In Gear ROTARY CLUB OF BEAUMARIS WEEKLY BULLETIN Number 7 14 August 2017 Next Meetings THURSDAY AUGUST 17 SPEAKER: CHRIS MARTIN TOPIC: YOUTH - ROBOTICS ETC. CHAIR: LOIS LINDSAY AV: BRIDGET HAGE CASH DESK: MARY CUNNINGTON & KERRIE GEARD HOST: HEATHER CHISOLM THURSDAY AUGUST 24 SPEAKER: BILL STUBBS TOPIC: CIVIL CELEBRANT CHAIR: MEGAN GLENWRIGHT AV: DAVID LEA CASH DESK: JAMES GLENWRIGHT & DAVID LANGWORTHY HOST: TRISH SMYTH THURSDAY AUGUST 31 SPEAKER: HEATHER/SAM TOPIC: SKIN CANCER CENTRE CHAIR: ADRIAN CULSHAW AV: KEN MIRAMS CASH DESK: DAVID HONE & CHARMAINE JANZ HOST: JOHN SIME 2017—2018 Serving the Community since 1985 Presidents Report The highlight of last Thursday was the induction of our newest club member Roy Downes. I am delighted that Roy decided to join us, I am sure he will be a real asset to Beaumaris Rotary. Knowing a little of Roy’s background I am also looking forward to hearing his new member’s talk. Unfortunately our scheduled speaker Bruce Corben had to withdraw at the last moment as he was admitted to hospital. We wish Bruce a speedy recovery and will try to have him back at a later date. I think Thursday evening showed that we don’t always need a speaker to have a successful meeting. We have a club night on 14th September and once we have had a chance to digest the survey results, Lynda may look at including a few more “Just Us” evenings into the program. The weather was kind to us for the Farmers Market on Satur- day. The early showers cleared in time for the set up and then stayed away for the rest of the day. I would anticipate a good overall result, the numbers through the gates certainly acceler- ated as the morning went on. I know the takings at the BBQ were in the $800 - $900 range. Last Wednesday I attended our cluster (Beaumaris, Chelten- ham, Hampton and Sandringham) president’s meeting. The object is to share information about club projects, speakers and upcoming events. For example we will be inviting cluster club members to our music trivia night on 21st September and Contents 1 Presidents Report 2/3 Notices 4 Art of Kakadu 5 Beaumaris Concourse Car & Bike Showw 6 RC of Huntingdale Charity Golf Day 7 Club Structure / Photo of Week Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

In Gear Week 7 14 August 2017 - WordPress.com · 2017-08-14 · in gear rotary club of beaumaris weekly bulletin number 7 14 august 2017 next meetings thursday august 17 speaker:

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In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 7 14 August 2017

Next Meetings























Serving the Community since 1985

Presidents Report The highlight of last Thursday was the induction of our newest club member Roy Downes. I am delighted that Roy decided to join us, I am sure he will be a real asset to Beaumaris Rotary. Knowing a little of Roy’s background I am also looking forward to hearing his new member’s talk.

Unfortunately our scheduled speaker Bruce Corben had to withdraw at the last moment as he was admitted to hospital. We wish Bruce a speedy recovery and will try to have him back at a later date.

I think Thursday evening showed that we don’t always need a speaker to have a successful meeting. We have a club night on 14th September and once we have had a chance to digest the survey results, Lynda may look at including a few more “Just Us” evenings into the program.

The weather was kind to us for the Farmers Market on Satur-day. The early showers cleared in time for the set up and then stayed away for the rest of the day. I would anticipate a good overall result, the numbers through the gates certainly acceler-ated as the morning went on. I know the takings at the BBQ were in the $800 - $900 range.

Last Wednesday I attended our cluster (Beaumaris, Chelten-ham, Hampton and Sandringham) president’s meeting. The object is to share information about club projects, speakers and upcoming events. For example we will be inviting cluster club members to our music trivia night on 21st September and


1 Presidents Report 2/3 Notices 4 Art of Kakadu 5 Beaumaris Concourse Car & Bike Showw 6 RC of Huntingdale Charity Golf Day 7 Club Structure / Photo of Week

Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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some of us are going to Hampton’s meeting on 29th Au-gust. I am also planning to go to Sandringham’s meeting on 24th October to hear about Rotarians Against Slavery. Our District Governor Malcolm Chiverton and his wife Karen will be visiting us on November 30th a date for your diary. Hopefully, the VGC car park will be complet-ed by then!

The Cancer Council Daffodil Day (25th & 26th August) and Concourse Classic Car Show (10th September) are coming up soon at the Beaumaris Concourse. Mary Cunnington is managing our involvement in Daffodil Day and Tony Phillips has again offered to organise our par-ticipation in the car show. Please look out for the signup sheets and help where you can. These events are im-portant for the visibility of the club in our local community and are also good fun. Kerrie Geard is also working on the Concourse Christmas Event with the traders and is helping them apply for a Bayside Council Grant.

The Art of Kakadu exhibition is now at the facelifted Brighton Library. The month at Sandringham library pro-duced some additional sales, he have similar hopes for Brighton particularly given the great display space. Thanks to Robert and the team. I have asked both San-dringham and Hampton Rotary Clubs to include details in their newsletters.

We still need a volunteer to help look after our social me-dia posts and some additional volunteers for the audio visual role at our meetings. Many of the original AV peo-ple now have other roles and the duty keeps falling on the same few, so this is becoming critical. Thanks to Bridget Hage and David Horne for volunteering, we could still use a couple more. If you can help please contact David Lea or myself.

Our meeting on Thursday will be at Victoria Golf Club. It is a special Youth Services evening co-ordinated by Chris Martin, where we will have the opportunity to hear

R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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first-hand from some of the participants in the youth pro-grams we have supported over the last 18 months.

Have good week, I look forward to seeing you on Thurs-day.

237 Bay Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192

03 8535 7980

Yours in Rotary Chris

MITS Gala Dinner

Thursday 19 October

Please save the date! On our annual fundraising event – the MITS Gala Dinner – will be held at Carousel on Albert Park Lake. Join our students for a delicious banquet feast by food&desire and entertainment by Yirrmal Marika – a new genera-tion artist from Yirrkala in North East Arnhem Land. Yirrmal is the grandson of Dr Yunupingu, former lead singer of Yothu Yindi. He is an inspir-ing songwriter and guitarist who performs with feeling and depth well beyond his years. He also undertook schooling away from home, so has walked the path our students are travelling. He wowed the crowds at the Port Fairy Festival this year and we know he’ll do the same at the Gala Dinner. Please join us if you can.

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Rotary Club of Hun�ngdale

Charity Golf Day

Hun�ngdale Golf Club

Monday 28th

August 2017 Time: Shotgun start at 12 Noon (Registra�on from 10.30AM)

Cost: Only $140. Registra�on via Golf Link (Male & Female Handicap & Social Compe��ons)

Includes: Pre-game BBQ lunch, complimentary driving range balls,

post-game complimentary drinks & finger food.

Each player receives a show bag and many prizes are available.

All proceeds from this golf day go towards Rotary local and interna�onal community support projects.

The Compe��on is an Individual Stableford event with 4 sec�ons

GOLF Link Handicap & Social handicap, Male & Female.

See & use the pres�gious mul�-million dollar Hun�ngdale Golf Clubhouse,

the course will be in excellent condi�on.

Registra�on via; www.iseekgolf.com at; https://iseekgolf.com/courses/australia/vic/the-sandbelt-region/rotary-club-of-huntingdale?date=2017-08-28

There is a booking fee of $2.95 per booking (player or group). The person making the booking must have a GOLF Link

handicap, & enter their number at the point of registra�on.

Should you have any difficul�es contact the iseekgolf customer service team on

1300 663 813 or by email at [email protected]

Be sure to register the golf link numbers for all of your group (if you have them) to ensure you are in the Handicap event,

otherwise they will be treated as a social player.

If you need to contact us directly, email; hun�[email protected] or mobile 0418 554 287

Rotary Charity Day at Hun�ngdale

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LIONS IN LINES Torie Hilley didn't think she'd be able to see any-thing interesting through the tall grass while on a safari in Zambia. "Then this pride of lions came walking toward us," she says, "taking advantage of the road to travel on. They, too, seemed they were tired of the tall grass swat-ting at their faces!" PHOTOGRAPH BY TORIE HILLEY, NATIONAL GEO-GRAPHIC YOUR SHOT

President. Chris D’Arcy

President Elect. Heather Chisholm

Hon Secretary. James Glenwright

Hon Treasurer. Richard Jones

Projects Director. Roy Seager

Immediate PP. Malcolm Sawle

Independent Director. Vivienne Zoppolato

International. John Sime (Chair)

Fred Hofmann John Manks

Ken Mirams Ross Philips

Youth. Chris Martin (Chair)

Jan Cooper Lois Lindsay

Tony McKenna David Rushworth Vivienne Zoppolato Bridget Hage

Event Management.

Jim O’Brien Martin Fothergill

Robert McArthur Geoff Stringer

Antony Nixon

District Service.

Youth Services. Tony McKenna

Membership. Trish Smyth

Assistant Governor. Ken Mirams

Club Service & Administration.

Attendance & Dining. Heather Chisholm

Foundation. John Manks

Program. Lynda Doutch

Membership. Adrian Culshaw

Fellowship. Megan Glenwright

Auditor. Tony Phillips

Club Protection Officer. Ken Mirams

Communications. David Lea

Social Media. TBA

Archivist. John Beaty

Almoner. Lois Lindsay

Almoner. Charmaine Jansz

Club Photographer. Max Darby

Community. Chris Werner (Chair)

Mary Cunnington Max Darby

Martin Fothergill Kerry Geard

David Langworthy Tony Phillips

Clem Quick Mary Sealey

Richard Shermon

Market Management.

Vivienne Zoppolato (co-ordinator)

Heather Chisolm Ken Mirams

Greg Every Peter Flude


David Hone (Chair)

Heather D’Arcy (Trachoma)

RCOB Club Structure 2017 - 2018

RCOB Board.