LEVITIC AL HIGH PRIES T HOO D IN THE \.,rRCTIHGS OF JOS EPHTJS by Fr. Peter KU11l1e, C. P. A Thesis tted to the Faculty of the Gra duate School, Ma rquette University, in Partial Fulfillmen t of the Re - quir e:nents for the Degree of Master of Arts i>ulwaukee, Wis c onsi n July, 1967 "

IN - Marquette University · IGreek qlwtations from Epistle to the Hebreus are te..ken from NOVll.rn Testament"llll Gr£1.ece et Latine, ed. Augustinus Nerk, S.J. (Rom£1.e , 196Ld

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Fr. Peter KU11l1e, C. P.

A Thesis SUb~Ili tted t o the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University, i n

Partial Fulfillment of the Re ­quire:nents for the Degree

of Master of Arts

i>ulwaukee, Wis consin July, 1967




ACKNO;;fu3DG Ei·1ENTS ........................ .... ...... i i

I NTRODUCTION .......... ...... ...... ..... ........... 1


AS :HIGH ?~IES7 • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • • • • • • • 3

2. 1i'fE PURITY AIm HOLINES S REq UI RED OF 'TIl: E HIGH PRI EST •......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• lL~



APPENDIX A · ...... ................................ . 76

A?PENDIX B · .. ........ . ......... ........ .. ..... ... . 88

APPENDI X C · ...................................... . 93

BIBLIOGF~'l.PHY .. . " ............................. . .... . 9L~



Josephus belatedly recognized the h elp he received

in writing The JeVIish Har, Hhen he I,rrote his P_sainst Ap ion

some t"VJenty five years later. I On this page, I Hould like

to recognize promptly and sincerely all those Viho have

helped me to c omplete this ~JOrk.

This thesis OHes its inspiration and completion in

great measure to Fr •. Q,uention Q,uesnell S. J., VIho served as

my advisor. His never failing encourae;ement Has a rock of

strength. I also Hish to thank the t, .. o readers, Dr. Barr

and Fr. CaldHell for their kindly and positive criticisn.

Hany h ands have helped in orgaIlizing and typ ing the


manuscript of this thesis. An eCUli1enica l note Has added Hhen

Nr . and }lrs . John Gregg helped me . Bud Smith and c~is Hife

were very helpful in every Hay . Franl{ Nieman, Dave Killen

and Hillifu'11 DreHs propp e d up my arlLlS Hhen I greH Heary .

Ellen Haferkorn, harie Niedercorn and Hiss Ha.YJ.da Szczerbiak

made time to be able to help. Sp ecial mention goes to

Gloria Re chli c z .rho helped so much in the organization.

Helen Graf des e rves my heartfelt t hanks for her patience

and generosity for helping me c omplete the Hork during the , ;

days of her vac ation~ ' Finally, I "TOuld like to tha.YJ.1c hiss

Bryce Farinacci 1-1ho typed t he final c opy.

IA . t A· · BalDs Ulon I, 50.


This thesis is an effort to ShOH i.-rhat Josephus wrote

concerning the Levitical high priesthood and to present

this material in a "JaY which thrcivrs light on the Epistle

to the HebreHs. The thesis does not propose to ShOH a..TlY

direct or even indirect connection betHeen the epistle and

Josephus. It merely strives to pr-esent the thought of Jose-

phus in the "lOrds of Josephus. The ambition of this thesis

is to help scholars b~ bringing together in one place the

c ontribll"Gion of' Josephus on the Levi ti cal high priesthood.

The method I folloHed Has this: First, I researched

the Horks of Josephus for pertinent texts. These texts

will be fOllild in Appendix A.

JvIy second step Has to establish an objective l ist of

texts fron the Epistle to the HebreHs, ,-,hich pI'esents the

basi c teach ing of the ep i stle on Levitical high priesthood.

Since C. s ) icql and C. Shrenk2 explicitly treated of t h e

teaching of the epistle on Levitical high priesthood, I

used lis ts drmm from t c .. em as a basis of my m-m research

of the epistle. Since the list of C Spicq Has drm-m up

for a specific, limited pur:;ose of contrast, I found his

list too limited. C.""Shrenl(ls t reatment introduced moore

of the positive elements from the e ~ i stle . I added still

lC. Spicq, LI~Pitre atu H:bre~~ (Paris, 1953) Vol. 2, p. 126.



other texts that seemed to be necessary t o give a r ounded

picture of the teaching of the epi stle c oncerning the

Levitical high priesthood . These lists are presented in

Appendix B.

As a third step, I then tried t o arrange the material

of Josephus in such 0. Hay that it serves as a cOn1..llentary

on the teaching of the epistle. The material s eemed to

natl..lrally fall into the four divisions , Hhich I have made

into chapters.






Appendix C contains Josephus! treatment of He lchizedek.

I t hought it would be of interest to every scholar of the

Epistle to the Hebrews • .




, .)~ ~ '" A ~/ , {r(tX,1 e" ;.% vr ~ 'T/J ~4J ;lVii' T li Y ~ . ? ( I

/ .)ll" ~,/ c;..." '" TIM' ~ ~«. ,<~( ~ 0 V lA.i,J"'aS II fro T!J IJ

~ / (}'" tJ / ..... 11. / 1 ~"UJ 1<<< wd'- iTe.;P t<'«'(r),A '''''~

(No one takes this honor on himself, but each on2 is c a lled by God as Aaron was .) Heb 5:4

~'" -;:. -;r-::~,"

Ny fami ly is no ignoble one, tracing its . desc ent f ar back to priestly a:.t1c estors. Dif­fer ent races base their claim to nobility on vari ous grounds ; Hi th us a c OD..Ylection Iii th the priestho~d is the hallmark of an illus­trious line.

These opening \wrds of the autobiographical Lifo of

Josephus, reveal to us hO;'T highly Josephll.s thought of the

priestly digni ty.


IGreek qlwtations from Epistle to the Hebreus are te..ken from NOVll.rn Testament"llll Gr£1.ece et Latine, ed. Augustinus Nerk, S .J. (Rom£1.e , 1 96Ld

2English quotations fror'l Scrip t u.re are ta!.-:en f ror.'l Tr~e J erusalem Bib2.e (HeH York, 1966) . Abbreviations for books of t h e Bible are a lso taken fj.~om pp . x-xi of The J eruso.len Bible. The rendition: and spell i ng of Biblical n:J.lllGS is £1.130 b ased on t h is Hork.

3Flavius Josephus, Life of Josephus (hereafter t o be i dentifi ed as Life ) 1. Tile arabi c m.U1'.e:;.~als refer to the nUlnbers used in t ::G Loeb Joseuhus . English translo.tions of Josephus are t aken from Jo sephus (The Loeb Classi c al Library, London 1 925-1965) eds . E. st . J. 'l'hac lcer£1.Y, Ralph Barcus, All en l:ii ksren £t:l.d Louis H. Feldxlan . Vol. 9 . Tbi s Hork is a l so us ed for the Greek t ext of Josephus.

In the openinl3 lines of 'me Jewi sh War , he proudly cla i r.1s

priestly ancestry.l

In his Against Apion, Jos ephus has this encomiUIll of

prie sts :

Coul d there be a fi ner or more equi t able poli ty t han on Hhi ch s ets God at the -head of t he universe, Hhich assigns the adrainistration of its highest affairs to the "lhole body of priests and entrusts to the supreme high 2 priest the direction of the other pri ests ?


Josephus constantly u ses the term rS~l li for the h i gh

priestly dignity .3 This Hord occurs again and again in t he

accoun t Jo sephus gives of the appointment of Aaron to be

high pries t and in the vivid a ccount of Aaron ' s confi rmation

in offi ce by Go d. 4

Before his appointment as high pries t, Aaron plays a

very minor role i n t he account of Jo sephus . Although Jos e -

phus clai:ns to be no i t her adding nor am t t i ng anything from

t he HebreH records,5 he does sk i p the tHO em.favorable inci -

dents that Aaron is c onnected Hith. Ther e is no mo l ding of

t he golden calf recol'ded. 6 The incident of the murmuring of

Aaron aIld Hiri arn7 i s also passed over in silence .

l Ibi d • The Jevlish \'Tar (hereafter t o b e i dentified as i'lar ) I, J:- The ROlnan l1.1.u-:J.orals refer to the nUIllbe r of the Book. .;

2Ibid • A~ainst Anion , (hereaf ter to be identified as Anion.) II, 18 •

3I bid• Je,-ash ~\ntiqui tie s , (hereafter to b e i dentifie d as k.n.t. ---rIlthe notes and as .~.l1tioui t i es i n the t ext .) X, 152 ; XI , 297; XII I, 300 ; XIV, L~9 0'; .i~II , ,~..3 .

4Ant • III, 1881'1' .; IV, 241'1'. 5Ant • I, 17; X, 218.

6Ex 32; Dt 9: 20 . 7}fu 12:1f f.

But on the other hand, Josephus also omits items 'Hhi ch

favor Aaron. Aaron is no t spoken of as the mouthpiece of

1 Hoses. In t he account of Josephus, 1-,10ses does not plead

t hat he is slow tongued and in need of a spokesman. 2 Tne

IIstaff of' Aaron ll is not mentioned as in certain biblical

accounts. 3

Josephus does mention Aaron as one of' thos e holding up

the hands of Hoses i n the victory over the Amalekites,4 and


, 'He read that t1Aaron with his company joined by Raguel, chanted

hymns to God as the author llild di spenser of' their salvation

and liberty. 115

B ut Aaron is only introduced in a prominent lvay in

t he .iffitiqui ties af'ter Hos es has everything ready for the

',sacrifice at Sinai. The preparation of the t abernacle and r

even the i ~igh priestly vestments is the Hork of Hoses. o

Then, 'l-1hen all is ready, Aaron is a~pointed by God to

be high priest. Josephus brings t his out in a more dramatic

fashion thQn the acco~Ults given in Leviticus ~~d Exodus. 7

lEx 4:14-16. 2Ex 4:10-14.

3Ex 7:9-10; 12;8:5-16.

4Ant • III, 54, cf. Ex 17:8.

5Ant • III, 64, '~f. Ex 18 :14 , ,,,here they share meal. Some other references to Aaron Hhere his active role is stressed, are: Ps 105: 26 ; Ex 7:19; 8:1; 1 2 ; 16; 21; 9:27; 10:3.

6lUnt • III, 151-187, cf. Ex 25-28.

7Ex 28:1; Lv .8:1.

NOH Hhen t he Hork of Hhich I have spoken Has complete, but the offerings had not yet been consecrated, God appeared to Noses and charge d him to confe r the priesthood upon Aaron, his prother, as the man ",hose virtues rendered him 1 more des erving than all to obtain this dignity.

The speech that Josephus puts into the mO'.lth of Hoses

stril{es us as strange, 2 but it does underline that Aaron is

being appoint ed by God.

So, convening the people in assembly, he :1-1oses recounted his OHn merits, his benevolence and the perilsH'nich he ha d sustained on their behalf. And Hhen t hey attested that all his vrords Here true and displayed t heir devotion to him, liNen of I~rael, II said he, lithe vfOrk has now reached its end, as Has best pleasing to God himself a..'1d as He had pOHer to accoli1:Jlish J.. t; but since it behoves us to rec eive Him into the tabernacle, we need first of all one to dis­charge the offic e of priest ill1d minister for the sacrific es and for the interc essions -on our beh&lf. For my part, had the v:eighing of this matter been entrusted to me , I should have adjudged myself T,vo rthy of the dignity, alike from t hat self-love that is innate in all, as also bec ause I fu~ conscious of having labo~~ed abunda.'1.tly for your s alvation. But nOH God him­self has judged Aaron Horthy of t his honour and has chosen hi m to be priest, knoHing him to be tbe most de~erving among us. So it is he VIho r,-Iill don the vestments consecrated to God, have charge of the altars, attend to the sacrifices, and offer t he prayers on our behalf to God, I-1ho ,vill gladly hear t hem, botb from the care that He has for our race and because, c O~llinG from the m~ of His m·m choosing, He caImot but accept them.l!.)

1 Ant. III, 189-190 .

2H• st. <T. Thackeray, Josenhu3 the Han and t he His ­torian, (NeH York, 1929) pp. - 41 - 4s treats of Lhe speeches put into the mouths of leading characters by Josep~·lUs .

3 t &'1.t. III, 190 -192.


Josephus records that:

The HebreVls ~'1Gr e p leased Hi th t h is s'oeech and acquiesced in the divine election ; for Aaron, by reason of his birth, his prophetical gift<rtIJ,:6IJn/U.J)and his brother's virtue s, Has m rc lCliShlr qualified than all for the digni ty C!yA~(1.

As the book or Numbers l~ecords, 2 the people did not

acquie sce for long. Korah, Dathan and Abirrun lead a revolt

against Hoses for appointing his brother as high priest .

The account of Josephtls is even more vivid tha..l1 the biblica l



Jo sephus make s explicit t 'c.e thought i mplied in Nu."11bers.

He shoHs Korah as le ading the revolt and sedition to gain

t h e honor of the h i gh p riesthood hims elf. Korah is made

to say:

"J:Jhat re a son, pray, could }loses give for having c onferre d the pri e sthood u p on Aaron ~~Q his s ons ? If Go d has decide d to aHs.rd trlis honour to one of the tribe of Levi, I have more ris ht to rec e ive it, being b y birth on a level Hi t~ l·~oses , in Health 8.l1.d years his super i or ."

Again, illa!(ing dramatic Hhat is im} lied in the Numbers

acco'Lmt , Josephus pictures Korah's c oni'ederates as uirminG

over t h e pco~) le to rebellion. In f a ct Josephus picture s the

crowds as wanting to stone Koses . They ga t he r before the

tabe rna cle cmd s hO'L'.t: lIA,wy ',ri th the tyrant a..l1d let the

1 A..T1t. III, 192. •

2ND 16:1-17:26.

3Ant • IV, 1 9 .

peopl e b e rid o f' the i r bondage to one Hho i n the pretended

n ame of' God, i mposes his despoti c orders. tll

Jo sephus c ontinues his dramatization of t he event b y


h aving Hoses turn and Hi thout addressinG the Y:lUl ti tude, shout

Hith al l his might a t Korah :

tl To my mind, Koran, no t t~l OU a l one but each of' these men" - indicating the tHO hundred and f'i f' ty- lI appears HorUJ.::r of' promotion ; nay, this vIhole c oncourse I HOl.!. l d not dep rive of' like h onour even though t he y l a c k Hhat ye derive f' rom Health and other distinc tions. And nOH, if' Aaron has been presented "lith the pri esthood, it i s not because he was pre - eminent in wealth, f' or thou s urpassest even the t Hain of' us in magnitude of p o ssessions ; nor yet for nobility of' birth, f'or God h a s made us equal in t ll is re ­s pect b y giving us t l"e sane f'orefather ; nor Has it fror:1. fraternal love t :la t I conferred an h onour Hhieh j ustly another sl1.ould have had, uyon my b rother . ~or ~v~n had I .d ~ sr~~ar~~d ~od and the I m'is In g1.v1.ng a"my -ch1.s dlgn1.-cy, I should never have passed over mysel f and be ­stowed i t u~)on another, seein[S that I an a n earer kinS1:1.an to myse l f than is my brother and mo r e closely attached to r,1Y ~)erson than to his . Na y i t Ho '~l.ld not even have been to ex~) ose my­s e l f' t oche ri s.ics of an unl m·rful a c t only to p res ent t o anot:18r the res1.:1 taIlt bene f i ts . no ; I on l;J.y side am above mal ~ractices , Hhi l e God Ho~ld not have b rooked such outrag e to Him-s e lf' nor left you i gnorant "That ye s houl d do to Hin lii s favour . But sinc e He himself has chosen n i n t [18.t :Ls to s e rve 'as =-iis pri est , He h as f' reed us from al l responsibility in t his r e c ,,-1d ,,5

b ui •

Then Josephus b,a s Aaron surrender h i s right and ent er

i n to c ompeti tion Hi t h a l l the others . As J oSe}lTUS puts i t

t r.rough t One r.lOuth of 1:1o ses :

lIb i d o 23 .

~)1Jf is used a l so i n . .:-\.nt . IV, 19, 20 , 23 , 31 ,58, 66

3Ant : , IV, .25-:- 28

"God t h en, it is 'dn o shall d e ci d e aneH, vlh02rl He "JOu ld h nv e to offer Hin tho sacrifices on your behalf a nd to p r e cide over t he rites o f Horshi ~) ; for it Here monn trOLl.S the Ko rah , iri cove ting thi s honour should d e p rive God of t he ~owe r of de ciding t o Hhom h e would a ccord it." .

On the follm·ring day , Hoses and Aaron are justifie d as

fi rst Abirfu~ and Dathan ffi1d their faction are destroyed n ear

t :1e i r tents, and Kora h and his t HO hundred a.nd fifty con-

federates arc destroyed in the c ontes t of t he censers .

Josephus exp ands the aCC01)21t g iven in l\:ur:lbers . 2 He makes

explicit vrnat is implicit and add s a long s pee ch by Hoses, 3

as a development · of the s~) eeciJ. l·ioses gives in :C;xodus . ~- The

conclusion of t he s e events is that:

Aaron beins no longer believed to owe his highpri es t h ood t o the f a vour of Loses, but the judgement of God, t hus clearly manifested, had nOH along 1,,'i t h hi~ s ons, the assured enjoy­ment of this dignity.~

Jo sephus then briefly r e lates the story of t ,1e budding

rods as it a ppears in Numbers . 6 But o~ts the i n ciden t of


the plague, during ,<[hich Aaron intercedes to save the people. 7

Ifnen Eoses lJ:.c'oduces t he pods, and t h e peo) le se a tiJ.at Aaron ' s

lIbi do 29-32 . .; 2Nb16; Ant . IV, 29-3L~; 51- 57.

3 A..1'1t. IV, L!.0-50·~ 4Nb 16: 28 - 30 .

5AlJ.t. IV, 58 6Nb 17.

71m 1 6 : ~_1-50.

rod had budded and even held rip e fruit, t he peop l e are fi­

nally c onvinc ed and allaH:

Aaron to ho l d t h e priesthood Hith honour. So he , having thrice bee n elected by God, Has nOH firr:J.l y established in h is office and the s,edi t~on ?f ~h~ rebrev.rs , so l ong rarupant , Has t nus verl;una ve a .

\ \ /~ );' , 1-6( Td T ~ V Til. (i/ d £2-,.<._, V .. ; kc< To(

/ ) ~ 7 / 1/3,l{ aV f v' To ) ~s. o--¥1( t. vps . . I

(tlof the srune order as Aaron " ••• by virtue of a l aw about physical d e scent ••• ) Heb 7:11,16 .


Jo sephus is insistent on the ~J oint t h a t t h e lli gh pries ts

are all from t h e stoc k of Aaron .

It is so.i d tha t Aaron the bro ther of Moses was t h e first to act as high priest to God, t hat after his de a th his sons a t once suc­c eeded him, and that t h ereafter the offic e remai ned p e r·mn....'1ently loTi th a ll their des c en­dants . ~'Jherefore it is a lso a tradition t hat none ",: hould ho ld God's high priesthood save hEll1.ho is of Aaron 's blood, arld t hat no one of arlother lineag e , even ~f he happen­ed to be a 2ing , snould a ttain t o the high pri es t hood .

As He lrTill see in more detail i n Chapter f our, Jos ephus

is c areful to trac e the high p r i esthood frO::-,l Aaron t r...rough

Eleazar and Ithamar dO"l·m to SolOl;J.on ' s reign . And tl then t he

p osterity of El eazo.r r eassunod it. 1I 3

Jo se~)hus records tho. t Josiah restored the purity of t he

priestly fo...":1ilies in his re f or:-:1 . Josiah:

l Ant .

3Ant •


IV, 66. 2 ,.1- 'TV . hn v . JI..A, 225- 227 •

V, 362; I Ch 6 : L~f ; I K 2 : 27,35 .

ordered the hiGh priest t o c as t out any ves~els t hat were l eft of those that had been set up in t he templ e by their forefa t:'lers to t he idols ~Dd strange gods •.•• he als o killed the .pri e~ts o f t £e idols, Hho Here not of the f a::ill ly or Aaron .

Josephus is c a r e f ul to note t hat Alcimus, Hho rep l a c es

t he depos ed Onias l-Iene l aus under Antiochus and his general

Lysias , HEt S of Aaron I s line, if not of t h e s ame f amily as

O . 2 nlas.

Even t he ob scure .lmane l, \-Jhom Herod c a lls from Babylon

to be high priest is said to h Qve t he necessary pedi gree,3


and t he ·very l ast [ligh pries t Hhom Jo sephus mentions , the one

he c a lls a "clovm", is still said to have b een draml from one

of the high prie s tl:r clans called En.iachin. 4

Jeroboara is c ondernned in t he text of · Jo seph us as in the

text of the Bible for a P iJointing pri ests from ordinary fam­

ilies . 5 Jo sephus bas Jerobo am. say :

"I shall appo int for you pri ests . and Le vi tes from your OHn numb er , in order that you may h ave not need of the tribe of Le vi and t h e sons of .:laron, b u t l et '[lim a1710ng you Hho 1 ·;i~hes to be a ~ri0st , offer u p to Go d a calf and a rm1, 6 as Aaron, t;'ne f i rs t priest, is s a id to hi:.1 Ve done . II

TIlen Josephus editoria l izes :

lAnt. X, 65 cf. 2 K 23 : 4 - 5 .

2Ant • XII, 387 says he ims not o f the f arni ly of high prj,ests;-but .;'nt. XX:, 235 tells us ne Has of Aaron l s l ine . ef. I H 7 :]1-,- .

3A..llt . XV, LLO, - '

51 Ie 1 2 : 31.

~\[ar IV, 155.

6Ant • VIII, 228 .

By these words he misled the peop le and caused them to abandon the Horship of their f a thers and traJ.'lsgress the · laHs. Tnis vras the b~ginning of the Hebrevls m.isfortunes und led to their beinG defeated in Ha l by other races and to their falling ca) tive.

Jos ephus tells us that at the festival in the seventh

manth~ Jeroboru'-'l nl.ade hiiTlself h igh :?riest and Hent up to the


al tar Hi t h h is mm priests. Tl1.en Josephus tells the story of

t he prophet Jadon, just as it is in I Kings, Hith the pro -

phecy conc erning Josiah' s destro~/ing false priests <-lnd the

Hi thering and cure of the hand of Je roboa...'11 as a . 2 slgn .

Fal lowing I Kings 13 :33-34, Jos e :)hus sees tOne pUl1ish-

ments that come u pon Jeroboa::'l 3.nd his f ami ly as divine chas-

tisement because:

He did n ot cease nor desist from outraging Go d , but all the 'cime continued to erect altars on the -nigh mountains and to 3Ppoint p riests from among the COl11:il0n p eople.

Perhaps the best proof of all that JOS81)hus thought

descent from Aaron as essential for the high priest is his

effort to tra c e the h i gh ~rie s thood b a ck to Aaron in the

Antiquiti e s.

In l\.1)ion, he u se s the C2,re the Jm'Is tool-:: i n kec)ing

t heir priestly r e cords as proof of the do?endability of

JeHish h is tory . In his p roof he says:

lIbido 228 - 229.

2Ant • VIII, 230-235; I K 12:32ff .

3~Dt. VIII, 265.

Our ancestors ••• took prec autions to ensure that the priests I lineaGe srlOuld be kept lm­

adultera ted and puro. A member of the priestly order mu s t, to beso t a f af.1ily, marry a 1'l0mD..!.'1

01.' h is orm p c.c o , Hi thout rec;ard to her Health or other distinctions; but he ··must investiGate her pedic ree, obtaining t h e g enealo GY fr om the archi vcs and p rodu cins a nwubor of vIi t n esses ••• But the most c onvincin e; ijroof of our aCC1E'­acy in this matter is t :lat our records contain the name s of our !."l. i Gh priests, Hi th the suc­ce ssion froT f a ther to son for the last two thou­sand years.

lApion, I, 30-36.





'" \. C \ , .)/

rOtOv,oS l~ '1/,1/ ;..(o({ £ 7TrE7T£J--'

) t /' c/ J/ J ./ 0(/ U;JJ£ v S) 0 v-16 S j a. k" ~ kO~ ~)'Uy( VTQ~ ~ / J \ ' '"' c ;, ...... / j(f4Jt?t{J-Pf va,! ~7T() Tt»y ci«o(jJTu' WV

I I 7 ' 7 / \ <.~ J / .., J ;'1 ,-

!{r! t 1/ '1 (j Tf ;:J (j.r rcu J-' a U,O ex' e cu v 'Jf k(3t(EtPS. - I I J '

(To suit us, the ideal high priest would have to_ be holy, innocent, and u.."lcontalninated, beyond the influence of si~~ers ~Dd raised up above the heavens.) Reb 7:26


C / A study of the Greek lrTord for IIpuri ty" ex V V'£ L 0<­

ZJ C./' c- /t

and its corresponding verbs c( V Yc! i: £1 V and 05VL/f ~E l [..J r u -


in the .wri tings of JOsephusl sho.-, us the role that "purifica-

tion" and IIpuri: tyll play in his, thought, ~;hich is merely a

reflection of the thought of ~~odus and Leviticus.

Purity is necessary to dra'tV near to God. God cannot

abide in a place unless it is pure. Purity is therefore a

necessary disposition for sacrifice. The place must be

purified, be "holy1l and the persons taking part, especially

the priests and high priest ~ust be pure.

In this ci.lapter, 'He .fill study this idea reflected

first of all in Jose}hus l treatment of the construction and

purification of the tabernacle of l-ioses and of the temple in '

lword studies based on Thackeray and i1arcus, A Greek Lexicon to JosenClus, (Paris, 1930) ?arti, p. 4ff. are at the end of t n is ' cha :)'G er~ Also , included are studies of the words g ,d.. &- c( /lc\ - and (-tl/ ( Q 5' ' •


15 Jerusalem . Secondly He Hill consider Jo seiJhus I treatment

or the pu rifi c ation and c onsecration of l evites , priests and

high priests , e8~ccially Aaron and his sons . Sinc e the treat-

mentof the vestlnents of the -tl igh priest brinGS out the same

idea, He ,·rill c onnider this briefly fu"1d l J.stly ShOH hOll

Josephus treat s of the l al·rs of purity for high priests and

the holiness of life he expe c ts fr om them.

1) Construction and Purifica'c ion of the Tabernacle B...'"1.d


Josephus i n h is introduction of the Har says that he

Hill s peak of':

t he p l a.Yl o f the te::npl e and sanctua:ej-, the measuI'e::n.ents of' those building s and of' the altar being all precisely s t ated ; c ertain f' e stivallcustoms , the seven de ­grees of purity, the ~inisterial f'unc­tions of the :?riests, tneir v estments and t~ose ~f' -l-.the __ high t)r~es~, H~th a de s c rip­tlon 01 ~ ne rto l y of nOlles.

In the f i fth book of' the l'lar, he des c ribes t he zones

of pur i ty as f'011 0,-1s :

Persons aff'licted wit~ gonorrhoea or l eprosy were exc l uded f'rom the ci ty altogether; ~ ne t e~:1p l e H:J.S clo sed to Homen QUI"in3 their ::'-:1ens tru­a tion and even Hhen f'r ee f'rom ir:lpuri t ~ - , they Here not per mitted t0

3pass the boundary Hhicll He have

mentioned above . hen not thoroug(11 y c10 an. iTere debarred fr o:C,l ad.:c.lission t o the in .... "1or c our t, from Hhich even priests -.;ere e::cluded -..rhen unde:cGoin:; lJurifica t iol1 .

1\ C \ C ./ T;( ' ~ ElCTX ;xJv£u:(s

2T,lar 1. 26 .

3Har V, 199 .

All t hose VIho Hore of prie st l y l i n oage but were prevented from officiating b y so~e physic a l d efect, Here admitted VIi thin t h e po..ro.))et , along H~th t ho se free from any imperfect ion ••• none but t he officiating priest Wo.S clo.d in the ho l y v estrr.ents. The pl~io >Jt s Hho Here Ni t hout bler:lish lTent up "co the 0.1 tm~ and the sanctu:lry clothed in fine l inen, scrupulously ab staining from strong drin~\: •••

The higi.1 pr i est ••• penetra ted to the innermos t sanctuar y ; this he entered alone once in the year, on t he' day on ,>/0-1£11 it Has the U-D.i v ersal c us tom to keep f ast t o God.

l'ie c an see f OITa this that Jo sephu s ShOHS t he terap l e

is c on struc ted according to zones o f pu r ity . As regards the

tabernacl e in t ho desert , Jos ephus clo ~cly folloiIS t he de -

tail s given in ~codus 27 and 36. Here again t he im~lied

idea i s one of z ones o f i n c reas ing ho lines s . The in ... 'lermos t

!p art of t he tabernacle was i naccessibl e to the p riests . 2

This vms "like heaven devo t ed to God, Hhile in the tHenty

c ubits' s p a c e even as earth a nd s ea are a cc ess i b l e t o men,

wa s lOn l l' -e >"" "'nne " ~" ~l° r.o"'ed +- 0 +-he "~lo "",' tn " l o"'e u3 ..... _ J:\.. J..I.I.GU. _ - .i c .u 0 6J. .!. "' V IJ ..:..JJ........ ...... u t.,..i,. .L.!. - •

The holiness or purity of the t o.benacle o f l'iose s un d



of s u cc e s s ive t em9 1 es a t J erusalEm ,,,as brought abolct b y the

proper pur i fic D-t o r y rites o..nd sacrifice s. The v e rb >~l/V<j;[ I1/ '1

is used in the Hl' i tings of Jo sephus f o r J a cob purify ing h is

t ents before perfo~rning s a crifices,4 f or t he Hebrews

purifyinG their houses ' .. ,i th the blood of the pas s over l o..mb,

"using h Lillches of hyssop to spri~cle it ,15 for sanc t ifying

I Har V, 227- 230,236, c f . Apion II, 1 03-105 .

2Ant • I II , I23 . 3Ibid•

4.<illt. I, 3Ll-1. 5}\11_~. II, 312.

the tabernacle and the priests at Sinai,l for purifying tl1.B

tribe of Levi to serve the tabernacle,2 for sanctifying the

temple at the time of !.ianasseh, 3 for the nece3sary purifi­

cation before entering the temple,4 for the purification of

the temple by Judas Hacchabaeus, 5 and for the purification

of the high high priestly vestments before days.6

Josephus faithfully records the biblical accottnt of

the purification of the original tabernacle by Hoses,7 and

8 of the temple of Solomon.

Tney lifted up the ark and the tabernacle which I·loses had set up, and all the vessels for the service of the sacrifices to God, and carried them into the temple. And b efore it went the king himself and all tho people fu'1.d the Levi tes, Hi th sacrifices, drenching the groD.l1.d Hi th liba­tions and the blood of numerous victins and burning so vast a quantity of incense that all the air around 'Has filled with it a.TJ.d carried its sweetness to those Hho VIere at a great dis­tancej this was a sign of God's being present and dvlelling, according to hUlnan beli ef, i n t1:J.e place 'Hei ch had been neHlybuil t and ,cons ecrated to Him.'}

Josephus had des cribed the manifestation of God's

presence after the consecration of the tabernacle in these


lAnt. III, 197",. cf. Ant. III, 1 99 -to sanctify the oil.

2Ant •

4Ant •


Ibid. 258

XII, lL~5.

XVIII, 94.

3Ant •

5Ant •

X, 42.

XII, 318

7Ant • III, 1~7ff. cf. Exodus 29-30 esp.30:22-27.

8Ant • VII+,lOl,cf.

9Ibi d• 101-102 .

1 Kgs. 8:4-9


Then did God manifest that He was Hell pleased wi th the work of the Hebrews and f a r from rendering their labor vain bJ disdaining to make u se of it . He came a J t ~eir guest and took up His abode in this sanctuary . And it was in this wise that He made his entry . \<.]hile t ele heaven Has serene , over the taber­nac l e alone darkness desc ende d, envel oping it in a cloud not so profolmd and dense as mi ght be attr ibuted to winter storm, nor yet so tenouous that the eye could percei ve a thing through it; but a delicious deH Has distilled there froL~ revealing God ' s presence to1 those who both desired it and believed in it.

The need for t he pri ests , esp . the high priest , and

for those Hho serve the alt~r, 1. e . the Levi tes to b e pur-

ified i s refl ec ted in Josephus' treatment of their i n-

auguration and consecration to t heir office.

2) Inauguration of Aaron, His Sons and Levites.

Josephus stays very close to the accoilllts of Exo dus

and Leviticus i n his accoilllt . First, he has Lo ses purify

the t abernacle and the priests by anointing Hith precious

ointment. 2 Next , I·loses sacrifices lIa bull, a ram and a

ki d as a tonemen t for sins . 113

Then iii t n the blood of t he victims , he sprinkl ed Aaron 's vestments and Aaron him­self, together Hith h i s sons; purging them with Hater fr om the spring and Hith SHeet oil in order t o devote them to God. So for seven days .·.he continued this proc e ss, purifyi ng both them and t ~ eir vestment s , as

1. t l-L'1. • III, 202- 203 cf. Eo'\: L~O : 34- 35.

2An' :....2. I II , 197 -198 cf. ~~ 30: 22-32.

3Ant • I II , 20u . In Ex 29 :1 and Lv 8 :2 He read of a bull and t110 r ams a~d no goat.


also the tabernacle and its vessels, both Hi th oiL •• and vIi th the blood of bulls and goats, of which t£ey slaughtered every day one of each sort. .

This idea of the purity needed to draH near to God is

brought out by Josephus' vlOrking the account from Numbers of

the special consecration of the Levites into this section.

NOH Hoses, having segregated the tribe of Levi from the general cOllJ .. 1'lluni ty, to make of it a holy tribe, purified it with the waters of perermial spring s and with . the sacrifice s Hhich on such occasions they of:rer to God as by l a"T ordained: and to them he conll~itted the taber­nacle fu~d the sacred vess els and everything that had been made for the covering of the tabernacle, to the end that they sould act as ministers under the direction of the priests. 2For they had already been consecrated to God.

Jo sephus brings out the purification ~Dd c onsecration

n ecessary to enter the sanctuary in the stories of Uzziah,

Pompey and Herod .

Uzziah is conderimed in the Hri tings of Josephus in

words that clo sely parallel 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 and makes

it even more vivid:

He Uzziah Has corrupted in mind through pride and, being filled Hith vanity on ac­count of his mortal prosperity, he becfu~e contern.p tuous of the pm'Ter that is i rrmlOrta1 and endures for all time , that is, piety tOlvard God and observance of t h e 1aHs. And so,

lAnt. 111,205-206. cf. Ex 29 and Lv 8 . In 2x . 29:20 we read of putting blood on the l obe of Aaron's ri ght ear, on the lobes of his son 's right e cn~s , t il.e · thumbs of their right hands, and df the right feet of their big toes.

2Ant • III, 258 cf. Nb 3 & 8: 7-11.


because of his successes, he slipped and became involved in the same sins as those of his fa'cher ••• Thus, on the occasion of a notable day Hhich was a public festival, he put on the priestly garment and entered the sacred pre­cinct rO offer sacrifice to God on the goldon altar . And \-.Then the priest Azarias, Hith whom there were ei8hty priests, tried to prevent him-­fo r they said it 'Has not lm-rful for anyone to offer sacrifice, but to do so 'Has allowed only to those of the line of Aaron--and they all cl-ar'l­oured for him to 80 out and not transgress against god. 2He bec a,-ne angry and threatened t hem Hi th death if they did not hold their peace. But Hhile he spoke, a great tremor shook the earth, and, as the temple Has riven, a brilliant shaft of sun­light glefu'11ed through it and fell upon t he king IS

face so that leprosy at once smote him ••• ltJhen the priests saH the king1s face smitten 'Hith leprosy, they explained to him the cause of his misfortune and told him to go out of the city as an unclean person. And so in his shame at the terrible thing that ·had happened to him and because he no l onger had the right to speak out, he did as he was told; so miserable and pitiable a penalty did he pay for thinking to reach a station higher than man t s and for t he irl1~ieties to'\vard God Hhich 'Here caused thereby.

Of Pompey and t~l e 0 thers VIho Here 'Hi th h im seeing 'Hha t

it is proper for only the priest to see,4 Josephus 'Hrites :

Of all the cala~ities of that time , none so deeply affected the n a tion as - the exposure to alien eyes of t he Holy Plac e hitherto screened form vieH. Pompey, indeed, entered along Hi th his staff to the s'anctuary, entry


12 Ch. 26 :16: ·.;I'He entered 'G ,le great hall of the Ter:lple of Yah'Heh to burn incense on the alta r of incense.!!

22 Ch. 19: II Uzz iah, censer in hand for the burning of incense , fl cv: into a rage . II

3Ant •

4Ant •

IX, 22- 226.

XIV, 73.

t o which was permitted to none but the high priest •••• However l he t ou6hed none of the s acred t reasures.

King Herod is prai sed in the War J

Herod's next task was t o gain the mastery over his foreign a l lies ; for this crowd of aliens rushed to see the Temple and the holy contents of the sanctuary. The king expostulated, threatened, sometimes even had recourse to weapons to deep t hem ba ck , deeming victory more grievous t han defeat , if these people shoul d

2se t

eyes on any objects not op en to public vieH.

Herod, whn he reconstructed t he templ e of J eru salem

at his OHn expense , kept the divisions of t he t enple into

areas of holiness.

Jos ephus describes • .L.. It,, in detail. 3 To t ake one section:

Such t hen Has the first court. Wi thin it ana not f a r dis t ant was a second one ••• accessible by a f ew stens and surrounde~ b~ a stone baluRtrade \"i th an i ns cription prohibi t ine; the entrance of a for eigner under·the threat of t he penal ty of death ••. and on the side Hhere t he sun r is es it had one great gateHay, through whi ch those of u s who were ri tually clean used to pass wi th our Hives . Hithin this cour t was t he. sacre d (c ourt ) which woreen were torb idden to enter and still farthe r within was a ~hird court i nto which only priests i·rere permitted to go. In t his Has the templ e , and before it Has an altar , on which He us ed to sacrifice ~"ho l e burnt-offeri ngs to God . Into none of these COl1rts did Ki ng Herod enter sin c e he Has not a priesit and Has therefore prevented from so do i ng • .

I vlar I,

2\'lar I,


354- 5.

3.~Dt. xv, 3~0-425 .

4Ibid• 417-420.



One other incident brings out the idea of Josephus

concerning the purity · necessary for the presence of God.

"men Onias "Irote to Ptoler,1Y and Cleopatra for permission

to build a te:nple to God in a castle in a place called Diana, . King Ptolem.y a.'l1.d queen Cleopatra reply that ,rhile granting

his p er~~ssion because he quoted the J rophecy of Isaiah,

they "rondered that it t-!Ould be pleasing to God to have a

temple in a place so ~'l1.cle~~ and so unholy.l

3) Descrip tion of the High Priestly Vestments.

Josepnus tells us that "these robes liTere not Horn by

the high priest in general, Hhen he assumed p lainer attire,

but only i';h~n he penetrated to the innermost sanctuar~. 1,2

In Apion, Josephus describes t h e divisions of t he ter.1ple

according to deg rees of purity thus: •

All uho ever S8.H our temple are ai'Tare of the 'general desig~ of the building, and the inviol­able barriers Hhich preserved its sancti t:r. It . had four surrounding courts, each Hith its s pecial statutory re striction. The outer court Has open to all~ foreigner::: included : Hor:len dur ing t neir impuri ty i,Tere alone refused admission. To the second court all Je"rs Here admitted and Hl1en un­contaminated b:, any defilement, their i'rives; to the third male J eHs , if clean and purified; to tne fourth the priests :eobed in .... t heir priestly vestments. The sanctuary uas ente~ed only b:'T the high pries!3s, clad in the raiment peculiar to the::nselves.

Being "invested '\-lith the priestly robes" vlaS a special

l.Ant. XIII~70 •

. 2War V, 236. '

3Apion Il~ 103-104.


sign of dedi ca tion. As 1018 ... ill see, t his is the l~eason given

by Hoses i n · Josephus I Antiquities vrhy Aaron must put the

homage to God above any sorroVling over t he loss of his sons. l

The des cription of the high pri estly vestments given

by Josephus is fundamentally in agreement Hi th that of &~odus

28 but he is more detailed espe cially as regards the head-

gear or special c ap of the high priest . He g ives a l eng thy

description of t his i n the An~iquities.2 He sums it up more

bri efly in the War :

His head was covered by a tiara of fine linen, wreathed with blue, enc ircling whi ch was another CrOH-l1. of gold, Hhereon ,Jere em- 3 bo ssed t he sacred l etters , to Hit , four vowel s.

vlhen J ose1Jhus describes the making of vestments for the

temple of Solomon, he tells us ill at although thousands of

othe r v e stments Here made, lithe crovm on Hhi ch Hoses had

ins cribed Godls Name Has unique 2nd has remined to t his day.1I4

A little of the t one of Sirach 45 c an be f elt as He

r ead t he description of the vestments of the h i gh pri est and

their explanat i on in both the Antiquit i es 5 and the War. 6 He

1 Ant . III, 211. cf. Lv 10: 7: lithe chrislil of YahHeh is on you.n-- _

2_~t. III, 172-178. cf. Ex 28:36f. & 39:30f. 3 ,C', /'

l,{ar V, 235 . T--x. Ie ""<1' ) / /)£t( k -{ T,~ q •

/ / I 1 / / o l{.! j/ i ' / E V T.{ T [ c-c= c: /1,;( • ( ,I

4Ant • VIII, ~3. cf . articles on Aar on l s head dress by J. E. HogS & F.G. Burkitt in Journal of Theo los ica l Studies 26 (1925 ) pp . 72, 1 80.

5Ar1t • III , 151ff.; 18LLff ~ ; 215-216. - '

6 'vlar V, 229ff .

explains t he symbolism of the high priestly vestments as

i'0110"18 :

Tae high priest 1s tunic ••• signifies the earth, being of linen, and its blue the arch of heaven, while it rec alls the lightnings by its pomegranates , the thunder by the so und of its bells. His upper garment too denotes univer­sal nature, Hhich it pleased God to make of four elements; being further interwoven with gold in . token, I i magine, of the all pervading sunlight. The essen again, he set in the midst of this gar ­ment, after the manner of the earth, "Ihich occu­pies the mim710st place ; s.nd by the girdle Hhere -1-vi th he encompassed it he signified the ocean, "Ihieh holds the i-lhole in its enbrace . Sun and moon are indic s. ted by the tvlO sardonyxes HhereHi th he pinned the l :i ~h priest ls robe •••• Furthermore, the head dres s appeQrs to me to s~~bolize heaven, being blue; else it Hould not have borna upon it the name of God, blazoned upon the crovm, a crm·m more­over, of go ld by rea~on of that sheen in Hhieh t he Deity mostdelights.~

Just as at the inauguration of Aaron, Hoses sprinkled

both "Aaron I s vestments and Aaron hi!'Gself ••• in order to de­

vote them to God, 112 for seven days, so too Josephus uit-

nesses t o th€ fact that in later days too , t he high priest 1s

vestments Here purified fo r seven days ~efor e the great

feasts. 3

4) LaHs of Purity for Hif,h Pri ests.

Josephus fai thf.:ully reflects the teachL·.g of Levi tieus

21 and Ezekiel 44 concerning the purity exp ected of priests


2Ant •

3Ant •

III , 1 8L~-18 6 .

III, 205-206 cf. Ex 29 ; Lv 8.

XVIII, 94-95.

",',.' .....


and high pries ts .

As regards mar'riage, Jose ~)hus does interpret t he "one

profaned by prostitution!l to include "slave, or prisoner of

\-1ar, aye or such Homon as gain their livelihood by haHking

or i!L1(eeping. ,,1 Here is the complete quote fro m the

Antiqui t i es :

From the priests he exacted a double degree of purity . ?or not only did he debar then~ in corrrr.lon Hi th all others from the afores2.id 1Jrac tices ( adultery, incest , bestiality, sodomy, etc:) but he fu:"ther forbade them to Hed a harlot, he for­bids them t o Hed a slave or a prisoner of Har, aye or such Homen as gain their livelihoo d by haHking or inkeeping or who have for Hhatsoever reasons been separated from their former husbands . As for the high priest , he vlOuld not suffer him to t ake even a H0!i12J1 Hhos.e husband vms de ad , though he c onceded this to other priests : none but a 2virgin may be He d and Hi thaI one of ilis own tribe.

Jos ephus continues his swnmary of the laHs of purity

for the priests and high priests:

From like motives the hi gh prie s t never approaches a corpse, Hhereas the othe r priests are not forbi dden to approac h a brother , a parent or a chi ld of t ileir OHn uhen deceased •

. They must be exempt frora all phys ica l blemish. A priest vrtlO is not uholl j free of such defe ct he is aut ~l.Ori'zed to partake Hit .l .t he other priest s of the prerequisites, but to a 8c end t o the altar or to enter t he sacred building is f orbidden him. Nor is it only .during the sacred r,rinistrations that puri ty is essential : they ::-lUs t see to it' also that t heir private life be beyond r e)r oach.

That i s Hhy Hearers of t he ~)riestly robes are s potless , in~acul at ely pure, and sober, for Hine is f orbidden t hem so l ong as t hey Hear the robe.

l Ant. II I , 276 . cf. Ezk 4L~:22 .

2Ibi d• 270- 277 . cf. Lv 21 :1u : !l Only a virgin from his 0\'i11 family r,lay talee t o wife .!l


Furthe~~:nore , the v ery victims 'llhic l1 t he y sacrificel are entirely perfec t and free from a ll mutil o.t i on.

Jo se 2"J [1US brings for~'lard ezam.? l es t o shm·; that these

Im'Is o f ?u r i ty did have an influenc e in Israel. For in-

stan c e , he rec ords the l ace r a tion of t he ears of Hyrcanus,

s on of Al exande r J a:nnaeus , b y the irn.~J ious Anti sonu3 .

Hyrc2:;.nus Has a prisoner of .,mtigohus ,

Hyr c anus thre"'l hi:nself at the f ee t of Anti [!;onus , i-Jho .. ·;i to. o.is 0 .. "-'1 te e til l a cerated !1l S

ear s , ~n orde r to disqualify him fo ;'°ever, unc,e r a ny c nange of circuI:1st ~1. ~'l c es ::Cl~om re s 'cuning th e high .?::.~ i esthood ; s i n c e freedo ::-. l frorn. .?husic2.1 defe c t ;s e ssential t o tne holder of t hat office.-


iL"1 intepest i ng C3.0e of' j,,"'itual p urity is the reasoning

e;ive n f o r t he one ciay ten u;r>e of hie;n ~)ri es thoo d by Jo seph : . -

It hap-o ened du:c>in[:; t h is l·;atthi as ! t erm as hi gll :~ rie 8 t t hat anotl1er hic;ll. 'Jri e s t ~··J:: .. S

. " . , ~ . * 1.., - , '-"'" •

ap _: Olnt;ea lor a sL'l.,3;le ao.-;/ •• • for L;he l ollm-nng reason. :.Inile serv i:-:s as ~) ri es t C:l.l:i.-'"J iI1g t ~'"l e ni b~t pre c ecii2S the day on wni c h t he f~3t occur:c>eci, Hatthia s seer.1ed in a ci.loea.::.l to nave in t er c ol;.rse Hi t ~l a ,·;o r:lD.n a:lci sinc e he \·;as uno.ble to ::;erv e as y :c> i e st a e c o.u se o f ~~h8.t e::peri eDc e , a r elative ~f h~s , !ose~~~, son of ~lle~nus , served an ) ~~iest

. lYl his _J .L a ce.

Jo se~~ hus reflects' t o_at c O:lsci ou sness x.lOne; t :18 J OHS

t ha t t he h i Gh prie s t ~rns t b e s ) e ci a lly holy by telli~G us

t na t the l':ob de!:1anded of _':"rc ~el aus that -;:; ne lliGh }:::'iest

/ l Ant II I , 2 77- 279 .

2-. I 2 70 ~ , . XIV 3/ / "Jar , • C I • .:~nL; . , 00 .

3Ant • XVII, 163-107 .


appointed by Herod be de~osed and that a man of greate r

pi ety and purer moral be insta l led. They asked him to

IIchoose'another man Hho Houl d serve as high priest more in

accordance with the law and ritual purity. l

When King .. \.grippa disposed Simon Cantheras from the

h i gh priesthood ffild proposed to restore J ona than to office,

Jonathan refused wi th these "lOrds :

"I r ejQlice , 0 king, to be honoured by you and heartily appreciate this high prize offered by your will, al though God has adjudged r.le in no way Horthyof t he ,li gil priesthood . But I run content to have Jut on t he holy ve~tments once , for then I arrayed nyself in them Hith more r ogar d for

sancti ty than vroulct be s hol-m if I Here to take t hem back . But if you desire t hat arlOthcr Horth­i er than I shoUld re ceive the honour , be instruct­ed by me . I h~ve a brother pu~e of all sin against God and again2t you, 0 king. Hir:1 I reco:::r,lOnd for t his honour . 1I

In the very story of Aaron and his sons vie have a

s triking bibli cal exali1:?l e that Josephus incorporates of

t he 'i-igh ) ries t not draHing near a co:ep s e , even of t lle

clo sest re l ative . · A f lashing fire killed lJabad and Abihu"

t he t HO e l dest sons of Aaron as they attemp t ed t o br i ng

i nc ense t o the altar . I n thi s s orrow" Moses f orbade Aaron

to have any thought of gri ef for t[~ em, putti ng homage t o

Go d above sorrowing o ~er t he i r 10ss .3

Josepllus reflects ho\-[ stri ctly t he marri age l aHs Here

enforced . Hanasseh i s forced to give up the pri esthood and

t he honor of being high pri est at J erusal em becaus e of hi s

l Ant • XIX, 314- 314 . 2 . Ibid. 207- 208 • . c f . iJar II , 7.

3.A.n:t.. I II , 208 - 211. c f . Lv 10 :1ff.


marriage to a for eign 1-TO,":1an, the daughter of Sanballa t. 1

Other high prie s ts were asked to give up thei r hi gh pri eat -

hood on the very suspicion t hat they were sons of c ap tive 2 women .

Other hiGh priests come in for more special censure

i n Jos ephus for their unho l y actions. Jose~hus reflectsl

Samue l 2 in his a ccount of the punis0 . .ment that came upon t he

house of Eli because of his sons , Hho Here Hi cked. 3

John, tne son of Eliashib, also comes in for special

censure by Josephus. John profaned t " e t empl e by killing

his brother J esus in anger .

NOH it Has a horrible thing for John when he Has high priest to perpetrate so great a cri~e . In punishment , God allov.red Bagoses to punish the J evlS f or seven years ~.Ji th the taunt : !I . ilave .;loU t he i mpuftence to perpetrate a murder in your t emple."-r

Alcimus i t portrayed as a "li cked high pri est -..vilo was


smi tten suddenl y by God and fell do'\V'il and undergoing to ri.nents

for many days, died. 5 - Alc imus I predecessor, l·lenelaus , Has

also condenmed as a wi cked and i mpious man, uho in order to

get the goverlliucnt for himself had c ompelled his nation to

break its l av.rs . 6

l Ant. XI, 310-311. cf. He 13: 28 .

2A..Ylt . XIII , 292; 372-376. 3 A..Yl t. v, 350. 4 .~Ylt. XI, 297-300.

5Ant •

6Ant •

• XII , 413. cf. 1 N 9: 54- 56

I,ll; XII, Il-llS.

Later lL~anias i s sai d to have been gui lty or the same

evi l prac ti c es as his s l aves . l

On the other hand, certain high priests are singl ed

ou t for special praise . ~leazar i s praised i n the opening


l ines of the ~tiquities as one who yi el ded to none in vi r t ue,

e s pecially i n magnanimity. 2 Ananus , a hi gh priest at the

t hne of the i:Jar, i s said to be a :

man on every ground revered, or h i ghest i ntegrity •••• i·li t h a l l the dist i n c t i on or his ra..Ylk and t he honours to whi ch he had attained, yet de3ight­ed t o t re a t the very humblest as his equals • .

Josephus t reats J ohn Hyrc anus Hith a spe cial aHe .

J olm, s on or Simon l·iac chabeus , "JaS high priest from 135-105.

He i s praised by Josephus i n both the Har and i n the J eHish

Antiaui t i es be cause [18 Has in close touch ili t h God . Hyrcanus

Ha s s a i d to have c Olm.mmed Hi t ll God 1·jhen he Has alone i n t he

t em) l e offer i ng i n c ense . To quote the passage i n t he War:

He was t he only man to uni te i n his per­s on t hree or the highes t privileges : t he su­pr eme cO r:'~;land of the nation, the hiGh 'wi e st­hood, and t h o Girt of :Jr'o uhec y . ?or so c losel y was Cle i n t01.1,Cl1 1ili ttl the Dei tg:, that he Has n ever i gnormlt of the f u t ure . '

l Ant. XX, 206- 207.

2An-'-L-. I, ll ; XI I , 11-118.

3Har I V, 319.

JlY1Qrifl T~ (d/ V /'


c / «-}/ YE L c{

\-lar Z;- I~ 26: seven degrees of puri t y in the tem.ple.

II, 129 :



IV, 218:

V, 194:

VII, 204:

Ant. III, 78:

Ant. III, 152:

224 :


VIII, 96 :

. XVIII, 19:

Life 11:

Apion I, 199 :

282 :

bathing in cold water considered as a purification .

purer kind of "Hater .

various forms of puri f ica tion.

A purific a tion servic e .

La"H of purificat i on- -no foreigner allowed.

l aHs of puritl'

prac ticing purity in general l.{hi l e l.-J"ai ting for Mose s to descend from Sinai.

purific ation prescri bed by Law for priests.

purifica.tions and t be ritual of sacrifice.

provisions conc erning sacrifices and purific a t i ons .

people di stinguished by Durity al l oHed to enter templ e court .

:2:ssence perform -,)ur i f ic a.t ionJ3. differently •

for purification 's sru\:e.

c erta in purifica tion rites.

ri tes of purificat i on before entering holy ci ty.


II, 198 : in view of the sacrifices , the Law has pr e ­scribed ~urific ati ons for var i ous occasions.

203: purifications of LaH. c .


.?f t

Ant. VI, 235: after purifying himself.

XI, 109: in a state of purity for the fe s tival.

XIV, 285 : purifying themse lves.

425: all persons who celebrate the paschal sacrifice are all ~ and holy. / ,


Ant. III, 197 : l l'loses ) sanctified both the tabernacle and t he priests , proc eeding on this wis e to t heir purific B:.tion o



198 : He V'Ioses} anointed both the priests them­selves and all the tabernacle, thus purifyine; all.

279: Purity is es sential in life of priest.

IV, 78: I'Hlen the people had mourned for her ( l"Iiriam) thirty days , t ~ey were purified by Moses




298 :

VI, 120:

IX, 74:


on this '-'Tise .

a place of spotless Durity .

thenceforth they Here clean.

hands pure of murder.

army ••• mus t be immaculate.

ea ting before Has rung ai-ray the blood and making the flesh clean.

cure of lc~rosy. ~ -

purify yourselves and your city , exhortation of Hezekiah. Purify the temule \lith sacri­fic es .

X, 70: Josiah purifi ed the Hhol e country .

XI, 153: Ezra curified t he practi c e concerning marriae.;e •

XII, 286:


. ; - -

Judas l'Iaccabaeus curifi es the l and of i mpuri ties.

People urGed to go up to Jerusalem and purify the t em)le and offer sacrifices .

XIX, 315 : Brother of J:mathan s :.lid to be ~ of sin aefore God and King .

I, 282 : Lose puri ty if lepe r is conta ct ed.


War I, 229: period of purification.

v, 227: t hose not totally pure.

Ant. III, 78, 152: purificn.tions Hnichthe LaH pres c ribes .

ADion I, 199 : performing c ertain rites of purifi c ation. *

c /,

.-X-j/ V ( Ant. I, purify his tents.

II, 312:

III, 197:



x, L~2 :

XII, llj.3:

318 :

XVIII, 9L~ :

uurifi ed the houses with blood.

he sanctified both the tabepnacle fu"ld the priests.

sanctify oil.

purified the tribe of Levie

he sill1ctified the templ e ru1d purified the c ity.

3-4-have purified themselves.

7-6-pv.rify the temple and offer sacrifices.

after they had been n~u~ifie d .

f) / /; /b. - ./ / J(.20!X·/J(' S - /(q' r'~, /l <~_f::::_~ &:«C/,~~; / 1£ { V

Har '/ 1, 153: Pompey, the v ery day after tne c apture of the

II, 129:

temple gave orde rs to the custodi~Ds to cleanse it and to resume t~"e customary sacri­fices.

(The Essenes'\ After this purification ••• , I .

~ nOH thenselves they repair to t h e refectory as to a temple •

. ; V, 227: vlm'len, even Hhen free from i w)uri ty Here no t

permi tted t o pass the bO~U1ciary ••• Ii1entioned above.




/ , (-Abraham J upliftin::; ~ hands tOHn.rds this Sl)o t Hhi.c h you have nOll polluted •••

Houevor ~ t h ey ( bOdies l;Jasteci by disease) may be from stain or pollution.

110: Go d ninse lf, \·r~-:o Hith t he rtorwns is brincing

c/ o(J/1- os



the fire to purge His temple.

\'Jar VI, 425: all persons ,·.,11.0 · celebra te the paschal sacri-fice are all pure and holy .

Ant. VIII, 100 : festival of Tabernacles is considered holy.

\\far II, 321: bearing in procession holy vessels.

III, 307: Nt . Garizim Has holy: to the Saraari ta..n.s.

374: souls are allotted the most holy: pl aces in heaven.

v, 7: the sacre d f a cade.

Ant. XIII, 128 : the sacred temple. -- -Har V, 207: the holy temple.

~. VIII, 71: the holy templ e .

,Ant . XVI, 115: most holy temple.

War II, 129 : as to some sacred shrine.

Ant. XIV, 227 : sacred gatnerings .

\ (:/ Toc{[ / ( c-V

/J Ant. I I I , 125 :

Har V, 385 :

Ant. XII, 413:

Uar I, 26 :

152 :

IV, 150:


the Hhole temple v,TaS called the Holy Pl ace ; its i naccessibl e shrine within the four pillar~ the JlHoly of Holi e s!!

The Philistines Hith all manner of ex­piati ons propiti ated t lle sanctuary • •

Alcif,lUS pl ans to pull dovm the Hall of t he sanctuary .

the Holy Pb.ce of the sanctuary .

The holy Place, ex~)oDed to eyes of ~:J o~!Jey

and cO':lpany .

enter the sanctua ry Hith polluted feet.

na!ce the Holy p l ace t he headqu2.rters of tyrarmy .


. V, 19L~ :

394 :

Har v, 219 :

IV, 388 :

\ c/

purge the sanctuary of its bloodstainod polluters •

l aw of purific ation- -no foreigner was per ­mi tted t o enter the Holy Pl ace • .


the sanctuary l ay desolate for three years and six rwnl,hs a t time of Antiochus Epiphanese

unapproachable, i nvio l ate , invisible to all, it was ca lled t he Holy of Holy .

There "vIas an anc i ent saying of inspired men tha t the city Hould be taken and t he sanctuary burnt to the grou-l1d by ri gnt of Has , Hi1en­so ever it should be visito d by sedition lli~d

native hands should be the first to defile God 1s sacred pre cinc ts ~

TO<: ~~( oL

\'Jar I, 35L~ : sanctuaI'y1s holy contents .

Ant. XIV, L~82 : santuary's holy contents .

Har IV, 163 : the ho 1 y tir:1e s . ---"-

Ivar I I , 3L~1: the sanctuary or the ho l y pl aces ; cf. al so 400, 401, 539 ; ~V, 162, 171, 173, 182f., 191, 201, 242, 323; V, 363, 397. 406 ~ L~2 ; VI, 104, 120, 122, 124-128, 165, 267, 3L~6 .




;" " ) P /)",, ) 1 /' %0(,$ )!x /' o< fJ ,~' E(;,/?G" S ['] ~VC.-1j7U.f7CuJY

, ;:: ~ / / jf/ ~, \ J' ' / / / Ar;,u /j2< VPtJf reS c1CffJ cI. {/6t~ 77{uY /(g/ldTdJo((

" I \ ~ f-l --- c-J- / cI; I'" r(' / TR( 1/Jc,r TC V ~ft'- Y I [/t;( 7(1lCC-- ' ''prJ: IJ<{ ~

I ~ / /~ J \ / 7 /' (. ... C . '., k:;(L , C {)c/X/)Jl.JIE!L.-_~_ItQ(/2 T { w j-/

,l' ~;T---;

(Every high ;J riest has b een taken ou t of marl-:­kind and is ap,?ointed to a ct fOl' :nen in. t;C'lsir re­lations with G~d, to offer gifts and sacrific e s for sins.) Heb5 :1


Jo se phus c ounts sacrifice as r~ost im~) ortant for the

vIelfare of the JeNish p e ople . One of the mo st eloquent

proofs is his l ament over t~e city of Jerusal e~ in the


For £1.1 t ;'lOugh t hese fl~enzied ,nen t he three f a ctions of J ews fi s hting ~ithin Jerusale~ had stopped short of no L '.p i e ty, t hey ne 'v-8rthel ess ad­mi t ted those ".-T[J.O -"lished t o offer sacrifices, n ative Jews sus pic iously a~d wit~ preca ution, stra.Ylgers after a thorou8:1 searc h ; yet these ••• ofte::1 became c asual vict iT::s Ol~ t h e sedition. Fo r the mis s ile s fr om t~e eng ines fle-.., ove r -.'Ii t h such forc e t in t t h e:r rea c:'l e Q t~:. e 2.1 t ar 2-'1d t ~~ e s ::mc tuary, li .<;hti::13; u~)on :'~:riests an,d s ac rifi c el~s ••• r.lany ••• fell there the:r;".se l ves before t :_ei r sacrifice s a::'lQ s~~, rinlc .. le d Hit':;. liba tions of their Oim oloo d t . _2. t altar tLYliversally v ens :::'ate d by Greeks :l.c"1d b a ro 2.rian,s •••.

I,rnat r:1isery to eq,'-l.al that, fI".os t 1,H' etc lw d c ity, h as t suffered c..~ the ll 2.n d s of t .. e rto:::1a ns , -.-lilo en­tered to purg e with fire the i ntern al ) olluti ~ns?

lather t exts of Heb that reflect t h o idea of sacri­fice a~d the hi gh p riest ar e : 2:17; 5:2,3; 7:27; 8 :3-5; 9:6-26; 10:1-18 ; 13:11.


For thou Hert no longer God's place, nor couldest thou survive, ai'te r becoming a sepulchre for t he bodies of thine olm . chi ldren and conve r ting the sanctuary i n to a charnel-hous e of civil Har. Yet

. might t ~1.er e be hopes f or all amelioration of thy lot, if ever tho~ wouldst propitiate tha t God who

-devastated thee.

Another i n cident recorded in the i'Iar brings out hOH

importa..'1.t Jose )hus felt sacrifice to be ~ Titus learns that

the Jm-,ish people are very despondent because t Qe so-called

cOntinual s a c r i fi ces ha d been stopped -because of a lack of

lambs. 2 He then sends Josephus as his ambassador to urge


the people to surrender t hat they may lire store to God the

expiatory sacrifices . 1I3 . \'rnen the insurgents reject · the plea

of Josephus Hith the a rgument that t he city is sai:e because

it is the city of God, Josephus breaks out in ~Deloquent

plea: •

"pure indeed have you kept it for Godl The Holy Place too remains undefiledJ Your looked-for Ally has suffered no impiety from you and still re­ceives His customary sacrificesl Host i mpious wretch, should anyone de ~)ri ve you of ' j-our daily food, you \w u ld con sider him an enemy ; and do you hope to have God, ,'Tho::n you _have bereft of -His ever12.sting­worship for ~'our Ally in thi s liar? il..n d do you im­pute -your sins to t he Romans, Hao to this day a re concerned for our la,.;s and are '1:;rying to force you to r estore ta God t hose sacrifice s Hhich you have interrupted ?

Earlier in the Har, Jo s ephus sees the ce ssation of

the sacrifices f or tae nation a..'1.d t he Enperor as laying

.. . \ >J / "?ropitiate that God": Q[ov' E cd<><oY]

2 . ~ C / I liar VI, . 94. IIDaily sacrifice s ": "-15 1/1-efa<.. :

3Ibid• 97 • • "Expiatory s 2.crifice s I f: [. V 0< k / 0- ?i 0 u 5 - d 7 .

_4Ibid• ·100 -101-

IHar V, 15-19.

- .

t he s a crifices for t he nation and t he 2mper or as l aying

the fo unda t ion for the Har Hith the rlomans.,l

The no tion of sacrifi ce also appears all t hrough the

Antiquities. In t he openi ng pages, we r ead of t he s 2.c ri-

fic es of Cain and Abe l:

NOvT the brothers t ook nleasure in different nur­su~ts. Abel, t he younger had respe c t fo r j ustic~ and beli eving t hat God wa s with him in all his actions , pai d hee d t o virtue ; he led the life of a shepherd .' Cain, on the contrary, v.ras thorou::;hly depraved and had an eye only t o gain : he Has t he first to think of pl oughing t he s oil a."1d he sleH his br~ther for t he following r eason . The brothers having de c i ded t o sacrifice t o God, Cai n broUGht t he fruit s of the tilled ear t h and of t he trees, Abel c ::u:ae Hi t h ~",i lk and t he firstl:i.ngs of his flocks . 'rhis Has the offerinG ,(o.i ch found ~'11ore favour ,,·;i to. God '.,111. ,,) is honoure d b j- t ':l. i ngs that groH spontaneously and i n accordance Hi t h natural l a'Hs, fu"1d no t by t he products for~ed fran natur e by t he ingenui ty of graspi ns man.

"Thereupon, Cain, incensed at Go ci. ' s preferenc e f or

Abel, sleH his brother. 113 But it is s acrific e 1·;h ich S2.ves

t he life of Cain . IIGod h01'Te ver exer.1p t ed hi m from t he penal-

ty merited by murci.er , Cain ha7ing offered a sacrifi ce a."1d

supplica te ci. Him no t to vi s it him too severely in his

lirath. 1I4

Josephus records tHO s acrifices of :Noab. . The fir s tis

l War II, 409. 'Othe r eX8.1npl es of t he importanc e of sacrificerecorded in t he Hal' : 1,32: condemn8.tion of Anti ­ochus 2pipb.anes for interrupting ci.aily sacrifices. 1,39: praise for Judas :'iacc abaeus for restor int; them. cf. 1 1-1 1:16-25 ; 4 :36ff.

2Ant • I,53-5~ . Gn 4 is elaborated by Josephus .

3.~t. 1,55. cf. Gn u: 8. - '

4Ant • I, 58


in thanJ~sgi ving :

Noah t hus learning that t he earth Has de l ivered f~om t he f lood , waited yet seven days , and t hen l e t the animals out of the a r k , "[<.ren t forth himc;e l f ":i th his fa~ilYl s a crificed to God and feasted with his househo l d .

The second s a c r ifice is offe~ed to b e s ee c h God no t to

aP..nihil a te mankind b~r another fl ood :

Noah, f earing that Go d , having sentenc es man­kind t o annihi l ati on , rrllGht annually i mmd8.te t he e a rth, offo;"~8d burnt- sac l~ic es and be s ouE;ht Di u to ma i n t ain for the future t h e priI.1i tive order of n ature •••• He t he r efore entreated Hi 2 gra c iously to accep t h i s s a crifi c e 3...."Y1d t o. be moved no r:lore to

..l-' •. J...' • , c. wra~n agalns ~ ~ ne ear~n •••

Jos ephus ' accolmt r efl e cts Genesis 8: 21-9 :17. God

signi.f i.e s to lIoah t hat he Hill grant h is prayers.

"Never:::lOre shall t he ,.;a t er over1·;helr:J. t l;. e earth. Yet I exhort you to r e f rain f rom shedding hU2':1an blood •••• The other l ivi ng crea tu;.."'es ye nay use as ~nay mee t your desires and appetites , for I have YIl&..de y ou lords of all. •• yet Hi t hout the blood, for t herein is the soul. l':oreover I will nanife s t the t ru3e t h2. t ye s hall have by dis­playing my bOH. II .

Josephus also reflects t he Genesis a cc oUc"lt of Abraham

lAlit. 1,92. cf.;0n 8 : 20. c "- ,/

2A-"Y1t. I, 96-92 . IIBu r nt s 3.cr i fi ces ll: lc /l y1. I.(.-;( {.. /C-:-{ ,s.

Jos enhus r e co rds anothe r s o.c r i f ic e by ;fo a h i n . .ffiL. • .1.,140 , whi ch a g re e s ,-;1 t h Gn 9, where s a crific e is not explicitly mentioned .

3.iL'l.t. 1, 99-103. cf. Lv 17 :11: liThe life of the f l e sh is i n the blood . II rf/-'\ tli l ( '12 is not used he r e i n Jose-phus althou gh it appear s Qeve:zi times in Gn 9:9-17.


as a man \iho offered sacrifice to God. Abraham,

think i ng fit to emi g rate, at t he Hill and Hith the aid of God, settled in toe land of Canaan. Established there, helouilt an altar and offered a sacrifce to God.

After r e cording t he meeting of Abraha."ll Hith He lchi­

zedek,2 Josephus foll01vS the orde r of Genesis:

God wJlounced that a son Hould be born to him, lvhose posterity Hould be so great as to be co r,l-:)ara­ble to .the s t ars . On hearing these ~'lorcs .Ab:pana::n offered a s&.crifice to God as bi dden by Eim. .:L'1d the sacrifice was on this wise: he took a heifer of three years old. and a rar.J. of the same age , ",ith a turtledove and a ? igeon and at GOd l ~ bid.din~ di ­vided th)!u in hrain, save the birds 't,)hich he d.i vi­ded not.

Jo sephus gives the story of Abrahax1 's sacrifice of

Isaac in greater de t ail th~D Genesis 22 .4 Josephus reflects

toe rabbinica l tradi tion 'Hhi ch identified the mountain with

l-Jount l·iorian, Hhere the temple of Solo:10n vras afteri·rards

built. 5

----.- --1 ~. I, 157.

2Josephus' treatment of Eel c hizede:.;: is c ontained in Appendix C.

3 A..Dt. 1,183-184. cf. Gn lS. i:fnile substa::J.tia11y re-- ~/' producinb Gn 15, Jose~hus does not introdu.cer·x c.- ,11(- 1] of Gn 15:15. Perhaps the explanation is the sane az for an eX'o l anation of circ'LlDuisi on ~ ·!h ich is put off to a late r t<lork in Ant . 1,192. £>'0( f \/1,' v7 is not introduced either to corres) ond to Gn 17 or Gn 21~

4 Ant • 1,222-236. Some of the Hords used by Josephus in t hi s ""Story sacrifice are : ;r sac rifice II : C' v~ t-L ';0("

and t-<c r/ X: ; I1victim!l : ft ,7,'-'( c v ; lit%ffer as a h 1 t r ,\ ,- • " t ' II. o oeaus: c · c 1<"':< u :r: UJ ~ o;;( ( , c onsecra lon •

f1 ,/ I<::a(. f' J 4.{ c~ I v 0


5Ibid • 221~_-226. cf. 2 Ch 3: 1.


Josephus rerlects the tradi tion of' sacrif'ice am_ong t he

desc endants of Abraham. For eXample, Abrahan rehe a rses t he

story of Genesis 3L~ c oncerni ng the t errible r eprisals taken

by the sons of Jacob to revenGe t he rape of' Dinah, their

sister . ~,Then he l earns of' these te:crible things,

Jac ob being aghast at t he enor:~nity of' t ne se a ct s a.lJ.d indignant a t his sons, Go d app eal'ed beside him and. ba d e him take couraGe , purif'y h is t ents, and perform t hose s a crifices Hhi c h n e had vO';led to of'rer '\-1hen 3.t the first he se t ov. t ror I-Iesopota.:nia ••• and departing thence of'fered sac riric e at Bethel where he h ad see:;} the drea..'n .. rhen j ourneying of' yore to Eesopo t amia .

Jo sephus also reproduc es the ac~oQlJ.t of' Genesi s 46:1

con c erning the sacrif'ice of' J a cob at the i,vell of' th e Oath,

Beersheba, on t:1e '.-ray to mee t Joseph. 2

Jo sephus records t he tradi t ion of' Exodus 5 t hat .L·~oses

i s try i ng to . get perr,lission f' ro:m Ph araoh to g o to the

Hilderness t o offer sacrifice . Josephus is iTIOre ex)li cit

than . . c: .. ,'w ci us .

He .. lent to t he kine a.lJ.d urzed. l1l:n to let Hebrm-Is go to l~ourit Sinai to sacrifi c e there Go d~ f o!: . so ~e, h)d c Or:D13.ndeci, unci. in no ,-lise oppo se rt lS wl l~ .

t h e to to

The c ent ral p l ape of' the p aschal sac ~if'i c e i n the

Exodus a ccount is rep roduced i n the acc ount by J osephus .

1 A...lJ.t . 1,34·1-342 .

2Ant • 11,170 .

3Ibi d • 2 91. Ex 5 :1 nentions "a f' east in the Hi l de r­nessll • z ; -;: 5: 3 :l1en tions a t hree day 's journey to offer sac­rifices .


God, having revealed that by yet one more plague he .. lOuld c ons train the Egyptians to re l ease the Hebre ~'Ts, no", b ade Hoses ins truct the peopl e to h a v e ready a sacrifice, making preparations on the t 'enth of' the month Xanthicu8 over aGinst t he f'our­teenth day ••• and then to l ead of'f' the HebreHs, t ak­i ng all thei r possessions Hth t hem. He according ­ly had the He bre""ls ready betime s f'or depc..rturc aYld r ansing them i n f rat ernities kept then assembled toget~er ; thon "irhen the f'ourteenth day Has c ome , the who l e bo dy in readiness t o start , sacrificed, puritied the:' hou~e.s Hi ~h 1he ~lo~ d. , u~~n;s bunc hes of' hyssop ~o S0rln~le lt, and alter ~ne repas ~ burnt tee r eJmants of the neat as nersons on t he eve of depc..rture. Henc e it co~e s ihat to t his day

"18 keep this sac rifi c e in t he SaIrle customary mac.'1ner , c allin~ this feast Pascha Hhich m.ea.."Y1S IIpassing over . 11

Jos ephus clo ses Bk . II of the Anticuities \-lith

words that re call to hi~ reader s t he c entrali ty of the

s acri :;:~ ic e on sinai t o tee \-!b.cle Exodus a CCOlli'1t. Eases ,

led. them forHard for Ho"t.ln t Si nai , Hi th t he intent there t o sacrifice to God and to render HLa the tll.anlc offe rings o f tne people for their deliv3ranc e , even as he had rec eiv­ed c OIDm8.ndx:-'.ent.

Jose~Jhus faithfully records t he "sacrifi c es of

thanksg i vingll i-Thich i'lo ses of'fered a ft e r the victory over


t he .,'\,rl1al e~d tes, 4 and t~1 e sacrific e -banquet ~·:hi c h :Los es offere d

fu'1d c e l e brated on t he occasion of the v isit of Raguel , h is

~ t ' . 1 5 la ner- ln- aH.

I Tee undcrlil'\ed t t · ,)/L. ex . f l/ 0 ~ V !t'~\.' / c / ,/

. U,'t"iLu: 7T Cl U N ~ (,., ,( I S



2Ant • 11,311-313. cf. Sx 11:1; 12:1-28. ~ . 3.~t. 11,349. 4~nt. 111,59-60. cf. Ex 17:15.

5 .~t. 111,63. cr. Ex 18:12.

A very interesting omission in Josephus ! account of

Sinai is t hat there is no explicit IIBlood of the Covenant ll

cererQoriy as in E.xodus 24:6-11 ..

The lengthy descriptions of t~e construction of t ~e

t b 1 1. . , 1 ,2 d" a ernac e , l"GS lnaus ura core:nOYlleS, an "GQe consecra-

tion and ordina tion of the high priests and Levites,3 Hhich

we c ons idered in Chapter Two , are a good indication of t he

i mportance of s a c?ifice to Josephus.

As He .have seen, Jo s ephus often makes eXy licit Hhat

is impli ed in t he accounts of R~odus and Leviticus. Her e

he ha s Hoses explain t hat the chief task of the high prie s t

is to offer sacrifice and to intercede f or the people.

1I 1;1e need fir st of all one t o di scharge tC.le offic e of pri est, and y-.inister for the sacrifices and for the intercessions on our behalL ••• God air:1-self has judgeci Aaron i·wrt:1Y of this lionour aY' .. ci has chosen hir.l to be ~J ri est •••• So it is he HnO Hill don the ves t~ents consecrated to God, have charge of t he altars, attenci to "che s acrifices and offa:." pra::rers on our behalf to God, Hho ~'lill glao.ly hear tne::n, both 1~r.)r.1 a man 0lL Eis oun c hoo sing , He c aY1_::'lo t but accept t j,er.1 . II

In Anion, Josep:ms na~-::es it clear that t he high priest

is in char3e of the ordering of worship :

Could ther~ be a finer or nore eouitable polity

I Ant. III, 102-187.

2-b' d .L l • 18J ff.



4 A.n.t. III, 189-192. cf. Ex 28 & Lv 28 Hhich do not h a ve l·ioses con.vincing th e people by such a speech.

than one "\Thi ch set s God at t he head of the uni­verse , Hhi ch ass i gns the administration of its highest affairs to the whole body of priests and entrusts to the s upreme high pri est -t he direction of t he other priests ? These men ••• to I."rClOill he en­t~us te~ t he ordfring of divine worship as their flrst c narge •••

In t~e ~rar, Jo sephus i ndi ca t es the high prie s t often

took par t i n the sacrific es which were offe~ed on occ asions

of sole~':L1'1i ty.

l'he high p~iest accompanied t ::em, not on all occasions, but on the sevent h days and neH moons, ~1'1d on any n~tiona~ fe s tival or annual assembl aGe of all t he people.

Since He do no t have the proposed iwrk of Jo sephus

t hat Has to treat of s acrifi ces etc. in a more de t ailed

way, 3 t he l ocus classicus for a tre atment of the sucri-

fic es of teLe Levi ti c al p r i esthood by Josephus is Ek. III

of "ene Antiqui ties . Here is a vocabulary of sac~ifice

drai-ffi from there: 4. C. / dVY~/o( purifications c O ( E P c (. /l V (~ : ritual of s ~crifice

I / ?I , ;/ I? L- C--I :<. sacrifice ( (: \. " ..) r' """'

YJ (t T[ C J W V ( d (!~" T (..0 V , c c\ ; ., ( ,

hu ~--.-LILC -re: /) (') f-1":'k c: U {. -- (,

1 , . -­i-\. --llOn 1.L,

2Har V, 230 .

186 . ff. Ibid . 193-194.

offered by individual(s) offe r ed by c or:..r:J.ui:').i ty

3References t o t his -'):'opose ·::: ,·jorl: Cus tons and Causes a re s c a. t tcred thrOUGh the ~·;orl,;:s of J osephus . e . g . Ant . III, 230; IV, 198 ; III , 257, 205. --

4.Ant • 111, 224 ff.


c~ ~ ~ \ ~/ o {; I{of. U v'O-c{ t 7f'?()/Te Y!UfW'/:victi:n is burnt entirely

c "-C ~ c I< ~ (,/ T L:.J V : holocaust

~ / 7 ./ ?ZfJtC-Tn i1(i. 6[,,(;/·::<.. : sacrifices of thanks-7 ~ ( I '- \ C .fii v~g . . {+ k' 0 c' c- {. (j «7(1 <X ;l<, q' /? I·a 1. C-..: ;/ : s ac r~ f1. c e s

, /" ~ 7 J r./ · . for sins flV' ((Vi( O !/ T~J .x..( <.utI!.. dEy' ocl(J-( ]V£, bv.-' I..u.:"L; : drench Vlith blood the circuit oJ: the altar. t ./

The victims offered in the holocaus t are !Ian ox, a

l a:nb and a kid, these last being a year old; the s l ain

oxen I;lay be older than this; but all victims for the se

holocausts mus t be males 1l, ac corcling to Jo sephus. l


In treating sacrifices for sins, Jose .~' hus distinguishes

betHeen t he sinner ll Hho throuGh i gnorance 1l2 has fallen into

sin , and lithe sinner Hho is conscious of sin but has none

to convict him of it." 3

Jos e~hus in general folloHs t he order and content of

NUlilbers 28-29 and Leviticus 23 in hi s ) resentation of the

public sacrifices . Although he does re co rd t he f act that a

Idd Vias t o be offered in expiation for sins on the fea.::; t s

of t~e nCH r.100n and all the major feasts of the year,4 t he

special day of atone:;ler.t i s t._e tenth day of t he seventh

month . In vieH of the high priest's syecial part i n this d&.y

I Hill quote Jo~ophus· . in f ull on this TJay of AtonC:~lcnt :

On the tenth of t ~eS2.me lu..'1ar I:lonth they fas t

lIbido 226, cf. Lv 1:3,10,14.

2. . - T- 231" f - 4 27 ~~ .i'..n'C • .L_l, • C • LV : , J~.

3Ant • 111,232. cf. Lv 6 : 2ff .

4 iLn.t. 111,238,239,246, 247, 2L~9 .

Q~til evening; on thiG day they sacrifice a bull, ti..,rO ra..llS , seven l ambs, and a kid as sin-offering . But besides these the~r offer tHO ~dcl.s , of Hnich one is sent alive i n t o the Hi l derness be~rond the fron­tiers, being intended to avert and serve as an ex­piation for t he s ins of the whole people; while tne other they conduc t t o the suh'.trbs to a s:?ot that is perfectly pure and there hlwn it, skin and all, Hi t hout a..ny cleansing Hhatsoever. Along ,.;i th it is burnt a bullock Hhich i s not offered by the com­munity bu t is provided at his ovm eXgense bJ t he high priest. So soon us this bullock has been slain, he brings the sanctuary some of its blood, as also of the blood of the kid, and Hith his finger sprinkles it tOHard the ceiling seven times, and lil~eVTi s e on the f loor, and a2· ma..ny tin es over the s anctua~y itself and around the go l den altur; the !'est he carri es into the out er court a:.'l.d sprinkles about t he l ar(;er altar. ?urther::-,lo:c>e, they l ay u pon t he altar the extremities, the k o dn d . h ~ t . t' " 1" f -'-h 1· ~ e/s , an 1:; e Ia Hl n -c ne ooe , 0 " e ~ver.

The hi gh l) riest also provi des on his ol·m accoun.t a ram for a burnt offering t o God.

Tais account of Josephus is in substantial agreement

vlith Leviticus 16, Hith such minor changes as lIti'iQ ramsll

f or one mentioned in Leviticus, the s prinkl i ng of ~_ e

blood se ve:l tLnes and t he b,J,rning of extren i ties CL.'l.cl.

kidneys, not mention ed in Leviticus .

This was t he day when th e high priest entered into

the holy of holi es . In describing the high priestly vest-

ments, Josephus u rites:

Tne se r obes Here no t 'dorn by the high r)l~i est in general, ~ihen he assune,j pl ainer a ttire, D'-l.t only Hhen he penetrated to the in...~erinost sanctuiU'Y ; t his he entered alone once in the year , on the day on \-Jhic~ i t ~-:.s.s t ::'e Ui.'1i ve~~sal cus t on to lceep f2..st to God.

lA::-lt. I Ii , 240-2L~3. cf. Lv 16; Nb 29:7.

2War V, 236. cf. Ant . IX, 222 .


Jo se)hus al s o re cor ds t _10 repara t i VB and purifyinG

sacrivice of the red h e if'er Hhich He find in N1..mlbol~S 19.

Here to'o, . it is the h igh pri est -,<rho is t o pe r forr.1 the ri teo

Jo sephus change s the ncr.-iptural order so as to p l a ce t Clis

sacrifice of the red heifer a.fter the death of Hirialll as

a purif~;I ing ceremony. Also ,'Thereas 1\1..Url.Oers 19 is ex~) lici t

in naming Eleazar a s the officiating prie s t, who acts

under t h e ciire ct ions of J.:loses, Josephus leave s it vague

and thus i mplies tha t the unnmned hig h priest i s Aaron

''lho se death is recorded in a subsequent cha.pter. Never-

theless the actua l descrip tion of L :e ceremony is

striking ly similar to Nw.llbers 19.

A heifer, yet i gnoran t of the p lough and of husbandry , \'ii thout ble:mish and entirely reci g ':las c onducted b y t he high p rie st a littl e way ou ts ide the C 2--'IlP to a p la.ce of s p otle ss Durity, 1;he:..~ e he s'ac r ificed it and s prin~ded vIi th his fi nge r drops of its blood s even t imes i n the di::>ection of the taberna cle of God . Hext, t he heife r Has burnt whole just as it was, including its skin and en ­trail s , lli'1ci into the r,1id s t of t :1.8 bl a ze they c ast ceciar ',wo o. a.nd h yssop and C .:.~Ll s on ~·;ool. It s aSC18 S ·He.:.~ e thcn all c o llected by a ho ly r:an ':iho de po sited them in a plac e of s potles s purity. When thcre­fO l->e a?:lY had b een polluted by c :mtact -\'Ji th a co r ps e , the '! lmt a little of these ashes in rtL1L.'1ing "mter, d ip; e d hys sop into t h e strem,. a.na sprin.k:JBd. such persons there':d. t h :.m the third a£ G. seventh cia:,..- , and t henceforth they were cle CL."l. •


lAnt. IV, 76- 81. cf. Nb 19:11'1'.




) \. '] J./ r:...., { ") Ec itf V 0 U V iE f? LU U-I.( rid 17 r ./1('(';( T /)( ItS c / / '? ./ J/ ~ ,/ " \

( ~f1 we: () VI?: S 70· ~ . T( ,S crt ,If (~ I(>(l~ J 11;-/ /? . !:t ) ~ ,f; \ 0/ 7 J /' /) . L0, _ (1/,;( r~ J)( C' T C, /l () V cKYl C-1?(/-(Y(

c.. ./' , /:> \. \. / /( d "-U_(.?c£ Kr;{( C U )(:(Tet::. rpv' rifa/ ~"f/I':<- V

'61 /' t1 J' '' )' ,.., ,,-S'1/cC~:< 2 . ,. cu 1(:{fX. V'c,t{tvcrndps ud,d/C IV I/ S

.I} l k( , "t" / / J. "I .:> 7 \ ./ }/~I/GY N A /(';(10( r){;r;A- l V .Ju...'~ c< I{:<T~/\ iJ T D c.J .

( Now if perfection had b een reached through the Levi tic a l pri esthood ••• 'liClY 'Has it still ne c es-sary f or a ne w 9riesthood to ari se , one of the s ar,18 order as ~·Ie lchiz edek, not c 01..mteci as b eing lIof t he S!l:me order! ' as Aaron ••• not by virtu e of a l aw a bout physical des c ent, but b y the p ower of an i ndestructable life). Eeb 7 :11.16.

~~ -::-::-.::- -;:-

Jo sephus divide s up the e i ghty-three h i gh pl'iests he

1 · + ~ . t -. , .... ~ . . d 1 1) Ti lS wS lrom Aaron 0 tClanasus ln ~o I l ve perlo s : Close

'I.-Iho served the tabernacl e in t rie desert a.'l.d in J erusa lecn

unti l t he bu ilding of the t e::;lple b y Solomo .l ; 2 ) The e i ghteen

viho held the high pri es thood in Solonon I s t era91e lLl'ltil t he

Babylonian exile of ;J ehozadak ; 3) The fifte en des c e~'1ci.ants

of J ehozadak b eGi nning ~ 'li th Jeshua ~iho he l d t:le tliStl p rie s t-

h oo d until the reiGn of Antio chus ; 4. ) Alc i:-:J.us and the :itas -

monea...,.s up to th e ti:n.e of Herod ; 5) Tile t .·rer: t y - eic;ht high

priests \-Iho he l d t he offic e lL"'lde r :Gerod, ) .. ::. ... c i'.e l aus a:.'1d the i r

l Ant . XX, 227-251.

successors until the capture of the city and the b,-~rning of

t he te~ple b y Titus.

1) Froni Aaron t o Abi a thar

Aaron ••• in t he sight of the whole ar~y di ­vested himse l f of his high priestly robes and after delivering t~em to Eleazar his son, u pon whom by right of a ; e the high priesthood de­sc~nded, he . dird Vlith t':lc eyes of tho multi ­tuae u p on him.


With this version of the transferral of the hig':l pri es t-

ho od from A~ron t o El eazar, Josephus begins to trace the high

priestlj- succession dOlID to his ol·m time .

~Vi t h int eres ting c hanges , (such as t he one noted here

tha t Eleazar divests hinlself and delivers his high p riestly

robes to his son, "'iheroas NU':',;,bers says that i·:os es divests him

a.'1d clothes Eleazar ) Josepil.us r e c ords the transfer:eal of

Dower to Zleazar .

Jo sephus records t hat i n t he final ad·j.ress of l·loses t o

t he peo!) l e , he urges t hem to folloH the counsels of i'Eleazar,

t he high 'Pries t and Joshua, as also ••• the elde:,s and magis-- .

trates of the trib es ."2 Josephus records the s c riptural aavi c e

of Mo ses to the king : " Let him do nothinG Hi t:'l2Ut the hi g n

priest and t;:~. e c ouns.e l of his senators. " 3 Eleazar i s c a lled

\-lith Joshua t o ,'ii tnoss t he c.ivision of the A.J.ilori te land to

t he t HO a..Yld a half tribes if I,

t~_ey remain faithful in fighting. '-j-

l Ant. IV,83. cf: lIb 20 : 22ff . I·Ioses stri;)s Aaron of prie stly Ga : ments ' and clothes .31eazar. -

2Ibid• 186. cf. Dt 31. 3~. 224. cf. Dt 17.

4Ibid• 171. cf. Nb 32.

Jo sephus is r,lOre sp3 ci fi c tha!2 Deaute r onomy i n e;;:p1i ci t1y

as s i Gning the h i Gh pries t to read the l 8.'H at t he sep'cen .. YJ.ial

. 1 c e remony.

J os ephus f aithf ully records t ile scrip tu:eal transferral

f . h 1 1 _ . ~ . h ' . f ,. t -, 2 o 'G e e:::..c erSCllp 01 "C. e na 'Clon ro::n Hoses ' 0 Josnua. rtm'J-

e v e r J osephu s i s s ilent as ro ::; c..rds t he ex~) licit COIffill8.nd of

YahvJeh t o ~ ·~oses to b l'i!2g Jos :--J.ua before :r:;le :l za~n , t ::-le priest,

a n d the i-hol e c omr:1.mi ty and to ha-.Ji.~ Zleazar mak e inquiry

f or him b e fore Yal:li~eh a cc oL"ding to the rite of Urim. 3

Instead Jo sephus vrrites:

Ho ses , alre udy advanced in ye ars , nOH a~)~;ointed Joshua to succ eed him OOti1 ip h is p rophetical fun­C'Glons 8.:'ld a cOl~l.:."Uander-in-chief, Hhe::::soe-..re:> the nee d shoul d a ri s e, under orders fro:-n Goel. himself t o entru~t t~e d i re ction of affa i rs t o hi~. Jo shua he.d already r e c e i -..red a t ho]""'ou[;Q training i n the 1 m'iS and in d i vL~e lo re und e:.'" t he tuition

LL of Hos es . '


But J o sephus does ShOH 21 eazar to be an influential per-

son ·in t:: e c o:r .l1J.ni ty, secoi~d only to Jos hua . ':men t h e t reaty

i s made Hith t h e Gibeonites, ~leazar t~e hig ~ pries t, along

Hi th t rie e l ders , s'>Jea:."s t he oa'..;h i·Ji t h t h e::'! . ,'!hereas in the

boo~ of Joshua seems to di st:>ib~te the land s to the tribes

h · lf 6 - , -l:r.J.se , Josep QUS S:101-13 ~leazar pla~;ing a sie;nific2..J.'J.t

role . 7 Jose phus is a ls o r::ore e;;:~; lici t t ho....,"l t:'le ooo:{ of

lIbido 209 . cf. .ut 31: 11.

2I bid• 165 . cf. IJb 27 : 18ff •

3Nb 27 : 1 9 - 20 .

6Jo s 1 8 :10 .

7Ant • V, 80 .

Lt. , r' 'Ant IV, l O:J . 5 V 5r' _4..."1. t . , :J .

50 Jo shua in na.'1ling Eleazar as one of "Ghe leader.::; \-lho quieted the

Je"ls H (1O Hishe d to fi ght against t he tHo and a half tribes,

- . d ' P" h ~ - '1 J. 1 1 oy sln 'lng nlne a s, son 01 ~ eazar va par oy .

Jose phus, follo 'dine; the book of Jo s hua , r e co rc..s t he

death of J05::ua a.nd 21eazar a s occur ri:1t; about t h e sa::J.e time.

About the sa::J.e tL-;:e died also El eazar the hi?h 9 ries~, leaving the pries thoo d t o his s on Ph1nees •••

Phinehas r e c e ives t h e fu~ctions o f ) roph e sying a ccord-

ing to Jos ephus .

NOH after the ' death of t .1 e s e l eader s, Phinees prophesied in a ccordance Hit~1 the Hill of God that for the extermina tiQn : .) f t h e Ca..l1aani te r ac e , -eGe tri be of .:i U Q 8.l1 s110ul(1 'oe g i v p.n t he c Olnr::and ; f or t he peopl e Here kee~' 3Y desirous to learn '."hat ,;Jas Go d ' s good p l easure .

Later too Jose:phus records t hat the I s r ae lites

, repairing to Be thel, t he city nearest at hand , ana. h a vinG :,ested on t he morr o"" t hey be sought Go d , t ~'lrough Phinees the high priest, to abate his ange r against t 11e:n and c ont ent Hi th their t HO de f eats , to vouchsafe thmn victory and mastery ove r their foes. And God promised t he::J. t heir pe titions 4hrough the mouth of Fhinees, His i nterpreter .

Jos e phus re cords t hree Y:1ore ex)lic i t i nstanc es of pro-

lIbido 1 03 -104 . cf. Jos 22 :10-13.

2Ibi d • 119. c f . Jos 24 : 29 .

3 . ..... ~. V, 1 2 0.,. c f. J :::; 1:1 >-lith no e~ lic i t r:1ent i on of

Phinehas .

4r oid• 159 . c f . J E; 20: 26.

d / II - - ' J- I I HlS 1n ve r preter : -I[(lO , y1Tf U 0VT(;S .

,I 7 (


ph esying by the high wiest during the days of the tabernac le .

Hhen Ahi j ahl

v-Tas high p:::'iest King Saul, the ~ing

ordered the ~igh ~ rie3t t o d on his high pri es t ly robes and to prophesy to him what "wuld befal1. Tho high priest havinf:; de­clared t hat it 'dould be vic tory and triwlph over h~s . e~~rl1ies, ~he king set off against t he ?hlllsvlnes • ••

Jo sephus shoHs t:-le :'ligh pri est Abiathar as the medium

of prophe c y for David. " I n t he scriptural accounts David seems

t o c onsult God dire c tly but Josephus r' e corcls these t Ho inci -

derlts thi s ;·]as :

a gai n ,

David • • • lifting h is thougnts to God, besought t he high priest Abi athar to put on his priestly r obe fu"lQ to inquire of God and :)rophesy to him ,,;hether if he pursued the .'·\maleki te s , He i'JQuld grant him to overtake them and to rescue trw "wman a..Yld children and avenge him.self on his foes. And.

Hhen jhe high !,Jr i es t bade h Ll pUl~sue , he rushed off •• •

The king of the JelTs Davi d. who ~)ermi tted himself to do noth ing ,.;i t h ::l1.Jt an orac le and a c O::TU~and fr o:n God and Hi th~)ut having Him as sur­ety for the futur e , ordered the high )riest to fore t e l l t o him what was God ' s p l easure and . wha t ~h~ out~ome would ~~ ; an~ ~~en he pro~hsiad a de c lslve Vl c tOry, DavlC1 l ed ens f orc e au"!; •••

1 lL"lt. VI , 107. c f . 1 S 14 :3.

2Ibid• 115. c f . 1 S 14 :16-19.

3A,Jlt . VI , 359. cf. 1 S 30: 8 shaHS David using t. -:.e epho d h i mse l f -.-

4Ibid• VI I, 72- 73 . c f . 2 S 5 :17 and 1 eh 14 also S:'lOH

Davi d dir octly c onsulting God.

52 1'hese IIprophecies ll took p l ace , a ccorciing to Jose:)hus,

by means of the flashinG of t ne s tones on the high priests '

robes •. When God foreshowed victory to them on the eve of

battle, a brilliant lie;ht flashed out from the t1·relve stones

stitched to the 3ssen on the high priest 's ephod. According

to Josephus, these . had ceased. to shine j1J. s t tHO hundrer;L years

b efore he cO:1p sed t he f'JltiQui tie!], 1 (at the death of John

Hyrcanus) . The rE:::ason for thi S l·ms God t s d.i spleasure at the

transg;.,ness ion of the la~ls.

As He sa-.. ! earlier, J oseprms cons ids:>sd John Hyrcanus to

be a prophet so close ly i n t ouch wi t h God ~_at he was never

ignor~Dt of tte future. 2

One more intere s ting remark of Jos ephus co ncerninG the

high :~) riests of this first ) erioci is t'cla t c::mcerning Eli

acting as t he ruler of t t.e n a tion after Sfuilson .

After the death of Samson, the leader of the Israi1ites was ~li the high p rie s t.

DUt outside of Eli , the high p riests of this period,

Hhether they VIere Aaron ,-,-nd .21 E.az t.mder j·;oses and Joshua,

or the hig 'cl pri est s u.:1der Saul and Do. vi ci. , a;.~e not portrayed

b y Jos8 ) hus as ha. ving the gov8:>r.Yc,ent of the nati on as the

late~ 'nl' ~ 'n ~ ~ie~-s ~ - . u '" _-..; - - ..., v • David expects the hi;h pri est Ahi~elech

to help him4 ill"ld Saul order s :~.hir:1.e lech a!1d his kin kil1eci for

l Ant . III , 21L~ -218 1;1 ves 0. rathe ~' detailed descri p tion of Essen.

2'vlar I, 69.

3~. v, 318. 4A..Dt. VI, ·2iJ.2 . cf. 1 S 21 :lff . -- .

53 this cooperation with David. l

Abiathar , the only survivor, fle e s to David and David

protec~s hin and ma~es hin high priest.4 Later it is David

who appoints Zadok of the fa~ily of Phinehas to be high priest

tOGether with Abiathar. 3

Later Solomon de] rives Abiathar and his fa.'11i ly of t :'~e

high priesthood for the dis loyalty of Abiathar in j oining the

side of Adonias against Solomon "hen David Has dying. 4

Jo sephus Silins up the succession during these years of

t he tabernac l e in these passages:

Eli was the f irst to b ear rule of the bouse of'Ithamar, the second of Aaron's .sons; for t ~ l e house of ~leazar held the hiGh priesthood first, t he dignity descending from father to son . Ele­azar transmitted it to ?hinees , his .son , after .'Thorn. Abiezer his son recei ved it, leaving it to his son, nameci Bokki , i~:::-o1il whon Ozis Uzzi his son inberi ted it; it ' .. :as after him that Bli ••• held the pr::'esthood as also his poste:::-i tj- dmoffi to t he r eign of SoloC':lcn. ~h~? ghe des cendants of Zleazar

once more re covered ~~.

Saul and his son and the niSh '.Jriest .~ c hias , a descendant of Eli the high pri est .:.o

1 . Ant . VI, 259-261. cf. 1 S 22:16. J osephUS records

:mnisr.:.ment of Sa'Ltl for this in Ant . VI, 278 . - ---2~.

3 ,\nt. -'-


VI, 269 . cf ~ 1 S 22 :20- 22.

VII, 109--110. cf. 2 S 8:16.

VIII, 10. c f . 1 K 2 ; 27.

5.<LYJ.t . V, 361-362 . cf. 1 eh 6 ; 4 - 5 ; 1 1~ 2 : 27 , 35.

6 " ~ . VI 1 '~7 "1 S 11 3 II , h ' . h '" . t ' .'ti!~ . , 'J . Cl . ,L:. A ~ J a son 01 .-1.nl UD ,

brother of Icho.bo d, son ,)f : c.ineh3.s , son of ~li , the :::; ries t ... v h ' t "' I: . 1 ' . ... . . . \I Ol. _a Hen a ~ II on, ,·;as we:::..rln~ l,, ~: e epnOQ .

David, fleeing fro ',l the king and death at his hands~ now ?ame tO l the city of l~aba t o f..bimo1c ch the hlgh ; rlest •••

He c hose Sadok oS 2high priest together with Abiathar, his friend.

In Book XX of the Antiquities, Jo.se ;)hus sums up this

period in these words:

The total nlLmber of the high yriests beginning l-lith Aaron, Hho, as I have saicl was t he first, up to ?hanasus, "ho during t i"e Har Has a)pointed high priest by the r evolutionary party, is eighty-three. Of these, t hir teen served as high priests fran the so j ourn in the vrilderness in the time of i·loses, ,'Jhen .. the tabernacle Has standing Hhich i."ioses c on­s(;ruuced for God until the arrival in Juciaea, Hhen King Solomon erected <:;he -:::emp le to God. _:..t first, t hey held tr.e i~igh ) riesthoods fo:::"' life, but after­uarci{' succe edod to it durins t :.e lifetb18 of thei r predecessors.. These thirteen consequent l y , being des cendant~ of ~aron l s two sons , received t he office iri succession. Their f irst c onstitution was an arlstoCro.c y, "chen fol1ov;eci. l-:1onarchy, o.:.'ld t h irdly c anle t he rule of l:in~s . The number of years du:..~ing Hc.i c h the thirteen he l d office :,:'or::n t he day iihen our f athel"'s left 2gypt u-YJ.cier the leadership of ~'~oses dO·vJI1 t::> t h e bu ilding of tne tec'1, l e '-Thich !"..inc sol­omon er:3c ted in Je~~usal e:n Has six huncired and tvrelve.

2) From Zadok to J ehozadak .

Jo se ] hus SLLYrlS up this ;;e:cio c. 2..S folloHS :

After thes~ ~:irteen hi;h priests, e~~n~een others held the high ~: riesthood in succession fr om t he ti~c of Solomon, w~o was ~ing in J e ru­sale~ until the ti::18 of iTebuchdci...1'lez z d:::', l':ing of Babylon, l ed his 2..r~G acains t the c ity, set fi:::'6 to t he te;::.p le o.nd c ~r:L'iej a;·jay our nation to Bab~r -

l Ant. VI, 2h2 . cf . 1 S 21 .

2.~t. VII, 110. cf. 2 S 8 :16. 3A_YJ.t. X,'( , 227-230 .


l on, t aking prisoner t he high prie3t Josa-dakes. The period covered by the h~gh pri esthood of these men "JaS f our hllJ.'1.dred and sixty-six years, six months and ten days, dur i n,; Hhich t ime t he Jews were governed b J kings .

Earlier in Book X of the J eHi sn .'\.....'1.tiou.i ties, Jose .)hus

gives us a list of t hese men:

The first ot become high prie s t of the te~ple which Solomon built was Sadok; after him his son Achimas succeeded to the offi c e , and after Ac hi:nas , Azarias , t hen his son Joramos, nezt Jorcrnos ' s son los , after him &xioramos, then ~xiorllino s 's son, ?.hideas , then Phideas ' s son Suciaios, then .::iuciaios's son Juelos , then Juelos ' s son Jothlli~os , then Joth-8..'1l0s ' s· son Urias , then Urias ' s son ~ierias, then iier­i as ' s son Od81..'18 •. then··Odaias's son SalLrr;,os, t hen Sal1t:m08 ' s son Elkias , : t hen .c;lki as ' s son Azaros , and

finall y Azaros 's son J osadakos , who was t aken cap ­t~ve ~t~. Babylo?~ I~ ever! c a~e ~h~ s on succeeded h~s 18..vner ~n ~Ge h~gh ~r~estnoo Q .


During the years of ~r-.e ki ngs , they, the kings domina ted

the scene. 20r e)~arrlp le , Solomon cO~'lplet es hi s n eH :;e::nple 2.11d

it is dedicated in tho mi ds t of the gr eate st s plendor , as we

have seen earlier. The h i gh priest w~s one of the ap}ointees

of the King . The pattern of this period is broken in one case.

Hi th t he hi gh prie s t Jehoiada, 3 t he ti!:jh p:.~i Gs t COAes

to be a real ~ower i n t he kinsciom. J os e ;hus t ells ;:;he story

gra~)hically and ampli f i es on S O!1le de tails , bu t f:.:.ndar,:centally

he i s telling us t he : '3 t ory of 2 King s 11 and 2 Chronicl es 22-23 .

1.~~t. ~(, 231-232 .

2 .".... X· 1 5'2 1 ~ 3 ~ 1 C' r 8 ' .... ' l' t .~ 11 . ~~. ~, - ~ • C1 . n 0 : g lves ~ ne _ lS as ~ O ows . Zadok, Ahir:aaz , :\ zariah, JOllan:ln , i:.za::-oi ah, ~:Clariuh, :l.n i t ub, Za dok, Shal l~l, liiliah, Azariah, de r aiah, Jehozadak.

3 Jo se ~:) i:1Us us e s the n ame Jodas . cf . 2 K 11 :4 f i' ; 2 Ch 23 : lff.

56 .Tehoiada IS Hife is an aunt of little .Tehoash (Joash) arld so

raises him. \'then the child wa s about seyen, Jehoiada gathers

priests and Levites and heads of tribes and in t heir rnidst, he

places the child and declares: IIThis is your king from t hat

house', Hhich as you ImoH, God foretold to us should rule for

all time to come . III T:fnen a good guard had been set up around

the temple, Jehoiada placed the r oyal crOvffi on his head. Then

having . anointed him in -e n oil, proclaimed him king vrhereupon the multi tude id th re j oicing and clappiI:Lg of hands cried out, tlLong live th l ' lie: e .{~ng .

\fuen ~thalia heard the tUli11.1.1 t, she Has disturbed and

rushed to the temple. \'Jben she san the young Idng, Josephus

,expands on her cry of tlTreason, Treasonl tl as recorded in

scripture to IIShe cOr.Jl11anded her men to t ake the life 61' the •

man .'Tho had plotted against her and had .-rorked to deprive her

of the royal pOI'ler. 1I3

Therupon, Jodas called t he cap tains of hun­dreds and corl1.I1fu"1ciec. them to lead Othlia Ql.Jay to the valley of Kedron fu~d there put her to death, saying t hat he die. not Hish to ciefile t he t~::nple by punishing t he guilty Hretch on the spot.

" Jose.:;hus ShOHS ·Jehoiada to be very capable in taking

care of everything fu"1d putting all in good order . He arrfu"1ges

lAnt IX, 145. 91'. 2 K 11:4 ; 2 Ch 23:3.

2Ant • IX, 148-149 . cf. 2 K 11:4 -11; 2 Ch 23 :3-11.

3 ",..,..... IX 1 r''l c -.... _ .... _._v. , _:/_. l. . ~ 'l ll'l~~~ • 2 C On' 23'1 ~1"~ _ !.\. -:: • ,) .L _, , . • _ _.

4A..1'lt. I~~, 150-152 . cf. 2 K 11:13; 2 Ch 23 :12.

a couple o£ 800dmarriages £or Jehoash,l and takes care of . 2

renovating the temple.

But · Hith the death of Jehoiada, the influence of the

high priest Hanes. In fact,

the ~dng even ordered Zacharias, the son of the high priest Jodas , to De stoned to death in the temple, 1l..71mindful of the good \\'or~.{s of his father, because, vhen God appointed him to proph­esy, he stood in ~ ne ~; dst of the people ~71d coun­selled both them and the king to do right •••

It .ias not long, hOHever, be£ore the kins paid the penalty for his 1l..711al-lful acts. For AJaelos, the king of Syria, invaded his country •••


And afte!'Hard, Jehoash I·Ias killed by some of his officers,

when he "las ill, for they i·lished to avenge Zechariah.4

The next high priest to receive prominence in the •

account of Josephus is Azariah VIho forbids Uzziah to ehter

the sa."1ctuary to offer incense upon the golden altar. As vTe

saH earlier, Uzziah is p1l..71ished by leprosy. 5

Finally the last of this group of hiGh priests, Ser-

aiah l s son Jehozadak is ta~{:en into exile into Babylon as a

hostage after his f ather is beheaded.~ At the close or, the seventy years exile, the son of

Jell.ozadak, n~'1led Jeshua comes back from Babylon.

lAnt. IX, I S8 . cf. 2 Ch 24:3. 2Ibid• 161-165.

3Ibid• 168ff. cf. 2 Cll. ~. -- . 4Ibid·• 170ff. cf. 2 K 12.

5Ibid• 222ff,. cf'. 2 ell. 26.

6Ant • X, 149...;150. cf. 2 K 25:18; Jr 52:24.

3) From Exile's Endta Antiochus Eupator.

Josephus sums up this period in these 110rds:

A~ter a period o~ seventy yearso~ captiv­'ity under the Babylonians, Cyrus, king o~ the Persians, freed the Jews from Babylon and per­mitted t ne6 to return to their own l~~d to re­build the temple. At that tLme, Jesus, son of Josedek, who Has one of t a.e cap tives uho return­ed assUL1ed t he office of high priest. He ~~d his descend~~ts, fifteen in all, held the office ~~­til the reign of Antiochus Eupator; and for four hundred' ~~d fourteen years -theI lived under a democratic fo~T. of government.

ElseHhere Josep hus refers to the government at this


time as "aristocratic and at the same t .cme oligarchic. II i'men

describing t Le celebration of Passover under Ezra, Josephus


• Ai'ter offering t . ~e sacrifice called Pascha

on the fourteenth day of t :-.e same month Clljisan) they feasted for seven days, sparing no expense lmt; bringing t ~-"e 1fhole burnt-offerings ' to God and perfonaing t he sacrifices o~ thanksgiving because the Deity had brought them back to the land of their fathers and to its la"ls, and had disposed the mind of the Persian king favourably to lInem. And so Hi1;[1 lavishness of sacrifice in return for t :.:.ese favors and 11i th magnificence in their t·rorship of God, they duel t in Jerusale1:;' under a for:n of government that was aristocratic and at the s a.-ne . tin e oligarchic. For the :1.igh priests Here a t ··the he ad of affairs until the de­scend~~ts of the Asar.lOnaian fami1y ca.rne to rule as kings • . Before the captivity and deportafion they ;'fe ;:> e ruled by kings, beginning first Hi th Saul ~~d David, for five hundre~ and thirty-t;.;o years, six months ~~dten days.

For Josep husj this period after the exile Hhen the j,ieh

1 . ~. xx, 233-234.

2 . . . .' Ant. XI, 110-111. cf. Ezr 6:22.

priests ruled t he nation Has t h e ideal. . As he Hrites in


Could there be a f iner or :nore equitable polity than one ,·rhich sets God a t the head of the 1..L11.i­verse, whi c ':!. assigns t he a ci.i::inistro.tion of its

. highest affairs to the Hhble bo dy of' ~)riests, an d entrus ts to t he supren e high prie st the direction of the other priests ? These men, moreover oHed their ori gi nal promotion b~- t he le ::;islator to t heir high office, not to ~~y superiority in Health or other accidental advantages. No: of all his c ompanions, the men to HhoIn he entrusted the ordering of divine worGhip as their f'irst charge were t hose Hho ,·rere pre-err..inently gifted Hi th per­suasive eloquen ce ~~d discretion •••

, Could ther e be a more saintly government than that? Could God be more vlorthily honoured than by such a schene, under Hhich religion is t h e. end and aim of t he training of the entire community, the priests are en,trus.ted Hi th the 'special charge of' it, and the vThole adr:linistration of' the state rese:nbles sacred cerer:10ny? •

Josephus clearly distinguishes' Hhen treating of John

Hyrcanus betHeen the three privileges of su:yreme command of

the nation, prophet, ~11.d the high priesthood, but i deally,

he Hould like to see the:n cor.1bined as they Here in the

person of Jolm Hyrc~11.us. 2

Josephus is quite clear that t he "order ing of divine


worship " is t he first charge of the high p:oiest. Continuing

his description of the functions of t~e :;;ri'ests and high priests

in Apion, he Hrites:

He have but one te:-,:pl e f'or the one God ••• cO:r:'.rrlon to all as God is . com:aon to all. The friests are continuallY ' en~aged in his i-iOrsi1.ip , l.mderthe

lApion II, 185-189. 2Har I, 69 . A..r1t XIII, 299-300.

leadership of h i m who f o r ~he ti~e is head of the line . With his c oll eaGu es , he will sacri­fice t o God , s a fe guard t he 1 a:·], ad judica'ce in c ases of dis~)ute , puni sh those c ::>l1vic-ced of crim.e. .:J.....n.y Hho disobe:T hi.IIl Hill po..y thelpen­al ty as fOl1 i mpiety tOHa r ds Go d ;~i:;'lself.


For exalr.: ~ le at the time of Ki n g J osiah, Eilxiah the high

. t ' . . d ..&> ' h J 1 2 ,- . . d prJ.Gs· J.s app cnn-r.;8 a c ur:n:;or oj. -.::; e cer.'lp e . rie J.S orae r e

to have t he vessel s for the ter1.ple ::nade . 3 Especially the part

of the hig h priest in the ordering of worship is clear after

the e:d1e.

Book XI of the AntiO '.li ties begins "ri th J osephus repro-

ducing Zz::'a 1 8.."f1 d 1 Esdras 2, l.;hich ShOH tha t Cyrus is divine~

ly ins;ired t o r es t ore the worship at J erusalerr . 4 Next

Jo sephus fol10 VIS 1 Esdras 3-4 to ShOH hOH Zerubbabel Has

ifre ed and s ent to Jerusale~ b J Darius with the ~iGh priest

Jeshua to rebuild t he ci ty, but es ) ecia11y kee terrL le and

renew its worship . In all t . e a e activities, the role of the

high priest is sho';-m to be central.

In .t he seventh mQnth after · the departure from Bab.:lon the hi g n p riest Jesus an Zorobabelos Zeru­b babel, the governor , sent around and shoVling no lack of zeal, brOUGht the c ountry people tO Ge ther in a bo dy a t Jerusal e;·,l. A.J."'ld t h e:i c onstructed an a1 tar on t he s ~ ot ,,;nere t h e for:1er one had be en, in brder that t hey mi gnt offer on it tne customary sacrif~ces to God i n a cco rdance with the l~~s of , . Ll.. .i.'lOses. I

In t l:.e second year aft e r trw r e turn of the JeHs to J erusalem, i n tQ8 s c c ~:md :::10nth ~·:he:a they c a:ne · there , t he COl1st l'u c tio:1 of the t er.lp1 e Has I.h"lder-

1 ,\ . II 1a"'~f ..... UlO:1 , 1.)1.

2 ~/ Ant . X, ~o . cf. 2 Ch 34 :8-35 . 3I bid• 57 . LL ._ - 7 . A."'lt . 1..1 , • 5Ib i d • 75-76. cf. Ezr 3 :1 •

talcenj ••• placed in charse of the ••• JeDus and hi s sons and brothers ••• And so, be c ause t hose i nto ,;h038 hands the 3upc rintendence OI~ the .. lOrk was gi ven, c arried it out with all zeal, the tem­:91el Ha s c OD) leted sooner ~han one ;·Jould have ex_~ ect­ed .


Next Josephus t reats of Ezra, Hhom he calls "c hief Priest"

in dist inc t i on to Joialcim,· son of Jeshuo., Hho b e c a::ne hi;h

priest . 3special1y under ~zra and Nehemio.h t he pos ition of

the hig~ priest is c onsolidat0d. . 'tJhen Joha....>'laIl a....'1.d then

Jadduo. aP:geo.l~, they h a ve the rul e of the country ac c ording

to Jos ephus.

Josephus re ::::;orts that :2:zra had. t :--le f a te,

after b e i ng honoured by the people, to die an old man and to be buried ,lith great magnifice::1ce in J erus alem. Ab out the time also died the high I)riest J0 3...~eim03 i·[hom his

3son .21ia 3ib suc­

c eeded in t he high yriesthood.

Josephus tells of the succession froD ~liashib t o his

son Joiada t o h is son Joabnan in the brief introduction to

the story of Joho.nan and Ba::;oses , l·ic.ich He c onsidered in

Cha:9ter II. T:Pnen Johanan died, he was succeeded b y his son,

Jadd1.:a . It vlaS t rle brot:·18 r of tnis J addua '.InO ''':8.S a ..:: sked not

to p r acti c e the (-~ i bh priesthood a t J erusal e:n because of his

marriag o to a f oreign Hife .

lIbi d o 79- 80. c f . 3zr 3:8.

2:J[jJ ::Tu~ (flJ£Js k:l. t. XI, 1 21ff. c f . 1 Esdras 7:1-c f . ~z r ,7 : 6 -. .Jhel~tZ ~z:,a is c o.lles 0. descenc,fu'"1 t of t :;.e lI c n i ef p riest" _-'l.aron. 1 Esdra3 9 : L:_O calls ::!;zra Irh::' b~ ~) riest . II

3Ant • XI, 198.

J ade.ua is c l early shoHn by Jose ;Jhus a s t he head of the

gove rrlJ,1cnt . He rec eive s a letter from Ale.xander tae Gre a t

Hhich r equests his ass istance and t ::.~ i'Ou t e . Jaddua r::r:.:o.ins

l oyal to Darius and reftJ.ses . l 're-lis angers Alexande r and he

announces he Hill c ome and )unish Jerus a leril .

Hhen t:'le ~: i t~;:l ) ri e st Jaddus heard t b..:is , he Has in an agon~c of f eo.r, n o t 2rnoHing hOH he c01..cl d :,1eet t he Hac edonio.ns, vJhose king ';.ras o.::ge r ed 'O J his . fo rl,l­er diso'O edience . lie , the 7ei:ore, ordered the p eople to I:la:ce sup ~ licati on, D.l1.d offe rL",g sacr ifice to God to ~ e ther ~ith the~~ beS OUGht Him to shield the nation and deliver the:l1 from the dangers t :_a'C Here hanging over them.

But ",hen he had. gone to sleep after -;;11e sacri ­f ice , God s ) ole oracular ly to aim in his sleep tell­i ng h i m to take 'coUI'age and a d o r n the c ity Hith 'Hreaths and open the Gates and go OiJ.t to meet them, and t Lat the peopl e shoula. be in '.ihi t e c,;ar me n ts, and he himse l f ,,-ji th the pries 'Cs in the robes prescribed b y- laH a nd that t hey shoulc. not lool:: to s1)ffer any harm, for God ~·w. s v.ratchin g over t helll . Thereu9 0n h e ro se fr om hi s s leep , g reatly refoici~g to h i m­self and a;.mounced to all toe r e velation t oat r"ad b een made t o :eim and after d oinG al.l t he t hing s t l-:.a t ~i~ ha~ aeen told t o e.o , a1',o.i ted t h e cOi',ling of the .lnng .

Jo sephus t e lls us that t h e results i'!8:::,e l,;ho.t God. had

t old J2.ddua .

For i·rhen Aleza ndc:::, ifhi l e still f 2.r off sa~: t~ e mul titude i n iVciite Ga r ments , t .. e .o ries 'cs ilt t heir head c lo thed in linon , and the oi~h ; rie st in a robe o f h~Tacinto- al"J.e fu"1. d ;so l ei , ilea.:>inG on h::'s c182..d the mitre wi t :e the Golie~ p l ate on it on ~ ~i ch was in­s c ribe ci the ::1.~Lle o:C God, he :J.?p rOo.c rL8c;, 201 0r:e c .... "1.d P~o Q ~~~ ~~c' 'CliYl"~ l ~ ~p~o~e t ;1 e ~~ l e a ~~ ~l' ~~~ --ec t -_ .. j v .......... v\"..' .... _ .1.. -' ...... _ ~ ...... l. _ . l\ U _ ' . ..... __ ....... _ _ oJv uJ..

ed ~~e hi gh p~iest .


1 .\ _ J.. 'IT 31 7 3 " 0 .., " t . . t ' ~ . h ' ililu . " _ - L . l' o r Cll S o rlCl --..; o.:'1.G. s:)"J.: ·c es 0 1 1; lS en"cire accO<-l21t concer:1i:10 Jadd u o. anct ,:'"l oxand e:;- , sec rtD.l ) h l·:arcus , J o so ::h u s ( Lo eb) Vol . VI , Ap pen::iix C.

2Ant • XI , 326-328 . 3Ibi d • 329-331.


Then Alexander have his hand ~o the ~iGh priest , en-

tered the holy city wi tn o.im fu"ld offered sacrifice according

t o the hi;:;o. pri est I s direction. Aftenmrus, '..:o.e:.'1 Alexander

aske d 1·;hat the JeHs Hould "'Iish from hbl, it is the high

priest, Jaddufl. , '.11.1.0 according to Josephus, s yeaks for all. 1

After Jaddua, his son, Onias I succeeded t o the high

. t' d 2 . ... h' d ' , S ' . h - ... . h f 0 . prles aoo . .i. .... lS es. "t; :1, lI.10n 'G e Jus ... , "t; e son 0 nlas

I bec8:iJ.e high priest, according to Josephus . At the death of

Simon, his son Onia II Has too y01L."1g so Eleazar his brother

beCOl:leS nibh priest. 3 Eleazar i s the high } riest in the

A . t , b. . . . 11 1 . b J h . , . rlS eas s"t;ory r HGlCn lS para e eu. y osep us In (Us ac-

count of the magnanil'1.ous Eleazar Hho sent s eventy scholars

to P:::;olemy Phi ladelphus at Alexandria along Hith copies of

,the LaH t hat they might t r anslate it into Greek. Leaving

aside other facets of the story, Jose phus can c ertainly

be said to take it for gr ant ed that ~leazar was in charge

of to.e nation. 5 Jose;;hus als o re cords that Eleazar is

closely connected :·lith the :-wrship of the te::-.lp l e . 6

According to Josephus , t he h i gh prie s thood passed

smoothly at Eleazar ' s death to i'ianasseh and than to Oni a s

lIbido 334~338. 2 ,', ... "1 31'7 .; . . ill v • .I.\., L:- . . 3Ant • XII, Le.3.

4Cf • P..ndrr! ?elletier, S. J ., Flavius J') s~ :he , ::'danta­t eur de la Lettr0 dtAris"!:;e e ; 1JIle re2.ct i.;ri. attlcIs:ll1te contre . . 7Tr'- -' " t . ' ? ~r .- - ' . . , la ~':Olne .2JtUC~8~ e-c C Ol"lll".lcn 2..lreS , A!Jv ; l."2.rlS ·: l..JlDl'"J[llre C. IUincksiec~:, 1962).

5 .'LYlt . XII, 1;1.-113. Ant . 1,12-13.

6Ant • XII, 53,85.

II, son of Simon the Just. l Then Josephus tells U3 that the

honor passed to the son of Onias II, Sir:l.On II a::1o. -.. !hen he

die 6 , his son Onias III succeeded him.2 But Hhen Onias

III died then trouble arose because of t~e intervention of


4) High ?riests fro:,1 Antiochus :2;piphanes t o Herod.


Josep hus rehearses the Books of Hacc£lbees 1 c ondel11.nation

of Antiochus- Epiphanes . In the War he describes what happened

at this time thus :

At t he time. ·"rhen .mtioc hus , sUl'nLlmed ~~ iphanes, was d.isputing -..,i tCl Ptolemy VI, t he suzerainty of Syria, dissension arose aD~nG the Jewish nobles. There ' .. !ere rival claims to the supreme p m,.ror ••• Onias, one of the chief priests gai~ing the u?per hand, expelled the s ons of Tobias from the a --cy.. 'rhe latter toe , refuge irii th Antiochus and b es ouGht him to u se their services as guides for an invasion of Judae£l. The king, having long cher­ished tiis design, c onsented, and setting out at t he head of a huge 2..-::''2Y tool\: the ci ty b ~; [tssaul t, 31e'.-1 a l arge number of Ptolemy 's folloHers, gave his soldiers l..mrent:::'i c ted license to p illage , c.nd himself p ll:l1dered t:::'e tel:191 e al'1d interl'upted for a period of three years 8-;.d six monjhs the reGu­lar course of the daily sacrifices •

• •• Eo t c ontent Hi t h his unloolced-for :ntccess in c apturing t:ce ci t ~- and. ,d tn the p l u..Ylcier 2.J.;.d

Hho l esale c :lrn2.c;e , ,l.n tioc :-lUS , c ar.'.' i ed aHay b .l h is u.."1;overnable p:?,ssions •• • put pressure u pon. L":0 .JeHs to violate te1(; code of t heir COlJl1try b ., l eavin.c; t heir in:t'e:.n-;:;s u..'1.cir c UI:J.ci scll an.Q sacrificing s';:in.e u p on the al t ar . These orde rs ~ere disobeyed by a ll

-------------------------------_ .. -_ .. _-lIbido IS7 .

2Ibid• 225 . '

3Uar I, 31-33. 2 N 4 : 7-27 shows a power struG~le be ­tHeen Jason & Lenelaus b o th biddins for the hi C;h priesthood.

ano. the r~Iost eminent der2.1.,ltors Here massacred . Bacchikes, \1ho No.S sent oy . .o.ntiochus to cO ::;liiland the garrison, Hi th these inyioL:.s injuJ.'1c:;ions "[;0 oac~c his i nnate brutality, Has cuilty of every excess of in­iquity, tort~rinG distinguished individuals one after anothe r , a~d daily ]aradi~g before the eyes of all ttle appeal'an.ce of a c aptured ci t:r, until b y the extravag ances of his cril;le o he p rovo:ked his vict i ms to venture on reprisals . i'hese bego.n ,·:ith Eatt~a!,:, ~on o:'lAsaDlonaew::;, a ~) rie st of a villD-c;e c alleQ l'lodelll ••••

As the dis c erning reader Hill noti ce, Josep hus has

telescoped the events of ma.YJ.Y years i n these sentenc es of

the Hal' .


According to the Antioui tie s , .mtiochus Epipha:.rl.us first ,-

"removed Je sus (Jason) and appointed his brother Onias

. Glenelaus}U b'ecause he Has angry Hith J ason. 2 VoTnen t h e

greater portion of t he peo ;-, le s ide Iii th Jason i n his attempt

t o get the high priesthood back , then Jos ephus tells us that

I'iienelaus and the sons of Tobias go t o Antiochus for help . Then

Antiochus c ones D..nd tv·lice invades J erus a l e:i1, L .e sec ond time

really plunderi.ng t.e te:nple. 1":11.'. 5 Jose phus in t he Anti -

quities Hitne s3es to the fa c t t hat Antiochus Epiphanes

forc ed t he Jov;s to revolt b~' his e:dl'e:n.e err'orts at Eelleni-

zation . 3

lIbid o 34- 36. ~f. 2 1'" 5: llff.

2i;.nt . XII, 2381'1' . c f. 2 H 4 25.

3 Jose ~) hus ci ves three differing a ccounts of these affD-i1"'s in tC1e ',io.r, I, 3ff, in .i.n t. XII, 237ff ., e-nd in . .;,nt . x.x, 235-239 . H'Ci"Uever, 0.11 threeaccounts a .':;2'ee the-t the JeHS · llere fo:.. ... c e o. into revolt b J th <8 ::· rovo c,o,.-;;ions of Antiochus ~pi pno.nes D.nC t~e , genero.l 3o.cchides . This is i~ ~Gree~ent Hitll 1 C:. 2 l· ~ . '1'0 o.-;;t e::J.:9 t a recc)llcilie-tion of the s e three a cc ounts of Jo::;c ) hu.3 see~lls oc:rond t ·:~ e s c o?e of this thesis.

Josephus COndelTlJl3 both Hene l aus und Alcimus VIho fol-

lQl,ed l'~ene laus and a tte~'n;> tea. further Eelleniza tion.

Of Onias Hcne l aus , Jo sehus :

He had se lovea. as high p r>ie3 "C for t en years fu'1d had been a \·,- i c ~·:ed and :i.mpious man, .... ho i n order to h a:,? so ~e a~tho~i tr. f?r himself hld c O~l1pelle d his n a "GJ. on "GO v l ol a we "nOlr o~m l a'is .

Alci:nus is also c oC!derrJled bJ Jo sephus and is p;l.nishe d

b y Go d i-ihe ;, the tem;? l e I'iall h e is '!:; :.."yine; to rO:llo v e falls

u ) on h . 2 lIn.

At t he death of Alcimus , Jo sephus t ells us in t he

An tiqui tiestha t t he p eop le mal-::e Judas ~ ,jacc abaeus h igh

pri est . 3

.. 66

Jo sepnus refle c ts Eaccha b ees in seeing the high priest-

hood ana. t ~J. e ru1e loship of the rlD.t i on ~)assed on i'r s r1 J onathan

to Sir:Jon to John Hyrcanus . One i nteresting di v e:::'genc e in

t he t rea tr.lent of Josephus i s t nat in Book :G of the

A.n.tioui ties, he -..rri teo:; tna t t he sons of As8.tl1.onaios after

t hey ~wnt on the offen s ive against t he lr.ac edonians , lI1'e _

stLl1.ea. t rio t:::'G..Qi tion, D. .-;pointing us h i gh pri es t J onG..than ll4

whereas in Book XII I he :.ad ;..rri tten thut Jonath':.ln put on tne

r ob es of t 2e high prie 3t only a f ter he received a::moint nent

l itnt . XII , 385. c f . 1 H 7 : 9ff. for t ake over b y Al cimus.

2Ant • XII , 413, 1 E. 9 :5Lt- 57. --- .

3I bid• 414 . cf. l~1 9 C: L!-3il . Ho :'1ention of this is m .. de in 'dar or in A..l.'1t . :eX, 235f f . n or in 1 & 2 h .

4A.n.t . XX, 239 .

by King Alex3....'1der .l

Later Jonat han receives confirmation in

the high !, r ies thood for~n Demetrius. 2 Simon is re corded

as be ing r:lade high pries t b .,: the raul ti tude3 and Hyrc3....'1us

takes ove r the high p riesthood that had been his f a t her 's

before. 4

As He h a ve n oted b e for e , John Uyrc anus is a f a vorite

Hi th Jo sephus . Jos ephus tells us that

Eyrc~~us, ha vi ng assumed the high prie s tly office ' of his father, fi rs t pro pitiated God Hi th sac~ific es and t llen y,~arched o1;,t a s ainst Ptoler,iY .

EverythinG tha t Hyrcanus does turns out \'Jell. He

ejects .? tole~ny from the country and makes a league '-Ii th

: Anti oc Qus . Later he :nakes a league 1-Jith the nomans . He

takes S~aria ~0d utt e rly destroys it. God s p oke to , . mm

vlhi l e he \..]a s offering incense on more tha..'1. one occ a sion.

J osephus c loses t he section on this lIi deal ll high priest

thus :

And so Hyrc anus quieted t he ou tbreak fu"1Q l i ved h appily thereal'ter; and when he died after adn inistrerins the gover~ment excellently f'or thirty-one ye d. :'s, he left five sons . NOH he Has accounted by God 1'jorthy of' three of the greates t privileges, the rule of the nation, the office of high priest a..'1.d the gift of proph-

lAnt. XIII, 46 t e lls us that JO ;':1a"Cha.n Dut on the high priestly robes four ye2.::.'s afte r deatil of JUQ2.s . cf . 1 li[ 10 : 20 - 21.

2roid• 12.5. ' 31, . , 213 f' l 'f 13·36 Ola. • c. h • •

4Ib id• 230. ef. 1 1< 16: 2LL . -- '

.5A .. '1.t . XIII , 230.


ecy, for the Dei ty vIaS 'lIi th hi:n a:.'1d en5:bled him to foresee and foretell the f uture ••••

John Hyrcanus , a ccording to Josephus,

fore sai-i and predicted tha t his blO e~de:.."" sons would not remain a t t he head of affairs .

and his prophe cy Has c ertainl y right. The oldest,

Judas ( AristobulUs) died of illness aft er having held the high priesthood for one year together Hith the k i ngship, for JUdas also put the diadem upon his head for a single

3year ,

being t he first to hold both offices.


Aristobolus Has very cruel to his :-uother and . t o all his

brethren. Even .:-~ntigonus , Hho Has his favorite bro ther,

, he killed out of jea lousy.4

At hi s death, Al exander Jaw~aeus ruled vigorously for

t v;enty-seven years Il S king and high priest. Jo sephus shoHs

hir:l as a strong and an 3.C ti ve ::1an. iTtlen he vms affli c ted

by a quartan ague ,

he hoped t o shake off the malady by a return to active life. Ee, ac cordingl y, plalL~geQ into ill ­timed c ac'.paigns and, forcinG hi:nsel f to tas ~{s be ­yond his strengt h, hastened his end. He died, at fu"'ly r ate , xnid stress gnd turrwil, after a· r eign of t Henty- seven years .

Alexander turned t he lcinz;do!rr over to his Hife Alexandra.

She ke p t the rule of the kingdom for herself and appointed


2\'lar1 ,


299ff. Cf. i1ar I, 54-69.


I, 72- 80 .

3Ant •


XX, 241. I, 106.

Cf. ~. XIII , 301ff.

her elder son, Hyrcanus, to be hi g h priest , b e caus e he Ha s ·

t he older, and becaus e of lIhis disp osition, Hhich viaS too

l ethargic to b e troubled about public affa irs. lIl

Alexandra rule d for nine y e ars, but :'after her death Hyrc onus' brother Aristobulus made \·;a r upon him, defeate d him, deprived hirJ. of his office and and himself liecarle both kinG and h i gh priest of the n a tion. ilL

And nOl·; v·Te enter thep8riod .)f many IIdeposin gsll from

the hig h priesthood. Hhen Aristobolus had rei gned as king


and high priest of the nation for t10J0 years and thI'ee months,

POy.1pey ca."Yle a..'1 d took the CJ. r:.y o f Jerusaler.l by stor:n and sent him '.-ii t h h is c 8.ildr en to rtor,le in b onds. Pompey al s o re s tore i the high priesthood to Hyrc anus and Jerrli tted hir:l to h a ve t h e l eader­ship of the nation, but forbade him to wear a diade,.l. Hyrcanus ::,uled . for t-'·Jenty-fo',.;.r ye :lr s ••• Then Ba ::,zab:lne s and ? acorus, the rule r s of Farthia, c ros s i ng t h e Eu y hr8.tes, :na de ',jar on tiyrcanus, cap­ture i hirJ. o.li v e , and appointe d lmti [ onus, son of Aristobulus, king . The latter ruled for thl~e e years and thre e ['20nth 5, follm·,in;:; Hil. icn. he i'ia S cap­tured after a s e i g e by Sossuis and Hero d . ';/hen3he had b een taken to Antioch, he i.-Ia5 s lain b y Antony .

As a t~ansition from this troubled period the the

period of Heroe, Hho r:iade a regular practic e of a ppointing

and relnovinr:; high priest s a ccorcii!16 to his convenience, I

i-IOuld like to ins ert Jose phus I condemnation of tais lwactice .

Josephus is condel1l!'..ing ReI'od for removing Ananel from the

high priesthood:

I Har I, 109 ff . Cf. Ant XII, 407ff.

2Ant • VV .A.il.., 243 . Cf.

3.'i.n t. XX, 2h4-246.

An t. XIV, 4-7 ; i'ja r I, 120-122.

So King Herod i mmedi a t e l y too d the h.igh priesthoo d a'.my from Ananel , \·,ho Has •• • of a h igh priestly family and had been t roa to d b;jr Herod as a va l ued friend. Just as he once h ad honour­ed him, when he took over the k i ngship , so he now dis::ni ssed h i m i n order to enu hi s domestic troub­l es. But in this he acted w."11aHfully , for never had anyone been deprived of t his office Hhen once he had aS3umed it except tha t Anti o c hus Epi phanes had violated thi s 1 m .' first Hhen he removed Jesus and a :opointed hi s brothe r Onias ; and next ¥Jas Aristob01us, Hho removed his brother Hyrcanus ; and t he t i"lird vTas Hero d lThon he took the offi ce a'~oJa'J 1 from Anane l and gave it to t he young Ar.istobolus e

5) From Ee rod until the Destruction of the Temple by

. 2 TltUS.

Jo sephus tells us tha t there '.'Jere t-;"renty-ei g;ht high

p ries ts dV.J' j.ne; t ._ese one hundr e d and seven yea2.~ s. 3 He also

t e lls us :

Herod, H1'1en -e ne ldnGdom 1:JaS c cr:l:ni tt ed to him b y t he 110::1ans , aban.doned the c) r a ctic e of a p)oin t­ing tho s e of ).s8,:onai an lineace as hi[;h ;; rie8:;s, and Hi tii t he exception of Aris tobulu3 alo:-:'8 , as­signed t he offic e to so~e insignificant p ersons wh o were merely of prie s tly des c ent ••• • Herod ' s son Arch­l aus also f o llcmec. a similar poli c y in the a ppoint-


l Ant . XV, 39-41 . The GreeK ';-lOrds used here are : ~1<:(L/c'"ZT-x ( " ") (' /" 1 1;2 1/ b</J ({,/Jl;,.uc,>r?f! : took aI'JaY the high pri e sthood frOi>1 ; { I;:" . " ( .) /

t<<< r€. A l; rrc: 1--.-/ : dismissed him; c(dc"l I1C:C{-? _

" " ' > .J {~ ( 7-J;lV I L iLnV : be deprived of t his office ; t;( 0 20. C 1./ , ves' t / \ ( ' 7 k / \ JI '""" C 1:: \' Li >:' vy C-- () U v : rer,'loved J esus ; P ({ tX yc V r-:--- l ' .;;edt-: A l r c ~ __ : removed Hyrcanus.

I . 2Fo r a detailed treatment, s ee : Gustav Holscher , 0 i e

JIS?,henpri e:::; te::.'li :::t e b e i J osephus UJ1d d i e eva..Ylgelis c he Chron­o l g i e , (He i delbers: 1 660 ) .

3Ant • XX, 250 .

ment of high priests, as did the Romans after him H£cn tasy tool( over the govcrmuent of the Jews.

As 1-1e h ave seen, Hero d first a~')~') ointed Ananel, an ob-

Gcure pri est from 3abylon to be high )riest . 'Ehen he lt re_

moved ll hir:1. Josephus tells us that Hero d had Arisobulus

murdered2 and AnaJl.el obtains the office onc e more .


i'ihile Josephus does not explain hOH Je sus , s on of ? habes,

obtained offi c e , He do read that Herod promptly tlremoved ll him

to make roo:n for Simon, h is future father-in-laH. 3

Later, eThan the daughter of Sinon no 10?lger pleases

Herod, he once again 11 t a..1{:es a,ray the hifSh prie s thood, If t hi s

t ime from Simon fu'1d appoints I''iatthias, son of l'heophl lus.4

Next , when Eerod is t hreatened by sedition in Jer-

usalem, Ilhe removed the high priest {'Iatthias from his priestly

office as b ein3 partly t o blar:le for was. t had happ ened. a5

Joazar, "lho succ eeded Hatthi as , Has tile first high

priest whom Arche laus removed .

i.'men Arche l aus C8.J.l1e t o Judaea and took pos ­session of his ethnarchy, he rE)Y;lOVec.6 Joazar: the s on of Boethus, fro: :1 the 'ni g h prie s thood, bla:.~ling him for h a ving s~pported the rebels, ~'1d i n his place ap _l ointeQ Joazar' s brother Eleazar •••• lIor did Eleazar long remain i n the priesthood f or while he Has still alive , he Has r eolace d by Jesus, the

'. -

lIbido 247.

2Ant • xv, 55-56. Cf. ~lar I, 437 .

3,\nt. XV, 322.

5Ant • XVII, 164.

4Ant • XVII, 78.

\ 6Re~oved from the hiSh priesthood : T(lf/ A Q_l/LL,f1~~/ f/Z V • . . '/ /f I (

,) , ~ J c ~ f J/ C S

7 /

son of See . l

It seems that Joazar was reinsta ted,2 for he is once

' again stripped of his pOHer by Q,uirinus and Ananus is in­

stalled in his stead. 3

Next Valorius Gratus ,

deposed .llianus from his sacred offi ce and proclaimed I snmail, the son of ?ho.oi, high priest . Not long after"lards, he re:noved him also and ap­pointed in his stead Ele~zar the s on of the high priest .Ana..rms. A. ,year I nter he de:9osed him also, and entrusted the; office of high ~' ri8st to Simon the son of Ca;:G.ith. -rhe last lc.en tioned held this posi tion for not ::nore than a ye8.r and' wasL, suc­ceeded by Joseph who was called Caio.phas. r


Vi tellius m~rked his hlO visits to Jerusale:n by C:18.nging

the .. , . , nlgn prles'G. On his first visit,

Vi tellius Has guided by our 12011 i::1 dealine; In. th t he vest~8nts , o.nd instructe d the warden not to meddle ,·:i t ~1. the ques ticns ·.ihcre t hey ',jere to oe stored or when they s hould b e u sed . After he had bestowed these be::lefits upon the nation, he re­moved from his sacred office the hi Gh priest Joseph surn21ed Caiaphas, and apPo2.nt5d in his Jonath~~, son .~anus the high ) riest.

On his next visit,

Vi tellius s:;Jent t hree days a t Jcrus aler~l dur­ing i,.Ihich he d~~:)osed Jona tha.'1. fro:1. his office as high priest fu~~ conferred it on Jonathan ' s broth­er Theophilus .

lA_"lt. XVII, 339-3L~1. 2Ant • XVIII, 3.

3Ibi d• 26. 4~. XVIII , 34-35c

5.~"lt . XVIII, 95.

61bid• 123. '--

King Agrippa continues the same p8.ttern. He removes

Theophilus and gives the office to Simon. l ?Iext he deprives

Simon of offi ce and offers it to Jonathan ,-,ho refuse s in

f avor of' his brother, Hatthlas. 2 Next Jonathan ' s brother

Natthlas is replac ed by Elioneus, son of Cantheras. 3

Herod of Chalchis, brother of' the deceased Agrippa,

re ceived s pecial authority over the temple and the hol~" lves-

sel s and the selection of high priests fran Claudius Caesar.


Next , ~hen Herod is threatened by sedition in Jerusalem

Hi s first e:~ercise of this pm-rer -Has to re::-.10ve .21ioneus fu"1d

t o appoint J oseph, son of' Came L 4 A.fter somo tLae , he re-

moved hL.1 fro:11 offi ce and assiGned the office to Ananias , s on

of Hedebaeus . 5

The l o.st high pr ie i:;ts in the li :.:; t of Josephus were

appointed in the following way according to the Antiouities :

iCing .4.grippa II ap points Ishr:mel , i-,hen .hnanias is

t aken in chains to Caesar . under Ish:.11ae l Jo sephus records:

There nOliT ~'!Cls e:;Jdndled mutual en::ni ty aIld class warfo.re between t he ~i;~ ; r i ests, on the one hc..nd and. t hc priests o.nd ti1e l eaders of t he populace of Jerus8.1G~, on t he other . Zach of t he facti .J:ls formed a::1d. collec ted f o:e itself' a band of t he mos t reckl ess revolutionaries and a c ted 0.3 t:::eir l co.d.er . A .• '1d i-lhen they c lo.she d, t hey use e. o.busive l ancuo.;e and ~)el te d eo.ch other with s tones . And there was not even one person to reb\l.!.-ce the" . Ho, it ' .. !o.s as if there i-JaS no one in cho.r ge of the city, so that they acted as

1 . .f. VI X 207 ~o.J\. , ;; .

31'oid• 3L2 .

5Ibid• 103 .

2I bid• 313 .

4Ant • X ... X, 15- 16.

they did with full license. Such was . the shame­lessness and effrontery which poss es se d the high priests that they actually were so brazen as to send slaves to the threshing floors to receive the tithes t hat Here due to the priests , l;.ri th the 1:e­sult t hat t he poorer priest s starved to death.


'ifuen Ishmael is t ake:l asa hostage in ROl"1e, King Agri pp a

II, gave the high pr iesthood to Joseph Gabi, son of Simon. 2

Then shortl~j after'o'lards, he removed him and put Ana:."lus,son

of Ananus in office~3 ' But he only lasted for three months

a:.'1d i-JaS de~; oseci from the high priestnood because of his rash­

ness ~'1d replaced by Jesus, son of Damaeus.4 King Agrippa

II next replaced Jesus, son of Damaeus Hith Jesus, son of Gam-


As aresul t, a feud broke out bet}':een f a.ct ions sup) ort-

ing the tHO. But according to the Antiouities it Has An­

ani as ,:ho was in control. 6 He Has in control because he ob-

tained a good deal of money obtained b y t~~ing the tithes of

the priests. 7

The last l"..igh priest appointed by t he king '\-JaS 1,.Lattnias

"under HhoL'l tile \-Tar of t he Je ' .. ;s Hi t h t he Romans began . 118

In t he Har , Josephus tells us of t he appointment of , Phanasus:

. ;

/ ) ' These i-lretches i, the zealots conver ted t he te::1ple of God into t heir fortre ss ~'1d refUGe from

1~. 179-181.

3Ibid• 197.

· 5~.




2Ibid• 196.

4fu"lt. Y0C, 198-203.

61" "d ~.

8lbid• 223.

an outbreak of popular violence, a..'1.d made the Holy Place the headquarters of t heir t yrmmy. To the se horrors was a dde d a spi ce of mockery more galling t han the ir a cti on . For to test the abject ::mo:ni s sion of the ~,) o;lUlace and r.1ake tri a l of the ir o',:n s tren6th, they essayed to a ppoint t he h i eh pri es ts by lot .•• •

Th ey a ccorcingl y su..;n:',lOned one of the high priestly cl ~'1S c a ll ee. .;::,'rliachin a nd c as t l ots fo r a hi g h pri e st . By c h~nce the lot f ell to one who proved a s i gnal illus ~~ation of their depravity; he Has an indi;lidual na:.r:1ed i:)hanni ( 2h3..i.l.asus), son of Sal-mel, of tile villaGe of .1.p t Lia , a ;uaYl ,·;i~o not only wa s not descended fr~m h i gh ~riests, out was such a · clo·,.;-.n "'c 'lla t lle sce.rcely kn6H Hhat t i"'.6 high priesthood raeant. ..:;. t any r ate "'c h e y dr8.~6 ecl t h eir reluctant victim out of tne c ount ry ano. clres:::ing him u p for his assllil1ed ~) art , as on a s taGe ' put the sacred ve stments upon hir~ ••• To the~rl this mon st:eous i mpiety Has a s u bj e ct for jes ting and s ;)ort , but the othe r pries t s beholding fr an a dis "Gai.1.ce t his moc l~ery Qf their l aH, c oul d no t restrain t heir

J.. t ca~""s •••

l~ar IV, 152-157.



Descriptive Li st of Texts Conc erning High ?riests in the i;lri tiClgs of Josephus.

Ant. I, 10-13: Hagnanimi tyof Eleazar the high pri est in allowing Law to be translated is a pre­c edent for Jose) hus.

111,151-178: Description of priestl~T and high pj.."iestly ves t ments .

179-187: SJl,lbolism of t aberno.cle and ves tments expl airJ.ed.

188-192 : Appointment of Aaron a s hi gh priest.

204-207: I naugural c eremonies for Aaron and sons .

208-211: Attitude of Aaron at death of his tHO sons.

214,-218: Further ciescription of high prie stly vestments .

224-257: Description of sacrifices.

240-;Jl~ 3: Description of Day of Atone1"lent.

276-279: Special l a1-1s of purity for pri ests and high priests.

IV, 14-16 : Confirmation by God of Aaron as high priest in f a ce of rebellion by Korah, ~_ .3. than and Abira:il and follO't'lers.

79: Sacrifice of red heifer by high priest.

83: Death of Aaron and succession of Elea zar to high priesthood.

152-153: ?hinehas , s on of El eazar t he hi~h ) riest , slays Zambrias .

171: Eleazo.r , the hiGh priest, is sum~oned by Eases t o Hi tness c es sion of ArlOri te l and to tHO and a he.lf tribes .

172: Life of high 2:Jriest is term of exile for c r'i :-;le of lilanslau;hter .

186 : E08es urges peopl e to f ol lo'd counsel s of Eleazar and Jo shua .


Ant. IN, 209: Septe:mial reading of the LaNs by the high priest.

218: High priest and the lY20phet and the council of elders to decide difficult cases.

224 : :rUng to do nothi ng Hi t hout advice of high priest.

v, 43: Joshua SUL'I:'Jons t he high pri est .2;leazar and t he magist~ates to draN lots.

55: 31eazar SHears all. oato. of friendshi p Hith Gibeonites.

57 : Joshua convokes the high priest Zleazar and t he Council to help hi~ decide.

80: Eleazar helps in distribution of land.

103-104 : Eleazar helps set t le the problem of the trans-Jordanian tribes.

119: Eleazar die s , leavinG hi6h uriesthood to Phinehas, his son.

120 : Phinehas prophesies will of God.


159: ?eo]le beseech God throl~h Phinehas to abate anger and God anSl'Je~S through .2hinehas.

318 : Eli, the high priest, becomes leader of Israelites after death of Slliuson .

338-351: The iniquity of .2;li's sons.

354 : Sons of high priest arrive 1·;i th ark . ?hinehas son of Eli , i s already actin3 a s high pri est .

356: Sons of ~li are kille d in b~ttl e .

3.$8-3 59 : .2;li, the higb. pries-'c, dies "Iv-hen he hears th~ ark has been c a~tured .

361 3 ' 2 c' • " • " • . n '1 _- b : ~uccesslon.ol OlGQ prles~s lrom ~ eazar t o Eli.

VI, 107: ;~hinh i s nentioned as hi::;h ':)riest nt time of Saul .

115 : Snul orders h1 3~ pr iest to don hiGh priestly robes nnd pro ; hesy to him what \~uld happen.

1 22 : Saul orde:::' s ,ichi tob, the hiGh pt1est , to


prophesy but there is no I'eS ~jonse from God.

Ant. VI, 242-244 : Ahi:nele ch the high ) riest helps David .

255-261: Saul destroys Ahimelech and his i'CJl1i ly ( except Abiather ) foI' helping David.

269: Abiathar escapes to David.

29L~ : SarQUel is said to have been ruler of the people after the death of Eli the hiGn priest.

359-360: David asks Abiathar to vestment:;: and prophes;y­prophesies victoI'Y.

don high to him.

priestly Riga priest

378: Saults tragic eno ~s seen as partly punish-. t n 1 1 -'- n -'-h , . . . . -nen lor s_aug1uer 01 v.S nlg~ prle 3 ~ and

his family .

VII, 56 : Zadok, the high pri est , is mentioned.


72: David orders the high priest to prophesy to him Go d ts pleasure .

110: Zadok and Abiathar are high prie sts .

200: Zadok and ;.biathar remain Hi to. ark in J erusalel:1..

222f; Higapriests 3end word to David.

245ff : Son of Zadol: aIm01.l...YJ.ces victory to David.

260ff: Hi gh priests act as messensers foI' David.

293: Zadok and Abiathar are appointed priests .

354 : Zadok anoints Solomon.

393 : RyrcQUus , the high priest , afterHards used the money put in the tomb of David b y Solomon.

10: Abiataar is deposed fraM the nigh priesthood.

11: The passage of the hiCh priesthood from the house of Ithm,w.r occurs as prophesied .

12: Genealo gy of the house of ?hinehas duri ng the time Eli and t[1e house of Itc18..J.i1ar held the high pr i esthood.

16: Zadok is ~~de sole high priest by SoloMon.

93 : Productio :1 of high priestly vestments for the

templ e of Solomon. High pri es tly c r 01m is the saIne one hoses made .

Ant. VIII, 230 : J eroboarn makes n.i mself hiGo. ~)ri es t nnd is --- punished by Go d .

I X,142-15B : Jehoiada t he hi~h , riest successfully ex­ecute s ~he overthrow of Athali ah and ento.roneillent of JOas h .

161-165 : J ehoi ada is very inf luential over King Joash : r epairs t em) l c .

1 66-169 : Eing Joas h c hanGes after death of Jehoiada and orders Zechariah ki lled .

170ff .: • .:,. • ~ .1.-.on _ unJ. s (' .. ..I'.nen u O.L Joash fo r his lli'l.lawful a.c ts i s de s cribed .

222-227 : Uzziah is pmli si1ed b:,~ . God f or put t i ng on pri es tly garb ili'l.d onterin~ to t no Golde~ al tar t o offer s acrific. High prie st at ti~e is Azariah.

x, 56 : Eilk1ao. described as one of t he officials in charge of reouilding t m;lpl e .

57-59 : Hilki ah dis covers a oook of j>~o se s t l aH in the t em:!.) l e . :rie r eads them to ~Cing Josian.

65 : Josiah ki ll s pri e s ts wO.o were not of the fa.rnily of Aaron .


14 9-150 : I n deportation of J ews t o Baoylon, Ser aiah t he hien prie s t is !:ille d and hi s s on Jehoza­d~~ i s carri ed i n to captivi ty .

Ant . XI,

151-153 : List of higo. pr i ests fr ·:)Iil Zadok t o Jeho­zadak.

154: The high p:'ies t is releas8 d frOl:J. confinement .

62 : Darius agrees to 9ay for ::r1aking of high prie·s tly vestraents.

71: ?riests are expell ed frOE offi c e for no t havinG proof of des c ent .

73 : Lenders :) f return include J eshua, son of t i.l.e high pr'iest , J eho zadGJc.

75ff.: Je s rlua the hi gh pri est a~d Zerubbnbe l r e ­stor e t he customary s a crifi c es .

~. XI,


79-90: J eshua the hiGh priest and Zerubbabel restore the temple.

95: Zerubbabe1 and the high nrie3 t convince officials no to stop buildinG of temple.

Ill: The high priests were at the head of affairs until the Hasr.lOneans C2J:le to rule as kings.

121: The high :)riest o.t time of Xerxes Has Joiakim.

1l~5-153 : Foreign I'li ves Here pu t aI·my by tile des c endants of Jeshua the hi gh priest and of the other priests, Lovites and Israelite s .

158 : Joiakim dies and is succ eede d by Eliashib.

297: Joiada succeeds his father :01iashib as high priest . Jobanan succeeds him.

297-301: Johanfu'1 ~dlls his brother in' the t empl e fu'1d i s pu,,'1ished througL! 3aGoses .

302 : Jaddua, son of Johanan succe eds him as high priest .

306-312 : Ha::1asses , brother of Jadciua, is excluded fr om exercisin~ hiGh priesthood because of his foreiGn wife .

317-339 : Story of Alexander the Gr8 <~ t and high priest J addua .

347: Son of J addua, Gnias , bec omes high pri est .

XII, 11-118 : Jo sephus ! version of Aris t eas story ~hich involve s 31eazar the high priest .

156-157 : Succ ession of high Ea:.'1asses t o Onias,

pri ests f~om 31eazar to son of ( .

Ul::1.:Jn .

158-159 : Onias des c ribed as one of little soul, very avaricious .

1 6off.: Stor:,; of J03e:)h, son of sister of Onias .

223-2a~ : Succe ssi on to high priesthood of Si~on and Onias .

223 : ~imon the hi;h }riest joins ~~ jority in sup':)orting older sons of Josec;h asainst t he youngest , ;~y::,canus .


lint. XII, 237-238 : Older brother of' Onias is ,appo i nted hiGh - - priest b y imt io c h'.ls 2nd t hen r emo ved in

f' a vor of' Onias , his younGer brother .

, 239- 21-!-1: He lenization b;I hiGh pri ests include s c han.Gin.G of' n2-2'.18 of' Jesus to Jas on and of' Oni as to ==enlaus.


38L~-386 : Anti ochus 2upator sends Oni as L~ene l au::; to Beroea i n Syri a a~d has him kill ed . He was a Hic~{ec, and i r:l:,: ious [,'lan . -,UciEus is c hosen as next hiGh !; riest.

387 : Al c i:mu s is said to be of f' a.:.ri ly of high pri ests . (cf'. ,:"nt . XX, 235 )

391f.: Alcimus is li sted anong t he Hicked ane. r eneGade JeHs 'i-!l10 accuse t C.Leir 01T£1 nation .

413: After t he pai n f u l de a th of Alci mus , the p eo:L) le give high pri e sthood t o Juda::; l'=acchabaeus.

L~19: Judas is s aid to be high pri es t of t he nation.

h.3L~ : Judas is sai d to die after holdi ::1G (ligh p riest­hoo d for t hree years .

45 : Alexande:- Balas elects J onathan h i Gh ~ri es t.

46: Jonathan P,\1ts on hil;(1 :?riestly vest:ments.

62~73: Onias , son of high p ri est On.ias , builds a t e;:.1ple at Leontopolis.

83: .Hexander 'Hri"t e s t o the h i Gh ~~ri 8 st Jona tha.n.

1 24 : Jona t han confir:ned in high pr i esthood by Demetrius .

L~S-212 : Hi g h p ri est ly reiGn of Jonathan is deseri bed.

209 : Jonatl"a.'1 is :'::urdered .

213: Si~ori c hosen h igh :?riest by the ) o, ula ce .

213-230 : HiC;h pri e s "e Go od of Si!llOn is ci.es c l' ibed .

228- 230 : SL:on is kille d an.d John :1yrC2...I'l',';,S suee e e a.s hi s f uther as h i Gh ,ri est , offers s~crifice .

230-300 : nibt1 :;ri estllOod o f JoL"1 Hyrcanu s is describe d .

282- 283: S) ecial COliLllLiea tion of God t:) J ocm Iiyr ­c anus .

299- 300 : S ie c ial :::;ifts of J Ollli Hyrc x'lus .



301: Aristobulus turns the Goverm:lent into a . kingdom.

372ff.: 2:vil deeds of Alexander Jannaeus.

408 : Alexandra ap) oints her eldest son, nyrcanus, h igh pri est .

4 -7: Hyrcanus yields rule t o Aristobulus .

37-73: ?ompey reinstates Hyrca..Ylus as l:igh ~; riest.

97: Aristobulus \·!as high pri es t for three years and six months .

137-14 3: Caesar confirms Eyrc anus as high priest for t aking part in the c ampaign .

148 : Hyrc anus i s high pri es t and et~Ylarch .

191-26Lt. : Letters and decrees of Cai1J.s Julius Caesar c oncerning ny"-" canus and the J eHish freedom of religion. Hyrcanus is recognized as high prie s t and etlmarch in these l e tters.

306-318: Letters fl~()m I·i . &''1taony Hhi c h recognize Hyrc~~us as hig~ priest ~d etili'1arch.

324ff.: Advice of Hyrcanus is asked by H. A..Ylthony con c erning Eero d . Eyrc anus f avors Herod .

365 -366 : Anti gonius mutila tes ears of n yrc anus to exclude him from high pri estly prac t ice.

XV, 11-21: Release of high pries t Hyrc allUs froY:1 c ap ­ti vi ty of .?arth i D...Yls c:.nd his return to Je r u­salem.

22: Herod ap~) oints Ananel high priest.

24 : Alexandra seeks to have he r s on ~:;'ristobulus made high pr i es t.

31-LLl: Herod r e::;J.o ves Ananel fu'1d ap)o i nts j .r istob­ulus to the hib~ pri esthood fo:::' l1is 01,.-:1

personal r8c:.SJ~S .

50-56 : :-le:::,od has .,ristobulus mu:ede r ed and re s tores Ananel.

179-182 : ~val1J.a tion of the character of Ey~>C ru1US t ae t~c h i Gh priest.

3 22 : Herod t o facllito. te his mal>:..~iaGe -,lith Si mon is

daughter, r emoves J esus , son of ! habes, fr om the hi~h p r iesthoo d and a ppoints Simon.


Ant. XV,403-409 : On t~1e custody of the high ', l'iest I s vest­ments .




163; l':!ention of IIHyrcanus hiGh )rie s t of t he ,Host High Go d II in de cre e frolil A '.lgus tus.

14: Menti on that Herod ' s son Herod wa s born of the daughter of the h i gh priest.

19: l:ention of daughter of hig h priest as i'life of Herod •

. 78: Herod divorc es daughter of high priest ~~d removes Simon fr or,l high priesthood. l"iat­thias, son of Theophi1us , is a p9 0inted.

1 64-1 67 : Serod r e~ove3 Eatthi as ~nd ap ~oints Joazar as h i gh ;') ::::,iest. During t he ter:'!l of l-iatthias, Joseph ~as hign p ri es t for a day .

207: ?oople demand a ne,v and purer high priest from Archclaus.

339 : Arcc. e1aus r emove s Joazar fr om t he high priest­hood a..Tld a pI::oint s Eleazar .

341: ~leazar is replaced by J esus, son of See .

3: Je'l-J s yield t o arguments of high prie s t Joazar.

26: Quirinius stri'~) s Joazar of the h igh priest­hood and appoints A..1'lanus, son of' Seth.

34-35: Gratus de poses Ananus fu"'1d proclQimes I s tLilael to be high pries t. Then he ap90ints Simon in place of I sh,11ael, then reI.love s J l!-rlO n a..1'ld ap _.oints Josep h Caiphas.

94: Purification of h i gh ;-lriestly vestments before feast days .

95: Vitel1ius appoints J onathan instead of Joseph.

109: Herod 's son, Herod, is mentioned as beinG son of t he daughter of' t,'~ e hi gh priest , Simon.

123: Vite11ius de]oses J onatha..Tl and a p points Theophilus.

1 36 : ?·~enti on of Earia.::r.-,:e as tl:e d:luGhter of the high priest .

84 Ant. XI~(, 297-298 : Ag!'i~pa rer:lOves Theo philus and appoints --- Simon Cantheras.


313-316 : Agrippa offers hiGh pri esthoo d to Jon~than but he !'efuse s in favo!' his brothe r , Matthias.

342 : Agrippa a p 00ints Elionaeus in p l a c e of Mat­thias as high priest .

xx, 6-13: Struggle over possession of hi~h priestly vestraents.


15-16: Herod, brother of decease d Agrippa is g iven . auti10ri ty bJ Claudius Caesar to select t h e

high priest . He appoints Jo seph son of Cruaei.

103: Hero d r-er:lOves J-9sep h and a ppoint s -'manias" . son of i:Iedebaeus.

131: AnaIlias is sent t o Rome i n chains by Quadra­tus.

179: I s lnaael son of ?habi is app ointed high priest.

195-196: Hero r etains Ishmae l as hostage . Agrippa then apl) oint s Jose ~Jh son of hig h priest Si­mon.

1 97: Agrippa removes Jo seph and appoints Ananus, son of itnfu'1Us .

1 99-203: Younge r imanus is removed for rashness a.11.d r eplaced. by Jesus, son of Dmmaeus .

205-207 : high priest _~anias enjoys good re~utation but is. guilty of evil practi c es .

213: AGrippa replaces Jesus, son of DarJ.naeus, Hi t h Jesus, son of Gamaliel.

223: Jesus , son of G8-r:1aliel is ci.epri ve d. of high pri es t h ood r;nG. it is g iven t o i-Iatt:lias , s on of The ophilus .

224- 251: .Jo se :)hus lists t ho ei gi1t:l thre e hiGh priests f rom Aaron t o ~hanasas .

26 : Jose-) h1.ls nlaCls t o s :) e o_~~ 01' vestmeClts of 'nl- r~'Q- -~ -'l· e-;'"-.5 - 1:.1 .1 .u l.I.

31-4 7: ?ersecution of L"1tiociYL,s :md r ise OI~ i-:acc a bees.

33 : Onias , the high pri est escapes t o ~) tolemy .

i-Jar I,

'Ilar II,

53: Si mon is appointed high priest.

54-69: John Hyrcanus as high priest.

68-69: Throe s pecial privileges John Hyrcanus.

70: Aristobulus makes hir.1self a lcing .

70-84 : Aristobulus rules only a ye ar. He kills his brother ~"d di os in plli"is~~ent .

85,;:,106 : Hoctic reie;n of Alexano.er Ja.2:maeus o

109 : Queen Alexandra appoints her eldest son, Hyrcanus, as cligh priest.

120-122 : Hyrcanus abdi cates in favor of Aristooulus .

1 23-151: The struggl e of the par~lsans of 3yrc~~us and of Aristobulus enable s }ompey to gain control. PO-:'l'pey captures Jerusalem..


152: Pompey enters Hhere none but the high pries t is allowed to enter . .

153: Pompey reinstates Eyrcanus as high priest .

162-169 : Gaoinius defeats AlexQllder, restore s order ~~d l"ein3tate s ~-i:yrc ilnus in Jerusale:'l and gives him custody of the temple.


199 :


Eyrc~~us is confirmed ilS hiSil ppies t by Caesar in order to please ,·\.ntipa ter .

Caesar de clares Hyrcilllus t o be the more deserving c laimant to the high priesthood. Antipater is made viceroy of all Judea.

A..71ti Gonus ends the a ctive Gl E;n priesthood of Hyrc an~s by l a cerating his ea r .

h37 : Herod b ostoHs t lle hiGh priestllood u)on Aristooulus w~en he is only sevente en , t hen has him dro"::1c ci ';!hen si,ri:-ll,' ; nG.

562 : Earia:-rrrle identifie 5. as h:LSh priest ' s daught­er.

2hO : Ti.le JeHis'(1 nota':Jlcs includ::'::1[; the h::';h Driest . Jonat~".an , s on of ,-1.nanu s , ap:?co..l t o '~~uad~niltuS •

" I, 3 . / " . - -7'"

• Jon2.th2.J1 ilnd ,'-Dani an , t:le C.iS:l :; riests are

Har II,

s en t u p to Caesar.

256: J ona t :1n.n the high :,J r i est i s f i rst t o b e a ssassinated by t he sicarii .

301, J16, 31 8, 331, 3LI2 , 410, 422,428 et pass i m i n \'Jar : ':c h i ef ) r i e1}t; s :t are l inked Hi th no tables a...'1.d o ther l e a ding :nen .

409-41 6 : unaer the l e a dership of ~l eazar, son of Ananias the hig h priest , it ,\·iD.S de cided bj- t hose at the Te:n:Jle to a ccept no Flore s a cri f i c es fr om forei gners .

L~26 , 429 : The house of Ananias , t he high pri es t , is burnt.

441- L!-42 : Ar.an i as t he h i gh ~'; ri est i s r,:urdere d .

562 : ~~a...'1.Us , the h i gh pr iest i s e l e c ted along wi th Josep h t o s upreme contro l o f a f fa i rs i n t he c i t y .

5 66 : El eazar , son o f t he high :,Jries t Neus , is elected one of t he ger.erals .

647-65L~ : Ac tivities of Ananu s t .. e hi gh pri es t i n J erusal e:·n .

IV,14 7-l5 7: The c oic e of t he high pri e st ?h~lasus by t h e Zealots .

1 62-192 : Spe ·::; c h of _Il_~anus t he high ~~ ri est agains t. the Zealo ts .

1 64 : "I "-Iho Hear the h i gh prie s tly vestraent s, II

23 8 : J esu s , t h e c hi e r pri es t n ext i n seni ority to Ananus , D.ddre s ses the I dU:'7laeans.

319-325: Enc omuim of Ana:.'1us and J esus .

31 D col. "'-'08 " . . ~ ', ..... . . . . -Lj.. '/ , :;J t;. , > : :'.en'G~on 01 .... ..nanus , vele cn gn :;:'I' l es 'G.

V, 230- 236 : Ti1e ~-:.i gh ) r ies t i s ves t r.lents and his Darti­cipat ion i n feas t s .

506 : l';ention of the t Olnb of Anemia s t i,1e h i Gh pries t.


5 27: h~tthias , so n of Boethus clai:ns high ; r i estly a n c estr y .



ApioD: I,


114: Joseph and Jesus, chier priests , and c er­tain sons of chief priests go over to Romans with other l eaders .

267: hurder of chief priests b J Idu..rneans to exterminate religious l{orshipe

423: Onias i s mentioned as one of the chief priests at Jerusalem.

29: The kee~) ing of r a cords was a task assigned to the chief priests and the prophets.

36: JeHish records contain names of high priests i'or b-JO thousand years.

II, 104: Sanctuary was entered only by high priests ,


clad in the raiment proper to themselves.

185-189: Excellence of the theocratic c::::nstitution under the leadership of t he high priest .

193-194 : Special functions of the high pries t.

- 2-4: Josephus t races his ancestry bac~ t o the Hasmonean high priests throuGh a daughter of Jonathan.

9: Jo sephus re ~)orts that high :,-;riests of the ci ty ':len t ot him for precise information on SUbj ects.

193-194 : Josephus mentions hi gh priests _~lanus and Jesus.

197: Sir'lon is said to be descended fror.'l hiGh prie s -'cs.

216; Jonathan is sent from Simon 2nd AJ."1aDUS the hi gh priest.


Lists of t : _e Qualities of the Levi tical High Pri est ,Reflec ted in the Epistl e t o the Hebrews

1. List by C. Spicql

Re c u par l e pri vil~ge d l une des c onc, a...Ylc e charnell e . D ' t 0 / - 1 0 1 t o 0 Ie -er::nne par.La 8t;ls a 10:'1 T:lasa.J..que . ?r~tres ~flortels , trans:nettent leurs !)ourvoirs ~ leurs succ esseurs . H OllL"l1CS f aib l es at pecheurs . lP etaient que pr-et~"es . Leur cuI te es tune i::nag e at une o~<lbre au cul te c eleste, VIII , 5. Hayen d ' ex,) iatio:1 : Ie sang des anirnaux: .

Offran.de o:J.Otidi en_YJ.e . LIEU : Da.nD lliYJ. tabernacle terrestre . EFFET : Sacrifi c es i ne f :Cicaces. Dieu n e les agreait pas .

' 2 L O t . , t'-' .L. t f C .... 1 1 0 T· ~-r.1 2 • J..S oa. s ec on lie ~rea~men 0 • ~lren~ 1n ~rll .

1) Tile ~~ ries t is c o.lled by Go d , 5 :4-6. 2) He represents t he p eople b efor God, 2 :17 ; 5 :1. 3) Even before God he i s in solida.rity Wl~ ~ men. 5 :1. 4) He is able t o h.ave sJ'Tn~; athy for o t 'clel'S because lIe

himself is Heak . 5 : 2-3 . 5) 'lbe offe:c>ing of unbloo dy an d "cloody sacrifi c es

f or sins i s his true task, 5 : 1 ; 8 :3; 10 :11 . 6) This takes p lace in expi ation, 2 :17 . 7) There is no re~is s ion without the she d d ing of

b lood . 9 :7,18-22 . 8) The Driest offers fo r his o.·m sins and fo:." t hose

of tile J ean Ie oe c ause he t oo is \·Ie:::.}:. 5 : 2 - 3; 7 : 27. 9) The Levitic al ~)riesthood does Ea t Clcco::np lisn its

f inal goaL . It neither sets 3i:'1 a side ~e ~o::lanG ntl:r nor pe:c-fe c ts man by fel1oHs~ip :·;i t h Go d , 7: 11, 19 .


10) roh ~ . I' 0 t . ., . , ~ 0

1., e sense 01 gUl ~ J..S .'10 re:;loveu OJ 'G~18 sacrlilc e s of t h e Levitical p:c-i esthood, b u t t n s s a crifi c es r.1USt b e c ont i ::med . 9 : 9 ;10 : 2-3 . 'l'h o c l:ltus bec ome s

1 " .... ' . b 0 -'i V 1 ? 12' V. ~) .!.. c q , ~. 0 - , :9 . o . , c .

2 C Sh , 1 (C • (, _J / G p o t ' 1 r l' 1 ' 1 • 0 re!' .. .J:c, L. t. L. S-" ~ ( [ /Jcou,{; , . !l..1 -co ... , ''c ueo 0 ;l.ca

'C'\ lOC .L; ~ "''''·~'r o -~ :.- :n / ': r"'n( ; /"}' ''' O lo U' ~ -" C i 1; '-" "" 190':' ) 'i/o 1 ., ~l.J.;=.:::.-=v;.:: __ "",, _.Lc....._ .. J.. _ • • .1. ., ~ 1....... ... ~/ " '-).: o..J , !:.:.::.. ~ - t.:, c,..;...:.. ... , ~ _. ::> , pp . 277- ,?70 "

a r eDinder of sins, 10:3. 11) The ? riosts who practice it are mor tal. This is

Hhy they are a c hanging p lu:.."ali ty, 7: 23. 12) The s2crifices lac :, the character of etornity and

c onsequently need to ·oe repeated c ont L:.ually . The s a c rifice on the ~ay of Atone~ent is offered only once a year, but it is offered every year . 9:6 f., 12;10:1.

13) The mi nistry o f :.; riests may h a ve so:ne ~~urifying pOHer, 9:13, but it brin;:;s about only exte rnal and c ultlc purifi cations .

1LL ) The bloo d of' ani::r'.als ca..!Il.ot take 2..1!ay sin, 10:4. 15) It is a priesthood by virtue of physical des c ent .

7:16 . 16) It i s c arried on in an earthly s~ctuary. 9:1. 17) A sanc tuary made bJ" human hands, 9: 11. . 18) It . is only a true t aoernac1e . 9 : 23 ; 8 : 5 ;10 :1.


3. Lists of texts t aken direc tl::r fro Y:l the ~')istle t o the Hebre~is c oncerning the Levi ti c al high :;::;ries (,hood di:c"e ct1y or indirectly.

2:17 It Has essential t hat he should i n tnis Hay b e c ome co~pletely like his brothers so tha t he couLd b e a c ompassionate 8."-'l.d trust'·iorthy hign _; riest of God' s l~el igion a ble to atone ~'or hlh'na...'1 sins.

5:1-4 Every hier: pri es t has b een ta~en out of mankind a...'1d i s appointe d to act for Ylen in their relations Hith Go d , to offer g ifts and sacrifices for sins ; and so he C8."-'). sympathize 1,·;i th t hose 1;1[1.0 a~"e i SD8ra:.1t or -u.11certain because he too lives in the l_rd t ations of Heal:ness . That is Hhy he has to Y,lake sin oi'rerin; s for himself as Hell as for the peo '.) l e . Ho one take s t :,-i s honour on himself , but e a c S o~e is c alled b y God as rlaron . "Has .

7: 5 l:le lena,,'; tllat c.es c endants of Levi ,·;0.0 a::'1 8 :J.d.--n.i t ~ed to t no priesthood are o jli;ed oy t he LaH to t ~ce ti t hes rr o::;1 the .-;e opl e , lli'1d tilis is ta~~ir'.G the:,l fro::.l t heir OIU brother s , althOUGh t~ey too are desc ended fro r:1 Abra;13.nJ. . ..

7:11-16 NOH if perfec tion had been reac hed t hrou;h the Lc:-.,i ti c al ~ riesthoocl o c c ause tlle La~·; s iven to tile nations res:;s on it , 1-Jh7 H:"S it s~ill nc c es :-; ary for a neH .::; riesthood 'co arize , one of t:"l8 sc....'":1e 0:2cor 2. 3

Eelchizodelc not co--.:n t ed a s oain:; ai.' tl"!.C 3 0.28 oreie r as c .. ap ·:::m ·? 3ut 8::,J.y cnan;::;e in tCle ·rie s t:l0oci Eust r,wan a c ~an0e in t lle LU'.-T as ,·,ell.

So our Lord, of uno::;l these t iir..;s Hc-,",e sai d , b e l on::;:: d to a difforc:lt tribe , t he :·1e~nbers of VInich

have never cione s ervi ce at the 8.1 tar ; everyone knoHs he C 011le from Judah, a t ribe \·:hich Zoses di6. not even mention whcn dealin~ with priests .

This becomes even more clearly evident H~en thore appears a se cond He lchizedok, Hho is a ;')ri e st not by virtuc of a l aH about physical des c '3nt , bV.t by the pol-icr of an inciestructible life .

7 :20-2u. The other's indeed 'tIGre ::11ade .pries ts ,.;1 th,:mt any oath ••• Then there used t o be a great nur,1ber of t hose other ~riests, because ceath put an end to e a ch one of t hem; but this one because he r emains forever, c an never lose his ) riesthoOd.

7: 26-28 To sui t us, the ideal high priest "muld have to be holy, inno cent and uncontc..minateci., beyond t he influence of sirmers and raised u~) above the heavens; one Hho would not need to offer : acrifices every day as t he other hi gh priests do for thei r own sins and then for those of the ne o ple, because he has done t his once an.d for all by offe '::'ing nimself. The LaH appoints hiGh ~ riests who are men subject to weakness ; but the =-,:eor:iise on oath, >-!hich c ame after the LaH, a ppointed t ho Son who is made ,erfect forever .

8:3-.5 It i s t . e duty of every i:igh .oriest to offer gifts and ::: acrii'ices, and so this one too lllUS~ have somethi~g to offer . In f a ct, if he were on earth, he l:auld not be a priest at all, sinc e t L1.ere ['ere o thers Kho r:ake the offcl'ings laid do\.ffi b ~~ t he Lm·[ fu'1d the se on~. y r:.aintain tne service of a model or reflection of the heavenly realities .

8 :7-13 I f that first covenant had bee:1 i·;i t~cut a fault, there wou l d have been no need for a second one t ·:) repl ;J. c8 it . . :~nd in f a ct Goo. does find fault with then; he says :

(Jr 31:31-34)

By s .) e .:..kin; of a neH c ovenanl; no L :nlies that t h e fl"Y' s-;'" on"" l" " '-' 1 --' ·" a',~ aIr! Fo'·~ "'n--t-'n 'i n'" old 0'-" " re~'s - 0 .i...... ..... .- _..., ...... J """. _ I H ""-L J - c - - - -..;:..J v more fu'1.tiquated. li..'0.til in t l:.e end it disaypea:'s .

9 :1-5 The fir st coven.::t...'1t also h 2.d i ts la~·;s governing Horst'.2. ,) , Qnd its sanctu2.:'Y, a sanctuary on t ~:i 3 earth . There ~;c;.s a t ent ~ 'it'li.Cr.l c . .: ~n .) :liscd t·~·;o c or:: ; 2.rtrr~8nts ; th.e _'lrs-c , in ~'!!l ~C ~: t':1e 1 2.:.:.-.1p - star..c, tL1.8 ta'Jl e a~ci tlle ~:,c.sent:ation loaves HEL'e l:e)t , ' .. ias c alled the Holy i lace; t~ell b eyond the s e c ond veil, 2:.."1 ir..ne~:t1o::; t , _. f:..rt , ~·!·::1.i c 'n 1. ·:~S c ~:.1 1 8ci t ~iC I-:oJ. ~T )f 1101i e3 to '.·i:~ i c ~, belon,:;ed the Golei altar of incen:::;e , fu'J.d t~:e a:,,: of tho co ven:::..nt , plD.tod all ove r ~>[i til. gold . In t his we~e kept the gold j :::..r containing t he


manna, Aaron ' s bran c h tll.:::.t greH t ne bu d s , a"1.d the s tone t 3.blets of the covenant. On to .) of it Has the throne of me~c y, and outsp re a d ove r it were the g lorious cherubs . This is no t . t h e t ime to bO i nto greater dctai l about t his .

9:6-10 Under the s o p rovisions, pr i ests are c onst~~tly goins into the outer tent to c arry out their acts of worship , but the second tent i s entered only onc e a y ear and then only oy t he (ligh !)ri es t Hho mu s t g o in b J himself and t ake the blood to offer for hi s o ~,m f aults and the people 's. By t hi s t he ~""!. oly Spiri t is showi ng that n o one has tie r i ght to GO into the sanctuary as long as t he outer t ent r er,lains st3.nding ; it i s a s :lrabol for this present t i:ne .

Hone of the g i f ts and .sQcrifices of:"cred under the se regul G. t i ons c an possibly b ring any Horshi~)er to perfection in his i n ... '1.er self ; t ._oJ a:.ne r'J.les about t h e outHard life, COl:'_n.e cted. -.,i th fo ods and d~inks an.d .. ,rashing a t vari ous times intended to be in fO::'ce onl:;f until it should b e t L ile t o reform them.

9:13 The Blood of goats a nd b '..:.lls a..~ d t he a s hes of a heifer are s}rinkled on those ~ho have incurred defil ement and they restore the holine ss of their out­.,mrd lives .

9 :18-20 Even t he e Qr lier c ovenant n eeded so~ething to be k illed in oj,~der to take effect , a Ed T .. j~:y after l·):o ses had annou:.l c e o. al l t ha cOr.l;":c,nctl1en~s of t i1.e L D.':l

to t he PGo~il e , hi tool: ti18 c alves ' blooe" an c.~·the goats' bloo d and 30;',18 I,;a t eY' 2..c'1. Q '.'ii th t (lOSe he 8) pin~:led the '0001:: itself and all t e:e g eo) le usi!).,; sC 8.rle i; i,:oo l aC1U hys sop ; s s.ying as he did so : This is t :-.e blood of the covenant that God h a s l aid ci o v ~n for you.


9:2l-2L~ Aft er tlJ.at , he s · ~ rinkle d t ~1e t ent D.ne. all tt.e litU:1 ~~i c D.l vessels ~}it:l blood in t ae S:J:J.8 HD.;; . I n f a ct, accopdil1G to the La" j alY.lo st every t h in:; hD.s t o b e purified "ii t "l 01000.; arlO. if tnG~e i s no c:he 0.c, i n g of blood, t~C :'0 is :,0 "-~e :.li 5sion. Obviously only tl-:.e copies o f h e a venly tnin~s CCL'1. be .::;urifi e <.t i n t~1i3 ',i:lS , and t h e neavenly t;o.:Ln3s t he:':lselves clC.~.T e to be pu r ifi ed by a hi gi1er so:,t of s2.orifice than t :lis . It is no t as t':lOugh Christ haa. ent ered a r::2.n - made saD.c-cuD.r :1 ,jt1i c n W2.S only mo delled on t he r eal one ; ~ut it was hCD.ven itse lf so t hat he could D.p~ e:J.r in the a ctuD.l pre s ence of God on our bei.1:l1f .

9: 25- 26 : Ana. he does no t ho.ve to offer (D.r:lce l ::' c:.r; a i n and a g D.in like the high ~riest e;oin;:; int o t he s 2.n ctuary year afte r ye o. r Hi t h blood tho.t is not llis O':T.i.1, or e l .:: e h e Hould h a ve liad to suffer ov e r ( ..... 11.d ovor c.Guin since t he Hor l d beGa n . Instotld of tilat , he hD.s :.l:ld e his .


a PDearance onc e and for all, nOH at the eno, of the l ast a~~, t o do away with s in by sacrificing himself~

10 :1-4 So since the Lm'J hns no mor'3 t han a reflection of these realities , nnd no finished ',) icture of the:.l, it is quite incapable of bringing the worshippers to perfection, with t he S8.:.ne sacrifices rep e:J.tecil:JT offered ye o.. r after year . Other-,rise , the offel'in; of thel':l '<mul d have stopped, becau se the ~orshippers ~(1en they haci b een purified once, Bould have ~o awareness of sins. In­stend of that, the sins are re cnlled year afte r year i n t he 32.crific e s . BuIl l s blood and g oats I bloo ·j are u seless for taking aHay sins .


10:11-18 The efficacy of Christls sacrifice.

10:11 All the 2wiests stand a t their duties every day, offerins over and over aGain the s.::..me sacrifices Hhich arc quite incapable of tnJdns aHay s i::-1.

13 :11 The bodies of the ani mals \'ihoso blood i s brough:t into the sanctuary by the hi g h pries t for the atcme:'.1ent of sin are burnt out s ide the c amp .


appearance once ~~d for a ll, now at the enu of the l ast a ge , t o do away ~ith s in by s a crificing himself .

10:1-4 So since the Lai"J has no more t han a reflection of t hese r ealities , and EO fin:!..shed ':-; ictu x'e of the:,l, it i s quite incapable of brinbing the Horshippcrs to perfect ion, ui t ll t he s xne s2.crifices rC l)e8.tedl:I offered ye o.r fl, f ter year . OtnerHi se , the of'fel~il!;; of -;:;he1 vrould h a v e stopped, bec ause t;'1e \,orsh i 9P81"S Hh en 'cile:r had been ] uri f ie ci once, Dould have no a wareness of sins . In­steo.d of tha t, the s ins are recalled y ear after year in t he s[,-c"-°ific '" s. Bull I s blood and goats I bloo c. are u se l ess for takin:::; aHay s i ns .

10:11-18 The efficacy of Christls sac rifi c e .

10:11 All the p rie s -;:;s stc.nd a t their dutie s every d a y, offerin:; over and over aGain the S2..me s a crifices Hhich a r'c quite incapable of ta.dnS aHay sin .

13:11 The bodies of ' the ani mals i:ClO SG blood is brought into t he sanctuar;l by t he hi g h lJri es t i'or t he atonement of sin are burnt out s ide the c aJ:'np .


Jo se ')hus ' Treat:llent of Helchizedek

Ant. I, 179-182 .

1ISo Aoraham, havL'! g; :ccncued Sodor,li te ~)ris­oners, previously ca:9tured by t :,e Assyrians in­cluding his l~i:lsma..'1 Lot, returned in !,lcace. '1'he king of t he Sodonitcs net him at a ~ lace whi c h t hey c Qll the 'royal plain '. There he was receiv­e d by t he king of Solyma, Lelcb .. i:::;edek; this na:;:.e means 'righteou3 kill!;,' a...YJ.d such lIaS he by com­mon consent , insomuc h that for this reason he Has rJ.oreover nade priest of God : 3013'-:ma Has i n f a ct t he place aftenTa::.~ds c a lled Heiro:::;olyma . l'~oH thls Yielchisedek hospi ta"oly enterta ined As;raham ' s arl"-y, providing abundantly for all the ir needs fu'1d in the course of the feast he bega...YJ. to extol Abrahanl and to bless God for having delivered his enemies into his hand. Abraham then offc:'sd him the tithe of the spoil, and he accep ted the gift. 1I

Har VI, ~ .. 38.

lilt s (Jerusalem's) original founde:e "Has a Canaarite chief , c alled in the na tive tongue'Right­eous King '; for suco.. i:1deed he Has . In virtue t herof he ,iaS the first of:. officiate as priest of God and b eii:..g t he first to build the temple, gave the ci t-y, pr eviously calle o. SoJY .. :,1a, the n 8:.18 of Jerusal em. II



C. Spicq in L ' £~ftPe .\u.,'( Etbreux ( lapis : J. GabQlda &; Co. , 1 952), Vol. I,p-) . 379-410, gives a c o:.:::::lete a D.11otat­ed biblioGra~')hy of tho ~' ; i stle to t;18 I-IobY'-eiis u p to his


tir!1e of publi c ation. I':ore i~cccnt na co:2ial can b e found in Aelred Cociy, Eea V8"1.!J __ Sru:t_c tuary an ::l Li tv-rCl :i.::~ th~s tl~ t o the HebreHs (,::i t . Heinrn.o_~ Ind. : Grail ..:'ublico. tions, 1960), npl 2C7-21~imon KistGwal-::e:c>, '1'ne ?saLl Ci tn.tion;:; L'J. tnG Enis~'le .1-0 ';-h'" Hebv>e"'~ ( ·"-;].n.l...e""QJ:;]. " Foize-~na-~ach:G 1 0 61;"'----l-- lJ _ v v ...., _ ' .!.. ~J OJ. "'~I 0...> 0 ... :......t. I I . \.1.,..1 .J. ":> 6 - / ' 7 ,

pD. r 153-159; ""elbert V<L.'1.hoye, La structure Ii tterairo de 1 -' E-pftre aL.1.X H~breux (Paris : Des clee de Br 0 t.n·;e:c> , 1963), p o 261 ff.; .=:rich Grasser, DeI' Glaube il';1 ~lebraerbrief (Harburg, lI.G. : ~lHert, 1965) , pp~ 221-237.

L. H. Fe1dII1an in S ch~~?:F..2h:lj:J_ .gD_~'li l0 and ~?sephus 1937.-1962 (UeH York: Yeshiva University, 19b3l and 2 . F . H. Si1Ul.,t fn Studies in J-osechus ( London : S. P.C. K., 1961) give valu able surveys on the scholarship concerning Josephus and the texts and editions of Josephus . For more dot :liled bibliographie s in specific areas see : · ?elletier, S . J., Flavius Jos~ 0he Autobio ~;;;ra~)hie ( ?aris: Les Belles Lettres, 1 959 r, xxvii­xxxvi ; "''endre .celletier , S . J., Flavius Jose-:)h~ ada·,)tccteur de 1 2. Lettl~e d ' AristG'e ( ?2_ris : C. iilr:c ksiecli:, 19(2) , pp, 11-15 ; rialp:l harcus and Allen -~'Jil:e;T'en, _Jose -:,:> h.u~ (C x nbridge, I'lass.: Harvard Unive::'si t :.r Press , 1963), Vol . VIII , }p . '567 -589 ; L.E. 1.<'el6.::;.an, J os e nhus (ibid. 1965),. Vol. IX, pp , 556-587. - --



Bauernfeind and i.[i cnel ( ed.&:trans.) }?lavius Jose'JQus : Der Jude s che Kriep, . Darmstadt: 1959-1963 . . ---

D8.nby, Ge:::,iJe:~t, The Hi shnah. London : Oxford Uni versi ty Press , 1933.

Jones, Alc;~ander ( ed.) Jepusalc:n Bible . Garden City, .l'! . Y.: Doubleday &: Col, Inc. 196~

herl-:, Auc;ustinus , S. J. (e d.) lJOVUI,1 I'esta:nentu21l Graece Bt Latine e Bome : Pontifiecal BiiJlical Isntitute, 1914 (9t-he ed.)

Niese, B. (e d .) Flavii Jose~his Ooe:::'ao 7 vols. Berlin : ihem;]'2......moCL1.e Ve:::,la1;s, 1955.

Pelletier, .,.'u"ldre ( ed . 6; tr2ns.) Flavius Jos~ ,) he--Autobio­graohie . ?aris: Les Belles Let-l..-res , 19-59 .

Reinach, T. ( ed.) Oeuvres Cor.mletes de Flavius .Jose;)11.e . 6 vols. ?aris: ?uoli c ations de La Sociela ~e Des ~ l..udes Juives , 1900-1926.

Reinach, T. 2...1'ld Blum, L. (trans .) Flavius Jose·;)he C~ntre A-oion. Paris:Les Belles Lettres, 1930.

Septuag:int Version of the Old Testament (v;i t h 2n :2;nglish tranolation c .. ;."ld Hi ~h v 3.J:'ious r-eCldin;s ::nd critical notes). London : Samuel Bagster and Sons Ltd. (n. d .)

Tbl.cke:;:,a~7, :1 . St . J., and !,.arcus, ;.-1alph, T::'e -dor}:s of Jo sephus, 9 vols. London, He-.. : Yox , :.:L."ld C:ru,:brr~i;::;e (1926-1965) . 1-;el-1 Yor~;: : Geo . lJutl18-"U &: Sons, 1926-1965.

!.-{lliston, -,'i ~ (t:::'ans .) Jo ~}eD~us. Edinburgh: 1737.

II. T:2X'l'UAL ~.\.l;u L3XICOG_-U .. ?3IC ;[Olms

.\ 1J.. ~ , T ' l l~ " 4' '" - ,.... • 11. -:j1 -. ' ~ 1- , .-, G- -.. ' .. _ ,·' ,.., ,-1'i co' .. ..,rne v, .Il .L3.. .;. ... , ill .. O. U'lngrl c " _. .J,L our , .• rue_~ ":,~-=-,,n


Le:..:icon of che lJe -~'l 'restru.-'~ent and Otc.c:"l .LtQrl"~- Clr:2i.sti QIl :3.. ~t :lr c • t.;tlI c a ;; 0 : -- -U ni-v8~ sit Y -0 f l.J(l'f c aGO ~; res s , 1'157 .

Bromily, Geoffrey W., Ne'H Te~ L:a:-, le::1~ .

1.(i t te1 I S Theologic::>.l 0i.ctio~r;j of the ~ . . . - 19' li-~o.nCl.. ."'~2.. ) l as : ~erar,: 9..ns , L p _") - •

Richar:is , G. c., ::L.'ld S[11.J.-tt , ~ . J. F ., "Crit i. c c,l Hotes on Josephu.s 1".nti 0u:l.t i oG . 1! Cla3 ~;ic.;~1:o1 c~~~t..c'.'o\','. 31 (1937), pp . 170 -177.

Shutt, rt . J . E. , Studies i n Jo se-ohus . _ _ • . _ . ________ ___ 4'" . _ _ London: S . ? C.E., 1961.

Thackeray, E • St. J., J0 8e~h~~::.~ ;·1 ::F;-2~.d~ t)'le_.::'_ist9F.i£12' lleH York : J Cc'lish inot it1..1.ee of "{eJ.l gion ? ros s , 1929.

Hi IJe2.I:ls on, Geoffrey _I.rthur , Th0 -;iorJJl of Jose-qlms . " I -~.------ <---Se c ko!' [,: ;;iarbu.rl3, 19040



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