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  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    In My Words

    In my words I try to convey what is in my heart; in the most simplistic way possible.

    It may not always be easy to pick up on the meaning behind them.

    However do not forget that my words are also your words.

    With time things should get clearer, and they would be no need for me to explain.

    ather it will be you teaching me.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ! "undle of #oy

    $hey touch and feel to find their way.

    %rying to express when hungry, tired and in pain,

    &emanding our attention, despite all of that they remain our bundle of 'oy.


  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    $he one that got away is the one I dream about.

    When we are alone it feels like we have never been apart,

    We have similar ideals and share a mutual respect for one another.

    )ventually the connection we share turned into more than friendship.

    My partner is my best friend.

    $he one I share my deepest secrets with.

    $he one I see myself with forever.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    !n *pportunity

    $he most anyone can ask for is the chance to try, and the opportunity to learn from ones

    mistakes. +eeing what is in front of us, whilst appreciating what we have is a blessing.

    "eing thankful is a necessity and essential, because the past is always lurking behind and

    the future is ahead of us.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    (riendship is priceless cherish the old one, and explore the new ones.

    Memories are treasured while the past is stored and remembered.

    !nd what we perceive is not always what it seems.

    With time friends can become strangers.

    rogression leads to more things and not enough time to spare.

    $o busy to notice and to tired to lend a helping hand.

    However with every friendship lost a new one is gained.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    Mistakes are made.

    -essons are learnt.

    &ecisions are taken.

    %hoices are presented.

    ight or wrong you went through what you had to.

    $o become the person you are.

    $he person you are meant to be.

    $he person you want to be.

    +omeone you like,

    ! person who is down to earth.

    !t first you where lost now you are found.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    eality "ites

    eality conveys the truth that we try desperately to hide.

    "y avoiding the pain and the loneliness we eventually lose sight of what is real.

    $here is nothing to look at accept yourself.

    $he truth is reality not only hurts but bites as well.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    +urvival 0ame

    I endeavour to understand what most people are oblivious to such as our instincts to

    survive. $he tools to survive are installed in us. !nd we need it to live and living means

    to compromise. "y compromising you learn to appreciate things while gaining a better

    prospective on life.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    +tep by +tep

    ot knowing is the hardest part.

    Waiting anxiously for an answer is even harder.

    -eft to the imagination the mind drifts to the unknown.

    +ecret places were all your thoughts are stored some good and some bad.

    $o regain a balance you not only accept, but surrender to the unpredictability of life

    taking one step at a time.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $he $ruth

    $he reality is the stone cold truth that hurts.

    -eaving one to pick up the pieces;

    by walking towards your demons not away.

    Hearts get broken and dreams are shattered.

    $hings don1t always work out the way we planned.

    $he truth is nothing does you can only hope.

    Hope that things get better and wish for a brighter future.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    $he underdog is the little person that is overlooked.

    $hey are under estimated, because he or she is not expected to go the distance.

    While ignored as if they don1t matter, and patroni4ed by society to humour them.

    What is not known is were he or she may end up.

    $he little girl becomes a lady then a woman.

    $he boy develops into his own person, and transforms from a child to a man.

    -earning to adapt to all that life throws at them as time passes.

    With age they gained knowledge and the acceptance of the ma'ority.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $he eal erson

    It may be said I have heard of her, although never got the pleasure to meet her.

    *ur paths crossed unfortunately we never got ac/uainted.

    We were friends however we lost contact.

    I use to like her then she changed.

    Ironically the person she once was is the person she is.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $en $hings I -ike !bout 5ou

    67 I like the fact you don1t take yourself to seriously.87 When you laugh everyone 'oins in.

    97 5our smile brightens the day.

    :7 5ou are wiser than your years.7 What you see is what you get.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    0ift of $ime

    !gainst all odds I came into the world.

    erceived as a pressures gift of life I am.

    $o welcome me tears of 'oy and sadness are shed.

    I revel in the fact that I am loved wanted and needed.

    +o many of us want to belong and feel complete.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $rue (riends

    eople come and go, but true friends are hard to come by.

    $hey are the ones you trust. $ell all your secrets to.

    $he one person you would fight for, and believe they would do the same for you.

    -ike pressures stones they leave behind a formidable presence, and a hard act to follow.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $hen and ow

    If I knew what I know now then,

    I would be a millionaire by now.

    If you had told me I would get married

    !nd have two children, I would have laughed.

    If I had known I might become a statistic and be divorced before I1m thirty.

    I might not have gotten married in the first place.

    If I had any idea that being a mother meant eventually saying goodbye to them;

    Hoping for the occasional phone call or letter, I would have held on a bit tighter.

    "ut then again if you had told me that I would have to bury my child; who was killed in a

    road accident, or watch another gradually fade away as cancer takes over her body I

    wouldn1t have believed you. However if you had asked me then if I believe in second

    chances and new beginnings, I would have said no. (ortunately for me I got a second

    chance to do it again. I might be older now, but the man I am lying next to is the same

    man I fell in love with all those years ago; when I made my vows to cherish and honor

    him. $he man that loved me so much, he could not sign the divorce papers. He wanted to

    try again. Who would have thought that from every bad thing comes some good.

    My house is now filled with my grandchildren running around making noise.

    If I knew what I know now, then I would have cherished every moment.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    Human Mind

    $he human mind is complex it runs on adrenaline.

    (eeding on excitement and waiting for the next fix.

    *n rear occasions when confusion gives way to uncertainty,

    $he search becomes a 'ourney and a way to survive.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ! win or -ose +ituation

    5ou make a decision that should only affect you, but it doesn1t.

    What you have not figured into the e/uation is for every decision made there are

    conse/uences. )veryday your character is /uestioned because of who you are, which

    includes your beliefs and your past. $hough your past is part of you, it does not determine

    who you become.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    Mortal Man

    $he folly of mortal man is arrogance.

    )xpecting things to always go there way, and not wanting to comprise.

    epeating past mistakes, but thinking as an individual and not as a team.

    $he eye wants and desires a lot of things, but it can not always share.

    However with time it can learn to give and take.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    5ou have precise ideas on what you want out of life.

    How things should be like, and who you want to surround yourself with

    !ll the above is relative to time.

    $ime waits for no one.

    $ime works according to a higher plan.

    $ime reminds us how short life is.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    (amily Matters

    Wanting the best for you by supporting you the best way they know how.

    +ometimes they get things wrong with good intentions.

    Hoping you will lean on them when it matters the most.

    -oved by them and acknowledged as a person.

    (or your family watches as you make your mark in life.

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  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    Inspired by another and being true to oneself.

    emembering and keeping to the simple things in life.

    Cnowing that age is not what you become, but the experiences you have gained.

    Maturing is not the time to move aside but a chance to learn new things.

    "eing heard does not mean you shout but stand up for yourself, empowering yourself

    mentally and physically.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    $wo extremes and no in between, a stolen person is lost.

    +tolen words are what you have not been told.

    ! life stolen means you have been told only half of the story.

    +earching is not always the solution but is essential.

    (inding oneself and belonging gives closure.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    Walls of Hostility

    5ou wake up surrounded by walls. $he four walls that create a place of privacy or

    division separating us from the outside world, but there are also walls created by culture,

    class, language and hate. $hese are the walls created by pre'udice and built on fear.

    Cnocking down these walls challenges us to /uestion the norm and reunite as one.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ! House

    ! house filled with mirrors is a reminder.

    ! reminder of the past, and the dreams you had.

    Words said in the moment.

    $ears shed because you were sad.

    $hings you would have done differently if any.

    Issues passed down by generation.

    +tarting over an end of an era

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ossibilities of -ife

    ossibilities are what could happen and what we are waiting for.

    -iving for the moment is put aside for another day.

    ! day when dreams stop being a figment of our imagination and become reality,

    3ntil then we are buying time by waiting and being patient.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ! Heavy Heart

    $he heart is heavy and the soul is sad, while the body is tired.

    $ired of doing the same thing and exhausted from thinking so much.

    +cared of being exposed and feeling vulnerable to the outside world, makes one human.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



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  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ! Mans Word

    ! mans word is his hold on reality.

    $he key to his heart and understanding what makes him tick.

    $here is a promise, a promise of a brighter future.

    ! bond that links man with his surroundings

    $he opportunity to reach his goals and become the kind of man he aspires too.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $he ext %hapter

    $his much I know ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find.

    Cnock and the door will be answered; wait to long and the opportunity will pass you by.

    (all in love and you leave yourself vulnerable.

    "reak up and you are left with regrets as well as memories.

    What I don1t know is what happens next.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    -ife is too short to waste on regrets or turning the clock back.

    0ain the know how and learn to do things differently

    Have a better understanding and prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.

    However remember to be nostalgic not regretful.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    -esson -earnt

    Make a difference in life by finding your purpose.

    (ollow your gut feelings and be true to yourself.

    "e aware of what you have and what you have achieved.

    It easy to overlook what is inAfront of you.

    &on1t forget to take a time out for you and only you.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $he Bictim

    5ou were once a victim but now a conspirator.

    With so many twists and turns in life the line between what is real,

    and not becomes blurred.

    !s a result a perfect stranger emerges.

    "efore you know it your past catches up with you.

    With nowhere to turn a plan is devised.

    With it your secrets remain and your fait is unknown.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    ole lay

    $he parent keeps things together so the child maintains a sense of normality. .

    $hus the parent learns from the child and the teacher becomes the student.

    ot only is knowledge gathered but a bond is made.

    $his is the bond of friendship stemming from understanding who we are.

    Cnowing we empathise and learn to love one another.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    "ecause I am "lessed

    I am blessed beyond words.

    I can1t even begin to describe how lucky I am.

    (or all that is given not a lot is asked in return.

    Cnowledge and appreciation is gained for how far I have come.

    "ecause I am blessed I am who I am and where I am.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    (oolish erson

    ! foolish person is one that does not believe even after seeing.

    *ne who rest on there laurels and forgets the past.

    "y forgetting the past they live in the present.

    However a foolish person who forgets but remembers regains control and focus.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    &ead 0eneration

    Is violence a part of your life that you have become immune too2

    $he fear you once had no longer exist.

    In its place lies anger and hate.

    "ecause of the disgust and disdain for the world around you your vision is distorted.

    5our feelings are not yours but an outsider who looks like you.

    +hares the same mannerisms but one main ingredient is missing the passion for life.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    elationships are hard because it is easy to take it for granted.

    It is a time forgotten where you learn to love unconditionally.

    3nfortunately nothing is guaranteed, you hope for the best and wait.

    It becomes a game of if only I knew. However in life whatever happens,

    happens for a reason. -ife is not only a learning curve but a big experience

    waiting to burst.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    Miss !ngry

    E+he is damaged goods.F

    $ainted by life and 'udged by society, convicted with impropriety G lacking knowledge of

    her full story.

    Hear her story

    !ngered by everything around her, she is /uick to speak her mind, and tell it as it is.

    Miss angry they call her but if everyone would take a good look at there selves.

    $hey might be surprised at what they see.

    Hear her story

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    $he eal $hing

    What you see is what you get

    3nveiling you discover things some good and some bad.

    $he truth is what we crave most of all is what we don1t find.

    %ertainty is not guaranteed but comprising is the next best thing.

    (or the real thing never existed.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS



    "e on my side don1t suffocate me.

    0ive me advice but don1t tell me what to do.

    &o not presume I don1t appreciate you when I do.

    )very now and then take a step back and look at things clearly.

    5ou might catch something you missed the first time around me.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    What Is ext2

    &o not presume to know me.

    (or you only see what you want.

    +tick to the facts it is safer that way.

    -ife is difficult enough without any added stress.

    ! lie embeds itself only to materiali4e at a later date.

    !pproach me on a one to one basis.

    !cknowledge my views honouring who I am.

    Humouring me hinders the reconnection process, between the now and the present.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    My Hero1s

    My hero1s are real people.

    $hey live in a world that is ever increasing.

    $he pressure to be is not only hard but intimidating.

    &o I live a double life professing to be an open book2

    age by page rip me apart until there is nothing left.

    Mirror what you see and you may crash and burn.

    +tanding tall while reminiscing on what is true is real.

    *rdinary people like me are my hero1s.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    $he +tory of 3s

    +tory of us begins with you and me.

    We reconnect over a meal.

    5ou tell me the highlight of your day and I tell you mine.

    We lean on each other when things get a bit tough.

    +miling to ease the pain and crying to off load excess baggage.

    *ur +tory is simple 'ust like life can be.

  • 8/6/2019 IN MY WORDS


    Cnowing What I know now

    If I knew what I know now I would be rich.

    %ounting on life1s easy banter because, I am secure in myself.

    Mistaken for arrogance or blind ambition while life remains a mystery

    as it is not for us to unveil.