day November 1 3 , 1 9 4 0 THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Page Twenty-five YOU WANT TO SCORE-CALL YOUR SIGNALS IN THE WANT ADS + + + *Bqg&fS%* AUTOMOTIVE - . Atttoroobll»*w8ale "li SiotaiOBXl»-XW» cokes: prt»»U owner Irishes to tell this popular O. M. auto- mobile st • reuonrnWt price. Call at HHSI Mote-nth at. Phone 3176. PACKARD — ' 3 S "6" fordor sedan; low mlltsge; economical to operate; here'i a only $495. MOYBR * wn- - - ffaekart) 1313 Main, Ph. 3603. PLYMOUTH 'OS convertible coupe, has automatic top, original finish and ha* KJnSrtwh onlyj3.000 miles: a very SSclaTbuy. MOtXR * WILLIAMS, 1313 gate 8$,yhona jgtg. PONTIAO—1931 »edan; radio and heater; excellent condition; ressonable. Thirty-third Bt, Phone 6378. 623 STUDlBAKBR — 1939 Champion model coupe; eiunitlrer. 1810 Main St. pgrS^^- e SoT^i5? r n cl srBa7u\236 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 6S0-** tJtTj oswengera. Pn0M »S« - £EeS7T.„ M to Florids to .wu* -^ *Xr P ««^ Add "" Cold Weather Specials ^ 1933 FORD TODOR—Oood tlxtf. only ............ 59.00 1935 TERRAFLANS DLX COUPE— Hew paint; fin* running ...... car $189.00 1937 DODOS DLX. TRG. SEDAN— Exceptionally clean; today** apeelal huy, only 1379.00 1938CHSV. M8TR. DLX TRO. SDN. —Very, yery dean, only .... 1439.00 Beatty Motors, Inc. 269 Third St. Phono 2611 BUSINESS SERVICE Clewtnt, Pyetag, BrooTsttui jjn CARPET — And rug service: cleaning, shampooing, siting, sewing, binding, re- palring. A.-A. Bartman, phone 44. BOOS.' UPHOLSTERY Tapestry cleaned and revived; satisfaction T. R. Traverse. Phone IS 14 -vF fertggjnsttog, FTunljcatlng 2 1 - b RATS—Mice, roaches,' bugs sailed; moTh"- proofinf guaranteed B yrs. Fumigate before cold weather. Tel. 6130. Eve. 7087 Lemaderlaf 24 HOUB LAUNDRY—We do Mo bundleTTna op; we call for and deliver; 17 years espertcnoo; l* w. Niagara 8t. Ph. 87-J Movlnx, Tracking 25 Ace Moving Co.—By Hour or Contract AGENT FOB GREY VAN LINES 918 Pierce Are. Phone 4986 Palatini, Papering, Decorating 26 j£AJ£EBBANGINO —'"'And painting; prompt service; work guaranteed; very reason- able. Wm. Kitchen, Phone 6140. HOUSE PAINTING—And paperbanglng at lowest prices. Oct our free estimates. Phone S3. A-l PAPERHANGING Beit workmanship at popular prices. Paper removed by steam. No muss, no dirt. Phone 6341. Electric Set-rloc & Bnpplies 28'* TREAT YOUR WIFE—To an easier wash- day; we rebuild, recondition washers for next to nothing. 3010 Ferry. Tel. 3876. fit 1 n£*W}L-*£2± n- good shape; a HSTto. sis Roy"! * » w * c ' cl * deluxe coupe. iKIPsUs" MACKENNA - 8TUDE- ^ljWli"n Bt. Phone 475. , sSfiriC'H master deluxe town se- P"*S JntottA snd gaarenteed-^a ff^^TOtBD /CHEVROLET. MSI, V- feS^" sedan, perfect condition, t ^ ^ a t s T Harold .Th om P Mn ' sra j^oor; trunk, heater, good B l M t m 6133; 65 »**« lt bom * MIWM Art. __ it5aiDI8- , 40 Nash 4-door sedan; fftS-UfsjttU fordor led**; '38 L o i tertor swans; '37 Nash 4-dr. & U W S-dr. sedan; '36 Nash MffiU Wipe; '36 Dodge 4-door. U2M HfTZLBR, 1720 Pierce Ave. Winterized Cars '37 Ford Tudor .$245 '36 Buick Coach ... $345 '37 Chevrolet Dlx, Sdn .... $335 '37 vPontiac Conv. Sdn $425 '39 Buick Coach .$645 '36 Ford Tudor $195 '40 Ford Fordor Sedan . . . . $625 '37 Plym'th Dbc. Sdn $345 '38 Ford Dlx. Tudor ...... $395 '39 MerctttY-Se4g£u* J1J .. J ..$595 '39 Mercury Coach $575 '35 Ford Sedan ......... ,$165 '40 Ford Dbc. Tudor $595 '39 Ford Tudor .$445 '36 Oldsmobilo Coach $295 REMEMBER —We Never Re- fuse Any Reasonable Offer. DUNCAN'S 1001 MAIN ST. TEL. 6000 Bepajrtnj and UphoUtertnt 29 BEAUTY—And comfort, 3-pc. set, uphol- itered. 849.50; tailored upholstery. Fur- nlture Hospital, 1388 Pierce Ave. 980-J. COMPLETE SERVICE—Re upholster log, re- palring; lowest prlees. Niagara Reed Shop, 613 Niagara St. Phone 2064. UPHOLSTERING—3-plece suite and odd chair on easy credit terms. Virtuoso Up- holsterlng 3hop, 638 - 31st Bt. Tel. 3391. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female S2 YOUNG MARRIED . COUPLES t Old married couples, boche- lors, and young women fix- ing up suites are in the market to buy good used furniture for "cash." If you have used desks, tables, chairs, etc., why not dispose of them now. A Gazette Want Ad will help you. Just phone 5600! GAZETTE WANT ADS 3 lines, 3 times $1.00 3 lines, 6 times $1.95 (If Paid in Six Days) REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Houses (or Bent 77 TENTH BT, 853—House forwent; ail con- veniences, oil burner; occupancy Dec. 1. Inquire N. 7. Uaddever, Qareue Otfice. TENTH BT.. 429—V^ of duplex. » or « rooms, bath; all conveniences; reason- able; adults preferred. Inq. on premises. TWELFTH BT.. 445—Dec. 1. 6-room mod- •rn house, all conveniences. 145. Phone 134-M between 5 and 7 p. m. TWENTY-SECOND 8T.. 1917—NeaTlSevT: land Ave.. 6-room house, 2 bathrooms; available Dec. 1. Phone 7278. VANDERBELT AVE.. 1011—Brick house; newly decorated. 3 bedrooms, sun room, range; garage: 860. Phone 3498-J. MERCHANDISE SoHLg-'M itdsn, good condition, S l l U M gcflHSfsva, 1404 Pine Ave. il "AS IS" fed Car Bargains i'GwTolet Coach $ 45 jfojdTdr. Sedan $ 55 Ford Tax.. Sedan $ 65 ITwaplane Coach $ 55 (Hudson Sedan $ 65 JGraham Sedan ...... $ 45 jkkS-Pass. Cpe $125 iFfymouth Coupe $145 ? Lincoln Zephyr S o n .... $245 TERMS ASLOW AS $5.00 DOWN LAMMERTS', INC Ml SIXTH BT. 1015 MAIN ST. Champion Valu es tiWeti flits* Used Can condl- M mi Appearance Considered, Otter Outstanding Values. W w Coupe ..$275 'Plymouth Coupe $315 JFord Sedan $395 Foid Cabriolet $495 Plymouth Dbc. Cpe .... $415 Uievrolet Tvm. Sdn...$475 'Chevrolet Coupe $465 to Sedan $465 ! Chevrolet Sedan $125 Chevrolet Coupe $125 KELLOG MOTOR SALES 'aavROLrr DXALBRI 902 MAIN STREET 1061 TELEPHONE ' 1001 G NO BULL-ONEY JUST EVERY DAY USED CARS '35 Oldsmobile Coupe '36 Plymouth Town Sedan '36 Ford Fordor Sedan '37 Chev. Mstr. Town Sedan '37 Plymouth 2-Door '37 Oldsmobile Club Coupe '37 Buick Touring Sedan '37 Oldsmobile Sedan '38 Studebaker Trg. Sedan '38 Oldsmobile Trg. Sedan '39 Buick Coupe '39 Oldsmobile Sedan '39 Plymouth Sedan '40 Oldsmobile Sedan PRICED TO PLEASE YOU At Cunningham's 1305 Main Street BEAUTY OPERATOR-^Experlenced. Tele- phone 6320. COMPETENT MAID—18 to 40. assist with housework; live in; no laundry; refer- ences; excellent salary. Tel. 6034. COMPETENT—White girl or woman to cook for family of 5; downstairs, clean- ing; no laundry; must have character references; 810 week. Apply 636 Col- lege Ave.. 7:30 to 9:30 p. to. CURL—Or woman for general housework and cooking; two adults. Telephone 840-J. QIRL—Or woman for general housework and cooking; live in or out; no laundry; good wages. Phone 244. HOUSEKEEPER—Middle aged, take fuU charge; one who needs a home prefer- red. Address Box 396. care Gazette. Household Goods 59 EAST WASHER With electric pump, cedar chest, spinet desk, hot water heat- er, heating stoves; everything for the home 212 Niagara Bt. Phone 3004. ELECTRIC RANOE—Table top, all white porcelain, very good condition, -939.50; HOME APPLIANCE CO., easy terms. 1410 Main Bt Phone 3034. ELECTRIC RANGES (U»ed), Weating- house. Universal and Hot Point, all in good condition, excellent buys; also used Frlgldalre. bargain. QOINN & KELLER. 335 Third St. Phone 3625. ELECTRIC RANGE—Monarch, porcelain table top, automatic timer, good condi- tion, 830.00. Inquire 1041-90th St. HOUSEKEEPER—For widower and young child; state age and nationality. Ad- dress Box No. 398, care Qasette. IF YOU NEED—To earn money but are unable to give full time, we have Just the position to fill your needs. Phone 2651 for appointment. ELECTRIC RANOE—Table top, 4 units, good condition, $39.95. McFarland Hdw. Co.. 7710 Buffalo Ave. Phone 112. ELEC. REPRIOERATOR8 (Used), very good condition, 920 and up. 8CHWEO- LER BROS.. 447 Third 8t. TeL 6885. MAID—For general housework; Pbone 5363-M. live in. MAID—For. general housework; live in. Apply 90s Lafayette Ave. WOMAN — For pantry work, one who knows how to cook. Address Bok No. 280, care Gazette. WOMAN — Who would" consider a good heme as recompense for assistance giv- en to aged lady who Uvea alone In near- by vUlage. Phone 3053-W. A LOCAL OFFICE—Of an old established organization can use women interested in steady position; must be neat and energetic. Apply 313 Gluck Bldg., be- tween 9 and 13. - ELEC. WASHER—Norge refrigerator, used, good condition, bargains. J. Higgle Sales & Service, 1616 Pine Ave. TeL 291-W. a. E. RANGE Porcelain, with calrod unit: looks like new; J55.0O special. Modern Electric. 1700 Main. TeL 4io. HOT POINT RANOE (Used). In good condition; 3 units; reasonable. Phone 4333-M. HOT POINT RANGE—Automatic oven con- trol, good condition, 819.50. Rohrer Electric, 1313 Main St. Phone 6010. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms, Without Board 68 THIRD ST., 250 — Warm, comfortable, newly furnished permanent rooms; prlv. home: use of pbone; convenience!. Tel. 7285-W. Inquire after 6 p.m. ^^ TOWN3END PL., 719—Off 7th, warm. ? leasant, front bedroom, comfortably urnlshed; meals optional. Tel. 1896. Suburban, Country for Bent gQ LEWISTON—New home: oti beat, fire- place, 3 bedrooms, immediate posses- sion. 860. Phone 219. C. E. Allen. WHITTACRE8 SUBDIVISION—Brand new 6-room house on Elllcott Drive. 2-car garage: lot 100x200. landscaped. Tel. 933. FARMERS MARKET PLACE MR. FARMER: Ton can eeD anything through the Parmer* a Market Place. Day old chicks, cabbage plants, duck eggs, tresh cows, tomato plants, young pigs, baled hay. seed corn, brood sow. tractor, plow horses, reaper, grinders, heifers, apples, cherries, honey, chick- ens, etc Let the Farmer's Market Place get cash tor you. A small three-line Want Ad coats but 81.00 for 3 days Phone 5600, ask for an ad-taker. BALDWIN APPLES Picked; 50c ,bu.: bring containers. Robertson Farm. Bal- mer Rd„ Youngitown. N. Y Wanted—To Bent 81 WANTED—By couple, three-room apart- ment: north end preferred. Telephone 5296-W. WANTED—Furnished one-room kitchen- ette apartment; north end preferred. Phone 3866-R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers In Beal Estate E. C. BEOOS Farms, houses, lots, etc.. In Niagara Falls and surrounding country. Phone 6183-W or Lew. 9-F-34 PORTER - BARTLETT, INC. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE E. & H. BLDG. PHONE 2648 J. M. BTRICKER—327 Falls 8t. Phone 24. Houses, flats, stores, garages for rent or for sale. Prices reasonable. AUCTIONS LEGALS Legal Notices 91 Business Property for Sale 82 WILLOW AVE.. 1110—Oroeery store for •ale or rent; equipment Included; rea- sonable. Inquire on premises. Bouses for Sale 84 Booms for Housekeeping Q9 A BT., 65—2 comfortable furnished rooms; conveniences; walking distance to up- .river plants; adults. Call after 6 p.m. BUFFALO AVE., 108—3-room furnished apartment with private bath: also sleep- ing rooms; meals optional, and garage. NORTH AVE., 953—Unfurnished two-room apartment: heat, light, hot water; also sleeping rooms. STEVENSON AVE. 8018—Cor. 81st St.. 2 rooms furnished, heat, light, hot water, use of laundry: adults only. THIRD ST..- 220—Furn. 2 large 1st floor tins.; front ic back; large front rm. with kitchenette; single rms. 82 & 82.50 wk. Wanted Booms or Board 73 XOUNO LADY—Desires room, board in American adult home in exchange for light work. Box 400. care Gazette. 3y in a private family; no other roomers. Address P. O. Box 54, B Station. City. IROHRITE IRONER—Cabinet style, 1939 model; original value 8109.95; special 889 95. McFARLAND HOWE. CO., 7710 Buffalo Ave. Phone 113. LINOLEUM LAYINQ—13c yd., cementing. 25c yd.; bargaina in remnants 8c sec- onds; estimates on Jobs furnished promptly: chrome edge, loo per ft. Payne, Phone 3633. Help Wanted—Male 33 '040 HOUR WEEK to These Willing Workers They'll Go 4 HOURS A DAY ^^^^••.•$399 «fck Coup* W»Dlx. Fdr/Sdn. E, L » T * HSATKR ; H 9 Dlx. Tdr. Sdn. S^Spt. Coupe.. J? Fordor San.. , $aitf 1 ^ $79 196 ^Pe $ 89 JULLANIE'S fc « B ^-o. Open Eves. ...$339 .•$249 .$299 .$269 .$279 ,.$189 "GET A HANDOUT" This Is No Soup Kitchen But We Are Handing Out The Best In Used Cars At BARGAIN PRICES '37 Ford Tdr.' Sedan $225 '37 Chev. Panel Truck .... $195 '36 Hudson Tdr. (trunk)...$225 '36 Ford Spt. Coupe ...... $175 '36 Oldsmobile Sedan . . . . $295 TRUNK As RADIO '36 Graham Sedan $145 '35 Ford Coup© ..$115 '35 Dodge Panel Truck.... $125 '34 Nash Sedan $ 65 34 Dodge Sedan $125 NEW TTRE8 '33 Ppntiac Coupe $155 '31 Pierce-Arrow Cab $ 85 '29 Reo Sedan $25 ASK ABOUT OUR $5.00 DOWN PAYMENT PLAN KRUEGER MOTOR SALES (PONTIAO DEALER) MAIN AT WILLOW 4390 TELEPHONE 4590 HOUSE MAN—Wanted. Apply In person, Hotel Clifton. 18 West Falls St. MEAT CUTTER—Wanted." Apply Janiak Food Shop, corner Lockport and On- tario Ave. MEAT CUTTER—Wanted. Apply Red and White Store, Twenty-second St. and Pierce Ave., In person only. OUTBIDS SALESMAN—Wanted, one who has car and knows city. Apply Bert Bush Jewelry, 1908 Main St. HAVE YOU A CAR?—No canvassing. Per- manent. Mr, Booth, Aluminum Co. of America, Canal Basin, 11 to 13 only. IF YOU—Are satisfied with 835 per week do not answer this ad, because our work pays much more although we can as- sure that much to start; experi- ence unnecessary; must have average or better appearance and education and be able to furnish references; men select- ed will have steady work with exception- al opportunity for promotion. Mr. Kelly, Niagara Hotel, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Help—Male and Female 34 AOENT8)—We are all set for our pre- Christmas campaign, fastest selling 81 article on the market, 50c for your commission; 1 call, we deliver: samples tree. Apply mornings, Odd Tone Studio, 1435 Main St. FINANCIAL CALLS FOR REPLY •'« Oftio » f e llit*<j at lh« •iikta. r ' p "" mu " ee **•»}« 2 } u '" 1? ?{ « .." tt» •• -•• )w ••• C & " % $ •' £»i '• •a $ November n , 1940 9 , 1 1- 1 1 n i I ;;; « ::••:::::::::::; 1 * , 3 * 19 , 1 S Auto Tnteka, lractott, Trailers jfl FORD—1-ton panel truck, rood rubber. A-l condition, 885.00. Inquire 1713 Money to Loan 40 THE PRUDENTIAL SOCIETY, WC. — IS South Division, Elllcott Square Building. Buffalo, N. V. Loans on diamonds, watches, Jewelry, etc. Rates l* to 3 9 An institution of the better kind. LIVING ROOM SUITE—3-plece, 818; new 7-plece dinette set. table pad, 845. 145 Sixty-first St, after 6 p. m ROOM OIL HEATERS—All aises, low as 50c week. COHEN'S FURNITURE STORE, 924 Ontario Ave. Phone 1690. VELOUR DRAPES—TOm Thumb piano, spring cot, complete. Inquire 135 Fourth street WINQ CHAIR—Bikes' maple, looks new, $19.00. Arnson's Warehouse, 621 Lin- wood Ave., 3 doors from Main St. 180-Coll Spring Filled Mattress, 87.75 BHEUSI BROS. 460 Third St. Phone 6593 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED That's my business—parts. US ed machines. Call J. F. O'Connell, My Phone Is 79 Musical Merchandise 62 ACCORDIONS—Student pianos, band in- struments, plus private Inst.; band train- Ing. 91 week. Wurlltser, 1700 Main St. PIANOS^—Factory to home; get the belt value for the money you Invest. Orle- raan tt Son, 361 Third St. Tel. 3507 YOU—Can rent an Instrument at low rates and study with competent teach- ers at EVAN WHITE'S MUSIC STORE 307 Falls Bt. Phone 1113. ROOM WANTED—For a bachelor gentle- man in a Catholic family. Address Box No. 395. care Oatette. CENTER AVE.—7-room house, 33-rt. lot. & rlce 82.500: 8500 down. Nesbltt, 2118 lain St. Phone 2027, Eve. 3216. EIGHTEENTH ST., 1718—Semi bu. section. 7-room modern bouse; garagv; sacrifice for quick sale. Jerry E Harris 1141-M. EIGHTY-8EVENTH ST.—7-room bunga- low In excellent condition, with extra 40-ft. lot. Leo C. Thaler, Realtor, 644 Park Place. Phone 6 IS. EIGHTY-SEVENTH ST.—8-room modern house, 3 baths; hardwood floors and trim: garage. Phone 4195-R. the Court by your husband tor the disso- lution of your marriage on the ground that you hare absented yourself for five successive years last past without being known to him to be living and that be believes you to be dead. And that pur- suant to an Order of said Court duly entered November sth. 1940, a hearing will be had upon said petition at a Term of the Supreme Court to be held In the Court Room In the City Hall in-the City of Niagara Falls. New York.-on the 10th day of February, 1941, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon or as soon after as counsel can be heard. HOWARD Q. BODH. Petitioner. T K. NAFTJS, Attorney for Petitioner. Office & P. O. Address, 105 72nd 8tre«t. Niagara Falls. N. V. Dated November Sth, 1940. It is Ordered that the above Notice be published. FRANK A. JAMES, J.8.C. w»«8novl3t27 AUCTIONS— LEGALS Legal Nottoes •R a distance of twenty-nine and sevtnty- dve hundredths ITS 75> feet to a point la the southerly line of Whitney Avenue; thence westerly along said line of Whit- ney Avenue a distance of eighty-five and seventy-five hundredths 185.76) feet to the place of beginning. "Excepting and Reserving, however, from the above parcel the rear and most easterly six (SI feet thereof, being a strip six fett In width and In length equal to the width of said lot. which reserved portion Is to be used as a part of an alley, to be used In common by the owner of the parcel herein conveyed and the owners of the other parcels adjoining said alley as laid out. "Together with all plumbing, heating, and light fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to or used In connection with the premises, all of which are covered by this mort- Dated: Niagara Falls, N. T., October 18, 1140. JOSEPH D. A'MATO. Referee. TUTTLB, RICE. 8TOCKWELL & RICE. Attorneys for Plaintiff: Office and Post Office Address. No. 60S Elderfleid-Hsrts- horn Bldg.. Niagara Falls, N. V, m-w?21octUtnovl3 A.TTKNTIOH TAXPAYERS NORWOOD AVE., 13S3 — New six-room house open for Inspection any time by appointment. Phone 6393. SEVENTIETH 8T.—5-room modern bun- galow reduced to $3,000 for quick sale. R. M. Hilts & Son. Realtor. Tel. 4190. 8EVENTY-F1H8T ST.—(New), near Pine Ave., 4 rooms, bath, utility room, oil heat; lot 40x150; price, 82,975. M. P. Flanagan. 411 Third St. Phone 6972. THIRD ST., 749—11-room house; easy terms. Inquire A. T. Mayle. 733 Third street. TWENTY-SEVENTH ST.—6-room home, 8400 down. 830 a month. John V. Zlto, Realtor. 1702 Pine Ave. Phone 339-R. WHITNEY AVE, 1957—9-room modem house, garage; sacrifice for quick sale. Jerry E. Harris. Phone 1141-M. WHITNEY AVE., 1705 - 1705%—2-tamlly duplex, brick construction, six rooms each; hardwood floors, fireplace; attrac- tive price; terms arranged. For further particulars or Inspection call F. J. Hu- bert. Niagara County Savings Bank, Phone 6600 or 466 after 6 p. m, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 ALLEN AVE.—Two rooms, 86; 3 rooms, $10; 6 rooms, $15; 7-room house, 828. Inquire 2414 Allen Ave. NEATrtilBRARY—A real buy in a 2-famlly flat: oil heat; income over 81.000 a year; price $7,500. C O. Hays, Tel 870. Eve. 4903. ASHLAND AVE. — Near Main, modern. heated 4-roorn apt.; tile bath, hot water; adults. Inquire 807 Ashland. 1578-M. CEDAR AVE.. 521 — Spacious, pleasant, heated 3-room apartment; fireplace. veranda, shower; references; adults. STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY COURT. Nl&s;a-i> County THE NIAGARA PERMA- NENT 8AVINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIA- TION. Plaintiff, against JOHN 8. HUNTER, et el., Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and filed In the Niagara County Clerk s Office on the 7th day of November. 1»40, L the under- signed referee, in said Judgment of fore- closure and sale named, will sell at public auction at the Uw offices of Tuttle. Rice, Stockwell & Rice. No. «0« Elderfletd- Hartshorn Building, in the City of Ni- agara Falls. New York, on the 3rd DAY OP DECEMBER. 1940. at 11 o'clock standard time. In the fore- noon of that day, the premises men- tioned and described In said Judgment, to wit: "ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate In the City of Niagara Falls. County of Niagara and State of New York, being subdivision lot number Seventy-five ait on the west side of Eighth 8treet, having a frontage of thir- ty-three (331 feet on Eighth Street, and being eighty (80> feet In depth, according to a Map of part of Lot Forty-four i44) Mile Reserve, made for the* heirs of Jane 8. Townsend by Walter McCulloh, Civil Engineer, which map is on file In the Niagara County Clerk's Office. Together with all plumbing, heating and light fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to or used In connection with said premises. all of which are covered by this mort- gage." Dated: Niagara Falls, N. Y., November 11. 1940. 8IQISMUND M. LbPACBJ. Referee. TUTTLE, RICE. STOCKWELL & RICE. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office Address. No. 608 Elderfleld-Harts- horn Bldg., Niagara Falls, N. Y. m-w96tnovlltl7 City Treasureri office, Olty HaU. Niag- ara Falls. N. Y., October 31st, 1940. Notice Is hereby given that certified copies of the tax rolls for the fifteen wards ol the City of Niagara Falls. N. Y , as now constituted tor the collection ef the general city taxes, unpaid water biTJto. and unpaid local assessments, for the year 1940. h>ve been received by me, together witK a warrant directing the collection thereof. Notice is also hereby given that every person, company, corporation, or association assessed therein is required to oay his. her. or its taxes, to me at my oftlce in the City Hall, as follows: For thirty days from the date et this notice, every person, firm, corporation ox association >hall oay all assessments to- gether with one-half of the general city taxes without fees; for the following nine months one per cent per month fees shall be charged upon all assessments, and one- half of the taxes: during the month of April. 1941, the remaining one-half of the general city taxes shall be paid without fees; for ' V following four months one per -.ent per month fees shall be charged on the remaining one-half of the general city tares, and all taxes remaining unpaid on the 31st day ot August, 1841. shall bear Interest at the rate of six per centum per annum In addition to the fees afore- said, as required by the City Charter. If taxpayers desire, they may pay the full amount ot their bills during the first thirty days. Assessed Valuation Gross $151,411,371.00 Aasessed Valuation of Pen- sion Exempt Property 830,870.00 Assessed Valuation Net Highway Tax Rate per $1000 for Pension Exempt Prop- erty -..- g $150,890,501.00 1.00 General Tax Rate per $1,000 $ 17.60 Dated at Niagara Falls, H. T„ October list. 1040. W. J. BELLINGER, City Treasurer. LAST DAYS WITHOUT FEES On first installment, November 30. 1*40. On second Installment, April 30, 1941. This tax became a Hen Sept. 30. 1948. da918octJltnov22 8) 8TATE NOI7CS COUNTY BEER, LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Brewers Wholesaler! Retailers NOTICE CLEVELAND AVE., 1865—6-room upper flat; hardwood floors, tile bath, insulat- ed attic: garage. Inq. 1654 Cleveland. FIFTH ST., 427—Small furnished apt.; private entrance and bath, oak floors, porch, hot water heat; adults only. FOREST AVE.. 2006—Modern three-room apartment; beat, hot water; available December L V Special at the Stores 64 SPORT DRESSES Wool ai corduroy; values to $6.98. reduced to $3.98. Carrie's Dress Shop, 411 Third St. Open evenings. "Swaps" 64-a WTLL TRADE—45x115 ft. lot for car or Inboard motorboat. Inquire 3017 Twen- ty-second BU INSTRUCTION Instruction 43 Wearing Apparel 65 BROWN OVERCOAT—SUe 36; also 4-plece grey suit, site 36, almost new; reason- able. Phone 907-R. IMPROVE YOUR SINOINa—With the help of an experienced Instructor. Mrs. E. Llttlewood, 1206 Haeberle. Phone 240. MEN-WOMEN OET GOVERNMENT JOBS —8108-8178 month. Prepare Immediate- ly tor 104 k examinations. List positions —full particulars FREE Write Franklin Initltute, Dtpt. 327-P, Rochester, N, T. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale AMMONIA ICE MACHINE— 3 horsepower motor, In very good condition; reason- able. Phone 4743. RANOlT OIL BURNERS-CompieteW ln- stalled, 818.95; used furnace, $35. Main Plumbing, 1628 Main St, Phone 8870. 4-VOLv—Lite ot Ltaeotn by Ida M. Tar- bell. $4; 12-VoT. Book of Popular Sel- ene*, -820; 33-Voi. Book of Literature, 820. 31 Hyde. Park. BoaU and Accessories 52 Pins AT», Phone 99, o . M. c. PANEL—lH-ton international 1 Ml-ton chassis. BOYLJJ At PERL* 447 Mtln St. Phone 6Ma, INTERNATIONAL— '37 V» ton panel trues, a bsrtaln in low eon delivery. MUL- _ LANES. Tenth st Buffalo. Open Kris, 1—1937 Intl. Vi Ton Pick-up; Stake Body. 1—1936 Intl. m Ton, Stake Body. AT OUR YARD FOR YOUR WSPECTION WICKER LUMBER CO. 3411 HIGHLAND AVE. s=s Auto Accessories, TlrsaTPsrtslj NEW GOODRICH BATTERY... .83.38 Exehtng-e; Full* Guaranteed. J&m.NK s i 3318 I* SPECIALI SPECIAL. FACTORY RECONDITIONED OUTBOARD MOTORS RACCOON COAT m good condition and grey tweed lUlt, size 14; very reasonable. 5602 BUFFALO AVE. Wanted—To Bay ALLOYS—Batteries, automobiles, 66 FOURTH 8T, 228—6-room. lower, heated, modern flat. Inquire Dooher-Seager Phone 5689 or 1275. FOURTH 8T., 419—3-room unfurn.; oil heated, elec. range, hot water. Inquire 947 Ontario Ave., Apt. 3. Phone 3186. MEMORIAL PARKWAY, 570—Lovely loca- tlon; 5-room lower flat. Inquire only 1017 Walnut avenue. ONTARIO AVE.. 2235—Dec. 1. five-room lower flat with garage. Inquire 2207 Ontario Ave. NIAGARA BT.—Cor. Memorial Pky., 4- room upper flat: private bath, gas. In- qulre 402 Memorial Parkway. PTNB AVE.. 1514—Nov. 15, 3-room heat- ed upper apt.; hot water year around. Inquire lower flat. PROSPECT ST., 351 — 5-room 3rd floor apt. with bath; near Falls Bt.; rent 825. Phone 4144. RIVER ROAD—Near LaSalle, three-room unfurnished apartment on river. TeL Ton. 715-W. SECOND ST., 239—Four-room unfurnished apartment; private bath, good heat and hot water. Phone 54. SEVENTH ST., 417—December 1, six-room lower flat: wired for range; gas. in- qulre upper flat. SEVENTH ST., 445—9-room newly deco- rated furnished front apt.: hot water heat, llgst, gas; reasonable; adults. SEVENTH ST.—Near City HaU. heated 8- BEFORE YOU BUY SEE OUR SELECTION OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES AND BUILDING LOTS City and Suburban INQUIRE POWER CITY TRUST CO. FOR SALE—Brick veneer, 5 bedrooms, single wood burning fireplace; desirable location. Phone 585S-W. , DEVEAUX SECTION—Owner leaving city, f rlce Just cut on new brick home: at- ractlve arrangement of rooms and mod- ern in every detail: shown by appolnl- ment. C. O. Hays, Tel. 870. Eve. 4903. A HOME OF YOUR OWN Use Our BUDOET PLAN snd Your Rent Problem Will be Solved. Move Into Your Own Home. COME TN AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR PLAN MAX M. OPPENHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 1415-17 Main St. Phone 676 Lets For Sale 85 upper adults 644 Park Place. hardwood floors: ga- i C. Thai* Phone 618. room upper flat. rage: adults. Leo C. Thaler, Realtor, metals, rag*, newspapers, magsslnes, scrap iron; highlit prices paid. Inquire J. Kareb, 2440 Maclcsnns Ave. Phone 8366. AUTOMOBILES _ iron, aluminum, brass, copper, batteries, rail and furniture. Call 2095. Albert Gold, 2308 Allen Ave- BEDROOM SUITES—Dining and living room furniture; high cash prices paid. Market Furniture, 707 - 18th. 1612-M. DINING ROOM Living room, bedroom sets; other furniture; highest prices. Burmtn, 1317 K. Falls St. Tel. 3106-M. WE BUY—A lot ot Junk: newspapers, rags, iron and metal. Telephone 3913-J. Yard. 260 Tenth St. WANTED—Scrap iron, metal, other waste materials; guaranteed satisfaction. Oscar OudUblott, Phone 4850. lAEOULAR PRICE 874.M $64.»S\ $39.95 NOW 854 93 t 39.93 39.93 WOLFE TIRE SERVICE MAIN AT PINE PHON1 366 gjSjjjSjj and Office Equipment M fcTusic' MACHINES— "WurlllMr." 12-req* ord, for business place or dance hall; perfect condition; very cheap. 3440 Pipe. TYPEWRITERS - Bold. 81.00 Per Week Rented - 2 Month! tor 88.00 306 Falls St. Phone 1487 1X95 USES TIRESV-And guaranteed re> trtsdi; mtcanitlng. Nlissra Vulcatilslni .jyorks, Ms.l«<end tk. Vhops 3118. Safety Olssi tnsUtUd ^ W* Cut Glass and Alto Prices Bennett Ante Psfts, 1»0 Buffalo Are, Motorcyclfs and Bicycles Xf3 OIRLB Bicnrctje-Oood condition, rei- •oftiWe, Pbone slst. •ss."..' ,•••• pa a eapa easaam saaaes gape B«palrtnf--Senrloe Buttons 18 DON-T ptLAT-Hsti u sincied" today, complete: radiator setrlew. CITY RA- DIATOR, 611 Lin wood Ave, Phoni 6180. Foel. Coal, Wood, Uofcw M COkE * OOAL—Low summer prices' sQfl in effect.. Basle Coke^At Coal Oo, Tard. BOOMS AND BOARD Booms, WlthBoaro 67 FOURTEENTH ST., 343—Two furnished sleeping rooms with hoard, suitable for two men or ladlei. _ SIXTH ST., 389^—Furnished apt., living room, bedroom, private bath, kitchen- ette; oil heat and frlgldalre; free park- ing; adults, SIXTEENTH ST, 716—Lower B-room flat avail. Nov. 18; wired for electric; large veranda; nice yard: adults preferred. SOUTH AVE., 3479—Dee. 1; attractive 5- room lower flat; electric range; excel- lent condition; garage. TeL 7356. WHITNEY AVE, 1966 — 5-room modern lower apartment, heat, hot water, ga- rage. $50. Tel. A. A. Knack. 4731. WHIRLPOOL ST.—Near Chilton, desirable lot, with or without 4-ear garage; easy terms. 5815 Buffalo Ave. TeL 4138-J. 61st St., between Buffalo Av*. and Stephenson Ave., 40x110, paving paid. 8350. 62nd St.. between Buffalo Ave. and Stephenson Ave., 40x110. 8200. Stephenson Ave. near 61st St., 80x130, paving paid. 8360. Stephenson Ave. near 62nd Bt., 45* 120. $75. Pbone 4388. < Sobuxhan for Sale 87 NEW 8-6TAR LEWISTON HOME On Urge 60x178 tt. Creek Rd. lot with fine view; has 6 rooms & bath: fire- place and garage; Insulated ft modern in every respect; low taxes; F.H.A mortgage about 638 a mo., with about 6800 down. HAPXMAN. TEL. 3358-R: LEW. 180 FIFTY-SEVENTH •T.,.804.!rT Room and board In private home; use ot phone. WRITHE* 1 AVE.—Nicely furnlihed room for gentleman; home cooking; every con- Tiniencs; use of phone. Call 1031. 1006 0**01* Place. PhOna 6436. ... •ASONED ? WOOD—Apple, maple, beech. SEASONED ^mi^mMLmjLMh W. Koidtanski, .... .... ;.. 8309 sV rain. JUST RB^BlVSD^Another eaVot *tpe« ejsllf lump* smoketess coals try * m ^>^ concrete Stone ft Coal Co. Tel 76 Household Goods ANTIQUE "-Walnut, Victorian bed and Bovjtns, Wltnont Board 68 FOURTH ST., 622—ciesn rooms In quiet block, near M»in P. O.: plenty ot heat and hot water, phoai 3093. r . _ FOURTH ST., 268—Two large, will fur- nlihed. warm front rooms; hot water; housekeeping if desired. GRAND AVE", 2026-^CIesn, comfortable room in modern home; all conven- icncct. . MAIN ST., »1»—Large front rm.; running witer, prlv. entrance, tree teL At p»rk- ing space; light housekeeping optional. NiAOARA AVE., 1853—Large front room in private home, nretly furnished; no other roomers, jgjgg^B.^ Omland, TcW *W. on COAL I»ATROLA~^p*r-P*X R«*J« bestir, cook stores: sii tood eonditwri! cheap. *07»litfc tt. Phone MW-M, PINE XVE., 141S- ;: -ryi&iy furnished room for lady In heated modern apartment. Ctll atier 4 p.mT, 1669-R. SIXTEENTH ST., 822—Clean comfortabll room in private American home; ute of teUphons; Cill 977-M. THIRD »T«" S09 — Comfortable warn rooms, nicely famished; meats optional: tSJsVgS. TUlROSTfl *89~— Destrebls permanent roots*,' Bono privileges; sreskfsit it dctitcd. . ..... _• THIRD 8TT"eil—Two front furnuhed cofttiMting irtnall rooms, niiuble for one or two persons; reasonable. WILLOW AVE., 3247—Upper flat, six good site rooms and bath, not air heat; 1- ear garage; 648. W. Ransom Rice, Real- tor. Phone 6600. CENTRAL LOCATION—Furniihed. heated, upper flat; lights, hot water; references: adults. Address Box gTf. ttHi Oatette. JEFFERSON APT8.—Jefferson and Third Bt., apartments; electrically equipped; elevator and janitor service. Tel 6050. SOUTH END—Three and four room fur- nlshed heated apartments. Inquire Slm- mons-Bsker, 333 Third it, PEKIN—3-room flat; adults; references; 7th house east of Pekln Cut, Upper Mountain Rd., Vera Shsdbolt. AUCTIONS - LEGALS Legal Notices 91 FLATS NOW AVAILABLE 35th St., 5 rooms, garage. 630. Ontario Ave., 6 rooms, garage, 640 Tenth St., 6 rooms, bath. 648. Riverside Dr., 6 rms. gar, oil heit, 888 O'REILLY REALTY—REALTORS Phone 333 ~ 1516 — 1476 Business flaces for Bent j | DESIRABLE—steam heated office in su- berber* Block, 68 mo. Inquire 1118 Main St. Phone 9324. 1306 E. FALLS ST. Modern Store Available Now. Phone 36. Eve. 6388 EAST FALLS ST., 1031—Modern building suitable for furniture store, tavirn or any basinets, 640 a month. Tel 4144. Oaraff Cor Bent 7Q-b TWO 6 ARAOES—Rear Ot 806 - Sth St. Inquire Janetts Beauty Shop. Phone 3967 or 130O-W. Booses for Bent 77 BUFFALO AVE.—Cot. 61 It St., 8-room modern house; gas or else,; 9-car fa- rage, tnq. 6909 Buffalo Ate. 4333-M. ELEVENTH ST., till 7-rm. modern house with bath: wired for raogw: no a month. Tel. S36-J ot 3M.4, JAMES AVB\, \ui - Flesssnt S i-room houxe, immediate poseesston, ' 660,00. Phons_ aigt C E. Allen, SOTICt TO BIDDKM Notice Is hereby given that license No. RL-13448 has been Issued to the under- signed to sell beer, liquor and wines at retail In a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 3242 Oudaback Avenue, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, N. Y., for on premises consumption. LEON KWAPIBZ. w969novl3.20 3343 Cudabacst Avenue. NOTfCE OF NEW YORK, COURT. NIAOARA COUNTY. THE NIAOARA PERMANENT SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Plaintiff, against JAMES TALLERICO (also known as VINOENZO TALLERICO), et sJ., De- fendants. Pursuant to a Judgment ot foreclosure and aale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and filed in the Notice is hereby given that license No. Nlsgare County dirk's oftlce on the 24th > RL-14330 has been Issued to the under- day of-October, 1940. I. the undersigned referee In said judgment ot foreclosure and tale named, win sell st public auction at the taw offices of Tuttle, Rice. Stock- well A Rice. No. 808 Elderfleld-Harts- horn building, in the City of Niagara Falls, New York, on the 19TB DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1040, at 11 o'clock Standard time. In the fore- noon of that day, the premises men- tioned and described in laid Judgment, to wH: "ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OP LAND, situate In the City of Niagara Falls. County of Niagara and State of New York, being a part of subdivision Lot No, 88 as shown on map of part of Lot 38 of the Mile Reservation In the City of Niagara Falls as subdivided for C. N. Owen. April 20th. 1908. by P. O. Dletrlck, Del., approved by W. W. Read, Olty Engineer. April 38th, 1908, snd illed In Book 2 of Niagara Falls Maps at page 60, and bounded as fol- lows: BEGIN! section of the southerly line of _Whltne signed to sell beer, liquor and wlnn at - retail In a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1300 South Ave*-- Niagara Falls, Niagara County, N. Y„ for on premises consumption, COOK AND BEROBY. w»6»novll,30 1300 South Ave. NOTICX NINO st a point ot Inter- y line of Whitney Avenue and the easterly line of Fifteenth Street, and running thence southerly along tald easterly line of Fifteenth Street a distance of twenty-nine and sev- enty-five hundredths (29.75) feet; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Whitney Avenue, a distance of eighty-five and seventy-five hundredths (85.751 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the easterly line of Fifteenth Street CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Money To Loan AUTO LOANS Get the money yoa need quickly. Quick relief from money worries. A whole year to pay. HOME & AUTO LOAN GO. Over Walfreen'* Phone 622 Sealed bldn will be received at the of- fice ot the Board of Education, (07 Wal- nut Avenue, up until 10 A. M , Eastern Standard Time. Monday. November 18ih. 1940. on furnishing and Installing boiler tube* at Maple Avenue School. Specifications and Instructions to bid- den may b* secured at the Administration Building ot the Board of Education. 607 Wslnut Avenue. Niagara Falls, New York. Bids are to b* (tied with the CUrk ot thi Board of Education. 807 Walnut Ave- nue, Nlsgtra Falls, New York. The Board ot Education reisrves the right to reject any or all quotations and to waive formalities. BOARD OF EDUCATION, da»70novi3IIS Wm. T. Simons. Olerk. SIXTH ST., 460—7-room eottare; a be«> rooms, newly decorated: available De- cember L Inquire 458 aixth Si, (rear). STATE OF NEW YORK. SUPREME COURT, NIAOARA COUNTY. In the Matter of the Application Ot CHARLES C. KREPPENECK for the dissolution of hi* marriage with SOPHIA KREPPENECK. TO SOPHIA KREPPENECK: TAKE NO- TICE— That a p+tlllon has been presented to the Court by your hunband for the dis- solution of your marriage on the ground that "ou have absented yourself for five successive years last past without being known to him to be living and he believes you lo be dead. And that pursuant to an Order ot «aid Court duly entered Novem- ber «th. 1940, a hearing will be had upon said petition at a Term ot the Supreme Court to be held at the Court Room In lh« City Hall at the City of Niagara Falls. N. Y., on the 10th day of February. 1941. at 10 o'elock tn the forenoon or a» soon after as counsel can be heard. CHARLES C. KREPPENECK. Pelltlonir. T. K NAFU8. Attorney for Petitioner, Office A P. O. Address, 305 72nd Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Dated November »ih. 1940. It is Ordered that the above Notice be publUhed. _ ..... _ .__ FRANK A. JAMES, J.8.0. rvSlnov13137 /LOAlMSv t/ ON YOUR ^ SIGNATURE ONLY Many regularly employed people may obtain oeah loess here on plain note without security Before rou borrow, uk shoal Domestic's "Slg- sarare Only" loan plan. DOMESTIC •INANCI CORPORATION 804 tJKTTED OFFICE BLDG. N.W. Cor. let Street and Ells PL PHONE 1620 Notice Is hereby given thst license No, HL-2115 has been Issued to the undersign- ed to sell beer, liquor snd wines at. re- tail in a hotel under the Alcoholio Bev- erage Control Law at 336 Main Street, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, M, Y., for on premises consumption. LILLIAN A. SSLB3RR wS6«uovl3.20 336 Main Street. NOTICE TO LICENSEES According to the New York State A. B. c. B. all licenses must be Issued anew and publication of same must again be made in the newspaper. To insure immediate publication of four notice, pltase telephone 6600 as soon as you receive your certificate. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Money To Loan I GOT A LOAN By Phone With R. ft- L i Phono For A Loin Plan You too msy apply for a R. & L. Loan by phone. Cive us s few facts when you call. We do the rest. $40 TO $300 LOANS 20 Month Schedule Below Weekly si Monthly Payments Optional Repay 63c Per Week on $40 Loin Repay 94e Per Week en $60 loan Repay $1.2$ Per Week on $80 Loin Repay f 1.57 Per Week en $100 Loan Repay $3.05 Per Week on $200 Loan Repay $4.49 Par Week en $100 Loan Above payments Include interest THE ONLY CHARGE You receive the full amount you borrow No red tspe, strictly confi- dential. You csn repay it anytime. R.&L FINANCE CO. 1501 Main St. Tel. 4900 Licensed Under Stc. f, Bsskinp Laws STATE OF NEW YORK, BUPREME COURT, NIAOARA COUNTY. tn the Matter of the Application of Howard O. BOD1E tor the dissolution of M» marriage with EVELYN BODTE, „,,„„. TO EVELYN BOD1E: TAKE NOTICE— thst s petition has been presented to Get moneu <iulck 1% INTEREST A MONTH AMAZING NKW PLAN COB.TS ONLY 2< A DAY FOR S100 Ix»n* to pay np medical hills, taxes, insurance; to purchase household appli- ances or an automobile. On the new Mid- land Time Loan Plan yo« ean botrow from lino to $1500 at one p«rcent Intereat per month. Think of it... only 14 a day to borrow $100. Nt mrttlig*lhn ft: Up to ftfteen months to repay. And you don't have to be a customer ef the bank. 4 CONVENIENT OFFICES All arrangement* are etrietly confiden- tial. Yon enjoy the prestige ef dealing with a large bank...yet yen ean go to one of our friendly offices right In yoor own nelchr>orhood. Applications are naually approved within forty eight hours or !»•». Juat atk for the manager. Or If you prefer, call Personal Lean Department at ear Mala oftlce, 233 Fatli Street. POWER CITY TRUST COMPANY GETA'lOO LOAN repay $8.41 month—no endorsers OUARANTIED PAYMENT TABLE Cash Loan You Get .25 N 75 166 125 160 •m 250 344 Amount You Pay Back tac* Month Including All Charge* 6 m«j. X 4J4 9.0R 13.62 18.15 22.o7 27.16 -Id. 1.1 4* OS 12 mot. bat % 1.44 4.S- 7.31 9.75 1J In 14.SG 10.33 24 (M JRS2 16 met. han t S.74 7.Art 0.JS 1I.4J 15 15 IR .65 21SS 20 mts. \ 4.81 6.41 6.00 0.56 12.65 IS.7.1 lft*0 r*»ymco<« Include ch»r •t HooMhold't irm i rate tA }'/i r ; per month on that part of a Stlanre not eirerdini $100, and 1% per month on ibst part of • balaace In erce» of IIOO. This rate I. 1CM than lh» Uwfol mxlmurn aad ww (tumm/M U the u n e to tveryooe—one price to an. Tnera I. Sjototaj eiM to pay. Loam made on your own sifrnature or on furniture or auto. No endort ers required. No credit inquiries of friendt or reUUvc*. No delay. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE COitFONATIOfl NIAOARA PALLS 6th Floor, United Otnce Building ' 222 FirrtStreet ». / tttnK At*|t. Nlaptra Fatls 7O30 •P I S3"-''••*>•• *-t ill •tiff! til. 1 4 ;^i •--,' < $i I Mm m " 1 m :*^ •t^ £& « W M ; :>- I , ill - X Ch iiii?/ . •;:^ia-t4a.v •; . ..^^^^^jn. •JsjsjJHSayajjnjj Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

il YOU WANT TO SCORE-CALL YOUR SIGNALS IN THE WANT … 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niagara Falls NY Gazette...day November 13, 1940 THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTPage Twenty-fivE e YOU WANT

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Page 1: il YOU WANT TO SCORE-CALL YOUR SIGNALS IN THE WANT … 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niagara Falls NY Gazette...day November 13, 1940 THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTPage Twenty-fivE e YOU WANT

day N o v e m b e r 1 3 , 1 9 4 0 T H E N I A G A R A F A L L S G A Z E T T E P a g e T w e n t y - f i v e




- . Atttoroobll»*w8ale " l i S i o t a i O B X l » - X W » cokes: prt»»U owner

Irishes to tell this popular O. M. auto­mobile s t • reuonrnWt price. Call at HHSI Mote-nth at. Phone 3176.

PACKARD —'3S "6" fordor sedan; low mlltsge; economical to operate; here'i a

only $495. MOYBR * w n -- - ffaekart) 1313 Main, Ph. 3603.

PLYMOUTH — 'OS convertible coupe, has automatic top, original finish and ha* K J n S r t w h o n l y j 3 . 0 0 0 miles: a very SSclaTbuy. MOtXR * WILLIAMS, 1313 gate 8$,yhona jgtg.

PONTIAO—1931 »edan; radio and heater; excellent condition; ressonable. Thirty-third Bt, Phone 6378.


STUDlBAKBR — 1939 Champion model coupe; eiunitlrer. 1810 Main St.




^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 6S0-** tJtTj oswengera. P n 0 M

»S« -£EeS7T.„ M to Florids to .wu* - ^ * X r P « « ^ Add""

Cold Weather Specials ^

1933 FORD TODOR—Oood tlxtf. only . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.00

1935 T E R R A F L A N S D L X C O U P E — Hew paint; fin* running . . . . . . car $189.00

1937 DODOS DLX. TRG. SEDAN— Exceptionally clean; today** apeelal huy, only 1379.00

1938CHSV. M8TR. DLX TRO. SDN. —Very, yery dean, o n l y . . . . 1439.00

Beatty Motors, Inc. 269 Third St. Phono 2611


Clewtnt, Pyetag, BrooTsttui j jn CARPET — And rug service: cleaning,

shampooing, siting, sewing, binding, re-palring. A.-A. Bartman, phone 44.

BOOS.' UPHOLSTERY — Tapestry cleaned and revived; satisfaction T. R. Traverse. Phone IS 14 -vF

fertggjnsttog, FTunljcatlng 21-b

RATS—Mice, roaches,' bugs sailed; moTh"-proofinf guaranteed B yrs. Fumigate before cold weather. Tel. 6130. Eve. 7087

Lemaderlaf 24 HOUB LAUNDRY—We do Mo bundleTTna

op; we call for and deliver; 17 years espertcnoo; l* w. Niagara 8t. Ph. 87-J

Movlnx, Tracking 25 Ace Moving Co.—By Hour or Contract

AGENT FOB GREY VAN LINES 918 Pierce Are. Phone 4986

Palatini, Papering, Decorating 26 j£AJ£EBBANGINO —'"'And painting; prompt

service; work guaranteed; very reason­able. Wm. Kitchen, Phone 6140.

HOUSE PAINTING—And paperbanglng at lowest prices. Oct our free estimates. Phone S3.

A- l PAPERHANGING Beit workmanship at popular prices. Paper removed by steam. No muss, no dirt. Phone 6341.

Electric Set-rloc & Bnpplies 28'* TREAT YOUR WIFE—To an easier wash­

day; we rebuild, recondition washers for next to nothing. 3010 Ferry. Tel. 3876.

fit1 n£*W}L-*£2± n-

good shape; a HSTto. sis Roy"! * » w * c ' c l *

deluxe coupe. iKIPsUs" MACKENNA - 8TUDE-^ l j W l i " n Bt. Phone 475. , sSfiriC'H master deluxe town se-P"*S JntottA snd gaarenteed-^a ff^^TOtBD /CHEVROLET. MSI, V-feS^" sedan, perfect condition, t ^ ^ a t s T Harold .Th o m P M n '

s r a j^oor; trunk, heater, good B l M t m 6133; 65 »**« l t bom* MIWM Art. _ _ it5aiDI8- ,40 Nash 4-door sedan; fftS-UfsjttU fordor led**; '38

L o i tertor swans; '37 Nash 4-dr. & U W S-dr. sedan; '36 Nash MffiU Wipe; '36 Dodge 4-door. U2M HfTZLBR, 1720 Pierce Ave.

Winterized Cars '37 Ford Tudor .$245 '36 Buick C o a c h . . . $345 '37 Chevrolet Dlx, S d n . . . . $ 3 3 5 '37 vPontiac Conv. Sdn $425 '39 Buick C o a c h .$645 '36 Ford Tudor $195 '40 Ford Fordor S e d a n . . . .$625 '37 Plym'th Dbc. S d n $345 '38 Ford Dlx. T u d o r . . . . . . $ 3 9 5 '39 MerctttY-Se4g£u*J 1 J . .J . .$595 '39 Mercury C o a c h $575 '35 Ford S e d a n . . . . . . . . . , $ 1 6 5 '40 Ford Dbc. Tudor $595 '39 Ford Tudor .$445 '36 Oldsmobi lo C o a c h $295

REMEMBER — W e Never Re­fuse A n y R e a s o n a b l e Offer.

DUNCAN'S 1001 MAIN ST. TEL. 6000

Bepajrtnj and UphoUtertnt 29 BEAUTY—And comfort, 3-pc. set, uphol-

itered. 849.50; tailored upholstery. Fur-nlture Hospital, 1388 Pierce Ave. 980-J.

COMPLETE SERVICE—Re upholster log, re-palring; lowest prlees. Niagara Reed Shop, 613 Niagara St. Phone 2064.

UPHOLSTERING—3-plece suite and odd chair on easy credit terms. Virtuoso Up-holsterlng 3hop, 638 - 31st Bt. Tel. 3391.


Help Wanted—Female S2



Old married couples, boche-lors, and young women fix­ing up suites are in the market to buy good used furniture for "cash." If you have used desks, tables, chairs, etc., why not dispose of them now. A Gazette Want Ad will help you. Just phone 5600!


3 lines, 3 times $1.00

3 lines, 6 times $1.95 ( If Paid in Six Days)


Houses (or Bent 77 TENTH BT, 853—House forwent; ail con­

veniences, oil burner; occupancy Dec. 1. Inquire N. 7. Uaddever, Qareue Otfice.

TENTH BT.. 429—V^ of duplex. » or « rooms, bath; all conveniences; reason­able; adults preferred. Inq. on premises.

TWELFTH BT.. 445—Dec. 1. 6-room mod-•rn house, all conveniences. 145. Phone 134-M between 5 and 7 p. m.

TWENTY-SECOND 8T.. 1917—NeaTlSevT: land Ave.. 6-room house, 2 bathrooms; available Dec. 1. Phone 7278. VANDERBELT AVE.. 1011—Brick house; newly decorated. 3 bedrooms, sun room, range; garage: 860. Phone 3498-J.


SoHLg-'M itdsn, good condition, Sl lUM gcflHSfsva, 1404 Pine Ave.

i l

"AS IS" fed Car Bargains i'GwTolet Coach $ 45 jfojdTdr. Sedan $ 55 Ford Tax.. Sedan $ 65

ITwaplane Coach $ 55 (Hudson Sedan $ 65 JGraham Sedan . . . . . . $ 45

jkkS-Pass. Cpe $125 iFfymouth Coupe $145 ? Lincoln Zephyr S o n . . . . $245



Champion Valu es tiWeti flits* Used Can condl-M mi Appearance Considered, •

Otter Outstanding Values.

W w Coupe . . $275 'Plymouth Coupe $315 JFord Sedan $395 Foid Cabriolet $495 Plymouth Dbc. C p e . . . . $ 4 1 5 Uievrolet Tvm. Sdn. . .$475

'Chevrolet Coupe $465 to Sedan $465

! Chevrolet Sedan $125 Chevrolet Coupe $125






'35 Oldsmobi le Coupe '36 Plymouth Town S e d a n '36 Ford Fordor S e d a n '37 Chev. Mstr. Town S e d a n '37 Plymouth 2-Door '37 Oldsmobi le Club Coupe '37 Buick Touring S e d a n '37 Oldsmobi le S e d a n '38 Studebaker Trg. S e d a n '38 Oldsmobi le Trg. S e d a n '39 Buick C o u p e '39 Oldsmobi le S e d a n '39 Plymouth S e d a n '40 Oldsmobi le S e d a n


At Cunningham's 1305 Main Street

BEAUTY OPERATOR-^Experlenced. Tele­phone 6320.

COMPETENT MAID—18 to 40. assist with housework; live in; no laundry; refer­ences; excellent salary. Tel. 6034.

COMPETENT—White girl or woman to cook for family of 5; downstairs, clean­ing; no laundry; must have character references; 810 week. Apply 636 Col-lege Ave.. 7:30 to 9:30 p. to.

CURL—Or woman for general housework and cooking; two adults. Telephone 840-J. •

QIRL—Or woman for general housework and cooking; live in or out; no laundry; good wages. Phone 244.

HOUSEKEEPER—Middle aged, take fuU charge; one who needs a home prefer­red. Address Box 396. care Gazette.

Household Goods 59 EAST WASHER — With electric pump,

cedar chest, spinet desk, hot water heat­er, heating stoves; everything for the home 212 Niagara Bt. Phone 3004.

ELECTRIC RANOE—Table top, all white porcelain, very good condition, -939.50;

HOME APPLIANCE CO., easy terms. 1410 Main Bt Phone 3034.

ELECTRIC RANGES — (U»ed), Weating-house. Universal and Hot Point, all in good condition, excellent buys; also used Frlgldalre. bargain. QOINN & KELLER. 335 Third St. Phone 3625.

ELECTRIC RANGE—Monarch, porcelain table top, automatic timer, good condi­tion, 830.00. Inquire 1041-90th St.

HOUSEKEEPER—For widower and young child; state age and nationality. Ad­dress Box No. 398, care Qasette.

IF YOU NEED—To earn money but are unable to give full time, we have Just the position to fill your needs. Phone 2651 for appointment.

ELECTRIC RANOE—Table top, 4 units, good condition, $39.95. McFarland Hdw. Co.. 7710 Buffalo Ave. Phone 112.

ELEC. REPRIOERATOR8 — (Used), very good condition, 920 and up. 8CHWEO-LER BROS.. 447 Third 8t. TeL 6885.

MAID—For general housework; Pbone 5363-M.

live in.

MAID—For. general housework; live in. Apply 90s Lafayette Ave.

WOMAN — For pantry work, one who knows how to cook. Address Bok No. 280, care Gazette.

WOMAN — Who would" consider a good heme as recompense for assistance giv­en to aged lady who Uvea alone In near­by vUlage. Phone 3053-W.

A LOCAL OFFICE—Of an old established organization can use women interested in steady position; must be neat and energetic. Apply 313 Gluck Bldg., be­tween 9 and 13. -

ELEC. WASHER—Norge refrigerator, used, good condition, bargains. J. Higgle Sales & Service, 1616 Pine Ave. TeL 291-W.

a. E. RANGE — Porcelain, with calrod unit: looks like new; J55.0O special. Modern Electric. 1700 Main. TeL 4io.

HOT POINT RANOE — (Used). In good condition; 3 units; reasonable. Phone 4333-M.

HOT POINT RANGE—Automatic oven con­trol, good condition, 819.50. Rohrer Electric, 1313 Main St. Phone 6010.


Rooms, Without Board 68 THIRD ST., 250 — Warm, comfortable,

newly furnished permanent rooms; prlv. home: use of pbone; convenience!. Tel. 7285-W. Inquire after 6 p.m. ^ ^

TOWN3END PL., 719—Off 7th, warm.

?leasant, front bedroom, comfortably urnlshed; meals optional. Tel. 1896.

S u b u r b a n , Country for B e n t gQ

LEWISTON—New home: oti beat, fire-place, 3 bedrooms, immediate posses­sion. 860. Phone 219. C. E. Allen.

WHITTACRE8 SUBDIVISION—Brand new 6-room house on Elllcott Drive. 2-car garage: lot 100x200. landscaped. Tel. 933.


MR. FARMER: Ton can eeD anything through the Parmer* a Market Place. Day old chicks, cabbage plants, duck eggs, tresh cows, tomato plants, young pigs, baled hay. seed corn, brood sow. tractor, plow horses, reaper, grinders, heifers, apples, cherries, honey, chick­ens, etc Let the Farmer's Market Place get cash tor you. A small three-line Want Ad coats but 81.00 for 3 days Phone 5600, ask for an ad-taker.

BALDWIN APPLES — Picked; 50c ,bu.: bring containers. Robertson Farm. Bal-mer Rd„ Youngitown. N. Y

Wanted—To Bent 81 WANTED—By couple, three-room apart­

ment: north end preferred. Telephone 5296-W.

WANTED—Furnished one-room kitchen­ette apartment; north end preferred. Phone 3866-R.


Brokers In B e a l Es ta te

E. C. BEOOS Farms, houses, lots, etc.. In Niagara

Falls and surrounding country. Phone 6183-W or Lew. 9-F-34 PORTER - BARTLETT, INC.


J. M. BTRICKER—327 Falls 8t. Phone 24. Houses, flats, stores, garages for rent or for sale. Prices reasonable.


Legal Not i ce s 91

Business Property for Sale 82 WILLOW AVE.. 1110—Oroeery store for

•ale or rent; equipment Included; rea­sonable. Inquire on premises.

Bouses for Sale 84

Booms for Housekeeping Q9 A BT., 65—2 comfortable furnished rooms;

conveniences; walking distance to up-.river plants; adults. Call after 6 p.m.

BUFFALO AVE., 108—3-room furnished apartment with private bath: also sleep­ing rooms; meals optional, and garage.

NORTH AVE., 953—Unfurnished two-room apartment: heat, light, hot water; also sleeping rooms.

STEVENSON AVE. 8018—Cor. 81st St.. 2 rooms furnished, heat, light, hot water, use of laundry: adults only.

THIRD ST..- 220—Furn. 2 large 1st floor tins.; front ic back; large front rm. with kitchenette; single rms. 82 & 82.50 wk.

Wanted — Booms or Board 73 XOUNO LADY—Desires room, board in

American adult home in exchange for light work. Box 400. care Gazette.

3y in a private family; no other roomers. Address P. O. Box 54, B Station. City.

IROHRITE IRONER—Cabinet style, 1939 model; original value 8109.95; special 889 95. McFARLAND HOWE. CO., 7710 Buffalo Ave. Phone 113.

LINOLEUM LAYINQ—13c yd., cementing. 25c yd.; bargaina in remnants 8c sec­onds; estimates on Jobs furnished promptly: chrome edge, loo per ft. Payne, Phone 3633.

Help Wanted—Male 33

'040 HOUR WEEK to These Willing Workers

They'll Go

4 HOURS A DAY ^ ^ ^ ^ • • . • $ 3 9 9

«fck Coup* W»Dlx. Fdr/Sdn.


; H 9 Dlx. Tdr. Sdn. S ^ S p t . Coupe.. J ? Fordor San.. , $aitf

1 ^ $ 7 9 196 ^ P e $ 89

JULLANIE'S fc«B^-o. Open Eves.

...$339 .•$249 .$299

.$269 .$279 ,.$189

"GET A HANDOUT" This Is N o Soup Kitchen

But W e Are Handing Out

The Best In U s e d Cars At

BARGAIN PRICES '37 Ford Tdr.' S e d a n $225 '37 Chev. P a n e l Truck . . . . $195 '36 Hudson Tdr. (trunk). . .$225 '36 Ford Spt. C o u p e . . . . . . $ 1 7 5 '36 Oldsmobi le S e d a n . . . .$295


'36 Graham Sedan $145 '35 Ford Coup© ..$115 '35 Dodge Panel Truck....$125 '34 Nash Sedan $ 65 34 Dodge Sedan $125


'33 Ppntiac Coupe $155 '31 Pierce-Arrow Cab $ 85 '29 Reo Sedan $ 2 5




HOUSE MAN—Wanted. Apply In person, Hotel Clifton. 18 West Falls St.

MEAT CUTTER—Wanted." Apply Janiak Food Shop, corner Lockport and On­tario Ave.

MEAT CUTTER—Wanted. Apply Red and White Store, Twenty-second St. and Pierce Ave., In person only.

OUTBIDS SALESMAN—Wanted, one who has car and knows city. Apply Bert Bush Jewelry, 1908 Main St.

HAVE YOU A CAR?—No canvassing. Per­manent. Mr, Booth, Aluminum Co. of America, Canal Basin, 11 to 13 only.

IF YOU—Are satisfied with 835 per week do not answer this ad, because our work pays much more although we can as­sure that much to start; experi­ence unnecessary; must have average or better appearance and education and be able to furnish references; men select­ed will have steady work with exception­al opportunity for promotion. Mr. Kelly, Niagara Hotel, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday.

Help—Male and Female 34 AOENT8)—We are all set for our pre-

Christmas campaign, fastest selling 81 article on the market, 50c for your commission; 1 call, we deliver: samples tree. Apply mornings, Odd Tone Studio, 1435 Main St.



•'« Oftio »fe llit*<j at lh«

•iikta. r ' p " " m u " ee

* * • » } «

2 }u '" 1? ?{« .."

*» tt» •• -•• )w •••

C & "

% $ • '

£ » i '•

•a $

November n, 1940 9

, 1 1-1 1

n i I

;;; « ::••:::::::::::; 1 *

, 3 *

19 , 1


Auto Tnteka, lractott, Trailers jfl FORD—1-ton panel truck, rood rubber.

A-l condition, 885.00. Inquire 1713


South Division, Elllcott Square Building. Buffalo, N. V. Loans on diamonds, watches, Jewelry, etc. Rates l * to 3 9 An institution of the better kind.

LIVING ROOM SUITE—3-plece, 818; new 7-plece dinette set. table pad, 845. 145 Sixty-first S t , after 6 p. m

ROOM OIL HEATERS—All aises, low as 50c week. COHEN'S FURNITURE STORE, 924 Ontario Ave. Phone 1690.

VELOUR DRAPES—TOm Thumb piano, spring cot, complete. Inquire 135 Fourth street

WINQ CHAIR—Bikes' maple, looks new, $19.00. Arnson's Warehouse, 621 Lin-wood Ave., 3 doors from Main St. 180-Coll Spring Filled Mattress, 87.75


That's my business—parts. USed machines. Call J. F. O'Connell, My Phone Is 79

Musical Merchandise 62 ACCORDIONS—Student pianos, band in­

struments, plus private Inst.; band train-Ing. 91 week. Wurlltser, 1700 Main St.

PIANOS^—Factory to home; get the belt value for the money you Invest. Orle-raan tt Son, 361 Third St. Tel. 3507

YOU—Can rent an Instrument at low rates and study with competent teach­ers at EVAN WHITE'S MUSIC STORE 307 Falls Bt. Phone 1113.

ROOM WANTED—For a bachelor gentle­man in a Catholic family. Address Box No. 395. care Oatette.

CENTER AVE.—7-room house, 33-rt. lot.

&rlce 82.500: 8500 down. Nesbltt, 2118 lain St. Phone 2027, Eve. 3216.

EIGHTEENTH ST., 1718—Semi bu. section. 7-room modern bouse; garagv; sacrifice for quick sale. Jerry E Harris 1141-M.

EIGHTY-8EVENTH ST.—7-room bunga­low In excellent condition, with extra 40-ft. lot. Leo C. Thaler, Realtor, 644 Park Place. Phone 6 IS.

EIGHTY-SEVENTH ST.—8-room modern house, 3 baths; hardwood floors and trim: garage. Phone 4195-R.

the Court by your husband tor the disso­lution of your marriage on the ground that you hare absented yourself for five successive years last past without being known to him to be living and that be believes you to be dead. And that pur­suant to an Order of said Court duly entered November sth. 1940, a hearing will be had upon said petition at a Term of the Supreme Court to be held In the Court Room In the City Hall in-the City of Niagara Falls. New York.-on the 10th day of February, 1941, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon or as soon after as counsel can be heard.

HOWARD Q. BODH. Petitioner. • T K. NAFTJS, Attorney for Petitioner. Office & P. O. Address, 105 72nd 8tre«t. Niagara Falls. N. V.

Dated November Sth, 1940. It is Ordered that the above Notice be

published. FRANK A. JAMES, J.8.C.



Lega l Not toes •R a distance of twenty-nine and sevtnty-dve hundredths ITS 75> feet to a point la the southerly line of Whitney Avenue; thence westerly along said line of Whit­ney Avenue a distance of eighty-five and seventy-five hundredths 185.76) feet to the place of beginning.

"Excepting and Reserving, however, from the above parcel the rear and most easterly six (SI feet thereof, being a strip six fett In width and In length equal to the width of said lot. which reserved portion Is to be used as a part of an alley, to be used In common by the owner of the parcel herein conveyed and the owners of the other parcels adjoining said alley as laid out.

"Together with all plumbing, heating, and light fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to or used In connection with the premises, all of which are covered by this mort-

Dated: Niagara Falls, N. T., October 18, 1140.

JOSEPH D. A'MATO. Referee.

TUTTLB, RICE. 8TOCKWELL & RICE. Attorneys for Plaintiff: Office and Post Office Address. No. 60S Elderfleid-Hsrts-horn Bldg.. Niagara Falls, N. V, m-w?21octUtnovl3


NORWOOD AVE., 13S3 — New six-room house open for Inspection any time by appointment. Phone 6393.

SEVENTIETH 8T.—5-room modern bun­galow reduced to $3,000 for quick sale. R. M. Hilts & Son. Realtor. Tel. 4190.

8EVENTY-F1H8T ST.—(New), near Pine Ave., 4 rooms, bath, utility room, oil heat; lot 40x150; price, 82,975. M. P. Flanagan. 411 Third St. Phone 6972.

THIRD ST., 749—11-room house; easy terms. Inquire A. T. Mayle. 733 Third street.

TWENTY-SEVENTH ST.—6-room home, 8400 down. 830 a month. John V. Zlto, Realtor. 1702 Pine Ave. Phone 339-R.

WHITNEY AVE, 1957—9-room modem house, garage; sacrifice for quick sale. Jerry E. Harris. Phone 1141-M.

WHITNEY AVE., 1705 - 1705%—2-tamlly duplex, brick construction, six rooms each; hardwood floors, fireplace; attrac­tive price; terms arranged. For further particulars or Inspection call F. J. Hu­bert. Niagara County Savings Bank, Phone 6600 or 466 after 6 p. m,


Apartments and Flats 74 ALLEN AVE.—Two rooms, 86; 3 rooms,

$10; 6 rooms, $15; 7-room house, 828. Inquire 2414 Allen Ave.

NEATrtilBRARY—A real buy in a 2-famlly flat: oil heat; income over 81.000 a year; price $7,500. C O. Hays, Tel 870. Eve. 4903.

ASHLAND AVE. — Near Main, modern. heated 4-roorn apt.; tile bath, hot water; adults. Inquire 807 Ashland. 1578-M.

CEDAR AVE.. 521 — Spacious, pleasant, heated 3-room apartment; fireplace. veranda, shower; references; adults.


Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and filed In the Niagara County Clerk s Office on the 7th day of November. 1»40, L the under­signed referee, in said Judgment of fore­closure and sale named, will sell at public auction at the Uw offices of Tuttle. Rice, Stockwell & Rice. No. «0« Elderfletd-Hartshorn Building, in the City of Ni­agara Falls. New York, on the

3rd DAY OP DECEMBER. 1940. at 11 o'clock standard time. In the fore­noon of that day, the premises men­tioned and described In said Judgment, to wit:

"ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate In the City of Niagara Falls. County of Niagara and State of New York, being subdivision lot number Seventy-five ait on the west side of Eighth 8treet, having a frontage of thir­ty-three (331 feet on Eighth Street, and being eighty (80> feet In depth, according to a Map of part of Lot Forty-four i44) Mile Reserve, made for the* heirs of Jane 8. Townsend by Walter McCulloh, Civil Engineer, which map is on file In the Niagara County Clerk's Office.

Together with all plumbing, heating and light fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to or used In connection with said premises. all of which are covered by this mort­gage."

Dated: Niagara Falls, N. Y., November 11. 1940.


TUTTLE, RICE. STOCKWELL & RICE. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office Address. No. 608 Elderfleld-Harts-horn Bldg., Niagara Falls, N. Y.


City Treasureri office, Olty HaU. Niag­ara Falls. N. Y., October 31st, 1940.

Notice Is hereby given that certified copies of the tax rolls for the fifteen wards ol the City of Niagara Falls. N. Y , as now constituted tor the collection ef the general city taxes, unpaid water biTJto. and unpaid local assessments, for the year 1940. h>ve been received by me, together witK a warrant directing the collection thereof. Notice is also hereby given that every person, company, corporation, or association assessed therein is required to oay his. her. or its taxes, to me at my oftlce in the City Hall, as follows:

For thirty days from the date et this notice, every person, firm, corporation ox association >hall oay all assessments to­gether with one-half of the general city taxes without fees; for the following nine months one per cent per month fees shall be charged upon all assessments, and one-half of the taxes: during the month of April. 1941, the remaining one-half of the general city taxes shall be paid without fees; for ' V following four months one per -.ent per month fees shall be charged on the remaining one-half of the general city tares, and all taxes remaining unpaid on the 31st day ot August, 1841. shall bear Interest at the rate of six per centum per annum In addition to the fees afore­said, as required by the City Charter.

If taxpayers desire, they may pay the full amount ot their bills during the first thirty days. Assessed Valuation Gross $151,411,371.00 Aasessed Valuation of Pen­

sion Exempt Property 830,870.00

Assessed Valuation Net

Highway Tax Rate per $1000 for Pension Exempt Prop­erty - . . - g



General Tax Rate per $1,000 $ 17.60 Dated at Niagara Falls, H. T„ October

l ist . 1040. W. J. BELLINGER,


On first installment, November 30. 1*40. On second Installment, April 30, 1941. This tax became a Hen Sept. 30. 1948.


8) 8TATE



B E E R , L I Q U O R L I C E N S E N O T I C E S

Brewers Wholesaler! Retailers


CLEVELAND AVE., 1865—6-room upper flat; hardwood floors, tile bath, insulat­ed attic: garage. Inq. 1654 Cleveland.

FIFTH ST., 427—Small furnished apt.; private entrance and bath, oak floors, porch, hot water heat; adults only.

FOREST AVE.. 2006—Modern three-room apartment; beat, hot water; available December L V

Special at the Stores 64 SPORT DRESSES — Wool ai corduroy;

values to $6.98. reduced to $3.98. Carrie's Dress Shop, 411 Third St. Open evenings.

"Swaps" 64-a WTLL TRADE—45x115 ft. lot for car or

Inboard motorboat. Inquire 3017 Twen­ty-second BU


Instruction 43

Wearing Apparel 65 BROWN OVERCOAT—SUe 36; also 4-plece

grey suit, site 36, almost new; reason­able. Phone 907-R.

IMPROVE YOUR SINOINa—With the help of an experienced Instructor. Mrs. E. Llttlewood, 1206 Haeberle. Phone 240.

MEN-WOMEN OET GOVERNMENT JOBS —8108-8178 month. Prepare Immediate­ly tor 104 k examinations. List positions —full particulars FREE Write Franklin Initltute, Dtpt. 327-P, Rochester, N, T.


Articles for Sale AMMONIA ICE MACHINE— 3 horsepower

motor, In very good condition; reason­able. Phone 4743.

RANOlT OIL BURNERS-CompieteW ln-stalled, 818.95; used furnace, $35. Main Plumbing, 1628 Main St, Phone 8870.

4-VOLv—Lite ot Ltaeotn by Ida M. Tar-bell. $4; 12-VoT. Book of Popular Sel­ene*, -820; 33-Voi. Book of Literature, 820. 31 Hyde. Park.

BoaU and Accessories 52

Pins AT», Phone 99, o . M. c. P A N E L — l H - t o n international

1 Ml-ton chassis. BOYLJJ At PERL* 447 Mtln St. Phone 6Ma,

INTERNATIONAL— '37 V» ton panel trues, a bsrtaln in low eon delivery. MUL-

_ LANES. Tenth st Buffalo. Open Kris,

1—1937 Intl. Vi Ton Pick-up; Stake Body.

1—1936 Intl. m Ton, Stake Body.



s=s Auto Accessories, TlrsaTPsrtslj

NEW GOODRICH BATTERY... .83.38 Exehtng-e; Full* Guaranteed.

J&m.NK s i 3318

I *




RACCOON COAT m good condition and grey tweed

lUlt, size 14; very reasonable. 5602 BUFFALO AVE.

Wanted—To Bay ALLOYS—Batteries, automobiles,


FOURTH 8 T , 228—6-room. lower, heated, modern flat. Inquire Dooher-Seager Phone 5689 or 1275.

FOURTH 8T., 419—3-room unfurn.; oil heated, elec. range, hot water. Inquire 947 Ontario Ave., Apt. 3. Phone 3186.

MEMORIAL PARKWAY, 570—Lovely loca-tlon; 5-room lower flat. Inquire only 1017 Walnut avenue.

ONTARIO AVE.. 2235—Dec. 1. five-room lower flat with garage. Inquire 2207 Ontario Ave.

NIAGARA BT.—Cor. Memorial Pky., 4-room upper flat: private bath, gas. In-qulre 402 Memorial Parkway.

PTNB AVE.. 1514—Nov. 15, 3-room heat­ed upper apt.; hot water year around. Inquire lower flat.

PROSPECT ST., 351 — 5-room 3rd floor apt. with bath; near Falls Bt.; rent 825. Phone 4144.

RIVER ROAD—Near LaSalle, three-room unfurnished apartment on river. TeL Ton. 715-W.

SECOND ST., 239—Four-room unfurnished apartment; private bath, good heat and hot water. Phone 54.

SEVENTH ST., 417—December 1, six-room lower flat: wired for range; gas. in-qulre upper flat.

SEVENTH ST., 445—9-room newly deco-rated furnished front apt.: hot water heat, llgst, gas; reasonable; adults.

SEVENTH ST.—Near City HaU. heated 8-





City a n d Suburban INQUIRE

POWER CITY TRUST CO. FOR SALE—Brick veneer, 5 bedrooms,

single wood burning fireplace; desirable location. Phone 585S-W. ,

DEVEAUX SECTION—Owner leaving city,

f rlce Just cut on new brick home: at-ractlve arrangement of rooms and mod­

ern in every detail: shown by appolnl-ment. C. O. Hays, Tel. 870. Eve. 4903.


Use Our BUDOET PLAN snd Your Rent Problem Will be Solved.

Move Into Your Own Home.



1415-17 Main St. Phone 676

Lets For Sale 85

upper adults

644 Park Place.

hardwood floors: ga-i C. Thai* Phone 618.

room upper flat. rage: adults. Leo C. Thaler, Realtor,

metals, rag*, newspapers, magsslnes, scrap iron; highlit prices paid. Inquire J. Kareb, 2440 Maclcsnns Ave. Phone 8366.

AUTOMOBILES _ iron, aluminum, brass, copper, batteries, ra i l and furniture. Call 2095. Albert Gold, 2308 Allen Ave-

BEDROOM SUITES—Dining and living room furniture; high cash prices paid. Market Furniture, 707 - 18th. 1612-M.

DINING ROOM — Living room, bedroom sets; other furniture; highest prices. Burmtn, 1317 K. Falls St. Tel. 3106-M. WE BUY—A lot ot Junk: newspapers, rags, iron and metal. Telephone 3913-J. Yard. 260 Tenth St.

WANTED—Scrap iron, metal, other waste materials; guaranteed satisfaction. Oscar OudUblott, Phone 4850.

lAEOULAR PRICE 874.M $64.»S\ $39.95

NOW 854 93

t39.93 39.93


gjSjjjSjj and Office Equipment M fcTusic' M A C H I N E S — "WurlllMr." 12-req*

ord, for business place or dance hall; perfect condition; very cheap. 3440 Pipe.

TYPEWRITERS - Bold. 81.00 Per Week Rented - 2 Month! tor 88.00

306 Falls St. Phone 1487

1X95 U S E S TIRESV-And guaranteed re> trtsdi; mtcanitlng. Nlissra Vulcatilslni

. jyorks, Ms. l«<end tk. Vhops 3118. Safety Olssi tnsUtUd

^ W* Cut Glass and Alto Prices Bennett Ante Psfts, 1 » 0 Buffalo Are,

M o t o r c y c l f s a n d B i c y c l e s Xf3

O I R L B Bicnrctje-Oood condition, rei-•oftiWe, Pbone s l s t .

•ss."..' ,•••• pa a eapa easaam saaaes gape

B«palrtnf--Senrloe Buttons 18 DON-T ptLAT-Hsti u sincied" today,

complete: radiator setrlew. CITY RA­DIATOR, 611 Lin wood Ave, Phoni 6180.

Foel. Coal, Wood, Uofcw M COkE * OOAL—Low summer prices' sQfl

in effect.. Basle Coke^At Coal Oo, Tard.


Booms, WlthBoaro 67 FOURTEENTH ST., 343—Two furnished

sleeping rooms with hoard, suitable for two men or ladlei. _

SIXTH ST., 389^—Furnished apt., living room, bedroom, private bath, kitchen­ette; oil heat and frlgldalre; free park­ing; adults,

SIXTEENTH ST, 716—Lower B-room flat avail. Nov. 18; wired for electric; large veranda; nice yard: adults preferred.

SOUTH AVE., 3479—Dee. 1; attractive 5-room lower flat; electric range; excel-lent condition; garage. TeL 7356.

WHITNEY AVE, 1966 — 5-room modern lower apartment, heat, hot water, ga­rage. $50. Tel. A. A. Knack. 4731.

WHIRLPOOL ST.—Near Chilton, desirable lot, with or without 4-ear garage; easy terms. 5815 Buffalo Ave. TeL 4138-J.

61st St., between Buffalo Av*. and Stephenson Ave., 40x110, paving paid. 8350. 62nd St.. between Buffalo Ave. and Stephenson Ave., 40x110. 8200. Stephenson Ave. near 61st St., 80x130, paving paid. 8360. Stephenson Ave. near 62nd Bt., 45* 120. $75. Pbone 4388. <

Sobuxhan for S a l e 87 NEW 8-6TAR LEWISTON HOME

On Urge 60x178 tt. Creek Rd. lot with fine view; has 6 rooms & bath: fire­place and garage; Insulated ft modern in every respect; low taxes; F.H.A mortgage about 638 a mo., with about 6800 down. HAPXMAN. TEL. 3358-R: LEW. 180

FIFTY-SEVENTH •T., .804.!rT Room and board In private home; use ot phone.

WRITHE*1 AVE.—Nicely furnlihed room for gentleman; home cooking; every con-Tiniencs; use of phone. Call 1031.

1006 0**01* Place. PhOna 6436. ... •ASONED ?WOOD—Apple, maple, beech. SEASONED

^mi^mMLmjLMh W. Koidtanski,

. . . . . . . . ;.. 8309 sV rain . JUST RB^BlVSD^Another e a V o t *tpe«

ejsllf lump* smoketess coals try *m^>^ concrete Stone ft Coal Co. Tel 76

Househo ld G o o d s

ANTIQUE "-Walnut , Victorian bed and

Bovjtns, Wltnont Board 68 FOURTH ST., 622—ciesn rooms In quiet

block, near M»in P. O.: plenty ot heat and hot water, phoai 3093. r . _

FOURTH ST., 268—Two large, will fur­nlihed. warm front rooms; hot water; housekeeping if desired.

GRAND AVE", 2026-^CIesn, comfortable room in modern home; all conven-icncct. .

MAIN ST., »1»—Large front rm.; running witer, prlv. entrance, tree teL At p»rk-ing space; light housekeeping optional.

NiAOARA AVE., 1853—Large front room in private home, nretly furnished; no other roomers,

jg jgg^B.^ Omland, TcW *W. on COAL I»ATROLA~^p*r-P*X R«*J«

bestir, cook stores: sii tood eonditwri! cheap. *07» l i t f c t t . Phone MW-M,

PINE XVE., 141S-;:-ryi&iy furnished room for lady In heated modern apartment. Ctll atier 4 p.mT, 1669-R.

SIXTEENTH ST., 822—Clean comfortabll room in private American home; ute of teUphons; Cill 977-M.

THIRD »T«" S09 — Comfortable warn rooms, nicely famished; meats optional: tSJsVgS.

TUlROSTfl *89~— Destrebls permanent roots*,' Bono privileges; sreskfsit it dctitcd. . . . . . . _ •

THIRD 8TT"ei l—Two front furnuhed cofttiMting irtnall rooms, niiuble for one or two persons; reasonable.

WILLOW AVE., 3247—Upper flat, six good site rooms and bath, not air heat; 1-ear garage; 648. W. Ransom Rice, Real-tor. Phone 6600.

C E N T R A L LOCATION—Furniihed. heated, upper flat; lights, hot water; references: adults. Address Box gTf. ttHi Oatette.

JEFFERSON APT8.—Jefferson and Third Bt., apartments; electrically equipped; elevator and janitor service. Tel 6050.

SOUTH END—Three and four room fur-nlshed heated apartments. Inquire Slm-mons-Bsker, 333 Third i t ,

PEKIN—3-room flat; adults; references; 7th house east of Pekln Cut, Upper Mountain Rd., Vera Shsdbolt.


Legal Notices 91

FLATS NOW AVAILABLE 35th St., 5 rooms, garage. 630. Ontario Ave., 6 rooms, garage, 640 Tenth St., 6 rooms, bath. 648. Riverside Dr., 6 rms. gar, oil he i t , 888

O'REILLY REALTY—REALTORS Phone 333 ~ 1516 — 1476

Business flaces for Bent j | DESIRABLE—steam heated office in su-

berber* Block, 68 mo. Inquire 1118 Main St. Phone 9324.

1306 E. FALLS ST. Modern Store Available Now.

Phone 36. Eve. 6388 E A S T F A L L S ST., 1031—Modern building

suitable for furniture store, tavirn or any basinets, 640 a month. Te l 4144.

Oaraff Cor Bent 7Q-b TWO 6 ARAOES—Rear Ot 806 - Sth St.

Inquire Janetts Beauty Shop. Phone 3967 or 130O-W.

Booses for Bent 77 BUFFALO AVE.—Cot. 61 It St., 8-room

modern house; gas or else,; 9-car fa-rage, tnq. 6909 Buffalo Ate. 4333-M.

ELEVENTH ST., t i l l — 7-rm. modern house with bath: wired for raogw: no a month. Tel. S36-J ot 3M.4,

JAMES AVB\, \ui - Flesssnt Si -room houxe, immediate poseesston, ' 660,00. Phons_ aigt C E. Allen,


Notice Is hereby given that license No. RL-13448 has been Issued to the under­signed to sell beer, liquor and wines at retail In a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 3242 Oudaback Avenue, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, N. Y., for on premises consumption.

LEON KWAPIBZ. w969novl3.20 3343 Cudabacst Avenue.




Pursuant to a Judgment ot foreclosure and aale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and filed in the Notice is hereby given that license No. Nlsgare County dirk's oftlce on the 24th > RL-14330 has been Issued to the under-day of-October, 1940. I. the undersigned referee In said judgment ot foreclosure and tale named, win sell st public auction at the taw offices of Tuttle, Rice. Stock-well A Rice. No. 808 Elderfleld-Harts-horn building, in the City of Niagara Falls, New York, on the

19TB DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1040, at 11 o'clock Standard time. In the fore­noon of that day, the premises men­tioned and described in laid Judgment, to wH:

"ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OP LAND, situate In the City of Niagara Falls. County of Niagara and State of New York, being a part of subdivision Lot No, 88 as shown on map of part of Lot 38 of the Mile Reservation In the City of Niagara Falls as subdivided for C. N. Owen. April 20th. 1908. by P. O. Dletrlck, Del., approved by W. W. Read, Olty Engineer. April 38th, 1908, snd illed In Book 2 of Niagara Falls Maps at page 60, and bounded as fol­lows: BEGIN! section of the southerly line of _Whltne

signed to sell beer, liquor and wlnn at -retail In a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1300 South Ave*--Niagara Falls, Niagara County, N. Y„ for on premises consumption,

COOK AND BEROBY. w»6»novll,30 1300 South Ave.


NINO st a point ot Inter-y line of Whitney

Avenue and the easterly line of Fifteenth Street, and running thence southerly along tald easterly line of Fifteenth Street a distance of twenty-nine and sev­enty-five hundredths (29.75) feet; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Whitney Avenue, a distance of eighty-five and seventy-five hundredths (85.751 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the easterly line of Fifteenth Street


M o n e y T o L o a n

AUTO LOANS Get the money yoa need quickly. Quick relief from money worries. A whole year to pay.

HOME & AUTO LOAN GO. Over Walfreen'* Phone 622

Sealed bldn will be received at the of­fice ot the Board of Education, (07 Wal­nut Avenue, up until 10 A. M , Eastern Standard Time. Monday. November 18ih. 1940. on furnishing and Installing boiler tube* at Maple Avenue School.

Specifications and Instructions to bid­den may b* secured at the Administration Building ot the Board of Education. 607 Wslnut Avenue. Niagara Falls, New York.

Bids are to b* (tied with the CUrk ot thi Board of Education. 807 Walnut Ave­nue, Nlsgtra Falls, New York.

The Board ot Education reisrves the right to reject any or all quotations and to waive formalities.

BOARD OF EDUCATION, da»70novi3IIS Wm. T. Simons. Olerk.

SIXTH ST., 460—7-room eottare; a be«> rooms, newly decorated: available De­cember L Inquire 458 aixth Si, (rear).

STATE OF NEW YORK. SUPREME COURT, NIAOARA COUNTY. In the Matter of the Application Ot CHARLES C. KREPPENECK for the dissolution of hi* marriage with SOPHIA KREPPENECK.


That a p+tlllon has been presented to the Court by your hunband for the dis­solution of your marriage on the ground that "ou have absented yourself for five successive years last past without being known to him to be living and he believes you lo be dead. And that pursuant to an Order ot «aid Court duly entered Novem­ber «th. 1940, a hearing will be had upon said petition at a Term ot the Supreme Court to be held at the Court Room In lh« City Hall at the City of Niagara Falls. N. Y., on the 10th day of February. 1941. at 10 o'elock tn the forenoon or a» soon after as counsel can be heard.

CHARLES C. KREPPENECK. Pelltlonir. T. K NAFU8. Attorney for Petitioner,

Office A P. O. Address, 305 72nd Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Dated November »ih. 1940. It is Ordered that the above Notice be

publUhed. _ . . . . ._ . _ _ FRANK A. JAMES, J.8.0.



SIGNATURE ONLY Many regularly employed people may obtain oeah loess here on plain note without security Before rou borrow, uk shoal Domestic's "Slg-sarare Only" loan plan.


PHONE 1620

Notice Is hereby given thst license No, HL-2115 has been Issued to the undersign­ed to sell beer, liquor snd wines at . re­tail in a hotel under the Alcoholio Bev­erage Control Law at 336 Main Street, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, M, Y., for on premises consumption. •

LILLIAN A. SSLB3RR wS6«uovl3.20 336 Main Street.

NOTICE TO LICENSEES According to the New York State

A. B. c . B. all licenses must be Issued anew and publication of same must again be made in the newspaper. To insure immediate publication of four notice, pltase telephone 6600 as soon as you receive your certificate.


Money To Loan


With R. ft- L i Phono For A Loin Plan

You too msy apply for a R. & L. Loan by phone. Cive us s few facts when you call. We do the rest.

$40 TO $300 LOANS 20 Month Schedule Below Weekly si

Monthly Payments Optional Repay 63c Per Week on $40 Loin Repay 94e Per Week en $60 loan Repay $1.2$ Per Week on $80 Loin Repay f 1.57 Per Week en $100 Loan Repay $3.05 Per Week on $200 Loan Repay $4.49 Par Week en $100 Loan

Above payments Include interest THE ONLY CHARGE

You receive the full amount you borrow No red tspe, strictly confi­dential. You csn repay i t anytime.

R.&L FINANCE CO. 1501 Main St. Tel. 4900 Licensed Under Stc. f, Bsskinp Laws

STATE OF NEW YORK, BUPREME COURT, NIAOARA COUNTY. tn the Matter of the Application of Howard O. BOD1E tor the dissolution of M» marriage with EVELYN BODTE, „ , , „ „ .

TO EVELYN BOD1E: TAKE NOTICE— t h s t s petition has been presented to

Get moneu <iulck



Ix»n* to pay np medical hills, taxes, insurance; to purchase household appli­ances or an automobile. On the new Mid­land Time Loan Plan yo« ean botrow from lino to $1500 at one p«rcent Intereat per month. Think of i t . . . only 14 a day to borrow $100. Nt mrttlig*lhn ft: Up to ftfteen months to repay. And you don't have to be a customer ef the bank.

4 CONVENIENT OFFICES All arrangement* are etrietly confiden­tial. Yon enjoy the prestige ef dealing with a large bank...yet yen ean go to one of our friendly offices right In yoor own nelchr>orhood. Applications are naually approved within forty eight hours or !»•». Juat atk for the manager. Or If you prefer, call Personal Lean Department at ear Mala oftlce, 233 Fatli Street.



repay $8.41 • month—no endorsers


. 2 5 N 75

166 125 160

•m 250 344

A m o u n t You Pay Back t a c * M o n t h Inc lud ing All Charge*

6 m«j.

X 4 J 4 9.0R


18.15 22.o7 27.16

-Id. 1.1 4* OS

12 mot. bat

% 1.44 4.S-7.31

9.75 1J In 14.SG

10.33 24 (M JRS2

16 met. han

t S.74

7.Art 0.JS


15 15 IR .65 21SS

20 mts.

\ 4.81

6.41 6.00 0.56

12.65 IS.7.1 l f t*0

r*»ymco<« Include ch»r • t HooMhold't i r m i rate tA }'/ir; per month on that part of a Stlanre not eirerdini $100, and 1% per month on ibst part of • balaace In erce» of IIOO. This rate I. 1CM than lh» Uwfol mxlmurn aad ww (tumm/M U the u n e to tveryooe—one price to an. Tnera I. Sjototaj eiM to pay.

Loam made on your own sifrnature or on furniture or auto. N o endort ers required. N o credit inquiries of friendt or reUUvc*. N o delay.


6th Floor, United Otnce Building ' 222 FirrtStreet

». / tttnK At*|t. Nlaptra Fatls 7O30


I S 3 " - ' ' • • * > • • * - t

i l l •tiff! til. 1 4 ;^i •--,'



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