Imaging 11.5 What’s New in

imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

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Page 1: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

Imaging 11.5What’s New in

imaging management aquarium


Page 2: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20122

Dolphin Requirements

Note: At Dolphin, we want to take advantage of the latest Windows technologies. Some of these technologies do not work under obsolete Windows operating systems (95, 98, Millennium, NT4, 2000, etc.). Therefore, Dolphin 11.5 will not install under versions of Windows earlier than XP with Service Pack 2. Dolphin 11.5 has been fully tested and certified under Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or 3, Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions), Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate), Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008. See our web site www.dolphinimaging.com for the latest information on running under Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The Dolphin 3D system requires 1GB of RAM, and works best with 2GB. Also, the fastest and highest quality rendering modes of Dolphin 3D require a 256 MB video card, based on one of these DirectX 9.0 graphics engines or better: NVIDIA FX 5200 or ATI Radeon 9550. See www.dolphinimaging.com for additional requirements.

Overview of the Two Versions (16)

Dolphin versus Dolphin Premium (16)Starting with Dolphin version 6.5, and including versions 6.7 – 11.5, we have split the Dolphin product into two levels: The standard Dolphin and the Premium full database version of Dolphin. The first two benefits we introduced with this Premium version were 1) Storage of far more detailed patients information, and 2) An entirely new Dolphin Letter System that extracts from this rich pool of data.

Since that time, we have developed many new products and features that require Dolphin Premium, such as our Dolphin Management product, AnywhereDolphin, capture/storage/playback of .AVI movie clips, multi-patient archive save and load, Dolphin 3D, Aquarium and Dolphin Mobile.

Many of the new features in 11.5 compared to 11.0 are Premium-related. But non-Premium customers will see some new features in 11.5 as well.

Welcome to Dolphin Imaging 11.5 Premium! This document provides an overview of many of the new features that have been added since version 11.0. For more in-depth information about the features mentioned here, please refer to your Dolphin Imaging User’s Guide, available by clicking Start | Programs | Dolphin | Dolphin Manual. For easy reference, some sections contain user manual’s page numbers within parentheses.

Several aspects of the software have new features. To learn about these features, it is highly recommended that you read this What’s New document from front to back... and if possible, try the features on the computer as you read. Please note that some of this documentation covers optional software modules.

What’s New in Dolphin Imaging 11.5

Page 3: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

New Layout / Page Setup System

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20123

General Enhancements

This section describes new features that you will see regardless of which optional modules you own.

All new Layout, Page Setup, Printing System (228-266)One of the biggest new features in 11.5 is an entirely new layout, page setup, printing system. With our prior system, layouts were stored per computer, so they weren’t easy to share between all the computers in your office. And font sizes often didn’t match properly between on-screen vs. printed vs. email. The new layout system is true WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). And layouts are now centralized and hence automatically shared between all your machines. Also, you can now mix and match 1:1 sized images (such as ceph tracings) with “shrink to fit” images within a layout. You can define “groups” (such as one with your practice logo and info, along with patient token info), and copy those groups from layout to layout. You can draw annotations (text, lines, arrows and shapes) on a layout prior to printing it.

2D Morph Movie (291-300)Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can take any two images, such as a pre-treatment plus a post-treatment, or a pre-treatment plus a treatment simulation, and create a movie clip that shows

the image gradually “morphing” from one into the other. This is not a “fade” effect of

one image fading into the other, it is an actual morph. You can morph profile photos, occlusal photos – whatever you want. The generated movie is a standard Windows Media Video, which you can export to a file and/or store in the patient’s record and view from inside Dolphin itself.

Enhancements to “Delete” Function (148-149)Previously, if you had old patient images you no longer needed, you could delete a patient’s timepoint. However, that would also delete any diagnostic questionnaire data associated with that timepoint. Dolphin 11.5 now gives you the option of deleting an entire timepoint (including questionnaire data), or simply deleting the images from that timepoint, while leaving the timepoint itself intact. Also, previously Dolphin imaging would not let Dolphin Management customers delete a patent, since the patient record stores financial ledger data. Dolphin 11.5 solves this by letting the user “Delete” a patient, in which case iit marks the patient as deleted, and deletes the image files, without actually deleting the rest of the patient’s data.

Miscellaneous Imaging EnhancementsIn addition to using <F2>, <F3>, and the zoom/pan tool window, you can now use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom single images in and out in the main Dolphin window.

The “side by side” feature in the main Dolphin window now gives the option of tiling the two images horizontally or vertically.

Page 4: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

X-ray panoramic

Treatment cardPatient images

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20124

Dolphin Imaging on Windows Vista and Windows 7Dolphin Imaging 10.5 was the first version that will run on Windows Vista and Office 2007. Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds support for Windows 7 and Office 2010. Please see our web site www.dolphinimaging.com for the latest information on running under Vista or Windows 7.

Dolphin Imaging on Apple MacintoshWe have certified Dolphin Imaging 11.5 on Intel-based Apple Macintosh computers. Please see our web site for the latest status and for technical details on this capability.

Live Chat, FAQ and Webinars (71)Dolphin 10.5 added a “Remote Support” item to the Help menu, for when you are working with our support department and they request to connect into your computer. Dolphin 11.5 adds two more items to the Help menu: “Live Chat” and “FAQ”.

“Live Chat” will connect you, via the Internet, to one of our support technicians, so you can communicate via typing chat. You can use this method instead of making a phone call, if you prefer.

“FAQ” takes you to a “Frequently Asked Questions” web page, where you can search and view frequently asked questions and their answers, as written by our senior technical staff. You will also find many recorded training webinars, recorded by our Dolphin Training Staff, that you can watch. Note that you can also sign up for free live training webinar sessions at www.dolphinimaging.com/training.

Dolphin Update Service “DUS”Dolphin installers now include the Dolphin Update Service “DUS”, for automatic Dolphin software updating. DUS operates similarly to Windows Update, and allows

us to deliver updates to you automatically, instead of via DVD. If the DUS icon at the bottom right of your screen is blinking, hover the mouse over it and follow its instructions. See www.dolphinimaging.com/dus for details.

Premium-only Enhancements

This section describes new features that you will see regardless of which optional modules you own, as long as you are running Dolphin Premium.

Support for Dolphin Mobile for iPhone and iPad – Beta (64)Dolphin Imaging customers can now apply to beta test Dolphin Mobile for the iPhone and iPad. Dolphin Mobile is a product that gives you live access to your office Dolphin patient database and patient images. Once you purchase Dolphin Mobile, Dolphin 11.5 includes a menu option for configuring it, and includes the back-end server software needed for the iPhone/iPad to communicate with your database.

DUS icon

Page 5: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

Average Tracing

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20125

Questionnaire/PowerPoint Enhancements (527-537)The save and present system, which allows automatic creation of a PowerPoint presentation based on the answers selected during the diagnostic questionnaire, has been revised to be easier to understand and to use. Previously, if the user wanted to attach a particular presentation media item to a particular questionnaire answer, they had to first create a presentation “group”. Some users were confused by this, so “groups” are no longer required. Also, previously, if the user selected a particular media item, and then later moved where that item lives on their computer, the link would be broken, requiring our support department to fix the link in the database. Now, if the system cannot find a media item, it will simply prompt the user to browse to the new location for that item.

Ceph Tracing and Analysis (301-386)

Average Tracing Superimposition (370-372)Dolphin 11.5 adds a new Average Tracing creation system, especially useful for cephalometric research projects. With this system, the user copies and pastes the tracing timepoints from multiple patients into one big study patient. Then the user goes into the superimpose screen, and selects all those individual patient tracings and superimposes them. Then there is a new button to generate an average tracing, along with a +1 std dev and a -1 std dev tracing. These are stored in treatment simulation slots in a new timepoint in the patient record, and the user can then view the tracings, the measurement tables, etc for this “average” patient.

Page 6: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20126

McNamara Analysis ChangesWorking directly with Dr. Jim McNamara, we have completely revamped the McNamara analysis, reorganizing the measurements, revising the norms, including supporting new norm types that depend upon the values of other measurements, etc.

Save Default Superimpositions (367)Dolphin’s Tracing over Tracing Superimposition system allows you to superimpose multiple tracings from a patient. It allows you to choose which colors you want for the various tracings. It allows you to choose which plane you want to superimpose on. It allows you to choose between various multi-part superimpositions, etc. Historically, you would have to setup all those superimposition parameters for each patient. In 11.5, you can now save your favorite default superimposition parameters, and they will automatically get applied for any subsequent patient when you go into the superimposition screen.

Treatment Simulation (403-442)

Incisor Tip Rotation (413-415)11.5 now has the ability to rotate each incisor about its tip.

Dolphin 3D (611-956)

Dolphin 11.5 adds many new features to the optional Dolphin 3D Module

3D Reporting (887-956)

Dolphin 11.5 includes an all-new 3D reporting system, allowing creation of beautiful printed reports from your 3D data. The new system supports multi-page reports. It allows flexible customization of the various text (rulers, etc) embedded in the report. It supports reports that contain both “shrink-to-fit” images (such as a view of the entire volume), alongside 1:1 images (such as cross section slices). Groups of slices can automatically flow to multiple pages. Report templates are automatically shared between all computers on your network. Reports can be stored back in your Dolphin patient for future editing.

Page 7: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

4-Volume” Layout View

Hounsfield Unit Coloring

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20127

3D General EnhancementsPrior versions of Dolphin3D had separate buttons for sending a snapshot image to the printer, vs to the clipboard, vs. to a file, vs. to the Dolphin imaging patient record. And now we have one more choice, which is sending an image to the new 3D reporting system. So we have combined all of those buttons into one new “Send Snapshot” button , with a drop down list of choices. And we have added send snapshot capability to the sinus/airway screen, the mirroring screen, the superimposition screen, the implants screen, and the Single Slice Window in Build X-ray.

Also, when you export a sculpted DICOM, you now have the choice of reorienting the exported copy to match the orientation you had set.

3D Main Window EnhancementsWe have added several new features to the main Dolphin3D window: There is a brand new “4-volume” layout view. You can also view any x-rays that you have already generated (and include them in your movie scripts), directly in the main window, without having to go back into the “Build X-ray” screen. We have also added a system for displaying customizable Hounsfield unit coloring.

Page 8: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

3D Implant Planner

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20128

3D Implant Planning (844-868) Dolphin 11.5 includes an all-new 3D Implant planning system. With this system, you can select from a library of generic implant styles, diameters and lengths, and place them on the patient’s CBCT scan, using any combination of volumetric, slice, or panoramic views, for precise positioning in all dimensions. You can specify a visual “safety zone”, so you can ensure you remain in sufficient bone and avoid sinuses and the nerve canal. You can export the results to a surface file, with implant coordinates.

New Patient From DICOM (131-132)With prior versions of Dolphin3D, you had to first create a patient record in Dolphin, entering patient name, ID, date of birth, etc, then create a timepoint, and then capture in your conebeam scan. With Dolphin 11.5, if you have a DICOM dataset for a patient, and you have not yet entered that patient’s information into Dolphin, you can use the “New Patient from DICOM” button to do the work for you. You simply browse to the DICOM data set. Dolphin then creates a patient using the demographic data contained within the DICOM set. Dolphin then presents the patient details to you for you to edit/confirm as needed. Dolphin then creates a timepoint, using the scan date from the DICOM set, and loads up the scan into that timepoint.

This new patient from DICOM system can also be used by third party integrators, for them to add support to automatically “push” a scan to Dolphin, and have Dolphin create a patient, create a timepoint, and load the scan.

3D Sculpting Enhancements (877-886)We have added four new features to the 3D Sculpting system: You can now set a rotation center, and rotate the sculpted section around

that point. You can export the sculpted volume as a surface file. You can calculate the cubic mm volume of a sculpted portion of the scan. And you can calculate the average Hounsfield value of a sculpted volume.

3D Superimposition Enhancements (829-843)You can now superimpose two CBCT scans on a slice view, for precise superimposition on internal structures. You can also now use the superimposition to “stitch” two smaller volumes together into one large volume, removing the overlapping section. And you can now set a rotation center, and rotate one volume around that point, making it much easier to achieve precise superimpositions.

Page 9: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

Smooth 3D Airway Surface Rendering

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 20129

3D Build X-ray Enhancements (701-774)We have added several enhancements to the build X-ray system: When viewing a series of slices, you can now double-click on any one slice, and display a large zoomed view of just that one slice. You can then use the mouse-wheel or scroll bar to flip thru the set of slices. Also, we added new “cross section upper” and “cross section lower” choices. These behave just like the existing “cross section” view, but allow you to create additional set of cross sections. Also, we have now separated “slice thickness” from “slice spacing” settings. So the user can choose thin slices, spaced far apart, for example. Also, slice views are now shown in the radiological standard convention of viewing the

patient from the front. So slices on the patient’s right (as defined by the user defined midline) now have the buccal side displayed on the left side of the slice image, and the slices on the patient’s left have the buccal side displayed on the right of the slice image. Also by radiology convention, we now display the frontal PA image from the front, so that the patient’s right is on the left side of the screen.

3D Airway/Sinus Enhancements (805-821)We have added several enhancements to the airway/sinus system. When drawing the boundary of the volume of interest, the user can now display a 3-slice or 3-volume view, to make it easier to set the boundaries. We have also added measuring

Setting 3D Airway Boundary

Page 10: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

Dolphin Imaging 11.5

January 201210

capabilities within the airway system. We have also added movie generation support inside the airway system. We can also now render the isolated airway in a much sharper, crisper, smoother “surface rendering” than the old volume rendering. And we have a color picker, allowing the user to choose whatever color they prefer for rendering the airway.

3D Orientation Enhancements (675-683)We have added an angular caliper to the orientation screen, allowing you to align, for example, to 7 degrees from Sella Nasion. We have also added the ability for you to store and retrieve multiple orientations for each scan.

3D Orientation

Page 11: imaging management aquarium What’s New in Imaging 11 Promos/W… · 2D Morph Movie (291-300) Dolphin Imaging 11.5 adds an all-new Morph Movie feature. With this feature, you can

9200 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 19311 • +1.818.435.1369 • 800.548.7241 • www.dolphinimaging.com



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imaging management aquarium


imaging management aquarium


Dolphin Mobile

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imaging management aquarium



imaging management aquarium
