In collaboration with

In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

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Page 1: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

In collaboration with

Page 2: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide
Page 3: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide


AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE (ANZI) provides workplace business and financial education and training opportunities across all communities. Its mission is to enable people to realize their potential and relevance in

Our delivery of both learning materials and assessments is through our online learning management system that has incorporated the virtual online platform for training and learning purposes. Learners with internet coverage can

the workplace, competitiveness employers.

which translates to for self-employment

growth and and future

access the materials at any time. The online learning management system sits on the ANZ University (ANZU) platform.

Technical skills at the foundation level are the underpinning competencies necessary for workplace contribution and euectiveness. For example, knowledge of finance and measures of financial performance will equip learners with the necessary know how to communicate more euectively and apply more euectively the principles and their impacts on the value-drivers of their enterprise. ANZI is committed to allow easy access to adult education and learning via both digital and traditional classroom delivery. The greater objective is to ensure learners have better economic opportunities.

Appropriately, the ANZI suite of executive certification programmes are designed and developed for this purpose. Our focus on learners’ acquisition of functional knowledge and assessment is to equip them with the technical competencies necessary to apply and contribute at their workplace more euectively. The learning structure is combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide knowledge for skills development at the work place.

The ANZU is the proprietary learning management system (LMS) of ANZI, and is developed for delivery of learning, assessing knowledge and awarding learners who have attained the minimum standards of assessment. ANZU is the outcome of collaboration euorts between ANZI, Finet Associates and Asia Finance Limited, New South Wales.

ANZI was incorporated in 1988 as a limited liability company in New South Wales, Australia. ANZI has made significant progress towards the development of executive certification programmes focusing on finance and accounting, enterprise risk, basic credit evaluation and financial leadership targeted at enhancing workplace competencies of both organizations and individuals.

Page 4: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

Executive e – Learning Series (ELS) The suite of executive certification programmes designed as our E-learning Series for corporate executive development is intended to meet workplace requirements. These programmes are self-directed e- learning courses that are accessible by individuals working in remote locations, or have diThculties attending physical class room training. Identifying and building skills for future growth through electronic and internet facilitated learning is not only accessible and convenient, it is also cost eThcient.

Upon completion of each course, the learner will take a personal knowledge and initial skills assessment online. Upon satisfactory achievement of a minimum score, the learner will be issued a certificate from the ANZ University, the virtual learning platform of the ANZ Institute. The ANZU certificate is a recognition of attainment of a standard of knowledge through a course of structured learning and assessment. It is not intended for the learner to seek credit transfer to any institutions of higher learning or for further academic pursuit.


Page 5: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

COURSES Certificate in Board Room Finance

Certificate in Bookkeeping &Accounting

Certificate in Business Finance

Certificate in Company Risk Management

Certificate in Credit And Lending

Certificate in Financial Analysis

Certificate in Finance for Leadership Roles

Certificate in Financial Management

Certificate in SME Lending

Certificate in Applied Management

Certificate in Capital Market Practice

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11

Page 6: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

This course is designed with a specific focus on frequently discussed top management issues, especially those with financial implications, and will be relevant to the Director who is a member of the Board and those that share similar accountabilities.

To fulfill their roles and responsibilities, as well as to avoid legal penalties, corporate directors need to conduct their oThce with appropriate understanding of the financial consequences of their decisions and approval of issues submitted to them by the company’s Chief Executive and top management. These issues are specially treated to prepare the director to deal with them with senior management and the Chief Executive of the organization and to fulfil his or her responsibilities.

Directors and members of the boards of directors of listed public corporations and privately held companies.

Directors of family - owned companies would also find this relevant in their delegation of responsibilities and financial roles to their company managers for daily operations.

Targe t Audience


Certificate in Board Room Finance

Understand the corporate environment and financial issues at the board level

Identify financial issues for board room attention

Make sound judgements of business issues with financial impact, and

Evaluate the financial impact of those judgements at the board room level.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop with online learning support for 6 months or

A 2 – day instructor – led workshop learning.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment will be awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.

Roles of directors in public companies

- Corporate governance review

- Responsibilities to stakeholders

Evaluation of company results

- Business profitability

- Corporate profitability and

- Return on investment – the ROI

Financial risk review

- Financial structure ofthe corporation

- Working capital and liquidity risk

- Solvency and asset quality

Financial policies and practices

- Financial structure and liquidity risk

- Working capital and policies

- Risk return and pricing policy

Evaluation of plans and investments

- Company cost of capital and the ROI

- Discounted cash 2ow methodology

- Risks in investments and treatment


Assessme nt of Learning

Delive ry Methods


Page 7: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

Learnin g Objectives COURS E CONTENT

Certificate in Bookkeeping &Accounting

Acquire an understanding of bookkeeping and accounting operations in business

Able to perform bookkeeping procedures and updating bookkeeping records

Learn to keep the required accounting documentation for audit and tax purposes, and

Learn to prepare the income statement and business balance sheet on a regular basis.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop with online learning support for 6 months or

A 5 – day instructor – led workshop learning.

Introduction to the business

Bookkeeping Operation

Bookkeeping procedures 1

Bookkeeping procedures 2

Trial balancing for accuracy

The final accounts and reporting

Bank reconciliation

Control accounts

Liabilities, provisions and reserves

Company accounting

Branch accounting

Partnership accounts

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment will be awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.


Assessme nt of Learning

This course is designed for the learner to acquire practical bookkeeping skills and competent understanding of accounting principles and develop the ability to maintain a set of accounting records for audit and financial reporting. Accounting and bookkeeping are parts of the administration of a business. Strong bookkeeping skills and a firm understanding of accounting principles are necessary essentials that will enable the learner to perform euectively in roles such as oThce administrators, accounting oThcers or to operate an independent bookkeeping service for small businesses.

Executives and graduates from non accounting disciplines seeking employment opportunities in the commercial sector

Working executives seeking career advancement to middle management positions in their organizations

Entrepreneurs and business owners who wish to administer their businesses in a more eThcient way and able to communicate with their banking executives and financial advisors.

Target Audience



Delive ry Methods


Page 8: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

This program has been specially designed as a short course in practical finance for business owners and business managers from non – accounting or non – finance disciplines. The program addresses the major financial issues of interest in everyday management of the company and its business and is essential for these managers and business owners to have a good grasp of them in their management discussions and in their business negotiations with clients.

Business executives and owners often have to deal with raising finance, business profitability and pricing, and investment decisions. These executives are those who will have to meet banks, customers and suppliers and will conduct discussions, meetings and trade negotiations that may involve money matters. Concerns that are recurrent for the company include business profitability, company investment decisions, financial risks and valuation of businesses, and company share valuation. These issues are treated in this course in preparation for better business decision making.


Assessme nt of Learning

Certificate in Business Finance

Business executives and business owners who need to have a basic understanding of typical business finance issues that occur in their day to day commercial activities.

Sales and marketing managers, corporate planning executives and managers with business development roles will find this extremely useful.

To acquire a working knowledge of business finance to communicate euectively

To understand company financial results and how to evaluate business performance

Ability to formulate financial policies and performance requirements

To understand the financial markets and valuation of investment.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop with online learning support for 6 months or

A 3 – day instructor – led workshop learning.

Financial architecture of a corporation

- Business financing requirements

- The financing structure of the corporation and its business needs

- Financial risks in business

- Liquidity and solvency of a company

Profitability of a company and its business

- Profit margins of the business

- Return on investments – the ROI

- Cost of capital of the corporation

- Long term investments and viability

Market valuation of companies

- Corporate valuation and its drivers

- Methods of company valuation

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment will be awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.


Delive ry Methods

Learnin g Objectives


Page 9: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

Certificate in Company Risk Management

Understand the business risk environment and how risk can be managed

Organize and implement a practical risk management project

Evaluate risk management actions and advice on implementation in the company.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop with online learning support for 6 months or

A 2 - day instructor – led workshop learning.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment will be awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.

COURS E CONTENT Overview of risks in organizations

- The nature and impact of risk

- Risk management framework

Managing risks at work

- Risk management processes

- Tools and techniques for risk management

- Risk documentation

The implementation of risk management

- Setting the risk management policy

- Organizing for risk management

- Organizational risk sensitive culture

Corporate governance and risk management

- Corporate governance risk

- Strategy and operational risks

- Elements of successful risk management


This course is designed to provide an understanding of enterprise wide operational risk management and to build a set of practice - oriented skills for managing risks in various parts of the organization.

Risk issues increase with complexity as corporations grow. Some of these risks are minor while others can threaten the survival of the organization regardless of its history and economic standing. Managing risks are neither accounting, audit nor compliance responsibilities. Rather, it is part of good daily management practices in our companies so that when major risks occur, organizations and their stakeholders including stau, are relatively unharmed. Good risk management practices will also lead to better productivity and customer experiences while improving company profitability.

All banking managers and executives with operational roles across the organization

Directors of public and privately held companies and their audit committee

Corporate executives and financial managers with corporate responsibilities.

Targe t Audience


Assessme nt of Learning

Delive ry Methods

Learnin g Objectives


Page 10: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

This course is designed for new banking executives to equip them with the initial knowledge and understanding of credit and lending in a financial institution environment.

New oThcers joining the credit function will be exposed to some working knowledge on credit concepts and applications to help them with their work orientation and development. This saves management some training time and resources while accelerating their work contribution in credit related work.

New graduates with this learning are also better prepared for job opportunities.

New credit oThcers and management trainees who are designated for junior credit related roles in the credit and loans department or function

Banking oThcers from other departments seeking a transfer to the credit and loan monitoring departments would find this important learning and a career advantage.

Targe t Audience


Certificate in Credit And Lending

Understand the credit and lending environment and able to conduct a practical review of credit risk of a loan application

Able to identify information requirements for loan processing purposes

Knowledge of common lending products and their features, and understanding basic loan documentation in credit and lending.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop with online learning support for 6 months, or

A 3 - day instructor – led workshop.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment will be awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.

Principles of lending – managing credit risk

- Concept of productive lending

- Character quality

- Repayment prospects

- On - going credit control

- Credit protection

- Proportionate stake

The 5 - C frame work

- Character of the borrower

- Condition of the borrower

- Cash 2ow for payback

- Capital and commitment

- Collateral and loan protection

Understanding financial information

- Information risk

- The financial statements

- Information verification

Common financial services products

- Purpose of a loan request

- Short term lending products

- Long term lending products

Basic lending documentation

- Loan application form

- Letter of ouer and acceptance

- Loan agreement

- Security and guarantee agreements


Assessment of Learning

Delive ry Methods


Page 11: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

Learnin g Objectives COURS E CONTENT

Certificate in Financial Analysis

Able to understand and assess the financial reporting environment and its risks

Ability to conduct a financial review and an analysis of corporate financial results

Able to conduct an assessment of business forecasts and financial plans for decision making purposes.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop with online learning support for 6 month, or

A 3-day instructor – led workshop.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.

Overview of financial reporting - Corporate reporting and audit - The accounting standards and their

relevance - Understanding creative accounting - Areas of creative accounting and practice

Performance analysis 1 - Business profitability analysis - Gross and net margins analyses

- Return on investment – the ROI - Business sustainability and stability - Working capital and liquidity

- Solvency and insolvency risk - Asset quality and management Performance analysis 2 - Business sustainability - Asset management and its indicators - KPI of the business management

- Cash 2ow analysis – the key focus - Cash 2ow generation and utilization Evaluation of financial forecasts - Financial forecasts for risk assessment

and decision making - Financial forecasting and key issues - Tools and techniques for assessing


- Assessment offinancial forecasts

- Capital expenditure analysis and ROI - Discounted cash 2ow methodology


This course is designed for financial services industry executives in credit, lending and investment review roles to equip them with detailed financial analytical skills and to advance their careers. As part of their roles and responsibilities, they need to read, understand, analyze and interpret financial reports, and conduct ¬financial analyses of financial statements and business forecasts before they can make any recommendations. An adequate financial review would provide a better basis for making loan decisions and credit risk management.

Bank branch managers and credit oThcers who market and process all business and corporate loans, and

Financial executives in the investment and securities environment including research analysts, corporate finance oThcers, fund managers and investment advisors.

Target Audience


Assessme nt of Learning

Delive ry Methods


Page 12: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

This course is designed to enable learners to acquire essential knowledge and fundamental concepts of financial control and apply them to achieve economic use of limited resources in their organizations. When fulfilling their roles and responsibilities, they make decisions which often have financial impact. Common decisions include purchasing or disposing capital assets, price management and costing decisions, and control of financial budgets allocated to their operating units and their members.

Senior managers and heads of operating units with a non - financial background

Senior managers who have budget responsibilities and those in charge of cost centers or profit centers, and

Managers from non - accounting or non -finance disciplines such as engineering and law, and other sciences.

Targe t Audience


Certificate in Finance For Leadership Roles

To acquire an understanding of financial responsibility at leadership levels

To recognize finance as limited resource for achieving organizational goals

To understand how to set financial policies and goals for operating units

To appreciate corporate governance and accounting controls for operating units.

Self-paced online learning throughthe ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop and online learning support for 6 months, or

A 2 – day instructor-led workshop.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.

The economic environment and leadership

- Leadership in a modern environment

- Managing limited financial resources

- Resource map of the organization

Resource management – the corporate ROI

- Goals and objectives of an organization

- Defining and measuring the ROI

- Understanding the cost of delivery

Resource management – financial policies and strategies

- Financing policies and financial risks

- Costing and pricing in daily activities

- Asset management of key resources

Resource management – budgets and results - Budgets as a management tool – for the

practice of M BO and M BE

- Drivers of the budgeting system

- Budget performance and variances

- Managing the variances

Resource management – integrity and accounting controls in organizations - Control of financial resources – the main


- Architecture of financial controls in an organization

- Corporate governance and accounting controls.


Assessme nt of Learning

Delive ry Methods


Page 13: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

Learnin g Objectives COURS E CONTENT

Certificate in Financial Management

Acquire body of practical knowledge of financial management

Acquire an understanding of various financial issues in business and the process for managing financial resources

Understand performance requirements and able to formulate financial goals

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. a workshop and online learning support for 6 months, or

A 5-day instructor-led workshop.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment will be awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.

Control of the corporation and its business

-Objectives of business control

-Financial control and accounting

Business finance and information

-Reviewing the financial statements

-Financial performance indicators

Managing costs and cost controls

-Cost revenue relationships

-Cost savings and productivity

Working capital management 1

- Working capital requirements

-Managing inventories

Working capital management 2 -Managing receivable and cash 2ow

Investment evaluation and choices

-Business risk analysis

-Financial viability assessment

Business planning and budgeting

-Corporate budgeting systems

-Performance variance management

Corporate finance and the capital markets

-Financing structures ofcorporations

-Sources and instruments of financing

-How the capital market works


This course is designed for corporate executives and management trainees to equip themselves with a comprehensive understanding of business finance and practical knowledge for everyday management activities.

As corporate executives progress into their senior management careers they would have to deal with business issues, and many of these have serious financial implications such as control of budgets and financing, product pricing and discounting, returns on investment and control of trade receivables. While the finance department remains the expert department, business practices and policies are executed daily by the corporate managers and their executives. A good grounding of financial management prepares these executives for better control of financial matters in their areas of operations and contribute to improved costing, cash 2ows and asset management in their operations.

Business managers who are responsible for their operations as cost centre managers or profit centre managers

Corporate executives and management trainees engaged with everyday business and management activities.

Management trainees who are groomed for future senior management roles.

Target Audience


Assessme nt of Learning

Delivery Methods


Page 14: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

This course is designed for banking executives to equip them with the knowledge and skills of business lending to small and medium enterprises. The course content include details of their roles and responsibilities, and the applied principles and know how on their specified activities including the conduct of market research and information, analysis on lending needs, structuring of S M E loans and propositions for the bank’s approval. A minimum level of knowledge and skills in credit assessment would be necessary for their roles in successful S M E lending.

Branch managers of lending banks who market and process business and corporate loans, particularly those focused on lending to small and medium enterprises

Credit and lending oThcers responsible for assessing and structuring S M E loans in their respective banks

Banking executives who are in the loan monitoring function or internal audit operations (credit).

Target Audience


Certificate in Small And Medium Enterprise Lending

Understand the business loan environment

Able to conduct a practical analysis of the credit risk of a loan proposal

Able to develop a loan structure to serve both the borrower and lending institution

Understand the process of loan monitoring and credit risk management in a bank

Able to propose actions required for credit risk management.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for 6 months, or

Blended learning – i.e. workshop with online learning support for 6 months, or

A 5-day instructor-led workshop.

Online assessment with multiple choice questions to assess knowledge achievement

A certificate of attainment awarded upon achieving a satisfactory score for the online assessment.


Introducing the S M E business

- The SM E and the economy

- Financing structure of the SM E

- Financing needs of a business

Business financing of the S M E business

- Working capital financing

- Capital expenditure financing

- Principles of lending to a business

Credit risk assessment

- The 5 – C framework

- Asset conversion analysis

- Use of PEST analysis

Financial statement analysis

- Use of audited financial statements

- Profitability and financial assessment

- Cash 2ow analysis and its key focus

- Use of financial forecasts and estimates

Loan structuring

- General principles of loan structuring

- Key lending products and features

- Assessing and structuring working capital requirements

- Assessing and structuring term lending for long term requirements

- Lending terms and conditions

Lending securities and collateral

- Loan securities and protection

- Essential legal documentation

Loan monitoring – prevent bad loans

- Causes of business and loan failure

- Warning signals of a distressed business and preventive actions

Basic BASEL rules and credit risk

- BASEL capital adequacy rules

- Credit risk rating and scoring models

Learning Objectives

Delivery Methods

Assessment of Learning


Page 15: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

Certificate in Applied Management

To acquire a practical working model for new managers and leaders in an organization

To acquire a framework for the practice and resolution of workplace issues To understand team work and organizational risks To develop crucial skills necessary to lead people and manage work euectiveness.

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for six months with ongoing self-assessment of knowledge acquisition.

Upon completion the learner will have acquired a working knowledge of management at work and be prepared for common place work issues requiring a manager’s attention.The successfullearner will be issued a Certificate in Applied Management upon satisfactory completion of an assessment of knowledge and demonstrated application ability. This certification also provides a foundation for further skills development for senior leadership roles in time to come.

Review questions to check learning progress

Online assessment upon course completion

Certificate of learningawarded for achieving a satisfactory score of 70%

Communication @ work

- Communication issues at work

- Listening and writing skills

- Expression ability and skills

- Presentation

Critical thinkingand problem solving

- Understanding and practicing critical thinking

- Analytical thinking

- Problem solving

Leadership practice

- Building teams

- Managing performance

- Managing con2ictsat work

Managingchange at work

- The changing world

- The Manager’s role in managing change

- The change management process and how itworks

Managing risk in the work place

- Risks issues at work

- Managing risks forperformance

- Risk management and the Manager

Project management skills

- Managing work on time

- Work planning and execution

- Managing work progress and risk control


Learnin g Objectives COURS E CONTENT An organization is run by managers of all levels and these are the managerial talent that promotes and protects its interest. The success of the organization depends on its key managers. More than ever they hold the keys to organizational prosperity in an intensely competitive world.

Successful organizations continuously develop people and invest in building their technical skills and managerial capacity. Managers of today may retire tomorrow while the business continues to expand and grow. It is therefore necessary not only to build skills and talents for today but also as management succession planning for the future. Therefore developing young executives into talented managers for tomorrow is an on-going endeavour for an organization.

New graduates seeking work roles as supervisors and for a junior manager’s role.

Newly promoted managers who need to develop specific skills to complement their current experiences and knowledge.

Technical and professional stau being assigned managerial responsibilities and to lead otherstau.

Understanding Basic English and allocation of 1- 2 hours a day for learningand self-testing

Course Requirement

Target Audience


Assessment of Learning

Upon C ompletion

Course Stru cture & Delivery


Page 16: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide


Certificate in Capital Market Practice

This course is designed to provide a framework on the study of the capital market of a typical economy. The course is designed for financial executives in financial institutions as well as in large corporations with corporate and financial strategy responsibilities.

As corporations grow, the financial needs increase and funding them becomes complex. The funding for a larger corporation may then extend beyond the usual banks and the banking markets into the capital market system. The course objectives have these issues in mind so that all learners are introduced the capital market and its roles and how it operates. The participants will learn a set of practice principles and applied ideas for adaptation in their operating environment.

New graduates seeking work roles in the capital markets and securities industry

Corporate finance executives working in investment banking institutions who need to develop a broad understanding of the capital markets

Executives in the accounting and finance environment who want to enhance their knowledge and financial skills at work.


To acquire an understanding of the financial system and the capital market activities

Develop familiarity with capital market instruments and their valuation practices Understand the long term fund raising methods in the capital markets, and Develop an awareness of the key regulations governing capital market activities

Self-paced online learning through the ANZI learning management system for six months with ongoing self - assessment of knowledge acquisition.

Upon satisfactory completion of the assessment and examination, the certificate holder will have acquire a working knowledge of the capital market system and general corporate finance activities. This also very helpful as a foundation for corporate finance executives and financial oThcers to develop their financial market knowledge and skills for career progression in the commercial environment or for investment banking employment opportunities.

Understanding Basic English and allocation of 1- 2 hours a day for learning and self - testing

Financial market structure

-The national economy

- Business growth and funding

Capital market fund raising

- Capital market instruments

- Methods of raising finance ·

Valuation of securities

- Methods of securities valuation

- Accounting impact on valuation

The Securities Exchange and its operations

-Structure of the exchange and its components - Company listing requirements ·

Securities regulations for capital market activities - Company regulations

- Securities market conduct

-Mergers, acquisitions and takeovers – MAT · - Common rules and practices for MAT

Review questions to check learning progress

Online assessment upon course completion

Certificate of learning awarded for achieving a satisfactory score

Targe t Audience

Course Stru cture & Delivery

Upon Completion

Course Requirement



Page 17: In collaboration with...combined blended learning with emphasis on 2exibility allowing self-directed learning and examinations. The certification programmes are designed to provide

and others...


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