Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadata Yanqin Jin University of California, San Diego [email protected] Hung-Wei Tseng North Carolina State University [email protected] Yannis Papakonstantinou University of California, San Diego [email protected] Steven Swanson University of California, San Diego [email protected] ABSTRACT Existing solid state drives (SSDs) provide ash-based out-of-band (OOB) data that can only be updated on a page write. Consequently, the metadata stored in their OOB region lack exibility due to the idiosyncrasies of ash memory, incurring unnecessary ash write operations detrimental to device lifetime. We propose PebbleSSD, an SSD with byte-addressable meta- data, or BAM, as a mechanism exploiting the non-volatile, byte- addressable random access memory (NVRAM) inside the SSD. With BAM, PebbleSSD can support a range of useful features to improve its lifetime by reducing redundant ash writes. Specically, Pebb- leSSD supports a write-optimized, BAM-based le block mapping to prevent excessive updates of le system index blocks. Further- more, PebbleSSD allows log-structured le systems to perform fast and ecient log cleaning with minimal ash writes. We have implemented a prototype of PebbleSSD on a commer- cial SSD development platform, and experimental results demon- strate that PebbleSSD can reduce the amount of data written by log-structured le systems during log cleaning by up to 99%, and PebbleSSD’s BAM-based le block mapping can reduce ash writes by up to 33% for a number of workloads. CCS CONCEPTS Hardware Memory and dense storage; Software and its engineering File systems management; Computer sys- tems organization Heterogeneous (hybrid) systems; KEYWORDS Flash memory, solid state drive, le system 1 INTRODUCTION Due to the idiosyncrasies of ash, solid state drives (SSDs) imple- ment complex ash translation layers (FTLs) to hide the details of ash, including its limited lifetime. To support this, NAND ash Currently with Alluxio (alluxio.com). Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specic permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5335-9/17/10. . . $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3132402.3132420 devices provide out-of-band (OOB) regions on each ash page that allows FTLs to store metadata. Storing the metadata in ash limits its utility since the OOB region suers from the same idiosyncrasies as the primary “in-band” data. Emerging non-volatile byte-addressable memories avoid the id- iosyncrasies of ash memory and will eventually enable very fast SSDs. However, in the near future, the cost-per-bit of these non- volatile memories still cannot compete with ash. A more economi- cal alternative is to use non-volatile, byte-addressable memories to store FTL metadata (i.e. the OOB data). Such a change would come at a modest price but could dramatically increase the exibility of FTLs and enable a wide range of useful features. Based on these observations, we have proposed PebbleSSD that allows us to explore the implications and applications of byte- addressable metadata (BAM). PebbleSSD provides two additional features to modern SSDs. These features improve the eciency of log-structured le systems. The rst new feature of PebbleSSD is the use of BAM to store the logical address to which each physical page has been mapped by the FTL. This BAM-based mapping is the inverse of the normal logical-to-physical address mapping that most FTLs already store in the in-SSD DRAM. Some existing SSDs also store this physical- to-logical mapping in the ash-based per-page OOB region. The second new feature of PebbleSSD is using BAM to temporarily store le system metadata. To support these features, PebbleSSD provides two new com- mands. The rst command is remap that allows the FTL to dy- namically change the bi-directional mapping between logical and physical addresses, achieving exible and fast movement of data in the logical address space without having to write to ash. remap makes log cleaning more ecient. Original log-structured le systems have to read valid data from their previous locations and write them to new destinations. In contrast, our custom log- structured le systems running on PebbleSSD can “move” data without writing to ash, thus eectively reducing the amount of data written during log cleaning. The second command is fs_write that persists not only le data blocks 1 in ash memory, but also their oset in the le and le inode number in BAM. fs_write allows for more ecient ushing of le data blocks. This allows log-structured le systems to avoid the so-called “wan- dering tree problem” in which the le systems write data and index blocks to newly allocated space, thus writing a data block can cause 1 Throughout this paper, we refer to the granularity of ash erase operation as “ash erase block”, “ash block” or “erase block”, while “block”, “data block”, “node block”, le block” etc. refer to the basic data unit in le systems. 1

Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadatadb.ucsd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MEMSYS17... · MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei

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Page 1: Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadatadb.ucsd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MEMSYS17... · MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei

Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable MetadataYanqin Jin∗

University of California, San [email protected]

Hung-Wei TsengNorth Carolina State University

[email protected]

Yannis PapakonstantinouUniversity of California, San Diego

[email protected]

Steven SwansonUniversity of California, San Diego

[email protected]

ABSTRACTExisting solid state drives (SSDs) provide �ash-based out-of-band(OOB) data that can only be updated on a page write. Consequently,the metadata stored in their OOB region lack �exibility due to theidiosyncrasies of �ash memory, incurring unnecessary �ash writeoperations detrimental to device lifetime.

We propose PebbleSSD, an SSD with byte-addressable meta-data, or BAM, as a mechanism exploiting the non-volatile, byte-addressable random access memory (NVRAM) inside the SSD. WithBAM, PebbleSSD can support a range of useful features to improveits lifetime by reducing redundant �ash writes. Speci�cally, Pebb-leSSD supports a write-optimized, BAM-based �le block mappingto prevent excessive updates of �le system index blocks. Further-more, PebbleSSD allows log-structured �le systems to perform fastand e�cient log cleaning with minimal �ash writes.

We have implemented a prototype of PebbleSSD on a commer-cial SSD development platform, and experimental results demon-strate that PebbleSSD can reduce the amount of data written bylog-structured �le systems during log cleaning by up to 99%, andPebbleSSD’s BAM-based �le block mapping can reduce �ash writesby up to 33% for a number of workloads.

CCS CONCEPTS•Hardware→Memory and dense storage; • Software and itsengineering → File systems management; • Computer sys-tems organization → Heterogeneous (hybrid) systems;

KEYWORDSFlash memory, solid state drive, �le system

1 INTRODUCTIONDue to the idiosyncrasies of �ash, solid state drives (SSDs) imple-ment complex �ash translation layers (FTLs) to hide the details of�ash, including its limited lifetime. To support this, NAND �ash

∗Currently with Alluxio (alluxio.com).

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor pro�t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the �rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACMmust be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior speci�c permission and/or afee. Request permissions from [email protected] 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5335-9/17/10. . . $15.00https://doi.org/10.1145/3132402.3132420

devices provide out-of-band (OOB) regions on each �ash page thatallows FTLs to store metadata. Storing the metadata in �ash limitsits utility since the OOB region su�ers from the same idiosyncrasiesas the primary “in-band” data.

Emerging non-volatile byte-addressable memories avoid the id-iosyncrasies of �ash memory and will eventually enable very fastSSDs. However, in the near future, the cost-per-bit of these non-volatile memories still cannot compete with �ash. A more economi-cal alternative is to use non-volatile, byte-addressable memories tostore FTL metadata (i.e. the OOB data). Such a change would comeat a modest price but could dramatically increase the �exibility ofFTLs and enable a wide range of useful features.

Based on these observations, we have proposed PebbleSSD thatallows us to explore the implications and applications of byte-addressable metadata (BAM). PebbleSSD provides two additionalfeatures to modern SSDs. These features improve the e�ciency oflog-structured �le systems.

The �rst new feature of PebbleSSD is the use of BAM to storethe logical address to which each physical page has been mappedby the FTL. This BAM-based mapping is the inverse of the normallogical-to-physical address mapping that most FTLs already storein the in-SSD DRAM. Some existing SSDs also store this physical-to-logical mapping in the �ash-based per-page OOB region. Thesecond new feature of PebbleSSD is using BAM to temporarily store�le system metadata.

To support these features, PebbleSSD provides two new com-mands. The �rst command is remap that allows the FTL to dy-namically change the bi-directional mapping between logical andphysical addresses, achieving �exible and fast movement of data inthe logical address space without having to write to �ash.

remapmakes log cleaning more e�cient. Original log-structured�le systems have to read valid data from their previous locationsand write them to new destinations. In contrast, our custom log-structured �le systems running on PebbleSSD can “move” datawithout writing to �ash, thus e�ectively reducing the amount ofdata written during log cleaning.

The second command is fs_write that persists not only �le datablocks1 in �ash memory, but also their o�set in the �le and �leinode number in BAM.

fs_write allows for more e�cient �ushing of �le data blocks.This allows log-structured �le systems to avoid the so-called “wan-dering tree problem” in which the �le systems write data and indexblocks to newly allocated space, thus writing a data block can cause

1 Throughout this paper, we refer to the granularity of �ash erase operation as “�asherase block”, “�ash block” or “erase block”, while “block”, “data block”, “node block”,“�le block” etc. refer to the basic data unit in �le systems.


Page 2: Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadatadb.ucsd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MEMSYS17... · MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei

MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei Tseng, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson

Generic block layerDevice driver

Block I/Ofs_writeremap




Efficient file block writing

SSD-friendly log cleaning

Log-structured file system (LFS)

Extended bio


Figure 1: System architecture They system consists of the fol-lowing components: PebbleSSD, log-structured �le system, andblock layer and device driver.

recursive �ushing of its ancestor index blocks in the tree-basedblock mapping [15]. With fs_write, log-structured �le systemswrite only �le data blocks during fsync. The �le systems do nothave to write the index blocks during fsync since the informationin BAM written by fs_write is already su�cient to guarantee therecoverability of �le. Therefore BAM allows log-structured �le sys-tem to write less data to �ash, thus improving the e�ciency andlifetime of PebbleSSD.

We implement PebbleSSD on a commercial, �ash-based SSD ref-erence design. Wemodify NILFS2 [10] and F2FS [24] to demonstratethe bene�ts of PebbleSSD. The experimental results show that Peb-bleSSD can reduce the amount of data written by log-structured �lesystems during log cleaning by up to 99%with the remap command.PebbleSSD’s write-optimized �le block mapping and fs_write re-duce the �ash write by up to 33% for a wide range of workloads.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 providesbackground of PebbleSSD. Section 3 presents an overview of thesystem. Section 4 and Section 5 describes the components of thesystem in detail. Section 6 presents our experimental results. Sec-tion 7 places this work in the context of existing research, whileSection 8 concludes.

2 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATIONPebbleSSD combines conventional �ash memory, which is inexpen-sive, prone to wear-out, and idiosyncratic, with byte-addressableNVM that has lower latency, a cleaner interface, and better reliabil-ity. Combining these two types of memories allows PebbleSSD tosigni�cantly improve the reliability and e�ciency of log-structured�le systems at moderate cost.

Below, we brie�y survey the characteristics of NAND �ash, byteaddressable NVM, and log-structured �le systems.

2.1 Flash memory and SSDThe characteristics of �ash memory has profound in�uence on SSDdesign and implementation. First, �ash memory supports three

basic operations, i.e. read, program and erase that operate on dif-ferent granularities with di�erent latencies. Speci�cally, read andprogram operate on 4–8 KB pages and have latencies of less than100 µs and several hundred microseconds respectively dependingon underlying �ash devices. In contrast, erase operate on an entire�ash block which typically consists of between 64 and 512 pagesand takes several milliseconds to complete.

Since pages are immutable once programmed until the next eraseoperation, and naive erase-before-program approach to in-placeupdate is costly and harmful to SSD lifetime, SSDs utilize the �ashtranslation layer (FTL) to emulate the block interface. The FTLmapslogical block addresses (LBAs) to physical page numbers (PPNs),and directs incoming write requests evenly to erased pages. Whenall the pages in a �ash block are programmed, the �rmware insertsthe block to a list for future erase operations.

Second, each �ash block can endure only a limited number ofprogram/erase (P/E) cycles before it becomes unreliable. Therefore,one of the most critical design goals of SSDs is to maximize theirlifetime by making �ash memory blocks wear slowly and evenly.

Flash pages include an OOB region in addition to the “in-band”4 or 8 KB region. The FTL stores per-page metadata in the OOBregion. This can include the LBA to which the physical page hasbeen mapped. In this way, the FTL maintains an inverse mappingfrom physical to logical address space. Each time the host issues awrite request to an LBA, the FTL writes data to an erased page andstores the LBA in the page’s OOB region. To modify the OOB, theFTL has to write the content of a physical page to another location.

SSDs have to perform garbage collection to prepare erased �ashblocks for incoming write requests. During garbage collection, the�rmware sequentially scans the pages in a �ash block and identi�eswhich pages contain valid data. After copying valid pages to theirnew locations, the �rmware can safely erase the entire �ash block.

2.2 Log-structured �le systemA log-structured �le system [10, 24, 33] organizes its data in oneor multiple append-only logs, a natural �t for �ash-based devices.Due to the large-scale deployment of SSDs, recent �ash-friendly�le systems [24] have attracted close attention, yet they su�er fromtwo limitations.

First, log-structured �le systems have to perform host log clean-ing to create free segments in the logical address space for incomingwrite requests from user space applications. Log cleaning is similarto, but independent from the SSD’s internal garbage collection2.Current SSDs con�ne the log-structured �le system to block-basedI/O interface. The semantic gap and lack of coordination betweenSSD garbage collection and �le system log cleaning can lead toine�ciencies. Due to their independent data movement, valid datamay be written multiple times by each of them, consuming erased�ash pages rapidly.

Second, log-structured �le systems su�er from the “wanderingtree problem” [15]. This occurs because log-structured �le systemsmust perform out-of-place updates. A write to one data block ina �le can cause a cascade of writes as the �le systems update the2In some context, log cleaning is also called “garbage collection” of log-structured�le systems. In this paper, for the purpose of simplicity and clari�cation, we use “logcleaning” in the context of log-structured �le system, and “garbage collection” in thecontext of SSDs.

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Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadata MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA

pointer to that data block, the pointer to the direct node block thatcontains the pointer, the pointer to the indirect block that points tothe direct node block, so on.

3 SYSTEM OVERVIEWPebbleSSD has a heterogeneous architecture using �ash memoryas primary data storage and NVRAM to store BAM in addition tometadata in the �ash’s OOB.

Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between PebbleSSD and othercomponents of the system. This section describes system compo-nents while Section 4 and Section 5 present their implementationin more detail.

3.1 PebbleSSD interfacePebbleSSD uses the BAM to enable a new interface that allows ap-plications to manage their data more e�ciently. Table 1 summarizesthe commands included in this interface.

First, PebbleSSD stores the physical-to-logical address mappingin BAM. This is di�erent from conventional designs that storesuch mapping in �ash-based OOB region. The remap command candynamically change both the normal LBA-to-PPN mapping and theBAM-based PPN-to-LBA mapping.

Second, the fs_write command not only writes data to �ashmemory, but also updates their corresponding metadata in BAM.This can be useful to �le systems because they can avoid having toissue multiple write commands to �ash memory. For example, �lesystems can issue a single fs_write command to write �le datablocks as well as update the pointers pointing to them.

Third, PebbleSSD supports conventional write, read and trimcommands to maintain compatibility.

3.2 PebbleSSD applicationsSystem can use PebbleSSD’s new commands in a variety of ways.We focus on two optimizations especially suited to log-structured�le systems: using remap to reduce the cost of log cleaning andusing fs_write to improve the e�ciency of writing data blocks.

Log-structured �le systems have to move clean, valid data fromtheir original logical segments to newly allocated ones during logcleaning. To reduce data movement overhead, log-structured �lesystems prefer to select old segments for cleaning. Therefore, thereis a high chance that the pages in this segment are already cleanand persistent in �ash memory.

Log structured �le systems can use PebbleSSD’s remap commandto reduce the cost of moving clean data to new log segments. Ratherthan copying the data using read and write commands, the �lesystem can remap the clean data into the new segment. Figure 2shows this operation in action.

Log structured �le system can use fs_write to avoid the wan-dering tree problem described in Section 2.2. The �le system canuse fs_write to store �le inode numbers and data blocks’ o�setswithin their �les in the BAM, allowing the �le system to deferthe �ushing of node blocks in the conventional tree-based blockmapping index until next checkpoint.


P0 P1 P2 P3

1 2 3

P0’ P1’ P2’

100 101 102…LogicalAddressSpace


Valid before cleaning

Invalid before cleaning

Valid after cleaning

Immutable mapping

Dynamic mapping

Block I/O

LBA remap

Read + Write

(a) Log cleaning with conventional SSD


P0 P1 P2 P3

1 2 3 100 101 102…LogicalAddressSpace



(b) Log cleaning with PebbleSSD

Figure 2: Log cleaningThe remap command allows log-structured�le systems to remap physical pages to new LBAs without writing�ash memory.

4 PEBBLESSDWe have built PebbleSSD on a commercial SSD development board.Our implementation includes a customized �rmware, a custom dri-ver and modi�ed Linux block layer to support BAM. The PebbleSSD�rmware manages the �ash memory and BAM area. The modi�edPebbleSSD block driver supports an extended interface that includesremap and fs_write. The block layer invokes the device driver toissue low-level commands to PebbleSSD. In this section we describein detail the core features of PebbleSSD focusing on remap andfs_write commands.

4.1 Hardware architectureOur commercial NVMe [11] SSD development platform connects tothe host machine via four-lane PCIe 3.0. It comprises an array of SLC�ash chips (375 GB in total) organized in 16 channels. The channelsare connected to a multi-core controller. PebbleSSD �rmware runson the controller to manage �ash memory and provide support forits commands.

Page 4: Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadatadb.ucsd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MEMSYS17... · MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei

MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei Tseng, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson

Command Descriptionread(startLBA, num) Read num sectors from startLBAwrite(startLBA, num) Write num sectors from startLBAtrim(startLBA, num) Mark num sectors starting from startLBA as invalidfs_write(startLBA, num, �le, o�stInFile) Write num sectors starting from startLBA for a �le.remap(srcLBA, dstLBA, num) Move num sectors starting from srcLBA to dstLBA.

Table 1: PebbleSSD commands The new fs_write and remap commands allow applications e.g. �le systems to reduce the amount of datawritten to �ash.

Figure 3 shows the hardware architecture of PebbleSSD. Themost important components are the embedded cores, the �ashinterface and the in-SSD DRAM.



e ho

st in



DMA engine

Storage DRAM

In-storage interconnect



Embedded processors




Flash memory

Figure 3: PebbleSSD architecture PebbleSSD exposes its internalDRAM and processing power to the host via PCIe/NVMe interface.

The SSD controller comprises multiple embedded processorsrunning �rmware at 500MHz. Each of these cores has 64 KB pri-vate instruction and data memories. An on-chip network connectsthe cores, the �ash interface and the DRAM so that they can com-municate with each other. The embedded cores issue commands tothe �ash interface which reads or writes data from/to a bu�er in thePebbleSSD’s internal DRAM. The cores have to initiate explicit datamovements between the DRAM and their private data memories tooperate on the data stored in the DRAM.

The in-device DRAM (2 GB in total) holds PebbleSSD’s BAM aswell as other FTL’s metadata. The DRAM also stores statistics andstate information for each �ash erase block so that the �rmwarecan perform garbage collection and wear leveling e�ciently.

In this paper, we assume that the DRAM is persistent. In prac-tice, it would either be battery or capacitor-backed. New memorytechnologies e.g. Intel 3D-XPoint memory [1] could also replacethe original DRAM.

4.2 BAMThe BAM is the core architectural component of PebbleSSD, andthe �rmware manages mapping information in the BAM to support

remap and fs_write. Below we describe the implementation ofremap and fs_write in more detail.

4.2.1 Physical-to-logical mapping and remap. PebbleSSD usesthe BAM to track the bidirectional mapping between logical andphysical address spaces, and the remap command exposes the map-ping to software. The PPN-to-LBA table is an inverse of the normalLBA-to-PPN table that conventional FTLs use to emulate a blockI/O interface.

PebbleSSD stores the PPN-to-LBA mapping table in the BAM.PebbleSSD uses a 64-bit integer to represent this information. Thetotal size of the PPN-to-LBA table is no larger than that of the LBA-to-PPN table since the capacity of physical �ash memory availablein an SSD is usually smaller than the 64-bit logical address space.

The current PebbleSSD �rmware implements this PPN-to-LBAmapping as an array. To keep the bidirectional mapping betweenlogical and physical address space consistent and up-to-date, thewrite and remap commands always update the LBA-to-PPN andPPN-to-LBA tables together.

The remap command operates on both LBA-to-PPN and PPN-to-LBA mapping table. The remap command takes three parameters,srcLBA, dstLBA and num. The �rmware copies the content of thenum consecutive mapping table entries starting from srcLBA to theentries starting from dstLBA. Therefore, the actual data stored onthose physical pages can be accessed from a new logical addressdstLBA by future read operations. In this way, remap achievesthe movement of data from srcLBA to dstLBA at low cost withoutincurring any �ash write.

4.2.2 E�icient file block mapping and fs_write. PebbleSSD canalso store the mapping from data blocks to corresponding �le-system-speci�c information in BAM. Figure 4 illustrates the map-ping tables used for this purpose. Each entry in the table has twocomponents. The �rst component stores the data block’s o�setwithin the �le, and the second component is a pointer that forms alinked list with other data blocks in the �le.

The space required for each entry depends on �le system datablock size, the maximum size of an �le and the capacity of the BAM.For example, if the �le system’s data block size is 4 KB, a �le canreach 16 TB at most, and the BAM has a total capacity of 4 GB, thenthe �rmware can use two 32-bit integers to store each entry.

For each opened �le that supports write operation, PebbleSSD�rmware maintains a linked list of the aforementioned mappingtable entries. By traversing the per-�le linked list, the �rmwareretrieves the metadata of all the data blocks that belong to the �le

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Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadata MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA

100 101 102 103 104 … 800 801 802

6 8 45 8 9 10 45 9…




Inode Table

Logical block address

File offset Table

Per-file linked lists

Figure 4: PebbleSSD write-optimized �le blockmapping Peb-bleSSD stores in the BAM an auxiliary �le block mapping for �les.This �le block mapping comprises an inode table and a �le o�settable whose entries form per-�le linked lists. The linked lists keeptrack of data blocks that have been written for each �le since thelatest checkpoint.

and that have been written back by the �le system since the mostrecent �le system checkpoint.

The linked lists are append-only. PebbleSSD is able to traverse thelinked list and retrieve entries, but can only add new entries to itstail. The fs_write command causes the �rmware to add mappingtable entries to the linked list in addition to �ushing a numberof data blocks to �ash memory. Once the �rmware �nishes theinsertion into the linked list, the data blocks logically become partof the �le so that the �rmware can later locate them by traversingthe linked list in BAM. Thus the �le system no longer has to �ushthe index blocks of the �le to �ash memory frequently, e�ectivelybreaking the recursive updates in the wandering tree problem.

A separate hash table residing in BAMmaps a �le’s inode numberto the head of its linked list. PebbleSSD uses this hash table to locatethe linked list that belongs to a particular �le.

4.3 Block layer and device driverThe PebbleSSD requires a custom Linux block layer and devicedriver so that software can use the fs_write and remap commands.The block layer accepts extended bio requests from the �le systemand passes the bio structure to the SSD driver. In the extended biostruct, the �eld bi_rw encodes the type of the operation, and twonew �elds contain additional arguments to supply to the devicedriver, e.g. offsetInfile, inodeNum or srcLBA. Then the devicedriver translates the bio to appropriate NVMe commands and issuesthem to PebbleSSD.

5 FILE SYSTEMS CUSTOMIZATIONLog-structured �le systems provide two opportunities to applyPebbleSSD’s new capabilities. Leveraging the new commands allowsthese �le systems to reduce the amount of data written to �ashimproving the SSD’s lifetime.

The remap command of PebbleSSD allows log-structured �lesystems to perform fast and e�cient log cleaning and reduce the

amount of data written to the SSD. The fs_write command avoidsthe recursive updates on other interior node blocks in the tree-basedblock mapping index.

5.1 Log cleaningLog-structured �le systems perform log cleaning to create free,contiguous segments in the logical address space to service futurewrite requests. During the cleaning process, log-structured �lesystems scan the logs, copy valid data to new locations, discardinvalid data and reclaim the space originally occupied.

The remap command supports e�cient movement of data in-side the SSD without incurring �ash writes and host-device datatransfers. Log structured �le systems can use remap to avoid copy-ing data to a new segment as long as the data in the segment isclean (i.e., there does not exist a more recent update waiting in theoperating system page cache).

Determining whether a block is clean is not always simple. Theobvious approach is to use the Linux page descriptor’s dirty bit,but this not always su�cient. For instance, F2FS [24] employs a“lazy migration” policy that marks valid data blocks in the pagecache as dirty so the writeback thread will write them back later.To leverage remap in our version of F2FS, we used a new status bitto indicate whether this block is truly dirty or just marked dirty bythe log cleaning thread.

The �le system also has to track the old LBAs of all blocks beforeissuing the remap command. The original NILFS2 [10] fails to do so.After reading a �le block into page cache, NILFS2 overwrites theoriginal LBA. Consequently when the log cleaning thread later mi-grates this �le block, it has no information about its source location.To address this issue, for each clean and up-to-date �le block thatthe log cleaning thread plans to migrate, the buffer_head structhas an extra 64-bit �eld to store the old LBA.

5.2 Data block writingLog-structured �le systems can use PebbleSSD’s new interface toimprove the e�ciency of writing �le data blocks. The �le systemcan issue one fs_write command to persist data blocks in �ashmemory and their metadata in the BAM area. The metadata includethe blocks’ o�set within their �le and the �le inode number. Thisallows the �le system to avoid the recursive updates of index blockscontaining pointers pointing to the data blocks.

When writing back data blocks to a �le with fs_write, thelog-structured �le systems send the following information to Peb-bleSSD via the block layer and device driver: startLBA, length,inodeNum and offsetInFile. The fs_write stores data blocks in�ash memory and their associated metadata in the BAM area. SincePebbleSSD already allocates su�cient space for both inode tableand �le o�set table, fs_write does not dynamically increase thespace consumption of BAM.

The �le system periodically �ushes the original tree-based blockmapping index to �ash memory during checkpoint to limit thenumber of dirty blocks in the index. This helps reduce �le systemmetadata loss and recovery overhead in the event of failures.

The �le system maintains the conventional block mapping inpage cache and continue to use it for normal �le system opera-tions unless there is a failure. The �le system performs periodic

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MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei Tseng, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Performance comparison of fs_write and write (a) shows that fs_write achieves the same throughput as that of writesince the overhead of linked list operations is minimal. (b) shows that fs_write and write have similar latency.

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Performance of MOVEwith conventional SSD and PebbleSSD (a) shows that the remap-based implementation of MOVE achieves3.7 ⇥ improvement in throughput and (b) shows that it achieves 87% reduction in latency, compared with conventional implementationusing read and write.

checkpointing and write back the node blocks of the conventionalblock mapping index. After the checkpointing task �nishes, the�le systems request that PebbleSSD reset the BAM-based blockmapping via a vendor-speci�c NVMe command supported by ourprototype. The function of this command is to clear a region in theNVRAM inside PebbleSSD.

The �le systems use the BAM-based block mapping only for thepurpose of recovery. Should an error occur, a kernel thread performsrecovery on the data blocks of this �le. The thread retrieves the<inodeNum, offsetInFile> metadata from the BAM by readingits content into host main memory and reconstruct the normaltree-based block mapping.

6 EVALUATIONWe run microbenchmarks to measure the performance of Pebb-leSSD with a focus on the new commands it provides. Then wemeasure the performance and e�ciency of log cleaning of bothF2FS and NILFS2 with remap and compare with their baseline im-plementations. We refer to the customized versions as F2FS-opt

and NILFS2-opt, while we refer to the baseline as F2FS-baselineand NILFS2-baseline. Finally we run workloads to quantify thebene�t of fs_write on F2FS and NILFS2. Again, the customizedversions are F2FS-opt and NILFS2-opt, while the baseline ver-sions are F2FS-baseline and NILFS2-baseline. In this section,we describe our experimental setup and results in detail.

6.1 Experimental setupThe speci�cation of our SSD hardware platform is covered in Sec-tion 4.1. We implemented PebbleSSD by modifying its originalreference �rmware provided by the SSD manufacturer. The orig-inal �rmware supports only conventional block-based I/O, whilePebbleSSD extends the NVMe command set to provide additionalfeatures, e.g. fs_write and remap. To allow host programs to in-teract with PebbleSSD, we also modi�ed Linux NVMe driver andblock layer. Thus PebbleSSD supports not only block-based I/O,but also fs_write and remap. Before running the experiments, wepreconditioned the SSD by �lling it with random data multipletimes.

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Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadata MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA

The host machine that we use has a quad-core Intel Xeon E3-1230 CPUs on a single-socket motherboard. This machine contains32 GB of DRAM as main memory and runs a customized Linux3.16.3 kernel. We collected all results with hyper-threading disabled.

Microbenchmarks measure the bandwidth and latency of thenew commands fs_write and remap provided by PebbleSSD. Tomeasure PebbleSSD’s bandwidth, four threads running on the hostmachine issue commands to PebbleSSD continuously. To measurelatency, only a single thread issues commands to the SSD.

We apply remap and fs_write respectively to both F2FS andNILFS to study the e�ects of each feature independently. Tomeasurethe performance and e�ciency of remap on log-structured �lesystems, we �rst run a subset of Filebench [4] workloads. We runthe workloads for equal amount of time on each baseline �le systemand its customized version. Then we manually trigger �le-system-speci�c log cleaning subroutines which keeps executing until thereis no data to clean.

We run a subset of Filebench, an open-source implementation [13]of TPC-C [14] and LinkBench [7] to quantify the bene�ts of fs_writeon F2FS and NILFS2, comparing with their baselines.

6.2 MicrobenchmarksIn comparison with original write command, the fs_write com-mand not only writes the block to SSD, but also updates its BAM.Since we are concerned about the single command performancehere, we eliminated the overhead of Linux virtual �le system (VFS)by allowing applications to send fs_write commands to PebbleSSDdirectly via ioctl. Figure 5 presents the throughput and latencyof fs_write and compares it with the original write command.The extra overhead caused by fs_write’s linked list operationsis minimal and fs_write achieves almost the same performanceas write. Although as a single command, fs_write does not pro-vide better performance than write, but as we will demonstratein Section 6.4, log-structured �le systems can utilize fs_write toimprove the performance and lifetime of SSDs.

Another microbenchmark named MOVE measures the perfor-mance of remap command. MOVE requires host program to movedata from source LBAs to destination LBAs. The baseline versionof MOVE implementation �rst reads data from PebbleSSD into hostmain memory and then writes them to their destination locations inthe SSD. In contrast, remap-based implementation uses the remapcommand to remap data from source LBAs to destinations. Appar-ently the baseline incurs multiple data transfer between the hostand PebbleSSD while remap-based version does not su�er fromthis overhead. As a result, remap-based version can achieve 3.7 ⇥improvement in throughput and reduces the latency by 87% on av-erage, as shown in Figure 6. Both implementation sends commandsfrom the host to PebbleSSD via ioctl directly.

6.3 E�cient log cleaningFigure 7 depicts the e�ect of using remap in the log cleaning of F2FSand NILFS2. In most cases, a kernel thread executes the log cleaningsubroutine for F2FS and the kernel thread wakes up periodically,typically between every 30 and 60 seconds. In order to measure howmuch time it takes to clean all used segments in F2FS, we add anioctl to F2FS to trigger F2FS log cleaning mannually and let the log

cleaning subroutine run continuously until there is nothing left toclean. For NILFS2, we use its own nilfs-clean utility program [9]that performs log cleaning and space reclamation after a certainperiod of time speci�ed by the user. In our experiments, we set theperiod to 600 seconds.

Before starting log cleaning subroutines, we �rst run the corre-sponding workload to emulate a used SSD. Figure 7 (a) shows thetime required to �nish log cleaning of F2FS, and Figure 7 (b) showsthe amount of data written by F2FS log cleaning. F2FS-opt spends33% less time than F2FS-baseline to �nish cleaning the segmentsin average. Figure 7 (b) can account for the reason of this improve-ment. F2FS-baseline always causes �ash write operations duringlog cleaning, while F2FS-opt can use remap to clean the majorityof data. In the case of F2FS-opt, the log cleaning subroutine writesup to 99% less data than F2FS-baseline in average. The rest ofdata are cleaned using the remap command which does not incurr�ash write at all.

Figure 7 (c) and (d) depict the result for NILFS2 log cleaning.Similarly, nilfs-clean writes up to 97% less data in the case ofNILFS2-opt than NILFS2-baseline because the former can useremap to move data. Since NILFS2 is not optimized for parallelstorage devices e.g. SSDs, nilfs-clean does not fully utilize theI/O bandwidth. Consequently, the saving in log cleaning time is notas big as in F2FS. NILFS2-opt improves the SSD lifetime because itincurs less �ash write than NILFS2-baseline.

6.4 Write-optimized �le block indexWemeasure the impact of fs_write on F2FS andNILFS2. F2FS-baselinealready writes only direct node blocks to the SSD during fsync [24]to improve the performance of fsync. F2FS-opt uses fs_write tofurther avoid writing direct node blocks. To compare the e�ective-ness in reducing the amount of data written to the SSD, we use ametric called �le write ampli�cation similar to the concept in [28]which is de�ned as the quotient of the total amount data written(data and index blocks) over the amount of �le data blocks.

Figure 8 illustrates the advantage of F2FS-opt over F2FS-baselineand NILFS2-opt over NILFS2-baseline in a simple benchmark.The benchmark executes four threads each of which writes datato its dedicated �le synchronously. We assign each thread to itsown �le to avoid the contention for the lock on the �le’s inode.Figure 8 (a) shows that with F2FS-opt, the aggregate through-put of the threads achieves 1.28 ⇥ improvement comparing withF2FS-baseline. Figure 8 (b) shows that the �le write ampli�cationof F2FS-opt is 28% lower than that of F2FS-baseline. Figure 8 (c)similarly shows that the benchmark throughput on NILFS2-optis 1.13 ⇥ the throughput on NILFS2-baseline. Figure 8 (d) showsthat �le write ampli�cation of NILFS2-opt is 24% less than that ofNILFS2-baseline. The performance improvement and reductionin �le write ampli�cation result from fs_write that writes onlydata blocks for both F2FS-opt and NILFS2-opt.

Figure 9 and Figure 10 further compare the e�ect of runningmorecomplex benchmarks on F2FS-baseline, F2FS-opt, NILFS2-baselineand NILFS2-opt. Figure 9 (a) presents the throughput of FilebenchOLTP benchmark, and F2FS-opt outperforms F2FS-baseline by3%while NILFS2-opt achieves 9% improvement. Figure 9 (b) showsthe throughput of TPC-C varying the size of data set. The total

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MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei Tseng, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7: Improvement on log cleaning e�ciency due to remap In (a) and (b), F2FS-opt with remap requires 29% less time to clean thesegments than F2FS-baseline, and writes 96% less data in average (99% in the best case) during log cleaning. In (c) and (d), NILFS2-optalso requires less time to clean the old segments than NILFS2-baseline, and saves write tra�c by 97% in average (99% in the best case)during log cleaning.

data set size of TPCC-10 and TPCC-100 are approximately 800 MBand 8 GB respectively. Both benchmarks run on top of MySQL [8]5.5 with InnoDB [6] whose bu�er pool size is 16 GB. In both cases,F2FS-opt outperforms F2FS-baseline by a small margin and thesame holds for NILFS2-opt and NILFS2-baseline. Figure 9 (c)shows the result for LinkBench with di�erent sized data sets. Sim-ilarly, F2FS-opt and NILFS2-opt lead to larger throughput thanF2FS-baseline and NILFS2-baseline respectively. The through-put improvement is not high because even F2FS-baseline andNILFS2-baseline cannot fully saturate the IO bandwidth of Pebb-leSSD, thus writing less data does not lead to larger throughput.

Figure 10 shows that for FilebenchOLTP, TPCC-10 and LinkBench-10GB, F2FS-opt can use fs_write to reduce the �le write ampli�-cation from close to 1.5 to nearly 1.0. Similarly, NILFS2-opt reduces�le write ampli�cation from 2.7 to 2.0. When the data set size in-creases, especially in the case of LinkBench-100GB, the reduction in�le write ampli�cation diminishes since MySQL will have to movedata between main memory bu�er pool and the SSD, leading tolower write throughput. Consequently the workloads issue fewerfsync to the underlying log-structured �le systems.

6.5 BAM space utilizationWith remap and fs_write, PebbleSSD can make more e�cient useof its internal NVRAM than conventional SSDs.

As described in Section 4.1, PebbleSSD exposes 375 GB �ash tothe host and has 2 GB NVRAM to store BAM. Assume the totalamount of user-visible �ash is 512 GB for simpler calculation.

According to the implementation of original �rmware, a con-ventional SSD based on this platform uses 4 bytes for each addressmapping table entry, and each entry maps 4 KB in logical addressspace to the physical address space. This con�guration leads to227 entries, consuming 512 MB of the BAM. Since the original SSDkeeps the PPN-to-LBA mapping in �ash memory, the space utiliza-tion of BAM is about 35% due to the logical-to-physical mappingand some other system data structures.

To support remap, PebbleSSD maintains both logical-to-physicaland physical-to-logical mappings in BAM. The entries in both tablesare 4 bytes in size and describes the mapping for 4 KB regions.Therefore, the total space consumption will be 1 GB, leading to a60% utilization of BAM.

For fs_write, the original address mapping table also occupies512MB of BAM. Both the �le o�set table and inode table use 8-byteentries. The �le o�set table has 227 entries, consuming 1 GB BAM.The inode table keeps an entry for each �le that is currently open

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Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadata MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8: Improvement on writing to �les with fs_write (a) shows that with fs_write, F2FS-opt achieves 1.28 ⇥ improvement inthroughput while (b) shows that F2FS-opt reduces �le system write ampli�cation by 28%. (c) and (d) show similary results. With fs_write,NILFS2-opt improves throughput by 1.13 ⇥ and reduces �le write ampli�cation by 24%, compared with NILFS2-baseline.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9: Performance comparison between F2FS-opt, NILFS2-opt and their baseline implementations In (a), Filebench OLTPrunning on F2FS-opt and NILFS2-opt achieve 1.02 ⇥ and 1.09 ⇥ improvement in throughput. In (b), TPCC running on F2FS-opt andNILFS2-opt can achieve slightly better performance than on F2FS-baseline and NILFS2-baseline respectively. In (c) LinkBench can alsoachieve slightly larger throughput on F2FS-opt NILFS2-opt than on F2FS-baseline and NILFS2-baseline.

with read-write access. In our current system, we support 1 million�les that can be open for write at the same time. Considering theload factor of the hash-based inode table, this requires approxi-mately 16 MB space in BAM. The space utilization of BAM canreach 80%.

7 RELATEDWORKMany prior research e�orts have explored various techniques aim-ing to extend the lifetime of �ash-based SSDs by writing less data.In this section, we present a review of these e�orts and place Pebb-leSSD in the context with them.

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MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Yanqin Jin, Hung-Wei Tseng, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson

Figure 10: Improvement on �le write ampli�cation for F2FSand NILFS2 F2FS-opt can reduce �le write ampli�cation from 1.5to nearly 1.0 for synchronous write-intensive workloads e.g. data-base applications. NILFS2-opt can reduce �le write ampli�cationfrom 2.7 to 2.0 for the same workloads.

7.1 Backward pointerThe mapping information stored by PebbleSSD in the BAM is sim-ilar to the backward pointers in some previous work. Many �lesystems and FTLs have adopted the backward pointer mechanism toreduce the overhead of persistent data migration and synchroniza-tion. File systems, e.g. Pilot [32] �le system, Pangaea [34], NoFS [17]use backward pointers to ensure system consistency. BtrFS [2] andBacklog [29] maintain back references to support dynamic reloca-tion of data blocks without �ushing index updates to persistentstorage. An object-based FTL, i.e. OFTL [28] stores for each page theinformation of the object to which the page belongs. Such backwardreference resides in the �ash-based OOB region of each page, thusdoes not support in-place update and requires �ash write opera-tions. In contrast, PebbleSSD stores the mapping in dedicated OOBregion as BAM to support dynamic modi�cation. In addition, Pebb-leSSD allows for easy and e�cient retrieval of each �le’s mappingby maintaining per-�le linked list of mapping table entries.

7.2 Address indirectionMost �ash-based SSDs introduce a layer of indirection due to theFTL’s address map [19]. Researchers have proposed a number ofFTLs [5, 16, 20, 21, 23, 27, 35]. CAFTL [16] exploits the hashed sig-nature of data chunks to detect duplicates and reduce �ash writes,leading to improvement in SSD’s lifetime. FTL2 [35] implementsatomicty at the level of FTL so as to reduce the overhead of writingdatabase logs to �ash. DFTL [21] selectively caches page-level map-ping. These approaches still focus on the normal logical-to-physicaladdress mapping table, while PebbleSSD goes a step further to useBAM to enhance the �exibility of FTLs.

Several systems have also researched the possibility of achievinge�cient �ash-write-free data movement by manipulating this mapdirectly. JFTL [18] remaps addresses of journal pages to their origi-nal locations in the logical address space without writing the samedata to �ash memory. ANViL [36] allows host system to access theaddress map and supports snapshot, deduplication and single-writejournaling. Researchers evaluated JFTL on a simulation platform,while ANVil’s address map resides in the main memory of host

machine. Furthermore, neither of them discussed how to extendthe idea of address map manipulation to an SSD with �ash-basedOOB. If the FTL stores the LBA in the spare space of each �ash page,merely modifying the LBA-to-PPN address map does not ful�l thegoal of moving data in the logical address space. Instead �ash writeis inevitable to modify the metadata in the OOB region. In contrast,PebbleSSD goes a step further to address this issue and presents anevaluation of the e�ectiveness of its solution.

SHARE [30] is also able to remap addresses inside the SSD andachieve write atomicity. SHARE caches a subset of the PPN-to-LBA mapping entries in the SDRAM inside the OpenSSD [12],therefore, the �rmware determines which entries to keep and whichto evict to �ash. This approach is able to handle large amount of�ash with relatively small SDRAM, but requires extra logic at the�rmware level to implement cache eviction policies. Furthermore,system performance can also be a�ected by the size of the cache.In contrast, PebbleSSD keeps the entire PPN-to-LBA mapping inBAM for the functionality of remap. PebbleSSD needs larger BAMsize than SHARE, but does not require a cache management policy.SHARE and PebbleSSD represent di�erent design trade-o�s andconsiderations. Depending on the optimization goal, either can bemore preferable than the other.

7.3 Coordinated garbage collectionA storage system with an LFS running on a �ash-based SSD hasmultiple layers of log structures, and the gaps between them leadto ine�ciencies such as unnecessary data migration [37].

Researchers have proposed coordinating �le system log clean-ing with SSD’s garbage collection to improve �ash device lifetime.Application-Managed Flash (AMF) [26] and ParaFS [38] both em-ploy a coordinated garbage collection approach with supports fromboth the FTL and �le system. During garbage collection, the host�le system migrates data to its proper new locations by consultingdomain-speci�c knowledge about data placement, while the FTLshoulders the responsibility of erasing �ash blocks for future use.Both �le systems need to accommodate the physical characteristicsof �ash memory. For example, they need to ensure that a �ash blockis erased �rst before writing to its �ash pages. This potentially re-quires a non-trivial re-engineering of the I/O path because general�le systems do not have this limitation. Furthermore, host CPUsare involved in the GC of �ash memory. In comparison, PebbleSSDdoes not require the �le system to be aware of the physical layoutand characteristics of underlying �ash. Thus modi�cation of legacy�le system is moderate, and host CPUs can also be freed from GC.

Coordinated GC has also been discussed in other conventional�le systems running on SSDs. EXT3 [3] with nameless write [39]allows the FTL to move valid �ash pages and inform the host �lesystem of the new physical addresses of data pages via migrationcallbacks. PebbleSSD, in contrast, lets the �le system determine thenew logical addresses for its data.

7.4 Metadata cachingSome e�orts use NVRAM-based storage as a durable cache for data-base or �le system metadata to reduce synchronous writes to �ashmemory. NVMFS [31] stores �le system metadata in NVM DIMMs

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Improving SSD Lifetime with Byte-Addressable Metadata MEMSYS 2017, October 2–5, 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA

attached to the memory bus. DuraSSD [22] uses non-volatile in-device cache to support atomicity and durability. Cooperative DataManagement [25] considers NVM as a cache and allows the NVM-resident copy to invalidate �ash-resident copy. In contrast, Pebb-leSSD does not cache identical copies of data in NVRAM. Instead,PebbleSSD stores metadata optimized for the characteristics ofBAM, saving host interface bandwidth and NVRAM space.

8 CONCLUSIONBy providing BAM in the NVRAM-based OOB region, PebbleSSDsupports a range of useful features to improve device lifetime, in-cluding write-optimized �le block mapping and fast, e�cient log-cleaning. PebbleSSD exposes two new commands, fs_write andremap allowing �le systems to access BAM. Log-structured �le sys-tems can use fs_write command to avoid recursive updates on �leindex blocks, and use remap command to perform fast and e�cientmovement of valid data during log cleaning. Log-structured �lesystems achieve better performance while reducing �ash writes.Therefore BAM is e�ective in improving SSDs’ lifetime.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTWe would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful sugges-tions. This work was supported in part by CFAR, one of the sixSRC STARnet Centers, sponsored by MARCO and DARPA. It wasalso sponsored in part by Samsung, NSF award 1219125 and NSFBIGDATA 1447943.

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