1 Improved Seam Carving for Video for Video Resizing Michael Rubinstein MERL & The Interdisciplinary Center Ariel Shamir The Interdisciplinary Center Shai Avidan Adobe Systems Inc. Media Size Change Water Ski (c) ariel shamir

Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions

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Page 1: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing

Michael Rubinstein MERL & The Interdisciplinary Center

Ariel ShamirThe Interdisciplinary Center

Shai AvidanAdobe Systems Inc.

Media Size Change

• Water Ski

(c) ariel shamir

Page 2: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Previous Work (Size Change)

• Cropping & Scaling:

– [Wang et al. 2004]

– [Fan et al. 2003]

– [Liu and Gleicher 2006]

– [Deselaers et a. 2008]

• Segment & Recombine

– [Tao et al. 2007]


(c) ariel shamir

• Non linear scaling (Warping)

– [Wolf et al. 2007]

• Time manipulations:

– [Pritch et al. 2008] – Object based video

– [Chen and Sen 2008] – Graph cut


1. Extending Seam Carving Operator

to Video

2. Defining a New Energy Measure

(c) ariel shamir

?[Wolf et al. 2007]

Page 3: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


A Seam

(c) ariel shamir

Seam Carving

(c) ariel shamir

Page 4: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Finding the Seam?

(c) ariel shamir

The Optimal Seam

(c) ariel shamir

)(minarg* sEs

s =||||)( III yxE∂∂+


Page 5: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Pixel Attribute Dynamic Programming

( ))1,1(),,1(),1,1(min),(),( +−−−−+= jijijijiEji MMMM

5 8 12 3

9 2 3 9

( ))1,1(),,1(),1,1(min),(),( ++ jijijijiEji MMMM

(c) ariel shamir

7 3 4 2

4 5 7 8


• Naive… frame by frame independently y p y


(c) ariel shamir

Page 6: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Jittery Results

(c) ariel shamir

Naïve (2): Global Projection

• Reduction of the video problem to image p gseam carving by using projection of maximum energy through time:

(c) ariel shamir

Page 7: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Naïve (2): Global Projection

• Reduction of the video problem to image p gseam carving by using projection of maximum energy through time:

(c) ariel shamir


(c) ariel shamir

Rescale Retarget

Page 8: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions




(c) ariel shamir



• More complex scenes:– Object movement

– Camera movement

(c) ariel shamir

Global Seams

Page 9: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


More Complex Scenes

• More complex scenes:– Object movement

– Camera movement

(c) ariel shamir

Global Seams

More Complex Scenes

• Seams should adapt and change through time!

(c) ariel shamir

Page 10: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Global Solution

(c) ariel shamir

Video Cube

One 3D Seam

(c) ariel shamir

Page 11: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


What is the challenge?

• Dynamic Programming no longer works in 3D!• Video Cubes:

– Schodl et al. Siggraph 2000, Video Textures

– Kwatra et al. Siggraph 2003, Graph cut textures

– Rav-Acha et al CVPR 2005

(c) ariel shamir

Rav Acha et al. CVPR 2005, Video Mosaics

– Wang et al. Siggraph 2005, Interactive video cutout

– Chen and Sen EG 2008 (short papers), Video Carving

What is the challenge?

• Dynamic Programming no longer works in 3D!• Use Graph Cut:

– Schodl et al. Siggraph 2000, Video Textures

– Kwatra et al. Siggraph 2003, Graph cut textures

– Rav-Acha et al CVPR 2005

(c) ariel shamir

Rav Acha et al. CVPR 2005, Video Mosaics

– Wang et al. Siggraph 2005, Interactive video cutout

– Chen and Sen EG 2008 (short papers), Video Carving

Page 12: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


What is the challenge?

• How to Define a Seam from a Cut?

(c) ariel shamir

Kwatra et al. Siggraph 2003, Graph cut textures


1. Seams should be monotonic!i.e. one pixel in each row

(c) ariel shamir

Page 13: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions



1. Seams should be monotonic!2. Seams should be connected!

(c) ariel shamir


Piecewise vs. Connected

(c) ariel shamir

Page 14: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Standard Construction

pi,j pi,j+1∂y



pi,j pi,j+1

∂y ∂y



(c) ariel shamir

pi+1,j pi+1,j+1

∂xpi+1,j pi+1,j+1∂x

New Construction

• This construction guarantees monotonic and connected seams

• This construction creates seams that are equivalent to the

pij pi,j+1∞


(c) ariel shamir

equivalent to the dynamic programming approach

(Proofs in the paper)

pi+1,j pi+1,j+1∞


Page 15: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


3D Graph Construction

Frame t+2 Time

(c) ariel shamir

Frame t

Frame t+1

Video Cube

3D Graph Cut

(c) ariel shamir

Video Cube

Page 16: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Not Enough!

(c) ariel shamir

Also on Images!

(c) ariel shamir

Page 17: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Also on Images!

(c) ariel shamir

Changes in Image

(c) ariel shamir

Page 18: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Changes in Image

(c) ariel shamir

Changes in Image

(c) ariel shamir

Page 19: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Energy Inserted (not only removed)

(c) ariel shamir

Energy Reduced

Energy Increased

Changes in Energy

(c) ariel shamir

Page 20: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Tracking Inserted Energy

pi,j-1 pi,j pi,j+1

pi-1,j-1 pi-1,j



(c) ariel shamir

• Three possibilities When Removing Pixel Pi,j

Pixel Pi,j : Left Seam

pi,j-1 pi,j pi,j+1

pi-1,j-1 pi-1,j



(c) ariel shamir

Page 21: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Pixel Pi,j : Right Seam




pi-1,j-1 pi-1,j+1

(c) ariel shamir

Pixel Pi,j : Vertical Seam

pi,j-1 pi,j pi,j+1




(c) ariel shamir

Page 22: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Energy Function


(c) ariel shamir

New Forward Looking Energy Function


(c) ariel shamir

Page 23: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Backward (SIG 07)

(c) ariel shamir

Forward (SIG 08)

(c) ariel shamir

Page 24: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions



(c) ariel shamir


(c) ariel shamir

Page 25: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions



(c) ariel shamir


(c) ariel shamir

Page 26: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Backward Expand

(c) ariel shamir

Forward Expand

(c) ariel shamir

Page 27: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Graph Cut Formulation

pij pi,j+1∞



(c) ariel shamir

pi+1,j pi+1,j+1∞



(c) ariel shamir

Page 28: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions



(c) ariel shamir

Rescale Retarget



(c) ariel shamir


Page 29: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions



• Typical video sequences have a resolution of yp q400 x 300 and 400 frames.

• 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions of three levels (details in the paper)

• Total preprocessing time to enable between

(c) ariel shamir

50% to 150% change in aspect ratio takes around 10 minutes.

• Resizing can be performed in real time (multi size videos)

Multi-size Video DEMO?

(c) ariel shamir

Page 30: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Multi-size Video

(c) ariel shamir


• Nature Scene

(c) ariel shamir

Page 31: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


…Object Removal

(c) ariel shamir


1. Graph Cut2. Forward Energy

(c) ariel shamir


Page 32: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions



• Extend the seam carving operator from images to video while maintaining its simplicity.

• Formulate using graph cut

• Allowing vertical and horizontal content aware size change and define multi-size video

(c) ariel shamir

• A novel forward energy for better content preservation with


• Quality improvements (Energy, Smoothing)y p ( gy, g)

• Faster (recent GPU-based graph-cut optimizations)

• Use of multiple operatorsA t ti

(c) ariel shamir

• Automatic

• Other applications (domains?)…

Page 33: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


(c) ariel shamir

Thank you!

XT Plane

(c) ariel shamir


Page 34: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Monotonic: One Cut in Each Row

pi,j pi,j+1∞

∂y ∂y



(c) ariel shamir

pi+1,j pi+1,j+1∞∂x

Defining a Seam from a Cut

1. Seams should be monotonic2. Seams should be connected!

(c) ariel shamir

Page 35: Improved Seam Carving for Videofor Video Resizing · 29 Timing • Typyp qical video sequences have a resolution of 400 x 300 and 400 frames. • 2 Seconds per seam using multi-resolutions


Defining a Seam from a Cut

1. Seams should be monotonic2. Seams should be connected!

(c) ariel shamir