SLAC-PUB-11007 January 2005 Impedance Calculation and Verification in Storage Rings * Karl L.F. Bane, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA Katsunobu Oide, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan Mikhail Zobov, INFN, Frascati, Italy Abstract For both the SLC damping rings and the DAΦNE collider a systematic approach to understanding single bunch, longitu- dinal, current dependent behavior was taken: First, using a bunch significantly shorter than nominal, a careful calculation of the wakefield of the entire vacuum chamber was obtained. This “pseudo-Green” function was then used in bunch lengthening and instability calculations. We review, for both projects, the history of these calculations and comparisons with measurement. Presented at the CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on Beam Dynamics in Future Hadron Colliders and Rapidly Cycling High-Intensity Synchrotrons (HHH 2004), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland November 8-11, 2004 * Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE–AC02–76SF00515. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309

Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

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Page 1: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

SLAC-PUB-11007January 2005

Impedance Calculation and Verificationin Storage Rings ∗

Karl L.F. Bane, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USAKatsunobu Oide, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

Mikhail Zobov, INFN, Frascati, Italy


For both the SLC damping rings and the DAΦNE collider a systematic approach to understanding single bunch, longitu-dinal, current dependent behavior was taken: First, using a bunch significantly shorter than nominal, a careful calculationof the wakefield of the entire vacuum chamber was obtained. This “pseudo-Green” function was then used in bunchlengthening and instability calculations. We review, for both projects, the history of these calculations and comparisonswith measurement.

Presented at the CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on Beam Dynamics in Future HadronColliders and Rapidly Cycling High-Intensity Synchrotrons (HHH 2004),

CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandNovember 8-11, 2004

∗Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE–AC02–76SF00515.

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309

Page 2: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings


Karl L.F. Bane∗, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USAKatsunobu Oide, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

Mikhail Zobov, INFN, Frascati, ItalyAbstract

For both the SLC damping rings and the DAΦNE col-lider a systematic approach to understanding single bunch,longitudinal, current dependent behavior was taken: First,using a bunch significantly shorter than nominal, a carefulcalculation of the wakefield of the entire vacuum cham-ber was obtained. This “pseudo-Green” function was thenused in bunch lengthening and instability calculations. Wereview, for both projects, the history of these calculationsand comparisons with measurement.


In designing an electron storage ring one important con-sideration is the longitudinal, broad-band impedance of thevacuum chamber, and the effects of this impedance onsingle bunch behavior of the beam. Possible effects in-clude: potential well bunch lengthening, a threshold cur-rent, and—above threshold—energy spread increase andbursting (“saw-tooth”) behavior. Any of these behaviorsmay be deleterious to the performance of a collider, lightsource, or storage ring, and may need to be avoided.

In particular, for stable, reliable operation it is often de-sirable that the threshold to the instability be above the op-erating current. The analysis of stability of a ring normallybegins (and often ends) with the Boussard criterion [1]:



≤ 1 , (1)

with I the peak current within the bunch, Z the longitu-dinal (broad-band) impedance, n = ω1/ω0 where ω1 is atypical bunch frequency and ω0 is the revolution frequency,α is momentum compaction, E is energy, and σδ is relativeenergy spread in the beam. Typically, the impedance is cal-culated for a few important vacuum chamber objects, thecontributions are added together, and then inserted into theBoussard equation to estimate the threshold current.

In the studies on the damping rings of the Stanford Lin-ear Collider (SLC) and the DAΦNE collider a new, moresystematic approach was used. In both cases, starting withdrawings of the vacuum chamber components, an accuratewakefield representing the entire ring was numerically ob-tained. The driving bunch in the calculations was only afraction in length of the nominal bunch length, allowingone to use the wake as a pseudo-Green function in sub-sequent potential well and instability calculations. No ad-justable parameters nor fitting was used. In the followingtwo sections we give the history of the calculations and

∗Work supported by the Department of Energy, contract DE-AC02-76SF00515

comparisons with measurement for the SLC damping ringsand for DAΦNE.

In reading these two sections we see that our approachwas quite successful in reproducing measured data (thoughnot perfectly), allowing us to make predictions and obtaininsights into the longitudinal, current dependent behaviorof the beam. Agreement was found for the current depen-dence of bunch shape (especially good agreement in thecase of DAΦNE), bunch length, synchronous phase; forthe threshold current, and—above threshold—the oscilla-tion frequency of the instability. The calculations definedthe design strategy of almost all principal vacuum cham-ber components—in the case of DAΦNE, and led to a re-design of the entire vacuum chamber—in the case of theSLC. Also, through the work of the SLC damping rings anew instability (the weak instability) was discovered, trig-gering theoretical work to understand it. Note, by the way,that the Boussard criterion often has only an order of mag-nitude value, and it has nothing to say about the weak in-stability.

Our approach to impedance calculations appears to havebeen quite successful; so it is somewhat surprising that ithas been seldom used since, and then typically with littlesuccess. For example, at the ATF storage ring at KEK thesame approach to calculations was followed; nevertheless,bunch length measurements indicate that there is a largeamount of still unaccounted for impedance in the ring [2].It may be that, given the complicated nature of some vac-uum chamber components, calculations as described herecan still be somewhat of an art form, and one not guaran-teed of easy success.

The subject of this report was to be “Impedance Codesand Benchmarking.” By “benchmarking” one can, for ex-ample, mean comparing the results of programs, compar-ing impedance calculations with bench measurements, or(the meaning we pursue) the calculation of ring wakes andconsequent current dependent behavior, and then compari-son with measurement in the ring. Three types of codes areused in such analysis: impedance (wakefield) calculationcodes, threshold finding through a perturbation solution ofthe Vlasov equation, and tracking for studying behaviorabove threshold. The programs used (described in the text)seem to have been up to the task for the SLC damping ringsand for DAΦNE. However, for all three categories there arerecent improvements that should aid the next generation ofdesigners.

In wakefield calculations with short bunches and longstructures, the so-called “mesh dispersion” can result in to-tally wrong results when straightforward calculation is pur-sued. A. Novokhatski, et al, for cylindrically symmetricstructures [3], and more recently Zagorodnov and Weiland,

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for 3D structures [4], have developed methods to alleviatethis problem. The Oide Vlasov equation solver gives a for-est of stable modes (an artifact) amidst any unstable modeone might be searching for [5]. R. Warnock, et al, have re-formulated the problem to avoid this artifact [6]. Also, theOide method, for some impedances, simply fails; the newmethod seems to have more chance of success (though itcan also fail) [7].

As for studying behavior above threshold, R. Warnockand J. Ellison have recently developed a program thatsolves the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck (VFP) equation, that ismore accurate than simple macro-particle tracking [8]. Itcan, for example, solve also for a coherent synchrotron ra-diation (CSR) driven, microbunching instability (it appearsthat such an instability has been observed, e.g. at BESSY II[9]), which is likely impossible to treat with simple track-ing. Comparison with measurements of the saw-tooth be-havior in the SLC (described in the text) shows promisethat one can explore even such complicated behavior nu-merically with some accuracy.

In the Appendix of this report we present our Panel Com-ments given at the CARE-HHH workshop held at CERN inNovember 2004.



In the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) the beam, afterleaving the gun, was stored a few damping times in a damp-ing ring, compressed in the ring to linac (RTL) transferline, accelerated in the linac, turned around in the arcs,and collided with the opposing beam in the interaction re-gion. Soon after commissioning of the collider it was real-ized that, in the damping rings, the threshold (single bunch)current to the longitudinal microwave instability was verylow. Above threshold, there was small pulse-to-pulse varia-tion in bunch length and longitudinal phase of the extractedbeam, that was amplified in the linac, and that made it al-most impossible to operate the collider.

The SLC damping ring vacuum chambers seem to havebeen designed with little concern as to their impedance ef-fects. Or it may have been that, at the time, small vac-uum chamber objects and transitions were not consideredespecially dangerous from an impedance point of view. Atabout the same time (the early 1980’s) an impedance up-grade to SPEARII involved removing from the ring largeobjects, such as RF cavities and beam separators, withseemingly little concern for smaller objects. (This left thering more inductive, resulting in longer bunches, which isprobably why mini-beta failed to increase the luminosity[10].) It turned out (as we will show) that for the SLCdamping rings it was, indeed, small objects that dominatedthe original impedance.

The SLC damping ring vacuum chamber has had threeincarnations. After beginning operation with the originalchamber, when the microwave instability was recognized

as limiting performance (in the late 1980’s), the bellowswere sleeved, resulting in the old chamber. In 1994 theentire chamber in both rings was removed, and a new, lowimpedance vacuum chamber was installed (the current ornew chamber).

In this report we present, in chronological order for allthree versions of vacuum chambers, the original calcula-tions of the impedance and its expected effect on the beam,and the comparison with measurement. At the time the cal-culations were done we were somewhat limited by comput-ing power and programs for calculating wakefields; muchbetter calculations were possible already by the time ofDAΦNE (described in the next section), and even moreis possible today. Nevertheless, even with our sometimescrude calculations we were able to reproduce (admittedly,at times in hindsight) many important features of bunchlengthening and the microwave instability found in mea-surement, and also to provide insight into the physics be-hind this complicated phenomenon.

The original impedance calculations come fromRef. [11],[12], for the original/old rings, Ref [13] (withC.-K. Ng) for the new ring. The instability calculations canbe found in Refs. [14] (old ring) and [15] (new ring). Weapologize that many figures are not clear; their originalscould not be found, and they were extracted from pdf filesof reports. Selected SLC damping ring parameters aregiven in Table 1.

Table 1: Selected SLC damping ring parameters. Note that,sometime after the new ring chamber was installed, thenominal bunch length and energy spread were increased(by 6%), and the damping time reduced, by a modificationof the damping partition numbers [16].

Parameter Value UnitsEnergy 1.15 GeVCircumference 35 mTypical beam pipe radius 1 cmRF frequency 714 MHzNominal RF voltage 0.8 MVNominal rms bunch length 5 mmNominal rms energy spread 0.07 %Nominal synchrotron frequency 99 kHzSynchrotron radiation damping time 1.7 ms

Original vacuum chamber

The study of the SLC damping ring impedance beganwith blueprints of the vacuum chamber, to obtain dimen-sions, which were then used to calculate wakefields. Wefelt it was better to start from first principles than usesimplified models, such as the Q = 1 resonator model(see e.g. [17]), as is sometimes done. The goal of theimpedance calculations was to obtain two things: (i) an un-derstanding of the relative importance of various objects,and (ii) a pseudo-Green function wake—that represents, as

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accurately as possible, the interaction of all objects—thatcan be used in potential well, threshold, and tracking sim-ulations.

The original ring vacuum chambers were composed of40, essentially cylindrically symmetric, quad chamber seg-ments (20 each of “QF” or “QD” type), separated bybend chambers with a rather rectangular cross-section (seeFig. 1). The quad segments are sketched in Fig. 2. We seebend-to-quad transitions, cavity-type beam position moni-tors (bpms), bellows, masks, and flex joints. The ring alsohas special chambers that include such things as 2 two-cellrf cavities, kickers, septa, y-joints, etc.

Figure 1: Cross-section of a bend chamber. The dashedcircle shows the size of a quad chamber beam pipe.

Figure 2: Vertical profile of QF segment (top) and QD seg-ment (bottom). Non-cylindrically symmetric parts are in-dicated by dashes.

The characterization of a ring impedance as inductive,resistive, or capacitive comes from electrical circuit analo-gies (an early usage was by Haıssinski [18]). A ring can besaid to be inductive if the induced voltage can be writtenas Vind ≈ −LdI/dt, with I(t) the bunch current and La constant (the inductance), and it can be characterized asresistive if Vind ≈ −RI , with R a constant (the resistance),etc. An inductive ring means potential well bunch length-ening and increased tune spread with current, a resistivering has little of either (see, e.g. Refs. [12],[19]). Individ-ual vacuum chamber objects can often also be character-ized as inductive, resistive, etc. Small objects or gradualperturbations—bellows, masks, transition—tend to be in-ductive at normal bunch lengths; larger objects, such as RFcavities and cavity beam position monitors (bpm’s), tend tobe resistive or have large resistive components. Note thatfor most vacuum chamber objects these simple models, atbest, only approximately describe their wakefields.

Wakefields of vacuum chamber objects in the SLCdamping rings were obtained using early versions ofMAFIA2D and MAFIA3D, which are finite differencemesh programs that compute the wakefield of a gaussian

bunch in the time domain [20]. For the many inductive ob-jects in the SLC damping ring the wake was calculated fora nominal bunch and then fit for the effective inductance L.A table of inductive objects in the original SLC dampingring is given in Table 2. At the time that these calculationswere done it was difficult to use a fine enough mesh to ob-tain an accurate result for some 3D objects; instead, a 2Dcalculation was performed, with an azimuthal filling fac-tor (the ”Factor” in the table) used to approximate the 3Dresult. Nowadays this is not generally necessary. Never-theless, the results in the table indicate that the dominantcontributors to the impedance were the bellows, the masks,and the transitions. The total inductance, 50 nH, equiva-lent to |Z/n| = 2.6 Ω, was very large. The rf cavities areresistive, with an effective resistance of 411 Ω.

Table 2: Inductive vacuum chamber objects in the originalSLC damping rings.

Single Element Inductance Contribution in RingType L/nH Factor Number L/nHQD bellows∗ 0.62 1.0 20 12.5QD and QF masks 0.47 1.0 20 9.5QD & QF trans. 0.52 0.9 20 9.3ion pump slots 1.32 0.1 40 5.3kicker bellows∗ 2.03 1.0 2 4.1flex joints 0.18 1.0 20 3.61” bpm trans. 0.10 0.8 40 3.3other 2.4

Total 50.0∗Shielded in the late 1980’s by the addition of sleeves.

To obtain the pseudo-Green function wake, calculationswere performed using a σz = 1 mm gaussian bunch. Toproperly account for the interaction of neighboring vacuumchamber objects the QF and QD segments—containing themost important impedance objects—were each calculatedas one piece. As far as obtaining an accurate Green func-tion, we were fortunate that the dominant contributionscame from (essentially) cylindrically symmetric chambersthat were repeated many times. The most difficult-to-calculate objects, such as the septa and y-joints, were andcould be left out. The Green function wake for the originalring is shown in Fig. 3.

Convolving (minus) the Green function with a 6 mmgaussian bunch we obtain the bunch wake shown in Fig. 4(here a negative value indicates voltage loss). We see that,though largely inductive, the ring wake has a significantresistive component. Performing the Fourier transform ofthe Green function we obtain the impedance; we find that|Z/n| rises to a maximum at 15 GHz (above cut-off) dueto the bellows, and then drops to become numerical noisebeyond 30 GHz (see Fig. 5). We see that, by simply shield-ing the bellows, the impedance can be significantly reduced(the dots in the figure give the remaining impedance).

To obtain the steady-state bunch shape below threshold

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Figure 3: Pseudo-Green function for the original SLCdamping ring: the wake of a σz = 1 mm gaussian bunch.A positive value indicates voltage loss for a test particle.

Figure 4: Convolution of minus the Green function wakewith a 6 mm gaussian bunch. The bunch shape is indicatedby dots.

we used the Green function and numerically solved theHaıssinski equation [18]. To get the average shape abovethreshold, we used the same method but first scaled thenominal bunch length parameter σz0 by the energy spreadincrease, as obtained from measurements (described be-low). The scaling turns out to be ∼ N 1/3.

Figure 5: The impedance |Z/n|. The dots give whatremains when the bellows are shielded (the old ringimpedance). The power spectrum of a 6 mm bunch is alsoshown.

Measurement [21] During SLC operation the beam,once extracted from the ring, passed through the ring-to-linac (RTL) transfer line on its way to the linac. Using adigitized phosphor screen located in a dispersive region ofthe RTL one could measure the energy spread or—after in-ducing a longitudinal-energy correlation in the beam—thebunch length of the beam. The current-dependent centroidshift or, equivalently, the parasitic mode losses, were ob-tained by measuring the RF component of a bunch intensitysignal as the beam current was gradually scraped away.

The measured bunch length, energy spread, and cen-troid shift as functions of bunch population are shown inFig. 6. The energy spread appears to be independent ofcurrent up to Nth = 1.5 × 1010, and then increases asσE ∼ N1/3. We note that bunch lengthening (framea) is quite pronounced: the full-width-at-half-maximum(FWHM) length, zfwhm has doubled by N = 3 × 1010.The fact that zfwhm > 2.355σz (σz is rms length) indi-cates that the beam is more bulbous than a gaussian, whichis consistent with an inductive impedance [19]. The poten-tial well calculations are given by lines in Figs. 6 (dashedlines above threshold); we see good agreement with mea-surement. in Fig. 7 we present selected measured bunchshapes (the plotting symbols) and their comparison withcalculation (the lines).

Figure 6: For original ring, bunch length (both full-width-at-half-maximum and 2.355 times rms length) (a), energyspread (b), and centroid shift (c) as functions of bunch pop-ulation. Lines are calculations and plotting symbols aremeasurement data. From Ref. [21].

Page 6: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

Figure 7: Bunch shape (head is to left) for several currents.Abscissae are position normalized to σz0 = 5 mm; ordi-nates are IZ0/(V

′σz0) (Z0 = 377 Ω, V ′

rf is the slope ofthe RF voltage). Lines are calculations and plotting sym-bols are measurement.

Old ring

In the original SLC damping rings, the microwave insta-bility was encountered at N = 1.5 × 1010. Our simula-tions showed that the bellows were a dominant impedancesource, and that the instability threshold could be increaseda factor of 2 by shielding them. Sleeves were inserted inthe bellows of both rings. This version of the machine wecall the old ring.

Shielding the bellows also made the ring somewhat lessinductive, reducing the estimated strength of inductorsfrom 50 nH to 33 nH. Again a Green function was gen-erated and potential well calculations were performed; thecalculated bunch length with current was not very differentfrom before. In addition, macro-particle tracking of lon-gitudinal phase space was performed, in order to simulatethe beam behavior above threshold [22]-[26]. In this cal-culation the longitudinal position and energy of a few hun-dred thousand macro-particles were tracked. On each turn,each particle’s energy was modified to include effects ofthe RF wave, Robinson damping, quantum excitation, radi-ation damping, and the wakefield; and then each particle’sposition was modified through the momentum compactionfactor.

A tracking example using the old ring Green functionis given in Fig. 8. Shown is the turn-by-turn (Nt is turnnumber) skew moment of the bunch shape when N =3.5×1010 (a), and the rms length when N = 5.0×1010 (b).In the simulations 300,000 macro-particles were used. Tokeep the computer running time reasonable, the synchro-ton radiation damping time was artificially reduced from15,000 turns by a factor of 10 (in the old ring the resultswere not very sensitive to the damping time). The syn-chrotron period was 85 turns. We see from the results thatfor some currents a “saw-tooth” like behavior in the rmslength is obtained.

Figure 8: For old ring, turn-by-turn (Nt is turn number)skew moment when N = 3.5× 1010 (a), and the rms whenN = 5.0 × 1010 (b).

The Fourier transform (FT) of the turn-by-turn skew mo-ment of the calculations for the same two currents is givenin Fig. 9. At some currents, such as at N = 3.5× 1010, weobtain an extremely narrow resonance. The position of thepeaks of the resonance in the Fourier transform, normalizedto the synchrotron tune, as function of N is plotted Fig. 10.Beginning with a calculated threshold Nth = 2 × 1010

the resonance frequency grows from 2.5νs0 (νs0 is nominalsynchrotron tune) nearly linearly with slope 0.27νs0/10


Figure 9: The absolute value of the Fourier transform ofthe turn-by-turn skew moment for two currents.

In Fig. 11 we present the bunch shape at extrema ofthe mode oscillation, when N = 3.5 × 1010 (the dashedcurves give the average, Haıssinski distribution). In Fig. 12we give the shape in phase space of the unstable mode atN = 3.5×1010. This was obtained by averaging the phasespace distribution at a fixed phase in the oscillation andsubtracting from it the average over all phases. We see thatthe mode is not simple; rather it is a complex mixture ofdipole, quadrupole, and sextupole components, which webelieve is a consequence of the strongly inductive (thoughnot purely inductive) nature of the ring.

Page 7: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

Figure 10: The positions of the major peaks in the Fouriertransform of the skew moment, normalized to the syn-chrotron tune, vs. N .

Figure 11: For old ring, the bunch shape at extrema of themode oscillation, when N = 3.5×1010 (the dashed curvesgive the average, Haıssinski distribution). The head is tothe left.

Vlasov equation calculation Another program usefulfor understanding a longitudinal, microwave instability waswritten by one of us (K.O.); it solves the time indepen-dent, linearized Vlasov equation including the effects ofpotential well distortion; we will refer to it here as “theOide Vlasov solver” [5]. The authors end up with an infi-nite dimensional, linear matrix eigenvalue problem that istruncated to finite size. For a given current the problemis solved, and the appearance of an eigenmode with com-plex eigenvalue indicates an unstable mode. The programis used to find the threshold, and also the shape and fre-quency of the unstable mode. One can also approximatelygo beyond threshold by assuming the average energy dis-tribution remains gaussian, with the rms energy spread in-creasing to keep the beam just at threshold.

Using the old SLC damping ring Green function, the firstunstable mode the program found was at N = 1.9 × 1010

with a frequency of 2.5νs0, and the shape of the modewas also similar to that found by the macro-particle track-ing program. Due to the strongly inductive nature of thering, and its attendant large tune spread, already at N =0.5×1010 modes with different azimuthal and radial modenumbers overlap in frequency; at threshold the instabilitycannot be described as the collision of two simple modes(a la mode coupling theory [27]).

Figure 12: For old ring, the shape of the unstable modefrom two views at N = 3.5 × 1010.

Measurement [28] After the bellows were sleeved themeasured bunch length was similar to that of the originalring, only 10% shorter at N = 3 × 1010. The thresholdincreased by a factor of two to Nth = 3 × 1010. At thresh-old, on a spectrum analyzer set to a revolution harmonicnear 20 GHz, a sideband with a frequency shift of 2.5νs0

was observed (the “sextupole” mode); at higher current thefrequency shift increased. A second, weaker sideband wasfound at about twice the frequency of the first one.

At certain currents above threshold, a repeating sequenceof growth and relaxation was observed on beam phase andbunch length signals of the stored beam. The growth timewas on the order of the synchrotron period, and the re-laxation time on the order of the damping time (the “saw-tooth”). A parameter study over RF voltage and beam cur-rent found what might be called phase transitions, with dif-ferent regions of parameter space displaying qualitativelydifferent types of behavior (the “Nose Plot” [29],[30]). Forexample, under some conditions the saw-tooth disappearedcompletely, to be replaced by even oscillations.

Comparing with calculations, the measured bunch lengthwith current was still in good agreement. The measuredthreshold had increased by a factor of two (as in calcula-tion), though the absolute value was still 50% larger thancalculated. The slope of the “sextupole” mode frequencywith current was in good agreement [31]; the second side-band, however, was not seen in simulation. Also, althoughcontinuous oscillation and sawtooth above threshold couldboth be found in tracking simulations, we would not saythat the calculated saw-tooth convincingly correspondedto measurement. Finally, note that the discovery of thesaw-tooth instability in the SLC damping rings engenderedmuch theoretical interest; see e.g. Ref. [32].

Page 8: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

Current ring

It was practically impossible to operate the SLC beyondthreshold Nth = 3× 1010 because of the microwave insta-bility. An additional problem with the impedance was that,at higher currents, the bunch length extended beyond thelinear region of the RTL compressor RF wave, and bunchcompression became inefficient. So in 1994 a completelynew, low impedance vacuum chamber was installed in bothrings. The magnets were not changed, so that quad-to-bendtransitions were still needed, but the new ones were muchsmoother (see Fig. 13); the cavity style bpm’s were also notchanged. This version of the ring we call here the currentor new ring.

Figure 13: The new, smoother quad-to-bend transitions ofthe current damping ring vacuum chamber. From Ref. [13].

According to our calculations the impedance of the in-ductive elements for the old ring was 33 nH; with the newchamber inductive elements were eliminated as much aspossible, and we estimated the residual inductance at 6 nH[13]. The vacuum chamber had changed character and be-come resistive. The new Green function wake is shown inFig. 14. In Fig. 15 we give an example potential well cal-culation with this wake. We see that the induced voltageis, to good approximation, proportional to the bunch shape.The dashed curve gives the potential well result for a purelyresistive impedance with R = 880 Ω, which we see givesalmost the same bunch shape.

Figure 14: The Green function wake representing the cur-rent SLC damping rings.

Figure 15: A potential well calculation example using thecurrent ring wake, showing the bunch shape λz (the head isto the left) and the induced voltage Vind.

Calculations with the new wake predicted a shorterbunch, and according to particle tracking (again with thedamping time artificially reduced by a factor of 10) thethreshold appeared to move to N = 5 × 1010. Whenthe new machine was turned on, it was found that bunchlengthening was indeed reduced; the threshold, however,also went down (which came as a shock).

Weak instability About the same time one of us(K.O.) was studying the microwave instability in a ringwith an idealized resistive plus inductive impedance [33]; itwas found that a machine with a purely resistive impedanceis unstable at any current. Unlike F. Sacherer’s mode cou-pling instability, which can be described as two modes withdifferent azimuthal mode numbers colliding, this new typeof instability can be described as the collision of two modeswith identical azimuthal mode numbers but different radialmode numbers. A simple, double water bag model that de-scribes this type of instability was also developed [34]. Un-like the normal mode coupling instability, it is a weak insta-bility, in that it can be suppressed by a small amount of tunespread—as would be introduced by adding a small amountof inductance to the ring—through Landau damping. Wecall this instability weak as opposed to F. Sacherer’s stronginstability. K.O.’s study suggested that the instability in thenew SLC damping ring might be such a weak instability,and our subsequent simulations supported this idea.

Simulations Unlike the old, strong SLC damping ringinstability, a weak instability is very sensitive to damp-ing time; this parameter, therefore, could not be artificiallylowered in simulations of the new ring to save comput-ing time∗. To keep the total running time manageable, thenumber of macro-particles instead was reduced by a factor

∗It was one of us (K.B.) who had not checked this point in the earlier,new damping ring simulations. The redeeming feature of this mistakeis that, had we known beforehand that the threshold would be reduced,we might not have built the new chambers, and consequently not haveachieved the later, improved luminosities.

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of 10—to 30,000—as compared to before. Below thresh-old and to find threshold this worked fine; above thresh-old, however, the combination of small number of macro-particles, long damping time, and type of impedance re-sulted in large fluctuations. This can be seen in Fig. 16,where we plot the turn-by-turn rms energy spread justabove threshold (a), and at a higher current (b). Eventhough there are large fluctuations in the moments of thebeam distribution above threshold, we took the average re-sult over the last damping time to estimate the expectedaverage property.

Figure 16: The turn-by-turn rms energy spread obtainedby tracking, just above threshold (a) and at a higher cur-rent (b).

According to macro-particle tracking the thresholdNth ≈ 1.15 × 1010, but the result is very sensitive to in-ductance. By adding a small inductance of 2 nH (|Z/n| =0.1 Ω) to the impedance, the threshold can be raised by1 × 1010 (in agreement with Ref. [33]). When artificiallychanging the damping time τd, we find that Nth ∼ τ


d ,which implies a growth ∼ eαN2t (α a constant, t time), alsoin agreement with Ref. [33]. The threshold and the averagebeam properties as functions of current above threshold arein good agreement with the Vlasov equation results. Theunstable mode is clearly a quadrupole mode (see Fig. 17).The unstable mode frequency is just under 2νs0 at thresh-old, and then varies with a slope of −0.07νs0/10


Figure 17: Unstable mode shape at N = 2 × 1010 as ob-tained by the Vlasov method. The bunch head is to theright, higher energy is down.

Measurement [35] The impedance effects in the cur-rent damping ring have been extensively studied throughmeasurement, resulting in one, and the significant part ofanother, PhD.: for bunch length measurements, primar-ily using a streak camera [36], and for a detailed studyof the properties of the unstable mode above threshold[16]. Bunch length measurements clearly showed thatbunch lengthening had been reduced by the introductionof the new chambers (see Fig. 18). The threshold wasfound at Nth = 1.5–2 × 1010. Bunch length and syn-chronous phase were in good agreement with calculations(when 2 nH inductance was added to our Green function);the bunch shape was found to be consistent with a resistiveimpedance, and in agreement with calculation. The unsta-ble mode, at threshold, had a frequency of 1.77νs0, andvaried with current with a slope of −0.06νs0/10

10, also ingood agreement with calculation.

Figure 18: Bunch length (FWHM/2.35) vs. current mea-surements, comparing the new with the original (herecalled “old”) chambers. The new measurements were per-formed using a streak camera. From Ref. [36].

Measurements of time dependent (saw-tooth) behaviorfor different currents are shown in Fig. 19. The instabil-ity involved the movement from the equilibrium shape ofonly a few percent of beam particles [16]. It appears thatthe amplitude of instability in the new ring was less thanin the old (old ring saw-tooth measurements were not cali-brated), since with the old ring we were limited to thresh-old, but with the new ring we ran routinely at more thantwice threshold, at Nth = 4.5 × 1010.


Recent programs for calculating impedances/wakefieldsand for tracking longitudinal phase space in storage ringsare much improved. We would briefly like to mention one:a numerical method for solving the Vlasov-Fokker-Planckequation for longitudinal phase space in storage rings hasbeen developed by Ellis and Warnock [8]. The programseems better able to avoid fluctuations in beam propertiesabove threshold that we found e.g. with macro-particles inFig. 16b. Their program was applied to our Green func-tion wakes for the old and current SLC damping ring vac-

Page 10: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10time, ms



de, a

rb. u








Figure 19: Oscilloscope traces for various currents. Thethird curve from the top is N = 3.1×1010. From Ref [16].

uum chambers [8],[37]. Generally, one can say that thereis much agreement between the results of this program andthe tracking results presented earlier.

As far as saw-tooth behavior is concerned, it seems thatthe simulated results can be very sensitive to machine andbeam parameters. It may be too much to ask from simula-tions that they exactly mimic saw-tooth behavior in a realstorage ring. Thus Warnock and Ellis find that, althoughthreshold to bunch lengthening, frequency of bunch oscil-lations, and the period of bursting envelope are in goodagreement with measurement for the new ring, other prop-erties are not (e.g. the saw-tooth behavior does not dis-appear again at higher currents, as seen in Fig. 19). Anexample with agreement: in Fig. 20 we see a simulated os-cilloscope trace, obtained by the program, which is meantto be compared to the third curve from the top in Fig. 19.

Figure 20: Simulated oscilloscope traces for N = 3.0 ×1010. From Ref. [8].

So finally, how can we understand the reduction ofthe measured threshold when the SLC damping ringimpedance was reduced? In the old, inductive machinethere was a strong instability observed at Nth = 3 × 1010,and we expect to have increased this threshold when theimpedance was reduced. However, in an inductive machinethere is a large incoherent tune spread that will Landaudamp weak instabilities which might otherwise appear atlower currents. By removing mostly inductive elements,and thereby changing the character of the ring to a resistiveone, we have removed this tune spread, and presumably are

now able to observe one of these weaker instabilities.If one could reduce a ring impedance by a scale factor,

α, one would then have confidence that the dependence ofwakefield effects on current shifts up by 1/α. But such achange in ring impedance is generally not realistic. TheBoussard criterion suggests that the threshold to the stronginstability depends on |Z/n|, but it is known that this is asimplification, that the character of the impedance is alsoimportant; and the Boussard criterion says nothing aboutthe weak instability. When reducing an impedance to ame-liorate wakefield effects one generally needs to do morecareful analysis. For the current SLC damping rings howcould we raise the instability threshold? We believe thatthe instability in the new rings is very sensitive to a smallamount of Landau damping. It could be damped by addinga weak, higher harmonic cavity, or by reinserting a smallamount of inductance, by e.g. introducing a short bellows,or beam pipe with many small holes. However, one musttake care not to overdo it, thereby bringing back down thethreshold to the strong instability.


We have reviewed our development in understanding ofthe longitudinal impedance and microwave instability inthe SLC damping rings, from the original, to the old, andfinally to the current (or new) versions of the ring vacuumchambers. Our calculations were somewhat crude, whencompared to what can be done today. Nevertheless, the cal-culations were a useful complement to measurement, giv-ing reasonable agreement with measurement and insightinto the instability, whether in the old, inductive, or new,resistive rings. In the process a new kind of instability–theweak instability–was discovered; it can now be consideredto be reasonably well understood.


Vacuum chamber RF design

The vacuum chamber RF design of the Frascati e+e−

Φ-factory DAΦNE[38] is a good example of successfulbenchmarking of impedance codes.

First, the DAΦNE vacuum chamber is complicated. De-spite a short collider circumference of about 97 m each ringaccommodates all components typical for a multibunchhigh current collider. The rings contain:

1. two common 10 m long Y-shape interaction regions;

2. four 5 m long narrow gap wiggler vacuum chambers(the wigglers are used for the emittance control andenhancement of the radiation damping);

3. straight sections for allocation of RF cavities, injec-tion kickers, longitudinal feedback kickers, transversefeedback kickers etc;

4. tapers connecting straight sections, bending arcs, wig-gler sections, interaction regions;

Page 11: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

5. many other components as bellows, flanges, valves,vacuum ports etc.

Second, due to high circulating currents the vacuumchamber was designed to avoid beam instabilities and ex-cessive power losses. New designs and novel ideas wereadopted for almost all principal vacuum chamber compo-nents: RF cavities [39, 40], shielded bellows [41], longitu-dinal feedback kickers [42], BPMs [43], DC current moni-tors [44], injection kickers [45], transverse feedback kick-ers and others [46]. For example, longitudinal feedbackkickers similar to the DAΦNE kicker are routinely used inmore than 10 operating colliders and synchrotron radiationsources.

At present, the design single bunch current of 44 mAhas been largely exceeded. About 200 mA were stored ina single bunch, while in the multibunch regime 2.4 A ofstable beam current were accumulated in the electron ringand about 1.3 A in the positron one.

The following impedance codes were used forimpedance and wake field calculations in DAΦNE:ABCI [47], URMEL [48] and OSCAR2D [49] were usedin simulations of azimuthally symmetric structures, whilethe impedance of 3D objects was calculated by MAFIA[20] and HFSS [50]. As a complement to MAFIA andHFSS, the POPBCI code [51] was used to characterizethe higher order mode content in the DAΦNE (rectangularwaveguide loaded) RF cavity [52].

Impedance bench measurements were carried out for al-most all critical vacuum chamber components. Generally,an agreement between the measurement results and theimpedance code simulations is satisfactory. Examples ofsuch a comparison are given in a review paper [53], andmore details can be found in Refs. [39]-[46].

The total collider impedance estimate obtained with theimpedance codes very reliably predicts such important as-pects of beam dynamics in DAΦNE as: bunch lengthening,bunch shape and the threshold to the microwave instability.

Bunch lengthening

Bunch lengthening simulations for DAΦNE were per-formed much before the collider commissioning. The over-all short range wake used in the numerical tracking wascalculated by adding up contributions of almost all vacuumchamber discontinuities that were estimated analytically ornumerically assuming a 2.5 mm gaussian distribution [54],see Fig. 21.

The tracking method is essentially the same as that suc-cessfully used in the bunch lengthening simulations for theSLC damping rings [14], SPEAR [25], PETRA and LEP[24]. It consists in tracking the motion of N superparti-cles in longitudinal phase space over 4 damping times. Theturn-by-turn equation of macroparticle motion includes lat-tice dispersion, radiation damping, stochastic quantum ex-citation, interactions with the RF field and the wake of allleading macroparticles.

-1,5 1014

-1 1014

-5 1013


5 1013

1 1014

1,5 1014

0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1

w(z) [V/C]

z [m]

Figure 21: Wake potential of a 2.5 mm long gaussianbunch, which is used in bunch lengthening simulations forDAΦNE.

A comparison between bunch lengthening simulationsand bunch length measurements using two different meth-ods is shown in Fig. 22. In the beginning of DAΦNE com-missioning a signal from a broadband button was used forbunch length measurements (blue points in Fig. 22). Theresulting bunch distribution was found by processing thesignal picked up by the button, taking into account the but-ton transfer impedance and the attenuation of the cablesconnecting the button to a sampling oscilloscope [55]. Anexample comparison between the simulated bunch shapeand the processed signal is shown in Fig. 23.







0 10 20 30 40 50

Measurements 2000Simulation 1998Measurements 2004

I [mA]

FWHM/2.3548 [cm]

Figure 22: Comparison of bunch lengthening simula-tions (green line) with bunch length measurements per-formed with a BPM (blue circles) and a streak camera (redsquares).

Later installation of a streak camera made it possible tomeasure the bunch length in both the electron and positronrings simultaneously [56] (red squares). The bunch profilesat different currents as acquired by the streak camera areshown in Fig. 24. The difference in bunch shape in thetwo rings is due to an additional inductive impedance inthe electron ring: the ion clearing electrodes [57].

The calculated DAΦNE impedance is suitable for pre-dicting bunch behavior not only in the lengthening regime,but also when the short-range wake becomes focusing(bunch shortening). Recently, it has been proposed to usea lattice with a negative momentum compaction factor to

Page 12: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings







-100 -50 0 50 100

z [mm]

λ [a.u.]

Figure 23: Comparison of the (processed) BPM signal(dotted line) with simulated bunch profile (solid line). Thebunch head is to the left.







300 400 500 600 700 800

19.5 mA15.2 mA10.2 mA7.5 mA5 mA3.2 mA2 mA1.1 mA

Time, ps






700 800 900 1000 1100

20 mA15.5 mA10.3 mA5 mA2.1 mA1.1 mA

Time, ps

Figure 24: Typical measured bunch distributions in thepositron (left) and electron (right) rings. The head is tothe left.

increase the luminosity in DAΦNE [58]. For such a latticethe short range wakes are focusing and the bunch shortensuntil the microwave threshold is reached. An experimentallattice with a negative momentum compaction factor has al-ready been tried in both DAΦNE rings [59]. Fig. 25 showsbunch length as function of current and Fig. 26 gives typ-ical bunch distributions in the positron ring with negativemomentum compaction. Again, we can find an agreementbetween the measurements and the predictions of [58] asfar as the bunch length and shape are concerned.









0 5 10 15 20

I [mA]

FWHM/2.3548 [cm]

Figure 25: Measured bunch length in the DAΦNE positronring as function of bunch current for positive (red squares)and negative (blue circles) momentum compaction factor.









600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950

e+ .3mA 100ps

e+ 1.5mA 102ps

e+ 4.4mA 86ps

e+ 9mA 98ps

e+ 13mA 110ps

t [ps]

a. u.

Figure 26: Typical measured bunch distributions in theDAΦNE positron ring with a negative momentum com-paction lattice. The head is to the left.

Microwave instability

The coupling between longitudinal coherent modes ina bunch is the driving source of the microwave instabil-ity. Different azimuthal modes may couple if their natu-ral frequencies are shifted by amounts comparable to thesynchrotron frequency (”strong” instability) while radialmodes having the same azimuthal number can couple al-ready for much smaller frequency shifts (”weak” instabil-ity). The coherent shift is due to the interaction betweenthe bunch and the machine impedance.

In order to study the microwave instability for DAΦNEagain we assumed the machine wake function calculatedby the impedance codes shown in Fig. 21. The simple an-alytical model that we followed treats mode coupling as asplitting of each azimuthal mode in two radial modes. Themodel is based on approximating the real bunch distribu-tion by a double water bag distribution [34]. By substi-tuting this distribution into the Vlasov equation we solvedthe resulting eigenvalue system after truncating it (keepingonly first 9 azimuthal modes). According to this study, thecoupling of radial modes with low azimuthal mode numberdrives the microwave instability at DAΦNE. For instance,as is seen in Fig. 27, at an RF voltage of 100 kV the lowestthresholds are given by the coupling of radial quadrupolemodes at a bunch current of 24 mA and sextupole modes at28 mA.

2 104

3 104

4 104

5 104

6 104

7 104

8 104

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

f [Hz]

I [mA]

m = 3

m = 2

m = 1

Figure 27: Frequencies of radial bunch modes with lowestazimuthal mode numbers (m = 1, 2, 3) as a function ofbunch current.

Page 13: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

Experimentally, at a voltage of 100 kV and with the samemomentum compaction factor as considered in the analyti-cal model, the quadrupole mode was clearly observed witha spectrum analyzer (see Fig. 28). In the positron ring thethreshold current at which the mode signal first appears isabout 26 mA, a value that is surprisingly close to the pre-diction of the simplified analytical model.

Figure 28: Quadrupole instability sideband as seen on thespectrum analyzer (courtesy A. Drago).

In practise, in the positron ring it was possible to pushthe threshold to higher currents by varying the RF volt-age and increasing the momentum compaction factor. Inthe electron ring the quadrupole mode instability problemwas more severe, presumably due to the higher broad-band coupling impedance. The instability had been lim-iting the maximum stored current in the e− ring for a longtime, leading to injection saturation, background problems,beam-beam blow up and lifetime reduction. The voltagevariation and momentum compaction increase gave only asmall increase in the maximum storable current. The prob-lem has been finally solved by tuning the DAΦNE longi-tudinal feedback system (that initially meant to damp onlydipole oscillations) in such a way as to give different longi-tudinal kicks to the head and tail of bunches [60].

DAΦNE Accumulator Ring

Yet another example of successful impedance code ap-plication is the DAΦNE Accumulator Ring, a small boosterring in the DAΦNE injection chain [61]. As in the caseof the main rings, the coupling impedance was estimatedwell in advance of measurements. The longitudinal cou-pling impedance of 3.5 Ω inferred from the bunch length-ening measurements is in a good agreement with numericalimpedance simulations [62]. Fig. 29 shows the calculatedwake potential for a 5 mm gaussian bunch, and its Fouriertransform (the impedance). Fig. 30 gives a comparison be-tween calculated and measured bunch lengths at differentRF voltages and bunch currents.

The measurement of the shift of the transverse betatrontunes and their synchrotron sidebands versus bunch currenthas shown that the accumulator ring broad-band impedancecan be approximated by a Q = 1 broad-band resonator

-3 1013

-2 1013

-1 1013


1 1013

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

w [V/C]

z [m]







0 1 2 3 4 5

f [GHz]






Figure 29: Wake potential of a 5 mm long gaussianbunch (top) and respective FFT transform (bottom) for theDAΦNE Accumulator ring.








0 20 40 60 80 100 120



55 6072 85


I [mA]

FWHM [ps]

Figure 30: . Bunch lengthening in the DAΦNE Accumu-lator ring at different RF voltages (red dots - measurement;blue crosses - numerical simulation; numbers correspondto the peak voltage, in kV).

model, with a shunt impedance of 70 kΩ/m [63]. Thisagrees well with earlier analytical estimates and numericalcalculations [64].


Conclusions on impedance codes-MZ

In our opinion, there is no urgent need to develop entirelynew software packages for impedance calculations thanavailable today. It would be sufficient to extend alreadyexisting tools. The present general-purpose impedancecodes, like MAFIA, HFSS, GdfidL and others, have proventheir reliability in RF designing and vacuum chamber’simpedance optimization. In our paper we have given onlya few examples of this.

It does not mean that the existing codes can solve all

Page 14: Impedance Calculation and Veriï¬cation in Storage Rings

possible problems arising while calculating the impedance.However, in most cases numerical simulations can be al-ways crosschecked (or substituted) with analytical evalua-tions and/or experimental measurements results. For par-ticular cases analytical estimates can be helpful in simpli-fying models to give a possibility of numerical simulationswith the existing codes.

Among the practical suggestions for further develop-ment of the existing codes we can list a few:

1. possibility to include resistive walls in simulations totake into account:

- crosstalk between resistive wall and geometric wakefields. Recently this task is getting more important fordesign of collimation systems for future accelerators,first of all, LHC and linear colliders. - quadrupolarresistive wall wakes responsible of the betatron tuneshifts in asymmetric vacuum chambers (measured, forexample, in PEP-II, DAΦNE,..)

2. simulations of vacuum chamber elements with thinresistive layers. There are many examples of suchcomponents: CTF3 BPMs, DAΦNE ion clearing elec-trodes, different kinds of kickers etc.

3. further impedance benchmarking is necessary for sim-ulation of components containing frequency depen-dent materials and/or frequency dependent externalloadings

4. possibility of direct impedance calculations at a givenfrequency.


Wake Calculation

• As rings become cleaner 3D objects become more im-portant; for short bunch, wakes of long 3D objects aredifficult to calculate accurately.

• Short gaussian bunch (used for Green function) filtersout high frequencies; what if instability is driven atvery high frequencies (e.g. CSR, microbunching in-stability)?

• For short bunch (microbunch), interaction can occurover long distances (catch-up problem).

• Short bunch, long structure, small features: difficult tocalculate accurately (mesh dispersion).

=> improved algorithms: A. Novokhatski (2D, m =0), I. Zagorodnov and T. Weiland (2D, m > 0; 3D).

Vlasov Equation Programs

• Oide turned the linearized Vlasov equation into alinear eigenvalue problem; many superfluous stablemodes (artifact). Program does not always work.

=> R. Warnock, M. Venturini, G. Stupakov, turnedthe linearized Vlasov equation into a nonlinear eigen-value problem; no superfluous modes. More likelyto work for difficult wakes, though does not alwayswork.


• Tracking above threshold can yield large fluctuations.

=> R. Warnock and J. Ellison have developed aprogram that solves the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck (VFP)equation; more accurate than simple tracking; can e.g.solve CSR-driven, microbunching instability; can it bebenchmarked with measurements?


We acknowledge the debt of many people who wereinvolved in the SLC and DAΦNE–physicists, engineers,operators–that made it possible to come to some under-standing of the ring impedances. We thank also A. Chao,for reading the manuscript and giving useful comments andsuggestions; F.-J. Decker, for recent discussion about SLCmeasurements; R. Warnock and B. Podobedov for supply-ing figures.


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