Illuminations with the Archangels Co-created by Anrita Melchizedek

Illuminations with the Archangels...body and the Overlighting of the Archangels. This may be a useful visualization to set the sacred space, focus on some clearing work and get a sense

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Page 1: Illuminations with the Archangels...body and the Overlighting of the Archangels. This may be a useful visualization to set the sacred space, focus on some clearing work and get a sense

Illuminations with the Archangels

Co-created by Anrita Melchizedek

Page 2: Illuminations with the Archangels...body and the Overlighting of the Archangels. This may be a useful visualization to set the sacred space, focus on some clearing work and get a sense


Illuminations with the Archangels A gift of Love from the Company of Heaven.

Please do not change any of the information presented in the Illuminations of the Archangels eBook. If you would like to use this information commercially, such as hosting workshops, please consider giving a 10% tithing donation to The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. Please ensure the integrity of this work and give credit where credit is due.

Copyright © Anrita Melchizedek. May 17th, 2013.

Email: [email protected] Website: www.pleiadianlight.net

Page 3: Illuminations with the Archangels...body and the Overlighting of the Archangels. This may be a useful visualization to set the sacred space, focus on some clearing work and get a sense


Table of Contents

Introduction……………………………………………………………… 4 Soul Fragmentation…………………………………………………….. 5 - 9 Illuminations ~ Archangel Michael…………………………………….. 10 - 16 Illuminations ~ Archangel Raphael….……………………………….. 17 - 22 Illuminations ~ Archangel Gabriel…………………………………... 23 - 27 Illuminations ~ Archangel Uriel ………………………………………. 28 - 32 Invoking the Archangels of the Four Directions ……………………. 33 - 34 Illuminations ~ Jophiel………..……………………………………… 35 - 39 Illuminations ~ Chamuel…..…………………………………………… 40 - 44 Illuminations ~ Zadkiel……………..………………………………… 45 - 49 About Anrita..………………………………………………………….. 50

Page 4: Illuminations with the Archangels...body and the Overlighting of the Archangels. This may be a useful visualization to set the sacred space, focus on some clearing work and get a sense


Introduction My precious friends and family, These beautiful guided visualizations, Illuminations with the Archangels, came about through the hosting of two telewebinars. In deciding to work with the Archangels, I wanted to present the information in such a way that it would be useful to many of you as facilitators and teachers in your own right, so that you too would be able to share these teachings of Light. With this in mind, I focused on the transmissions to include guided visualizations, invocations, affirmations and attunements, and to present these teachings in a way that could be understood by many Light workers as well as those awakening at this time. And so, I offer you these series of live transmissions that have been transcribed and edited so that you too may share your Light, and Love of the Archangels and their Legions of Light, as the earthly Angels that you are. There are a total of seven guided visualizations in this Illuminations with the Archangels series, each one focusing on one of the seven main Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterpart. Additionally I have included another two guided visualizations. The first guided visualization is a meditation for bringing back the Soul fragments from this and other realities using the seven main chakras in the body and the Overlighting of the Archangels. This may be a useful visualization to set the sacred space, focus on some clearing work and get a sense of the energies of the Archangels. The second guided visualization is calling in the Archangels of the Four Directions and useful to use after the first four guided visualizations working with Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel respectively. I would like to acknowledge Zulma for the transcribing of these transmissions and Eadie Miller for editing. Thank you my precious friends. And to each one of you that attended the telewebinars and those of you offering to share these teachings, I thank you for your support. The collective Light we shine is such an incredible blessing and I am so honored to be reconnecting with each one of you as my family and friends of the Light. From my Heart to your Heart to the Cosmic Heart of all Creation. Blessings in Love Anrita Melchizedek

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Soul Fragmentation ~ Overlighted by the Archangels

Get yourself into a comfortable and relaxed space as you now call in your Beloved I Am Presence,

your Master Guides and Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light that you personally

acknowledge. You are now going to call upon the seven Archangels, their Divine Feminine

Counterparts and their Legion of Light to assist you in retrieving the parts of your Soul that left in

shock, in shame or pain, or perhaps just to have a different experience. You are going to invite those

parts of you that left to come back and be part of you again. Be willing to Love and nurture those Soul

parts of you that have fragmented so you may be complete and whole again. You are going to ask for

the assistance of each Archangel and their Divine Counterpart to bring in their gifts of Love and Light,

joy, warmth, compassion, humility and understanding, so that you may integrate these qualities and so

that your Soul pieces that left may join you in Divine Love.

Now call upon Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Keepers of purity, joy, hope and discipline so you may

fully embody these qualities.

Archangel Gabriel and Hope now reach out and touch the base of your spine, your base chakra, and

as they do, you experience a lifting of any dark energy that fills this particular area. You see this base

chakra area fill with Light and Love in a beautiful white ray, the symbolic color of Archangel Gabriel

and Hope. Archangel Gabriel and Hope ask you to release all negative thoughts and feelings that you

might have in this particular area, to give them up to the host of Angels that are working with

Archangel Gabriel and Hope, to allow them to be transmuted into higher frequencies of Love and


Feel the Love of Archangel Gabriel and Hope and their Legion of Angels as they fill your base chakra

with the qualities of purity, joy, hope and discipline.

You see a beautiful white ray fill this area as your base chakra now starts to spin with your Love and

the Love of the Archangels and Angels. All the Archangels and Angels are smiling and singing in the

most beautiful way as they send you these rays of Love and Light, as they bring in these wonderful

qualities of purity, joy, hope and discipline through the white ray of Archangel Gabriel and his Divine

Feminine Counterpart Hope.

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Now ask that your fragmented Soul piece that is missing from your base chakra and did not want to

return to come and join you now. You are willing to Love this Soul piece and you let your Soul piece

know that it is now in a loving and nurturing environment. Feel your fragmented Soul piece enter into

your base chakra and in these high frequencies of Love and Light, in these qualities of purity, joy, hope

and discipline, your Soul piece becomes whole again. It has finally come home in the white ray of

Archangel Gabriel and Hope.

Now focus on your sacral chakra, which is two to three inches below the navel. Feel the wonderful

violet ray of Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst enter into the sacral center.

Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst bring with them the qualities of freedom, compassion and forgiveness

and you allow yourself to experience your compassion and your forgiveness. You feel an exquisite

sense of lightness in your sacral center as you allow yourself to release all negative belief systems or

judgments from your sacral center. You transmute all these lower energies into frequencies of Love

and Light through the violet ray of Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, as you bring in the qualities of

freedom, compassion, and forgiveness. You fill your sacral center with Self Love and the Love of all

the Archangels and Angels.

Ask that your fragmented Soul piece that is missing from your sacral chakra join you now. Tell your

Soul piece that it is now safe and protected, that you will Love and cherish this Soul piece, this part of

you that so desperately needs your Love, your Light. Your Soul piece that is missing from your sacral

center now joins you as you breathe deeply into this violet color and integrate the qualities of freedom,

compassion and forgiveness. Welcome your Soul piece back to its rightful home in these wonderful

qualities and frequencies of Love and Light.

Now bring your focus to your solar plexus center, which is found two inches above your navel. You

lightly feel this chakra being activated by Archangel Uriel and Aurora who bring the qualities of peace

and service through a deep rich purple ray. Allow yourself to release all negative beliefs that need to

be released from this particular area. Feel exquisite Light and Love enter into your solar plexus center

as you reclaim these qualities of peace and service. Now ask your Soul piece that has left from this

particular place to return. As your Soul piece returns, welcome it with open arms and feel the

connection and strong ties that bind you together. You are feeling more complete and whole within

yourself. You breathe a rich wonderful purple color into your solar plexus center as you allow this

piece of your Soul to experience your Higher Light in the qualities of peace and service, Love and


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Now you move up to the heart center and focus on opening your heart center to Love. Archangel

Chamuel and Charity now activate this heart area with a wonderful pink ray and bring with them the

qualities of Love, creativity and beauty. You welcome these wonderful qualities and this powerful

feeling of Love as you open your heart in these frequencies of Love. Release all negative feelings of

self-loathing or non-acceptance that you might hold in your heart center. You experience your

richness, you feel your Love for yourself, your friends and family and finally for this entire planet. You

feel a universal sense of Love.

As you bask in this beautiful Light and Divine Love, ask that your Soul piece that is missing from this

area join you now in this communion of Love. Breathe deeply into the rich pink color as you see your

Soul piece enter into your heart center as you open your heart center in Love and to the magic of the

Archangels and Angels and all of Life around you. Allow yourself to be filled with Love, creativity and

beauty for all of Life and for yourself.

You now move up to the throat chakra as Archangel Michael and Faith activate this point for you.

Archangel Michael and Faith bring with them the qualities of power, faith and protection through a

beautiful sky blue ray. You feel your vocal vitality and the knowledge that allows you to express

yourself freely in Divine Truth, for Archangel Michael and Faith bring with them the qualities of power,

faith and protection.

Allow yourself to fully release all negativity that is harbored in this area. Now call out to your Soul

piece that is missing from this area to come and join you, to experience your Higher Light, your

Beloved I Am Presence through the qualities of power, faith and protection. You see or feel your

fragmented Soul piece, the part belonging to these experiences, come back to you as you breathe in

this beautiful sky blue ray. You embrace this part of your Soul that is rejoicing in this reunion with you

as this wonderful Higher Light.

Now bring your attention to your third eye where you feel the light, soft and warm touch of Archangel

Raphael and Mother Mary as they bring in a rich green ray. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary

bring with them the qualities of truth, abundance and healing and you feel these qualities moving

through your third eye, becoming part of you.

Allow yourself to release all patterns and perceptions held in your third eye that no longer hold true for

you as you now vibrate at a higher frequency. Feel the wonderful Love of Archangel Raphael and

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Mother Mary as you breathe the rich green ray into this area. Ask your fragmented Soul piece that left

this area to come back to where it is safe and protected, where it can experience the qualities of truth,

abundance and healing. Your fragmented Soul piece that is missing from this area now returns on this

wonderful green ray as you let this Soul piece know that you will look after it, Love it and nurture it.

Finally, bring your attention to your crown chakra at the top of your head. Archangel Jophiel and

Christine activate this point and as they do they bring in a beautiful yellow ray and the qualities of

wisdom, insight and understanding. The last part of your fragmented Soul that is missing now enters

through your crown chakra on this beautiful yellow ray to become this Higher Light, to become part of

you in your wisdom, insight and understanding.

You are feeling much more complete, much more whole now. You have brought your Soul fragments

entirely back into your being and you now feel all parts of your Soul, all parts of yourself. You feel your

Soul stir deep within your Soul Matrix, deep within your heart center, as you open your heart center to

this wonderful feeling of Divine Love. Welcome each part of your Soul that has come back to be with

you as your Higher Light, in the frequencies of Love and Light.

And now, take a few minutes to cancel any old soul contracts you might have, with yourself, family,

friends or those people that you perceive have caused you pain. These contracts might be the belief

that you have to experience pain and suffering in order to truly experience Love and compassion, or

the belief that this is how you learn best or survival based contracts in which you felt you had no

choice. These are old karmic contracts, and in this reality, you can choose to experience your lessons

in Love and joy and harmony. See these old karmic contracts, one at a time, and see yourself signing

this contract and another person signing this contract, if they are part of this contract. And now, take a

big red rubber stamp with the word “cancelled” and just cancel these old soul contracts, one at a time.

Now tear up these old soul contracts and see yourself burning them in a big bonfire. And now state

aloud: “I declare these vows null and void in this incarnation and all my incarnations across space and

time and parallel realities, and all dimensions”. And now, create new soul contracts of Love and joy

and abundance consciousness.

Now, just take the time to chat to these newly found Soul pieces of your Self and create a deeper bond

of trust, Love and mutual support. What is important is also to change the way you perceive your

reality, to ensure that these newly found Soul pieces do not fragment again. When you do this

exercise, try to feel into the source of the “original wound”, mostly from parallel realities, as this will

assist in shifting your consciousness in this Now, and bring your awareness to some of the old

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patterns and false beliefs you may be perpetuating in this reality. And lastly, bring your focus to the

streams of Light from your Beloved I Am Presence connecting you the timelines of the best probably

future for yourself. Ask your future Self of the Light to step forward and to make this connection with

you to this Now and to bring through the people and events that can take you into your Heart’s


Now, thank the wonderful Archangels, their Divine Feminine Counterparts and their Legion of Light.

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Illuminations ~ Archangel Michael

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now and to be taking you in

these wonderful journeys of Light to the Spiritual Retreats of the Archangels and their Divine Feminine

Counterparts of Light.

Let us take a moment, sweet ones, to come deep within the heart. Have a sense of activating the soul

matrix, of receiving the energy of the Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterparts, and now, of

grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart ~ you now merge with your Beloved I

AM Presence, knowing yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as these

Master Beings of Light ~indeed, sweet ones, as the earthly angelic leagues of Light. This is in essence

what you are, for you are transforming every sub-atomic particle within your Beingness into a greater

level of Light as you step deeper into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, ever upwards in the expression

of your spiritual truth and spiritual reality.

You find yourself now being gently guided with the Beings of Light from On High and your Master

Guides and Guardian Angel into the Temple of Faith and Protection of Archangel Michael and Faith.

As you make this energetic connection to Archangel Michael and Faith, Angels of Protection and

Power, you are now taken in Soul consciousness to the etheric realm over Banff and Lake Louise in

the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada. As you enter into this Spiritual Temple of Light, you find

yourselves, sweet ones, in a pyramid shaped altar made of the most beautiful white and blue

diamonds. And you see around this altar concentric rings of Light accommodating thousands of

Angelic Beings of Light; and you feel yourself being welcomed and greeted as the earthly Angels of

Light into this magnificent dance of Light by these Angelic Hosts and Legions of Light. Archangel

Michael and Faith come forward, and they welcome you to their Spiritual Retreat of Light, taking you

into the central pyramid shaped altar where you are surrounded now in this magnificent electric Blue

Flame of Light. It is explained to you that each one of you in your own way works with the energy of

Archangel Michael and Faith ~ for as this Angelic League protects humanity and the lower world, you

are the Spiritual Warriors of Light that work with this legion of Angelic Beings for the protection of the

lower world; and understanding that you are surrounded always by the Legions of Light, behind you

and next to you and in front of you, guiding and directing you in your everyday life, sweet ones, brings

with it an immense sense of power, of knowing of this truth, of knowing that you have the power to

create and effect change, of knowing you have the power to stand in your Light in the utterance of

your spiritual realities, as the Warriors of Light, and as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine


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It is important that you work with energetic protection, sweet ones, for of course this earth plane still

has many differing frequencies and wavelengths, and upon this plane of duality you protect yourself

both energetically and physically. This energetic protection that comes through from Archangel

Michael and his Legions of Light assists in cutting through the astral realm, of lower astral entities, and

indeed of the energies of those that wish you harm in thought and in consciousness and in vibration,

intentionally or unintentionally, sweet ones. The energy of Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light

is with every single one of you ~ and to assist in your journey through this earth plane as these

spiritual warriors of Light, you are going to receive your Crystalline Shield of Light, your Diamond

Sword of Holy Truth and your Golden Helmet of Light. This will always be your energetic protection,

sweet ones, that you will work with, with these Legions of Light.

Archangel Michael comes forward through this beautiful electric Blue Flame of Light, and places within

your right hand, should you be right handed, this Diamond Sword of Holy Truth or in your left hand,

should you be left handed. This Diamond Sword of Truth comes from the Cosmic Heart of All Creation,

from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and it is wielded in the power of Unity Consciousness, of

Divine Justice, of Empowerment and Divine Will. And as you take this Diamond Sword of Truth you

experience these qualities as a Spiritual Warrior of Light. As you now align into a deeper level of will,

of power, of might, you become the warrior on the chariot, wielding power rather than submitting to it.

You now receive this Crystalline Shield of Light in your left hand or your right hand, should you be left-

handed. This Crystalline Shield of Light covers your entire body as a huge Crystalline Shield of Light

made from the energetic matrix of the New Earth Templates of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,

all the key codes of the collective Consciousness of Light and your own individual key codes, sweet

ones, are programmed within your individual Crystalline Shield of Light, and as you reach out and

place this on your arm it merges into your energy, becoming one with you. As your subatomic particles

spin in this increased Light frequency, the Shield of Light now radiates around your entire body and

energy field deflecting, protecting, shielding, activating and increasing your Light, sweet ones. No

matter where you stand this shield is a three-hundred and sixty degree protection of intense radiating

Divine Love through the core crystalline frequencies of the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, activated

through the Unity Grid, activated through your own level of consciousness and Light. Use this wisely,

sweet ones, these are incredible gifts that you are being given once more.

Lastly, you are given what is known as the Golden Helmet of Light. This Golden Helmet of Light has

four faces, each face symbolizing a particular characteristic of the primary four Archangels ~

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Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael. One side shows this human face, symbolizing Love

and emotion, and is connected to Archangel Raphael; there is a lion’s face symbolizing justice and

majesty, connected to Archangel Michael; an ox’s face symbolizing power and strength connected to

Archangel Gabriel, and the last face is that of an eagle symbolizing wisdom and connected to

Archangel Uriel. And as you look around in this sacred energetic Blue Flame of Light you see these

Archangels now, each one standing around you in the four directions, and you are gifted, sweet ones,

with a knowing of how to use this sacred Golden Helmet of Light. As Archangel Michael places this

upon your head and further activates the pituitary, the pineal, the hypothalamus glands, you bring in

the memories and the connections of having worked with the Archangels in many lifetimes, sweet

ones. Wonderful.

You are ready for any “battle”, any perceived challenge that comes your way, as a Warrior of Light;

knowing when to step forward in dynamic right action and when to step back in Love and wisdom, and

the Legions of Light surround you always, sweet ones, know this to be your Truth and your reality. As

you are now taken with your Master Guides and Guardian Angel down a long corridor of Light into the

first part of a series of initiations in which you strengthen your role as this Warrior of Light, and as this

sacred transfiguring flame of Divine Love. There is nothing to fear, sweet ones. You are going on this

journey of cutting old karmic cords, of healing relationships that have wounded you, through the

understanding of pre-birth agreements, and through viewing of the Akashic Records. And as now you

find yourself traveling through these Grids of Light, you come into the Akashic Records and you see

before you at this gate three Akashic Record Keepers and you let them know that you have come to

understand what lessons you are still working with in this Now, what karma it is you may still need to

clear and you come as a Warrior of Light through the protection of Archangel Michael and his Legions

of Light. The Akashic Record Keepers acknowledge your request, and as they open the door, you are

guided in with your Legions of Light, your Guardian Angel, your Master Guides, your soul and star

families and the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence. As you enter into the Akashic records

now you see before you these computer banks and as you touch each one now that you are guided

to, a three dimensional holographic representation appears before you of a current challenge that you

are still working with, with friends and family, sweet ones. For your deepest betrayals come from those

you know, from those you consider your partners or your ex-partners, your family, your friends, your

colleagues. And now you truly see through the Akashic Records a deeper understanding of this

current challenge. As you travel through the Christed Timelines you view the same yet different events

of the current challenge in parallel realities, whether this current challenge is one of you needing to

come into a deeper level of your own power and choosing those around you that are abusive in nature

or violent, or choosing those that do not see you or appreciate you, where you have suppressed the

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Divine Feminine or the Divine Masculine, these images and stories appear before you, and you have a

deeper understanding now of your pre-birth agreements, of the roles that you chose to play, sweet

ones. Some of you chose the Light warrior, some of you may have chosen the dark warrior. You may

have created vows of poverty consciousness, or had curses placed upon you or placed these upon

others, and through the Akashic Records now you see clearly what it is you need to clear and to shift,

to truly become this empowered Warrior of Light. And you now bring in these timelines each one of

these souls in soul consciousness that you are connecting with, that you have perceived conflict with.

And you have a look at these old karmic cords that state “I do not see you, I do not hear you, I do not

love you, I do not appreciate you, I do not understand you”. You now cut these cords with your Sword,

your Diamond Sword of Holy Truth, sweet ones.

Wonderful. And now you replace these old karmic cords with new Golden Age of Light cords that say,

“I forgive you, and I Love you, I see you, I hear you, I appreciate you, I thank you for the lessons that I

have experienced with you”. You understand the pre-birth agreements, sweet ones ~ these lessons

that each one of you chose ~ particular roles ~ and your role now is to simply be Light. To no longer

hold this anger and resentment and betrayal and unforgiveness. It is not important ~ you have

betrayed and been betrayed, you have been the abuser and you have being abused. It matters not if

the role is that of victim consciousness, or persecutor consciousness, or justifiable on a personality

level; what you understand is that each lesson was chosen at a Higher Light level so you may come at

a deeper knowing of your own Divine magnificence as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine

Love, as these Masters Beings of Light and through your Light allow others to find their way, their

Light. It has been challenging but you are ready now for a deeper show of strength, for a deeper

knowing that you have a choice of how you act and react, of knowing that your Beloved I AM Presence

is center stage and no matter how much you have been wounded or hurt, you are always Divinely

protected, Divinely Loved, and a Child of God.

You establish clear boundaries now with each one of these souls that you have connected with at a

Higher Light level, lovingly and gently you let them know how you would like your relationship to

unfold. You heal these relationships that have wounded you, sweet ones, and establish these clear

boundaries, standing in your power, standing in your Light, wielding power rather than submitting to it.

You see the gifts that fear has brought you, of strength and courage, of raising up to the challenge ~

everything is Divinely Perfect within this seemingly imperfection and the synchronicities within your

daily life are guided by your Beloved I AM Presence and Higher Self, always taking you deeper along

the pathway of Divine Love. Trust in this, sweet ones, surrender, surrender to the Divine, surrender to


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Wonderful. As you find yourself back in this Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Michael and Faith, you are

now being initiated as the Warrior of Light to the Legions of Michael, to his Legions of Light.

As you come back into your sacred space now, sweet ones, we give you an invocation and

attunement that you may work with on a regular basis to deepen this connection of Light, and you now

repeat aloud the following invocation to Archangel Michael and Faith ~

Invocation to Archangel Michael and Faith

I call upon Archangel Michael and Faith,

to actualize the electric Blue Flame of Power and Protection,

and to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

into their Spiritual Retreat in the etheric of the Canadian Rockies, in Alberta, Canada,

so I may discover the gifts of fear,

so I may heal all my relationships,

so I may become a leader and teacher and protector of all Humanity

I call upon Archangel Michael and Faith,

to activate my Crystalline Shield of Light,

and my Diamond Sword of Truth,

with the New Earth template signatures and key codes of Light,

in power, in protection, in faith, and Divine Love.

I call upon Archangel Michael and Faith,

to honor me with the Golden Helmet of Light,

so I may forever serve the Archangelic Beings of Light,

through Justice, Wisdom, Power and Divine Love,

and the mantle of leadership through dynamic right action.

I am Purity, Righteousness, Balance, Peace, Knowledge, Justice, Strength, Protection and Divine


I AM a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

I AM a Warrior of Light,

I AM All That I AM.

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You are now ready for the leadership and peace attunement through Archangel Michael and

Faith, and you now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission, and ask Spirit, Archangel Michael and Faith,

their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I AM Presence for this Archangelic Leadership Attunement


I ask to be attuned to Archangel Michael and Faith and their Legions of Light from On High through a

beautiful electric Blue Flame of Power and Protection and Obedience” ~ and you now visualize this

electric Blue Flame coming in around your body and energy field.

You now state:

“I now request that Archangels Michael and Faith attune me to the deepest levels of leadership, and

peace that I may receive in this Now”.

Archangel Michael now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your throat chakra,

signifying the receiving of this attunement.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You now affirm:

“I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Light, a Warrior of Light, to Mother Earth and all her Life. As I

stand in my power and Light, I wield power, rather than submit to it. I am a leader, a teacher, and a

way shower in this Golden Age of Light, and surrounded by Archangel Michael, Faith and their

Legions of Light, I find my way through every perceived challenge in Love, in peace, in faith, in justice,

and in the knowing that all is Divinely Perfect”.

Wonderful, sweet ones. Bring yourself back into your sacred space while keeping this Angelic

connection of Light. Know your Self as the earthly Angels, grounding once more into the Crystal Heart

of Mother Earth, keeping this connection open to the Company of Heaven and the Legions of Light,

merge once more with your Beloved I AM Presence. Have a sense of your Crystalline Shield of Light,

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your Diamond Sword of Truth, and your Golden Helmet of Light, surrounded by the Legions upon

Legions of Light, and directed by Archangel Michael and Faith.

We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, and with this, we bid you a most magical day.

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Illuminations ~ Archangel Raphael

Let us start, sweet ones, this guided visualization, where you will connect with Archangel Raphael and

Mother Mary, Archangel of Healing and Truth, by breathing deep into the body, feeling this deep love

within yourselves, feeling this deep Love to all Life. Finding a rhythm in your breath, finding a rhythm in

the balance of Life, sweet ones. For a moment focus on breathing in through the nose, and out

through the mouth. Wonderful.

How are you feeling, sweet ones? Is there any sense of discomfort in the body? How does your body

feel? How are you feeling energetically, emotionally, mentally, how are you today, sweet ones? Have a

sense of this universal life force energy that flows within and around you, this pranic consciousness,

see yourselves as these subatomic particles spinning in increased Light frequencies. This is what

each one of you are, sweet ones~ subatomic particles of Light and as you increase your crystalline

matrix of Divine Light, as you create your I AM Avatar Bodies of Light, you have a deeper sense of

your magnificence, your uniqueness, your Light. You have a deeper sense of this connection that you

have with all Life; being part of all Life, connecting to all Life, in this collective puzzle piece, and fitting

perfectly with your unique vibratory signature.

Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary now invite you now into their Spiritual Retreat in Fatima,

Portugal. As you are surrounded by your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel and merge now with

your Beloved I AM Presence, you have sense of being lifted in Soul consciousness through the portals

of Divine Love, to this beautiful Spiritual Retreat in the etheric of Fatima in Portugal. As you enter into

this Spiritual Retreat you are surrounded in this beautiful Green Flame of Healing and Truth, and taken

now into the central octahedronal shaped Temple of Light. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, and

their Legions upon Legions of Light greet you now in their Divine Love, and as you look around you

experience a gentleness and a softness in this energy, in this Spiritual Retreat, through the vibrations

and the Light Beings and you find your vibration softening. You find yourself feeling soothed and

rejuvenated, and gentle with yourself, and you start to feel a greater sense too of well being, as this

healing energy starts to take effect. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary offer you this beautiful gift

now of being placed within their healing Fountain of Light, within their Spiritual Retreat, and as you are

guided into this central octahedronal Temple of Light you see this beautiful Fountain of green waters,

sparkling, iridescent, flowing and healing ~ and you find yourself walking into this Fountain of Light

now and as this occurs you experience a rebalancing, rejuvenation, and regeneration in your physical

body, the emotional body, the mental body, and in spirit, sweet ones. On a physical level you have

sense of this beautiful green healing Light with the Divine Love of Archangel Raphael and Mother

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Mary moving into each body part and organ, moving through each chakra, each subatomic particle,

bathing and soothing and clearing and healing ~ at a cellular level removing, transmuting all cellular

memories of false beliefs and stresses and anxieties. You feel yourself simply surrendering and

trusting, feeling loved and nurtured in this gentle space, sweet ones. Within this sacred space there

are various Chambers of Light that assist you to have a deeper sense of your own medical intuition

and guidance, and so continuing to flow through this healing Fountain of Light and this beautiful Green

Flame of Healing, of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, you find yourself in a Healing Chamber of

Light. As you have a sense of this deep connection to your Beloved I AM Presence, breath once more

into the body, sweet ones, so you can build this healing Light through your own energy matrix and

place your hands upon your body in those places that need to be supported in this Now. Breath the

beautiful golden white Light of Mother-Father God through the crown chakra, now this beautiful green

Light through the feet chakra, combining these energetic frequencies at the base chakra, and now the

perineum center; take this up the front of the body, down the arms and down the hands. Continue to

breath rhythmically, sweet ones, to increase this healing Light vibration as it starts to activate through

the hand chakras and the feet chakras. Put your feet firmly on the floor ~ if you are lying down bend

your knees so your feet chakras are anchored on the floor ~ if you are sitting on a chair make sure

that your feet chakras are anchored into the energy of Mother Earth too. And as this healing Light

increases, Overlighted by your Beloved I AM Presence and your own healing angels working with

Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, you are guided to place your hands on those parts of your body

that need healing, sweet ones. You are experiencing a greater flow of this universal healing energy. At

the same time you are purifying your mind of old thoughts, old patternings, old beliefs, letting go of the

stress and worry, centering yourself in Divine Love. As you come within your heart now, while keeping

your hands on your body parts, or organs, or chakras that need these increased Light frequencies,

you embrace your inner victim and persecutor consciousness ~ you see before you and within your

heart, your inner victim. You embrace him or her, sweet ones, you let him or her know how much you

Love them, how much you understand that he or she has needed to feel they must protect, and fight,

and survive, but it is not needed now for the way forward is graciously, harmoniously, gently and

lovingly; and you understand this and you let the victim consciousness aspect of yourself know this

too, as you embrace and Love him or her; and you do the same too now with the persecutor

consciousness aspect of yourselves, sweet ones. Embracing him or her, within your heart, letting him

or her know, that it is safe to come home, it is safe to come within your heart, to the sacred space, to

the center of Love within your Self. They may are tired and weary, these sub-personality aspect of

yourselves and you embrace each one now, you let each one of these sub-personalities know “It is

okay, it is okay.” There is nothing they need to concern themselves with or worry about, there is Love

and you feel this and trust this and know that you are led through Life by your Beloved I AM Presence

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and Higher Self and your Guardian Angel and the Legions upon Legions of Light. You surrender to

this, you feel this Love and you know that you are healing yourself on all levels, sweet ones. The soul

fragments are being returned to the body, the old vows, beliefs, and judgments, are being released,

transmuted and absorbed into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. You are being renewed, rejuvenated,

and re-energized at a cellular level in these beautiful Healing Flames of Light.

Lastly now you ask Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary for an activation of the axiatonal lines found

along the acupuncture and meridian lines; and as Archangel Michael and Mother Mary assist in the

activating of the axiatonal lines through particular spin points of sound and color and light frequencies,

you experience an integration at a deeper level of the energy of your Light, sweet ones, with your

Higher Selves of the Light and Beloved I AM Presence ~ integrating a deeper level of your

Multidimensional Selves and your Soul and Star Families of the Light. You are awakening to a new

Consciousness of Light, through your Temple of Light ~ your physical bodies.

Wonderful sweet ones, you thank Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary. Now, come back into your

sacred space and we leave you with one last tool before we move into this Invocation. As the negative

thoughts come up ~ in your mind’s eye see them on a black board, erase them and replace them with

a positive thought and affirmation, sweet ones ~ try to catch the thoughts before they manifest, before

they gather a momentum of their own.

And now we leave you with this Invocation to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, which you state

aloud and choose to work with on a regular basis:

Invocation to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary

I call forth to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary,

to actualize the Green Flame of Healing and Truth,

to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

to their Spiritual Retreat in Fatima, Portugal,

so I may purify my mind of false beliefs and judgments,

of earthly ego allurements,

and cosmic karmic patternings.

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I call forth to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary,

to assist me in releasing any dis-ease or discomfort,

and to bring balance of mind, body and spirit.

Through their Healing Fountain of Light,

I am soothed and re-energized.

As I open my heart to the highest levels of healing I can receive at this time,

as I open my heart to truly see my Self and others,

in Truth, in Love and Mercy.

I see clearly through the Christed Timelines,

knowing that there is only Love.

Surrounded in this beautiful Green Flame of Healing and Truth,

I now request the activation of the axiatonal lines within, around and through my body.

As the spin points activate in particular sound and color frequencies of this new Golden Age of Light,

I merge now with my Beloved I Am Presence, my God Self,

rejuvenating and healing any organ or body part that needs this frequency regeneration now .

I am transmuting all that is not of the Light,

All that is not of the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God,

I Am Truth

I Am Mercy,

I Am Creativity,

I Am Beauty,

I Am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.

I Am All That I Am.

Wonderful, sweet ones. You are now ready to receive this Attunement Healing with an open and

truthful heart.

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Attunement Healing with an Open and Truthful Heart

You now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission and ask Spirit, Archangel Raphael and Mother

Mary, their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence for this Archangelic Healing Attunement.

I ask to be attuned to Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary and their Legions of Light from On High

through their beautiful Green Flame of Truth and Healing”

And now, sweet ones, you visualize this Green Flame coming in around your body and energy field.

You now continue:

“I now request that Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary attune me to the deepest levels of healing

that I may receive in this Now through an open and truthful heart.”

Archangel Raphael now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your third eye, signifying

the receiving of this attunement.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You now affirm:

“I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. I let go and let God as I release all vestiges of the

negative ego, as I embrace and Love all aspects of my Self. I open my heart to my Self and others. I

am healed and whole, balanced and embraced within the sacred Green Flame of Healing and Truth of

Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary. And so it is.”

Wonderful, sweet ones. Now just feel this connection into Mother Earth, through your grounding cord

as it comes from your sacral chakra for women, from your base chakra for men. You have a sense of

this energy of healing and Light coming from Mother Earth too, of her nurturing energy, and your

connection to all Life. Your ability to self heal and to help others in their healing process is amplified

now sweet ones, through the many gifts you have and through the knowing of yourselves as these

clairsentient, clairvoyant, and clairaudient Masters Beings of Light. Hold this focus, sweet ones. Hold

the Knowing of your magnificence and preciousness, sweet ones, including your biggest gift, the

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Knowing that you are already Divine.

We thank you for your service work and with this we bid you a most magical day.

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Illuminations - Archangel Gabriel

Welcome, sweet ones. In this guided visualization you are working with Archangel Gabriel and Hope,

Messengers of God, Archangel of Resurrection, of guidance and harmony, of joy, of discipline and


Breath deep into the body, grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, activating a deeper level of this

connection that you have with the Company of Heaven and the Archangelic Legions of Light, sweet

ones, as you surround yourself in this beautiful White Flame brought through now by Archangel

Gabriel and Hope. They are beckoning you, calling you to travel into their Spiritual Retreat in the

etheric realms between Sacramento and Mt. Shasta in Northern California, and with your Master

Guides now and your Guardian Angel and all the Beings of Light you personally acknowledge, you find

yourselves traveling through this beautiful grid of Divine Love, and now finding yourselves within the

Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Gabriel and Hope.

As you enter into this Spiritual Retreat you are warmly welcomed by Archangel Gabriel and Hope and

their many Legions upon Legions of Light. You are now placed in this beautiful spherical dome of

Light, bringing a sense of safety, bringing a sense of familiarity, and bringing a sense of balance, of

purpose and destiny; for within these sacred concentric circles of Purity, of Harmony and Light, is the

remembrance of your Divine purpose and destiny, sweet ones. Some of you are still searching and we

remind you sweet ones, that this is not an outward journey, this is an inward journey; finding your

purpose through your passion. For you all have many gifts ~ these creative gifts of the wild woman

and the wild man energies that amplify in this Golden Age of Light into deeper levels of the expression

of your Divine Selves, to areas of creativity within the musical arena, within the arts, within the

communications arena, within the science community, the metaphysical communities ~ through your

gifts of healing, through your gifts of extra-sensory perception, that are developing in deeper levels,

and even in your gifts of compassion, of understanding others; these make you great teachers and

leaders and way showers and facilitators in this Golden Age of Light, sweet ones. And it is to

acknowledge this, to gather focus and momentum according to what it is that you would like to do,

what brings you joy. Have a sense of coming into your heart, sweet ones, into your heart’s dreaming,

into the remembrance and knowing of your Highest Potential and the fulfillment of your dreams and

hopes. Go back to the earliest times and memories in this lifetime of what it is that you wanted to do,

to be, to experience ~ and come back into your heart’s dreaming, letting go of the disillusionment,

letting go of the perceived limitation. Have a sense in this beautiful Spiritual Temple and retreat of

Archangel Gabriel and Hope surrounded in this beautiful White Flame, of what your purpose is, of

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what your destiny is, of what your heart’s dreaming is ~ where you are, who you are with, what you are

doing, finding fulfillment in your Soul purpose, finding fulfillment in your everyday life and knowing that

you can create this change, sweet ones; that you have the ability to magnetize and to manifest and to

bring into your reality all that you are needing in any given Now moment.

Archangel Gabriel now comes forward and places within your base chakra the Tzolkin Wheel of Light.

The Tzolkin Wheel, this disc of light which spins in a clockwise and then counter clockwise direction

respectively, depending what is required for you in this Now, releasing or bringing in of Light

frequencies, activates to a greater level now to bring in the Light codes of your purpose and destiny.

You have a sense of this very clearly, sweet ones, seeing through your Master Eyes, through the

Christed Timelines and through your heart; as the dormant DNA activates now to the maximum

Cosmic Law can allow within this sacred moment you see clearly the wisdom and knowledge that you

hold, as you come into deeper levels of knowing and being able to manifest your purpose and your


Wonderful, sweet ones. You now find yourself being drawn into this beautiful Golden White Pillar of

Light. This Golden White Pillar of Light takes you through the Christed Timelines into the future, sweet

ones, and it is in these future timelines that you merge now with your future selves in full attainment of

self mastery ~ you are your Highest Selves and you are leading others as you are still being lead in

this Now. You have achieved your personal ascension, you have achieved your purpose and your

passion, and you sit on the Councils of Light. You experience your heart’s dreaming wherever it may

be ~ on the lower worlds or different planets or stars. You have fulfilled your service roles, sweet ones,

and there is a part of you that still chooses to be here because you are Beings of such great

magnitude; deeply compassionate, glorious Beings that are beyond the duality and the disillusionment

and the challenges. You hold to the knowing and experience of joy and hope, of purity, of divine

justice, and of balance, sweet ones. You now merge with your future Selves and take on many of

these gifts, these key codes and sacred geometries and understandings.

Wonderful sweet ones. Know that everything that you are needing to activate in terms of your creative

gifts, in terms of your Highest Potentials, are coming through now in these streams of consciousness

and through these Christed Timelines, sweet ones. These timelines too of ancient Egypt, and Atlantis

and Lemuria, and the Mayan and Aztec cultures, and these timelines of these parallel dimensions too.

Allow these streams of consciousness and Light of yourself as a Star Being, as a Pleiadian or Sirian or

Andromedan or Acturian or Lyran to be amplified too in this Now. For it is your star seeded heritage

that takes you into a deeper level of your creative gifts in this Now, into a deeper level of the

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expression of your gifts; for you bring with you particular star qualities that are amplified and activated

now in these beautiful concentric rings of purity and White Light.

Wonderful, sweet ones. Come back with this Knowing of how easy it is for you to flow graciously and

harmoniously in this Golden Age of Light, in your Heaven on Earth, into your heart’s dreaming, and

hold this vision always for it to manifest. Envision every day your heart’s dreaming, as you call upon

Archangel Gabriel and Hope in this assistance of bringing greater levels of harmony and hope and

Divine understanding and transformation into your lives, sweet ones.

As you ground into the energy of Mother Earth, feel her connection too, that she has to a greater

Consciousness of Light on many levels; to all the Beings of Light that assist in lifting her

Consciousness as you do. She assists in lifting your Consciousness in your connection too; to the Sun

and the planets in this solar system ~ you are all ascending in this journey of Light, together becoming

these Solar Beings of Light. It is part of this energetic matrix that you experience through your future

Selves, in this Crystalline Matrix of Light and you hold this focus, sweet ones, as you hold your heart’s

dreaming, your purpose and your passion, surrounded once more in this beautiful White Flame of

Archangel Gabriel and Hope.

And now within your sacred space, you now repeat the following invocation aloud:

Invocation to Archangel Gabriel and Hope

I call upon Archangel Gabriel and Hope,

to actualize the White Flame of joy, hope, harmony and discipline.

To guide me in the glory and Light of Mother/Father God,

through my Beloved I Am Presence,

so I may choose the creative unfolding of my Sacred Contract

most aligned to this Golden Age of Light.

I call upon Archangel Gabriel and Hope,

to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

into their Spiritual Retreat between Sacramento and Mt. Shasta, in California,

so I may experience purity, beauty, glory and transformation,

so I may follow my heart’s dreaming,

my purpose and passion.

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I call upon Archangel Gabriel and Hope,

to place the Tzolkin Wheel of Light within my base chakra.

As the Tzolkin Wheel of Light activates,

it brings in the Light codes of my purpose, my destiny.

And I see clearly through the Christed Timelines as to my service work in this Golden Age of Light.

I Am harmony,

I Am purity,

I Am disciplined and passionate,

I Am a creative inspired work of Divine Art

I Am All That I Am.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You are now ready for the White Flame Attunement of Archangel Gabriel and Hope to the

receiving of your many gifts in harmony and wisdom.

You now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name), give myself permission, and ask Spirit, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, their

Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence for this Archangelic Creative Gifts Attunement. I ask

to be attuned to Archangel Gabriel and Hope and their Legions of Light from On High through their

beautiful White Flame of joy, hope, harmony and discipline”

And you now visualize this White Flame coming in around your body and energy field, sweet ones.

And you now continue:

“I now request that Archangel Gabriel and Hope attune me to the knowing of my many creative gifts in

harmony and wisdom.”

Archangel Gabriel now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your base chakra, signifying

the receiving of this attunement.

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You now affirm:

“As a Master Being of Light, I co-create with the Company of Heaven. I manifest my heart’s dreaming,

magnetizing and bringing into my reality all that I need in any given Now moment. Surrounded in the

beautiful White Flame of Gabriel and Hope, I activate all my gifts and my heart’s passions in joy, in

harmony, in hope, in discipline and in Divine Love.”

Good. You just hold this energy of Light, surrounded in this beautiful White Flame of Gabriel and

Hope, grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, feeling and sensing your heart’s dreamings, your

purpose and your passion. We thank you for your service work, sweet ones. With this we bid you a

most magical day.

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Illuminations with the Archangels – Archangel Uriel

Welcome, sweet ones. In this guided visualization you are going to call upon Archangel Uriel and

Aurora, Archangel of Ministration and Peace, and in their beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light you

will come into a deeper level of Divine Justice, of transformation, of empowerment, and of peace,

sweet ones.

You take a moment to just have a sense of this peace and harmony and balance that this new Golden

Age of Light will bring for all Life on this Earth Plane. And as you feel this connection, Archangel Uriel

and Aurora surround this Earth, sweet ones, with this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light. Allow

the radiance of Archangel Uriel and Aurora and their Legions of Light to bring a greater level of peace,

harmony, Love, and Divine Justice to this Earth Plane. The way forward in this Golden Age of Light is

to know you can meet every challenge with peace, sweet ones, you can transform painful memories

with peace and compassion and indeed acceptance ~ acceptance, and knowing it is not for you to

change the world, rather to change yourselves. Work on yourselves and amplify your Light and you

will change those around you, sweet ones, simply through your magnificence and Light ~ and in your

thoughts and actions you will guide those less conscious and less aware, and start to truly co-create

this Golden Age of Light , this Heaven on Earth.

You are now taken in Soul consciousness through the grids of Divine Light traveling with your Master

Guides and your Guardian Angel into the Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Uriel and Aurora located in the

etheric realms over the Tatra Mountains south of Krakow in Poland. As you enter into this Spiritual

Retreat of Light you are surrounded now in this beautiful flame of Light. Have a sense, sweet ones, of

all these Angelic Leagues of Light, surrounded in this Purple and Gold Flame. As Archangel Uriel and

Aurora come to greet you, they take you now into this golden star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of

Light. They explain to you that this star tetrahedronal shape exists within each cell in your body

starting from your original Divine eight cells, and it is a shape that is familiar to each one of you at a

Soul consciousness level for it is the shape that holds the original memories, your original eight cell

blueprint. It is this place of knowing that allows you, sweet ones, to trust and surrender to the Divine,

to know that you are here of service. For these original memories, this original blueprint does not

change, when the cells themselves replicate and transform. And it is the star tetrahedronal shape that

furthers activates your Light bodies, your Merkabas, creating an increased field of Light, a vehicle of

Light, sweet ones, that in the future will allow you to travel to the higher dimensions through these

Portals of Light. Now within this star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Peace and Divine Justice you are

been given an opportunity, sweet ones, to understand that you live personally in a world of safety ~

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that in cultivating safety you move out of fear ~ when you know that you are intuitively guided in your

everyday life, it allows you to take this level of safety to wherever you go, it helps you to transform your

painful memories, to release unforgiveness and resentment, to feel peace and harmony and Love, and

above all to feel safe.

Archangel Uriel and Aurora place now within your solar plexus chakra, this beautiful purple and gold

infinity symbol and as this purple and gold infinity symbol spirals, it now spirals into waves upon waves

of Light, moving out and upwards to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and into all those places that for

you personally have created a haven of safety, into the memory and the places on this Earth Plane or

other parallel realities, other dimensions of Light, different star systems, other Beings of Light that

make you feel safe or that you are familiar with in the Pleiades, or Sirius, or Andromeda, or Orion, the

Kingdoms of Light within Orion. These beautiful golden infinity symbols extend into each one of these

places for you, these purple and gold infinity symbols, and you feel this sense of deep safety. You are

safe, sweet ones, and when you are safe anything is achievable and attainable. No matter where you

are, nothing bad will ever happen to you ~ you are protected by the Legions upon the Legions of Light.

You can free yourself from any relationship that you feel is negative or harmful to you.

And you take now the Shield of Light that extends around you and the Diamond Sword of Holy Truth of

Archangel Michael, and Overlighted by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light, you now move

into connecting to a deeper level with Archangel Uriel and Aurora, to those places that were not safe

for you, that you need to navigate now to heal your relationships, and in the places that do feel safe for

you. You now take those souls, those events, and bring them into those places of safety where you

can deal with them lovingly and gently. You have a look at what these events are that may have been

traumatizing to you, sweet ones. Because you know that you are this Divine loving being, you know

that each one of these relationships that you chose from a karmic perspective, were to take you into a

deeper level into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, and now you choose to let go of those relationships

that no longer work for you.

You look at these painful memories that may still be coming up for you ~ times in which you were

abandoned or hurt or betrayed or unloved or unsafe, not feeling you had a choice, and you take this

aspect of yourself, sweet ones, with your Master Guides and Guardian Angel, and Archangel Uriel and

Aurora, and bring them into those places that are safe for you. Just love those sub-personalities

aspects of yourselves that need this love, that need this sense of comfort and nurturing and

appreciation, you let them know that you are here, you have always been here and it is okay. You will

love them and nurture them, help them until they are strong enough to stand by your side and you will

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do this peacefully and lovingly. Conflict is not your way, and yet if you need to with your Sword of Holy

Truth you cut these old cords, you cut these old ties, if this is the way forward for you ~ and if it is the

right thing to do for you in this Now, you again replace the cords with new ones. Otherwise you let go

and you let God; and you stay in that place of safety now where you see around you your family and

friends of the Light.

As you merge with your Higher Self of Light, all twelve Soul Rays of which you are one, you have a

deep sense of this soul family of the Light, coming in once more. This soul family of the Light that

takes you forward, that says all pathways before you are pathways of Divine Love and that the

relationships that you choose now will be loving and gentle and harmonious and joyful. And you will

meet soul mates and twin flames and extended family that you have known in many lifetimes, sweet

ones, as you merge with your Beloved I AM Presence now, and all one hundred and forty four soul

rays of which you are one, you know this extended family is coming too. We are, sweet ones,

extended families of Light, and all those connected to you energetically, all those listening to this

guided visualization with you ~ they are your soul and star families of the Light and feel this, feel this

energetic matrix that grows ever wider, expanding into deeper levels of Love as you come together

more, and more and more.

Wonderful, sweet ones. Understand too the Divine perfection of all life ~ within the seemingly

imperfection Divine Justice always exists. Truth, Divine Love ~ what guides you, what directs you is

your integrity, your heart, your ability to step forward as leaders in this Golden Age of Light ~ your

ability to have compassion to forgive and to love no matter what the betrayal, no matter what the pain.

That is what leads you forward, sweet ones, that is what separates you, that is what shows you, you

truly are the way showers and leaders, sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love leading the way in

this Golden Age of Light.

Wonderful. Know, truly, you have this ability to meet every challenge with love, with peace.

As you thank all these Beings of Light now, feeling this alignment to the Divine Will of Mother/Father

God, to your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, it activates through the body bringing in these multi-

dimensional memories, bringing in an even deeper level of consciousness and Light, of all that you are

and have forever been, in your magnificence and Light, sweet ones. You are unique in your vibration,

in your magnificence, measurable to others and yet complementary, and in the collective coming

together with your unique puzzle pieces you create this tapestry of Divine Love.

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As you experience yourselves now in your sacred space, we bring you this invocation to Archangel

Uriel and Aurora, and as you say this aloud we suggest that you say this and work with invocation on a

regular basis.

Invocation to Archangel Uriel and Aurora

I call upon Archangel Uriel and Aurora

to actualize the Purple and Gold Flame of Divine Justice and Peace,

to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

to your Spiritual Retreat in the Tatra Mountains in Poland,

to assist me to recognize the great blessings in my perceived disappointments,

to release unforgiveness and resentment,

to free myself from relationships that are negative, stuck or harmful,

and to meet every challenge with peace, forgiveness and Divine Love.

I call forth to Archangel Uriel and Aurora,

to imbue me with the qualities of alchemy, of ministration, of peace and Divine Justice,

so I may know that all is Divinely Perfect,

so that I may feel safe and loved within my daily life,

so I may become peaceful and loving, gentle and wise.

All pathways before me are pathways of Divine Love.

As I trust and surrender to the Divine,

I experience renewal, rejuvenation and rebirth,

in this Golden Age of Light.

I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

I Am a Master Being of Light,

I Am All That I Am.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You are now ready to receive the Purple and Gold Flame Attunement of Archangel Uriel and Aurora ~

to receiving through Divine Justice the gift of Safety and Peace and the Knowing that all is Divinely


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You now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission, and ask Spirit, Archangel Uriel and Aurora,

their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence, for this Archangelic Safety and Peace

attunement. I ask to be attuned to Archangel Uriel and Aurora and their Legions of Light from On High

through their beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Divine Justice and Peace.”

And you visualize now this Purple and Gold flame coming in around your body and energy field.

You now say:

“I now request that Archangel Uriel and Aurora attune me to the knowing of safety and peace through

Divine Justice; to the knowing that all is Divinely Perfect and that Divine Justice and Love will always


Archangel Uriel now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your solar plexus chakra,

signifying the receiving of this attunement.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You now affirm:

“I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light. As I trust and surrender

to the Divine, I experience the Patterns of Perfection and the knowing that all is Divinely Perfect.

Surrounded by the beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Uriel and Aurora, I am safe and protected. I am

deeply loved and appreciated and experience peace and harmony within my everyday life, within the

One Reality of All That Is.”

Wonderful, sweet ones. You ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and keep this

connection open to the Legions of Light from On High and all the Archangelic Hosts of Light, and in

particular in this guided visualization to Archangel Uriel and Aurora. Surround yourself once more in

this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light. Just hold this sacred space, this knowing of Divine

Justice, of Peace. The knowing truly that you are warriors of Light, sacred Transfiguring Flames of

Divine Love and Masters Beings of Light leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.

We bless you, sweet ones. We thank you for your service work, and with this we bid you a most

magical day.

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Illuminations with the Archangels – Invoking the Ar changels of the Four Directions

So we are going to start this “Illuminations with the Archangels” visualization series with invoking the

Archangels of the Four Directions, the four primary Archangels. This is a wonderful ritual which will

assist in protection and in insight, understanding, healing and empowerment, the qualities that these

four primary Archangels bring through.

Okay, good, let’s start by bringing a focus to this sacred space now, to this really gentle energy, as you

start to breath deep into the body ~ expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the

lower abdomen as you breath out. Grounding now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and just

having a sense of this connection into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation ~ merging now with your

Beloved I AM Presence, calling in your Master Guides and you Guardian Angel and all other Beings of

Light you personally acknowledge and that wish to join you in this sacred space. Good. And for this

ritual see if it is possible for you to be facing east where you might be sitting, it is just a way that we

work with this invocation, the invoking of the four Archangels. And as you get yourself comfortably

relaxed again, just run a beautiful golden rain through your body and energy field, clearing and

cleansing and healing and centering, as you open your heart now simply to receiving. You are

surrounded now in the Pink–Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth, and now the Golden

Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness. Good.

You now invoke Archangel Michael, Archangel of the South, as you state:

“I call upon Archangel Michael to surround me in a beautiful Blue Flame of Protection and Power ~

please stand to my right, and be by my side always as a guiding Light, activating my Sword of Holy

Truth and my Shield of Light. I am Divinely protected by your Legions of Light”


And now wait a moment to hear if Archangel Michael has a message for you.

You now invoke Archangel Uriel, Archangel to the No rth, as you state:

“I call upon Archangel Uriel to surround me in a beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Divine Justice and

Peace. Please stand by my left always as a guiding Light, so I may feel safe in the knowing that Divine

Justice shall always prevail. I am Divinely protected by your Legions of Light. My Life is peaceful and


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And now wait a moment to hear if Archangel Uriel has a message for you.

You now invoke Archangel Raphael, Archangel to the East:

“I call upon Archangel Raphael to surround me in a beautiful Green Flame of Healing and Truth.

Please stand in front of me, assisting me in the healing of my past wounds as well as increasing my

energy levels. I am Divinely protected by your Legions of Light. I experience radiant health, vitality and

a healing heart with your guidance and Love”

And now wait a moment to hear if Archangel Raphael has a message for you.

You now invoke Archangel Gabriel, Archangel to the West:

“I call upon Archangel Gabriel to surround me in a beautiful White Flame of joy, hope, harmony and

discipline. Please stand behind me, removing all my doubts and fears. I am Divinely protected by your

Legions of Light. I experience purity, joy, hope, purpose and passion.”

And now wait a moment to hear if Archangel Gabriel has a message for you.

Wonderful. And now, the Golden Helmet is once more activated upon your head. This Golden Helmet

was given to you by Archangel Michael, and has four faces upon it. Each face symbolizes a particular

characteristic of each of the four Archangels. This Helmet shows a human face symbolizing Love and

emotions, represented through Archangel Raphael ~ a lion's face symbolizing justice and majesty,

Overlighted by Archangel Michael ~ an ox's face, symbolizing power and strength, Overlighted by

Archangel Gabriel, and an eagle-face, symbolizing wisdom and Overlighted by Archangel Uriel. And in

streams of consciousness you symbolically connect to the energy and vibration of what this helmet

brings to you as you connect to the Archangels of the Four Directions. And as this helmet fully

activates now, sweet ones, you have a knowing that you are an earthly Angel in service to Mother

Earth and all her Life.

And now you request the assistance of the Archangels for your family and friends, and now for all Life

on this sacred Earth ~ and as you gently come back into your sacred space once more have a sense

of connecting through the Unity Grid of Divine Love to all those with you in your sacred space, and

now to the Lightworkers and the star seeded ones, to all the Beings of Light from On High, and now to

the Archangels and their many Legions upon Legions of Light. Wonderful.

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Illuminations with the Archangels – Archangel Jophi el

As you get yourselves comfortably relaxed within your sacred space, sweet ones, you now have a

sense of connecting to Archangel Jophiel and Christine, Archangel of Creative Power, Illumination and

Wisdom. They are connecting with you now, inviting you to their Spiritual Retreat in Central China, for

this Retreat is in the etheric realm south of the Great Wall near Lanchow, over the Plains of Central

China, and you are delighted to accept this invitation to connect with Archangel Jophiel and Christine.

And as you merge once more with your Beloved I AM Presence, calling in your Master Guides and

your Guardian Angel and all the Beings of Light you personally acknowledge, you find yourself

traveling through the Grids of Divine Love, of stralim radiation, entering now into this sacred Spiritual

Retreat. And as you enter into this Retreat welcomed and greeted by Archangel Jophiel and Christine

you find yourself within a Golden Sun of Cosmic Wisdom. This Golden Sun of Cosmic Wisdom brings

through a deeper level of creative illumination, the power you have to experience and manifest all that

you are needing in any given now moment, sweet ones. Primarily this Golden Sun of Cosmic Wisdom

assists in the creation of your Golden Solar Angelic Body of Light and your heart’s dreaming in

wisdom, insight and understanding.

As you have a sense of the subatomic particles within the body spinning in increased light frequencies

you bring your focus to this beautiful Golden Sphere of Light, as it expands now within the heart,

through your Inner Sun within the heart. You now connect to the Inner Earth Sun and now to the Sun,

the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, as you expand into all levels of consciousness and Light as

this multi-dimensional Master Being of Light. Wonderful sweet ones. As you bring in a deeper level of

the remembrance of your gifts and insight and understanding, you come into your heart’s dreaming,

sweet ones, and the creation of your Golden Solar Angelic Body of Light. Your Golden Solar Angelic

Body of Light connects you into the New Earth Template, connects you into the Consciousness of

Light that comes in this new wave of Divine Love bathing this planet ~ connects you into the Wisdom

of the Higher Mind, into the wisdom of your body and into the truth that there is only Divine Love. As

the illusions disappear, the vibratory frequency of your physical body increases and you feel this within

your physical body, a deeper sense of Divine Love, a deeper sense of wisdom. As you open the heart,

sweet ones, you see clearly your heart’s dreaming, where you are, who you are with, what you are

doing. You understand that you have come down to this sacred Earth to assist in this ascension

process and in this Golden Age of Light to create pathways of Divine Love for others to follow, and this

starts with the pathway of Divine Love that you create for yourself in your Life, sweet ones ~ of

understanding the synchronicities within your everyday life, of being able to magnetize and manifest

all that you need in any given Now moment and of being able to see clearly in illumination and

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gratitude. And you do this by amplifying the creative gifts that you have ~ accessing the inner magical

innocent child, and the wild man/wild woman energy within yourself. And you start by moving into the

sacred, magical innocent child within, coming into this purity, into their knowing and into their truth,

sweet ones. As you experience this purification have an understanding of the Divine Perfection in the

seemingly imperfection, of the choices that you have made, of the challenges that you have

experienced, bringing you to this place, and to this Now ~ and go back to the child that was innocent

and loving and is non-blaming and find the innocent magical child who is not a victim. As you embrace

him or her, sweet ones, you see through your Master Eyes at all of Life all around you. You see you

are this Love, and the magical innocent child shows you another way to access your creative gifts; a

deeper level of understanding and insight and wisdom into your Creations of Light, through color or

sound, through dance, freedom of expression, laughter, joy, happiness, being in the Now ~ whatever

these qualities are, sweet ones, that will take you into truly seeing through your Master Eyes, into the

knowing that you can create your heart’s dreaming and that you have chosen to come here to do so.

You also look, too, into your everyday routine, to let go of clutter; the emotional clutter, the physical

clutter, and the mental clutter that blocks you or takes you into self sabotage or into inertia, or not

feeling that you have the energy or the gifts or the ability.

You have this knowledge and you have this wisdom to achieve all that you desire, sweet ones, but you

may have numbed yourselves to Life, and on these planes of duality truly knowing yourselves as Love

is something new for many of you, sweet ones. So it is to acknowledge your sensitivities, your

differences ~ it is to realize that you are all going through this transformational process of increased

Light frequencies, and you are doing this by honoring your body as a Temple of Light, by eating well,

exercising, meditating, moving out of that which is not in alignment with your Highest Truth, with your

Highest Light, and you allow yourself to be guided by the wild man, wild woman energy, sweet ones.

You allow yourself freedom of thought and expression, dancing naked in the forest metaphorically

speaking ~ feeling the freedom that comes when you truly let go and let God, and freeing yourself

from addiction too, sweet ones, whether this is giving power to the lower mind, or overeating, or

smoking or drinking. The lethargy leaves you now, as you experience renewed vitality, as you

experience a deeper sense of passion.

You see within your heart’s dreaming something that you have wanted to do from a creative

perspective ~ whether this is writing, poetry, or drawing, or art, something that you have been wanting

to do and yet have felt that you cannot do it for the lack of wisdom or energy, motivation or experience,

it matters not. And in this beautiful Golden Sun Flame of Wisdom and Understanding and Light,

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frequencies that you need to take yourself to the next level of service work, sweet ones, to manifest

and magnetize all that you need in this Now moment, are brought forth. And you now merge through

the timelines with your multi-dimensional Selves that already have these gifts, you bring through this

remembrance and you bring through these skills, sweet ones, so that you can fulfill this next level of

your service work, as a healer or teacher or facilitator or poet, author, musician, artist, mediator,

networker ~ it matters not ~ it is what brings joy into your Life from a creative perspective; it fulfills you

and takes you into passion and purpose. And know that you have the gifts, sweet ones, know that you

are accessing this through the dormant DNA, as the DNA now activates to the maximum Cosmic Law

can allow, and in streams of consciousness you experience these timelines of your Highest Potential

that activate the gifts you have in this Now to another level of service, of remembrance, of wisdom and

of sacred knowledge. Wonderful, sweet ones.

Use the energy of Archangel Jophiel and Christine, to come into a deeper level of the creative power

through the magical innocent child too. And as you access the sacred illumined aspects of yourselves,

sweet ones, you may also need to go on a journey of the sub-personality aspects of yourselves that

need nurturing; that need to be appreciated and truly Loved.

Archangel Jophiel now comes forth and gives you the gift of a personal amulet. This amulet assists in

taking you into the Higher Mind teachings of sacred geometry and the Kabbalah and the rays, and

further links you to many of the inner plane Schools of Learning. For sweet ones, in accessing the

wisdom of this multi-universe, of receiving the Illumination of the Higher Mind, you truly step into the

knowing of yourselves in self-mastery, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love. As you

receive this amulet now, it is placed within your crown chakra and as this occurs, you experience the

recalibration of the pituitary, the pineal and the hypothalamus glands. This recalibration rewires the

physical brain structure, the left and the right hemisphere of the brain, as the cerebral-spinal fluid now

creates new pulsings through the spine and brain, assisting in the creation of new neural pathways

and new frequency key codes that take you into deeper levels of remembrance, and service and

Higher Mind teachings; and what you can bring through from a creative perspective through your

heart’s dreaming, through your gifts. Wonderful sweet ones.

And now you experience this invocation to Archangel Jophiel and Christine:

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Invocation to Archangel Jophiel and Christine

I call forth to Archangel Jophiel and Christine,

to actualize the Yellow Flame of Creative Power, Illumination and Wisdom.

To surround me in the Golden Sun of Cosmic Wisdom,

assisting in the creation of my Golden Solar Angelic Body of Light,

and the experience my heart’s dreaming,

in wisdom, insight and understanding.

I call forth to Archangel Jophiel and Christine,

to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

to their Spiritual Retreat near the Great Wall in Central China.

So I may see with vision, clarity, illumination and gratitude,

magnetizing and manifesting all that I need in any given Now moment.

I ask to experience greater levels of intuition and guidance from the Divine,

and to see clearly through the Christed Timelines,

knowing that I Am an Initiate of Light,

in service to Mother Earth and all Her Life.

I ask to be free from any addictions I may have,

to access my magical, innocent child,

to integrate my Higher Light,

and to connect to the Higher Mind teachings through the realms of Illumined Truth and Wisdom.

I am Beauty,

Artistic Creations,

Illumination and Wisdom,

I Am a Divine Expression of God in embodiment.

I Am All That I Am.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You are now ready for the Yellow Flame Attunement of Archangel Jophiel and Christine to the

receiving of your heart’s dreaming.

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You now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission and ask Spirit, Archangel Jophiel and Christine,

their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence for this Archangelic Heart’s Dreaming


I ask to be attuned to Archangel Jophiel and Christine and their Legions of Light from On High through

their beautiful Yellow Flame of Creative Power, Illumination and Wisdom.”

And now visualize this Yellow Flame coming in around your body and energy field.

“I now request that Archangel Jophiel and Christine attune me to the knowing of my heart’s dreaming

intuitively, and with wisdom, insight and understanding.”

Archangel Jophiel now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your crown chakra,

signifying the receiving of this attunement. Wonderful, sweet ones.

You now affirm:

“As a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, I recognize myself as an Initiate of Light. I bring into

remembrance the wisdom and knowledge I have to intuitively be guided to manifest my heart’s

dreaming as a Master Co-creator to the Company of Heaven. Surrounded in the beautiful Yellow

Flame of Archangel Jophiel and Christine, I experience the Illumination of the Higher Mind and all

dimensions of Light.”

Wonderful, sweet ones. You now thank Archangel Jophiel and Christine and their many Legions of

Light, as you find yourself back in your sacred space now, grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother

Earth, and the inner Earth Sun; connecting now to the Sun within your heart, and now, as you connect

through your crown chakra to the energy of the Sun, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun, you

are surrounded in these beautiful Copper Gold Flames of Helios and Vesta. Just hold this focus,

connecting to Solar Christ Consciousness.

We thank you for your service work, sweet ones. And with this we bid you a most magical day.

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Illuminations with the Archangels – Archangel Chamu el

Welcome, sweet ones. Again find yourself getting comfortably relaxed in your bodies now, finding the

freedom of expression in your own unique magnificence and preciousness; and in your breath now, in

the rhythm and the balance that comes through as you connect into the energy of Mother Earth and

feel her Crystal Heart and feel her Love as she sends her Love back up your grounding cord, into your

body and energy field. Have a sense of this Unity Grid of Divine Love, around you and within you,

connecting now to the Lightworkers and the star seeded ones, to all the Beings of Light you personally

acknowledge, now to your soul and star family and friends of the Light, now to the Archangels ~ you

now merge with your Beloved I AM Presence and expand in consciousness and Light into a deeper

level of your own Angelic Light Body as this earthly Angel of Light. Wonderful.

Archangel Chamuel and Charity now impulse you ~ the Archangel of Adoration and Divine Love. You

are invited into the Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Chamuel and Charity and you are delighted to

accept. As you travel now through this grid of stralim radiation, of Divine Love, you find yourself in this

Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame in the etheric retreat over St. Louis in Missouri, on the south side of

North America. This Alter and Flame of the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame are dedicated to the flow

of Life from the Heart of God, to the Heart of Christ, into the Hearts of men, and you, sweet ones, are

the Christ Conscious Beings of Light, leading the way to the center of the Cosmic Heart of All

Creation. And it is your Love that will touch the hearts of others. So it is important that you find yourself

in this place of being open to receiving, of being within your heart. Knowing there is only Divine Love

and experiencing Divine Love, are not the same things, sweet ones.

You now find yourself in this beautiful Pink Flame, greeted and welcomed by Archangel Chamuel and

Charity and their many Legions of Light, and in this Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, come within

your heart. Start by coming into deeper levels of self love and self appreciation, open yourself to trust,

sweet ones, and surrender to the Divine. You are in a safe and sacred space in this Now, to be able to

work with that which you still need to, to come into truly experiencing yourselves in all your

magnificence and Light. And within your Heart’s Temple you see that you are surrounded by your soul

and star family and friends, and family of the Light, perhaps by the Pleiadians, or the Sirians, the

Andromedans, the Arcturians, by the Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterparts and Legions

of Light, perhaps by the Order of Melchizedek and by your earthly family and friends of the Light too.

And as you open to deeper levels of receiving through your Heart’s Temple, as your Soul matrix

expands, sweet ones, you have a look through this inner core group to the outer circle of sub-

personalities ~ these are aspects of yourselves that are still needing to be integrated in this Now, and

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in this beautiful Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, you surround each one of these sub-personalities

aspects in this beautiful Pink Flame and you bring them within your heart, sweet ones. These aspects

of yourself that have experienced lack of Love, lack of appreciation, perhaps abandonment, betrayal,

victim and persecutor consciousness, these aspects of yourself that need your Love, that need your

Light, that need your acceptance. For the sub-personality aspects have experienced shadow aspects,

sweet ones, and as you bring them within your heart, you let them know that they are safe and that

they are welcomed, and they will be loved, and nurtured and appreciated.

These sub-personality aspects come through in different timelines, and you travel now with your

Master Guides within the Christed timelines. The Christed timelines allow you to change events that

have occurred within your Life, sweet ones ~ to take away the pain, to take away the shame or the

guilt or the victim or persecutor consciousness, anger, the rage and to simply Love and forgive. And in

this Now it is loving the sub-personalities aspects, no matter what the situation, whether you do not

feel you had a choice, how you acted or reacted, you breath this beautiful Love, the Love of Creation

into each sub-personality aspect, and you see yourself hugging and loving these aspects of yourself

that need this Love. They may appear in some distorted form, maybe fat or thin, or short or tall, or

young or old, or in different clothing or in fact different features all together, but it matters not, just bring

yourself to this place of knowing that is okay, that you are a sensitive and beautiful Being. All of you

are Lightworkers and star seeded ones, sweet ones, and being here has been challenging and difficult

but now you are going to experience these Christed Timelines of Divine Love, this is your choice and

this is what this new Golden Age of Light brings; and you do this by letting go and letting God, by

understanding that it is your Beloved I AM Presence that is center stage and that guides and directs

you in everyday life. And as you recognize the victim and persecutor patternings, as you see what it is

that “pushes your buttons” in such a way that you respond negatively, you embrace the negative ego

aspects, sweet ones, and you flow by trusting and surrendering to the Divine, and truly appreciating

yourself and loving yourself. And when you do this, you experience greater levels of appreciation and

Love for others ~ you understand that you are the Christ Consciousness Beings of Light leading the

way in this Golden Age of Light.

And now you see to the right of you, your Divine Masculine Spirit and to the left of you, your Divine

Feminine Spirit. Your Divine Masculine Spirit and your Divine Feminine Spirit have also experienced

their own wounding, starting from the planetary false belief creating the “war of the sexes”, and as you

acknowledge that you have all been men and women in different lifetimes, and choose what form is

best suited for your current service work, you move beyond the sexes, beyond gender, to the

recognition of the Soul consciousness of each person. You move into this recognition of Oneness and

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as you do this you find the merging of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits integrating at a

deeper level, sweet ones. They are healing as you heal, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

aspects of yourself ~ of the suppression of the Divine Feminine, of the suppression of the Divine

Masculine ~ and you allow yourself to be open and loving and receiving and healing. Do not move into

gender, but into the Soul consciousness, sweet one, for your heart has been opened to receiving and

giving. And now in this sacred space you understand that your salvation is in the appreciation and

adoration of yourself from this Higher Light perspective, for it takes you out of abuse, out of lack of self

love, out of addiction, and into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

And in this beautiful Pink Flame of Adoration and Divine Love and Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel

and Charity, you now find yourself merging with your Twin Flame. You have never been separated, this

is an illusion, but this energetic connection takes you deeper into the heart, where you experience a

greater level of wholeness and completion within yourself, sweet ones, for you know that you are

connected eternally and always, to the energy of your Twin Flame, and just feel this now, feel this

deep, Divine Love that gives you strength ~ gives you strength to continue your service work. Some of

you may be in physical form in this lifetime with your Twin Flame and others have chosen the contract

of simply being bride and groom to Mother/Father God and will find this connection on the inner plane,

in the dream state, and indeed when you pass over in Soul consciousness to once again being

reunited with your sacred Twin Flame. But know that this connection has always been there, and feel

this now, sweet ones, as the kundalini energy is gently activated, moving in these spiraling vortices

from chakra to chakra ~ you let go of the false beliefs and old planetary contracts between men and

women, gender identification and sexual issues and the suppression of the Divine Feminine and the

Divine Masculine, and as these cellular memories leave the body you find this sense of Oneness, in

tantra and in Divine Love. Reunion with your Twin Flame is a gift given to you by Archangel Chamuel

and Charity. You know that you have always had this connection, sweet one, and it is amplified and

extended through this beautiful Pink Flame of Adoration and Divine Love. Wonderful.

You now repeat this Invocation to Archangel Chamuel and Charity while keeping this connection to

your Beloved Twin Flame:

Invocation to Archangel Chamuel and Charity

I call upon Archangel Chamuel and Charity,

to actualize the Pink Flame of Adoration and Divine Love.

So I may experience deeper levels of Self Love and Self Appreciation,

letting go and letting God.

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I call upon Archangel Chamuel and Charity,

to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

to their Spiritual Retreat and Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame,

in St. Louis, Missouri,

so I may increase my Love Quotient,

and open my heart fully to both receiving and giving.

To allow me to experience the magic of Life,

through the Pink Flame of Unconditional Love,

and to truly know my Self through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

I now merge with my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits,

bringing my Self into perfect balance, wholeness and Love.

I open my Heart to my Self and others,

I surrender to Life.

I am mercy,

I am compassion,

I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

I Am All That I Am.


You are now ready for the Pink Flame Attunement of Archangel Chamuel and Charity, the Opening of

your Heart to Divine Love.

You now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission and ask Spirit, Archangel Chamuel and Charity,

their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence, for this Opening of my Heart to Divine Love


I ask to be attuned to Archangel Chamuel and Charity and their Legions of Light from On High

through their beautiful Pink Flame of Adoration and Divine Love”

Now visualize this Pink Flame coming in around your body and energy field.

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“I now request that Archangel Chamuel and Charity attune me to fully receiving the Divine Love from

my Beloved I Am Presence, all Light Beings, my family and friends of the Light, and my Beloved Twin

Flame, as I step into greater levels of Self Love and Self appreciation.”

Archangel Chamuel now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your heart chakra,

signifying the receiving of this attunement.


You now affirm:

“As a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine of Love, I experience Divine Love within my heart, and

within my Life. I experience self love, self appreciation and self nurturing as I open my heart to fully

receiving, to giving, and to experiencing myself as a Christ Conscious Being of Light through the

center of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation”

Wonderful, sweet ones.

And now, come fully into your hearts, as you experience this beautiful Pink Flame of Chamuel and

Charity. Come back into your sacred space, grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and

feeling this connection to all Beings of Light on all dimensions of Light. You receive this Love, you feel

yourself within the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, receiving this Love from all these Light Beings, from

your soul and star family and friends, from your earthly family and friends and now from your Twin

Flame, sweet ones. Wonderful. You are these precious, sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love,

and you are moving now deeper and deeper into the center of Creation, into the Cosmic Heart of

Mother/Father God.

We thank you for your service work, sweet ones. With this we bless you and bid you a most magical


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Illuminations with the Archangels – Archangel Zadki el

Welcome, sweet ones, in this guided visualization you are going to experience the beautiful Temple of

Purification presided over by Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst in the etheric realm over the

Island of Cuba. Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst bring through this beautiful Violet Flame of

Forgiveness, of Freedom, Compassion and Wisdom.

And as you find yourself connecting now to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, you travel through the

grids of stralim radiation, of Divine Love, through the New Earth Templates, into this Temple of

Purification. Greeted and welcomed by Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst you are surrounded in this

beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness, of Purification, of Compassion, and of Love. And in this Temple

of Purification, you find yourself releasing old stuck energies and false beliefs and judgments, of

clearing on all levels of your Beingness, all that needs to be cleared and purified and healed and


A Rod of Light now comes in through the crown chakra and into the chakra column, rebalancing, re-

energizing and recalibrating the chakras and the lower bodies ~ this Rod of Light is a gift given to you

by Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst. And you feel this Rod of Light as an energizing golden Light that

moves through the body and through the chakras, imbuing you with the qualities of this beautiful Violet

Flame of Forgiveness. And you feel into your body those areas that are still unforgiving and unloving,

where you have been hurt, where you have experienced conflict or betrayal or pain, and you let go in

this Now, sweet ones; you let go and you let God. You have faith and you know the power of prayer, of

trusting and surrendering to the Divine. You understand too the power of positive affirmation, of

catching the negative thoughts, of seeing them on a blackboard in the inner mind, erasing these

negative thoughts, replacing them with positive thoughts. When you have a negative thought about

someone or some situation, the body responds to this energy and it creates other negative, angry and

unforgiving energy ~ or a loving compassionate, gentle energy ~ and this choice is yours, sweet one.

And so may we suggest that you take for a moment the Knowing that you can truly surrender to the

Perfection of Creation and activate the DNA through forgiveness and Love. Every single soul with

whom you still have perceived conflict, you bring into your reality in this Now and into this Temple of

Purification, and surround them in this beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness brought in by Archangel

Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, as you let them know, “I love you and I forgive you, as I love and forgive

myself. I love you and I forgive you, as I love and forgive myself”. This is hard to do sometimes, sweet

ones, for the betrayals go deep and are often by those closest to you. The lost love, abandonment,

these are by those souls that you have karmic connections with, or to, and you play out this dance

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until you get it, until you get that you no longer need to experience anger and the rage and the

heartache, and the betrayal. No matter what happens in your life, you have a choice. And when the

negative thoughts come up, or the emotions related to this, erase them and use positive affirmations

for this is very powerful; and take a moment now to create some positive affirmations that will work for

you in your life, sweet ones. This may be affirmations around your own sense of self ~ that takes you

into experiencing Life in Divine Love. You now affirm:

“I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, a Master Being of Light; I am forgiving and loving,

compassionate and merciful. I am gentle, loving, communicate clearly and effectively; creating win-

win situations within my reality and with all those with whom I come in contact. I appreciate and Love

others, and I appreciate and Love myself. I am joyful and abundant and creative and loving. I am

passionate, living my heart’s dreaming, living my life in Love. I am Love, I am joy, I am light, I am

harmony, I am peace.”

Whatever it is, sweet one, it will take you into that balance of knowing there is only Love. Every single

choice, every single pathway leads to Love. The Pathway of Transcendence may be slightly longer for

some of you depending on your free will choices and your ability to truly align your will with the Divine,

to see through your Master Eyes, and with this, to experience increased levels of Cosmic

Consciousness awareness; knowing when to respond in dynamic right action and when to step back

in Love and wisdom. And beyond this, to be intuitively guided in your everyday life by your Higher Self

of the Light, your Guardian Angel, and your Beloved I AM Presence, understanding the

synchronicities, knowing that you can have a determined outcome and yet not determining the

outcome. In this way your magnificence and preciousness is amplified. And in this tapestry of Life you

surrender to the Perfection of Creation.

Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst now give you this gift of an Etheric Crystal Regulator which comes in

around the body and energy field to assist in the removal of any etheric mucus and frozen miasms ~

frozen thought forms around the lower bodies that cause you to act and react in particular way. And

as these old false beliefs and judgments and ways of acting through the negative ego leave the body,

this deeper level of purification occurs ~ you simply acknowledge these old patterns and perspectives

without necessarily being emotionally involved. Detachment with Divine Love and viewing Life through

your Master Eyes ~ indeed, powerful tools, sweet ones. Wonderful.

Just open your heart now in gratitude, in appreciation of Life, no matter what is going on within your

Life. No matter the perceived challenges, focus on the positive, the good things, the people within your

Life. And you are not alone, you are surrounded by these Legions upon Legions of Light, and we tell

you this often, sweet ones ~ walking behind you and next to you and in front of you, guiding and

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directing you. And you too have this energetic connection to so many of these star groups and soul

groups and as you come together in your pods of Light, you affect and create change within your

reality first, and as your Life amplifies in Light, you find this vibratory signature in collective

consciousness, in One Unity Consciousness. And this what you are doing now, sweet ones ~ you are

refining your vibration, you are refining the Light frequencies and the key codes that will take you

into a deeper level of service, that will take you into a deeper level of appreciation of all Life ~

gratitude, is an important one in this appreciation of Life, sweet ones. What are you thankful for? Find

this, and you will indeed find the many keys to experiencing the wonder of Life. Wonderful.

You now assist Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst to surround Mother Earth and all her Life in this

beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Purification, assisting in the transmutation of mis-qualified

energies on this Earth Plane. There will come a day when this co-creation of Heaven on Earth will be

seen in collective consciousness by all Beings on this Earth Plane and you hold this focus of One

Unity Consciousness and Divine Love as you assist now in the clearing of these frozen miasms and

thought forms and pockets of energy that need to be transmuted, purified, released and absorbed into

the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. Wonderful, sweet ones.

You now repeat aloud this invocation to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst:

Invocation to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst

I call forth to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst,

to actualize the Violet Flame of Forgiveness,

so I may open my heart in gratitude and Love,

in forgiveness, in compassion and in freedom.

I call forth to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst,

to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,

to their Temple of Purification on the island of Cuba.

Where I may transmute misqualified energies and human miscreations,

so I may truly live my Life in Love,

as I surrender to the Perfection of Creation.

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I call forth to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst,

to bring in a Rod of Light,

to rebalance, re-energize, and recalibrate my chakras and the lower bodies.

I now request the etheric crystal regulator come in around my body and energy field,

and removes any etheric mucus and frozen miasms that are within my lower bodies.

I see through my Master eyes,

I am freedom,

I am happiness,

I am compassion,

I am forgiveness,

I am wisdom,

I Am All That I Am.

Wonderful sweet ones.

You now affirm:

“I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, purifying, transmuting and ever increasing in Light. I

forgive, I Love, I have compassion, I walk in freedom, I walk in Love. Surrounded in the Violet Flame of

Forgiveness of Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, I follow the Path of Transcendence. All Pathways

before me are Pathways of Divine Love. And so it is.”

Wonderful, sweet ones.

You are now ready for the Violet Flame Attunement of Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, forgiving and

loving all those with whom you have perceived conflict in this Now.

You now repeat aloud:

“I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission and ask Spirit, Archangel Zadkiel and

Amethyst, their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence, for this Archangelic Forgiveness and

Love Attunement.

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I ask to be attuned to Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst and their Legions of Light from On High

through their beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness.”

And now visualize this Violet Flame coming in around your body and energy field.

“I now request that Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst attune me to the knowing that I can truly forgive

and Love all those at a Soul level with whom I have perceived conflict with.”

Archangel Zadkiel now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your sacral chakra,

signifying the receiving of this attunement.


You now affirm:

“Surrounded in the Violet Transmuting, Purifying, and Forgiving Flame of Archangel Zadkiel and

Amethyst, I see clearly through the Christed Timelines, releasing old karmic contracts and pre-birth

agreements through forgiveness, compassion and Love. I communicate gently and clearly, in

conscious awareness, in gratitude and in Love.”

Wonderful, sweet ones

You thank Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst and their Legions of Light. Come back into your sacred

space now keeping yourself surrounded in this beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Purification.

And you may wish to simply bring a focus to those Souls, at a Higher Light level, that you still have

perceived conflict with. Truly let go of these old karmic patternings and contracts through forgiveness

and Love.

As you ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and keep this connection open to the Company

of Heaven and the Angelic Leagues of Light, you have a sense of being surrounded by these beautiful

Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterparts of Light. And we see you, sweet ones, we see

you as the Earthly Angels and we are so truly appreciative of your magnificence and Light. And you

are all doing very, very well ~ and we bless you, and we thank you, and with this we bid you a most

magical day.

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About Anrita

Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of ebooks, Mp3's, CD's and audio DVD's, as well as vibrational energy products. In her personal capacity, Anrita is an author, channel, star ambassador and workshop facilitator. She further has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she facilitates primarily on a global level. Anrita is a master teacher and also offers many training programs via tele/webinar as well as individual consultations, including DNA activations, Light Body/Merkaba activations and channeled readings by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek. Anrita's teaching style is uplifting and inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery. For Anrita's You Tube Channel, please view http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

Anrita Melchizedek arrived on January 24, 1969 in Belfast, Northern Ireland at 2:40 PM (Cancer rising, Aries Moon!). In 1972, her family immigrated to South Africa, where Anrita was to live for 23 years. In August 1996, Anrita returned to the United Kingdom, where she remained for six years, before returning to South Africa in October 2002. The six years that Anrita spent in the United Kingdom were focused primarily on working with the Company of Heaven through the co-creation of two programs as well as awakening to the Light of who she is, and the Light of all Creation.

As a child Anrita had an eclectic upbringing, and experienced teachings from Judaism and Christianity, as well as attending an eastern school of Philosophy based on Hindu belief systems for over ten years. She was to meditate and chant Sanskrit from an early age, and was also able to communicate with the Angelic realms. She had two Angel friends, both little boys, one with a dove on his shoulder, who were her constant companions for just over two years. She further communicated with Nature Spirit Intelligence, seeing fairies, as well as communicating with animals. Through this plane of dualities Anrita chose a multicolored weaving in preparation for her Light Work. Anrita was ready to commence her healing journey from her mid-twenties, communicating again with the Company of Heaven; first with the Angelic realms and Archangel Michael, and later, with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and following this, a host of Ascended Masters, Christed E.T’s and the Order of Melchizedek.

Anrita worked in advertising for five years as an Account Manager and Strategic Planner in both Johannesburg and London, and holds a four-year related business and marketing qualification. She left the mainstream business arena in 1997, and in 1998, co-created a workbook with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Brotherhood of the Light called The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program. Since May 1, 2001, Anrita has been Overlighted by the energy of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, and this incredible Cosmic Being of Light provided much of the information for The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) along with the Order of Melchizedek. For some years now, Anrita has been co-creating with the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek.

Anrita has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she facilitates on a global level.

Anrita lives in Cape Town, South Africa with her family.

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Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network http://pleiadianlight.net