Stevens Business School, Batch: 2009 2011 IMC Report on Revital 1 Title : Integrated Marketing Communication Report on Revital Subject : Integrated Marketing Communication Prepared by : Nirav Patel, Keyur Savalia, Mitesh Shah Submitted to : Ms Manasi Marfatia Stevens Business School, Batch: 2009 - 2011

IMC campaign for Revital (Ranbaxy)

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Page 1: IMC campaign for Revital (Ranbaxy)

Stevens Business School, Batch: 2009 – 2011 IMC Report on Revital


Title : Integrated Marketing Communication Report on


Subject : Integrated Marketing Communication

Prepared by : Nirav Patel, Keyur Savalia, Mitesh Shah

Submitted to : Ms Manasi Marfatia

Stevens Business School, Batch: 2009 - 2011

Page 2: IMC campaign for Revital (Ranbaxy)

Stevens Business School, Batch: 2009 – 2011 IMC Report on Revital



Sr No. Content Page Number

1 Company detail 03

2 Current Market Analysis 05

3 Introduction of new segment 08

4 The analysis of new segment 09

5 Segments and target segment with justification 11

6 Re Positioning and justification 12

7 Media Plan 13

8 Media Costing 21

9 Revenue From Campaign 24

10 Conclusion 25

11 Annexure 26

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Stevens Business School, Batch: 2009 – 2011 IMC Report on Revital



Name of company : Ranbaxy Pharmaceutical Company

Profitability : Rs 1.6 billion profit in last quarter

Market share : Ranbaxy is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India commanding

a market share of around 5%.

Competition : Major competitors are Bio-Vital, Supraactive

SWOT of Company


Low cost of production

Large pool of installed capacities

Efficient technologies for large number of Generics

Large pool of skilled technical manpower

Increasing liberalization of government policies


Fragmentation of installed capacities

Non-availability of major intermediaries for bulk drugs

Very low level of Biotechnology in India and also for New Drug Discovery Systems

Lack of experience in International Trade

Low level of strategic planning for future and also for technology forecasting


Aging of the world population

Growing incomes

New diagnoses and new social diseases

Spreading prophylactic approaches

Saturation point of market is far away

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New therapy approaches

New delivery systems

Spreading attitude for soft medication (OTC drugs)

Spreading use of Generic Drugs


Easier international trading

New markets are opening


Containment of rising health-care cost

High Cost of discovering new products and fewer discoveries

Stricter registration procedures

High entry cost in newer markets

High cost of sales and marketing

Competition, particularly from generic products

More potential new drugs and more efficient therapies

Switching over form process patent to product patent

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Revital is a comprehensive daily food supplement that has a balanced combination of vitamins,

minerals and ginseng. Ginseng is a herbal extract, commonly used to added energy and well

being. The dosage of essential nutrients including vitamins A, B -complex, C, D and E, minerals

and other trace elements cover the daily requirements of an individual.

Dose of Revital

Just one capsule a Day

The intake should be at the most 2 capsules a day.

It can be consumed for 2-3 months at a stretch and can ones again be started after 15-20 days.

Revital can be taken by both male and females over 12 years of age.

Revital is suitable for diabetics as it does not contain sugar.

REVITAL cap 10's (IRP: rupee 75)

30's (IRP: rupee 180)

Revital Segmentation

The Target segment for Revital is Sport person and other person who are working. They show in

advertisement that working person use this Revital then the person will healthy.

Revital Target Segment

The target persons are working professionals who worked for longer period of time. They use

Revital for the refreshment.

Revital Positioning and marketing Strategy

Revital brand carries the promise of Jiyo Jee Bhar Ke (live life to the fullest), a message that gets

well with the public image of the cricketer.

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Revital Promotion and its Result

In 2005, when Revital's sales growth declined, the Ranbaxy brass figured out that a course

correction was needed. Research showed that the brand was identified too much with metro or

urban consumers and needed to connect with Bharat.

Result: the brand promotion shifted to Doordarshan channels with the masses as the target


What also helped was the consumer healthcare division’s strong sales and distribution system

spread over 865 towns through over 1,000 distributors.

Brijesh Kapil, director, Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare, says “We had a sampling campaign

which saw 12 million sample capsules being distributed through magazines in six months time.

Simultaneous was a media plan which announced a 21-day money back challenging campaign.”

The brand promotion exercise was also location-specific with a ‘Rural van initiative’ seeing the

company running 100 vans each day in select rural pockets of the country.

Result: Revital made a successful transition from the prescription to the OTC markets by

leveraging the scientific edge into a functional benefit. Direct consumer promotion was done in

vegetable markets, chemist outlets and high traffic areas. The product distribution is now being

expanded from chemist outlets to general stores to make it a part of the monthly grocery


Market analysis for Revital

As per ORG IMS, Revital today is an Rs 140 crore brand

30 copycat brands in the domestic market

Revital enjoys 87 per cent market share in its comparable health supplement segment and has

continuously moved up the rank among the top 10 brands in India (ORG-IMS).

Revital Competitor Analysis

Sr. No. Brand Name Company Name Price

(Pack 10)

Market Share

1 Revital Ranbaxy 75 87%

2 Supractive Piramal


60 4.2%

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Reason for new Segment

Currently Revital is in Maturity Phase. Now the sales remain almost constant for revital.

Launch of new category under Revital help company to go back in growth stage through new


This new market is growing very high rate. So, for next few years revital is in growth stage.

Market segmentation is based on following things:


Density: Urban


Age: 22-35 year

Family Life cycle: Young

Income: more than Rs. 20000 p.m.

Occupation: Professional


Social Class: Middle class

Lifestyle: Striver

Personality: Ambitious


Occasions: Regular

Benefit: Health

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Profile of new Segment


Country: India

City: Metro size cities like Hyderabad,

Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi,Mumbai

Density: Urban

Climate: Northern, Southern


Age: More than 12 year

Gender: Male, Female

Family size: 1-2, 2-4 or more

Family life cycle: young single, young

married without child, young married

with child, older

Income: more than Rs. 20000 per


Occupation: Corporate women,


Education: Grade school, College


Race: Asian

Generation: Generation X, Generation Y

Nationality: Indian


Social class: Working class, middle class,

upper middles, lower uppers, upper


Lifestyle: Achievers, Strivers, Survivors

Personality: Compulsive, gregarious,

authoritarian, ambitious


Occasions: Regular occasion

Benefits: Health

User status: Nonuser

User rate: Light user, medium user,

heavy user

Loyalty status: medium, strong,


Readiness stage: Unaware

Attitude toward product: Enthusiastic,


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4.1) Indian diabetic patients segment

Size of the segment

In 2010 : 7 to 10 million

In 2025 : 57 million will be expected

Growth of the diabetic patient segment

In urban area : 10% to 11% growth per year

Hyderabad : 16.6% growth per year

Chennai : 13.5% growth per year

Bangalore : 12.4% growth per year

Delhi : 11.6% growth per year

Mumbai : 9.3% growth per year

In rural area : 3% growth per year

Diabetics’ patient as per income level

Upper income group : 10%

Lower income group : 33%

Source : http://www.dancewithshadows.com/business/pharma/india-diabetes.asp

4.2) Indian Women Segment:

Population of India in 2010: 1.18 billion (Estimated value)

Population of Indian Male in 2010: 610622352

Population of Indian Women: 574264312

Population of Indian Women above 14 years age: 397237421

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Age Structure for 2010 population

Years Population

In % Male Female

0 – 14 years 31.1% 194725399 177026891

15 – 64 years 63.6% 386251044 364334532

Above 64 years 5.3% 29645909 32902889

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_India

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Indian men segment below 14 years age

Indian men segment above 14 years

Indian women segment below 14 years age

Indian women segment above 14 years age

Indian Pregnant women segment

Indian Diabetic patients segment

Indian Sports segment

Selected Segment with Justification

Indian women segment above 14 year:

It is safe to take Revital after 14 years of age

More health conscious

Very less competitor in this segment

Indian Diabetic Patients segment

No such medicine is available for this segment for energy purpose.

It is completely safe for diabetic patient to take Revital with their regular medicines.

New emerging market

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Older positioning:

Sports and only men segment

New Positioning:

Indian women segment above 14 years

Indian diabetic segment

Indian pregnant women segment


The older positioning of Revital is for those men segment whose life is tough and lots of

hardworking life.

While in case of new positioning, Revital is positioned as nutritional supplement which energize

women health and it is safe for diabetic patients also.

Due to new kind of positioning the size of the market is increase and we try to position Revital as

a 1 or 2 tables per day and due to that sales volume will be increase which is not possible in

older positioning.

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Current Media Plan

Advertising Analysis

Target segments are sportsperson. These are highly exposed to TV media. Major advertising part

goes to the TV media.

Media Strategy

Sportsperson are generally like to watch TV.

Advertisement is appeared in cricket match or any sports event.

Television Media

DD Sports

Neo Sports

New Media Plan

Media Plan has mainly five steps.

1. Market Analysis

2. Advertising Analysis

3. Media Strategy

4. Media Scheduling

5. Justification and Summary

Market Analysis

Current Sale : Rs 110 Crore

Profit : Rs 40 Crore

New Segment :

1) Women: Till today Revital only focus on sports person. Our target segment is woman.

2) Diabetic Patient: In India Diabetic Person increase day by day and Revital is also useful for


Here pricing remains same because this price is affordable to target segment.

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Advertising Analysis

Our target segments are women. These are highly exposed to TV and Print media. So, we are

focusing on it. Major advertising part goes to the TV and Print media.

Media Strategy

Women are generally like to watch TV. So, we are majorly focused to give advertisement in TV.

We also like to give advertisement in Print, internet and hording.

Media Scheduling

Media scheduling include the various media vehicle and time of ad is given.

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January Campaign

Print Media Advertisement

News Paper Size of


No. of


per Month

Total Print Media

Advertisement in


The Times of


121-240 scm 1


>824 scm 1

Divya Bhaskar 121-240 scm 1

>824 scm 1

The Economic


121-240 scm 1

>824 scm 1


Metro Cities Location No. of Hoardings Total No. of


Banglore MG (Brigred) Bus stop 3


Chennai Megestic 3

Delhi New Delhi Railway Station 3

Hyderabad Shikandara bag 3

Kolkata Bada Bazar 3

Mumbai Boriwali Hailway Station 3

Ahmedabad Helmet crossing, 3

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Internet Advertisement

Advertisement Description Location Duration

Top right of homepage orkut, facebook,

linkedin, baby-gaga.com 1 month

Buttons like Side Bar orkut, facebook,

linkedin, baby-gaga.com 1 month

Under Poll or Log In orkut, facebook,

linkedin, baby-gaga.com 1 month

Blog for Revital Discussion with Experts Revital Blog 1 month

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February Campaign

Television Market

For 30 seconds commercial Advertisement

Advertisement Description Location Duration

During Commercial break of

Bidaai, Behenei, Rishta Kya

Kehlata hey

Star Plus 12 spots per month

During Commercial break of Baat

Hamari pakki hey, Comedy ka

daily shop, Mahi way

Sony Tv 12 spots per month

During Commercial break of

Pavitra Rishta, Sanjog se bani

sangigni, Mera naam karegi


Zee Tv 12 spots per month

Radio Advertisement

Hours Frequency in min Total duration / day Rate/ 10 sec Radio Station

6 30 mins 30sec*12times=360 sec 200 2

For Pregnant Women

No. Hoardings Location Duration

7*30 = 210 Gynecology clinic 1 month

For Diabetic Patients

No. Hoardings Location Duration

7*30 = 210 Diabetologist Clinic 1 month

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March Campaign

Literature or Brochures No. of Copies

Preg-card 7*30*100=21000

Diabet-card 7*30*100=21000

Free Sample of Revital

Given to No. Of Doctors No. of free


Total Free


Gynecologists 7*30=210 10 2100

Diabetologist 7*30=210 10 2100

Calendars to Doctors

Given to No. Of Doctors No. of




Gynecologists 7*30=210 10 2100

Diabetologist 7*30=210 10 2100

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April Campaign

Mobile Campaign

SMS Title Detail of SMS Frequency of SMS

Member Non Member


Precaution for diabetics,

tips for dibetic patients,

Up date of Diabetics

1 sms per weak 1 sms per day

Revital-F Sports news, Business

Updates 1 sms per weak 1 sms per day


Precaution during

preganacy, tips for

preganant women

1 sms per weak 1 sms per day

May Campaign

Campaign for free Diabetes check up

No. of Days 2 days

Location 7 metro cities

No. of Clinics 35

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June Campaign

Sponsorship Activities

Sponsor Girls sport Activities and competition of inter college or inter university sports

Sponsor Cultural events of colleges and universities

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News Paper costing

News Paper Total Cost for 6 month

campaign in Rs

Total Print media Cost

during Entire Campaign

in Rs

The Times of India 27770400

62501400 Divya Bhaskar 3886200

The Economic Times 30844800

Hoarding charges Total

Hoarding Cost

Metro Cities Location Duration Charges per Month in Rs

Total cost in


275000*3*6 = 4950000

Banglore MG (Brigred) Bus stop 1 month 45000


Chennai Megestic 1 month 30000

Delhi New Delhi Railway

Station 1 month 45000

Hyderabad Shikandara bag 1 month 45000

Kolkata Bada Bazar 1 month 30000

Mumbai Boriwali Hailway

Station 1 month 50000

Ahmedabad Helmet crossing 1 month 30000

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Television Market Television Cost

For 30 seconds commercial Advertisement 1800000*5 =


Advertisement Description Location Duration

Rates per

month No. of Months

During Commercial break of Bidaai, Behenei,

Rishta Kya Kehlata hey Star Plus

12 spots per

month 600000 5

During Commercial break of Baat Hamari

pakki hey, Comedy ka daily shop, Mahi way Sony Tv

12 spots per

month 600000 5

During Commercial break of Pavitra Rishta,

Sanjog se bani sangigni, Mera naam karegi


Zee Tv 12 spots per

month 600000 5


Internet Costing Total

Internet Cost

Advertisement Description

Location Duration Charges per Click

in Rs

Charges per


Total cost in


324000*5 = 162000

Top right of homepage

orkut, facebook, linkedin, baby-

gaga.com 1 month 0.25 108000

324000 Buttons like Side Bar orkut, facebook, linkedin, baby-

gaga.com 1 month 0.25 108000

Under Poll or Log In orkut, facebook, linkedin, baby-

gaga.com 1 month 0.25 108000

Radio Advertisement Total Cost for

Radio Advertisement

Hours Frequency

in min Total duration /

day Rate/ 10


Total price/


Radio Station

Total price/

month*(In Rs)

432000*5 = 2160000

6 30 mins 30sec*12times=360

sec 200 7200 2

7200*30*2 = 4,32,000

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Mobile Advertisement

Total SMS per month Cost for SMS per

month Total cost for Mobile


15,00,00,000 3,25,000 3,25,000*3=


Rs 1 for 400 SMS

CSR Activities

Cost Rs 5000000

Other Promotional Activities

Metro Cities Unit Cost in Rupees Charges per

Month Total cost

in Rs

Free sample to gynecologists 7*30*10 = 2100 2100*75 = 157500 315000


Free sample to Diabetologist 7*30*10 = 2100 2100*75 = 157500

Calendars to Gynecologists 7*30*100 = 21000 2100*50=105000 210000

Calendars to Diabetologists 7*30*100 = 21000 2100*50=105000

Brochures to Gynecologists 7*30*100 = 21000 21000*20=420000 840000

Brochures to Diabetologist 7*30*100 = 21000 21000*20=420000

Posters at Gynecologist clinics 7*30 =210 210*500 = 105000 210000

Posters at diabetic clinics 7*30 =210 210*500 = 105000

Diabetic Campaign cost

350000 350000

Total Cost of 6 months Campaign in 7 metro cities

Media Total Cost of Media in Rs

Print media 62501400

Hoardings 4950000

Television advertisements 9000000

Internet Advertisement 162000

Radio Advertisement 2160000

Mobile Campaign 975000

CSR Cost 5000000

Other promotional Cost 1925000

Total Cost 9,11,73,400

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10. Revenue Generation from Campaign

From Mobile Campaign

Minimum member for SMS Subscriber

= 1% of Metro cities Population

= 40,07,375

Charges for SMS Subscription for month is Rs 10

Total Revenue generation per month

= Rs 10 * 40,07,375

= Rs 4,00,73,750

Total Revenue from Mobile Campaign during 6 mix Campaign

= Rs 4,00,73,750 * 3

= Rs 12,02,21,250

Cost of entire Campaign

= Rs 9,11,73,400

Total Revenue generated During Campaign

= Rs 12,02,21,250

Profit After completion of Entire Campaign

= Rs 2,90,47,850

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Our target segments are women. These are highly exposed to TV and Print media. So, we are

focusing on it. Major advertising part goes to the TV and Print media.

Women are generally like to watch TV. So, we are majorly focused to give advertisement in TV.

We also like to give advertisement in Print, internet and hording.

In TV media we majorly give advertisement in Star Plus, ZEE TV, and Sony Tv during evening to

between 6pm to 10pm.

We would like to show our advertisement in starting of break because at that time flipping is not


The advertisement will show in 18 times in a day in 3 different channels.

Women majorly read the Divyabaskar, Economics times and Times of India. We will give

advertisement in that newspaper.

Women are also part of social networking site like www.orkut.com, www.facebook.com etc and

we give our advertisement on these king of website.

Hoardings will be placed near Satellite, Thaltej, University road and C.G Road due to high traffic

on these places.

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IMC Campaign

Time Scale: 6 month

Month – 1


Newspaper Ad

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Month – 2

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Month – 3

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Month 5 and 6

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