The Changing Nature of Imperialism The League of Nations The Mandate System The Middle East

Imperialism middle east

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The Changing Nature of Imperialism

The League of NationsThe Mandate System

The Middle East

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The old definition:– The policy of imposing the rule or

command of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of obtaining and occupying colonies and dependencies.

The new definition:– Domination by one country of the political,

economic, or cultural life of another country or region.

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Sykes-Picot Agreement

A secret agreement between Great Britain and France, and agreed to by Russia.Defined spheres of influence and control in Middle East for after the expected downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Mostly a trade agreement.– Large area set aside for indirect rule through an

Arab state or a confederation of Arab states.

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Post-War Enemy Territories

The Council of the League given responsibility over German and Turkish colonies at the end of the War.Solution: the Mandate system.– Colonies became the responsibility of one of the

League’s members.– Member given the mandate of guiding them ASAP

to self-governing status.

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Mandate Classes

Former colonies in the Middle East were considered close to independence.– Class A - mandate power to transition.

Former colonies in Africa needed “development” before being “ready” for independence.– Class B - human rights monitored by League

Former colonies in the Pacific (islands) were so “underdeveloped” that “guided” development was unfeasible.– Class C - annexed by mandated power.

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Middle East Mandates

Formerly part of the Ottoman Empire.

Syria mandated to FranceIraq and Palestine mandated to Britain– Extended British control throughout Middle East.– See map on pg 358.

– For details on former German colonies see chart on page 33.

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What were these “Mandates” about? How did the new concept of

imperialism differ from the old?

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Why was imperialism an important concept in the world of 1919? What did imperialism look like before WWI?How did the nature of imperialism change after the events of WWI?Why might this have changed?