Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures D1.HRS.CL1.07 D1.HOT.CL1.03 D2.TCC.CL1.03 Trainer Guide

Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential

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Page 1: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential

Implement Occupational Safety and

Health procedures




Trainer Guide

Page 2: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential
Page 3: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential

Implement Occupational

Safety and Health





Trainer Guide

Page 4: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential

Project Base

William Angliss Institute of TAFE 555 La Trobe Street Melbourne 3000 Victoria Telephone: (03) 9606 2111 Facsimile: (03) 9670 1330


Project Director: Wayne Crosbie Chief Writer: Alan Hickman Subject Writer: Alan Hickman Project Manager/Editor: Alan Maguire DTP/Production Daniel Chee, Mai Vu, Jirayu Thangcharoensamut, Kaly Quach

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

The ASEAN Secretariat is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

General Information on ASEAN appears online at the ASEAN Website: www.asean.org.

All text is produced by William Angliss Institute of TAFE for the ASEAN Project on “Toolbox Development for Priority Tourism Labour Division”.

This publication is supported by the Australian Government’s aid program through the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II).

Copyright: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2012.

All rights reserved.


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© ASEAN 2012 Trainer Guide

Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures

Table of contents

Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers .............. 1

Competency standard ..................................................................................................... 11

Notes and PowerPoint slides .......................................................................................... 17

Recommended training equipment ............................................................................... 171

Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View ................................... 173

Appendix – ASEAN acronyms ...................................................................................... 175

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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers

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Competency Based Training (CBT) and

assessment an introduction for trainers


Competency refers to the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace.

Competency requires the application of specified knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to effective participation, consistently over time and in the workplace environment.

The essential skills and knowledge are either identified separately or combined.

Knowledge identifies what a person needs to know to perform the work in an informed and effective manner.

Skills describe the application of knowledge to situations where understanding is converted into a workplace outcome.

Attitude describes the founding reasons behind the need for certain knowledge or why skills are performed in a specified manner.

Competency covers all aspects of workplace performance and involves:

Performing individual tasks

Managing a range of different tasks

Responding to contingencies or breakdowns

Dealing with the responsibilities of the workplace

Working with others.

Unit of Competency

Like with any training qualification or program, a range of subject topics are identified that focus on the ability in a certain work area, responsibility or function.

Each manual focuses on a specific unit of competency that applies in the hospitality workplace.

In this manual a unit of competency is identified as a ‘unit’.

Each unit of competency identifies a discrete workplace requirement and includes:

Knowledge and skills that underpin competency

Language, literacy and numeracy

Occupational safety and health requirements.

Each unit of competency must be adhered to in training and assessment to ensure consistency of outcomes.

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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers

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Element of Competency

An element of competency describes the essential outcomes within a unit of competency.

The elements of competency are the basic building blocks of the unit of competency. They describe in terms of outcomes the significant functions and tasks that make up the competency.

In this manual elements of competency are identified as an ‘element’.

Performance criteria

Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance that is required to demonstrate achievement within an element of competency. The standards reflect identified industry skill needs.

Performance criteria will be made up of certain specified skills, knowledge and attitudes.


For the purpose of this manual learning incorporates two key activities:



Both of these activities will be discussed in detail in this introduction.

Today training and assessment can be delivered in a variety of ways. It may be provided to participants:

On-the-job – in the workplace

Off-the-job – at an educational institution or dedicated training environment

As a combination of these two options.

No longer is it necessary for learners to be absent from the workplace for long periods of time in order to obtain recognised and accredited qualifications.

Learning Approaches

This manual will identify two avenues to facilitate learning:

Competency Based Training (CBT)

This is the strategy of developing a participant’s competency.

Educational institutions utilise a range of training strategies to ensure that participants are able to gain the knowledge and skills required for successful:

Completion of the training program or qualification

Implementation in the workplace.

The strategies selected should be chosen based on suitability and the learning styles of participants.

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Competency Based Assessment (CBA)

This is the strategy of assessing competency of a participant.

Educational institutions utilise a range of assessment strategies to ensure that participants are assessed in a manner that demonstrates validity, fairness, reliability, flexibility and fairness of assessment processes.

Flexibility in Learning

It is important to note that flexibility in training and assessment strategies is required to meet the needs of participants who may have learning difficulties. The strategies used will vary, taking into account the needs of individual participants with learning difficulties. However they will be applied in a manner which does not discriminate against the participant or the participant body as a whole.

Catering for Participant Diversity

Participants have diverse backgrounds, needs and interests. When planning training and assessment activities to cater for individual differences, trainers and assessors should:

Consider individuals’ experiences, learning styles and interests

Develop questions and activities that are aimed at different levels of ability

Modify the expectations for some participants

Provide opportunities for a variety of forms of participation, such as individual, pair and small group activities

Assess participants based on individual progress and outcomes.

The diversity among participants also provides a good reason for building up a learning community in which participants support each other’s learning.

Participant Centred Learning

This involves taking into account structuring training and assessment that:

Builds on strengths – Training environments need to demonstrate the many positive features of local participants (such as the attribution of academic success to effort, and the social nature of achievement motivation) and of their trainers (such as a strong emphasis on subject disciplines and moral responsibility). These strengths and uniqueness of local participants and trainers should be acknowledged and treasured

Acknowledges prior knowledge and experience – The learning activities should be planned with participants’ prior knowledge and experience in mind

Understands learning objectives – Each learning activity should have clear learning objectives and participants should be informed of them at the outset. Trainers should also be clear about the purpose of assignments and explain their significance to participants

Teaches for understanding – The pedagogies chosen should aim at enabling participants to act and think flexibly with what they know

Teaches for independent learning – Generic skills and reflection should be nurtured through learning activities in appropriate contexts of the curriculum. Participants should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning

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Enhances motivation – Learning is most effective when participants are motivated. Various strategies should be used to arouse the interest of participants

Makes effective use of resources – A variety of teaching resources can be employed as tools for learning

Maximises engagement – In conducting learning activities, it is important for the minds of participants to be actively engaged

Aligns assessment with learning and teaching – Feedback and assessment should be an integral part of learning and teaching

Caters for learner diversity – Trainers should be aware that participants have different characteristics and strengths and try to nurture these rather than impose a standard set of expectations.

Active Learning

The goal of nurturing independent learning in participants does not imply that they always have to work in isolation or solely in a classroom. On the contrary, the construction of knowledge in tourism and hospitality studies can often best be carried out in collaboration with others in the field. Sharing experiences, insights and views on issues of common concern, and working together to collect information through conducting investigative studies in the field (active learning) can contribute a lot to their eventual success.

Active learning has an important part to play in fostering a sense of community in the class. First, to operate successfully, a learning community requires an ethos of acceptance and a sense of trust among participants, and between them and their trainers. Trainers can help to foster acceptance and trust through encouragement and personal example, and by allowing participants to take risks as they explore and articulate their views, however immature these may appear to be. Participants also come to realise that their classmates (and their trainers) are partners in learning and solving.

Trainers can also encourage cooperative learning by designing appropriate group learning tasks, which include, for example, collecting background information, conducting small-scale surveys, or producing media presentations on certain issues and themes. Participants need to be reminded that, while they should work towards successful completion of the field tasks, developing positive peer relationships in the process is an important objective of all group work.

Competency Based Training (CBT)

Principle of Competency Based Training

Competency based training is aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of participants, through a variety of training tools.

Training Strategies

The aims of this curriculum are to enable participants to:

Undertake a variety of subject courses that are relevant to industry in the current environment

Learn current industry skills, information and trends relevant to industry

Learn through a range of practical and theoretical approaches

Be able to identify, explore and solve issues in a productive manner

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Be able to become confident, equipped and flexible managers of the future

Be ‘job ready’ and a valuable employee in the industry upon graduation of any qualification level.

To ensure participants are able to gain the knowledge and skills required to meet competency in each unit of competency in the qualification, a range of training delivery modes are used.

Types of Training

In choosing learning and teaching strategies, trainers should take into account the practical, complex and multi-disciplinary nature of the subject area, as well as their participant’s prior knowledge, learning styles and abilities.

Training outcomes can be attained by utilising one or more delivery methods:


This is a common method of training involving transfer of information from the trainer to the participants. It is an effective approach to introduce new concepts or information to the learners and also to build upon the existing knowledge. The listener is expected to reflect on the subject and seek clarifications on the doubts.


Demonstration is a very effective training method that involves a trainer showing a participant how to perform a task or activity. Through a visual demonstration, trainers may also explain reasoning behind certain actions or provide supplementary information to help facilitate understanding.

Group Discussions

Brainstorming in which all the members in a group express their ideas, views and opinions on a given topic, is a free flow and exchange of knowledge among the participants and the trainer. The discussion is carried out by the group on the basis of their own experience, perceptions and values. This will facilitate acquiring new knowledge. When everybody is expected to participate in the group discussion, even the introverted persons will also get stimulated and try to articulate their feelings.

The ideas that emerge in the discussions should be noted down and presentations are to be made by the groups. Sometimes consensus needs to be arrived at on a given topic. Group discussions are to be held under the moderation of a leader guided by the trainer. Group discussion technique triggers thinking process, encourages interactions and enhances communication skills.

Role Play

This is a common and very effective method of bringing into the classroom real life situations, which may not otherwise be possible. Participants are made to enact a particular role so as to give a real feel of the roles they may be called upon to play. This enables participants to understand the behaviour of others as well as their own emotions and feelings. The instructor must brief the role players on what is expected of them. The role player may either be given a ready-made script, which they can memorise and enact, or they may be required to develop their own scripts around a given situation. This technique is extremely useful in understanding creative selling techniques and human relations. It can be entertaining and energising and it helps the reserved and less literate to express their feelings.

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Simulation Games

When trainees need to become aware of something that they have not been conscious of, simulations can be a useful mechanism. Simulation games are a method based on "here and now" experience shared by all the participants. The games focus on the participation of the trainees and their willingness to share their ideas with others. A "near real life" situation is created providing an opportunity to which they apply themselves by adopting certain behaviour. They then experience the impact of their behaviour on the situation. It is carried out to generate responses and reactions based on the real feelings of the participants, which are subsequently analysed by the trainer.

While use of simulation games can result in very effective learning, it needs considerable trainer competence to analyse the situations.

Individual /Group Exercises

Exercises are often introduced to find out how much the participant has assimilated. This method involves imparting instructions to participants on a particular subject through use of written exercises. In the group exercises, the entire class is divided into small groups, and members are asked to collaborate to arrive at a consensus or solution to a problem.

Case Study

This is a training method that enables the trainer and the participant to experience a real life situation. It may be on account of events in the past or situations in the present, in which there may be one or more problems to be solved and decisions to be taken. The basic objective of a case study is to help participants diagnose, analyse and/or solve a particular problem and to make them internalise the critical inputs delivered in the training. Questions are generally given at the end of the case study to direct the participants and to stimulate their thinking towards possible solutions. Studies may be presented in written or verbal form.

Field Visit

This involves a carefully planned visit or tour to a place of learning or interest. The idea is to give first-hand knowledge by personal observation of field situations, and to relate theory with practice. The emphasis is on observing, exploring, asking questions and understanding. The trainer should remember to brief the participants about what they should observe and about the customs and norms that need to be respected.

Group Presentation

The participants are asked to work in groups and produce the results and findings of their group work to the members of another sub-group. By this method participants get a good picture of each other's views and perceptions on the topic and they are able to compare them with their own point of view. The pooling and sharing of findings enriches the discussion and learning process.

Practice Sessions

This method is of paramount importance for skills training. Participants are provided with an opportunity to practice in a controlled situation what they have learnt. It could be real life or through a make-believe situation.

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This is a group process and includes those methods that involve usually fun-based activity, aimed at conveying feelings and experiences, which are everyday in nature, and applying them within the game being played. A game has set rules and regulations, and may or may not include a competitive element. After the game is played, it is essential that the participants be debriefed and their lessons and experiences consolidated by the trainer.


Trainers may require learners to undertake research activities, including online research, to gather information or further understanding about a specific subject area.

Competency Based Assessment (CBA)

Principle of Competency Based Assessment

Competency based assessment is aimed at compiling a list of evidence that shows that a person is competent in a particular unit of competency.

Competencies are gained through a multitude of ways including:

Training and development programs

Formal education

Life experience


On-the-job experience

Self-help programs.

All of these together contribute to job competence in a person. Ultimately, assessors and participants work together, through the ‘collection of evidence’ in determining overall competence.

This evidence can be collected:

Using different formats

Using different people

Collected over a period of time.

The assessor, who is ideally someone with considerable experience in the area being assessed, reviews the evidence and verifies the person as being competent or not.

Flexibility in Assessment

Whilst allocated assessment tools have been identified for this subject, all attempts are made to determine competency and suitable alternate assessment tools may be used, according to the requirements of the participant.

The assessment needs to be equitable for all participants, taking into account their cultural and linguistic needs.

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Competency must be proven regardless of:


Delivery Method

Assessment Method.

Assessment Objectives

The assessment tools used for subjects are designed to determine competency against the ‘elements of competency’ and their associated ‘performance criteria’.

The assessment tools are used to identify sufficient:

a) Knowledge, including underpinning knowledge

b) Skills

c) Attitudes

Assessment tools are activities that trainees are required to undertake to prove participant competency in this subject.

All assessments must be completed satisfactorily for participants to obtain competence in this subject. There are no exceptions to this requirement, however, it is possible that in some cases several assessment items may be combined and assessed together.

Types of Assessment

Allocated Assessment Tools

There are a number of assessment tools that are used to determine competency in this subject:

Work projects

Written questions

Oral questions

Third Party Report

Observation Checklist.

Instructions on how assessors should conduct these assessment methods are explained in the Assessment Manuals.

Alternative Assessment Tools

Whilst this subject has identified assessment tools, as indicated above, this does not restrict the assessor from using different assessment methods to measure the competency of a participant.

Evidence is simply proof that the assessor gathers to show participants can actually do what they are required to do.

Whilst there is a distinct requirement for participants to demonstrate competency, there are many and diverse sources of evidence available to the assessor.

Ongoing performance at work, as verified by a supervisor or physical evidence, can count towards assessment. Additionally, the assessor can talk to customers or work colleagues to gather evidence about performance.

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A range of assessment methods to assess competency include:

Practical demonstrations

Practical demonstrations in simulated work conditions

Problem solving

Portfolios of evidence

Critical incident reports


Oral presentations



Visuals: slides, audio tapes

Case studies

Log books


Role plays

Group projects

Group discussions


Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning is the process that gives current industry professionals who do not have a formal qualification, the opportunity to benchmark their extensive skills and experience against the standards set out in each unit of competency/subject.

Also known as a Skills Recognition Audit (SRA), this process is a learning and assessment pathway which encompasses:

Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC)

Skills auditing

Gap analysis and training

Credit transfer.

Assessing competency

As mentioned, assessment is the process of identifying a participant’s current knowledge, skills and attitudes sets against all elements of competency within a unit of competency. Traditionally in education, grades or marks were given to participants, dependent on how many questions the participant successfully answered in an assessment tool.

Competency based assessment does not award grades, but simply identifies if the participant has the knowledge, skills and attitudes to undertake the required task to the specified standard.

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Therefore, when assessing competency, an assessor has two possible results that can be awarded:

Pass Competent (PC)

Not Yet Competent (NYC).

Pass Competent (PC)

If the participant is able to successfully answer or demonstrate what is required, to the expected standards of the performance criteria, they will be deemed as ‘Pass Competent’ (PC).

The assessor will award a ‘Pass Competent’ (PC) if they feel the participant has the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes in all assessment tasks for a unit.

Not Yet Competent’ (NYC)

If the participant is unable to answer or demonstrate competency to the desired standard, they will be deemed to be ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC).

This does not mean the participant will need to complete all the assessment tasks again. The focus will be on the specific assessment tasks that were not performed to the expected standards.

The participant may be required to:

a) Undertake further training or instruction

b) Undertake the assessment task again until they are deemed to be ‘Pass Competent’.

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Competency standard

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Competency standard




UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures in a range of settings within the in the hotel and travel industries workplace context


Element 1: Provide information on health and safety procedures

1.1 Explain relevant health and safety information, including enterprise specific details, accurately and clearly to staff

1.2 Make health and safety information accessible to staff

Element 2: Implement and monitor procedures for controlling hazards

and risks

2.1 Identify and report workplace hazards and risks promptly by maintaining close contact with day to day workplace operations

2.2 Implement and monitor risk control procedures in accordance with enterprise and legal requirements

2.3 Evaluate and adjust risk control procedures as required

Element 3: Implement and monitor health and safety training

3.1 Identify health and safety training needs through regular workplace monitoring

Unit Variables

The Unit Variables provide advice to interpret the scope and context of this unit of competence, allowing for differences between enterprises and workplaces. It relates to the unit as a whole and facilitates holistic assessment.

This unit applies to implementing Occupational Safety and Health procedures in a range of settings within the labour divisions of the hotel and travel industries and may include:

Front Office


Food and Beverage Service

Food Production

Travel Agencies

Tour Operation.

Relevant health and safety information may include:

Roles and responsibilities of personnel

Legal obligations

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3.2 Arrange training interventions as appropriate on a timely basis

Element 4: Maintain health and safety records

4.1 Complete records accurately in accordance with enterprise and legal requirements

4.2 Aggregate information and data from work area records are used to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area

Participative arrangements for health and safety

Location of relevant health and safety information, procedures and policies

Specific risks and necessary control measures

Codes of practice.

Hazards and risks may include:

Fire and emergency

Crowd related risks

Bomb scares

Theft and armed robbery

Equipment failure


Equipment related hazards

Manual handling

Slips, trips and falls

Drugs and alcohol in the workplace

Violence in the workplace

Hazardous substances.

Control procedures may include:



Engineering controls

Administrative controls

Personal protective clothing and equipment.

Training interventions may include:


Information sessions

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Fact sheets and other literature



Practical demonstrations

Health and safety team meetings.

Records may include:

Health and safety injury register

Number of near-misses

Health and safety improvement ideas submitted by team members

Medical records

Health and safety training records

Team member hazards reports.

Assessment Guide

The following skills and knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

The enterprise’s policies and procedures in regard to implementing health and safety

Understanding of the basic principles of health and safety, including risk identification, assessment and control

Demonstrated ability to monitor health and safety within the context of an established system where policies, procedures and programs to control health and safety already exist.

Linkages To Other Units

This is a core unit that underpins effective performance in all other units. Combined training and assessment may be appropriate.

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Critical Aspects of Assessment

Evidence of the following is essential:

The ability to identify potential Occupational Safety and Health problems and take appropriate corrective action

Demonstrated understanding of legal requirements and the principles Occupational Safety and Health

Demonstrated ability to maintain a safe working environment using appropriate risk control procedures.

Resource Implications

Training and assessment to include access to a real or simulated workplace; access to workplace standards, procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and equipment.

Context of Assessment

This unit may be assessed on or off the job:

Assessment should include practical demonstration of Occupational Safety and Health procedures either in the workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a range of methods to assess underpinning knowledge

Assessment must relate to the individual’s work area or area of responsibility

Assessment should include practical demonstration of the ability to implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures either in the workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a range of methods to assess underpinning knowledge

Assessment must include project or work activities that allow the candidate to respond to multiple and varying Occupational Safety and Health situations that require the application of health and safety policies, procedures and laws.

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Assessment Methods

The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit:

Case studies

Observation of practical candidate performance

Oral and written questions

Portfolio evidence

Problem solving

Role plays

Third party reports completed by a supervisor

Project and assignment work.

Key Competencies in this Unit

Level 1 = competence to undertake tasks effectively

Level 2 = competence to manage tasks

Level 3 = competence to use concepts for evaluating

Key Competencies Level Examples

Collecting, organizing and analysing information

2 Implement procedures correctly

Communicating ideas and information

2 Communicate health and safety messages and procedures to team members

Planning and organizing activities

2 Prioritize actions

Working with others and in teams

2 Identify and implement opportunities for health and safety improvements

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Using mathematical ideas and techniques


Solving problems 2

Use relevant enterprise procedures to resolve health and safety problems

Using technology -

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Notes and PowerPoint slides


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1. Trainer welcomes trainees to class.

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2. Trainer advises trainees this Unit comprises four Elements, as listed on the slide explaining:

Each Element comprises a number of Performance Criteria which will be identified throughout the class and explained in detail

Trainees can obtain more detail from their Trainee Manual

At times the course presents advice and information about various protocols but where their workplace requirements differ to what is presented, the workplace practices and standards, as well as policies and procedures must be observed.

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3. Trainer advises trainees that assessment for this Unit may take several forms all of which are aimed at verifying they have achieved competency for the Unit as required.

Trainer indicates to trainees the methods of assessment that will be applied to them for this Unit.

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4. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide.

Class Activity – General Discussion

Trainer leads a general class discussion on providing information on health and safety by asking questions such as:

What experience have you had in providing OSH information to staff?

How have you provided this information to workers?

How effective have these methods been?

What sort of information do you provide?

Is anyone else involved? If so, who? What is their role?

What are some examples of enterprise-specific OSH details you need to provide to staff?

How do you ensure OSH information is available at all times to staff in the workplace?

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5. Trainer explains to trainees all employers are under a legal and moral obligation to make staff aware of the health and safety information they are expected to comply with, and the workplace hazards and risks that are likely to impact them highlighting these obligations apply to:

Specific job titles/positions within the business

Generic OSH obligations applying to all employers across all industries and industry sub-sectors.

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6. Trainer stresses workplaces must provide job-specific OSH roles and responsibilities to new staff. This is usually done as part of the formal Induction and orientation session, and may include consideration of (as appropriate to each

position) roles such as:

Participation in the workplace OSH structure such as:

Attending designated OSH meetings

Being designated as an office bearer within the venue’s OSH structure – for example, the tasks associated with being:

– Health and Safety Representative/OSH representative

– Secretary of OSH Committee

Being the person in a department/area designated under Emergency Management Plans as, for example, ‘Safety Officer’, ‘Area Warden’, ‘Communications Officer’

Provision of OSH training support to internal venue trainers specialising in OSH issues.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a Health and Safety Representative from a suitable business to attend and talk to trainees about:

Their role and the responsibilities attaching to it

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The OSH structure at their workplace identifying the positions, roles, functions and things they do

Examples of safety issues they have considered and/or addressed

How they identify, assess and control identified workplace risk

The nature of the relationship between management and workers in relation to OSH

Advice for trainees about establishing and maintaining a safe workplace.

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7. Trainer provides trainees with examples of OSH-related responsibilities attached to individual workplace positions/jobs may include:

Operating equipment and systems (as identified in the Job description) in a safe manner

Identifying and reporting unsafe situations with equipment and systems (as identified in the Job description)

Providing service/maintenance to equipment and systems (as identified in the Job description)

Following the venue requirements for internal reporting of accidents, injuries and, where applicable, ‘near misses’

Complying with workplace SOPs designed to ensure workplace safety.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a senior manager/owner of a suitable business to attend and talk to trainees about:

Their orientation to safety in the workplace

The legal obligations they are under and the possible sanctions that could be applied if they fail to discharge these obligations

How they ensure workplace safety is created and maintained in their business

Protocols in place at their business to ensure a safe workplace

Examples of workplace accidents they have experience with identifying what

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caused the incident, who was involved and what the outcome was

Advice for trainees regarding establishment and maintenance of a safe workplace.

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8. Trainer explains to trainees there are also generic OSH obligations placed on employers identifying if these are not legal requirements, then they are certainly industry best practice requirements:

Providing safety training and clear safety rules so employees know what is required and are able to work safely

Encouraging a Health and Safety Committee or similar body. The aim of the committee/group is to identify areas in the workplace where changes should be made so as to create a safer working environment (this may include upgrading equipment, equipment, training and safety matters)

Maintaining an injury register to record accidents for insurance and monitoring purposes

Adhering to all workplace agreements/contracts in relation to the work employees are required to undertake. Where staff are being asked to perform tasks they are not familiar with or have not been trained in, there is a higher risk of injury.

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9. Trainer continues to present generic OSH responsibilities of employers:

Providing information and written instructions in appropriate languages other than English where significant workers are from a non-English speaking background

Providing all necessary safety equipment to allow staff to perform required work safely. This may include gloves, masks, ear protectors, goggles, protective clothing and footwear

Maintaining a safe workplace for their employees and monitoring health and safety issues. For example, equipment and machinery must be maintained and must conform to safety standards

Providing well-lit and ventilated places to work so the environment is safe and conducive to safety

First aid must be provided to all employees when and where necessary. This covers employees when they are coming to and from work via the shortest practicable route, provided the accident is not self-inflicted or of a malicious or wilful nature.

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10. Trainer tells trainees of the generic obligations workers are under in relation to workplace safety and OSH:

Work in a way to ensure personal safety, and the safety of others including colleagues and/or customers

Use safety equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the directions/training of the employee

Use all safety equipment when and where required according to workplace instructions and training

Follow all Occupational Safety and Health procedures, practices and protocols in-line with establishment requirements and the training received in relation to these.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample workplace SOPs demonstrating safe work practices and:

Distributes same to trainees

Highlights the need for all staff to adhere to these

Draws attention to the safety requirements inherent in each SOP.

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11. Trainer continues to present to trainees the generic obligations all workers are under:

Report accidents, injuries or illness to the appropriate person and record same on nominated forms/documentation

Report any equipment in need of repair so appropriate service/maintenance can be provided

Adhere to all legally imposed OSH requirements as they apply to specific tasks, and general workplace activities. This may include need for a nominated licence, certificate and/or qualification before certain tasks are undertaken

Not interfere or get in the way of a person (such as a first aid provider) who is trying to assist another in need.

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12. Trainer informs trainees legal requirements apply to all workplaces and may be contained in:

Legislation – Acts and Regulations

Codes of Practice, Compliance Codes or Codes of Conduct.

Class Activity (1) – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a representative or Inspector from the local OSH authority/agency to attend and:

Identify the legislation and Codes trainees and workplaces are obliged to comply with

Provide examples of employee and employer compliance requirements as contained in the identified legislation and Codes

Explain where copies of identified legislation can be obtained

Specify penalties available for failing to comply with OSH legislated obligations

Provide sample copies of OSH materials.

Class Activity (2) – Small group Exercise

Trainer provides internet access for trainees and asks them to:

Visit the website of the local OSH authority/agency

Search the site to gain an understanding of the general contents of the site

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Download relevant files or hard copy materials

Identify links from the site to other relevant and worthwhile OSH sites

Research websites of other OSH authorities/agencies to gain an appreciation of the materials available through other agencies/sites.

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13. Trainer introduces common law ‘Duty of Care’ requirements to trainees. This means employers have a legal responsibility to provide a reasonable standard of care in relation to actions (such as work practices) that could foreseeable cause harm to people, emphasising the employer must therefore:

Ensure the health, safety and welfare of all customers, delivery drivers, suppliers and visitors to the business

Provide safe access to the business

Provide information, training and supervision when and where required. It is not sufficient to only provide training. Training must be supplemented by monitoring/supervising staff performance to ensure safe work practices and compliance with what is required in terms of safety.

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14. Trainer identifies for trainees the Duty of Care responsibilities on workers:

Cooperate with the employer in relation to OSH issues

Act professionally and responsibly at all times when at work. This means there must be no horse-play in the workplace

Enforce health and safety requirements on others in the workplace – workers and customers

Inform the employer of any breaches of OSH requirements so appropriate remedial/corrective action can be taken

Ensure a hygienic and safe environment in accordance with the individual’s responsibility and authority.

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15. Trainer explains to trainees all workplaces should strive to develop ‘participative arrangements’ between management and staff in relation to OSH. The benefits of implementing this collaborative and consultative approach include:

Workers are often best placed to identify workplace risks/hazards

Workers are often best placed to contribute solutions to identified workplace risks/hazards

Workers are often best placed to monitor the implementation of workplace risk controls

Workers often have viable and effective contributions to make regarding workplace safety.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a worker from a suitable business to attend and talk to trainees about:

The OSH structure in their workplace

Their personal role and responsibilities in relation to workplace OSH

Their experience with OSH in their workplace

Contributions they have made to workplace safety

The meetings they attend to discuss workplace safety issues

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How they were advised about their workplace safety obligations

OSH training available in their workplace

How management monitors/supervises their work to ensure they work safely.

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16. Trainer explains a structured participative approach is the best way of implementing workplace safety. If there are no compulsory or legislated participative arrangements, the following could be used as a model:

Every department or separate operational area in the business could be named as a Designated Work Group (DWG). A DWG is a distinct workplace area with its own unique risks/hazards and hence its own safety needs. For example, a hotel may have a Kitchen DWG, a Bar DWG, a Housekeeping DWG and an Administrative Office DWG

Each DWG has its own Health and Safety Representative (HSR). This person represents the safety interests and concerns of their DWG and is the person all workers in the DWG turn to if they want to:

Report or raise an OSH issues

Obtain health and safety advice or direction

Every business has a dedicated OSH Committee to discuss and decide workplace safety issues. They are responsible for workplace safety inspections, identifying risks and hazards, analysing them and determining the appropriate controls to be implemented to ensure worker safety. The OSH Committee should comprise:

A management or business owner representative

All HSRs from all DWGs

A Secretary to record minutes of the meeting, distribute material and arrange meetings

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All staff meetings in an area/department (DWG) must have a standing OSH item on the agenda so discussion about safety occurs regularly, and there is a consistent opportunity for staff to raise issues and to be informed about workplace initiatives to address safety issues.

Class Activity – OSH Committee Member

Trainer arranges for a member of the OSH Committee in a suitable business to attend and:

Discuss the composition of the committee

Explain when and where they meet

Identify issues they address

Describe the role of the committee within the business and how it assists management meet its legally imposed safety obligations

Discuss the status of the committee within the business in the eyes of management and workers.

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17. Trainer informs trainees that for participative arrangements in relation to OSH to work effectively the following have proved to be important points:

The OSH Committee must hold regular meetings – at least monthly

Meetings must take place during work hours so participants are paid for their attendance

Management must demonstrate by its actions that it genuinely embraces contributions by staff towards workplace safety.

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18. Trainer continues to present factors to optimise the effectiveness of workplace OSH participative arrangements:

HSRs should receive formal training in safety as it applies to their workplace/department so their deliberations and actions are based on sound safety-related knowledge

Staff in the workplace must be released from work to attend OSH meetings and this activity should be factored in as part of their rostered duties

Backfilling staff to allow them to attend meetings and participate in consultation without adversely affecting service delivery standards in the business.

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19. Trainer continues to present factors to optimise the effectiveness of workplace OSH participative arrangements:

Advertising the time and location of OSH meetings so relevant staff can attend

Distributing information prior to meetings so participants can read, analyse and become suitably acquainted with issues to be discussed

Providing the necessary resources to underpin the effective implementation of the consultation process by providing meeting venues, necessary equipment, stationery, access to ‘secretarial support’.

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20. Trainer continues to present factors to optimise the effectiveness of workplace OSH participative arrangements:

Consultation with all employees during the course of each business day where management or the HSRs are available for staff to raise issues

Make available a diary, whiteboard or suggestion box for staff to use to report OSH issues of concern

Record issues in a Management Diary (paper-based or electronic format) to demonstrate issues are being taken seriously and acted on.

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21. Trainer continues to present factors to optimise the effectiveness of workplace OSH participative arrangements:

Holding regular staff meetings which include OSH discussions. OSH should be a standing agenda item at all staff meetings

Conduct of special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address OSH issues as required: these are sometimes referred to as ‘Toolbox meetings’

Provision of a Staff handbook which includes specific OSH information

Distribution of OSH surveys or questionnaires which invites staff feedback on OSH issues.

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22. Trainer continues to present factors to optimise the effectiveness of workplace OSH participative arrangements:

Use of informal meetings such as staff briefings and debriefings at which notes on OSH are distributed

Distribution of Fact Sheets to fully inform personnel about their OSH rights and responsibilities

Involvement of workers in writing parts of OSH policies and procedures so their knowledge can be used, and their concerns addressed and reflected in actual workplace practice.

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23. Trainer informs trainees supervisors and managers with OSH responsibilities can discharge their duty to make sure staff are aware of relevant OSH information in several ways including:

Verbal notification as part of the structured Induction and Orientation program staff undergo

Provision of printed material to support the verbal advice which can include items such as:

Work Instructions/SOPs. These are directions to staff about how to perform specific tasks including:

– Identification of sequence of activities

– Description of what needs to be done and/or used at each stage of the task

– Identification of hazards and required action to control hazards and prevent injury

Job Safety Analyses – a detailed analysis of a task identifying the dangers associated with it

Establishment policies relating to safety and the use of equipment, handling chemicals and hazardous materials. These policies should also extend to the following issues:

Workplace bullying

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Sexual harassment

Mechanisms available in the workplace for notifying management of unsafe practices, unsafe equipment, accidents, near misses

Workplace structure in terms of OSH committees and groups as well as relevant other personnel such as HSRs

Checklists to complete prior to undertaking workplace tasks

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for every chemical used in the workplace

Alerts, Guidance Notes, Codes of Practice/Compliance Codes and similar other materials available from the relevant OSH authority/agency

Practical instruction and demonstration of safe working procedures for tasks new staff are expected to perform when they commence employment as part of their allocated workplace duties.

This instruction and training must be accompanied by:


Supervision of staff activities to make sure they are working correctly and safely

Monitoring of their activities on an ongoing basis to verify they are working as required and are following the required procedures and safety requirements.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample documentation of printed materials (as indicated on this slide) and:

Distributes same to trainees

Discusses each document indicating to them how it relates and applies to workplace safety

Indicates the source of each document.

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24. Trainer stresses to trainees:

It is not sufficient for management/supervisors to simply tell staff what to do and then leave them alone to get on with it.

It must be standard practice to also:

Train staff as required in what needs to be done

Supervise their activities.

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25. Trainer explains to trainees that OSH legislation places substantial emphasis on the need for management to ensure:

The workplace itself is safe – safe equipment, safe practices and procedures and safe materials

Full provision to staff of all information relevant to the safety of or dangers/hazards inherent in all tasks they perform. The central thrust is the need for management to collaborate with staff to provide a safe workplace

The workplace is made safe rather than trying to make the worker responsible for safety and relying on them to do the right thing in order to remain safe.

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26. Trainer gives trainees examples of OSH information a workplace may need to provide to employees:

Details of the organisation’s OSH policy including identification of relevant people and their OSH responsibilities, forms to be completed and identification of when they have to be completed

All OSH policies and procedures relating to the job position of the new staff member

Details of the hazard identification procedures applied by the workplace including relevant documentation, existing examples of completed hazard identifications and identification of past instances where and how workplace hazards have been identified and addressed.

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27. Trainer continues to give trainees examples of OSH information a workplace may need to provide to employees:

Identification for individual staff regarding their liability should they fail to comply with required OSH procedures. This should embrace legal liability as well as workplace sanctions

Explanation of the OSH consultative arrangements within the business which should involve identification of staff involved and their role

Notification regarding the application of risk assessment documents the property uses detailing when they are used and how to use them

Details of specific existing risk control measures introduced into the workplace explaining why they have been initiated, what they involve and how to comply with all applicable requirements. It is preferable for these control measures to be verbally explained and for there to be a workplace-based observation by new staff of these as well as training and supervised practice in implementing these controls.

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28. Trainer continues to identify to trainees examples of OSH information a workplace may need to provide to employees:

Presentation and explanation of all relevant Codes applicable to the work the individual staff member is required to perform – together with practical, on-the-job demonstration of what is required to align with the requirements of these Codes. Generally, ‘Codes’ provide advice and examples of what can be done in the workplace to enable compliance with legislated requirements

Explanation of the OSH training available within the workplace – explaining what training is mandatory and what is optional, and detailing how staff can access this training. Attention should also be paid to identifying work requiring the completion on in-house training

Provision of OSH updates such as sharing information with new staff as provided by OSH authorities/agencies, manufacturers of equipment, suppliers of chemicals, or other reliable sources of safety information.

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29. Trainer continues to give trainees examples of OSH information a workplace may need to provide to employees:

Location of the first aid kits within the property with an emphasis on where they exist in the department the new staff member is going to work in

Location of fire fighting equipment including alarms, hoses, extinguishers, and fire blankets as appropriate to the nature of the work being done and the location the staff member will be working in

Explanation of the ‘Emergency Management Plans’ (EMPs) for the venue including identification of where copies of plans are located and individual responsibilities new staff have under each plan. Attention must also be paid to informing the new staff member about relevant alarms provided for, practical action to take in the event an emergency arises and their obligations in relation to participating in drills.

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30. Trainer advises trainees it is important for all workplaces to make OSH information available to staff. Doing this is part of the employer’s Duty of Care. Such information may be:

Placed on the workplace intranet (the internal internet system with password protected access for staff only and not for external use):

Ensuring any out of date information is deleted so materials are current and only the up to date material is available. Certain materials may be archived on the site

Creating new fields or files, as appropriate, for new information and/or requirements so information is classified appropriately and is easy for staff to find and access.

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31. Trainer continues to provide options for making OSH material available to staff:

Located in all staff rooms in the form of one or more of the following:

Wall posters detailing the basics of any changes to existing requirements, and or the key points of new requirements. These posters should also direct staff to additional information. More comprehensive information available such as staff meetings, in-house training or discussions with supervisors or HSRs

Copies of new/revised information such as providing multiple copies of the new/revised information for staff to pick up and take with them

Inclusion into staff room handbook/manuals ensuring ‘old’ versions are removed.

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32. Trainer continues to provide options for making OSH material available to staff:

Embedded within all workplace training notes and materials. The training should:

Explain the new/revised requirements in detail

Describe why the new information now applies. Information is always best understood by staff when they know why it is a requirement

Show how the new/revised requirements apply to individual staff positions so workers understand how they should apply the new/revised requirements to their everyday workplace activities

Provide opportunity for practice where requirements are of a practical nature.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a workplace trainer from a suitable business to attend and talk to trainees about:

How they provide workplace OSH training

The topics they cover when delivering workplace OSH training

How they ensure OSH training reflects workplace and legislated need

Strategies they use to ensure OSH information and training remains current

Examples of practical work they use for training staff in OSH requirements

Ways they assess staff to verify they have the required OSH skills and knowledge.

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33. Trainer continues to provide options for making OSH material available to staff:

Included in staff handbooks. Version control protocols should be employed to ensure the current version is always available: see ‘Version control protocols’ (below)

Inserted into the workplace ‘Policies and procedures’ manual – adopting version control protocols

Included into the Induction and Orientation procedures for the business. New staff need to be made aware of any new/revised safety information applicable to them and their roles and responsibilities

Development of a workplace OSH library. This may simply be a shelf or filing cabinet (it does not need to be a room). It can also include other information that is not OSH in nature (such as industry magazines, newspaper articles or books about service provision, recipes, management, human relations).

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34. Trainer suggests to trainees there is also a need to:

Nominate a staff member with responsibility for:

Regularly checking OSH authority website to obtain updates and new/revised requirements, advice, obligations

Subscribing to Newsletters and Alerts from the OSH authority which are automatically sent to the business email address when new information/requirements are released

Applies version control protocols to printed and electronic materials to control and identify versions of information, files and documents

Removes previous materials and replaces it with new/revised information. The ‘old’ information may be archived.

Class Activity – Small Group Exercise

Trainer provides class with internet access and asks them to:

Visit the local OSH authority website

Identify materials available from the authority for employers and workplaces to support provision of OSH information in the workplace

Identify the Newsletters/Updates (or similar) available from the authority and how these may be obtained

Capture the contact details of the OSH authority or the nearest OSH office.

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35. Trainer reminds trainees it is never sufficient simply to ‘make OSH information available’ in the workplace. There is always a need to supplement this by:

Updating the information and materials as necessary. This may be:

When new versions of legislation or Codes become available or replace previous Acts or requirements

When new legislation is introduced

When new Codes are introduced

When new safety information (on the basis of recent research/analysis of accidents and/or OSH records, accidents, workplace injuries) becomes available

Removing all ‘old’ (out of date) materials

Verbally advising staff:

New/revised information is available and/or now applies

About the requirements of the new/revised information, material, legislation

Encouraging them to read the material

Demonstrating practical aspects of the new/revised requirements as opposed to simply ‘telling’ staff (where this is appropriate)

Incorporating new/revised requirements into in-house training and Induction and Orientation sessions.

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36. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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37. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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38. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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39. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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40. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide.

Class Activity – Discussion

Trainer asks trainees questions regarding implementation and monitoring procedures for controlling hazards and risks by asking questions such as:

What are some examples of workplace hazards and risks?

How can you identify workplace hazards and risks?

What are effective ways to report workplace hazards and risks?

Why is it important to report workplace hazards and risks promptly?

What examples can you describe of workplace risk control procedures? When and why were they used? How effective were they?

Why might there be a need to adjust risk control procedures?

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41. Trainer highlights the following points to trainees regarding workplace OSH:

Workplace safety can only be achieved if ongoing attention is paid to it. A vital element of an effective approach to workplace safety is the need to identify and report workplace hazards and risks on a day to day basis. Workplace safety cannot be ‘done’ at the start of the year and seen as ‘done’ for the entire 12 months

The specific type of hazards and risks will commonly depend on the individual nature of jobs, areas and departments in the workplace despite many generally applicable risks – see following three slides. For example, the threats posed in a kitchen will be distinctly different to those posed in an office environment; the threats in a bar at midnight will be different to risks in housekeeping mid-afternoon.

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42. Trainer tells trainees all staff in workplaces must be advised and trained in relation to all identified general risk possibilities in the workplace explaining that these can include:

Fire and other emergencies such as gas leaks

Crowd related risks such as threats from customers, intoxicated patrons or the unique problems caused by large numbers of people

Bomb threats which are usually made over the telephone.

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43. Trainer continues to present to trainees general risk situations about which all staff should receive proper training and advice:

Theft and armed robbery where robbers steal or attempt to steal cash and/or products

Equipment failure and related hazards where items malfunction raising the potential for injury to staff and/or the production of product (food) that may be contaminated in some way

Pests gaining access to the property and compromising the safety of food

Manual handling which is the greatest cause of workplace injuries to staff in our industry.

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44. Trainer continues to present to trainees general risk situations about which all staff should receive proper training and advice:

Slips, trips and falls. This is another common cause of injury for staff

Drugs and alcohol in the workplace where staff attend for work under the influence of these substances, or indulge in them while at work. All businesses should have a ‘zero tolerance’ approach towards drugs and alcohol

Violence in the workplace such as initiation practices towards new employees, bullying and/or mental, physical or sexual harassment

Hazardous substances. This relates to the handling, use and/or storage of chemicals and other hazardous substances.

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45. Trainer tells trainees a proper risk management program comprises three distinct elements:

Risk identification – the process used to identify all possible situations where people may be exposed to injury, illness or disease

Risk assessment/analysis – assessing the risks to health and safety of the identified risks/hazards

Risk controls – implementing suitable measures to control the risks.

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46. Trainer indicates to trainees that hazards can be identified in a number of ways:

Consulting with HSRs who represent DWGs and receive input from all workers in their area

Consulting with employees who are working on a day to day basis where the risks/hazards are most likely to occur

Undertaking workplace inspections. This involves walking around the workplace/DWG areas to physically inspect and view items, processes, and the working environment

Examining workplace records of incidents and dangerous occurrences/near misses

Keeping up to date with safety-related matters and issues via internet access to OSH authorities, receiving and reading alerts, updates and newsletters

Using a combination of the above which is usually the most effective approach.

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47. Trainer explains to trainees that workplace OSH inspections must be conducted in a systematic manner identifying the following can give rise to timing needs for workplace OSH inspections:

Changes to workplace protocols – procedures, processes, products

Before and after premises or workplaces/work stations are used for the first time

Before, during and after installation of plant and equipment

Before and after alterations to plant, machinery or equipment

Before, during and after alterations to layout of the workplace.

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48. Trainer continues to present occasions when workplace OSH inspections should take place:

Before and after changes to existing work practices are introduced

When any new information becomes available relating to relevant workplace health and safety risks

After any near miss situation has occurred to prevent a near miss situation becoming an actual injury event

When any workplace accident or actual injury or event takes place

In keeping with workplace schedules for regular workplace checks and hazard inspections – for example, every month, every quarter.

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49. Trainer states to trainees that when developing inspection systems it is important for them to establish:

The emphasis and scope of the inspections – what will be inspected and which areas will be inspected

How they are to be conducted – a walk around’ the workplace is an essential element of any inspection system

How often they are to be carried out. Regular inspections are critical. Once every month is best but inspections should occur at least every three months.

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50. Trainer continues to present factors needing to be established when developing workplace OSH inspection systems:

Who will be involved in the inspections? Workers should be involved together with the HSR and a management-level representative

Who is responsible for ensuring suggested improvements are taken into account. This will normally be management/owner

What checks should be carried out to ensure corrective action has been taken once a problem has been identified, analysed and has had suitable control procedures developed for it. It is also important to check the implementation of risk controls has not, itself, introduced a new risk into the workplace

How they are to be documented. Inspections should use a dedicated inspection checklist to record findings of the inspection.

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51. Trainer explains to trainees that, when deciding which aspects of the workplace are priority areas for routine inspection, it is important to consider:

The existing and potential health and safety hazards within each workplace. Common sense is a good indicator, as is input from workers and analysis of workplace accident registers

The types of processes, operations and occupations present in the workplace. Historically certain tasks carry with them greater risks. For example, the risks in a kitchen are more numerous and potentially dangerous than those involved in an office environment

Any OSH legislated requirements relating to particular hazards, occupations, industrial processes and operations which apply to individual workplaces. Most OSH authorities/agencies have lists to assist in this regard detailing historical risks and what can be done to prevent or control them.

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52. Trainer continues to present factors to take into account when deciding which aspects of the workplace are priority areas for routine OSH inspection:

Any new processes or arrangements which have been introduced. The introduction of anything new (process, product, equipment) has the potential to create a new/different risk or hazard. Remember the introduction of risk control measures may sometimes introduce a new/different hazard or risk

Equipment, substances or situations causing injury or disease in the past using anecdotal staff evidence and accident/near miss registers as the basis for identifying these

The need to follow up and monitor any changes suggested or implemented during previous inspections to ensure they are effective and are being implemented.

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53. Trainer introduces the concept of ‘checklists’ to trainees stating:

Many businesses use them to assist with workplace OSH inspections

They provide consistency of inspections ensuring the same things are inspected every time regardless of who undertakes the inspection

They provide a mechanism to record problems during an inspection. The checklist is completed as the inspection takes place, check-boxes are ticked and written comments are added

They ensure no area, item or practice is ignored as part of the inspection process

They may be available from OSH authorities or can be produced in-house. Pro formas from OSH authorities can be modified to suit individual workplace need.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample OSH inspection checklists for trainees and:

Distributes them to trainees

Discusses and explains their use and application in the workplace

Identifies how they may be adapted to suit individual workplace needs

Provides examples of data that may be included on each document in the ‘white areas’ (vacant spaces provided for information to be recorded).

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54. Trainer advises trainees that it is necessary to work closely with workers on a day to day basis in relation to OSH issues so:

Employees understand safety is an ongoing concern for management and demonstrating management are actually involved and ‘walking the talk’

Management can identify and address problems and hazards at the earliest opportunity to prevent a potential risk becoming a workplace accident causing actual injury

Staff are reminded they have an o-going role in workplace safety and are able to contribute to workplace safety on an ongoing/daily basis, and have an obligation to do so.

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55. Trainer suggests to trainees that hazards in the workplace have been traditionally classified as one of the following:

Hazards in the physical environment – see following slides

Hazards associated with plant and equipment – see following slides

Hazards associated with work practices and procedures – see following slides

Hazards associated with security issues – see following slides.

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56. Trainer tells trainees there is a need to pay attention to the following areas when trying to identify hazards in the work environment:

The physical working space staff are required to operate within. There is a need to identify physical placement of items posing a risk, ensure freedom from physical hazards, and ensure conditions are not cramped or overcrowded and function to facilitate the work to be done

Lighting. Ensure appropriate lighting, ensure lights are operating correctly (no flickering fluorescents, no blown globes) and there is freedom from shadows and an absence of glare (especially for office workers)

Hot and cold environments such as severe temperatures (and excess times at these temperatures) for those involved in hot kitchen work and/or loading deliveries into, or cleaning of, walk-in cool rooms and freezers.

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57. Trainer continues to provide examples of aspects of the physical environment to be considered when trying to identify workplace hazards/risks:

Exposure to the elements. This is a concern where there are staff working outdoors around pools or as grounds staff. Issues may include protection against sun, wind and rain and the use of required personal protective clothing and equipment

Prevailing noise levels. This can be a special concern for those working in entertainment areas where there is amplified music, or who need to operate noisy equipment for extended periods

Electrical items to ensure they are safe, have been checked and approved as safe and are being used with a Residual Current Device (RCD) and staff operate them as required in accordance with establishment-based safe working procedures and manufacturer’s instructions

Flooring. Hazards in this regard can include frayed carpet causing a tripping hazard, wet floors due to work processes or spills, as well as uneven surfaces. The presence of steps and stairs should also be addressed.

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58. Trainer continues to provide examples of aspects of the physical environment to be considered when trying to identify workplace hazards and risks:

Equipment designed to assist with manual handling. All workplaces should use manual handling and lifting aids to reduce the possibility of injury to workers. Options include:



Pallet movers

Pests. These are a special concern for food safety. Pests can turn customers away, can cause food waste, and mice and rats have been known to cause fires when they chew through electrical wiring

Crowds. During busy times management has an obligation to customers and the public to protect them against injury when they are on the premises. Large crowds provide the potential for injury and management have to prepare plans and provide staff to control these situations (restricting access to certain areas, restricting access to the premises, eliminating bottle-necks, providing security staff to monitor and control areas).

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59. Trainer tells trainees there is a need to pay attention to the following areas when trying to identify hazards with plant and equipment:

Ensuring regular service and maintenance is provided to all plant and equipment, items and utensils in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and to address malfunctions

Ensuring staff receive adequate training in the use of all plant and equipment, items and utensils they are required to use

Ensuring electrical tests and checks are performed at least every 12 months to ensure the electrical safety of equipment and appliances, power points and switches

Ensuring RCDs are fitted to portable electrical equipment to shut off power when an incident occurs where a person could be subject to an electric shock.

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60. Trainer continues to provide examples of aspects of plant and equipment to be considered when trying to identify workplace hazards/risks:

Ensuring staff are adhering to standard safe work practice when using electrical equipment/appliances such as:

Not operating electrical equipment while standing in water

Not using electrical equipment with wet hands

Not using appliances that are untagged as being tested and safe for use

Not using faulty appliances or items tagged as being ‘Out Of Operation/Service – Unsafe For Use’

Not using electrical appliances for work they were not intended for

Ensuring all malfunctioning tools and equipment are reported. Use verbal reporting mechanism or complete a workplace-based ‘Maintenance Request’ form, and take the faulty item out of service and tag it as Out of Service

Ensuring only enterprise tools and equipment are to be used for undertaking work at the workplace. This means staff cannot bring in and use their own electrical tools and equipment

Ensuring all operational manuals, manufacturer’s instructions and trouble-shooting guides are available to all users.

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Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for an expert in electrical safety to attend and:

Talk to trainees about electrical safety in a commercial workplace

Present details regarding the need for electrical inspection and verification of electrical appliances

Show and explain tags used to verify electrical appliances have been checked and are safe to use

Describe protocols to follow when an electrical appliance is malfunctioning or deemed to be unsafe

Advice regarding training of staff in safe working practices when using electrical equipment and appliances.

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61. Trainer tells trainees there is a need to pay attention to the following areas when trying to identify hazards in with work practices:

Opening and closing procedures. Special attention must be paid at closing times to ensure all doors and windows are locked and no unauthorised persons are left on the premises

Safety and security procedures. There is a need for management to ensure they have established and implemented plans (EMPs) to address security issues identified as being likely for their business such as:

Theft and Robbery

Irrational or angry customers

Bomb threats

Standard Operating Procedures for all work-related tasks to ensure they remain applicable given any changes in levels of trade, materials, equipment used, and/or techniques required

Rostering of staff. This is done to ensure there are enough suitably trained, qualified and experienced staff rostered on duty and to ensure the changing nature of the workplace is reflected in the rosters being prepared

Length of time spent on certain tasks. Where there is a possibility of repetitive strain injury (RSI), other injury or boredom management need to rotate staff through different jobs (and/or provide appropriate extra breaks) to avoid inherent problems and injuries.

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62. Trainer introduces risk assessment/analysis to trainees explaining:

Risk assessment is the process used to determine the likelihood people may be exposed to injury, illness or disease in the workplace arising from any situation identified during the hazard identification process

Once the hazards have been identified, they should be listed for a risk assessment to be carried out in consultation with the relevant HSR/s and employees.

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63. Trainer emphasises to trainees when they assess identified workplace hazards/risks it is important to consider:

Whether any person (workers and/or members of the public/visitors) would be exposed to the identified situations under all possible scenarios (such as, for example, during installation, commissioning, erection, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair, service and cleaning of plant, equipment or areas)

The existing measures in place to protect the health and safety of people who may be exposed to the identified risk/hazard. Never assume existing are adequate simply because there has not been an accident or incident to date

How adequate the existing measures are for protecting the health and safety of people who may be exposed. Where controls are only administrative and/or rely only on the use of personal protective equipment and clothing there is a need to revisit these areas and determine if better controls are required given who the hazards may impact on and the extent of the impact

Create a ‘safe place’ environment as opposed to relying on people to act in a safe manner.

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64. Trainer encourages trainees to include HSRs, staff and management in risk assessment activities indicating these procedures need to look at:

The number of people exposed to the risk using a number or quantitative indicator. The higher the number, the greater the need to address the problem

Who these people are, that is, the different types of people who are exposed and their special needs. For example new workers, casual employees (who usually have different OSH needs to permanent staff because they often do not receive ‘standard’ OSH training and often not present to attend standard staff meetings and briefings), visitors, contractors, members of the public, disabled workers and customers

Proximity – how near these people are to the risk or hazard

Frequency – how often they are exposed (constantly, hourly, daily, weekly?)

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65. Trainer continues to present to trainees factors to consider as part of risk assessment activities:

Duration of exposure – how long are they exposed for?

The combination of hazards they are exposed to – if and where applicable

How serious the resulting harm could be as a result of exposure

How easily someone could be hurt – is the threat probable or unlikely?

What the law says about risk control – are there legislated control requirements?

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66. Trainer continues to present to trainees factors to consider as part of risk assessment activities:

How common it is for the hazard to cause problems in other workplaces. What does ‘the literature’ or OSH authorities say about similar situations in other businesses? What is the historical data?

Any factors that could increase the likelihood of illness and injury – factors which may cause or compound the threat/risk

The work processes involved. This requires knowledge of workplace practices, procedures and protocols for performing the particular task under consideration

How well current precautions work. Has the hazard already caused any problems? Is there an evident need to address a situation that is not being adequately controlled?

Trainer advises trainees the review of risk assessments should feature use of a ‘risk assessment worksheet’, indicating:

Many OSH authorities provide sample/pro forms risk assessment worksheets and/or risk assessment

The worksheet provides a mechanism to guide the assessment activity

The document provides a place to record workplace investigation/research associated with risk assessment activities.

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Class Activity – Handout and Practical Exercise

Trainer obtains a sample ‘risk assessment worksheet’ (see Trainee Manual for one example) and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains its use in a practical workplace context

Instructs trainees to identify a possible workplace risk and:

Develop a suitable risk assessment worksheet suitable for analysing the risk

Apply the worksheet to investigating and assessing the risk.

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67. Trainer advises trainees regarding the reporting of workplace OSH issues:

Report immediately. The hazard must be reported as soon as possible. Where an immediate threat to safety exists, work must cease

Provide a verbal report. A face to face report or telephone report allows the supervisor/HSR to ask questions to clarify and/or obtain a better understanding of the problem

Written reports may be required to supplement, or provide written record of, the issue.

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68. Trainer explains to trainees risk management/workplace OSH is dynamic so risk reviews must be part of ongoing attention paid to workplace safety explaining existing risk assessment reviews should be conducted:

Regularly – as required by the procedure/situation. This may be daily, weekly or monthly. All risk assessments should be reviewed every three months to identify need for amendment or to verify they remain effective

When alerts or notifications from OSH authorities/agencies dictate a need to do so. These may relate to practice, product, procedure, technique, and/or items of equipment in the workplace

Whenever there are changes to internal operating procedures to ensure a new/different has not arisen as a result of the change

Following introduction of new, more or different equipment. An assessment should also be done before a decision is made to introduce the equipment.

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69. Trainer continues to indicate when risk assessment reviews are necessary in the workplace:

When there is a change in staffing – new staff, reduced staffing levels

Modification to the work environment such as changes to job allocation, work station layout, relocation of items of equipment, different environmental conditions, a change in patron profile

When concerns, feedback and/or complaints from workers, customers or management are received to demonstrate concern for worker input and their safety and welfare.

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70. Trainer instructs trainees when workplace risks/hazards have been identified and analysed, suitable risk controls must be implemented to address these hazards explaining:

‘The Hierarchy of Controls’ is one way of identifying possible risk control options - see next following slides

Work must stop if there is an identified immediate risk to anyone. This is a non-negotiable requirement in all cases, under all circumstances regardless of any ‘pressing’ requirements to get a job done

Risk controls must embrace everyone’s safety – staff, customers, members of the public, contract workers, delivery drivers, service technicians

Most risks are most effectively controlled using a mixture of control procedures, techniques or strategies as distinct from relying only on one approach. Once again, emphasis must always be on creating ‘safe place’ rather than ‘safe persons’.

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71. Trainer presents an overview of the Hierarchy of Control concept identifying it

comprises the following controls, listed in decreasing order of effectiveness:

1. Elimination

2. Substitution

3. Isolation

4. Engineering controls

5. Administrative controls

6. Personal protective clothing and equipment.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a representative from the local OSH authority to attend and:

Talk to trainees about the Hierarchy of Control and the risk control options it presents

Give relevant industry-based examples of risk controls available at each level of the hierarchy

Provide direction to OSH authority resources to support implementation of Hierarchy of Control options including web-based materials and hard copy materials.

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72. Trainer presents information regarding ‘Elimination’ control option stating:

This is the most effective control option as it removes the risk, hazard or threat completely

It is designated as Level 1 control because it totally removes the risk

It is not always a viable or practicable option so the controls often need to be applied

Involves changing product or process so the original risk no longer exists

Must always be the control looked for whenever a workplace risk has been identified. The deliberations must always seek an ‘elimination’ approach to every risk despite an elimination option not being readily identifiable.

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73. Trainer presents information regarding ‘Level 2’ control options stating:

They are not as effective as ‘Elimination’ but are more effective than Level 3 options

Provide ‘safe place’ which is better than providing only ‘safe person’

Substitution which requires replacing a hazardous process or substance with a less hazardous one:

A detergent may be substituted for a chlorinated degreaser

Using a neutral detergent instead of caustic soda for cleaning

A chemical could be used in pellet form instead of a powder to reduce the risk of inhalation

Applying a substance with a brush might be safer than spraying the substance onto a surface

Lifting smaller and/or lighter packages which may mean purchasing 5kg packs rather than 25kg bags of product

Using an electric forklift instead of a petrol one

Vacuuming instead of sweeping

Isolation involves separating the risky process from people either by distance or by using barriers to prevent exposure:

Placing a noisy piece of equipment in a soundproof box or behind a baffling wall

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Physically stopping people (customers) from coming into contact with the hazard

Moving the hazard to some distant/remote location

Engineering controls include plant or processes which:

Minimise the generation of risk

Suppress or contain the risk

Limit the risk in should an event occur

Examples include:

– Ventilation booths for spray painting

– Machine guards to prevent clothing, jewellery and body parts being caught in machines/equipment

– Machine operation controls such as ‘Emergency Stop’ buttons, automatic cut-offs, the ability to remotely operate an item

– Ventilation – exhaust fans to remove dust, smoke

– Wetting down techniques to reduce dust

– Changing the levels or height of work levels to minimise bending/twisting and similar actions during manual handling.

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74. Trainer presents information regarding ‘Level 3’ control options stating:

These are the least effective options and must never be the first or only choice to control identified risk

They are deficient because they provide only ‘safe person’ options (relying on the worker to do the right thing) as opposed to the preference for ‘safe place’

Because Level 3 controls are the least effective they need to be used in combination with other controls, including provision of training, monitoring and supervision

Administrative controls are safe work practices which help to reduce employee exposure to risk. For example:

Restricting access to certain areas to nominated times when the risk is lowest or non-existent

Good housekeeping practices (in terms of keeping workplaces clean and tidy), including regular cleaning of work areas and regular and appropriate maintenance of workplace items and equipment

Changing purchasing procedures so substances (such as cleaning chemicals) are supplied in ready to use containers and decanting is not required

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing includes such things as:

Eye protection – goggles, face masks, visors

Respiratory protection

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Gloves and gauntlets

Safety shoes and boots including ‘clogs’ for kitchen workers

Protective clothing – aprons, thermal wear/suits, ‘pull off’ ties for security staff

Head protection – hard hats, and caps for food handlers.

Class Activity – Question and Answer Session

Trainer asks trainees to identify examples of ‘Administrative controls’ that could be used by businesses.

Possible answers/examples:

Providing trolleys to move items to reduce need for potentially harmful manual handling

Providing accurate work instructions and methods of work (work practices, standard operating procedures) to guide workers in the safe way to perform their work

Changing work practices to include job rotation (but note this, on its own, is generally regarded as an insufficient control method). Job rotation is the practice of moving staff between different jobs to help eliminate boredom and repetition and the associated dangers these introduce to work

Shorter working periods for jobs performed under difficult conditions such as limiting work needing to be undertaken in extreme cold, heat, noise or where there is excessive vibration

Training – providing necessary training in practices such as such as in lifting and manual handling techniques.

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75. Trainer presents information to trainees regarding use of personal protective equipment and clothing as a control, indicating:

Must be combined with other controls such as training, and other Level 2 and/or level 3 controls

Better controls MUST be sought. It is NEVER appropriate to simply make personal protective equipment and clothing the automatic, default response

when a workplace risk is identified. It MAY be a viable short-term solution but it is never an effective long-term control

All personal protective equipment must be provided by the employer and must:

Meet the relevant in-country Standards

Be appropriate to its application

Be issued to an individual and not shared

Be properly maintained and cleaned.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a supplier from an industrial safety supplier to attend and:

Talk to trainees about workplace safety and how to optimise it

Show and demonstrate items available to optimise workplace safety (clothing and equipment, signage)

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Identify limitations applicable to using personal protective equipment and clothing to address workplace risks

Demonstrate and describe maintenance and cleaning requirements applicable to personal protective equipment and clothing.

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76. Trainer stresses to trainees following the application of risk control procedures to address an identified risk there must be an evaluation of the control:

To verify they are working as intended and, where necessary, to provide the basis for adjustment to ensure adequate control is being applied

To determine whether or not the introduction of a control has created a new risk, or changed the nature of the previous risk

Featuring planning of the checks to address:

Who will do the checks? They must be attached to and become the responsibility of a nominated person or job role/position and this responsibility should be included in the relevant job description for the position

When they will be done – specifying either dates, frequencies (every week, every month) or specific times (see ‘Timing of the checks’ below)

What will be evaluated as part of the checking process? A checklist should be used to guide this aspect of the process.

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77. Trainer informs trainees checks should be made of control measures:

Prior to their actual implementation to verify the control will achieve the outcome required as part of the risk assessment/analysis process

During use to evaluate the effectiveness of the control during actual operation. Objective observation using a rating chart/checklist to guide observations is an effective way to achieve this. The key, obviously, is to watch the process/workplace activity to capture evidence to use as the basis for making a decision about the effectiveness of the control

Immediately after use by talking with staff involved and testing/evaluating, for example, equipment involved. Obtaining feedback from workers/operators about safety, ease of use, potential issues arising is imperative and demonstrates the business is committed to involving staff in a practical way in workplace safety.

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78. Trainer instructs trainees where a problem with the implementation of a control is identified as part of the checking/evaluation process the situation must be:

Immediately resolved. If resolving the issue falls within personal level of expertise and/or scope of authority. Where safety is seriously jeopardised, work should cease

Reported to the appropriate person for their follow-up and action. This can mean reporting to senior management, the HSR, the Designated Work Group (or similar) or the OSH Committee. Reports should be made verbally to the designated person as this is the fastest option. There may be a need to complete a supporting form (such as Incident Notification, Request for Maintenance).

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79. Trainer explains to trainees it is useful for businesses to evaluate the overall performance of the business in relation to its OSH performance, explaining this is a five-step process:

Step 1 – Know what the OSH objectives are for the business – see next slide

Step 2 – Develop OSH performance measures – see following slides

Step 3 – Collect information established measures of effectiveness/performance measure (indicators) – see following slides

Step 4 – Analyse the results and decide upon improvements – see following slides

Step 5 – Implement changes and start again – see following slides.

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80. Trainer provides information on Step 1 of the five-step process to evaluate the OSH performance of the business:

OSH-related goals should be to:

Meet the legal requirements or standards for the business

Ensure the workplace, as far as practicable, is safe and without risks to the health of everyone

To evaluate OSH performance, it is important to look at what programs or strategies have been developed and implemented to achieve the set objectives. Some examples are:

Strategic goals:

– Health and safety strategies will be developed annually to improve health and safety performance

– Health and safety systems and programs will be to continually reviewed, upgraded and monitored to improve standards and performance

Commitment and responsibility goals:

– Business commitment to OSH will be demonstrated at all levels

– A high level of OSH awareness will be fostered at all levels

– All managers will have responsibility for the health and safety of employees under their management

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– All employees will take as much care as possible for their own, and their work mates’ health and safety

– Specific, defined, responsibilities will be clearly understood by all employees

Work environment goals:

– OSH practices and procedures, and the work environment, will be regularly reviewed and revised

– Formal consultation and communication with HSRs and employees in all health and safety matters will occur through health and safety committees, team briefings, and management involvement and commitment

– All incidents and near misses will be reported, investigated and corrective action taken as a priority

– The purpose of an investigation will be to determine the cause of the incident to prevent future occurrences.

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81. Trainer provides information on Step 2 of the five-step process to evaluate the OSH performance of the business stating this involves establishing:

Short-term measures:

An assessment of whether plans are being implemented as intended. If they are not being implemented as intended, why not?

The proportion of OSH grievances/issues successfully resolved at shop-floor level. The higher the number/ratio of issues resolved at shop-floor level, the better the OSH performance of the business

Number of health and safety grievances/issues – a downward trend is positive.

Long-term indicators – which may include:

Injury and illness rates

Incidence of gradual onset injuries

The hidden costs of injury and illness.

Other quantitative measures may include:

The number of incidents

The number of employees trained

The number of work procedures developed or reviewed

The number of hazards identified and eliminated.

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Qualitative measures could include:

The types of issues being raised by employees and HSRs

Employee level of awareness of workplace health and safety policy

How OSH performance is being taken into account in relation to the performance assessment of supervisors and managers

Evidence management is leading by example.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for manager/owner of suitable business to attend and:

Talk to trainees about the importance of safety in the workplace

Identify and quantify the costs involved in meeting safe workplace obligations

Identify and quantify the costs involved in not meeting safe workplace obligations

Practices employed to evaluate business OSH performance including coverage of OSH objectives and performance measures/indicators, how evidence is captured and examples of how this evaluation process has impacted later OSH initiatives.

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82. Trainer provides information on Step 3 of the five-step process to evaluate the OSH performance of the business stating this involves:

Involving workers, DWGs, HSRs, management and asking questions:

Do the illness and injury recording procedures meet the specifications of relevant legislation, where applicable?

Are all incidents, illness and injury, and near misses:

– Recorded?

– Investigated?

– Reported, if/where required?

– Analysed for trends?

– Reported to employees?

Reading/analysing OSH documentation, reports, forms and similar to determine issues such as, but not limited to:

The frequency of incidents and dangerous occurrences

Average lost time

Costs of accidents, injury and incidents

Costs of training, purchase of safety equipment and PPE

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Collect data on identified issues:

– On a regular on-going basis

– Classify and file for later reference or use

Allocate responsibility for data collection to nominated person (or the risk is the data will be lost or not be recorded).

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83. Trainer provides information on Step 4 of the five-step process to evaluate the OSH performance of the business stating this involves:

Verifying for situations where there are no problems it is, indeed, acceptable to leave things as they are and continue to apply existing controls

Asking questions to determine causes where a strategy is not working:

Was the objective realistic and achievable?

Is the objective relevant to current technology and values?

Was the strategy implemented as planned?

Was there adequate training, information and understanding of the strategy?

Were there resources available to implement the strategy?

Did work organisation allow the strategy to work?

Was responsibility for implementing the strategy allocated?

Are the responsibilities understood?

Did the information you collect accurately measure performance of the strategy?

Use the information from this analysis to fine-tune the strategy, to reset workplace standards and/or to identify areas of workplace health and safety needing systematic management.

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84. Trainer provides information on Step 4 of the five-step process to evaluate the OSH performance of the business stating:

Evaluation of the workplace OSH system, program and management must be ongoing. The whole process demands at least annual, formal attention; it is never ending

All identified need for change or improvement must be addressed. It is never acceptable to identify a need for change/improvement and then ignore it

The initiatives and/or changes identified in Step 4 of this process need to be implemented

All changes and alterations must be monitored and have necessary data captured regarding their implementation.

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85. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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86. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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87. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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88. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide.

Class Activity – Discussion

Trainer asks trainees questions regarding implementation and monitoring of OSH staff training such as:

What staff OSH training have you organised?

How do you determine the OSH training individual staff need?

What OSH training have you participated in? Where was it? What was the topic? How effective was it? What did trainers do? What assessment was there?

What mandatory OSH staff training exists in your workplace? Why?

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89. Trainer states to trainees that OSH training is vital and a legal requirement for workers indicating:

Many businesses provide in-house or on the job training for all staff regardless of previous experience and/or qualifications

Basic OSH requirements are explained and demonstrated to staff as part of their Induction and Orientation and then supplemented by further in-house or on the job training

Can be targeted to address individual staff need by identifying the OSH ‘training gap’ for each staff member (see following slides).Targeting OSH training to individual staff need is time consuming but arguably the best approach because:

It saves staff having to undertake training for things they already are competent in which is annoying to them and devalues their experience and capabilities

It can save time, resources and effort if the employee only has to be trained in a few things.

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90. Trainer advises trainees OSH training must address required workplace ‘competencies’ for jobs and tasks that need to be undertaken by workers highlighting:

OSH and other workplace training should feature ‘Competency-based Training’ (CBT)

Competencies can be seen as tasks the worker is required to complete, for example, as indicated in the Job Description for the position

Gaining competency involves not just practical aspects of the job, but:

The necessary knowledge – knowing about the job, knowing why things are done or need to be done. This is often referred to as ‘underpinning knowledge’ because it underpins the practical aspects of what is done

The necessary skills to perform the job safely and effectively to the standard required by the business and/or as required under legislation

The ‘right’ attitude to support and provide a basis for the performance of tasks.

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91. Trainer explains to trainees that the training gap for individual staff can be identified by:

Undertaking an OSH Training Needs Analysis (TNA). This is a formal and structured approach to identifying the gaps for every staff member in all areas of their work. TNAs are an excellent way of determining the training needs for each staff member but they are relatively expensive and time consuming

Observing staff performance to identify areas of their performance requiring attention

Speaking to staff and asking them to identify the areas they believe they need OSH training in

Looking at their personnel file/records (such as their application for employment and their résumé) to determine their existing skill/competency levels with a view to identifying the areas where training is required

Employing the services of an outside consultant with specialist OSH knowledge and expertise to assess competency levels of staff within the business, analyse the competencies needed and determine individual staff training requirements.

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92. Trainer states OSH training must be provided for all personnel in the workplace and it is possible to identify certain generic needs for:

New staff – see following slides

Supervisors – see following slides. This can often include specific OSH-related training appropriate to the role the supervisor is undertaking

Managers – see following slides. This training may also be required for business owners especially where OSH legislation imposes obligations on them and supports these responsibilities with fines or potential imprisonment.

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93. Trainer indicates to trainees the following may be requirements in relation to OSH training for new staff in a business, or for staff who have been transferred within a business from one area or role to another:

Understanding of the hazards of their work and workplace. These always differ between workplaces, work stations and businesses on the basis of many factors such as equipment used, processes, and layout

Knowledge of how to advise management or their HSR about identified workplace hazards so they can be investigated and resolved

Understanding of workplace consultative arrangements, including the role and functions of DWG, HSR and Health and Safety Committees

Understanding of need to follow health and safety procedures applying in their workplace paying special attention to OSH issues in their particular section of the workplace

Understand of their responsibilities under applicable legislation which may relate to:

Compliance with mandatory work practices

Need for certification or licences in order to undertake specified work activities

Reporting when unsafe situations occur and/or when prescribed workplace accidents or injury occur

Understand of their responsibilities under the policies and procedures the business has established in relation to safe work practices and allied workplace

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safety issues.

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94. Trainer informs trainees the following OSH issues should be considered when new staff undertake their Induction and Orientation:

A tour of the work area so they gain an overview of the business and appreciation of where various department, facilities and equipment are physically located

An explanation of venue amenities and facilities relating to OSH. This can include discussion about:

First aid kits

First aid rooms

First aid providers

Emergency equipment and systems

Introduction to fellow employees especially those who constitute the DWG for the area in which they are going to work

Introduction to HSR together with an explanation of their role, and details of how to engage with the established participative arrangements relating to workplace OSH

Description of general workplace hazards and risk control measures including visual observation of problem areas, practice with control protocols and watching experienced staff perform work in a safe and proper manner.

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95. Trainer continues to provide details of OSH issues to be covered at Induction and Orientation:

Identification of the location of an explanation and demonstration of the use of fire fighting equipment. It is a standard requirement that most if not all staff have some form of training and experience in using fire-fighting equipment, especially fire blankets and fire extinguishers

Details of emergency exits showing where they are, stressing the need to keep them free of obstruction and indicating any fire doors which may need to be closed in the event of fire

Identification and explanation of Emergency Management Plans for the business and details of evacuation plans for the business or area. This should include identification of:

Individual responsibilities under the plans

Evacuation routes – primary and secondary

Evacuation assembly points – primary and secondary

Issue of personal protective clothing and equipment if required and explanation of when it must be used/worn, and how it is to be used/worn.

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96. Trainer indicates supervisors will not automatically know what is expected of them in terms of workplace OSH issues and safety management so the following special OSH training may need to be provided to enable them to:

Recognise hazards in the workplace and conduct health and safety inspections

Assess/analyse identified hazards so they are fully understood in their context

Select and apply appropriate risk control measures for identified hazards

Investigate OSH situations such as incidents or dangerous occurrences

Produce clear and accurate reports to support workplace research and investigation.

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97. Trainer continues to provide examples of the OSH training supervisors may benefit from receiving:

Communicate effectively with workers, managers and OSH authorities

Consult effectively with management and others including external business, authorities or agencies

Conduct effective on the job training on OSH issues

Management and supervisory skills to ensure employees understand and follow workplace procedures as required by legislation and the business.

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98. Trainer continues to provide examples of the OSH training managers (or business owners) may benefit from receiving:

OSH legislation as it applies to their business and their geographic location

Health and safety principles and practice which serve to underpin OSH thinking, risk identification, risk assessment/analysis and development of effective risk control protocols

Management systems to enable integration of OSH into other management activities and workplace priorities

Assigning health and safety roles and functions to staff within the workplace

Workplace hazard identification and assessment as part of the ongoing risk management procedures in place within the business

Risk control strategies and options to address identified workplace risks.

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99. Trainer presents a series of questions to trainees they should ask to help determine OSH training needs in their workplace:

What skills and knowledge are required to enable all employees to do their jobs safely and without risks to health? It is essential to start the search to identify training needs by ensuring there is a comprehensive and current knowledge about what is required

What is to be achieved by training, and who will make sure it takes place? It is important to really know why the OSH training is being conducted (To comply with legislated requirements? To ensure staff have a mandatory certificate? To address workplace accidents?) and to allocate suitable responsibilities to one of more nominated persons

What sort of training will be best for the workplace? Options include:

‘All staff’ training

Individualised training

Small group training

Coaching and mentoring

On the job or off the job

Formal/accredited training or non-accredited in-house training.

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100. Trainer continues to present a series of question to trainees they should ask to help determine OSH training needs in their workplace:

What does existing OSH training cover? List the topics, courses and OSH content addressed by all workplace OSH training

Have all employees taken part in the required OSH training? There must be a record who has done what, and a list of who is scheduled to undertake OSH training they need to do

Are OSH training records being kept? What do they say about the level of OSH staff training delivered? There should be information about the courses delivered, participant names and numbers, success rates/outcomes, costs, times and dates

Have all managers and supervisors had health and safety training? A list should be able to be constructed detailing who has done what and when; success rates/outcomes, a schedule of upcoming OSH training to be delivered and who is scheduled to participate.

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101. Trainer continues to present a series of questions to trainees they should ask to help determine OSH training needs in their workplace:

Is there an induction training program for all new and transferred employees? Does it include necessary OSH training relating to legislation and venue/department health and safety policies and procedures?

Is there workplace training on specific hazards, controls and health and safe work procedures? Does this exist for every department and dangerous activity? Is this training, including supporting information, sufficient, relevant and current?

Does OSH training cater for employees with special needs? With attention to those with particular language, cultural or literacy needs?

How does the property know, and how will it know into the future, if the OSH training is effective? What records, outcomes, statistics or data will be used as reference points?

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102. Trainer advises trainees regarding the provision of OSH training to workers highlighting:

All identified need for OSH training must be addressed, as required without exception. It is never acceptable to ignore a workplace OSH training need

OSH training never ‘just happens’ – it has to be planned and organised (see following slides).

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103. Trainer explains to trainees that, in order to facilitate the delivery of OSH training to staff, there may be a need to:

Organise time release for staff so they can attend training

Roster staff differently. There can be a need to run multiple training sessions to ensure all staff who have a training need can be trained

Conduct off-site training using external training providers

Close a department for a period while staff undertake training

Undertake training out of hours which may mean having to pay staff extra money to stay back after normal working hours in order to do their training.

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104. Trainer identifies to trainees possible training interventions in relation to OSH training:

Workshops where staff are led by a supervisor or trainer and address one or more specific OSH issues using activities such as lecture, discussion, practical exercises, case studies which may be supplemented by the use of guest speakers

Information sessions where management or a trainer gathers staff together and provides them with required information. Verbal delivery of the information is the most common practice but this may be supported by:

Handouts of notes, fact sheets and other literature such as materials prepared in-house by the training department, or safety materials provided by manufacturers of equipment, suppliers of chemicals or the OSH authorities/agencies

PowerPoint presentations

Workplace mentoring and coaching where individuals in the business (usually senior personnel with extensive experience) develop a personal relationship with one or more staff and use this relationship as the basis for sharing information, providing on the job advice and instruction and discussing and solving workplace issues

Lectures. These are formal training sessions where trainers deliver talks on a nominated topic. Lectures may be supported by notes written on a board, handouts, and/or PowerPoint presentations. Lectures are of limited effectiveness to many adults who prefer ‘action learning’ rather than ‘passive’

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Practical demonstrations where the training requires staff to learn how to ‘do’ something, practical demonstrations are required. Demonstrations may occur one on one (as part of the mentoring or coaching approach) or can occur in a group setting. It is important the practical nature of demonstrations is underpinned by the provision of relevant knowledge so staff understand what they are doing and why they need to do it. Opportunity for practice must be included

Health and safety meetings. These are regular workplace meetings where the sole focus of the meeting relates to OSH issues. These issues may be new legislated or organisational requirements, findings related to analysis of workplace accident and injury data, explanation of new products, equipment or operating procedures, discussion of risk identification activities (such as workplace inspections), risk assessment and analysis consideration and research into potential risk control procedures.

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105. Trainer advises trainees the selection of training interventions for OSH training will depend on:

The trading hours of the venue which helps determine staff availability to attend training

Numbers of staff who require training which helps determine the training strategy to be used, and number of training sessions required

Urgency of the training need. The more urgent the need, the more immediate the need for training

Type of OSH training to be done – knowledge and/or skills? Level of complexity? Dangers/risks involved?

The general level of cooperation from all concerned.

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106. Trainer presents trainees with several additional points to note about OSH training:

Involve management in the planning of OSH training delivery and integrate them where possible into actual training delivery so they learn alongside workers. OSH is supposed to be a collaborative affair and integrating management into worker training helps demonstrate this

The OSH training program for a business should be integrated into the general training program for the workplace. This may be achieved by adding specific OSH courses (or units or modules) to the overall business training plan, or by including OSH components into existing training courses. For example, every training module without exception may include an OSH element addressing the specific OSH issues for the particular training module

Establishing an effective OSH training program requires the business to set broad objectives for the training. Possible objectives may be:

Ensuring all employees can perform their work safely and without risks

Ensuring line managers have an understanding of, and ability to, develop and implement OSH management systems and procedures to support the ‘safe place’ concept

Ensuring any external contractors who work in the business understand and follow the health and safety procedures which apply to the property so their work aligns with other ‘safe place’ initiatives in the organisation

Ensuring all new and transferred employees understand health and safety policies and procedures so they know what is expected in relation to actual

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workplace performance.

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107. Trainer tells trainees there may be external OSH training options available to businesses advising steps in determining what external courses could be of use include:

Examine the course outline and content – does it address the issues and training needing to be covered?

Consider the timetable – will staff be able to attend training at the times it is being offered?

Talk to people who have previously attended the course, if possible – what do they think of the training? Can they recommend it as being effective training?

Talk to the trainers who will deliver the course to get a deeper insight into what will be addressed.

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108. Trainer presents a series of questions to trainees that may help them select the best externally provided OSH training to meet their needs:

Are the course aims and objectives consistent with those required? The better the fit, the more useful the training is likely to be

Is the course appropriately accredited? This is especially important where there is a legal requirement the training (or certificates/licences issued) is ‘approved’

What experience do the trainers have? What training have they received? Are the trainers genuinely qualified to deliver the training and assess the participants?

Is the course relevant to the workplace/industry sector? Do they have experience in delivering safety training to your industry type?

Is the course offered at convenient times and places? Can timetables be restructured to better accommodate workplace/worker need?

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for a trainer/representative from an OSH training provider to attend and talk to trainees about:

OSH training available to industry


Training delivery strategies used

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Flexibility in terms of tailor-making content and assessment to suit individual workplace need

Training schedules – dates and times including course duration and status of certification issued to successful participants.

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109. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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110. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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111. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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112. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide.

Class Activity – Discussion

Trainer asks trainees questions regarding maintaining health and safety records asking questions such as:

What health and safety records do you have experience with?

What health and safety records do you know exists?

Why do these records exists and what use can be made of them?

What legal requirements apply to the maintaining of workplace health and safety records?

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113. Trainer explains to trainees workplace records are a vital element of comprehensive OSH management highlighting OSH records need to be kept to:

Meet legally imposed compliance requirements as specified by in-country OSH legislation

Help track and monitor workplace health and safety to assist with evaluating workplace OSH performance, and assist with identifying problems, risks and OSH trends

Use as reference sources when investigating OSH events and making decisions about OSH issues

Demonstrate evidence of responsible management of workplace OSH matters.

Class Activity – Guest Speaker

Trainer arranges for Inspector or representative from local OSH authority to attend and:

Indicate to trainees the importance of OSH workplace records

Identify the OSH records to be maintained at workplaces

Explain where and how required records can be obtained

State how long workplace OSH records must be kept

Describe the penalties for failing to maintain OSH records as required

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Identify incidents/accidents requiring workplaces to notify authorities

Indicate website sources for OSH records and associated information

Provide samples of required workplace OSH records and explain their use.

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114. Trainer provides trainees with examples of OSH records which may need to be kept at their workplace stressing many records are required to be kept under legislation:

Information provided to employees as necessary to enable them to perform their work in a safe manner without risks to health. This information is required to be supplied in appropriate languages to meet the language needs of workers

Records relating to the health and safety of the employees including the results of monitoring activities where legislation (or business policies) require such records to be kept. For example, some businesses may test the hearing and/or general health of staff

Injury register – a 'Register of Injuries' or an 'Injury Report Book' must be maintained to keep track of all workplace injuries. This record must contain details of any accidents or injury including:

Worker's name and job details

Time and date of injury

Exact location where injury or illness occurred

How it happened

The nature of the injury or illness and the body parts affected

Names of any witnesses

Name of person entering details in the register

Date employer was notified.

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Class Activity – Handout

Trainer obtains sample page from an Injury Register and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains headings and sections on the page

Provides examples of entries which may be made into each section.

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115. Trainer continues to provide to trainees examples of the OSH records which may need to be kept at a workplace:

Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods/Chemicals register listing all the chemicals and hazardous substances used in the business

Training action plans which set out the courses/OSH topics to be covered by workplace training including when and where these courses will be conducted

Training records indicating the specific OSH training provided, when it was provided and who it was provided to

Incident notification where accident or injury occurs in the workplace of a certain severity or type such as death, or serious injury (sometimes referred to as a ’notifiable incident’ or similar) there is a need to complete, forward to the authorities and maintain official forms/records. Serious injury may be seen as anything requiring/involving:

Medical treatment within 48 hours of exposure to a substance

Immediate treatment as an in-patient in a hospital

Immediate medical treatment for:


Serious head injury

Serious eye injury

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Separation of skin from underlying tissue (for example de-gloving or scalping)

Electric shock

Spinal injury

Loss of bodily function

Serious lacerations.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample OSH records/documentation as identified on the slide and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains use of the document

Provides sample entries for each document.

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116. Trainer continues to provide to trainees examples of the OSH records which may need to be kept at a workplace:

Consultation records such as minutes of OSH Committee meetings, diaries of meetings, agendas for meetings, names of committee members, consultation decisions and follow-up action

Checklists completed when undertaking workplace OSH inspections such as Monitoring Inspection Records and Workplace OSH Inspection Checklists

Hazard identification and risk assessment reports and records – documents used to conduct an analysis of specific identified risks in the workplace such as Job Safety Analysis sheets including details of actions/controls decided on

Team member hazard reports. These are written reports made by staff (or by HSRs as a result of a verbal report from staff) identifying what is believed to be a workplace hazard worthy of investigation and/or action.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample OSH records/documentation as identified on the slide and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains use of the document

Provides sample entries for each document.

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117. Trainer continues to provide to trainees examples of the OSH records which may need to be kept at a workplace:

Results of investigations in workplace OSH events (including ‘near misses’) which may include photographs, witness statements, medical reports

Reports provided by Inspectors from the local OSH authority/agency following an inspection of the workplace or attendance in response to a request or complaint

Documentation relating to the insurance of workers to cover them for workplace accidents, injury or illness including details of claims made against that insurance

Agreed Issue Resolution procedures. These are the protocols to address workplace OSH issues/grievances. They are established in the workplace and agreed to by management and workers as the most effective and/or practical way to address identified problems.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample OSH records/documentation as identified on the slide and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains use of the document

Provides sample entries for each document.

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118. Trainer continues to provide to trainees examples of the OSH records which may need to be kept at a workplace:

Monitoring reports. These are reports reflecting the monitoring of OSH initiatives and requirements in the workplace including recommendations for change. These reports will focus on the effectiveness of risk controls, safe work practices, consultation processes and OSH information provided to personnel

Return to Work documentation detailing the plan devised to assist injured workers return to work after an accident/incident

Records from suppliers stating the products they supply are safe and compliant with all legislated requirements.

Class Activity – Handouts

Trainer obtains sample OSH records/documentation as identified on the slide and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains use of the document

Provides sample entries for each document.

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119. Trainer advises trainees regarding basic requirements regarding keeping of workplace OSH documentation, records and reports explaining they must be:

Accurate – as they will be used to assist in investigations and other research into OSH issues

Current – they must be maintained so they are up to date

Legible – because others must be able to read and interpret them

Easily accessible – so workers can get to them to complete them, and so authorities and OSH staff can access them.

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120. Trainer presents potential additional requirements regarding the maintenance/completion of workplace OSH records and documentation:

Completion of a specified form/report to record or report certain occurrences. OSH authorities/agencies may provide electronic sample of documentation/records that can and/or must be kept by businesses

Completion of records, reports or forms within a set time, for example, there may be a requirement to notify OSH authorities/agencies within 24 hours of certain workplace accidents

Need to make nominated documents available to OSH Inspectors on request

Filing of nominated documents for a set period such as for seven years. It is vital information about employees is kept confidential and only released to those entitled to have access to it.

Class Activity – Major Excursion

Trainer arranges for trainees to visit a relevant workplace and:

Talk to management, HSRs, supervisors and staff about workplace safety

View examples of workplace OSH information, SOPs, checklists and other operational ‘safe place’ documentation

Observe worker practice where risk controls have been implemented to address identified workplace risks

Attend an OSH staff meeting if possible

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Inspect sample OSH workplace records, reports and documentation

Participate, if possible, in an actual or simulated workplace OSH inspection

View personal protective clothing and equipment used by staff

Talk to workplace trainers about in-house OSH training.

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121. Trainer highlights to trainees workplace OSH records are vital in providing evidence to use as the basis for determining the effectiveness of existing OSH strategies, explaining they may be used for purposes such as:

Identifying need for OSH training generally and for specific areas/work stations and individual employees

Identifying workplace hazards which can be determined by analysing injury and accident reports

Monitoring and evaluating the workplace OSH performance by assessing the effectiveness of workplace OSH policies, practices and protocols

Providing a basis/source of data for considerations, deliberations and decision making relating to risk assessment analysis and/or risk control development

Providing evidence regarding the implementation of OSH initiatives.

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122. Trainer indicates to trainees ‘checklists’ are a common document used in the workplace for OSH purposes and in order to ensure information collection, analysis and distribution strategies are developed to meet individual workplace need, it is important to:

Test the design of the forms before they need to be used in an actual workplace situation

Test whether enough information is/has been collected to identify the underlying causes of accidents and incidents, or otherwise meet the intended requirements for the checklist

Be confident no under-reporting or over-reporting is occurring. The checklist must capture ‘sufficient’ information yet not allow important information to escape, while not requiring excessive input by the person completing the form

Check all potential users of the information will be able to obtain the information they need from the records being maintained. The form must contain the data, statistics, details and other information needed to make it ‘useful’.

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123. Trainer tells trainees that well-designed inspection and monitoring reports/documentation will:

Show changes in normal activities or exposure levels

Indicate new or changed risks indicating the nature of the new or changed risk

Show developing patterns with reference to actual events/statistics

Indicate any potential widespread problem across the workplace

Show whether corrective action has been taken to effectively address or control identified hazards.

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124. Trainer continues to indicate to trainees what well-designed inspection and monitoring reports or documentation will enable:

Indicate the effectiveness of risk controls/corrective action to determine if the risk has been addressed or if more action is required

Allow checks on the implementation of preventive strategies to determine if staff are applying established risk controls and/or to identify if a new risk has been created as a result of implementing the controls

Check whether assigned OSH roles and functions are being carried out as intended by the OSH structure, policies and procedures

Identify the causes of incidents, illness and dangerous occurrences so remedial or corrective can be taken.

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125. Trainer stresses to trainees the minutes of OSH Committee meetings can be extremely useful and the information contained in these minutes may be used to:

Map OSH issues raised within the Committee and assess patterns relating to same, if applicable. This way an accurate view of actual workplace OSH issues can be obtained

Monitor actions as agreed by the Health and Safety Committee (such as risk identification, risk assessment, involvement of authorities and/or external professionals)

Reveal any underlying problems causing hazards

Monitor procedures for controlling risks

Identify training needs for individual and/or general workplace employees

Identify the need for particular policies and procedures to address identified issues and problems arising and evolving workplace risks and hazards

Identify the hidden costs of incidents such as time and expenses related to backfilling of injured staff, training, rehabilitation, investigations, and compliance.

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126. Trainer advises trainees information in incident reports will highlight the area, occupation/job position, injury or illness, incident type and time of the incident explaining this information can help them to:

Identify hazards, assess risks and initiate possible suitable risk control measures

Identify unsafe work practices or situations

Identify training needs

Suggest new or changed procedures.

Class Activity – Handout

Trainer obtains an example of Incident Report (see Trainee Manual for sample) and:

Distributes same to trainees

Explains the use of the form

Provides sample information to include in each section of the form

Describes when the form should be completed and whop it should be forwarded to.

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127. Trainer provides some final points to trainees regarding the OSH information system in a business stating:

It is a necessary element of effective OSH management in the workplace. An effective OSH information system is an essential part of an active, preventive approach to OSH

May be determined to an extent by legally imposed obligations. Keeping certain health and safety records is commonly a legal obligation so it makes sense to be able to use those records to develop and monitor preventive strategies in the workplace

An OSH information system is not a substitute for an effective prevention strategy based on accepted risk management principles and practice but it will help record the progress of the OSH management system

It is important to remember the best system in the world is no use unless the information is used to prevent injuries and illness at their source and to benchmark workplace performance.

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128. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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129. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

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130. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.

Trainer thanks trainees for their attention and encourages them to apply course content as required in their workplace activities.

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Recommended training equipment

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Recommended training equipment

OSH legislation and Regulations for host country.

Sample Codes of Practice, ‘Alerts’, ‘Compliance Codes’ and ‘Fact Sheets’ (or similar) from host country OSH authority with a focus on the relevant industry sectors.

Sample workplace safety posters, work procedures, safety inspection checklists and supporting documentation, registers, forms, stickers, records, notification forms, OSH reports, pro formas and other materials available from relevant OSH and other authorities.

Sample OSH workplace policies and procedures containing enterprise-specific detail relevant to the industry sectors.

Sample industry risk control measures and protocols to address identified risk and hazards.

Sample risk assessment worksheet.

Sample Residual Current Device.

Maintenance Request form.

Relevant host country support materials (codes, regulations, requirements) for industry-based issues such as:

Manual handling

Making beds

Using knives

Office work

OSH training

Risk identification, risk analysis and risk control

Workplace OSH structures and committees

First aid provision

Workplace violence, harassment and bullying

Drugs and alcohol in the workplace.

Sample ‘Unsafe for Use/Out of Operation’ tags for electrical appliances.

Sample tags for electrical equipment showing they have been tested and are safe for use.

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Recommended training equipment

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Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View

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Instructions for Trainers for using

PowerPoint – Presenter View

Connect your laptop or computer to your projector equipment as per manufacturers’ instructions.

In PowerPoint, on the Slide Show menu, click Set up Show.

Under Multiple monitors, select the Show Presenter View check box.

In the Display slide show on list, click the monitor you want the slide show presentation to appear on.

Source: http://office.microsoft.com


In Presenter View:

You see your notes and have full control of the presentation

Your trainees only see the slide projected on to the screen

More Information

You can obtain more information on how to use PowerPoint from the Microsoft Online Help Centre, available at: http://office.microsoft.com/training/training.aspx?AssetID=RC011298761033

Note Regarding Currency of URLs

Please note that where references have been made to URLs in these training resources trainers will need to verify that the resource or document referred to is still current on the internet. Trainers should endeavour, where possible, to source similar alternative examples of material where it is found that either the website or the document in question is no longer available online.

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Appendix – ASEAN acronyms

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Appendix – ASEAN acronyms

AADCP ASEAN – Australia Development Cooperation Program.

ACCSTP ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals.

AEC ASEAN Economic Community.

AMS ASEAN Member States.

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

ASEC ASEAN Secretariat.

ATM ASEAN Tourism Ministers.

ATPMC ASEAN Tourism Professionals Monitoring Committee.

ATPRS ASEAN Tourism Professional Registration System.

ATFTMD ASEAN Task Force on Tourism Manpower Development.

CATC Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum.

MRA Mutual Recognition Arrangement.

MTCO Mekong Tourism Coordinating office.

NTO National Tourism Organisation.

NTPB National Tourism Professional Board.

RQFSRS Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System.

TPCB Tourism Professional Certification Board.

Page 182: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential

Appendix – ASEAN acronyms

176 © ASEAN 2012 Trainer Guide Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures

Page 183: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential
Page 184: Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures€¦ · Implement Occupational Safety and Health procedures Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential