Implementation of Environmental Accounts Leo Kolttola XIV April international academic conference on economic and social development HSE, Moscow 3.4.2013

Implementation of Environmental Accounts

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Implementation of Environmental Accounts. Leo Kolttola XIV April international academic conference on economic and social development HSE, Moscow 3.4.2013. Contents. Elements of Environmental accounts Organization of Statistics Finland Environmental Accounts in Statistics Finland - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Implementation of Environmental Accounts

Implementation of Environmental Accounts

Leo KolttolaXIV April international academic conference on economic and social developmentHSE, Moscow 3.4.2013

Page 2: Implementation of Environmental Accounts


Elements of Environmental accounts Organization of Statistics Finland Environmental Accounts in Statistics Finland Other relevant statistics Use of environmental accounts Lessons learned International consultation

April 2013 2Leo Kolttola

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Elements of environmental accounts

17.1.2012 3


Accounting principle

Natural resources (stocks)

Depletation / degradation (flows)

Environmental protection

Physical Resource balances Material flow accounts (MFA)

Hybrid Physical/monetary input-output analysis,NAMEA

Monetary, disaggregation of SNA

Values of stocks Environmental expenditures, EGSS, environmental taxes and subsidies

Monetary accouts, adjustments of SNA

Valuation of depletion of natural resources and environmantal degaradation, adjusted macroindicators, footprint indicators etc.

Leo Kolttola

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Standards and Methods

Population and Social Statistics

Economic and Environmental Statistics

Business Statistics

Information Services

Office of Director General

Administration Information Technology

Data Collection

Environment and EnergyGreenhouse Gas Inventory Environmental Accounts

Environmental StatisticsEnergy Statistics

National Accounts


Leo Kolttola

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Advisor group for environmental accounts

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ministry of Employment and the Economy Ministry of the Environment Government Institute for Econnomic Research Forest Research Institute Geological Survey of Finland Finnish Environment Institute Thule Institute (University of Oulu) Confederation of Finnish Industries

April 2013 6Leo Kolttola

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Regulation base of environmental accounts in the EU

April 2013

1st phase Regulation

7/2011•Air emissions accounts•Environmentally related taxes by economic activity•Economy-wide material flow accounts

2nd phase regulation


•Energy accounts•Environmental protection expenditures•Environmental goods and services sector

3rd phase •Waste accounts •Water accounts•RUMEA,…

Leo Kolttola

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Leo Kolttola

Modules Publication in Statistics Finland

EU regulation UN SEEA

Economy-wide material flow accounts

First publication 11/2011Time series 1970-

First data delivery to Eurostat at 2013


Waste Statistics Time series 1994- Waste statistics regulation 2004-


Land use National Land Survey of Finland 2000-

- Stocks

April 2013

SEEA physical flow accounts


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Leo Kolttola

SEEA monetary flow accounts

Modules Publication in Statistics Finland

EU regulation UN SEEA

EPE - Industry Time series 1992- Regulation 2015? Environmental protection

EPE –Public sector Time series 1994- Regulation 2015? Environmental protection

Environmentally related taxes

Time series 1980- Reported yearly Environmental protection

Environmentally related taxes by economic activity

Grants-project 2011-2012

Regulation 7/2011 Environmental protection

EGSS Time series 2009- Regulation 2015? Environmental protection

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Leo Kolttola

Modules Publication in Statistics Finland

EU regulation UN SEEA

Forest accounts Time series 1980-

- Flows

Air emissions accounts NAMEA-air

Publication 2012Time series 1995-

Regulation 7/2011 Flows

Energy Accounts Grants-project 2012-2013

Regulation 2015? Flows

April 2013

SEEA hybrid accounts


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Current Environmental Accounts

Environmental expenditures by industry Environmental expenditures by public sector Environmental taxes by tax type Statistics on the environmental goods and services sector Material flow accounts Forest accounts Many pilot studies since 1980’s

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Leo Kolttola

Development Projects

Air emissions accounts Environmentally related taxes by economic activity Environmental protection expenditure of public sector Energy accounts

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Current environmental statistics

Environmental Statistics YearbookStatistics and data from other organisations than Stat.Fi

Waste statistics (EU regulation)Agreement between Statistics Finland and

Finnish Environment Institute Coordination of environmental and natural resource

statistics outside Statistics FinlandMinistries of Environment, Agriculture and Forestry,

and Employment and the Economy

13April 2013Leo Kolttola

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Current energy statistics Quarterly energy prices Quarterly energy supply and consumption Energy use in manufacturing Production of electricity and heat Consumption of hard coal Energy balances

EU Energy statistics regulation Agreements with branch organisations etc. Reporting to IEA and EU

14April 2013Leo Kolttola

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National Greenhouse Gas Inventory

The Kyoto Protocol identifies the National System of Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

In addition to the annual calculations, the system is used to produce estimates about the actual effects of the climate policy and forecasts for future development.

Agreements between the inventory unit and expert organisations

Quality management. Communication with the UNFCCC, co-ordination of

participation in reviews

15April 2013Leo Kolttola

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Integrated data system

The system contains all unit level data of our own surveys and unit level data imported from other organisations

Tools to manage the surveys, to edit the data, to analyse the results and to tabulate the reports

Waste statistics, environmental accounting, energy statistics and greenhouse gas inventory use the system

Need to integrate some additional data by economic activity (NACE) to the system

16April 2013Leo Kolttola

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Environmental goods and services sector

Sample framework is based on Prodcom-statistics (industry) and NACE (service sector).

Industry: included, if produces specified products (list of EGSS products from Eurostat)

Service sector: NACE classes that could include EGSS products

Data is collected by web based data collection directly from enterprices

Total sample is around 2000 establishments

April 2013 17Leo Kolttola

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Key indicators used on permanent basis in the main indicator sets

Greenhouse gas emissions Total energy consumption Generation and treatment of municipal waste Total material requirements Share of renewable energy

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Main dissemination tools

Statistics Finland’s internet site topic: Environment and Natural Resources

www.stat.fi/environment Environmental Accounts theme pages

www.stat.fi/environmentalaccounts (only in Finnish at the moment)

Environment Statistics Yearbook and CD-ROM Findicator - www.findikaattori.fi/en

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Main policy interests linked to EA

Sustainable development Green Growth Resource productivity Bioeconomy Measurement of well-being

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Lessons learned

Involvement of all necessary expertise inside SF High level steering group, with the research community Increased harmonization of the data in the basic level Consistency with national accounts Building systems working on regular basis Promotion of environmental accounts Building of co-operation network Communication

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International consulting

Former Soviet Union countries: Latvia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan funded by EU and World Bank

Russia: bilateral co-operation since 1990’s Missions also to Turkey and Creece Environmental statistics and accounts and energy statistics

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Lessons learned Setting national priorities Co-operation inside NSO and with other governmental

organizations In former Soviet countries:

balance of resources between the headquarters and regional/local offices

Traditionally of the national statistical system is based on surveys (censuses)

good resources for implementation of surveys, less resources for use of other data sources and for the use of samples

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Thank you!

April 2013 24Leo Kolttola