I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1.Investment Company + 2.Estate agency business. Executive summary: Our companies will be operated using MacDonald’s success story. 1. MacDonald’s Property investment company ; Owns Land and buildings property acquisition 2. Macdonald’s Franchise company; franchisee’s pay rent or share restaurant profits - Rental income 3. (a)S.E.D Largest employer of Youth development (b) coaching & training is scalable to the public - income Our 100 Shareholders * R30k (R3k*10 month) total seed capital = R3Mil rand. R2Mil will purchase a property that will seat 25 agents & 100 virtual agents =125 agents. R1Mil will cover Business cost for 10 months. Rental income after expenses Profit b4 tax R25k per month=R300k per annum. Minimum expected Business profit B4 tax = R49.8k+R25k rental income =R75k*12months=R900k yearly profit. Scalable Potential profit B4 tax =R149.2k+R25k rental =R175k *12 months =R2.1Mil yearly profit. Profit will be used to buy 24 more properties for real estate office use. Targeted Properties will be residential houses with potential office use, *the properties must yield net rental of R25k without offices. To mitigate risk and to appreciate our shareholders, coaching voucher will be issued to match their contribution Why coaching? Property coaching unlocks earning potential .If a shareholder is well versed in property then business marketing voucher will be issued instead, redeemable within 2 years. A shareholder can be anyone; an individual, a family , company, property stokvel or group. Secure your spot now by paying your first R3k & email proof Account holder: Spreading property knowledge Radio TV and Print (Pty) Ltd ; BANK: F N B , Account type :Current /Cheque account number : 627 287 11088 : Branch code : 250-655 swift code FIRNZAJJXXX : Director Gaven Malope , 301 Corlett Drive Kew , Direct call only 076 630 3512 : Whatsapp only 081 423 4488 : 24/7 Email [email protected] The aim is to sow prosperity into each other’s families’ life to grow together; by sowing my business strategy, my shareholders sow their financial seed capital & our agents sow their sweat equity (workforce). Our shareholders are an answer to many people who desire to learn the industry by becoming estate agents or assistants (finders) to earn a living. Well coached Finders & agents will spot and supply our shareholders with below market related properties and our 3 directors will choose ideal properties for our partners. It’s a win – win for all.

I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

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Page 1: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1.Investment Company + 2.Estate agency business.

Executive summary: Our companies will be operated using MacDonald’s success story.

1. MacDonald’s Property investment company ; Owns Land and buildings – property acquisition

2. Macdonald’s Franchise company; franchisee’s pay rent or share restaurant profits - Rental income

3. (a)S.E.D Largest employer of Youth development (b) coaching & training is scalable to the public - income

Our 100 Shareholders * R30k (R3k*10 month) total seed capital = R3Mil rand. R2Mil will purchase a property that will seat

25 agents & 100 virtual agents =125 agents. R1Mil will cover Business cost for 10 months. Rental income after

expenses Profit b4 tax R25k per month=R300k per annum. Minimum expected Business profit B4 tax = R49.8k+R25k

rental income =R75k*12months=R900k yearly profit. Scalable Potential profit B4 tax =R149.2k+R25k rental =R175k *12

months =R2.1Mil yearly profit. Profit will be used to buy 24 more properties for real estate office use. Targeted

Properties will be residential houses with potential office use, *the properties must yield net rental of R25k without offices.

To mitigate risk and to appreciate our shareholders, coaching voucher will be issued to match their contribution

Why coaching? Property coaching unlocks earning potential .If a shareholder is well versed in property then business

marketing voucher will be issued instead, redeemable within 2 years. A shareholder can be anyone; an individual, a

family , company, property stokvel or group. Secure your spot now by paying your first R3k & email proof

Account holder: Spreading property knowledge Radio TV and Print (Pty) Ltd ;

BANK: F N B , Account type :Current /Cheque account number : 627 287 11088 :

Branch code : 250-655 swift code FIRNZAJJXXX : Director Gaven Malope , 301 Corlett Drive Kew ,

Direct call only 076 630 3512 : Whatsapp only 081 423 4488 : 24/7 Email [email protected]

The aim is to sow prosperity into each other’s families’ life to grow together; by sowing my business strategy, my

shareholders sow their financial seed capital & our agents sow their sweat equity (workforce). Our shareholders are an

answer to many people who desire to learn the industry by becoming estate agents or assistants (finders) to earn a living.

Well coached Finders & agents will spot and supply our shareholders with below market related properties and

our 3 directors will choose ideal properties for our partners. It’s a win – win for all.

Page 2: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Projected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio 5.Coaching

Target 25assist/areas in Gauteng*5days training

Single Units Price 2.Real Estate

Price per Item R 600 000 125*10% 125*15% 125*20%

Units -Targeted R600k*5(to 6%)*30% 12.5 18.75 25

Turn-over R 9 000 R 112 500 R 168 750 R 225 000

A focused , self driven & determined single-agent sells 4 properties p.m., A team of 2-4 agents sells 6 to 12 properties p.m.

Single Units Price 3.Social Media Sales

Price per Item R 1 500 125*10% 125*15% 125*20%

Units -Targeted R1500*-20% sales-200fb 12.5 18.75 25

Turn-over R 1 000 R 12 500 R 18 750 R 25 000

Single Units Price 4.Radio-Podcast-Sales

Price per Item R 1 500 1500*4wks 1500*2*4wks 1500*4*4wks

Units -Targeted R1500*-20% sales 4 8 16

Turn-over R 1 200 R 4 800 R 9 600 R 19 200

Single Units Price 5.Coaching - Sales

Price per Item R 1 500 125*10% 125*15% 125*20%

Units -Targeted R1500*-20% sales 12.5 18.75 25

Turn-over R 1 200 R 15 000 R 22 500 R 30 000

income B4 expenses R 144 800 R 219 600 R 299 200

Expenses R 95 000 R 150 000 R 150 000

Profit B4 Tax R 49 800 R 69 600 R 149 200

buy up to 25 offices

Rental income on R2Million Property investment and business income on R1 million operating capital

Single Units Price 1.(a) Rental - Income

Profit B4 Tax R 25 000 R 49 800 R 69 600 R 149 200

Turn-over per year R 300 000 R 597 600 R 835 200 R 1 790 400

Divide by 2million R 2 000 000 R 1 000 000 R 1 000 000 R 1 000 000

Return on investment ROI 15.00% 59.76% 83.52% 179.04%

how many years can you 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

double your money 6.67 1.67 1.20 0.56

6 and half years 1 and half year 1 & quarter year half a year

1.(b) Business - Income

Potential 12assit*12grps=144 & 25assist*12grps=300

25 assist/grps*5 days = 125 Agents

125 Agents

125 Agents

125 Agents

Products & Services

Page 3: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

NOTES* Summary and Conclusion of the Business Strategy

How many years can you double your money R30k passive income vs active seed capital that is used to build up your financial eco-system

Property+Business+Rental income 3 000 000R 29.92% 37.84% 69.68%

3.34 2.64 1.44

To mitigate our partners (or their business) risk , vouchers equivalent to their shares will be issued according to each partners /entity

contribution 3M/100 partners = R30K once-off. This R30k voucher is redeemable within 2 years for example R15k can be redeemed

in 2019 & the second R15k to be redeemed in 2020. 1st year coaching will be on Residential.P coaching & 2nd year commercial.P

also vouchers can be reedemed for Social Media Marketing (less fb200) & Radio podcast advertising .*Partners can also reedem their

Contribution against their properties that are sold by our company on the fees that are due to the company after agents commission

*NB; Partners will also receive EXCLUSIVE real estate Video & Audio teachings from our company or interviews from our radio guest

*NB; R30K can be paid as a once off contribution amount or within 3 months - maximum grace period is 10 months =R3K per month.

The aim is to sow prosperity into each others families to grow together;thru My business strategy , your financial seed & our agents sweat equity(workforce)

Partners constitution ; minimum 30% black females , 51% black people (Male & Females) maximum 49% white people

*Our assistants/agents are taught basic property investment -*properties sourced will be presented to our partners for consideration

* Properties presented to our partners can be purchased as individuals / partnership / J-V/ groups / or through our company

*other consideration will be spotting entrepreuners who are passionate & might require funding for their start-up business

* Our offices will incubate them ,mentor them and give them Business system support @ 49% to 40% equity sharing to our partners

Real estate investment business & Real estate agency business strive on solid real estate knowledge , thus our main product is Training

Projected *Income from training /coaching /mentoring -staff (agents/assistant) and non-staff ( partners / public)-turnaround time 5years

Business coaching / training potential; 1(one) office*125 agents /assistants*R1,500*12months = R 2 250 000 *Income

Business coaching /training potential; 25 offices*125 agents /assistants=3,125*R1.5k*12months = R 56 250 000 within 5 years

R56M-target, generated from partners seed capital of R3M as illustrated above, will be used to purchase rental producing properties*Quick-test using Pareto principle (80 / 20 Rule) , 20% of 125 agents /assistants will sell 1 property per month . Therefore if we assume a

Price of 1 property to be sold is R600k*5%comm(or 6%)*30% *25 agents (20% of 125) R 2 700 000 *Income *Ideal

Agents finance their coaching indirectly through selling other products within our company such as properties or advertising space

Products such as Social -media marketing , Radio & Tv podcast , real estate agency business & flipping properties are designed to support

our core business which is to buy minimum 25 producing positive rental income properties. 1 Cash, 2.Installment of sale & 3.Bank finance

Page 4: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Monthly expenses of coaching ,flipping properties & Running Estate Agency Business Coaching Estate Agency Business

12 seated (*12 Virtual teams = 144 ) & 25 seated (*12 Virtual teams = 125-300) & Flipping 12 Agents 25 Agents

Basic admin & receptionist - support staff -without comm R 0 R 4 500 R 7 500

Basic support Staff/secretary-without comm R 7 000 R 7 000 R 10 500

*Director-1 Public officer / Sales Manager /Support staff - Basic without commissions R 8 500 R 8 500 R 15 000

*Director-2 Real estate agency / Principal Agent/- Basic- without comm= NQF5 R 10 000 R 10 000 R 21 000

Office Salaries : Or 6 marketers Stipend = R15K(R1.9+600)*6 + Director=R10K R 25 500 R 30 000 R 54 000

property 24 R 0 R 4 500 R 6 000

WordPress or Webbox Monthly Subscription R 0 R 1 000 R 1 000

Webbox more users :R50*25 (10 Leaders +15 Assistance) R 0 R 800 R 1 250

Lightstone Subscription R 1 000 R 1 000 R 1 000

Lightstone eazy Contacts Gazette=75/150 contacts*R5*4 Weeks R 750 R 1 500 R 3 000

Websites & Property Deeds Report R 1 750 R 8 800 R 12 250

clientele - Legal Services R 0 R 1 000 R 1 500

office cell communication R 1 200 R 1 800 R 2 400

Airtime R600 *12 NQF4/5 each tutoring 12 finders/agents/satellite(rewards) R 0 R 7 200 R 15 000

Total Communications R 1 200 R 10 000 R 18 900

accounting services R 2 300 R 3 000 R 5 000

office tea and coffe , hospitality budget R 1 500 R 1 500 R 3 000

Flyers ,Ink & paper R 750 R 2 000 R 3 000

For Sale Boards / etc R 0 R 2 500 R 4 050

*Director-3 Coaching / Radio (brand awareness + staff & public training) = Gaven R 3 000 R 12 000 R 24 000

Office Space rent; 12 -25 assistants*12 each and Radio Podcast office R 9 000 R 25 000 R 25 000

Accounting ; Marketing ; Rental or bonded office Space R 16 550 R 46 000 R 64 050

Basic Total Monthly Cost before any sales R 45 000 R 94 800 R 149 200

NOTES* Summary and Conclusion of coaching & Flipping properties Strategy See - Profitability next page

Coaching 20 clients one on one = 1,500 less 20%*5assistants*4 weeks R 24 000

Flipping 4properties monthly @15k(sharing 50% with clients/assistants)=R7.5K*5 R 37 500

Coaching a group 25-assistants = sponsorship 25*20% = 5assistants*4weeks*1200 R 24 000

Coaching and Mentoring expected turnover R 85 500

Basic cost before coaching sales and advertising sales -R 45 000

Projected profit B4 tax R 40 500

Cost of running a business

Page 5: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Unit Size 12m²-16m² Res -Max office-min Head-office

1 bed cottage / Radio R 4 500 R 4 500 R 4 500

Servants rooms R 1 950 R 1 950 R 0

en-suite+kitchenette /office R 3 500 R 3 500 R 5 000

3 Rms @R2.5k /offices R 7 500 R 7 500 R 15 000

Dining /office reception R 0 R 0 R 0

Lounge /2 BoardsRm/Rm -conversion R 2 500 R 0 R 0

House/office Income R 13 500 R 11 000 R 20 000

Lapa (R0) or Outside Rm (R-xx) R 2 950 R 2 950 R 0

Rm3-Samll / Brd-Rm R 2 000 R 0

Rm2-ensuite/AB&B R 3 000 R 0

Rm1 R 2 500 R 0

Dining / Rm4 /AB&B/office R 2 500 R 0

B.Cottage / Gaven or Ceo / AB & B R 10 000 R 7 500 R 7 500

Res vs Office-Mix-Income p.m. R 32 900 R 27 900 R 32 000

Average Rental

Yearly Income R 394 800 R 334 800 R 384 000

Electricty & water :Tenant charge

We bench-mark our Target vs Monthly repayments if the Money was loaned from the bank

Selling price R 1 450 000 R 1 450 000 R 1 450 000

Renovations R 300 000 R 300 000 R 300 000

R 1 750 000 R 1 750 000 R 1 750 000

Legal fees R 90 000 R 90 000 R 90 000

Total Investment Cost R 1 840 000 R 1 840 000 R 1 840 000

R100 000 ÷ 1 000 x 9.82 = R982 @ 10.25% R 18 069 R 18 069 R 18 069


Operating cost 9396 3732 4060

rates & Taxes R1,500 ; Adt Security R500 1500 1500 1500

Maintenance R 2 632 R 2 232 R 2 560

Property Management 8% R 2 632 R 0 R 0

Bad debt + Vacancies (5%+3%) R 2 632 R 0 R 0

Monthly expenses A25+A26 R 27 465 R 21 801 R 22 129

Nett Profit (Row15-Row34) R 5 435 R 6 099 R 9 871

R 29 950

Highest & Best Use

Rental income

+ Insurance

Page 6: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Positive rental producing income properties model has been copied from Macdonalds real estate strategy "Grinding it out"

Tenants Parking @250 each*6 - Provision R 2 000 0 R 0

R100 000 ÷ 1 000 x 9.82 = R982 @ 10.25% R 18 069 R 18 069 R 18 069

Nett Profit (Row15-Row34) R 5 435 R 6 099 R 9 871

invest in flips or 25 satelitte offices R 25 504 R 24 168 R 27 940 avg=R25K

cosmo city(randburg) , Protea glen (soweto) , Birch acres (kempton Park) , midrand (noordwyk) the satellite offices/ properties

will be bought cash / on instalment of sale , rent it out but use the garage for satellite offices until we receive postive cashflow

*Office & training facilities - acquisition;

Director(s) and or CEO lodging facilities must be close to work to avoid time spent in traffic . More time can be used by our stewards

in directing the company to its destination of financial growth & developing our agents and or assistants . if the property has such

facilities preference should be given to our leaders , if they resign they will vacate our premises and make space for a new leader

Page 7: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Commission Update 21 September 2018 1 Agent office 1 office 1+ office 1+*4 office+cellgrp

Property Sold For - Per Month 600 000 6 12 25 50

commission paid by the client: (5% - 6%)= Top comm 36 000 216 000 432 000 900 000 1 800 000

NQF4/5 Agent commission Split: 70% 25 200 151 200 302 400 630 000 1 260 000

Nyt Commission Split 30% - Before office expenses 10 800 64 800 129 600 270 000 540 000

** (R500 flat -fee) HR Recruits listing/stock-sold 500 3 000 6 000 12 500 25 000

** (R500 Flat-fee) tutoring new agents listing-sold 500 3 000 6 000 12 500 25 000

Nett commission For NYT - B4 office fixed expense 9 800 58 800 117 600 245 000 490 000

Intern with -over 1 year Experience: 60% 21 600 129 600 259 200 540 000 1 080 000

Nyt Commission Split 40% 14 400 86 400 172 800 360 000 720 000

New Intern less than 1 year -Experience: 50% 18 000 108 000 216 000 450 000 900 000

Nyt Commission Split 50% 18 000 108 000 216 000 450 000 900 000

If there is a referral within Agents with different levels 36 000

Say 20% seller referral by an intern agent to an NQF4/5 7 200 Our financial partners can refer business &

50 % intern-Split of the 20% 3 600 get paid to mitigate their financial risk

50% Nyt-Split of the 20% 3 600

remaining 80% to be split by 70%-NQF & 30% Nyt-Split 28 800

70% NQF - Split of the 80% 20 160

30% Nyt-Split of the 80% 8 640

Diffferent Combinations for Nyt 30% Split 12 240

If there is a referral within Agents with different levels 36 000

Say 10% Buyer referral from intern agent to an NQF4/5 3 600 Our financial partners can refer business &

50 % intern-Split of the 10% 1 800 get paid to mitigate their financial risk

50% Nyt-Split of the 10% 1 800

remaining 80% to be split by 70%-NQF & 30% Nyt-Split 32 400

70% NQF - Split of the 90% 22 680

30% Nyt-Split of the 90% 9 720

Diffferent Combinations for Nyt 30% Split 11 520

** Encourage in-house recruitment, private tutoring and mentoring Programme**

Page 8: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

NOTES* Summary and Conclusion of Real Estate Business Strategy

Agents will share with the firm ,according to their split e.g. 20% Seller referral will be split accordingly

50%-50% , 60-40%, 70-30% , 90%-10% this means the firm shares 50%-50% with all Agents / Agencies

or according to their split within our group Or other Agencies outside the group

We recommend partnerships or teams To eliminate burnout and Encourage group Learning

Combinations of passive income: Agent's Recruitment & Coaching/Mentoring per Year

Friends Partneship or Husband & Wife; Passive income 1 6 12 25 50

1st partner Focuses on Recruitment 500 3 000 6 000 12 500 25 000

2nd partner Coaches agents / Orientation 500 3 000 6 000 12 500 25 000

1st Partner Refers Sellers / Spotting Business 3 600 21 600 43 200 90 000 180 000

2nd partner refers Buyers / Spotting Business 1 800 10 800 21 600 45 000 90 000

Power of a Team or Group = Mastermind Alliance 6 400 38 400 76 800 160 000 320 000

Page 9: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

To mitigate our partners (or their business entity) risk , vouchers equivalent to their shares will be issued according to their need

Every profession or business needs coaching & training . Consequently , every business needs Markerting & Branding presence

Social Media Advertising

Radio Podcast-Advertising 1 to 2 clients > 3 clients

1 Queen Motlatle -Make-up Artist -Coaching V -her & son Plus Marketing V 1500 1500 3000

Coaching Voucher for herself & son , Plus Markerting Voucher -business

2 Advocate Mozda Phillip Mahlatse 1500 1500 3000

coaching voucher to his wife/brother in law /pass marketing V to his clients

3 Thabo Mashegoane -Senior Computer Software Engineer 1500 1500*2 3000

coaching voucher for himself and his wife & pass balance to his brother

4 Tshepang Mokotedi - Practicing commercial law Attorney-Marketing V 1500 1500 3000

Pass -over balance to his clients - Marketing voucher

5 Dr Rosalie, Dr FS & shareholders; property investment company 1500 1500 3000

Executive directors group coaching voucher will be ideal

6 Dominic Housing-Property Developer 1500 1500 3000

Markerting Voucher and Real estate training

7 Some of the Members of south african chamber of portuguesse 1500 1500 3000

Markerting Voucher and Coaching social media & Sales funnel training

8 Karen Brickman - House products and Jewellery Reseller 1500*2 1500 3000

Markerting Voucher and passover balance to clients

9 Mahummad Shah - Infinity real estate 1500 1500 3000

Markerting Voucher & Guest Speaker coaching voucher

10 Giants in the property industry such as R 1 500 R 1 500 R 3 000

Mashilo Pitjeng , Theo Wilcox , Keith Bothong , Saul Gumede etc

Markerting Voucher , Social economic development coaching Voucher R 15 000 R 15 000 R 30 000

100 Monthly collection from 100 Partners *R3k payable within 10 months R 300 000

Total Partners- Seed Capital R 3 000 000

contribution 3M/100 partners = R30K once-off. This R30k voucher is redeemable within 2 years for example R15k can be redeemed

in 2019 & the second R15k to be redeemed in 2020. 1st year coaching will be on Residential.P coaching & 2nd year commercial.P

also vouchers can be reedemed for Social Media Marketing (less fb200) & Radio podcast advertising .*Partners can also reedem their

Contribution against their properties that are sold by our company on the fees that are due to the company after agents commission

Note some partner will prefer to be silient shareholders & will be happy to give me their proxy for AGM meetings and decision making

R 3 000 000

Coaching per module

R 300 000

Coaching and Markerting brings in extra income to sustain our business

Our goal is to partner with top producers in their respective fields

Coaching and Business marketing income

Page 10: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Coaching Unlocks earning Potential: My Journey as a student of property investment

2014: JT FOXX: top one coaching my learning highlight was Joint

Venture Strategies and the use of words such as assignment fee

instead of finder’s commissions, which the latter suggest you are a

licensed agent. Coaching Cost was R110, 000 Divide by 12 (30 minutes

sessions Strictly Skype coaching with no notes) = 6 (1 hour Sessions) =

R18, 334 per Hour. In Return I made R250, 000 within 6 months & I still

possess the knowledge which is my Family & My Partners Legacy.

2015-2018: Rich dad Education: Legacy coaching My Highlight was

learning about lucrative UK rental market, the conversion of Freeholds

into multiple residences. Coaching cost R14K for 3 days = Almost R5k

per Day per person / couple in a group of 100 (group coaching R500k).

Additional courses; foundational and momentum R30K modules per

person / couple.

2017: TUHF: residential multiple unit finance company for landlord,

Mentoring program for R60K strictly for clients = R10k once per day

per month*6 months (group coaching), so this knowledge is also an

asset to my Family & Partners Legacy.

2005: Estate agency business & general business systems creations

such as manual creation, sales funnels, magic 100 clients and referral

business etc. R3k*12 months = R36K per annum

Summary & conclusion, coaching is vital for any business & individuals

to learn from others who have reached certain mileage in the property

journey. If an individual empties their cup to learn from others they will

increase their earning potential by a hundreds of thousands

acquired 25 properties = reading book = backround

Page 11: I’m inviting 100 friends & past clients to own property 1 ... fileProjected Sales of our Products and Services 1.Rental income 2. Property Sales 3&4.Markerting; Social Media+Radio

Annexure; Kindly find supporting PDF and Excel files:


New Radio Podcast link: https://iono.fm/c/3942

Previous Radio Podcast Link : https://iono.fm/c/2893

Examples of training video materials You-tube Link :


Friendly appeal, my aim is to Partner with 100 shareholders however we can’t wait if others

are suffering from analysis paralysis. When that happens, more shares will be sold to those

who have the means. Executive team (3-directors); 1.Public officer, 2.Estate agency

business - Director, 3.Coaching & training-Director.

Quick Math – Worst case Scenario.

R2Mil will be spent on property acquisition including renovations, transfer fees & brokerage

fees. Consequently we will achieve Rental income of R32k less operating expenses of R7k

(management fees, Maintance provision, rates & taxes, security company) so that our

Net Profit will equals to R25k per month which is R300k rental per year. Therefore R2Mil

property plus R300k = R2.3Million which effectively means the actual risk is R700k/100 =

R7k per shareholder. R7k risk is covered by R30k coaching and marketing voucher.

Positive Scenario; Profit of R2.1M per year *2 years = R4M cash + R2M property

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. R30, 000 sounds like a lot of money? Answer… Create a family company and let

each member contribute something monthly towards R3K*10 months =R30K.

2. R30k is little for a meaningful investment? Answer … create it for your children trust

fund or perhaps for your parents retirement gift.

3. I am worried about 100 Shareholders? , how would you control 100 voices? Answer

… We will create terms and conditions for the companies so that directors can

executive their written mandate efficiently without further influence from shareholders.

Unless there is a resolution to be made outside director’s mandate, then formal voting

will be exercised by any simplest and quickest electronic communication available.

4. What if I want to sell my shares? Answer …Your shares will be valued by an

accountant then be distributed among the shareholders according to their weighted

percentages. Only existing members can buy the shares.

5. Real estate market is flat? Answer … (a) for as long as people need a home to sleep,

real estate will always have a market. (b) And for as long as people borrow money to

buy properties, people will certainly default on their bank payments.

6. Our successful mixture will always be; 1.property acquisition 2.viable business

opportunities & 3.creating jobs for our rainbow nation. True business opportunities

are embedded within people. shareholders provide an opportunity for others to work.