A PRACTICAL MODEL TO SOLVE THE IMMIGRATION PROBLEM By Jack W, Boone www.jackwboone.com WHO SENT THIS? I am a retired businessman and writer. I developed this model as a possible solution to this national problem . I thnk it will be acceptable to all sides. I am looking at it strictly from an unbiased point of view. That also makes it easier for me to come up with a simplistic solution to a very unpopular problem. You can find more about me and my background on my web page at www.jackwboone.com. Let me give you an example of how a businessman would approach this thorny situation and probably have it solved in a few months. This is a plan to register immigrants so they can work in the US legally and not have to worry that a traffic ticket would send them home, while at the same time, we will protect our borders and country from the real threat, terrorists and narcotics runners. It is going to require a lot of coordination, but it can be done. Also, this plan will avoid another trail of tears at some


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Jack W, Boone www.jackwboone.com


I am a retired businessman and writer. I developed this model as a possible solution to this national problem . I thnk it will be acceptable to all sides. I am looking at it strictly from an unbiased point of view. That also makes it easier for me to come up with a simplistic solution to a very unpopular problem. You can find more about me and my background on my web page at www.jackwboone.com.

Let me give you an example of how a businessman would approach this thorny situation and probably have it solved in a few months.

This is a plan to register immigrants so they can work in the US legally and not have to worry that a traffic ticket would send them home, while at the same time, we will protect our borders and country from the real threat, terrorists and narcotics runners. It is going to require a lot of coordination, but it can be done. Also, this plan will avoid another trail of tears at some

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future date. There are families with children that must be considered before we get too tough.

OUR NEED The plan will separate the good from the bad. Those with

honorable intentions who need to work will follow the plan=s rules. Those who do not follow the rules do not deserve to be here, so we will find them and remove them from the country. The following outline is how we can do that.

Let me make something perfectly clear. We need laborers to work in this country. They are doing the difficult jobs that others will no longer do. We don=t have a laboring class of citizens left in the country. Thanks to our past prosperity and the higher minimum wage, those who were once our laborers are now our new middle class and they are no longer willing to pour concrete or pick vegetables. Our builders must have laborers to build houses and subdivisions. Commercial builders need grunt labor. Who is going to build the roads and bridges? Somebody has to run the machinery, work in the warehouses, pluck the chickens and pick the fruit. There are thousands of other jobs that would go wanting, some of which are time critical and timely, like vegetable and fruit harvesting, Without unskilled laborer this industry would be a disaster. You get the picture.

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The first move is to seal the border. This can be done by creating a permanent Constabulary made up of ordinary citizens trained for the job. The construction of the unit should be patterned after the old CCC concept of the nineteen-thirties. We should use the National Guard and any available troop=s to build a temporary human fence while we are recruiting and training the Constabulary force. If the Constabulary is properly trained in weaponry and a very definitive job description, including the use of light armor. horse mounted constables, foot patrol techniques similar to ground infantry troops and the use of drones and other aids. The military participation will not be necessary after the first six months. The Constables will be capable of defending themselves.

The Constables will need to be paid a decent wage to enter them join and stay in the service.

A boot camp set up in a vacant military installation strictly to train Constables would be ideal. A part of the course would be similar to military basic training in some areas with specialized training in others. That could be done in about three months by initially using a cadre of military and civilian instructors.

Each station on the border would operate very much like a military base. Permanent quarters could be built in time.

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The graduates would have a limited mandate; --- to patrol and seal the border between the authorized entry points.

I understand there are presently 39 legal entry points on the border. That should be reduced to no more that fifteen vehicular points, and the surplus personnel from the closed entry points should reinforce the remaining vehicular crossing points to make a solid seal. The closed border points could be converted to pedestrian walk- through ports only. That would be much cheaper, safer and would avoid a hardship to the immigrants who now legally walk through the check points to work every day.

The Constables must be armed to protect themselves from shots fired across the border. Each Constable must be trained to respond with the weapons they carry, including using mounted patrols with automatic weapons.

So much for sealing the border quickly. That plan will work. REGISTRATION

Next, we would create a well known location in each community as a ARegistration Center@. It would require a very small space. Because of the atmosphere, police stations would not be ideal for this type operation. A store front location in a

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well known shopping center, marked with a large banner sign, would be ideal.

That registration center is where the immigrants will be told to register and receive their temporary work permit.

Immigrants with a police record, or presently wanted by the authorities will refuse to register, thereby becoming a hunted fugitive immediately after the registration period expires. The only difference between then and now is, this time a concerted effort will be made by ALL law enforcement agencies to capture them. (explained later) Those with a record who might register in an attempt to avoid capture will be taken into custody later. After the public records have been searched , we will know where to find them.

The final work permit and ID card will be mailed to the recipients at the address on his application. The temporary permit issued at registration will be void. The immigrants must have the permit on their person when not in their residence. REGISTRATION PERSONNEL

A labor pool to operate the registration centers could be recruited from firemen, policemen and municipal workers as extra work. That would avoid a long process of checking backgrounds.

At each registration point we would train a dozen of these

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people to man the registration desks. They must operate out of uniform to not be intimidating to frightened immigrants. Firemen and policemen like extra money and city and county economic problems are squeezing them. They usually have no political agenda.

Each immigrant application processed would earn the registrar=s a fee. Reg-fee by immigrant 25.00 per permit. That training would take a few days. THE LAW

The next part of the plan is VERY important. As this is a national wartime emergency situation, the Congress can mandate that every media outlet in the nation now using the free airways must flood the nation with public service announcements will have to be stated four to five weeks prior to, and during, the designated registration period. The announcements will be done in several languages, directing immigrants where and when to register. A massive ad campaign extolling the value of registering and the advantages to do it. The campaign would begin immediately after the law goes into effect. Cable companies will be a part of the program.

The program will inform the recipients about the penalties for not registering. It will outline that, to register, a registrant will fill out a simple questionnaire, be photographed, fingerprinted, and issued a two year work permit and that , the

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permit will be renewable with a clean credit and work record. How the permit would allow the holder to work anyplace in the nation they want, but they will pay taxes. No social security because they would not be eligible for the benefits, but they will pay school taxes if they have children in the system. They will be eligible to buy health insurance, or pay an emergency room fee for medical services. They will not be allowed to join a union or any similar organization.

The income tax paid by the registrants will pay for the Constabulary. The income tax will be withheld exactly as it is done for citizens today, and the proceeds will be directed into a special account for the maintenance and operation of the national border protection program. The cost of the program will be strictly controlled. For example, the head of the program would be paid the same as a General in the army, and the deputies would be paid accordingly. The individual constables would have a pay scale developed by the program directors, and be the same for all participants. In that respect, it would be very imilar to a military operation, but not be under military supervision. There will be no golden parachutes and bonus plans like there is today in the quasi-governmental operations of FNMA and GNMA. TOUGH ENFORCEMENT

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The stern warning issued that those who do not register will be followed up vigorous hunting them down with swift deportation to follow. They will not be safe walking the streets or in a shelter. Large penalties will stop any employer from hiring unregistered immigrants.

A bounty system will be in effect, payable to a detaining officer who delivers unregistered illegal individuals to a detainment center. Police must be authorized to check for registration on sight, whether walking along the street or showing their face in public.

Every individual in police work, regardless of jurisdiction, will be sworn in as a Limited duty Federal Enforcement officer. The additional title and authority will pay $100.00 per year. This authorization will be in addition to the officer=s primary duties, and will give them only the authority to detain and deliver illegal immigrants to the Constabulary. All Police persinnel in the nation will be mandated to seek out and arrest any person not registered. That will help emphasize the seriousness of our threat. One scare tactic will be the threat of periodic inspections of locations suspected to house illegal immigrants. That threat will just about guarantee registration. Warnings to registered permit holders that to harbor an illegal could cost them their own permits. Threatening tactics of a similar nature should be effective if we back it up with action.

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The permanent ID card of the registrants will be mailed later after a police check. It will have a bar code for instant computer verification by police mobile computers. A detaining officer would be able to scan the permit and determine the validity of the card before apprehending or releasing an individual. The permit would also contain a coded hologram to keep it from being illegally duplicated.

A part of our threat program will be a promise to those who fail to register that they will become hunted criminals on the first day following registration expiration. Their alternative is to leave the country immediately. We emphasize that every police agency in the nation will be mandated to hunt them down and they will be caught and jailed or deported. EXCEPTIONS

An exception to the present law against visual identification must be written into this law. Visual identification must be made legal, otherwise police officers will not be able to identify and capture illegal immigrants. Known terrorists are riding on the wave of illegal immigrants crossing our border. That alone should be justification for that move. Let=s quit playing games with the kooks who are afraid we will hurt someone=s feelings by identifying them by the way they look and dress. We must find

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the enemy among us. Without this step, it is going to be nearly impossible to capture these people.


Now, what are we going to do with the detained immigrants who failed to register? The detaining police agency will deliver a detainee to a secure holding facility especially constructed for that purpose. It should be surrounded by razor wire, with military style six-man tents to house the detainees until Constabulary units can take them away.

All immigration laws to the contrary of the Constabulary law must be automatically suspended for this operation and the passage of this law.

The detainee will be shipped out of the country by the Constabulary within three days after being captured and identified without question. After screening and documentation, those eligible will be delivered to a central point, where they will be released to their home country Authorities. The rest will be delivered to the governing authority holding a warrant for their arrest. Suspected terrorists will be placed in our justice system. DATA BASE

The results of this registration will be a database of every permitted worker and his family in the country and give the

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government time to sort out this situation. This process should apply to immigrants from any country in the world, particularly those who sympathize with terrorist=s activity.

A policeman who delivers an illegal person to a compound

will receive a bounty to be determined by congress, but not less than fifty dollars per illegal detainee. The illegal detainee will not be arrested because that could lead to placing them in our legal system. They have no rights there, and we are simply delivering them back to their home country without penalty.

The new national law should mandate that all police agencies join in this effort. Officials, elected or otherwise, who refuse or do not cooperate completely should be subject to removal from office and placed on unpaid leave until his or her future can be determined by law. This harsh approach will prove to the world that we are serious about our borders and still this law would not be nearly as harsh as some of the existing laws already in force in many countries.

We have made a terrible mistake by neglecting our borders

and unless we take action to correct it, we will pay dearly later as the car bombs blow. The terrorists are serious. Shouldn=t we be also? Our sloppy method of operation must be corrected if we are

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going to stop worrying about those vehicles parked in front of the post offices or grocery stores.

Statistics should be furnished to each law enforcement

agency showing all bounties paid. A roster of departmental personal eligible, but apparently not cooperating, will also be supplied to the government. No bounty payments will result in mandatory training to enforce the law of the land. That training will be internal by the department with the proper certifications to follow. If we allow each officer or official to choose whether they will enforce this law or not, we will defeat the purpose of the law, then we cannot depend on law enforcement to protect the nation. CONCLUSION

At the conclusion of this registration, we will know who is legally in this country, and: Where they live. Where they work. Where they came from. When they are to leave the country if the permit is not renewed, or they fail the felon check. We will have crippled the narcotics trade of their chosen path of entry.

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And we will have a lot of felons removed from the country. We will know all about the illegal aliens that we removed from the country, with warnings that, if they try to return, their next stop is our prison system. And, best of all, we will have stopped the free passage of terrorists into our country. What could be simpler? RESULTS The immigrant is happy because he is now legal to look for a better job. The unregistered are unhappy because they will be sent home. The employer is happy because he is no longer violating the law by hiring Illegal people. The government is happy because they have a database telling them who, what, where, when and how and it will help the government keep a handle on the terrorists situation. The police, firemen and other municipal employees will be happy because they will earn extra money, something they always need. Citizens will be happy and secure; The government will be happy because a major problem will be solved. HOW TO FUND THE OPERATION WITHOUT TAX-PAYER DOLLARS

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Create a privately funded corporation similar to the FNMA format that would bypass all usual government red tape of the type that normally would go with such a venture. The corporation would have funding powers like any other corporation, only all of the stock would be owned by the United States government. The corporation would have the authority necessary to issue tax-free bonds and to borrow money through commercial channels. All of its activities would be funded by the income tax paid by newly permitted immigrants. That is new revenue that the government does not get now. Those funds will be directed to a bond fund to pay off the initial startup cost and maintain the corporation completely without ONE DIME of taxpayer funding. The corporation would have the authority to borrow capital at commercial rates to bridge all gaps in the initial setup phase. Insured government Bonds, issued in one thousand dollar increments so they would be available to all size investors, with a tax-free 5% coupon, sold at par, would be snapped up by the millions by a yield hungry public, who has trillions presently tied up in IRAs and money market funds or private investments yielding far less. The public is hungry and desperately looking for solid investments in a market that is presently four points lower

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and taxable. The key to selling this product is to pay the interest directly to the consumer/bondholder PAID QUARTERLY. That will assure many unsophisticated investors who don=t understand the complexity of the market, but do understand yield enough to know that they are investing in a solid bond that pays real interest with little or no danger of loss because the funds are backed by the federal tax digest special immigrant income tax fund. (Damn, that sounds so good that I will commit a hundred grand to buy bonds right now.) I am sure the government can locate six or seven hundred lawyers sitting around on its payroll to fill in the blanks; With that bit of sarcasm, I intended to show that even though we have a terrible need for fast action, we will probably not get it. I want the Congress and the President to know that out here in the hinterlands, there are people watching and thinking about our problems. Some may even have the answers.


If this immigration model appears to be harsh and dictatorial, you must remember that this is a situation created by the illegal immigrants themselves, Our guilt is in allowing it to happen. If

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it is not corrected soon, the entrenchment of a huge number of people not bound by our laws will be free to wander about the country with impunity. That will be followed by demands for amnesty and all of the benefits of citizenship. Politicians will salavate at the thought of having that many more votes that they can herd into their camp.

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If that is not what you want. Then I suggest you ignore this document and go your way. Its your problem. Good Luck, Jack W. Boone