telephone. 01443 654265 email. [email protected] twitter. @CEMAS_USW website. www.cemas.mobi Based in Swansea, the founder Michael Leach came up with the idea for ‘In My School’ to improve communication between schools/teachers and parents. Winner of the Swansea Startup competition 2013, the app offers parents a quick and easy way to access what activities, when PE Kit etc is needed and general useful information about their child’s school day. It became clear that the key to the success of In My School would be the teachers seeing the benefits of being able to simply add events and information to the school system. An app could be optimised to make that job easy, in fact much easier than the current method of creating and printing letters that pupils then take home in their rucksack! Features: • Easy creation of event reminders such as “Sports day, remember PE Kit”. • Add digital Letters that replace expensive photocopying. • Send free & instant push alerts rather than expensive SMS messages for important events such as “School closed – Snow Day!” Working with the dedicated CEMAS team was a great experience that afforded us a wealth of expertise and experience. The teams hard work has meant that our In My School app has exceeded our expectations. Michael Leach, Director In My School App Store Available on the iPad inmyschool.co @ inmyschool The advantage of collaborating with CEMAS on our app is that they have successfully project managed and built the app, working from a design and a spec that we had defined. Through the experience we gained an experienced partner who could turn our wish list of features in to reality. As a start–up our resources are very small, without this support our dedicated app for teachers would not have been made. We would have relied on a simpler web only interface that would have dramatically reduced the appeal of our service.

In My School - Case Study

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In My School - Case Study

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telephone. 01443 654265 email. [email protected]

twitter. @CEMAS_USW website. www.cemas.mobi

Based in Swansea, the founder Michael Leach came up with the idea for ‘In My School’ to improve communication between schools/teachers and parents.

Winner of the Swansea Startup competition 2013,

the app offers parents a quick and easy way to access

what activities, when PE Kit etc is needed and general

useful information about their child’s school day.

It became clear that the key to the success of

In My School would be the teachers seeing the benefits

of being able to simply add events and information to

the school system. An app could be optimised to make

that job easy, in fact much easier than the current

method of creating and printing letters that pupils

then take home in their rucksack!

Features:• Easy creation of event reminders such

as “Sports day, remember PE Kit”.

• Add digital Letters that replace

expensive photocopying.

• Send free & instant push alerts rather

than expensive SMS messages for

important events such as “School

closed – Snow Day!”

Working with the dedicated CEMAS team was a great

experience that afforded us a wealth of expertise and

experience. The teams hard work has meant that our

In My School app has exceeded our expectations.

Michael Leach, Director

In My School

App StoreAvailable on the iPad

inmyschool.co @ inmyschool

The advantage of collaborating with CEMAS on our app is

that they have successfully project managed and built the

app, working from a design and a spec that we had defined.

Through the experience we gained an experienced partner

who could turn our wish list of features in to reality.

As a start–up our resources are very small, without this

support our dedicated app for teachers would not have

been made. We would have relied on a simpler web only

interface that would have dramatically reduced the

appeal of our service.

ffôn. 01443 654265 e-bost. [email protected]

twitter. @CEMAS_USW gwefan. www.cemas.mobi

App StoreAvailable on the iPad

In My School

inmyschool.co @ inmyschool

Wedi’i leoli yn Abertawe, cafodd sylfaenydd Michael Leach y syniad ar gyfer ‘In My School’ er mwyn gwella’r cyfathrebu rhwng ysgolion/athrawon a rhieni.

Mae’r ap, a enillodd Gystadleuaeth Busnesau Newydd

Abertawe 2013, yn cynnig ffordd gyflym a hawdd i rieni

gael gafael ar wybodaeth ynglŷn â pha weithgareddau

sydd ymlaen, pryd mae angen dillad Addysg Gorfforol

ac ati a gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol gyffredinol ynglŷn

â diwrnod ysgol eu plentyn.

Daeth yn amlwg mai’r hyn fyddai’n allweddol i lwyddiant

In My School fyddai athrawon yn gweld manteision gallu

ychwanegu digwyddiadau a gwybodaeth at system yr

ysgol mewn ffordd syml. Gellid optimeiddio ap i wneud

y gwaith hwnnw’n haws, yn wir yn llawer haws na’r ffordd

bresennol o lunio ac argraffu llythyrau i’r plant fynd adref

â nhw yn eu bagiau!

Nodweddion:• Hawdd creu negeseuon atgoffa fel “Diwrnod

mabolgampau, cofiwch eich dillad Addysg Gorfforol”.

• Ychwanegu llythyrau digidol sy’n disodli llungopïo drud.

• Anfon hysbysiadau am ddim ar unwaith yn hytrach na

negeseuo SMS drud ar gyfer digwyddiadau pwysig fel

“Ysgol ar gau – Diwrnod Eira!”

Roedd gweithio gyda thîm ymroddedig CEMAS

yn brofiad arbennig a gynigiodd gyfoeth

o arbenigedd a phrofiad i ni. Mae gwaith caled

y tîm wedi golygu bod ein In My School wedi

hagori ar ein disgwyliadau.

Michael Leach, Cyfarwyddwr

Mantais cydweithio gyda CEMAS ar ein ap yw eu bod

wedi rheoli’r prosiect ac adeiladu’r ap yn llwyddiannus,

gan weithio o ddyluniad a manyleb a ddiffiniwyd gennym.

Drwy’r profiad daethom o hyd i bartner profiadol a allai

droi ein rhestr ddymuniada o nodweddion yn realiti.

Fel busnes newydd, nid oes gennym lawer o adnoddau,

a heb y cymorth hwn ni fyddai ein ap ar gyfer athrawon

wedi cael ei greu. Byddem wedi dibynnu ar ryngwyneb

gwe yn unig symlach a fyddai wedi lleihau apêl ein

gwasanaeth yn sylweddol.