r rii v "iMV V i 'M - " '. Pt , t Best Advertising Medium. 77j & 7V- - I V w ZW AW Bulkt.n eVNIN ULLCT evening raper rumtsaea you JDon't Get ALL the Naus. on the Hawaiian Islands. 31 &1rl.At A 1 1 i1lTr4) 'a II latCKa JTl L.I IMP t tXJJJMs V Subscription 75c. a month. vV,i 0 44t Vol. 1. No. 337. HtyNOLULU, H. L, TUESDAY, JUNEj 23, 1896. Piuok 5 Cents. - ft , w - p J f THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovcry day excopt Sunday nt COO King Btreot, Honolulu, II. I. SUU80nU'TION HATES. For Month, nnywhoro In the Ha- waiian Islands ti 76 Per Year. B 00 Per Year, postpaid to Amorica, Cnnnda, or Mexico 1000 Per Yoar, postpnid, othor Foreign CountrioB 13 00 Pnynblo Invariably 'in Advauoo. Tclcphono 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager. Auction Sales by Ja. F. Morgan. On Waikiki Road AT AUCTION On WEDNESDAY, July 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, . At my Snleroorr, Qneen Street, I will Bell atl'ubho Auction, if not picvionsly disponed of nt piivnto sale, 22 HOMESTEAD SITES On the Waikiki Rond, BoiDga Suhliviidon of the Property 'for- merly occupied liy C V Jlncfurlune, I2sq. Alxo U Sites Ajacent to the 'Above, And facing on the Waiklki Road ond John Kun Road Tho John En.i Bond is now being widened to 50 feet. TERMS: The purchaser lm the option of thico plunb: First Canh. Second Owe -- Third Cash; halanco on mortgage nt 8 por cent, Third Payments ou tho Installment plan ii8 agreed, say $.!) CuhIi, nnd balance $15 per mouth. t3T Maps nt mv Salesroom, where all particulars can bo obtained. JAS. F. MORGAN, 332-lS- t Auctioneer. . .MiM Wi WWW " Come to Me Sweet .Mariet'Js the name of a song. Como to rao and got.n Qood White ghirt For 50 Cents, Laundried and ready to wear, is the name of my song, and when you get into the store I'll sing you another song about Up-to-da- t'e Furnishing u 0 0 U S "wjgifigtpr that will make your heart beat with happiness. . . . BU I'll bo ready for business in my Now Store "The Kasii" iu tho Wiiwlny Block, eit, On Snliinlii, Juim soili. "The Kash," T, LEVmOETOK, - Marnier; E5" My Hnok djes not tip in thin man-no- r, no matter how weighty the load, FR AJST K LI TLLT S' ALL NIGHT Hack. No. 14 ffiST TELEPHONE 17038 Stad; lloth-- 1 aud King streets. 'MMrt& M Irritating and Disfiguring ERUPTIONS On tho Pace, Oared by Ayer's Saisaparilia Remarkable Experience of Mii Dorothy Mahar, Titiroy, Victoria, whoio portrait wo are privileged to givo below: " L take pleasure in testifying to tl'e great benellt I derived from Ajor's Sarsaparilla. I suffered from eruptions on my face of a very irritating and vexatious nature. For n considerable time I experi-jnente- d with various blood medicines, but without any allevia-tur- n of my trouble. At last, your famous Sarsaparilla being strongly recommended to me, I began o use it, and after taking two bottles it was most gratifying to see nnd feel tlio effect in allaying the irritation and reducIngtlio eruptions: When I had used tbrco bottles tho erup- tions disappeared altogether, with- out leaving a mark on my face, and I have never been troubled with anything of tho kind since." AVER'S lAFBfLLA Sol'l Medals at HieWorld't Chfei Expositions. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for the Itopublio of Hawaii. Carriage Painting ! naving engaged a First-clas- s Painter from tho Coast wo propose to mako CARRIAGE PAINTING- - a specialty nnd to guarantee superior work, Hawaiian Carriage M'fg Company, No. 70 Quoon Street. 33G-12- t Saturday plight, JUNE 27th, 1896. COMPANY "D" l'crloriuiint'e IIckI" ut S. Tickets $1 and 50o. On Sale nt Benson, Smith & Co , THURS- DAY, nt 0 n. in '330-O- t Dividend Notice. A DIVIDEND WILL 13D DDE AND payable on the Capital Stock of the Ha- waiian Sugnr Oompnuy nt the office of Wm. G, Irwin & Co., L'd, ouSATUlt-DAY- , Juua 27, 1800. The stock hooka of tho company will ho closod to trausfurs from C o'clock Thursday, Juno 25, 1800, until Juno 27th, W. L. HOrPElt, 337-3- 1 Secretary II. 8. Co. Eor Sale. PARTIES ItEQUIHING PORH Italian Bees or Queens K. W. JORDAN, 322-l- Tort street. 'h ., .. . i f.'k ti. l f -- ji tMiA Z . . , iiEt JCAi fcj &&jmmAL'!jmtiiMii mew wwty LATEST FOREIGN JlfWS . roi.ITICAI. RXCITr.nENT C'ENTKIt- - i:i ox ni-- . ouis. . '7nilctc llmleet ot Nt-- u or All -- Holm Since I.ii'C l'rcvloun Nlenuivr ' Aililccv. 1!mii:i M'i'rrN. Georgo II. "Wyokoff, presidont of tho Bank of Now Amsterdam, New YorJ; City, was shot in Iub oilico by a man who afterward grwo his uaiuo as Gharlos Clark. Tho man had 'prosontcd a letter demanding SC00O immediately aud white Mr. WyckofY was reading it ho covered him with a big revolver. Mr. Wyckoff refused tho money and grappled with tho crank, who shot him and thou fired twico nt himself. Thoro was but slight hopo of tho bunker's recovery, but tho chances of his assailant woro hotter. Ihdph Granger of San Diego has bought tho collection of violins owned by tho lato B. D. JIawloy of Hartford, at a price said to bo about $20,000. There arc- twelve instruments, including the famous King Josoph violin, said to bo tho finest in existence. "Whales aro plentiful at Monte- rey bay, California, making lively times for tho whaling station.' Dunham; who murdered six peo- ple including his wife at San Joso, is still in hiding. Tho Sisters of Charity Sanitari-i- m at Santa Fo, Now Moxico, was burned. LossS70,000, and a fire- man and a pationt fatally injured. Rumored that Grovor Clove- - land, Thomas B. Eeed and Socre tary Carlisle will form a law part- nership in Now York after March 4, 1887. Tho First Regiment of Oregon militia was to be scut to Astoria to protect non-unio- n fishormon against tho strikers. Two banks at Choney, "Wash- ington, have closed ilioir doors owing to dull times. Miss Mary E. Redmond has sued Thomas Carter, tho wealthy car manufacturer, for $50,000 damages'for breach of promiso of marriage. The report is confirmed of the killing of A. R. Hammond, a min- ing ouginoer formerly of San Francisco, in a nativo uprising noar Bulawayo, South Africa. Cardinal Satolli haa been re- lieved and his' succossor appointed. Private advices received from Romo are to tho offoot that Mgr. Falconio, Titular Archbishop of Acoronja, will succeed Cardinal Satolli as apostolio delegate to tho United States at an early date. Henry Barton Becohor, son of Honry Ward Beechor, was placed on trial in Now York for forgery on an indictment foind a year ago. It is charged that ho forged the application of tho Chicago, Milwaukeo and St. Paul Railroad for indemnity insurance and collected largo commissions thoro-o- n. The opinion prevails in ship-pin- ? circles at Seattle that tho steamer Royal, which left Sun Francisco fifty days ago for Ohig-ui- k, Alaska, has gono down in tho Northern seas with all on board. Rodney Fisk, tho young Cali-fornia- n who inherited ovor $1,- - 000,000 a few years ago and squandered his fortune on two coutiuonts, died in Boston. There are thirloon bills in tho hands of tho President which ho failed to approve boforo adjourn- ment ot Cougross. The question is raised whothor ho can approve billB, sinpo ho cannot voto them, after adjournment. Leonora Cockerill, widow of John A. Cockorill, tho well-know- n newspaper writer who died in Cairo on April 10th, was married on. June 11 to Walter' Louis Liou- - nau, an omployo of tho silk firm of Victor nnd AchiliB. Tho niar-riag- o took place inllobokon. Tho couplo drove up to polico head- quarters shortly boforo midnight and woro married by a Justico of tho Poaco. kMw. Secretary CarliBlo has boon ex- amined under oath by tho Senate committee appointed to investi- gate tho recent bond issues. Till CoiiYFiitlnn. All the interest Of t'o pi eviden- tial campaign centered in St. Louis on tho eve of tho Republic- an National Convention to open on tho 10th, Many pages of special correspondence ly somo of the ablest voterans of the picas aro given to tho event in San Francisco papers. There is almost common con- sent that McKinloy will bo nominated on tho first ballot. Speaker Heed claims, however, to havo uiivic.03 of Borious trouble in the McKinley ranks, and ho de- clines to say whether ho has con- sented to accept the nomination for Vico President. Various State 'delegations and sectional combinations of such havo beouMrying to mako amonoy plank that would "bo uenonilly ac- ceptable. A robolution proposed by the leaders in tho Middlo West is said to have been accopted by Eastern men. It declares that tho Republican party is unro-sorvedl- y for sound money, and unalterably opposed .to ovorj measure calculated to debase tho currency. It is opposed to tho freo and unlimited coinage of silver, excopt by international agreement, which the party favors, and until such agreement can bo obtaiued tho oxisting gold standard should bo preserved. ris riv T'2lre-'?V- -' . - . - .' W'-sa- B" j .BfciilUfi5mMlBIlE5W.-.- " Jnpnncse Wnrlila. S. Takakura and A. Sakurai, two ofiicora of tho Construction Corps of tho Imperial Japanese navy, aro in Washington. They are making an inspection of the Amoricnu shipbuilding plants, and will boou visit tho Uniou Iron Works at San Francisco. It is gathered that Japan will lot in this country contracts for porhaps two second-clas- s eruisors, but will procure Iter big battle ships and first-clas- s eruisors from tho older British and French shipbuilders. Tho Japanoso naval officers woro educated in Europe, and aro strongly projudiced in favor of European methods of couatruo-tion- . Murder itt n Hull fJnnic. James pixon, tho oighteon-yoa- r old s"ou of a wealthy farmer, shot James Rico dead at a ball gamo at .Blakeloy's, Oregon. A coroner's jury returned a verdict qf wilful murder. Dixon was scoringtliS. gamo and mado a ro-mu- rk that a batter was out. Rice standing near him told tho scoror ho hod bettor umpiro tho game. Dixon mode a warm-nii-Bwo- r and as Rico como nt him with clenched fists Dixon fired a rovolvor ot him twico. Tho first shot reached his heart, and tlio second shuck him as ho was fall- ing. Rico was dead when ho touched tho ground. H'ltoi'i:. Princo Victor Napoleon in a letter denies that he has abdicuted or attends to abdicate his. claims on tho throne of Franco. Au Italian tourist was arrested nt a stratooio ubint on tho Alphio frontior of Franco. It'was found that ho was no other than Captain Agostino Ravolli of the Italian gonoral stall', and especially at- tached to tho.bureau in the War J&lC jiUJX&k full ii Department that is charged with tho study of tho organization Of tho Fronch army. S. Andrco of Stockholm had started on Iub jourhoy for tho North Polo. A special from Bombay .says tho lSritish second class twin screw craisor Bonaventuro, flagship of tho East Indian sntiadron. ilvinc ' tho flag of Roar Admiral Edmund' Drummond, lost seventy men by sunstroke on tho voyage from Colombo to Pondicherry. Empordr William has decorated Li Ilung Chang, Vicoroy of China, wit li tho Grand Cross of tho Red Eagle. Fif ty sailors on a Japanoso war- ship tit Antwerp muUnied, lmuled and attacked the polico. Tho miii tineors woro overcome and the ship placed under guaul of a de- tachment of police. Countess Russell has been con- demned to pay costs, besidos her aharges and making an apology, hi a Buit for $15,000 damages on account of allegations of shocking immorality sho m ado in a suit for separation from her husband. Tho action for dam- ages was brought by Haro, mastor of Bath College. A.- - J. Balfour, First o the Treasury, called a meeting of Conservative loadors to urgo thorn to Burrouder porsoual .feelings with regard to details of loading measures, as the Ministry was anxious to end tho session ou August 1-- 1 and resume business in I tho middlo of January. " ., .i-;'- J &'''"-- ' . v At Bow street Tolico Court in London on tho 15th inst,, Dr. J. S. Jameson, Major Sir John Wil-loughb- y, Colon ol It. Groy, Major R. White, Colonel H. F. White and Henry F. Coventry, prime movers in the Troupvoal raid, woro committed for trial. Tho other accused porsons numbering nine wore discharged. Thoso committed wero released on $10,-00- 0 personal bail bosidoB ono surety of SoOQO in each case. CUIIA. Tho small-po- x is raging in Cu ba, and increasing nnd spreading. It has assumed far widor province than tho yellow fovor, tho horedi-- , tary enemy of tho Cubans. Maximo Gomoz, with an insurg-- i out force of 1000 men, tried to capture tho Spanish camp. The insurgents we're boaton off for an hour, when thoy woro roinforced by about 5000 men. Sheila from tho Spaniards again and again dismayed the insurgout cavalry, but they returned to tho attack through the afternoon, otily to bo eaoh timo repulsed. Skirmishing continued through the night,.ond tho insurgents hav- ing been furthor reintorced re- sumed thoir attacks in forco. Fresh ti oops come, to the aid of tho Spaniurds, nnd tho insurgents retreated to the mountains, with the loss ot 1QU to uUU men. Tlio Spaniurds lost four men killed and two officers and thirty - fivo men wounded. Defalcations of tho date robol treasurer of the proviuco of Puerto Principo nihount to moro than S50.000. Several to col- lectors aro implicated and await- ing trial by court-martia- l. Jacintho Agromonto, son of tho former iusurgont , president of the Continued on Mh Paye. ronaorrEN." TIIKY AM, UOT Wi;T. The Nnd Ill;lit or the Port Hurvtyor mid OllierN. Oilicor Hammer arranged him- self iu his best suit of clothes yesterday when he was ordered to accompany tho Port Survoyor to tho steamer Australia and now ho is. wishing ho hadn't. In tho boat with the Port Surveyor besides Hammer were Captain Scott and customs ofli-co- rs Ecklaud and Soveriu nnd tho regular crow, Eckland steering. When tho Australia reached tho boat a lino was thrown ovor. Hammer and somo of tho others grabbed it but did not cal- culate on tlio speed of tho big steamer. 'Almost instantly tho rope tightened aud dragged thoso holding it into tho water, besides nearly filling tho boat with water. When the boat was finally made fast to tho steamer thero was a decidedly wet and subdued lot of men in her, al- though uono of them are any the worso for thoir wetting. Detective Hammer's new $75 suit of clothes iB at tho tailor's, whore nn effort is boiug made to oxtruct tho salt from it. Port Surveyor Stiato-moye- r has boon kopt buty an- -, sworing tho congratulations of his frionds on his narrow escape from a watory grove. . Si:ilIOtfN Art'lDKNT. Mmii let Ilndly Hurt from Horics lloltluc. A sorio,us and perhaps fatal ac- cident occurred this afternoon in tho rear of tho Metropolitan Meat Co.'s store. It seems that a man named E. Fromberg was on the seat ot a nigh wagon, which was standing under a shed, when the horses started suddenly. Tho unfortunate man was struck by n heavy beam under tho eaves q the shed, throwing him violently backwards from tho Beat. Dr. Ryder was called in, nnd thinks ther.e is small chance of recovrry. It is thought the man's back is broken or.his, spinal column boy-oro- ly injured. He wob removed to tho hospital as soon ns possible. Fromborg haB been employed by tho Metropolitan Co. for throe years as a driver, and was about HO years of ogo. SAW TIM' CZMl. Georife JLycurtfun mtmit HIoicow Ilur-lu- tf tlio Coroiinllou I'ct lilt lev. Gonial George Lycurgus has, been kopt biiBy greeting his many friends this morning after an ab- sence of eleven months from this city. George has beon enjoying lifo sinco ho loft here, having spent much of his time traveling in Europo. Ho spont some timo in Turkoy and Greece and ' was present during tho recent revival of tho Olympic ' gomes. From Greoco ho wont to Russia to take in tho coronation festivities nnd came directly homo from Mobcow. Ho was not present at the great uriiuu ou iuu piaui in which 1000 peoplo lost their livfes, but says the half has not been told about it. Mr. LycurgiiB says ho has had sight-seein- g enough to lost him for a timo and will now stay homo "and attend strictly to busiuess. Horn It In Airnlnl That delightful' Fredorickbburg boor at tho Anchor. Tho Aus- tralia brought down a lot of it and today the patrons of that popular rosort aro rojoioing over anothor opportunity of imbibing their favorite bovorngo. Frad-oriokrtbu- rg not only allays one's thirst, but it iB n healthy stimu- lant; Boothes tho nerves and tokos away that tired feeling. Nothiug iB hotter than a glass of Fretf-oricksbur- g, unless it is n bucket- ful. All tho brightest minds of our city use it to koop thoir thinkors in oporation. The sparklo ot tho foam enters the brains of the witty; hence puns thrown off by Win. Cunningham while drawing yon a drink. ' iniiii. .,.,,;. iiilv, 'r '4i U - '.$1 TfA T,rJ I W' m vso

iMV V eVNIN ULLCT I - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7628/1/1896062301.pdf · r rii v "iMV V i 'M-" '. Pt, t Best Advertising Medium. 77j & 7V--I

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rii v "iMV Vi 'M - "

'. Pt ,t

Best Advertising Medium. 77j & 7V- - IV

w ZW AW Bulkt.n eVNIN ULLCT evening raper rumtsaeayou JDon't Get ALL the Naus. on the Hawaiian Islands.31 &1rl.At A 1 1 i1lTr4) 'a

II latCKa JTl L.I IMP t tXJJJMs V Subscription 75c. a month. vV,i0 44t

Vol. 1. No. 337. HtyNOLULU, H. L, TUESDAY, JUNEj 23, 1896. Piuok 5 Cents.




w -




Published ovcry day excopt Sunday ntCOO King Btreot, Honolulu, II. I.


For Month, nnywhoro In the Ha-waiian Islands ti 76

Per Year. B 00Per Year, postpaid to Amorica,

Cnnnda, or Mexico 1000Per Yoar, postpnid, othor Foreign

CountrioB 13 00

Pnynblo Invariably 'in Advauoo.Tclcphono 250. P. O. Box 89.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.

Auction Sales by Ja. F. Morgan.

On Waikiki Road



At my Snleroorr, Qneen Street, I will Bell

atl'ubho Auction, if not picvionslydisponed of nt piivnto sale,

22 HOMESTEAD SITESOn the Waikiki Rond,

BoiDga Suhliviidon of the Property 'for-merly occupied liy C V Jlncfurlune, I2sq.Alxo

U Sites Ajacent to the 'Above,

And facing on the Waiklki Road ondJohn Kun Road Tho John En.i Bond isnow being widened to 50 feet.

TERMS:The purchaser lm the option of thico

plunb:First Canh.Second Owe -- Third Cash; halanco on

mortgage nt 8 por cent,Third Payments ou tho Installment

plan ii8 agreed, say $.!) CuhIi, nnd balance$15 per mouth.

t3T Maps nt mv Salesroom, where allparticulars can bo obtained.

JAS. F. MORGAN,332-lS- t Auctioneer.

..MiM Wi WWW

" Come to Me Sweet

.Mariet'Js the nameof a song.

Como to rao and got.n

Qood White ghirtFor 50 Cents,

Laundried and ready to wear,is the name of my song, andwhen you get into the store I'llsing you another song about

Up-to-da- t'e Furnishingu 0 0 U S "wjgifigtprthat will make your heart beatwith happiness. . . .

BU I'll bo ready for business inmy Now Store "The Kasii" iu tho

Wiiwlny Block, eit,On Snliinlii, Juim soili.

"The Kash,"T, LEVmOETOK, - Marnier;

E5" My Hnok djes not tip in thin man-no- r,

no matter how weighty the load,


Hack. No. 14ffiST TELEPHONE 17038

Stad; lloth-- 1 aud King streets.

'MMrt& M

Irritating and Disfiguring

ERUPTIONSOn tho Pace, Oared by

Ayer's SaisapariliaRemarkable Experience of Mii Dorothy

Mahar, Titiroy, Victoria, whoio portraitwo are privileged to givo below:

" L take pleasure in testifying totl'e great benellt I derived fromAjor's Sarsaparilla. I sufferedfrom eruptions on my face of a veryirritating and vexatious nature.For n considerable time I experi-jnente- d

with various bloodmedicines, but without any allevia-tur- n

of my trouble. At last, yourfamous Sarsaparilla being stronglyrecommended to me, I began o useit, and after taking two bottles itwas most gratifying to see nnd feeltlio effect in allaying the irritationand reducIngtlio eruptions: WhenI had used tbrco bottles tho erup-tions disappeared altogether, with-out leaving a mark on my face, andI have never been troubled withanything of tho kind since."


Sol'l Medals at HieWorld't Chfei Expositions.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for the Itopublio of Hawaii.


Painting !

naving engaged a First-clas- s

Painter from tho Coast wopropose to mako


a specialty nnd to guaranteesuperior work,

Hawaiian Carriage M'fgCompany,

No. 70 Quoon Street. 33G-12- t

Saturday plight,

JUNE 27th, 1896.


l'crloriuiint'e IIckI" ut S.

Tickets $1 and 50o.

On Sale nt Benson, Smith & Co , THURS-DAY, nt 0 n. in

'330-O- t

Dividend Notice.

A DIVIDEND WILL 13D DDE ANDpayable on the Capital Stock of the Ha-waiian Sugnr Oompnuy nt the office ofWm. G, Irwin & Co., L'd, ouSATUlt-DAY- ,

Juua 27, 1800. The stock hooka oftho company will ho closod to trausfursfrom C o'clock Thursday, Juno 25, 1800,until Juno 27th,

W. L. HOrPElt,337-3- 1 Secretary II. 8. Co.


Italian Bees or Queens

K. W. JORDAN,322-l- Tort street.

'h., .. .i f.'k ti.l f -- ji tMiA Z . . , iiEt JCAi fcj

&&jmmAL'!jmtiiMii mew wwty




i:i ox ni--. ouis. .

'7nilctc llmleet ot Nt-- u or All --

Holm Since I.ii'C l'rcvloun Nlenuivr'Aililccv.

1!mii:i M'i'rrN.Georgo II. "Wyokoff, presidont

of tho Bank of Now Amsterdam,New YorJ; City, was shot in Iuboilico by a man who afterwardgrwo his uaiuo as Gharlos Clark.Tho man had 'prosontcd a letterdemanding SC00O immediately audwhite Mr. WyckofY was reading itho covered him with a big revolver.Mr. Wyckoff refused tho moneyand grappled with tho crank, whoshot him and thou fired twico nthimself. Thoro was but slighthopo of tho bunker's recovery, buttho chances of his assailant worohotter.

Ihdph Granger of San Diegohas bought tho collection of violinsowned by tho lato B. D. JIawloyof Hartford, at a price said to boabout $20,000. There arc- twelveinstruments, including the famousKing Josoph violin, said to bo thofinest in existence.

"Whales aro plentiful at Monte-rey bay, California, making livelytimes for tho whaling station.'

Dunham; who murdered six peo-ple including his wife at SanJoso, is still in hiding.

Tho Sisters of Charity Sanitari-i- m

at Santa Fo, Now Moxico, wasburned. LossS70,000, and a fire-man and a pationt fatally injured.

Rumored that Grovor Clove- -

land, Thomas B. Eeed and Socretary Carlisle will form a law part-nership in Now York after March4, 1887.

Tho First Regiment of Oregonmilitia was to be scut to Astoriato protect non-unio- n fishormonagainst tho strikers.

Two banks at Choney, "Wash-ington, have closed ilioir doorsowing to dull times.

Miss Mary E. Redmond hassued Thomas Carter, tho wealthycar manufacturer, for $50,000damages'for breach of promiso ofmarriage.

The report is confirmed of thekilling of A. R. Hammond, a min-ing ouginoer formerly of SanFrancisco, in a nativo uprisingnoar Bulawayo, South Africa.

Cardinal Satolli haa been re-lieved and his' succossor appointed.Private advices received fromRomo are to tho offoot that Mgr.Falconio, Titular Archbishop ofAcoronja, will succeed CardinalSatolli as apostolio delegate to thoUnited States at an early date.

Henry Barton Becohor, son ofHonry Ward Beechor, was placedon trial in Now York for forgeryon an indictment foind a yearago. It is charged that ho forgedthe application of tho Chicago,Milwaukeo and St. Paul Railroadfor indemnity insurance andcollected largo commissions thoro-o- n.

The opinion prevails in ship-pin- ?

circles at Seattle that thosteamer Royal, which left SunFrancisco fifty days ago for Ohig-ui- k,

Alaska, has gono down in thoNorthern seas with all on board.

Rodney Fisk, tho young Cali-fornia- n

who inherited ovor $1,- -000,000 a few years ago andsquandered his fortune on twocoutiuonts, died in Boston.

There are thirloon bills in thohands of tho President which hofailed to approve boforo adjourn-ment ot Cougross. The questionis raised whothor ho can approvebillB, sinpo ho cannot voto them,after adjournment.

Leonora Cockerill, widow ofJohn A. Cockorill, tho well-know- n

newspaper writer who died inCairo on April 10th, was marriedon. June 11 to Walter' Louis Liou- -

nau, an omployo of tho silk firmof Victor nnd AchiliB. Tho niar-riag- o

took place inllobokon. Thocouplo drove up to polico head-quarters shortly boforo midnightand woro married by a Justico oftho Poaco.


Secretary CarliBlo has boon ex-

amined under oath by tho Senatecommittee appointed to investi-gate tho recent bond issues.

Till CoiiYFiitlnn.

All the interest Of t'o pi eviden-tial campaign centered in St.Louis on tho eve of tho Republic-an National Convention to openon tho 10th, Many pages ofspecial correspondence ly somoof the ablest voterans of the picasaro given to tho event in SanFrancisco papers.

There is almost common con-sent that McKinloy will bonominated on tho first ballot.Speaker Heed claims, however, tohavo uiivic.03 of Borious trouble inthe McKinley ranks, and ho de-

clines to say whether ho has con-sented to accept the nominationfor Vico President.

Various State 'delegations andsectional combinations of suchhavo beouMrying to mako amonoyplank that would "bo uenonilly ac-

ceptable. A robolution proposedby the leaders in tho Middlo Westis said to have been accopted byEastern men. It declares thattho Republican party is unro-sorvedl- y

for sound money, andunalterably opposed .to ovorjmeasure calculated to debase thocurrency. It is opposed to thofreo and unlimited coinage ofsilver, excopt by internationalagreement, which the party favors,and until such agreement can boobtaiued tho oxisting goldstandard should bo preserved.

ris rivT'2lre-'?V- -' .


- .' W'-sa- B"




Jnpnncse Wnrlila.S. Takakura and A. Sakurai,

two ofiicora of tho ConstructionCorps of tho Imperial Japanesenavy, aro in Washington. Theyare making an inspection of theAmoricnu shipbuilding plants,and will boou visit tho UniouIron Works at San Francisco. Itis gathered that Japan will lot inthis country contracts for porhapstwo second-clas- s eruisors, but willprocure Iter big battle ships andfirst-clas- s eruisors from tho olderBritish and French shipbuilders.Tho Japanoso naval officers woroeducated in Europe, and arostrongly projudiced in favor ofEuropean methods of couatruo-tion- .

Murder itt n Hull fJnnic.

James pixon, tho oighteon-yoa- r

old s"ou of a wealthy farmer,shot James Rico dead at a ballgamo at .Blakeloy's, Oregon. Acoroner's jury returned a verdictqf wilful murder. Dixon wasscoringtliS. gamo and mado a ro-mu- rk

that a batter was out. Ricestanding near him told thoscoror ho hod bettor umpiro thogame. Dixon mode a warm-nii-Bwo- r

and as Rico como nt himwith clenched fists Dixon fired arovolvor ot him twico. Tho firstshot reached his heart, and tliosecond shuck him as ho was fall-

ing. Rico was dead when hotouched tho ground.

H'ltoi'i:.Princo Victor Napoleon in a

letter denies that he has abdicutedor attends to abdicate his. claimson tho throne of Franco.

Au Italian tourist was arrestednt a stratooio ubint on tho Alphiofrontior of Franco. It'was foundthat ho was no other than CaptainAgostino Ravolli of the Italiangonoral stall', and especially at-

tached to tho.bureau in the War

J&lC jiUJX&k full ii

Department that is charged withtho study of tho organization Oftho Fronch army.

S. Andrco of Stockholm hadstarted on Iub jourhoy for thoNorth Polo.

A special from Bombay .saystho lSritish second class twin screwcraisor Bonaventuro, flagship oftho East Indian sntiadron. ilvinc '

tho flag of Roar Admiral Edmund'Drummond, lost seventy men bysunstroke on tho voyage fromColombo to Pondicherry.

Empordr William has decoratedLi Ilung Chang, Vicoroy of China,wit li tho Grand Cross of tho RedEagle.

Fif ty sailors on a Japanoso war-ship tit Antwerp muUnied, lmuledand attacked the polico. Tho miiitineors woro overcome and theship placed under guaul of a de-

tachment of police.Countess Russell has been con-

demned to pay costs, besidosher aharges and making

an apology, hi a Buit for $15,000damages on account of allegationsof shocking immorality sho m adoin a suit for separation from herhusband. Tho action for dam-ages was brought by Haro, mastorof Bath College.

A.- - J. Balfour, First o theTreasury, called a meeting ofConservative loadors to urgo thornto Burrouder porsoual .feelingswith regard to details of loadingmeasures, as the Ministry wasanxious to end tho session ouAugust 1-- 1 and resume business in

I tho middlo of January.

" ., .i-;'-J &'''"-- '

. v

At Bow street Tolico Court inLondon on tho 15th inst,, Dr. J.S. Jameson, Major Sir John Wil-loughb- y,

Colon ol It. Groy, MajorR. White, Colonel H. F. Whiteand Henry F. Coventry, primemovers in the Troupvoal raid,woro committed for trial. Thoother accused porsons numberingnine wore discharged. Thosocommitted wero released on $10,-00- 0

personal bail bosidoB onosurety of SoOQO in each case.


Tho small-po- x is raging in Cuba, and increasing nnd spreading.It has assumed far widor provincethan tho yellow fovor, tho horedi-- ,tary enemy of tho Cubans.

Maximo Gomoz, with an insurg-- i

out force of 1000 men, tried tocapture tho Spanish camp. Theinsurgents we're boaton off for anhour, when thoy woro roinforcedby about 5000 men. Sheila fromtho Spaniards again and againdismayed the insurgout cavalry,but they returned to tho attack

through the afternoon,otily to bo eaoh timo repulsed.Skirmishing continued throughthe night,.ond tho insurgents hav-ing been furthor reintorced re-

sumed thoir attacks in forco.Fresh ti oops come, to the aid oftho Spaniurds, nnd tho insurgentsretreated to the mountains, withthe loss ot 1QU to uUU men. TlioSpaniurds lost four men killedand two officers and thirty - fivomen wounded.

Defalcations of tho date roboltreasurer of the proviuco ofPuerto Principo nihount to morothan S50.000. Several to col-

lectors aro implicated and await-ing trial by court-martia- l.

Jacintho Agromonto, son of thoformer iusurgont , president of the

Continued on Mh Paye.



The Nnd Ill;lit or the Port Hurvtyormid OllierN.

Oilicor Hammer arranged him-

self iu his best suit of clothesyesterday when he was orderedto accompany tho Port Survoyorto tho steamer Australia andnow ho is. wishing ho hadn't.In tho boat with the PortSurveyor besides Hammer wereCaptain Scott and customs ofli-co- rs

Ecklaud and Soveriu nndtho regular crow, Ecklandsteering. When tho Australiareached tho boat a lino was thrownovor. Hammer and somo of thoothers grabbed it but did not cal-culate on tlio speed of tho bigsteamer. 'Almost instantly thorope tightened aud dragged thosoholding it into tho water, besidesnearly filling tho boat withwater. When the boat wasfinally made fast to tho steamerthero was a decidedly wet andsubdued lot of men in her, al-

though uono of them are any theworso for thoir wetting. DetectiveHammer's new $75 suit of clothesiB at tho tailor's, whore nn effort isboiug made to oxtruct tho saltfrom it. Port Surveyor Stiato-moye- r

has boon kopt buty an- -,

sworing tho congratulations of hisfrionds on his narrow escape froma watory grove.


Si:ilIOtfN Art'lDKNT.

Mmii let Ilndly Hurt from Horicslloltluc.

A sorio,us and perhaps fatal ac-

cident occurred this afternoon intho rear of tho Metropolitan MeatCo.'s store. It seems that a mannamed E. Fromberg was on theseat ot a nigh wagon, whichwas standing under a shed, whenthe horses started suddenly. Thounfortunate man was struck by nheavy beam under tho eaves qthe shed, throwing him violentlybackwards from tho Beat. Dr.Ryder was called in, nnd thinksther.e is small chance of recovrry.It is thought the man's back isbroken or.his, spinal column boy-oro- ly

injured. He wob removedto tho hospital as soon ns possible.Fromborg haB been employed bytho Metropolitan Co. for throeyears as a driver, and was aboutHO years of ogo.


Georife JLycurtfun mtmit HIoicow Ilur-lu- tf

tlio Coroiinllou I'ct lilt lev.

Gonial George Lycurgus has,been kopt biiBy greeting his manyfriends this morning after an ab-

sence of eleven months from thiscity. George has beon enjoyinglifo sinco ho loft here, having spentmuch of his time traveling inEuropo. Ho spont some timo inTurkoy and Greece and ' waspresent during tho recent revivalof tho Olympic ' gomes. FromGreoco ho wont to Russia to takein tho coronation festivities nndcame directly homo from Mobcow.Ho was not present at the greaturiiuu ou iuu piaui inwhich 1000 peoplo lost their livfes,but says the half has not beentold about it.

Mr. LycurgiiB says ho has hadsight-seein- g enough to lost himfor a timo and will now stay homo"and attend strictly to busiuess.

Horn It In Airnlnl

That delightful' Fredorickbburgboor at tho Anchor. Tho Aus-

tralia brought down a lot of itand today the patrons of thatpopular rosort aro rojoioing overanothor opportunity of imbibingtheir favorite bovorngo. Frad-oriokrtbu- rg

not only allays one'sthirst, but it iB n healthy stimu-lant; Boothes tho nerves and tokosaway that tired feeling. NothiugiB hotter than a glass of Fretf-oricksbur-


unless it is n bucket-ful. All tho brightest minds ofour city use it to koop thoirthinkors in oporation. Thesparklo ot tho foam enters thebrains of the witty; hence

puns thrown off byWin. Cunningham while drawingyon a drink.

' iniiii. .,.,,;. iiilv, 'r '4i










'm '


It 1

w .

ft '

4.. ' ,'

ywBwwqw ,7-;wyiwiw'-'


Skl'ONO IMlttSK.NrATION Ol' "WAIT-,- ,


Tin" NorrowH nml Trlntn of Jipeiltovoltlitflp Interest Lnrire All

illcnco Excellent .Music.

Tho lnrgo thontro of tho St.Louis Collogo was woll filled lustnight with tho friends of thoLiternry Society nud tho institution with which they nvo connect-

ed. Tho Bishop of l'nuopolis nniltho clorgy of tho cnthodnil occu-pio- d

front seats nnd ninny of tholending people in Honolulu worodisporsed through tho nudiouco.

Tho niusii id portion of tho pro-

gram was an ontiro change fromthat of JunolHth, nu innovationvliich was highly appreciated bythoso'who were present at thoprevious performauco. Tho ren-dition of tho various numbers re-

flects great credit on BrotherFrancis and tho porformtfrs. Thofollowing selections woro givenduring tho ovouing :

Overture Taricredl KoasIuI8.L. C. Orchestra,

Ctioriu Whip-poor-wi- ll C. A WhiteB. L. C. Otiolr.

After tlicFlrat Act- -

' Violin rolo lluncirinn Fantntle . CarlctonCharle Cooper.

After UiuSivoud Act:

Walt I'ridc of the Hall Vernier8. I.. 0. Urclicstra,

After tho Third Act.1'iano Solo From ft True Heart Langc

John Knulukou.Chorus- - sulili tJoui; .. Siduinun

8. L. C. Choir.After Scene 3 Act IV:Violin Solo Angela Sunnade llran

John Ilunkmat).After Scene 1:

I Evening Bells... DlsUioru j Wc M,.etABln Colin CoeS I, r Literary Society.

The presentation of "FalselyAccused; or, Waiting for tho Ver-dict,"w-

oil much more smooth-ly than before,- - tho performersshowing tho benofit of increasedreheaisals and tho lecovory fromstago nervousness. All tho char-acto- rs

wore woll up in their partsand tho prompter's voice was notheaid during the outire play.

Tin- - !i . i n f f Mi evoning mustbe accorded to 0. H. Kobp, whoseninke-u- p and concoption of thecharacter of Jonathan Bosoblado

oto excellent. As Jasper Robqblade, .lames Thompson did well,but tho diamond ring on his fin-

ger did not accord with tho pover-ty of tho character ho was- - repre-senting. Too much attention tominor details cannot bo given bytliobo who havo dramatio aBpira-tioii- s.

C. K. Hopkins as tho Vicnr6f iSIilvi'tstoko was exceptionallygood in a dillicult character, aswas Chat les O'Sullivnn as SquiutySniitli. All of tho other charac-ters woro woll taken, those as-

sumed by Fred. AVeed, M. Soares,B. Zublan and II. E. Murray be-

ing wot thy of special mention.

A t tilt) Mllll llllllll lloUI. ,Tim bund will play tit tho hotel

this ovoniug, commencing at 7:30.The following program has boonarranged for tho occasion:

1'AltT I.Owrture Zampn Hcroldyiimlo I.oliiMiKrln WauiierItemlnlKCLiitiKof Veidl (toillrc'iMalkhl Wiiliilo, t.llvo I'u.i Lehuiv,nml Maul no


Medley PhuiUiIon Sours Loiitcrnol'aiilanln lctVIle n SoIdUr, ....... Ellen bergNulU-TheTjio- Icnn ZolltrMarih Company D MIntrels Herder

Hawaii Ponol

Qo to tho Washington Feed Co.for frosh hay, grain and feed.No. 51, Fort street. Tolophono422. P. O. Box 403. Promptdelivery.

J&JkJBiJoallioff.'rlnjjfclth Throat, LinfrorVillni5lliwaFtoanchCuliirrh.Scrotal, Acthni. or Mrvoua JcfcllJr. ffe,. will hi iflven a Minnie Lotlln of lilt.

HMULSroN for trial. Call at(lortof IlotLiarri Drug ( ! , Honolulu, U. I. "itUpurantceil m Ialalabl4 u 11 Ilk or 11 oner.


(At the Union.)

LEONARD NTJNESHn just opened hlfi nhop ut T. H. lIuiraj'H

Curriitge Fnttory nml w ill

Shoe Your HorseAt Bottom Figures,


' j . jJifoOk:




S"EHIrHCorded Muslins

A Large Assortment

Striped Zephyrs'

, A Novelty

IB eel Spreads,Handsome and Durable

Satin & DresdenIRibboiis,

Beautiful and of BestQuality

A.rt Denim,A.rt Drapery



OAL!iftj"i liPTT ' '

For Family Use!

iast Received, ox "O. 0. Funk," a cargo of

VBlIington, Depaifsoite BaiJ, doal

Which 1b offered in quantities to Buit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.


11USTACE . & CO.



A.lso White and Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Telphone No. 414.

City Feed Store,OW Annory, Baretnnia Sts.

L. H. Dee & Co.

Now Consignment of

Hay, Grain and FeedPer S. Q. Wilder. A laipje coimlffmiioutoxpected by ship btnrbuck from i'ortlund.

Flna Family Flour, Hoped Baled Hay.

Also, 2 Surroys aud 1 Plmetou.


For tho Equine Table in thoway of all kinds First Class


Aro on salo by tho

WASHINGTON FEED fiOMt51 Fort St Tol. 422.

Gr. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner,

Con Furnish Jho Bast t

Factory Reference.

Office, Tort btreet, opposito;Catholio 8choolrTelephone 234, 412 and 100.

B" Orders promptly attended to.

Dr.-C- . B. High,DENTIST.

Ornilmito riillailolpliia 'Dental College,1892.

Masonic Templc.



Ql CECirLfjr Stroot.G. J. WaiiTjEB Manaokr.



Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry L


Metapolita Ifeai Co.

Telephone, 45.

Central MarketNuoanu Strkt.

The Very b'ineatOF

Bfrigefated .--. Mfy

Tender vatSSR&i

Sweet andWholesome.

Come and see our


"Westbrook & Gares,Proprietors.

Telephone - - - - 104.

City 'MarketEstablished 1883.

JasBph. Tinker, - - FrDpt

Beef, twfSEb Mutton,E3TlWjSM r

Pork, Veal,Of tho Finest Varieties.

Sinkers of tho Celebrated Pork Snusnge.

Nuunuu streot, opp. Chaplain louo.

Telephone 289.The Boers inSouth Africa says:

Hies for nics

Boiiu'd 11101 for Kelt,

Which means In English

Nothing for nothing

Bnt plenty for money.

Bgk. Buy your Eatables at tho

Palama Groceryand you will rojoicq that youroad this advertisement. . .

Goods delivered free. . . .

Givo us a jinglo TEL. 755.

Oppsito ltaihvay Depot, Palama.

STANDARD LINESo (iroccrles aro more paint nblr as wellas liLoltlilcr t!i hi the other kind

UOELLER & CO.(Waring lllock, Horctanla Sta'ct).

Handle nothing hut thu best. I.lbby &McNeill's CimiRcl Mint. eu

Table Fruits, Glilrardelll's Chocolate.Milkmaid llraud Milk, 1'aragou Pure Lardand

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'HS-S- Telephone G80 "

POIl'POIlUan Doom &. Co., Fort Street

Next Lucas' Planing Mi)', will havofresh ovtry duy



Which will bo gold to families in largo orsmall quantities. No Contain.

Mki FcilKlSllUll.W. L. WILCOX,

311tf. Proprietor.Kallhi Toi Tnctory.Store open evenings.


Cash. -:- - Grocers&N0W OPEN --m

Fort StrBHtfe Chaplain Lana,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

9& Fort Street, HonoluluTelephoner 22 P.O. Box 470

jaMMMi jMiii iiwiiii 11 wmmmmmammmmmmi

Castle & Cooke,(ILiiirrxIted..)

.... Soil tho World Famed ....

jjj&CJf AND

jjrowniowFilter jflffiT?.

of dissolved lead nndAM,''iMFinurtK8 are

Tho foulestwater rendered pure.

Filter at a low price.


The British, Russian,American, Italian,Swedish, Chinese and

, Japanese Governments.

For Salo by

Castle & CookeFIenry Gehring

ic Company,


'" ZiJPlurabinpj and Gas-fittin- g

Sanitary Work a Specialty

fft3 JobbitiR promptly ntteiu'ed to.Telephone 71I.V 2S5-t- f

Importers and Dealers In

Steel and Iron Ranges,


139 tf King Street.


WHAT?My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with best

quality, No. 10 iluo, 0 in. Piie, Chain andI'lup, with wood ilia all complete. Otheidealer) aro dumfouudod, nud lesoit to allmnuuoi of Tricks and Kxcuhos.

Be not deceived, these Bath Tubs havbeen sold for 14 until I reduced the price.

I urn prepared to do all work in my lineand guarautto satisfaction. Estimates fur-

nished.If you want n good Job cheap for Cash,

ring up Telephone 844, and I am youiman.

JAS.NOTTJ,Tinsmith t Plumber

fowaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1800.

In Quantities to Suit.

SV Orders solicited for a future dotlverj.

A F. COOKi:. MnKer.

Siiboribe ftir the Evk.inu IiUL-i.E'H-

7C oenta por tunntli.

t itfrtjii,

. "- -



Curry Powder ns mndo by ua' ' Kucipe from Purest Ingredients.





ron the ouitE orHQRSES, CATTtS, SHBHP, DOGS,


Tho maryolous hair remedy which prevents

is prepared after the Originaltho



Solo Agent, Honolulu.52T Neat pamphlet free on application. P. O. Box 2W, Telephone 20.

HoNOLtiLn. Anrll 21. IRnniMr. O. W. Macpariank: It affords mo pleasmro to rocommond, to any one whoso hair

is foiling oat, tho use of 1)U. POTTIE'S II 111 OIL. .My hair was coming out at musha rate an led mo tolelievetlmtl would soon become bald. After nslugtho oil for fivo weeksthis oeosed entirely j nono whatever i now falling out I con Mor it tho bust riu! onlyworthy remedy tor this tumble uudalso rccommeud it as it stimulant to 'now growth.

w--f Yours

ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H; H. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1859

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Pent

-- Importors and

BUS tsfa


-:- - STOCK -:- - KEMEDIESuiseabes op


trnly, J. B. DANIELS.

Doalors in- -


Undertaker and Embalmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

nesidcnconndNisbtTei.815. 6X1 KING-STREET- , Tel. 179.



Plantation Supplies.


DID YOUEat BACON that was good ns Turkey ? That's

the kind wo have. Also,

CHOICE HAMS, OREGON POTATOES,Yellow Turnips, Smoked Beof,Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fresh Dates, Coreals,

And a Genoral Assortment of Standard Goods at LowestPrices.

Ijgju Try Our Oyster Gem Crackers, Just the Thing for Soup, -- a

bh&SB Hustace,Kino Sswsss



S'j$$&jjffl ''mM'''-- 'J' 'ti --


it w- -



lirw.. r



4W3 v i?y f'ji..




How t'nptnln ClirlslriiKCii 1111 l)i SituI'rniiclnco Ilcportcra.

Tho Call of Juuo Oth containsitho following: The brigantinoJohn D. Sprockets nrrivod ycBtor-da- y

from Mnhukona after a slowipassngo for hor of twonty days.No timo will bo lost in gotting herdiachargod, loaded and away Again.Sho was unloaded thiB morningand came from tho rofinory to Fol-Bo-

street. She will bo loaded to-

morrow, and on Tuesday Captain(Chriatonson will bo undor way forHawaii again.

Whilo lying in tho tuignr pnrttho brigantino was in a piouiiiiment. When ready to sail tho.anchor was found to be fast undera bowlder. Tho entire crow couldnot move it and Captain Christon-so- n

was in despair. Finally-- hoenlisted tho sorvicos of a Kanakadiver, and tho lattor soon Bet thovessel freo. Ho mado two divosdown into fourteen fathoms ofwater,, and on tho second attemptreleased tho vessel after beingdown two minutes and thirty sec-onds. He was an oldorly man,but did not seem a bit distressedovor his efforts and the recom-pense ho received for his venture-some divo into the ocean morothan repaid him.

Many iish worn seen iii thowater, and Captain Cliristonsouthrow in a small piece of lighteddynamite. After the explosiontook placo tho native dived in andbrought up live big fish undoreach arm. Whon asked by thocaptain why hn brought them upunder his arms instead of in hishands ho said: "Plenty of sharksdown there, but they won't cat aKanaka. They will cat Gsh, andif I had ono in my hand tho sharkwould make u simp and take rayhand with tho fish. Safest way tobring thorn up is undor tho arms."

Thu (otid QlllilldcHPossessed by Hood's Sarsnparllla nre almostbeyond mention. Best ofull, it purifier thoblood, thus strengthening tho nerves. Itregulates tho digestivo orgnns, Invigoratesthe kidneys nnd liver; tones and builds uptho entire system. It cures dyspop'ju,scrofula, catarrh and rheumatism. Rctnomber, Hood's Cures.

Hoou'h Pills nctpusily, yet promptly nndefiectively on tho liver and bowels. -, c.

City Carriage Co..J. S. And.rade. manager. If you, want ahack with good horse and ciiro- -ful driver ring up JLelophnno lid,corner of I'ort and Morohn ntstrootp. Hack at nil liouis.

Singors lead tho world. Ovor13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and convonionco of ar-rangement. B. Borgersen, agent,King and Bothol streets.

FREEToalltnffertnir with Thro&l. Lung or Wwtlnc DlsoawtKtonuch Catarrh, ScrofaU. Anthma, or Nervous JieblNItr. etc.. will Im Blvcn a nmnle bottlnof lilt. COU.DIN'S CHOOOtiATR EMULSION fur trial. Call atMi.ro of HoiLiKTm Drag Co., lfonoluln, U. I. "IllsSnrantfeJ a l'alatatile aa Ullk or Honey.

TURKE- Y- rtcrzr23t3fff!5?U

. . . .AND TUB. . . .

Armenian Atrocities!I'lotinty Jlliistrutal


(By Kev. Edwin M. Bliss.)

flSr Pro&pectus and subscription listsat

rn II T )

iwa n iv nuna )

Murohunt Streot, Honolulu.

In ono vol. cloth, ,S 2 00In ono vol. cloth fnlt, 2 50In on vol. Hidf-HuBsi- gilt, 3 60


OF JEWELRYis a ilno urt. Costly jewelry whendiunnged uceds careful attention,

nud caro. To get this, hdudyour work to

A. fl. R. Vieira,AT IIKOW.V A IU'1H;VS.

Unique De8ign8 in Jewelry.Tfci.Krno.NK 705. 33J.W

fjiHy 'yffz """'"'"lpl 1

BRUISEScome without nny previous warnnig. j. lie ucst xmy i mwnvs mbe prepared. Keep n bottle ofPerry Davis Pain Kru.KRby you.

It relieves nt once.It la alio sure cure for Cramu, C'o'.lo nnd

Bimm internal jtain.

might fail where one dose of PainKiller would succeed. If you haven cough or cold or nny other whitercomplaint, try Pain Killer ut once.It never fails to give instant relief.

uavis & SON, rrovidencc, R. I.


Will cure n cold before It settlesor after it settle?. The righttime to take it is wiicu you

icel uic com com lug on..Prepared only ty

Perry Davis & Sonroviaeacc,u.i.

Hollister -:- - Drug'Company,

I36-t- f Agents for the ITrvwnimn Island.

The Union Express Co.87 KINO NTltEKT.

Not a Trust, but orgmizedfor tho publiogood. .

Ofllco King street, opposito tho Hawai-ian Gazette Co.

Express wagons and drays ilwnys readyfor the purpose of removing baggage andluruitniG. ,

Chocking of baggage- to depot or wharves,from hotels or robidenbes promptly andcarefully attended to by coinpotent mon.Wagons meet all stcamors and bnpgngo

in onr charge .will bo stored oras requested.

Charges, tho lowest In tho city.Telephone 80.

WILLIAM LARSEN,310-- tf . Manager.

J. J. SOXUVArt, J. BUOKLST,Prealdent. Seo'r.

FashionStaWesCo:,L'fl.Honolulu, II. I.

Sullivan & Buckley, Mnn'g'ruFINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGES

in tho City, with Competent and Caro-f- ul


Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streots.

ToLErnoNB:Hnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stnbles, ,

Fashion Stables. 118.


BAGGAGE delivered and chock-ed to any Steamor. Furnituroanil Pianos carefully moved atEonsonablo Rates.

S atisf BtctinnFort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel. 912, EeMdonoe Tol. G43.

To Uj Patrons ;

It gives me much pleasureto mm prince that MR. M. R.COUN'TER, ono of tho moatskilled watchmiikers ovor inthoso Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in its

. mechanism but wo oan givo por-fe- ct

satisfaction in correctingtho ovils to which watohes arehoir. Watchos are delicatethings to handle Wo guaranteethat thoy will recoivo no injuryat our- - hands and will leaveour store in perfect repair.





I--I. G. BIAET,Ji'ort Stroot.

ySSESEKBtittHixau. xrBy tho S. S. ."Toyp Maru" wo received animmense lino of - -- '

$i. pcari Ties, puriiialiing Qo.dds, tfeateisAnd many other variotios of Qpy ani pancy, Qoods.

ST" "Wo need money and will sell everything clieap to. got it.

K. FUEUYA,Hotel Street, Robinson Block. Next door to Ordwny & Porter.

LOOK ! - :

New Japanese Jri-tigs- , r Screcuis,Bamboo" ".Blinds, Silk ,

Crepe Shirts, all sizes;JUST JUST EEOEIVED .a'

MURATA & CO.,.. . Comer Hotel and Nuuanu Streets.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers' and Elec-

trical Goods .

Consta,ntly on hand. ,

Estimates givon for Iioubo wir-ing and Electrical plants.

' Marino Wiring a spooialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.


noxt to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

and Repairing

Drays, Caris andWagon Building





Fitted up with all tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horso Shooing.


Telepliorie 573HONOLULU

Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FORT STKEET.

Carriage BuilderAND RErAinEH.

BlackamitLing in AIL Its Brands.

W. V. lVllIOUT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West.)

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47 Nuuanu etreut.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots and Sliocs to order. I use tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well, 143- -


Nuuanu Street.

Juet opened now shpply of Eirst-clas- s Shoesjust rOceivod.

Ladies' & Gonts' Shoos Mado to OrderFrom Aniorlcau nnd FronoU Leathers.

AV ft



NEW GOODS. . .TxiHt JLleceivecl . .

00(!) jS $ fS7 K


JPi'ices Reasonable !

W Como and examine Stock at

IWAKAMI'S,.Robinson Block, Ilotcl Street.

Hats! -- : Hats!

k.. -J- B5CtS5

ftatLuV.. ir&

ftjade To Didei Aq gtijlB

Ladies and Gents.Now Stylos Every MONDAY nnd SAT-


Best Straw Hats,From 25c. .Up.

T. MIJBATA.No. 325 Nunanu Streot. ?32-t-l

TJe Yokohama Specie BaniLIMITED.

Subsorlbod Capital Yon 12,000,000Pnid Up Capital Yen 4.500,000Hesorvo Fund :. .Yon 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Transacts n General Banking nnd Ex.cbungo Business. ,

Agency Yokohama Spotie Bank

New Republic Bonding, Honolulu, II. I.

S. .KIMTJRA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wine's.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty,

Allen Stiieet. Telephone 703.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Bay Horso Saloon"

Comer Bethel nud Hotel Streets, Honolulu,

SrEOIAL EATING nousE:Frivnto Booms fqr Ladies nnd Gentlemen.

Open from 5 a, in. to 1 in morning.Frico of Tickots, S t.50. Single Meal, Mo.

JSTew Hestaux'ant,Bcthol street nliovo Post Ofllco.

NICE AND CLEAN.Chicken on. Tuesdays, Thursdays and'

Saturdays. Ico Cream on Sundays. FinoSalads with dinner each day.

Meals, 25c 22 Tiokets, $4.60.


(AH CHOCK, Tropr.)

Meals .25 Cents. gTNAN.D. ..I'rivato Boom for Ladies.

OoitNEit Hotel and Union Sts.

UN TAi 00.410 Hot! street, ncnrNnnnnn.

ImportersOf Ail Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andG-inge- r,

GROCERIES, -- : RICE,All kinds of Oanncd Fruit, Cigars,and a lnrgonssortmoutof goods toonumerous to mention at tho very




SZA.M TAPS,Opposito Pantheon Barber Shop, at Lowest

Prices. Try my

Flor Fina, La Pcrla Del Orihilc,La Puerata Del Sol and '

, La Emperatrh.Tho Smoker's Favorites.

Sin-g- ? Lee Co.,502 KING STREET,

FRICfcU--I :- -: F'RUITSBy cvory Californln steamer.

Importers of nil kinds of Groceries, Fruits,Canned Goods, Cigars nnd Tobacco,

at Lowest Trices.Frcslr Vegetables Ahrnys on Ilnml.

WING W(J TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu streot.

..Importers nnd Dealers in(xciu'i'nl -:- - 91crcIiniHli.sc.

l'ino Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japa-nese Crookerywaro, Mattings, Vases of nilkinds Comphorwood . Trunks, llnttnuChairs. A lino Assortinont of Dress Silks.Choicest brands of Chincso and JapnnosoTeas of IntoHt importation.

SXff New Goods by every steamer.Mutual Tol. 2G0 1'. O. Box 1C8

SING WO,Corner King and Bethel streets,

Dealer in Cigars and TobaccosBest brands of Manilla Cigarsand finest Cigarettes, . .

At lowest prices. 421- -

AH PING,Dealer in'ChinesoTea, Cigars,

Ponnut Oil, Sugr, Soap,Candles, etc., at lowestmarket pneo. ....

Corner Nuuanu and irauahi streets. 143--

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wholesale- Dealers In

Chincso Silk, Tea, nnd Matting.Liquors and Manila Cigars, English nnd

American Groceries.i&1 Hotel street. - - - Telephone 147

QUONG. SAM KEE & CO.Importers nnd Dealers la

. General Merchandise,146-t- f Corner King and Mnunaken, Sts

HO YEN KEE & CO.,JPluxn.'bers '

nnd dealers inCIlOCKEItY, GLA8SWAKE,- - ETC., ETO

Water Plics, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly' executed;

14- 3- No 41, Nuuanu street"

FOR . . ..Best Imported Chinese Tea, ,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,At lowest prices, go to ,

WING TAI LUNG14- 1- . 831 Nuuanu street

LAI SOSTQ KEE.I'l.u.Tiitr.it.

ALLKIND3 OFT1NWARC, CROCKERTtetc., at tin- - very lowest prices. Klne; strce'maknl and Ewa of Mauuakca.


AU kinds of tinwnro, crockery,6to, ut lowest prices

HI Nuuanu and Ilotol streets

LIN SING KEE,!Plumbor & TinsmitL

Doler In Tin and Agate Ware.All kli.ds of Plumbing done Inn SatUfactorj

Manner at Lowest Rates.1. O. Box 274, 212 403 Hotel Bt


AND : DEAL-ER : IN ....

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor and Bulldor.

No. 89, Nuuanu street.Has ou hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

Matting, Wardrotas, Desks, Mntrosses, oto.fJBT Call in nud inspect goods.

Orient Planing Mill,VING PAT & CO.,

CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS,Furnituro of all kinds made and repaired

liiillillni; hourcs ami isakliiK rlco mills a spe-cialty. 1'. O. Hor llKi. corner Kim: and Uetiiclstieets, ' Ml

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to OltDER of thovery best lnntenals and In tho verylatest style. . . . .

.A. J?eiecfc Kit' Guaranteed


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


To Whom It

May Concern.

ThiB is to certify thnt O. Akimalms nindq Rovornl Buits o clothesfor mo ruul tho workmnnshi hasbeen ot tlm best. I tnko plensurein. recommending him nud hiswork.


TIM ICIK,MERCHANT TAILORSnits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Kine DuckSuit, $5 up; Fino Tweed Pants. :S4.i)0upfFino fault, 18 up. Clothes denned and re-paired. 200 KING STHLTrr.

P. O. Bor 144:

Chock Chee & Co., Merchant Tailors,

Clothes Cleaned nnd Bepnired.No. 322 Nuuanu Street.

215-l- y P. O. Box 233.

D Y-EI- G-- !

If you wnnt your Clothes Dyed nnd madeto look now, call around at

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailor.

48 Nuuann street, P O Box I5a.

C T. AKANANo. 324, Nuuanu street. .

'MERCHANT TAILQR, vFino Suitings mado toorder at lowest prices,145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

"W. Ahiu & Co.,320 Nuuanu Streot.


Fine Suitings from Best American nndEnglish Cloth.

Olotbos Cleaned nndllopaired.


FashioualJlo dress Maker,


Dressoa made to order. Sewing gua-ranteed. If the stitches break I will re.pairwithont extra chargo '!iQ7'2in


Qoriti'actors, BuildersiFurnituro Doalors nnd Fnlnters.



Fort Street, opposito Club Stnbles,

CHIN WO & CO.Younu Ah In, Mgr.

Corner llcrctanla and Nuuanu ..' ilnnninin,RI0E I'LANTERS-Alwa- ys have for sale thtuuov liuauiy.iH nee. uur rice marKca w CJ OIs guaranteed to ho Al.

Agents for tho following rlco plantations!I'alama, Halawa. Moaualrra, Walklkl, Walplo.Kalawa6, Kawalhapa and Wnloll, Oahu, andilunarcl, Kauai.

115 Tel. 218. BO,Dox242.

YEE ON CO.,817Nuuanu St. P. O, Box 143.

Watchmakers, and Manufactur-ing Jewelers.' .

Repairing ol Watches and Jewelry, "AT.,,WORK GUARANTEED. .Imnorters. ol' Watches and ClnrL-- nt vi.14U Grads.

L. AIILO,No. 408, Nuuanu Btroet,

Has just received a new lino ofDRY GOODS; LADIES AND GENTS


Agent for tho following rlco plantationsWaiplo, Walnva, Waimalu, Wnialua,Knucoho nnd Kapalamn.

B.J& My rico from Kanoohvo Is markedL A and is gimrantccd AI,P.O. Box 114,' - . Tclophono 199,


' i.'.iti. 'W



.. a4







. 1







- .m. '









"tU.V '

Lf "r?.,-- '

'Si, V. --u

- v 'A tfw I,




Tenders for Supplies!

Office qp tub Boaud or Health,Honolulu, Juno 18, 1896.

Soalod Tenders will bo receivednt tliis office until 12 o'clock noon,"WEDNESDAY, Juno 24, 1890,forfurnisliiiig tho Bureau of Healthwith supplies specified in thosohcdulos bolow, for tho poriod ofsix months ending Docembor 31st,1890.

Bids for items of ench schedulemust bo mtuloBopnrntely, and eachtender plainly marked, "Tondorfor Supplies, Board of Health."

Tho Board of Health does notbind itself to accept tho lowest oranv bid.

N. B. EMERSON,President of tho Board of Health.


Matorial and Supplies for useof tho Leper Settlement, Molokai,to bo dolivored f. o. b. islandstoamors, iu quantities orderedby Agents of tho Board of Health.


Bough N. "NV. Lumber, por Mfeet.

Tongue & Grooved N.W. 1x0iu. por M foot.

Redwood Shingles, por M.Bodwood, Surfaced, por M! foot.Bedwood Battens, x3 in. per

foot. .

Bedwood Fence Posts, each.Doorti, 2x0x0, 1$ in. each.Window Sashes, 10x12 and lOx-1- 4,

per pair.Iron Out Nails, lOd basis, por

Boiled Oil, Hubbuck's, psr gal."Whiter Lead, Hubbuck's Genu-in- e,

por lb.Turpentine, per gal.Cement, "White Bros., Portland,

per bbl.Lime, up to 100 bbls., por bbl.


Bice, No. 1 , up to 500 bags.Bread, medium (samples to be

tuinisneuj up to ouu cases.Flour, best quality, tacks, up

to 250 barrels.Sugar No. 1, law, up to 150 bags.Baking powder, Royal, 8 oz. tine,

up to 12 gioss.Salmon, best red, up to 120

bbls.Brown soap, (100 pound boxes)

2 lb. bars, up to 200 boxes.Matches, long card, up to 300

gross.Salt coarse, per ton, up to 500

bags.Koros'eno oil, up to 200 caves.Coal, iu sacks, up to 20 tons.


Hay and grain to bo dolivoredat tho Garbage stables, near cor-ner of South and Queen streets.Tho teuder must bo for weight do-

livored at tho tables.Hay, wheat or oat, up ,to 150

bales.Bran, up to 150 bags.Oats, up to 150 bags.


Supplies for the Oahu InsaneAsylum to be dolivored in quanti-ties required, and subject to inspection and approval of thoMedical superintendent.

Beef, ono whole foro quartor,rumps aud rounds, up to 150 lbs.por day.

Beef steak," 4 lbs. pdr day.Bread, frosh loaves, 900 loaves

por month.Broad Medium, 4 cases por

month.B'oonis, steamboat or mill, 1

doz. per month.Baking Powder, Boyal 8 oz.

tius, 2 doz. per mouth.Beaus Bayo, 100 lbs. per month.Coffee, green Kona, 10"0 lbs. per

month.Flour, best quality, 1 bbl. per

month.Oil Kerosene, 4 cases per

month.Oniutib, por pound, 2 crates per

month.Potatoes, per lb. 0 bags por

mouth.Poik,- - Extra clear, half barrel

por mouth.Bice, No. 1 Hawaiian, 700 lbs.

por month.Sugar .No. 1 Hawaiian, 500 lbs.

per mouth.Salt, coarse, 100 lbs. per month.Salmon, best red, 3 bbls. por

month.Tea, China Pouchong, 75 lbs.

por month."Tpmatoes canned, 0 doz. por

)uonth.Tobacco plug,18 lbs. por month.Wood Algaroba, 3 cords per

month.Hayy Wheat or Oat, half ton

por month.

bwiwm mwmiwmi-- M.

wniMiVmiii ii una Tnrtnnini-r- ijjUWLJMIHWlMilHlliKMII I MliriililillrM1lftnlMlgtlTll TJwawWMm'WxmaTTjrjiw trrnmjmuv wi wwnm

Middlings, quurtor ton 'permonth. .;

Bran, quartor ton per mouth.OatB, quartor ton per mouth.

Tenders for the Sale ofHides and Tallow.

Office of the Board of Health,Honolulu, Juno 18, 1890.

Tenders for purchase of Hidesand Tallow from tho, Board of I

Health for tho poriod of sixmonths onding Docembor 31st,1890, will be received in this oflicountil 11 o'clock noon, WEDNES-DAY, Juno 21, 189G.

Tho Tondor must bo for thoprico per pound for hides and fortallow delivered on tho wharf, Ho-

nolulu, on weights approved by anAgent of tho Board of Health.Payments arc 'to bo mado in U. S.Gold Coin, immediately after de-

livery of goods.Tho Board does not bind itsolf

to nccept tho highest or any bid.N.B EMERSON,

Pfesidont of tho Board of Health.333-- lt

51 Euei)ir?$ Bulletin



In retracing its mistaken coursetho committee on tho Americancelebration of tho Fourth of Julyhas surrendered too much, in era-

sing from tho program somo oftho most popular ovonta after thoropprts of committees thereon hadboon adopted. As pointed out inthe Bulletin, tho Hawaiian holi-

day sinco it was not taken inhand regularly and in seasonwould have been celebrated wellenough, for this ono occasion, bywhatever tho Government mightdo to signalize it, together withtho rejoicing of thoso who wishedto rejoico over tho event com-

memorated. All who want to doso, moreover, woro perfectly wel-

come to utilize the festivitiesof tho American celebration, withonly tho need to think that theyworo keeping tho Hawaiian anni-versary. It is a pity that thoStar showed in referring to tho difference of opinionin tho committee, with regard towhich tho minority it assails hasin tho ond boon sustained. 'Thatpapor'sidoa of tho proprieties, asexoraplilied by its courso in cor-tai- n

matters within tho past fewmonths, make it an undoubtedauthority on all questions requir-ing tho exorciso of judgment.

It is very gratifying to knowtlihi Congress beforo adjourninggranted the subsidy of 80,000 totho Oceanic Steamship Company'slino. This lino has nobly sus-

tained the credit of Amoricancommerce in tho Pacific, uudorHawaiian subsidies for thirteenyears and uudor British colonialfor nino years. It is to bo hopedthat this recognition by tho UnitedStates of hor own maritime inter-ests, tardy as it is, will never borevoked.

Congress adjourned leaving thoPacific cable in tho tank. "Whentho Hawaiian Legislature gavo ahandsome subsidy aud exclusivelanding privileges on thoso isl-

ands to a privato speculator, itcomplicated tho question at Wash-ington so'that nothing but whathas happened there could havebeen oxpectcd.

In all the proceedings of tholate session of Congress, and inall tho , talk about a Bopublicauplatform, Hawaii and its annexa-tion has been givou tho go-b- y.

.liijmiimo Wrestler.A troupe of Japanese wrestlers

and acrobats is going to open ontho Esplanade, as eisowhoro an-

nounced, on tho 25th. In tlioirown way tho Japs aro peerless inthoso lines, and a very entertain-ing exhibition may bo expected.

The Most Beautiful Women . . .

, . . Also the Homeliest


Aik Your Grocer For It.

IiATEST 1'OllF.ION sens.

Continued from 1st Page.

ropublioof1 Cuba, was implicated. !

and, learning that Gom&z was go- - Uver. tne PurPle Pro.n!e, oring to hang him, dosortod to tho the Waiane range 'the lrides-Spaniar- ds

and is now acting as a cent gleam of the variegatedthoir forcoB. Hoguide to was a

insurgent commander' after glOW SufTllSeS the west--

m tii a present struggle.Bamon O. Williams, formorly

United States Consul-Gonor- toCuba, has arrived at Now York.Ho says Havana is quiet, andbusiness therenam timos amSBcdreityeS?1 foodare untmo. Ho did not hoar thosound of a gun once whilo in Ha-- 1

vana. Goneral Woyler is a gen-- 1

tlemau, who was always agrreublowitli Williams. Spaniards "Cub.i aro in no way prejudicedagainst the United1 States. Ha- -vana publish impartialpapers re- -

.. .. ...iauU C 1. i i.. I. i ! i 4

Cuba, and their repoits aio trust-- 1

worthy.ouiru i,anis.

Southern lopublics aro to holda peace convention and havo in-

vited the United States to partici-pate.

Monarchists in Brazil aro re-ported to bo contemplating arevolution" to restore the monar-chy with tho Countess d Eau thodaughter of Dom Pedro II. asEmpress Isabel I.

An ontiro freight train loadedwith powder and shells for Esqui-mau fortifications has arrived atVancouver. Traiuloads of muni-tions war havo been constantlyarriving of lato and this alone in-

dicates that the fortifications atEsquimalt aro moro elaborate andcomplete than is generally known.

The Illble JIM auldo.

Deputations of tho Mayors ofall the towns of South Africawaited upon President Kruegorto thank him for his clomoucy totho convicted reformers. Pre-sident Kruoger pointed to thoBible with the remark that therewas his guide. He then referred i

to Cecil Rhode, who, ho said, I

was aotinc as if ho were eccincron a dog fight. Ho who causedtho trouble was still unpunished.


The femco around tho JudiciaryBuilding yard is being painted.


A Problem

confronting many a busi-ness man, is how best toreduce an overstock ofcertain lines in a givenperiod.

Beerinnincr todnv. and endinrrI on Saturday tho '27th, wo offer

for UASllONLiY:

24 dozen Tea Spoonsat $S per dozen. Begular812 to 810.

IB dozen Tea Spoonsat $13,50 per dozen.Begular S10 to $21.

12 dozen Dessert Forksfrom $21.50 to $25 per

S dozen. Begular from S28 toS35.

12 dozen DessertSpoons from $22.50 to$25 per dozen. Begularfrom 830 to 835.

12 dozen Table Forksfrom $80 to $35 perdozen. Bogular from SiUto 830.

12 dozen Table. Spoonsfrom $30 to $37-5- 0 perdozen. Begular from 810to 835.

12 dozen Egg Spoonsat $15 per dozen- - Bogu-

lar 821 to S24.

All goods aro of good weight,and of Gorham sterling waro.Tho offer will hold good ab-

solutely for this week only,positively not another piecowill bo sold at those pricos, atthis or any other time.

Absolutely cash only, and noengraving froo of charge.

H. P.Wichmanaaisaisia'SiEisiaiajaiaia'aisiajsiaiaiEisi

"fimely Jopie$

ern sky. A solt breeze blowsover the town, rustling thefoliage embowering thousandsof verandas. Marsden's batsgo forth in quest "of beetles,their uncannv wings fanning

.t,ie WlllSKers. 01 the "frpp anaindependent," its they Sit eil--joying their post-prand- ial cigar

, ,.r ,.i n rana meditating on me ivegis- -"tration Act. Bill Williams Duts

1IS n"ml)er tens ?n tn.e laaaerana mounts to ms eyrie at inemouth of the peaceful harbor,where, with a Japanese safetymatch he lights the lanternthat warns the mariner againsttaking the Miowera's overlandroute into the desired haven."Let fall the curtain, wheel thesofa round, and so let peacefulevening in."

What a pretty introductionto a novel could be made outof a Honolulu evening 1 Thepicture is incomplete, how-ever,with-


ringing in a hand-

some parlor lamp. We haveyour choice of many varietiesof hanging lamps in the mostartistic styles silver, bamboo,black iron, porcelain, etc., withelegant shades. If it's "lightnn th( suhippr" vnn wnni. vnn

,.ii i,n. ;may Just llS li mStvle. The Drices will not bein your way, you cannot getlower for equal value elsewhere.Don't bother any lrlore withthat wprnout lamp, but treatyour Household to a "thingof beauty" that will shed anightly glory over your do-

mestic happiness and pleasures.Some people may have tried

to convince you that the mon-

archy of the oil stove has beenabrogated in favor of other in-

ventions.' Don't give anycountenance to such a notion.The oil sfove has kept rightahead with the march of pro-gress, until its improvementhas culminated in the BlueFlame Oil Stove that we sell.If we have told any of youthat our stock was exhaustedand would not be replenishedfor some little time, we musttake it back as we do nowgladly. The Monowai agree-ably surprised us with a treshlot, and they are now openedout. None who saw the ex-

periments in cookery perform-ed on this, stove in our storerecently will need t6 be in-

formed of its superior merits.Any who did not have that op-

portunity are welcome to en-

joy satisfactory demonstrationsof the stove's qualities on ap-

plication. One thing about usis that' we never try to sellgoods on the chance that theymay give satisfaction. Wewant our customers to be thor-oughly convinced that they arejettfng value for their moneybefore they part with it. Withhe full consciousness that ourbusiness reputation is at stake,in regard to this as well as to'other standard articles that weadvertise, we unhesitatingly re-

commend to you the BlueFlame Oil Stove.


Hawaiian Hardware Co.LIMJTED,

Opposite Sprockols' Bunk,


teitf Arrivals iij, Our

Whito Linen Tablo Damaalc, good quality.White Linon Table Covers with Napkins to match.White LinonBed Shcoting90 inch, ut $L 50 per yard.Whito Linen for Pillow Cases, 45 inch, 60c per yard.Fine Whito Linen, 3G inch, 60c per yard.Red Table Damask, 60c and. 70c per yard.Whito Damask Tablo Covers with Red l3orders$l'.5Q

and $1.75 a piece.White Damask Doilies, 1.50 a dozen.Whito Damask Doilies with Hcd Border 75c and $1.25 a


B. F. Ehlers &

lilKbSCHOBtA flAlRI, " ?r A ftM$ifA,l


"?. A .

tegF"--,- .

SH. : -- ,

aSBaisai5JwsiBssaEasKrawvA -


LEADERS:That Speak for Themselves, Don't Need Any Backing Up.

THE SECRET. Get tho best for tho least monoy.WHERE?. From us.WHY 1 Because wo can do it.HOW? By buying for cash in lano quantities.YOU, of court e, can get along

find acquaintance with us

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,EXCLUSIVELY SHOES.

DBijr Shoo Store. Port Street.OCEANIC

Steamship Co.FOR- -





Monday, June 29tfli,AT 4 O'CLOCK r. m.

Tho undersigned nro now prepared toissue Through Tickets from this City, to allpoiuts in the United Statou.

tTFor further purticulars regardingFreight or Pusbigo, apply to

War. G.IRWIN & Co., L'd,330-7- t Gonoral Agents.

Just Received

j ifmlittMJ 3




Beaver Saloon.II. J. Nolte, Proprietor.

330-3- t


Having boon informed by roli- -

ftblo parties tlmt Mr. Husted or

his omploycB nro circulating tho

report that I am simply in tho

"Directory business to compel him

to buy mo off, I wish it to go ou

record that I will not sell my dnta

or work to Mr. Husted or anyothor man".


Honolulu, Juno C, J.8UG.

323-- t

. . --U Aiitol.i t ' Jrwi&&i niA'iU.1 ik.- - "21 - 4&UH 1WW ' i-- JL .W

Linen Depautajent!

Co., Fort Street

without us, but wo think you'llprohtablo.

30 Days Only


Clearance Sale

Wail, Nichols U.

fiSsF Wo must make room forNEW STOCK to arrivo.

W"Wlien wo do a' thing it'ssure to bo DONE WELL andthat's tho caso with OUE



W. tt Ditson's Tennis Balls",cut from S5.G0 to doz.

Spalding's Tennis Balls, outfrom S5.00 to S3.90 doz.

Spalding's Official Loaguo Balls,cut from S1.50 to $1.30 each.

Framed Pictures, choice sub-jects, cut from S2.10 to $1.00 each.

750 Boxes Extra Cream Wovo! Noto Paper, out from .fiOo to .25oeach.

1000 "Whito Envelopes, size G,cut from $1.35 to $1.00 each.

This is No Fako Salo but a

Gonuine Cut Price 'Salo

K3,Tako Advantage Of IHsg


KlIT!I i





w :

1 H if lV . 'k





Now goods at Iwakanii's.A Gartonborg and family re-

turned by the Australia.Hugo Fisher's studio is with

"Williams tho photographer.Gue. A. Mauor of tho Hawaiian

liotol harbor shop i3 homo again.Dividond on Hawaiian Sugar

Co.'b Btock payable on Saturday.Tenders close at noon tomor-

row for Board of Health supplies.Miss Olarko has gono to Kahu-k- n

for a few dnysvisit to 'rela-tives.

Tho band will play at tho hotolthis evening. Program in anothorcolumn.

Entries for tho bicycle races onSaturday close at Thrum's to-

morrow.Tho St. Louis collogo perfor-

mance drew out a large audioncelast night.

Mrs. Dr. Wood roturned on thoAustralia from a visit to rolativos

,in California.Mrs. Houdletto, wife of tho

Australia's popular captain, ac-companies her husband on thistrip.

Mrs. Hatch, wifo of tho Minis-ter to "Washington, is on a visit toher mother, Mrs. Hawes, in Cali-fornia.

Tho Hawaiian baud will playtho solection eutitlod " CompanyD Minstrels "for tho 2C9th timothis evening.

Editor H. M. Whitney in thoPlantors' Monthly for Juno givesan orticlo on his recent .trip toHilo and Olaa.

It did not tako the ball commit-to- o

of tho Fourth of July arrange-ments long to secure an extra ap-propriation of S350.

Minister Damon is homo again.Ho speaks well about tho way howas treated by San Franciscoofficials and business men.

Among the arrivals by yester-day's steamor wore T. M. Starkoy,A. L. Louisson, Turn McGrowand George S. Waterhouso.

Miss Florence Sharpo leaves bytho Mikahala this evening for amonth's visit to her sister, who isteaching school at Kekaha.

Professor Koobolo rocoived an-

other consignment of insect-eatin- g

bats from California yesterdayand turned them loose last night.

W. G.Irwin itCo.issuo throughtickets from Honolulu to allpoints in tho United States for tho

'steamor Australia Bailing an Mon- -'

day next.

"Tho way of tho transgressor,is hard," but the man who drinksplenty of Seattle boor at tho Crite-rion will loso all desire to trans-gress the laws.

It must not be forgotten thatamong tho attractions of thoFourth of July will bo a game oEbaseball between tho Houolulusand tho Kamohamohas. These'clubs should put up n prettyequal gaino.

It is proposed by a nnrabor ofcitizens who have proporty lyingidle at Makiki to form tho MnkikiUnion Onion Company. Tho idoais to plant tho vacant lots withonions and control tho onionmarket of tho islands.

Tho Criterion saloon is boingrepainted, repaired and

Tho two Charlies aro bo-

ing gilded with goldloaf in orderto improve thoir appearance andulso to enable thorn to light uptho place without tho use of somany olootrio lamps.

Mr. White, n lawyer of NowYork, is a passonger in tho shipTillio E. Starbuok which arrivedfrom Portland this morning. Hois making tho round trip withCaptain Curtis. Speaking to u

Bulletin reporter this morning,Mr. White said that Honolulu isa much prettier place than ho d.

Ono prominent citizen who puthis namo down for $10 on thoFourth of July subscription listsays ho is going to pay in S5 inAmerican dollars and S5 in Kala-kaua- s,

and tie a Btring to each ofthorn, so that if tho Atnpricau dol-

lars got into tho Hawaiian cele-

bration or vice vorBa ho can pullthem back into tho proper chan-nel.' '


Makes Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Jjt Your Grocer For It.


T. 0. Jones expects to reachhomo by tho Australia of July17th.

A.V. Gear has additions to 'forsalo" and "for rent" in his col-

umn.A now quil beautiful lot of pic-

ture frames just received at KingBros'.

Piov. Bon Dillon will lecturethis evening on the "Animality ofMan."

No British sovereign has veto-ed a Parliamentary bill duringtho last 185 years.

Eat, drink (Soatllo Boor) andpay for it, for tomorrow you willwant somo more.

Tho Call has a column inter-view and largo picturo of P. 0.Jonos in its issue of tho 12th.

Thoro woro no arrests made thismorning although a number ofwarrants aro out for certain malo-faelor- s.

Ioola Keakuhi was fined $2 andS3 costs' for aBsaultin'g ono of hiscountrymen by Judge do laVorgno today.

Tho Critorion is being pat inorder to accommodate tho largeincreaso in patronago attractedthoro by Seattle Boor.

Betting on tho Corbett-Sharke- y

fight is 2 to 1 that Corbott will gottho decision and oven monoy thatSharkey will last the four rounds.

Tho assault and battery chargoson which F. Arson and M. Spulisworo arrosted last night woronollo pros.'d in tho District Courttoday.

Bruco Waring & Co. havomoved into thoir new officeformerly Mrs.Lack's store whereMiss Loderor the typowritor isalso to bo found.

On Saturday laBt Queen Victo-- ,ria completed tho fifty-nint- h yoarof her reign, having succeeded heruncle. Kincr Willinm IV. nn flm20th of Juno, 1837.

The closintr ioiut exhibition nftho preparatory and manual departments or ivamenameha schoolstakes place this evenincr at 7:30in tho gymnasium.

An oifor of free tuition in thowork is made to all willing to en-gage in kindergarten teaching.Application should bo made toMrs. Hydo as soon as possible.

Gouoral W. H. Dimond of SanFrancisco, father of W. W. Di-mond of Honolulu, was dying inNow York at last tolegraphio ad-vices before the Australia sailed.

Seattle boor is tho proper foodfor old and young. It rostorostho olastioity and bloom of youthto tho aged and infirm, and willeuro consumption, if you takeenough.

Kong Leo Huug pleaded guiltyof peddling chofa tickets andJudge do la Vorgno ordered hishandsomo clork to deduct $25 andcosts out of thQ S100 ho had inhis charge as bail monoy.

Besides its uso for stove pur-poses the Red Crown Gasolinoqtovo by King Bros, is suporior toany preparations made for remov-ing oil, grease or paint stains fromtho hands or clothing.

Mr. Igarashi, tho Japaneso in-

spector of tho Bureau of lmmi-cratio- n.

tocether with a ronreson- -tativo of Ogura & Co. and theJapanese Consulate, loft by thoHall this morning to investigatotho labor riots at the Olowaluplantation.

Four Japanoso dosorted fromtho Charleston on Sunday andonly ono of 'thorn has boon cap-tured. Officer Toina was away ona picnic excursion with ProsidontDole, W. G. Irwin and othorswhen tho desortions woro roportod,but hopes to capture tho otherthroe boforo tho Charleston loaves.

Tho case of Edward Woodwardplaintiff in error, vs. Ropublio ofHawaii, defendant in error, isstill in tho Supromo Court. A.S. Humphreys made the oponiugargument for plaintiff, beginningyesterday morning and conclud-ing this morning at 11:10. Mr.Thurston is now making the ar-gument for tho defendant. The'pluiutifTs assign twenty-thre-e er-

rors to tho lower court.


, Elsowhoro is a rough sketch ofHugo Fisher's painting" entitled'Forgotten," briefly mentioned inthis paper tho other day. Mr.Fishor has established a studio atWilliams' photograph gallery.


Highest of all in Loaveuiug Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.



Webster' s


is a roliublo specific for soroor inflamed oyes.

This oyo-wat- does morothan cloanso; it destroys thopoison and soothes tho oyo.By doing all this it controlstho inflammation. Prico 25cents per bottle. Bookletgiving full directions witheach bottle.




ir r THE I.

H. of

j. 4TH OFRi3y Those nro now

B , ... , ? .... .

H ana win soiu at tno

P. O. Box --&a




W VAft


Take an Outing1



Trains will lunvoat 9:15 a.m.audl:45p Jt., arriving in Honolulu nt.3:11 and 5:55 l Jr.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS:lit Class 2d Class

Pearl City $ 75 $ "fiO

Ewa Plantation... 1 00 76Waianaa I 50 1 25

Club Hotel,(Mrs. D'Arcy, Proprietress.)

First-clas- s InEvery Respect.

Terms Reasonable I

Beretania, near Fort Street.

X. L. 1

JTOY1find frnflli

.nf flin lioaf nnnlilv

. " " 1" "casn pnce3.

BST Telephone 478.



Has just rocoived ox W. Dimond a largo invoiceassorted

alloons, American and Hawaiian Flags, Decorating Bunings, Shields, etc., for tho

Poodsno lowest

B3 Island orders promptly attended to

The I X L.ra Oornnr Xlllinrm mid TCinr cfrnnJa



BLUSTER and BLUFFCut no Ico with sensible people. Wo mnko no .

bluff and ofler no bluster. Our SHOES arojust as represented. Established upon tho fund-amental principles of construction, namely: Fit,comfort, durability and style. They stand aloneand wo behind them.

Melnerny's Shoe Store,40'5 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Sheets and Pillow Cases

A "

N.--..S-. SACHS'520 IPorfc Street.

SHEETS, full s'zo, hemmed all ready for uso, made of goodcotton, only 85o.

PILLOW CASES, all ready for use, only 20c.

Hemmedstitch Sheets

and Pillow Gases!HEMMEDSTITCH SHEETS, full size, all ready for use,"

only &1.00.

PILLOW CASES, hemmedstitch ready for use, only 30c.

Great : Reduction : Sale !

Commencing Thursday, May 27th,. WE WILL PLACE ON SALE AN IMMENSE LINE OF

Muslins reduced to

15 Yards for $1.QP. -Brown Cottons reduced from

10 to 16 Yards for $l.QO.White Cottons reduced from



-- AT-



D --c.

: IProp.


t x2 j

To close out tho Full Lino of Goods placed in Our Salo a stillFurther Seduction is ruado in all Classes of Goods.

HATS and CAPS, from a Tdin O'Slmntor to a SlLK BEAVER.

Ribbons, Laces and Embroldaries still a Great Variety I


LADIES' and MEN'S HOSE in Blnok Stripos and Balbriggan.

Men's Drawers and Undershirts.COSTUMES AND JACKETS.A Largo Solection o FLOWERS, lOo a Bunch.

BS" This Sale must booh closo. Now is your opportunity.


Among tho thousand and ono use-

ful articles handled by ub, wo de-

sire to mako special mention of thowhich 1mswon bo ilat-tori-

anamo for

i t s o 1 fthroughout

tho United States and Canada andirf now boing introduced here.





SecretaryDisc Plow


This plow is tho plow "par oxcollonco" for breaking and cultivatingground. It will do tho work of threo ordinary plows.

Anothor specialty is our iiuraonso varioty of fino PICTUREMOULDINGS of whioh wo havo jxiBt received a now lot. "We FiiamePrcTUltES at Eastern prices. Plantors should boar in mind that ourVACUUM OILS aro tho best made and aro winning tlioir way intotho graces of bvory Qngincor who nsos thom. SLACK & BROWN-LOW'- S

FILTERS, tho improved housohold filters, havo mot with sokind a reception that, although in uso for twonty yoars, thoro hasnever boon a complaint raado bytho purchasor. .

Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd,FOIVr STItEET,

'Uttvl J .' . $itit y . lct -

TEIj. 10:



. f--j' yl

... my

- w:




.. v.' y.


-- mrtu


, v'


ry- -

K (.
















': , fj '.?: vn- ' &'.J 4,-- ' .i "5 '


-- :


Milliliter ol I'lnnnco Dnnioti N s ThereIn l'leuty for nil I'nrponei.

8. M. Damon,' Minister o Fin-anc- o

in Hawaii, arrived horo onyesterday's stoamor, says tho Callo tho 11th. Ho accompanied Mrs.Damon, who is going on to Yaloto attend tho graduation o horfion. Minislof Damon will returnto tho islands in a few dayB. Hosays tho finances o tho now Ropublic are in excellent condition.

"Tlio loan tlrnt nas uoen Bug-gost-

nud that has passed thopreliminary Btnges, for 8800,000,"he said, "for public works of vari-ous kinds, has had 3.,5O,O00 sub-

scribed to it already."Besides this, wo have on hand

from various issues, or from whrtis known as tho loan fund, fcll.,-00- 0

more, so that now wo piactic-nll- y

have 105,000 for publicworks.

"Wo shall therefore have allthat is necessary for fifteenmonths for building now roads totho coffee plantations, improvingtho harbors, erecting new sohool-houso- s

and extending tho waterworks. Tho drain of S175,000 lastyear, bocanso of tho msnrrectiou,took that much right out of curdirect receipts, but wo paid it allwithout borrowing.

"Attorney-Gener- al W. O. Smith18 in China studying tho choleraand tho black plague. AVo recent-ly appointed a medical inspectorin Yokohama, and Attorney C

Smith and Dr. Wood of thoDoard of Honlth will appoint onein Hongkong and nuo m Amoy.This Is douo iiioukr thi.t pas-

sengers for Hawaii may have mo- -'

dical inspection. It is tho inton-tio- n

of tho Government to protectthe islands in every possible wayfrom diseaso."

tiic ri'i.ioKt iiii- - ! u movie.Denver, Colo., Juno 10. Ham-

ilton rode a milo on tho racotrackat Overland Paik to-da- y iu 1:50,breaking all previous bicycle rec-


A. J. Dorby, D.D.S.,office Cottage iS'.. 100,street, tflppli i.o ' o. (u.hours 9 A.m. to 4 Prar.

DentalAlutio t

Mechanic8"Homo, corner lioteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or moilth. Terms: '26

and CO cents por night $1, and$1.25 por week.

Storling, tho painter, is pro-pare- d

to quote prices on roofimiutiuc. Ho uses ii composition ofcoal tar and cement. Cheapest i

and best roof preparation in Ho-


Honolulu's warm climato iscouducivo of thirst to a greaterdegree than that of a colder zono.The average" business man losesalso, to si degree, tho amount ofenergy and nervous force commonenough in tho bracing air ofAmerican cities. Theno two phasesof our climato make it inoronecessary than oltowhero to stim-

ulate the system with an invigor-an- t.

No more healthful or purorstimulus, or one more delightfulto tho palat", can bo found, thanPabst jMilwaukoe boor. It is adelicious drink and is conottntlyon draught at tho Cosmopolitan,Pacifio and the ltoyal.

Tonllmiir.'rlne lh Throol, T ill tir . 1 l i 'fetoiuach tainrrli.Kcrofnla, Ariiuia. i r Si r ntlinl.Ilr, etc., li) l Bln n mm I. ' nl" it I'M. '

I'lIOi nLTli fHlWluN IruiL Cnlhlttoruof llnuiBim Unig ( , il ml iln, 11, I, "It'i.(wnuitcc J as 1'aUtaMu u 11X or iion, j .

OBLI. GERTZ,G13 Kort Street,

OFFF153 TO THE LADIES A FIXEof Fundi KU1 Hut ton Uools. l)i-- t

qualltv, In lo 1 to 8, wldtlis El) In KRE.Will lio sold otie-- t liii (I bolnw cost prion.

:::)j-l- w


Cottage Architecture.

Complete Plans and Specifications aid rollWorking DrawiDgs.

Designs of Now Model nud AitistioDwulliugs. From n $S00 Aitistio CottiigotoftS25,000 Pwullln, nt hOonty-fiv- porcent less tlinu preeut prlco cliarf!Hl in Ho-

nolulu,The ownnra 8inl enntrnotors will incur

no oxtrn ipcnso on nrcomit of fnttllyHpeolllcntiniiB or not furnishing roniploiowotlting (IrnwingB to the (ontrattur foi hitostimiUw.

A V. OEAU334.U OOUKmabtirtt.


.tft.WWfr:. ,' , i,ilxtM.. dj, ii'awaj,. .JitgA

After PneumoniaCatarrh, Abscesses, and

Dyspopslai ii

Hood's Saranparllla Oavo RobustHoalth and Strongth.


Mr, TVn. IT. Otlala a well known blacksmith of Trenton, N. J.lis writes Illustrating tha great building up,blood purifying powers ol Hood's Sarsaparlllafter serious lllncsst"C. I. llooil'ii Co., Lowell, M.uj.i

" I am pleased to mako a statement of my ex-

perience with Ilood's 8arsapnrllla. I amblacksmith and contracted a leycre cold whichd.ieioped Into pneumonia, lloforo I got overtlio Illness, two largo abscesses gathered on mylimbs. Different medicines failed to do mo anygood. Catarrh and dyspepsia

NTado Mo Very Weakand I lost flesh. 1 was advised to taka ITood'iB.irsaparllla. Bcforo I had used a bottlo I began

t U) ICC1 ueucr. a cumiuui-i-i uuu iinvu uikuii iivo1 bottles and It has cured moot all mr troubles

and mado mo perfectly well. I now liaoagood

Hood's? Curesappctlto and weigh flro pounds heavier thanover before. I cannot recommend Ilood's

too highly." Wt. W. Otib, 0

Itocbllng Street, Trenton, Kew Jersey.

Hood's Plllscuro all Uvcr Ills, lllllousness,jaundice, IndlcestloD. Sick Headache. 23c.

.Hobron Drug Co., L'd,Polo Agents for tbo ltopubMo of Hawaii

Seaside Resort

Wright's Villa,A Short Distance from tho Bridge,


TounstB and othors will find it to thoirKlvaiituRO to visit tlio above resort, nsthey will meet with every accommodationthat comfort requires.

illtS. THOS. VJMGHT,323 tf Proprietress.

CENTBALKona Sanatorium.Kltnnted on a Bvnntiful Uillside Overlook-

ing the Ocean, and 1300 feet, i nbtvo Bca Level.

Only 24 bouri' bail from Honolulu.Climato mild, e'o.ir dry ntmospbore, freefrom fugs and malum, eipcoial provisionfor ijujet nud rst as well as for amuse-tno- nt

unci outdoor life.7r Abdrvt

lilt. II. A.LINDLEY, Prop.,323 tf Kona, Hawaii.


Mo. 117 Bethel st., bctweon King and Iloto

Clothing Made to Order151 THE LAThST STYLE.

Satisfaction Guaranteed for Good Fit.

Only AViiitk Labok Employed.

Repairing nud (Jlciiulng a Sjipclaltv.

21,1-l- f







FROM S6.00

. P.


1111 A



BOORIGUES,Fort Street, opposlto Uaekfeld's.


Make You




FOR $18.


A Now Lot of Nice Goods JustEecoived. and lto--

pairing. 215-t-f


ANTWant Them toOPYou ... 3

ANTIn this hot climato ill-fitti-

clo.thing not only looks sloven-ly but is unconifortablo to wear.In order to ensure haudsomoand comfortable suits, tho qual-ity and mako of which areguaranteed, call around at

Medeiros & Decker'sand you'll get what you want.

Telephone Gil. P. O. Bos 298.


Hartford'Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.AsbctH, $0,229,21.1.00. Iucomo, ?7,0G0,1G:).08.

London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (U. S.'Branch), Liverpool England .

Awth, S2,7C0,b70. Iucomo, 51,850,000.

Talclthie Insurance Company, (U. S. 'Branch), (Manches-ter, England.

Abk-Ih- , $2,8.10,2.",0.28. Income, S3.Gi5.0Sl.0O.

cST" Iiisukb FiiNl-cln- s Slercnntilo nntl Hninifnrttuing Eisl.s nud Dwelling Pro-pel ty m tho iiboo v. ell known CompauieB on the must fuvuinblo terms.

T-- 3C.

- - - -- -:- - -:- -

-:-- .





ZDoTrsett,MntcjiAXT Street.

CLUB STABLES,S-or- t Street. --Q7Y








Tho licbt of atlrtiition icn to miininlH If ft with dh Oniefnl rtjlfrs, rospoelfulnttontl.ints promptucha, 1Ji.uKh, Siuik'H, Itiakcs, lingt'itM.riiuctojiB, WiigonetteB.

"V it I

Ci.avs SuitncKEi.s.


Vm,'0. Iiiwin.

H. I.

San Francixo JgcntiTiiB Nevada Bank or8am Francisco.


3an FnANCisco Tho Nevada IJank of SanFrancisco.

LoNrioN Tho tnlon Bank of London, Ltd.New YonKAmcrlcan Exchange National

Bank.Chicago Merchant National Bnnk.Paius Comptolr National d'Ecompt de

ParlR.Bbhlin Drcsdner Bank.nosoKONO and Yokohama Hongkong &

Sliaticlial Banklnp Corporation.New Zatand and Austhai.i a Bank of New

yunlnml.Victoiiia and Vancouveh Bank of Mont- -'

real.Transact a General Banking and Eichange Bnslness

Term and Ordlnaiy Depolsts Ketelvcd.tnati, mnrli, nn Atmrntrtl Sccurltv. Commercial and Tradrrs Cicdlts Issued. Billsof Kxclmnpc bought and eolu.

Collections Pkomitly Accounted For,


The Hawaiian


Investment Go.HAVE FOR SALE

A Few Shares of

Pain Sugar Stock,Hiuvuilsm Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Government ami 1stMortgago Sugar 1'ismta-llo- n


157 For particulars apply to

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &investment company,

408 Vurt Street ... Honolulu

Estahlishcd IMS

bishop &: co--

bankers.Transact a General Banking

and Exchange Business.Commercial and Traveler's

Letters of Credit issued, available in'all tho principal citiesof the world.


" One of tho divinest benefits that has ever come to tho

human race." Thomas Carlylc.

uM '

Fine a

Corner Fort and Merchant Sts.

ire reoce

a&iv'-- -

Pipes, Tobacco,Cigars andSmokers' Articles.


Wo import tho Princi-pa- lFactories of the World.

Cigars Specialty

HOLLISTER CO.,"Wholesale and

Sale of Pence WireatExceptional Low Rates !


Galvanized Fence- - Wire, Nos. 4 $ aiu &

Annealed and Varnished do, Jros. J., 5 and 6.

Bard Wire, 4 points, 7 inches' apart.

T !For terms, apply to






It Cures! Cures!!

Mrs. Utter Had Serious

Kidney and Brain


Stubborn Rheumatic


All Praise to the Great

Medicine That Made

Her Well.

Paso Hoiilks, Oal., May 1, 1893."Wells, Richardson & Co.,

Gentlemen: I cannot speak,, too highly of Paine's Celory Compound. Ihave just purchased tho third hottlo, and am suro that tho medicine, with God'sblessing, has relieved me of a serious ailecUon of lcidnoy and brain trouble anda stubborn case of rheumatism.

I feel very grateful that I was so fortunate as to learn of this medicinethat makes people well.

I remain, jVery respectfully. di falLl



Wire Fence


I.Iwd:il3?B3D- -



Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands



'$- -r





f v 'v;',"' ?V;e" $W.Tw Vfu


amexs ix noon ri.cr,s.

V Itmli fur XiiturulUatlon Oiiimcil hjrnHomo Resolution.

Washington, Juno 15. Thepassage of the resolution introrducod by Representative Lintono Michigan, oalling for informa-tion as to tbo number of offices

undor the Government hold bynlions, has caused an Unusual rushfor naturalization papors in thoSupromo Coutt of tho District ofColumbia, boforo which tribunalnil applicants in tho District mustappear.

Of tho eighty applications fornaturalization filed sinco April20th. twenty wore Governmentomployos, among thorn boingGoorgo W. Watson of Canada,who is at presonf chief clork oftho navy yard, and John A. Suth-erland of Canada, assistant in thoofiico of tho Supervising Architect.It has been developed that a num-ber of good positions are thushold by aliens. A thorough in-

vestigation is to bo made.


The AtiKtrnlla linn i Hard Tlmo andJ. tho Snntlnffo I,oc n fflnu.

On the last night of her trip toSan Fiancisco tho Australia raninto a Btorm. Tho waves brokecontinuously over tho vessol andone, burst in tho forward skylight.Water poured into tho stateroomsand tho dining-roo- m and steer-

age woro flooded. Captain Houd-lott- o

and Chief Officor Lawlessworo drenched again and againby tho Bpray, and everybodyaboard had an uncomfortablenight.

Tho Hawaiian bark Santiago,which arrived at San FranoiBcofrom Hilo on tho 10th, was alsocaught in tho same galo. "Whonit was at its height L. Brohm, anative of Denmark, aged 31, waswashed overboard and dro'wncd.It was impossible to lower a boat,owing to tho heavy cross sea.

Hold Arrlrnla.

Hawaiian S. Witkouski, SanFrancisco; Dr. and Mrs. "W. R.Cochrane, Philadelphia; Z. K.Pangboru and wife, Jersey City;P. A. "Williams and wife, Captainand Mrs. H. 0. Houdlotto, Jas. '

NvSuydam, Wm. Macdonald, SanFrancisco; Horbort House andwife, Melbourne; Gub. A. Mauer,Honolulu; H. A. Wilner, U. S.Navy.

Club Frod. A. Jacobs, T.C. Curtis, San Francisco; D. E.Bortroo, MisB M. E. Bortreo, Oak-land.

AiiMNdTON B. R. Banning, J.P. Lytton, St. Louis; A. Garton-bor- g,

wife and son, Honolulu.

Tho I'rco KiiKlar;;artcii. .

Tho Free Kindergarten Associ-ation oxpect to ongago a trainingtoaohor from Chicago, to beginhor work next Soptombor. Thoroshould bo at least ten in tho class.All who would liko a courso inKindergarten training are re-

quested to niako application assoon a8 posaiblo to Mrs. 0. M.Hyde, 122 Borotania street, or bytelephone, No. 929. Those whowill agree to act as assistants intho various Kindergartens, willhave tho instruction in thoTraining Class froo of chargo.

A How will your wife bo dross- -

ed at tho fiuoy dress bull? BPartly in a luco trimmed fanoyccistumo. A And partly ? BPartly not at all! Das Kloino"Witzblutt.

"Mrs. Hopkins is a young wo-

man, and yolsho looks old.'' "Yes,sho looks that way bocauso showorries so for four sho will."Chicago Record.

Hor Admirer Well, Roggio!How's your sister's cold, oh? HorLittle Brothor Oh, that's allright; but she's got n jolly bigcorn. Moonshine.

"This woman's paper," ho said,looking up from it, "says that awoniun should nevor under anyciroumBtancos wear a street gownin the house." ,Wli't of it?" sheasked. "Oh, nothing," ho roplied,"excopt that I should think itwould bo awkward for a womanto chango hor gown on tho frontsteps." Chicago Post.

O'Farrol Suro, and poverty is

tho worst thing that can happena mon. McSwinoy Indado, it is.If I woro offered a cool million tobooomo a paupor I'd refueo itwith scorn. Spurtu IJoruld-Ad-'Vertiso- r.

FREETo til jnffrrlnir with Throlt, T.nng or Waning Pine aiMonnchuurrh.ScfofnU, AMhms. or Nervous IteMI.l'.r.,.."c'l.,,l" t" l"n Kmpl bottlK of 1)11.

CIKKXILATK KMUL810N for lrll. CllItorrol lloiuirm nrni .Honolulu, U. I, "llnuruiUluJ'UUtlaMllkornoMr. r

BRUCE OARTWRIGHT,'.General Manager of '

Tho Equitable Lifo Assurance Society

Of tho United States (or tho HawaiianIslands,

Orvtri Merchant street, Honolnlu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. 8CHM1OT & 80N3,Agouts (or the Hawaiian Inlands.

Dr. W. L. MooreSPlrysicIetaaL

Illlo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases o( theejo and ear.

Office hour. J 2 B;.Waiannonue Avo. near Conrt Hovifle. r03-t- t

:-- Dr. Russel, -- :

Ollico, Masonic Building.Hours: : 0--11 am, 3--5 pin. : Telephone 484.

Residence, Telephone 070.163-l-

Geo. H. HuddyD.D.8.

DENTIST.Fort Street, orr. Oatiiolio Missiok.

Honrs from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A. O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Hotol Street, Arlington Cottage



TELEPHONE 023.Office: Comer of Fort and Heretnnln

, streets.

Office Hours: D to 11 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m.Snndayt), 0 to 10 a. m.

I. MORI, M. D.,Office, Port Street, near Boretania.

Residence, Arlington Hotel,nonrs: 7 to 8:30 u m; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-

urday and Sunday, 1 to t p m. Tel. 530.


Honolulu, II. 1.

1ST Ollico : 111 Merchant street.




nTotsiX37- -DP-u-Toli-


Telephone 250, No. C0U, King St.


Minn in. r. iiKornrn.Office: Bruco Waring te Co., Fort


Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line nnd on A

KOAD near FertilizingPlant.

Thcso lots aro Very Cheap'and Soldon Easy Terms.

Dcsirnblo Aero Tracts near tho city andother Properties for sale.

BItUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

503 Fort Street, near King.Telephone 007. P. O. Box 821.


Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomca SugarCompany, Ilonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Waihec Sugar Company, MakceSugar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Ka.papala Ranch. Planters' Line San l'randscoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'a Line of llostonPackets. Boston Hoard of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

Ufl OK Ol'FICLltSi

P 0 Jones, President; Qoorgo n Itobortnon,Manager; E F Iliabor), Treasurer aud Seorotary j Col. W P Allou, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,H WutcrhoUBO, A W Carter, Directors,

15l-t- f

Castle & Cooke--






Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Invin, - President and ManagerGlaus Spreekoh, - - - Vice-Preside-

W. M. Giffrird, - Secretary nnd TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.

aoents of Tnn



The Club HotelLnto RICHELIEU.

Will opon undor tlio mnnngo-mo- nt

of Mrs. E. D'Arcy, former-ly proprietor of the Club Hotol,Kobe, Japan,

On June lOtli.Excellent Table !

Service Unequaled !

Rich ilttiugs for Dininp nndTiffiu Rooms, imported directfrom the Orient. Private Din-ner Parties a specialty.

A limited number of personsmay bo accommodated ' withrooms, single or on suite.

322-t- f

Beaver Saloon,II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


Tea and CoffeeAT ALt, nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

Eagle -:-- House(Jno. McLean, Prop.)

Nunann Ave., between Beretonla and 8c1joostreets.

ROOM AND BOARD:Per Day, $1.50PorWook 9.50

Rooms to lot without board it preforrod;

XZT Dancing every Saturday withQlee Club in attendance



T. XCxo-va-oe- . Frop.Per Day g 2.00Tor Week 12.00

Opcial 2ontiily IRatoalThp Best ot Atteiidnuco, tho Best Situa-tion nnd tho Finest Menla in thin City

JJ HORN--tJ mtim --K !iJ DES "33" 1

Hotel stroot, near Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOt all kinds.

fgrTho Finest Imported and Home,made Confectionery.

Tho Elite Ice Cream Parlors


I 219 Headquarters for Island Curios.



. ND THE- -


By tue leading CoIIcrcs and most noted Statesmen and Wi Iters

Of the World.Tho lattor as tho

MOST INTERESTINGHistory of America


The Dictionary!I'rnf. Sluilor of lliirritrtl nyt

"It will remain an enduring monumentto the labor o! its editors."l'rof. Snycoof Oxford Unlvornlty nnjrn 1

"It will deserve all ot the encomia possqd.npoult."l'rof. Wheeler of Yolo mty I

"Clear, concise, accurate, comprehen-sive."

The Historical Novels.By Professor John R. Ivluslok.Wm. McICInlej', Governor nfohlo, snyi!

"Ono of Uio most beautiful productionsof tho American press I havo over soon."

TIioiiibn Huiviunn, D.D., t.L.1)., IIInli-o- p

nl'ilio in. i:, fllmrcli, Kiliinoiirl, nym."I havo read 'Tho Columbian Historical

Novels' with great pleasure. Any ono, Ihink, can read thcso books with ploasnro

and profit."II. X. Whitninii, !.!)., I.I..U., I'reHl.

dent of Colby Uiilvcroltv. ninlno. hujmi" 'The Columbian Historical. Novels'have a welcome place in my home. Thoyhave quickened interest in tho study of ournational lifo. I know ot no more valuablehclpi to bo placed in tho home."

b. K.ross,Soliciting Agent.

Qi Address P. O. Box 307, Honolulu,or call At tho. I. X I,. Store, corner Kingand Nuuauu' streets.



Importers andLIquor Merchants.No. 5, Drnmm Street, - San Francisco.

FOll BALE IN HULK.American IlounnoN Whiskie3 in Bond por

barrol containing nbout 40 gallons eachot various prices according to ago andquality.

California Gkapk Biiasdv in Bond poxbarrol of about 40 to CO gallons.

OA8E GOODS.Aim the celebrated Cute nTH'idfr.

"Extra Fony" Bourbon Whisky, 12 bottles J

3 gallons per caso."lloarfirass" Iiourbon Whisky, 12 bottles, 2

2-- 5 gallons per caso."Old Vinncor" ItonrlKin Whisky, 12 bottles,

2 2-- 5 gallons per caso."Tonuost.ro Whito Ityo" Whisky. 12 bottlosi

2 2'G gallons pur caso.OALIKOItNIA TOUT WINES, BIIEimiES,


Sendordors by aail. Satisfaction guaranteed, ,

Braunschweiger & Co.,141-l- No. 5, DrummBtrcot.

Empire SaloonA genoral stock of Liquors, Ales and




Aro of tho linortt nnd couio to nadirect from Europe'. . . .


Imported Straight from LoniB.villo, Ky.


COMMERCIAL SALOON(lor. Niiuiuiii unit Ilereliiulu Htt.

T. Kl.Vr.fi, nnnnser.

COOL PEESH BEER!On Draught and the Standard brands of

liottlo Beer.


tiile oiviiirr a hikoiax.tv.

in' nv


The celebrated EntehpuiseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .

wmFTrf '7. v Tr ..,w' wfBjra

; r .' s

PURIFINE .. '":''k

la tho disinfectant that tho worldIs talking about. In tho United'"States its merits nro becomingknown. Tho people nro using; it.Puriflno possesses many points inits favor oyer other preparations.It is odorless, and in employing itas a disinfecting agent, dos nptcrcnto nnother odor as orfcnslvo asthat which it subdues.

too. That's un adva-ntagechildren will moddlo; ser-

vants misunderstand; .then thero'strouble. Soino one is poisoned.

Thoso who list) it speak its pralsoin convincing: lnfguaKe. oao

In thd' University of Michigan.

"We use Purlfln i nnd find it ycygood for di'odorlrlngiislp'rf,, ainl)oxe8,ete..nnU Tor WP-n-

ng spongesused about Subjacts for dlssec--uon. . w. A. CAMI'DELL.

Demonstrator of Anntomy."

upon you and explain tho meritstomatic Distributors."

HOLLISTER523 Fort Street. Exclusive

New Ms!


r--i -,

URIF1NE IS sale by

tho HoLblSTEH DllUG Cp.

25c., 50c, fi"d VV- -

ties. Tlio "AUTOMATIC

D1STKIBUTOBS"rental. Our Agents will call

"Purifino" and them

DRUG CO.,Agents the Islands.'

Fresh Goods!


Aro having a big


Hams & Bacon.K" Catch or you will

get loft. -



PSBeretanla streets.)

ntianrftnonf nt

a Sandy but Tm no

Telephone 240. Ill Port Street. P. O. Bos 147.





Gitv Furniture Store,(Corner of Fort and

.Tnct rnoniwo.l TCt . TV AlUnrf ni



7fC ?l-50

aro for

of "Au- -





W SVS'ff

I'm Dude.





H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undortnkor ond Embalmor

TELKl'ItONK 03 1. O. 110X 143


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Heccivod by Every racket from tbo Eostorn States and Enropo

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMEE?All Ordoru faitlifnlly nttondod to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of tbo City FItEE,IaLAiro OnDxna Solicitkp, Satisfaction Qdaiuxtied


Telephone C3. u a- - P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oabu Itailwny Sc Land Co.'s Depot.

Itumbe? Merchants, Contractors aad Builders.IMPOIITEIIS AND DEALEnS IN

Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc.



1' 4

r ,






, "'

f'tjiiiLi-- . W' ieSAi.v4u.'ilC(jrti( iUtt m'.'Mv'oJud OtwfcUu. . I -' ..JL. t t V i.M .

1.' i i wr

'4c- -




t &


'.1'f v.H


. ,.IjK.



'j i?, r






it.i i






. ,,

ffJk . ''. .( I .1


$jh.n. -

iouiui; or jui.Y.


EVENING BULLETIN, JUNE 23, 1890.W HW.MVsM d ii.fciwvtfcai VV.WlMCr4fllA.fe 7MVJVUmVM(Mll n.iMMjnuuraattiaHnOTni III phi miji

Coniliilttoc ol Amorlcnu HI col luffAbnudoit Joint Program.

At a Bpcoinl mooting of tbo gen-

eral committoo on the Fourth ofJuly, celebration, ihold at theArlington last night, tho resigna-tions of Dr. McGrow and A. V.Gear wore road and accopted.Both declined to aot on accountof tho decision of tho committeeto mako tho American day moroly"an adjunct to a Hawaiian cele-bration."

Later tho decision protestedagainst by tho resigned momborswas reconsidered, ond after asharp discussion it was decided to

. rovcrso tho action. Accordinglytho following program wns adopt-ed for tho American colobration:

Ball Friday evening, July Ikl,at Iudepoudenco Park.

Salutes, morning and oveningof July Fourth.

Literary exorcises aud basketpicnic at Independence) Park.

This leaves the sports and thofireworks to bo looked after by thocommittee of Hawaiian citizensarranging tho dotaihi of tho Ha-waiian colobration.

In tho meantime tho ball com-mitte- o

resigned because it had notbeen voted enough money. Thiswas harmoniously settled by anadditional vote of SUoO, makingtho amount for tho bull ooOO.

Appropriations wero recast, div-iding tho S1I575 among tho variouscommittees.

JOHN I KlMtj:'Ki:i,S.

Will jp Hip National ('oiiiHiKK-finii-

Irtnti Ciillluriilii.

Immediately after the arrivalof the California delegation at St.Louis on Juno 15th n caucus wnsheld at which the following ap-pointments wore made:

National committeeman, JohnD. Spreckols: member of committee on platform and resolutions,A. B. Lommon of Santa Hosa;member of committeo on ordor ofbusiness, O. A. Halo of San Jose:member of committeo on rulesand permanent organization,Frank 11. Short of Fresno; ltiujn-bo- r

of committee to reprebont Ca-

lifornia in notifying the presidentof his nomination, Frank Millerof lliversido; vice president of thoconvention for California, U. S.Grant of San Diego.

m 9

Lccluro i'nuiMo.

Rev. Bon Dillon delivered a lec-tur- o

on "Phrenology aud Physio-logy " before a goodly audiouco attho Christian church last night.Ho gave an interesting resume oftho science of head aud faco read-ing, with anecdotes illustratingits value in directing young peo-- .pie's carcors in life. Mr. Dillonstroncly assorted his boliof thatthere- - was mora good than evil inhuman naturo, and denied thodoctnno that men wore bornthis, that aud tho othertiling, good and bad. Thisevening ho will lecture on tho"Animality of Man," followingtomorrow evening with tho ''Div-inity of Man." Mr. Dillou is anattractive platform speaker, whosoeormou Sunday evening and lec-

ture yesterday ovouing wero great-ly enjoyed by all who heard them.After the lecture ho road theheads of a lndy and a gontlomunfrom tho audience.

Tho'ProBidont Bent tho follow-ing nominations to the Senate:Navy Captain Goorgo Dewey, tobo Commodore; Fraud's A.' Cookto bo Captain; LimitpnantCom-mando- r

Charles 'J', ilutchins, tobo Commapdor.


Wrestiina MatchOj


New Building, Esplanade,Opposite Sailors' Ilumc.


Commencing June 25th.

ADMISSION: Mo and .2-j- l foradults. 25o and .10c for child-ren.

IfSu Gate opqiiB at 0 p. m',, 'T ' 337-3- w



fe '. ,1.1

&--.ii 4 . . ... , j





roit HEW YORK.

Hark Jeawle Oaborue and IlitrkeutlneIrmg-iin- l Suit Todny V. 8. 8.

Chnrlentoii Other Nen.

Tlia S S CiiiUnKoiiB arrived' at Yokohamaou Juno 0.

Tho Kinau will be due fiom Hawaii audMan! tomorrow.

Sailors from the U 8 8 Adams landed forshore drill this morning.

The British hark Jete Osborno galled inballast for Hojal Hoads today.

The bark Santiago arrived nt San Francisco,18 days from Hilo, on June 10.

TIlO OA A MflrlntlBfl l ilnn (mm tlm Pnlnnlcs en route to San Francisco on Thursday

The harkcntlnc Iimgnrd with n carso ofnumir suncu louay, pouna tor tlio Uoluen(late.

On the nrrlval of tho Australia yesterday,the ship Commodore had to haul out In thestream.

ToMoiutow IHsli tide large, 3:40 n m;nltsh tide small, 2:25 p m; low tide large, 7.50am; low tide small, 11:10 n ni.

I. Iiri-Iim-, nil able seamin, was washedoverboard from the bark gnutlnco and clrow ned, on June 10, In lat 87.-3- N aud long 121 V.

A large silk flat; and n Ionic homeward-boun-pennant floated lit the breeze lrom the

mlzzen-ma- it ol tho U 8 S Charleston, whichleaves lor San Francisco today.

Yesterday afternoon, the O S 8 Australia,11 C lioudletto commander, arrived, havingleft San Francisco Juno 10 at 10 a m Shubrought 31 cablu and IK stccrago pasengers,M bags or mall, and a general cargo. thehrt V4 hours out. llsrht to mniti-r.it- e n w

I HrSMC? wcru cxiicrleiiccd, thenco to portHunt XL winds, and Hue weather. Time ofvoyage 0 days 3 hours.

Tho American ship Tllllo E Starbuck, 1031tons burden. Captain E Curtis, 14 days froml'orlhind, Oregon, arrived today, having

I cleared the Columbia ou June It. dminllyweilhernnd variable winds were experiencedduring tlu first part "of tho vojage, but near- -

, 111. the Inlands the trade winds wiirn rminlit.i iuv consisting mostly of feed stuirami bos .hooks, wus brought. Tho Starbuck

mode n record trip from Niv Yorkto l lie Columbia, In loS days, the best prevlous record being llo days. Captain CurtiIs accompanied by his lamlly and one r.

After discharging, tho ship will lo.idsugar Tor .New Tork.


Tuesdat, Juno 23.Am ship Tllllo E Starbuck, Curtis, from

l'ortl mil.


Tdesdav, Juno 23.

Stmr V O Hall, Slmcrson, for Maul andHawaii

Stmr LIUlike, UMr, forOlowalu, Mahuko-ua- ,l'uaiiliau, Koholalele, Kokalauand Ooka-la- ,

at 4 pin.Stmr Kcauhou, Thompson, for Kllauca

Kulihinai mid Han del.Stmr Mlkaha'a, Haglund, for Kauai ports.Stmr Claudlne, Cameron, for Maul, ports.Kk Jissle Osborne, l'agc, for Koyal.ltoads.ltktn Irmgnrd, Schmidt, for San Fianclsco.U 8 S Charlestou, Collin, for San Fran-



From San FrancUeo, per stmr Australia,Juno aj V Andrews, Miss M E Borlite, D EUortrie. C It Cuitls, Dr Win It ochrano andwife. Hou S M fJamon, Miss M E Denis. MissG Ensign, Mhs I. (Joldstclu, (Jul FLGuen-ther- .

USA, Miss Guenther. A Gartcnberg.wife uud sou. T M Starkey, K A Jacobs, M UJolniMin, I. Kahlbaum, Kuv J 1' l.ytton, MrsCapt II U Houillette. A L Loulnjon, Geo I.y.cuigus, J T .MeGrew, .Mrs Mackcm-Ic- , ColU in Iuedonald, 7. K I'.uighorii and wile, Jus11 J'ratl uud wife. .Mrs Hasimi8cn and child,F 11 ltoiuo and wile, II O Schmidt, E FSchmidt, Miss It Schmidt, AdJ 1. M Simon-eon- ,

wjfoand2chlldreu, Jiiuils N 'Suydam,Chas 1 Sujdam, James Wakefield and wife,S Wal.cllUd, Geo S Waierhoust-- , V L Whit-ue-

Mm Dr Wood and child, Lieut F AWiluer, U & X, t Witkowskl, 1'hlllp Wil-liams and wife


For Maul and Hawaii, per 6trar V G Hall,June S3 Geo II Itohertson, J N Keola andwlte, GeoFoisjth. K W AtMnson, Mrs G JCuiupiivll mid rhildri-n- , Mil (; Grcentvell,

It W Mejer uud wife, MissVMuitr, Mauler W Mejcr, A Ho 'king, ColXonls C It Wells, E Dow-sett- . TCForsjtli,Mrs I'Cocki'tt, EH l'arls, W E Itowcll Allanuli, tg, J JC Nnhnle, Vivian KichanUon,Nut Mlnu-u- , Ikeky Ihlhl, J MUha, S MatBU-iiini-

b lluga, unrt 'J deck

OAitaoca ntoM island roivra.Kx ftmi Claiullue bags sugar, IS.!'

bu putuiiiis. "VJ bags corn, lo h beans,ol buu'i. binius, 5.1 li'ldei, 1 lmri-o- , -- ! head cat-tle, IT. uvt and 171 pl.gs biiudries.

Ex stmr Hawaii: ViM hags sugir.Ex stmr J A Cummins; 4'll bags sugar.Ex stmr Ive.tulioa: 10J0 lj:igs ugar, 1 plge

mdso.E stmr .Mlkahla: C05J hags sugar, Wi

bag. 8 bdls hUles, llo pks iuudrles,Vj atrni ICn.ilj. I'Bt b.ig oiiar. .


Ex tmr Australia Geueiul merehandlo tovarious eo usances.

Ks chip Tllllo E Starbuek1000 sks bailuv,J50'J sks bran, 4'J.,ibI;b (uls, Ul2sl;s middlings,--'31 bales huj, i)2 cmds wood, 'M va mdre,20a ll's shlnglus, f50 bdls laths, 387 billsDox sliral.s. 'lo nrlous couslgncis.


I'm-hi- ; Ceylon. 1I.70J bags sugar, aluedat71,57l. Shipped as follow-- : W (1 IrwinittCo, 15.077 bugs; MSGilnbaum A. Co,2025 bags

I'er bktu Irmgard 1S.5S0 bags sugar,valued at ), and forekn prodiicuvniutii ai f.u, nuiir siiiii-i- i us follows: ra helucfi r .v co, fii"i T 11 DiViLS itCo, 5U2 bagi; 0 llruwer it Co, 43IIJ bjgs;C'uatli i: t,MJie libiU .taiin,

"Can yon ;ive mo oi ango foi$ut'' iuquiri-- d liiu unnully iinioounious fiiQiul.."Corluiiily," wan thoiingmrdod-tisrti'r- . '''l-'rio- lwiul nmthtco." WnhiuRton SLir

By Authority.Water Notice.

In accordance with Section 1, of ChapterXtfVI of the Laws of 1880: . .

1 ' All persons. .holding, water privileges orthose paying water rates, arc hereby notifiedthat the water rates for the term ending Dec.31, 1800, will be duo and payablo at thu olllceot the Honolulu Water Works, on the 1st dayof July, 1800.

All rates remaining unpaid for fifteen daysafter they nro duo will bo subject to nn addl- -

tlonal 10 percent.Hates are payable nt the ofllco of tho Water

Works In tho Knpualwn Ilulldlng.ANDUEW I1ROWN.

Supt. Honolulu Watci Works.Honolulu, II. I., Juno IS, 1600. 330 14 1

WW. DIMOND'5It hns been tho wonder of

dealers hero what becomes ofall of the stoves imported toHonolulu. Every vessel arriv-ing brings from one to eighty(ours is tho eighty lot), nndvory few of tho stovo menhave old stock.

By our introduction of tho'Jewel" Stoves and Ranges

the importation of stoves willdimin:sh, at tho end of twoyears. Wo say two years, be-

cause by that time all othermnkes of stoves will haveburnt or rusted out andtheir places will bo taken by


We buliovo our $1U JewelStove is better than any ontho market, as it has thofollowing features:

Lurco Wide Ovens. OuiiA- -

Bukors.Handsome Carved Ornninonta-tio- n

in Intost design.Tin Lined Hoat Retaining Ovon

Doors.L.irgo Broad Ovon Sholf and

Top Sholf.Nicltolod Oven Door Panola

and Towol Hod.Largo End Wood Peod Door.Lour Continuous Fire Box for

largo Wood.Broad Smooth Hoarth Plate.Heavy Covers and Contors.Out Long Center that will not

warp.Eoda proteotod from contuot

with Firo.Out Top Plato that will not

crack.Kickers for opening Ovon Door

with Foot.Has .ovory essential feature for

a serviceable stove.

. Von Holt Building.


Clearance Sale !

Commencing Wednesday, July hi,

ffit . 2 WEEKS ONLYTo make loom for Now Ooods, all of my

titock of Merchandise HELOW COST.GENTLEMEN'S Suits, Shirts, Hats, Shoes,

NecMIcs, Undent car, etc , nt h.ugalus.LADIE.V Mnt-lln- . Linen, ttiais CloHi, SUk,

Mats, Shoes, Umlenu-ar- , etc , in (jreatvariety at pi Ices tliat will iutouUliou.

CHILDnENS' Complete Suits, etc., almostKluii ntay.

XSf Come eaily and get your choice.

IG SING LOY,inT-- 0 Kins St., near Custle & Cooke.

IIIA Penny SavedIs aPenny Earned!ZDo STc-u- . "Want'YoiirTlookH Writlen Vp, Your 1H1U JIailo

ut, yonrHn)'ie.. letters Written, YourHud DehlH Ojllteteir, nil for tho Miull sum'f S5 per wol:, Worlr perforraod roguhir-ly- ,

fiiithfnlly iinlby tho ilny, tvok or mouth.

JV Addiess n jiohtnl to "Conisi-.sros-

jikm," flonoluhi Poet ODlco, or ring upTun'iliono 92. 122lm

;.X..., a zjfrdKtifaf'ff j t --Jhib-. , . ,. ,'vv

Real Estate

lor Sale.'

l-- Sold.

a Sold.3 Two Btores on Nuuonu etreet.4 Four Lots on Magazine Hill, 75x120.

From i2M lo $500 each.5 Lot on Hackreld street, 80x100.0 A Choice Residence on Lunalllo street,

having nil modern Improvements.7 A Dcslrahlo Kesldcnco at Makikl.

Grounds well laid out. Easy terms.8 Four Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

street, all rented nt a monthly rental of (105.This property Is 24(1 feet on Punchbowl atree,with u depth of 'Hi feet ruunlni; lo tho drillground or armory, with a frontage on samefor 4 or ft more cottages. The central loca-tion of tho property makes It moit available,

0 House nnd Lot on Klnau street. LotTOxllio ft. This property will he sold at costnnd Is an excellent Imrirnlu for a home Seeker,Tho house Is elegantly llnlshed aud of thobest ttorkmanshlp nnd materials. There Is itcarrlago house and barn on the premises andthe jnnl Is well laid out with, fruit and orna-mental trees.

10 .V FIno ltesldeuco centrally located,containing : rooms. Lot ISOxliUO II. Tttoemail cottages ou tho lot bringing In goodrental.

113(1 Acres of Land In Kallhl valley, (Wal-kl-

sldo). A stream of water llotvsnlongthis laud. A bargain

13 SU Acres of Hest CofTeo Land In Tuna.Hawaii, seten miles from Hep, ltycioa'sLargo Collco l'lantiMlon. The above land

'is held In fco simple. Also, ail Jears leaso on150 aeies adjoining above wltun prhllego o(15 years more, l'rlco 52,000.

13 An Elegant ltesldeuco on Lunalllostreet, containing 111 rooms, ttlth electriclight fixtures and all uiodern toilet coin cnien-cc- s.

Thero arc servants' rooms, stnblcs, etc,etc, on the premises. Lot containing KW.OCOsquare teet nicely laid out nnd planted withfruit aud shade trees.

14 A Commodious Residence on Hnsslngcrstreet.tltted with nil modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban pioncrty.

I5-8- old.

M House and Lot on Ileretauln street.House contains 1) rooms, and all modern con-veniences. Lot

17. Flno Hcsldenec on Ueretnula street.For further purllenluis Inquire nt my olllce,

IS. A House aud Lot on Young street.l'J Ilouso nnd Lot corner Victoria and

Ileretanla streets, opposite Thomas square,house coutelns 0 rooms. Size of lot lOorJUO.

20 Sold.!il House and Lot on Young street near

the residence ol the Kev. Mr. Hyde. Lot110x140. Houcu contains eight rgoms.

S3 Small House and Lot on Keaumukustreet. Lol CUxlOU.

S3 1'carl City Property.Tract of Coffeo Land on Ha-v.- all.

25 Two Stores on Nuuanust,oppostto Kb-k-

lane, also three lodging houses In therear of said stores containing o rooms In all.The nhot o pays 10 per cent, and Is Ieasid toresponsible parties torn terms of years.

20 A most Desirablo Homo on Thurstonnvomie, Large ground) nnd beautiful llow-- cr

garden; house furnished tbronghont inhard wood with all latost improvouieutsiEcelleut viow of tho city and ocean, nndouo which OjUinot bo cut off.

27 i Largo Lot mid Commodious Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding nn un-obstructed view of tbo city nud liarboY. Nochoicer rcsidenco in to be bad iu tho cityoven by tho most fastidious.

28 A New House ot sotcn rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent VO, servants' quarters and stables. Ono blockfrom car line at Punnliou.

20-- Only twelve of those Lots left nearKamehainclia school, fi ora $35o to ffloo each.

B0 Two Houses nnd Lots on Llliha street.31 An 18 Aero Tract of Land at Kallhl

suitable for dividing up Into building lots.33 A House nnd Lot on Alakca street.83 A Beautiful Ilulldlng Lot at Kallhl,

lOoxSOO, cleared, fenced and water laid on.34 A Gently Sloping .Lot on Thurston

avenue, 240x123, having u frontage on Greenstreet of 105 feet, and commanding a bird's-ey- e

view of the city and harbor.35 A Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

residence ofClaus Spreckols.80 Elegant Ueach Property at Wnlklkl.37-S- old.

Notice: I cap Negotiate Loans on any oftho above property lor purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of tho value.

For Kent.I Rented.2 Kented.3 Uented.4 Storo on King street near Fort street.5 Oillce Iloom on King street near Fort

street.0Varehouso on Esplanade7 A Cottage on Young street, containing

5 rooms, pantry and hath. Itcnt ?15 permonth,

U Itemed.10 A Storo on Fort sticct next to Club

Stables.11 Cotlao of a rooms, btnblcs, etc, on

Klnau street, with right of way through tocar Hue on Beretanla.

"Wanted.1 Four or Flvo Houses for good tenants.2 To rent a House centrally located, hav-

ing three or four bedrooms3 To purchase n Residence convenient to

car lines In vicinity of Thomas Square orLunalllo st. Must contain nlno or ten rooms.

4 To buy a Lot In tho vlelultt of Makikl,125 by 200 feet or more.

buy a Lot centrally located, 75 by125 feet or more.. (J To buy II) or 15 acres ol Collco Landplanted with two jcar old Collco trees Ingood'-oiidlllnn- ,

7 To trade a good paying business for aHouse uud Lot tallied at about $2500.

A. V. G-EA-

274-- tf 000 King street.



at Pineapple planters In Mnuoa, ilono.lulu, Island of Oaliu, under the name ofBun Hop Mug Company hat o this lSlh dayof June, fS'.itl, sold their Inteiest In theirPineapple Plantation to Tone Ynn, whoassumes all debts and ' Hab!lltle; and nildebts owing to 6ald Sun Hop Sing Co. willbo.collectcd by said Tout Ynn


Houoluiu, Juno 18, 1690. 333-l-

. . 'u

A- -' m' til'.t jtiXtti l i- ,-

Ganaclian-Ausiraiia- ii

--idlfe-Steamers of thd abovo Lino running in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. S. W nnd calling at Victoria, B. O.

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),

On about tho dates below stated, viz.:

From 9;lnejr and Suv, for VIctorli. nndVancouver. II. C.t

Stmr "MIOWEItA" Juno 24Stmr "WAltniMOO" July 24Stmr "MIOWEItA" August 21Stmr "WARRIMOO" September 21

Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Gmindn,United States and Ktirone.


D. MoNicoiib, Montreal, Canadu.lloiiEitT Kititn, 'Winnipeg, Cnnndn.

M. JL 8TKnN, Son Frnnciaco, Oal.Q. MoL. BnowK, Vnncouvcr, K. O.

WE1C niin Bo.



Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco:Tho Now nud Fino Al Steel Stenmnhip

" "MariposaOf the Ocemiio Htcnmsliip Compnny willho duo at Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland on or nbout

Juno 25, 1896.And will lenvo for tho r.bovo port withMuils and rnssengers on or nbout thntdntc.

For Sydney anil Auckland:Tho Now nnd Fine Al Sleo Steamship

"Alameda"Of tho Ocennio Stcntnahip Company willho duo nt Honolulu from San Frnncincoon or nbout

July 2, 1896.And will hnvo prompt despatch withiMuils and Passengers for tho above ports.

Tho undersigned nro "now preparedto istme

TJiroiiKh Tickets to All Pointsin tho L'nitcil Mtiitcs.

C35For further pnrticnlnrs regardingFreight or PasEngo apply to

WM.-G- . 1HWIN &C0., L'd,Gonernl Agents.

Oceanic SteaisMD Co


S. S. AUSTRALIA.rrivo Honolulu Lenve Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

Juno 22, 181)0 Juno 20, 180GJuly 17,1890 July 20, 1890

THROUGH LINEFrom Ban Frnnoiaco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Franoiaco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Alameda, July 2. '(10 I Mariposa,June25'90Mariposa, July30,'00 Mouowai,Jnly23,98


PortraitFramed Complete'


Qno Qasca Philas of tho Sitter


Only Slo.OOriTIs tho LATEST OFFEll we have

to inako.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and Landscape 'Fotograplior.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pantheon Stables,

Our Scissors aro sharp; ourRazors ftro bright; wo Shaveequally well by day or bynight



Steamship Lihe


From Victoria and Vancouver, II. C toSuva and Syrinevl

StuirMIOWEIU' July 10Sttur"WAMUMOO"..,: Augnst 10Stmr "MIOWEHA" September 10Stmr "WAHIUMOO" October 10

EST" For Freight and Fnssngo nnd nilGenoral Information, apply to

THF.0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAtronts for tho Hawaiian Islands.

mk 111 Skanif kami 'rnn

OcciileiKal & Omnia! SteamsMp Co.


Stenmorn of tho nlioYo (companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to thenhovo ports ou or about tho followingdntcs:

Stmr Coptii June 22, 18908tmr Gaelic July 0, lb!0Stmr Uity of Toking July 18, 1S9G

For SAN FRANCISCO:Steamers of tho nhovo Companies will

call nt Houoluiu on . their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to tho nhovoport ou or nhout tho following elates:

Stmr City of Toklng Juno 28, 1890StrurPorlo July 0, 1800Ktmr Bclgio July 21, 1890

Rates of .Passage are as follows:TO TOKO- - TO ItONa-IIAM-

KONd.Cnhin 81G0.00 8175.00Onhin, round trip, 1

months 225.00 2G2.50Cabin, round trip, 12

months..., 262.50 810.25European Stecrnf-o- . . . . 85.00 109.00

ESTPas-Pcuger- paving full fare will bonllowcd 10 nercent off return faro if re-turning within twclvo months.

C3JFor Froight nud Passage apply to

K. HACKFELD & CO.,Agents.

VViiders Steamship Go's


Capt. J. A. KING, Port Supt.

Stmr. KXNATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will loavo Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLahulnn, Maalaen Bay and M.ikcnn thoBume by; Jlnlmltonn. Knwniliao and

ho following day, arriving atHilo tho Bamo ovening.


"Friday..., Juno 20 Tuesday, . . .Juno 23Tnesdiiy, July 7 Friday,...:. .July 3Piiday. July 17 Tuesday,.. ..July 14"Tn(iidny,...Jnly 28 Friday, July 21

Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockl. St., touching at Luupnhoehoo, Mahu-kon- a

and Kawalhno gaiue dayj Mnkenn,Maalnca Bay and Lalminn the followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonsof 'luesdny and FridoyB.

" Will call at Pohoiki, Pnnn.lKo Freight will bo received after

12 uoou on day of snlllug.

Stmr. 0LATJD1M,CAW1ER0N, Commander,

Will lenvo Honolulu '1'uei.doy nt 0 v. m.touching at Kahului, iliuiu, HnuioiinudKipaliulu, Maui. Jtetumiug anives ntHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nuu, Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

SrNo Froight will ho rccoivort nflerr. ii. on day of sailing.

This Company will roscrves the right tomake changes in tho tiuio of depnrtum nndnrrivnl of its stenuieis without notice midit will not bo responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.' Consignros must bo ut tho Landings toroccivo their Freight; this Conipniiy willnot bold Itself responsible for ficigbt nfterit hns been lauded.

ivo Stock only nt owner's risk.This Company will not bo renponsiblo

for Money or Vnlunblcs of passengersuuloss placed in tho cam ofPuisuis.

Passengers nro requested to purchasetickets bofore embarking. Thote ailing todo ho will bo subject to nn additionalcharge of twenty.flvo per cent.

To Let or Lease. ,

THE --

JESlDr-NOE OF MIW. A, LOKG,ono nrllo from pottoulcev L irgo houso with(uruituro. Four bed rooms, purlor, lingodining room, pantry, kitchen, bath rooms,hot aud cold wuter, with patent closeta,sorvnnt houses, stables, lioihe paddock,gurdon ond ttws. A cliarming liHitliun.

Apply to J AM'UfcD JIaOOOK.. tf Merchant st next i'ostoftleei



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