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Mmigration vs Student Visa

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  • 11/4/2014 Forum Section - Replies 1/3

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    IELTS required for Australia immigration

    w hats IELTS (acadamic or general ) is required for immigration to Australia as accountant ? w hats bands each

    is required for skill assessment ?

    English language ability at time of invitation Competent EnglishIELTS 6 / OET B 0 Points Proficient English

    IELTS 7 / OET B 10 Points Superior EnglishIELTS 8 / OET A 20 Points You can receive up to 20 points based

    on your English language ability. You must be able to demonstrate that you have met the Competent English

    requirement at time of visa invitation for all Points Tested visas. You are also eligible to receive points for

    proficient or superior English language ability. As specif ied by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship the

    only language tests that can be currently used to demonstrate English language ability for a Points Based Skilled

    Migration visa is the: International English Language Test System (IELTS test) There are tw o IELTS testsan

    academic test and a general training test. You need to take only the general test unless otherw ise advised by

    your skills assessing authority. The IELTS band score for the four components must be demonstrated in one

    IELTS test. The deparment w ill not accept separate IELTS tests for each component. IELTS examinations are

    available w orldw ide and more information is available on w ebsite. Occupational English Test (OET) The

    Occupational English Test (OET) is a language test for health practitioners w ho have qualif ied to practice in one

    country and w ish to gain provisional registration to practice their profession in another w hich has an English-

    speaking context. If you are a health practitioner, you have the option of providing results from an OET or IELTS

    test as evidence of your English language ability. OET examinations are available w orldw ide and more

    information is available on their w ebsite. The table below sets out the points available for each language level

    and the evidence you must provide w ith your application.

    Level of English Points Evidence required Superior 20 You must provide one of the follow ing: an IELTS Test

    result show ing you have a band score of at least 8 on each of the four components of speaking, reading,

    listening and w riting evidence you have taken an OET language test and attained a score of at least A in each

    of the four components of an OET as specif ied by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. Proficient 10 You

    must provide one of the follow ing: an IELTS Test result show ing have a band score of at least 7 on each of the

    four components of speaking, reading, listening and w riting evidence you have taken an OET language test and

    attained a score of at least B in each of the four components of an OET as specif ied by the Minister for

    Immigration and Citizenship. Competent 0 You must provide one of the follow ing: evidence that you hold a

    passport from Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom or the United States of

    America an IELTS result show ing you have a band score of at least 6 on each of the four components of

    speaking, reading, listening and w riting evidence that you have taken an OET language test and attained a

    score of at least B in each of the four components of an OET as specif ied by the Minister for Immigration and


    @Arif, IELTS Academic w ith 7 band in each component is required for accountants to be eligible to apply for

    immigration. This w ill also enable them to claim 10 points in the immigration process. At f irst you need to have

    your qualif ication and skilled employement assessed, then you can apply after having positive response. Please

    refer any of the follow ing sites for details: http://w w w

    assessment/How -to-Apply/Skills-assessment/Documents-to-submit-w ith-your-application/If-youre-fully-or-

    partially-recognised-member. http://w w w -


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    Accountants of PakistanConstituted under Cost and Management Accountants Act, 1966


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    November 28, 2012 10:46


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    November 29, 2012 11:00



    November 29, 2012 11:00



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  • 11/4/2014 Forum Section - Replies 2/3

    thanks to Munaw ar & Zia, for detail response, is it practical that w ithout any couching academy, w e be able to

    get 8 band each to IELTS. If some have the IELTS material please share it. Are books , CD's and related material

    available to local market. w hats Accounting body in Australia is the most favorable for assessment of ICMAP's

    members.My experience is as compliance & Controls off icer in the bank. Let my experience w ill be assessed as

    accountant or close to accountant (General) Occupation.

    Please search for the topic on this forum : IELTS Preparation Material. I posted IELTS material. It w ill help you

    prepare IELTS. Yes you can acheive 8 bands if you have good command over English language and are w ell

    prepared, how ever if you w ant to practice w ith some guidance, there is no harm in getting some appropriate

    coaching. As far as your second question is concerned, I think CPA is better in current assessing bodies for

    accountants, because they are show ing ICMAP as their recognized

    institutes(http://w w w -migration-faq.html),

    w hereas, others are not show ing ICMAP on their w ebsites, nevertheless, I know some members w ho got

    positive assessment from ICA as w ell.

    As per my information IELTS is not required because w e have throughout the career studying in english. One

    has to satisfy the authorities that w hy candidate does not need IELTS (this holds 100% true for canada atleast).

    I have talked to professors of good busniess scholl & w ith best engineering uni in khi & actually they gave me

    this piece of info. For immigration general band is required, one w ill on average need 7 (i.e. avg of all 4 parts of

    IELTS) but reading w ill require 8 w ith none other less than 6.5. One can easily prepare at home provided w here

    one already stands. Use british council stuff, thats superb. I have seen candidates living in uk, scotland for 5

    years having good command except the fact that they had problem in listening part. Well zia sir hope u ur family

    & all our ex-mates are f ine out there. Miss u guys

    @Rao, Buddy w e all are f ine alhamduLILLAH. The process for Australian Immigration has changed drastically.

    IETLS Academic w ith 7 band in each section is required by the assessing bodies for accountants. Please visit

    the links I pasted in my last reply for details, and for the new visa process please visit the w ebsite:

    http://w w w

    bari mehnat kar rahay hoo bhai immi ki info pe.... to zia bhai i guess w e shall meet in sydney or hobart or aukland

    or w ellington... w aisay manila, cebu, makati city, pampanga bhi kareeb hee hain ... or.... sorry sir ziayda hogai

    ..... but u pls do come toronto INSHALLAH i w ill be in ksa coming year for HAJJ gud luck to all u guys

    Good Luck to you inshaALLAH, do give me a call w hen you land in KSA.


    November 29, 2012 11:30



    November 30, 2012 04:17



    December 06, 2012 12:15



    December 06, 2012 02:10



    December 21, 2012 10:28



    December 22, 2012 11:50


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