The Director’s Intention: This ‘mise en scene’ depicts some form of confrontation in a hospital setting between two doctors, suggested by the costumes, actions, and building they are in. The stethoscopes, scrubs, lab jacket and written form that the character on the left is filling out are clear indicators that they are doctors, working in a hospital. Furthermore in the background we can make out a person, wearing normal clothing, sitting down on a row of chairs, most likely a waiting room, and a lit sign which is most likely a symbol of the hospital. The facial expressions of the characters suggest a conflict between them, the man on the right gives a scrutinising, disapproving look directly towards the man on the left, who has clearly been interrupted from writing and is showing surprise at the others actions. The body language of the characters shows that the man on the right is being assertive, facing directly towards the other man and putting his hand firmly on the desk. In stark contrast, the man on the left looks timid and nervous, not facing the other character but instead turning his head and looking to tilt back slightly, as if to pull away.

Image Analysis - Mise En Scene

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The Director’s Intention:

This ‘mise en scene’ depicts some form of confrontation in a hospital setting between two doctors, suggested by the costumes, actions, and building they are in.The stethoscopes, scrubs, lab jacket and written form that the character on the left is filling out are clear indicators that they are doctors, working in a hospital. Furthermore in the background we can make out a person, wearing normal clothing, sitting down on a row of chairs, most likely a waiting room, and a lit sign which is most likely a symbol of the hospital.The facial expressions of the characters suggest a conflict between them, the man on the right gives a scrutinising, disapproving look directly towards the man on the left, who has clearly been interrupted from writing and is showing surprise at the others actions.The body language of the characters shows that the man on the right is being assertive, facing directly towards the other man and putting his hand firmly on the desk. In stark contrast, the man on the left looks timid and nervous, not facing the other character but instead turning his head and looking to tilt back slightly, as if to pull away.Ironically, despite being the confronting party, the character on the right is clearly a less senior employee, wearing less authoritative clothing and looking physically younger and less strong than the other man. The director furthers this theme of confrontation by choosing a very confronting camera angle, straight in front of both of the characters and from behind the counter, as if to be from the perspective of a secretary. The colours in the image would suggest that although being a serious scene, this is a fairly light tv show, a comedy. There are bright colours like blues and reds, which in a grittier show would be much duller and greyscale. On top of this, despite the facial expressions being serious, there is something comedic about their faces, which additionally creates a light hearted feel to the scene.

The Directors Intention

In this ‘mise en scene’ we can see two young men in a supermarket. Judging by the facial expressions of the two; you can guess that there is something in the supermarket that has drawn their attention and that it is a big surprise to the man closest to the camera and the man furthest is quite familiar with what it is. The way that the surprised looking character is pushing the trolley may suggest that the other has some kind of dominance over him, this is further emphasised by the way he seems to be leaning back and looking intrigued at what the other character is saying, as if the other character is teaching or explaining something to him. The characters look relatively out of place, both white, well groomed, wearing typical middle class styles of clothing with patriotic logos such as a university crest and a great British flag. Their clean looking makeup and lighting in the shot, which is fairly colourful and bright and focused on them is also a suggestion that they are both relatively wealthy and powerful. Doing their own shopping in a supermarket isn’t an obvious image of these types of people, but the university crest may be a suggestion that they are students of some sort in a university that isn’t close to home. The body language of the two suggests that the man with the trolley is perhaps a newcomer, someone who doesn’t know the area well and the other man knows it fairly well.