The impact of uranium on living organisms Masterclass –Acid Mine Drainage, Global Prospectus, 20-21 October, 2010, Indaba hotel, Midrand. Dr Carl Albrecht Head Research Cancer Association of South Africa [email protected] www.cansa.org.za www.cansa.org.za

Impact of - CANSA – The Cancer Association of South

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Page 1: Impact of   - CANSA – The Cancer Association of South

The impact of uranium on living

organismsMasterclass –Acid Mine Drainage, Global Prospectus, 20-21

October, 2010, Indaba hotel, Midrand.

Dr Carl Albrecht



Cancer Association of South Africa

[email protected]


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Isotopes Half-life m.y. Abundance

238 4470 99.2745%

235 704 0.72%

234 0.245 0.0055%

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Significance of Uranium

• It may be possible to set up a

nuclear reaction in uranium by

which vast amounts of power

could be released This new

phenomenon would also lead to

the construction of extremely

powerful bombs of a new type. powerful bombs of a new type.

- Albert Einstein, Letter to President Franklin D


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Prevention is the ultimate cure of


Intellectuals solve

problems; geniuses problems; geniuses

prevent them.

Albert Einstein

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General aim of this presentation

• The aim of the presentation is to explore the impact

of uranium, as a metal contaminant, on living

organisms, in the environment - especially the

Wonderfonteinspruit catchment area - between

Johannesburg and Potchefstroom.

• The devastating radiation effects associated with

nuclear explosions or nuclear power station leaks will nuclear explosions or nuclear power station leaks will

not be discussed.

• The aim of the exercise is to brainstorm/devise

preventive strategies to minimise the impact of the


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1. The extent of the uranium problem

2. Acid mine drainage and the

solubilisation of uranium.

3. Biological impact of uranium –plants

4. Biological impact of uranium – animals


4. Biological impact of uranium – animals

and humans

5. Reasons for concern

6. Proposals for reducing the risk

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The extent of the uranium


• Over 100 years of gold mining has brought

100 000 tons of uranium oxide to the densely-

populated surface areas of the West Rand and

Far West Rand - an area known as the

Wonderfonteinspruit catchment.

• Since 1952, 240 000 tons of uranium have • Since 1952, 240 000 tons of uranium have

been exported for atomic bombs.

• However, 600 000 tons is estimated to still be

contained in gold mining tailings covering

some 400 square kilometers.

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Origin of the Gold Fields

Why is

the action


in in


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2 Billion years ago

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Biggest impact in history

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Meteorite the size of Table

Mountain strikes earth

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• 2023 million years ago

• Original crater diameter – 250 – 300 km

• Depth – 50 km

• Excavated volume – 70 000 cubic km

• Energy released – 100 billion tons TNT

Details of Vredefort Impact

• Energy released – 100 billion tons TNT

• Ten billion Hiroshima A Bombs

• Duration of crater growth – 4-15 min

• Size of projectile – 5-15 km

• Seismic event – 14 Richter scale

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Vredefort dome

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Goldmine slimes dams in the


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Implications of Vredefort


• “A complex crater form with a central uplift

surrounded by a deep ring basin resulted , and all of

this was covered by thick layers of rock melt and

ejected debris. If not for this thick cover and for the

fact that blocks of the gold-bearing Witwatersrand

rocks sagged and became down-faulted into the ring

basin around a central uplift, much of thebasin around a central uplift, much of the

Witwatersrand gold would have been eroded over

the past 2000 Ma. No gold-mining industry could

have evolved in this region, and surely the political,

and cultural development of South Africa would

have been vastly different.

• Meteorite Impact, W U Reimold and R L Gibson,


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Impact: 45 000 tons of gold

since 1896

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As seen by Google Earth

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Google Earth is a spy in the sky

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Close contact

Mg U/kg






Av = 61



43-times higher

than control

Literature shows

< 10 ug/ml

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• Solutions used to dissolve uranium ore

are either acid (sulfuric acid or less

commonly nitric acid) or carbonate

(sodium bicarbonate, ammonium

carbonate, or dissolved carbon dioxide).carbonate, or dissolved carbon dioxide).

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Contamination possibilities

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Acid mine drainage (1)

2FeS2(s) + 7O2(g) + 2H2O(l) → 2Fe2+(aq) + 4SO42-(aq) + 4H+(aq)


Destruction of Robertson’s dam

16 mgUranium/L0.0004 mg/L0.07mg/L0.01 mg/L

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Acid Mine Drainage: Pipe

leading to Robertson’s dam



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Biological impact of uranium –plants

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• Definition:

• The process whereby pollutants are

taken up, retained and concentrated in

the cells of plants and animals.the cells of plants and animals.

• The selective absorption and

concentration of molecules by cells

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Bioaccumulation of uranium

into sunflower plant roots

• Removal of Uranium from Water Using Terrestrial Plants

• Uranium (U) contamination of groundwater poses a serious environmental

problem in uranium mining areas and in the vicinity of nuclear processing

facilities. Preliminary laboratory experiments and treatability studies indicated

that the roots of terrestrial plants could be efficiently used to remove U from

aqueous streams (rhizofiltration). Certain sunflower plants were found to have a

high affinity for U and were selected for treatment of contaminated water.

Almost all of the U removed from the water in the laboratory was concentrated Almost all of the U removed from the water in the laboratory was concentrated

in the roots. Bioaccumulation coefficients based on the ratios of U

concentrations in the roots vs U concentrations in the aqueous phase reached

30000. Rhizofiltration technology has been tested in the field with U-

contaminated water at concentra@ons of 21−874 μg/L at a former U processing

facility in Ashtabula, OH. The pilot-scale rhizofiltration system provided final

treatment to the site source water and reduced U concentration to <20 μg/L

(EPA Water Quality Standard) before discharge to the environment. System

performance was subsequently evaluated under different flow rates permitting

the development of effectiveness estimates for the approach.

• Environ. Sci. Technol., 1997, 31 (12), pp 3468–3474

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Can sweet potatoes

accumulate uranium?


U238 807 nd

BI209 202 nd

Pb206 nd 700

Cu63 6900 12050Cu63 6900 12050

Ni60 8072 nd

Co59 723 4750

As far as we know, this is the first indication

that sweet potatoes can bio-accumulate

uranium in the Wonderfonteinspruit catchment.

Average daily intake in Canada is 2ug per day

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Conclusions 1

• Certain plants like sunflower and sweet

potato can bioaccumulate uranium

orders of magnitude higher than

background water (0.4 ug/L).

• While preparing this talk, not a single • While preparing this talk, not a single

publication could be found concerning

the bioaccumulation of uranium into

plants of any kind in South Africa.

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Vegetable farms in Wonderfonteinspruit


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Important question

• Has uranium become part of the food

chain in Gauteng?chain in Gauteng?

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Why no bioaccumulation studies?

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Biological Impact of Uranium



DNA Damage


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Uranium effect on kidneys

• Structural & Functional


• Hallmark of uranium


Damage to proximal • Damage to proximal

convoluted tubules

• Proteinuria

• Can be diagnosed within

15 days of exposure

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Uranium effect on the brain

• Very little data linking

uranium exposure to

neurological toxicity

• Decreased problematic

performance on performance on

automated tests

assessing performance

accuracy and efficiency

• Further studies on

cognitive function


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Uranium effect on DNA• Mutagen-Carcinogen

• Cancers of the lung,

bladder, skin, stomach,

breast, leukemia

• Chromosome


• Teratogenic effects

• Lower fertility

• Miscarriages

• Heritable defects in


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Uranium effect on bone

• Binds to bone

• Causes osteoporosis

• Can cause bone cancer

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New discovery

• Uranium acts like the female hormone


• It is active on reproductive cells in mice with

as little as 0.5 ug/L uranium.

• This opens up the possibility that low

concentrations of uranium in the drinking concentrations of uranium in the drinking

water may have endocrine disrupting effects.

• 0.5ug is 140-times less than the South African

limit of 70ug/L

• There is no clear indication why the

South African limit is 70ug.

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Reasons for concern

• 1. Uranium is increasing in the WFS

• 2. Potchefstroom obvious target

• 3. Little data on uranium in Potch tap water

• 4. Possible that uranium in water could do

harm at very low concentrationsharm at very low concentrations

• 5. Uranium can affect DNA epigenetically

• 6. How does one explain the lack of

epidemiological data

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Reasons for concern:Potchefstroom

drinking water

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Geographical distribution of uranium in

Wonderfontein catchment

Uranium pollution of the Wonderfonteinspruit, 1997-2008 Part 2: Uranium in water –concentrations, loads and associated risks.Frank WindeWater SA Vol. 36, No.3 April 2010

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Geographical distribution of uranium in

Wonderfontein catchment

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Increases in soluble uranium in Potch water

source for drinking over 8 years.


• Uranium in water ug/ml

• Potch Dam = 4.4

• Boskop Dam = 2.7

Gerhard Minnebron Eye =

Present (8 years later)

• Uranium in water ug/ml

• Potch Dam = 14 + 318%

• Boskop Dam = 11 + 407%

Gerhard Minnebron Eye = • Gerhard Minnebron Eye =


• Gerhard Minnebron Eye =

2.3 + 460%

• Average increase over 8

years = 395%

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Uranium in water used for

drinking in Potchefstroom

Values in January 2003 were<5 ug/L

20 Months later values of 30-58 ug/L

were recorded.

German “Baby-Safe” value = 2 ug/L

Uranium pollution of the Wonderfonteinspruit, 1997-2008 Part 2: Uranium in water – concentrations, loads and associated risks.Frank WindeWater SA Vol. 36, No.3 April 2010

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The Potchefstroom Story

• Uranium in drinking water

• City Council claims it is safe

• Scientist-Frank Winde- says it is a matter for


• German “Baby-safe” concentration is 2 ug/l.• German “Baby-safe” concentration is 2 ug/l.

• WHO safety level is 15ug/l

• RSA safety level is 70 ug/l

• Leukemia found at 40 ug/l

• Potch Dam 14 ug/l up from 4ug/l 8 years ago.

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Uranium pipeline





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The Writing is on the wall

• Potchefstroom drinking water will

become a cancer threat within the next

10 years. 120 000 people are hostage to 10 years. 120 000 people are hostage to

this situation

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Ultimate solution

• Pipeline with Rand Water Board water

from Carletonville (49 km).

• If not, why not?• If not, why not?

• If not now, when?

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Conclusions 2

• Uranium can cause serious illness in humans.

• Drinking uranium-containing water on a daily basis is

considered to be unacceptable.

• Uranium may have deleterious effects at <5 ug/L


• Not a single publication could be found while • Not a single publication could be found while

preparing this talk, relating to health aspects of

people or animals exposed to uranium in the

Wonderfonteinspruit catchment although this

unhealthy situation has been going on for more than

100 years.

• The time is overdue for remediation.

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• That all fruit and vegetables irrigated with

ground/river water in the Wonderfontein catchment

must be subjected to batch testing at SANAS

accredited laboratories for absolute amounts of heavy


• That the relevant legislation be created or amended

to cover maximum levels of heavy metals which must to cover maximum levels of heavy metals which must

be adhered to before these products are sold to the


• That a task team be constituted by the Government

to monitor and remedy the growing accumulation of

uranium in the Boskop Dam (800 kg/a.) and devise a

solution for the drinking water in Potchefstroom

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Thank You

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References used for this talk

• I can send you PDF files of most of the

topics in this talk.

• Please e-mail me and request such PDF


• My e-mail address is:• My e-mail address is:

[email protected]