Forbidden Behaviours in Thailand DON'T: point at people or things with your feet. touch the heads of children, even if you may see this as a form of caressing. be too familiar in public, even if you are married. shout in public (t o anybody). think that Thai women are "easily available". don’t touch the students on the head or ruffle ธผมย  ่ their hair. don’t point your feet at anyone or any sacred object such as a Buddha image or King’ s portrait.  gossip or satire royal institution.  

Importance of Code of Ethics

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7/31/2019 Importance of Code of Ethics

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Forbidden Behaviours in Thailand DON'T:

• point at people or things with your feet.

•touch the heads of children, even if you may see this as a formof caressing.

• be too familiar in public, even if you are married.

• shout in public (to anybody).

• think that Thai women are "easily available".• don’t touch the students on the head or ruffle ท ผมยุ ่ง their hair.

• don’t point your feet at anyone or any sacred object such as aBuddha image or King’s portrait. 

• gossip or satire royal institution. 

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Codes of Professional Ethics Objective

The learners should know and understandthe essence of Teachers and Educational

Personnel Council Act, 2003 and codes of 

professional ethics towards 5 aspects. 

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Importance of Code of Professional Ethics

• Code of ethics toward oneself 

• Code of ethics toward the profession

• Code of ethics toward clients • Code of ethics toward colleagues

• Code of ethics toward the society

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Code of ethics toward oneself  • self-discipline

• improve their professional practice,

personality and vision• to keep up with the academic, economic,

social and political development.

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Code of ethics toward the profession • love, faith, integrity and responsibility for

the profession and act as a good memberof professional organizations

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Code of ethics toward clients • care for and be merciful to, pay

attention to, assist and encourage

their students and clients on anequal treatment basis in accordancewith their role and duties. 

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Code of ethics toward clients • encourage their students and clients to

achieve learning, skills, good and properconduct, in accordance with their roles

and duties, to the full capacity and


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Code of ethics toward clients • conduct themselves as a good role model

in terms of physical, intellectual, mental,

emotional and social development of their students and client. 

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Code of ethics toward clients • provide services honestly and equally

without asking for, accepting or acquiring

any interests which would be consideredabuses of their authority. 

• Do you agree with the saying “Spare your 

rod and spoil your child.”? Why or why not? 

• Is Thailand ready for cancellation of corporal punishment? 

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Code of ethics toward colleagues • provide assistance and support to one

another constructively by adhering to the

morality and create synergy amongthemselves. 

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Code of ethics toward the society  –conduct themselves as leaders in

economic, social, religious, art and

cultural, intellectual and environmental

conservation and development as well as

preserved the public interest and adhere

to democratic regime of government

with the King as Head of the State.