Importance of 10 Values in Decision Making

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  • 8/13/2019 Importance of 10 Values in Decision Making


    Strategic Management:

    Lecture 1: Saturday on June 8, 2013

    Importance of values in decision making:

    The great philosophy Aristotlesays that excellence is an art won by training and habituation.

    e are what we repeatedly do. !xcellence then is not an act" but a habit# . In this context,

    values are standard which we strike to achieve. Values are practical habits that enable us as

    individual to live, be successful and achieve happiness. Many people have conflicting values

    which prevent them from acting with clarity and self-confidence. ur focus on values that grow

    from our belief that idea matter and that an individual!s character is of critical significance.

    $here are ten primary values which must be followed by decision makers.

    %. &ecision must be based on reality:

    If we want to be better, we must act within the context of reality. "usiness and an individual often

    make series of mistakes by making decisions based on what they wish was so, or based on theory

    which in compatible to reality. The foundation for #uality decision making is a careful

    understanding of the facts. There is a fundamental difference between the laws of nature $reality%

    and man-made laws. The law of gravity is the law of gravity. The existence of the law of gravity

    does not mean that man cannot build an airplane. &owever, an airplane must be created within the

    context of the law of gravity.

    '. &ecision must be based on reasons(

    Mankind has specific means of survival, which is his ability to think, his capacity to reason

    logically from the facts of reality as presented to his five senses. ' lion has claws to hunt. ' deer

    has swiftness to avoid the hunter. Man has his ability to think. This is the only one natural source

    human mind. (lear thinking is not automatic. It re#uires intellectual discipline and being with

    sound premises based on fact. )e cannot all be genius, but each of us can develop the mental

    habits that ensure when making decision we carefully examine the fact and think logically

    because our ob*ective is to make the best decision to accomplish our goals. +ational thinking is a

    learnt skill which re#uires mental focus and fundamental commitment to improve the clarity of

    our mental process.

    ). &ecision must be based on independent(

    'll employees are assumed to use their individual minds to make rational decision. In this

    context, each of us responsible for what we do and who we are. (reativity is only possible with

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  • 8/13/2019 Importance of 10 Values in Decision Making


    independent thinking. )e learn a great deal from each other. Team work is an important.

    &owever, each of us thinks alone. ur minds are not physically connected in this regard.

    ach of us must make an independent *udgment of fact based on our capacity or think logically

    because each of us is responsible for our own action. ach of us is responsible for our success or

    failure. 'll human progress is based on creativity because it is source of positive change.

    (reativity is only possible to an independent thinker. (reativity is not *ust *udging different but

    doing something better. To be better, the new method process must be *udged by its impact on

    the whole organiation

    *. $he &ecision must be +roductive:

    /roductivity means profitability which is the main ob*ective of every business organiation.

    /rofitability is the difference means the cost and the market price of the product which going to

    produce and sell. The high profitability in the long run is must for organiation its shareholder,

    employees and society. The productive people are those who want to crate, produce and

    committed to turning thoughts into actions and to improve economic well-being of organiation.

    ,. $he &ecision must be honest:

    "eing honest is simply being consistent with reality. To be dishonest is to be in conflict with

    reality which will therefore self-defeating. ' primary reason is that individual fail in because they

    become disconnected from reality pretending that facts are other then they are. To be honest does

    not re#uire that we know everything. 0nowledge is always contractual and man is not omniscient.

    &owever we must be responsible for saying what we means to say and meaning what we say.

    Lecture 2: Sunday June 9, 2013

    -. $he &ecision must be integrity:

    Integrity of business organiation individual originates from certain principles. )hich they follow

    in the decision making process. /rinciples are based on reality. )e must act consistently with our

    principles and never think compromising against them. /rinciples provide well-conceived

    concepts which leads to our long term success and happiness. Violating our set principles will

    always lead to failure.

    . $he &ecision must be fair and /ustice:

    Individual should be evaluated and rewarded ob*ectively 1for better or loss2 based on their

    contribution. Those who contribute the most should receive the most. The single most significant

    way in which employees evaluated their managers is determining whether the manager is *ust and

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    fare. mployees become extremely unhappy when they perceive that a person who is not

    contributing is over rewarded or strong contributor is under rewarded. If we do not reward those

    who contribute the most, thy will leave the *ob and the organiation will be less successor. If there

    is no reward for superior performance, the average person will not be motivated to maximie his

    productivity. 3iscrimination on the bases of race, color and sex must be prohibited but people

    should be discriminated on the bases of competency performance and character. Individual must

    be *udged individually based on his personal traits not membership of any group.

    0. $he &ecision must be +ride:

    /ride is the psychological reward we earn from living by our values, that is from being *ust,

    honest, having integrity, being an independent thinker, being productive and rational. 'ristotle

    believed that 4earned5 pride $not arrogance% was the highest of virtues, because it presupposed all

    the others. 6triving for earned pride simply reinforces the importance of having high moral

    values. ach of us must perform our work in a manner as to be able to be *ustly proud of what we

    have accomplished.

    1. $he &ecision must be Self !steem 2Self Motivational3:

    )e expect our employees to earn self-esteem from doing their work well. )e expect and want

    our employees to act in their rational, long-term self-interest. )e want employees who havestrong personal goals and who expect to be able to accomplish their goals within the context of

    our mission. ' necessary attribute for self-esteem is self-motivation. )e have a strong work ethic.

    )e believe that you receive from your work in proportion to how much you contribute. If you do

    not want to work hard, work somewhere else.

    %4. $he &ecision must be $eam work and Supportiveness:

    )hile independent thought and strong personal goals are critically important, our work is

    accomplished within teams. ach of us must consistently act to achieve the agreed-upon

    ob*ectives of the team. )ork is complex and its need integrated effort among many people to

    accomplish important tasks. )hile we are looking for self-motivated and independent thinking

    individuals, these individuals must recognie that almost nothing can be achieve without the help

    of their team members.

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