ILC Grant Round 2 NDS Webinar Thursday 16 November 2017 1.30pm to 2.30pm Karen Stace NSW Sector Operations Manager National Edwina Pickering NSW Sector Support Consultant

ILC Grant Round 2 NDS Webinar · •Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Ltd - $465,500.00 The Disability Australia Hub project will develop a universally accessible

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Page 1: ILC Grant Round 2 NDS Webinar · •Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Ltd - $465,500.00 The Disability Australia Hub project will develop a universally accessible

ILC Grant Round 2 NDS Webinar

Thursday 16 November 2017

1.30pm to 2.30pm

Karen Stace NSW Sector Operations Manager National

Edwina Pickering NSW Sector Support Consultant

Page 2: ILC Grant Round 2 NDS Webinar · •Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Ltd - $465,500.00 The Disability Australia Hub project will develop a universally accessible

Webinar Instructions

• Please note all attendees are on mute.

• If your audio connection via your computer is not clear, call in using the details available in the side bar.

• To ask a question please message the organiser via the chat tool available in the side bar.

• All questions will be recorded. Should we not have time to answer your question during the webinar, we will get back to you ASAP.

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Summary of ILC Grant Round 2

ILC Activity Areas, Outcomes and Focus Areas

Selection criteria

Using the NDIA story builder tool

What has been funded so far

Tips and FAQs

Links for further information

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Summary of ILC Grant Round 2

A jurisdictional based grant for NSW; or ACT; or SA

Closes - 2.00pm AEST 30 November 2017

Grants may be for 1 or 2 years

• Grants under $10,000 - up to 2 applications per Activity Area

• Grants over $10,000 – only 1 application per Activity Area

March 2018 – NDIA announces recipients

July 2018 – Funding commences

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What the ILC grant can be used for…

• Salaries for staff working on the proposed project

• Training for people involved in the project

• Administration expenses directly related to the project

• Evaluating the outcomes achieved in the proposed project

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…and what it can’t

• Activities that would be available through a NDIS plan, or other NDIA funding source

• Funding is more appropriately provided as reasonable adjustment under legislative requirements, or is the responsibility of government (commonwealth, state, local)

• Duplicating activities funded in previous ILC grant rounds, or LAC and/ or ECEI activities

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ILC Activity Areas, Focus Areas, and Outcomes

Activity Areas (Choose 1)

Information, linkages and referrals

Community awareness and capacity building

Mainstream capacity building

Individual capacity building

Outcomes (At least 1)

Are connected and have information to make decisions and choices

Have skills to participate/ contribute to community and protect their rights

Use and benefit from mainstream services

Participate and benefit from community activities

Actively leading, shaping and influencing their community

Focus Areas (1 or more)

Specialist or expert delivery

Cohort focused delivery

Multi-regional activities

Remote/ rural delivery

Delivery for people with a disability by people with a disability

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Selection Criteria

1. Demonstrate the suitability of the proposed activity (25%)

2. Demonstrate stakeholder engagement (25%)

3. Demonstrate the contribution of the proposed activity to ILC Outcomes and how progress will be monitored (25%)

4. Demonstrate the capability of your organisation and the experience of relevant staff to successfully deliver the proposed activity (10%)

5. Outline your organisation’s project management approach, including how the proposed activity will be sustainable beyond the life of the grant (15%)

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How grant decisions will be made

1. DSS checks eligibility

One ILC Activity Area

One or more ILC Focus Areas

At least one ILC Outcome

Delivered in either NSW, or SA, or ACT (one jurisdiction only)

Enough details for each relevant selection criteria

2. An expert panel makes recommendations

3. NDIA decides successful applications

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Using NDIA’s Story Builder Tool

Example Project Idea

Assisting community organisations in our town to improve accessibility

for people with a disability

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Step 1: Why is your idea important?

• Community inclusion in our town is variable for people with a disability. For example - some community organisations are accessible for people with a physical disability, but have no information about their services for people who have sensory or cognitive disabilities

• In a recent survey, people with a disability in our town told us that they have various problems trying to access some community organisations

• We conducted an audit of community organisations in our town, and found that many are not wholly accessible for people with a disability

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Step 2: Who will you work with?

• People with a disability will benefit, as community organisations in our town will become more accessible and inclusive

• We will establish a project steering group for governance, planning and evaluation that includes people with various types of disabilities, and leaders from key community organisations

• The project delivery team will include people with expertise in requirements for community accessibility, including people with lived experience

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Step 3: What will you do?

Activity description

Improve the accessibility of community organisations in our town

ILC Activity Area

Community awareness and capacity building

ILC Focus Area

Remote/ rural delivery

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Step 3: continued

• Develop a comprehensive audit tool, relating to various types of disability (physical, sensory and cognitive)

• Undertake a full audit of all community organisations to identify gaps

• Develop a report card for each community organisation, with recommendations for improvement

• Monitor the implementation of targeted recommendations

• Develop a report summarising the audit findings and changes in accessibility and inclusion in our town

• Develop a resource for community use, beyond the term of this project

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Step 4: What changes will take place?

ILC Outcome

People with a disability participate in, and benefit from, the same community activities as everyone else

Other outcomes

• Improve the accessibility of community organisations in our town

• Improve the range of information in accessible formats about community services and activities in our town

• Expand community awareness about how to include people with a disability in everyday activities

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Step 5: How will you measure these changes?

Indicators/ measures

• Findings of audit measures - # gaps identified for each type of accessibility requirements (physical, sensory, cognitive)

• Survey feedback from people with a disability about accessibility – baseline, and quarterly during project – rate of improvements

• Feedback from community organisations about effectiveness of report card on accessibility

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More about Outcomes and Measures

Making a difference

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How activities and outcomes are different

Output/ Activity

Number of tip-footy games in the district per week


Children make friends and improve their skills

Ask “So what …?”

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1. Tell your story of change

• What issue or need do I want to be able to address?

• What groups will I work with?

• What activities will I deliver with these people?

• What changes, or outcomes, will I see as a result?

• What is my end goal?

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2. Define how you will measure this change

• What measures will you use?

• What evidence will you collect to indicate that your activity was successful?

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3. Collect the information that measures this change

• What information are you already collecting that you can use to demonstrate your change?

• What data collection tools can be adapted to collect any additional information you need?

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4. Use this information to prove and improve your work

• Prove the value of your activities - Communicate your findings to funders, beneficiaries, the community, staff and other key stakeholders.

• Improve on your activities - Use the information to check if you are on track to achieving your outcomes. Ask -Is the program delivering what it set out to do?

If not, why not? What needs to change?

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What was funded in ILC Grant Round 1

National Readiness Grant

39 projects funded across 36 organisations

Jurisdictional Grant – ACT

99 applications received, and 22 organisations allocated funds

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Examples of successful ILC projects

• Summer Foundation Ltd - $779,960.00

This project will improve awareness of the needs and rights of young people with disability in the aged care sector to improve participation of young people in their communities.

• Australian Federation Of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Ltd - $465,500.00

The Disability Australia Hub project will develop a universally accessible website and eNews for people with disability and family organisations.

• Mirri Mirri Productions Pty Ltd - $292,509.00

The Pathways project will provide information to staff of mainstream services on cultural awareness, attitudes and beliefs about disability in the Aboriginal community.

• The Disability Trust - $71,598.32

Presentation of a weekly radio segment on ACT commercial radio station 2CC, with information for and about people with a disability, their parents/ carers and families, disability support organisations and the wider community, and an integrated monthly newsletter.

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Tips and FAQs

• Ensure you fully state the relevant Activity Area, Outcomes and Focus Areas in the body of the application, e.g. use Activity Area 1 - Information linkages and referrals, not Activity Area 1.

• If there is a difference between the ILC Policy and the ILC Grant Opportunity Guideline – use the GOG

• Be careful when using some terms, as they have specific meanings for NDIA, e.g. mainstream is used for only government agencies, respite is not used at all.

• Stick to the word limit for each question, as NDIA may not take account of any words in excess of relevant limits.

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Good luck with your ILC applications!


Karen Stace [email protected]

Edwina Pickering [email protected]