Impact of Motivation on Work Performance

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  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Impact of Motivation on

    Work PerformanceBy:

    Shumailla Noureen

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    "Management is nothing

    more than motivating

    other people.

    --Lee Iacocca

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance



    Refers to the initiation, direction,intensity and persistence ofbehavior

    Having the encouragement todo something

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Types of Motivation

    Achievement Motivation

    Affiliation Motivation

    Competence Motivation

    Power Motivation

    Attitude Motivation

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Achievement Motivation

    Drive to pursue and attaingoals

    To achieve objectives and

    advance up on the ladder ofsuccess

    Important for its own sake and

    not for the rewards Similar to Kaizen approach of

    Japanese Management

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Affiliation Motivation

    Drive to relate to people on a

    social basis

    Perform work better

    Complimented for favorableattitudes and cooperation

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Competence Motivation

    Drive to be good at something

    To perform at high quality

    People seek job mastery Take pride in developing &

    using their problem solving skills

    Strive to be creative Learn from experiences

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Power Motivation

    Drive to influence people and

    change situations

    People wish to create an impacton their organization and arewilling to take risk to do so

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Attitude Motivation

    Is how people think and feel

    Self confidence

    Belief in themselves Attitude to life

    How they feel about future

    How they react to past

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    "The whole idea of motivation is atrap. Forget motivation. Just do it.

    Exercise, lose weight, test yourblood sugar, or whatever.

    Do it without motivation. And then,

    guess what? After you start doing the thing, that's

    when the motivation comes andmakes it easy for you to keep ondoing it."

    --John Maxwell

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    The Research

    A number of researches havebeen conducted on Impact of

    Motivation on work

    performance, the one we aregoing to consult is Researchand Best Practices conducted

    by International Society ofPerformance Improvement

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Key Findings

    Incentive programs

    Improve performance

    Engage participants Attract quality employees

    Long-term programs out perform

    short-term programs Executives & employees value

    incentive programs

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Incentive Programs Improve


    With awards in the form ofmoney or tangible awardsincrease performance by 22%

    Team incentives can increaseperformance by 44%

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Incentive Programs Engage


    Increase interest in work

    For completing a task, 15%increase

    Asked to persist toward a goal,27% increase

    Encourage to thinking smarter,26% increase

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Incentive Programs Attract

    Quality Employees

    Organizations that offer properlystructured incentive programscan attract and retain higherquality workers than otherorganizations

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Long-term programsoutperform shot-term programs

    Incentive programs that run for ayear or more produce 44%increase

    Programs running 6 months orshow 30% increase

    Programs of a week or less yield20 % boost

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Executives and Employees

    Value Incentive Programs

    Both employees and managershighly value incentive programs

    98% individuals complain abouttheir implementation

    A programs success and return

    on investment obviously dependson how well its operated

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    "People often say that

    motivation doesn't last.

    Well, neither doesbathing -- that's why werecommend it daily."

    --Zig Ziglar

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


    Conditions for Success

    Current performance is inadequate The cause of the inadequate

    performance is related to deficienciesin the motivation

    The desired performance type andlevel can be quantified

    The goal is challenging but achievable

    The focus on promoting a particular

    behavior does not conflict with oroverride every day organizationalgoals

  • 8/3/2019 Impact of Motivation on Work Performance


