seems to know what to say or at least tell me how she might handle it." Megan confessed.

"Yes, she is quite a remarkable lady. I have tried on several occasions to increase her salary, but she will not hear of it. I really do not believe she needs the money. I have been to her home numerous times, and it is nothing fancy, but very comfortable looking like you know at a glance someone lives there. And it is always neat as a pin I might add," Donovan remarked.

"I know a lot of people who are that same way," Megan said as she continued with her own opinions. "I think they work just to have something to do and not get so bored with their own lives. Many will take jobs as volunteers in hospitals or other similar places just to help other people."

"I believe you are quite right, my dear Megan, although I never really looked at it in quite the same way, As long as she is happy, we can all be happy. People like Dianna always seem to enjoy doing things for other people," Donovan remarked as he closed that subject of their conversation and began to concentrate more on the winding Inland Waterway Canal that would lead them to the St. Johns River and, eventually, the Atlantic Ocean.

"I am so nervous I think I might explode from just the excitement alone now that this new adventure has actually become a reality. I do believe I have gotten drunk off all the excitement this morning has brought us, as I am feeling quite light headed at the moment. I shall always remember this moment and our friends who were here to share it with us." Megan whispered to Donovan. "It’s hard to believe, but we are at last on our way," as she put both arms around him and stood behind him at the helm.

They cleared the mouth of the St. Johns River as it emptied itself into the Atlantic Ocean. Donovan set their course for a southeasterly direction.


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"Did you know that the St. Johns River is one of only three known rivers in the world that actually flow north?" he asked Megan.

"I had heard that before," she said, "but I must confess, I had forgotten that fact."

"We will follow the Gulf Stream south, and then turn more easterly when we get just east of Miami Beach heading for Nassau," he responded.

"Aye, aye captain," Megan said with all of the Jolly Roger ho, ho spirit she could muster up. "What exactly is the Gulf Stream? I have heard of it often?" Megan asked rather curiously.

"I’m glad you asked my dear. It is really a river that runs through the ocean. It runs all the way up the Eastern Coast of the United States. Its warm waters near the surface actually help control the temperature in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe as well. If it were not for the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, it would be almost unbearable to live in parts of Western Europe."

"Well, I just learned something else I didn’t know before," Megan smiled.

They reached the Gulf Stream around two that afternoon. Megan could not believe how quickly the color of the water changed from dark green to an almost sky blue that fast.

"Look at those beautiful fish swimming just beneath our boat. They look like giant gold fish. What are they?" Megan excitedly shouted.

"Those are red snapper and very delicious I might add. They are making me hungry just talking about it. Let’s have lunch," Donovan suggested as a breeze of about ten knots had started to blow and completely filled each sail.


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"I was just thinking about fixing ham and cheese sandwiches with lemonade, would that be ok?" Megan replied.

"That sounds just fine to me, my dearest," Donovan was quick to reply.

After lunch, Donovan kept the yacht sailing in a southeasterly direction. Megan set up a lounge chair on the forward deck and was basking in the warm sun. Donovan could tell she was daydreaming from the constant smile on her face. He would hum softly to himself so as not to disturb the daydreams of the girl he had fallen so madly in love with. They must have sailed for three solid hours without seeing anything in sight but an occasional ship that would pass by on the horizon.

Megan was abruptly awakened back to reality by the squawking of a gull that had landed on the deck. Not the kind of sight you might expect to see this far away from land, but none the less, a sight to behold just the same. Donovan couldn’t help but get tickled at Megan as she stood up, rubbed her eyes and looked all around as if she was trying to see land near by.

"Where are we?" Megan asked rather confusingly.

"We should be just off the coast of Daytona Beach," he said.

"How far off the coast?" she questioned further.

"I would say about twenty miles or so."

"Isn’t that kind of far to see a gull out here? I always pictured them as walking on the beach and begging for food scraps," she said shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yes it is, but every now and then they will venture off shore in search of food. I have taken cruises where gulls would follow our ship from Miami, all the way to Jamaica," he told her.


Page 59: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I have some breadcrumbs below. I think I will feed some to our new friend," she laughed.

"Ok dear, but I must warn you. You may adopt a feathered friend that will accompany us where ever we go, even around the world," Donovan cautioned her.

"That's ok. It will give me someone to talk to when you get tired of me bending your ear," she laughed.

"I don’t think I shall ever tire of you or your sweet voice, so go ahead and bend away."

When Megan got up from her chair, the gull flew off.

"I guess our newfound friend is gone," she said kind of sadly.

"No dear, you only startled it. It needs to get use to you also. Go get the breadcrumbs. I promise you it will return."

Megan went below to the galley and brought back some ends of bread to feed to the gull. Sure enough, Megan no sooner got back on deck before the gull returned. She started tearing the bread in small bite size pieces. She would throw them in the air at first and watch the gull catch them in flight. Then before long she actually had the bird coming up and taking the food out of her hands.

"I have to give our newfound friend a name, have you got any ideas?" Megan asked.

"How does Tag-a-long sound?" Donovan suggested.

"Well, our friend is kind of just tagging along.  So I dub thee Sir Tag-a-long the white gull knight," she laughed back.

They both noticed about the same time how the gull had a large black marking on its left wing. The rest of it was solid white.


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"Well, this one will be easy to spot," Donovan said, as the first day at sea would soon become night. It was beginning to get dark by now.

"We are well out of the shipping lanes. I'll reef sails for tonight, and set a sea anchor. We can dine by moonlight if you please, my fair princess," Donovan dashingly remarked.

"I would love to dine by moonlight with you, my knight in shining armor," Megan replied.

"What would you like for dinner? It is my turn to cook," Donovan asked.

"Oh no you don’t, you have been at the helm all day. I will fix dinner tonight. Tomorrow will be your turn in the galley, and I will take the helm," Megan emphasized.

"Fair enough," he answered.

Megan went below to prepare dinner while Donovan went about setting the sea anchor.

As he made sure everything was secure for the night, he noticed the moon was beginning to come out. It didn’t take long before it was so bright that it actually lit up the deck to where you could almost read a newspaper.

"Dinner is almost ready! You have just enough time to wash up," Megan called out from below.

"Come up on deck just a minute if you have time!" he yelled back.

"Coming right up!" she sang back.

When Megan came on deck, Donovan took her by the hand and pointed to the moon that was full this night.


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"This is our moon tonight, God prepared it just for us and this special occasion, wouldn't you agree?" he asked.

"Oh my Good Lord, it almost takes my breath away," she gasped. "Let’s dine up here tonight," I will start setting our places while you get washed up," she said as she hugged him and gave him a gentle kiss.

Donovan went below to get cleaned up for dinner while Megan set a place on deck for them to dine by moonlight. He finished just in time to help Megan carry up the dinner rolls and red wine that had been chilling in an ice bucket.

"These are the kind of special nights dreams are made of," he told Megan.

"I know, sweetheart, I dreamed of you long before I ever met you," she whispered softly.

"You are making me start to blush. You might as well know it if you don’t by now, but I have dreamed of you, also," he said.

"I have sensed that about you from the beginning," Megan said as she playfully kissed the tip of his nose.

"Let’s don’t ever let the excitement of this moment end," he responded as he gave her a kiss he hoped she would never forget.

"My goodness, we are having dessert before we have even got started eating dinner," she said.

"It doesn’t really matter," he said. "You will always be the main course as far as I am concerned."

Megan had prepared fried pork chops sautéed in asparagus gravy, anyone would have sworn she must have had Angels help her prepare; brown wild rice with tiny whole mushrooms steamed in butter and yellow


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cling peach halves with cottage cheese in the center topped off with cool whip and a cherry on the top.

"How can I top a meal like this tomorrow when it’s my turn to cook?" he asked. "You just might have sandwiches. It would be like leaving one of the most eloquent restaurants in downtown Manhattan and going to one of those fast food drive-through chains that are so abundant in practically every city in America," he laughed.

"It doesn’t matter what you fix darling, I will eat it and never complain," she said.

It was so peaceful on the ocean this night as they dined and talked about their future. For a brief moment anyway, there was no one else on this planet but Megan and Donovan. After dinner, Megan just lay back in his arms and stared up at the array of stars that seemed to twinkle just for them. They must have gazed at the heavens for over an hour without either one of them saying a single word. They would occasionally take a sip of the red wine that had started to become just a little warm by now.

Finally, Donovan broke the silence. "We must return to the real world for now. We need to get some sleep and be ready for another fun day at sea tomorrow" he said.

"You are so right, my darling, although I hate to leave this moment. Promise me you will bring me back to this feeling as often as you can," she pleaded.

"You have my word on it," he said as they went below to get ready for bed.

"What are you doing?" Megan asked as Donovan sat at the galley table and began writing.

"I am keeping a log of our days and nights at sea."


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"What all do you write about?" she continued as she scooted in beside him.

"I try to log the events of each day as accurately as possible. If anything out of the ordinary occurs, I try to log that also, like possibly a dead whale we might spot floating in the ocean. I will make an estimate on the distance we have traveled. Like I am telling you, I never know what may seem so insignificant to me might prove to be extremely valuable to an Oceanographer who is studying this particular area of the ocean we are in. I log any unusual events that might have occurred this day and where we are," he explained.

"I wonder if Uncle Bill had a log book." Megan asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"I’m almost certain he did. It is almost like a Captains’ Bible, but I have looked everywhere I could imagine and couldn’t find one. I will be on the lookout for it as I clean up," Megan said as Donovan finished with the log.

Megan and Donovan awoke around the same time the next morning. He put the coffee on and went topside to look around while the coffee was brewing. The sky on the horizon was beginning to turn from a bright orange to an almost red in the direction of the soon to be rising sun, as they prepared for their first sunrise at sea on their new adventure.

Megan came on deck with two cups of coffee. They sat down together with their eyes fixed on the Eastern sky. It seemed like it took less than ten minutes for the sun to make its grand appearance and welcome a brand new day.

Wow, wow, wow!" was the only thing Megan could say as she stared in awe at Mother Nature’s sneak-preview of what they might expect this morning. "This is just so awesome," she gasped at the breath-taking display.


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"After breakfast I’ll get us ready for another day of sailing," Donovan told Megan who then went below to get them one more cup of coffee.

"You might as well bring some bread back with you!" he shouted.

"What for it won’t take long to get breakfast ready," Megan sang back.

"Oh it’s not for me sweetheart, your new feathered friend has returned."

"You’re kidding me," Megan said as she scurried back on deck to see for herself.

Perched on the rail was Tag-a-long. It seemed to be patiently waiting for Megan to feed it breakfast.

"I wonder where it has been all night?" Megan asked as she tore the bread into small pieces and started feeding the gull.

"It probably stayed on the rail or quite possibly the top of the mast, as it waited for the dawn and breakfast from its new owner," Donovan laughed.

Donovan went below to get breakfast ready while Megan fed her new pet. He scrambled eggs and fixed toast. He fried some Canadian bacon and peeled two oranges.

"Come and get it while it’s hot!" he shouted as he sat the food on the table.

They enjoyed their breakfast and talked about setting up a schedule. This was a voyage of two people. They both knew it would be a lot easier if they had an agenda they could go by.

"I think four hours at the helm is long enough for anyone," he said.


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"You are probably right," Megan responded.

"How does this sound sweetheart? After we finish with breakfast, I will rig for another day of sailing. After lunch you can take the helm. We can sail till around five or so and then drop anchor for the night," he suggested.

"Aye, aye Captain, that sounds just super to me," Megan replied as she jokingly saluted him.

The wind was in their favor this morning and they were clipping along Donovan would estimate to be around twelve knots.

"Look off the starboard side," Megan shouted, as the wind blowing from the northwest seemed to try and blow the words back into her mouth.

About two hundred yards out was a whale. It would go under for a while and then it would surface and blow. Megan got the camcorder and was able to film everything. Even Tag-a-long flew out to get a closer look.

"I really don’t know much about whales so I can’t tell you what species this one was. All I know is it is in warm waters and a great deal of it's back is covered with barnacles. I think we are probably somewhere just east of Cocoa Beach," Donovan explained to Megan.

"Donovan, I brought some of your novels with me. I think I will read on deck for a while this morning. Which book would you suggest I read?" Megan asked as she was going below.

"If you brought "High Tide Forever" that might be fitting, being we are at sea," he grinned

"As a matter of fact I did bring that one," Megan said as she disappeared below deck.


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She returned shortly with the book under arm and two glasses of lemonade.

She handed Donovan a glass and a quick kiss and said, "I will be on the forward deck should you require my services, Captain."

"Aye, aye, my lovely first mate," he chimed back.

I could not have asked for a lovelier day for sailing. A good breeze at my back, a sky so blue it looked as if it had been painted by an artist, and a beautiful lady to share it with me, Donovan thought to himself.

Around eleven-thirty, Megan walked aft to where he was at the helm. "Donovan Dearing, you rascal, what happened to Linda?" she queried.

"Well, my sweetness, you will just have to finish the book to find out, won’t you?" he smiled.

"I suppose you are right, but I am kind of impatient when you bring me to the edge like this. I shall finish this book tomorrow."

"What would you like for lunch?" she asked.

"Sandwiches and tea sound just fine to me," he responded.

"Aye, aye Captain, tea and sandwiches it is."

A picnic at sea can be very exciting, especially if you are sharing it with the one you just absolutely adore. Megan was fun just being around. If I am to sail around the world, then I am quite certain I have the right sailing mate by my side, Donovan thought to himself.

It wasn’t long before Megan sang out, "Lunch is ready!"

Donovan turned the autopilot on and went below to wash up and eat lunch. After lunch, Megan and Donovan returned topside. He turned the autopilot off. He did not like to use it very long because it really put a


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strain on the batteries. This was Megan’s first time at the helm. She was a bit nervous, but Donovan told her she would be a seasoned sailor in no time at all.

"Just keeps the compass heading at one hundred and sixty degrees, and we will remain pretty close to our course," he said as he reassured Megan she was doing just fine.

Donovan went below to look at the charts and get a bearing with the Loran System, which every ocean going boat should be required to have one on board, or some type of device similar to it. It’s not a good idea to leave too many things to chance, especially out here on this vast ocean.

Donovan would occasionally check on Megan to see how she was doing, but for the most part, he left her alone at the helm. You can do a lot of quality thinking while you are alone and staring out across an ocean with not much more than the sky and the horizon to look at. Donovan had already come up with an idea for his next novel from just the little time he had alone at the helm yesterday.

Megan had set a place at the table in the galley for him to write. He had his laptop and plenty of note pads and the like that he would need. She really showed great concern when it came to his needs. He felt the same way about her, also.

"Don’t forget to take the time to log your thoughts and dreams about today in your diary," he would remind her at night.

Megan was very seriously considering writing a book. Donovan told her that at times the best story you could write might involve your own personal life.

"Do not be afraid to put your own personal feelings into words that others can understand," he would remind her.



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Chapter Four

The Enchanting Charm of the Sea


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As Donovan sat down and began to write, he really amazed his own self. As he began writing, the words just seemed to jump out at him. He believed this was the easiest he ever had a story unfold for him. He was completely lost in thought.

By the time, he returned to the real world it was almost five-thirty that afternoon. Donovan hurriedly put his writing away and went topside.

"I am so sorry, sweetheart," he said as he explained about getting lost in his writing world.

"Darling, you don’t have to apologize for that, I have really enjoyed being up here myself. Would you like to know one thing for sure, Mr. Donovan Dearing?" Megan looked at him and seductively smiled.

"Yes, my dear, please tell me."

"Well, come a little closer then"

As Donovan got close to Megan, she put both arms around his neck.

"I have spent the entire afternoon just thinking about you and how much I love you, and if you were below still writing, then I would have spent the whole night thinking of you and all the ways I love you" she said in finalizing that subject.

Donovan could tell Megan meant every word she said.

"Megan, you are so easy to love. I could never get tired of loving you," he said.

They were locked in an embrace just holding each other for what seemed to be at least ten minutes. They could have easily stayed like that all night as the power of love had them both cast in its own magical spell at the moment.


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"Darling, I would rig the boat with a sea anchor for tonight and get below to the galley. It is my turn to fix dinner although I don’t think I can top last night’s meal" Donovan finally said.

"Whatever you fix will be just fine with me," Mr. Dearing.

Tag-a-long had returned and began squawking loudly.

"I believe your friend may be getting a bit hungry," Donovan laughed.

"You know, I believe you may be right" Megan replied, as Donovan was finishing with the anchor.

Megan went below to get Tag-a-long something to eat with Donovan following right on her heels. Megan returned topside with some slices of bread while Donovan went about the task of preparing dinner.

"Don’t worry about the wine for tonight! I have already placed a bottle of white wine in the ice bucket." Megan shouted.

"When did you do that?" he asked.

"About an hour ago," Megan said. You were so wrapped up in your writing you did not even notice my presence. I did not want to disturb your train of thought.

"I must have really been lost somewhere in this world of writing not to notice the most beautiful maiden in my world enter into my presence. I may need glasses," he joked.

Donovan decided to fix Breaded Veal Cutlets for dinner with Brussels sprouts, tender carrots and mashed potatoes.

"I think we better dine below tonight," Megan said as she came down the ladder. "I don’t think Tag-a-long will let us dine in peace. He refuses to leave," she laughed.


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"I understand perfectly my dear," Donovan said, as he was just about finished in the galley.

Megan helped him set the table.

"Hey, Mr. Dearing," Megan, said. You are a pretty good cook in your own rights. This food is very delicious.

"Thank you, my dear. I am glad you approve," he acknowledged.

"Well, I approve of everything about you, my good sir, and don’t you forget it."

They finished dinner and decided to take their glasses of wine topside to watch the stars and moon.

They were in for a special treat neither one shall ever forget. They had gone forward and placed two chaise lounges side by side. As they lay back to watch the sky, the fireworks began. No sooner would they see one shooting star fall, than another would follow.

"Oh my goodness Have you ever witnessed anything like this before?" Megan gasped as she stared in awe.

"No, I haven’t. This is my first time also," Donovan replied as he kept his eyes fixed on the horizon so as not to miss anything.

This showering of stars went on for over an hour. Each one was as breath taking as the one before it. Megan would squeeze his hand with every star that fell.

"If only one of the wishes I made from these falling stars comes true, I will be the happiest girl on planet Earth. You might as well know it, Donovan; you are in every one of those wishes."

He reached over and kissed Megan. This girl had made him the happiest man on the planet. He stood up and pulled the lounge chair out


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of the way. He got down on one knee at Megan’s side and took her by the hand.

"I don’t have a ring with me, and this is my first proposal, and I’m nervous. If I don’t go exactly by the book please forgive me. You are my life now. Megan, will you marry me?"

Megan could only look at him. For a brief moment she was utterly speechless. Her beautiful blue eyes were misty. She placed her arms around his neck.

"Yes, yes, yes and forever yes," was her sincere reply.

"I don’t care for a large wedding, let’s keep it simple," she pleaded

"That is just fine with me," he agreed. "When we arrive in Nassau, I will get you a ring and make arrangements for a simple ceremony. I have a couple of friends of mine who were married there," he said in closing.

They must have talked about the plans for their lives for hours that night. It really didn’t matter, as both of them were too excited to sleep.

"We will be in Nassau by Friday. You my dear, will get to pick the destination for our honeymoon," he said.

"I feel like I have been on one big honeymoon since I met you," Megan said.

"What a romantic thing to say, sweetheart. I feel the same."

“I think we should try and get some sleep," Megan suggested. The dawn will be here before we know it and you know it doesn’t like to wait on us she laughed.

It had started raining just before daybreak.


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"We won’t be able to watch the sunrise this morning. Usually these showers pass rather quickly out here, “Donovan said to Megan as she got up to fix the coffee.

"No problem," Megan said as she returned to give Donovan his good morning kiss.

"I don’t worry about the rain," he said as he gently tapped Megan on the tip of her nose.

"Oh yes, and just why is that Mr. Donovan Dearing, pray tell?"

"Well, my dear, as the old song goes, "You Are My Sunshine".

Megan knew the words to that song and began to sing them with Donovan. This day would once again belong to them alone.

By the time, they finished breakfast, the showers were gone and the sun was chasing all the gray skies away.

"You started at the helm yesterday." Donovan reminded Megan. Today it is my turn to start.

"Aye, aye Captain."

Just as they were finishing with the dishes, they heard Tag-a-long squawking topside.

"Guess who is ready for breakfast?" Donovan said as he winked at Megan.

"I haven’t a clue," she replied as she got the bag of breadcrumbs and followed him topside.

Donovan got the boat ready to sail as Megan fed Tag-a-long.

"I told you how you might have made a friend for life, young lady."


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“Yes, you did, and I am beginning to understand more and more what you meant, she laughed. I have one question to ask you, sweetheart?" Megan asked.

"Go ahead and shoot," he laughed.

"Did last night really happen or was I dreaming?"

"If last night didn’t happen, then we were both dreaming," he winked.

"Just checking," she said as she walked over and gently pinched him.

"Yes, you are quite real, all right," she said as he just smiled and shook his head.

"I don’t think I want to get too far away from you today," she whispered.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"If you are just a dream, I want to make sure I wake up with you," she smiled.

"You can put that thought to rest in that beautiful little head of yours, my darling, because we are both very real," he said as they prepared for another day of sailing with all the romanticism associated with a true to life "Love Boat" as Donovan readied their boat ready once more for another day of sailing.

Donovan hoisted the sails and continued on their Southeasterly course.

"We are making good time," he said to Megan as she was finishing feeding Tag-a-long.

They had their backs to the wind most of the way. There were a few times they had to tack, but for most of this trip so far, the wind had been in their favor. Megan got a deck chair and pulled it up beside Donovan.


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"I think I would like to spend some time with the Captain this morning, if I may."

"Well, you most certainly may," he responded.

"I am so happy, she began. Some girls spend a lifetime looking and hoping for the happiness I’ve found and never find it. Somehow, I knew all along my dreams would come true, although I didn’t know when. When do you think we will reach the Bahamas?" Megan asked.

"Well, my dearest Megan, we will be off the coast of Palm Beach by about thirty miles around eleven this morning. If you would like to make land fall in the Bahamas, we can turn Eastward at ninety-four degrees and sail into West End which is very beautiful, also. When we turn eastward, we will only be about twenty-five miles or so away from land," Donovan told Megan as he stressed how simple it would be.

"Let’s head there first," was Megan’s response.

"Ok dear, we will have a late lunch in West End today."

"That is perfectly ok with me," she said as she got up and went below.

"I think I will make a fresh pot of coffee. Would you care for some?" she sang back.

"You must be reading my mind, I was thinking along those same lines."

"Give me ten minutes Captain and I will be up with the most delicious coffee you have ever tasted."

"Oh yeah," Donovan sang back.

"Yes my darling, I have a special treat I was saving just for this morning," she smiled, as she stuck her head through the hatchway and blew him a kiss.


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In about five minutes, the aroma from the galley began to drift up to the helm. Donovan knew it was a special blend of coffee. The aroma seemed to say I’m the best.

"Where did she find coffee like this where the aroma just seemed to reach out and whet your taste buds?" he thought to himself.

"This is for you," Megan said as she brought the coffee topside.

She handed him a coffee mug with this inscription written on it. "To Donovan Dearing, Captain of My Heart."

It had a sailboat and a big red heart on it.

"You are just full of surprises, aren’t you?" he said as he kissed her and then took a sip of the coffee.

"This is delicious," he took another sip.

"Have you guessed the coffee yet?" Megan asked as Donovan was still savoring the flavor from each sip.

"It is not Columbian, this much I know," he said as he was trying to pin point the region.

"I have tasted this before, but I am not sure where."

Megan refilled his cup to the brim.

"Ah ha!" he said as he remembered where. "I know now where I have tasted this flavor before, my darling. This is Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica."

"You are just too smart, Mr. Donovan Dearing," Megan said as she gave him a hug and settled back in her deck chair just to be near him.


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"We will make our turn more Easterly in about another hour and a half," he said as they watched a cruise ship pass by about a mile a way from them.

"I have an idea," Donovan said as Megan sat beside him with her eyes closed.

"What is that?" Megan softly asked as though she were in her own dream world somewhere in paradise.

"I can purchase a ring in West End, and we can be married in twenty-four hours after we arrive and get our embarkation cards validated if you wish."

Megan really came to life at that last statement.

"Oh my goodness!" she gasped. Talk about a man of action. Now you‘ve gone and done it. As if I wasn’t excited enough, you really go and put the icing on the cake."

"Well, you do like surprises don’t you? He whispered.

"I must get below and pick out a dress, fix my hair; there is just so much I need to do to get ready," Megan was saying as she was really just talking to herself.

Donovan knew her thoughts must have been traveling a thousand miles a second. He called Megan back up topside.

"Listen sweetheart, we will be in the Bahamas where everyone is in a laid back atmosphere. If we are to have an Island Wedding, then I suggest we both wear matching shorts and shirts. You will see when we arrive that they keep everything as simple as they can there."

"Now you are making this wedding simple, and I love you for that," Megan sighed as she hugged him as tight as she could.


Page 78: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I have an idea, darling," he said as she still had her eyes closed.

"What is it?" she said in a voice that sounded so dreamy.

"When we get to West End, we will purchase your wedding ring, and then you can make arrangements to get your hair done tomorrow and make yourself more beautiful, if that were possible. I will meet you afterwards and we can pick out our clothes for the wedding then."

"We will need a preacher and the other things like a chapel that are generally associated with weddings," she laughingly reminded him.

"I have thought about that," he said. I have already called ahead to Customs. They will issue a port of embarkation card when we arrive. It will be dated with a time on it. We will fly to Nassau tomorrow and get our marriage license. We have to be in the Islands twenty-four hours before we can tie the knot. Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything; I will have everything under control.

"I know you will, sweetheart; it is just I am so excited, I want to jump up and down and yell at the top of my lungs. I am the happiest girl in the world."

"Go ahead, sweetheart, and shout as loud as you can. Tag-a-long and I may be the only ones that hear you anyway and we certainly don’t mind."

"Look off the starboard bow!" Donovan yelled to Megan while pointing in that direction at the same time.

Megan got to see four dolphins swimming beside them. They would swim next to the sides and rub their noses against the hull.

"What are they doing that for?" Megan asked rather curiously.

"I have heard they will often do that to the sides of boats just to scratch their noses. I have heard of stories where someone would be drowning


Page 79: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

and a dolphin or porpoise, if you please, would actually take their noses and roll the person into shore."

"That is so fascinating," Megan said as she leaned over the rail to watch them up close.

"Get your camcorder! This will make for some great viewing later on," he suggested.

"Aye, aye Captain," she sang back as she dashed below to get the camera.

Megan returned in a flash and began filming the dolphin swimming alongside of them. Donovan could not help but laugh out loud when Tag-a-long perched on the rail beside Megan and watched everything just like it knew what was happening. They weren’t so sure it didn’t, either.

"You might as well take a little footage of Tag-a-long," Donovan alluded to the fact the bird wanted in the act, also.

"I think you are right, sweetheart," Megan replied as she continued filming.

"Well, it is a part of our family now whether we like it or not," she said.

"Look! That has to be the largest turtle I have ever seen," shouted Megan as she pointed about fifty feet straight ahead.

"Yes dear, it is rather large," Donovan stated. It is probably headed for the Dry Tortugas Islands. It is a place they return to every year and lay their eggs.

"Where are these Islands?" Megan asked.

"They are not too far off the coast of Florida from Key West."


Page 80: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

You can take boat tours over there and there is an old fort that was used to keep rebel prisoners in during the Civil War. The most famous prisoner to be kept there was Doctor Samuel Mudd. He is the doctor who set the broken leg of John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln."Did he die there?" Megan curiously asked.

“No dear, strangely enough, he was set free. It seems that an epidemic of Malaria (or Yellow Fever) broke out in the prison, and he saved a lot of the men there. Had it not been for him, the entire prison population would have died. President Jefferson released him shortly thereafter. The fort is still there as a tourist attraction and you can camp there on the grounds. There are no luxuries whatsoever there, so you must be prepared to really rough it if you plan to camp out."

Donovan did a small bit of calculating and after studying the charts; it was time to turn eastward.

"We should make landfall in a couple of hours or so," he said to Megan.

"Time has certainly slipped away from me this morning since you declared tomorrow to be our wedding day," she laughed. Talk about butterflies in your stomach, I must have a thousand of them in mine right now.

"I have a little surprise for you right now," he said.

Megan looked at Donovan and asked, "What else could you possibly surprise me with?"

"Would you be so kind as to take the helm a minute and I will go below and get it?"

"Aye, aye my sweet Captain, I shall hold this course and not waver one degree off course," she laughed.


Page 81: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

Earlier Donovan had put a bottle of Pink Champagne in the ice bucket. He had planned on toasting their happiness later that night, but somehow it seemed more appropriate to do it now. He came topside with the Champagne and two glasses. He set the autopilot and walked with Megan to the bow. As he filled the glasses, he proposed a toast to the most beautiful girl he had ever met.

"I never thought I could ever feel for anyone what I’m feeling for you right now".

Donovan said as he looked into Megan’s big blue eyes, they had already gotten misty.

"Donovan," she said, the tears you see in my eyes right now are tears of joy. You are my only world right now, today, tomorrow and forever. They locked their wrists in the symbolic chain of love and sipped their champagne between kisses.

"We are getting closer to West End," Donovan said as they saw several yachts pass them.

"How much farther?" Megan asked as a small seaplane flew by overhead and dipped its wings welcoming them and saying hello.

"We are less than an hour," he said. It is twelve pm now. We should be having lunch at a nice restaurant by two-thirty.

 "Donovan, I don’t care if we skip lunch. I am much too excited to eat anytime soon."

"I don’t want you getting sick on me," he caringly remarked.

"I will not do that. We will eat as soon as these butterflies in my stomach quit fluttering so much" she promised.


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They sailed into the marina and met with customs at the Port of Entry. Customs treated them very nice. There was no hassle whatsoever. All of their papers were in order. The boats registration was the main thing they were concerned with. It seems a lot of yachts are stolen each year and brought over here to be sold. They gave them their port of embarkation card and explained the procedures for obtaining a marriage license. They even told them where the best place to purchase a wedding ring, and also the best place for Megan to get her hair fixed.

"Tomorrow evening, Miss Brindleson, you and I will become as one" Donovan smiled.

"I still feel as if this is all a dream," Megan sighed as she closed her eyes momentarily.

There was a nice restaurant not far from the marina. They had dinner and returned to their boat for the night.

"Would you look at that?" Megan said as she pointed to the helm.

Perched on top of the wheel was Tag-a-long. It saw Megan and began squawking rather loudly.

"You are late feeding your friend," he laughed.

It was almost unreal at how fast that bird got so attached to Megan.

"Keep your feathers on," Megan said as she went below to get Tag-a-long something to eat.

Donovan remained topside and waited for Megan to return.

"I think tomorrow I will go buy some cut bait and you can feed that to Tag-a-long, also," Donovan said.

"I was thinking the same thing. I believe their main diet is fish any way," Megan remarked.


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"I believe Tag-a-long’s main diet is anything it can get at the moment," Donovan laughed.

They set up forward on the boat and relaxed in their chaise lounges. They talked about their plans for tomorrow while they listened to a Calypso band playing somewhere in the distance.

"Listen to that beat? That sure sets the tempo for the mood I’m in tonight," Megan remarked.

"I feel the same way also, darling," Donovan replied as he found himself swaying back and forth to the music with each Calypso beat.

They stayed on deck until the music died down.

"Good night Tag-a-long," Megan said as the bird watched them retreat below deck.

They were up early again the next morning.

"Today is the big day, my darling," Donovan said as he kissed Megan good morning. After breakfast we will go buy a ring.

"Check," Megan said as she went through a mental checklist.

"Then we will buy matching outfits."

"Check again," she smiled.

"Your appointment with the hairdresser is not until three pm."

"Everything checks out as planned, Captain," Megan smiled as she placed her arms around his neck.

"You better not let the Captain’s wife see you do this," he laughed.


Page 84: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Well then, Mr. Donovan Dearing, I will just have to become the Captain’s wife so I don’t have to worry about it."

After a light breakfast of toast and orange juice, they got ready to tend to their business on this very special day. Their first stop was a jewelry store the customs people had recommended. Megan picked out a gorgeous ring and it fit perfect. It did not need resizing. Donovan purchased it for just a little more than half the price it would have cost him back in the States. Megan then picked a gold band for him.

"I just want you to know every time you look at this band, you belong to me," she whispered.

"I would have to be completely out of my mind not to know that," he said as he took his Master Card out of his wallet and handed it to the clerk.

Our next stop was to buy matching shorts and shirts.

"I’ve never worn matching clothes before," Megan said.

"That is ok, darling. Everyone will know we belong together," he said.

"Oh Mr. Donovan, I guarantee they will know we belong together because I won’t let you out of my sight."

They secured their boat and chartered a small plane for the short trip by air to Nassau. They presented their cards to the proper authorities and obtained their marriage license.

They returned to the yacht. Megan was nervously pacing about the deck. Donovan supposed she was wishing the trip to the hair salon were over. The only thing left after that would be the actual wedding ceremony itself. The hair salon was just down the street from the marina about a half block.


Page 85: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I still have an hour before my appointment," Megan told him.

"Why not stroll on down there and see if there is a chance they can take you earlier?" he suggested, trying to ease her tension a little.

"I might as well go see," she whispered. I am much too nervous to stand around here for another hour.

Donovan just laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"This will probably hit me at six this evening. You will probably have to try and calm me down." Donovan laughingly said.

He waited for about an hour before Megan returned. He could not believe his eyes. If he thought she was beautiful before, she had to be twice beautiful right now.

"You are so lovely," he said as he kissed her and then told of their wedding arrangements for this evening.

"You are very proficient yourself when you have to be" Megan whispered.

"Well darling, I sure don’t want to be the one to blame for anything going wrong with this day that seems like it had been planned in Heaven itself," he whispered.

"It may very well have been planned in Heaven," he stated. I am standing right beside the most beautiful angel I have ever seen.

"Quit making me blush, mister. I am trying to keep it all together as best I can," Megan smiled.

They just sort of strolled around looking at some of the attractions that were in walking distance of the marina. After about an hour Donovan suggested they go back to the boat and rest a little.


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"That is a good idea," Megan chorused back. I am beginning to get a little tired and we could both use the rest.

They had just finished getting ready when they heard a horn honking outside.

"Our chariot is here," Donovan called out to Megan, as he motioned to the driver to let him know they were on their way.

The chapel where they were getting married was simply beautiful. It was filled with some of the most gorgeous flowers the Bahamas has to offer. Beautiful pink Hibiscus lined both sides of the walkway leading up to the chapel. The sweet smell of Gardenias was everywhere. Some of the most beautiful roses you will ever see anywhere were trellised on both sides of the little Gazebo in the Courtyard. Megan just stood there in awe for a couple of moments, while her beautiful blue eyes drank in the view Mother Nature boastfully showed off for this very special occasion.

"Oh my goodness," she gasped. I wonder just how much beauty is in this world.

"I’m not sure, darling, but you and I are going to seek and find as much of it as we can" Donovan promised.

They met the preacher, and he could sense their nervousness.

"Everything is going to be just fine," he assured Megan and Donovan.

"I think I am fixing to faint," Donovan said to Megan.

"Donovan Dearing, don’t you dare do that to me," she said in near panic.

"Hold it, sweetheart, I am only kidding," he said.

"You better be, you rascal, you," she said, as she pinched him in a scolding way for scaring her like that.


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"Now is your last chance to back out," Donovan said as they were taking their places in front of the preacher.

"I’m not going anywhere right now and neither are you," she said with definite authority in the sound of her voice.

"That settles it then, we will just go ahead and get married as planned," he winked.

"Can I kiss you?" he said softly as he was teasing her.

"No, you can’t," she stated very firmly. Not until the preacher says you may.

She didn't even look his way when she said it. Donovan knew she had just about enough teasing for this wedding and he better quit while he was ahead.

He took her by the hand and whispered to her, "I am very proud of you."

"I am proud of you, too," she whispered back.




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Chapter Five

A Wedding in Paradise

 Now was the time they would both get more serious than they had ever been in their lives before. As they stood before the preacher and some of the local people who had gathered around to watch while they said their vows to one another, Donovan appeared to be the happiest man on the face of the Earth. As he placed the ring on Megan’s hand and repeated the vows after the preacher, he could feel the chemistry flow between Megan and him like he never felt it before.

Next, it was Megan’s turn. She repeated the vows. Her beautiful blue eyes never quit staring into Donovan’s during the entire ceremony.

The next thing Donovan remembered was the preacher saying,

"You may kiss the bride."

"Go ahead, the preacher said it was all right," Megan said as she began to get just a little bit tickled.

Now it was Megan’s turn to tease Donovan a little. He kissed her and they walked outside just leisurely strolling around the beautiful gardens surrounding the chapel.


Page 89: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I feel like I am walking in the Garden of Eden," Megan remarked as she stood there gazing into Donovan’s eyes.

"What do you see when you look in my eyes?" he asked.

"Oh, sweet Donovan, I see forever, I see love unending, but most of all, I see happiness beyond measure."

They sat down in the gazebo and just sat there for a few minutes. Donovan was silently thanking God for giving this beautiful creation of His to him.

"I will be back in a few minutes, darling," I have some unfinished business with the preacher Donovan smiled.

He left her there with her thoughts while he went inside to pay for everything. The folks at the chapel had taped the ceremony for them. At least they would have something to show to their friends when they did return home.

"Where would you like to go next? This night belongs to you, sweetheart."

"Darling if you don’t mind, I would like to return to our boat."

"If that pleases my lady, then our boat it is," he replied.

Their taxi driver who patiently waited for them during the wedding ceremony took them back to the marina. There were the usual friendly people docked along side of them wishing them a long and happy marriage when they arrived back at the marina. They were polite though and after a toast to the happy couple, left Megan and Donovan alone after they congratulated them. It was beginning to get dark by the time they got back on board.


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Oh yes, Donovan carried Megan across the threshold of their boat. Please, let me tell this story my way. I will try not to leave anything out. Actually, Donovan carried Megan to the hatchway and placed her feet on the ladder. He followed Megan below.

"Well, how do you feel about your new name Mrs. Donovan Dearing?" he asked.

"I like the sound of that. Let’s get changed back into our regular clothes, and go topside to listen to music, sip champagne and watch the moon and stars just like the other night when you proposed to me," she suggested.

"That sounds so romantic. Hey Mrs. Dearing," Donovan continued.

"Yes sir, what is it?"

"I may even propose to you all over again."

"Well," she laughed, "if you do, I may even accept your proposal all over again."

She no sooner finished that sentence than they heard squawking topside that had become all too familiar.

"Doesn’t that silly bird know it’s our wedding night?" Donovan asked.

"I don’t think that silly bird even cares. I will feed it and maybe it will let us enjoy the rest of this night together," she answered.

They changed back into their more comfortable sailing clothes. Megan went topside to feed Tag-a-long, and Donovan came right behind her with the champagne and glasses. Unbelievably, the bird ate from Megan’s hand and after it was full, flew up to the top of the mast and remained quiet the rest of the night.


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"You have really got that bird trained," Donovan said as he handed Megan a glass of champagne.

She snuggled up beside him on the chaise lounge and they talked of their life ahead while listening to the music of the Islands.

"Do you know what this means?" Megan said as she held her ring finger up for Donovan to see. "This means I belong to you and you belong to me."

She sighed, a kind of tired sigh as she placed her arms loosely around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Do you want to have some fun tomorrow?" Donovan asked.

"Doing what?" she lazily replied.

"I was just thinking how utterly shocked Dianna would be if we called her tomorrow and you said, this is Mrs. Donovan Dearing speaking."

"Oh my goodness, yes," Megan said as she giggled out loud and sat straight up in the chaise lounge. I have been waiting to say that name in earnest every since we got married today.

"Tomorrow after breakfast we will make the call," Donovan promised.

"Mrs. Donovan Dearing," Megan repeated. Hey mister, I like that sound.

"Well, use it all you like, my princess, because it belongs to you and you alone."

By the way darling, this ring on my finger means I am spoken for, also," Donovan said as he refilled their glasses.

"I wish this night would never end," Megan sighed as she looked up in the sky toward heaven.


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"The night might end, my sweetheart, but this feeling we have for each other doesn’t have to," Donovan assured her.

They stayed on deck long after the Islander’s had settled down for the night.

"Are you ready to go below?" he whispered to Megan.

"Yes, I suppose so. I just don’t want to see this night end. Everything has just been so perfect today. I am so afraid this is all one beautiful dream."

Donovan reached over and gently kissed her.

"Can you feel kisses in your dreams?" he asked.

"I’m not sure, but I don’t think so," she replied

"Well, there you have it, my sweet Megan, right now is very real and so are we. Let’s go below to our own heaven on Earth," he said as he took her by the hand and led the way.

Donovan was awakened early the next morning by the smell of coffee brewing.

"I didn’t hear you get up," he remarked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Well, Mr. Donovan Dearing, top of the morning to you. I have been up for about ten minutes," she said.

Megan poured two cups of coffee, and came and sat beside Donovan on the bed.

"I wish you the very top of the morning, also, Mrs. Donovan Dearing. How do me rate coffee in bed?" he joked.


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"I didn’t tell you?" she said as she looked at him and winked. All the men I love get their coffee in bed.

"Do you want to fix breakfast here this morning, or would you prefer to go out and eat? This is still your honeymoon," Donovan assured her as he gave her a kiss.

"Why don’t you let Mrs. Dearing fix breakfast on board this morning," she said.

"I should be waiting on you," he said.

"Well, don’t you want to please me?" she asked.

"You know I do," he whispered back.

"Well then, it would please me to wait on you this morning."

"You make it so easy for me to love you," Donovan said, as he went topside to look things over.

Tag-a-long was still perched on top of the mast. He was waiting on Megan.

Megan came up on deck with two more cups of coffee and Tag-a-long’s breakfast. When the bird saw Megan, it left its perch and flew right down to her.

"Good morning, Tag-a-long," Megan said as she fed it breadcrumbs.

"We are going to change your diet just a little today," Megan told the bird as she walked over and sat beside Donovan.

"Whose diet?" Donovan replied with a surprised look on his face.

"Not yours, silly," she laughed. Tag-a-long is going to get some fish for lunch.


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"Oh, Donovan said," feeling somewhat relieved.

"You, Mr. Donovan, are perfect just the way you are. I don’t want to change anything about you."

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Donovan; I feel the same way about you, also." After breakfast they would call Dianna.

"Megan, I wish I could be there to see the expression on her face when we break the news to her," Donovan laughed.

"I can only imagine," Megan said. Dianna and I were talking one day while you were out tending to business.

"Oh yes!" Donovan said with raised eyebrows.

"Uh huh," she continued.

"Dianna said it would take a very special lady to catch you."

"Well, you are special indeed, lovely lady of my heart," he said as he gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose.

They ate breakfast and went to use the phone. Donovan called Dianna at her place.

"I was just fixing to walk out the door," Dianna said. Another minute and you would have missed me. I was going to check on Megan’s mail and make sure everything was all right there.

"I have someone here who wants to talk with you," Donovan said. He handed the phone to Megan.

"Hello," Megan said.

"Hello," Dianna’s answered from the other end.


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"Do you know who this is?" Megan said.

"I think you are Megan," Dianna replied.

"Well, you are partly right."

"Partly?" Dianna gasped.

"Yes, partly. You are now speaking to Mrs. Donovan Dearing," Megan cooed.

There was dead silence on the other end of the phone for about ten seconds.

"Oh my good Lord," Dianna finally gasped. "I am shocked beyond words. I don’t know what to say. Oh, goodness I can’t believe it. Congratulations," Dianna finally gasped as she regained her composure. "I am so happy for the both of you. Where are you?"

"We are in West End in the Bahamas; it is so beautiful here."

"You must tell me everything," Dianna continued, and don’t leave out anything.

Megan told Dianna every little detail from my proposal to the final I do’s.

"I said it would take someone special to land him, and you certainly are special Megan. I wish both of you the very best. Did you get a tape of the ceremony?"

"Yes, we did, we are not sure when we will be returning, but we will throw a special party for you and the rest of our friends when we do," Megan assured her.

"I have got everything under control here," Dianna said. "You two newly weds have a great time and please keep in touch."


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"We will," Megan promised as she hung up the phone.

"Dianna could hardly keep from losing her breath as she talked to me," Megan laughed.

Talk about someone totally shocked and surprised, Dianna didn’t have a clue anything like this could happen.

"I would still feel like lying around the boat today if you don’t mind, darling," Megan said.

"Well, this is your honeymoon and that suits me just fine," Donovan was quick to let her know.

They leisurely strolled back to their boat.

"I am going to really give this boat a good inspection," Donovan said as they came back on board. "I have not had a chance to really look her over. That way if I see something we need, I can get it before we set sail again."

"That is a great idea. I would help you darling, but I wouldn’t have a clue as to what I was looking for," Megan said.

"That’s ok. I am mainly piddling around. I want to make sure we have an extra anchor and plenty of spare line. We never know when we might need it," he winked.

"You are so right about that," Megan said as she was sorting through some clothes she had brought out. "I wouldn’t have any idea what we did or didn’t need," she commented as Donovan was going up the ladder.

"I will do a little straightening out down here while you do your thing, at least I know what I’m doing down here," she winked.

Donovan went about preparing for their voyage wherever it would take them. He knew he had the most beautiful first mate any captain could ask for right by his side. Also had that little feeling inside him that let him


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know Megan would stand beside him no matter what. That was such a comforting feeling knowing they would be there for each other.

Donovan headed for the forward storage locker. He had planned to work his way from forward to aft one area at a time. As he went into the storage locker, there were the usual coils of spare line. Some canvas sail patching and different size shackles.

Hidden up against the bow stem was a small box about the size of a breadbox. It was barely visible as it had a piece of tarp lying on top of it. He barely got a glimpse of it as he started back on deck. He went back and got it and brought it back topside so he could have a closer look. When he opened it up, he found some letters tied with cord, a Bible and some maps. He closed the box back up and took it to Megan.

"I found this in the forward locker," he said as he placed the box on the galley table. "What is it?" Megan asked.

"I’m not sure, but I think it is some of your Uncle Bill’s personal papers and things," he replied as he stood there looking at it.

Megan walked over and stared at the box.

"I just got a cold chill run down my spine, this is so strange. Do you believe in ghosts?" she asked, as her face took on a pale white glow.

"I must confess, I haven’t had much experience in dealing with them," Donovan responded.

"Me either, but something strange is taking place right now. I can’t explain it. I don’t want to open this box just now," Megan said in a most confused sounding tone of voice.

She had a look on her face as if she really had just seen a ghost.


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"Let’s go for a walk," she said. "I suddenly feel the need to just get out of here for a little while."

"This will be a good time to go to the market and get some fresh fish for Tag-a-long’s new diet," Donovan suggested.

"I think you are probably right," Megan said as they walked to the fish market.

They bought some yellow tail and mullet Donovan could cut up for Tag-a-long’s diet.

"Look at that beautiful Red Snapper," Donovan said to Megan.

"It was just caught this morning," the man behind the counter was quick to tell them.

"How much does it weigh?" Donovan asked.

"With or without his thumb?" Megan whispered in Donovan’s ear.

"Either way," he winked.

"It weighs four pounds exactly," the man said.

"How does baked Red Snapper sound for lunch?" Donovan looked at Megan and asked.

"If you will let me help, it sounds just fine to me Megan winked."

"I’ll take it," Donovan told the man as he wrapped the fish in newspaper and a little ice.

"I want to learn to cook fish and other kinds of food I never took the time to learn," Megan explained. "You seem to know your way around when it comes to seafood anyway."


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"Ok, my love. I will be most honored to have you as my assistant today. Together we shall create a masterpiece that is sure to please the appetite of the most sophisticated Epicurean."

"Wow! Can we do that without getting thrown in jail?" Megan laughed.

They headed back towards their boat with all the trimmings it would take to fix a great meal.

They passed a park bench facing the ocean side. Megan suggested they sit for a while.

"Do you believe this?" Donovan asked as Tag-a-long flew up to them and landed on the grass in front of them.

"Shoo, you little feathered pest," Megan said, as the bird really didn’t pay any attention to her scare tactics.

"You look kind of puzzled," Donovan said as he put his arm around Megan’s shoulder. "Something is bothering you; do you want to talk about it?"

"I guess it was just finding that box after Uncle Bill’s death. I wasn’t prepared for that. I thought we had thoroughly cleaned our yacht before we set sail from Jacksonville."

"I did, too, sweetheart, but I missed that one. I was sure I looked in there before we left the marina at Jacksonville Beach. Maybe someone came behind me and put it there later," he laughed.

"You asked me earlier if I believed in ghosts. I’m not sure about that, but there may be a reason we found that box now. I almost missed it again this time," Donovan confessed.

"That theory may not be too far from the truth," Megan said.


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"If it was meant for us to find, there is no way we could have avoided it anyway," Donovan chimed back.

"You are right, Donovan. I will go through Uncle Bill’s papers and whatever else is in that box after we eat."

"Ok darling, just remember I’m right here beside you."

"I know you are, sweetheart," she said as they got up and walked back to their boat.

Tag-a-long left just ahead of them and was perched on the wheel as they came aboard. Megan and Donovan both laughed at the way it looked as if it was guarding the boat for them.

"You haven’t been guarding this boat that long, my faking feathered friend," Megan laughed. "You just left us."

When Megan came aboard, the bird let out a few loud squawks as if to say hello.

"It is not lunchtime," Megan said to Tag-a-long as she and Donovan retreated below deck.

"That bird is a lot smarter than we think," Donovan said.

"I am beginning to see that," Megan remarked.

Donovan stowed the box away for the time being.

"We will get around to going through its contents at your convenience," he told Megan.

"Thank you, Donovan. I just don’t want to deal with it right now."

"That is all right," he said as he prepared the Red Snapper for baking.


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"What you just did looked simple enough," Megan smiled as Donovan scaled both sides and thoroughly washed the fish.

"Yes, it was. Where most people make mistakes with seafood is they tend to over-cook it. The Red Snapper is a delicious fish if it is cooked right."

"Well, my dear Captain, I am the pupil here, so teach me the right way," Megan jokingly said as she kissed him on his brow.

"While the oven is preheating, I will make a seasoning to spread on the fish while it is baking. You, my sweet Megan, can grate the cabbage for cold slaw," he instructed.

"Aye, aye, captain."

While Megan grated the cabbage, Donovan went about chopping an onion up very fine to blend into the seasoning. He showed Megan everything he was doing while he was fixing the seasoning and the reason for each ingredient.

They finished about the same time. He fixed the hush puppies while Megan (being from Boston originally) fixed the baked beans.

"Watch now," Donovan said to Megan as he spread a thin layer of the seasoning onto the pan. Next, he laid the fish on top of that. He opened the inside and was not stingy with the seasoning as he really packed it in. He wanted that flavor to cook completely through. The rest that he had left, he spread evenly over the outside of the fish. He placed the fish in the oven on the middle rack. He preheated the oven to three hundred and twenty-five degrees.

"Ok, Mrs. Donovan, in fifteen minutes you will enjoy some of the best fish you ever put in your mouth," he said.

"Yum, yum," was her savory reply.


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They went topside to just look around and kill a little time while the fish was baking. You could smell the aroma of the fish cooking. A lady in a yacht that was docked next to them commented on how good something smelled over here. Megan explained to the lady that they were having baked Red Snapper.

"I want that recipe before you leave," she pleaded. Megan looked at Donovan for permission.

"Why not?" he said.

"I will write it down and give it to you before we sail," Megan promised.

"Aren’t you the newly weds?" the lady asked.

"Yes, we are," Megan proudly replied.

"Well, congratulations to the both of you, and I wish you a life filled with love. George and I have been married for forty years, and we are still very much in love with each other," the lady proudly boasted.

"Thank you, and congratulations on forty years of a happy marriage. We need to meet back here on your eightieth wedding anniversary, and we will celebrate our happiness together," Megan joyfully told her.

"That would indeed be a pleasure," the lady said.

"By the time we get below and set the table, lunch will be ready," Donovan, said as he excused himself and Megan from the lady’s company.

"Aye, aye, sir" Megan saluted.

"Imagine that," Megan said. "They have been married for forty years and still have that love light burning for each other."

"We will say that about our fiftieth anniversary," Donovan said as he gave Megan a great big hug.


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"We will say that about all of our anniversaries, or I will find out why," she winked.

"Yes maam, let’s eat," he said as Megan placed the baked beans on the table.

Their lunch had turned out just perfect. The fish had a taste that was simply out of this world.

"I can see right now, Mr. Donovan Dearing, we won’t be dining out as often with you cooking like this."

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Dearing, for that lovely compliment," he answered as they were finishing lunch.

"Why don’t you go topside, and I will bring our coffee up and join you?" Megan suggested.

"Great idea," Donovan said as he started up the ladder.

It was around eighty degrees with a gentle breeze of about six knots blowing across the deck. It was just right for them. Donovan sat back in his chaise lounge and watched as two jet skis went past.

"They are becoming quite popular everywhere," Megan said, as she appeared on deck with the coffee.

"Yes, they are," he agreed. "They are a lot of fun if you practice good safety with them."

"I have an idea if you’re interested," he said.

"And what might that be?" Megan replied with curiosity in the tone of her voice.

"Let’s rent two jet skis later this afternoon, and do a little sight seeing."


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"I have a better idea," Megan was quick to say. "We will rent one, and I will ride behind you."

"Ok then, you have a date, Mrs. Dearing."

"Have you decided where you would like to visit?" he asked as he was merely making small conversation.

"I’m not really sure; perhaps we can make this a joint decision being we belong to each other now," she smiled.

"I knew we belonged to each other the first time my eyes met yours," he quipped back.

"Kind of sure of yourself, were you, Mr. Donovan Dearing?" she laughed.

"Sure enough to say ‘I Do’ forever," he reminded her.

"I must get below and get the galley cleaned," Megan remarked.

"Hold on just a minute, I helped make that mess, I’ll help clean it up."

"Well, thank you, kind sir," she said as they went below.

After they cleaned the galley, they took a short nap.

It seems no one gets in a big hurry in this part of the world. Donovan really loved this laid back atmosphere. He mentioned to Megan they could check on buying a Condo down here.

"It would be a neat get a way," she agreed, "and not too far away. It would make for a nice sailing cruise from Jacksonville to here," she added.

"Well, my dear, let’s go jet skiing," he said.

"Well, I’m as game as I’ll ever be," she smiled back.


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They left the boat and walked a short distance to where jet skis were rented. After a brief instruction on the do’s and don’ts, they were off to sight see some of the attractions.

"Everything is just so beautiful here," Megan would say in astonishment.

They returned in a couple of hours to get ready for the night. They got back to the boat around five pm. You have probably already guessed by now that Tag-a-long was waiting on Megan’s return. By now some of the other boaters at the marina had begun to notice the behavior of the bird whenever Megan came on board.

"How long has that bird been doing that?" someone asked.

"From the first day we sat sail," Donovan said as he told the story of how they had first encountered the bird twenty miles off the coast of Daytona Beach, Florida. It took up with Megan right away and has not left since.

"That is certainly amazing," the lady in the yacht next to them remarked.

Megan went below to get some of the fish Donovan had cut up for Tag-a-long. After she had finished feeding it, the bird returned to its perch atop the mast.

"How would you like to go to dinner at some fancy restaurant tonight and then maybe a little dancing afterward?" Donovan suggested.

"I think I am in the mood for that. I am still concerned about that box which belonged to my Uncle Bill," Megan smiled with a slight frown.

"Well, forget about that for now. Tomorrow morning after breakfast will be soon enough, we will open it together," he said.


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"That sounds reasonable enough," she winked.

"I don’t want anything inside that pretty little head of yours tonight, but thoughts of us," Donovan said as they embraced each other.

They went back on deck to sit and relax awhile and watch the city get prepared for the nightlife and the sounds that would soon fill the evening air. Already they could hear the sound of Calypso music playing somewhere in the not so far distance.

"A penny for your thoughts," Donovan said as Megan sat staring out at the ocean.

"You don’t have enough money," she laughed.

"How can you put a price on the joy and happiness I feel right now?" Megan asked as she closed her eyes momentarily and sighed.

"I know exactly how you feel," he said.

"I know you do," she replied, "that’s what makes right now feel so right."

"I will make this promise to you. I will always try to make right now and forever feel the same as far as our love is concerned," Donovan vowed.

"I know you will," she said as she wiped tears of joy from her eyes.

They sat in silence for the longest period and watched as the stars came out and the moon brought a bright glowing light that seemed to shine on them alone. Finally Donovan interrupted the night and suggested they get ready for their first evening on the town since their marriage.

They got dressed and walked around on the docks for a few minutes looking at the different yachts that were berthed there. Some were from Italy, France and several they noticed were from Canada. They were just biding time while they waited on their taxi.


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"Here’s our cab now," Megan said as the driver motioned to let them know he saw them.

Donovan told the taxi driver to take them to a nice restaurant and then they wanted to go dancing.

"You are in luck, my friend," he smiled with a grin that was almost ear-to-ear.

"There is a club not far from here that has some of the finest cuisine in the Islands or from almost any other country if you prefer. They also have a band that can really put you in the Island mood."

The taxi driver dropped them off and asked if they knew when they would be returning to their boat?

It was eight pm now. Megan told him they would probably be ready to return around midnight.

"Do not call anyone else," he pleaded. "I will be outside waiting on you."

"Ok," Donovan promised as they got out of the taxi.

"They like the way most Americans tip down here," Donovan said to Megan as they went inside.

They were escorted to a table near the window with a view of the ocean.

"What would you like to drink?" their hostess asked.

"Please order for me," Megan asked.

"It would be my pleasure," Donovan answered.

"Two glasses of Chardonnay."


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"Very well sir, I will be back in just a moment. Our menu boasts some of the best cuisine to be tasted in all of the Islands," their hostess said as she handed them a menu.

"Our taxi driver was right, I am already getting in an Island mood," Megan remarked.

"Me, too," Donovan confessed.

Their hostess brought the wine. Donovan could tell Megan was bursting at the seams to tell the hostess of their recent marriage.

"My wife has something to tell you," he said.

"I can’t help it," Megan said rather apologetically, "but we were married right here in West End yesterday evening and tonight we are out celebrating."

"Congratulations! This first drink is on the house, so enjoy it with our compliments," their hostess said.

They thanked her and said they were not ready to order dinner just now.

"Take your time. Just let me know when you are ready, everything on the menu is just simply magnificent," she remarked.

After a half a glass of Chardonnay, they were ready to order. White wine like this always seems to increase my appetite Donovan was telling Megan as they both seemed to enjoy life and everything in it. Megan was beginning to get a little hungry also. Again, Megan asked Donovan to order for her, also.

"We will start with the Mediterranean salad, followed with the Grecian shrimp and scallops served over Fettuccine with crusty bread and the


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assorted cheeses, and please bring us two cups of Blue Mountain coffee at the close of this meal," he asked.

"Excellent choice," their hostess replied as she headed for the kitchen.

While they were waiting for their dinner, they were surprised by a special announcement from the bandleader.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" he began. "We are honored tonight to have a lovely couple here who were recently married right here in West End. We would like to dedicate this next song especially to them. Would the two of you please do us the honor of leading this dance?" then pointed to Megan and Donovan.

"He’s talking about us," Megan said in total surprise.

Donovan couldn’t help but get tickled at the way it had taken Megan completely by surprise.

"I’m so nervous; I don’t think I can dance," Megan said.

"Of course you can," Donovan said boosting her courage up as he stood up and took her by the hand.

They walked out on the dance floor to the applause of everyone in the club as the band played an instrumental of an old Everly Brothers song "Let It Be Me."

"You truly are the most beautiful girl I have ever known," Donovan said as they danced around the floor.

After a minute or so, several others joined them on the dance floor and before the song was over, the dance floor was full. They really enjoyed themselves this evening.

"It has been so perfect," Megan exclaimed. I almost hate to see it end.


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"Always remember this as long as we both live, it doesn’t have to ever end, my darling. If need be, I will forever remind you of this fact. We can continue it forever," Donovan replied, as the bewitching hour of midnight was arriving.

Their taxi driver was waiting for them just as he had promised. They arrived back at their boat just as a small rain shower was beginning to lightly fall.

"Let’s just walk in the rain for a while," Megan said.

They walked along the dock of the marina arm and arm. Neither one of them talking as the magic spirit of true love was saying it all. After about twenty minutes, the rain stopped.

"Well, sweetheart, I think it is time we called it a night, but only because we can’t hold back the ending of this night any longer," Donovan sighed.

"You are right," Megan said rather sadly. "I have heard of enchanted evenings before, but this was the first time I was part of one."

"I’m not sure," Megan whispered in Donovan’s ear, "but I don’t believe my feet have touched the ground all night long. It seems as though I’ve been walking on air. I feel like Cinderella must have felt the night she went to the Magic Ball."

"Don’t worry, my lovely Princess; the magical glass slippers of happiness and love will always fit your lovely feet," he said as they gently kissed.

As they came aboard Megan said, "I want to try something just to satisfy my curiosity."

"Go ahead, darling," he replied, not really knowing what she meant.


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"Listen to this," she said. She turned and faced the mast and looked up and said,

"Good night Tag-a-long," in a voice that was a little louder than usual.

Donovan could not believe his ears. The bird actually squawked back at her. They both shook their heads in amazement as they laughed and went below to retire for the night.

"I have heard of the Bird Man of Alcatraz. I may have to start calling you the Bird Lady of the Bahamas," Donovan said.

"Give me a break," Megan said as they both laughed at that silly remark and she repeated just above a whisper, "The Bird Lady of the Bahamas for Pete’s sake."

"Good night, fair Princess, parting is such sweet sorrow," Donovan jokingly said.

"You aren’t going anywhere, Mr. Shakespeare," Megan said as she snuggled up next to him.

One kiss led to another, and, oh well, you know the rest. They were in the Islands of Romance and the world belonged to them at this moment in time. The whole night was theirs and their hearts and thoughts were as one.

For this night anyway, they were the only ones on planet Earth once more. Donovan was feeling just about the way the singer was feeling in an old song he remembered that said, "I feel sorry for anyone who isn’t me tonight."


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Chapter Six

What’s In This Mystery Box?

Donovan and Megan woke about the same time the next morning just before dawn. This day would prove to be one of the most extraordinary days in both of their lives thus far. What they were about to embark on would far surpass anything either of them could ever have imagined.

"Good morning sweetheart," Donovan said as Megan greeted him with a kiss that really brought him to life.

"Don’t go wasting any money buying alarm clocks," he teased. "I sure don’t need one with you around. One more kiss like that, and I’ll probably give up the need for coffee also," he laughed.

"I’ve noticed how you always seem to know all the rights things to say, Mr. Dearing. I’m not real sure, but I may have read some of these lines in one or two of your books somewhere," she teased back.


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"Well, if you did my dear, then I had you in mind when I wrote them," he was quick to reply.

"There you go again," she smiled as she got up and turned the coffee on.

When the coffee was ready they took two cups on deck with them. They welcomed these quiet early mornings with just the two of them. It was a lot more peaceful at sea, but this was the next best thing to it.

"I was just thinking how great last night was," Megan sighed as she placed her arm around Donovan’s shoulder.

"Just having you by my side even if nothing else was added made it perfection all the way," Donovan whispered as he gave Meagan a special I love you kiss.

"It certainly was that and much, much Mr. Dearing. Thank you for such a lovely evening."

"No, no," he said. "The pleasure was all mine. I must thank you."

They decided on a late breakfast this morning of toast and orange marmalade with orange juice. The atmosphere of anxiety surrounding the "Mystery Box" had curbed both of their appetites this morning.

"I will fix us a good lunch," Megan promised.

"That is just fine with me, sweetheart. I’m really not that hungry this morning, anyway," Donovan said as he walked to the railing and gazed contently at the morning sky.

As soon as Donovan left, Tag-a-long flew down from the mast and perched on a rail about four feet from where Megan was sitting.


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"At least it let us finish our coffee before it disturbed us," Megan laughed. "All right Tag-a-long, you have been patient this morning. I will get your breakfast now."

"Would you like another cup of coffee while I go below to get our feathered friend its breakfast?"

"I would love another cup, Mrs. Dearing, if you don’t mind."

"I love to hear you say that," Megan hummed to herself as she went below.

"After breakfast we will see what is in Uncle Bill’s box," Megan said with more conviction now.

"Whenever you get ready, my love. I will leave that entirely up to you."

"I know, dear, but I might as well get it over with."

Donovan had this little feeling inside of him that kept telling him there were dark secrets hidden somewhere within its contents. He kept those feelings to himself. He did not want to alarm Megan anymore than she already was. He saw how it upset her earlier just looking at it.

After they finished breakfast Donovan got the box and placed it on the table.

"I wonder what it was doing up forward where no one could spot it very easy?" Megan asked.

"I think your Uncle Bill may have wanted to make sure you got it," Donovan suggested.

"Remember me telling you Uncle Bill was struggling with every breath he took to tell me about a small box just before he died?" Megan reminded Donovan.


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"Now that you mentioned it, yes I do darling. This could very well be what he was talking about," Donovan said as he confirmed her statement.

"Well, Donovan, this is the only box we have run across on this boat."

"I’m satisfied this is it," he said as he put his arm around her shoulder to give her reassurance.

Megan’s hands begin to tremble as she slowly reached down to open the box.

"Just take your time sweetheart. I know you are nervous, but I am right here with you."

"I know you are darling, but I have that chill again like I had yesterday," she confessed.

"I will not let this box haunt you any longer," Donovan said. "I will take this cursed box and throw it in a dumpster somewhere."

"No, please don’t do that" Megan begged. "I must find out what’s in here. I owe that much to Uncle Bill anyway."

Megan slowly opened the lid, but was almost afraid to look inside.

Donovan had already seen what was on the top when he opened it the day before. There were some letters neatly tied by a piece of string. Beside the letters were a Bible and also a Captain’s Log Book. Underneath that was a flannel cloth with something wrapped up and tied with a piece of leather shoelace.

"See what’s in here," Megan said as she handed Donovan the flannel cloth that was so neatly rolled up and tied.

Donovan untied the shoelace and placed the cloth on the table. He carefully unrolled the cloth. Inside was the most beautiful knife either one of them had ever seen. It had an ivory handle with diamonds inlaid on


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both sides of it. The blade was made of pure silver. Just above the hilt on both sides of the knife were two large red rubies that seem to sparkle as though they were red embers of hot coal. Donovan was certainly not a jeweler, but he estimated their weight at two or three carats apiece.

"This must be worth a King’s Ransom by itself," he said as he handed the knife to Megan so she could get a closer look.

"Uncle Bill has been around the world many times as I have already told you. I have no idea where or how he came upon something as expensive as this," Megan exclaimed as she handed the knife back to Donovan and asked him to wrap it back up.

"I’m sure he must have met many people as he traveled around the world," Donovan said.

"I suppose so, but that particular knife looks like it may have possibly come from India or some place similar," Megan responded.

"Now that you mentioned it, I agree," Donovan said as Megan continued looking through the letters.

"Five or six of these letters I wrote to him years ago," Megan smiled as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Let’s take a break," Donovan suggested. He wanted to give Megan a chance to settle back down.

"That’s a swell idea sweetheart," she answered as he fixed them both a cool glass of lemonade.

"Let’s go topside for a while," Megan suggested.

Donovan nodded in agreement and added, "The fresh air will do us both good. I’m right behind you."


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It was like entering another world as they stood on deck and looked around at the beautiful morning the Islands were displaying today. They sat down in their chaise lounges and watched as boaters passed by. Most of the passing boats were luxury yachts, but a few commercial fishing trawlers were making their way out to sea also. After a few minutes of silence Megan began to talk a little more openly.

"The last I heard from Uncle Bill before I got the call about his illness, he was in Nicaragua. He loved excitement and I believe he actually lived for it. He told me he was on to something really big. He did not want to tell me over the phone.

"I will come and visit you on my return to the States," he had promised me.

"Be careful down there," I cautioned him. "I have heard about the pirates who frequent those waters and also the drug smuggling that goes on especially in that part of the world."

"Don’t you worry your pretty little head my dear niece. Your Uncle Bill is much too intelligent to get involved in anything as stupid as that."

"That was two months ago," Megan said as she shook her head in disbelief.

"A lot can happen in two months," Donovan said. "I think he wanted you to have those things in the box. There just may be a clue in there that can help explain what he may have been trying to tell you before he died."

"I never thought about that Donovan. You are the mystery writer in the family. Please help me solve this one," Megan pleaded as she sniffled just a little.

"I will do my best," Donovan assured her.


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"If you are ready, we will go below and really look through that box again," Donovan said.

He put his arm around Megan’s shoulder once again to reassure her he was right there. Donovan noticed there was some kind of lining in the bottom of the box.

"What is this?" he said out loud as he lifted the lining up.

"What is what?" Megan replied as her eyes were on Donovan’s every move by now.

"I’m not sure, but something else is definitely under here. There is a note pad here. It looks as if your Uncle Bill was keeping notes separate from his logbook. It is simply labeled "Treasure," he said as he was making sure of his every move now so as not to over look anything.

Beneath the note pad was a parchment. Even though the sheepskin was turning yellow with age, what appeared to be Indigo ink writing was still very plain.

"Look at this," he proclaimed as he spread the parchment out on top of the table. "It is a map of some kind."

It was in foreign writing, but there was no mistaking it the fact it was a map.

"I’m not sure what language this is," Donovan said.

"Perhaps we can take it to a museum and a curator could help us," Megan suggested. "Whatever it is was important enough for Uncle Bill to make sure I found it."

"Look in his Bible to see if there is anything in there that might help us unravel this puzzle," Donovan asked as he leaned over the table and closely studied the map for anything that might offer a clue.


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"Here’s something," Megan said as she handed him an envelope that had been secretly hidden inside.

"What made you think to ask me to look in his Bible?" Megan asked.

"Just a little hunch I suppose" Donovan said as his thoughts were beginning to wonder about what the envelope might contain.

"A Bible is usually the last place anyone would look if they were searching for something like a map to a treasure or something of that nature," Donovan continued as he took the envelope and opened it. There was a note inside someone had written.

"I want you to listen to this," Donovan said. "Someone has written a rhyme. I have not seen anything like this since I read "The Gold Bug" as a small boy," he recalled. "I really enjoyed those kind of stories when I was young he continued. I guess it was stories such as this that kept my adventurous spirit alive all these years. If it had not done so I may never have met you at all Megan and I can only shudder to think of what a miserable life I may have had without you by my side. At least I have someone to share my dreams. Anyway this is how it reads," he began:







 "There is more written at the bottom here," Donovan said. "You are to meet a man by the name of Destin Hensley at the foot of the lighthouse in St. Augustine, Florida on September, 20 between twelve noon and three


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p.m. He will show you the way towards the next leg of your journey for your search for the Golden Statue of Plutus. Good luck and be there. That’s all that is written."

Donovan looked at their calendar.

"That gives us two and a half weeks to get there, providing we take up where your uncle left off,” he remarked.

"That must have been where Uncle Bill was heading when he had his heart attack. Who or what is Plutus?" Megan asked.

"If my memory serves me correct, my dear, he was the personification of wealth, and riches according to Greek mythology." Donovan explained.

So far everything could have been explained as just some items Megan’s Uncle Bill had accumulated through his many years of world travel. Now there was a definite pattern starting to develop that just might prove there really was something big he might possibly have stumbled on to.

 Megan looked at Donovan with a funny grin on her face.

"I know what‘s going through that pretty little head of yours." You want to go for it, don’t you?"

"Yes, why not?" she laughed. "If this was a dream Uncle Bill was chasing, let’s see where it takes us. Don’t you see Donovan?" Megan was trying to explain to him. "This is the reason I got those chills when I looked at that box. I must pursue the search wherever it leads," Megan earnestly said.

"I am with you, sweetheart. We will leave in the morning for St. Augustine so we can have enough time to make sure we meet our rendezvous. We have plenty of time, but this will also give us enough time


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to go back to your condo and take care of any business that might be pressing," Donovan said.

"You are so right," Megan said as they both went topside to clear their minds and make some changes in their plans.

 They had planned to cruise down to Jamaica from here. Even though they had not made definite plans they had left that option open.

"Jamaica can wait for now," Megan said as they discussed their trip back to Florida.

They sat for a while without talking.

Finally, Megan remarked, "I wonder where Uncle Bill got that map in the first place."

"Your guess is as good as mine," Donovan replied. "We know he left Nicaragua. I will study his logbook and try to retrace his last several ports of calls."

"That is a great idea, Donovan, I would never have thought to do that," Megan said as she hugged him and gave him a good-luck kiss.

Donovan went below to see what he might possibly learn from Megan’s uncle’s writings. He took the Captain’s Log Book and the note pad out, put the rest of the things back in the box, and stowed them away.

"Sweetheart," Megan said, "if you want to take the logbook on deck and study it, I will prepare lunch for us."

"Good idea, you know what, darling, I am beginning to get excited about this Treasure Hunt also, if indeed that’s what it is," he replied.

"Well, Mr. Donovan Dearing, it is our Treasure Hunt anyway no matter where it leads us."


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Donovan left Megan to fix lunch while he scampered back on deck to study the log.

About an hour later, he heard a shout from the galley.

"Yo ho, ho," Megan sang out. "Step lively lads, lunch is ready."

"Aye cookie," he answered as he was coming down the ladder. "Something smells a might good down here."

"We are having the Island crab cakes today, if it pleases the captain," Megan boasted.

"Aye mate, it pleases the captain very much," Donovan responded.

As they sat down to eat, Megan asked if he was able to make any sense out of the log.

"I have traced it back to his last three ports of call. Six months ago, he left Rio and sailed to Caracas, Venezuela. He later sailed from there to the small tourist island of Aruba. He was in Aruba four days before sailing to Nicaragua. I am almost certain he was on his way to St. Augustine when he was taken ill and forced to head for Marathon in the Keys. After lunch, I will see what your uncle kept in the note pad. I have not had a chance to look in there yet," Donovan said as he brought Megan up to date on what he had learned thus far.

"These crab cakes are delicious," Donovan remarked complimenting the chef.

"I am glad you like them, my love," she responded.

After lunch Donovan went back on deck to relax and read whatever was in the note pad hoping it might give some kind of clue as to how Megan’s uncle became involved in this search for treasure in the first place. As he


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began to read, it all started to make sense to him. He took the book below deck and sat at the table.

"You might as well come and sit down, my dear Megan," he said. "I think we may be picking up where your Uncle Bill left off."

"What do you mean?" Megan said as she came and sat across from him at the table.

"Here is what I have learned so far," then began to read what her uncle had written.

I sailed into Caracas, Venezuela, four days ago. I had been at sea for three weeks and looked forward to some time on shore. I had strolled around the city taking in some of the historical sights. A young man approached me. He had seen me when I got off my boat in Rio and was seeking passage to Caracas. He said he would work aboard my boat doing whatever was necessary in exchange for passage to Caracas. He told he was a good sailor and if I would only try him, he would prove it. I let him come along free in exchange for helping me out. How did you know I am heading for Caracas? I asked. I heard you ask for the sailing directions in the harbor club earlier, he responded. I desperately need to get there.

He needed to meet someone there and it was of the most extreme importance he rendezvous as scheduled and is there on time. I had talked to the young man on several occasions about his life and where he was headed. He seemed reluctant to mention his family at all. I was soon to learn his reasons why. I have no family the young man said.

He began to tell of his life and dreams one night as we shared a bottle of rum. The young man became quite talkative after about an hour of drinking.

I have been on my own since I was fourteen he began. Rebels in Angola murdered my entire family while I was in the woods hunting. I discovered


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the bodies of my mother and father and two younger brothers when I returned home later that afternoon. I had been to a few prayer meetings with my mother earlier when an American missionary had visited our village. I buried my family in the back yard and said a prayer for them the best I knew how. I was afraid the rebels might return and find me. I gathered what few personal things I could carry and left the country. I mostly traveled out of sight and at night. I was terrified of the fact that I might wind up like the rest of my family if the wrong people discovered me.

Finally I reached the Western shore of Africa and saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in my life. I met a man and his wife there who had a fifty-foot sailing vessel. They also were fleeing the country to avoid being massacred by the rebel forces that were starting to get a strong hold on our country. This couple was quite old and feared for their lives also. I told them what had happened to my family.

"We are getting on in years," the man explained. "We are heading for South America. What do you know about sailing?" the old man asked me.

"I know nothing, sir, but I am a fast learner," I hurriedly explained.

The man looked at his wife and asked, "What do you think my dear?"

"I believe he deserves a chance," she replied. He certainly has been through a lot for one so young.

I came aboard and we got underway for South America. We were only about a half-mile off shore when soldiers appeared on the beach and began firing at us. Luckily we were just out of their range.

"It doesn’t get much closer than this. My name is Virgil and this is my wife, Louise," the old man told me as he introduced his wife and himself.

"I am called Fleet of Foot in the English language," I replied.


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"We will call you Fleet," his wife smiled and said.

This was my first time to be on a boat. I was happy I had made it out of Africa alive. I soon learned the difference between one sail and another along with the different commands Virgil would use when he wanted me to do something. I lost track of our days and nights at sea. I do remember encountering several storms that were so violent; they caused me to fear for my life.

Each time Louise would tell me to get below and everything would be all right. I know she felt sorry for me and didn’t want to take the chance of me getting washed overboard. I don’t think I have ever been happier in my life than I was when I saw the coast of Brazil. We had made it safely to South America.

"Fleet, you have no place to go," Louise said to me after we were docked. "We will welcome you to stay with us. Besides, you have become a good sailor on your voyage over here. That will come in handy if you choose to go to sea when you are older."

Virgil and Louise became like my real father and mother to me over the next five years. Louise used to teach school in Africa before they were forced to flee for their lives. She would make sure I spent time every day getting a good education. Not long after I turned nineteen, Louise was taken ill and passed away.

Virgil called me from outside where I was mending fishing net one day. I came inside.

"Sit down, my son; I need to talk to you."

I knew this was a serious talk. I could see sadness in his eyes.

"I am old and don’t have many days left," he continued. "I am going back to my home in Dublin, Ireland. I have sold the boat. I have something I want you to have before I leave."


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"Here is a thousand dollars that will get you to a new life somewhere. Pay close attention to what I tell you next, it is of the most importance. You have become a wise young man, and I believe you had a great teacher in Louise. You may need to use some of the knowledge you have gained through the years to make your mission a success."

"The man, who bought my boat, bought it with the stipulation I would pursue a promise he made. I told him I was too old to travel much, but you had youth on your side."

"I know," the man replied as he told me the story of how his family had been cursed down through the ages over a Golden Statue known as ‘Plutus’, which one of his ancestors had taken in greed and hid. The man said nothing good had ever come to any of his family since that happened. The man went on to say that he had received a vision that would unlock the "Plutus Curse" as he called it and set his family free.

I was to meet a man here and he would guide me to where my family and all of my family for generations to come would at last be free of this curse. I met the man just as my vision had predicted. The man handed me a packaged wrapped in a flannel cloth and gave instructions on what to do next. "My family can never have anything to do with the gold," he continued. "We abused that right years and years ago."

"In my vision," the man continued, "he spoke of my desire to go back to Ireland. He also told of the young man living here who would be able to help fulfill this obligation of debt that we are paying with suffering and shame through out the ages. The young man is to meet a man in Caracas in a few weeks. I have tuberculosis and cannot make the trip. I may not even be alive then. I want my family to be free of this curse once and for all."

"He handed me this package along with this envelope and instructed me to give it to you," Virgil said. "It will eventually lead you to where the treasure is hidden. It could also cost you your very life if you get careless,


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so I caution you to stay alert," Virgil said as he continued with the man’s story.

"My ancestors passed this map along through the ages. Those who tried to ignore the family curse and retrieve the gold for themselves, all wound up mysteriously dead. Any one person cannot own this gold statue. It must be returned to its proper place, but whoever returns it will receive wealth beyond measure for the rest of their lives." I promised him we would do our best.

"I will be back in two days to take delivery of the boat," the man said as he left. "The young man cannot be led by greed. The gold is not ours to give but there is much good fortune waiting for the person or persons who returns it. They shall never want for naught again."

"Well, Captain Bill, now you know why I need to get to Caracas," the young man said as the rum finally got the best of him, and I had to carry him below to his bunk.

We arrived in Caracas in plenty of time for his meeting.

"I must trust someone," the young man said in case anything should happen to me. "I want you to carry on the promise Virgil made to the man who asked us to help rid the curse on his family for him. I have everything stashed away below in a drawer under my bunk."

"Well, Fleet, let’s hope it won’t come to that," I told him.

We arrived in Caracas a day early. The young men wanted to go sight seeing and just kind of get to know a little about the city. I warned him to be careful as he left. I remembered the thousand dollars he had to begin a new life with about ten minutes after he left for town. I ran to find him and caution him not to let anyone see him flashing that kind of money around, as it could prove to be fatal. It was no use; I couldn’t find him anywhere.


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He did not return that night. Maybe he got drunk and was unable to make it back to the boat and stayed in a hotel I thought to myself. Deep down inside I felt that was not the case.

After breakfast, I decided to go and try to locate him. I must have walked for miles checking every bar and club I could find, but Fleet was nowhere to be found. As a last resort, I went to the local authorities and told them about the young man. I also told them of the large sum of money he was carrying with him. I described Fleet to the authorities.

"Hold on while we check," one of the officers told me. He returned in five minutes. "I am sorry," he said. "We do have a man matching that description in the morgue. Will you go see if it is your friend?"

"Where is the morgue?" I asked.

"I will take you. If this is your friend, there is some good news to report, the officer continued. We have the man who killed him in custody. One of our officers was passing by as it was happening and saw the whole thing. He was just a little too far away to stop it," the officer said.

I went inside the morgue with the officer. I could only bow my head in sorrow. It was Fleet. He still had the thousand dollars on him. The thief was not able to rob him in time.

"When this is all over, I would like you to see that the money is donated to an orphanage somewhere. He was somewhat of an orphan himself," I said to the officer.

"I will see that your wish is carried out," he assured me. "I will drop you back off at your boat, and I am sorry about your friend," he said as I thanked him.

As I slowly walked back on board, it was almost like I was in some kind of daze or something or similar. This all seemed so disgustingly senseless.


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I went below to fix some coffee. I wish I had of remembered the money he had on him before he left, but that was all history now.

As I sat there thinking of the needless waste of life in this world and trying to find some kind of reason for it all, I remembered what Fleet said to me about trusting someone. Was he telling the truth about the "Plutus Curse" or was that just some drunken yarn he was spinning?

"There is one way to find out for sure," I thought.

I went to his bunk and opened the drawer beneath it. In a small box was this map along with the knife that I knew would cost a kings ransom. There was also a note with a rhyme. It told of a place and time to meet. I decided to try and keep the promise I had made to Fleet.

I was on time with the note tucked safely in my shirt pocket. As I sat at a table by the window of this small café as the note had instructed. A man came up to me.

"Are you going far?" the man asked.

"All the way around the world if I have to," I responded.

"That is great!" the man said.

"Do you have a note you are not sure what to do with?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact I do," I answered.

"I have a note I will trade you for it. You are not to open it until you are safely on board your boat. My entire family is depending on you and your success. We had to find someone who was not driven by greed. I must admit your kind is a rare breed," the man replied.

Most everyone before you tried to find a short cut to the vast wealth you will find if you follow the instructions and do as you are told.


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We exchanged notes, and I walked out into the fresh air.

"What have you gone and gotten yourself into William Updyke?" I asked myself.

I’m in for the long haul now I thought. I went back to my boat and did not read the note until I was safely below deck. I opened the note and began to read my new instructions.

The knife you now have in your possession is very valuable. You could sell it, retire, and forget this entire treasure hunt, but we know you won’t. You are a man of your word and will pass the keys that unlock these chains of bondage my family has been in for ages on to someone as capable as you if something should happen and you cannot continue.

It was as if the person who gave me this note already knew I would be the recipient of this challenge. I was to meet a man in Aruba, which I did. Then it was on to Nicaragua. Each place promised to lead me closer to the "Golden Statue of Plutus." I set sail this morning for my next rendezvous in St. Augustine, Florida. I will contact my niece when I arrive and see if she still wants to join me.

"That is the last thing he has written," Donovan said to Megan as he closed the notepad and put it away.

"My lovely Megan, this is where you and I enter this story and become involved in mystery or whatever excitement your Uncle Bill was heading for," Donovan said to Megan.

"This should be right up our adventurous alley then," Megan smiled. "Donovan, we might as well get everything together this afternoon we will need and get an early start in the morning," Megan said with a sense of urgency in her voice.


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"You are quite right, my pretty. I would like to shove off at sunrise. We will need to fill our fresh water tank and check our food supplies," while trying to figure out just what they would need to get started.

"Ok then, you handle the water, and I will see to the food supplies," Megan winked.

"Do you hear that?" Megan laughed as Tag-a-long realized it was lunchtime and began squawking.

"Ok I’m coming, you silly bird," Megan said as she got some fish and headed topside. "We are going back to your neck of the woods in the morning, Megan said as she fed the bird. If you want to make the trip with us, I suggest you be aboard in the morning when we leave."

"Is it normal to talk with birds?" Megan laughed as their feathered friend retreated to the top of the mast.

"Well, I think it is perfectly all right, because the bird seems to understand everything you say anyway," Donovan laughed.

They went below to rest a few minutes before they started getting things in order to leave. After about an hour Donovan shook Megan.

"Wake up, sleepy head; we have things to do this afternoon."

"I was sleeping so soundly," Megan said. "I’m glad you woke me, or I would have slept all afternoon and then been awake all night."

"I’ll fix us some coffee," Donovan said while you make a list of things we need.

"That coffee smells so good," she commented, "it’s almost like waking up in the morning again. I was dreaming about what you read to me from Uncle Bill’s notepad. What do you make of it?" she asked.


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"I am not sure, but if your uncle felt that strongly about it, I don’t think we have a choice."

"Darling, I am so glad you feel that way," Megan said as they continued making their list.

"I am going to get some bananas while we are here," she said.

"Ok, but make sure they are green. They ripen rather quickly in this climate," Donovan remarked.

"Do you like banana pudding?" Megan asked.

"Yes, I do, but I haven’t had any in years."

"Well, Mr. Dearing that is one dessert that I am quite good at making. Tomorrow evening you will have banana pudding for dessert."

"Yum, yum," he said as he finished his coffee.

"Do you want me to go with you to the market?" he asked. "I can fill the fresh water tank the last thing tonight before we retire."

"Yes, I would as a matter of fact. You may see something you like and I will have someone to help me bring the groceries back," she smiled.

"Your wish is my command, my very own Special Angel," he said as they left for the market.

They made their trip to the market and got everything they would need for their return trip to Florida. Donovan told Megan he had decided to set their course back to West Palm Beach and then sail northward.

"You are the captain, my love. You lead, I will follow," Megan smiled as she gave him a quick salute followed by a peck on his cheek.


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"I was just thinking of something, Megan, my love. I have the prettiest first mate in the world," Donovan said rather smugly.

"You are making me blush," she replied.

"Well, I love making you blush and besides what I say is the truth."

Megan had a way of becoming very shy whenever Donovan would start teasing her like that. He wouldn’t do it in a crowd because he would never do anything to deliberately embarrass her. He reserved this type of teasing to when it was only the two of them.

"This whole scenario is beginning to unfold like one of your novels," Megan joked. "I’m actually excited to find out where we go after we meet this mysterious Mr. Destin Hensley, if in fact that is his real name."

"There is an air of mystery involved, sweetheart," I have to admit that Donovan said as he acknowledged Megan’s last statement.

"Let’s have a light dinner," Donovan suggested. "Tonight will be our last one here for a while. Maybe I’ll try that conch soup thing or whatever it is you called it and sloppy Joes."

"That sounds ok to me," Megan said as she told him of her request for tonight. "After we finish dinner, let’s just spend the evening topside listening to the music of the Islands and blocking the world out for one more night before we leave," she whispered.

"That seems like a reasonable enough request to me, sweetheart" he quickly replied.

"I will go ahead and get dinner ready if that is ok with you, my handsome captain."


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"That is just fine with me. While you are doing that, I will use what daylight I have left to inspect the boat once more just to make sure everything is in working order."

Donovan decided to go ahead and fill the fresh water tank. Everything looked ok to him as far as he could tell as he made a quick visual inspection of the boat. The sails were new. The boat yard had replaced them when they had the boat refurbished. The hull was sound and had a fresh coat of paint so he didn’t have to worry about a lot of problems long periods of time at sea can cause. The boat had already proven to be very sea worthy when they had encountered the storm I told you about earlier when they were bringing the boat back from the Keys.

Tag-a-long flew down from his perch on top of the mast. The bird stayed about four feet from Donovan as it followed him from stem to stern. By the time he finished, Megan had dinner ready. Donovan told her about the help he had inspecting the boat.

"That bird is becoming quite a character," she laughed.

After they finished dinner, they went topside to the forward deck and sat down in their chaise lounges to await the moon and stars that seemed to shine so bright in this part of the world. Megan made the comment how much difference there is between the United States and the Bahamas even though they are less than sixty miles apart.

"It is like entering a different world altogether," Donovan remarked.

"Well, in actuality we are," Megan, replied as they settled back to listen to the Calypso music that was beginning to fill the evening air.

The music seemed a little louder tonight for some reason. It was distinct sound as though it was meant for their ears only, not that it was annoying or anything of that nature, but they could hear it without any problem as it.


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"Would you care to dance, Mrs. Dearing?" Donovan asked as he stood up and took Megan by the hand.

"I would be honored, Mr. Dearing," she smiled back.

Donovan had many dances in his life, but none ever meant as much as all the dances Megan and he shared together on the deck of their boat that night.

"Do we have any champagne left?" Donovan asked.

"My darling, I am way ahead of you," she smiled. "I have had champagne on ice since before I even started preparing dinner this afternoon.

"You are quite a lady," he said as the music had died down for a few minutes. The band must be taking a break he remarked as they both went below.

They brought the chilled champagne along with the glasses and returned to their own paradise for this evening.

"I want to propose a toast," Megan said as Donovan poured the champagne. They held their glasses up in salute to each other.

"May all of our days and nights find us as happy as we are at this moment? May our love never wane, but only increase with age, and may our hearts always burn with desire for each other and the flame of love never flicker or go out."

Donovan knew Megan’s toast was as sincere as any toast could ever be. Whenever anything is unrehearsed and comes directly from the heart, it doesn’t get any more sincere than that.

"My turn," he said as they clicked glasses in acknowledgement of Megan’s toast, and kissed each other.


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"I hope this night will follow us the rest of our lives," he continued. "May happiness never stray from either one of us, and may all of our tears be tears of joy. May I have the strength to always hold you close to me as long as I live? I, Donovan Dearing, pledge my love to you, Megan Dearing, forever."

Once more they clicked glasses together as they kissed and Megan wiped tears from her eyes.

"I have never heard a toast put any more beautiful than the way you just said it," Megan said as they held each other in the spotlight the beautiful moon was shining right on them.

"I meant every word of it from the bottom of my heart," Donovan answered as he was misty-eyed himself at that moment.

"I know you did," Megan smiled, "that’s what made it so beautiful."

They sat on deck until well past midnight as they listened to the music and talked about any and everything that came to their minds.

"Well, my knight in shining armor, I think it is time for us to close this night and return to that place I have often heard referred to as the real world. Just another day in Paradise coming to a close," Megan smiled.

"I must reluctantly agree with you, my precious love. Tomorrow promises a brand new adventure," Donovan said as they went below and once again locked the rest of the universe out of their world, at least for this night.


Chapter Seven


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The Excitement Begins

The next morning found Megan and Donovan anxiously awaiting the sunrise and a brand new adventure.

"Hurry and get up Mr. Sunshine, you sleepy head," Megan said, as she was anxious to meet the day.

"Can’t you just feel the excitement in the air?" Megan said as she kissed Donovan good morning.

They took their coffee topside as the marina was beginning to come to life.

"Guess we’re not the only ones leaving this morning," Donovan said as other lights inside of boats docked along side of them were beginning to come on one by one.

"I see the Dock master has already opened his office," Donovan said as several people were already walking toward it. After breakfast I will let him know we will be leaving this morning, also.

"What would you like for breakfast this morning?" Megan asked.

"I would just as soon prefer corn flakes and juice," Donovan replied.

"That sounds like a reasonable request to me, sweet Captain. We’ll drink one more cup of coffee," Megan suggested while she fed Tag-a-long.

The bird was anticipating Megan’s return and flew down to the rail and gave a couple of loud squawks just to let Megan know it was ready.

"I think I may have created a monster for real," Megan laughed as she fed the bird.


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After breakfast Donovan went to the marina office and proceeded to check out with them. He told the Dock master they would be leaving in about fifth-teen minutes or so.

"I will be on dock to help you cast off," the Dock master said as Donovan was leaving.

Donovan walked back to the boat to find Megan anxiously waiting to cast off and get underway. She had everything stowed neatly away below deck.

"Everything ready for sailing?" he asked.

"Aye, aye Captain. Everything is secure below."

"I don’t see Tag-a-long," Donovan said as he made a quick scan of the sails and deck.

"Don’t worry about that silly bird, if it wants to make the trip back with us it will find us," she said.

"I suppose you’re right" he answered.

The Dock master walked out wished them a safe voyage and helped them get underway.

As Donovan motored through the channel and headed for open sea, Megan walked up behind him.

"It looks like another beautiful day," she whispered in his ear.

"We could not have ordered a better day for sailing," he remarked. The winds are from the East at twelve knots and the seas are less than two feet.


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Donovan killed the engine and hoisted the sails. The wind quickly filled each sail. Donovan was soon on course toward the Florida coast and West toward Palm Beach.

"I hear squawking," he said as he turned to look, but couldn’t see anything.

"It’s probably that silly bird," Megan laughed. I didn’t think we would get too far before it realized we were gone.

Sure enough it was Tag-a-long. It found a perch on the rail and settled down to enjoy the ride for a while.

"Look!" Megan shouted as she leaned over the side to watch the dolphins swim beside them. That is so cool. Every time you see them they look as if they are playing.

"They may be," Donovan suggested. The dolphins followed them for about ten miles before they disappeared. Megan really got some great footage with their camcorder.

"I just might have a movie the National Geographic may be interested in before our journey is through," Megan said rather proudly.

"All kidding aside, darling, you just might" Donovan said with a wink.

"Ok, Mr. Donovan Dearing, you write around the world while I film and we may be able to merge the two together," she winked back.

"Ok sweetheart," he said, as long as you do all the directing.

They noticed quite a few yachts heading toward the Bahamas as they were sailing back towards Palm Beach.

"This seems like a pretty busy sea route to and from the Florida coast and West End," Megan commented.


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"Yes, it is. The Bahamas are becoming more popular as people are discovering just how close they really are to the United States" Donovan was quick to mention.

"I have a friend of mine who comes to the Bahamas on a regular basis just to buy gold and jewelry because of the duty free advantages they offer," he continued. "He’ll bring his wife with him and once a month they come on Friday and spend the weekend. They go shopping on Monday and between the two of them they are allowed eighteen hundred dollars in duty free shopping, plus they have been there the mandatory forty-eight hours they are required to be in the Islands to qualify he told Megan."

"That sounds like a pretty good deal," Megan agreed.

"It is when you consider how much taxes you would spend in the United States on that much merchandise" Donovan said as once again they settled in for another day of open sea.

After about three hours on this Westerly course, Donovan decided it was time to turn to a more Northerly course. Megan asked where they were as she had noticed the change in course.

"We are about twenty-five miles or so off the coast of Palm Beach," he said.

"I am starting to get a little hungry. Are you about ready to eat?" she asked.

"Would you like to take the helm a while?" he said as he offered to go below and fix lunch for them.

"That is so thoughtful of you," she replied, but really, I don’t mind at all.


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"Ok dear, whatever you fix is just fine with me," he said as she went below.

Every so often Tag-a-long would tire of sitting on the rail and fly off somewhere? It would return in ten minutes or so and resume its perch on the railing. It was easy to tell the bird was starting to become a little more use to the fact Donovan belonged on board also. It was still more comfortable around Megan than it was Donovan. Donovan had begun talking to the bird as he stood at the helm and that seemed to let the bird feel more welcome being around him also. Donovan was just more or less killing time while Megan was getting lunch ready and the bird provided a little company as well.

Megan peeped her head through the hatchway to see what Donovan was saying as she could hear him from the galley and laughingly said, and you’re the one who suggested calling me the Bird Lady of the Bahamas she said as she shook her head back and forth.

"By the way, Mr. Dearing, lunch is ready."

Donovan set the autopilot and went below to wash up and eat. Megan had fried a chicken she bought that he knew nothing about. She had fixed mashed potatoes and gravy plus a fresh garden salad with ranch dressing and dinner rolls.

"I am certainly glad you didn’t take me up on my offer to fix lunch a while ago," he said. We would have wound up eating cold sandwiches and tea, he remarked as he sat down at the table.

“You know Mr. Dearing, I was afraid of something like that happening," she smiled.

"You seemed to know just when to decline my offers," he joked.


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"Well Donovan, when I heard you trying to carry on a conversation with Tag-a-long, I figured I better come to the rescue and fix a meal that would stick to your ribs as my Uncle Bill use to say."

"Well, I am certainly glad you did," he said, as he tasted Megan’s fried chicken for the first time. Umm this is so good, I think I will hang on to you for the cooking if for no other reason, he winked.

Megan looked right at him with that, you better say something quick and get out of this jam you just got yourself in look in her face.

"Wait a minute, sweetheart, I was only teasing," he said. You see, my dear Megan, I have all the beauty in you that I could ever hope for, plus I find out I have a trace of Julia Childs thrown in to boot, also. "A man can’t get any luckier than that," he smiled.

She shook her head and said, "I should have known a writer such as you would find all the smooth words to say to soothe things over. I think I will nickname you Captain Donovan the Chicken of the Sea, "she laughed.

"I guess I had that one coming," he winked back.

After lunch, Donovan helped Megan clean the galley and went back on deck to take control of the helm again. In a few minutes, Megan joined him on deck.

"I will take the helm for a while my dear Captain," Megan offered.

"Why not rest a while, sweetheart, I am ok," he replied.

"Ok, my dearest Captain, but I think I prefer to stay up here and keep you company for a while," she said as she pulled a chair up beside him and sat down.

"If the weather holds and we don’t run into any unseen snags, in a few days I will sail closer to the shoreline and show you the lighthouse where


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we are to make our connection for our next destination" he said as Megan lay back in the chaise lounge and closed her eyes.

"This gets more exciting every day," Megan said as Donovan began to tell about their alternative or plan "B" if this was by some chance a hoax or as some might call a wild goose chase.

"And what might that be?" she asked.

"I am going to write a novel about this," he declared, so you see my darling, either way it turns out, we win.

"Splendid, just splendid," she said as she reached over and gave him a big hug. "You always have a plan "B"," she smiled.

"This time we will head for Jamaica if this is indeed a hoax," he told her.

"Either way we will continue on our honeymoon. Donovan Dearing, you and I just may take the longest honeymoon in history," she laughed, and I am not in the least bit anxious to return anytime soon.

Around four pm Donovan decided that was enough sailing for the day and how much he enjoyed Megan’s company.

"Thank you, my Captain," she smiled back. You know Donovan; I am not tired at all. I can continue for a while longer if you like and give you a break.

"If you are sure darling, we can sail for another two hours and I will set the sea anchors before dark," he remarked.

"Aye, aye Captain," she grinned as she threw a quick salute his way and blew him a kiss.


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"I will go below, check the weather band frequency, and see if there is any change in the weather, Mrs. Dearing. Would you like anything from the galley?"

"Yes, please, I would like a coke" she answered.

"Aye, aye, my lovely first mate, I shall return in a moment then."

Donovan went below to get the latest weather report for the area they were in. There were storm clouds approaching from the east. The weather service had predicted winds of thirty knots with seas four to seven feet. This weather alert was in effect until midnight Eastern Standard Time, but warned it may be extended.

Donovan got Megan a coke and returned topside.

"We might as well call it a day," he said as he handed her the coke and told her of the weather forecast.

"It looks so beautiful right now, there’s not a gray cloud in the sky. Are you quite sure they haven’t made a mistake?" she asked.

"I know, darling," Donovan said as he began to reef the sails and prepare for the storm just in case it came at them head on.

By the time he had the sea anchor set, the clouds had begun to darken. The wind was starting to pick up and the sea was beginning to swell with waves around three and a half to four feet. He went below with Megan to make sure everything was secure and nothing would be rolling around that might break something if the storm got worse.

"See how fast the weather can change at sea?" he said.

"I know, darling, and it was so beautiful ten minutes ago. At least we don’t have to worry about cooking tonight," Megan continued. We have


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plenty of chicken left over from lunch. I’ll just heat up the mashed potatoes and gravy and fix another salad and we’re all set.

"We might as well eat now," Donovan suggested and get ready to ride this storm out.

"Ok sweetheart, give me ten minutes and we will be set to go," Megan said as Donovan went topside one more time just to make double certain everything was safe up there.

He made sure the hatches forward and aft were battened down. There was nothing loose on the deck to get washed overboard or crash into something else and break it.

"All done," he said as he came down the ladder and closed the hatch behind him.

By the time they finished eating; the wind had picked up and was gusting to around twenty-five knots. The rain had begun to fall so heavily they had to talk loud just to be heard and they weren’t more than a foot a way from one another. The seas were now swelling to around five and a half to six feet.

Donovan loved the way this boat proved to be seaworthy. Even with the weather the way it was outside, they were not being tossed from one side to the other as he had been in boats in the past that were strictly designed for fair weather sailing.

"Well, Mrs. Dearing, we might as well make ourselves as comfortable as we can and get ready to ride this storm out," he remarked.

"I am quite comfortable nestled snuggly in your arms right here, my dear Captain," she smiled.

The rain was falling and at times, it sounded like hail was hitting on the deck.


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The wind was howling so fiercely and the pitch dark night was so black without any moon or stars that it set the scene that could have been from any pirate movies where sailing ships were being tossed about at sea. The only light in the sky was the fierce lightning that streaked across the night. The movie with John Wayne, I think it was called "Jamaica Wind" came to mind. There were scenes in it similar to these conditions.

The storm continued through the night and finally eased up around four am the next morning. Megan had gone to sleep in his arms. Donovan was glad she did because the lightning and thunder had gotten pretty strong around two that morning. Megan is terrified of these kinds of storms, as she had mentioned that fact the first time they had one come up when she was staying at his place after her accident.

Donovan heard the squawking of Tag-a-long on deck. He guessed it was letting them know the storm was over and they could come out now. Donovan figured the bird must have found shelter under a piece of tarp or just rode the storm out floating on the waves. Whatever it did was the right thing because it definitely had survived.

"Wake up, sweetheart," Donovan said as he gently shook Megan.

I must have fallen asleep, what time is it?" she asked,

"It is six in the morning. Tag-a-long said the storm was over and we could come out and play now," he jokingly laughed.

"I wonder where that bird was during the storm last night." Megan said as she yawned and stretched and stirred back to life.

"You can bet it found a safe haven somewhere right on this boat," he answered.

Donovan put on a pot of coffee and got ready for another day at sea. They went on deck and faced a beautiful morning.


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"It’s hard to believe there was such a violent storm pass through here last night," Donovan remarked as he turned and faced Megan and pointed to the Eastern sky with its red glow on the horizon.

"I know," Megan commented. Just look how beautiful it is now.

They sat in their chaise lounges while they finished their coffee and watched a gorgeous sunrise.

"I might as well feed Tag-a-long while we drink another cup of coffee," Megan suggested.

"You might as well," he laughed. That bird has been watching your every move since we came topside.

Megan returned with their refills and went about feeding their feathered friend its breakfast.

"Look out there about a mile to starboard," Donovan said to Megan as a clipper ship was passing them heading south with its beautiful sails grabbing all the wind it could.

"You don’t see sights like that very often," Megan said as they tried to imagine where it might be headed.

As they continued on, it passed in front of their bow at about a hundred yards. There were a few teenagers on deck and they gave Megan and Donovan a hearty wave as they continued their journey.

"What are they doing?" Megan asked as they started another turn back to towards the east.

"That is called tacking, my dear. They are using the wind the best they can to their advantage. They will sail east for a while and then they turn westward in a kind of zigzag pattern. I had to do it a little when we left Jacksonville," he said, but not as much.


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"Well, I didn’t cover that maneuver when I was taking sailing lessons," Megan stated.

"That will all come natural to you, my sweetheart, as we continue sailing," Donovan informed her.

"Are you about ready for breakfast?" Megan asked as Tag-a-long flew off to look around and probably mooch food from the unsuspecting crew of the schooner.

Donovan hoisted the sails and watched as the wind filled each one. He was glad they had the wind at their backs. He thought back on the sailing days of yore when ships would be idle in the ocean for weeks waiting on the winds. He remembered stories where the crew would hoist a long boat and row trying to find the wind. There was one such incident he recalled reading about in Moby Dick where that happened. At least he had an auxiliary engine he could use if the winds died.

As he sat their course and made sure everything was ok, he decided to give Megan a break from the galley this morning.

"I’ll fix breakfast if you like, if you want to take the helm a while my darling," he said.

"You’ll do no such thing, Mr. Donovan Dearing.” You have had to baby sit me in your arms all night while that stormed passed. The least I can do is get breakfast for you."

"I dare you to come here and say that," he said in teasing, as she walked up to him in a jokingly, but defiant way. He grabbed her around her waist, pulled her close to him, and gently kissed her.

"I like taking you up on your dares," she smiled as she went below.

As his thoughts turned back to the note in Megan’s Uncle’s Bible, Donovan couldn’t help but feel this treasure hunt was legitimate. He


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didn’t want to say anything definite to Megan until he had a chance to meet this Mr. Destin Hensley and form his own opinion.

As he said earlier, he was a good judge of character when it comes to the sincerity of someone. He thought he would be able to form enough of a sensible judgment here as well. Megan believed in her uncle and Donovan believed in Megan and that was all that mattered now.

"Oh Captain, my Captain!" Megan shouted from the galley. Breakfast is now being served.

As Donovan started down the ladder he sang out, "I’ll have my hugs over easy this morning and my kisses hot and sweet."

"Well sir, that is a mighty tall order, but I’ll do my best to fill it," she smiled as he kissed her and sat down at the table.

"Have you checked the weather channel on the radio this morning?" he asked.

"Yes, dear, and it looks like a perfect day of sailing for us. The seas are less than three feet and winds are from the south at ten knots gusting to fourteen," she replied.

"My dear, you simply amaze me at how fast you are becoming a first class mariner," he said.

"Well thank you kind sir, I have one of the best teachers training me."

"Do you want to take the helm first this morning or do you prefer the afternoon?" he asked.

"Can you write ok in the mornings?" Megan asked, not wanting to interrupt his writing habits.

"Yes I can, my sweet first mate," he said as they got up to clean the galley.


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"Ok then, darling, after we get everything put away you can get me headed in the right direction," she laughed.

They went topside and Donovan got Megan squared away.

"I think I will bring my laptop up here today and sit beside you," he said. I feel like some fresh salt sea air might do me some good.

"Well, dear Captain, I shall welcome your company then," Megan looked at him as she smiled and winked.

"Would you like anything while I go below and get my laptop?" he asked.

"Yes, I would like a bottle of water if you don’t mind, kind sir."

"Your every wish is my command," he said as he went below.

Donovan returned with his laptop and Megan’s water. As he sat down to begin his writing Megan said,

"Look Donovan, there is something floating in the water just ahead off the starboard bow."

Donovan sat his work down and got up to have a closer look.

"It looks like a raft," he said, as they got nearer. He took the gaff and managed to pull it along side of them as they passed. There was nothing in it. He tied it alongside of them as they continued their journey northward.

"I don’t like the idea of finding an empty raft floating out here on the ocean. I think I better report this to the Coast Guard," he said as he started below to try and reach them on their radio.

"Never mind!" Megan shouted as Donovan came back up to see what she meant. Here comes a Coast Guard Cutter now.


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Donovan reefed the sails as the cutter came along side of them.

"We received an SOS message from someone who had a citizens band radio and we are checking to see if it is a legitimate call for help," the Lieutenant on board told the both of him or her. Most of the S.O.S calls we receive are from people who really are in trouble and desperately need help, but we get prank calls from time to time, also. We have to check each call for help no matter what though as we can’t afford to take a chance where human lives are involved.

"We just retrieved this life raft about a half mile back," Donovan told him as they took possession of the raft.

We didn’t see anyone else; Donovan explained as the lieutenant took the information about what Donovan had just told him and wrote it down.

Again, Megan was on her toes as she spotted a man in an orange life jacket floating about a hundred yards to their port. The Coast Guard rescued the man.

Megan and Donovan found out he was alone and his twenty-two foot fishing boat had caught fire. He had a citizens band radio and had called for help. He knew he was off the coast near Cocoa Beach about twenty miles. It seems someone with another citizens band radio heard his distress call in Miami and notified the Coast Guard there, who in turn notified the Coast Guard in this area. Everyone was glad the man was safe.

After the Coast Guard left it was close to lunchtime. Donovan decided to just let the boat drift while they eat lunch.

"Well, my sweet lady, how does it feel to be the ‘Lady of the Day’." Donovan said as he congratulated her on her keenness of vision for being able to spot that man floating out in the ocean.


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"You saw something, my dear that a crew of men on a vessel that was trained to spot, missed."

"I am just glad I saw him," Megan said.

"You want to know something, sweetheart?" Donovan said as they went below for lunch.

"What’s that?" she smiled back.

"I’ll bet you aren’t near as glad as the man you helped to rescue is right now."

After lunch, they returned on deck to get ready to resume sailing once more.

"I just thought of something, darling," Megan said as Donovan was raising the sails.

"Yes dear and what might that be?"

"You did not get any writing done this morning, and I did not get a lot of sailing done, either."

"I know, sweetheart," he said, but look at the material I gained that I can use in my book.

"I have an idea," Donovan said as the wind was filling the sails and the bow was beginning to break the waves once more. Why don’t we both spend this afternoon at the helm?

"I like that idea," Megan said as she settled in a lounge chair beside him.

Tag-a-long had flown off earlier when the Coast Guard Cutter pulled along side of them. They heard its squawking as it was returning. It


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landed on the railing beside Megan and squawked three or four times at her.

"You silly bird," she said. "You mean to tell me that you could not find one single fish to eat in this great big ocean. I think you have become way too lazy and much too dependent on us for your food," she laughed as she got up to go below and get Tag-a-long’s lunch. Megan returned in about fifteen minutes with some fish for their feathered friend and coffee for them.

"You scare me sometimes, my lovely first mate, at the way you seem to be able to read my mind and know what I want," Donovan confessed.

"Is that so, my dear Captain?" she smiled as she settled back down in her chair.

"I got an update on the weather while I was below," Megan said. It seems we have the wind in our favor with clear skies and calm seas through Friday, or at least that is the long range forecast.

"Friday we should be sailing into Jacksonville," Donovan said. We will plan a little get together for our friends and show the video of our wedding.

"Do you realize you and I haven’t seen that video either?" Megan reminded him.

"I guess we will all see our wedding ceremony for the first time together then," he said as he leaned over and gave Megan a big hug and a kiss. They took turns at the helm as they talked of the possible adventures that lay ahead.

"I must remind you, my sweet Megan; there have already been more than a few deaths occur over this "Curse of Plutus" if what we read is true."


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“I know dear, and that is enough to create an air of mystery by itself. I just hope someone else doesn’t have to finish writing my novel for me, post humus," Donovan chuckled.

"Please don’t talk like that. We are in this thing together," Megan, said. I go where you go.

The next few days were every sailors dream as far as the weather was concerned. Donovan had sailed close enough to shore to show Megan the lighthouse at St. Augustine.

"There is our next meeting place," he said.

"We made better time than we thought," Donovan said to Megan. He didn’t think they would arrive there until Friday.

At around five that afternoon they arrived back at the Jacksonville Beach Marina. They were glad they left their car in the parking lot. David, Donovan’s best friend, had offered to take it back to their condo, but they opted to leave it parked there. Megan and Donovan just took things they thought they might need for the night with them as they left the boat to return home.

"We can return in the morning," Megan suggested, and gets anything else we might need.

It felt good to walk in the condo and relax.

"I’m glad we didn’t rent both places out," Megan smiled.

"I know, dear or we would be sleeping aboard our boat tonight."

"That still wouldn’t be bad at all," Megan said, as they are both felt quite comfortable there.

"Look at all this mail on the table that Dianna has placed here," Donovan said.


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"Just remember dear, that is your mail and mine combined together. Your mail comes here now," Megan reminded him.

"That’s right," he said.

"Let’s call Dianna and let her know we are back," Megan suggested.

"Good idea," he said, but don’t mention our Treasure Hunt just yet.

"Oh, I won’t sweetheart, I just want to let her know we had some unexpected business come up and we will be in town for a few days."

"You might as well tell her we plan to have a little get together with a few of our friends Saturday night and she is invited," he said as he was going through the mail which was mostly unimportant.

Megan called Dianna.

"We are back at our condo," he heard Megan say as the conversation was just chitchat between two ladies.

"He’s just fine, too, Dianna. As a matter of fact he wanted me to let you know we are having a little get together this Saturday night for just a few of our friends. We are going to show the video of our wedding ceremony. We haven’t seen it either. You are invited, also."

"There is no need in doing that," he heard Megan telling Dianna. Donovan already knew what was happening. Dianna had offered to be here early enough to give them a hand getting things ready.

"I could have told you Dianna would not let you throw a party without her helping you," he said as Megan finished her conversation with Dianna and hung up.

"She really wants to help," Megan said. I think she will actually have her feelings hurt if we don’t let her.


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"Well, darling, I told you she has been that way since she started working for me," he said as they sat down on the sofa to just relax a few minutes.

"What would you like for dinner tonight?" Megan asked as she snuggled up beside him.

"I know we don’t feel like going out tonight and I don’t want you to have to cook our first night back, so why don’t we order a pizza," he suggested.

"Well Mr. Donovan Dearing, who’s reading whose mind now" Megan looked at him and said.

"We can sit back and watch a good movie or just talk about our future my sweetheart; this is your night" he said as Megan got up to answer the phone.

Donovan motioned to Megan that he was going up stairs to take a shower and change clothes as she nodded in affirmation.

Megan was hanging up the phone as he was coming downstairs.

"My turn she said as she met him at the bottom of the stairs with a hug and a kiss." That was her best friend Debbie on the phone. She invited her over for their little party Saturday evening.

"She was really shocked when I told her I was married," Megan said. "I thought at first she had feinted. I could hear her breathing, but she couldn’t speak for almost a whole minute," Megan laughed.

"I’ll tell you all about it when I get back" she said as she ran up the stairs to get cleaned up.

Donovan made a few calls that were pressing and then he lay back on the couch to wait for Megan. The couch was much too comfortable and he


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dozed off. The next thing he remembered was Megan softly kissing him and asking if he was just about ready to order the pizza.

"I’m sorry sweetheart. This couch was just way too inviting," he said as he sat up and asked what time it was. He had left his watch upstairs.

"It is eight-thirty my darling."

"Well I guess if we intend to eat tonight I better get on the phone and get that pizza on its way. What do you want on it he asked?"

"I like just about everything, but anchovies. They are just too salty for my taste" Megan remarked.

"Ok then sweetheart, a large pizza with everything but anchovies."

In about thirty minutes, the doorbell rang and their pizza was here. They got a free liter of coke with the large pizza. They enjoyed their pizza and watched a little TV, but after their recent voyage to the Bahamas, everything else just seemed so dull and there was nothing they really cared about seeing. They turned the TV off and started planning their little get together for Saturday night.

"I’ll make a list," Megan said. We sure don’t want to leave anyone out. You need to let me know whom you want to invite also.

"Remember that little address book they gave us the morning we sat sail," he asked. I want to make sure we invite everyone in that book.

"Great idea. I would hate to leave anyone out who was on that list," Megan said.

Donovan stowed it away on the boat the morning they sat sail. He asked Megan to remind him to get it tomorrow when they go back to check on the boat.


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They sat up late discussing their plans and things they needed to get done while they were in town. The next morning they were up early and out on the beach to watch the sunrise. As they sipped their coffee, the sun made a spectacular appearance.

"I never cease to stare in Awe at this beautiful sight," he said.

"It is almost indescribable Megan," whispered back. I know one thing darling, she continued. If it could be put into words, it would be you who could say it.

Now she was making Donovan start to blush. They finished their coffee and got ready to go back and check on Tag-a-long and the boat.

"I think Tag-a-long would be better off staying here this trip," Megan suggested, but they both had discovered it had a mind of its own.




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Chapter Eight

Accepting the Challenge

Megan and Donovan arrived back at their boat around eight a.m. Tag-a-long was waiting faithfully for its breakfast. Megan went below to get the bird something to eat while Donovan made quick inspection topside.

"I put some coffee on," Megan said as she was feeding Tag-a-long. It will be ready by the time I finish feeding this avian pest, she laughed.

They went below and had coffee while Megan made a list of things she needed before they sailed again.

"Now that we have really gotten our sea legs, Megan smiled, "you should know what you like and don’t like. Let me know so I can add it to my list."

"Ok dear, but everything is just fine with what we had before. You can buy some new dishes of food and we can try them," he said as he was looking back through her Uncle Bill’s log and note pad just to make sure he hadn’t missed something.

Megan got the address book so they wouldn’t leave anyone out who was on that list.

"I’m not coming back here and feed that silly bird tonight. It is capable of getting its own food. It did just fine before we came along," Megan told Donovan, who just shook his head and laughed.

"Who are you trying to convince, you or me?" he replied.

"I suppose myself," she smiled as they headed for the car. "I almost forgot," Megan said as they started back home.

"Forgot what?" Donovan asked.


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"Dianna is coming over this afternoon and helping me with all the party details."

"I told you she would have to help," he reminded Megan.

"Yes, you did Donovan, but I believe she really enjoys doing it and personally, I could use another woman’s touch also. We women seem to pay closer attention to details than you guys do anyway."

"You won’t get any argument out of me on that issue," Donovan answered in finishing as they pulled into the driveway waiting for the garage door to finish opening.

"Do you think we should have a cookout or perhaps just set a table up with the standard chips and dips and party favors?" Megan asked.

"That would depend on the weather I would imagine," he answered.

"We can get showers here when there’s none predicted," Megan reminded him.

"I know dear," he said as he suggested they could cook hamburgers on the grill and if it did start to rain, they could bring them inside and finish cooking them in the kitchen.

"Great idea," Megan said as Dianna was coming in the door.

"Welcome home Mr. and Mrs. D." Dianna said as she hugged Megan and Donovan. I brought a bouquet of flowers to sort of brighten your room up a little she smiled as she went to the kitchen to put them in a vase.

Dianna brought the flowers and placed them on the coffee table in the living room, as she wanted to know all about their whirlwind wedding.

"Megan tell me all about the wedding, I’m dying to hear all about it."


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"I have some letters to answer while you two ladies get what we need for the party," Donovan remarked and left them in the living room.

Megan was so busy explaining every little detail about the wedding to Dianna that Donovan doubted they even heard a word he said. It really didn’t matter though as he could use this time to answer his mail without interruptions.

The afternoon of the party arrived and brought beautiful weather conditions with it. The sea breeze kept the temperatures in the lower eighties. It was just perfect for a cook out. Almost everyone they invited was able to attend. Megan and Donovan thanked everybody for the lovely send off when they sailed from Jacksonville Beach a few weeks earlier. He went about doing the man thing at these kinds of patio parties if you want to call them that.

He was in charge of cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs. It was a very festive afternoon. Everyone was in a party mood. Megan brought her CD player out on the patio and put some Calypso music on that she had purchased in the Islands. They even had a limbo contest. Donovan hated to admit it, but he wasn’t even close to winning. They finished the evening by showing the video of their wedding. Everyone sat on the floor with Megan and Donovan as they played the video. The ladies were more into seeing it than the guys. It was still a thrill for Megan and Donovan to watch, as it was their first time to see it also.

"That’s no fair," the ladies said to Megan as the video ended.

"What do you mean it’s no fair?" Megan responded.

"You didn’t throw a bouquet over your shoulder for one of us to catch."

"Hold it girls," Dianna said as she told all the ladies to step out on the patio.

"You too Megan," she said.


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Dianna got the flowers out of the vase and handed them to Megan.

"You are so clever," Megan said to Dianna as all the ladies gathered round.

"This may be a little belated," Dianna laughed, "but the spirit of the moment is right for now."

Megan turned her back to everyone and asked, "Is everyone ready?"

"Yes came the chorus from the crowd."

Megan tossed the flowers over her shoulder and her best friend Debbie caught them.

"Did you see what I caught," Debbie said to her boyfriend Tom.

"Well congratulations" Donovan said to Debbie.

Tom, Debbie’s boyfriend, had a sense of humor also.

"Debbie will you marry me someday," he asked with a big grin on his face?

"Did I just get a proposal?" Debbie laughed.

"Well it was a start anyway," Megan said as one by one their guests were leaving. They walked back inside and Dianna was already busy cleaning up.

"No you don’t," Megan exclaimed. "You are our guest tonight and I will take care of this."

"Fiddlesticks," Dianna said. "Guest or no guest, I want to help you get this place squared away."


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Megan realized this was one argument she could not win. The girls had the place spic and span in no time at all. Dianna congratulated them again as she was leaving.

"It was fun having our friends over," Donovan told Megan as they were alone again and started up the stairs.

"Yes, it was sweetheart and I enjoyed it also."

They spent the entire next day stocking the boat with supplies and getting ready for their journey wherever it would lead them. Dianna had called and asked if Megan would let her help today.

"I would welcome your help Dianna," Megan answered.

They weren’t sure when they would return when they set sail this time. Dianna and Megan did all the shopping while Donovan went about making sure everything on the boat was in good working order. By the time, they returned with the supplies he was finished with his work. He helped them carry everything from the car and load it onto the boat. "Well that’s that," he said, as the last of the supplies were stored away.

"Tomorrow is the big day," he commented.

They would sail tomorrow afternoon for parts unknown. Dianna had tears in her eyes as she hugged Megan and him and said, "I’m sure going to miss you guys."

"Well we are certainly going to miss you also," Megan and Donovan both responded as they left the boat.

"Don’t worry about your place," Dianna said. "I can manage that all right."

"We know you can," Megan said as they got in the car and waved goodbye.


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They had not told a single soul about the map or anything else that might give a hint as to what they were up too. Tomorrow they would drive to St. Augustine and rendezvous with this Mr. Destin Hensley at the lighthouse.

"Do you remember what the last part of that rhyme said?" Megan asked.

"I believe so," Donovan replied. It said search for the light and bring this note.

"That’s very good. Do you have the note?"

"No I don’t," Donovan responded while looking very foolish at the moment.

Donovan was quite sure his face was red from embarrassment. Megan just kind of smiled and shook her head.

"I’m glad one of us is using their head," he said as he went back onboard and got the note.

They were up the next morning before sunrise, which was their usual habit. They took their coffee on the beach and watched the sunrise.

"I have an idea," Donovan said as Megan and he were walking back to the Condo.

"Have you ever been to St. Augustine?" he asked.

"I’ve been through there, but I’ve never stopped and did the tourist thing," she replied.

"Well dear, let’s do the tourist thing this morning," he suggested. "We will get ready and drive down to St. Augustine. Stop on the way somewhere and eat breakfast then sightsee the oldest city in the United


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States until time to meet our mystery man if that schedule meets with your approval."

"Yes, it meets with my approval and it sounds like a lot of fun. I was hoping we might find the time to do something like that," Megan answered as she turned the coffeepot off.

They got dressed and headed out. They stopped and ate breakfast. By the time they reached St. Augustine the shops and tourist attractions were starting to open up. They took a tour of the old section of St. Augustine riding in a horse drawn carriage. "This is so exciting," Megan exclaimed as their driver pointed out different places that were here from the beginning of civilization in the New World. Megan and Donovan visited the Old Fort next. They saw the cell where the Indian Chief Osceola starved himself until he was thin enough to escape through the bars and return to His tribe.

"There is just so much history here," Megan remarked as they completed their tour of Fort Castillo de San Marcos.

"Just across the street is the famous St. George Street," Donovan replied as they stood on the curb and waited for the light to change.

"Why does that name ring such a bell with me?" Megan asked as they crossed the street "I know now. This is the street where the artists who perform live here were denied their rights to Freedom of Speech and in several cases were arrested and jailed."

"You are so right my dear. It even made the National News," Donovan commented as they walked down the old street and window-shopped.

"I have been here on several occasions and I rather enjoyed watching them perform. I couldn’t see where they were interfering with any of these shop merchants businesses. They sure didn’t grab me by the arm as


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I walked down the street and interfere with me at all," Donovan commented

"Well you get a couple of complaints from these shop merchants and they pressure city hall to take some kind of action," Megan remarked as they went inside a small café to rest and drink a cup of coffee.

"It is eleven thirty," Megan said as they finished their coffee.

"By the time we get in the car and drive to the lighthouse it will be just about that time," Donovan replied as they headed for the parking lot.

Megan and Donovan arrived at the lighthouse about ten minutes to twelve.

"The note says be here between twelve and three my sweetheart, I’m not sure how long we’ll have to wait."

There were quite a few people gathered around the lighthouse as Megan and Donovan tried to see if they could spot the mysterious Mr. Destin Hensley.

Megan laughed; "they all look mysterious if you ask me."

"I agree with you my dear. Ok, our hour has arrived," Donovan, responded as they got out of the car.

He walked up to where the crowd was standing at the base of the lighthouse with Megan holding onto his arm.

"How are we going to know who’s who in this crowd?" Donovan asked?

"The note said to be at the lighthouse, right?" Megan asked.

"Yes, dear," he answered.


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"We already knew it was a lighthouse," she continued. "The last part of the note said to search for the light."

"Yes but what light my darling?" he asked.

Megan turned to search the crowd and noticed a man just a few steps from where the main crowd was holding one of those small pen lights like you might see on a key chain. Every so often he would turn it on and off several times in a row.

"Look at that," Megan softly said to Donovan just above a whisper.

He saw what she was talking about.

"You may be on to something." The man turned the light on and off several, more times.

"Search for the light. I believe you are right my dear Megan."

Donovan nonchalantly walked over to where the man was standing. Megan trailed right behind him.

After a couple of moments, Donovan spoke. "Excuse me sir, would you by any chance be interested in a note?"

"As a matter of fact my good man, trading notes is somewhat of a hobby of mine," he replied without changing the expression on his face.

"I have a note you may possibly be interested in," Donovan said as he reached in his shirt pocket and took out the envelope containing the note.

"So I see" the man replied, "so I see."

They exchanged envelopes and the man instructed Donovan not to read the note he had just handed him until they were safely aboard their boat. Donovan put the envelope in his pocket. Megan and he got back in their car and headed for the marina at Jacksonville Beach.


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They all ready had everything they needed from the Condo with them. There was no need to go by there. Dianna was taking care of their mail and any other thing that might come up that was important.

"What do you think now that you have met this mystery man?" Megan asked.

"From what I’ve learned about people through the years, I got the impression this man was very sincere."

"I felt that too," Megan said, as they both remained silent for the longest time.

Finally, Megan broke the silence saying, "I am very curious as to where our next port of call will be."

"Right now, your guess is as good as mine," Donovan replied. "We will know in about ten more minutes, because we will be back at the marina," he said as they were passing J. Turner Butler Boulevard on A1A.

They pulled into the parking area of the marina and got what few things they had brought from the Condo out of the trunk. They went below to store their gear away and then sat down at the table to read the note.

"Are you ready my sweet Megan" Donovan said as he opened the note.

"Yes my dear Captain Donovan you may proceed."

"It’s another rhyme for us my dear."





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Do not worry my sailing friends, I will find you. Good luck.

"Well that’s all it says sweetheart."

"Donovan, at least we won’t have to go chasing him down this time," Megan stated.

"I see a little more than that," Donovan said with a little more certainty now in the sound of his voice.

"Oh yes dear Captain, would you mind sharing it with me," Megan said as she slid in beside me at the table and started to tickle my ribs?

Donovan was always goosey when it came to his ribs and Megan had found that vulnerable spot earlier.

"If you promise to quit goosing me, I will tell you."

"I believe our friend who is directing us on this Treasure Hunt is starting to put a little more trust in us. This time he will come to us on our boat."


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"I hadn’t looked at it that way, but I believe you are right now that I think about it," Megan remarked as she smiled at Donovan.

"What do you say my lovely first mate, shall we cast off and be on our way?"

"We have about ten days to make the trip my darling Captain Dearing," Megan said, "let’s do it. One thing is kind of puzzling to me though, the last part of that rhyme I don’t understand."

"Yes, I know, ‘they’ll thank us dearly on our way’. Your guess is just as good as mine as to that meaning," he quipped.

They went topside and prepared to cast off. Donovan cranked the engine to let it warm up just a little before they started up the intra coastal waterway that would lead them to the jetties and the open sea. A young couple that had been fishing off the end of the dock walked up to them.

"If you are fixing to leave," the young man said "we would be happy to take your lines off these pilings for you. I hope some day to own a boat such as this," the young man commented. Donovan and Megan invited the young couple on board and gave them a quick tour of the yacht. That really excited the man and woman.

Megan and Donovan thanked the couple for their assistance and once again they were on their way. As soon as Donovan crossed the bar at the mouth of the jetties he turned northward. Megan walked up and put her arms around him as he was calculating a course in his mind to get started.

"You know something sweetheart," she said as he turned the engine off and prepared to hoist the sails. "I am happy to be sailing again after these few days on shore. I really missed this boat."


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Donovan could sense the sincere way Megan was talking and knew she meant it.

"As long as we’re being honest here, my darling I did too."

"I am beginning to see why your Uncle Bill chose this way of life. Hold the wheel sweetheart while I hoist the sails," he said as he kissed her cheek.

"Aye, aye the captain of my heart and soul," she sang back.

Again, the winds filled the sails and the power of Mother Nature was taking them north.

"Do you believe that?" Donovan remarked as he was walking back toward the helm.

"Believe what?" Megan asked.

"Look behind you my dear."

Perched on the railing was Tag-a-long raring to go.

"Where did you come from you silly bird?" Megan asked as they both began to laugh almost hysterically.

"I hope that bird is not part of the "Plutus Curse?" she laughed.

"We will probably get just a little north of Fernandina Beach before we anchor for the night," he said.

"Not too many people can boast of going on a Treasure Hunt on their honeymoon that might take them around the world on their quest to find gold," Megan said as she walked back up behind him and placed her arms around his waist.

"We just might be the first," he added.


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"I kind of feel like we may be two characters out of an Indiana Jones movie," she laughed.

"Now that you mentioned it," he echoed back, "so do I."

Megan stayed by his side the rest of the afternoon.

"What do you say we reef the sails and call it a day?" he asked as Megan nodded in agreement.

"I’m not hungry right now, unless you are ready to eat."

"I’m not either darling. Let’s just get everything ready for the night and relax in our chaise lounges for a while."

Donovan went about setting the sea anchor while Megan went below. She returned about the time he was just finishing up.

"Here is a cool glass of lemonade," as she handed him a glass.

They sat down and enjoyed the breeze that was starting to pick up just a little. After dinner they came back on deck to look at the moon and stars and just make small talk. The heavens sure look magnificent out on the ocean with no other lights around to distract from their beauty.

It was almost eleven when Megan suggested they retire for the night. Tag-a-long had been fed earlier and already went to its roost atop the mast.

"Good idea" Donovan said as they were ending another beautiful night.

The next morning a loud explosion awakened them.

"Oh, my goodness," Megan cried out with fright in her voice, "What on earth was that?"


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"I don’t know," Donovan answered as he scrambled topside to get a look.

Donovan could see a bright red glow that looked to be about four or five miles away. By now Megan had joined him on deck and saw the red glow too.

"I think a ship or something has exploded," as he told Megan to go below and get ready.

"I am going to take the sea anchor up, use the engine, and steer in that direction just in case it is a boat or something. There may be people out there that need help now," he explained as Megan dashed below.

By the time, Donovan got the anchor up and the engine started Megan had returned.

"Just hold a course toward that red glow," he said then went to put more clothes on.

When he returned, Megan prayerfully spoke, "I hope no one is hurt."

"Me too darling. You might as well put the coffee on. We will need it anyway."

"Ok dear, I’ll be back shortly" Megan replied as they had already practiced emergency rescues at sea.

By now, it was beginning to break daylight.

"Can you drink this now?" Megan asked.

"Yes dear that will be just fine. You go forward sweetheart and keep your eyes open for anything you might see moving out there, I will just continue on this course I’m on." The glow had completely disappeared by now.


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Donovan was glad Megan had thought to grab the binoculars hanging by the hatchway on her way up.

"I don’t see anything now," he said, as there was nothing to see but blue skies on a green horizon.

"Wait!" Megan shouted. "There is something in the water just off our starboard bow."

"How far off?" he called back.

"I would say about a hundred yards. I can see them now," she yelled. "It’s a man and a woman. They are wearing life jackets and the woman has a little dog in her arms."

"I see them now also," he replied as he turned the boat in their direction.

Donovan turned the engine off and drifted up beside them.

"Is there anyone else out here?" he shouted.

"No sir we are the only ones," the man yelled back in a voice that sounded like he was about to panic.

Megan took the little dog from the ladies trembling arms while Donovan reached down and pulled her on deck.

"Take her below," he said to Megan "while I help this man aboard."

Everyone went below and the two people began to relate what had happened.

"We have been adrift all night. Our engines had stalled and our batteries were dead. We woke up this morning not sure what we could do other than pray," the man began. My name is Daniel and this is my wife Doris.


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Megan handed them both a cup of coffee and introduced herself and Donovan.

Still halfway in a daze and very visibly shaken the man continued with his story.

"I told Doris to go on deck and see if she could see any other boats in the area. I couldn’t call for help because of the dead batteries and I wasn’t sure if I was near the shipping lanes or not. I tried one last time to start the engines. The batteries must have caused a spark because the next thing I knew, the entire engine room was in flames. I grabbed two life jackets and told Doris to put one on while I was getting into mine. I could hear a roar from the engine room and told Doris to jump and get as far a way from the boat as she could because it was fixing to explode. I grabbed our dog and jumped in behind her. We were able to swim about fifty yards before it finally exploded".

"We heard the explosion," Donovan reported. "Megan and I had just wakened. We ran on deck in time to see the red glow on the horizon and we steered for it."

"We thank God you were here," they both said almost in unison. "There is no way we could ever thank you enough. We owe our lives to you."

"You are lucky," Donovan replied.

"You are even luckier than you both think" Megan said.

"Oh yes," Doris said, please tell me.

I believe everyone was curious to hear what Megan had to say also.

"You and your husband are close to our sizes and you can get out of those wet clothes."

Everyone had a quick laugh and was glad for the dry clothes offer.


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"You take Doris forward and help her get changed. I will call the Coast Guard so Daniel can report this accident. Then I can show him where some dry clothes are," Donovan remarked as he was tuning the radio.

"Ok sweetheart," Megan said as she took Doris forward.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" Daniel asked.

"We are about thirty miles due east of Brunswick, Georgia," Donovan responded

Donovan got on the radio and tuned the frequency in for the Coast Guard Station.

"This is the Megan’s Voyage calling the Coast Guard," he repeated several times.

Finally they heard a voice come back on.

"This is the Coast Guard Station in Mayport, Florida" was the reply. "How may we help you?"

"I have a man here who has had an accident with his boat. There are no injuries," Donovan stated several times rather emphatically to make certain the Coast Guard radio operator understood. "He will give you the details."

He handed the microphone to Daniel and went to pour another cup of coffee. He listened as Daniel reported the incident. Megan and Doris returned at about the same time. Megan poured the couple some more coffee and sat down beside Donovan while Daniel gave his report.

"I am Daniel Hensley," he began. "My wife Doris is safe with me on board the yacht Megan’s Voyage. Our forty-three foot cabin cruiser caught fire and exploded."


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"There seems to be a few Hensley’s coming into our lives lately," Megan whispered to Donovan.

He just nodded as he continued listening.

"The name of our boat was the "OUR WAY" he said.” We were coming from Miami, Florida heading for Charleston, South Carolina when we developed engine problems."

The radio operator asked if they needed assistance.

"Can you put us ashore so we can make arrangements to get to Charleston?" Daniel asked.

"We can do better than that," Megan said. We are heading for Charleston our selves if you would like to finish the cruise with us.

"I don’t believe how we can have such bad luck one minute and such good luck the next," Doris remarked as Daniel told the operator everything here was under control now.

"We will make a full report for you," the radio operator said. "I will forward this report on to the Coast Guard Station in Charleston."

Donovan took Daniel forward and showed him where some dry clothes were and went back to the galley.

"Would you like to lie down a while?" Megan asked Doris.

"Not right now, I am still much too nervous," she answered.

Daniel came forward and shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you realize the odds of anyone being out in this ocean and in this particular area at this time? There really is a God," he vowed.


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"You two can have the bed rooms directly across from us," Megan said. "When you get tired you know where it is."

"I am going topside and get underway for Charleston," Donovan stated.

"I will get breakfast started," Megan replied.

"Can I help?" Doris asked.

"You rest right now," Megan said. "You have been through quite a lot lately. If you feel ok at lunchtime, I will be glad to let you help me then."

"Thank you, Megan," Doris said in a voice that was weak, but very sincere.

Donovan went on deck to hoist the sails and get moving. Daniel followed him while Doris stayed behind to chat with Megan.

"I have always wanted to learn to sail," Daniel said. "I just never took the time to learn."

"Well then Daniel," Donovan declared "you will get a chance now. It will take us four or five days to reach Charleston. You may become quite adept by then."

"You are the teacher;" Daniel sang back, "Just show me."

Donovan could tell Daniel was an easygoing guy. He stood around six feet tall. He had sandy colored hair and a tan that told him he was use to the outdoors. He had a medium build with a built in smile. His eyes were blue. Donovan might sound as if he were describing himself except for the hair. Donovan’s hair was dark.

"Ok Daniel, take the wheel and hold it just like it is while I hoist the sails," Donovan instructed.


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He hoisted the sails and listened as the wind whispered in them and then returned toward the sea. All the sails were completely full and they began their day of sailing. He set their course at three hundred and fifty degrees.

"Ok Daniel, just keep your eye on the compass and follow the wind as close as you can."

Donovan heard the little dog barking below.

"That is a toy poodle," Daniel said. "His name is Tiger, he laughed. He is use to being around me," he remarked.

"Go and bring him on deck," Donovan replied as he took the helm.

Daniel brought Tiger on deck. They watched as the dog ran up and down the deck checking everything out. They heard him barking up forward. He was barking at Tag-a-long perched on the railing just watching him. The bird was curious for a while and then decided it had heard enough barking for a while and flew off. Donovan explained how they came about having a gull for a pet.

"That is really interesting," Daniel said as he took the helm while Donovan went below to look at the charts.

"Breakfast will soon be ready," Megan reported as Donovan was confirming their position at sea.

"I will go topside, set the autopilot, and let Daniel know breakfast is ready," he replied.

"Let’s eat," he told Daniel as he set the autopilot. "Will Tiger be all right up here on deck or do you want to bring him below," Donovan asked.

"He will be just fine," Daniel said. "I need to put a bowl of water out for him though."


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"That won’t be a problem," Donovan answered as they went below.

Megan gave Daniel a bowl of water and he put it on the deck for Tiger.

They sat down to eat breakfast and Donovan’s curiosity started to getting the better of him.

"You said your last name is Hensley?" he asked.

"Yes, that’s right," Daniel, said.

"Would you happen to know a Destin Hensley?" he continued.

"The only Destin Hensley I ever knew of was my great, great grandfather, but he died about a hundred years ago according to our family records. Why do you ask?"

"I met a man in St. Augustine, Florida by the name of Destin Hensley," Donovan replied.

"It is not a very common name," Daniel remarked. I am from Charleston, South Carolina, but I have relatives scattered all over the world," he laughed. "You may have very well run into one of my relatives, but it is strange that his first name was Destin," Daniel added.

After breakfast, Daniel and Donovan returned to the helm while Megan and Doris got the galley squared away.

"It really is beautiful out here when things are going smoothly," Daniel commented.

"Yes, it is," Donovan, answered back.

"Megan and I have been on land for four days and were ready to return to the sea, Donovan told Daniel.” The salt sea air coupled with the misty sea spray can really get in your blood," Donovan said as Megan and Doris joined them on deck.


Page 181: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I’ll take the helm a while if you don’t mind," Daniel offered.

"Be my guest," Donovan said as he told Doris to pull a chair up beside Daniel and enjoy the trip.

Donovan walked forward with Megan and stood at the bow looking at a passing ship at what appeared to be five miles from them.

"Megan, what do you make of the clues on this rhyme on the last note we received?" he asked as they continued to stare at the horizon.

"I’m not sure," she said with a somewhat puzzling look on her face.

"The last line of that rhyme reads stay alert and you may say they thanked us dearly on our way. Megan sweetheart, listen to me. When Daniel gave the Coast Guard the name of his boat, he called it "OUR WAY."

"My goodness" Megan exclaimed, "I didn’t know that. I’m starting to get strange feelings now that you told me that," Megan said. "These people seem innocent enough to me."

"I think these people are just fine," Donovan assured her.

"It is the mysterious Mr. Destin Hensley who I was thinking of," he said. "He seems to know what is going to happen next. He predicted this incident in that note."

"Yes," Megan said, "and Daniel said he did not know of another Destin Hensley in his family in over a hundred years."

Nothing out of the ordinary happened over the next several days as they sailed into Charleston harbor.

"That is the famous Fort Sumter to our port," Donovan told Megan as they made their way to Ashley Marina without any problems.


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The Hensley’s were glad to get home and they really appreciated everything Megan and Donovan did for them. They called their daughter to come and get them. They exchanged addresses and promised to keep in touch.

"Well my sweet Megan we have a couple of days to kill while we wait for our next rhyme," Donovan smiled. "How would you like to see Charleston tomorrow?"

"I think that would be great," she said as they went below to rest a bit.

"I still feel funny inside when I think of the last part of that rhyme," Donovan responded.

"It is as if our mystery man predicts the future. If that is true, and it is certainly starting to look that way, then I believe he knows now if we will succeed or fail in our attempt to rid his family of the Plutus Curse."

"There just may be something to the curse," Donovan said, "but maybe this is the one thing he doesn’t know, whether we will succeed or fail."

"In what way are you talking about?" Megan asked."

"The Hensley’s we just rescued lost their boat and could have possibly lost their lives if we had not been where we were at the time. I feel my darling we are in way too deep to quit now. He may be able to predict our future to a certain extent, but I do not believe he knows exactly what the final result will be," Donovan said.

"Put your arms around me and hold me tight for a few minutes." Megan pleads. "What you have been trying to tell me is finally starting to sink in."

"We are in this together darling," Donovan reminded her as he assured Megan that their Mr. Destin Hensley had picked the right couple to finish the job that might have started centuries ago.


Page 183: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"We will not even think about cooking dinner tonight," Donovan remarked. "We will pick some restaurant close by and retire early if that is ok with you Mrs. Dearing?"

"That is very ok with me my darling," she said as they got cleaned up and prepared to go out. "One thing though," Megan added. "I don’t care to go anywhere fancy tonight."

"That suits my liking even better," he agreed.

They went to a restaurant not far from where they were docked. The food and the service were both good.

"We will visit the old slave market tomorrow on Chalmers Street. You will find parts of Charleston that will remind you a little of places we visited in St. Augustine. They are parallel in many respects," he said as they strolled back towards their boat.

"The fort I showed you as we came into Charleston Harbor was one of the greatest strongholds the confederates had during the Civil War. That is where the first shot was fired starting the war. They were able to hold that fort for almost two years before it was almost reduced to rubble. The Civil War had so many mixed emotions," Donovan commented as he thought back on how the atmosphere of life in both the north and south had to feel like then.

"I am so glad that ugly part of America is behind us," Megan replied.

"I know sweetheart" he responded, "but there are still plenty of wounds from that war which have not healed even unto this day. We may not see a complete healing in our lifetime," he said in finishing.

Although there were many gulls flying around, it looked like Tag-a-long was content to stay on the boat.


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"Would you look at that?" Megan laughed. "That bird thinks it is much too good to mingle with those lowly gulls."

"It sure looks that way," Donovan laughed.

"Ok Tag-a-long," Megan told their friend as they came on board, "I guess I’ll feed you now."

Donovan stayed on deck just looking around at some of the scenery while Megan went below to get the bird something to eat. Megan returned shortly with some fish they had cut up and walked forward as Tag-a-long flew to her. Donovan walked forward and watched Megan as she fed the bird.

"I did not want to feed it with all those other birds near," she said.

"Good idea" he remarked.

"We would not be able to walk up here with all the gulls that would soon inhabit our boat," she said.

"Would you like to sit up here a while?" he asked.

"I think that would be nice for a while," Megan replied as Donovan went to chill some wine for their moonlight happy hour.

He returned to find Megan talking to a lady in the boat next to them.

"Do you know who this is?" Megan asked.

"I know you look familiar," he said, "but I really don’t remember where I saw you."

Megan just laughed.

"This is the lady who was on the boat next to us in West End Bahamas," Megan reminded Donovan.


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"I’m so sorry" he said. "I am bad about remembering people unless I actually make contact with them."

"That is quite all right," the lady answered.

As he was laying back in his chaise lounge, Donovan over heard the lady ask Megan where they were heading next.

"We are not sure just yet," Megan told her. "We will make up our minds in a couple of days."

The woman said good night and Megan joined Donovan.

"Oh, my," Megan said rather seriously.

"What’s wrong sweetheart?" he asked as he opened his eyes and looked at her.

"It is starting to lightning and I can hear it begin to thunder every now and then."

"Don’t worry darling. If it does approach, I will just take you below and let you snuggle up in my arms like we did that night off the coast of Florida."

"Well Mr. Donovan Dearing," she said rather positive like, "I just may have you do that whether it storms or not."

"Is that an offer or a proposal?" he asked.

"My darling Donovan,” she smiled, "that is an offer you better not refuse."

There was a storm fast approaching and it was starting to intensify. Donovan made sure everything on deck was secure while Megan wasted no time getting below. He got below just as the bottom fell out.


Page 186: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"We didn’t have too much warning this storm was coming," he observed as he closed the hatch behind him.

You could see the lightning as it flashed through the portholes.

"Come here right now mister and I mean hurry," Megan cried as she really was near panic.

He took her in his arms and held her tight.

"Just keep your eyes closed sweetheart and you will be all right," he whispered in trying to soothe her fears.

She was shaking a little, but he soon had her calmed down.

"I’m sorry for acting like a big baby," she sobbed, "but I really can’t help it."

"I know my dear," he said as he gently stroked her soft hair and let her know he was there for her.

The storm passed in about an hour. They decided to just stay below and pass on the moonlight happy hour tonight.

"I think we can probably find something to do worthwhile right down here this evening," he said.

"You’ve got that loving look in your eye Mr. Dearing," she smiled.

"I was just thinking about that offer I couldn’t refuse," he said as he dimmed the lights.

"Umm" Megan sighed as she snuggled closer. "I might have to overcome my fear of lightning and thunder and start praying for more storms if this is where it leads to."


Page 187: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Why Mrs. Dearing," he said. "I do believe I just heard an indecent proposal."

They awoke the next morning and looked forward to a day of sightseeing in Old Charleston.

"There is a lot to see in Charleston," he told Megan as she got their coffee ready. "We will do the tourist thing here like we did in St. Augustine if you like my dear?" he offered.

They went up on deck to drink their coffee and plan their activities for the new day.

"I think I will fix blueberry pancakes this morning," Megan smiled.

"That sounds right up my alley today," he replied.

"After breakfast, we can get ready and see what we can until we get tired and then we can come back here and lounge around the rest of the day," Megan suggested.

“That suits me just fine also," he said as Tag-a-long flew down from its perch on the mast and landed on the railing near Megan.

"All right," Megan said as she started below to get their feathered friend its breakfast.

They didn’t see any other gulls around. Megan fed Tag-a-long on the rail while Donovan made a quick inspection of everything. Last, night’s storm hadn’t done any damage to their boat as far as he could tell.

Megan went below to fix breakfast while Donovan talked to a couple of fishermen who walked by and were getting ready for a day of fishing. They wanted to know where Megan and Donovan were from and said they envied Donovan for being able to just cruise anywhere he wanted to go.


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Donovan could smell the sausage frying as he heard Megan calling for him to come and get ready for breakfast.

"Did I hear you talking to someone just a few minutes ago?" Megan asked.

"Yes dear, I was talking to a couple of fishermen passing by. I thought you saw them as you came below. These blueberry pancakes are delicious," he commented as Megan was removing more sausage from the frying pan.

"Eat all you want sweetheart, we have plenty," she quipped as she sat down and joined him. "I just thought of something," Megan said as she refilled their coffee cups. "This is the last day of this month."

"You are right my dear. I don’t know what I was thinking. I have lost a day somewhere. Tomorrow is the first of August and that is when we are to see our Mr. Destin Hensley again," Donovan stated.

"We may just make this a short day of sightseeing," Megan said, "so we can get back and rest up for tomorrow. We don’t have any idea where our next destination may be."

"I agree with you sweetheart. I could only guess and right now, I wouldn’t even think about doing that," he replied as they got dressed and prepared to go on their tour of the city.

Megan and Donovan crammed as much sightseeing in as they could. To be perfectly honest with you, they were both just about exhausted by three pm. They hailed a cab and went back to the marina. To say they were glad to get back to their boat, lie down, and rest a while would be a big understatement. They were thrilled to be back. Donovan didn’t wake up until almost five thirty. He knew he better wake Megan up now or when she did wake up, she would be awake all night. He made a pot of coffee and woke Sleeping Beauty.


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"I must have died when I lay down," Megan remarked. "I closed my eyes and bingo, was out like a light," she sighed. "What time is it?"

"It’s almost five thirty. I’m glad I woke up when I did, or we may have both slept through a large part of the night."

"I know" Megan said. "I hate to wake up at two or three in the morning and then toss and turn until daylight."

They could hear rain falling on the deck above them. It was falling hard, but at least there was no lightning and thunder with it. It rained steady for about three hours. Megan and Donovan played rummy to pass the time away until the showers ended. She beat him rather soundly. Donovan found out she was quite a good card player.

"Where did you learn to play cards so adeptly?" he asked.

"My Uncle Bill taught me," she confessed. "He was quite a poker player," Megan said as they got up and went topside to feed Tag-a-long.

Tag-a-long was the only one around that they could see.

"I guess the rain scared the rest of the gulls away," Megan suggested.

"Well it is eight thirty. They have probably gone to roost somewhere for the night."

"You’re probably right about that," Megan smiled. "I will fix dinner in a few minutes."

"What would you like tonight sweetheart" Megan asked as she put her arms around Donovan’s waist?

"Let’s really keep it simple tonight," he suggested. "Why not fix a couple of chilidogs and chips?" he asked.


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"Well it doesn’t get much simpler than that," she smiled as they went below.

While Megan was fixing the chilidogs, Donovan recorded the events of the day in his Captain’s Log. Even though they weren’t at sea, he still wanted to keep it as accurate as he could. Donovan figured this would come in handy if he decided to use it in one of his books later on.

After dinner, Megan and Donovan sat on deck and watched the moon and stars that seemed to shine so bright tonight. They talked about different things they would eventually like to do. They decided that they would not make any definite plans until their search for the "Statue of Plutus Gold" had ended. When Megan and Donovan made a commitment to search for this Treasure when they left the Bahamas, they decided to stick with it and see it through if there was any way possible.

Donovan found out early that Megan had just as much perseverance as he. He guessed that could be one reason Megan and he always sensed that loving feeling for each other as deeply as they do. They both want the same things in life and feel the same way. She tries to think of his feelings first when they do things, and he feels the same way about her.


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Chapter Nine

It Pays To Do Good

This morning Megan woke up ahead of Donovan.

"Get up sleepy head" she whispered as she softly kissed his ear. The coffee is ready and we have a special visitor coming today.

"That’s right," he said as he told Megan there are several questions he would like to ask their Treasure Guide.

"He didn’t say what time he would be here Megan reminded Donovan only that it would be on August One."

"Well my darling it is the first of August" he said. I don’t have any reason to leave the boat today so I will wait for him.

"Let’s take our coffee on deck and greet the day" Megan smiled as they went topside.

"That is such a splendid idea Mrs. Dearing," he said.

The morning seemed so nice and clear after the refreshing rain from the night before. The barnacles that had grown on the pilings near by gave a slight hint they were still near the ocean by the salty smelled odor that tickled their nostrils.

"There is excitement in the air this morning" Megan said. I can feel it everywhere she continued. I’m not sure if it is just getting ready for a new destination or what, but it almost feels like a giant invisible magnet waiting to pull us in its direction.


Page 192: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"That is an excellent way of putting it my dear," Donovan said as he was watching something in the water making a movement near the surface.

About this time, Megan noticed it also.

"What is that?" Megan asked?

It came to the surface and revealed itself. A turtle may have gotten confused and entered the basin of the marina.

"It seems lost" Megan said as they watched it make its way back toward the channel.

“Let it get near the ocean and it will be on its merry way," Donovan said.

Megan turned to go below and get their feathered friend its breakfast and bring them a refill of coffee.

"I think you better come below now," Megan shouted from the hatchway.

Donovan knew that wasn’t just a come here a moment shout, it was much more serious than that.

"What’s broke now?" he thought to himself as he went below.

"We have had a visitor while we were on deck drinking our coffee" Megan said as she pointed to the envelope on the galley table.

Donovan quickly searched the boat for anyone who might be hiding on board, but they were all alone.

"We won’t open the envelope yet," he said to Megan until after you feed Tag-a-long, we drink another cup of coffee and eat breakfast. Our man of mystery did not want to make eye contact this morning he said as they


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went about doing what they would normally be doing this morning anyway.

After they had breakfast and cleaned the galley, Megan and Donovan sat down at the table to see where they would go next.

"This envelope is a little thicker than the last one we received," he said to Megan as he opened the envelope and looked inside.

"Well what do we have here?" he said as Megan’s eyes were glued to the envelope.

"There is some money in here" he said as he took the money and placed it on the table.

It was still in bank wrappers.

"How much is there," Megan asked.

"Count it dear," he said as he took the note that was also in the envelope and opened it.

"Donovan there is ten thousand dollars here" Megan gasped. This can’t be the Gold of Plutus can it Megan asked?

"No dear," Donovan smiled as he read the note to her. This will explain the money.

To Mr. And Mrs. Donovan Dearing it began. We feel that because of your willingness to stop and help your neighbors, whether it be next door or out in the ocean somewhere, the both of you deserve to continue your honeymoon. This money has nothing to do with the Gold of Plutus. The person instructing me as I guide you has asked that you take the next three months and finish your honeymoon in Jamaica as you had planned. This money is just a complimentary token of his thanks.


Page 194: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

I will meet you in Montego Bay on October the first. Enjoy yourselves. Destin Hensley. This next time I promise to stick around long enough to give you more information and answer any questions you have that I can as I assume you have a few by now. Good sailing to you my friends.

"Well my dear that is all that is written," Donovan said as he folded the note back up.

Megan just looked across the table from him as if she were in some kind of trance.

"What’s wrong?" he asked, as he could tell she was sensing something very strange.

She had that same look when he first brought that box of her Uncle Bill’s to her.

"I have not told anyone about our original plans to honeymoon in Jamaica" she said with somewhat of a hesitation in her voice.

"I haven’t either," Donovan said as he was starting to get those little goose bumps on his arms now.

"Well sweetheart" Megan said, as she got up and walked around the table and slid in beside him. "How did this Mr. Destin Hensley or the man he say’s is giving him instructions for us know? This is becoming a very dark mystery.

Donovan could only shake his head in doubt.

"Well darling he has promised to meet with us in October and I believe he is a man of his word" Donovan remarked. That would be a very good question to ask him, he said as Megan was rubbing the goose bumps on her arms by now.


Page 195: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Yes, I would do just that" Megan said as they sat there for a few minutes in silence.

"We have come this far," he said as he put his arms around Megan’s shoulders. We may face a greater danger, as we get closer to the Gold of Plutus, Donovan said, but I believe if we listen to our Treasure Guide, he will help keep us safe. I have this strangest feeling we may be his last hope at ridding his family from this "Curse of Plutus" forever. If I am right Donovan continued, he will do everything in his power to keep us as safe as possible.

"Well he certainly has given us plenty of time to rest and just enjoy our selves" Megan said as they talked about all those things that were known in advance.

"Think about this for a moment" Megan said? Our Mr. Hensley knew the young man in Rio, I believe they called him Fleet, was not going to make it. Perhaps he was too young and unwise I’m not sure about that, but then this search for the gold was passed on to my Uncle Bill. I feel the back-up plan was for us. If anything should happen to my Uncle, this man knew that I would inherit the boat. You and I are not driven by greed, as neither was my Uncle Bill, Megan continued. Wherever this chase leads us it will be by water for the most part, thus the need for someone with a boat.

"Say no more sweet heart" Donovan said. You certainly make a pretty strong case for these reasons we cannot explain. Do you want to stay around Charleston for a while he asked?

"We certainly have plenty of time, but as lovely as this place is my darling, I would rather head back south and enjoy our honeymoon where we had first discussed going anyway" Megan said.

"How are we fixed for food supplies?" Donovan asked?


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"We have plenty of food for the next month," she said.

"Ok my dearest Megan, I will make sure our fresh water tank is full and then we shall set sail for more southerly waters. We can stop in Palm Beach and restock any supplies that we may need and have plenty of time to visit any of the other many Islands that we pass on our voyage to Jamaica" he remarked.

"That sounds terrific" Megan said as she gave him a kiss and said let’s get packing.

They left Charleston shortly before noon. By one o’clock, they were under full sail heading south.

"Remember our first day at sea when we set sail for the Bahamas" Megan asked?

" Yes, I do darling, why do you ask?"

"I asked what you wanted for lunch and you said it didn’t matter. I fixed us ham sandwiches and lemonade."

"I remember now," Donovan smiled.

"Well Mr. Dearing you are going to get the same lunch this time also" she laughed.

“That suits me just fine my lovely Lady Goddess of the Sea." I have a suggestion, he said as Megan prepared to go below. Just bring them back on deck and we can eat up here in this cool sea breeze that Mother Nature is giving us he said in closing.

"That sounds like a reasonable request my good Captain. I shall return shortly" she winked as she disappeared below deck.


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Megan returned shortly with their sandwiches, iced tea and chips. They enjoyed their lunch as they sailed along and discussed whatever their future might hold.

"There is something ahead of us," Donovan said, but I can’t quite make out what it is.

"Get the binoculars and see if you can make it out?" he said, as Megan was already one step ahead of him.

She got them and focused in on the horizon.

"It is another sailing ship," she said.

"We seem to be gaining on it" Meagan commented, because I barely saw it before we had lunch and now we are getting closer. "It may not be getting as much wind in its sails as we are" Donovan made the comment.

You wouldn’t think the wind would be that much of a difference in just a few miles on this great big ocean, but there can be a world of difference.

"I can’t help but wonder why that is," Megan said with a somewhat puzzled look on her face. There are no walls, buildings, mountains or anything of that nature to stop the wind or slow it down.

"Well dear, if your sails are not trimmed right you can lose a lot of wind. Your Uncle really knew what he was doing when he had these sails rigged. They seem to take advantage of every breath of wind that blows," he said as they continued to gain on the boat ahead of them. At this rate, we will over take that boat in a couple of hours or so I would estimate Donovan said as he tried to calculate their speed compared to the speed of Megan’s Voyage.

"I think I shall stay up here with my good Captain and be your watch this afternoon" Megan smiled as she gave him that cute little wink that was so sexy looking to Donovan.


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"I’ll take the binoculars, go forward, relax up there my dear, and keep you posted on our progress as we catch up with that sailboat. Will there be anything else before I go my dear Captain?" Megan saluted. If not then I shall go forward and keep you up to date on any new activities.

Megan went forward to watch while Donovan had to do a little tacking to catch the wind that was beginning to change directions as they continued southward. He had to tack near the shipping lanes several times. They passed ships that were less than a mile from them.

Donovan didn’t like to get too near them because in a sailboat you are at the mercy of the wind and you can get in critical situations before you know it if you’re not careful. It can be just as hard for a big ship to maneuver out of your way also if trouble arose.

Megan walked aft to where he was at the helm.

"I’m trying to make up our mind my dear Captain" she smiled.

"And just what are you trying to make up our minds about my lovely first mate" he returned the comment right back at her?

"Do we want coffee, lemonade or just water to drink?"

"Well my dear, if you are giving me a vote then I opt for coffee right now."

"Well then my dear Captain, coffee it is."

Megan started below and Donovan called her back.

"Yes sir, what is it my Captain?"

"Don’t you know it is considered mutiny or subordination at the very least aboard this vessel to leave your Captain and go below without saluting him with a kiss" he said.


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"I knew that" she smiled; I was just testing you to see if you were on your toes, she laughed as she gave him a kiss he could not complain about.

Megan just made Donovan’s life so much better with every day that passed. He had dated lots of other women in his time, and some of them were really quite nice and beautiful, but none ever turned his head and made his heart do flip-flops like Megan did. She was well worth waiting for.

Megan returned with the coffee. Donovan had just made his tack back toward the west and asked Megan if she wanted to try her hand at sailing on a tack course?

"Yes dear, but please show me what to do," she begged?

"Look at your wristwatch" he said. Time yourself to sail about thirty minutes to the west and I will show you how to sail back toward the east. What you will actually be doing my darling is sailing in kind of a zigzag line. I’ll be right here with you so you don’t have anything to worry about.

"Aye, aye Captain. Now my dear Captain, you may drink your coffee before it gets cold" Megan whispered as she took the helm.

After about thirty minutes, Megan said

"It is time to make my turn eastward."

Donovan showed her how to imagine a line running obliquely from the helm to the horizon.

"Now look at your compass and get a reading and hold that course for about thirty minutes" he said.


Page 200: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"You are becoming quite a sailor my dear," he said as he gave her a kiss and went forward to see where the position of the other sailboat ahead of them was.

They had closed to within a mile and a half of it. Megan had made her westward turn and in fifteen minutes was closing fast on the sailboat ahead of them. They closed within fifty yards of the stern of the sailboat when Donovan told Megan that was close enough and start turning to a more southerly course.

"I can’t turn the wheel," she cried. It won’t bulge.

Donovan ran to the helm, but he could not move it either. As they closed to within twenty-five yards of the boat, the strangest thing happened. The winded shifted directly southeast to the course he had set when they left the sea buoy in Charleston, South Carolina.

It was as if the autopilot was on. Donovan checked to make sure it was off. Someone or some thing had control of their boat for a short while. The boat turned with the wind and they sailed abeam of the other sailboat.

This sailboat looked as if it were a replica of an earlier sailing vessel. It really reminded them of the type of ships that were so common in the days of Christopher Columbus.

"I can’t make out the name on the hull of the boat," Donovan cried. Get the binoculars he shouted to Megan and see if you can make out the name.

While Megan went to get the binoculars, a man appeared at the railing of the boat and shouted to them.

"Where might ye be headed?" he shouted?

"Donovan shouted back, they are bound for Jamaica."


Page 201: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"You will have good winds for your cruise to the West Indies all the way" he replied. I am going there myself.

By now Megan had focused in on the boat with their binoculars.

"Good Lord" Megan cried out as she looked as if she had seen a ghost.

She rubbed her eyes and then looked again. Without saying, a word to Donovan she walked over and handed him the binoculars.

As he focused in on the boat, he could not believe his eyes. The name on the boat was "Plutus Gold." The man at the rail was the exact image of the Mr. Destin Hensley they had met in St. Augustine, Florida. Actually, he could have easily passed as a twin brother.

"Can you believe that?" Megan said without even looking at Donovan?

"Something very strange is going on and I am not sure just what it is," Donovan remarked as he shook his head in disbelief.

“Quick Megan, grab our camera and take a picture of that boat. I would like to find out where it was built and the date it was constructed" he stressed as Megan ran to get the camera.

While Megan rushed below deck for the camera, something else very strange started happening. A large fog bank was moving in between the "Plutus Gold" and the Megan’s Voyage. Megan came back on deck and could not believe what she was seeing either. The fog lifted in less than three minutes and there was no trace what so ever of the sailing vessel the "Plutus Gold."

"Did I imagine this or am I losing my mind?” she asked?

"If you did sweetheart, then I did too" Donovan said as he could only stand there scratching his head and questioning his own sanity. I’m not sailing anymore today, he stated rather affirmatively.


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Donovan looked at his watch and it was five thirty exactly. He reefed the sails and set the sea anchor for the night. He let Megan know he would log in his book what just happened, but the chances of anyone believing this was very slim.

"They would probably doubt your sanity and mine also," Megan agreed.

That evening after dinner, Megan and Donovan sat on the forward deck as they often did when the weather permitted.

"You might as well know something right now" he said as they lay back in their chaise lounges. I don’t think we could end our involvement in the search for the "Gold of Plutus" even if we tried.

"You are so right" Megan responded. We are in much too deep now, she continued.

"I believe we were tested on this trial run to Charleston just to see how we would handle ourselves under different situations" Megan commented.

"I agree with you one hundred percent" he said. We wanted adventure and adventure we have he smiled as they watched as the moon and stars were beginning to make their appearance in the southern skies.

The next few weeks of sailing were just as the man on the sailboat had predicted. The wind had been in their sails all the way and the seas were so smooth and calm it was almost as if it were glass.

For a week after seeing the mysterious ship off the South Carolina coast, it seemed as if their boat was still on autopilot. Donovan would hoist the sails every morning and the wind would quickly fill them. He was somewhere just off the coast of northern Florida before he was able to regain complete control of their vessel again.

"I guess whoever is guiding us on this treasure hunt wanted to make sure we would not change our minds and give up the search" Megan said.


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"I don’t think that is the reason, as we are free to give up anytime we choose. I will admit one thing" Donovan commented. The man said we would have good winds all the way to the West Indies and so far, they have been perfect.

They sailed into Palm Beach to restock their food supplies before continuing. After they finished loading supplies on their boat, Donovan suggested to Megan they visit one of the local libraries and see if there is now or if there ever was a ship registered as the "Plutus Gold."

"Good idea sweetheart" Megan said as they went to the library to see what they could find out about the mysterious ship that they encountered when they left Charleston, South Carolina.

It seems they were at a dead end, which really didn’t surprise them, as they didn’t feel there would be. Their search turned up nothing. The librarian asked if they could use her assistance. Donovan explained to her they were looking for information on a certain sailing vessel.

"It probably is in the Fifth-teen Hundredth Century" Megan added.

"Records weren’t as accurately kept back then," the librarian said. The name could have been in Greek, Latin, German, Norse or almost anything back in those days, and if it wasn’t a registered vessel, there is a good chance you will never gain information about it. Let me check the library cards and see if we have any books on the shelf by that name. There was one book here, the librarian said, but it seems it was checked out earlier this morning.

"May I ask who has the book?" I asked?

"I can tell you the name, but I am not allowed to give out addresses" she said. A Mister Destin Hensley checked this book out or someone with his library card did anyway.


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They thanked the lady for trying to help them anyway and returned to their boat.

"Well my darling" Donovan said someone wants our mystery boat to remain a mystery.

“It sure seems that way," Megan said as Donovan hugged her neck and gave her a sweet kiss.

"I wonder why I suspected whom it was that checked that book out before she even told us," he said to Megan.

"I had the very same feeling" Megan said.

"I guess that is why neither of us was shocked when we learned that" Donovan chuckled out loud.

By the time, they finished their main business in Palm Beach it was twelve-thirty pm.

"Do you want to spend the night here and go out to eat somewhere tonight or continue on" he asked?

"Darling I think I would be much more comfortable out on the ocean tonight" Megan said as she tried to explain her reasons to Donovan. I can’t explain it she continued, but I feel a little safer out there.

"We have already talked to the man who is insuring our safety in a way," she reminded him.

"He was right about the good winds and the notes he has given written in rhymes have all come to pass," Donovan said.

"My sweet Megan, I think I prefer the open sea tonight myself."

They sailed on more of a southerly course until they were just off the coast of Miami.


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"Here is where we take a more southeasterly course," he told Megan. As soon as I am sure we are out of the way of any shipping traffic, I will reef the sails and fix a sea anchor Donovan informed her.

"Aye, aye my dear Captain, lead on. I will go below and fix some coffee for us while you get the boat ready for tonight" Megan playfully joked.

After dinner, they sat on deck and enjoyed one of the most beautiful moons they had ever witnessed. They had seen moons before, but nothing ever compared to this one.

"Is it real?" Megan asked, or did our mystery man put it up there for us tonight?

"I am afraid to even attempt to answer that" he replied.

"All I care about right now is the fact that you are very real," Donovan said as he held Megan close.

"I don’t think it could get any realer to me either" Megan said.

They embraced and shut the rest of the world out for the night.

"I don’t think I could get any closer to heaven than this" Megan sighed as their lips met somewhere this side of ecstasy.

One good thing about pure love, it has a language all its own. Real words only seem to get in the way when you try and utter them.

"I wish this feeling could go on forever," Megan softly whispered.

"We can have the next best thing," he whispered in Megan’s ear. We can bring this feeling back as often as we wish too.

"We will my darling; we will" she sighed, as the man in the moon seemed to wink at them and turn his head as if to give them some heavenly privacy.


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"Oh Donovan" Megan sighed; the honeymoon is just now beginning.

Good night world. You don’t need to know anymore right now. Ooh La La.

The next morning brought an equally beautiful sunrise. After breakfast, Donovan charted a course for Nassau.

"I think we should spend a few days there," he suggested.

"That is just fine with me my lovely Captain" Megan said as she added, I would stay there forever if you asked me.

"I might consider that" he replied if I thought you and I would be the only ones there.

"I am sorry Mr. Donovan Dearing, but only Adam and Eve were afforded the luxury of being the only ones on planet Earth to live in Paradise by themselves."

"Yes my dear Megan, but we have the next best thing. We have each other and right now, this entire part of the world belongs to you and me as we start another day in our own Paradise."

"You keep talking like that my dear Captain and we just might spend the whole day just anchored right here" Megan said and seductively looked at him and smiled.

While they were preparing to get underway, a Coast Guard boat approached them.

"I would like to see the papers on your vessel" the Officer in Charge said as they pulled beside them.

"You may come aboard" Donovan replied while I go below and get them.


Page 207: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"We noticed you anchored out here," the officer continued.

The Officer and two men boarded their vessel. Donovan yelled below to Megan to bring the boat registration papers on deck.

"Megan is my wife," he explained to the officer.

Megan came on deck with the papers and handed them to the Officer.

"I am sorry to have bothered you," the Officer said as he read the registration and handed the papers back to Megan. You are the people that rescued a couple off the Georgia Coast about a month ago, he said. I read the report and remembered the name of your vessel Megan’s Voyage after I came aboard.

"We weren’t sure whether you were having problems or not" he said. We also have hijackings in these waters and they are usually drug related he said as he apologized for interrupting them.

"I’m glad you took the time to investigate," Donovan said. We could have been in trouble just as easily as not.

The officer asked where they were heading.

"Nassau right now, but our destination is Jamaica," Donovan said as he wished them good luck and left. Donovan weighed anchor and sailed towards the Bahamas.

"A lot of people would have been offended by being interrupted and boarded by the Coast Guard" Megan said.

"I know dear, but what if we really had needed them? I’m glad they are out here," Donovan said as Megan went below to get us some coffee.

She returned with two cups of coffee and one of Donovan’s novels. She pulled a chair up beside him and said, "I think I will catch up on some


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reading this morning my dear Captain" as she sat down and made her comfortable in one of the chaise lounges near the helm.

"I have not seen Tag-a-long in two days" Donovan said as he watched some dolphins playfully swimming along side of the yacht.

"My darling Captain," Megan said as she placed the book she was reading on her lap and looked at him. I fed that bird yesterday afternoon and it flew off somewhere. I have a feeling it won’t let us get too far away she smiled. You were below at the time my dear.

"I was just wondering," he said as a manta ray was spreading its giant wings and coming to the surface. Look Megan, you won’t see that every day, he said as he set the autopilot and went to the rail to get a closer look.

"What is that?" Megan asked as he told her it was sometimes called a Devilfish.

"They are more common down in these warm southern waters. We are getting closer to the Islands now" he said as several yachts were passing them. We can eat lunch in Nassau today he suggested. I love the cuisine in this part of the world, he said as he was waiting for Megan’s reply.

"That will be just fine with me" Megan smiled as she stood up to get a closer look at the different species of marine life that seemed as if they were putting on a parade for them.

"I can’t tell you what half of these creatures are" Donovan remarked as they both watched two large red snapper swimming side by side.

"I’m on your side there when it comes to identifying the many different species of marine life, but I know what those two are. We enjoyed that kind of fish one day for lunch in West End and as I remember, they were quite delicious" Megan smiled.


Page 209: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"You are so right about that my darling," he said as he reefed the sails and prepared to motor into the channel.

There were lots of boats coming and going on this day. Many were small fishing boats, but there were plenty of luxury yachts also. Two jet skis were behind them jumping their wake as they continued in to the channel.

"Those jet skis are just about as popular down here in the Islands as bicycles" Donovan remarked. "After we check in with the Port of Entry officials and get our embarkation cards validated my dear Megan, you and I will be tourists for the rest of the afternoon" Donovan jokingly smiled.

It would be hard to really describe the no hassle atmosphere that is so prevalent everywhere in these Islands to those who have not been fortunate enough to be here. Most people north of the Mason-Dixon Line suffer through four and often five months of bone-chilling cold weather while most of these natives have no idea what snow even looks like.

Megan and Donovan had no thoughts beyond each moment as they celebrated their honeymoon in Grandeur style and savored every golden drop of time. Each day was just another glorious continuation from the night before and that would extend into the next morning. They both knew the honeymoon couldn’t last forever, but that didn’t dampen their spirit of romantic bliss one tiny bit.

 Megan went below to make sure things were ok down there before they got ready to dock. Megan was very neat and kept everything in perfect order as far as the condition of the galley was concerned. When she was satisfied everything was ok, she returned topside to assist Donovan. It was always exciting pulling into a strange port for the first time also.

"Is everything all set?" Donovan asked as Megan walked up beside him.


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"Couldn’t be better" she replied.

Chapter Ten

The Islands of Love and Mystery

"We haven’t tried too much of the tourist thing yet," Megan laughed.

"I know and we need to send post cards to our friends," he reminded her.

"Oh my goodness you’re so right," she gasped.

"If we don’t they will think we just went off shore and hid," Donovan told her, as he was just teasing Megan a little?

"I couldn’t blame them either," Megan replied.

"Look up," Megan said as she pointed to the top of the mast. "Do you recognize that creature?" she smiled. As Tag-a-long was just flying to its perch.

"You were right my darling it will not let us get too far a way before it decides to check in. I will check with the marina and find out where there


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is a good place to eat lunch that is close by. I have been told a lot of the shops and restaurants are near the marina," Donovan said as Megan got up to help him dock their boat.

"We don’t have to worry about getting dressed up right now," he reminded Megan. "This is still part of the laid back atmosphere we enjoyed in West End. I like going into restaurants wearing casual shorts and shirts and not have to worry about coats and ties to be admitted."

"I have an idea. Why don’t you and I wear our matching shorts and shirts we were married in?" Megan remarked.

"I like that idea" he said, as they were getting ready to dock.

They pulled into the marina and two young men who were waiting on the dock saw them arrive. They showed them where to dock, and also assisted in helping they do so.

"This is a beautiful marina," Megan exclaimed with the sound of excitement in her voice.

"Yes my love and they also have a swimming pool and will take you to the grocery store and bring you back. We can also get dock power for our boat, phone line connections and cable TV hook-up right here," Donovan reported.

"This certainly has all the comforts of home," Megan added.

"We might want to watch the news or perhaps there is something on we care about seeing," he suggested.

"I really would like to just shut the rest of the world out (at least as far as all the bad news goes anyway) for one more night. They always start the evening news broadcast off by saying "Good Evening" and then spend the next thirty minutes telling you why its not," Megan added.


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"That suits me just fine," he said as they finished docking and went to the office to register and get their papers in order.

"Are you planning to stay long," the manager of the marina asked?

"I anticipate at least a week," Donovan replied as the customs officer talked about the many things to do and visit here in the Islands.

"We are in no big hurry this trip," Megan continued. "We were married in West End one month ago and are still on our honeymoon."

A lady who was in the office over heard what Megan said and remarked, "Ooh La, La."

"Excuse me?" Megan exclaimed as she turned to the woman and winked. "You mean Ooh, Ooh La, La," my good lady.

"I should know I have been here for a month now," she smiled.

Donovan turned around to see a rather embarrassed looking lady with a very red face.

"Are you married?" Megan asked the young lady who could only shake her head no.

"Well don’t worry my dear," Megan said to the young woman. "Perhaps you will be as lucky as I and find Mr. Right before long."

"Well my dear Megan" Donovan quipped as they walked out of the office and returned to their yacht, "You certainly put that young lady at a loss for words."

"I know," Megan, whispered, "It was rather comical wasn’t it?"

"That woman didn’t realize she was opening up a can of worms so to speak when she made that remark," Donovan quipped.


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"She is lucky." Megan said as they stepped back on board. "I started to say ooh, ooh, ooh la, la, and la."

"That may have caused the young lady to faint from embarrassment if you had," he laughed. "Well she did bring it up first sweetheart, you just affirmed the thoughts she was thinking," Donovan added.

"I merely put the icing on the cake," Megan laughed.

"Speaking of cake sweetheart, I am starting to get a little bit hungry."

"Me too," Megan agreed.

"Let’s get changed and go find a little restaurant near by. The lady in the office said to take our pick, as there were lots of restaurants just at our fingertips to choose from," Megan remarked, as they got dressed.

It was kind of funny in a way. Out of all the different items in the Islands to order on the menu, Megan wanted a hamburger all the way with French fries and a coke. When Donovan found out, they served that he ordered the same thing.

"We have hamburger meat on board our yacht," Megan reminded him, but it is not thawed out.

"Do you know how to fix a meat loaf?" Donovan asked.

"Darling one day this week I will fix you one of the best meat loafs you ever tasted," Megan promised.

"You need to start letting me know what kinds of food you really like Donovan so I can start feeding my man right," she smiled as she leaned over the table and gave him a kiss.

"Well my dearest Megan this is your honeymoon and I sure don’t want to see you spend it in the galley," he reminded her.


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"You really are a very thoughtful person," Megan said. "We go out to dine quite a lot so I won’t be spending all my time cooking, but even if I did it would be quality time well spent."

They finished their hamburgers and decided to just stroll around and browse in the windows of the many shops that had just about anything you could possibly want. Megan and Donovan went into a shop where she purchased two large beach towels, a large sunbonnet, and enough post cards to fulfill their obligations to their friends back in Florida.

"We can fill these cards out tonight," Megan said, "and mail them tomorrow.

"I’m glad you thought about that," Donovan responded. "I probably would have been back home before it dawned on me."

"Well men don’t usually think about those kinds of things," Megan responded in his defense and besides you do enough writing as it is."

"At least I have a beautiful wife who does my thinking for me," he remarked as they both enjoyed a quick laugh at that honest statement.

"What are those large buildings?" Megan asked as they looked out over Paradise Island?

"Those are Casinos."

"They are just as attractive as those I’ve seen in Las Vegas," she remarked.

"Yes, aren’t they lovely, Megan? Would you like to go there tonight and try your luck at gambling?" he asked.

"Not tonight sweetheart, but perhaps we can plan an evening out before we sail," Megan said as they turned and walked back to their boat.


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"If you really want to go there tonight," Megan said I could get ready. This is your honeymoon also," Megan reminded him again.

"I really don’t care about going anywhere tonight either," Donovan confessed.

"I had the phone line, cable TV and electricity connected while we were gone to eat," he answered.

"Well then my dear captain, I suggest we stay here and enjoy some of these conveniences that surprise me," she said as they kissed and she sighed, "Ooh La La."

"Ooh La La yourself," he whispered back softly in her cute dainty little ears.

"I have not tried this TV since we got the boat," Megan said. "I don’t even know if it works or not."

"I know a sure fire way to find out," Donovan replied as Megan just smiled and shook her head.

"I should have asked how," Megan laughed. "After all I am a blonde."

"Darling I was only kidding."

"I put the remote in the drawer beneath the shelf the TV is on. It may need batteries," Megan answered.

"Are you ready?" he said as he turned the TV on.

They were both quite surprised. The TV came on and played like a brand new one.

"Uncle Bill must not have had this TV very long," Megan surmised.


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"It sure doesn’t look like it has had very much use," Donovan remarked back. "He has a stereo system through out the boat because I have seen speakers in every room," he commented.

"The stereo system is inside the last drawer on your port side in the galley over the stove," Megan said.

"I thought that was just storage space for kitchen supplies. I have never looked in there."

"It is a tape player and a radio combined," Megan told him as she handed him a couple of cassettes she found in the drawer under the TV.

They turned the TV off and decided to check out the stereo system.

"Let’s see what we have here in the way of music? Here is a tape I really like," he said as he read the label on the cassette. It is Andy Williams singing Moon River. The stereo played perfectly as it piped music to every cabin room.

"Leave that on a while," Megan said. "It seems to fit the mood right now."

"I remember the movie that made that song so popular," Donovan answered

"Wait, don’t tell me let me guess," Megan said. "That was one of my favorite movies. It was "Breakfast at Tiffany’s" with George Peppard and Audrey Hepburn."

"You are so right my sweet Angel," he responded as they slowly danced to the music that was playing. "I’ll say one thing about your Uncle Bill; he kept everything neat and in good working order on this boat."

"Yes he believed in keeping things that way," Megan replied as the song ended and they sat down.


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They let the stereo play as they went about planning their activities for the next few days.

"We can make a list of the things we want to do and see first," Donovan suggested.

"Good idea." Megan responded by saying "if we tire and want to set sail early we can always sail back later and pick up where we left off.

"You know what I really feel like doing this afternoon," Megan asked. "I want to polish the cabinet doors and all of the interior woodwork."

"Are you quite sure?" he asked.

"Oh yes darling," she smiled.

"Ok then" Donovan said. "I’ve noticed several places topside that could use a little touching up with paint; I will take care of it."

Megan and Donovan sat about their cleaning and painting chores the rest of the afternoon.

"This place really looks sharp," he commented as they were putting their paint and cleaning supplies away. "You really made those teak wood cabinets shine as if they were glass," he said as they came below.

"Would you like to go for a swim?" he asked.

"I believe that would be a great way to finish off this afternoon," Megan said, as they got ready.

"I have a couple of new beach towels I just bought," she reminded him. "This will be a good time to break them in."

The swim was so relaxing. Donovan lay down in one of the pool lounge chairs and fell asleep. Megan let him sleep for about an hour before she woke him.


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"I think it is about time to go get ready for dinner," she whispered.

"I’m sorry," he apologized. "That lounge chair was so inviting I could not resist."

"That is all right darling you looked so comfortable I did not want to disturb you. I was busy talking with a couple of ladies who are down here on vacation so I was not by myself."

They strolled back to their boat and got dressed for dinner.

"Would you like me to cook anything special tonight?" Megan asked.

"Sweetheart, it is only a short walk to several nice restaurants," he said. "We can dine out in one we need only to dress in shorts and flip-flops if we want too."

"Well Donovan in this laid back corner of the world my dear, I think that is one great suggestion," Megan commented as they turned the stereo back on while they were getting ready.

The radio was playing some great music of the Islands. It was setting the mood for the evening for them.

"I want to go dancing tonight Mr. Dearing," Megan said. "That is if you are not too tired."

"That is easy enough to arrange," he echoed back, "and no dear, I am not at all too tired. In fact I was going to suggest the same thing to you."

"After dinner we could come back here and dance on the deck like we did that last night in West End," Megan smiled.

"I’m sure we will have a dancing moon in the sky tonight," he whispered as they prepared to go dine, "but that really doesn’t matter because we can bring the atmosphere back with us."


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"I love the way you think Mr. Dearing," she softly said as they finished getting ready for dinner.

They did not have to go very far to find great restaurants that served excellent Island cuisine. They were welcomed just wearing tourist sightseeing clothes.

"I love this!" Megan gushed. "It is ok to dress up now and then, but not every time you just want to go get something to eat."

"I know sweetheart," he said as they were brought a menu.

"What would you like to drink?" their server asked.

"I think I will have a glass of white wine preferably Louis Latour."

"Yes sir and you madam?"

"I believe I will have the same," Megan answered as they looked around the room at the other tourist who had the same idea of casually dining as they did.

"I think that is why there is so many drive-through restaurants in America. People just like the comfort of eating without having to get dressed up every time they get hungry."

"You are probably right about that," Donovan agreed as their server brought their drinks to them.

"Would you care to order now or wait a few minutes to look over the menu?" their server asked.

"I am ready to order sweetheart, how about you?" Donovan asked.

"You go first," she whispered.


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"Would you like me to order for you sweetheart?" he asked. He knew Megan wasn’t sure about some of the items on the menu.

"Would you please?" Megan asked. "I’m not sure what I am ordering and I trust your judgment as to what’s good."

 "That is no problem my lovely Mrs. Dearing I will be delighted to."

"For starters we will have the Lobster Bisque. The conch salad if the conchs are fresh" he said, "and for the main course we will have the Bahamian Seafood Platter."

"Yes sir," the waiter said, "and I can assure you sir the conch is fresh."

"Very good," he said.

"Thank you darling" Megan said as they sipped their wine.

They enjoyed their meal and sat in the restaurant while they finished their drinks and talked a little about the mysterious Mr. Destin Hensley.

"I can’t help but wonder where we will go next," Megan said.

"I cannot even begin to imagine," Donovan responded. "I believe it will be pretty close to Jamaica though. He specifically wanted us to finish our honeymoon there."

"I believe you are right. That makes more sense now that I think about it."

They finished their drinks and strolled back to their boat. It was just beginning to get dark now and the sky once again was beginning to show the moon and stars in their entire grandeur splendor for two people madly in love with each other. They walked forward to listen to the Calypso music that was beginning to bring the Island alive for tonight.


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"Would you like anything my darling?" he asked as they pulled their chaise lounges together.

"I don’t think so dear, at least not now."

"Bring on the night then," he said as they kissed and watched the heavens as it decorated the sky as only this part of the world could do.

"Guess what I discovered today as I was touching up the boat and painting?" Donovan said.

"I have no idea," Megan smiled.

"Right behind us is a stereo speaker mounted just inside that forward hatch door. All we have to do is raise the hatch door and turn on the stereo and presto we have music."

"Well that certainly makes for some great dancing at sea when it is jut the two of us alone," Megan smiled.

"We are thinking along the same lines my darling," he said as the Island music was starting to get a little louder now. "You know what I would like right now?" Donovan said, "Before the night really gets started."

"What my darling?" Megan replied.

"I am suddenly in the mood for a rich cup of coffee."

"It is kind of scary Mr. Dearing how we are beginning to think along the same lines lately. I was thinking the same thing," Megan whispered.

"Ok my dear I will be back shortly."

"You sit right there!" Megan exclaimed. "I am going below to put some music in the stereo for later on anyway and I will get it for us."


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Megan returned with their coffee and said, "That is going to cost you two kisses my good man."

"A debt I will gladly pay," he replied as he made good his promise.

"That most definitely was an Ooh LALA kiss," Megan extolled as they enjoyed their coffee.

"If per chance you tire of sleeping on the boat my darling they have some great hotels right here on the Island," Donovan said.

"No thank you darling, I am most comfortable staying right here."

"It is very comfortable," Donovan agreed. "Besides the movement of the boat tends to lullaby me to sleep."

"I have kind of gotten use to that myself," she admitted.

This turned out to be another one of those nights that you could live to be a thousand years old and would never forget. So far, their married life had been a storybook romance. Except for the Treasure Hunt they became involved in when Megan inherited her uncle’s yacht; everything else was a heavenly bliss.

They spent the next several days just taking in all the sights and really enjoying the nightlife. Megan even won seven hundred dollars at one of the Casinos on the Island the night they decided to check out the Island’s Las Vegas type atmosphere.

On the seventh morning since their arrival, they decided to sail southward once more.

"There are other places we can visit on our way to Jamaica," Donovan suggested to Megan.

"I’m with you my love and whatever you decide is perfectly all right with me," Megan said.


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They both had restless spirits when they stayed on land a little longer than they cared too and welcomed the call of the sea once more. As they once again saw the open sea and the sails seemed to reach out and grab the welcoming wind, they were in their own little heaven once more.

"You seem particularly happy this morning," Donovan remarked as Megan came whistling a perky little tune from the galley with two cups of coffee and a hello their sweetheart kiss.

"I am very happy sweetheart," she said. "I am one lucky lady to have been given everything I could ever hope for in the way of happiness. I am living proof that dreams do come true," she said as she gave him a hug.

"My dreams have come true also my dearest darling. You were certainly worth waiting for. Listen to me Megan that is not a line from any of my books, but a line straight from my heart."

"I know darling. It didn’t take me very long to learn where your sincerity comes from."

"I keep getting the scent of something smelling awfully good," he said. "I’m not sure what it is, but I know one thing for sure, it is definitely coming from the galley."

"It is a surprise for you my darling and also a promise I made to you not too long ago," Megan smiled.

"Let me see if I can guess?" he said as he smacked his lips in anticipation of something delicious.

"Well my dear captain, I will not tell you even if you guess correctly," she stated.

"This is really going to be a surprise then," he answered.


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"If you are waiting for me to give you a hint you will find out when I sing out lunch is ready and not a second before then," she responded with a gentle kiss to his cheek. She then disappeared below once more.

Megan came up on deck about an hour later, "It is ready if you are hungry."

"I am hungry," he assured her as he sat the autopilot and went below to wash up for lunch.

When he sat down at the table, it really was a surprise. Megan had told him earlier that she could fix the best meatloaf he would ever taste; she had kept her promise. She had baked all morning.

Besides the meatloaf, she had home made buttermilk biscuits, a cherry pie and the ice cream for the topping.

"My darling you have really outdone yourself," he exclaimed as he over ate on purpose this time because it was just that good.

There was plenty left over for dinner that evening, so they dined on deck.

The next morning proved to begin another beautiful day at sea or at least, they thought so, but just as quickly things can change. Donovan had just hoisted the sails and was continuing their journey southward. The wind was in their favor just as the man on the mystery ship said it would be. The sky was clear and the sea was calm.

Megan had just come on deck to enjoy the morning with him.

"Where are we heading now?" Megan asked as she pulled up a chair and sat beside him.

"I think we will visit Haiti if you want to," he answered.


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"Well darling we might as well because we have to pass close to the Island anyway" Megan replied.

"How did you know that?" he asked.

"I was reading your charts," She smiled "and saw where you may possibly go. I also wanted to see if I could figure out how you get your compass readings and all that other mariner stuff you do so well."

"I think you will make a great mate both sailing and especially other wise," he winked as Megan arched her eyebrows and smiled.

"Why Donovan Dearing I believe you have more than sailing on your mind this morning," she smiled.

"I really like your mind reading abilities Mrs. Dearing," he said as he leaned over and gave her a kiss.

All of a sudden, their romantic interlude was put on hold. The wind suddenly stopped blowing. It was, as if it were a giant fan with a switch that someone could turn off and on.

"What’s going on?" Megan asked as Donovan looked around at the sky that had suddenly turned dark.

"I don’t have any idea," he said as he saw the image of what appeared to be two pleasure boats on the horizon.

Donovan had never experienced the wind just stopping so quickly before.

"Well I guess we can use the motor for a while and continue on until the wind picks back up," he said.

He turned the key but it was as if the batteries were completely dead.

"I don’t understand this," he said to Megan as she stood up.


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"Everything was just fine five minutes ago and now there is no wind and no power to continue." Megan said she could definitely feel a presence of someone or something even though there was only the two of them to be seen.

Donovan could only scratch his head in bewilderment.

"Maybe something or someone wants us to stay right here for a while," he suggested.

"This is starting to feel very weird to me," Megan said as they both walked forward and watched the two boats that were fast approaching them.

They were still about three miles or so a way, but Donovan knew they were heading straight for them.

"I don’t like what I’m feeling right now," he said.

"I’m not sure what you are feeling, but if it is anything like what I’m feeling we may need to be very careful right now," Megan added.

"The only serious weapon we have on board is a flare gun," Megan reminded him.

"I know dear, but a flare gun can be a lethal weapon also if used in the right way" he reminded her.

By now the two boats had closed within a mile of them. Megan brought the flare gun to Donovan and placed it by the helm where he could easily reach it although he prayed they would have no need of it. All they could do now was just watch as their boat sat idly bobbing up and down in the water.

"Get below and stay out of sight," Donovan said, "until I find out who they are and what they want."


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"I will do no such thing Donovan Dearing. We are in this together no matter what," Megan reminded him, "and besides, they have already seen me."

She was right as Donovan could see a man on the flying bridge with binoculars watching them, as they got nearer.

The first boat passed them with out as much as a wave. As it got to about a hundred yards of their stern, it stopped and waited while the other boat pulled along side of them.

"I don’t think the flare gun will do us any good," Megan said as they watched a man come to the rail.

He was clothed like the Grim Reaper and kept his face hid from them in such a way, as they knew he did not want to be identified.

"Turn your faces from me," the man wearing the hood demanded.

"I think we should do as we are told," Megan said.

"I don’t think we have much of a choice sweetheart," Donovan replied as they turned and watched the boat that had stopped behind them.

"I hope these aren’t pirates or drug smugglers," Megan commented.

"Pirates could be a good possibility," Donovan said, "but drug smugglers would have no need of a sailboat. It is much too slow to be used for drugs."

"Well dear we will soon find out," Megan answered as she put her right arm around his shoulder for security.

Donovan could feel her body start to tremble. They waited to see what these intruders wanted with them.


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As they stared at the boat to their stern, a strange thing began to happen. They were not moving and neither was the other boat, but it started getting smaller and smaller right before their very eyes. Megan and Donovan could only look at each other as if they were in a trance or under some sort of spell.

"Just what is going on?" Megan whispered.

"I’m not sure," he said, "but we are in a part of the world where witchcraft is taken very seriously and practiced as a religious ceremony."

Donovan slowly turned his head to see if he could see anyone. He had heard foot steps just before the boat behind them disappeared. There was no one there and the other boat was gone.

"It is ok dear they have left," he said.

Right behind them was a small box placed there by someone on the other boat.

"I’m almost afraid to look in there, I remember the last box we looked into," Donovan said. 

"Me too," she responded, "but we both know there is a definite reason for it being here. And besides, I wouldn’t have it any other way."

At least Megan was able to joke about these awkward situations they were finding them selves in lately.

"They got a present in West End after their marriage," Megan reminded him as he had discovered the hidden box in the forward compartment. Then they were given ten thousand dollars to finish their honeymoon in Jamaica, now here is another box of surprises. "Is this your birthday or anything important we should be rewarded for?" Megan inquired as they both stared at the box.


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"No darling I know of nothing we should receive a gift for if indeed that is what it is," he said.

"Donovan my dear, I am starting to get those chills again," Megan reported as they could only stare at each other.

In spite of all these eerie feelings Megan and Donovan were receiving; it was also proving to be very exciting. Donovan was actually starting to enjoy the unexpected surprises they were encountering almost on a daily basis. He would often joke with Megan when they awoke in the mornings and ask what mysterious activities were on their agenda for today.



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Chapter Eleven

The Test

"Well darling here we are by our selves, alone out on this great big ocean with a box that is just as mysterious as the last one," Donovan reminded Megan.

"Yes" Megan said as she took his hand. "Only this time we will not wait."

"It doesn’t appear we can go anyplace because we have no wind for our sails or battery power for our engine."

"Are you ready to take a look inside?" he asked as they walked slowly toward the box.

"I believe I am much more prepared for this than I was when we opened the last box," Megan sighed.

Donovan reached over to pick up the box and found to his surprise; it was quite heavy to be such a small box.

"I am glad this box isn’t any bigger," he said as he heaved it up and placed it in one of the lounge chairs.

He carefully opened the lid and peeked inside.


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"Well what is it?" Megan asked as he kind of tantalized her just a little and quickly closed the lid and looked the other way.

After a short pause of silence he finally spoke.

"I’m not sure sweetheart. There is something in here wrapped in a gold colored velvet cloth with an envelope on top of it?"

Donovan opened the lid once again and took the envelope out.

"Would you like to read this?" he asked as he offered the envelope to Megan.

"I think you are perfectly capable of reading a note Mr. Donovan Dearing," she was quick to remind him.

"Ok my love; I will gladly get the mystery of this box solved if the answer is in this note," he remarked as he took the note out of the envelope.

"Oh just great, another poem of rhyme. Let’s see where this leads us," he murmured under his breath as he began to read.










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"Well my dear Megan that is all that is written," then he handed her the note. "Shall we see what gift we have the option of keeping or throwing away?" he asked as Megan just continued to stare at the box.

"By all means" she replied as it finally dawned on her he was speaking to her. "I’m so sorry." she apologized. "My mind must have been a million miles away."

"That is quite all right and I would imagine quite normal under these circumstances," he then unwrapped the gold velvet clothe to expose the gift.

"Oh my goodness!" he exclaimed as their eyes focused on the object. It was a solid gold bar about a foot long by six inches wide and six inches deep.

"No wonder this was so heavy!" They both just looked in awe at the way the gold glistened even without the brightness of the sun shining on it.

"Let me go below and get us a cup of coffee and we can discuss our options."

"Good idea," Donovan said as he continued to stare at the gold bar.

Megan returned shortly with the coffee. As she handed him a cup, he commented, "darling, I have never seen this much gold at any one time in my entire life. It almost astounds me."

"To be honest with you Donovan, neither have I."


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They sat down and sipped their coffee as they discussed just what accepting this gift might really mean.

"Someone wanted to really entice us by putting such an expensive gift as this before our eyes," he said. "I think whoever gave us this gift must have known of the temptation we would be facing," Donovan offered as the only reasonable explanation he could think of.

"They knew it would be difficult to refuse such an expensive gift as this," Megan replied.

"Yes darling and that is the part of this mystery that really has me puzzled," he remarked as his eyes continued to scan the luster and sheen of the gold bouillon. "They want us to give up our search for the "Plutus Gold" and they will give us great wealth."

"Just why do you think they want us to abandon the search my darling?

"I can only think of two possibilities," Donovan answered. "One, it is a gift from the Devil and with a gift such as this it usually means your soul is sure to be involved in the process. I am quite certain neither of us would want to get involved with anything as macabre as that."

"That is very true," Megan agreed.

"Now what is the second reason you think we received this gift?" Megan again asked as though she needed more of a reason.

"Well my darling, we know when we began this search to locate the gold treasure we were chosen because they needed someone who was not driven by greed for it to be successful. If that is the case, then I feel this is a test of our true moral responsibilities to keep our word," he said as that was all he could think of at the time. Nothing else seemed to make as much sense to him.


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"Point well explained," Megan replied as they finished their coffee. "To be honest with you sweetheart, that is the only thing about this whole scenario today that does make any sense."

"The decision whatever it is to be, whether to accept this gift or decline it and toss it overboard must be in total agreement between the both of us," he said.

"I know that dear, but I honestly believe you and I have already made that decision without any reservations that we may regret," Megan said as she looked at Donovan and smiled.

"I know darling," he answered as he reached down and picked the box up again.

"Just a minute," Megan said. "You are forgetting something."

She walked over and placed the envelope with the note in it back into the box.

"Here is your gift back," they shouted as Donovan threw the box with the enticing gold bar overboard.

They stood at the rail and watched as it quickly sank below the surface leaving only air bubbles as it made its way to the ocean’s bottom.

"Who knows?" Donovan said as Megan and he just stared silently at the spot where the gold bar had disappeared. "A hundred years from now some treasure hunter might be diving in this area and make the biggest discovery of his or her life and recover that bar of gold."

Megan just smiled as they finished there simple but very expensive burial at sea.

As soon as the box hit the water, the sky cleared up and the wind started blowing again as once more they were under full sail.


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"I think our question has been answered," Megan said. "It was a test of our moral obligations to see if we would keep our word and really were sincere and not be tempted with riches we could readily put our hands on."

"I will admit I was beginning to get a little concerned about our safety though when those boats appeared on the horizon and then came straight at us," Megan commented as she recalled how the treasure got here to begin with.

"I was a bit frightened also my dear," he said, "Especially when we saw that ghostly looking character wearing the hood."

"Yes that was rather scary," Megan said as she described the events. "Especially when we saw, those boats disappear before our very eyes like that."

"I just thought of something," Donovan said as Megan had settled down beside him at the helm.

"And what might that be my dear captain?" Megan smiled, as she reached over and patted him on the shoulder.

"All of these strange things happening to us or that we have witnessed cannot be proven. If we tried to tell anyone we would be labeled as two certified psychos."

"Yes they certainly didn’t give us anything believable we could tell anyone," Megan said as they both had a good laugh.

They continued along with smooth seas and a brisk wind at their backs.

"I will need to be extra careful as we sail through this next section of the Caribbean," Donovan said, as Megan was busy scanning the horizon with the binoculars, just to see if she could spot anything out there that was unusual.


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"Oh and why is that?" she asked.

"We are near the Island of Cuba," he answered. "We would not be welcomed if we were to venture into their territory, especially with our yacht being registered in the United States. We have a trade embargo against Cuba and our diplomatic relations are not the best right now to say the least."

It all started when Russia wanted to set up missile bases in Cuba in the sixties. For a brief period, the entire world held their breath in fear of a nuclear war between the United States and the USSR as we threatened to attack their ships if they tried to cross our naval blockade. At the last moment, Nikita Khrushchev backed down and turned his ships around, claiming he would not be provoked into a nuclear war. It was a touch and go situation for the entire world as everyone held their breath for one brief moment in history.

I myself remember going to bed that night and wondering if I would wake up to civilization the way I had always known it or would this be the end of this planet. Before that incident happened the United States and Cuba had always enjoyed a friendly relationship. Many tourists would go to Havana every year on vacation. When Cuba became a communist nation, that all changed.

Donovan continued relating the incidents as Megan listened intently?

"I still get cold chills when I think how close the world came to nuclear destruction," he said as he shook his head back in forth-in disbelief.

Now if we were to enter her waters by mistake our boat would in all probability be confiscated and we would be jailed as spies or possibly drug dealers or just about anything they decided to charge us with and we would remain there until our American Ambassador to Cuba could get all this straightened out. That alone could take years."


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"Well my dear Donovan, please pay attention to where you are going," she smiled.

As he started to make the turn, more to the east Megan shouted,

"Land ho." She could see the mountains of Cuba on the horizon.

"Well this is as close as I care to get," he laughed as they were putting as much distance as possible between the Communist Island of Cuba and themselves.

They continued their southerly course with a good breeze to their backs and the seas less than a foot. Donovan noticed land off their port bow at about ten o’clock.

"Do you know what Island that is?" he asked Megan as he was testing her on her navigational skills.

Megan had become adept when it came to plotting courses and learning her way around out on this great big ocean.

"Just a moment," she replied as she looked at the chart he had by the helm. "If I am correct, that is the island of Haiti."

"Well my darling you are correct and I am pleased that you were able to recognize this area so quickly," he winked as she threw him a kiss.

"I think I would prefer to sail on to Jamaica and maybe visit Haiti at a later date. What can you tell me about that Island?" Megan asked as they passed by it and sailed on toward Jamaica.

"There is quite a bit of history there darling and I suppose I could touch on some of the more interesting facts about it because you do show some interest in wanting to know."

"It was once a French Colony" he began. "At one time eighty-five percent of the inhabitants were slaves brought over from Africa. They


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were the majority of the population of this little Island. They were subjected too much of the hardships on the sugar cane plantations there, much like the slaves in America were treated on the cotton plantations in the south. One day the slaves got together and revolted against France and their slave masters, and on January First, Eighteen Hundred and Four, they declared their Independence and became the first Black Republic in the world."

"Well sir, I did not know that, but I will remember that piece of valuable information," Megan smiled as she started below to prepare dinner.

"By the way" she said, as she turned to face him for a brief moment, are you quite sure you weren’t a history teacher at some time in your life?"

It was around five thirty, when Megan shouted, "if you want to secure for the night, dinner will soon be ready."

"Aye my lovely cookie," he shouted back to her as he reefed the sails and readied the sea anchors.

The sky was beginning to show a pinkish color as Megan came on deck to look around a moment and find out if he needed any assistance.

"That sky is so beautiful," Megan said as she stood there surveying the heavens and gasping in awe at the indescribable beauty this night.

"Yes it is my dear and it is skies like this that bring pleasure to sailors when they see it," he said as he explained why. "There is an old saying among seamen that has been around since man first started to navigate the Seven Seas.” Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailors delight."

"Well this would certainly be a delight then," she remarked as they went below to eat dinner.


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"I believe I might have a difficult time trying to readjust to the ho-hum life of a landlubber," Donovan smiled as they sat down to enjoy their dinner.

This is most certainly one of those occasions. You would have to be there to truly understand what he was talking about.

"Well Mr. Dearing" Megan continued, "who says we have to readjust? At least no time soon anyway. Besides, I don’t recall seeing any time clock anywhere when we came aboard. This is our fantasy and we can live it any way we see fit," she said as she smiled and ended the chapter on that conversation.

The next morning found them wide-awake and raring to go, as the sunrise was once more as spectacular as ever. After breakfast they were underway and heading for what was left of the remainder of their honeymoon.

"Tell me a little about the beach where we are heading," Megan asked as she came on deck with two cups of coffee.

"Well you are in luck this morning because I just happened to do a little research on this place last night," he smiled as he took the coffee.

"When Christopher Columbus sailed into Montego Bay, he called it "el golfo de buen tiempo" meaning the gulf of good weather. I believe you and I will enjoy it not only for the beautiful aqua blue waters, but also for the excitement of the nightlife there. Montego Bay is called the heart of the Jamaican Riviera."

"Well then my darling Donovan, it seems we will end our honeymoon in Grandeur Style," she said as she gave Donovan a big hug and a kiss.

"Oh, but my darling Megan, our honeymoon will continue on long after the shores of Jamaica are far behind us, I’m here to insure that happens," he winked.


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After a lengthy time at sea, they welcomed the white crystal sands of the Jamaican beaches.

"We still have a week before we meet with our Mr. Destin Hensley," he reminded Megan as they approached the marina.

"I suggest you and I take in as much of this beauty as we can before then," he said as they prepared to dock.

"I think it will be a lot of fun also," Megan agreed.

"We have no idea where our next destination will be" Megan was quick to remind him.

"You make a pretty good point there my sweetheart," he remarked as the dockhands helped them berth their yacht.

"Let me go to the office and get everything in order."

Megan smiled and said, "I’ll get ready for what’s left of the rest of the morning, so hurry back darling."

Donovan returned to find Megan anxiously waiting on deck wearing a bikini and looking so beautiful. He wasn’t so sure he could handle all the excitement that such a beautiful lady as Megan was capable of generating dressed like that.

He could only imagine the wishful stares she would get as he got ready and they headed for the beach. When they arrived at the beach he noticed many women were wearing bikinis, but none, he thought, could even compete with the way Megan looked. If he sounded a little bit partial, I think you understand why.

This last week of their honeymoon was so perfect in every detail. They created a lifetime of blissful memories as they really enjoyed everything the Island had to offer. Donovan thought the Garden of Eden had to be a


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lot like this place in a lot of ways. They spent countless hours just stretched out on the beach and enjoying each other’s company.

"I guess tomorrow we will discover where our next destination will be?" Megan asked as she lazily leaned over and rubbed suntan lotion on Donovan’s shoulders.

That felt as soothing as he rolled over and returned the favor.

"Yes darling, I am sure it will be an adventure to remember, as each step seems to become a little more intriguing than the last," he sighed.

Right now, though the Reggae Music seemed to be creating a mood for two lovers a million miles from nowhere. A perfect evening following a perfect day of what was to be the official (in name only) ending of a perfect honeymoon. This is the only way to describe their feelings.

Megan suggested they return to their yacht and prepare for their last night in this romantic Paradise, as it was just possible they would set sail tomorrow. After all, she reminded Donovan, "We have been treated to a few great months of leisure and just kind of doing our own thing."

"You are so right my sweetheart," he replied as they strolled back toward their boat. Donovan noticed how Tag-a-long had returned once more to its perch atop the mast.

"That silly bird has had so many opportunities to leave us and yet it prefers our company to its own environment," Megan said as they went below.

"What would you like to do tonight?" Donovan asked as Megan had stretched back in his arms and closed those beautiful dreamy eyes.

"Let’s crowd as much of this night in as we can," she sighed. "I really don’t want it to end, but I know I have said the same thing about every romantic moment since our trip began," she confessed.


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"Once again my darling," he began, "let me remind you our romanticism is an unending feeling that will only escalate with time immortal. There are only eternal clocks that may signal a new kiss is born or our love personified is registered in that great book of love. We will not even try to define splendor or any other words used to describe the true feeling of love, as there aren’t any."

"I know what you are saying my dear Donovan and I shall never tire of hearing you say them with your best descriptions either. I know words of this magnitude often go unspoken, but their meanings are still very well interpreted within my heart by all of your actions. I can read an entire encyclopedia filled with love just by gazing into your dreamy eyes," Megan extolled as she put her arms around his neck.

"The way you described my feelings like that makes me wonder who the real writer in this family is," he jokingly said. "I could not have used the descriptive phrases you used any better. If I write a love scene in my next book I would like for you to create that mood for me."

Megan only halfway laughed at that last remark as their lips met and their conversation out loud ended and a silent language known only by those who are truly in love could understand.

This was to be an unforgettable night. Their moods were as one as they had already planned to end their honeymoon with the same romantic excitement as it began only more grandeur if that were possible. This night they would wine, dine and dance their way around Montego Bay. As if the excitement of the nightlife on Montego Bay wasn’t enough by it, add two people madly in love with each other and toss in a little ecstasy to boot and you have the recipe for a night to remember as Donovan had envisioned it would be.

The only problem with real life dreams is they have a tendency to end much too soon. Megan and Donovan shared moments together this evening that the Goddess of Love herself would have been envious of.


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They strolled along the beach and gazed at the moon and stars as this night was beginning to kiss the early morning hello.

"We must say good night also," he whispered to Megan as she sadly agreed. "We are sure to have adventure waiting us after we meet our Mr. Destin Hensley in a few hours," he reminded Megan.

"Ah yes," she echoed. "It certainly has not been dull thus far."

They awoke the next morning with a special kiss for each other as their honeymoon was temporarily over.

"Well it is business as usual today," Megan laughed as they took their coffee on deck to watch the sunrise.

"I suppose you are right my dear, but I really have no idea of what business as usual is. Since we came aboard this yacht in Marathon in the Keys it has really been somewhat of a mystery, he added.

"I wonder when our Mr. Hensley will show up today," Megan asked.

"I’m not sure, but I have a feeling it will not be long. I am almost certain he will want us to begin on our next leg of this treasure hunt right away," Donovan said as they finished their coffee and said hello to the beautiful sunrise that was rapidly beginning to ascend higher in the sky.

After breakfast Donovan went about making sure everything was shipshape and ready in anticipation of a new adventure they were sure was evident. Megan had busied herself down below getting things in order. It was around ten am when Mr. Hensley made his presence known to them.

"I prefer to go below and talk with you in the privacy of your galley," he said.


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They went below and as Megan and Donovan took a seat at the table across from him he began to explain some things he thought were imperative they know.

"This next step of your search for the "Gold of Plutus" will be much more dangerous. I will be powerless to assist you in any way at all," he continued. "I must also warn you this is where most of the others before you have abandoned their search. One by one they met with an untimely demise, especially those driven by greed, but they were not detected until it was much too late."

Donovan momentarily interrupted him saying, "We have not come this far to abandon anything."

Megan chimed in agreement.

"I am glad to hear you say that," Dustin Hensley replied. "I do want to emphasize to both of you I have no power beyond this point to assist you any further. I would hope to be able to greet you once again after you have retrieved the treasure. I feel certain the two of you are far more capable of success than any who have tried before you. I believe we read you right from the beginning when the others and I elected to seek your services in recovering the treasure. I again wish you the best of luck. I have this envelope with instructions for you if you are quite sure you are not afraid to face the dangers that you will most assuredly encounter."

"Quite," Donovan assured Mr. Hensley, "but once Megan and I accepted this challenge, we are determined to see it through."

He left the envelope on the table as he got up.

"It is my pleasure knowing the both of you," he said as he was leaving.

"Well my sweet Megan we will soon be heading for parts unknown once more in a short while."


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"Yes I know darling," she responded as they sat back down and opened the envelope.

"Are you ready for our next adventure?" he asked Megan as she handed him a fresh cup of coffee.

"Yes my dear captain I am very much ready," then looked at Donovan and winked.

Donovan opened the envelope and once again, it was in rhyme form.










"This really doesn’t make a bit of sense to me right now," Donovan said as he thought about what the rhyme said more closely.

"Isn’t Caracas where Uncle Bill first got involved with this "Plutus Gold" search to begin with?" Megan asked.


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"As far as I can gather from the information it is," he answered as he stood up to go to the office and clear everything so they could sail.

"I’m still puzzled at that one line that reads a solo trip someone must make," he answered as he shook his head.

"I guess we will find out soon enough dear," Megan said as Donovan went to notify the marina they were leaving.

He returned in about twenty minutes. He went below to let Megan know they were ready to sail whenever she was.

He shouted, "Anchors aweigh" expecting a jolly ho come back, but there was only silence.

"Megan," he shouted this time loud enough for her to hear me from anywhere on the boat, but still just an emptiness and no reply.

He checked every cabin; still Megan seemed to have disappeared. She was nowhere to be found. He went back on deck to make sure she hadn’t gone forward and was relaxing in one of the lounge chairs, but except for Tag-a-long and him the boat was completely empty. Maybe she walked somewhere while she was waiting on him to get back he thought. I’ll just go below and have a cup of coffee while I wait, he said to himself.

Chapter Twelve

The Kidnapping of Megan

As Donovan was pouring a cup of coffee, he saw a note on the table. Well this will probably explain her sudden disappearance, he said under his breath. I’ll bet she thought of something we needed from the store at


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the last minute he thought. When he opened the note, he was completely in total shock.

This was not Megan’s handwriting.

What’s going on here? He thought as he began to read the note.

You were warned of the dangers involved if you chose to continue your search it began. Your wife is quite safe with me for the time being anyway. She will be returned to you safely in Caracas if you will surrender the fancy knife you have in your possession and give up your search for the "Plutus Gold." It is really none of your business anyway the note continued. Why should you wish to risk your life for people you don’t even know that well anyway? I will be in contact with you when you dock in Caracas. Do not try anything stupid. You will only tend to complicate your own circumstances more if you do. We mean you or your wife no harm, but you see what extreme measures we are prepared to take to let you know this is serious.

That was the entire contents of the note. Donovan was beginning to understand now what the rhyme had meant by "a solo trip someone must make." He also realized searching any farther for Megan would be futile now. This would not be an easy trip sailing from Jamaica to Caracas by himself, but he knew he had no choice but to at least give it my best shot. Failure was not an option for him now.

He went about getting the yacht ready to get underway as if Megan were right beside him. He knew he would have ample time to devise some kind of plan for her rescue. He didn’t like the word surrender as it was used in the note. Megan’s safety was his main concern right now. He knew after this there would be no way Megan or he would surrender anything. He had already discovered that much about the girl he had married. If she made a commitment then she would see it through or die trying and he felt the same also.


Page 248: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

Donovan left Jamaica and set sail for the coast of South America. He had never sailed this distance alone before and wasn’t even sure he could make it, but he sure was going to try. He hoisted the sails and caught a stiff sea breeze as he headed for open sea. He did not believe Megan was in any great danger just yet. He knew the kidnapper’s main concern for now was recovering that knife from him.

They could have just searched the boat and found the knife if that was all they wanted, but he knew there had to be more to it than that. Megan and Donovan inherited the knife from Megan’s Uncle Bill after his death. They willingly accepted it. Donovan must willingly give the knife to these people.

There must be some way he could get Megan back and still keep the knife he thought. There just has to be a way; he would find it.

Donovan had been under full sail for about ten minutes when he heard a very familiar sound. It was the squawking of Tag-a-long. The bird landed on the rail near him.

"You don’t know how glad I am to see you," Donovan said as he talked to that gull as though it were a person. "They said I would make this trip solo, but I guess they didn’t figure on you coming along," Donovan chuckled.

"You just may become more valuable on this trip than even you can imagine," Donovan said as a sinister like smile appeared on his face.

"You just may be the only one who could spot Megan from a distance," Donovan said as he continued his one-sided conversation with the gull.

Donovan was quite certain if there had been anyone else on board, and heard him talking to that bird, they might have thought it would be safer to abandon ship and take their chances with the open sea than to remain on board with some kind of lunatic as he.


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He could see dark storm clouds in the distant Western sky behind him. It was still a good ways off and he hoped it would dissipate by the time it got near him. Already the sea was beginning to get choppy with waves around three to four feet. He could feel the wind at his back as it started to increase. Its erratic behavior would cause the sails to gasp and flounder as they flapped around waiting for a full breeze to fill them once again.

Tag-a-long seemed to sense an impending storm and flew off as if to investigate. Donovan remained at the helm and was ready to sail alee if necessary. In about twenty minutes, the rain was beginning to reach him. Ever so gently at first, but then as if it were BB’s from a pellet gun the drops began to sting. He managed to get his rain slicker on and that helped to soften somewhat the blow of the raindrops. This blistering rain lasted for about two hours before it chased on towards the Eastern sky and left a rainbow in its wake that was so breath-taking to view.

Tag-a-long returned to its perch on the rail beside him. "You coward," Donovan jokingly said to the bird. "You left me here to deal with this storm by my lonesome. I really don’t blame you though. If I could fly I would have left also until the danger passed." It was kind of comical in a way in which the bird would cock its head to one side as if it understood everything Donovan had to say.

As the sea once again surrendered to a quieter calm, Donovan’s mind returned to Megan and a plan to save her without giving up the quest they had begun together. Donovan remembered a similar situation a few years earlier he wrote about in one of his novels. It had worked rather well on paper, he wondered if it could work as well in a real life situation.

"Guess what my feathered friend? You may soon be earning your keep for real."

Donovan’s plan had worked like a charm using a dog in his novel. It should work equally as well using a gull and quite possibly even better.


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He had a few minor details he needed to work out, but other than that he thought he would be ready by the time he reached Caracas.

Donovan had planned to sail for twenty-four hours and then to rest for four hours. He knew he couldn’t remain at the helm the entire time so this was his next best option. He would leave the autopilot on and run the engine on idle to keep the batteries charged while he rested. This way he could remain underway at all times.

He would eat only sandwiches and drink coffee for nourishment. This would help to preserve his strength also. He caught himself beginning to doze off around three-thirty the next morning. He started talking to himself and singing songs to stay awake. It worked as he finished his first twenty-four hours of solo sailing at sea. It was a clear morning and he hoped any other vessels in the area would be able to spot him without any problems and avoid a collision. He started the diesel engine and let it idle as he sat his alarm clock to allow him four hours of rest.

Four hours later he awoke feeling good as new. He fixed a fresh pot of coffee and made a couple of sandwiches and started back on deck. Hey he said to himself as he came back down again. You are not the only one here who may be hungry. You have a friend on deck that is equally as hungry as you.

Donovan went to the fridge and got some fish for Tag-a-long. The bird was anxiously waiting and wasted no time in eating its meal.

Donovan found out that talking to ones self at sea for a long period could be as effective as psycho gnosis in determining his true self. At any rate, he was content to believe that. He knew Megan was worried about him, as she certainly knew he would come for her at any cost. This ocean didn’t seem that big to Donovan right now when he thought about the lady who was waiting for him in Caracas.


Page 251: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

He spotted a few tankers on the horizon as he continued on an Easterly course for the South American coast. He would try and imagine what the lives of these merchant mariners were like. Where their homes were, the families waiting for them and just about anything else he could to amuse himself in his own private world of solitude right now. He knew not to let his mind grow stale with empty thoughts or he could well become a victim of this lonely sea. It would be too easy to fall into false reasoning much like a man in the burning desert might imagine an oasis that could be a mirage. Donovan was determined to stay alert by whatever course of action he needed to take.

"Ok, where are you hiding?" he shouted as he knew Tag-a-long was a live creature and the conversation would at least be real, even if it was only one-sided.

It was perched on the railing at the bow, but came to the stern at the sound of Donovan’s voice.

"You really are feeling right at home," he said, as the bird would tilt its head to one side if it were trying to understand what he was saying.

"I know I’m not hallucinating," Donovan said as he laughed out loud. The bird seemed as if it would like to join him in conversation if only it knew how. To be perfectly honest with you, I wish you could talk and make sure I stay alert.

Through the many days that followed, Tag-a-long would remain by his side except for the brief times it would fly off as if it were investigating where they were or perhaps to see if it could spot land.

They encountered some rather violent storms on their trip across the Atlantic Ocean. Donovan was near exhaustion from battling the raging storms. He even considered reefing the sails and lay idle for about twenty-four hours just to get some much-needed rest, but his love for Megan and


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also the concern of her safety was strong enough to make him press ever onward.

Finally, Donovan spotted the Western Coast of South America.

"Land ho," he shouted as Tag-a-long flew off for the coastline to investigate and probably rest on solid ground for a while.

Donovan couldn’t blame the bird either. Now he would sail northward up the coast of South America and in to Caracas. He needed to make sure his plan of rescue was as flawless as he could possibly make it. He may not get but one shot at this and he needed to make sure it counted.

Tag-a-long returned in about an hour and resumed its perch on the railing near him.

"I see you have decided to continue on with me my friend. You did not enjoy the solidness of terra firma nor did you just get plain lonesome," Donovan laughed. "Whatever your reasons are, welcome back on board. We still have a ways to go, but look at the bright side my feathered friend. It won’t be as long as it has been."

Donovan knew now he had no choice but to set sea anchors for the night and get some much-needed rest. There was no way he could navigate this close to the coast and not risk the danger of either running aground or possibly colliding with another vessel as there were quite a few fishing boats in the area. When he was satisfied everything was secure for the night, he went below to his first full nights rest in weeks.

He thought he could rest after being totally exhausted, but tossed and turned all night until dawn. Just when he thought he was about to doze off he would think about Megan and the dangers she was facing. He estimated he probably got thirty minutes of solid sleep at one period through the long night, but that was about the limit.


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He actually welcomed the dawn, as it was almost impossible for him to lie here any longer. The sooner he got started again, the sooner he would locate Megan. Heaven help anyone who puts a hand on her he said to himself as he whispered a prayer for help.

The next few days consisted of simply navigating up the coastline. He would wait until the last of the daylight was exhausted and then drop anchor for the night. He would pass other boats during the day, but they were mostly fishing vessels and shrimp trawlers.

Everyone seemed friendly enough as those who were near enough to see him on deck would wave. Tag-a-long would make more flights to the coast. The bird would always return to its perch on the railing beside him and watch him to see if he would alter his routine or at least it seemed that way to Donovan.

At last, he arrived in Caracas. He wasn’t worried about trying to find Megan’s kidnappers, as he was quite certain they were waiting for him. He had devised a plan he felt certain would work, but he needed good timing to pull it off. As soon as he got docked, he would hide in the aft section of the deck. He was sure someone would come aboard to give him instructions so he could make the trade for Megan.

He planned to slip overboard and when whoever came and could not find him on board would most assuredly go back and report to whoever sent them that he was nowhere to be found. Donovan figured this would eventually lead to Megan’s whereabouts.

He also knew Tag-a-long would follow him and if Megan was anywhere near by; the bird was sure to start squawking for her attention. Then it would be just a matter of picking the right time to rescue her. It seemed simple enough and anyway it was the only plan he could come up with that made sense. You’ve probably heard the old expression before when a plan went wrong, "Well it looked good on paper."


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About twenty minutes later, Donovan watched as an unsavory looking character with a black sailor’s cap with bellbottom jeans and a striped polo shirt much like the sailors wore at the turn of the nineteenth century appeared. He looked as though he could have stepped out of the page of a Jules Verne novel, quite possibly "Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea."

Donovan was in the water next to a piling. His head just above water, but well out of this character’s sight of vision as he watched him thoroughly search the boat for him. Donovan knew this man had one mission to do and having failed in locating him and giving him further instructions, had no choice but to return to the person who sent him and find out what to do next. Donovan eased back on the dock and followed him at a safe distance.

Tag-a-long walked behind him trying to figure out just what was going on. Donovan followed the man to a warehouse near the docks. Half of the warehouse was actually built out over the water. Donovan knew this was as close as he could get without being seen. Tag-a-long had flown toward the warehouse and when Donovan saw the bird fly in there he knew Megan was near.

Donovan’s beliefs in Megan being inside were confirmed even more when he heard the loud squawking of the bird once it got inside the warehouse. He knew it was glad to have found Megan after all this time of being out there with just the open sea and him. He also knew Megan would realize he was nearby when she saw Tag-a-long.

It would be easy enough to swim around to the backside. Luck was on his side. When he got there, he found a ladder leading up from the water onto the pier. He climbed the ladder and cautiously made his way to a slightly ajar door at the rear of the building. He could hear voices and he heard the squawking of Tag-a-long. He knew that had to be where Megan was.


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As he got closer, he could hear a man telling another man to go back and search the area again. It was in Spanish but he could understand enough of it to know Donovan was the one he was looking for. Donovan waited long enough to make sure he had left the building. Then he got to where he could see well enough to spot Megan. Her back was to him and he was about ten feet away from her. There were some crates scattered about the area. Megan was sitting on one of the crates with her hands tied behind her.

He crawled ever so slowly up behind her. The one man who was left to watch her had walked about twenty feet away and turned his back from her as he lit a cigarette and was staring at the door. Donovan lightly tapped Megan’s backside and whispered,

"Are you busy my dear?"

In a low voice she said, "I’m a little tied up at the moment, but if there is anyway you can remedy this I will be free for the rest of the afternoon."

"I need to create some kind of diversion," he said as he carefully untied Megan’s hands. Just leave your hands behind you as if you are still tied, he whispered. I have an idea and when I make a noise I want you to run away from here as fast as you can."

"Well Mr. Dearing, just where you think I would go without you," she whispered back.

There was a piece of two by four about three feet long beside Donovan on the floor. He picked it up and placed it in Megan’s hands.

"You know what to do if you have too," he whispered. "Give me a minute to get set and then call the man over here. I will wait till he gets near you and then I will try to take him by surprise."

He has a gun just stay out of sight, I believe I have a much better plan," Megan whispered back.


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Donovan was quite sure Megan had already sized up the situation so he decided to stay hid for the time being. He still didn’t know Donovan was there so that was an extra plus on their side.

"Ok darling you are set to go," Donovan said as he disappeared behind another crate.

"Hey, senor" Megan shouted as the man quickly turned and faced her. "Come over here a moment please."

The man took a final puff on the cigarette he had been smoking and crushed it out beneath the sole of his shoe.

"What do you want young lady?" the man asked in his best-broken English.

"I think I know where my husband is," she continued. "We have been here many times and I know where he has possibly gone. Your friend will not be able to find him. I can take you to him."

"How do I know I can trust you?" the man asked as he continued to get closer to her. "You may try to escape," he said as he was right in front of her by now.

"Well you have the gun, I would be foolish to try anything as stupid as that now wouldn’t I?" she said.

"I suppose senorita, but you never can tell with you American women what you might try," he remarked.

"Never mind, here they come now," Megan said as she motioned with her head in the direction of the door.

As the man quickly turned to face the door Megan sprang into action and planted the two by four firmly across the top of his head.


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It reminded Donovan of a TV Batman episode where they would stop in the middle of a scene and flash words across the screen like





Well I’m sure you can get that picture in your mind anyway. The man went out like a light.

"I’ll bet he’ll have a headache to remember when he comes around," Donovan said as he tied the unconscious man up.

He took the man’s gun and found an envelope in his pocket.

"I have a feeling this note is meant for us," Donovan said.

"As a matter of fact it is my darling," she replied, but first things first. She gave Donovan a very sincere thank you kiss and a great big hug.

"I overheard him talking to his partner earlier," Megan said.

"I wonder where the man who was originally supposed to meet us at the boat is." Donovan said.

"I think I can answer your question," Megan said. The person who was to deliver this note to us is bound and gagged somewhere inside this warehouse.

"Well then my dear let’s find him and set him free and be on our way before this man’s partner returns."


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They located the man. He was tied to a chair in a small office. They untied him while he related what had happened to him and what directions they should take.

"Do not wait on me I will be ok. You must leave before the other man returns," he urged.

Megan said, "the other man is frantically searching every bar and restaurant from here to our boat."

They said farewell to the man and headed for the rear of the warehouse.

"Are you in for a good swim today my darling?" Donovan asked as they jumped into the water.

When Megan’s head bobbed up out of the water she just looked at him and said in a kind of humdrum way,

"Does this answer your question my darling?"

They stayed under cover of the dock as they made their way back to the boat. They could see two men coming off their boat.

"I’m sure they have been searching for us and I do not believe they are ready to abandon their search just yet," Donovan whispered to Megan.

"You go on board and start the engine," he said as he untied the lines. "I’m not sure how long we have before our friends return," Donovan remarked as Megan went aboard and had them ready to shove off by the time he finished untying the lines.

They slowly backed out and into the channel and headed for the safety of the open sea.

"How did you know where to find me?" Megan finally asked as they were safely away from port.


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Donovan explained how he followed the man who was sent to get him back to the warehouse, but it was actually Tag-a-long who let him know she was in there.

"I knew you were nearby when I spotted that bird," Megan said as she sighed a sigh of relief.

"What is it that Hannibal Smith use to say on the TV series "The A Team?” Donovan snickered. "Oh yes! I remember now. He would light his cigar and comment I love it when a plan comes together."

"We will have to start giving that bird the respect it deserves," Donovan laughed as they hoisted sails for another new beginning to somewhere.

"We might as well see where we are heading," Donovan commented, as Megan looked sort of puzzled.

"HHHeading" she stuttered? "Oh my goodness she laughed. I have the note right here in my pocket. Wow, I think these are called senior moments. Don’t tell me I’ve aged that much since we started our journey," she said as she handed him the envelope.

"I think not my beautiful first mate, but if you would like a second opinion, ok here it is, if anything, you have aged in loveliness."

He took the note out and started reading it.

"Well my dear, I guess you already know by now it is set to rhyme once more," Donovan remarked as Megan walked up beside him and took the helm.

"Would we be able to understand it any clearer if it weren’t," she smiled as he began reading.




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"That is its entirety my darling," he said as he went below to chart their new course. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" he shouted from below.

"Aye, captain," was her sweet response.

Donovan put the coffee on and by the time he finished plotting their course the coffee was ready. He returned on deck and set a course for Casablanca.

He handed Megan her cup of coffee and with his best Bogart imitation he said, "Here’s looking at you, kid."

Megan just laughed and said,

"I’ll bet the movie wasn’t as exciting as this."

"How could it have possibly been?" Donovan winked back.


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"What do you know about Casablanca" Megan asked?

"I have been there before and it can be a very dangerous place if you venture too far outside of the beaten tourist path so to speak," Donovan responded.

"If our search for the treasure is growing close to an end, this could very well be where we will face our greatest challenge as far as life and death situations are concerned," he reminded Megan.

"I do not believe the kidnapping in Jamaica or the small crisis we went through back in Caracas can even compare to what we may very well face as we enter into this city. It is the largest city in Morocco," he said, as he wanted to make sure Megan knew beyond any doubt what they might face.

"To be perfectly honest with you my darling," he continued, its main source of revenue comes a great deal from the Hashish to be found in just about any area of the city. That goes for the new part as well as the old sections of Casablanca. That alone makes this place very dangerous right by itself. Where you have drugs as rampant as you will discover when you set foot in the city, crime is also a steady partner. I guess it goes hand and hand," he said as he shook his head in disgust.

"I was hoping there would be other things to peak our interest as we searched for the treasure if it is there," Megan said.

"You will see the different minarets, along with the many outdoor markets where you can buy carpets, beautiful woodworks as well as leather that they claim to be the softest to be found anywhere in the world," Donovan replied. He tried to emphasize all the more the dangers lurking there.


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"If you leave the city and venture into the great Saharan Desert, then again you must be extremely cautious, as many parts of the Desert are booby-trapped with land mines."

"It sounds like our kind of town," Megan said as she kind of chuckled under her breath and shook her head in disapproval. "It really sounds like some kind of boot camp from hell," she said as they finished that conversation and she went below to fix lunch.

After lunch, Megan took the helm while Donovan tried to bring his Captain’s Log Book up to date as best he could. He was a few days behind to say the least. Tag-a-long seemed content to remain on the railing near Megan. That bird had already earned its spot with the rest of the crew, of course there was only Megan and Donovan, but they were the crew nonetheless.

He finished with the log and returned on deck.

"Would you like me to take over for a while?" he asked.

"Nonsense, you pull up a chaise lounge and just relax beside me for a while. You have already had to sail a good portion of this journey right by your lonesome as it is. I shall be just fine my dear captain," Megan said with a smile and a kiss.

It didn’t take long before Donovan dozed off. Soft drops of rain were beginning to fall and abruptly awakened him. It really felt refreshing as he lay there and kind of held his tongue out to taste its freshness. He didn’t even bother to get up. The rain was really an unexpected treat as far as he was concerned and Megan said she felt the same.

"I have been thinking about Casablanca and what you have told me about that place," Megan said. "I wonder if that old parchment we have with the map drawn on it could be Arabic."


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"You know you might be right about that now that you bring it to my attention," he said as he sat up to think about that possibility for a while.

"I think it would be very advantageous for us to try and find someone who can translate the writing on that piece of parchment for us," he replied as he talked on about the dangers that one simple little request could turn out to be. "If it is indeed a part of the clue to the where bouts of the treasure and we are not sure of the person we are having interpret it for us, that could also prove to be a fallacy."

"Yes," Megan agreed. "I see what you mean. We will really have to be on our toes as we seek information about almost anything out of the ordinary. Eventually, we are going to have to trust someone. I prefer it not be in a life or death situation when and if that situation arises," Megan said as Donovan got up to take the helm and let her rest for a while.

Donovan could almost feel an aura of danger around him as they sailed into the Mediterranean Sea that was to take them to the city of Casablanca. He did not mention this to Megan as he shrugged it off as just a feeling he had because of the uncertainty of what they would be facing upon their arrival.

Up until Caracas, their rendezvous with a mystery man had all been quite natural and not too much mystique involved. Now it was really beginning to alert him of the fact this was not to be just an easy stroll anymore. This is where they really started playing for keeps. Megan and he had been underestimated and now this was becoming a game where the victor could very well be the last one standing.

Megan returned on deck with two cups of coffee and a couple of naval oranges. They started discussing the safest ways they could think of to locate the right person to read the map they had inherited.


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"I was thinking about something I’m not sure crossed your mind yet," Donovan said as he took a sip of coffee and peeled the orange.

"And what might that be my dearest Donovan?"

"Well I was just thinking," he said as his eyes were fixed on the horizon before them. "I don’t think that map is here for just no particular reason. It has to be some kind of back up in case something happened to anyone guiding us and they were suddenly not available to help us, if you know what I’m talking about," he said as he looked back in Megan’s direction.

"I never considered that as even a remote possibility, but, it seems so very logical now that I think about it," Megan confessed,

"When we reach Casablanca I will try and locate someone trustworthy to read this map for us. I want you to wait on the boat while I do this in case the person or persons who are to meet us shows up before I return," Donovan answered.

"Darling I will be worried to death about your safety while you are gone," Megan replied as she walked over to him and placed her arms around him.

"I’ll be extremely cautious," he said as they just looked into each other’s eyes and lovingly smiled at each other.

"I know you will sweetheart, it’s just that this is the closest anyone has come to recovering this Golden Statue and there has to be a reason for it or we wouldn’t be here having this discussion now," Megan reminded him.

"Let me remind you of something my beautiful first and only mate," he was quick to reply. "Before now they didn’t have you and me looking for the treasure and here in lays the difference."


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"Well Mr. Donovan Dearing, that was very competently put and also a little cocky I might add," Megan said as she looked at him and winked.

"Well darling I believe we are the chosen ones to rid this Hensley Family of the curse that has plagued them for centuries and we are definitely not alone in that assumption."

"I realize this and I am starting to feel anxiety like I haven’t experienced since our journey began," Megan confided.

"I have a feeling of uneasiness myself darling," Donovan softly said.

"I believe it could prove to be an asset as it just might keep us a little more alert to the dangers that are sure to be looming once we get to Casablanca."

"What would you like for dinner this evening?" Megan asked as time was marching on into the afternoon.

"How much bother would it be to fix hamburgers and French fries with maybe Cole slaw also?" he asked.

"I couldn’t have come up with a better menu myself if I tried," Megan answered.

"As a matter of fact my dear captain, why not go ahead and reef the sails, and rig the sea anchors for the night and let’s call it a day. We have done enough sailing and I’m quite certain you can use the rest."

"Well my darling, I like your way of thinking and it will sure feel good just to take it easy for a while. Neither one of us has really had a chance to really enjoy much since the morning I left Jamaica with nothing but a gull as company and a lot of worry for the safety of my beautiful wife."

"Well your beautiful wife is just fine. Our friend the gull has proven to be quite useful and you are due for some much needed rest and relaxation


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if only for a short evening," Megan said as she disappeared below and then soon returned with two Margaritas and two halves of lime with salt.

"Great timing," Donovan said as he had just finished securing everything for the night.


Chapter Thirteen

The Swarm

As they sat on deck and chatted back and forth about what they had already been through and what they were sure to face now, as they got

closer to Morocco, they could hear a steady drone coming from what they believed to be the wind. It really was an eerie sound and gave them both goose bumps, as it got closer. An arcane sound that caused the hair on

their neck, to rise up.

Megan and Donovan got up and looked everywhere, but there was nothing but the horizon to be seen in any direction. It sounded like a swarm of bees heading their way, and it could very well have been a swarm of killer bees for all they knew. The sky was clear as the sun was setting over the Eastern Atlantic Ocean as they neared the Mediterranean Sea, but now the sky had started turning red.

"I really don’t like this feeling I am getting right now," Megan said as she got as close to Donovan as she could.


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"Me neither darling," he confessed. "It’s not as bad when you can see what’s coming, but facing it and not seeing it was a whole new picture show."

"If this sound gets any louder I think we should go below until it passes," Megan declared.

"Yes dear it is quite deafening even though it is not yet upon us," he was quick to agree.

As Megan and Donovan walked back aft Donovan saw what appeared to be a great big black fog just above the water moving in their direction.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Megan. "What in the world is that?"

"I have no idea sweetheart, but I would suggest we get below before it gets any closer," he said. "You get below and make certain every porthole is secured and let me check all of the hatches to make sure they are all battened down," he shouted as loud as he could above the drone that was almost ear piercing by now.

As he made his way forward, the dark black fog was all ready beginning to creep onto the deck. Donovan held his hands over his ears as he frantically checked each hatch to make sure it was safely closed.

By now he could barely see the deck right in front of him as he held onto the rail and kind of groped his way back aft again. He heard Tag-a-long as it began squawking at the strange conditions that were suddenly beginning to take over the evening air. He could hear the bird as it took flight to get away from the black fog.

After what seemed like an eternity, though in reality it was probably just a couple of minutes, he finally reached the hatch leading below to their main living area. He went down and safely closed the hatch behind him.


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"What is it?" Megan asked again with more sincerity in her voice now than before.

"I have no idea sweetheart. Whatever it is, it has frightened Tag-a-long away."

They could still hear the droning noise although it was a lot more tolerable below where they were.

"I don’t mean to alarm you darling, but I don’t like this either," Donovan said.

"Well just stay below with me for right now," Megan pleaded.

"I will not leave you sweetheart until I feel certain you will be safe," he replied as they held each other and waited for the droning noise to pass.

It seemed as if it was beginning to quiet down somewhat.

"Listen," he whispered as he put his finger over his lips to symbolize they needed to be quiet a moment.

They could hear someone or something walking on the deck above them. Every other step would be a knock sound as if it were a man with a peg leg. It got directly above them and then suddenly stopped.

Megan just looked at Donovan and pointed above their heads. He nodded back in agreement. Whatever it was seemed to be listening for any signs of life. Donovan could feel Megan’s body begin to tremble as she held him ever so tight. He squeezed her tighter to try and reassure her they would see this through together. At last, the droning noise had stopped and the sound of movement on the deck passed.

"I believe we are safe now," Donovan said as Megan sighed a great big sigh of relief. I will go on deck and have a look around now.



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"I will go with you," Megan replied. "I am not staying down here alone and you are not going on deck alone. We will investigate whatever we just experienced together my dear Donovan," she said with authority in her voice.

"Yes ma’am," he replied as they went topside to have a look around.

There was a musky smell to the air as they went topside. It was like the type of smell you might find in a room that had been closed up for years and then you open the door and walk in for the first time. At least the odor seemed to be following the direction of the black cloud and soon disappeared.

"Look!" Megan exclaimed as she pointed to scuff marks on the deck that looked as if they had scarred the deck about every two feet.

"This does look like someone with a peg leg has been aboard," Donovan said.

As soon as they finished inspecting the deck for any tell tale signs, Tag-a-long returned and perched on the railing near them.

"Whatever it was that just haunted us was too much for that bird to cope with. If you want to give up the search for the "Gold of Plutus" I will understand," Donovan said as he put his arm around Megan’s shoulders and stared out on the horizon.

"No my darling, I am not a quitter," Megan responded as she turned and faced him. "You and I committed ourselves to this search and we are not giving up now."

"Ok darling that’s good enough for me," he said as they vowed to see this through no matter what the outcome would be.


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"We will not be frightened into quitting and I am resolved to stick by my guns on that issue," Megan pointedly remarked as she drove the point home as to how she felt.

"It is not going to get any easier, but we are in this together," Donovan said as he asked if she would like to join him for happy hour.

"I will fix us a couple of drinks being our last ones were cut short," Megan said.

"Do you have a preference this afternoon?" she smiled.

"Yes dear I do" he responded. I want something a little more brisk after our strange occurrence of events a while ago. Bring me an Old Fashioned on the rocks if you don’t mind.

"Well my dear captain, I shall fix the same for myself also," then gave him a quick kiss and went below.

Donovan knew the most dangerous part of their journey lay just ahead. He did not want to alarm Megan anymore than necessary, but they were heading straight for one of the most dangerous places in the world. This was that part of the world where the old cloak and dagger mysteries originated. They could go missing in the Sahara Desert and he seriously doubt anyone would even bother to look for them.

A few more days of sailing and they spotted the coast of Morocco.

"If my navigation is correct my darling, you are looking at the Port of Casablanca straight ahead."

They located the marina and really had second thoughts about docking there. It was kind of seedy looking compared to the other marinas they had visited and this one was very much in need of repair.


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They really didn’t have a choice, as it was the only marina near by. The next closest one was up the coast about twenty-five miles. He looked at Megan as they docked and again he made that statement that was made famous by the movie "Casablanca." "Here’s looking at you, kid."

"Well just make sure you keep looking too," Megan laughed back.

"I guess this is a waiting game now," Megan began. "We were told we would be met here."

"Yes my dear and so far the instructions have proven to be quite accurate," Donovan reminded her as he noticed a man at the far end of the pier with his back to them.

"Would you look at that?" he said pointing to the man. "Could that be coincidence or what?"

"Oh my goodness," Megan gasped.

"That is the first time I have ever seen a man with a real peg leg," she said. "I have seen pictures in books I have read, especially in the days of pirates when the villain seemed to have a peg leg, an evil eye and just for more mystery, a patch covering the other one."

"And let’s not forget the fact perhaps, on occasions, there would be a parrot perched on his shoulder as he paced back and forth on the deck of some sailing vessel, but this is the first time I have seen someone in real life like that. I would be willing to bet you if we could see his face, he would more than likely have an evil eye," she grinned.

Just about that, time the man turned around and looked their way. He wore a patch over one eye, but was too far away for them to get a good look at his other eye. They could only imagine it to be even more sinister looking. They had already created this image in their minds and it would be near to impossible to picture this man any other way.


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"It kind of makes you wonder if he might have been on the deck of our yacht a while back during the time of the black fog," Donovan said as the peg legged man seemed to stare right at them for a few moments.

His one good eye watched Tag-a-long as the bird flew off to investigate the surroundings. He then walked down the dock and soon disappeared into a little shack that looked like it might have been used for an office at one time.

"You wait here while I go below to get that map," Donovan said to Megan.

"I will try and locate someone here we might be able to trust that will help us understand the writings. I have a gut feeling we will need to know this before our journey is over."

"Just be extremely careful," Megan said as he went to get the map.

Donovan returned on deck in time to see two more men go into that little shack.

"It has to be getting kind of crowded in there by now," Donovan remarked and Megan agreed.

"Yes," she whispered, "not too much room left in there at all."

While they waited for someone to contact them with new instructions Donovan noticed a small boy he would guess to be about ten or eleven years old walking slowly down the dock. He appeared to be searching for someone and did not at all seem very sure of himself. Megan spotted him about the same time and commented that the boy seemed lost.

"I was just thinking the same thing myself," Donovan said.

"I know there’s not much we can do to help him with any directions, as I could not find my way beyond this marina," Donovan laughed.


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The boy spotted them and slowly approached. He appeared almost too shy to even speak as he walked near to them.

"Excuse please," he said in broken English. "Are you Plutus Gold?"

Megan and Donovan knew what the lad meant.

"Yes we are," Donovan said, as the boy seemed somewhat relieved.

"You come now then," he pleaded.

"Come where?" Megan asked.

"Please Miss Plutus, Mr. Plutus you follow me now," he continued in earnest.

"I wonder why they sent a small boy to get us." Megan asked.

"My guess is they must have thought there would be less chance of anyone following a small boy."

"I suppose you are right," Megan countered as she went below to get the boy an orange.

"All little boys like oranges," Megan said as she handed the boy the orange and saw a great big smile come on his face.

"This could become very dangerous from now on so please stay alert," Donovan again cautioned Megan.

They locked the yacht and followed the small boy about three blocks down an alley that led to the back door of what Donovan believed to be a restaurant judging by the food scraps in some garbage cans by the door.

The boy knocked sharply on the door three times and a man wearing a fez and not hurting for anything to eat by the size of his stomach opened


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the door. He wore a thick black mustache that seemed to match the color of his eyes.

His dark olive complexion accented the proof that he was one of the local natives. He looked cautiously from one side of the alley to the other and then motioned them to come in. He handed the boy a few small coins and the little fellow quickly disappeared down the alley.

The man led them through the kitchen where two people; a man and a woman were busy preparing lunch. They barely gave Megan and Donovan a passing glance as they followed the man into the dining room. They were led to a table and told to wait. The man returned a few minutes later with two cups of coffee.

"I will be with you shortly," the man said. "Please enjoy the coffee while you wait."

"This is such a very clandestine feeling," Megan whispered as she took a sip of coffee.

"It is very mysterious, but kind of exciting to say the least," Donovan whispered back.

They had finished about half of their coffee when the man returned with another man who was smartly dressed in a three-piece business suit.

"You don’t need to know our names and we don’t need to know yours," the man began. "We are both seeking similar goals."

Donovan looked around and the restaurant was now empty except for the two people in the kitchen and the two men now sitting at the table with Megan and him.

"I am afraid we cannot offer much of a clue as to where to send you, our chances of being rid of the Curse of Plutus is quickly growing dimmer.


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I was not supposed to tell you this unless it was absolutely necessary, but now I believe you deserve to know," the man finally said.

"Time is no longer on our side. This is the last chance we will have to rid our family of this curse for the next three centuries. None of us will even be alive when the next opportunity arises to once again try and return the statue to its’ rightful place."

The man looked at his wristwatch and quickly did some calculating as he mumbled to himself.

"We now have less than two weeks to find the statue and make sure it is safely aboard your yacht. We will not get another chance in our lifetime to end this curse. I know I am putting undue pressure on the both of you, but no one else through the centuries has made it this far. I cannot blame either one of you for our failure now. Something has always happened in the past to allow this curse to live on. I am afraid it is happening again to my generation," the man sadly whispered as he slowly returned his attention back to the table.

The man in the three-piece took a piece of parchment out of his coat pocket and spread it out on the table. It was a map very similar to the one Donovan had inside his shirt.

"I know you are supposed to be here," he said as he pointed to a spot on the parchment. "It leads off in the direction of the Desert," he continued as he pointed with the chubby index finger of his right hand.

On his ring finger was a rather large gold ring studded with diamonds. Every so often the light would glance off of it and almost blind Megan and Donovan when it shown in their eyes.

"I think I can make this a little easier on all of us," Donovan said as he took the map he had and placed it along side of the other one.


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There were two great big sighs of relief from the two men when they saw the other half of the map. They both applauded and took turns hugging Megan and Donovan with enormous bear hugs.

"We were afraid someone had lost that piece to the map, possibly centuries ago and we would have been at a loss to assist you further. Time is now at a premium for the recovery to be successful," he exclaimed. "No one in history since the theft of the statue of the "Gold of Plutus" has ever come this far in their quest," the man reminded them. "It has been mostly greed or foolish carelessness that has caused the demise of those who have accepted this challenge before you."

"We have every confidence in your abilities as you are getting nearer to locating the golden statue and returning it to its proper place and thus ridding our family of the "Curse of Plutus" once and forever. You still have time to give up your search and no one would blame you if you did," they said almost in unison.

"Well we would blame ourselves for quitting so close to the end of something we both vowed to each other to see through until our mission was accomplished," Megan replied.

"There’s your answer gentleman, end of that discussion," Donovan said.

Donovan looked at his own wristwatch and placed his hand on Megan’s shoulder. We have thirteen days forty-seven hours and twenty-five minutes left. "Now you can explain the map to us so we can make preparations to finish the job that was started centuries ago?" Donovan asked.

The man in the three-piece suit began by explaining to them what the markings on the map meant and translating the Arabic Writings to them. It showed the route from where Megan’s Uncle Bill took up the search until their arrival here.


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"This is an oasis," the man said as he pointed to a spot on the map. "It is called the "Camels Inn" as it will be the only place for water and also refuge from the burning sands of the Sahara and the blistering sun that shows no mercy on anyone who enters this part of hell on earth."

 "This is a village," he continued as he pointed to another marking on the map. "I do not know of any village here, but there must have been one in years past or a trading post, as this is where the "Golden Statue of Plutus" is hidden."

"I seem to recall my grandfather talking of such a place that was once built around a thriving oasis, but dried up in the early part of the last century and there is no one living there now," the other man commented.

This is the "Altar of Three Stones," he said as he placed his finger on a spot that was drawn quite a bit darker than the rest of the map. "It is underneath here where you will find the treasure."

"You must personally deliver it to Tangier where it will be placed in a secure vault and put on public display in a section of a museum," the man said as he made those instructions very clear.

"I do not know which museum. I only know it is called the "Kings Chamber" and it is still under construction," he continued.

"Once you have located the treasure it will be just as difficult to get it out of the desert. I am almost certain there will be many eyes watching you."

"This journey is very dangerous because of the land mines that have been planted along that route and also the bandits who would think nothing of murdering you just for the clothes you are wearing if for no other reason," he talked on.

"I am not trying to scare you my friends," he emphasized, "I am only trying to alert you to the fact this is very dangerous. The Desert itself is as


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big as your United States. The people have several names for the winds that at times seems like they are coming straight from the East Gate of Hell. The Twi language in West Africa has a name they use to describe the wind they call harmattan, which means, ‘to tear your breath apart’."

"What you have already been through prior to now will seem like a walk in the park compared to where you will be going and the ever-present danger of death you will seem to face everywhere. You have mostly been aboard your yacht," the man said with a wry like grin on his face. You will soon travel on another ship, but nothing like what you may be imagining right now. The ship I am referring to is a camel. You will soon learn why the camel is called the "Ship of the Desert," he continued.

"These animals can endure very long periods of the sun and countless miles without water. They can keep going when it is all you can do to stay on their backs."

"You may be near the point of exhaustion, but do not leave your camels as they can prove to be your only means of survival. Your chances of finding your way out of the desert on foot would be almost impossible at best. You may feel like the camels are taking you in the wrong direction, but learn to trust these animals because your life really does depend on them. They know the Sahara and will bring you safely back to the coast. You will find directions aboard your yacht once you have made it back that will show you what to do in Tangier."

"You will need a guide to help you as you journey into the Great Desert," the stout man wearing the fez said.

"The burning sand that glistens with the blinding glare of the sun shining on it can start to play tricks on your minds. You will imagine things that are not there. Mirages can appear at night as well as the daytime. It is quite easy to get disorientated as you cross over vast oceans of nothing but sand. Good luck to you both," he said as he turned and bowed his head toward the other man.


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"You must return to your boat now and wait, but first I need to give you this," the man with the business suit said as he handed Donovan a ring.

"There is someone who will give you complete instructions and also assist you. You must speak to no one, except the person wearing a ring exactly like the one I just gave you. There are many out there who are determined to see you fail so always be alert and under no circumstances ever throw caution to the wind as it could prove to be fatal," he emphasized, as Donovan made sure he understood on every word he spoke.

This was no time for any misunderstanding of exactly what Megan and Donovan were expected to do.

"I will not see you again as my job here now is complete," the man explained. "I wish you and your lovely wife all the luck the desert affords," he said as Donovan looked at the ring.

The man then left through the front entrance and the man who had greeted them earlier led them back through the rear door. They waited while the man cautiously looked up and down the alley to make sure it was safe once more. He wished them good luck as he returned inside.

"They certainly aren’t taking any chances at all," Megan exclaimed.

"No they aren’t sweetheart," Donovan said, as they were getting closer to the safety of their boat.

"Are we having fun yet?" Megan laughed as they both began to search every dark corner as they made their way back to the boat.

Tag-a-long was waiting for them as they came aboard.

"I don’t think that bird cares to venture very far from here either," Megan commented as they walked around on deck to make sure everything was ok.


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It didn’t appear as if anything was the least bit unusual and everything seemed to be as they had left it. Donovan was able to convince himself into believing it was meeting so many different people all of a sudden as their search was nearing an end that had him looking for cloak and dagger characters at every turn.

Megan returned topside and reported everything seemed fine below.

"I find it the same up here also," he said.

"I put some fresh coffee on," Megan said. "It should be ready in a few minutes."

"That sounds good to me," Donovan answered as their attention was once again directed to the little shack at the end of the dock that by now had become somewhat of a mystery.

The peg leg man and his two friends or whoever they were had come out of the shack. The peg legged man watched as the two climbed down a ladder leading to a skiff that was tied there. Megan and Donovan watched as they rowed out of sight. The peg leg man walked passed them without so much as a glance as he left the dock and continued down the street.

"The man may be perfectly innocent," Donovan said to Megan.

"That is true," Megan responded, "but he sure seems to fit right in the scenario."

"It does seem as if he belongs in this story somewhere," Donovan laughed.

But he doesn’t have a parrot perched on his shoulder," Megan quipped. "I suppose we could loan him Tag-a-long," Megan said as they both laughed at that stupid suggestion.


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Megan went below to get their coffee while Donovan stayed on deck to watch for whoever might be coming to guide them. They did not know when this person would show up, as the two men at the restaurant did not mention a time frame to them.

Donovan watched as a large ship was entering the port. The writing on the hull appeared to be Japanese. He could not tell if it was there to load or unload. That did not really matter. It sort of helped to occupy his mind as he waited for their guide. Several sailors came on the deck of the ship and waved at him as they passed. Megan returned with the coffee and they sat down and talked about many things as they played this waiting game as they called it.

"I have never even seen a desert before and now we are fixing to venture into the largest one in the world?" Megan confided in Donovan.

"I’ve been to Death Valley before, but it is no comparison to this place," he told her. "I am really glad we have a guide for this stage of our journey. I am quite certain he will know exactly what we need when he arrives," Donovan said as he only assumed it would be a man who would guide them.

"I don’t have any idea how long it will take to reach these ruins or what kind of supplies we would need other than plenty of water of course," Megan said as they waited.

"I wish our guide would show up. I am curious to find out that it is and what he or she looks like," Donovan anxiously answered. 


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Chapter 14

A Guide to Remember

"I have a feeling we are about to find out," Megan said as she motioned toward a figure heading their way carrying a duffle bag that appeared to be from an Army and Navy surplus store.

"I think you may be right," Donovan said as they got up and walked toward the gangway.

This person was dressed in khaki pants and shirt, wearing a baseball cap and a white bandana that covered most of the face except for the eyes and forehead. Donovan noticed the dark brown full rounded eyes and black arched eyebrows. The figure stopped and slowly looked around before stepping aboard their boat.

The next thing Donovan noticed was a petite fist extended in his direction to expose a ring identical to the one given to him at the restaurant. He showed his ring also and pointed down below to get out of sight of anyone who may have been watching from the marina.


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They made their way to the galley table as their guide sat the duffle bag down beside the table. They watched as their guide slowly removed the white bandana and took off the cap that let her long coal-black hair fall softly around her shoulders.

Megan and Donovan were shocked to discover it was a young lady around twenty-five years old. She was quite an attractive lady and definitely did not look like the kind of person who would be sent to guide them in the desert, especially where danger was omnipresent.

"You may call me Marla," she said with a smile.

Donovan noticed that she spoke perfect English.

"I must admit you are not we expected at all," he said as he introduced Megan and himself.

"I hope no one else expects that either," she laughed, "As it will be a lot safer for all of us. Let me answer a few of your questions before you ask them," she smiled. "I was born in the United States and raised in Miami, Florida so this is where the perfect speaking English comes from. I graduated from the University of Miami. My father owns a successful import-export business in Miami Beach. I am a descendant of the Hensley Family, which may help to explain my involvement in this recovery of the treasure now."

"Destin Hensley is my father’s brother and has pursued getting rid of this family curse since before he was twenty years old. He told me the two of you were the best chance we had of seeing the curse lifted from our family in his lifetime. I am allowed to assist you in everyway possible with one exception. I cannot touch the golden statue at all. Neither my hands nor anyone who is a Hensley can ever put their hands on the statue again."


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"I will be able to accompany you through to your journey’s end. I have been here for two years training secretly for this event. I was beginning to think this time had all been wasted, but when we received word that you had successfully left Caracas and under sail for Casablanca, our hopes were once again renewed. I want you to know I have the utmost faith in both of you. You would not have gotten this far had you not have been dedicated to your commitments you made to my family."

"I was also told to make sure I reminded you to bring the knife with you that you inherited with the map, as it will play a significant part in the recovery of the treasure. I have no idea what part it has here, but we must follow instructions as closely as we possibly can as they all have a reason."

"I guess you have learned from the riddles that have been given you in rhyme as you proceeded from one step of your journey to the next they all had a definite meaning. Although this instruction I was given to relay to you was not in the form of a rhyme, I am quite sure its purpose is very important. My Uncle Destin believed you were our best hope to rid this family curse since it began centuries ago."

"Then Destin Hensley is real and not just an apparition or figment of our imagination," Donovan said with a satisfied sound of relief in his voice.

"Oh yes, he is very real and quite a character," Marla laughed.

"He is a likeable fellow, but one might consider him to carry somewhat of a mystique aura around with him," Marla said as they got down to the nitty-gritty details of their impending mission.

"I have everything we will need for our journey safely hidden in the desert. We will leave at midnight. We must stay below and keep out of sight until then," the young lady cautioned.


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"We have noticed a man on the dock with a wooden peg leg," Donovan said, "what do you know about him?"

"I know he stays in trouble with the authorities," she replied. "I also know they call him "Black Fog Jack," she continued.

"Don’t ask me where he got that nickname, as I don’t have a clue. I do know he started hanging around this area about six months ago."

"I think I might have a clue as to how he got that nickname," Megan said, "but I don’t think I want to even go there right now, as it is a little hard to believe."

"Let me show you to your cabin," Megan said as Marla picked the duffle bag up and followed her.

After Marla had put her things away, she returned to the galley.

"I am almost certain you have found many things hard to believe my friends since you began your search for the statue," Marla reported as Megan made a fresh pot of coffee and waited for the bewitching hour of midnight to arrive.

"I have learned to accept things quite the way they appear and not try to make reason out of anything that happens," she laughed.

"We have experienced a few unexplainable events ourselves that we knew we couldn’t explain either," Megan replied.

The three of them spent most of the evening recalling things that seemed so unbelievable they had already encountered. At least there was some comfort in knowing there was someone besides Megan and Donovan who knew they were telling the truth.


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"You may be the only one besides your Uncle Destin who knows what we have actually been through since we accepted this mission," Donovan said as Marla nodded in confirming Donovan’s last statement.

"I feel much more confident in this mission now that I have met the both of you and see you are not the average run-of-the-mill types who have tried and failed attempting to do what you are so close to accomplishing," Marla said. "I only ask that you not get careless, as that is really all it would take to bring ruin to this quest."

Again Megan and Donovan reassured Marla they had come too far to accept defeat.

"Failure is not now nor was it ever an option," Megan continued. "I have been kidnapped and taken clear across the ocean. I believe the sands of the Sahara will be a challenge, but I also believe that is where you will earn your keep," Megan laughed as she patted Marla on the back.

Megan and Donovan had taken everything they thought they would need from the boat like their sunglasses, aspirins, suntan lotion, etc and as the midnight hour approached Marla looked at Megan and Donovan and said, "Ok folks it’s Showtime."

Donovan locked the yacht and everyone silently slipped into the darkness of the night.

Marla led them down an alley similar to the route the small boy had taken them or at least it seemed that way to Donovan as he made mention of it. Marla went into a small shed behind a building. She was in there for about thirty seconds and returned saying everything was all set. They walked along the building to where a jeep was parked. It looked to Donovan to be of the World War 11 era.

"Hop in," Marla instructed.


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Donovan got in front while Megan took the back seat with their supplies. Marla drove out to the edge of the desert where there was no sign of a trail or a road.

"We will begin here," Marla said.

They climbed a dune and once on the other side, Marla explained there was less chance of them stepping on a land mine here.

Donovan looked out across the desert that was well lit from the countless glowing stars and the brightness of a full moon that was present in the sky this night. He could not see anything but sand in any direction in which he looked and the wall of sand they had struggled to climb over was hiding them from anything to their rear.

"We have about a five-mile hike, I hope everyone is ready?" Marla said as she slung a backpack over her shoulder. "Is everyone up to it?" she again asked.

"Oh yes young lady, don’t you for one second worry about us. We are physically able to go anywhere you go," Megan responded.

Marla got the message Megan was sending as she replied yes ma’am much like a young recruit might answer back to their sergeant. Megan was a physical fitness nut so to speak and was in much better condition to make this trip than Donovan was. If anyone were to slow this party down it would be him.

They walked about two miles when Marla suggested they rest a moment while she got a bearing on their position. Donovan did not argue with that request as walking on the Desert sand was almost as difficult as walking in the snow. They took off their backpacks and sat down on the desert floor.

"Have either one of you ever ridden a camel before?" Marla asked.


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"To be perfectly honest with you Marla," Donovan said, "the closest I have ever been to a camel was at the zoo."

"Ditto,” echoed Megan.

"Well my good friends, you are fixing to gain some very valuable camel riding experience," she laughed. "We are about three miles from giving up walking for a while. If everyone is ready then we shall continue," Marla said as they got up and followed her.

After about twenty minutes, Donovan could see something up ahead of them. As they got closer, he realized it was five kneeling camels.

There was a small tent and he saw a man waving at Marla. He said something to her in what Donovan figured to be Arabic and she answered back in the same language. The man walked out to greet them. Marla introduced Megan and Donovan; the man just nodded as he acknowledged their introduction.

"You will have to excuse him," Marla said. He does not speak nor does he understand one word of English.

"That makes us even," Donovan said. "I know nothing of the Arabic tongue either."

Megan and Donovan sat down on some boxes that were outside the tent while Marla talked with the man.

"Well darling," Megan said, "we have kind of jumped ship just a little here to say the least. I feel much safer out in the middle of the ocean somewhere," she continued. "I hope our land recovery of this statue doesn’t take too long."

"I really feel the same way you do," Donovan confessed. "I am lost out here myself as far as knowing my way around."


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They could hear the wind as it was beginning to pick up and sand started to spiral up like small whirlpools. Donovan got up to look around and Marla called over to them and reassured them this was just a mild desert wind that would pass shortly.

"We will be leaving in a few minutes," she said as she turned and resumed her conversation with this nomad or whoever he was.

Donovan got the feeling just by looking at the man Marla was having a conversation with was very much at home out here in the desert. The man watched as Marla inspected supplies that were stacked neatly beside the tent. She handed the man an envelope with some money in it. They watched as he opened the envelope and kind of thumbed through it without actually counting it. He was satisfied as he motioned a farewell.

"Ok everyone time to go," Marla said as the man disappeared back in his tent. Megan and Donovan walked cautiously over to where Marla stood by the camels.

"Go ahead and get on them," Marla said as she held the camel that Megan was to ride while she climbed into the saddle.

"Just look at how long their eyelashes really are," Megan said in amazement.

"Yes," Marla agreed as she explained that helps to keep the sand out of their eyes during sand storms.

"Are you familiar with horseback riding?" Marla asked as Megan got into position on the camel’s back.

"Yes, I have ridden on a horse quite a lot," Megan, answered.

"I don’t believe you will have too much trouble adapting then," Marla smiled. "Just treat this animal in much the same way you would a horse."


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Donovan watched as Marla turned the harness loose and the camel awkwardly got to its feet.

"Oh, my goodness. What’s wrong?" Megan shouted when the camel snorted making a loud noise.

"Nothing, everything is just fine," Marla reassured Megan. "The camel is only blowing out any sand that might have gotten in its nostrils."

"I take everything I said back and apologize to you," Megan said, as Marla asked what for. "I said we were just as fit to make this trip as you are. I see now we have a long way to go."

"That’s ok," Marla laughed.

"Ok Donovan it is your turn," Marla said.

Donovan straddled the seat and held on for dear life while the camel got too its feet.

"Our supplies are on the fourth camel," Marla stated as she quickly threw herself into the seat and rose with the precision of a master in the art of camel riding. "We will be well into the desert by daybreak," Marla smiled.

Donovan noticed the farther they went into the desert, the colder it was getting. When the sun finally appeared on the horizon and made its entrance in the sky he found himself appreciating the warmness for a while. He was soon to discover the temperatures in the desert could change from one extreme to the next in just a matter of a few minutes. In the summertime, it averaged between 120 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Marla said in the winter months the temperature actually drops so fast at night that frost forms on the sand. "You are here at the best possible time as far as the weather goes," Marla told them.


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Donovan noticed it took a little more getting use to sitting in a saddle on camels back than it did riding a horse.

"We will stop here," Marla suggested as those words were actually music to Donovan’s ears and quite possibly Megan felt the same.

"Pull ever so gently but steadily on the reins Marla instructed as her camel was kneeling down.

They did as they were instructed and the terra firma really was a welcomed feeling under their feet.

"As you walk around watch out for what you might think is shifting sand," Marla cautioned them.

"Why is that?" Donovan asked.

"This desert has its share of rattlesnakes just as any other desert does," she informed them as she suggested they have breakfast while she explained the best travel plans she thought would be the easiest and perhaps the safest also.

"We can pitch tents during the daylight and travel in the cool of night. It will take four days to reach our destination if we don’t run into any unexpected problems," Marla explained as she began to relate her plans to them.

Donovan asked, "Like what problems?"

"Let me try to explain what I mean," Marla continued. "There are many dangers in this desert. There are robbers and nomads who have no permanent dwellings who would kill us for our camels and the very clothes we are wearing and not have second thoughts. There is also the desert heat that can kill you if you don’t respect it. We have the rattlesnakes, about which I have already warned you, but our biggest danger may come from what we face when we reach our destination. I


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don’t know what is waiting for us when we get there. You see my friends; we don’t have too many good things to our advantage, so we must stay together no matter what."

"I did not have time to really prepare for this part of our trip. I did not get this information until you supplied us with this section of the map. I do not know what dangers are waiting for us between here and the ruins we are heading for," Marla shook her head in closing.

"We will trust your judgments completely and do as you ask us," Megan assured her.

"Thank you," Marla replied as they finished their breakfast and pitched their tents behind some sand dunes. "Let us try and get some rest, as nighttime will be here soon enough."

Donovan didn’t get over twenty minutes sleep at any one given time that entire day. Every now and then, a small breeze would blow, but never seemed to last but a few short moments. The heat was just bearable enough to tolerate and nothing more. Megan had the same problems Donovan had when it came to trying to sleep. They heard Marla sing out to them it was time to grab a quick bite to eat before they begin their long nights journey once again.

"How did you rest?" Marla asked.

"I was very restless," Donovan said, as he was not use to sleeping under those conditions he explained.

"That goes for me also," Megan chimed in behind me.

"That is quite understandable," Marla, told them as she was preparing a small meal for them. "It takes getting use to this desert before you can really become acclimated to it, and I’m not sure you will really be comfortable then either. I have been here for two years and am still a long way from being close to comfortable," she smiled back at them.


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As they prepared to decamp Marla said, "There is an oasis ahead of us that is supposed to be very fertile. It was on a route that was well traveled at one time, but it is very seldom used anymore. We should reach there by morning, but we will need to keep a watch for any people who may be coming there to refresh their animals and to rest themselves. I understand it may be months before anyone even dares venture there anyway, but we will still take every precaution."

They cleaned their camping spot and got ready once more to mount their camels.

"We must make every place we camp look as if no one was ever there." Marla emphasized. "Once these desert bandit gangs pick up our trail, they can be relentless in their pursuit to overtake us and rob and more than likely kill us. The desert can leave very little trace that human life was ever present here," she reminded them.

They traveled that night mostly in silence. Each of them with private thoughts of their own to ponder as they traveled on toward morning and the oasis they were hoping to find would be a refuge of rest and safety. Marla was both kind and considerate on this particular night as she would stop about every hour and a half and let them rest from the camel riding that both Megan and Donovan found not to be the most comfortable way of traveling. They were quite certain it was better than walking, but only by just a little. Donovan really felt like a greenhorn much like a new comer to a dude ranch in America.

They could see the sun starting to rise as they neared the oasis.

"Right on schedule," Marla smiled as the camels were starting to show a new burst of energy at smelling the water just ahead.

Everyone freshened up and then they watered the camels. Donovan volunteered to take the first watch as Marla and Megan prepared breakfast.


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"Do not stare in any one direction too long," Marla cautioned him. "Your eyes will not tire as easily if you keep moving from side to side. Pay close attention to any cloud dusts you may see out on the horizon, as this could be a gang of bandits heading our way. Everyone we meet out here is not a cutthroat," she added. "I just want to keep you very aware that a misjudgment out here could prove to be a fatal mistake."

After breakfast, Donovan found a good place to view the desert from the shade of a date tree. Megan and Marla had found shade in a small grove of trees nearby also. It proved to be a lot cooler here than it was where they had spent the day before. Donovan’s watch of four hours was just about up when he spotted a small cloud of dust on the horizon.

He called for Marla and Megan to get up, as he wasn’t sure what it was. Marla had binoculars in her backpack she had forgotten about. She got them and focused in on the small cloud of dust that was getting closer.

She gave out a big sigh of relief as she told Megan and Donovan, "it is only a stray camel. It has smelled the water, and its only concern was reaching here. I am glad you were alert and saw it," she told him.

She took the next watch while Donovan lay down and went to sleep. He must have slept for almost four solid hours before he woke to the smell of lunch cooking. The stray camel did not appear to be as wild as it knelt down with the other camels that were in the shade. Donovan mentioned that to Marla and she commented the camel was probably glad to find them as well. It had probably gotten loose from a caravan and was lost.

"A windstorm can come up so suddenly out here in this desert and you cannot see your own hand in front of your face," Marla explained.

"It would be quite easy to lose one of these beasts that way. Tomorrow morning we will be within twenty miles of our destination, I want to arrive there under the cover of darkness. That will give me a chance to check


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this place out and make sure it is not inhabited. There will be less chance of us being spotted if there is someone there."

"There are only the three of us, but that can be enough to even the odds so to speak and create an element of surprise if we are not too greatly out numbered. If it comes down to it we will devise a plan that will have to work," she said with assurance as well as determination in the sound of her voice.

As night fell on the oasis, Donovan was dreading leaving there. It was such a refreshing difference; compared to the miles of sand and dunes that were just about everywhere you looked. They traveled through the night barely speaking except to make a comment about the night or some other irrelevant subject. It was just hearing the sound of a human voice every now and then giving them reassurance that everyone was still ok. The stray camel followed them step for step. Marla just laughed and said that camel was obviously not going to be left out here alone.

The last place they stopped was behind a giant sand dune. It would be hard for anyone passing by on the horizon to spot him or her. "We will camp here today and then when we begin tonight, we will be about two hours from our destination," Marla said as she took the supplies off the camel’s backs.

They pitched tents and Donovan made sure the camels were fed and taken care of while Megan and Marla fixed breakfast. He again volunteered to take the first watch, as they were too close now to allow someone to accidentally spot them.

Marla felt they were safe but still that outside chance of being discovered this close to the ruins was on her mind. After breakfast, Marla handed Donovan the binoculars and told him she would relieve him in four hours. "I should be awake," she said, "but if I’m not, please wake me."


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Donovan actually found himself seeing things out on the desert floor that weren’t there. It would be easy to see mirages as the desert could play tricks on your mind if you stared in any one direction very long. The day passed by without much of anything out of the ordinary happening that he could tell. He did spot an airplane that looked to be about thirty thousand feet up fly over. He presumed it was a passenger airplane, but it did not matter, as it was far too high to see them on the ground.

As darkness fell, they began to prepare for the last stage of their trip to the ruins.

"We will leave here around midnight," Marla said. "That will put us within sight of the ruins around two am. We have one thing in our favor tonight," Marla continued. "We have cloud cover and that will make our approach even safer, but it will also make spotting anyone at the ruins just as hard also."

Marla was quite accurate on her calculations as they arrived at almost two am. Luck was still with them as their entrance to the ruins was behind a huge sand dune. It would have been nearly impossible to be spotted even with a moonlit night.

"This is where we will wait until I can check out just what may be there waiting on us," Marla said.

They were about a half-mile from the ruins. Marla would get near enough to see what report was there and then back so they would know how to plan their next move.

Donovan offered to go, but Marla emphasized her need to do it as she had trained for two years out here in the desert just for this moment.

"I believe you are very capable of doing this Donovan, but I am smaller than you and would be less of a target to spot," she said as they laughed at the small joke.


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Every now and then, the clouds would pass over the moon and give off what was a very clear view of everything in sight. Megan and Donovan would watch, as Marla would time it to hit the ground on these occasions and crawl on her belly until the cloud cover returned. Finally, Marla was out of sight and they had the nerve-wracking job of having to wait and hope for the best as she was on her own.

Megan and Donovan talked about their friends in Jacksonville Beach and the friends they had made everywhere they had traveled so far. They tried to concentrate on good and positive things. They did not want to dwell on anything negative. Marla was out there at this very moment risking her life to help get rid of the "Curse of Plutus" that had plagued the Hensley family for centuries.

Megan and Donovan had accepted the challenge to help and to Megan and he, that was their word and they would do everything they could to honor it. They had already encountered events that would have caused most treasure seekers to abandon their cause, but they had decided to see this through to the end.

Just before dawn, Donovan saw the image of a person in the distance approaching them. He was almost certain it was Marla, but still he did not make a sound as Megan and he waited until they were certain it was Marla before they made themselves known. Marla came into camp and sat to rest a few minutes as she related to them what she had discovered.

"We have a welcoming committee waiting on us. I only counted five of them so I believe I can make a surprise entrance and divert any attention away from the two of you as you make your approach from the rear. I’m almost certain there is no one else around," she began.

"Remember the man with the wooden peg leg you saw on the dock," she continued, the one I told you that is called "Black Fog Jack?" He is there and from what I could gather, he seems to be the one in charge. We


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need to figure a way to get him out of the way first and I don’t believe we will have much trouble with the others."

"The stray camel that followed us when we left the oasis just might be all we’ll need," she said as she began to draw a map in the sand of the ruins and where everyone was stationed. I will take the camel and ride far enough to the south to where they will not suspect anyone is even over here where you are," she smiled with confidence.

"What will you use for a weapon, as you must have some means of defense?" Donovan asked.

"I have a camel stick and it makes a good Billy club," she smiled. Donovan got the dagger out of his backpack and tucked it in the back of his trousers out of view of anyone who might be approaching.

"Give me two hours" Marla said, and then come to the rear of the ruins. If I can get Black Fog Jack alone, I believe one good conk on the head will do the trick. I can then call the others in one at a time by saying Black Fog Jack wants to see them and hopefully put each one out of commission in the same manner," she reported.

"If anything goes wrong, I am hoping you will be in position by then to offer assistance," Marla smiled as she asked, "are there any questions?"

They didn’t have any so Marla mounted the camel and said, "Ok, give me two hours and we should be set then as she rode off to the south."

"You don’t find that kind of courage in most people in this day and time," Megan commented.

"No, you don’t dear, but she is fighting for a cause she was not even responsible for," Donovan echoed back.

"This all took place centuries before she was even born," Donovan said as he looked at his watch to keep track of the time.


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"I really do like her," Megan said. "I see what kind of person she really is and that makes a big difference. You might say I totally misjudged her when this desert trip began," Megan confessed as they ended that subject.

They more or less tried to figure out things they might encounter when they approached the ruins and made kind of a mental plan they called plan "B."

Chapter Fifteen

An Army of Three

Donovan glanced at his wristwatch it was time to go. They made sure the camels were tied and started their walk towards the ruins. When they had gotten within three hundred yards of the ruins, they saw Marla approaching from the opposite direction and not being any too quiet as she wanted to make certain all eyes were on her and not the direction Megan and Donovan were coming from.

It was working like a charm because all five men had gone out to meet her and find out what she was doing all by herself out in the desert like this. Megan and Donovan hurriedly got close to the rear of the ruins and


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were able to slip unnoticed inside one of the buildings that were still partially standing.

They had no way of knowing it at the time, but the building they hid in was the one Black Fog Jack was using as kind of a makeshift headquarters. They saw Marla and Black Fog Jack approaching at a distance of about fifty yards away. There was a piece of a wall left standing, about three feet high and maybe four feet long. It was the only hiding place inside and there wasn’t time to get back outside again without being seen. Marla was talking in Arabic, so they didn’t have a clue as to what she was saying as they entered the building. They could hear Black Fog Jack grunt every now and then as if he were agreeing with whatever Marla was saying.

They walked over to the partial wall where Megan and Donovan were hiding as Marla kept talking. She put her hands on the wall that Donovan presumed she was going to use as a seat. She briefly looked over and spied Megan and Donovan and quickly turned around to face Black Fog Jack.

"Is there another place we could be more comfortable?" she asked, in broken English that was enough to let Megan and Donovan know what she was saying.

Black Fog Jack said something back to her in Arabic and walked over to the wall where they were hiding. He turned around without looking their way and sat on the partial wall as he continued his conversation with Marla.

Megan smiled at Donovan as she slowly rose up from behind the wall. By now Marla seemed to know that Megan was going to put Black Fog Jack’s lights out and started talking in a very sexy tone of voice as she walked right up to him and placed her hands on his shoulders.


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Megan rose up and in one swift movement, brought the camel stick down on top of his head. Donovan wasn’t quite sure, but it looked as if both of Megan’s feet came off of the ground as she delivered a solid blow to the top of Black Fog Jack’s head. He turned around to face Megan as if he hadn’t felt a thing and stood there for about five seconds before his knees buckled and he just kind of sank to the ground.

"Well we certainly didn’t plan it this way, but it seems to work so let’s precede," Marla said as she gave them both a big wink.

Megan and Donovan dragged Black Fog Jack behind the wall and out of sight. She waited until they were out of sight behind the wall again.

Marla walked to the doorway and motioned to a man who was standing about twenty yards away. The man cautiously entered the building. They heard her talking softly in Arabic to the man. Donovan imagined she was trying to explain where Black Fog Jack had disappeared to; she then led the man over near the wall.

"You can get up now and continue with your plan," she said in English this time.

That was their signal and now it was Donovan’s turn. He slowly peeked his head over the wall. Marla had the man turned around with his back to them also. Donovan delivered a blow to the back of the man’s head so hard that the man almost knocked Marla down when he fell. There was no way Donovan was going to let these two lovely ladies out do him so he had to make it good.

"Well that is two down and three to go," Marla smiled. "It won’t be long before the others will begin to suspect something is wrong and come looking for their friends. We need to devise a plan and it will probably mean we have one person each to take care of," Marla said as she walked to the doorway and looked out. I will walk as far away from this area as I


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can, but you must be careful, as I am sure, they will begin to wonder where Black Fog and his buddy are.

"I will remain in here and sit on this wall," Megan said. "Whoever comes in here will see me and when they get close enough, I will give them the old camel club welcome," she laughed. "I believe we got the worst of the lot when we took care of Black Fog Jack," Megan said in closing.

"I will pick one of the other buildings and hope to catch someone by surprise when they poke their head in the door to look," Donovan said.

"As soon as I know I am alone with the last one, I will get him to turn and look at something I shall point to and club him as well," Marla said, as she wished us good luck and walked outside.

Donovan thought these guys aren’t going to stay out cold forever. I need to find some rope to tie them up. He knew the two ladies were well capable of taking care of themselves and the thought occurred to him, what if I was the one who was unable to take care of the man I was suppose too. I am sure they would probably laugh about it and come to my rescue, but still it would be something I will have to live with the rest of his life, he chuckled to himself. Well Donovan, he said to himself. You just better not let that happen then. With that sobering thought well etched in his mind, he waited for the next victim to walk in.

Donovan could not hear anyone so he wasn’t sure what was happening. He could not go outside of the building he was in for fear of possibly being seen and spoiling the only plan they had. He would wait ten minutes and then he would have to find some way of investigating if it meant crawling around on the desert floor like a snake on his belly.

Just about the time he had allotted himself to wait before he went to see what was happening he heard someone calling a name. It was in Arabic so he just assumed it was one of the other men calling out for


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Black Fog Jack. He could hear this voice getting closer. Donovan got as close to the door as possible to wait for the man to stick his head inside to have a look.

At least Donovan had the element of surprise on his side. He was hoping that would be enough. As it turned out, it was exactly enough. The man cautiously looked into the building and looked to the right first. Luckily Donovan was on the left and that split second was enough to make the difference. It was good night time and one swift blow put him out like a light. Now that this man was out of the way for the time being, Donovan’s thoughts turned to Megan and Marla again and how they were doing. He knew he had to exercise extreme caution until he was sure of their safety. As he walked slowly outside he saw Megan and Marla walking towards him.

"Everyone seems to go to sleep around here quite early," Marla laughed.

"Yes they do," he sang back. "We need to find some rope, before our desert friends wake up."

"I will attend to that," Marla replied. "I saw some rope on one of the camel saddles," she added.

"Why don’t you and Megan try and find the altar made of three stones. That is where the statue is buried. As soon as I take care of our five guests, I will help you all I’m allowed too," she continued.

"Good enough" Donovan said as Megan and he began to search for anything that might look like it may have been used for an altar.

"I don’t believe our friends will cause us any more trouble," Marla said as she rejoined them.


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Megan and Donovan searched everywhere, but could not locate an altar or even the ruins of where one might have been. They sat on some old steps to rest a moment before resuming their search once more.

"Hey you two! Could this be the altar of the three stones the map indicated? Doesn’t it seem kind of strange three steps would be left in the desert with no house or the ruins of one any place near by?" Marla asked.

The three of them looked around for anymore-stone structures.

"I don’t see anything else even close to resembling three stones," Marla remarked.

Marla walked over to the building Black Fog Jack had been using as a makeshift headquarters and found a small shovel much like those issued to our soldiers during World War II. The handle was about two feet long and the head of the shovel could be folded down to make it more compact for storage when not in use.

"This is the only thing I could find to dig with," Marla stated. "I do have additional shovels back at the oasis on the camel with our supplies, but that is not doing us much good here," she smiled.

"Let me do the macho thing and do the digging," Donovan laughed.

"Be our guest," Marla and Megan both voiced in unison.

As he started to dig, Marla and Megan searched the area again to make sure there wasn’t anything else around there that might have been an altar at one time.

It was slow going as he began to dig around the base of steps or at least that’s what they reminded him of. Donovan was glad he was digging in the desert and not some other more rugged terrain. This primitive shovel or it was by their modern day standards anyway, would have been like trying to use a tablespoon to work with.


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After he dug down about four feet he struck an object. He was hoping it wasn’t a rock and this was a false alarm. It was made of wood whatever it was. He continued to dig around it and where the point of the shovel struck the wood, it barely made a scratch on it.

He couldn’t see Marla or Megan anywhere in sight so he shouted for them to come see what he had found. He uncovered a wooden box. It was about three foot long and a foot and a half wide. He would guess it to be about a foot deep. It was quite a struggle to get the box out of the hole because it was so heavy.

Donovan finally got it out of the hole and was trying to figure out a way to get the case open when he heard Megan shout to him in a loud scream, "Look out behind you!"

As he was turning his head to see what Megan was talking about, he felt a glancing blow strike the side of his head. It knocked him to his knees and for a few brief moments he saw stars. As he was shaking his head and trying to return to his senses he felt a wooden peg kick him across his face. That blow knocked him flat on his back. Donovan’s eyes were getting focused again. He saw the blurry image of a man standing about four feet in front of him.

When his complete vision returned a few seconds later, he saw it was Black Fog Jack. He was laughing to himself and holding a knife in one hand while he motioned for Donovan to get up.

Well this is beginning to get very serious, Donovan thought to himself. As he lay in the burning sand he could feel something poking him in his back. Maybe it is a rock or some other object he may be able to use as a weapon he thought as he slowly rose to his feet.

He remembered what the object was as he stood up to face Black Fog Jack. It was the silver dagger he had stuffed behind his trousers before


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Megan and he left the oasis earlier that morning. He reached behind his back and pulled it out.

When Black Fog Jack saw the dagger as Donovan reached behind his back and pulled it out of his trousers, you could see the fright in Black Fog Jack’s eyes as if he were looking at his most feared enemy. He screamed in agony, as sparks seemed to fly from the handle of the knife he was holding when Donovan pointed the dagger in his direction. It was almost as if Donovan hade taken a pistol and shot the knife out of Black Fog Jack’s hand because it seemed to fly about twenty feet from him.

While Donovan continued to point the dagger at Black Fog Jack strange things really began to happen. His wooden peg leg started smoking and in a matter of a few seconds there was nothing but a pile of ashes where his peg leg once stood. Black Fog Jack himself was rendered harmless just by the presence of the silver dagger Donovan held in his hand.

By now, Marla and Megan had walked up to Donovan.

"I guess I didn’t tie this one up as well as I thought," Marla said as she walked over to where Black Fog Jack lay sprawled out on his back. He mumbled something to Marla in Arabic and she said something back to him.

"He says he will cause us no more trouble and he will not follow us when we leave," Marla told them. As long as you have that dagger he is helpless anyway Marla smiled as Megan walked over to Donovan and checked to make sure he was ok.

"I suppose that was the reason they wanted me to surrender the dagger to them in Caracas in exchange for Megan’s freedom," Donovan said to Marla.

"Exactly" she replied. "As long as the dagger is in your possession, you have power to fight the enemy."


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Donovan opened the case and saw the most beautiful golden statue he had ever seen in his life. It was two and a half feet long with a width of one foot and it was a good six inches solid. It was lying on a bed of purple velvet. Marla said the wooden case was made of teak wood and very expensive by itself.

They loaded the case onto one of the pack camels. Marla told Black Fog Jack she would leave their camels at the oasis for them, but they must wait until sundown before coming after them. He happily agreed, as he wanted no part of the dagger anymore.

Marla, Megan, and Donovan mounted the camels and headed back to the oasis. They left the men’s camels there as Marla had promised.

"They will not try anything now. As long as you have control of that dagger, they are helpless. We will be well on our way to Tangier by the time they get their camels," she laughed.

When they arrived back in Morocco three days later it was late in the afternoon. They arrived at the spot where they had first picked up the camels as darkness had begun to blanket the desert. This would be an aid for them to slip back aboard the yacht and cause less suspicion. They loaded their supplies along with the golden statue into the jeep they left there earlier. They took everything aboard their yacht and got underway sailing northward up the coast for Tangier. It was a relief to be back aboard "Megan’s Voyage" as they dropped anchor and got ready to spend the night off the coast.

"I don’t know about the rest of you," Donovan said as he finished with securing the yacht for the night, "but I’m ready for happy hour this evening."

"I think we are all in agreement with that," Megan smiled as Marla followed her below. The two ladies returned in about ten minutes with the drinks.


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They went to the bow and relaxed in chaise lounges as they watched a beautiful Mediterranean Moon rising in the sky.

"We often spend our entire evenings up here just enjoying the sky at night," Megan told Marla.

"I can see why. It is so beautiful. I would love to be able to do this anytime I felt like it," she said. "I am so relieved we have recovered the gold statue that I dare not wish for anything else right now," Marla answered.

They talked for a long time that evening about the obstacles they had over come getting this far in their search for the golden statue. It was quite comfortable this night as they sat at the bow of the yacht and felt the refreshing breeze from the Mediterranean as it was blowing gently from port to starboard.

Tag-a-long finally came down from its perch on the mast. Megan explained to Marla the reason for the gull’s being here.

"It has already earned a permanent place on the crew’s roster," Megan said, as she told how the bird was very instrumental in showing Donovan where she was being held captive in Caracas.

"It is becoming more comfortable around strangers as long as we are on the boat," Megan reported.

"I guess the old saying rings true for our feathered friend," Donovan said, "Any friend of the Dearing’s is a friend of mine."

Everyone enjoyed the humor in that remark as the silence of the evening was interrupted by the hearty sound of laughter. Tag-a-long even got into the act, as it seemed to squawk out loud in approval.

"I don’t know about the rest of you," Donovan said, "but I am beginning to get a little hungry."


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"We will go below to the galley and start-preparing dinner while you make sure everything is secure up here on deck for the night," Megan replied.

"I will be glad to assist you," Marla told Megan. "I’m afraid my cooking is not much better than the meals I prepared out there on the desert floor," she smiled.

"Well my dear, just follow me and we will soon have a meal fit for even the most hard to please gourmets," Megan grinned as they disappeared below.

As Donovan went about making sure everything was secured for the night, he thought about what they might face in Tangier once they arrived there. He was quite certain the worst was over. Now that they were nearing the end of their part of the bargain, there was still the danger of failure should they be caught unawares. He was determined not to let such blunders as those occur.

Although he knew their destination was Tangier, anything could happen in this part of the world. He still remembered reading the adventure stories of Ala Babba and The Forty Thieves from his childhood. There was a lot of enchantment associated with the Mediterranean Sea. He was really hungry when he heard the welcomed sound of Megan’s voice ring out.

"We are dining Southern tonight," Megan said in a drawl that was very close to that of Miss Scarlet Donovan remembered from "Gone with the Wind."

"Well my sweet child," he echoed back with his best Rhett Butler, "that tickles my fancy quite pleasurably."

"I guess I’ll have to be Miss Pitty Pat," Marla laughed.


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Donovan sat down to a table of southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes with browned gravy, fried squash and a crisp garden salad with Italian dressing and iced tea. At the very last moment, Megan brought out a platter of hot steaming biscuits. The meal was every bit as delicious as it looked, and the aroma that filled the galley indicated it would be.

After dinner they pitched in, cleaned the galley, and went back on deck to try and plan for the next day the best they could. They commented on how much this seemed like a dream.

"I know now why you never received any further instructions," Marla smilingly said to them. "No one believed you would get this far in your mission to recover the statue. You can’t really blame them either as this is the closest anyone has come in centuries in succeeding. You removed all doubt from my mind when I discovered you had successfully escaped from Caracas and were once again on your way."

"Well Megan and I aren’t ones to take challenges lightly once we accept them," Donovan was quick to reply.

"We had several opportunities to back out, but that is just not our nature," Megan agreed.

"I am so glad it was the two of you this time and I’m quite certain the entire Hensley Family feels the same as I," Marla said in finishing.

"Would you like some coffee while we enjoy this evening or would the two of you prefer to be alone tonight?" Marla asked.

"We would love a cup of coffee," Megan responded, "and we certainly would like you to join us."

"You have risked your neck also and we need to plan some kind of evasive action for when we reach Tangier, should the occasion rise, just to be on the safe side," Donovan remarked.


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Marla went below to fix coffee while Megan and Donovan stood at the bow and watched another gorgeous Mediterranean Moon rising to say good evening to that part of the world. You would really be surprised at how bright everything in the sky is at night if you are out on the ocean and away from all the lights of the city that can really dull the view. Those of you who have had a chance to experience this know exactly what it looks like and the sensation you feel.

Marla returned with the coffee and a note she had discovered on the galley table.

"I did not see anyone come aboard, nor have I seen any other boats in the area," Marla said as she handed Donovan the note.

"I really don’t consider anything about this voyage strange anymore," he said as he took the note and prepared to read it.

"Well everyone listen to this," as he began reading the last rhyming riddle of their adventure.

"I am going to miss these adult nursery rhymes," Megan laughed.










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"That’s the name of the tune," Donovan said. "I am sure we will know what to do when we reach Rabat. At least we have the comfort now in knowing our mission was a success or we wouldn’t be reading this note now," he crooned rather triumphantly.

"What do you know about Rabat?" Donovan asked Marla.

"I have been there on several occasions," she answered, "but I really don’t know much about it. I know it is a lot safer city than Casablanca," she continued. "It is also the capital of Morocco, but as in all foreign cities in this part of the world, you still have to exercise extreme caution," she reported in closing.

The next morning everyone was awake at the same time and the anxiety in the air was so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. Donovan fixed coffee and everyone went on deck to meet the rising sun.

"I am so excited," Marla said. "I was beginning to think this day would never come. I just can’t say in words what I feel for you and Donovan." Marla kissed Megan on the cheek and then Donovan.

"I must admit, I had some rather doubtful moments as to the success of this adventure myself," Megan said as she smiled back at Marla.

"I thought last night, going to Tangier created a real and present danger, but going to Rabat gives me a good feeling," Donovan commented.

"I think I only want a light breakfast this morning," he stated. Perhaps cereal and orange juice and maybe toast with coffee." he said as he gave his request for breakfast.


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"That will be just fine with me, how about you Marla?" Megan replied as Marla nodded her head in affirmation and pointed toward the hatchway.

Donovan went about making sure everything was ready to set sail as Megan and Marla went below. It was already starting out to be a great morning as they had just witnessed a spectacular sunrise and now there was a brisk breeze beginning to blow. The sea was calm this morning and life was beautiful. Each of them had their own sense of satisfaction in knowing they were nearing completion of a mission that seemed almost impossible at times.

"Let’s eat," came Megan’s cry from the galley.

As they sat at the galley table, they excitingly related different parts of this trip that in some instances were quite ghostly to say the least. It seemed so strange how each clue led them in the direction of someone who was in need of rescue and they just happened to be in the right places at the right time.

None of them acted the least bit smug, but they did exhibit satisfaction in the way they over came seemingly impossible odds to conquer and achieve their goal.

"Ok gang listen up," Donovan said as he alluded to the fact they would all be wearing white hats now if this had been a Western because they are the good guys here.

 Marla just smiled as Megan and Donovan talked about their experiences.

"I have heard tales handed down from my ancestors," Marla continued, "of countless others who had tried unsuccessfully before the both of you came along to recover the statue. From many hair-raising stories I’ve heard, I can’t say that I blame a lot of the others for quitting."


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"I think three hundred years ago there were ghosts behind every corner waiting for those attempting to recover the statue. I also know those who were driven by greed were doomed from the beginning. Greed is what brought the curse upon our family in the first place."

"So Marla, what are your plans once we reach Rabat and have safely returned the statue?" Megan asked.

Before Marla could answer the question, Megan was telling of their plans and giving Marla options.

"I believe we intend to sail back to Florida and you are perfectly welcome to continue with us. We could use another good hand on board for our crossing," Megan declared as she looked at Donovan just to make sure it met with his approval.

"After what the three of us have been through lately Marla, you have certainly earned a spot on the crew’s roster," he said. "You were very instrumental in helping us succeed. In fact, if it weren’t for you this whole mission could have gone down the drain back there in the desert," he said as he left the offer open for her.

"The both of you are a very special couple," Marla began. "It took centuries for you to come along and free us. I have a very good feeling about going to Rabat. I would like to keep the option open about returning to Florida with you until after we have delivered the statue. I feel there is something or someone there that I need to see first," she said in closing.

"Well, we will certainly leave that option open for you," Megan replied as she continued with their offer. "I don’t usually do this, but in this case I will speak for Donovan also, when I say you will be most welcome to join us on our return trip to America."


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"Of course, you will," Donovan said as he watched the wind dancing in the fullness of the sails as they continued on their course down the coast. "We could very well be three modern day Musketeers," he laughed.

"It seems as if a big smoke screen has been lifted from around us and we can see clearly the beauty of the world as it was meant to be viewed," Donovan inspiringly said.

"How long do you think it will take to reach Rabat?" Megan asked.

She and Marla pulled lounge chairs along side of him at the helm and closed their eyes from the brightness of the early morning sun.

"At our present course, we should sail to the mouth of the Bou Regreg River in about four days," he answered.

Marla was doing a little research on that part of Morocco last night and found there is quite a bit of history associated with that area also.

"It seems this city has been around since the beginning of the first century. Across the river from Rabat is the walled city of Sale. At one time this was kind of a haven for pirates. It was probably somewhere between Rabat and Casablanca where fellow pirates more likely as not caught up with our ancestor and killed him after he had hidden the statue."

"Well that certainly makes sense to me," Donovan said as he reflected on what Marla had just said. "I guess your ancestor never heard of the statement "Honor among Thieves," Donovan smiled.

"I guess not," she laughed back, "or we would not have had to suffer so many misfortunes because of his dastardly deeds," she said in finishing.

"How would everyone like a nice cold glass of lemonade?" Megan asked.

"That sounds just fine with me," Donovan answered.


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"I would love a glass also," Marla, said, "only please let me help you she begged."

"Ok my dear; meet me in the galley," Megan said.

As Megan and Marla disappeared below deck Donovan could feel the wind begin to pick up a little as it thrust the bow a little deeper in the water? It was quite comfortable on deck as the breeze became ever more inviting and the sun continued to rise to its place of prominence in the sky.

The next four days of sailing were every true mariners dream; A brisk steady wind to their backs, seas less than two feet, clear skies and great companions to share the adventure with.

As Donovan stood his watch at the helm and looked at the shoreline about four miles away, it was really hard to imagine that just beyond the vision of his eyes lay a desert with scorching sands and blistering sand storms that could sere the soul of the Devil himself.

"Here you go," Megan, said as she brought Donovan back from the trip his mind had taken him on. Burning sands of any desert seemed so unreal at this moment, especially those of the mighty Sahara as the ice-cold lemonade stirred thoughts that were more refreshing.

They neared the capital city of Rabat just before sundown.

"We will anchor here for the night and I suppose we will meet our main man Dave sometime tomorrow," Donovan stated. "After I secure the boat for the night, we can finish watching the sunset as it may very well be our last one in this part of the world for a while."

They watched as the sun set on the horizon over the Atlantic Ocean, as they sipped mint tea, which is quite popular over here among the tourists as well as the locals. They marveled at the beauty of such a gorgeous sunset, when Donovan heard the sound of a boat coming.


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"I think we may have company," Megan said as the sound of the engines of the approaching boat decreased to an idle.

"Ahoy there the "Megan’s Voyage," came a shout from the yacht that by now had come directly abeam of them.

"Ahoy," Donovan shouted back.

"Would you be Donovan Dearing?" the voice queried further.

"Aye," Donovan responded.

"May I come aboard? My name is Dave Speaker and I have been expecting you," came the young mans reply, as Megan, Marla and Donovan were now situated at the rail where they could plainly see him.

"Would you look at this?" Donovan said as he tapped on the face of his wristwatch. "He’s here now and we still have over twenty-four hours to spare."

“Come aboard," Donovan invited him as he placed fenders between his yacht and theirs.

They shook hands as Donovan introduced Megan and then Marla to him. Dave was a tall dark handsome young man who was over here attending to some of his fathers shipping interests. He was from Miami, Florida also. He had majored in Business Administration and received his degree from the University of Miami. It was obvious the magnetic attraction Marla and Dave had for each other as their eyes met. That magic moment of love was present as the two of them forgot anyone else in the world was present.

After what seemed like a good minute of silence, Dave spoke. "I am so sorry," he said. "I have never before been taken captive by such beauty as this lovely lady."


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Their eyes were still searching each other as Megan looked at Donovan and smiled.

"It wasn’t that long ago I first looked at you in much the same way as that. And if you want to know a secret, I still do."

"You must be reading my mind sweetheart, because I was thinking exactly the same thing," Donovan said as he put his arms around Megan.

"Would you join us in a cup of mint tea?" Megan asked.

"Why thank you, that would be quite splendid," Dave answered.

"I will bring the teapot on deck then," Megan said.

"I will help you," Marla said almost sub-consciously.

As the two lovely ladies went below Dave’s conversation turned to the mysterious Destin Hensley.

"He told me to pick up a statue you had for him, and I was to deliver it to a curator of some museum who would make their selves known to me in due time. I wanted to make sure it was you when I saw the yacht anchored out here."

As they sat and sipped their mint tea, the conversation suddenly turned to Marla. It seems as if Dave couldn’t learn enough about her. Megan suggested that she and Donovan go check on some charts and let the two young people talk in private. They excused themselves, but it didn’t appear the young couple knew anyone was there to begin with.

"I do believe the young lady has found someone that she finds very interesting," Megan said as they walked toward the stern of the boat.

"I do believe you are right my dear and the young man didn’t seem the least bit bored either," Donovan said as they watched the lights of Sale start to flicker on as the city was getting ready for the night.


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"I wonder whom the enemy was that Sale needed to build a wall around it," Megan asked as Donovan began to explain the reason.

"At one time, this was a very busy place," he continued. "It seems as if most of Europe wanted this city. It would have been most convenient and a major stronghold to capture the city."

"I don’t believe mankind has ever been completely satisfied with anything they have possessed since time began," Megan commented. "They believe the grass is greener on the other side."

"You are so right my darling," he said as Marla and Dave had walked back to where they were standing.

"Dave has invited us to have dinner with him tonight," Marla reported.

"I am going to have to pass on the offer tonight, but you go ahead and enjoy the evening with him," Megan answered.

Megan and Donovan could see the stars of love beginning to shine in the eyes of these two young lovers. The last thing they needed tonight was two chaperones.

"We will see you in the morning," Donovan said. "Megan and I have to prepare for our return trip back home."

"Thank you both again for what you have done for me and my family," Marla said as once again she kissed Megan and Donovan on their cheeks.

"I will see you in the morning sir and ma’am," Dave remarked as he and Marla left the boat.

"If ever I saw love at first sight, I think I just saw it tonight," Megan said as they watched Dave’s yacht make its way back to the coast.

"I am not extremely hungry tonight sweetheart," Donovan said. "How does sandwiches sound to you?"


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"That sounds just fine my darling Donovan. Shall we go below and eat, Megan asked?" as they felt the darkness of night embracing them.

"Yes darling lets do."

The next morning brought a sunrise to outdo all other sunrises that Megan and Donovan had witnessed since they traveled to this part of the world. It was enough to make anyone stand in awe at how Mother Nature seems to try and outdo herself with the miraculous array of beauty from one setting or rising to the next.

After Megan and Donovan finished breakfast, they went on deck to wait the return of Marla and Dave.

"It seems like the curse has already been lifted on Marla," Donovan joked.

"You are so right my darling," Megan chimed back. "Should we go into port or wait here?" Megan asked.

"I believe we should just stay where we are. Dave’s last words last night were he would see us in the morning," Donovan reminded Megan.

As they watched the fishing boats heading out to sea, Donovan reflected on the lifestyles of the different cultures of the world.

"It is hard to explain, but as different as we are from one section of the globe to the next, we are still very much alike. Life goes on in much the same way around the world. Men and women in this modern day world fishing for a living or perhaps building houses and giant skyscrapers together," he remarked in amazement.

He did notice as well as Megan also, this part of the globe seemed to still be more of a man’s world and the women stayed home and attended the domestic part of that life.


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"I am almost certain that will gradually change, but it will be years before it catches up with the Western Hemisphere."

"I think I see the happy couple now," Megan said as she pointed to a yacht that was passing some fishing boats and heading their way.

"I think you are right sweetheart," Donovan agreed as the yacht continued toward them.

As the yacht got closer, they could see Marla standing at the bow and joyfully waving at them.

"Well Marla certainly seems happy this morning," Megan remarked. "She looks as if she is bursting at the seams to tell us some kind of news," Megan continued.

"I hope it is good news. I would not like to hear any bad news on such a splendid beginning of this day," Donovan remarked.

As Donovan helped Dave tie up along of their yacht he noticed a stranger wearing a white suit and straw panama hat. This must be one of Dave’s business associates, he thought to himself.

As the Marla, Dave and the stranger stepped aboard Dave promptly introduced the man to Megan and Donovan.

"It is my pleasure to introduce Mr. William Perkins curator of the soon to open, Moroccan Old World Museum," Dave said as Megan and Donovan shook hands with the gentleman.

"We have been anticipating meeting you," Donovan said.

"I was told to give you this note as soon as we met," Mr. Perkins said as he handed Donovan the note.

Donovan took the note and began reading it to Megan. "I personally know this man and you can trust your life to him if need be," it read. "He


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will take delivery of the statue, and your involvement in the recovery of the "Golden Statue of Plutus" has concluded. We the Hensley family, are forever in your debt. I thank you Donovan and Megan Dearing for your perseverance in finishing what you started out to do."

"I will be right back," Donovan said as he left the four of them on deck and went below to get the statue. When he returned a few minutes later, Marla and Megan were radiantly smiling. As she, Marla and Dave embraced; Donovan knew the reason for the excitement.

"Marla and Dave have some good news to tell you," Megan said as she walked over to Donovan and put her arm around his shoulder.

"This all happened so fast," Marla began. "I knew something had happened last evening that I couldn’t explain when Dave’s eyes and mine first met. I knew there was great chemistry between us, but I never realized just how much. I do remember sitting in this small café sipping tea when Dave proposed to me and asked me to marry him."

"I am not even sure if I said yes," she continued. "After that magic moment, everything is kind of foggy in my mind. I must have said yes, because this engagement ring is very real," she said as she extended her hand to show off the large stone.

"It is very beautiful," Megan and Donovan both remarked about the same time as they congratulated the very happy couple.

"It seems to me the curse that has been on your family for so long, has finally been lifted, at least in your case anyway," Donovan laughed.

"Yes it does," Marla was quick to reply.

"I know it has," Megan agreed as they all enjoyed a welcomed laugh after what they had been through to see this moment arrive.


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"Have you set a date?" Megan asked. As the conversation suddenly turned to wedding plans that Donovan believed is reserved for brides and members of the female sex.


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Chapter Sixteen

Farewell Plutus

 Donovan once again turned his attention back to Mr. William Perkins.

"Here is the statue," he said as he opened the teak wood box.

Donovan carefully removed the silver blade dagger with all of its radiant rubies and ivory handle. He handed it to Mr. Perkins, as it was, wrapped back in its velvet cloth the way he had found it.

"As much as I would love to keep this knife for the museum, I can not do so. This dagger is yours to keep," Mr. Perkins said as he handed it back to Donovan. "This will also serve as a protection against evil spirits if you believe in that silly non-sense," he winked.

Donovan unwrapped the top cover from over the "Gold of Plutus." It shone so brightly in the early morning sunlight one could not bear to look at it for more than a few seconds at a time without going temporarily blind for a moment it seemed. It was almost like something you may have tried to do when you were a small child. It was like trying to get a peek at the sun. Just a glimpse is all you could stand before your eyes would water and everything would get blurry.

"I am instructed to hand you this envelope before I leave," Mr. Perkins said as he stuffed it inside of Donovan’s shirt pocket and told him he was not to open it until he got back home.

Uh oh, here we go again, Donovan thought as once again the mystery and adventure that had been with Megan and him since the beginning of this trip seemed to be returning somewhat.

"I am quite use to waiting before opening anything involved with the Hensley family," Donovan laughed.


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"I can only imagine," Mr. Perkins smiled, but I do not believe this has anything to do with any further missions related to this statue. They shook hands and wished each other the best of luck as Megan and Marla went below to get Marla’s personal things.

Dave helped Donovan load the statue onto Dave’s boat.

Marla had asked Dave to find out if it was all right if they followed them back across the Atlantic Ocean to Florida. Marla wanted them to be very much a part of their wedding.

"That will be just fine with us," Donovan said as Megan and Marla had returned on deck.

They helped them get squared away with everything and Dave told Donovan to set sail anytime he liked as it would not be a problem to catch up with them once his business in Sales was completed. I will be sailing mostly down the coast about five miles offshore for the next few days Donovan said as once again they said their good byes.

"There goes another couple that are madly in love with each other," Megan said as she kissed Donovan and held him tight.

"This all seems like a dream," Donovan remarked as Dave’s yacht disappeared out of sight.

"Yes, it does, and at least I got to share it with you," Megan smiled.

"What a title for my next book How We Spent Our Honeymoon," Donovan said as they both cracked up over that remark.

Donovan went about getting everything ready and caught a good southerly breeze that instantly filled the sails and made them look like over-stuffed giant pillows as Megan and he were sailing once more. They could actually take their time this trip and really enjoy what they called


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the last real part of their honeymoon. Donovan was glad to know he was not under a time limit to be anywhere at any particular place this trip.

Tag-a-long sat perched on the rail beside Donovan and seemed quite content to just be a small part of this crew. Donovan would look at that bird every once in a while and make some stupid comment that didn’t make any sense, but it didn’t really matter, the bird would just squawk in agreement anyway.

The next two nights were as though they were reserved for only Megan and Donovan once more. Again, it was like the Garden of Eden with only Eve and Adam alone to discover this beautiful world right by their selves. There was no serpent anywhere near his or her Garden.

"You do realize we have to return to the real world sooner or later," Donovan said as Megan held him tightly.

"I know darling, but not tonight. There is just something about warm summer breezes and starry skies with a full moon, which brings about the most romantic atmosphere," she sighed.

Of course being deeply in love with each other doesn’t hurt either. This was the first night in a long, long time that Megan and Donovan could sit on the deck and watch the star filled sky with nothing but the love for one another on their minds. No schedules to make and no place they really needed to be in a hurry. Way off on the far horizon they could see the lights of an occasional ship as it passed by. They would see a shooting star as it would streak across the sky and it would remind them of that brilliant display of heavenly fireworks they witnessed that night on their first voyage to the Bahamas.

They haven’t really had a dull day at sea since they left the marina in Jacksonville Beach, Florida.


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"I do have somewhat of an advantage with the company I keep I must admit" Donovan smiled as he thought about Megan.

There was nothing dull about the beauty of Megan either, even in the desert with nothing but sand surrounding them; she brought even more excellence to the already beautiful desert rose. Donovan supposed it would cause the desert rose to blush somewhat when compared to just how beautiful Megan really was.

It was almost sundown the third day since they left Sales when Megan spotted a boat approaching from the North. She got the binoculars and discovered it was Dave and Marla.

"I might as well drop anchor here for tonight," Donovan suggested and Megan agreed. By the time he had their boat secured for the night, Marla and Dave had arrived and tied up beside their rail.

"We didn’t mean to take so long catching up with you," Marla said as she and Dave came aboard. "We have a surprise for the two of you this evening," she continued. "Dave had a caterer prepare a feast for this occasion. We are all dining aboard his yacht tonight in honor of our newfound friendship and a celebration of thanks for what both of you have done for my family and me. Tonight the both of you are our much honored guests."

"We will be delighted to join Dave and you," Megan said as they went aboard for champagne and some great fellowship. They shared stories that evening about their adventures since becoming involved with the Hensley Family. It was fun at times. It was also dangerous and just a tad mysterious to say the least almost all the time. They laughed at how they could see things so vividly one moment and then rub their eyes and stare in amazement at nothing the next time they looked.

"You realize of course no one will believe your story," Marla laughed.


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"We are very aware of that fact," Megan said with somewhat of a chuckle in her voice, "and besides, we would be putting the limits of our sanity level in jeopardy if we even mentioned this story."

"I agree wholeheartedly," Donovan said as Dave could only shake his head and laugh. "I know what I can do though," Donovan remarked as everyone became silent so they could hear every word he said.

"I can write a novel about our adventures, and I won’t leave anything out. If anyone should ask us how our honeymoon went, I will just say, "Read the book."

"Donovan, you rascal you," Megan laughed out loud. "How clever of you to come up with just the right solutions."

Donovan could see the same excitement in Marla’s face, as he saw in Megan’s as they prepared for their wedding. He could also tell that Megan was reliving her own wedding day again as she would make suggestions to Marla.

"I want you to promise me you will help me plan every little detail for my wedding day," Marla said as Megan embraced her and told her that would be the least of her worries.

"Just try and get rid of me," Megan laughed. "I am so excited for you, I feel as if I’m the one getting married," Megan said as tears of joy filled those baby blue eyes of hers.

"Well you are my Matron of Honor in case you didn’t know it," Marla said as by now Megan’s tears were really flowing. "My dad will give me away although that will be hard for him to do, as I am his only daughter. He cried over the phone when I called and told him my mission in Morocco was a success and the good news about my being engaged. You see Megan," Marla continued, as once again she felt certain the curse of


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the Hensley family had been removed forever, "everything seems to be coming up roses and I have never had this kind of feeling before."

"Our neighbor in South Beach has a yacht similar to this one," Dave began. "I saw both he and his wife in Nice, France about a month ago, they will not be returning to Miami before late next fall. I will contact them and ask if we may use their boat slip until after the wedding. I am quite certain they won’t mind, as I have used it before on several different occasions. This way you and Megan can have a place to dock your boat and Megan and Marla can finalize the wedding plans once we get back home."

"That will be just fine with me," Donovan responded, "and I’m sure Megan will like that idea also."

"I can call my maid Dianna, and let her know we won’t be very far away if anything should come up that she can’t take care of. But knowing Diana as well as I do, I don’t know of too many things short of a major disaster she couldn’t handle," Donovan concluded.

The next morning brought another beautiful sunrise. As Megan and Donovan stood on the bow of their yacht and sipped coffee, they heard the sounds of "Good Morning,"

Marla and Dave were standing on their yacht enjoying this special time of their first time together. One could clearly hear the sound of true love as they spoke.

"Good morning to the both of you," Megan and Donovan sang back almost in unison. "Would you like to join us for breakfast?" Megan asked as Donovan refilled their coffee cups.

"Yes, but on one condition," Marla stated.

"And what condition might that be?" Megan asked.


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"You must join us for lunch," Marla smiled.

"I believe we can squeeze our busy schedule in to join the happy couple for lunch Mr. Dearing, what do you think?"

"Well my dear, I did leave room today to accommodate any unseen emergencies that might arise," Donovan jokingly answered.

"You have a lunch date," Megan said as she and Marla went below while Dave and Donovan stayed topside to discuss their plans for taking the best route back across the Atlantic Ocean.

The two guys could smell the aroma of sausage frying as its’ alluring odor made its way to where Dave and Donovan were standing; it tickled their smelling senses.

"I didn’t realize I was this hungry," Dave laughed.

"I am just as hungry," Donovan confessed.

It wasn’t too long afterwards they heard the magic words, "breakfast is ready."

"We’re coming," Donovan, shouted back as Dave and he went below to join these two beautiful ladies for breakfast.

"I can see right now, I will need to start jogging with you every morning if I am to continue joining you at the table," Donovan laughed as he was teasing Megan just a little.

"Well dear, I did tell you I would have you jogging with me before long when we first met," Megan said kind of teasing him back just a bit.

"I believe anyone exposed to this kind of eating could ill-afford not to take up jogging even if in self-defense," Dave laughed.


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After breakfast, Dave and Donovan went topside while Megan and Marla cleaned the galley.

"I will make my turn to the west around one o’clock today," Donovan said. "If all goes according to plan, we should make Caracas by Labor Day and Miami before Christmas."

"I’m sure Marla would like that as she has family there she is anxious to see."

"Megan and I are loners in a way, but we have each other and that more than makes up for anything we may be lacking," Donovan remarked.

"I could certainly see where that would," Dave was quick to say as they continued discussing their trip back. "I will just stay back and follow you until around lunchtime, and then we can tie up along side of you. If we should run into any lulls on the way back across I will just pull you until the wind picks back up again," Dave suggested.

"That’s a great idea," Donovan replied as Megan and Marla finished below and joined them on deck.

They told Megan and Marla of their plans and that was just fine with them as they were more pre-occupied with wedding plans than anything else anyway.

They had beautiful weather for sailing that morning. Around ten am it started getting cloudy and then started raining about eleven. It was a light rain and actually felt refreshing. Megan put her bathing suit on and came up on deck to enjoy the free fresh water shower.

Donovan noticed Dave had pulled up beside them and tied off to their rail. It seems they had the same idea also. They came over in their bathing suits. Dave took the helm while Donovan went below and changed into his trunks.


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They spent the next two hours playing in the rain. They noticed Tag-a-long stayed right out in the rain with them. If they were going to enjoy this refreshing surprise, then that bird was not going to be denied the pleasure either.

Finally, the rain stopped and the sun reappeared. Right in front of their boat like a giant archway was the most gorgeous rainbow they had ever witnessed. They stood there in awe as they sailed right through it.

"Let us go change clothes and I will get lunch started," Marla said.

"I will be over to help you as soon as I change also," Megan said as she disappeared out of sight.

"You go below and put some dry clothes while I stay at the helm," Dave suggested. "I will do the same when you return."

Donovan returned shortly, and Dave left to go change clothes. Megan came up on deck with a towel wrapped around her lovely head.

"We might be the four happiest people on Earth right now," Megan smiled.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Donovan answered as they embraced and kissed each other.

"Here I go again," Donovan laughed. "Getting my dessert before I have eaten my lunch."

"Well Mr. Donovan Dearing, this is one habit I have no intention of trying to break you from," Megan replied as she headed for Dave’s yacht to help Marla with lunch.

"The ladies told me in a very stern but polite way we were not needed in the galley," Dave laughed as he pulled a lounge chair up beside


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Donovan and just sort of made small talk as they waited for lunch to be served.

"How do you like sailing around the world like this?" Dave asked as they passed a few fishing trawlers not too far off the port bow.

"I really enjoy it," Donovan replied, "even though our first trip was quite the unexpected from the very beginning. Now that this first adventure is almost over, I am eagerly looking forward to discovering what normality is really all about," Donovan grinned.

"Well Donovan," Dave began, "it seems to me Megan and you have earned some real rest and relaxation. Tomorrow morning I am going to tow your boat along side of me all day. You won’t have anything to do tomorrow but just take it easy. Marla and I owe the two of you that much. If it weren’t for both of you keeping a promise of commitment, Marla and I may never have met."

Donovan knew Dave meant everything he said and decided to take him up on his offer. He could pull them along at about eighteen or twenty knots with no problem at all. He had two big twin diesel engines in his yacht.

While they enjoyed lunch he told Megan about Dave’s offer of giving them tomorrow off.

"That means we can lie on the deck or fish and not have to worry about where we are going," Megan smiled. "And you, Mr. Dearing, can use that time to catch up on some of your writing that you have had to neglect, though it was no fault of your own, mind you," she then gave him a quick kiss.

"I think that is what I will do for the most part of the day," Donovan said. "I am not that far from finishing this last novel. Now I am anxious to get started on a true-life adventure no one will believe anyway. In fact,


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although it happened to us and I still have trouble relating to it," he laughed.

"I am sure I will enjoy just taking it easy and I might even try to crowd some fishing in also," Megan smiled.

"Hey gang," Megan shouted from the bow of the deck! "How does sandwiches and ice tea sound for supper tonight? That will give us a little more time to just relax on the deck this evening and watch the moon and stars."

Dave and Marla weren’t hard to please when it came to meals; that suited them just fine. Donovan decided to sail a while longer and he could feel the wind begin to shift more toward the west.

"This is where we make our turn to the west," he said as Dave got up and took the helm for a while.

"We can sail on until around five o’clock and then I will set a sea anchor for the night," he told Dave.

"Aye, aye captain," Dave said with a wink.

It was easy to see Dave liked life, and most of the people he met liked him. He said if he had an enemy anywhere he really didn’t know about it.

Dave continued on the westerly course Donovan had set. Donovan went about checking the block and tackle and other gear just to make sure everything was still in ship-shape. He would add a dab of grease here and there and touch up paint he could see was beginning to wear thin. By the time 5 o’clock rolled around he was a bit tired.

"Let’s call it a day," he said to Dave as he began to reef the sails.

"Thank you for letting me man the helm this afternoon," Dave said. "I really learned quite a lot about sailing today. There is a world of


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difference between a power yacht and a sailing yacht. I was surprised at the amount of fun and challenge is actually involved."

"With my yacht, all you have to do is get past the sea buoy and set the automatic pilot. That is just about all of the manpower you need to provide and everything is mostly automatic after that," Dave said with a wide grin.

"Well, feel free to take the helm anytime you like," Donovan said.

They were near some fishing boats. "I wonder where these fishing boats call their home port." Donovan asked Dave because he could not distinguish one small bit of writing that was painted on the hull near the bow.

"Those three boats are all from Rabat, the capitol of Morocco," Dave said as he pointed at the writing.

"There has always been a kind of mystic aura associated with men who go down to the sea," Donovan remarked as the boats began to fade behind them. I believe I would have enjoyed that kind of life from the beginning." Dave nodded in agreement.

"I really enjoy the outdoors and I am quite certain anyone could tell that if they hung around me very much. I would be happy anywhere near the ocean, even being a beach bum if it came down to it as long as I had Megan by my side," Donovan said in ending their conversation.

Dave surprised them the next three days by giving Megan and Donovan time to spend as they saw fit, as he left the Megan’s Voyage tied along side his and set the autopilot on a course for South America.

Donovan caught up on his writing and managed to do a little fishing also. Megan and Marla stayed quite busy planning each little detail of Marla’s wedding day. They also found time to prepare some delicious tasting meals in between time. At times Donovan would find himself a


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million miles away lost in thought. Megan would have to remind him there was a real world still left out here and it was time to eat.

Early on the third morning after Megan and he had their coffee and witnessed another beautiful sunrise, they lay back in their chaise recliners and closed their eyes. Not long afterward, Donovan felt something strike against his face as though someone had slapped him. It startled him as he quickly sat up to see who it was. He looked around but he could not see anything or anyone. He glanced over at Megan to see if she was teasing him, but she had her eyes closed and was still laying in the recliner. He knew she was not that fast that she could have set up, reached over and playfully slap him and then lay back down again without him seeing her.

Maybe he just imagined all this and nothing really happened he thought to himself. If that was the case, then his imaginations are becoming more real with each passing day he chuckled under his breath. He no sooner layback down and closed his eyes when "splat," right beside his forehead this time. He quickly opened his eyes just in time to see a flying fish as it hit the deck.

"Megan! Wake up," he shouted. "We are going fishing the lazy man’s way," he laughed as she rose up to see what he was talking about. She no sooner sat up than another fish flopped on deck.

"My goodness," she shouted, "What are they?"

Donovan reached down and picked one up. Its long flat fins on its sides resembled wings.

"They call these fish Dorado’s," he said. "I have read stories of people who were forced into lifeboats from sinking ships without any food and very little water rations. These would actually leap into the boats. They have kept many a soul from going hungry at sea."


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"I have heard of sushi before," Megan laughed, "but that’s going a bit too far. I suppose I could learn to like them if it meant the difference between surviving and dying."

While Megan was talking about what she could and couldn’t do in a life or death situation, four more flew on deck.

"I’m not a fortuneteller," Megan looked at Donovan and winked, "but I do see fish in the forecast for lunch that is if they are tasty enough. I know one-way sure way to find out," she said as they gathered the fish from the deck.

By now, Dave and Marla had heard them shouting and came to investigate.

"How did you catch those fish?" Marla inquired. "I don’t see any fishing gear around here."

Donovan explained to Marla and Dave what they were.

"I have heard of those kinds of fish and seen pictures of them, but this is my first time to actually see one live and up close," Marla said.

"You do realize both you and Marla are invited for lunch," Donovan said to Dave.

"Well we will certainly take you up on your generous offer," Dave replied.

"I have never tasted those types of fish before," Marla said as she suggested Dave and Donovan clean them and she would help Megan prepare them.

"You two ladies have a deal," Donovan said as he volunteered the cleaning duties to both Dave and himself.


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"I presume that arrangement is all right with you Dave," Donovan said as he looked in his direction and smiled.

"It most certainly is," was his reply.

"I have a sea hose aft that I use to wash the deck down; it works off my bilge pump. We can clean them there and rinse the deck when we are finished," Donovan said as they walked toward the stern.

"Just give us a shout when you are finished and we will gladly take over from there," Megan said as she and Marla stood at the bow gazing out over the ocean.

"We can’t hear them, but I would be willing to bet you their conversation is wedding related," Dave looked at Donovan and laughed.

"There is no way I would take that bet," Donovan laughed back.

Another interesting thing happened that morning while Dave and Donovan were standing at the stern. They were chatting about the economy in the United States as compared to the rest of the world when just off their starboard about a hundred yards a submarine appeared. It was frightening at first because they thought it was some kind of giant fish (or maybe some mythical sea monster), as the nose of the sub emerged first.

They yelled for the girls to come have a look before it disappeared. It stayed to their starboard bow keeping its distance for about an hour before submerging. They were never to see it again although it probably knew where they were all the time.

Dave suggested it was probably from the Argentine Navy as they frequented these waters, but he also stated it could be from any country in the world since they were in international waters and anyone had as much right as they did to be there.


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They were beginning to get hungry by the time Megan shouted, "Now serving in the galley!"

Donovan supposed the excitement of seeing a submarine so close to them and not knowing how long it had been following them if in fact it was even doing that, had stirred up quite an appetite in both Dave and himself.

The girls had fried the fish (which by the way were quite tasty) and prepared Cole slaw with baked beans and lemon pudding for dessert.

"I don’t think we are really all alone no matter where we are on this planet," Megan began. It seems as if someone knows exactly where we are at all times.

"That is kind of scary when you stop and think about it," Dave continued. "I’ll bet you that submarine knows exactly where we are heading and where we have been and it probably even knows our names."

"Now that is scary," Marla exclaimed as they finished their meal and went back on deck.

The fourth morning they awoke to some sad news, at least it was to Megan and Marla anyway. Dave had received a marine radiophone call and he was needed at a meeting in a couple of weeks. Both he and Marla soon disappeared over the horizon.

Donovan and Megan stood at the bow silently drinking their coffee and watched until they were completely out of sight.

At last, Megan broke the silence and spoke. "I’m going to miss them," she began. "I have kind of gotten use to them being around," she said to Donovan as she wiped a tear from her eyes.


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"Well my darling I shall miss them also," he replied as he put his arm around Megan’s shoulder. "We will see them again before long when we reach Miami," he reminded Megan.

"I know my dear," Megan responded. "It’s just that I hate good-byes of any kind."

After breakfast Donovan once again hoisted the sails and sailed toward the island of Aruba. It would take a while to reach there, but if there was one thing they had in their favor, it was time. Marla was not taking her wedding plans any further until she was sure Megan was there to help finalize them.

Donovan was quite surprised by all of the shipping traffic they passed between the two continents of Africa and South America. He supposed a great majority of it was oil tankers although they were too far out on the horizon to tell for sure.

They awoke early one morning to the sound of gunfire or at least that’s what it sounded like anyway. Donovan rushed topside to see a man in a small sailboat standing on his deck and shouting to him for help. He was Spanish, but at least he could speak English fluently. It seems his wife was taken ill during the night with severe stomach pains. The radio he had aboard his boat was not working.

He had tried all night to contact anyone for help but to no avail. He spotted their boat at the first light of dawn. Megan went on board his boat to see what assistance she could be to the man’s wife while Donovan called for help on his radio.

Donovan was in luck. A hospital ship was less than ten miles away and responded to his plea for help. They told them what to do until they arrived and not to move from his position as they had his location on their radar.


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Before long this large white ship appeared and came abeam of them. The name on the hull was HOPE. A doctor came aboard the man’s vessel to look at his wife. It seems she was having an appendicitis attack. They were able to take the lady aboard and the surgery was a success.

They were less than thirty miles from the coast of South America. After breakfast Donovan set their course for Caracas. He had not planned to stop. He intended to turn to a more northern course and sail on to Aruba.

That suited Megan just fine as she wasn’t all that fond of Caracas anyway as she had been kidnapped in Jamaica and brought there as a captive earlier.

"Are you quite sure there’s no one there you want to stop and visit?" Donovan said as he was teasing her just a little.

"My dear captain," Megan said as she looked at him and cast a broad grin his way. "Unless you want to swim the rest of the way from here, I suggest you change the subject." She paused for a moment and then burst out in hysterical laughter.

"Consider the conversation closed," he said as he offered an apology kiss, which she readily accepted.

They sailed the rest of the day with beautiful weather and a brisk wind to their backs and moderate seas. They stayed within sight of land and just before dusk, Donovan decided to drop anchor for the night. They stayed below deck on this particular night because of a rainstorm that had blown in from the east. It lasted for about four hours.

Megan took the extra time and waxed the teak and mahogany cabinets. They shone so that you could comb your hair by using them as mirrors. This really was a beautiful yacht in every aspect of the word. You could easily tell that Megan’s Uncle Bill took pride in keeping this boat in tiptop condition. Megan and Donovan had the same kind of pride also.


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After Megan finished with the cabinets they sat down and discussed their travel plans for when they reached Aruba. Donovan suggested they spend a couple of days there and then head for Miami Beach. "That sounds just fine to me," Megan said as she was in total agreement. Donovan knew she wanted to help Marla finish planning her wedding and he could understand that.

Chapter Seventeen

Aruba and Some Rest

 It was mid afternoon on a perfectly clear day when Megan and Donovan sailed into the marina in Oranjestad, Aruba. As Donovan motored alongside of the pier, a young man was waiting to help them get docked. He had a broad grin as he waved at them and ran forward to catch the bowline Megan had in her hand. She made a flawless throw that caught the cleat on the dock. Their young friend applauded her accuracy


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as Donovan turned the engine off and headed for the stern. He wasn’t as accurate as Megan although he was able to at least land the stern line on the dock.

"I will check in at the marina office and then we can go somewhere and get something to eat," Donovan suggested.

"That sounds just fine to me," Megan agreed, but she continued talking. "I would also like to call Dianna in Jacksonville Beach just to make sure everything is ok and let her know of our plans to stop off in South Beach in Miami until after Marla’s wedding."

"I think that is a good idea," Donovan answered as they both walked toward the office.

"I need to use your phone," Megan said to the young lady waiting inside the office to assist them.

"I will be glad to dial your number for you," the young lady answered, "and then I can take care of your docking and travel stay while you talk."

"Thank you," Megan said as she gave the young lady the phone number to call. The young lady dialed the number for Megan and then turned her attention towards getting them registered. Donovan finished answering the questions and did all of the signing he had to do. He walked up to Megan to see if there was anything important he needed to know.

As he approached Megan he could hear part of the conversation between Dianna and her.

"Oh really!" Megan said. "I will ask him as he has finished checking in at the marina.” Donovan," Megan said as she motioned him to come closer.


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Dianna has an envelope that came this morning "Special Deliver." It is marked "Urgent open immediately."

"Who is it from?" Donovan asked.

"It is from a bank in South Carolina," he could hear Dianna say as his ear was almost pressed against Megan’s and the receiver.

"By all means open it and read it to us," he said.

"There is a note here and also another envelope in here too. Do either of you know a Daniel and Doris Hensley?" Dianna continued.

"That is the couple with the small dog we rescued off the Georgia coast a while back" Megan explained, but we will tell you all about it when we see you.

"Doris and I don’t usually play any lotteries." Daniel began, "but a week ago we stopped off at a convenience store to gas the car up. Let’s buy a ticket Doris suggested. Even if we don’t win anything we are still helping our schools out as they receive a portion of the sales from these tickets Daniel said. To make a long story short we had the winning numbers. Our first thoughts were of the both of you," Daniel said in the note.

"If it weren’t for the two of you being at the right place at the right time, it’s likely none of this would have happened. Please accept this check as a small token of our sincere thanks and appreciation." And it’s signed your good friends now and always, Doris and Daniel Hensley.

I could hear Dianna let out a large yell as she took the check out of the smaller envelope.

"There is a Cashiers Check here for Five hundred thousand dollars," she shouted, as Donovan could hear her gasping for air and sounding almost hysterical at the same time.


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"Oh my goodness Mr. And Mrs. D, what do you want me to do?"

"I think maybe you better take the phone from here," Megan laughed.

"Listen close and calm down," Donovan said to Dianna, as it was all he could do to stay calm. "I will call my bank and have they call you with all the details on what to do until we return."

"Ok Mr. D, I will hang up now as I am feeling a little faint and dizzy right now. I will wait for instructions before I go any further," she said as she hung the phone up.

"Are you believing what just happened?" Megan asked as they walked back to the boat.

"It is all beginning to sound kind of weird," Donovan remarked.

"As soon as we returned the golden statue Marla met the man of her dreams and fell madly in love and now they are getting married," Megan continued. "We aren’t even back home yet and already we have just inherited a half million dollars," she laughed.

"We were told good fortune would follow us for the rest of our days once the statue was returned," Donovan reminded Megan.

"Well so far we have had nothing but good fortune," Megan smiled as they went aboard their boat to get ready for lunch.

"While we are out to lunch I will call our bank and see what they suggest we instruct Dianna to do with the check," Donovan said.

"By all means please see that you do," Megan said.

"I can just imagine how nervous Dianna must be with that check just laying there," Donovan laughed.


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"Well I suppose I would be the same way if I were in that position myself," Megan replied as they finished getting dressed and headed out to get something to eat.

After lunch Donovan called the bank and spoke with an officer about the check they had received in the mail. He explained it would be a while before they returned to Jacksonville Beach.

"This is not a major problem," the bank officer told Donovan. "Tell Dianna to bring the check into the bank and sign proxy for you and we will guarantee it for you. We will then deposit it into your account and you can decide how you want to handle it from there when you return to town."

"Donovan thanked the bank officer and called Dianna with the instructions the bank had given him. He could tell Dianna was relieved to hear how simple it was.

Donovan thanked Dianna for being so alert in business matters and told her Megan and he would reward her handsomely upon their return home.

"There is no need for that," Dianna insisted, after all I am only doing my job and part of that is taking care of your business while you are away.

"Nonetheless," Donovan emphasized, "we will reward you. You know how to get in touch with us through the marine telephone operator if an emergency should arise," he said in closing.

"I won’t bother either of you unless it is an absolute necessity," Dianna assured him as he hung up the phone.

They awoke the next morning to another beautiful sunrise that was so gorgeous it would have astounded anyone.


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"What would you like to do in this part of the Caribbean today?" Donovan asked Megan as they were sipping their first cup of coffee and planning their day.

"Well my dear Mr. Dearing, what are our options?" Megan asked as she snuggled up next to him.

"We can take a bus or jeep tour of the Island; we can lounge around on the beach or perhaps you might enjoy horseback riding or sightseeing some of the local attractions right here in Oranjestad. This is the capital of Aruba," he reminded Megan.

"There is a real Dutch windmill here they converted into a restaurant," he said as he was telling Megan just a little about the history of Aruba. "It was built in 1804 and brought to Aruba and reassembled in 1962," he said as he gave Megan their options.

"That might be a good choice for dinner this evening," Megan smiled.

"After breakfast, let’s take the bus tour of the Island and tomorrow we can go horseback riding and maybe finish the week by shopping and basking in the sun on the beach," Megan suggested.

"That is just fine with me sweetheart," Donovan said as he fed Tag-a-long some fish they had cut up in chunks.

"The bus tour sounds great, but I must warn you now, it has been a few years since I have been horseback riding. I am hoping our little camel riding experience in the desert was enough to help polish up my horsemanship skills," Donovan said as he closed that part of their conversation.

"Did you know this Island used to be a haven for pirates back in the turn of the nineteenth century?" he asked. "They would wait here and prey on merchant ships as they made their way back and forth to the New


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World. The ships took goods and needed supplies to the colonies," he informed Megan, as she was always interested in the history of the different places they visited as they traveled from one port to another.

"It seems as if almost every place they visited had a gold rush era and Aruba is no exception," he continued, as once again he was giving Megan another quick history lesson without her even realizing it.

"It is not likely pirates would have chosen Aruba as a safe haven if there had been much gold here. They most certainly would not have wanted a hideout that would have attracted large numbers of people seeking their fortunes in gold mining. I would imagine the pirates would have discouraged anyone from settling down on this island in those days," he said as they finished their coffee and got ready to greet the day.

"I have one personal comment to make about the information you just gave me," Megan said as she looked at him and winked. "I would not enjoy inhabiting this or any other island with a bunch of pirates. As a matter of fact I would probably have been the first one leaving here as soon as I found out there were any rumors at all of pirates being here," she said as she finalized that conversation and went below to fix breakfast.

After breakfast they got dressed and headed out to tour the Aruba by bus. Although this entire Island was only nineteen miles long and five miles wide, there still was a lot to see.

Donovan was fascinated by the fact the tides were so strong and powerful on the northern part of the Island that through the years they had actually pounded through the coral and made a bridge you could cross over. They call it The Natural Bridge and people come from all over the world to see it. It forms an arch over one hundred feet long and twenty-three feet above sea level.


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"There are eight such bridges made of coral on the island, but this one is the most famous," Donovan commented.

They visited the California Point lighthouse overlooking the California sand dunes. Megan said, "I would not care to try and navigate a sailboat anywhere close to the northern end of this island."

When Donovan saw how rough the surf pounded the shore, he confessed, "I don’t think I would dare attempt it either."

After a full day of sightseeing and just doing the tourist thing, they rested up to get ready for dinner. They decided the Old Mill would be a good choice for dinner. The outside looked like a working windmill and reminded Donovan of a movie. I can’t recall the name right now, but the setting took place during World War 11 in the Netherlands when our Allies set up a spy communication base in a similar looking windmill. The agents had radios hidden inside and would secretly send messages telling of the enemies movements and plans.

"I think I remember seeing the movie you are referring too," Megan said, "although I can’t remember the title either."

We can make this a dinner of espionage and mystique," Megan laughed.

"Tonight you can pretend to be Humphrey Bogart and I’ll be Lauren Bacall," Megan smiled as they prepared to go out for the evening.

"Here’s looking at you again kid he said, "but of course I will be looking at you all night anyway."

"Well then my darling, I guess we will spend the evening staring at each other and missing all the other scenery around us," Megan commented as she gave him a hug and quick peck on the cheek.


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The next day they went horseback riding and Donovan was surprised to learn he was still quite comfortable riding a horse. Megan appeared to feel at home when it came to horseback riding, rather than on the back of a camel. They finished riding and spent the rest of the day laying on the beach and basking in the sun.

They strolled around for a while this evening and decided they would spend one more day in Aruba shopping before heading for Florida and South Beach in Miami. Megan wanted to buy a bridal gift for Marla and thought something with a Dutch accent might be both unique and somewhat different for a change.

Donovan lasted about three hours shopping the next day before he was completely worn out. Megan understood and told him to go back to the boat and rest.

"You lasted longer than I thought you would," she laughed. Most men don’t care to shop at all so I don’t blame you darling for starting to get both tired and a little bored also. Give me a couple more hours and I will meet you back at the boat."

He gave her a good-bye kiss and returned to the boat where he promptly crashed out. Donovan awoke two hours later to the tantalizing aroma of rich coffee percolating and tickling his smell senses. Megan had returned and made a fresh pot of coffee.

"Did you get a good rest?" Megan asked as she poured him a cup of coffee.

"Yes I did sweetheart," he replied. "I must have been a lot more tired than I thought," he said as he set up on the edge of the bed and took the coffee.

I only meant to lie down for about thirty minutes, but I see I have been asleep for two hours.


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"I must confess," Megan said. "I almost shopped ‘till I dropped myself. I knew we were leaving tomorrow and I thought I would take advantage of some of the great gifts they have here. I will fix us a nice dinner here tonight and we can spend a quiet evening together before we head for Florida in the morning," Megan said as Donovan nodded in agreement.

"Would you like anything special for dinner?" Megan asked.

"Whatever you fix will be ok with me," he replied.

"How does a nice rib-eye steak sound," Megan said as she opened the freezer and took two nice steaks out to thaw.

"I think that is probably what I have been wanting and didn’t know it." They then went on deck to get some fresh air and watch the people walking by on the street in front of the marina.

The next morning after breakfast they said so long to Aruba for a while and set sail for Kingston, Jamaica. Donovan planned to sail on a northeasterly course staying as close to Haiti as possible so as not to enter Cuban waters. From there he would steer a course into Nassau in the Bahamas and then into Miami Beach.

He knew it would take a while, but they were in no great hurry as Marla had promised to wait on Megan to get there before finalizing the wedding plans. Dave had already arranged for them to use his neighbor’s dock and facilities while they were there for the wedding.

Once again they were sailing in smooth waters with a brisk wind to their backs that sometimes reached twenty knots or better. There was always an air of excitement whenever they would leave one port and venture some place else. Donovan really enjoyed this type of atmosphere and he was quite sure Megan did also. There was never any room for ennui.


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"How about a fresh cup of coffee?" his lovely first mate shouted as she started below.

"You must be reading my mind this morning my darling," he shouted back so Megan could hear him over the wind that was beginning to whistle an Island like chant as it would fill the sails and then slack off some as if it were inhaling and exhaling.

Donovan could hear Tag-a-long chirping as it flew down and perched on the rail beside him.

"You must be happy we are heading back closer to home," Donovan said to the bird as if it could understand him.

It was comical in a way, but after what had already taken place on this voyage, Donovan was beginning to believe anything was possible.

Megan returned topside with the coffee and a couple of Danish rolls.

"Enjoy these dear Donovan, because I aim to have you jogging right by my side when we get back to Florida," she smiled.

"As long as you let me start out slow and get use to it, I will be just fine," he said as if he were begging just a little.

They saw some oil tankers pass near them as they left Aruba. Donovan told Megan "they have some oil in Aruba, but they only pump about one hundred and forty thousand barrels a day. The bulk of these ships were coming from Venezuela." Now and again they would spot a yacht on the horizon.

The moon was so bright the first night after they left Aruba they decided to sail for a while that night. At just about midnight when Donovan was sure he was well out of the way of the shipping lanes he told Megan that was enough sailing for one day and half a night and rigged a


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sea anchor. It was a different experience for Megan because this was her first time to sail at night.

They encountered a small rainstorm sometime during the night, but nothing to really worry about. The next morning brought a freshness of a new day along with the panoramic vista of a spectacular sunrise, which added to that ‘Its great to be me feeling’ they sometimes miss back in the rat race of the real world.

"I would like to take the helm this morning," Megan insisted. "It has been a while and I want to stay sharp when it comes to navigating," she said as she put her arms around Donovan and nibbled playfully on his ear.

"Aye my sweet first mate," he whispered. "After breakfast I will hoist the sails and turn the navigating over to you until lunchtime."

"That would tickle me plum pink," Megan responded as she pointed to the horizon.

"What is that?" she asked as she got the binoculars and focused on what appeared to be some type of fishing vessel about a mile off their starboard bow? They noticed a lot of gulls circling toward the stern of the vessel. As the boat got nearer to them Donovan could make out a Russian name on the bow.

"I didn’t realize that Russian fishing trawlers fished this far away from their homeport," Megan commented.

"They fish all over the world," Donovan said and we are in International waters so anyone can legally fish here.

They went below to eat breakfast. Donovan had already polished off Danish so he settled for a bowl of corn flakes and an orange. They cleaned the galley up and got dressed for another day of sailing. Donovan went topside and prepared to get underway while Megan studied the charts so she could plot her own course for this morning.


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Donovan trusted Megan’s judgments completely when it came to sailing, He also knew she would not hesitate to ask him if she ran into a problem she couldn’t solve. By the time he had the boat ready to sail, Megan had her course plotted and once again they were underway.

They must have been on an international flight path because a few passenger jets flew at about forty thousand feet. Donovan guessed some were heading for Miami, while others were heading in the direction of South America.

"I don’t know about you," he said to Megan, "but I would rather be down here sailing any day than be up there heading to some forum or business meeting some place."

"I’m on your side," Megan was quick to agree. "I think the two of us are spoiled to any sense of normality in life," she laughed as Donovan pondered how true the statement she just made was.

He had been in that dog eat dog world a good many years before he discovered the world would accept him as a writer and buy his books. He spent the rest of that morning starting his new book based on the experiences Megan and he had just shared while they were still very vivid and fresh on his mind.

Thinking out loud as he sat in a lounge chair with his laptop, Donovan wondered how many people will read this book and wonder where I separated fiction from non-fiction."

"Did you say something dear?" Megan asked

"I’m sorry" he responded, "I was just thinking out loud. I got into that habit when I first started writing. I never seemed to have broken it," he confessed.


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"That is perfectly all right," Megan remarked. "I like all your habits and none are anything to be ashamed of," Megan said as she gave a quick salute his way.

"I will try not to disturb you my darling, just keep writing and thinking aloud while I keep us headed in the general direction of Jamaica," she said as he once again returned to his writing.

Donovan had become so wrapped up in his writing he was completely lost in thought. He had not paid any attention and it was two o’clock when it dawned on him Megan had not had a break all morning. To boot, they were in danger of missing lunch entirely.

"I let the time slip away from me sweetheart," he apologized as he closed the laptop computer.

"There is no need for an apology," Megan replied. "I am really not tired and this is the first time you have had a chance to write in some time."

"I will fix us some sandwiches and a glass of ice tea if that is ok with you," he offered.

"Yes darling that will do just fine," Megan replied. "I have really enjoyed just being here semi-alone with just my man and my own personal thoughts," Megan smiled as Donovan went below to fix lunch.

After lunch he gave the first mate the rest of the day off.

"I don’t mind taking the helm the rest of the afternoon while you continue with your writing," Megan stated rather emphatically.

"That will not be necessary my darling as I am through writing for today," he said as Megan pulled a chair up beside him and sat back with her eyes closed.


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"I am trying to figure out a way I could explain this voyage to my friends without them thinking I have completely lost my mind," Megan said to him without even opening her eyes. "I have thought about this often and every time I do, the story becomes more unbelievable," she laughed.

"I know exactly what you mean my dear as I have spent half the morning trying to figure out a way to begin my book," he laughed back. "I decided to tell it like it is and just let the critics have a field day if it comes to that." He then altered their course a little to avoid a giant oil tanker that was dead center forward of them about two miles.

One afternoon just before Donovan decided to stop for the day and reef the sails for the night, Megan spotted some lights on the horizon.

"What is that ahead of us?" she asked.

"Well my darling, we seem to be about twelve hours ahead of our sailing time. I suppose it is because of the calm seas and brisk winds, but that is the coast of Jamaica and we shall make the port in Kingston around nine am," he told her as they made everything secure for the night.

Megan had decided to fix Sloppy Joes and French fries for dinner. Unbelievably, that was one of Donovan’s favorite meals. He had grown up in a family that had to count pennies more than once to make it from one payday till the next. His mother could stretch a budget until it almost snapped, but they never went hungry. He guessed that was why some of the simpler meals were still among his favorites.

He was surprised to learn Megan enjoyed some of these simple meals as much as he. She was not one to compromise when it came to telling the truth, so when she said she liked something you can rest assured she meant it.


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"I can remember when grape Kool-Aid was a regular at our supper table when I was a young boy," Donovan told Megan. "Oh yes it was always referred to as suppertime when I was growing up. Dinner was always on Sunday after church services. I was a young man in my twenties before I got into the habit of saying dinner when I was referring to the evening meal."

Supper was served on Sunday evening when Megan was growing up in Boston. It usually consisted of sandwiches, soup and a beverage she told him. She often told him how miserable she was as a young girl.

"I was deprived of the opportunity of growing up as a normal child and missing out on a lot of the growing up normal children get to do. I spent most of my childhood going to one boarding school after another," she told him with tears in her eyes.

After dinner they went topside to view the gorgeous moon as it provided a light so bright you could almost see forever or so it seemed that way to Megan and him. The stars were twinkling as if they were dancing to some heavenly rhapsody the angels were playing and every now and then they would catch a glimpse of a shooting star as it streaked earthward.

"I was just thinking of the night you proposed to me," Megan said as she placed her arms around his waist and looked directly into his eyes.

"The celestial bodies were putting on an array of fireworks similar to what we are watching now. I made several wishes that night and so far they have all come true," she whispered as their lips met.

"I made a few us," Donovan confessed, "and you are living proof standing here in front of me that dreams can come true." They spent the next hour or so just gazing towards the heavens and breathing in the beauty of the universe. Neither one of them spoke for a long time as


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words could not have given a description anywhere close to the love they felt for each other at that moment.

After a while Donovan reminded Megan of the vows they made to each other and their dream world would always live as long as they held on to that loving feeling. They went below deck and somewhere just pass the hour of ecstasy they both fell fast asleep.

The next morning they arose to another beautiful sunrise.

"I’m not sure if it was the atmosphere of the Caribbean or being away from all the hustle and bustle of the city life I had known for most of my life, but everything seemed so much fresher down here with every passing day," Donovan commented.

"A penny for your thoughts," Megan said as she broke the silence they had both been rapt in for quite some time.

"I was thinking just another day in paradise my darling," he whispered softly in her ear.

"Well Mr. Donovan Dearing, I will have to agree with you on that point," Megan smiled as he stood there and absorbed all the beauty and surroundings that belonged in that part of the world.

Again Donovan thought how lucky he was to have met the girl of his dreams. If I had of pinched myself every time I wondered whether she was real or not, I would be black and blue all over he said to himself.

"You have seen the northern side of the Island my dear," he said, as they got ready for breakfast. Today you can visit a little of the southern part. We won’t be here very long he continued. I need to fill our fresh water tank and make sure we have enough supplies to get us safely into Miami Beach. Do you have any questions?" he asked as they sat down to breakfast.


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"Yes I do," Megan said. "Which route do you intend to take from here to Miami?"

"I thought about sailing straight for the Dominican Republic and staying as close to that country as possible until I’m sure we are safely away from Cuban waters. From Haiti we can sail into Nassau, Bahamas and then on to Miami Beach where we have a wedding to attend. You my lovely darling will be the most beautiful Matron of Honor I have ever seen," he said as Megan was beginning to blush and turn a rosy pink.

They spent most of the morning attending to the boat and getting ready for the trip back to Miami. That afternoon Megan and he strolled along the beach and did some shopping in Kingston. He did not feel too comfortable in Kingston. It is the largest city in the Caribbean.

Even though it is the capital of Jamaica, it is very different from the tourist welcoming they received on the other side of the Island. They’re are more than a half million people living in Kingston and it is racially segregated. There are those who would argue the point this just isn’t so, but Donovan can only relate to what he saw personally.

Every since man started keeping records it seems someone has tried to make his brother or sister a slave for their own gains. It started as far as our records can determine, back when Moses freed the Israelite slaves who had been held captive for over four hundred years.

Crime is a big problem here as it is almost everywhere poverty is prevalent. They do a good job of controlling it in and around the tourist sections of the city, but Donovan said he wouldn’t recommend venturing too far away from these areas. The lack of jobs only adds to the problems of an over populated city. They mostly window-shopped, but Megan did pick up a few souvenirs for all the guests who were at the dock in Jacksonville Beach when they first left on their adventure.


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"I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone," Megan sighed as she was going over the guest book list everyone signed. "If I have my darling, then it’s really not my fault because someone forgot to sign it as I have checked everyone on the list and they are all accounted for," she said as they strolled back to the boat.

"We will leave for Nassau just as soon as it gets daylight," Donovan said, as he really wasn’t too fond of staying in Kingston any longer than this night. Kingston did have a nice port and plenty of docking space, but still he was anxious to get back to the United States for a little while anyway.

"I will fix dinner on board tonight if it is ok with you," Megan suggested.

"It is perfectly all right with me my darling," he replied as they came back on board.

If Tag-a-long went anywhere while they were in town shopping it had made it back and was perched on the mast waiting for their return.

"If you will feed Tag-a-long, I will attend to dinner," Megan said as they went below.

Donovan took some of the cut fish out of the cooler and went back on deck to feed their hungry gull and make sure the boat was secure for the night. By the time he had everything secure he heard Megan sing out, "Dinner’s ready."

"Well my darling we timed everything just about right as I am through with feeding our fair-feathered friend and seeing to the security preparations for tonight," he laughed.

"What’s for dinner?" he sang out as he went below to wash up for supper.


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Once again, Megan had prepared a meal fit for a king.

"We shall start with French onion soup and a crisp garden salad your majesty," Megan replied as she was using her best Old English accent. They had stopped at a small vegetable stand on their way back to the boat. He knew Megan had purchased some fresh tomatoes and lettuce.

"What kind of dressing would you like on your salad my dear?" she asked as she opened the refrigerator door.

"I think I would prefer Italian tonight," he responded.

"Good choice my captain, because we are having grilled pork chops with apple sauce, fresh corn on the cob, Brussels sprouts in a butter sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy, a glass of iced tea and strawberry short cake for dessert, unless you would prefer something else," Megan jokingly replied.

"The only other thing I might need would be help getting up from this table when we finish eating dinner," he laughed.

"We will be in Miami Beach for about a week," Megan reminded him and she would be glad to introduce him to the world of jogging.

"Don’t worry darling we will start slow and gradually increase our exercise program as you become more accustomed to the training," she jokingly laughed and asked him if I would like another pork chop.

They went back on deck after finishing dinner and cleaning the galley. The stars were already shining brightly while the fullness of an extra bright Caribbean moon was lighting the southern half of Jamaica. They could hear Reggae music, as it filtered in from what Donovan supposed would be a local nightspot near by. It seems there is enchantment almost everywhere they traveled throughout the Islands, especially at night.


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They stayed on deck until around eleven pm. Finally Donovan suggested they go below and get a good night sleep if they wanted to get an early start in the morning.

"I am kind of tired," Megan confessed as they said good night to Kingston.

The next morning after coffee and sunrise, they had a light breakfast of cereal and orange juice and got underway for Nassau, Bahamas.

As they left port Donovan could feel a slight change in the weather as the temperature seemed to drop just a few degrees. Megan could sense it also as she came on deck and commented in the change. He could see some storm clouds on the horizon in the general direction of where they were heading.

He checked the local weather advisory this morning and there were a few scattered thunderstorms in the area, but nothing real threatening.

"Well my dear captain, if the storm does approach us, I shall get below and bury my head under a pillow until it has safely passed," Megan said with sincerity in every word she uttered.

Almost at the very moment Megan finished talking, lightning filled the sky and a large clap of thunder rumbled across the heavens. The sea had just a slight chop to it, so Donovan decided to reef the sails and join Megan below until the squall passed. The raindrops were quite large as they could hear them pounding on the deck above them.

It took less than an hour for the storm to pass. They returned on deck to a beautiful clear day. Except for the deck being wet, you would not have known a storm had just passed.

Donovan heard the squawking of Tag-a-long as the bird had retreated out of the way of the storm.


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"I don’t know where you went to seek refuge," he said to the bird (as if it could understand anything he said,) but I know it wasn’t very far from here.

Megan returned on deck as soon as she was positive beyond any doubt all danger of the storm had passed.

"Whom were you just talking to?" she asked as he pointed to Tag-a-long perched on the railing beside him.

"I should have known," she laughed.

"Why don’t you try your hand at fishing this morning?" Donovan asked as he finished hoisting the sails and was once again at the mercy of the wind.

"I was trying to think of something different to do this morning, and fishing just might be the ticket," Megan smiled.

"I put some shrimp in the cooler below that will make great fish bait in this part of the world," he said as Megan went below to get everything she needed.

Megan returned a little while later dressed like a fisherperson. She had a big broad brimmed straw hat, dark sunglasses, rod, reel, and bait. She pulled up a chair, after making, a near perfect cast of about thirty yards, sat down, and waited for a bite.

"Where did you learn to cast a line like that?" Donovan asked.

"My Uncle Bill taught me when I was a teenager and I never forgot," she told him.

"Well darling, you would certainly put me to shame anytime, because I might get one halfway decent cast out of twenty tries," he confessed.


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"Well sweetheart you must keep on practicing and never give up trying," she advised him. My Uncle Bill said patience was a virtue every one who loved to fish needed to develop. Megan yanked on her line and shouted she had a bite. By now she had Donovan’s undivided attention as he watched to see what she had caught.

"Whatever it is, it wants to head for the bottom," Megan said as she continued to reel the line in.

When whatever Megan had was about ten feet from the boat, Donovan got the net so he could help her get it into the boat.

"Would you look at that?" Megan exclaimed as she pulled the fish to the surface for the first time. "That my dear captain is a nice red snapper." She looked at him and proudly beamed a large grin his way. Donovan took the net and placed it under the fish as Megan brought the line up, he raised the net.

"Wow," Donovan shouted as he heaved the fish on deck. "This fish must weigh about twenty pounds or more. I’ll go get the camera my darling. I want to get a picture of you and the fish you just caught that spit Jonah up on the beach," he laughed.

"Well that might be taking it a bit too far," Megan laughed, "but I would like a picture of the first fish I caught aboard Megan’s Voyage."

After their photo session was over Megan took the helm while Donovan cleaned the fish for her.

"I am going to prepare it like you did with the red snapper we bought in West End, Bahamas after we were married," Megan said. "I’m not sure I can do as well as you, but I am willing to give it my best shot. I think we will have it for dinner tonight, as it can’t get much fresher than that" she suggested as she waited his approval although she really didn’t need it.


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"You will do just fine sweetheart, because I always have the utmost confidence in everything you set out to do," he remarked as he gave her a quick kiss and returned to the helm.

The evening meal of baked red snapper turned out perfect in every way.

"I’m kind of jealous," he said as he was teasing her just a little.

"Oh yes my dear captain, and just what have you got to be jealous about out here on this great big ocean?" Megan coyly asked.

"I believe you are better at preparing baked red snapper than I am," he said as he made a phony sobbing sound.

"I appreciate the compliment Mr. Dearing, but you have nothing to worry about in that respect."

One morning after breakfast Donovan hoisted the sails and got ready for another day of sailing while Megan was busy cleaning down below. They passed several small islands and Donovan began to notice yachts and sport fishing boats in the area. He called for Megan to bring the charts up on deck where he could make sure where they were.

"I don’t recognize this area," he confessed.

"I hope I haven’t miscalculated my chart readings and have gotten us lost," he said.

Megan took the helm while he looked at the charts.

"I think I may have found the problem," he said after he had recalculated their course again. He took the chart over to Megan to show her.

"See this dark stain on the chart," he said as he pointed it out to Megan. Someone may have gotten just a little careless and spilled ink on


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this chart my dear. Where that ink stain is just happens to be Nassau, Bahamas and we are about five miles away from port," he remarked as he folded the chart up.

"Do not bother with lunch as we can eat in town if you prefer," he suggested.

"Lunch in Nassau will just be fine with me," Megan confirmed. "The first thing I want to do after we get docked is call Marla and let her know we are in Nassau and we will be leaving tomorrow for Miami Beach."

"I think that would be a great idea and besides she can go ahead and finalize the wedding plans," Donovan responded.

"The closer we get to South Beach in Miami the more excited I become," She sounded like she was almost out of breath. "I must seem like a silly school girl to you," Megan said rather apologetically, but I can’t help it."

"That is quite ok my darling and I don’t blame you for feeling that way, after all you are the Matron of Honor and this is your first time at having that honor," Donovan commented as they pulled into the marina.

Once again they had plenty of help docking the boat as two deck hands anxiously awaited their arrival.

"I will sign in and take care of all the official things and you can make your phone call," he said to Megan as they departed the boat.

"Tonight we can go to one of the casinos and although I don’t care about gambling all that much, perhaps we can have dinner and maybe see a live show," Donovan said as he was letting Megan know it really didn’t matter to him what they did.


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"Anything you choose to do is perfectly ok with me, as I don’t know of anything definite I would like to do tonight anyway," Megan replied as they walked into the office of the marina.


Chapter Eighteen

Ahoy the Wedding

They did the tourist thing again that night and the next morning after breakfast, they sat sail for Miami. Donovan could tell Megan was getting anxious to reach Miami by the way she kept pacing back and forth on the

deck and watching the horizon in front of them.

Finally he thought of a way to help her get her mind off of the slow movement of a sailboat being driven by a constant wind of around six knots.

"Megan," he said rather loudly, "would you please come here for a moment?"

She welcomed the interruption of the silent morning and quickly hurried to where I was at the helm.

"Aye my dear captain and what can I do for you?" she asked.

"I am getting way behind in my writing," he began. "Would you care to take the helm this morning while I catch up on some desperately needed writing time?"


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"Why my dear captain I would welcome the idea," she said as it had taken her thoughts of anticipation and put them in the background or at least for the moment anyway.

Donovan left Megan at the helm while he went below and retrieved his laptop and came back on deck.

"I will just park right here beside you for a while my darling if you don’t have any objections?" he smiled.

"My darling captain, how could I possibly have any objections to anything you do?" she asked although she wasn’t really looking for an answer.

Smooth sailing all the way from Nassau to Miami was just what St. Elmo (the patron saint of sailors) seemed to have ordered for them. Donovan didn’t believe even those who claim to get seasick just looking at a glass of water would have even known they were on the water if they had been below on their boat and couldn’t see the water when they made this last crossing. It just seemed perfect in every way.

They didn’t have any problem locating the place where they would be docking until after the wedding because Dave and Marla had the entire dock decorated and all of their friends were there with them to help greet them as they pulled up to the dock.

It was just as easy to spot Marla in the crowd of people on the dock because she was jumping up and down and hollering at the top of her lungs as they were tying up. Marla couldn’t wait for them to get fully hooked-up to the dock before she jumped aboard and greeted them both with hugs and kisses.

"I have awaited every day in anticipation of your arrival and there were times it felt as if you would never get here," Marla confessed with tears of joy in her big brown eyes.

"We are here for a wedding and it looks like a big celebration is already underway," Donovan laughed.


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By now, Dave had boarded their yacht and extended his personal greeting to both Megan and Donovan.

"Everything you see here today is in honor of Megan and you," Dave continued. "Had it not been for the two of you the chances are almost zero we would have ever met and experienced the happiness that is just the beginning of our lives together? Now come ashore and party down," he laughed as Megan and Donovan followed him as he went about introducing everyone there.

Donovan really couldn’t remember most of their names two minutes after he went about meeting other guests as well.

You can bet that Marla and Megan spent most of that afternoon finalizing the last details of the wedding even with all the gala festivities that were taken place. They even had a Calypso band and Megan joined in a limbo line. Donovan did not want to attempt bending over just yet in doing the limbo, as his shore legs had not quite returned.

It was loads of fun just watching everyone else enjoying him or herself. This afternoon just set the whole mood for the fabulous wedding that would soon take place. It was a lot of fun being a part of this great event, but Donovan was glad Megan wanted a private wedding in the Islands. She felt like he did; keep it simple and always have that one special moment they could look back on the rest of their lives and cherish.

The next few days did not consist mostly of wedding details of which neither Megan nor Marla had use for Donovan’s advice, as he didn’t know the first bit of protocol when it came to formal weddings. He seized the opportunity to really get into his new book and capture some of the details that were still very fresh in his mind.

Dave had some jet skis and they spent several afternoons touring some of the canals in and around Miami Beach. Dave was like Donovan when it came to helping with the wedding. He realized staying away would be more help


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than getting in the way. There would be a wedding rehearsal tonight and he would know exactly what his part would be.

After the wedding rehearsal, all the members of the wedding party went to The Fountain Bleu Hotel for dinner.

"Do you remember seeing any of the old reruns of "The Honeymooners?” Donovan asked Megan.

"Yes I do and they crack me up every time I watch an episode," she replied.

"This is where a lot of those early TV shows was broadcast live," he said.

"When Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, Audrey Meadows and the rest of the cast performed each week, the shows were all live back in the early days of TV, so if someone made a mistake they would have to live with it. There wasn’t any going back over and doing it right," he said as he finished with that small lesson in TV trivia.

"In some respects I believe television was a lot more exciting back in its pioneer days," Megan responded.

"I guess that was because the audience really didn’t know what to expect next," Donovan said as they finished dinner and returned to their boat.

Some of the wedding party guests were planning on hitting some of the Miami Beach nightspots, but Megan and Donovan decided to pass on that and just enjoy a quiet evening on the deck of their own yacht. Like that TV commercial says, "It doesn’t get any better than this," Donovan commented as they sat down in some lounge chairs and stared at the beautiful moon over Miami.

"I am so happy for Marla and Dave," Megan said. I hope they are as happy as we are and have the best always. I am glad our marriage was a simple ceremony in West End," she said as she looked at Donovan and smiled.


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"I was thinking the very same thing earlier," he confessed.

"I would have married you in a phone booth if you had asked me too," he said as they got up and went below.

They awoke to a beautiful day for a wedding.

"Well how does the most beautiful Matron of Honor in the entire Universe feel this morning?" Donovan asked, as he kissed Megan good morning.

"Oh my goodness," Megan excitedly said, "The wedding is this afternoon. I have so many things to do to get ready I can’t dilly-dally around at all today."

"Settle down sweetheart, you have plenty of time," he reassured Megan as he was trying to calm her down just a little.

He could really understand the anxiety Megan was experiencing, as he had felt some of it when they were married. If it had been this grandeur, Donovan was not quite sure how he would have handled it.

"Your dress is simply stunning," he complimented Megan. "I believe there will be as many admiring eyes on you as there will be the bride my darling so settle down and I will help you all I can," he then turned on the coffeepot.

"We are still on time with our daily schedule," he reassured Megan as they were going topside to watch the sunrise and drink their coffee.

"I know you are right sweetheart, but I just want everything to go as smooth as possible for Marla’s biggest day in her life so far," Megan said as she took a deep breath and tried to relax a little.

"I know you do and believe me it will be perfect for her," Donovan answered as he watched a passenger jet as it was on final approach to Miami International Airport. Some of those passengers on that plane may be some of Dave’s relatives he told Megan.

"Why do you say that?" Megan asked.


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"Dave told me yesterday he was expecting more relatives to fly in from out of town this morning. He has an aunt who is coming in from Tulsa, Oklahoma and a brother he has not seen in two years who has been working on an expedition in the Amazon Rain Forest," Donovan explained as they went below to fix breakfast and prepare for this exciting day.

"I have butterflies in my stomach much like the first day you and I started on our honeymoon adventure," Megan confessed to Donovan as they sat at the galley table eating cereal. Neither of them wanted a big breakfast this particular morning.

"So, what are your plans today in preparation for the wedding this evening?" Donovan asked, as they were finishing breakfast.

"Marla and I have appointments with the hairstylist at eleven am, and then we pick up Marla’s wedding gown at two thirty. Oh, I’m glad you asked as I had almost forgotten," Megan said as she was finally starting to settle down, "we are getting our nails done so we need to be at the manicurist salon at three thirty. Well Mr. Donovan Dearing what is on your agenda this morning as I have told you my plans?" Megan smiled.

"I had planned on continuing writing my book this morning, but not to worry, I will be here waiting on you when you return."

"Just make sure you and Marla stop long enough to at least grab a quick bite to eat somewhere while you are out and about," he said as he gave Megan a quick kiss and advised her to get a move on it.

It was around four o’clock when Megan and Marla returned. Donovan did not see Marla, but Megan came aboard looking every bit as beautiful as he had ever seen her.

"Is everything ok?" he asked as he put his laptop computer away and gave Megan his undivided attention.


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"Everything is just perfect," Megan responded as she put on a fresh pot of coffee. "Everything we were supposed to do today went off like clockwork," she smiled as she walked over and gave him a hug.

"The wedding is at eight, so you still have plenty of time without being rushed up until the last minute," Donovan said as once again they took their coffee and went topside to watch the different boats passing by on the canal.

"Now that I know everything is under control and things are going as planned I don’t feel nervous at all," Megan said as she looked at Donovan and winked.

"I don’t blame you for being just a tad bit nervous this morning," he said "because the two of you spent so much time in planning every little detail."

"I will meet you at the church," Megan reminded him once again, as she would be going there from Marla’s parent’s home with the bridesmaids after the pictures were taken and everyone was ready. Megan promised Marla he would be there for her and help with any last minute details.

"I understand dear," he said as they started watching someone out in the bay parasail behind a boat. The man looked to be about a hundred feet in the air. "That certainly looks challenging," Donovan remarked.

"Indeed it does," Megan replied, "but I don’t have a challenging bone in my body when it comes to accomplishing desires of that nature," she laughed.

They watched as the boat continued across the bay and then they finally lost sight of it all together as some skyscrapers were blocking their view. Now it was time to go below and start getting ready for this evening.

"I have to be at Marla’s parent’s house at least two hours before the wedding," Megan reminded him, but Marla said she had no quibble if I got there three hours early Megan smiled. "Talk about being nervous, I’ll bet Marla couldn’t tell you her own name right about now," Megan commented as they both had a good laugh at that remark.


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Donovan arrived at the church around seven thirty. One of the ushers escorted him to where he would be sitting. The organist had just begun playing music as he took his seat. Dave had invited him personally so Donovan was seated directly behind Dave’s parents on the right side of the aisle.

Donovan met Dave’s brother Daryl. He was the one who had been in South America on an expedition. He appeared to be an all right guy with a sense of humor as he kidded about Dave getting married.

"I guess I always thought Dave would be a career bachelor and not the marrying kind," Daryl said as he was interrupted by one of his family members who needed to speak with him a moment.

There were quite a few people already in the church when Donovan arrived and they were still pouring in. He didn’t have an exact figure at the time, but he would estimate the crowd to be around three hundred when the actual ceremony began.

It was almost eight o’clock by the time everyone took their seats. At precisely eight pm, the clergyman entered and took his place up front with the groom and best man right behind him. They took their positions as the organist began playing the procession music in anticipation of The Wedding March.

Right behind them came the bridesmaids followed by the most beautiful Matron of Honor Donovan had ever seen, his wife. Following Megan was Marla’s five-year-old nephew who was the ring bearer and Dave’s five-year-old niece who was the flower girl. After every member of the actual wedding ceremony itself had taken his or her designated spaces the organist began playing Wagner’s Wedding March from Lohengrin.

Everyone rose and turned to face Marla as her father escorted her down the aisle. Donovan could see the happiness on her face even through the veil. He


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knew Dave looked like the happiest man in the world as he stood there watching his beautiful bride walking down the aisle.

The wedding was spectacular to say the least and things went flawlessly through out the entire evening.

The reception was in the garden in Dave’s back yard. It was almost like a Luau as there was a pig roasting on a spit. It seems like there was food represented from just about every region of the world. Donovan sampled as much as he possibly could, but finally his poor stomach ran out of sampling room.

Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves as the orchestra played all types of music. After the traditional dance with the bride and her father and the bride and groom it was time for Megan and Donovan to call it a night because of their plans to return to Jacksonville Beach early the next morning.

After the reception Megan and Donovan wished the newly weds all the happiness in the world. They promised they would keep in touch.

"Make sure you call us when you return from your honeymoon," Megan made Marla promise.

"We will," they promised as long as it doesn’t turn out to be a honeymoon like the two of you just took they laughed.

"Well, that would be kind of exciting to say the very least," Megan, commented as they embraced each other and said their farewells.

"I have a feeling those two are going to be very happy for a long, long time," Donovan said as they went back to their yacht.

"I think you are very right my dear captain," Megan said, as Donovan once again carried her over the threshold of their boat.


Page 376: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Why Donovan Dearing you are such the romantic," Megan gushed as she placed both arms around his neck and gave him that I’ll love you forever kind of kiss (if you know what I mean.) "Of course you do."

"We will have to come back to this part of Florida more often," Megan said, as the sub-tropical weather was very inevitable compared to most of the rest of the nation at this time of year.

They set sail the next morning up the coast to Jacksonville Beach. It was gorgeous weather for sailing all the way.








When they arrived at the marina Megan called Dianna and asked her to pick them up. It seems like Dianna was there before they got completely docked, but Donovan knew he was exaggerating a bit when he said that.

Donovan drove back to the condo while Megan tried to fill Dianna in on what had been happening since they last met. He pulled into the driveway and pushed the button to open the garage door. He had plenty of room to park for a change as Dianna had neatly stored most of the stuff he had just left laying around back where it belonged.


Page 377: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

He suggested taking everyone out to eat tonight, but Dianna said nonsense. She had already prepared dinner for them and it was in the oven and was less than hour from being ready when they got hungry.

"I insist you stay and eat dinner with us," Donovan said to Dianna.

"Well you are the boss Mr. D.," she said with a grin.

They talked about a lot of the adventures they had just been on, but Donovan did leave the unbelievable stuff out for right now, because even he didn’t know how to explain it yet.

The next morning at sunrise, Megan and Donovan were back at the same spot on the beach where they first became officially acquainted.

"Here Donovan," Megan said as she handed him an envelope.

"I almost forgot, but I found this in your shirt pocket this morning while I was putting a load of our clothes in the washer."

"Where did it come from?" he asked.

"Remember that Mr. Perkins from the museum when we were in Morocco?" she replied

"Oh now I remember," he answered. "I had forgotten all about this envelope," he confessed.

"We were told to wait until we got back home to open it anyway," Megan reminded him.

Donovan opened the envelope and much to his surprise, it was not written in rhyme. It simply said: if the two of you get bored with beach life and want more excitement, a man and his wife would soon contact you and ask for your help.

Signed. Forever in your debt, Destin Hensley.


Page 378: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

 As they sat sipping their coffee and watching an exceptionally beautiful sunrise and not really saying anything important, a couple came jogging by. The couple nodded at them as they passed them and they nodded back. They jogged about twenty yards passed them and turned and came back.

"Excuse me the man said as they stopped in front of Megan and Donovan, but are you Donovan and Megan Dearing by any chance?"

"We are" Donovan replied "and whom might I have the pleasure of speaking too?"

"I am Sean Dickinson and this is my wife Beverly. We were told we might find you here," he continued. "We have a rather complicated problem and it borders somewhat on the super natural, as it really tends to be somewhat unbelievable," he said kind of timidly.

"A mutual acquaintance of ours, by the name of Destin Hensley said if anyone could help, it would be the two of you," he said as he sat down on the sand to explain their problem to them.

"When you said Destin Hensley I knew it had to be somewhat unbelievable," Donovan laughed, as did Megan. "Go ahead, tell us of your problem, and don’t worry about how it sounds, I doubt you could say anything that would raise our eyebrows after what we have just gone through," Donovan told him.

When he had finished telling them of the need for their help, he gave Donovan one of his business cards and asked him to call him after they had a chance to think over his proposal. Donovan assured him they would and both he and his wife resumed jogging down the beach.

Donovan looked at Megan and saw that same gleam in her eyes she had the day they decided to continue the quest her Uncle Bill had taken up before his premature death.


Page 379: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"I know what is running through that pretty little head of yours right now," Donovan said; although he doubted she could even hear him at that moment.

He took Megan’s hand. Megan looked at him with a funny grin on her face.

"I know what‘s on your mind," he said again, only this time a little louder.

"You want to go for it?" don’t you. You want to take this challenge also my dear. Don’t you he asked?"

Megan did not answer Donovan as he could tell her thoughts were thousands of miles away from where they were on the beach.

"I guess you have answered my question.” Are you ready to start packing?" he asked.

Megan seductively smiled at him and winked. She took him by his hand and pointed toward the ocean.

Then she looked in his eyes and softly said, "Can’t you hear the waves calling us back as they pause momentarily for an answer, before they rush back out to sea?" she sighed.

To be perfectly honest with you, Donovan was just as anxious as Megan to begin a new adventure."

By the way, what do you think? Should they begin another adventure so soon, or have they had enough for now?

Donovan has already been spoiled by the alluring and majestic call of the sea. Megan seems more comfortable at sea also.

All this excitement could mean their honeymoon may never end. I really don’t believe Megan is in any big hurry to end all this newfound lifestyle of excitement.

"Would you be?" I didn’t think so.


Page 380: Ó'In Search of Plutus' - Web viewShe had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. ... He turned the autopilot off

"Just who am I you may be asking yourself about now? I have narrated this entire novel without proper introduction of who I am or by what authority I speak. I seem to know quite a lot about the inner feelings of two people in love. Well I of all people should know. Through the ages I have witnessed many great romances come to life right before my very eyes. Before I can truthfully answer your question though, I must first ask you one very important question. "Do you believe in the man in the moon?"

It has been the pleasure of Megan and Donovan to have had you onboard their yacht this voyage. You have an open invitation to join them and be their Special Guest for adventure anytime.

Megan and Donovan both thank you, and I will personally keep a romantic eye out for you.

The End, or could this possibly be the beginning?