Implementation Booklet AIESEC Romania | 2017

Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

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Page 1: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Implementation BookletAIESEC Romania | 2017

Page 2: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

New Concept

Become wants to be a tool for the students to develop

themselves both personally and professionally. The project

basically tackles the lack of knowledge of the students when it

comes to career orientation. Also, Become is the opportunity

that connects the companies from the Local Market with the

students , thus creating connections for the students with the

employers community. It is the third phase non formal

education project that AIESEC offers to the Romanian youth

and it targets students of all years.

Page 3: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Value Proposition

For Students : Become provides students with a clear career path and connection to

the local companies for their personal and professional development in a

multicultural environment through trainings and practical projects.

For EPs : We deliver a leadership development and a learning experience, implementing a SDG Number 4 alligned project , by delivering soft skills sessions to students and by teaching our EPs how to deliver a session and how to coordinate a team.

For Companies : Become provides companies with employer branding opportunites in a multicultural environment and awaraness in the Local Market by giving access and direct contact for shaping , nurturing and assesing future candidates through trainings and practical projects.

Page 4: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

The New Name


A sub-message for each domain.This sub-message can be used in any promotional materials , depending on the domains that each LC chooses.


Marketing : Learn new Marketing techniques , Create a Marketing Campaign, BECOME a true Marketer

Sales : Learn new Sales techniques, Create a Sales Strategy, BECOME a true Salesman.

Page 5: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

AgendaWeek 1 / Week 2&3 / Week 4&5 / Week 6

Page 6: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Week 1

In the Week 1 of the project these are the main actions that need to be conducted :

1. The EPs must participate in the IPS , preferably in the begining of the week, in which they should decide what are the sessions topics, the days of their sessions, how long should the sessions be ( 2-4 hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) .

2. The EPs must receive knowledge and trainings on how to coordinate a team and how to implement Team Standards.

3. The EPs should have the opportunity to meet with companies representatives , in order to allign their sessions with them and to receive the brief from the companies

4. At the end of the week ( preferably on Friday) there should be Opening Gala of the Project where the EPs must be present , the participants , the companies and the media.

5. Also the EPs must meet their team members by the end of the week and set expectations and ways of working with them (Building Phase of the Team Standards) ; the EPs must know the name of their participants before the Opening Gala ; an EP must have maximum 10 members .

Page 7: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Week 2&3

In the Week 2&3 of the project the Training Sessions should begin .They should be conducted as it follows :

1. Every company should deliver 2 or 3 (depending on the companies schedule) hard skills sessions per week .

2. The EPs should deliver 3 soft skills sessions per week ( depending on the number of the EPs, they could deliver alone a session or in pairs of two).

3. A session should last between 2 and 4 hours .4. The companies sessions should be during the working days and the EPs

session could be held during weekends.5. The EPs and the companies sessions MUST be held in different days.6. The EPs sessions must be alligned with the companies sessions . Mainly the

Soft Skills sessions must be modeled after the Hard Skills sessions.

Page 8: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Norming Phase of the Teams :1. The EPs should have his first O2Os with his members , track the perfromance

of his members, send reminders for the trainings and debrief the information after the trainings with his team.

2. The EPs should start work on the brief in terms of strategy and concept.3. The EPs should start working on the next 2 weeks in terms of establishing

clear Working Hours , allign their schedule with their members and establish the Objectives taht the team needs to achieve.

4. Informal meetings with their team to bond and build trust.

Week 2&3

Page 9: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Week 4&5

In the Week 4&5 of the project the Practical Work should start as well as

the Performing Phase of the teams.

1. The EPs should start their working hours with the members in order for

the practical project to be finished on time for the evaluation.

2. Performing Phase: clear task distribution, weekly team meetings,

precise tracking of the status of the practical project.

Also the Closing Gala and the project evaluation should happen on week 5.

1. Closing Gala with participants, companies, EPs and media.

2. Closing Phase : Wrap-up, Feedback and Appreciation

Page 10: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Week 6

In the Week 6 of the project the following actions should be implemented :

1. The EPs should write Impact Reports on their work and on the project.

2. Testimonials and Feedbacks should be gathered from both the

participants and companies.(This should be conducted by the OC and

the EPs)

3. EPs should have wrap-up meetings with the companies.

4. The OC should have Account Management meetings in order to

analyse this edition and prepare the next edition.

5. Last meeting between the EPs and their members.

Page 11: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Functional ProcessesMatching | Delivery | Sales | Marketing

Page 12: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Matching Process

1. The matching process of the project should stop with at least three weeks before

the project starts so that the EPs can gather all the documents for coming to


2. In order to ensure that you have a good matching process it is recommended to to

do LC2LC partnerships.The contries that are recommended for the off peak

timeline are Greece , Slovakia, Cech Republic or Egypt.

3. Also you have to work on milestones when you plan your number of approvals: for

example if you want 5 EPS you have to make sure that you will have at least 2

companies and around 50 participants.

4. A good case practice for attracting more applicants is to post videos

,testimonials,photos of the previous editions of the project in matching groups on

facebook(specially made groups for matching process).

Page 13: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

After ensuring that you have enough supply

you must choose very carefully your EPs in

order for the project to be very

qualitative.Your EPs must have knowledge

in one of the chosen domains of the project

.Also they must posses high English skills and

also that they master basic Microsoft Office

skills (especially Power Point skills).

It is also useful if the EPs have had previous

experience in working with students and if

they had worked in a company.

Skills:Training/Facilitating Skills-Preferred High English Skills -RequiredDomain Knowledge (Marketing ,It etc.) -RequiredCreativity - PreferredSolution Orientation -PreferredCrisis Management -PreferredPresentation Skills -Preferred

Page 14: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Delivery Process

At the Delivery Process there are 4 things that must happen for the EP

during his project :

1. He must have accommodation provided for the whole duration of the project .That can be

ensured through Global Hosts or through partnerships with different dorms or hostels.

2. He must attend three IPS sessions at the begining of the project, in the middle and at the end,

in order to track the progress that the EP made in his 6 weeks of exchange.

3. He must have O2Os with the Delivery Manager in order to talk about his experience and his

Leadership Development.

4. He must be picked up from the airport and he must be accompanied by an AIESECer in his

First Day of Work .Also it is reccommended that during the EPs sessions an AIESECer to be

also present .

Page 15: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Marketing Process

Online Marketing Campaign

1. All the materials for the Online Campaign come from the National Level. There are

some guidelines that must be respected when you use the Campaign Materials.You can

create your own Online Materials as long as they comply with the National

guidelines.The guidelines can be found in the Become Promotional Materials Booklet.

2. On the AIESEC Romania page there will be two posts per week about the Become


3. There have been created Facebook Events for every LC who implements Become. In

those events every LC has the freedom to post whatever they think is necessary in

order to attract participants .

Page 16: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Online Marketing Plan

*These are just guidelines in order to help you run a good Marketing Campaign.You can add your own ideas

and inputs in order to have the best Marketing Campaign for your project.

1. It is advised to Post in your Event and Share it at least twice a day ( in the

morning and in the evening ) every day in order to have the highest reach.Also

it is recommended to share your event in every Facebook group that complies

with the profile of your wanted participants.

2. As promotional materials it is recommended to use Testimonials , Photos and

Videos from previous editions( or from other LCs previous editions) so that

possible applicants to get used with the project and see its impact.

3. Once you start have companies , begin posting promotional materials that

contain the name and the logo for the company so that people can get more

interested about your project

Page 17: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Offline Campaign Plan

*These are just guidelines in order to help you run a good Marketing Campaign.You can add your own ideas

and inputs in order to have the best Marketing Campaign for your project.

1. For the Offline Campaign Plan it is recommended to have at least two class

shouts per week about your project in order for more and more students to

learn about your project.

2. Also it might be useful to spread your proejct thorugh some of your LC’s

retunress in order to sprhave people who had an AIESEC experience promote

your project.

3. Also create some institutional parnterships with NGOs (Student

Organisations, Faclulties, Volunteering Organisations etc, ) in order to

increase your image in the students community.

Page 18: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Sales Process

Market Research

1. The first action step in the Selling

Process is to create a database of

possible companies that you want to


2. Second you have to establish your

selling point of the project based on

the value proposition.

3. You have to create your Leads in

order to obtain meetings and to have

a higher chance of signing the


How to Market Research ?Target Companies that have been involved in social projects, that have been involved in students projects and events, have been partners of AIESEC, have good internships programs for students.

How to generate Leads ?Create connections through Linkedin using the AIESEC network , get contacts from Alumni or use past Leads. Also ask for contacts from companies which are currently working with your LC.

Very Important !!! Use Podio for your Selling Process

Page 19: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Successful Meetings and Account Management

1. In order to have a successfull meeting you need to be prepared for that

meeting into the extent that you should be aware about the company past

collaborations with student organisations, the company profile and company

student program.

2. In order to find common ground ask questions about every department of the

company and see where they have a shortage in employees .

3. Promote Become as an opportunity for the companies to find new employees

,who are trained in a multicultural environment.

4. Once you signed the contract maintain good account management by

constantly send updates to the company about the project and by having

good Stakeholder Relationship

Page 20: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge


This type of partnerships are recommended so that you can bring added value to the project.

This partnerships can bring you locations for holding your sessions, in kinds as in flyers, badges ,bracelets or other promotional materials , supply for coffee breaks or materials for welcoming packages.

Possible Partners : Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Printer Shops etc.

Bart Partnerships Institutional Partnerships

This type of partnerships secure your supply of participants. This is a very productive way of promoting your project offline by directly selling it.

These partnerships can improve and increase your project’s image in the community and also increase the trustworthy in it.

Possible Partners : Faculties, NGOs, Student Organizations , Volunteering Organizations.

Page 21: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge


Points to consider on the Logistic part:

1. Places for holding the sessions ( especially the EPs sessions , since for

the company sessions you can try to hold them at the company offices).

2. Diplomas, Flyers and any other Promotional Materials

3. Coffee Breaks

Page 22: Implementation Booklet - IGV Knowledge Center · hours /session) ; they should receive trainings on how to deliver a session (Train the Trainers) . 2. The EPs must receive knowledge

Implementation BookletAIESEC Romania | 2017